War in the New Normal – slaughtering your Proles for convenience, fun & profit
Catte Black

There was a discussion on OffG recently under the latest column by CJ Hopkins, about whether the current spate of wars were “real”.
Opinion was sharply divided. Binary you might say.
On reading it the thing that occurred to me was that before you can have a meaningful discussion about whether or not a thing is “real” you need to agree upon a definition for that word.
What is “real” in terms of war?
Our standard definition can be summed up as a situation in which the oligarchies/monarchies of two or more nation states decide to compete over some land or resources by sending in proxy armies of obedient proles to fight and die for their masters. After an acceptable interval the side whose proles have died in the smallest numbers or who have held on to the most strategic territory will be deemed to have “won” and peace can be allowed to return, while the victorious oligarchs/monarchs enjoy their spoils.
That’s the classic definition of “real” war as we are encouraged to understand it, and most wars of the past are parsed within this understanding. There will usually be additional, often spurious, moral binaries applied to the combatants, but this doesn’t change the basic concept of what “real” war entails.
But what if things get a little more fuzzy?
What if oligarchies and monarchies see other advantages in war beyond a basic means of increasing land or riches?
What if Oligarchy A has some social unrest going on at home and wants to get those troublemakers out of their hair, so they decide to invade the territory of Oligarchy B and just muss things up for a while until the social unrest is forgotten? Or what if it’s more complicated and Oligarchy A has the social unrest going on but also really wants to get their hands on some of Oligarchy B’s lovely natural resources.
Is the ensuing conflict a “real” war?
Probably most of us would say yes. Wars are messy things fueled by many interlocking motives and pressures.
But then what if Oligarchy B also sees the advantage of starting this war – because they too have social unrest at home etc etc?
So both sides invent an essentially bogus casus belli against the other and launch their armies into the killing zone.
Is this war of mutual oligarchical benefit still “real”?
And how about if the oligarchies become a little more sophisticated in their appreciation of class interests and have a chat about their mutual benefit and agree that, while a war is rather useful to them right now, they don’t want to get silly about it and risk things getting out of hand, so they will have some ground rules that ensure only the expendable die and all the most important infrastructure and all oligarchical fortunes are left intact.
Are we still justified in defining any ensuing bloodbath as a “real” war?
The deaths are certainly real.
But death isn’t the definition of war.
Conflict is the definition of war.
Two oligarchies mutually agreeing to send their proles to kill each other for mutually beneficial reasons is arguably the very opposite of conflict.
So – would this be “real” war – or mass murder for convenience?
I don’t think this is a semantic or trivial question.
Back in 1948 Eric Blair already had a more sophisticated understanding of the applications of war than most of us seem to have today. In 1984 he defines a world in which the ruling elites of the three major power blocks understand the mutual benefit of a forever war that
– cements the power structure
– consumes resources and creates (or excuses) perpetual shortages
– creates binary thinking and loyalty to the system.
He is well aware that this forever war is actually vertical not horizontal – a global war of the global elites against their own populations –
In the past, the ruling groups of all countries, although they might recognize their common interest and therefore limit the destructiveness of war, did fight against one another, and the victor always plundered the vanquished.
In our own day they are not fighting against one another at all. The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact…” George Orwell, 1984
And of course it’s a corollary that the stability of all of the power blocks depend upon no one realizing or acknowledging this.
Is the war in 1984 “real”?
Real rocket bombs drop on real people (the proles mostly). Real blood is spilled in the streets. Beyond that, neither Winston, nor the reader, knows. Are the announced victories real? Do the claimed battles happen? Julia, in the novel, thinks not.
In some ways she was far more acute than Winston, and far less susceptible to Party propaganda. Once when he happened in some connection to mention the war against Eurasia, she startled him by saying casually that in her opinion the war was not happening. The rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably fired by the Government of Oceania itself, “just to keep people frightened.” This was an idea that had literally never occurred to him.” George Orwell, 1984
Is Julia correct? We don’t know and ultimately perhaps it doesn’t matter. Whether the battles are mere narrative or whether real proles are sent to fight each other and die, behind the fabricated concept of conflict there lies an unacknowledged mutual benefit contract –
and this makes the “war” a lie at its very heart.
The foundational lie that permits the tyrannies of Oceania, Eastasia and Eurasia to maintain themselves in equilibrium.
How far are we today from Eric Blair’s definition of war?
I think this is one of the major questions of our time. Because “war” is very much de rigeur right now, with the mainstream and most of the alt media.
We are told to pick a side and that the divide is simple – between right and wrong, good or evil.
But oh look – ALL the sides we get to pick from are on the X-axis. And NONE of the popular narratives look much beyond the classic concept of what war is or can represent. Nation A versus Nation B. One good, one bad. Simple binary. End of.
Even suggesting we look beyond the A versus B story is derided as “anti-[insert preferred term here] propaganda.
Even pointing out the obvious signs of continued cooperation and mutual benefit between these “sides” is deemed outrageous, and inevitably you will be accused of being a “CIA troll” or a “Putin bot” by people who seem genuinely unable to disentangle their thinking from the binary.
Is this enough?
Post-covid and what it told us about how closely our ruling classes really work together behind the scenes, is this really enough?
Are we just going to ignore the fact that right when the pandemic narrative was failing along came the first of a series of wars that miraculously picked up every aspect of that failing narrative and repurposed it?
I mean if Oligarchy A and Oligarchy B can mutually agree to lie about a pandemic and murder their own populations as a result in pursuance of their own interests, why do we balk at considering they might have started a war, or a series of wars and be murdering each other’s populations for the same reason?
But no, since 2022 your chosen psychopathic gangsters get a total reprieve from interrogation don’t they.
In times of war the baddies bayonet babies and the goodies rescue kittens.
And YOU are always on the side of the angels
Everyone knows that.
Question this comforting reality and you get an avalanche of indignation and assumed moral outrage.
What, are you saying bayoneting babies is ok?
Do you actually want more kittens to die?
But you see, I think we are actively helping to promote the continuation of war by refusing to interrogate its potential motives beyond the superficial.
If all you do is purchase one of those comfortable simplistic narratives and consume it, regurgitate it, I suggest you have little right to deplore the loss of life. In fact you are potentially actively promoting the continuation of violent death by reinforcing the narrative that justifies it.
Of course Oligarchy A and Oligarchy B both want you to do that. They want you to wave a flag (either flag, they don’t mind which), and they expend a lot of money and effort on creating propaganda on multiple levels to persuade you to do that.
They want you to buy their definition of war as a horizontal conflict and nothing else.
They want you to look at the killers but not at who put the weapons in their hands.
They want to you to weep over the slaughter but never ask why it’s being televised for you.
They want you to watch those videos of anonymous tanks being exploded or drones taking out unnamed persons in unidentified locations, but they don’t want you to ask who pays the production teams to put out this endless stream of war porn complete with action-movie sound tracks.
They don’t want you to think about the Y-axis. They don’t want you to remember Eric Blair’s definition of war.
They certainly don’t want you to see war as a mutual agreement between ruling elites to slaughter their proles for convenience, entertainment and profit.
I mean once enough of you start seeing it that way, you might get up and leave the movie theater before the show even ends.
And start remembering yesterday. And looking at the bigger picture. And thinking your own thoughts.
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Back in 1948 Eric Blair already had a more sophisticated understanding of the applications of war than most of us seem to have today. In 1984 he defines a world in which the ruling elites of the three major power blocks understand the mutual benefit of a forever war that
The above statement is, or should i say was true. But with a caveat.
In China and far-east. India/Pakistan, Latin-America, Africa and the Mid-east. All have one thing in common, whilst suffered under western colonization, are now mostly self-governing [i won’t use the word Democracies] as the proles are now controlled by the local leaders, who or may not be controlled by ???
Eastern Europe is in flux of multiculturalism and may be convinced, by their leaders, it is good to die for ones country, or nation state.
But the western Europe, and North America are well down the road to full multiculturalism. Many of the original ethnic population, no longer feel that their country of birth is worth fighting for. The young of the original ethnic population, have had for almost 50 years now been educated that a nation state is bad, whilst multiculturalism is good. So can they be re-educated to fight and die for their birth state? Most of the population of the west are migrants, be they first, second or even third generation. Their collective wish is to get as much out of the system/state as possible, but to fight or die for the state. I very much doubt it.
If their is fighting, but i very much doubt their will be, it will be internal , and political in nature, not a full blown and bloody civil war. Just a change of leadership and ideology.
This is proven that try as the MSM and governments, the western states mass population will simply watch the war porn on the screens and as long as not directly effected and little or no fall in living standards will simply carry on as normal.
Wars waged for convenience, power, and profit is nothing new, really. They’ve always existed, so they’re not the “new” normal. The Spanish-American War is one example of this, whereby they’ve used a convenient incident (U.S.S. Maine ‘sinking’) to escalate conflicts against Spain for profit and natural resources (thank Hearst and co. for that). Such wars have seldom been waged over genuine ethical or geopolitical discord amongst nation-states.
Besides that, I certainly believe that media-hyped wars are fake, even if real conflicts do happen behind the scenes. The wars in Ukraine and Israel/Palestine are examples of this, which include the stories of hostages held by Hamas. MSM coverage of these events never hold up to scrutiny, and that doesn’t just include their false reasons for why they happen.
