The Immense Hunger
Edward Curtin

Saturn Devouring His Son - Francisco de Goya
Like all living creatures, people need to eat to live. Some people, eaten from within by a demonic force, try to deny others this basic sustenance. All across the world people are starving because the powerful and wealthy create economic and political conditions that allow their wealth to be built on the backs of the world’s poor. It is an old story, constantly updated. It is one form of official terrorism.
From the Irish famine with its terrible aftermath created by the imperialist British government in the nineteenth century that caused the death of between one and two million Irish and the forced emigration of more than a million more between 1846 and 1851 alone, to today’s savage Israeli genocide and forced starvation of Palestinians in Gaza, the stories of politically motivated famine are legion.
In their wake, as the historian Woodham-Smith wrote in 1962 of the Irish famine, it “left hatred behind. Between Ireland and England the memory of what was done and endured has lain like a sword.” This Irish bitterness toward the English was strong even in my own Irish-American childhood in the northern Bronx more than a century later. Ethnic cleansing has a way of leaving a livid legacy of rage toward the perpetrators, especially in the Irish case when talk of of one’s ancestors’ perilous forced emigration on the Coffin Ships was ever broached.
Today’s Israeli government leaders must be historically ignorant or suicidal, for the Irish rage at the British led to the Easter Rebellion of 1916 and the eventual establishment of the Republic of Ireland, where today in Dublin, its capital, huge throngs march in support of the Palestinian people and their fight against Israel. Do the Israeli leaders think that they can evade the lessons of history, lessons that oppressed people everywhere learned from the irrepressible Irish rebels? Like their arrogant British imperialist counterparts, they have self-anointed themselves a chosen people so they can inflict death and suffering on the unchosen ones, the animal people, those disgusting creatures not deserving of life, land, or liberty.
But starve, torture, and slaughter people enough and the flaming sword of revenge will exact a heavy price. Dark furies will descend.
Dehumanize people enough, take their land, and the day always comes when the wretched of the earth rise up against their racist colonialist settlers.
Deny the bread of life to people long enough so that they watch their emaciated children die in their arms or search for their body parts beneath the bombed rubble and you will find that the terrified have become terrifying.
Frantz Fanon wrote accurately about the link between bread and land: “For a colonized people the most essential value, because the most concrete, is first and foremost the land: the land which will bring them bread and, above all, dignity.”
Without bread to eat, as Marx and Victor Hugo told us in their different ways, the desperate become desperadoes.
The poet Patrick Kavanaugh, in his haunting long poem, “The Great Hunger,” concluded it thus: “The hungry fiend/Screams the apocalypse of clay/In every corner of this land.” Lines that with a slight difference pertain to every land where famine is used as a weapon of war.
But why is this so? What is this demonic force that drives some human animals to oppress others?
I think we can agree that humans have animal needs of hunger, thirst, sex, etc. that need to be satisfied, but that we also are symbolic creatures – angels with anuses as Ernest Becker has said so pungently in his classic book, The Denial of Death. We live in a world of symbols, not merely matter. Unlike other animal species, we have made death conscious and must deal with that consciousness one way or another. We have beliefs, ideas, symbol systems and get our sense of self-worth symbolically. Of course, the anuses are the problem because they remind us that despite all our highfalutin fantasies of omnipotence of the symbolic sort, what goes in one hole comes out the other and like those backdoor hole deposits we too are destined for underground holes in the earth.
But this is unacceptable. The thought of it drives many savagely crazy – individuals, groups, and nations. So, as Becker writes, “An animal who gets his feeling of worth symbolically has to minutely compare himself to those around him, to make sure he doesn’t come off second best.”
Herein lies the root of competition and the desire to be successful and hoist the symbolic trophies that declare us winners. And if there are winners, there must be losers. If I win and you lose, then I can feel superior to you and “good about myself,” at least in the realm where we compete. Equality is a problem for humans, whom Nietzsche termed “the disease called man.” This sense of competition can be relatively harmless or deadly.
History is replete with the latter type, where the fear of not being immortal leads to the extermination of others, as if to say: “See, we are number one.” You die but we live. This is the case with the present Israeli policy of genocide of the Palestinians through famine, bombs, and guns. The chosen enemy is always considered dirt, pigs, reduced to animal status not worthy to exist, and in a transference of existential trepidation emanating from a deep sense of insecurity masked as triumphalism, must be eliminated because their very existence threatens the oppressors God-like sense of themselves.
