Humanity is Messy

Todd Hayen

One thing that really annoys me is this idealistic quest for a perfect society. Whether this quest comes from the ultra-religious or from the maniacs heading up the New World Order or even from average everyday folks who think that humans can all be herded into some ideal group of nice neighbourly Mr. Rogers types.

Even if that could be done it would be a bore. And any really serious effort to do so will quickly turn into totalitarian insanity. Isn’t that what we are seeing now? Everyone has some crazy idea that they know how people should be in a “good” world. Some of these people are nuts, granted, and we all know who those are. But there really are some good-intentioned people doing pretty much the same thing.

Human beings are messy. There really is no way you can get a bunch of them together, let alone 8 billion of them, and think you are not going to have criminals, crazy people, murderers, religious freaks, racists, misogynists, violent sociopaths, and all sorts of other shady shadowy folks amongst them. That’s humanity for you. It takes all kinds.

My fight for a “better world” doesn’t mean a fight for perfection. The only real tenet that I believe is foundational, is freedom—and more succinctly defined as freedom from tyranny. And, of course, working toward maintaining, or developing, a keen awareness of who we are as spiritual/physical beings. But even that is mostly a pipe dream. However, I think it is worth working toward. Anything else is futile nonsense. To be human we all possess a shadow side.

Being physical always carries a tension of the opposites. We live in a dynamic filled with paradoxes—there will always be clashes and conflicts. And as such, there will always be warriors to push the culture in one direction or the other. There will always be sides, and there will always be a cause to fight for.

To claim oneself to be a champion of humanity is to claim humans have the right to be human. This includes all of their little, and big, oddities. It does not mean that humanity should not work toward a “better” human, but this even has limits. What makes a human better? I don’t know if we can come up with an intellectual definition of “better”—which has been a huge part of our problem—the problem is that we keep thinking we can adequately define a “better” human. We must know in our hearts what is “better” (we already do know, through “consciousness of the heart”). We also must know in our hearts an understanding that “better” is flexible, and is more dependent on individual creativity than on a mass, rigid, consensus.

We can say that God tells us what is better, and I do agree this is true, but I don’t think He does so in words. I think He does this through His creation, in nature, in our hearts, and in the love we experience every day. He instills in us a willingness and desire to search out, in this sometimes-barren land of physical manifestation, the “better” we can see in potential, emanating out of all of it, particularly out of the other humans we experience around us.

Making the “machine” (the machine is, in part, the human body) better is not really the same. Trying to improve on God’s creation, if inspired by God, can be a noble, and a loving, cause. But we see very little of that in our world today. Technological advances are inspired by greed for money and power and very seldom inspired by love. Love has become a secondary incentive in today’s world. It no longer has the impetus it once had (maybe it never had all that much, but certainly more so than today). Love is now seen as a cruel joke by the powerful manipulators of our current apocalyptic world.

Here is a quote I found recently by an author named “A Lily Bit” and the article it is taken from can be found here:

“The battle is not over land or resources, but over the essence of what makes us human: our ability to think, feel and act freely. The elite’s goal is disturbingly straightforward: to hollow out the individual, leaving an empty shell while stripping away the soul.”

This sums up the current battle for humanity. If we win this battle, what are we then left with? If some think it will be a purely Christian world governed by an authoritarian “head of the church” then I suggest that is not really honouring the great varieties of human expression. If some think it will be a world of free human beings, free from global tyranny, and allowed to express and create within the confines of their own personal limitations, then they probably have a better idea of what humanity is all about.

I am not saying it would be a world free of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, or Hindus, on the contrary. It will be a world where humans can partake in their own personal journey of discovery—and in my view, this discovery would be the discovery of God in the variety of ways humans define God. Is this vision also too rigid? I don’t think so, because it leaves open to creativity the essence of human diversity. And in that diversity, all manner of expression will be found—and expressed!

Challenge and conflict is a mainstay of human existence. We need to allow humanity to continually express these challenges and conflicts, and their potential solutions—but in a free environment. It is important that humans retain access to their souls, and their innate sense of meaning and purpose. In this state of awareness, they can continue with their destiny. Unfortunately, this will be messy. There will always be a dark side to humanity. We are manifest beings living in a manifest world. It is impossible to live in that world without some darkness. That is the cost of being alive.

So, the battle we are currently engaged in is not a battle to win a utopian way of life where everyone is the same and is always loving, always peaceful, and always perfect in all ways. It is a battle for humanity—just as humanity is—messy.

A humanity where human beings can continue with God’s plan, and God’s grand experiment, free of the shackles put upon us by others—free to express and to create—free to choose if they wish to have families, relationships, and communities on their own terms, and to benefit individually and communally from their efforts. Free to be individuals, unique, diverse, and creative. Free to be human.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Categories: latest, opinion, Todd Hayen
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Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 30, 2024 2:48 AM

Despite the general anti God attitude in most people, its lifting and positive to see Mr. Todd Hayen, your article, get so much attention at 300 comments. Mankind need this attention.
Christ last words: “why have you forsaken me”? These words are our words, our question to God.
“Why were you not there in WWI or WWII or now in Gaza, or here where we struggle (on our cross) with deceases, corona, fake money, doubt, confusion, hate, anger, wars.”
“Why have you left us”?
But some of us know very well why God left us and why God doesnt look to our side and our smutty life.
We know, you know it, I know it, we know very well why God left us in our own mess!

Apr 29, 2024 9:49 PM

There’s nothing wrong with humanity. There’s an ancient, criminal cult in charge of all the world’s power structures who subjugate humanity unlawfully and must be exposed.

Some resources for those interested in the various mind control techniques used by the parasite class against the masses:

How Mass Media Shapes And Molds Society. 

Tavistock – The Best Kept Secret

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.

The Rape of the Mind. Merloo, MD. 

Mass Mind Control Techniques In America: includes NLP, Brainwashimg in Christian Revivalism, Conversion Technique, Cults, Persuasion Techniques, Pavlovian explanation etc. 

10 Modern Technological and Psychological Methods of Mind Control. 

Apr 29, 2024 6:18 AM

How to be Free though Digital. Free Software (as in free beer) for a Free People. By a pioneer of Libre Software.

Stallman’s message is, We old time mainframe programmers hackers used to share our software the way our biological ancestors used to share their DNA — for free.

What a contrast with today’s Nomocracy of Corporate Lawyers scheming to monetize and patent DNA — even human DNA.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 29, 2024 4:39 AM

What happened to the edit feature?

Wasn’t working, now totally gone.

Apr 28, 2024 8:33 PM

Re: Being human (having intellectual capacity) The first thing that people need to do is dispose of this human exceptionalism horseshit. Namely the overindulgence in the abstract and disregard for the concrete. Humans are integral part of the natural world and subject to physical laws like all other critters and all other forms of matter. What goes on in their fucked up heads notwithstanding, such as all this crap about whether god is this, that, or the other fucking thing. What is freedom. So on, so forth. At the bottom of everything is the natural world, its resources, and fucking energy, which is the absolutely essential ingredient, as it propels everything, keeps the world’s rouage in motion. What we’re witnessing right now – looking from a perspective of the human existence – is an overshoot. People have stumbled across an abundant source of juice (fossil fuels) and have been using them voraciously to provide themselves with unprecedented luxury and to reproduce themselves to grow into a gigantesque population. This a biological phenomenon that can happen to any species – what happens is that after consuming thus discovered resource, the species population grows in size, consumes everything, destroys its habitat, and goes extinct. This is happening to people now. It might take a while, but the process is in progress. The fact that most people are myopic fucks notwithstanding. So, humans allegedly have a developed intellectual capacity, eh? Thus far, they’ve mostly been using it to fuck things up, to hoard shit, to usurp more than thy brother. In doing so, the fuckers have been just about COMPLETELY DISREGARDING what the human enterprise is doing to the rest of nature’s constituents. Like other fucking species, for example. Motherfucking people think themselves exceptional (probably because the fucking Bible says that they should… Read more »

Apr 29, 2024 2:26 AM
Reply to  Sociopath

Your cynicism and irascibility are clouding your perspective Socio.

The two most rapacious consumers of energy on the planet are the MIC, owned by the Ruling Class, and international tourism, ‘owned’ by the insatiable middle class. Hundreds of millions of them.

Who’s gonna curb their appetites?

Reconnecting with nature will not happen until we reconnect with Love, Life and God (whatever God is).

Our collective ennui or search for meaning cannot be healed or filled with things, man made or natural.

Without Love we are lost.

And that’s as ‘concrete’ as it fucking gets.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 29, 2024 4:37 AM
Reply to  Johnny

I believe that’s a fake “Sociolog.”

Apr 29, 2024 6:21 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Every time I hear the word ‘love’, I cringe. Especially when used in a superficial manner, which is pretty much always the case. Like people who love fucking chicken wings or coffee. Fuck!!!!

Love is something one doesn’t yap about indiscriminately. Love is something one practices toward the object of his love. Love is often hard fucking work and a lot of sacrifice.


Apr 29, 2024 8:14 AM
Reply to  Sociopath

No superficialities here.

Love, with a capital L, is Love of other beings. It is perfectly legitimate to Love your dog, your cat, your garden or the natural world.

As I explained in an earlier post, Love has many facets. It’s okay to love (lower case l) your hobby, coffee, good food, music etc.

Granted, ‘reconnect’ was not a good way of describing it. Perhaps rediscovering or uncovering would be more correct. Because I agree that we ARE Nature and we have let ourselves be buried under the ignorance of the man made world.

Apr 29, 2024 8:53 AM
Reply to  Sociopath

Apparently we are the same person as paid shill! That’s hilarious, but because I swore I revealed myself as you in disguise!!! I just wanted to say I do essentially agree with you on many, but not all points. At least you can take on board the energetic and material resource downside of being ‘human.’ Nobody wants to acknowledge the really dark ‘shadow’ of actually extant ‘humanism’–‘renaissance’ or ‘enlightenment’ humanism–such is ongoing colonialism, exploitation, extraction, exhaustion and basically killing off anything worth living for. Advocating for rethinking the ‘human’ so that life can continue indefinitely makes me, sorry, us a sociopath. I’m even beginning to resonate with your pass-ag attitude. For the record, I did not start out that way. I came here because there are so few fora left that are not censored. Posting on ecologic sites is like talking to myself. I genuinely thought some people–who were not already convinced about our share ecologic tragedy and viability dilemma–would see the sense in ‘saving the earth’ as precisely the same as ‘saving the human’. Apparently not.

Apr 29, 2024 6:32 PM
Reply to  Bryan

“pre capita compared to fuck all. They make our shit for free” 

“You’re all fucking mad, batshit crazy, paranoid psychotics.”

Only one sociopath writes like that. We’ve all seen more than enough of your multiple personas, profanity, tantrums, tirades, lies, ad hominem, obfuscation, conflation, straw manning, a priori and reification fallacies. Repetition of mass media and military scripts is not discourse.

Do the world a favor and get off the internet. Save electricity, get a bullhorn and yell on a street corner somewhere else. Because that’s all you do here.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Apr 29, 2024 8:36 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yep. It was funny for a while.

Obviously, no partner. I just hope he doesn’t have pets.

Yikes !!

Apr 29, 2024 9:13 PM


The Jacques-Sociopath persona bragged about threatening his former professor with a baseball bat. Spoke in the most misogynistic and derogatory terms about women, even his own daughters. Sells/sold alcohol (poison) illegally from an unlicensed bar he claimed his “girlfriend” owns.

A true humanitarian. Lol.

Apr 30, 2024 8:15 AM

So which is it? Am I genuine or not? Are you and ‘Researcher’ sock puppets? Do you see how ludicrous this is and how quickly things degenerate?

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 29, 2024 11:58 AM
Reply to  Sociopath

No snowflake ever feels responsible for the avalanche

Apr 28, 2024 2:56 PM

Yep, Humanity is messy and I like being part of it. Thanks Todd for a great article.

Apr 28, 2024 1:43 PM

Humanity is messy–true. If I had to make a prediction if the “good guys” win–it would be that we go back to living small, local, analog lives. And we, or whoever is still around, will like that better than the global Tower of Babel.

Apr 28, 2024 12:52 PM

“The Zionist model is a great example for us!”
Only someone who doesn’t have a clue about
the last at least 2k years talks like that. Which
in turn is a strong indication of Zionist influence.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Apr 28, 2024 12:04 PM

Please remember, just before your government throws the switch on WW3 all the social, economic and health campaigns and legislation REALLY were for your benefit, to protect our most vulnerable members of the queue mew nity and to keep you safe.
It’s just that sometimes global thermonuclear war is the best thing to do.LOL. Now vote and really put some effort in this one

Apr 28, 2024 7:04 PM

97% safe and effective.
given to the old and disabled first.

Apr 28, 2024 11:27 AM

“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so… I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner! “This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico … They took us over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them.” “No, no, no, no,” [Carlos replies] “This is absurd don Juan. What you’re saying is something monstrous. It simply can’t be true, for sorcerers or for average men, or for anyone.” “Why not?” don Juan asked calmly. “Why not? Because it infuriates you? … You haven’t heard all the claims yet. I want to appeal to your analytical mind. Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradictions between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of his contradictory behaviour. Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of belief, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal.” “‘But how can they do this, don Juan? [Carlos]… Read more »

Apr 28, 2024 10:57 PM
Reply to  nagual

carlos castaneda, the humbug

Apr 29, 2024 5:50 AM
Reply to  nagual

Don Juan explained that (a) we increase or maintain sensation or awareness as much as and as long as we can (b) this accumulation evaporates at death, to be consumed by the Great Eagle.

Apr 28, 2024 9:22 AM

I wasn’t going to do this again, but now there are at least two others who are also sick to death of the “blame the elite” language-game (Howard, Sociolog… maybe a few more could visit artberman’s site and put this forum on a more solid material foundation?) FWIW: there is not just 8bn of us ‘out there’ right now. To account for technology and hydrocarbon power-density there is more like 800bn human equivalent workforce currently turning the planet to dust to fulfill our personalised ideals of being “human.” In geomorphic extension—of <human – hypertechnology – hydrocarbon> synergy—that is what the human actually is—“just as humanity is”—not merely ‘messy’ but actually annihilative; actively and eagerly consuming the foundations and reservoirs of life-itself. It is not anybody’s possessive form of plan but one’s own as aggregated up with all the energy and matter we have come to think we need to be ‘human.’ That is the cost of being alive. Instead of engaging with human actuality, mostly, people seem to want to actively deny that actually extant humanism entails ongoing imperialism, colonialism, racialised supremacism and planet-altering material extractivism happening right now. If not, we are phenomically hominin, not psychologically ‘human.’ Until there is a conscious downscaling of economic activity; to be human is to be engaged in life-threatening activity. If we spent just a fraction of the time and material resources we consumed in denial of such human actuality on working toward the sentiments expressed above, then maybe… just maybe… Whatever the human is, it’s actually happening folks and denial and ressentiment are merely self-absolution and enabling. Whatever the fuck this ‘humanity’ actively is required the near exhaustion of commonpool resources to be engaged in technical brutalism (Mbembe) against life and living. Brutalism is the mark of the human, not love, self-love… Read more »

Bored now
Bored now
Apr 28, 2024 10:18 AM
Reply to  Bryan

Please stop drinking the Agenda 21 Kool Aid. Your binary thinking; “economy or ecology” is exactly how the parasite class want us to think. Binary thinking is never helpful.
Your paranoid power projection that there is equivalent to 800 billion humans is just plain bizarre. Whilst I’m sure everyone here wants to live in harmony with the planet and recognises that the pollution and damage some companies inflict on the earth needs to stop I doubt your eugenics based theory that we all need to just stop all human activity in order to save the earth. You sound a touch hysterical to be honest my friend.

Apr 28, 2024 1:20 PM
Reply to  Bored now

In the past I’ve made clear how we can arrive at a hundredfold extension of hominin physicality with ease, not least that we consume 100m barrels a day. At 8y of human labour per barrel, that is a shit tonne of excess energy beyond our physical maximum. That is the aggregate logistics of everybody manifesting their own ideas of being ‘human’. Whether or not ‘we’ definitionally accept it or not. My point has always been that ‘we’ have no idea of what it takes to manifest ordinary everyday living.
Most people seem to think life is immaterial, when it clearly is not. I’ve also posted long and hard on that. Human civilisation is earth transformation accounting for 95.5% of the mammalian biomass… that’s a virtual monopoly humanisation of planetary ecology. In case of point: may of the researchers who collate this sort of ecologic are trying to STOP further humanisation. I’m particularly referring to Degrowth which is the very polar opposite of your paranoid agenda.
We are the parasite class but that is not necessarily stigmatising. We could reject the inherited economic ‘logic’ of the ‘human’–as homo kakoeconomicus–or we could enable it by shutting down alternative viewpoints with peurile ad hominins. Read the comments below to see what I mean.