And one has to wonder where or how they get their statistics for dozens of casualties from these sketchy conflicts. It’s not like they spent time counting the heads of each victim. Most likely, they’re just pulling numbers out of their backsides or, at best, simply inflating them for dramatic effect. Additionally, when one breaks down these numbers, you will discover that often far more people die from accidents, suicide, or illness than in combat. Look at the Civil War stats, for instance.
Fantastic article. Save the kittens!
Excellent article Catte!
There are no such things as commands from elite oligarchs. There are only emotions, which recur cyclically, and have had sensory experiences associated to them. Further emotions associated with interacting details within the larger experience seem to take on meaning. You invented the meaning when you were two, but have forgotten. There is hatred and fear and pride. There are giant bears growling and roaring, standing AS MUCH AS 4 METERS HIGH, rooting about in our collective paleolithic memory. Landslides below the palm oil plantations, bombs across the river, tanks in the market place, clots in the arteries, lies in the media, invented by 2 year olds. England is Carthage, Russia is Byzantium. Jean-Luc Brunel and Epstein are playing skipping-rope on Capri, Skripal is writing dossiers in the fifth dimension, the maggots that ate Hitlers brain are telepathically controlling the US President from a submarine beneath Antarctica. Need I write more?
All war is class war. There can be no doubt that ruling plutocrats agree to “go to war” to eliminate would-be revolutionaries and to cull people who may not meet current notions of what constitutes an adequate slave. WWII, from this kind of analysis, yields a very different perspective, perhaps one where the global ruling class is looking to thwart what was promising to become a very red northern hemisphere without a great distraction and kill off of those who were poised to take down their ruling class oppressors. This should be everyone’s FIRST consideration when the world’s great gluttonous control freaks commence saber rattling.
This is an embarrassingly bad article. I had to laugh out loud many times reading it.
Can someone tell Catte what a civil-war is for me.
Once I’d stopped laughing at the ridiculousness of it, the disgust at the minimisation and disregard for the loss of human life, all to try prop-up some stupid child-like worldview.
War is real. Geopolitics is real and complex, it’s not a football match with two clear sides.
The irregular overthrow in 2014 of the unpopular elected leader of Ukraine spiralled into a civil-war, that with a bit of help from their ‘friends’ eventually brought the Russians in. This war is very real, completely unnecessary, and only understood in geopolitical terms of US/Western neoimperialism V the rest of the world (BRICS).
The genocidal slaughter in Gaza is also only understood in geopolitical terms as the continuation of the 70+ year ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the settler-colonial Israeli regime, supported by the West. The reasons for the timing of this massive escalation is less clear, but I think that the loss of global hegemony by the US/West could be a motivating force for the desperate Netanyahu regime.
The way that OffGuardian is attempting to distract people from the reality of the horrible loss of life, to try keep their childlike worldview that geopolitics doesn’t matter, is actually pretty twisted.
You all wanna take a good hard look in the mirror, and think is this reductive and nihilistic understanding of our complex world the best I could really come up with. Nobody has all the answers, life is complex and messy, but reading the deranged dribble on this site will not help you in any way.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
You completely misrepresent the author’s stance. No one is claiming what you suggest, and anyone reading your bullshit summary here would end up with a very distorted view. I suggest you go read the piece again and highlight the parts you’re talking about which you think convey the meanings you suggest. Please quote the passages here, without cherry picking. Quote them, go on.
I notice you factor Covid out of your analysis entirely, btw. You know, that globally coordinated propaganda campaign that had most every government in the world taking huge financial handouts, reading out the same WHO pandemic script and locking away their elderly to die, all for a ‘disease’ as unremarkable as it was indistinct? Do you remember the huge roll out of ‘studies’ all telling us the same BS about ground glass opacities, the insanely unscientific death counters in every newspaper, the ludicrously coordinated global media, the nudge committees designed to drive public fear, the insane testing rollouts among healthy populations, the authoritarianism that was imposed overnight? Where did all the economic driving forces disappear to which underpin 20th Century geopolitical analysis of horizontal warfare? Where did Isis go? Oh yeah, they were scared of catching ‘covid’ lol And all while our ‘elites’ mingled and partied and paraded around without masks, obviously unafraid, being served drinks by masked waiters…
To leave that out of future analyses is just silly and blind.
If you can’t tolerate differing perspectives without resorting to the sort of dishonest ridicule and misrepresentation you’re attempting here, it only makes your position look incredibly weak. So please, class-up your future responses, thank you. A2
The Covid section is the actually weakest part – the flaw in Catte Black’s article, War Is The New Normal.
The author begins by demanding a definition for war, but not for ruling classes who manipulate said wars.
“Post-covid and what it told us about how closely our ruling classes really work together behind the scenes, is this really enough?”
The Covid response was the quintessential evidence of a cohort blackmailing, bribing and if necessary killing the administrative class to get its way.
Were the African leaders who died in large numbers during Covid part of the ruling classes working together?
I pointed out that the OP misrepresented the article. That was the point I was making. Whether you agree or disagree with Catte’s point, I’m sure you agree we should represent authors’ meanings fairly.
To my mind, the African leaders (two wasn’t it?) opposing the pandemic roll out who died mysteriously and suddenly are evidence for both yours and Catte’s reading. It demonstrates the mafia-style enforcing that high tiers of power resorted to in order to ensure their covid message went out uninterrupted. (It’d be interesting to know more about the specifics of these deaths).
Tbh I don’t really understand your point. Perhaps following on from the rather rude OP and piling on further ill-defined criticism isn’t the best look? A2
‘They certainly don’t want you to see war as a mutual agreement between ruling elites to slaughter their proles for convenience, entertainment and profit.’
Which current conflict is this applicable to?
The optics of conflicts, regardless of which conflict, is doubtless always a question which concerns the higher echelons of power. As many have pointed out before me, quite regardless of the facts behind events in the public eye – always an extremely complex and murky question I’m sure you’ll agree – public perception is half the battle for any ruling power structure, which is why considerable resources tend to be invested in propaganda. A2
Thanks for the waffle… but you asked me to quote the article, I quoted a horrible line:
‘They certainly don’t want you to see war as a mutual agreement between ruling elites to slaughter their proles for convenience, entertainment and profit.’
I asked the simple question, which specific current conflict is this applicable to?
please ask Catte to clarify if you don’t know
And a follow up if I get an answer is who are ‘they’ in that case?
this is horrible stuff to read when we are witnessing so much needless loss of life
It’s applicable to all conflicts regardless, as I said, and it’s a point which the author is exceedingly clear about, if you read the piece honestly.
The author at no point states that all conflicts are simply theatre, actually quite the opposite. She suggests that all conflicts will inevitably take place along the ‘Y-axis’ to a greater or lesser extent. Meaning, conflicts will inevitably be twisted to serve the higher echelons of power to some degree, which, frequently historically, doesn’t split along sovereign boundaries. Catte also says that post covid we have more of a duty to factor this ‘Y-axis’ into our analyses, rather than be blind to it.
Really, this is so blatantly clear in the piece, I feel no need to invite the author to clarify anything.
As you say, ‘geolpolitics is real and complex’. Let’s stop simplifying it then. A2
The problem is that it clearly isn’t applicable to either the Ukraine conflict, or the Gaza genocide.
There is no ruling elite agreement in Ukraine, it is Russia showing the West that it won’t put up with its sabre rattling and provocations on its doorstep anymore. It’s a major geopolitical flashpoint,so nothin go about
‘convenience, entertainment and profit’ at all. Boris J said if Russia win that shows the west’s hegemony is lost.
I won’t go into too much detail, but Catte’s glib bullshit is also not applicable to Gaza, and for her to make this suggestion is fu€&ing warped.
You guys are totally lost.
How about the agreement between Russia and Ukraine to keep shipping Russian gas across Ukraine territory even while the war is going on?
Wtf is that?
All those headlines in the lamestream media about the Russian pipeline being hit. NOTHING about the fact Ukraine and Russia and just as palsy as ever about the Russian gas traveling through Ukraine and making money for their oligarchs.
If Russia really wanted to end the war it could turn off the energy supply to Ukraine and bam – job done. Without fuel Ukraine can’t wage war. Even with supplies from the West they would be struggling.
But no – Russia just keeps selling fuel to Ukraine so that Ukraine can keep killing Russians.
And Ukraine keeps letting Russia sell its gas across Ukraine territory so its oligarchs keep getting richer.
The oligarchs in both camps are making more money than ever due to fuel price increases!
How about Russia signing up for climate legislation and pledging support for the WHO and UN even while the UN is supposedly supporting their ‘mortal enemies’?
The last thing I heard about Ukraine was from people upset about the proposal to build wind turbines in the Carpathian Mountains. I had to double take to confirm what I was reading. You would imagine that a war with Russia was a much larger concern than a wind turbine proposal.
It’s a big country I know, but seriously?
Obviously that made me question the reality of the war there, at least in the sense that some Ukrainians are not particularly effected by it.
Nope: you have simply and deliberately lost sight of the FACT that 200 countries agreed simultaneously, with odd Exceptions… & exceptional pressure.
I wonder why. No question mark !
Pressure from WHOm ?
Are you the bloke on Twitter who had the long fracas with OffG and got his backside handed to him? You’re saying some of the same things. It’s like you didn’t read the article you just turned up to bash it based in what someone told you it said.
Where is it saying war is a football match with 2 clear sides? That’s what you’re saying and the opposite of what the article says.
Where does it minimise loss of life? Go on, show us. I can’t see it. Saying war is an oligarch racket isn’t minimising loss of life.