There is physical hunger and there is symbolic hunger. Each needs satisfaction. In a just and equitable world, the hunger for bread would be easy to satisfy. It is the symbolic hunger for an answer to death that poses the deeper problem and causes the former. For in a world where people could recognize their fears and deep-seated anxieties and stop transferring them to others, the bread of truth might reign. We might stop slaughtering and starving others to purge ourselves of the self-hate and insecurity that drives us to feel the love of our fellow victimizers but the hate of our victims. No one would be Number One. All would be chosen and feast as equals at the table of the bread of life.
If only the Israeli and U.S. government leaders were wise enough to read, they might read Herman Melville’s Moby Dick and turn from the path of their joint obsession to obliterate the world for a trophy that they will never hoist. Ishmael might reach them with his words: “For there is no folly of the beast of the earth which is not infinitely outdone by the madness of men.” And they might seek peace, not an expansion of war.
If only…but I dream, for they have chosen war, and the dark furies lay in wait.
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What is it when one says “The English did this or that”? Does this mean the whole country? And what individual supposedly said this on the country’s behalf?
I’m getting a bit tired of these quotes. “UK Stands with Ukraine”. The “Premier League Stands BLM”. Who the fuck are these individuals who claim to represent the mass opinion with question
What is England? Or any other country for that matter. Is it the Prime Minister/President? Is it the Politicians? Perhaps the House of Lords? The Royals. No. England is the people who pay (with sweat) for the country to exist.
Why is it we read these statements all the time. “England stands for this”, or “England said that”.
Translation… The few controllers who claim they represent the masses without consent say what they say. It’s their opinion which is absolutely NOT shared by the “Rank and File” of these countries.
Fuck these people and the dilution of your culture. It’s time to stop “self censoring” and say what you see.
Martin Rees, astronomer royal:
“It may seem incongruous that scientists can make confident statements about galaxies billions of light years away, while being baffled about issues close at hand that we all care about – diet and common diseases, for instance.
But this is because living things with intricate levels of structure (even the smallest insects) are far more complex than atoms and stars.”
USA for Africa – We are the world
Thank you LR & MJ.
As a kid, fully embraced the kumbaya vibes, even went around the hood with a red cross tin soliciting donations.
As an adult, you’ve been living in a dream-world Franko.
Your doctors are drug-dealers, your teachers are liars, your preachers are pedophiles, your bankers are thieves on a monumental scale & your leaders are whores of an inter-dimensional race of blood-drinking vampires from beyond.
„All across the world people are starving because the powerful and wealthy create economic and political conditions that allow their wealth to be built on the backs of the world’s poor”.
This is communist bullshit. Wealth can be built not only on the back of somebody poor, but through work, inteligence, competence.
Indeed, in Gaza, Palestinians are suffering from Israeli actions. But Israel, bombing Gaza, is not becoming wealthier.
The danger of ‘competition’ i.e. one of its downsides, is that people who succeed in a very narrow field suddenly get framed as people who know about lots of other things, when actually they know sweet FA about them.
Sports stars know absolutely nothing in the main about much but their own sport. They may learn new things after retirement but a 26 year old whose sole focus is kicking a ball, hitting a ball/puck, bouncing a ball etc etc knows nothing in the main about farming, about civil engineering, about medicine, about weapons production, about counselling etc etc etc.
But apparently, being good at one very specialist thing is an entree to being something they are not.
Sports folks are mostly intensely selfish egotistical individuals, which is the exact opposite of what is required to be leaders. Some mature through realising that they have completed a journey in life and move on to becoming more selfless (Pete Sampras was a classic example of retiring from tennis to be a superior dad to his kids) but many remain like overgrown youths, infinitely less mature than people who were never the very best, never the most egotistical at any individual specialism.
Competition has its place, but when it turns into hierarchical colonies of marauding, controlling baboons, the question has to be asked as to whether it creates more problems than it solves.
I hope I’m not the only one who read your comment: it’s well worth the read. I would add, if I may, one minor (or “minor league”) tidbit. Namely, that precisely because sports figures (as most celebrities) are empty vessels, they can easily become vessels for whatever propaganda slick hustlers manage to pour into them.
And the absolute dearth of intelligent discourse in the mainstream, added to America’s insane worship of celebrities (especially sports celebrities), all but insures a large portion of the people will listen and respond to whatever nonsense they spew.