Apr 28, 2024 11:19 AM
Reply to  Bryan

“Brutalism is the mark of the human”… what a stark sad starting viewpoint of humanity… as Todd says, we all have a shadow side, which we need to accept and practice self-awareness, in order to improve our wellbeing. I have worked in many countries and cultures and, at age 80, I can safely say that, while I have met both horrible people and amazing people, the good far outweigh the bad

Apr 28, 2024 1:37 PM
Reply to  Elixir

I made clear that it is not ‘humanity’, it is the opposite. You worked all over the world and never encountered racism, ongoing colonialism, extractivism and so on? All those foreign scholars, like Mbembe, must be lying? I’ll invoke Agamben’s distinction of “bare life” as hominid, biological, physical and the politically qualified “good life” (bios politikos) as human, psychological and metaphysical. It is a distinction of the human from the animal that goes all the way back to the Greeks. Arendt invoked the distinction as fundamental to the Human Condition. The ‘good life’ is the rejection of the animal body as ‘bare life’. The necessary condition of the biopolitical is in the completed rejection of the hominid body. The hominid body is disposable and killable means to the human ‘good life’. The hominid and animal lifeforms are unnecessary for the human market anthropology except as a sacrificial means of production. I guess you never saw any evidence of that on your travels? I did, not least in Soweto. I guess you see what you wanna see?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Apr 28, 2024 11:29 AM
Reply to  Bryan

Most of us just want to get on with each other and lend our neighbours a cup of sugar.

We do get a bit miffed when a cabal of psychopaths want to ruin our lives.

I suppose we’re just being selfish

Apr 28, 2024 1:47 PM

All this cabal of psychopaths is projected paranoia, you know that? As I have alluded to again above, the monumentality of the human-specific economic endeavor is mind-boggling. Human-specific activity is going on across the entire habitable surface of the planet and the net effect is making it less habitable moment-by-momentum. Literally, how on earth is that possible for a cabal of psychopaths? And how does the hallucinosis of psychopathic figment of imaginability help in any way? It doesn’t. It enables the very worst scenario as an ineffective masking strategy. I’d call that more than selfish, wouldn’t you?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Apr 28, 2024 3:28 PM
Reply to  Bryan

Take the lockstep covid reaction by governments around the world as an example.

If you don’t see that as an example of an evil, co-ordinated attempt at global control then I can’t help you.

Nobody can.

Apr 28, 2024 6:37 PM

I produced data to show that in terms of energy and material consumption “lockdown did not happen”, not in the way conspiracy theorists made out. The human economy used 100bn barrels a day in 2018 that did tail off. Remember, they could not give it away? As far as other raw materials were concerned, there was local increase in consumption which I theorised as consumer boredom from being at home. All in all, primary raw energy and raw matter barely dipped and was soon on the rebound. in other words the entire human economy carried on consuming our resource base as barely interrupted… coitus interuptus as a method of human planning is on course for the ultimate failure.

My broader point as always is against the intolerance of disparate views. Right now, the human is at its peak of material and ideal knowledge production. Read the comments and weep. The whole earth is in turmoil as a sacrificial offering to human intelligence… “What a piece of work is the human… paragon of the animals?”

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Apr 28, 2024 7:50 PM
Reply to  Bryan

Yeah. I get that. Too many people want luxury life.

Tell that to the families having 15 kids they can’t afford in shithole countries that UN now want us to subsidise and pay reperations to.

That we allowed lockdown to happen, even once, proved that we are fucked. Regadless of what the “statistics”might suggest.

You can spout your pseudobabble as much as you like but you can’t deny that we’ve all but surrendered to the criminal cabal that doesn’t exist (according to your ‘data’)

Apr 29, 2024 8:36 AM

If you cannot see the actually incomprehensible complexity of human activity, no one can make you, but a top-down control system would have to be computationally larger than the activity and that is a biophysical impossibility. The actual permutations of human activity right now are incomputable, they can only be distributed as in situ self-controlled. The human economic system is irreducibly complex without a central or ‘godlike’ hierarch. The plan and its execution is our own. The parameters of the plan are institutionalised by generations before us. We inherited an institutionalised system working to its maximum… because it ‘worked’ before is a very unsafe assumption on which to base future viability. It ‘worked’ for some in the highly developed core countries by exploiting the Rest, in the very poor countries. Those at the top of the tree economically want to stay there, but we cannot. The human system will not support this level of overdevelopment for much longer. It was not a good system for the supermajority of lesser humans who ever lived and was a disaster for biodiversity. If you do not agree with these facts about the world, fine. But if you want me to be scientific, I can inundate you with the empirical ‘data’ cos that is one thing the ‘human’ is good at… but the ‘cabal’ wants to continue to grow and the ‘data’ contradicts even the ill-founded possibility of continual growth, hence I support Degrowth which is diametrically opposed to the ‘cabal.’ The intolerance levels round here are out of the bounds of any rational or reasonable debate. Yes, I have been posting here on and off since the start cos it used to be a mild mannered place to post. Now its fucking tribal… oh, no… I switched to my alter-ego! Talk about toxic… Read more »

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Apr 28, 2024 10:18 PM

6uild 6ack 6etter
Satan’s little darlings..

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Apr 28, 2024 7:53 PM
Reply to  Bryan

How can I downvote this 100 times?

Apr 28, 2024 10:19 PM

Bryan is Sociopath in a different sock puppet persona. He slipped up further down and swore again as usual. For absolutely no reason.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Apr 28, 2024 10:45 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I think they are legion.
Jacques uses French Canadian idioms, tabernac etc. Socco is Jacque’s alter ego with some hints of Canadianism but Bryan’s style is pseudoscientific.

Two options:

1/ There is one clever Jeckyll and Hyde character.

2/ There are three idiots.

I’m going with option 2

Apr 29, 2024 6:27 PM

I know that psychopath and his inane scripts. And he’s NOT French Canadian, only claimed to have lived there a briefly in the “Jacques” persona.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 28, 2024 12:42 PM
Reply to  Bryan

There are legitimate environmental concerns. Strangely enough the controllers are not concerned about those, since it is the corporations they work hand in hand with, that are responsible for the environmental damage. For example the 2000 chosen corporate partners of the WEF.

Instead, they went with the anthropogenic climate change scam to usher in their vision of future control, namely UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030.

Have you met any middle class Indians and Chinese living in their respective countries? You think Western consumers are bad, the Chinese and Indians are even more materialistic and obsessed by money.

The roughly 1.4 billion in each of those two countries alone are not going to take kindly to being told that they cannot aspire to a Western standard of living.

The consumerist, materialist genie was let out of the bottle by the controllers in the first place, and now they are trying to stuff it back in. Of course, those rules will not apply to them or their families nor their minions.

“Rules for thee but not for me.” Good luck with selling that to the masses.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Apr 28, 2024 12:50 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I have met ‘middle class’ Indians in India and you are 100% correct.

Apr 28, 2024 2:00 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I’m inclined to agree. Most Africans want cars is what I was told once. Recently I did link to recent research that shows poverty is increasing in India and China. In fact they did not really have poverty before. Think Ghandi’s “fortress village” and compare with forcing the entire Dalit class off the land and into poverty. Poverty that is enforced in inverse proportion to the human good life.
Legitimate environmental concerns extend to the fact that the humanisation of the earth is all but completed, close to the limit-situation of the earth’s reserves. My point is that there needs to be a fully informed debate about what it actually means to be ‘human.’ Cos what it meant up to now is positively inhuman. I am not going to convince anybody, I’m well aware of that, but the facts are the facts. The only rational appraisal is Degrowth if and when we come to our senses and stop playing blame language-games.

Apr 29, 2024 6:43 AM
Reply to  Bryan

“My point is that there needs to be a fully informed debate about what it actually means to be ‘human.’”

That debate is long overdue. Meanwhile without feeling any embarrassment, the Godless Humanists have slipped in the word “human” as a substitute for the words “good” or “God”. One cannot blame Humanism, because traditional Bantu use the word Ubuntu (fellow feeling) in the same sense of approval.

Remember that our little planet is but a little speck in The Creation:

“Did He who made the Lamb make Thee” — Wm.Blake

Apr 29, 2024 9:15 AM
Reply to  NickM

I always wondered what that sticker on my laptop meant! It’s the operating system I have been working for years! “All humanisms are failed Gods” (Derrida)… or something like it, from the essay “The Near End of Man”… the ‘human’ is an economic entity and not a biological living thing but its rejection! Humanism is barbarism and all the ‘savage’ and ‘primitives’ were killed off or assimilated or ‘humanised.’

Re: any ‘debate’ is futile given the partisan an proto-fascist tendencies of the next ‘humanism’ to emerge. I did a long post last week on the origin of the term ‘human’ that ended in cyberspace. It’s a roman tranlsation of the greek paideia which means education, as in encyclopaedia (enkyklios paideia); ergo: we are never naturally ‘human’ until fully entrained. It seems most people here were fear conditioned by Pavlov himself! Apparently I’m a paid sociopath, how do we debate with that?

Apr 29, 2024 3:02 PM
Reply to  Bryan

““All humanisms are failed Gods” (Derrida) or….”

I am grateful for that pithy quote, which neatly summarises my vague opinion that modern moralists are trying to push the concept of “humanity” further than it can bear. Humankind are one species out of millions that have arisen on this amazing planet in the vast mysterious Universe. The concepts that lie behind the words God and Good (or their Buddhist equivalent) cover a greater ground than the concept of our own species.

For me, Humanism reached its peak in the sceptical yet kindly attitude of Montaigne:

“Sit we ever so high, we sit only on our own rear ends”.

Apr 29, 2024 3:43 PM
Reply to  Bryan

ps Re your remark:

paideia [Greek for child]; ergo: we are never naturally ‘human’ until fully entrained [potty trained?]. It seems most people here were fear conditioned by Pavlov himself! Apparently I’m a paid sociopath, how do we debate with that?”

I do not think we are sociopaths in sometimes swimming against the tide, and I agree that approval ratings (upticks and downticks) sometimes reflect a degree of mental conditioning among the readership. In spite of “Pavlovian conditioning by fear”, public opinions can change under pressure of competing opionions, and I have followed Off long enough to notice such shifts among the readership of OffG,

The value of OffG (apart from the moral integrity, intelligence and writing skills of its staff) is that OffGuardian genuinely follows the policy that is written on its Free Speech banner. Througout many a stiff confrontation with Admin, hardly any of my posts have been “Lost in Cyber Land”.

Apr 28, 2024 5:13 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

aye, fair point, but as ever, individual integrity seems to miss you and your ilk. that’s what actually matters, having a REAL clue and giving a real fuck.

now, go get your ” i can use as many resources as i want as long as i pay for it ” booster upgrade app so you can continue to consume without conscience.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 28, 2024 7:07 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

How do you know what I consume in terms of resources?

Perhaps, you consume more resources than I do.

I can afford to buy crap that I don’t need or will never use but actually choose not to. ‘Choose’ being the operative word.

My choice is not determined by a gaggle of globalist hypocrites flying from one wankfest to another in private jets preaching to the rest of us how to live, while living in ostentatious luxury and gobbling up more resources per capita than 99.9pc of humanity.

The more those wankers preach, the more ordinary people will reject their hypocrisy.

Since you “have a REAL clue”, you could start lecturing to those with not a pot to piss in, especially in the Global South, by reminding them that they should stay that way and ‘not to get ideas above their station’ with regards to improving their lot in life.

Apr 28, 2024 7:51 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Since you did not ask, the way statistics work is its pretty hard to tell who consumes what… lies, damn lies… but we in the Global North do consume a lot more ‘on average’. That’s about ~27 tonnes pre capita compared to fuck all. They make our shit for free and send their unpaid labour to us ready embodied in consumer commodities… also for free. That does not even begin to register here. Most of the people on this forum are calling that ‘human’. I could think of many other words.

Degrowth means we consume less so they can consume more. It is about real, not symbolic, “levelling up.” If ‘we’ consumed less there would not be globalised poverty. They are poor cos we are ‘human.’ De-development as some people are now calling it–because Degrowth is anti-human, allegedly–means cutting back on the shite we throw away as we dump most of what is produced in indentured slavery by disposable subhumans for free. For a laugh, I posted that cancelling Christmas would end absolute poverty. It would, but it did not.

Unfortunately, our consumer choices do not have the impact you suggest. You and me and others who live frugally are statistical anomalies, outliers smoothed out of the charts. Nor do the ‘globalists’ account for human consumptogenesis… ‘they’ are too few. It’s the top ten percentile of humanity that overconsumes, tailing off to the twenty percentile. In that bracket falls ALL ‘human’ overconsumption (Rees et al). That’s right, 80% of humanity are less human than the rest. Why take that on board when there is space to indulge in comsumptive fantasy? That is why the Rest are subjected to racialised inhumanity, so ‘we’ can be conscience free to be ‘human.’

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 28, 2024 8:24 PM
Reply to  Bryan

I essentially agree with you. I also realise the 0.1% (8 million or so – perhaps a few more) are small in number and it really is the top 20pc of the world’s consumers using too many resources by primarily buying shit they don’t need, don’t use or throw away after a short while. That is morally wrong.

The problem is we live in a throw away culture made worse by built in obsolescence. Remember the days when a washing machine lasted for 20 years? When people bought furniture built to last and of high quality? Not chuck away MDF rubbish from Ikea.

So, yes, consumers can make a choice to consume less but manufacturers need to play ball too but making quality products made to last.

Finally, advertising is the real issue. Military grade propaganda designed to make people feel inadequate if they don’t have the latest gadget, car, fashions and accessories etc.

I cannot speak for other people here but I imagine most are not glutinous consumers for the sake of it, but are merely fed up with being attacked by the Malthusians and eugenicists who run this shit-show of a “realm”, who in reality either want us dead or transhumanised and uploaded into the cloud.

Apr 28, 2024 9:49 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

so what is your point? or did you just become an og attack dog for the sake of it? do you really think people overconsume purely because they have been conditioned so?? gtf, again denying personal responsibility.
otherwise, where is our disagreement?
bye the way, most people are selectively glutinous consumers, they just karen/ken themselves that they are not, ’cause they bought the dearer brand.

pick your enemies more wisely.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 29, 2024 6:14 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

I agreed with the post of yours to which I responded. I do not agree with all you posts – same as anyone else.

Personal responsibility is important and I have said so in the past regarding other issues. However, conditioning is also a part of it. It does not have to be one or the other. Again, another binary.

You seem to think no one runs this world from some of your other posts. Which makes them similar to Socio’s viewpoint.

“Enemies”? you said. I choose my enemies wisely, as I do my friends. Thanks for your concern.

If you are being paid by the post, I hope it pays well !

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 29, 2024 6:19 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I thought your comment to me was from Bryan so scratch the comment about being paid to post.

Apr 28, 2024 10:24 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Bryan = Sociopath.

He uses multiple faux personas here, always has.

You didn’t notice the profanity and the faux obsession with energy? Self employed, no way. He’s being paid by the post.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 29, 2024 6:03 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I did notice but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I thought it was an commenter with a similar opinion. Thanks for the heads up.

Apr 29, 2024 7:59 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

You see my point now? Anybody who dissents from the ‘cabal of psychopaths’ psychosis is working for ‘them’ and being paid. Do you not see how psychotic that is? All I’ve ever posted are matters of fact about the world which you briefly seem to share above, now I’m a paid plant-pot, a sociopath and so on?

The ‘human’ is an economic totality consuming resources faster and faster until there will be nothing left, whichever is tangible in geologic time. We’ve got enough resources for about another decade or so, but anybody who says we ought to consider longer term viability is a paid shill?