The whole point of the article – that the elites get mutual benefit from starting wars and keeping them going – you just 100% ignore and instead talk about a lot of stuff it doesn’t say. Weird as f-.
I have a feeling you have severe difficulties thinking “out of the box.” Did you read the part where she compared the morals and collaboration of the Covid rulers to the same end result as a “agreed upon” conflict? Is it so hard to believe that rulers who are willing to kill for a man-made “health” emergency would use war for the same reasons? Think about it for a minute without emotion.
la guerra es gerenciada y fabricada por los grandes elite , y el pueblo gran parte de ellos no despiertan de esa matrix que los tienen en un pensar dual .
y solo las elite sirven a sus propios mesquinos y egoistas intereses materiales, sin tomarlo en cuenta al ser humano como lo mas grande y relevante ,y redireccionarlo hacia un mundo y una civilizacion mejor ,etc.,etc.
Zelenski said that after the war Ukraine would be a truly diverse nation. Without any Ukrainian men, how could it be otherwise? There’s another angle to this war theme: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. I’ve just re-read it and whatever it’s provenance, it’s so true, (qualifying the truth eh?)
Rage, rage, rage against the war machine!
Yeah, whatever . . .
The epitome of fake!
Rage Against the War Machine Rally
Channel: Rage Against the War Machine
874 subscribers
Feb 25, 2023
The main weakness with the anti-communists like Trevor Loudon is that they miss the link with the City of London; i.e. that Communism and Fascism was created and is controlled by the MRC. Orwell also missed this link. However, JFK seemed to get it right.
Another one is the suggestion that the people on the “right” like Ron Paul have somehow fallen for Russian propaganda. To me, it’s far more likely that these people have always been sleeper assets of the MRC and have simply been activated.
Conservative Patriots are Falling for Russian Propaganda
Counterpunch With Trevor Loudon
Mar 15, 2023
Conservative patriots are getting swept up in Russian propaganda. The most prominent display was an anti-Ukraine war rally held in Washington, D.C., on February 19th. The event featured prominent conservative patriots and constitutional libertarians right alongside pro-Putin communists. The rally was a Russian propaganda event organized by the hard left and featuring figures who, as recently as this year, have been heavily involved in communist organizations and events. The gathering aimed to draw the anti-war right into the pro-Russia, anti-Ukraine war sphere. And it worked. America is in a war between freedom and communism. But, unfortunately, trusted conservatives are falling for pro-Putin messaging and fracturing the base needed to fight it.
A poster with “Make love, Not war” can stop all wars if only YOU would wake up and do something!.
One has to wonder how genuine were past anti-war protests such as the ones against the Vietnam war. While many low-rung protesters might’ve been real, the top brass were most likely phonies or compromised, especially if they were military deflectors (a preceding example is Smedley Butler). The existence of CoIntelPro and its corruption of the anti-war movement is a good example of this.
Since C19 I’ve yet to see one article that considers the fact that the majority of humanity are functioning from non reality the majority of the time (insanity). Nobody confronts this directly. How I see it is that humanity was insane pre 2020 and you could sense this as if it were an invisible gas and C19 was the match – boom, the insanity took on a new form. Before then routines and society concealed the madness. Without the insanity being present in the first place C19 and everything that came with it would not had manifested.
“That in you which recognizes madness as madness (even if it is your own) is sanity, is the arising awareness, is the end of insanity.”
‘’When you complain, you make yourself into a victim. When you speak out, you are in your power. So change the situation by taking action or by speaking out if necessary or possible; leave the situation or accept it. All else is madness.”
Eckhart Tolle
What a surprise, Russel Brand is shilling for Putin; i.e. Kissinger!
Statement @3:10 – I didn’t get passed 4:00
Apr 22, 2024
Here We Go AGAIN! Congress AGREE To Send BILLIONS To Fuel Foreign WARS – Stay Free #350
The “War” is real for those in thrall to the mutually antipathetic mass formation psychoses.
The “War” is fake for those mutually symbiotic oligarchs who instigate the mutually antipathetic mass formation psychoses.
These are the chess pieces on the 4D chessboard that move the other pieces, the black and white. King, queen, castle, bishop, knight… they are all pawns, Grey Pawns, to these pieces on a higher octave.
“…We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”
Louis Bernays
Nearly all of us have been unwitting Deep State functionaries – useful idiots – to varying degrees at some point in our lives.
Who are the useful idiots useful for?
The men we have never heard of, the eminences grise, the puppet-masters of the grey zone.
And the White Knight is talking backwards…i: Camelot has Fallen
This is the Secretary of War
At the State Department of the United States…
We have a problem
The companies want something done
About this sluggish world economic situation…
Profits have been running more than a little thin lately
And we, we need to stimulate some growth…
Now, we know that there’s an alarmingly high number
Of young people roaming around in your country
With nothing to do but stir up trouble for the police
And damage private property
It doesn’t look like they’ll ever get a job…
It’s about time we did something
Constructive with these people…
We’ve got thousands of ’em here, too
They’re crawling all over…
The companies think it’s time we all sit down
Have a serious get-together, and start another war…
The President? He loves the idea!
All those missiles streaming overhead to and fro…
People running down the road, skin on fire
The Soviets seem up for it
The Kremlin’s been itching for the real thing for years:
Want a little going-away present for Mr. Brezhnev?
Hell, Afghanistan’s no fun…
So, what do ya say?
We don’t even have to win this war
We just want to cut down on some
Of this excess population
Now, look, just start up a draft
Draft as many of those people as you can
We’ll call up every last youngster we can get our hands on
And give ’em an hour or two to learn how to use
An automatic rifle and send ’em on their way
El Salvador?
How ’bout Northern Ireland?
Or a “moderately repressive regime”
In South America?
We’ll just cook up a good Soviet threat story
In the Middle East; we need that oil
We had Libya all ready to go
And Colonel Gaddafi’s hit squad didn’t even show up
I tell ya, that man is unreliable
The Russians had their fingers on the button
Just like we did for that one
Now, just think for a minute
We can make this war so big, so big!
The more people we kill in this war
The more the economy will prosper
We can get rid of practically everybody
On your dole queues if we plan this right
Take every loafer on welfare right off our computer rolls
Now, don’t worry about those demonstrators
Just pump up your drug supply
So many people have hooked themselves
On heroin and amphetamines since we took over
It’s just like Vietnam
We had everybody so busy with LSD
They never got too strong
Kept the war functioning just fine
It’s easy
We’ve got our college kids so interested in beer
They don’t even care if we start
Manufacturing germ bombs again
Put a nuclear stockpile in their backyard
They wouldn’t even know what it looked like
So, how ’bout it?
I mean, look, war is money
The arms manufacturers tell me
Unless we get our bomb factories up to full production
The whole economy is going to collapse
The Soviets are in the same boat
We all agree the time has come for the big one
So, what do ya say?”
Once upon a time even Rock and Roll bands understood exactly what Catte and Eric Blair outline Here
the Above Lyrics are From the Dead Kennedys Song “Kinky Sex makes the World go round”Btw they also had a Song Titled Government Flu circa 1978
It is difficult to know what is actually real anymore. I don’t bother reading even the alternate news anymore. I used to love Robin Monotti’s telegram channel but it is almost entirely dedicated to the Palestine/Israel conflict now and him waxing lyrical over the latest student protests in America. People getting so emotional about somewhere so distant where they can’t actually be sure what is happening or have any real impact on the outcome. We’ve been here before with the vietnam war and that was at a time of a much stronger working class movement but it was completely destroyed by the concerted efforts of the deep state and all those that went on those marches subsumed into the hippy dippy middle class culture that eventually turned into a property frenzie, idealism long gone and swapped for a second home in the country while the mass faced ever deteriorating working and living conditions. Unless those students in Columbia and elsewhere really understand the locus of power and how to dismantle it we are going nowhere and changing nothing.
Nature is still real. Grow your own greens, even if it’s just in a flower pot. Get out to the grass and trees. Even Whitney Webb has given this recommendation as a key to non-participation. Cheers!
I tried. But sitting on the grass just gave me an allergic reaction from grass pollen.
The trees I gave a hug, left me with small white worms and other wet swampy material on my clothes.
Tried to grow flowers and vegetables, but discovered the Tulips onions were GMO to only 1 year flowering…..to buy more Tulip onions, and the vegetables required a man fixated in the same garden prison the year around……..engaged in hard physical labour and the birds and all kinds of small animals trying to steal all the fruits from it.
I was denied to leave my garden for even a small holiday by sneaky politicians and the Elite. My home garden would a mess if I left it only for 1 month.
People are talking about Digital Prison, but I discovered it was only a cover up for the real Home Garden Prison occupied 24/7 with planting potatoes to own consumption.
Handcuffed to a Homegarden a man’s entire life………..controlled by the Elite!.
The only thing that’s definitely real is our physical existence, the one which we ourselves live in everyday. Everything else is relative, especially if it’s heavily promoted by the media.
What happened to the edit function?
Occasionally it allows me into the edit screen, but doesn’t let me save!
I had the same problem too.
It is compensated so you now are allowed to thumb up your own comment. I appreciate the new function.
I’ll pass this on. Thanks! A2
The Ctrl+F test: Pompeo, Kissinger and Brzezinski.