If only they wern’t owned by the same hustlers, they would be a bit cleaner at the end of the wash.
Stupidity and ignorance = Evilness.
The stupid British decadent upper nose tip class, the stupid obedient bureaucrat CFO Eichmann, the stupid low class day dreamer Pol Pot,the stupid super Ego Mao and his little red book, and the stupid obedient sheeple herd.
There is nothing new under the sun.
The U.S. journalist Walter Duranty who covered up the mass famine under Stalin… well, he just happened to be a big pal of Aleister Crowley including attending his sex magik parties in Paris and eventually marrying Crowley’s ex-mistress.
I believe that you correctly identified that those guys wanted something irrealisable and that they sat around a table and came out with the worst idea possible as to how carry on their goals.
And that, after this very psychopathological wrong digression having output a strategy that a 4yo (not older) may have come out with, they carried it on…
I am blaming them for having thought of erasing whole tribe in order to be able to come by and say “winners”. This is not how it works.
It’s akin to kill every and each of the available opposition voice who’d vote for another candidate. Some 4yo shortcut…
Me-kill-voters-so-no-voters – Works-because-no-voters-i-win
This triggering
must-find-way-not-getting-spotted – kill-spotters
And so they did! They actually carried this on…
It just technically works on theoretical grounds but they leave out the “crime accountability” that they carried on in some “democratic process”. It’s not how it works. It’s pure brute force and things imposed by force and this deserves tooth breaking.
I am blaming them for thinking about it as some kind of viable way. For such a too low level thinking.
I am blaming them of course for having carried it on, in reality.
4yo templates remains 4yo templates so we may scrutinize why those people weren’t in some sandbox
I do believe that your competition assessment makes much sense, with it’s identification of some obscene pool of winner
I would like to suggest some step lying “above”, a perspective we wouldn’t think of at first glance, because your look makes sense and there is ample things to be said about this negative competition and even pathological features of some “trophy seeking conditions”, and ample things to study at this level may prevent us to “check above”.
Above: some neutral and blank state where some protagonist would suddenly decide to put competition in motion, from scratch? How actually does some trophy seeking situation occur?
In a neutral state, when things would be running towards a specific positive direction, there it is, things get a twist and people suddenly find themselves forced to deal with it.
In this sense, the problem is surely as you mentions, that the competition has a pathological protagonist, but I would like to hint at some previous and not yet recognized action which already took place. Nobody requested that “trophy seeking situation”, actually.
While things were relatively different, quiet and calm.
There is no intrinsic will of change, or at least no will to go “pathological trophy seeking” (it triggers much turmoil, and losses. Why would we go so?)
Your model may benefit from identifying the reason for some “pathological trophy seeking” / “trophy seeking” circumstances in the first place, and there is even room for entirely artificially triggered situation at this level of consideration.
This ties to some irrealisable idea and the wrongness of a pathological trophy seeking situation may find it’s roots in an above pathological will, pathological decision.
“I would feel it would work to do such and such”.
“Let’s carry it on”
>>> Pathological trophy seeking situation
There have been credible hints at the 7th of october being an inside job; after some thoughts and adopting such view, I noticed something which may actually be very matching: it’s that, this day, Palestinians got up as usual, thinking of their lemon and olive trees, and who’d be the daily sniped victims, but nothing else, nothing more. Not even “rock throwing”. Just another day. I can barely feel this normality in my guts and that it matches objective truth. At least this is what adopting the perspective of an inside job lead me to understand.
This matches Netanyahou as some psychopathological originator, from scratch, of the situation you are describing. Some nutjob putting negative things in motion then trying to make us feel that he’s a “protagonist”, a competitor.
We are being prevented to see things as they are. He built up some ring from scratch. We’d tend to relate to the events and kind of feel for some competitor, thus analyzing “how he fights”, “how wrong he does”, while being prevented to check “above”!!! How did this start? Why? We see some guy self-congratulating and at the same time some old fantasm of levelling up Palestine – something which should never have taken place and actually never took place, for good reason I feel – suddenly magically takes place! The guy… The guy finds a shortcut allowing him to carry on an irrealisable fantasm?! This is really what there is. Conceptually speaking, “a random guy gives birth to a FANTASM”, but as we perfectly know that the place for fantasm is to be kept at the level of irrealisation, the actual carrying on of a fantasm is thus a plain wrong thing, whatever anybody may say. It’s not, in the realm of truth, something having any form of validity. It’s automatical red-flagging and condemnation. Carrying on a fantasm does have any echo elsewhere, we perfectly know about it.