You’re all fucking mad, batshit crazy, paranoid psychotics. Everyone here is in the top percentiles of material wealth ever created and look at the paranoid psychosis that entails. The current author blithely dropped his earning potential some while back which would place him in the top percentile OF ALL TIME. If you cannot see through this self-justifying, I can. I’m not a robot, I’m a person who wants life to continue to flourish indefinitely, which it can without the excesses of human economic consumptogenesis and psychosis.

Apr 29, 2024 8:11 AM
Reply to  Bryan

BTW: I don’t know what the other catcaller’s problem with energy is, life is a flow of energy (en-ergon)… a purposeful flow… some might call it “mindful”… all ancient wisdom comes from this long before we discovered ATP… all life is a surplus energy ecology and ‘we’ squander ours to become more ‘humanised’ as self-domesticated… denying that is not the same as denying life or embodiment… the ‘human’ gave up society to become more individuated as ‘human’…. that’s high-functioning sociopathy for you!

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 29, 2024 10:31 AM
Reply to  Bryan

Your writing style is different from other posters so I am inclined to believe you are another genuine poster.

However, after Covid-1984 and the lockstep actions of regimes around the world and the push to inject a dangerous product into humanity for a fake pandemic, how can you argue that there is not a controlling agenda at play?

There is a ‘cabal of psychopaths’ following the playbook of a Malthusian and eugenicist ‘cult’. Members of this ‘cult’ have expressed their desire to cull the human ‘cattle’ on numerous occassions verbally, and in books and articles they have written. One even wanted to return, if reincarnated, as a virus to do do it, and another wrote a book called “The virus’. I am sure you know both of who, I am referring to.

Making excuses for them or aligning yourself with them, is not going to help your case regarding resource consumption.

Apr 30, 2024 8:09 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I know it gives me no special rights, but I’ve been posting on and off almost since the start. I’m not aligned with anyone in particular, and I don’t care if it sounds pretentious or not: I’m aligned with life. As I am pointing out degrowth is the opposite of the ‘cabal’s agenda’. How is that aligned by pointing the other way?

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 30, 2024 4:44 PM
Reply to  Bryan

Degrowth is exactly the agenda of the controllers.

Reducing population and the removal of individual property rights to arrive at “you will own nothing and be happy”.

The planned techno neo-feudalism is not about raising living standards or even just maintaining them.

Unless, you meant SOLELY from the perspective of the controllers, their preferred corporate partners and their underlings. They will experience growth by owning (stealing) all the resources and tangible assets.

Apr 28, 2024 9:41 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

carry on,

you miss the point with ostentatious wankfesting examples. lets blame wankfesters rather than our own conduct, eh? chickens, eggs and the self justifying clueless. That category are no better than the fat controllers you seek to blame.

never mind the wankers telling you what to do, what do you do?

what do most people do? consume and make excuses for their consumption (habits). Show me, please show me how wrong that truth is (oops, this is og!). And there it is.

I piss in the wind, where’d you afford that pot, you wasteful consumer?

Apr 29, 2024 5:55 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Collectivism and autocracy is not only immoral it’s the real problem.

“Ken/Karen” are still under heavy mind control, constantly nudged, but unwitting participants. Only once awake and aware, can they use free will and take personal responsibility. Otherwise they wouldn’t be injecting themselves and their children with poison.

It’s more productive to inform people how mind control works, its purpose (greater wealth, power and control for the parasite class over the taxed, debt slave class) than castigating the slaves. Deprogramming takes time.

The parasite class seeks to divide us, then victim blame. It’s their MO throughout history. That’s what Sociopath-Bryan-Howard is/are doing. 100% lies and hypocrisy.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 28, 2024 6:37 AM

God is a physical law too. God is spiritual law. God is electricity, God is the day, God is the night, God is the moon, God is the sun, God is the universe, God is every little stone. God is gravity, God is everything.

God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ Exodus 3:14.

Some musicians who have read the bible and understood: https://youtu.be/3KDnVPY4xgo

Thus no one can or should be of any doubt of who this entity is and what name this entity has.
No more bs about Joshua, Jehova, Jahve, Shiva, Buddha, Hare krisna, Ra,Light Bringer, Lucifer, Elohim, Allah, xxxx.

I AM everything physical and spiritual is God’s name!

Even then when everything thus is clear and logic, you dumbheads here will fock it up and blame God and the Elite and me that you STILL dont understand it. Come on with your thumbs down.

Apr 28, 2024 6:34 AM

Let’s take a step back and analyze the gist of what most contributors to this rather phantasmagorical freak show croak about. The message is: Evil must be fought until it’s eradicated whereupon Paradise will ensue for ever and ever and natural human beings, as opposed to the allegedly psychopathic allegedly unnatural ones, will live a life of harmony and cooperation (and sexual freedom as commenter Veri Tas suggests, presumably fucking each other at will behind the nearest bushes or hourly hotel) It appears that this illusion, this utopia, this notion that perfection will one day be achieved is the root cause of all the world’s fuckups. Instead of accepting the fact that there is rain, there is shine, there is good, there is bad, and instead of going with the flow, living in harmony with the outer world, people are forever tinkering with shit, trying “to make things better”, whereby they fuck up more than they achieve. Sure, endeavoring to prevent crap from happening makes sense. To an extent. Operating based on the idea that one day, the words bad and evil will be deleted from the lexis doesn’t. It only makes things more complicated, which is equal to more fragile and more fucked up. Less freedom too. Perhaps it’s time to realize that there is no final victory, that existence is an eternal struggle and that the more effort there is to eradicate evil, the fiercer fight evil will put up. After all, COVID is a case in point. The medical profession tries so hard to rid people of all ills that it goes way fucking overboard, as we have all seen in the past few years. If anybody is about to succumb to the irresistible urge to claim that it’s all fault of the powers that shouldn’t be,… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 28, 2024 7:29 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

So it’s come to this now. When we have been subjected to the greatest assault we’ve seen in our lifetimes, a range of the biggest and most aggressive psy-ops, and a huge depopulation programme, you are now playing the old “Ah but you lot want Utopia” card. As if objecting to being killed was “wanting too much”?

And look here:

“After all, COVID is a case in point. The medical profession tries so hard to rid people of all ills that it goes way fucking overboard, as we have all seen in the past few years.”

COVID was a case of those awfully nice medical people “going overboard” with their “helpfulness”?

You really are a total fucking shill for the parasite class.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 28, 2024 7:32 AM
Reply to  George Mc


“As Klaus and Kill say, we’re in it all together.”

I reckon your two up votes are from Klaus and Kill.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 28, 2024 8:16 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Big ‘harma were only trying to help when they produced, or should I say acted as the frontmen/shop window for a DARPA global gene therapy experiment to protect the sheeple from a non-existent ‘novel virus’.

Companies like Pfizer wanted to help so much that they were given immunity from prosecution or legal claims for any harms done. To protect the public even further they felt it best to conceal any trial information for 75 years and redact vast amounts of data when forced to reveal said documents.

Then the medical frontline staff just got a bit over zealous when they went jab crazy for $$$ each time they stuck a needle in the arm of some poor sucker. As side effects and injuries became known the poor helpful medical staff were “baffled by the cause”.

It was all just a misunderstanding from those who love kittens and help old ladies cross the road.

Apr 28, 2024 8:06 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

If Folks choose to vent their spleens on this, or any forum, why not let them be? It beats bottling it up, hitting someone or kicking the dog.

You are here venting your anger Socio. Do you feel better, lighter, unburdened, after your spiels.
Perhaps you vent through your music. Not everyone can do that.

Doctor, heal thyself ?

In the end, as individuals, we have no authority to change anything but ourselves.

In the end, Love and happiness are the only things that really matter.

Apr 28, 2024 11:34 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

The medical profession in the form of white coats, hospitals and so on, was never about ridding people of all ills, but about managing those ills profitably.

otherwise your comment is the usual contrarian garbage that I shouldn’t respond to.

Apr 28, 2024 3:03 AM

Hasn’t NASA recently called religious leaders together to discuss ET disclosure and how that would affect the religious beliefs of their congregations; or, is it to modify belief systems to fit new world order with one world religion.

Apr 28, 2024 8:32 AM
Reply to  Frances

Why did NASA & co hid ET evidence? To prevent “the Russians” from stealing “US” thunder again, as with their Atomic bombs. As if the Russians needed more material.
Why are they coming out of this ET closet now? Failing to copy much ET tech combined with timing of this News.

No worries, these ETs are 4 feet or less tall, physically weak, look quite humanoid – forget Star Wars stuff – and pretty benign compared to Joe Biden or Xi Jinping. They seem to want to prevent nuclear disasters on Earth, good on them.
ETs or ATs = Ancient Terrestrials?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 28, 2024 2:01 PM
Reply to  antonym

They seem to want to prevent nuclear disasters on Earth, good on them.

Probably because they want to protect their food supply.

Apr 28, 2024 11:38 AM
Reply to  Frances

There is no need to fuss about it, since the “congregations” already believe in any amount of nonsense. One world religion is already here : the internet and The Science.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 28, 2024 2:02 PM
Reply to  nagual

One world religion is already here : the internet and The Science.

But there are still heretics to be converted, and if necessary, purged.

Apr 28, 2024 1:28 AM

A CIA wannabe and an hyper ambitious type who is doing some digital dirty work for the PTB:


Apr 28, 2024 4:27 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Delete ‘an’.

Apr 28, 2024 12:08 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Of the remaining 197.3 million unadministered doses, the DOH advised that approximately 53 million doses have been donated as foreign aid.

“Foreign aid” is sending out millions of doses of poison to 3rd world puppet governments to give to their subjects. Nice.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 28, 2024 1:13 AM

I agree that the only thing we can ever hope to achieve is freedom. But I also believe that much of the psychopathy can be eliminated if the psychos were to have grown up WITH freedom.

Years ago, I read some stuff from long-ago anthropologists who studied societies untouched by “civilisation” (IMO, ‘taming’) whose teens grew up with a healthier sense of sexuality, than our western take on sexuality, and the whole society was peaceful overall precisely because their culture was one of live and let live. I think that’s the recipe for healthy society.

Apr 28, 2024 5:22 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Guilt is a primary means of “civilised” control. Fear and brute force remain waiting in the shadows.

Apr 28, 2024 6:01 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

It would behoove you to have a crack at roughly defining what FREEDOM is. You’re talking about mental, spiritual, intellectual freedom? Physical freedom in the sense of being able to do whatever the fuck you want? Sociopolitical freedom? Some other freedom? Like sexual freedom, which might presumably mean that you’re free to fuck anybody you happen to have the hots for on sight? I wonder!

I assume that you’re Australian, but even if you were from any of the other English-speaking countries, you certifiably have more, or at least as much, freedom than what most people have had throughout human history. Objectively. That doesn’t necessarily apply to your mind which is constrained alright, as manifested by your croaking about a lack of freedom.

I agree though that the occidental sense of sexuality is fucked up to say the least. Probably because of the fucking religion that has made sex taboo. The anglo world is the worst offender. Just look at the sick transmotherfuckers! That’s the ultimate craze!

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 28, 2024 10:55 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

I mean freedom from control by others, nothwithstanding appropriate guidance by adult parents while growing up.

In a general sense, I let myself be guided by Natural Law principles – first do no harm, etc., cf Mark Passio’s lectures, they’re spot on IMO.

It is definitely not doing whatever one wants. The delineation between one’s actions and self-control should in my opinion always be the point at which another living being’s rights and freedom begin.

Apr 29, 2024 6:25 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

In you own convoluted way, you’re saying pretty much the same as I do.

Absolute freedom must be counterbalanced by absolute restrain. Autrement dit, the degree of freedom must be commensurate with the degree restrain. The restrain must come from within you. People must understand this equation. That’s the only sustainable way. This is simple math or simple physics – shit gotta be kept in equilibrium,

Apr 27, 2024 10:50 PM

This is Craig Murray – Rock Star

comment image

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 27, 2024 10:40 PM

Regret to say reality maybe is a bit more cruel. The bible says clearly man and woman were kicked out from paradise as none-due.

After the first 5-6 generations lived 700-1000 years of age, God found we were not worth of being tested out other than within a 80-100 years of age.

After Christ there is really only one test: Do you by free will and heart believe in Christ’s words and the Commandments, or do you by heart belong to the beast. Its a choice, and Its really that simple.

It does not look like God has any especial expectations to us to seek our deep deep own potential and living my personal Hollywood movie out here on earth.  😅 

Apr 28, 2024 12:09 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

The bible says clearly you are a slave to jehovah.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 28, 2024 2:20 PM
Reply to  nagual

The bible says clearly God repented he had made a specie like you.
But it also says he took up the challenge.

Apr 27, 2024 10:25 PM

The world is messy, hopefully from birth as you grow up and mess with paints – sploginess abounds colours everywhere – cos you are with your friends making a mess..and when you get home even your mum tries very hard to tell you off, but can’t stop laughing

So I sent a letter to Craig Murray..

Craig – You are Currently one of the most important people in the World…I wish I had met you (nearly did).

How come no one else in the world – can say it like you?

You just have so much Courage…I always thought you were Good, but now I am in Awe…

Lets hope we can turn this horrror around, and get the Criminals on Trial and in Jail

So We can Celebrate Life and Families – Back to Normal

God Bless You,



Big Al
Big Al
Apr 27, 2024 10:20 PM

It’s interesting to me how many who don’t believe a damn thing otherwise, somehow believe in something that can’t be proven to exist, i.e., God.

I think it’s more of a battle for freedom, not humanity. Humanity defined as “compassionate, sympathetic, or generous behavior or disposition; the quality or state of being humane“, is something to strive for, but the battle is against the rich fuckers that rule us and want to do even more than that (to us). I’m all for taking them down, man.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Apr 27, 2024 6:59 PM

There is a rather narrow statement ‘politics is the art of the possible’.

My view is that humanity is the art of the possible.

Every human being has different possibilities, there’s no getting away from that. The possibilities of a kid born into riches are different to the possibilities of a Palestinian orphan whose parents were killed by Israeli bombs. Etc etc etc.

The best we can do is to divine what is possible for us as individuals, both in terms of personal achievements but also in our contribution to the collective.

If we do that successfully, chances are that we will feel that our life has been worthwhile.

Sometimes the possible for one individual is making something possible for others coming afterwards.

The possible isn’t what the media tell you is possible, it is what life’s experience teaches you is possible…..

Apr 27, 2024 6:34 PM

God gave us free will but clearly God has a design, an order. The further we stray from that order the worse the world gets.
It really is that simple if you haven’t worked this out by now you are basically contributing to the problem.
Why complain about trans being pushed? Because its an intentional, demonic inversion of nature.
Well if you think freedom has no limits then you should have no problem with this.
But if you do have a problem you must admit it’s because its going against the natural order. God’s natural order.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Apr 28, 2024 6:41 AM
Reply to  Paul

We now live in an inverted world where good is bad and right is wrong.
We have strayed too far from the tenets of our Juedo Christian heritage and therefore a relationship with God.
Spiritually bankrupt people driven exclusively by instincts and desires.
The agenda of the elites is anti humanity and anti Christian.
A massive moral vacuum exists today in the youth which is being filled with woke ideology and CC hysteria.
It’s not God that has moved, it’s mankind and the result is now clear for us all to see.

“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance—that principle is contempt prior to investigation”
Herbert Spencer

Apr 28, 2024 6:54 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Leave the god shit out of it and you’re spot on.

I’ve listened to a philosopher/historian a little while ago, and he said that the INVERSION of the values and founding principles of a civilization was one of the signs that preceded the civilization’s collapse. Ain’t that the case today, eh!

Historically speaking, the collapse can occur in various ways. The civilization can go up in smoke or disappear. Or reset itself, find a new lease on life.

You could say, somewhat heretically, that the klaus schwabs and kill gates of the world are trying to reset the civilization, while the inane yapping that things ain’t what they used to fucking be of such people as commenters on this forum would result in the civilization’s quiet disappearance. Then, there are the militant motherfuckers who think that war will resolve things, who would, and might, blow this whole fucking circus up.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Apr 28, 2024 8:23 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

You make many good points on your posts. Perhaps a few too many swear words but each to their own 😉
As a previous fully paid up atheist I cannot ignore the existence of God.

If you genuinely seek God you will find Him.
He comes to all who earnestly seek Him.
Or as Herbert Spencer says in his quote- you can remain in everlasting ignorance…

Apr 28, 2024 9:33 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Do you believe in God, i.e. creation? Or not?