Applied to:
Dave Collum’s Year in Review – The War in Ukraine – Epilogue
This is the War in Ukraine and Conclusion sections of Dave Collum’s Year in Review (exactly as it appears in the full review). We are posting this as a means to have a conversation in the comments on this portion of Dave’s Year in Review.
David Collum
Dec 31, 2023
Peak Prosperity Publishing Note: This is the War in Ukraine and Conclusion sections of Dave Collum’s Year in Review (exactly as it appears in the full review). We are posting this as a means to have a conversation in the comments on this portion of Dave’s Year in Review.
The War in Ukraine–Epilogue
The Russians are dying. It’s the best money we’ve ever spent.1
~ Lindsay Graham to Zelensky
Lindsay is an unindicted criminal who is impossible to underestimate, but let’s move on. Last Year I put my heart and soul into understanding the War in Ukraine as evidenced by the title, “All Roads Lead to Ukraine.”2 I found 40–50 serious thinkers who I felt were trying to get it right, a list that included Glenn Greenwald, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Chris Hedges, Ray McGovern, John Pilger, John Mearsheimer, Jeff Sachs, Colonel Douglas MacGregor, Scott Ritter, Colonel Richard Black, Tucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard, and Jeff Sachs. Notable newcomers to the anti-NATO team include David Sacks (Elon’s former partner),3 Cornel West,4 RFK, Jr,5 Simon Hunt,6 and Donald Trump.7
My (LIADW) Comment
The Ctrl+F test returns nada for Pompeo, Kissinger and Brzezinski. Hence, I didn’t bother reading far beyond the intro. Even Gonzalo Lira figured out that Mike “lying, cheating, stealing, smooth transition, three lighthouses for liberty” Pompeo is running the show!
July 5, 2022
Pompeo then uses the striking phrase “the Three Lighthouses for Liberty” to carefully delineate American overseas priorities: Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. The foreign-policy establishment has decided collectively that these three countries must be defended at all costs.
Michael Pompeo: War, Ukraine, and a Global Alliance for Freedom
Jun 24, 2022
Hudson Institute
Putin’s war on Ukraine is a pivotal event in post-Cold War politics; this unjust war seeks to annihilate the existence of a free and independent country. What does this portend for world democracies? How does it impact America’s ongoing top strategic priority that centers on the existential threat from China? Why should a machinist in Wichita or a schoolteacher in Des Moines care about what happens in the Donbas?
Hudson’s Distinguished Fellow, the 70th U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, will deliver a major speech to answer all these questions followed by a conversation with Distinguished Fellow Walter Russell Mead.
[transcript at link]
Saving Israel for last. A man with a plan!
Somewhat effete dancing, but it goes with the IDF’s show of false bravado.As for Pompeo, is he going to be working for Trump if Trump wins the election,
It’s a team (Oligarchy C) led by Christian Zionists – notable members include Pompeo and Pence. It’s likely they conceived of it before finding Trump to play the role of POTUS. Most of what we see is theatrics – e.g. the “split” between Trump and Pence. Some people were in on it from the start (e.g. Bill Barr); others have been offered a deal along the way and are now feeding lines into the media when required (e.g. Lindsey Graham); and some were duped and strung along. I suspect John Bolton is in the latter group, but it’s not possible to be certain.
Chris Miller (Acting Secretary of the DoD):
Vice President, I’m going off script again, but I just want to personally thank you. We’ve been through some stuff; we’ve gone through some of the most complex military operations this country has ever conducted. And you’re steady hand and you’re leadership during those was a great source of strength for me. Thank you for your leadership; thank you for you character; thank you for your selfless service; thank you for your commitment; thank you for being a mentor to me, Mr Vice President.
Uploaded: Dec 23, 2020
There’s no such thing as Christian Zionism, it’s a total contradiction. It’s another byproduct of the protestant revolution as to interpret the Bible anyway one likes, which in turn has enabled the original enemies of Christianity to creep in and control the narrative from within.
It exists in the sense that there is a body of people who identify, organise and act under the banner of “Christian Zionism”. The fact that it’s riddled with contradictions doesn’t change that reality.
‘Why should a machinist in Wichita or a schoolteacher in Des Moines care about what happens in the Donbas?’ They will probably see it as none of the US’s business, but what they don’t have foremost in their mind is that the US is an empire through and through with plundering economic goals across the world, which have nothing to do with the United States as a supposedly democratic and sovereign country,
The United States is the only effective resistance to The Monolithic & Ruthless Conspiracy (MRC) – i.e. Oligarchy A – a.k.a the New World Order; the Multipolar World Order; Kissinger & Associates; the City of London Empire; the Central Banking Cartel; the WEF; etc. Two of the MRC’s core projects (Climate Alarmism and Global Health) die when Trump takes the US out of the climate agreements and the WHO.
Another MRC project (Belt & Road) died on the roads to Kyiv and Odesa. Hence, Kissinger conceding defeat to “Pax Americana”. In order to make the Ukraine victory stick, the Christian Zionists (Oligarchy C) formed an alliance with the Atlanticists (Oligarchy B) – and with multiple nations and regional powers (e.g. the Turkic Council). Hence, the various moves to align with Nato. A credible theory would be that the Atlanticists (e.g. Zbigniew Brzezinski) planned the whole thing – and Putin walked into a trap (see below). However, I think the events point toward it principally being a CZ plan.
In many respects, these three oligarchies are all in the same “big club”. There may be a few exceptions, but as a consequence of this fraternalism, there will be no arrests, no executions, and no swamp draining. Any statements to the contrary are part of the pantomime and are easily identified by the accompanying reactions among the herd; i.e. cheering, booing, hissing, chants of “lock her up”, etc.
The West Should Arm Ukraine
By Zbigniew Brzezinski
July 2, 2014
Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzeziński (March 28, 1928 – May 26, 2017), known as Zbig, was a Polish-American diplomat and political scientist. He served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968 and was President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981. As a scholar, Brzezinski belonged to the realist school of international relations, standing in the geopolitical tradition of Halford Mackinder and Nicholas J. Spykman, while elements of liberal idealism have also been identified in his outlook. Brzezinski was the primary organizer of The Trilateral Commission.
In the 1990s he formulated the strategic case for buttressing the independent statehood of Ukraine, partially as a means to prevent a resurgence of the Russian Empire, and to drive Russia toward integration with the West, promoting instead “geopolitical pluralism” in the space of the former Soviet Union. He developed “a plan for Europe” urging the expansion of NATO, making the case for the expansion of NATO to the Baltic countries. He served as Bill Clinton’s emissary to Azerbaijan in order to promote the Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan pipeline. Subsequently, he became a member of Honorary Council of Advisors of U.S.-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce (USACC).
Ian Joseph Brzezinski (born December 23, 1963) is an American foreign policy and military affairs expert. He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and NATO Policy from 14 May 2001 to 20 January 2005, under President George W. Bush. . . . Ian Brzezinski is the son of foreign-policy expert Zbigniew Brzezinski . . . He is also a member of the Strategic Advisors Group at the Atlantic Council; in 2010 he was named a Senior Fellow in the council’s Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security.[3]
A Smooth Transition
Mike Pompeo – Nov 10, 2020
We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses!
Trump ADMITS U.S. Was Behind 2014 Coup In Ukraine
The Jimmy Dore Show
Feb 23, 2023
Donald Trump recently released a video in which he not only admits that the United States was behind the 2014 coup in Ukraine but also pledging that, if elected, he will “clean house” at the CIA, State Department and FBI. Trump claims to be the “peace candidate” and that everyone agrees he was the best foreign policy president while even Joe Biden’s advisors admit the current administration is incompetent. Guest host Aaron Maté and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Trump’s revisionist history about his own administration’s escalation of tensions with Russia.
They’ve always considered us food for worms.
There are no angels in war, no left or right, right or wrong: only interests and power. But the pattern of history shows that power is an illusion: no one holds on to it forever. And every empire in history has eventually faced the war it was trying to avoid; today everyone wants to avoid WWIII; therefore, nuclear Armageddon is the fate that awaits mankind. Unless world leaders grasp this simple syllogism humanity will perish. But that message is not getting through. I explore this theme in my latest book The Doomsday Syllogism.
I just love how underneath this article about how we have to get our heads out of the horizontal war delusion, there’s a bunch of boomers posting stale old crap about the horizontal war!
Guys – wake up! Russia-Ukraine is just another phony wrestling match. They kill each other’s proles to keep us all distracted and hating each other and – most important – thinking THEY hate each other. So we focus on the wrong issue. The more we buy it, the more we believe it, the more they make it happen.
Meanwhile they’re sneaking bug burgers and God knows what up on us.
I’ve been wondering a lot lately why proles don’t murder their leaders more often. So seldom. What’s up with that? And yet, we’re supposed to believe that suicide bombings (proles killing other proles) really happen? And every time there is an assassination, it turns out the CIA is behind it. I’m not suggesting we do it, necessarily, just wondering out loud.
I have frequently had the same thoughts myself. I do think at a deep hidden level, they make the populace submissive through fluoride in toothpaste, food and even music that lowers testosterone. The Deep State including CIA and other intelligence ‘services’ was responsible for ‘terrorism’ and the recent war on terror, sometimes perpetrating it and sometimes fomenting it. I grumble every time I go through the excessive airport security, which is basically due to domestic governmental terrorists. I totally agree that the proles would not inflict assassinations and terrorism on themselves. It’s part of the creating fear agenda, perpetuating the idea that the masses, by their nature, contain dangerous groups and individuals within them, which is laughable given that it is governments which hold the people they serve in contempt not elements among the populace.