When, actually, nobody asked him, nobody triggered him into a fight. He believed it was time, that he wanted to show the world how competiting he was. The whole seems artificially created.
“Man” may be a disease, but human beings, Humanity, is not. “Man” is a biased symbolic representation of humanity directed to fit us into the supposed “civilization” of self anointed Parents-making-decisions-for-Humanity class, ruling Earth since Babylon. Totalitarianism is not an affliction. It is a proclivity, an operating system, of the tiny number of buttheads that assume rulership over Humanity. We have the right as self-actualized adults to disconnect this class from excess wealth and authority over others. This will end the greed and delusional authority class and set the ground for a self-governing consensual collective policy making for peace, prosperity and freedom for all. A sustainable Earth.
Are We Enslaved to One Side of the Brain? – The Sickness of Modern Man
This is why Technocracy is unsustainable. It is not anchored in reality, but on a virtual model of the world, much like neoliberalism was, the economic policy of the past 50 years that granted corporations unchecked power, under the assumption that they could self-regulate.
Capitalism cannot exist without brutality, poisoning, destruction, deceit, artificial scarcity, undermined competition, exploitation of customers and employees, and unearned income. What facilitates all this is oligarchy: concessions and grants, opaque licensing, legal loopholes, “revolving door” between government and business, useless or dangerous mega-projects, selective prosecution, etc.
That sums it up.
Nor can communism. At least with capitalism an individual can make a profit. The problem with capitalism is when it partners with cronies of the state it becomes fascism which communism and that is where you claims are proven to be true. You forgot that part.
Isms be damned – it’s about actions. “You have something I want and I have the means to take it from you!” says more about human affairs than all the ridiculous “isms” combined. The wanters will always find a way to put themselves in a position to satisfy their wants. What do they care which “ism” they use?
The only “ism” that ever matter was, is and ever shall be “take what I want ism.”
Capitalism encourages a weak link in every product where as communism abhors it.
Capitalism, its what for supper.
You forgot the enslaving central banking and the rapacious investment banking systems.
Without the former (and without BigBiz lobbyists permitted inside the halls of government), our elected governments would be doing our bidding, not theirs; our nations would be free of debt; the latter would not exist.
Good food = preventive health care. Best channel for this is: non profit Dr. Micheal Greger’s
Most hilarious headline since the one about planet destroying cow farts:
“Same-Sex Couples Face Higher Climate Change Risks, New UCLA Study Shows”
From KQED radio. Bringing you the hits!
That painting by De Goya at the header is bloody brilliant.
‘Saturn’ could be any one of the current Turds at the top.
They also might listen to Pastor Barry Smith.
Satanic influence manifests from generation to generation.
NWO and a world government with AI is aimed at the eradication of humanity.
Control of land and animals will be at the heart of this evil agenda.
Another famine is on the horizon- same originator, different puppets…
it ok Paul we dont need another form off new world order under the guise of being saved.
About time you broke your mindcontrol.
Repent be baptised and filled with the Holy spirit.
You ‘christians’ are so brainwashed… ‘christianity’ is nothing more than a cult.
A control system.
Read “Scum of the Earth is a memoir by Anglo-Hungarian writer Arthur Koestler in which he describes his life in France during 1939-1940, the chaos that prevailed in France just prior to the outbreak of the Second World War and France’s collapse, his tribulations, internment in a concentration camp, and eventual escape to England, via North Africa and Portugal. ” before You Americans blame us.
“This Irish bitterness toward the English”….I have never detected in England (I am English) nor in Ireland, when we travelled to Dublin, which I would rate one of the friendliest cities in the world..
Maybe they just don’t like your own “Irish-American childhood in the northern Bronx” going to school with all these people we are not allowed to mention, otherwise, I completely agree with you Edward Curtin.
This evil did not come from us English.
Try checking out Americans, before you blame us English
We did not do 9/11, and we did not deliberatly commit genocide in Nazi German Land
My Dad fought against The German Nazis, and he is as English as me…
I am not suggesting us English are innocent…We are descended from the Romans..who treated us like slaves, but we did build fairly straight roads over mountains and stuff..