Apr 27, 2024 5:41 PM

What annoys us reveals our attachment to ideas or ideals as to what we want anything to be. So it also offers feedback to otherwise hidden facets of our core beliefs and self definition.
The current milieu is a physically bound determinism – which is another way of stating life is war – thus all else an illusion or coping mechanism for virtual escape at cost of experiential honesty. Thus a world in which broad spectrum dominance subverts and subjects all else to war – by manipulating the ‘weakness’ of the masses for illusions of escape or false victory by which to capture their minds under fear and pain of loss of protections that in truth protect or mask as concealment of war and subjection.

Go forth and multiply does not stipulate what your devotions shall be, but a house divided cannot stand – you could call that an evolutionary dead end. Truth is whole in all its parts – our physical model and mind-adaptation cannot bring this into definition or possession and predictability or control – so it is discarded for the winning of whatever can be used to boost a sense of control for the mindset of need-driven self-lack

Thus even -or especially- narrative dominance epitomises the struggle for power against fear of pain of loss as existential override.
Mythic representations for our experience preceded yet still underlie our rationalised self-justifictions. yet we are not the ‘self-in-story’ if we can also observe that self in act. This is key to releasing a mis-taken identity complex – along with all the cascade or its derivative distortions.

I join with the sharings of others as an active interest in the themes raised. The themes are living issues of our time – however we may currently frame them.

Apr 27, 2024 4:22 PM

Hmm. “Continue with God’s plan…” and “free to choose….” If ever there were two diametrical opposites, there they are. Who’s to say it’s “God’s plan” for humans to be “free to choose?” Who’s to say God is not some malevolent being eager to have humans strive for goodness then arranging to have their quest thwarted? I’ve always maintained that the ancient “pagans” has a much clearer understanding of “God” than we modern “believers.” For the most part, they didn’t believe for a second that their gods were “good.”

As an atheist, I don’t have to deal with the “messy” attempt to sort out God’s good qualities and assign all the bad ones to a “devil.”

Apart from that, the least possible “messy” paradigm for a fairly decent human society would be the proverbial “golden rule.” Imagine if people only did to others what they would wish to be done to themselves. The world still wouldn’t be perfect but it would be a hell of a lot better than this horror show we now have.

But I certainly agree that humans are infinitely imperfect. And you know what? I believe it for real, not just for convenience. Which is why I have only contempt for the view so prevalent in this forum that it’s ALL the fault of the “leaders” and not the people themselves.

Apr 27, 2024 5:16 PM
Reply to  Howard

Oh I don’t know – maybe your idea of freedom is an ignorance delivering slavery. Insofar as a choice becomes lockdown to a masking and distancing identity set in adversity – yet still your freedom to choose to rollercoaster in or release to fresh choices. Are you ‘free’ to accept a fresh perspective of is some external agency denying you? (I accept that we externalise our own conflicts as a way to ‘explore, resolve or persist in them). Maybe your idea of a God is filtered through the sense of power or powers by which life and world are shaped to meanings, functions or entities. Believers who know not what they think are ruled unwittingly to see only as their core definitions (largely subconscious or unconscious) determine, rule or filter. You/we are then in a sense free to run on habits – AS IF – an autonomous agent, but the bubble pops when the conditions no longer support the habit. I accept that what Man makes of God or Evolution or any other Name taken in vain runs a mythic backstory for a masking character in a re-enactment of Separation trauma – in ‘solutions’ that merely persist or reset the pattern, but I wont throw out the baby with the bathwater. If there is no choice but through intuitive faith or belief in freedom despite current mindset – then that is not a masking belief – unless we see a masking from gaslighting coercions as protecting a true-grounded relational consciousness. The ancients experienced a completely different world in which religion was one with experience – including much we now judge barbaric or cruel – nor was it concerned with moral good in the manner we now rationalise it. The Golden Rule holds a deeper truth than an imaginative inspiration, it… Read more »

Apr 28, 2024 4:38 AM
Reply to  Howard

I can’t believe you peddle this dreck. You don’t practice the golden rule ever. You’ve never mentioned it until today. You pathologically lie, you omit that natural law usurps all man made codes and the UCC, hence governments have no lawful authority over flesh and blood men and women and never did.

Your lies are as vile as sociopath’s vulgar, nihilistic, self loathing and parroting of the controllers’ beliefs.

You masons all follow the same script : imaginary pathogens are real, humans get what they deserve, humans are bad, there’s no conspiracies, everything’s a coincidence, voting is real, there’s no controllers, no mind control and no genocides by injection or iatrogenesis, no false authority, no secret societies, no criminality and no racketeering by governments, humanity should die (not me) because the (globe) planet is too hot, doesn’t have enough energy to sustain humans, insects and plants are more important than people.
That’s your script.

Apr 28, 2024 6:39 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Everybody should read this shit carefully to see what happens if you succumb to the kind of nihilistic thinking that is increasingly spreading through, say, the alt community, this forum in particular.

Researcher, the Empress of Paranoia, is not certifiably fucked up. Not that she wasn’t before, but what comes out of her no is a steady stream of intellectual puke, paranoid nihilism, inverted perception of reality soaked in pure paranoia.

Beware, there are some of you around here who are nearly as fucking crazy as her.

Apr 28, 2024 9:14 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Apr 17, 2024 4:57 AM
Reply to Researcher

“Governments are NOT registered corporations.”

Apr 23, 2024 5:23 PM
Reply to Researcher

“Of course fucking governments are fucking corporations.” 


I rest my case.

Apr 27, 2024 4:11 PM

so Weinstein was wrongly accused!!!!!! this will open up Prince Phillip and Jimmy savile or any Establishment nonce to have there cases relooked at. 

Apr 28, 2024 2:24 AM
Reply to  davetherave

The wiff-of-$$$$$ works wonders with the law … and of course – if the money doesn’t have the desired effect, there is always the threat of the violence that could befall one, or one’s family. The rest is mere pantomime …

Apr 27, 2024 4:07 PM

I dont really think personal discovery would include religion as that is a mindcontrol.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Apr 27, 2024 3:44 PM

“You’re up to date” Said the newsreader at the end of his newscast.

“Phew, that wasn’t so bad” said 80% of his viewers.

Apr 27, 2024 2:17 PM

The current situation is a result of authoritarian religions pushing their bullshit onto people just like the governments do.

And what’s with this obsession of following god’s will?

Oh right, y’all believe he’s the creator… Go ahead and ignore nature itself and your own free will in order to follow another centralized authority.

If god created things perfectly, why is it that free will gets labeled as evil and the push for follow god’s will?

Even the story of Adam and Eve is ridiculous. Why did they have to follow god’s order of not eating of the tree of KNOWLEDGE, and why was it punished?

Oh right, just like any dictator, they were punished for disobeying an order 😂

Mainstream religion is no different than mainstream government. Perhaps instead of worrying about this, we should stand up for human rights for everyone and stop obsessing over god or systems.

It’s heading this way because people have been thoroughly fucked by religion and the state religion of scientism.

No need for the pyramid systems that humans used to (and
still) believe in.

Apr 27, 2024 2:26 PM
Reply to  Rob

Oh and perhaps you might want to see this documentary on how Jesus and Julius Caesar have tons of sayings in common… https://youtu.be/gvga-98x6Nk
It doesn’t negate the teachings, but get over yourselves on this mythical virgin birth or whatever other supernatural stuff.
Jesus or whoever he was based on is totally different than the religion states. Jesus was anti authority just like Caesar and in both cases they were demonized for it. They still think Caesar was a dictator but actually the people who assassinated him were the dictators.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 27, 2024 5:46 PM
Reply to  Rob

Jesus was anti authority


Apr 27, 2024 7:33 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Jesus acknowledged and yielded wholly to true Authority, as a way out of the ‘authority problem’ or identity conflict.
If the idea of authorship is denied – then any & every genetic variant rises to set pandemonium in place of principle.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 28, 2024 1:17 AM
Reply to  Rob

Read The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin.

Apr 27, 2024 6:05 PM
Reply to  Rob

Free will is an inheritance (inherence) of sovereignty not a warring principality.
the choice or freedom to judge was/is the specific ‘fruit’ by which an experience of subjection was/is engaged in.
WHO told you you were naked? represents innate or integral discernment within life – not set over and apart as gaslighting or controlling dominance?
I get why reaction to religious tyranny became the new set of robes for the same patterns to hide in.
Story or myth is not a scientific system, model or theory – but your/our mindset has been trained to denigrate such complex vehicles of many-dimensioned information as false so as to impose linear rational rulesets of systemic controls in ‘rights’ that then become the very means to destroy whatever’s left of our Right mind – in the old sense of being of sound mind – not right set over wrong.

Apr 27, 2024 9:56 PM
Reply to  Binra

‘…to impose linear rational rulesets of systemic controls in ‘rights’ that then b/c the very means to destroy whatever’s left of our RIGHT MIND …’: and that’s exactly what the Kak is in the midst of doing, i.e., destroying the right hemisphere of the brain (i.e., holistic; relational; empathic; etc.); in an attempt to build up this linear, rational, discrete, disjointed, dis-eased left hemispheric dominated world-view! {see Iain McGilchrist’s works: ‘The Master and His Emissary’; & ‘The Matter with Things’} That is all!! RGB-Y4 out!!!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 27, 2024 11:38 PM
Reply to  Rob

“Why did they have to follow god’s order of not eating of the tree of KNOWLEDGE, and why was it punished?”

It was just a necessary advice. “Dont eat of the tree of good and evil, then you will surely die”.

For what happens if you by choice change things, you wanna do things better than God?
Grass basic colour you choose to be blue, the sky to be green, 2 apples + 2 apples to be 7 apples. You kill because God said you should not kill.

You get confused, cant find your way home, go wild in the desert and the wood, die from hunger or thirst, get eaten by wild animals, get insane and jump out of a cliff. You kill, others will kill you back. “You will surely die”.
The condition of being in paradise is the free will to follow the conditions set in the Creation of the Earth and its universe.

Call it what you want, but if a fool like the many want to play better than God it will not end up in a good way. Its simple logic!

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 27, 2024 1:35 PM

Hi, Todd! Thanks …
I don’t think I’ve ever read an article in which you used the word “God” (capital “G”) so many times …
What’s up? Are you OK?

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 27, 2024 3:16 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Sorry…in reading through the comments here it is clear my concept of God is different than most OG readers. And probably different than most religious people. I won’t try to explain it, suffice it to say I do not mean a God that is an authoritarian, tyrant, father figure that has “power over us” poor pitiful beings.

Anyway…to each his own.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 27, 2024 5:42 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Fine. I think your input is always valuable and that it is a pleasure to read what you write. Go for it!

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 27, 2024 9:27 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Thank you, you are very kind. I don’t mind in the least that people do not agree with my views, that is a given, I am just rather sensitive to being bashed. I don’t think that is ever appropriate. Thank you very much for saying what you said.

Apr 28, 2024 5:41 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

You “bashed” all humans by calling them shrews or sheep. Unbelievable. Now we are “messy”. More “bashing” of humanity.

Because there’s no organized, Masonic conspiracy, right? No WEF, UN agenda 21 and a decades long plan to reduce the world’s population to 1 billion or less and force those left behind and future generations, into an artificial online world, where they are geotagged, separated from nature, autonomy and freedom where they’ll “own nothing and be happy” to be taxed and fined at every opportunity by AI algorithms then culled using the euthanasia “laws”.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Apr 28, 2024 9:54 AM
Reply to  Researcher

What’s your take on what ‘they’ will gain from imprisoning so many in an artificial online world?

Why bother and not just get rid of all who don’t provide some sort of physical function or service?

Apr 28, 2024 2:38 PM
Reply to  Mark EL

An educated guess – they’ve used models to arrive at an ideal number of humans needed, that can continue the advancement of technology and various agendas of the parasite class, while reducing the slaves to manageable numbers that can be contained under central world AI authority.

1.The correct ratio of slaves to parasite class to keep them in the luxury and lifestyle to which they’re accustomed.

2.There’s many tasks and jobs robots, computers and AI won’t ever be able to perform.

3.Enough slaves to participate within the new financial model of social credit, bio-fascism panopticon, blockchain, and digital currencies.

4.Enough slaves for military and police enforcement needed to keep the rest of the slave class in line.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Apr 29, 2024 8:07 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Thanks for the reply R.

I get 1, 2 and 4, it’s 3 that I have trouble understanding, but then I’m looking at it from the point of a non-psycho.

The only way it makes sense to me is that ‘they’ need a ‘game’ in which to exercise and divert their psychopathy so they don’t turn on each other directly.

Apr 29, 2024 7:46 PM
Reply to  Mark EL

3 doesn’t conflict with their planned elimination of 6-7 billion over the next several decades.

I don’t believe games enter into it. They’ll probably run multiple types of financial models on multiple continents, they need enough data and enough slaves to run the system. Some of the financial models are explained here.

Mark EL
Mark EL
May 2, 2024 8:01 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Sorry for the tardy response R.

I’ve been aware of the human capital/social impact thesis for a while, but it only makes sense if needed as a distraction/illusion for the masses (surely by this point no one left will be under any illusions?), or as I said as a game to engage the psycho class.

When you can simply create money, why have a financial model at all otherwise?

May 2, 2024 10:17 PM
Reply to  Mark EL

This is the only way to get the numbers they intend to cull: Transitioning to human capital, incentivized digital tokens and social credit under AI, using biofascism. They inhibit anyone outside of their small circle from maintaining independence or gaining wealth, or functioning outside of AI algorithms.

Using the transhumanism scam, they profit from injuring, maiming and culling the targeted demographics, whilst achieving their cull numbers. They can’t do any of it under the current monetary system and legal framework.

They get to close the loopholes in the legal system, replace courts with AI. They get to censor all speech, communication and learning, under social credit. They ensure nobody can appeal to actual humans under AI, for compassion, mercy or to fix what may appear as “glitches”or errors in the algorithms or system.

The petro dollar model, 3rd industrial revolution ran its expansionary course. So as the populations and economies contract, the transition to the new financial model – the 4thIR – is easier. Stops future rebellion.

This is about maintaining power for generations to come, not about money.

Mark EL
Mark EL
May 3, 2024 8:20 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Ah I see, you see this as part of the cull process/system, in which case it makes sense. I was thinking post-cull.

I was assuming they were doing enough to effect the cull with the measures already in place, along with an incremental increase in food scarcity, but perhaps not.

Totally agree with your last sentence; too many seem to focus on the money/profit paradigm which blinds them to the big picture.

Need to ponder some more.

Cheers R.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 28, 2024 3:09 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Oh please, you obviously do not understand a word that I have written.

Apr 28, 2024 9:10 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Ah, a direct attempt at personal denigration. Nice.

I understand perfectly well:

*The cartel signalling.
*The duality shadow theme.
*The victim blaming.
*Dehumanization using animal terminology and derogatory archetypes.
*Claiming victim status and “bashing” if anyone disagrees.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Apr 27, 2024 6:18 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Don’t be sorry. I like your idea of God and I think everyone should have their own. I like that you distinguished between Freedom and perfection. If your idea is a pipedream, well maybe you should throw away the pipe BUT keep dreaming. Just because we have, never in living memory, had a civilization without war and psychos in control doesn’t mean we can’t have one. But a More Ideal World wouldn’t be one where everyone is the same, and it wouldn’t be boring at all. As for me, anyways, I’d rather be bored than bleeding to death, or burning from Napalm or chemical weapons, or trying to survive on a bombed out planet. To have a better access to your “soul” is really like having better access to, and understanding of yourself. Maybe (well, certainly) many religions of the past have been used to manipulate people. But religion doesn’t have to be used that way. It can be used to help people FREE themselves from unwanted bonds, and to have better control over and understanding of themselves. Organizations get a bad name because so many have been used for ill will. But have you ever tried to get a huge task done all by yourself? Success is more likely with an organized group of individuals, who are all VERY individual, but share a common purpose. Let’s all better enjoy the mess, and work towards what needs to be cleaned up.

Apr 27, 2024 9:47 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Hitler and Stalin, Mao Zedong all fulfilled the archetype. How about ‘God?’
We still await the WEF/UN ‘messiah.’ /’Mashiach.’
Are they going to get the Third Temple together? For the next thrilling instalment……
Let us not forget that the clearance of Ukraine for the New Khazaria proceeds. There are all kinds of plots afoot, including the reduction per the Deagel website of the reduction of the UK population to 15 million by 2025.