Yeah, posthumous, me too. I wonder. But it’s the killers that gleefully kill. And most of us aren’t and won’t, even if we wonder about it.
Most of us don’t see kicking people we don’t agree with off the planet as a solution. The best way to be a warrior is to move in a way that TPTB does not detect until it is too late. And even then they don’t see what they’ve lost. I live happily in a ‘dimension’ they can’t even see, happy to be, if I am seen, a ‘loser’. It’s the best laugh I get.
I have considered it, many times. However life as we know it is over, once you kill. It’s easy for you to wonder “why others aren’t doing it” for you.
But most importantly of all, God commands us not to kill.
Judge righteously, yes. But leave the consequences to the Lord.
Its a burden to have killed a man. God’s command and leave the revenge to God is a good guide.
But we also have an universal right to self defense if our own lives are in danger.
Cowardice and lack of knowledge.
“Milgram, 80% of the population do not have the psychological or moral resources to defy an authority’s order, no matter how illegitimate the order is.”
Just read about Malcolm X: Son of a Baptist Priest murdered by white racists when he himself was 6 years old. Grew up without parents in public children and youth care institutions, from there to Harlem in NYC engaged in drug trade and fraud, and 7 year prison.
I prison he read a hell lot of books and got in contact with various religious and intellectual leaders, and……despite his ugly childhood and youth, ended up as an intelligent and wise leader. Murdered when he was 34 years old.
Lack of knowledge abstain proles from killing their oppressors.
War in the NEW New Normal:
Scott says Iran says to NATZO, You Aint Seen Nothing Yet.
Long and detailed exposition of modern military hardware in a war (NATZO vs RoW) where the two sides ain’t “all in it together” — by Scott Ritter, weapons inspector.
You’re the president of the Scott Ritter fan club right? Does he ever talk about the Y-axis, as per the article?
Is that the same Scott Ritter who said months ago that Israel was finished and that Ukraine was finished, the Houtis, Hezbollah and Iran will wipe Israel out but but never do for some unknown reason etc etc. He is EX intelligence officer so how the phuck would he know?
Scott Ritter repented his time in the military Intelligence service and work now only for the poor and vulnerable, alternative media, average US Joe, weak Russia, rice China and oppressed Iranians.
‘We are told to pick a side and that the divide is simple – between right and wrong, good or evil.’
Isn’t the definition of a ‘prole’ someone who does what they are told, without thinking too much about whether that’s sensible or not?
I saw firsthand how unquestioning compliance to ‘Putin’s the next Hitler’ and ‘Covid vaccines must be accepted’ manifested itself amongst ‘community organisations’.
I neither think that Putin is akin to Hitler, nor did I have a single Covid vaccination. I’m not wealthy like oligarchs, but I don’t do what I’m told, so am I a prole?
I can see similarities to a certain degree between Putin and Hitler.
Where I don’t see any similarities between Putin and Hitler are:
Is Putin a saint? Of course not. He would be dead and would have been dead long ago if he were not a wily operator, with detailed experience of the Soviet security services, as well as knowing how far he can go to rein in Russian oligarchical power.
Has he allowed foreign interests to steal the wealth of Russia’s vast natural resources? Not really. He built a massive sovereign wealth fund, which the West are doing their best to steal by freezing overseas russian state assets in a way which is entirely incompatible with natural law. Those funds belong not to Putin, but to the Russian PEOPLE. No US/EU liar can say they wish to liberate Russians from Putin, if the first thing they do is steal $600bn of Russian people’s carefully invested funds.
Do I think that there are Russian super-criminals on earth? Of course. Do I deny that Ukrainian Oligarchs do not serve the people of Ukraine? Of course not.
Do I want war with Putin? Of course not. Do I think Putin wants war with the West? No.
Putin’s simple crime was to challenge US Hyperpower supremacy.
He was right to do so and a majority of nations on earth are happy that he did so.
None of what I just said is politically acceptable in the UK.
Do I care? No.
There is no point in being patriotic toward a bunch of treasonous criminals in the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, the Civil Service and plenty of other branches of London Establishment hierarchies.
Patriotism concerns allegiance to principles, not to Governments, not even to Monarchs and certainly not to unaccountable oligarchs, who are just as numerous in the USA as they are in Russia.
Allegiance to governments/monarchs, no matter what they do, is the prerogative of serfs.
Well said.
Many good points about Putin. However, the more I look into the Second World War, I find it harder to see Hitler’s motives as being imperial expansionism, more attack as being the best form of defence and an attrempt to correct the excesses of the punitive Versailles Treaty.
Neo-marxist drivel!
Moscow Marge: Real, Fake, Non-Binary?
Russian version of Kate hopkins..?
The difference being that KH knows what’s going on and is not afraid to say it.
Moscow Marge still thinks she’s on the same side as Trump (see video). However, the penny seems to have dropped at Unz – except that they’re still in denial over the supposed, MAGA support for Putin!
Trump Sold-Out His Base to Shovel $95 Billion to Ukraine and Israel
Mike Whitney – April 21, 2024
I could care less about criticism: Marjorie Taylor Greene
Fox News
Apr 21, 2024
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., joins ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ to discuss why she did not file the motion to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson after they voted to send $95 billion to foreign aid
Why is it always women who show up a little guts? I never see men like her showing up a little bone. I can only recall Muhammed Ali.
She is right, and therefore she is smeared by every corrupt American in America and weak corrupt American cowards are in clear majority.
The problem is not how “War” is defined. It is the age old dynamic of “Who” gets to define the thing in the first place. Which is to say, where will the emphasis be placed by the definers.
My definition of “War” is quite non-binary yet eloquently simple: “War” is when people die en masse by other than natural means. The bullshit behind the “War” – the tit for tat leading up to it, the sabre rattling and flag waving, all the machinations by all the ass holes “behind” the “War” – is as totally irrelevant as yesterday’s fart.
“War” is death and destruction by artificial means. Period.
Out of all the OFF G’rs your my favorite Catte,
There is under tone to saying the Isreal Palastine thing by taking sides you’ve lost..
Strange that argument same logic??? wasn’t used for covid when you was selling ”court cases ”the ask permission from the government to be able to demonstration in Freemason Trafalgar square and theses Doctors s that appeared magically everywhere on all the alt media podcasts circus circuit saying they was whistle blowers and given the prestige of authentication without questioning them or there background
fakestory.Same with Canada truckers convery or the tractors, or the fake trannies photos of them in schools. it seems selected this binary your selling Catt. You as a editor have never done that. Your staff also have ridiculed thoses who mentioned ‘Family names’ or ”Banking dynasty’s” 5G and chemtrails. (science name cloudseeding) birth certification. etc
even the mention of the Occult element, we may as well be reading the guardian. because you and your co hosts have never ever mention it or the religious aspects just the man behind the curtain like Bill gates boogie man which alt media and it counter co hosts all sell..keeping everyone in a form of, they are billionaires and we are all powerless.
The once in a blue moon fake binary article followed by 1000’s own the libs or occasionally half a mention of the Conservatives doesn’t exact to up lift ment or even news.
#its another form of poison selling under the guise of alternative news which it is not.
Succinct and spot on.. thanks for articulating what I have been thinking since Christmas 2002
Warfare as Lawfare:
“Trump’s legal bills drain millions more from his political committees” — Headline in U$ paper.
The Dimocrats boast about their larger war chest but Public Opinion is turning against them because PO now sees Trump as the Little Guy.
“They [the ruling classes] certainly don’t want you to see war as a mutual agreement between ruling elites to slaughter their proles for convenience, entertainment and profit.”
But the proles can fight back in the Class War: the war between the people who want to work for the good of Society and of the World as a whole, on the one side, and the people who want to work for the good of themselves and their accomplices on the other.
The earliest prophet of the Class War was a carpenter’s son: Rabbi Yeshuah of Nazareth;
“It is easier to thread a cable through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to push through the gates of Heaven”.
The 20th century was the century it which the class war crystallised socially into a war between nations. Specifically, between the Anglo Zio Capitalist nations (mainly UK, U$A and their protegee Nazi Germany) on the one hand, and the Communist nations (mainly Russia, China and Communist partisans eg, in Greece) on the other.
Fortunately, Russia and China won WW2, and you can see the results today: Russia and China are prosperous, powerful and favoured by 85% of humanity known as the Rest of the World (RoW). The Anglo Zionazi Capitalist powers (U$A, EU and Israel) are declining in wealth and power, representing only 15% of the World but still stirring up strife because that is all they know.
By the way, War is an example of Conflict but not all Conflict is War.
“All things arise from Conflict” — Heracleitus.
So we are back to the old commie theme, the Proles against Capital exploiting our dear Yeshuah as the star in our class fight about more porridge in our bowl.
Proud to be American https://sonar21.com/proud-to-be-an-american-in-philadelphia/ .
The money? Taken from Oliver Twist’s political party and given to Ukraine and Gaza, and to make woke film about Oliver Twist’s suffering. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/scene-philadelphia-leaders-send-billions-ukraine-video/
“Social Unrest” usually arises out of Insecurity
(unless you’re some sort of Religious Nutter)…
Insecurity is a driver of War. Through War Security is sought…
Modern states are National Security states – National Security
states conduct Wars to secure National Security…
Of course, there’s also Class War –
and, didnt Some Billionaire assert that his Class was winning !