Wtf Did you Americans do, except bomb the shit out of every country you wanted to rape and steal…
Take a look at yourself, before you blame us…for This Evil
It’s a shame Chris Hedges didn’t follow through with ‘mutiny’ during the Scamdemic:
‘Mutiny was the only salvation for the Pequod’s crew. It is our only salvation. But moral cowardice turns us into hostages.‘
Hubris is the wilful exercise of power because you’re too big, too important or just too powerful to expect any consequences.
“Millions are impressed by the victories of power and take it for the sign of strength. To be sure, power over people is an expression of superior strength in a purely material sense. If I have the power over another person to kill him, I am “stronger” than he is. But in a psychological sense, the lust for power is not rooted in strength but in weakness.
It is the expression of the inability of the individual self to stand alone and live. It is the desperate attempt to gain secondary strength where genuine strength is lacking.The word “power” has a twofold meaning. One is the possession of power over somebody, the ability to dominate him; the other meaning is the possession of power to do something, to be able, to be potent. The latter meaning has nothing to do with domination; it expresses mastery in the sense of ability. If we speak of powerlessness we have this meaning in mind; we do not think of a person who is not able to dominate others, but of a person who is not able to do what he wants.
Thus power can mean one of two things, domination or potency. Far from being identical, these two qualities are mutually exclusive. Impotence, using the term not only with regard to the sexual sphere but to all spheres of human potentialities, results in the sadistic striving for domination; to the extent to which an individual is potent, that is, able to realize his potentialities on the basis of freedom and integrity of his self, he does not need to dominate and is lacking the lust for power. Power, in the sense of domination, is the perversion of potency, just as sexual sadism is the perversion of sexual love.”
~ Erich Fromm
Authority and Courage comes from within you, and hopefully what you learned fom your Mum and Dad…
Its knowing the difference between right and wrong, and sometime just saying No, despite the size of the opposition
I am 16 years old – we have CCTV, and you are not going to steal from me, nor the compamy I am working for.
They have trusted me, to do this job, and I am going to do it too the best of my ability.
I want to eat too.
My kid is the most honest person, I have met in my life, and he would risk his life to save you
ignorance is a demonic force and it can lead to many great tragedies. We cannot continue to be victims of our experience in a fake reality…it only serves them in our destruction. Consciousness is our ONLY salvation…
Never heard of him – and I’ve lived in Ireland for eighty years. Can you come up with someone who IS known?
Irish historian Cormac Ó Gráda rejected the claim that the British government’s response to the famine was a genocide and he also stated that “no academic historian continues to take the claim of ‘genocide’ seriously.
It’s expected of Academics and Historians to insist on
clear and precise definitions…
For The Proles it’s a words general use that matters…
But even then, in a conversation between two there’s
that third party – the media, informing the conversation,
twisting meanings (for political ends): A savage knife
attack, a stabbing in public, becomes a “terrorist” incident…
For a more informative insight to a policy which was also repeated in other parts of the British Empire, eg India.
This great calamity : the Irish famine, 1845-52 : Kinealy, Christine : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
It certainly looked like that to the English people who campaigned against the actions of the British government, organized relief and so on. I might not have been genocide by the strict modern definition of the word because the harm was caused by neglect rather than actively rounding up the surplus population and killing them but the effect was the same.
English landlords were exporting cash crops like barley even as the population starved.
“the harm was caused by neglect”.
The British elite “neglectfully”stationed over half the entire army at the time in Ireland:
At the center of it we find Henry Temple aka Lord Palmerston who… engineered both Opium Wars… went to war for Don Pacifico, a Rothschilds’ agent… was the first Zionist (or second if one includes Shaftesbury)… was the minister responsible for the introduction of mandatory smallpox vaccination…. even managed to kill millions from beyond the grave because he drove the 1839 Treaty of London which was Britain’s excuse for WW1… and was a high-ranking freemason. He also seems to have known Shakespeare was a fake.
No doubt the British elite also neglectfully cleared those Highlands and neglectfully presided over more than one mass famine in Bengal – despite the Rothschilds-controlled, Druidic-freemason monster Churchill being on record as saying he welcomed it to reduce population.
The British elite aren’t good people who keep accidentally presiding over mass exterminations because they somehow were looking the other way at the time. They weren’t helpless prisoners of free market dogma – they invented the “invisible hand” as a joke on the “hidden hand”. They hate the profane and think nothing of sacrificing large numbers in disguised rituals to whatever gods it is that they worship in their holy of holies.
pissing myself laughing