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 27, 2024 11:51 PM
Reply to  ariel

There is so many predictions and 95% of them never arrive.
“No more fossil oil when we reach year 2000”, “European cities under water when we reach 2020”, m.m.

Apr 28, 2024 11:42 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Of course that’s perfectly true. The imminent next ‘ice age’ was heavily predicted until quite recently, and then they switched to the present climate hysteria we so know and love. Per ardua ad astra/arriba y arriba.
Why the polar bears don’t need to worry – The Conservative Woman

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 28, 2024 1:20 PM
Reply to  ariel

Another sign of our time. Men are referencing conservative women as the only specie who tell it as is  😅 .

Apr 28, 2024 1:43 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

Controlled opposition all got the GOD-Christ memo. It seems they’re trying to round up the “end times” evangelicals and Christians to align them with the faux freedom controlled opposition authors and the right wing fake politicians in the fake fight against the Atheist-Collectivist-Left-Wing-NWO club. It’s been a theme of late.

There’s even a prayer (SPY) app called HALLOW (think shallow) for the religion psyop pushed by Russel Brand and other controlled opposition Masonic shills. The intention is probably to link “spirituality” to the NSA-AI cloud for data collection, social credit and to enhance mind control techniques, guiding the lemmings towards the one religion concept, surreptitiously.

Apr 28, 2024 5:34 PM
Reply to  Researcher

i do see that of late, agreed. We all now need to be Christ-like apparently.

Well, that is a 2000 year old message(arguably), so why is it gaining msm/alt traction now? have people had enough of the demiurge’s world?? or are they just needing some good news (sic), . . . naw, methnks you’re correct, all part of the script.

next they’ll be asking us to turn the other cheek as . . ~fill blank that combats evil~ . . . fucks us up more.

i jest, but am serious.

Anyway, Christ was cool ; ) not the worst guy in da hood, but a psyop, yes.

suffer and die is the bleak version.

Apr 28, 2024 11:10 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Yeah. Just a script. Was reading a blog by an ex-pastor who claims he received weekly pamphlets (scripts) from the government. There’s no separation of Church and State.

With the internet, too many slaves figured out the whole religion, legal, trade, tax, government and money scam.

Apr 27, 2024 1:05 PM

The below is appropriate for this article. My 65 year old opinion only. State of the nation/world update as of April 24, 2024: I never would have thought the change from 2020 until 2024 would be so extreme and dramatic.  However, when you look at these updates, it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is only one purpose to this thing called society; to end it as we know it and to replace it with something else; yet to be determined.   The below are just some broad topics between 2020 and 2024: 1.     Illegal immigration: Up; 7.2 million entered country illegally since 2020 2.     Censorship: Up 3.     Genocide; Excessive Deaths/Health Issues from Covid Vaccines: Up 4.     WEF/WHO control: Up 5.     Pandemic/past Covid and future pandemic Bird Flu: Up 6.     Crime: Up 7.     Homelessness: Up 8.     Economy: Every economic indicator down: Down 9.     State of the Union/Government: Down 10. Trump/Biden: These are the only two people in our country we have a choice between?  A very strong indicator of the state of our nation: Down 11. Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism: Up 12. AI/Trans humanism: Up 13. World Wars/Conflicts: Up 14. Military in decline: Decline Up, Readiness: Down 15. Air safety in decline: Decline Up, Safety: Down 16. Woke agendas continue to thrive: Up 17. Climate change fear mongering and tool used for further national emergency declarations: Up 18. Military Industrial Complex: Up; historical profits, while our own military is in complete decline 19. Big Pharma: Up; Genocide, caused by their vaccines, lead to record profits; cancers caused by their vaccines, so they buy up cancer centers around the world to treat the cancers they cause, leading to even more profits 20. Big Tech. Corruption: Up 21. Trust in Big Government/No more two party state: Down 22. Election distractions: Up; fear mongering; 2020: BLM and Antifa, 2024: Pro-Palestinian protests throughout country 23. Election distractions: Up; Trump Trials, attempts to put him in prison, while Biden continues to… Read more »

Apr 27, 2024 1:51 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim59

“those in charge or in control of this massive decline”

I’m sick of this fucking blame game. Look in the fucking mirror. There is nobody in control. We’ve fucked ourselves into a corner all together, it’s been a joint fucking effort.

Apr 27, 2024 2:55 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

I have been waiting for your typical reply Sociolog. Your logic is so flawed, and your verbal attacks, with your typical sarcasm and vulgarity demonstrates exactly what I am talking about; failure to have a proper discourse!!! If I didn’t make my point clear, let me say it again; first, this was my opinion. Second, if you do not think there are bigger things/components out there conducting and directing various aspects of our society, then you, my friend, appear to be pretty lost and bllnd. Of course we all have responsibilities, and if you read my opinion, you would see that I mentioned this by talking about taking responsibility for those of us on the outside of the fringe trying to communicate with those on the inside of the fringe, and how futile it is becoming, due to their choices to forego critical thinking skills and just going with the flow, and how this futility is draining the fumes.

Apr 27, 2024 3:17 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim59

Your, as well as others’, default position is “they’re doing it to us poor things”.

With all this talk about religion, doesn’t the Bible say something about checking your asshole for a beam stuck therein before looking for a speck of dust in your brother’s eye?

Apr 27, 2024 4:16 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

I noticed a strange pattern with your comments on all of these articles. You really seem to have all of the right answers about everything presented. I am truly amazed. You must be a very happy, content individual, and I applaud your efforts to evangelize with everyone of us humans, that actually struggle once in a while. I do wonder though, why would someone that appears to have all of the correct answers about life want to spend time with all of us struggling human beings? I would like to say, I wish there were more of those such as yourself around today, with all the correct answers, but then, I would be giving in to Artificial Intelligence.

Apr 27, 2024 4:28 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim59

Would like me to have all the wrong answers?

All of “you” struggling human beings? You’ve been elected a spokesman for the alleged all struggling beings? Or you’re a Gemini – probably not because I am and although there might be many of me, I don’t refer to myself as a multiple entity.

Speak for yourself, will ya?

And avoid the ad hominem shit. The subject matter is a dispute whether the goings-on are the spontaneous result of human interaction or the consequence of evil actions planned by some alleged handlers.

Apr 27, 2024 5:35 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

‘A Gemini will give you a straight answer to any question, both of them.’

Apr 27, 2024 6:07 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Many of you ? Fuck.God help us.Are you God ? Or his twin selfish dickhead.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 27, 2024 7:47 PM
Reply to  Marfanoid

He’s a legend in his own mind.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 27, 2024 7:46 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

If the Federal Reserve was an illegal formation, could they be blamed for inflating a currency during a technological boom which managed properly, would have brought prices down, can we assume and place a blame yet?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 27, 2024 11:59 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim59

Its a simple survival technique.
You tell your neighbours what is right when you hear they are confused. To avoid seeing your dumb neighbours make dumb decisions which cause troubles.

Apr 27, 2024 6:03 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Are you constantly wankiing ? In the mirror ? I don’t know how you have time to spout your delusional grandeur gobshit.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 28, 2024 1:24 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Enough of your vulgar wet blanket tactic on everyone’s opinion here!

How about you put forward you own world views on how things could improve? Nothing positive ever comes our of your keyboard.

Apr 28, 2024 5:50 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

What things specifically would you like to improve?

Don’t go apeshit about vulgar. It’s better than the pompous pretense that you’re better than others. Calling a fucking spade a fucking spade is better than beating around the fucking bush, if you catch my fucking drift.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 28, 2024 10:59 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Replying with a question. No! I asked YOU what you would like to improve. How you would like the world to operate… Still awaiting your reply from several articles ago.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Apr 27, 2024 5:10 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim59

An alternative suggestion is “its the system”. The structure of our society constrains our options so without making fundamental changes in the structure we’re just going to continue to chase our tails. I think the problems that we experience at the moment are due to a collision between what is and what we expect things to be. So, for example, as just can’t “Make America Great Again” because this would involve not just resetting our society to a previous time — probably the 1950s — but the rest of the world, too. Dystopian worlds all have one thing in common which is a fundamentally futile attempt to impose an unrealistic reality on the world — you can push “two plus two equals five” as much as you want and even severely punish people for disagreeing but you’ll never win because the fundamental nature of arithmetic makes the choice for you.

I would caution people about Trump, though. Although we’re stuck with Hobson’s Choice this November Trump is actually fronting for some very nasty people (and he’s probably too egotistic to realize it as well). Check out the Heritage Foundation’s plans for 2025, for example, and keep those ears open. Just remember, if you loose this beast you’re going to have to live with it.

Apr 27, 2024 6:05 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Exactly. There are multiple structural problems. Some have physical underlying causes, such as energy availability that drives the just-in-time supply grid that is beginning to be constrained (www.artberman.com), others are societal. All underpinned by the end of an era and its exhausted culture.

Blaming the predicaments on them against us is ridiculous. Not that there aren’t actors bent on taking advantage of people, but that’s always the case. Not the cause of what we’re witnessing.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 27, 2024 7:50 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

So there is no one to hand the exhausted energy baton to, that is a problem.

Apr 28, 2024 5:11 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Stop lying. The ancient group who set up “the system”, did so for profit and control, handing their power and wealth down generationally, while imprisoning the rest of humanity in debt bondage and slavery.

You don’t have the right to tell anyone else what to do, so you cannot transfer rights you don’t have, by voting. No matter how many of you psychopaths get together to do so.

That’s the fundamental truth thats been hidden since the formation of religions, civilizations, monarchies or governments. One group occults the knowledge of natural law, to control the minds and profit from the ignorance and obedience of humanity to false authority.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 27, 2024 5:47 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim59

Hi P59 … you should take it up with Socey’s coders/algo masters. It is simply behaving mechanically as it has been programmed.
I love the way it’s coders think native English speakers all express themselves like characters from “Goodfellas”. What a hoot!

Apr 27, 2024 5:58 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim59

It is really hard to ignore him.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 27, 2024 8:27 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim59

Soccy has two scams – which only become apparent when the expletives subside (momentarily):

  1. Schwab, Harari and Gates are “not altogether wrong”.
  2. Everyone should stop blaming others (even though he accords these aforementioned with powers). ‘Cause you see it’s all your fault and my and our fault really.

From which we can conclude:

We ourselves carried out the covid con.
We ourselfes carried out the climate con.
We ourselves carried out the transgender con.

And this is why he doesn’t want anyone looking in da papers. Because if you do, you will realise:

  1. That no-one has the same reach as the media.
  2. That the media are utterly unified in the bullshit they spew.
  3. That it is most assuredly a matter of us and them.

And the final clincher in all this is that Soccy is completely with the media. All the way. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he actually was Karl Schwab.

Apr 28, 2024 3:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

That’s exactly what he does. But IRL he’s just a low level criminal, thug, misogynist, misanthrope, ignoramus and total coward.

He also contradicts himself, pathologically lies and strawmans everyone.

The vulgar profanities and ad hominem attacks disguise the fact that he’s always parroting the views and beliefs of the psychopathic controllers:

  1. Egoism, Selfishness, Narcissism.
  2. Moral Relativism. Ends justify the means.
  3. Social Darwinism. Might is right. Law of the jungle.
  4. Eugenics. Believes he’s superior to everyone.
  5. Destruction of spirituality using all of the above and his atheist, communist beliefs.
Apr 27, 2024 5:55 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Have you fucked yourself into a corner dunce ?

Apr 28, 2024 2:12 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

I intentionally avoid any interaction with you. But I am now compelled. And you are not blaming anyone? Come on. What are you, 19? That’s what my mind’s eye sees when I read your blathering. Just a scared kid.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 27, 2024 7:42 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim59

Of course once many are dead and gone it will be known as the great migration, that doomed the country, can’t ya just wait to be there, they are just getting started.

Apr 27, 2024 12:24 PM

Fly in the ointment here. Politicians. I see Jacob Rees Mogg was being ‘harassed’ in Wales yesterday and according to some, Labour included, this behaviour is unacceptable and must be proscribed. In their hands democracy will surely be a distant memory.

Apr 27, 2024 6:10 PM
Reply to  Grafter

These people will be harassed everywhere they go for the foreseeable future.Queer Starmers gonna see.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 28, 2024 3:45 AM
Reply to  Grafter

This guy is an ultra-radical conservative homophobic anti-abortion nationalist extremist, socialist hater and dangerous for the global commie community and for what Tony Blair and the Rothschild family have been fighting for for centuries.

Human values
Human values
Apr 27, 2024 11:15 AM

So you’re saying you know what is eternal, always, and you’re saying darkness and shadow, meaning evil, is eternal.

Basically you believe in the eternity of the Devil. You believe humanity as a whole is eternally doomed to live in sin. There is no salvation. God doesn’t speak to you. And that’s why you think God doesn’t speak to anyone.

You don’t seem to realize the Apocalypse is already here.

Apr 27, 2024 11:28 AM
Reply to  Human values

Isn’t that fucking obvious? People have fucking been around for quite a while and has anything changed? Haven’t you noticed that there comes the fucking rain and then there comes the fucking shine?

How could there be good if there weren’t bad?

Who fucked up your head?

Apr 27, 2024 6:15 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

You are a Fast Show sketch.Changing sides to suit.You should get your coat.Who fucked your head up.Yourself.Judas.

Apr 27, 2024 12:43 PM
Reply to  Human values

What a foolish and very narrow-minded reply. And that’s a euphemism.

Apr 27, 2024 2:21 PM
Reply to  Human values

Apocalypse really means change.
For the control freaks and their dictator gods, it’s the end of their reign… Thus they call it the end and that’s why they’re all afraid of the devil or whatever invented shit.
The fact is that evil is real because there’s demons in real life, not up there but psychopaths.
Only lazy thinker psychologists ignore the good things of their profession like understanding pathological behavior and cling to antiquated religion in order to believe there’s some evil force outside of physical reality doing this.
Once again, psychopathy explains it all and it even explains why so many have been murdered in the name of the original authoritarian state- religion.

Apr 27, 2024 4:36 PM
Reply to  Rob

Well said. What so many attribute to the ‘the devil’ is perfectly explained by psychopathy, sociopathy and narcissism. It’s evil but it’s the work of humans not the devil.

Apr 27, 2024 6:19 PM
Reply to  TRT

Yeah psycholog sociolog and narcissisticlog.

Apr 27, 2024 7:57 PM
Reply to  TRT

Yeah, the real ‘virus’ would appear to be residing in the human mind in the form of anti-social personality disorders. It is parasitic in nature and is currently weaving its digital web around humanity, ensuring an endless supply of victims to feed off their induced traumas. 

Apr 28, 2024 6:38 AM
Reply to  TRT

But every physical manifestation on earth has a spiritual underpinning.
Psychoapths are made, not born. Otherwise they would not come almost exclusively from abusive backgrounds.

Apr 28, 2024 8:08 PM
Reply to  Paul

Or Masonic backgrounds. If children are taught they’re genetically superior, then enjoy nepotism, mingling with the rich and famous, they disregard those not in the cult and below their socio economic class as expendable and inferior.

Hence they lose all sense of morality, and dehumanize others as “profane” “useless eaters” or “cattle”.

This unfortunately is the psychopathy within the ruling class. People not acquainted with this cult, where dehumanization, greed, social Darwinism, moral relativism, amorality and eugenics beliefs are ingrained, can’t comprehend the psychopathy of the controllers and their minions.

Apr 27, 2024 5:41 PM
Reply to  Rob

‘Apocalypse’ means revealing. The truth that was hidden appears, or is shown.
Occult’ just means hidden. Both of these words are extensively misused nowadays.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 27, 2024 5:55 PM
Reply to  ariel

‘Apocalypse’ means revealing.

I’ve googled that word, apocalypse, many times over the years, and interestingly — or not — the focus of the first results appears to have changed recently, from focusing on defining apocalypse as ” a lifting of the veil” or revelation, to “complete destruction” or the end of the world.

Apr 27, 2024 6:14 PM
Reply to  Rob

Every instant is change.
Apocalypse meant a revealing of what was hidden or masked over. But glamorising shock-horror for attention & leverage made it mean ‘disaster’ or catastrophe’.
Yet fear of recurring catastrophe is what sets up a parasitic manipulation in place of a just peace. That destroys its own host such as to reveal the fool to his folly.