War is as authentic as the people who fight for it.
The bigger war is the war on consciousness, subconscious.
Slave to the Rhythm.
No it isn’t. Two armies killing each other because they have been propagandized and scared into hating each other is not “authentic”, no matter how truly scared and hate-filled the combatants are. They’re fighting for a lie. They’re fighting to enrich the arms manufacturers on both sides and further agendas they don’t even know exist.
An Inconvenient Truth:
“It’s Convenience wot will be the downfall of hoomanity !” … (anon)
“Convenience is wattle make slaves of youse all !” … )anon)
The part
“But death isn’t the definition of war. Conflict is the definition of war.”
Is a really excellent bullet point and it is unfortunate that this was not in popular awareness during the “muh real geo politics analysis” which re surfaced to enable post Covid.
There is no post Covid
We were shown that every institution above a 5 man membership on the planet in on the plan against the general population it’s just a question of what department they belong to.
“Slaughtering your Proles for convenience, fun & profit.”
It’s a new “game show” appearing on MSNBC following spook Morning Joe .
Zionist and US imperialist criminals are about to grab the natural gas off shore Gaza
Sure, though Israel still somehow managed to give back all the oil and natural gas in the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt for free.
Maybe Israel does actually want peace beyond petty resource conflicts?
As the Arabic saying goes ‘only the scorpion gives for free.’
I remember when we all knew that war was a “mutual agreement between ruling elites to slaughter their proles for convenience, entertainment and profit”, but somehow we have all forgotten it and now we are once again believing the nonsense of “moral wars” which drove young men to sacrifice themselves in generations gone by. We are going backwards not forwards. There are no good leaders. Only exploiters. Please let’s recall that again.
government is the opiate of the masters
Of course, there’s a lot of fakery in there too, but how many bombs do you need to accept that much of it is real?
Catte isn’t talking about fakery. Read the article
“Fake” is the flipside of “real”. The discussion referred to is about whether the war(s) are real or fake. So I suggest you read the article, you fucking retard!
I suggest you look more closely at the phrases used in this article eg ” ..who pays the production teams..”
She’s talking about the production teams who put out the videos with movie type soundtracks over them. Do you think battles have music playing over them as they happen? No you doofus. Someone adds that to the video to make it more “exciting”, which is frankly sick.
“If all you do is purchase one of those comfortable simplistic narratives and consume it, regurgitate it, I suggest you have little right to deplore the loss of life. In fact you are potentially actively promoting the continuation of violent death by reinforcing the narrative that justifies it.”
Brilliant! So very true.
I think using the term “Oligarchy” distracts from your thesis.
Appearances suggest that there are realities in which “governments” act exclusively in the interests of the Oligarchy and other realities in which the Oligarchy has been placed under control by the “government”.
Would Power Elite A and Power Élite B better serve your argument?
Oligarchy may be a shorthand but I take your point. There are oligarchs that are created by government, or rather military industrial complex or intelligence agencies like Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk (Big Tech in general) to serve its interests. Then there are oligarchs that are more like secret agents who carry out activities that government doesn’t want its fingerprints on like say, a George Soros (color revolution expert). Then there are the oligarchs who instruct the government, who direct policy. These oligarch are the “power elite” (C. Wright Mills), these stick to the shadows, we may or may not know who they are.
Some quotes about war from a movie that we are all in agreement that it was excellent
Conrad ‘Connie’ Brean : You watched the Gulf War, what do you see day after day? The one smart bomb falling down the chimney. The truth? I was in the building when we shot that shot – we shot in a studio, Falls Church, Virginia. One-tenth scale model of a building.
Stanley Motss : Is that true?
Conrad ‘Connie’ Brean : How the fuck do we know? You take my point?
Conrad ‘Connie’ Brean : Well, if Kissinger can win the Peace Prize, I wouldn’t be surprised to wake up and find out I’d won the Preakness.
Stanley Motss : Well, yes but, our guy DID bring peace.
Conrad ‘Connie’ Brean : Yeah, but there wasn’t a war.
Stanley Motss : All the greater accomplishment.
Stanley Motss : Look at that! That is a complete fucking fraud, and it looks a hundred percent real. It’s the best work I’ve ever done in my life, because it’s so honest.
Stanley Motss : I’m in show business, yes? Why come to me?
Conrad ‘Connie’ Brean : Well I’ll tell you why, Mr Motss. ’54-40-Or Fight’, what does that mean?
Stanley Motss : It’s a slogan, it’s from the, uh…
Conrad ‘Connie’ Brean : ‘Remember the Maine’!
Stanley Motss : Oh yeah, that’s from – that’s gotta be from the, uh…
Conrad ‘Connie’ Brean : ‘Tippecanoe and Tyler Too’!
Stanley Motss : No, that’s not, uh…
Conrad ‘Connie’ Brean : They’re war slogans, Mr. Motss. We remember the slogans, we can’t even remember the fucking wars. You know why? That’s show business. That’s why we’re here. Naked girl covered in Napalm. ‘V for Victory’. Five Marines raising the flag, Mt. Suribachi. You remember the picture 50 years from now, you’ll have forgotten the war. The Gulf War, smart bomb falling down a chimney. 2500 missions a day, 100 days. ONE video of ONE bomb Mr. Motts, the American people bought that war. War is show business – that’s why we’re here.
Some music: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=enH2igVo55U
People watch the movie, and think that’s a great movie and still miss the message of the “revelation of the method”
Hollyweird and the music business both constantly bombard us with clues and truth bombs “hidden in plain sight”.
The powers-that-shouldn’t-be are cooperating in pushing 4IR. But simultaneously, there are irreconcilable differences among them, primarily over how the loot extracted from the world’s population and from the planet is to be divided. And when that loot, surplus value, is shrinking (especially given growing shortages of supplies of energy and critical raw materials, and spreading catastrophic ecological destruction), while capital accumulation needs continue to grow exponentially, very real conflicts will grew between the various global ruling factions. Pretending that “it’s all just for show” is just as myopic as getting taken in by the propaganda narratives.
Basically correct, with the exception of “pushing” the 4IR. 4IR is happening regardless of the powers that be. It’s where humanity is developing. They’re simply fighting to have the upper hand over what’s coming because that will determine the global hegemon in the world that emerges from the current turmoil. If there is a hegemon – maybe that multipolar world is a thing after all. The way it looks is that the West will lose its privileged status, mainly on account of its decadent weakness, hubris, and perceived exceptionalism, while the East is on the rise, working hard to stop the centuries of subjugation.
As far as the conflict, the biggest danger is that the US will resort to nukes to maintain its hegemonic status.
This is the official narrative you are promoting I notice. As is Jeffrey. The elites want us to buy what you are selling, that resources are depleted and we all have no choice but to live with deprivation and wars over the dwindling commodities, or face even worse. This is how they will justify the neo-feudal age they want to bring along. They will use people like you to tell us it’s inevitable and better than being nuked or whatever.
There is literally no evidence for the shortages you claim as a fact. No evidence for “peak oil” or any of the rest of that environmental crap they have been spoon feeding us since the 70s. It was all soft sell prep for THIS. So we go quietly into slavery, believing it’s our only hope.
Your allegation that your interlocutor is promoting or selling something pretty much rule out a meaningful exchange because you a priori assume an obdurately hostile stand, but I’ll reply to your rant nevertheless, essentially for the sake of more objective an audience.
The depletion of resources is a simple fact, the use thereof amounts to depletion. Your linguistically challenged self was probably alluding to exhaustion, which has not occurred in regard to pretty much any resources, but one day will. Despite your denial, the Earth is a CLOSED SYSTEM in which limited amounts of shit are available. That includes the materials present on this planet and deposits of energy. The only thing that we continue to receive from the outside is solar energy and the energy that can be derived from the Moon’s gravity. That’s REALITY.
There is plenty of evidence that Peak Oil has in fact happened. It didn’t happen in the sense it was originally thought it would, but production has already reached peak levels. The transition to a different source of energy is being attempted for a good reason.
I’m not gonna enumerate all the predicaments the world is facing – whoever wants knowledge on this subject, look up Simon Michaux, Art Berman, William Rees. Vaclav Smil, Nate Hagens. Very sensible fellas. They have detailed calculations and you can do you own to disprove them – beware that it’s gonna be kinda hard with shrieks that it’s all bullshit, which is pretty much all you got.
The transition to technofeudalism is nicely described by Varoufakis, who, incidentally, doesn’t take the energy issue into account at all. Check it out – it’s educational.
That being said, there’s no doubt that the powers that be are doing what they can to fuck the proles over, to steer things to their and their masters’ advantage. That, however, doesn’t mean that humanity has fucked itself into a corner from BIOLOGICAL VIEWPOINT and is facing extinction due to the discovery of abundant resources and the consequent overshoot, destruction of natural habitat, and the resulting die-off, whether due to famine, war, or slow disappearance into oblivion.
As to wars, it’s as described above. Human critters are scrounging for whatever stuff there’s left to assure themselves a privileged position in the forthcoming era.
The gist of it is crystal clear, the details remain to be seen.
The sort of ‘closed system’ that spontaneously gave birth to life – swans, herrings, giraffes, mountain bike-riding apes – out of a puddle? I’m not sure whether we’re armed with all the facts there, at least to this Admin’s eyes. For 2 billion years earth sits, barren, then spontaneously decides to skip the principle of entropy and start organising base chemicals into complex carbohydrates?
Same principle with fossil fuels. It’s kinda strange that they’ve waited for millions of years in this high energy state, without reaching a state of equilibrium, without degrading over time. The whole concept of pressing long-dead plankton on a geological timescale (no less) to create concentrated oases of high energy, highly volatile matter in pockets below the earth, seems on some level to defy the second law of thermodynamics in a layman, common sense kinda way, and sometimes you wonder whether scientists shouldn’t stick to adding columns of numbers and hand everything else over to theologists lol
Whatever your personal views, many feel it’s a little soon, a little arrogant perhaps, to capitalise words like ‘reality’ just yet, or to assume we have ALL the answers, and they feel we should be extremely cautious about chiming in with establishment fear mongering too unquestioningly.
A hen lays eggs. Out of the eggs comes more hens who also lay eggs, a.s.o.
An apple tree gives fruit. When the apple tree grows bigger it gives more fruit. Not only it gives more fruit, it also seed other apple trees to grow in its near.
Thousands of volcanoes on the bottom of our big Seas break out every year and spew magma and gas out. The inner globe is melting iron of 2000C. The sun shines and gives energy and cosmic waves to the earth to keep all organic alive and to die back to dust, minerals, calcium, m.m.
You can say our sun system is a closed system. Our earth is an eternal system cycle of unlimited occupations for mankind.
Show us the evidence of the world’s ample oil supplies, or essential raw materials, Please. NUMBERS!
The Earth came from the Sun, and we came from the Earth.
And? Show us the molten plasma on the surface of the earth. 😂
Presto! Plasma:
Fuck! That’s fuckin’ brilliant!
The conflict will not be resolved peacefully, no empire has ever given up its hegemony. And this is about individual capitalist interests, or rather interests of capitalist cliques. It has nothing to do with East vs West As the spoils shrink, the battles will get only worse, and this while the ecosystem’s ability to support human life and the supplies needed to keep industrial civilization shrink ever more.
I’m not surprised at all the downvotes we’ve drawn. People on this forum are for the most part living in a digital illusion, believing the world has infinite resources, as after all they’ve never known what it’s like to live in an age of shrinking supplies. The worse things will get, the more the digitized disembodied people will cling to their illusions.
So east-west oligarchies are simultaneously all in it together AND fighting to the death? Except not their deaths, only ours. The oligarchs aren’t fighting and killing each other are they? That’s the point. Modern war is just another method of social/population control. Like Orwell says the elites of world realize they have more in common with each other than with their own 99%-ers. It’s in their mutual interest to find ways of controlling all of us. What is better for that than war?
As long as they have enough loot to divide, they cooperate. When they start running short, the long knives (and nukes) come out.
Regarding your first paragraph, here is a heretical thought. In case that things really fall apart and civilization collapses, kinda along the lines of the top article at https://un-denial.com/, which is a distinct possibility, having a structure along the lines of the strict measures imposed during CONVID, if not much stricter, might be the better alternative to bandits roving all over the place, stealing whatever’s left, killing anybody who refuses to give up their shit, a scenario that is quite likely to happen.
As to the ignorance of the resources predicament, people – if they bother to use their brain at all – generally consider reality through the prism of politics, societal issues, financial economics. Some consider ecology, usually in a misguided way, like recycling plastic bottles and driving electric car, the usual bullshit suspects. Energy and resources are generally totally disregarded in terms of their availability, at best people consider their prices (in terms of money). People are totally cognitive-dissonance delusional regarding the future of the civilization. They see the future as a hi-tech world filled with digital doodads, constant supply of new and new stuff. They’re totally oblivious to physical reality.
Yet, humanity now probably has the last chance to do something to prevent total collapse and to steer itself into some sort of meaningful existence, maybe along the lines of what Nate Hagens suggest. What are the chances that the whole fucking thing won’t go up in smoke? Very slim. People don’t wanna hear any of the above. They’re not even willing to lend a receptive ear and check out the facts. You bring it up, you’ll get rabidly attacked right away. Simon Michaux says that he’s had it – every time he presents his work he faces hostility, so he says fuck it, I’m gonna go my way with a bunch of likeminded guys. The rest? They’re on their own.
Its happening already, to the rich houses and the Mexican gangs they are being targeted by.
Its not good news so you wont hear about it.
4IR is not just “happening.” It is being implemented by people with names and faces.
And seriously, when the energy/resources/ecological collapse happens, no one will have options. You too are stuck in the illusion that things can just go on and on.
Cost of energy from war verse supply at the pump are two different animals.
They compete and one in the end, has always won out, and it’s not the consumer.
Who are these “digitized disembodied people” that you have written about on more than one occassion?
Do you know what people are doing in the real world who read Off-G?
The most urgent matter is the forthcoming recession/depression which will be difficult to navigate for many.
Do you have a Plan B for that event?
I am sure some who read Off-G do.
Whether resources are running out or not is immaterial to me at this stage. It will not happen overnight.
Regardless, we are in the early stages of a commodity bull market super cycle which will see the price of raw materials and foodstuffs rise dramatically, at least for a few years. That alone will cause demand destruction in some commodities. Prices will then collapse due to deflation, assuming the scarcity factor does not take over.
Does the article say it’s all for show? I think it’s asking a question about the unspoken motives behind state-sponsored killing.
Basically these elites have the sense to cooperate about fake climate change, fake pandemics, 4IR etc, and yet fight strangely inconclusive wars that coincidentally end up promoting all the above agendas. What does that mean? Refusing to look at this aspect or just brushing it aside like you do seems crazy to me.
You apparently believe they can keep this up forever. Physical reality says otherwise. They will cooperate till they can”t, just like in 1914 and 1939.
Isn’t it implicit in 4IR, almost by definition, that these parameters are changing? Seems like people wanna discuss 4IR in terms of 3IR, using yesterday’s terminology.
Read the WEF’s bit on 4IR if you wanna reminder about how today’s elites view it in terms of unprecedented interconnectivity and in terms of ‘governance’, and remind yourself how this dovetailed so neatly with the covid, let’s call it, ‘experiment’.
War is conflict. But what is real?
If we – meaning human beings – perceive a world through a self-conflicted identity – we can be said to be at war with – or at least within our self. And as such with ‘othered ‘self.
Polarised exclusions operate as if separate poles of conflicting interests, but are they not complementary polarities of a whole – perceived by a selective focus of identification that necessarily rejects BY selection?
This may seem all too abstract when babies are being killed – or any other emotionally extreme provocation, but at root the issue I see is of the decision to refuse or reject a Common Source-Nature – or indeed Father – as vernacular once had it.
This is also to accept of refuse that your mind is one, and not legion – despite all experience to the contrary.
War is a terrible human affliction. It’s causes hidden by layers of diversionary cover stories that also take on a life of their own in the larger broken Constellation of a shattered or fragmented mind.
Jesus said that even as you do unto the least among you, you do unto Me – with a capital M – indicating not merely a person but the First Person singular in all that lives. But he wasn’t gaslighting into guilt-manipulated nightmares – but the opposite – releasing the mind of the act of attack made real and thus subjected to as real.
Bodies can be hurt & broken – there is no immunity to be found there!
But the body cannot decide to attack you or anyone else. That is of the mind – even if projected onto the body and suffered real.
Questioning ‘everything’ is being faked by the assertion that “all is lies or else show me the proof!”
There IS no question nor receptivity to answer in such a convicted sentence.
Questioning the basis of everything we assumed or accepted as true or real is simply a matter of curious observation -especially of our own thought and emotional reaction in relational situations
that trigger a loss of peace – the state in which we feel our connectedness with life, ourself and each other – regardless of likes and dislikes!
While pretty much everything the author proposes or alludes to is basically correct, the problem with the text is that it implicitly presupposes that such goings-on as war have a single, clear-cut cause, objective, strategy, and result.
Like everything else, they don’t. They’re complex occurrences that involve stuff at many levels, the develop as they progress, so on so forth. It’s like that with everything else, incidentally, one needs to step back and regard things from the broadest possible perspective.
The interstate conflicts we’re witnessing, as well as the economic, social, and cultural turmoil that’s predominantly taking place within the occidental world, have a few common denominators.
There is an energy and technology transformation in progress, a revolution. One historical era is ending and another is being ushered in. The world’s actors are positioning themselves to have the upper hand in the world that’s coming and that will ultimately result in the end of the industrial era within the next century or so.
Concluding that the warring or opposing actors are colluding because the enmity therebetween can’t be unambiguously defined and because they in fact might have behind-the-scenes dealings is naive. The world needs to be regarded in a holistic, as opposed to reductionist, manner.
BTW, here is an interesting analysis. Not 100% sure about the logic behind it, but …
This is all fair enough but there is also the inner causation of accepted identification: People act in self-interest as they perceive it in the moment of their decisions – or in the case of conditioned habit – it terms of their acceptance of such habits.
Self-may have a single clear-cut Cause – but if our mind interjects an externalised cause in terms of a past and future, or an inside and outside, then causes are identified with – or against, as a conflict of interests that then seeks some sort of unified ‘front’ under or by which to persist, operate or perhaps remain credible or tolerable.
So yes there’s a plethora if not a pandemonium of ills that wont go back into the box, and a fragmentation of mind that All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can never put back together again. Yet I suggest that none of the madness of mind changes the fact that we do not create our existence – even if we can or must create our experience of existence by what we do or don’t accept into our heart and mind.