Apr 27, 2024 7:08 PM
Reply to  Binra

Language and human consciousness arise each from the other. the a-tempt to reset or remake a ‘consciousness of control’ must lockdown language to doublethink (self-contradictions masked and normalised as social exchange).

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 27, 2024 3:21 PM
Reply to  Human values

Yes, I think it is possible in the physical realm of spirit expression darkness and shadow will always be an element to reckon with. So will death and suffering. Is death and suffering evil? If it seems unfair, like a 5 year old suffering from cancer, does that then make it evil?

I DO think it is possible to have a physical world devoid of “evil”, maybe, I am not sure of that (not sure of anything). But the devil, or Satan, or evil, may also be something always present in some way…certainly less than it is now. We as physical beings in this physical world have to have something to challenge us.

Apr 27, 2024 3:28 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

How would you know that good is good if you didn’t have evil? How would you know that dark is dark if you didn’t have light?

Imagining a perfect world is a sure path to never-ending disappointment, dissatisfaction, and misery, for no such world will ever exist.

Rather, one must accept the world and all critters the way they are and expect things to go awry and get fucked up more often than not. Like that, you can sure lead more satisfying a life than being continuously pissed off because the paradise is nowhere to be seen.

Apr 27, 2024 6:20 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Thanks for the evil.

Apr 27, 2024 6:21 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Resonance is a basis of discernment. The qualities of a perfect recognition are not a contrasted or comparitive meaning.
The beam of our own eye alight in the true light of another – regardless messyness or a speck of imperfection magnified as justification to withhold the light of your blessing that you have BY sharing.
What are we looking for – underneath the masking in virtues set against evil – is what we are harvesting as the fruit of our current choosing.
So far from daming us for a Garbage in; garbage out result, we are set free to choose anew – or address the basis of our current transmissions.

Apr 27, 2024 6:37 PM
Reply to  Binra

Not sure what “you” are looking for, but “I” have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. Either it’s too profound for the simpleton me to understand or it’s a total crock of hallucinatory shit.

Apr 27, 2024 7:13 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

It takes one to know one – BUT recognising a capacity to fuck others over (so to speak) does not mean we have to choose to use it.

I can see you enjoy your current choices – and that while you see them working for you – you are content.

To judge over your own kingdom is not wrong as a point of experience, but at some point isolation cuts deeper than any kind of ‘hit’ or ‘fix’ can allay.

I don’t address you as what you choose to present yourself as.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Apr 27, 2024 6:38 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

If you are sitting in a pile of shit, do you have to ACCEPT that? Or is it more beneficial to look and smell and feel the squish-squish and say to oneself….”wow! I am sitting in a pile of shit! Now where did that come from? I best get up and clean myself off, and shovel that the hell away, and figure out what I (MYSELF) can do to make things better. Maybe there are some other people around here who don’t like sitting in shit either and we can help each other”. Observing, confronting and acting are completely different than merely accepting.

Apr 27, 2024 7:36 PM

Sorry about the pile of shit you’re sitting in. Yes, you should probably clean it off.

How that relates to what I said above I understand not.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Apr 28, 2024 1:25 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

It was just your comment about accepting all the critters the way they are. Maybe i misunderstood what you meant by that, but the idea of apathetically “accepting” everything even though it is total shit doesn’t appeal to me. If you are on planet Earth you are in the same pile of shite. What are your plans in cleaning it up. Any ideas?

Apr 28, 2024 5:22 AM

You do the best you can, but don’t expect the shit to be cleaned once and for all one day and stay like that forever. That’s the point.

If you do, and suppose that you even manage to clean most of it some day, you’ll be time and again disappointed when something in the world takes a dump again.

Cleaning the shit is an ongoing process. If you accept that, you’ll do the cleaning more cheerfully.

Kindly note that it was you who picked shit as an analogy, I probably would have used something different. At any rate, accepting that there are good as well as bad things in life and that it’s always like that will make your life happier.

But if you wanna be forever pissed off, disappointed, and longing for the perfect utopian world that will never come, be my guest. Your prerogative.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 27, 2024 8:53 PM

“A man traveling across a field encountered a tiger. He fled, the tiger after him. Coming to a precipice, he caught hold of the root of a wild vine and swung himself down over the edge. The tiger sniffed at him from above. Trembling, the man looked down to where, far below, another tiger was waiting to eat him. Only the vine sustained him.
Two mice, one white and one black, little by little started to gnaw away the vine. The man saw a luscious strawberry near him. Grasping the vine with one hand, he plucked the strawberry with the other. How sweet it tasted!”

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Apr 28, 2024 1:26 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Go forth and bring back a shrubbery

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 28, 2024 2:03 AM

I’m too busy eating strawberries.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Apr 29, 2024 4:55 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Save me some

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 27, 2024 8:08 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Good does not require evil to co-exist.

The idea that both are needed is the stuff of the duality to create the singularity. It is straight from the Masonic teachings and also that of the Luciferian doctrine.

Thesis + antithesis = synthesis.

A simple example being black + white = grey. Grey being a new colour from mixing thet other two. Which is not the same as yin and yang co-existing in harmony without destroying the original components.

Most humans have an innate sense of right from wrong – except perhaps psychopaths and sociopaths and even some of them know what they are doing, is morally wrong and/or evil but they just don’t care.

We have a conscience that guides us along with intuition. We are born with this knowledge. How we respond to it and use it, is another matter.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 28, 2024 1:48 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Finally, the “right” answer. The acceptance of perpetual evil and let’s just get on with life is satanic. Life without the overlording psychopaths is just harmony and co-operation – the true human nature without its perverting influence from duality, religion/state/kingship/rulers/manipulators.

Apr 28, 2024 5:46 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The true human nature … hmmm … where did you pull that from?

There is as many human natures as there are humans. Give me a break with this shit about harmony and cooperation, for fucks sakes! Where have you seen that? That only happens when people have enough for themselves, if they don’t they’ll cut each other’s throat. Or some will, while some might be more inclined to cooperate. But neither are more or less naturally human.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 28, 2024 11:04 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Where does scarcity come from? It is evidently created artificially in order to sow strife and competition. Your observations are from the superficial perspective. Go deeper. Examples (from a few years ago when I studied this phenomenon): Institute for Food & Development Policy:  (http://www.foodfirst.org/node/239&nbsp😉 “The world today produces enough grain alone to provide every human being on the planet with 3,500 calories a day…. This estimate does not even count many other commonly eaten foods—vegetables, beans, nuts, root crops, fruits,….” “The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) found in a 1997 study that 78% of all malnourished children under five in the developing world live in countries with food surpluses.” “… Many of the countries in which hunger is rampant export much more in agricultural goods than they import….. Looking more closely at some of the world’s hunger-ravaged countries and regions confirms that scarcity is clearly not the cause of hunger.” _________ Susan Rosenthal on the Myth of Scarcity: http://susanrosenthal.com/articles/the-myth-of-scarcity&nbsp; Growth in GDP vs Population Growth: In most nations, the production of wealth has consistently outpaced the growth of the populations that produce that wealth. Between 1950 and 2000, the population of the United States increased 86 percent, from 151 million to 281 million. Over the same 50 years, US GDP soared 3,239 percent, from $294 billion to $9,817 billion. In other words, the production of wealth grew 38 times faster than the population. Poverty results from the way society is organized. Volume of Food Production vs Population Growth: Over the past 30 years, food production has consistently outpaced population growth. In 2008, record food production was accompanied by widespread food riots. Even at the height of the 2008 food crisis, when the number of seriously malnourished people rose to 963 million – almost one in every seven people on the… Read more »

Apr 30, 2024 1:58 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Great comment. Same occurs in all areas… energy, pollution, deforestation, mining, clothing, housing, FIRE sector, “healthcare” education, media etc. Not just food.

We have an overabundance of resources, creativity, labor, innovation and technology. Yet policies of deliberate waste, and the poison, starve, pollute, geoengineer, racketeer, profiteer, disaster creation programs are in place to purposefully sow chaos, faux crises and create scarcity, encourage over consumption, foment hate, ignorance, ill health, addiction, promote violence, fear programs, needless division, enable corruption, racketeering and mismanagement by the governments, militaries, think tanks, behavioral scientists, Intel agencies, banks, in collusion with media, religious orgs, charities, foundations and all major corporations and multinationals. And there’s the hoaxes, psyops and mass mind control.

If we dig below the surface of any issue, there’s proof of deliberate chaos created by the parasite class, perpetrated on the unwitting masses. The evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible.

Apr 30, 2024 2:04 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Thank you. You hit the nail on the head yet again.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 28, 2024 4:25 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Whatever someone dislike the bible or not, the symbolics are useful.

Evil is an anomaly in our world by choice.

Take a simple bamboo flute. You can spend a whole human life becoming a master, playing a variation of music types and genres, and still there will be endless variations to learn. https://ok.ru/video/3091957813706 Mozart in bamboo

See our variations of music types during history. Same with other types of art, sports, disciplines, endless interesting learning and education about our human earthly universe. By choice.

But you did and do by free will choose evil. Therefore you will certainly die!

Apr 27, 2024 5:52 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Not at the present frequency level(s), Todd. If the physical sun as most of us perceive it is directly in view, it casts a shadow. Unless the sun is directly overhead and the object is perfectly perpendicular.
‘As above, so below.’

Apr 27, 2024 10:26 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

It does if those original cancer cells came from a poison needle in a kill-poison-profit program created by your masonic masters (church & state) who make trillions from farming, stealing from, enslaving and deliberately poisoning humans, completing the kill with radiation and chemo, leaving families broke and bereaved. It’s evil to induce needless suffering and death, to steal and lie, commit racketeering and fraud.

If you’re actually pretending that isn’t happening, hasn’t been happening for centuries, by denying that most humans have been forced into nescient debt slavery, controlled by a psychopathic cult, where you and your Gnostic brethren pretend tyranny is a result of coincidence or “messiness”, instead of calculated psychopathy, fraud and mind control from the church-state, then logic concludes you endorse and embrace evil, through willful ignorance or tacit complicity.

Apr 28, 2024 6:04 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

consider the brutal viciousness of nature, eat or die.

is that a world formed by a creator? regulated by beJesus? [“and the lion will lie with the lamb”, well not in this realm.]

I think not, at all. We dwell in hell. and it is a much longer road home from this shithole when one does not perceive it as such.

Forward, get out the pit!!!

Apr 27, 2024 9:56 AM

Freedom is not a value in itself, freedom is a result of values. What’s better comes from values. We always CHOOSE a system of values not freedom from all systems of values. It is utopia.

So the question is what do you choose? What do you believe? And maybe you believe in nothing and maybe you choose your own freedom, and that’s a valid attitude. It need just to be expressed.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 28, 2024 5:30 AM
Reply to  Zbyszek

I choose where I can get more  🤑  🤑  🤑 . I believe in $$$ and €€€. Therefore I will always be free and your superior, and you will forever be my slave.
As you write, freedom is the result of values $$$…………………..LOL, and this is what I believe in.

Apr 27, 2024 9:09 AM

I wish the author managed to refrain from invoking how ‘the elites are after us’, even though, however, he deserves to be commended for finally stopping referring as shrews to himself and the freaks reading OffG articles. But the issue addressed in the text is a pertinent one, and the author is spot on.

The world is messy, filled with endless dichotomies, endless opposing forces, endless conflicts, clashes that must be counterbalanced on an ongoing basis, sometimes less sometimes more violently.

This process is ongoing and will never stop.

There are eight billion motherfuckers out there and everybody has a different idea of how to do this, that, and the other thing. It’s only logical that those who are somehow in charge of this circus try to standardize people’s behavior, ram some uniform ideology in their heads, so as to make sure that the fuckers don’t keep cutting each other’s throats on a continual basis.

As regards freedom, the other side of the equation is responsibility and restraint. Freedom should be absolute but should be exercised to the absolute bare minimum. In regard to everything – human interactions, use of resources, treatment of nature and other species.

God? There is no such thing. In reality, that is. God is one of the aforementioned ideologies, prisms for perceiving reality, ideological yoke implanted into people’s skulls to sheeplify them to be easily controlled. Think of God as a border collie preventing any of you sheeple from straying from the herd.

Apr 27, 2024 9:37 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

God doG Dog goD ?

Or, as EVERY SINGLE spiritual teacher and quite a few physicists, astronomers, mathematicians, philosophers, writers and musicians have said or pondered:

‘There is no God OUTSIDE OF US.’
(Or words to that effect.)
God is a solipsistic quandary that can only be resolved by twenty, thirty, forty years plus of self watching, meditation and a state of thought- less-ness.

Or, by death, whatever the fuck that is, because nobody knows.
Nobody. And they/we never will.

Apr 27, 2024 9:41 AM
Reply to  Johnny

You wanna call the relationship between self and the outer world God, fine. I don’t.

I don’t like the concept of God, as peddled by the world’s religions, because it implies authority over you.

The way I see it, authority over oneself must come from within one’s self.

Apr 27, 2024 9:56 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

I agree.
Religions, and more particularly priests and their ilk, placed humanity on the path of ignorance. It’s been all downhill (or should that be uphill?) since.

That’s why I consider myself an agnostic anarchist:
No Gods- No Masters.

Apr 27, 2024 1:47 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Religion is not a major consideration in my life. Where I originally come from, they tried to pull this religion shit about 400-500 years ago and we saw through it. We’ve been telling them to shove it back up their ass ever since.

I can’t imagine the horror of having to go to a church-run school, which is what most of the English-speaking crowd have obviously been subjected to.

Does it ever show!

Anarchist is good – horizontal society, no vertical authority. What I said above, however, about freedom applies. Freedom must be counterbalanced by asceticism or self-discipline. It’s like martial arts – they’re not about learning to kill your opponent with one blow, they’re about acquiring the ability to do. Like that, your and your counterpart’s power keeps things in balance and prevents you and him from fucking with each other. Similarly, you must refrain from indulging your freedom – especially not to the detriment of the outer world – and like that you can have it unrestrained absolutely. The restraint must come from within.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 27, 2024 2:18 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Socio, the majority of the “English speaking crowd” never had a church school education. Church schools are a tiny minority as are any religious affiliaited schools in the West. Not that I am recommending one.

Although, academically speaking church affiliated comprehensive and grammar schools have better exam results than the bog standard state (public schools to our U.S readers) comprehensive ones. Not that exam results are a sign of a ‘good’ education, but you get the drift.

Apr 27, 2024 2:45 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

So where does the fascination with devil, satan, god, all this religious occult shit that people exhibit here come from?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 27, 2024 4:02 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

From the fact that evil exists on this world. Devils, demons, spirits, are all human universals, expressed in varying ways. From the fact that our physical existence sometimes impels us to act in monstrous ways. From the fact that we as creatures, generally, but not equally imbued with reason, desire answers and explanations regarding our existence.

For myself, I believe that as there are microscopic creatures that exist below our physical ability to observe (without tools) so there are macroscopic creatures that exist above our physical ability to measure, at least at this point. To put it another way, what we see is not all there is.

Apr 27, 2024 4:19 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Dude, there are people here who blame everything on demonic spirits, satan, devils, the whole nine occultist yards. It’s their default knee-jerk response. Sometimes it feels like a fucking sect.

This is not the case where I presently live. People are perfectly rational and attribute blame to clearly explicable causes without having to invoke all this supernatural crap.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 27, 2024 4:24 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

You are asking the wrong question when you stated:

So where does the fascination with devil, satan, god, all this religious occult shit that people exhibit here come from?”

You should be asking what is the fascination with those things by the elitists and their minions?

I went into that futher in my reply (in pending).

Apr 27, 2024 4:34 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

You’re wrongly assume that elitists and their minions have the kind of control over the goings-on you ascribe to them. Likewise, you’re speculating – probably based on your obsession with occultist shit – that devil, satan, and all this crap are behind their motivation to do whatever they do, insofar as it has some universal relevance, if any.

It’s not the poor, and intrinsically good, us against the evil them. The world is a melange of a myriad forces and occurrences. And the alleged us, if us exists at all, can be just as evil as them.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 27, 2024 4:53 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

I haven’t said that they have control over anything using their Luciferian and/or Satanic beliefs. I was addressing their belief system in my reply (in pending).