But perhaps between you and the author might yet be a common agreement in recognising the use of (and dependency on) conflict, polarising of identity and war to the ‘will to power’ or the drive to possess and control others world, life and of course self.
In this we have a choice – but not a power to make another’s choices. I see the dispossession of the war-mind as nothing I want – and as costing me everything I love. So I become more alert to my own participations or correspondences, so as to sweep them from my own temple – so to speak.
That a world of change is not thus ‘controlled’ is of course true whether we choose war of no.
It seems to me that you’re vastly more preoccupied with what goes on in your and other people’s heads than what takes place in actual physical reality.
You can ponder all of what you’re saying till the end of time but what we’re talking here is some motherfucker who kicks you in the balls, smashes your face in, shoots a hole in your head, or drops a fucking nuke on your head.
In other words, there is both the abstract and the concrete, the tangible and the intangible. Guess it’s up to you to decide which one matters more, but me thinks that if somebody shoots your head off, nothing matters no more.
It is all about mindset, your reality is inverted. What’s actual physical reality when people’s perception of the world is driven by deception and manipulation?
I don’t know. Have somebody give you a hefty smack over the head. That might help on your path to realization. Worked with Newton and the apple that whacked his head, it might work with you too.
It should also be noted that energy is neither created nor destroyed within an isolated system, according to Newton.
A hefty smack on your circuitry would be a service to all humanity, Sociolog[arithm].
I’m ok with your statement here, but not with your “complexity” speech above.
Yes, reality is complex, but at the beginning of every complex matter we find always simple motives, factors or patterns.
For example, here in my country we had a civil war in the eighties. And, of course, the war itself was complex and the consequences too.
And what about the causes? Well, certainly there was not only one cause, but one stood out above them all clearly: the exploitation of the oligarchs over the working class, specially over the country men or peasants.
This motive wasn’t at all complex to understand.
But the paid “intellectuals” of the oligarchy, leaning on the “complexity” argument, always tried to cover up that motive.
So, every time people argue that “this stuff is so complex that we can’t understand it at all” or “it’s so complex that we can’t barely understand it” or “it’s so complex that we can’t discern it origins clearly”, I can’t avoid thinking that what they are really saying is “we don’t want to understand it” or, at least, “we don’t want to recognize the main cause of this mess”.
I never said that stuff is too complex to understand and never implied that one shouldn’t try to get to the bottom of things.
My guess is that the real cause of problems is often some guy’s hangup from having a penis of inferior size, some guy’s lust after somebody else’s woman, stuff like that. Like that, people develop a complex of inferiority and compensate it through all sorts of monkey business, including wars in the case of the biggest assholes of them all.
Fight for resources comes right after the short dick and coveting the neighbor’s wife combo. And that’s what we’re witnessing right now. What’s happening basically boils down to who will control remaining resources in the forthcoming era. Everything else is secondary.
Dood, with all due respect, ask your programmer to make it a tad less obvious you’re a hyper-robotic creation.
That’s what I figured too.
If one digs down deeply into the causes of the G7-Russia war in Ukraine, unless one adopts a totally pacifist position, one must conclude that the G7 basically forced Russia into this war, its only alternative being to basically surrender its eventual national sovereignty and dissolution to the G7. The known details of the events leading up to the war indicate that Putin and Lavrov were both reasonable and willing to find a diplomatic solution. Then the question becomes, was this a script by the owners of both Russia and the G7 to make the war inevitable, where the G7 are the obvious villains and Russia only a light shade of gray, and where the leadership of Russia was fully well aware of the script and played along with it as in a crafted play? This possibility is not certain but also not outlandish. One need only look at some facts as Putin’s meteoritic rise to power, his close relationship with Kissinger and possibly the Anal Schwab, the Russian embrace of the scamdemic and poisoning its people with a S-DNA injectable, and Sberbank’s close relationship to the WEF and the Russian central bank being a BIS member, to build this case. If true, it would indicate just how sophisticated the forces of evil on this planet are.
Eric Blair fought in a very real war. Against Franco’s Fascism in the Spanish Civil War cf “Homage to Catalonia”. Taking a throat injury as a result.
I think he once said something to the effect that everything he’d ever written was written to oppose fascism.
So in that sense, he was always fighting
Well he and the other losers lost, and Franco won.
Thats the way it is, and thats the way it always has been, and thats the way it always will be, and thats why I will always be on the winner’s side!.
Oligarchy B: The Atlantic Council
A Security Strategy for the Black Sea
By Atlantic Council Task Force on Black Sea Security
December 15, 2023
[See link for pdf]
Timeline (first & last entry)
December 27, 2022: Announcement of task force on Black Sea Security.
December 15, 2023: Release of the final report from the task force by the Atlantic Council and distribution across the network.
In light of increased instability in the Black Sea region following Russia’s unprovoked war on Ukraine, the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security‘s Transatlantic Security Initiative, in partnership with the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA), convened a task force of Atlantic Council experts focused on discussing and developing actionable recommendations for enhancing the security and stability of the geopolitically vital Black Sea region. This report outlines the strategic setting, regional challenges and threats, key planning assumptions, risk and risk mitigation, and finally DIME (diplomatic, informational, military, and economic) based recommendations for enhancing security and stability in the Black Sea region.
I. The strategic goal
An unstable Black Sea region directly threatens the peace and prosperity of the North Atlantic community, a bedrock of US foreign policy since 1945. Russian aggression in the Black Sea region threatens the security of every Black Sea state and the Euro-Atlantic region as a whole, as well as global food security, international economic stability, and the viability of international legal frameworks. These represent key and important interests for the United States, as well as Europe. A comprehensive, long-term regional strategy to cope with this new reality is urgently needed. To be coherent, it must also be nested within a broader and viable transatlantic security architecture, anchored in NATO. For the transatlantic community and the littoral Black Sea states, a desirable end state is a stable region anchored in the Euro-Atlantic community, where the sovereignty of Black Sea states is respected, international trade and commerce can flourish, and political resilience is enhanced. Getting there will require leadership, cooperation, investment, and persistence. Hard choices and a measure of boldness will be required.
C. Energy dependence
Across the Black Sea region, as in Europe, Russia has used energy dependence as both a tool and a weapon to pressure and influence its neighbors. The war has weakened that weapon substantially. . . . Overall, the war in Ukraine has spurred energy independence from Russia across the region, except for Turkey. If exploited, Black Sea energy reserves have the potential to free the region from dependence on Russia altogether, making the Black Sea a major energy hub.
VIII. Conclusion
At the present time, tough sanctions and successful Ukrainian military operations have weakened Russia and offer opportunities for a new strategic approach to the region. That approach should be grounded in providing the assistance required to achieve a Ukraine whole and free; firming up NATO’s presence in Bulgaria and Romania; providing security assistance to Black Sea states to strengthen deterrence and defense; leveraging economic sanctions to remove Russian troops from Georgia and Transnistria; and early membership in NATO, the EU, OECD, and the Three Seas Initiative for those Black Sea states now outside the transatlantic community. If international organizations are unable to proceed with timely admissions, a US-led coalition could be formed to take on many of these tasks. Introducing NATO troops into the conflict is not required or desirable, as properly equipped and supplied Ukrainian forces are capable of restoring Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity. These steps will require muscular diplomacy, strong leadership, and firm resolve. The stakes are high, and go well beyond Ukraine—not only the European security space, but also the global, international order.
As War in Ukraine Grinds On, U.S. Officials Focus on Black Sea
The war has major implications for the geopolitics of energy.
By Edward Hunt
November 14, 2023
US Senate Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation
Assessing the Department of State’s Strategy for Security in the Black Sea Region
Date: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023
[Video begins at: 17:35]
The vast majority of wars are started by the powerful and seldom by the ordinary people. However, the supposition in this article that all wars are Hollywood productions is to say the least silly!
That would be silly but that is not the suppostion of the article at all. Where did you get that idea?
“ The foundational lie that permits the tyrannies of Oceania, Eastasia and Eurasia to maintain themselves in equilibrium “
But that doesn’t equate to ‘all wars are a Hollywood production’ at all. I think the point t is that the wars are futile and fought by the working class on behalf of the rulers..
The hypothesis is that the wars are fraudulent in nature rather than being completely fake.
A Hollywood production is completely fake.
Really. Look at the quote more analytical my friend !
Wouldn’t it be a lovely idea to totally reverse whatever ‘narrative’ being trotted out for us by the Corp orate-demagogues and their money collectors, the politicians, and instead WE declared a ‘War on Government’ and the cherry-on-top, … a ‘War on TAXES’?
I’m damned certain it would scare the manure out of the tyrants who are basically self-appointed ‘politicians’ and their controllers. …
Wat Tyler thought along those lines. It didn’t end well.
That’s why they allow us enough to eat.
We’re a LOOOOONG way from revolution.
Easily fixed Catte.
We simply open a few highly corrupt/secretive banks and declare ourselves neutral.
It worked for Switzerland.
A good deal of the laundering is through the brazen major international banks, and through “off-shore” ones. In 2008, some of the banks would have failed if not for their special narco clients.
There is enough war against mother nature to keep humans busy for a long time.
The war on heat, the war on cold, the war on drugs, the war on poverty, the war on education, the war on hunger, ect…….
‘We like war.’
George Carlin had a knack of saying the quiet parts out loud. He nailed it so many times.
It seems in return, they nailed him for it.
One would be hard-pressed’ to describe the shameless futility of wars better than this skit. Quite brilliant …