You are jumping the gun, since you have not seen the reply yet. Why don’t you wait to comment until you have seen it?

Apr 27, 2024 6:37 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Luis Jacques Cider.

Apr 27, 2024 6:36 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

You are motivated by Satan.

Apr 27, 2024 6:29 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

You must stand out like a sore dick to people where you are , if they rational people.

Apr 28, 2024 11:11 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Dude, there are people here who blame everything on demonic spirits, satan, devils, the whole nine occultist yards.

Feel free to provide some examples, you know, like links to a few of their comments that exhibit this. Good luck!  😂 

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 27, 2024 4:06 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

First, I cannot comment on other people’s beliefs.

However, you do not have to be Christian or religious to have some understanding of the use of the occult (hidden knowledge) or to be aware of the role Lucifer plays in the belief system of our self-appointed overlords and their acolytes.

Are Satan and Lucifer the same thing?

That is up for debate since some say they are but other indications are that Satan answers to Lucifer.

For example, well known Satanists such as Anton LaVey who founded the Church of Satan openly worshipped Satan and performed rituals and spells. Aleister Crowley was a Satanist who performed all sorts of rituals, magic and occult practices.

Lucifer on the other hand, (the fallen angel) is considered “the light bearer” and is very important in Freemasonry. From iniate stage, Masons are taught that Lucifer is the bringer of light.

Alice and Foster Bailey’s Luciferian doctrines are a part of the United Nations philosophy. Originally called Lucifer Publishing Trust, its name was changed to Lucis Trust.


Hollyweird and the music industry make so many references to Lucifer and Satan. Videos and live shows of the top popular music stars are replete with occult, Masonic, Satanic and Luciferian symbolism.

Lady Gaga in an interview, even once said “Oh Lucifer” rather than “Oh God”.

I could go on, but if you are interested look into the names I have mentioned plus Helena Blavatsky (Theosophy) too.

Just because you do not believe in Lucifer and/or Satan does not mean that they are not being worshipped by high level figures in society.

Most people in the freedom/truth movement are atheists but many are aware of the importance of Lucifer/Satan to these people and groups I have mentioned. That will help answer your question.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Apr 27, 2024 4:08 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

I penned a long reply to you. It went into pending.

Apr 27, 2024 4:20 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Must have been fucking Satan’s doing!

Apr 27, 2024 6:38 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

You should know.You work for him.

Apr 27, 2024 7:37 PM
Reply to  Marfanoid

Actually, I’m self-employed.

Apr 28, 2024 11:17 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

That’s one of the stock replies on the script your employers gave you, right?

Apr 27, 2024 6:26 PM
Reply to  Sociolog


Apr 28, 2024 11:05 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Not too familiar with the word “some”, as in “some people”, are you?

Apr 27, 2024 6:26 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Were you there four hundred to five hundred years ago ?

Apr 27, 2024 6:41 PM
Reply to  Marfanoid

No, you fucking dickhead. But I used to pass by the fucking chapel where Hus, immolated by the religious zealots in whose asshole you reside, used to preach every day on my way to fucking school. Makes it kinda easy to remember how shit went down.

Did you go to school as a kid? Doesn’t fucking look it, you obdurate moron.

Apr 27, 2024 7:41 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

I did go to school but didn’t much enjoy it.All the stuff about globe earth and moonlandings and theories about this and that.Drop a pen and it falls on the floor.
No theory needed.You need to come up with a new one.

Apr 28, 2024 6:57 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

You are from Europe yes? Therefore I suspect you grew up around Catholicism.
Therefore I commend you for rejecting it, for it is of Satan.
However it is foolish to write off God based on a faulty religion like that one.

An addendum to my comment above. Do you believe in God? If yes, then by His definition He is above us – He made us. Therefore to reject Him as our authority is a rejection of the truth.

Listen to the book of Isaiah.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 29, 2024 2:20 PM
Reply to  Paul

I am of the opinion a little Catholic teaching is better than nothing.
Catholic schools are not that bad. 5% of basic religion and the rest solid basic education.

When you have the basic religious history of Adam and Eve m.m. you can always shift to a less infected institution. I think even in the Catholic church you can find true believers.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 27, 2024 1:38 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Please tell us more about what you like and don’t like. We’re all very fascinated!

Apr 27, 2024 3:11 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Us? Your schizophrenic? Or there is more than one asshole where you’re corresponding from?

Hardly, eh.

You’re too much of a chickenshit coward to speak for yourself, so you prop yourself up with some imagined collective behind your ass. There ain’t nobody there, loser.

Inferiority complex is a bitch, ain’t it!

Apr 27, 2024 6:40 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

The superiority complex sounds and writes far worse.

Apr 28, 2024 11:20 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Your schizophrenic?

You’re a drongo?

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 27, 2024 1:57 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Does electricity have authority over you? Or gravity? Do you deny it because you don’t like the idea of it having authority over you? If you don’t follow the rules of electricity, like sticking your tongue in a light socket, is it offensive that electricity will “punish you” with its authority over you?

I understand what you mean, and I agree that the God of the Bible, at least the Old Testament, presented God in this “personal, tyrant father” perspective. I had a client once who told me he didn’t believe in God for the same reasons, and he said, if there were a God, the first thing he would do is try to find a way to kill it.

Apr 27, 2024 2:41 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

No clue what you’re talking about.

Kindly realize that the default status of a critter who is born into this world is not having his brain rinsed with religious indoctrination. That’s only what is foisted on him by his deluded community that needs a prism in the form of god to perceive reality.

Fine by me. Your prerogative to perceive the world through whatever lens you wish. But spare me such fallacies as the false analogy of likening god to electricity. Can you measure god? How many of whatever units of measurements? Can you generate god? Hardly.

I happened to have been spared the kind of indoctrination you haven’t, so don’t try to push it on me and don’t peddle your religious illusions as reality. The simple fact that you believe that something exists, in whatever form, doesn’t mean that it does, outside your head, that is.

Apr 27, 2024 6:42 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Satellite litre receiver.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 27, 2024 6:50 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

And who is pushing who? You started it with trying to push on me the flaws in my article.

And obviously, metaphor is wasted on you, symbology meaningless, so there is no point in arguing.

Apr 27, 2024 7:28 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Flaws in your article? This is what I wrote:

“But the issue addressed in the text is a pertinent one, and the author is spot on.”

Unlike some of your other texts, this one examines an issue from which generalizations can be drawn and it’s good food for thought.

And a good vehicle for a discussion too. A discussion, however, is not an asslicking fest – it’s an exchange of standpoints, opinions, facts. An opportunity to test your acumen against others.

Is the metaphor you’re referring to supposed to be the false analogy fallacy you committed? Sorry, but no cigar. Electricity is an objective phenomenon reproducible by anyone. God ain’t.

God at the personal level is fine. Pushing god into the public domain and even forcing others to acknowledge your perception thereof is not.

Anyway, too bad this discussion has turned into a religious dispute because your text is about something much more important and interesting.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 27, 2024 9:39 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

I didn’t see that part you wrote, sorry. So thank you. You know, I really should not read any of these comments. All of you, including you, should feel free to say whatever you want to say. I should just stay out of it because my personal, subjective, self gets offended at times (with personal bashing, not comments on my views that are made politely and respectfully.) The electricity metaphor is just this, God is no more an authoritative tyrant than electricity is, if you don’t follow electricity’s rules, you get hurt. It is impersonal, and simply a consequence. If you don’t follow God’s rules, you get hurt. You are free to disregard the rules (free will) but if you don’t stick with some basic “rules” then you will suffer the consequences (rules like love your neighbor and other simplicities). That’s as far as the metaphor goes. Some see God as a “personal father” which says if youdo not follow dad’s rules, he will punish you. Personally I do not see God as a personal saviour from suffering. There are many things we will NOT suffer if “do right” by God, but physical suffering is not one of them. Most people are more concerned about physical suffering than any other sort of suffering, and believe that God lies when you try to follow his rules and you still get a ton of physical suffering. I do not believe God is an entity with a white beard sitting on a throne in the sky, I believe he is an intelligent force or energy, not a singular thing. To be frank, I really don’t think God gives a hoot in hell about our suffering…if we believe in him, believe in love, etc etc we may not avoid physical suffering, but we will… Read more »

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 28, 2024 5:56 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

No, you are right. People see God as just another nanny like they see politicians. Wrong perspective.

The principles in the electricity and God are the same.
It goes wrong when people make both to a personal issue.

Its all about acquainting ourselves with universal rules, and if we dont do that, the reward is we punish ourselves and blame it on everyone else;
God, Politicians, the Elite, Satanic forces, the Doos, the Law, the Rules, the Author, China, Putin, the weather!

Apr 28, 2024 11:25 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

God is like SARS-CoV-2: never proven to exist.

Apr 27, 2024 9:09 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Why reply to him? You might as well talk to that wall socket! It is dreadful the way this agent provocateur has taken over by constantly inserting himself (shall I say “raping”??) into other people’s comments. It is getting more difficult to read O-G by the day because of his malicious and meaningless remarks. He precludes any reasoned discussion. Can no one rid us of this meddlesome pest??

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 27, 2024 10:50 PM
Reply to  mjh

I know, I know, it is definitely a weakness of mine. I have psychological pathologies like everyone else.

Apr 27, 2024 6:32 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

So are you equating God with gravity and electricity? While we could probably argue whether gravity is real, or even electricity, there are physical laws to those things we can see and feel. As for God, while there are many who believe in a God, that does not make that entity the authority over all of us. How many religions are there in the world and how many of them believe in differing concepts of God?

Why is it the West in particular demands that everyone believe in their concept of God? Look at what has been done to humanity in the name of that God for hundreds of years – endless wars conducted supposedly for virtue, destruction of nature done under the name of that God and his given dominion of man over the entire earth, the demand that the heathen be converted to belief in that one God under pain of death and destruction if that heathen refuses to believe. Yes, that may be all the fault of “organized religions” corrupted by the contemporary politics of their own age, but the one thing most believers seem to have in common is the urge to condemn far too many who do not believe in their chosen concept as the face of evil. When one looks back at just what has been done under the name of God, how in hell are non believers the only people capable of evil?

Apr 27, 2024 6:49 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Right. God is not reproducible by objective means by different people.

If a group of sectarians wants to believe in his existence, it’s perfectly fine. Ditto an individual’s worldview. Pushing faith in such a god as universal truth is pure bullshit.

But we know what the truth is, don’t we. GOD is the predecessor of COVID. An ideology crammed into people’s heads to control them. Ideally globally. Just like they controlled everybody through that fucking shithead Tedros and the WHO, religion controls people from the fucking Vatican through local branches (that would be your neighborhood church).

GOD is not so attractive no more. After all, people know that lightning is an electric discharge and not an expression of god’s wrath and so on. Sure, they can bullshit that it’s all symbolic, but it’s kinda hard for people to believe today in immaculate conception. Hence COVID. The virus is the perfect replacement for DEVIL. Only instead of ending up in hell incinerating your ass in eternal fire as punishment for disobedience, you’ll end up in ICU on a fucking ventilator.

Apr 28, 2024 11:40 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

GOD is the predecessor of COVID. An ideology crammed into people’s heads to control them.

Of course it was so much easier to get people to believe in the existence of Covid-19 if they’d already been brainwashed into believing in the existence of the “virus” SARS-CoV-2.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 27, 2024 7:13 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

No, I am not “equating” God with electricity or gravity. My comment was aimed at the comment(s) that God is “authority” and no different than any other authority that humans have been forced to live under. My comment was that we do not think of electricity as an “unjust ruler” but we understand that if we don’t regard it and live within its “rules” we will be hurt, there will be unpleasant consequences.

My metaphor is not a perfect representation, no metaphor is. But when it comes to being “upset” that living “under” a God as a tyrant authority, the comparison has some merit.

Or maybe it doesn’t. I am sad to say that it seems that most of the people I come to spar with here on OG have not had the experience that I have. That does not by any means makes me “better”…but maybe just more understanding of what God is, or isn’t. There are many out there there that have had deeper experiences than I that understand the true meaning of God better than I.

Whatever…it is a pointless argument, and I will now vacate this discussion. Pease be to all of you! Thanks for reading my article…

Apr 27, 2024 7:34 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

You keep assuming and insisting on the objective existence of god. As such, it is an authority – an entity or concept that is above people. Not in the naive sense of an old bearded feller sitting behind the nearest cloud, but in the sense of an entity exercising (moral) authority over people.

You should leave it up to others if they want to subject themselves to such an authority. Others might not. You should also consider whether the concept of external authority is not what sheeplifies people, which happens to be something you keep bitching about, and whether authority shouldn’t arise from oneself, in which case people would answer to no one but themselves.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 27, 2024 9:46 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Answering to yourself is answering to God. I can choose to cut off my arm, with no help from God. If I do, I suffer the consequences. If I live in the world against the “moral” rules of God, that is my choice. I will suffer that action in the same way I suffer the cutting off of my own arm.

If I cut off my arm, there is no “moral authority” that punishes me with pain, or bleeding out and dying, it is simply a consequence of violating the rules of nature. God is similar, only he does not deal so much in material actions (unless those material actions are based on breaking rules such as greed, hate, lack of love, and what we all like to call evil.) God is a spiritual Law, just as there are physical laws. The spiritual law deals with things like morality, love, evil and hate.

And where am I bitching? Why do you feel a need to approach this discussion from that perspective?

Apr 28, 2024 5:40 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

How do you determine the spiritual laws? Does it stem from your own experience and perception of the world, or is it imposed externally? If the former, it’s perfectly fine – everybody has such god, if the latter, there is a problem. Who establishes these laws? And what if your own inner principles differ from them?

Apr 28, 2024 3:49 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Your mythical idea of god doesn’t DO anything. *If* a creator exists, its job was finished after “creation”. And since we, as humans create our world collectively and individually, we are just as much part of any “god” and creation, hence there’s no authority of god over humanity because there’s no separation of humanity from creation.

The false authority humanity’s been forced to live under are a generational group of eugenicist psychopaths who hand down their power and wealth generationally through all the hierarchical structure systems they created as control mechanisms to farm humans as nescient slaves.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 27, 2024 9:28 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

So are you equating God with gravity and electricity? While we could probably argue whether gravity is real, or even electricity, there are physical laws to those things we can see and feel.

Not that Todd needs any help answering, but he’s talking about the natural forces intrinsic to life on this planet that we are all subject to. Things like gravity, electricity, disease, hunger, thirst, exposure to elements, etc. all limit our lives in various ways. In that sense, they have authority over us.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Apr 28, 2024 2:16 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Well put. The ancient Egyptians had a concept they called “ma’at” which, in simplistic terms, was a “moral code” that was innate within us at birth. This, according to their spiritual philosophy, is where we know the “rules”…as above, so below. They believed then we were to live our lives according to ma’at. That we just “know” what is right. Of course this “right-ness” varies depending on context, i.e., sometimes it is “right” to kill, sometimes it is not.

So the life struggle is ascertaining what is actually ma’at and what is greed, lust for power, etc.—the motivation when one is blinded by their physicality therefore functions almost entirely from a place of fear—fear of death, fear of suffering, fear of loss of control (which leads to the first two fears). I don’t think the Egyptians had it much better than we do in keeping all this straight (well, actually, they DID manage all this better than we are managing it now.)

Trust “consciousness of the heart”…it is no easy task following “God’s plan”…obviously…and when a person doesn’t even believe there IS a plan, all hell can break loose.

Humans have always dealt with a narrative to try to make sense of this inner consciousness of “God”—they make up various stories, God isn’t real, God is real, God is a myth, God is tyrannical authoritarian power, whatever…the easiest way to reduce the term and what it is, is to call God, Love…which doesn’t REALLY make it clear, but at least clearer. If our actions in life come from a place of love, and NOT fear, then we are following ma’at.

As A Course in Miracles so aptly puts it, “Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, therein lies the peace of God.”

Apr 28, 2024 8:12 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

No, natural forces are natural and universal laws. They have nothing to do with god or authority.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 28, 2024 11:31 PM
Reply to  Researcher

If one assumes that God created those natural and universal laws, ( I know you don’t) then they most certainly DO have something to do with God and authority.

Even if you don’t believe in God/god, those natural laws, by definition, imply authority. There are consequences when those laws are flouted.

Apr 28, 2024 11:33 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

The Hermetic Principles are what I’m referring to. Nothing to do with a Christian god which is a psyop.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 28, 2024 6:08 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

God is a physical law too you idiot (excuse me my language, it was an outburst).
God’s name is written in the Bible: I AM.
I AM electricity, I AM life, I AM death, I AM the universe, I AM the day, I AM the night, I AM the universe, I AM the moon and the sun. I AM everything.

He who is everything has sent me (Moses).

A little music from some musicians who understood this universal rule.. https://youtu.be/3KDnVPY4xgo

Apr 27, 2024 7:04 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

The intent to kill God’s Son runs as an ‘attack on God’.
This reads as insanely extreme in a mind and world of masking over & distancing from Terror, Horror or Separation trauma that effectively fragments the Mind of the Son (or Expression) of God while a ‘deep sleep fell on Adam’ in a manner of speaking.
Rene Girard uncovered the scapegoating of a sacrificial pharmakon that maintained social order for our ancestors as the establishing of a tribal Law or Way of being – which was preverbally lived and remained unconsciously enacted until the Christ-event of the recognition and release of the Cross or burden of pain and sacrifice associated with sin of self-illusion set over love of truth.
The recognition of the scapegoat as innocence of being shifted our consciousness from its conditioned dictate under terror, to a capacity for choice within the temptation to attack our ‘sins’ on others so as to boost or bolster a gain of function.

I listened to Owen Barfield earlier. We cannot begin to understand or appreciate the past records of our forbears in the frame of our current cultural assumptions. What are our ‘narratives’ but a means to redistribute psychic energy set in blame, masked or contrasted to victimhood set special? Uncovering the pattern or mindset from which evils are passed down whatever pecking order of the day is not itself waking up to the basis or nature by which that mindset is undone, released or in some sense redeemed. Because the desire for Innocence, Love, Power, Beauty, Peace, Justice & Joy is in our Nature, but its perversion to externally grasped possession and control is of our nurture – or inherited conditioned ‘past’ passing down the generations.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Apr 28, 2024 3:43 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Which is why some sons have killied their fathers.

Apr 27, 2024 6:24 PM
Reply to  Sociolog


Apr 28, 2024 6:51 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

You don’t like the idea of someone being above you. But if you acknowledge God as the one who made you, then YOU are literally the problem on this earth.
Denying God and accepting SELF as the only authority.
In the same way the so called elites want to play God.
That was Lucifers reason for falling. He rebelled against God thinking he didn’t need Him.
And he has convinced everyone on earth that’s ok.

God gave us free will because that’s what loving people do.
If God didn’t give us free will He wouldn’t be the loving father he is. He would be like a controlling parent or spouse.
But would you reject a loving father who wants what is best for you? Only a fool does that.

We have the freedom to choose, but not freedom to deny our creator’s authority. The latter results in hell on earth.

Read the Bible.

Apr 27, 2024 2:32 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Physics still obsesses over a creator (big bang) and the idea of a non physical reality (quantum theory).
Both of which are religious nonsense that hides as “objective”. https://youtu.be/ev7e9sfWIJo

Apr 28, 2024 2:31 AM
Reply to  Rob

To be (reality) or not to be?

Maybe Ken Wilber is on the right path:


Apr 28, 2024 7:05 AM
Reply to  Rob

No those are just more of their nonsense deceptive theories to explain the fact of creation and of the spirit.

Apr 28, 2024 4:34 PM
Reply to  Rob

They know and hide that there’s the material world that we see, hear, touch, taste, smell and understand with our minds, reason and senses, and then there’s the unseen invisible forces, waves, electricity, magnetism, ether, plasma energy that are intrinsically part of our material world, manifesting as our individual, collective and universal consciousness; electrical vibrations and physical and emotional energy fields, that can transcend our immediate physical body both in terms of time and space.

The controllers use false dichotomies, Manicheaism, Gnosticism, to constantly split our reality and world into seemingly opposing forces: Dualism.

The controllers took their occulted knowledge of “all that is and exists” and their occulted knowledge of the human psyche, and our physical, perceptual restrictions and separated one concept of our reality into two, Scientism and Religionism creating control mechanisms over both: Scientism; over the known, seen material world, and Religionism; over the unseen energy fields and waves, what most call “spirituality”.

They did this only for control. By controlling our perception of reality and truth, they can use mass ignorance to constantly split, defraud, farm and control humanity. They claim it’s for our own good: Ordo ab Chao. But it’s obviously not. It’s their greed and avarice, their religion, cult mentality, self hatred and loathing, projected onto the rest of humanity, using fear programs and mind control in fabricated, duelling, opposing forces.

People aren’t able to join any dots because they are unable to perceive anything holistically or wholly – from a spiritual and material perspective together, using synchronicity or syncretism.

Hence, most people simply parrot the fear programs (vengeful god, war, crime, terror, disasters, crises, cataclysms, plagues, starvation, scarcity, violence) and sound bites of the controllers. Humanity’s been so indoctrinated and brainwashed, they’re unable to think for themselves.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 27, 2024 3:51 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Or, by death, whatever the fuck that is, because nobody knows.

Nobody. And they/we never will.

Barring some apocalyptic revelation, we’ll not know on this world, but in the worlds beyond, who’s to say?

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Apr 27, 2024 7:16 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Who’s to say? Some people have memories of experiences prior to being born in their current bodies. After previous deaths. Some people remember out of body experiences after their heart stopped. Memories aren’t always perfect. But just because it is not remembered doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. How much of your current birth do you remember? How about your early months in your current body? Certainly it happened. But most people forget. Life can be painful. Death is ultimately painful. Loss is painful. Forgetting is a way to anesthetize. Unfortunately, other things besides the pain gets forgotten too. Like useful experiences that lead to Wisdom. A spiritual quality. They can put your body in a box, but they can’t put you in one if you don’t allow it.

Apr 27, 2024 7:28 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

What if it isnt?
What if no one can find what isnt?
Because it isnt!
But the insistence on finding it (for whatever that is premised to gain) will see it everywhere, but find it nowhere.

Unconsciousness is a masking of Infinity within a focus of specifics, of limitations that set their possessor in the need to overcome or escape.

Death or unconsciousness can SEEM to offer escape or at least buy time against release to Infinity. But the unmasking of Infinity as the moment at hand is a revealing of Life in place of a world premised on death.

The mind so long adapted to darkness recoils in terror from light, but the light within is stirred – regardless the conflict or struggle to hold on to the evil we know -or at least know how to set up countermeasures against!

Apr 27, 2024 6:38 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Then “There is no outside to what and who you are”
But that we project from an ‘inside’ of which we are at some level wilfully blind to – for the purpose of such an experience/exploration as we are currently sharing in – as if via computer hardware and software systems of a technologically unbalanced cultural dissociation from our own Nature.

If we have any sense of God alive, with and within all that Is – not excepting ourself – then we have enough to recognise that the true movement of being that we experience as desire and intention or love’s extension, is not of our making, and so we get out of our own way. getting a false self out of the way is not the ‘achievement’ of a false self set in struggle, but the grace of noticing -or free awareness allowed to abide with and within, such as to grow consciousness from a fresh willingness. Not to build back better or in any way dictate terms and conditions of contract.
There is no ‘US’ as we think – any more than anything else we think – while we think to think alone. Many thinking apart and alone can and do ‘share’ illusion of joining as a means to support such a private agenda’. But that is a living death – in which love of joy in freedom of being is traded for the taking of knowledge in vain. As an attribute of self possession and control to display for approval. Its a cult 😉

Apr 27, 2024 9:59 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Beautiful and deep confession of faith in nonexistence of God 🙂

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 27, 2024 11:53 AM
Reply to  Zbyszek

But at the same time wont admit being an atheist, you cant get any closer to hypocrisy than that.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 27, 2024 11:50 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

God has a thousand year head start on you knuckler, and she is preventing you from further evolution so she can further evolve first, riddle me that

Apr 27, 2024 1:36 PM

Pletes si me s nekym koho mozna tohle kvakani zajima. Vodpal sraci.

Apr 27, 2024 6:44 PM
Reply to  Sociolog


Apr 28, 2024 11:46 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Vete a la mierda, pajero.

Apr 27, 2024 6:23 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Are you included in eight billion fuckers or are you the eight billionth and first ?

Apr 27, 2024 7:18 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Self-hatred seeks to destroy – while at the same time nesting in ingenious masking defences against exposure. Not least of which is mitigating such an intolerably pain by dumping it out on to anyone, anything, anywhere ELSE.

Do we not find ourselves projecting our own (hated) intentions onto the (unknown) inner life of others? or likewise our own ideals as a conditional love that life will sooner than later break – to a sense of treachery or lack of support?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 28, 2024 2:05 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Freedom is the natural state of being. Anything that curtails it creates psychopathy and criminality. It also kills joy and creativity.

The point at which freedom must be restrained is where it intersects or encroaches on other living beings’ freedom. That’s why human beings have a conscience to guide us in knowing right from wrong. It’s everyone’s responsibility to make decision based on this innate knowledge of what is right, and to reject the wrong.

Apr 28, 2024 6:47 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Your subjective use of terminology is cute, like freedom, psychopathy, criminality, joy, and creativity.

How do you define any of this?

Human beings have conscience? So, people who have different guiding principles are not human beings? Who the fuck do you think you are to determine who is a human being and who isn’t? Or who is psychopath and who isn’t? Fuck, you’re no different than the klaus schwabs and kill gates – you take it upon yourself to push your worldview onto others!

Apr 28, 2024 11:51 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Perhaps you should be a bit more careful with your fake anti-globalist shtick lest your master Klaus decides to give you a damn good anal Schwabbing. Unless, of course, the prospect of that gets your panties all moist, which would not be at all surprising.

Apr 27, 2024 8:41 AM

Human beings are messy because we’re fallen. Take some time to consider how the world would be if we were able to follow God’s moral law. There’s a perfect world ahead. No more death, disease, pain, suffering, deceit, hate, loss, grief, hunger, poverty, greed… Man can’t make a utopia but God can and He has promised that world to those who love Jesus Christ. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Even an utter degenerate like Russel Brand has heeded the call of the Holy Spirit. That’s what true waking up looks like.

Apr 27, 2024 12:29 PM
Reply to  Lexie

Religious propaganda.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Apr 27, 2024 3:18 PM
Reply to  Grafter

You’re so right! What Lexie has written is merely ‘christian’ propaganda. More accurately termed ‘christian’ BS… absorbed through indoctrination/brainwashing.

N.B., I’ve been a properly-informed Spiritualist for almost 30 years. Spiritualism being the only ‘religion’ that is able to absolutely prove what it states (and I do NOT use the word ‘prove’ either loosely or wrongly).

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 27, 2024 4:08 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Existential questions.

Apr 27, 2024 5:03 PM
Reply to  Grafter

A charitable assessment would call it a point of view. Thinking persons would acknowledge that the human condition is directly tied to agreed-upon moral conventions, and whether humans comply with said moral conventions at a given point in time. Whatever the source of agreed-upon moral conventions, they are necessary, else we find ourselves in the sort of pickle we’re in today.

Apr 27, 2024 1:49 PM
Reply to  Lexie

Hilarious! Ha ha ha … More of this shit, please!

Apr 27, 2024 6:47 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Movie wanker .

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 28, 2024 2:03 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

“Treat everybody kind you meet on your way as everybody is fighting a hard battle.” (unknown poet).

Apr 27, 2024 2:29 PM
Reply to  Lexie

God created perfection but when it failed he blamed the people and not his creating skills?
Fucking rich. 😂
Reminds me of the WEF and other government bullshit blaming people for their suffering, not their shitty creation skills.

Apr 27, 2024 4:22 PM
Reply to  Rob

Not to mention God’s idiotic instruction to have dominion over the world. He should have known that people would fuck up everything left and right. Ordering something like live in harmony with other critters and all the rest would make more sense.

Apr 27, 2024 6:48 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Explains everything shit for brains.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 27, 2024 7:57 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Tick tock, do I hear a clock?

Apr 27, 2024 8:11 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

So you also talked with God?

I have really enjoyed the back and forth bantering on this thread. Sociolog, I think you are having a fun day.

Anyway, I thought I would add my two cents worth being doubtful it’s worth even that much.

Why do many humans believe in God and why do they talk about good, evil, Satan, etc. I think they probably want to believe in some spiritual afterlife and they are trying to rationalize all the good, bad, pain, joy, etc that occurs to us humans. I mean If they had a preference as to if there is some spiritual afterlife or this is it. You are born and then you die. That’s it. Many people prefer the spiritual afterlife option and develop their faith.

Now the atheist, I guess, don’t believe in God or an afterlife. The his is it. They are born and then hey die. They experience, like everyone else, throughout their life joy, misery, pain happiness, unhappiness, disease, etc. Then I wonder if they consider their life a net positive or net negative are
they glad they were even born. All they had was their life on earth and that’s it. Nothing else to possibly look forward to.

Another question I would ask an atheist-How did time begin. What created time. What created consciousness, What created matter. Some say the Big Bang created an infinite number of heavenly bodies out of some overheated atom or something like that. Way beyond my 82 year old pea brain. Anyway, nobody knows the answer to what created existence. In fact religions people don’t know, atheists don’t know. It’s all speculation and faith that what they believe is the truth.

I’m really rambling now, I have really enjoyed the discussion though.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 28, 2024 1:59 AM
Reply to  Mark41

He talks to his childhood tribe members and no one else, but you can, or one can, talk to the Gods on your way to everlasting life, mostly through named body parts but the numbers have significance too.

Apr 28, 2024 5:36 AM

Vyser si voko. Nebo to aspon zkus. To te vole privede vole na jiny myslenky vole.

Apr 28, 2024 5:35 AM
Reply to  Mark41

To be honest, I don’t give a fuck what created matter and consciousness.

It’s totally fine by me if people believe in some allegory, such as religion, god, and all this shit, and live their lives according thereto. We all probably do that to some extent, having brains capable of abstract thoughts.

But pushing this into the public domain, foisting it on other people, and even waging wars in doing that is a no no. Fuck that. Keep your god to yourself, leave me out of this shit.

To draw an analogy with COVID, what do I care if you believe in viruses, in the notion that viruses transmit disease, what do I care if you get sick. All that happens and you gotta deal with it. Personally, on your own. Don’t you fucking get me involved in your flu. Sweat it out yourself in bed. Don’t push it into the public domain and make it my business.

COVID is the modern-day GOD.

Apr 28, 2024 11:45 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

But you do care. Your posts show that very clearly. We all care about something. The question is what? Surely the answer above everything else should be, the truth.
Even very learned and intelligent people are ignorant of certain truths.
Only searching for the truth will bring us closer to peace on earth. For ourselves and one another.
The truth is synonymous with love. In truth there is no deceit, no abuse.
You will say one man’s truth is another man’s lie. But that is to deny that truth even exists. That simply aligns yourself with the moral relativists.
Two men oppose one another and say they have the truth. One or both of them are wrong. That doesn’t mean that others are not in possession of the truth, nor that we should stop the search for it.

When you atop looking for the truth, you are no longer living a true life. You are living a lie. Because deep down we all want the truth.

You are just another person full of ego, hubris and arrogance.

Apr 28, 2024 12:09 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

The best thinkers are those that don’t.
The ability to discern between assumptions and verifiable facts is sorely lacking in most.
If this then that, the this better be accurate.
Some inferences are much easier to make than others.
So, are the people steering the ship benevolent or not, and who are they?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 29, 2024 2:14 PM
Reply to  Djt

The best readers are those who dont read, but feel it. If you feel good, why not just continue to feel good instead of wasting time.
Its that easy man. https://youtu.be/Lrv-Morm-c0?t=48

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 28, 2024 2:14 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

Your dream is coming through just right now.
The AI Avatar robot of yourself living in harmony with other robots, and your Master AI having dominion over the world.

God have heard your whining and recommendations.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 28, 2024 2:09 PM
Reply to  Rob

You always blame God, and forget completely Satan’s interference and his and your’s shitty partnership.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 28, 2024 7:36 PM
Reply to  Rob

Maybe God did create “perfection,” but you not being God, can’t see it?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 28, 2024 11:33 PM
Reply to  Rob

God created “perfection,” but you, not being God, are incapable of seeing it.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 28, 2024 11:34 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow
