[REMOVED] Zones of Interest: The Holocaust Industry in Film

Simon Elmer

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Simon Elmer
Simon Elmer
May 2, 2024 2:59 AM

As the author of this text, I feel I need to comment on the responses to my article. Off-Guardian appears to have a pretty open policy on what can be said in this forum, which I support. However, although I’ve published around 20 articles on this platform, I don’t recall such a collection of irrelevant, stupid, self-indulgent and deliberately misconstrued responses as those this article has received. That appears to be endemic to any attempt to discuss anything related to the ‘Holocaust’. I feel it necessary, therefore, to dissociate myself from pretty much everything written here, because I don’t want the analysis I have expounded and tried to substantiate in this article to be conflated with or mistaken for the rubbish written about it in this comments section. My article is not a denial of the mass extermination of millions of Jews under the Third Reich, first by the Einsatzgruppen on the Eastern Front that killed an estimated 2 million people (1.3 million of whom were Jews), then in the death camps. Nor is it claiming that the evidence of that extermination, not only in the camps and the testimony of the survivors but in thousands of razed villages across Eastern Europe, was somehow fabricated by Soviet film crews during or after the event. Nor is it about how the Shoah has become a ‘cash cow’ for film makers since. My article, as I state several times for those of you who haven’t read it (and it appears few of you have), is about the changing political function of the Holocaust Industry in Film in rewriting history during the Cold War, in justifying US foreign policy in the Middle East, and more generally in the creation and justification for the apartheid State of Israel and its brutal and increasingly genocidal… Read more »

May 4, 2024 10:52 AM

I am trying to figure out the rubbish written in the comment section which has got the sensitive author to cancel the whole blog.
That is without a doubt thee most woke thing I have witnessed on a blog.
An author losing it due to a comment not agreeing with him or her.

May 3, 2024 8:50 PM

If you want sane responses, then write a sane article. My two sense [sic]

‘Benhamin’ [Netanyahu]. What’s in a name? Son of the right hand? [basic Hebrew] Son of the right wing. Go figure

May 3, 2024 5:29 PM

is this part of cancel culture as well now?

May 3, 2024 7:14 PM
Reply to  jesse

it’s akin to james delingpole’s approach to his ‘beliefs’ – if you don’t agree i hate you and will ban you!!!!!

May 4, 2024 6:27 PM
Reply to  jesse

Germany is leading the way in cancel culture. You can’t even express pro-Palestinian sentiment over there without the gestapo (cough) I mean police, arresting you.

May 6, 2024 10:14 PM
Reply to  Kanafani

It’s true, Germany is becoming increasingly repressive regarding Palestine. Germany would do well to keep its historic guilt to itself, instead of trying to project it.

May 8, 2024 10:28 AM
Reply to  jesse

No, just look at Germany for that. Its leading the way. This is a writer who doesn’t want his work being misrepresented.

May 3, 2024 3:45 PM

“Indeed, the sanctification and Christianisation of the genocide of European Jewry is one of the prime goals of the Holocaust Film Industry”
Thanks for this crystal clear point which was a kind of intuition for me after the so many movies ,series and documentaries about holocaust.

May 2, 2024 7:52 PM

What do you imagine British “heroes” to be? Presumably those cowardly bomber pilots who reduced German cities (inclusive their civil inhabitants) to rubble, while true heroes, namely their supposedly “Aryan cousins”, fought Bolshevism in Russia, with which these British heroes insidiously allied themselves.

The fact that the official historiography continues to spread and perpetuate this myth of Allied heroism is absolutely necessary, if only to distract attention from the “multicultural fruits” their descendants have been allowed to reap in return, apart from the loss of their world empire and political influence.


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 3, 2024 4:22 AM
Reply to  Benny

My Grandpa is from Britain, and he says he loved to bomb and rape himself through Dresden as they were allowed to keep all the gold they plugged out from the German teeth.
I mean it was job that had to be done, and we did it only because of freedom.

May 2, 2024 10:24 AM

“Is it good for the jews?” Remember, that is the only question that matters as the Hollyweird pedovore “history” inventors interminably spew philosemitic jooganda to milk the docile USSAN tax cattle and keep the AngloZionaZi death machine grinding onward. But how long more will the hollow co$t gimmick continue to bring home the bacon and keep the critters in the Washing town swamp and their minions in the evil E.U.S.S.R in lock step with the Khazar demons genociding the Semitic people of Palestine now that young jews in USSA appear to finally have recognized that the chosenites themselves are no better than their NAZI nemesis?

May 1, 2024 7:31 PM

comment image

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 2, 2024 11:31 PM
Reply to  mastershock

Double-plus-good Tank

comment image

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 3, 2024 4:18 AM

Freedom tanks. Because its all about our freedom.

Los Negros del Fuego
Los Negros del Fuego
May 1, 2024 6:25 AM

“I want to be drunk, and nobody is going to stop me!” says the alcohol inside me. It always wants more, more, more of the same.

But how do I recognize that it’s the alcohol talking – and not me? At the latest after the “ruined” awakening, you know: as a wreck.

This is roughly how you have to imagine the Jew-programmed brain. With the tiny difference that alcohol is much less harmful.

May 1, 2024 6:07 AM

UN Chief rages at World’s inability to stop Genocide by the.Yahoo Regime


May 1, 2024 3:50 PM
Reply to  NickM

Is Mr. Guterres simply naive or being disingenuous? The word “inability” applies about as much to the world’s doing nothing to stop the American genocide in Palestine as the iconic Mae West line “Goodness had nothing to do with it!”

(BTW, I have stopped referring to the Gaza slaughter as an Israeli genocide – it is an American genocide, pure and simple. Israel is merely the proxy carrying out the genocide so American and British interests can get to the offshore gas and oil reserves.)

May 1, 2024 4:57 AM

Good drum programming, almost Prussian militaristic.
But which knocking box might it have been? I’m wa-
vering between Oberheim D(M)X & Sequential Drum-
traks, although I’m leaning more towards the latter.

May 1, 2024 3:35 AM

This “Strike” (aka Jordan) looks like an autistic with his head tilted and his maniacal laughter. This guy definitely has a personality defect, even if he is incredibly proud of having accumulated more selective pseudo-knowledge than his somewhat less conspicuous “interlocutor” due to his “island talent”. Do you seriously want to put the fate of the world in the hands of such wankers? Of course not! And that’s why it will never happen! It takes a bit more than just stupid chatter without life experience and personality, “boyz”! https://odysee.com/@WarStrike:a/Episode27:f

May 1, 2024 2:52 AM

Pardon., here are the Swabians (exchange it with the third link in my last post)

May 1, 2024 2:37 AM

On his former video channel, the militant extremist Hoffmann has published a few videos from his bathtub, labeled as “satire”. In one, deliberately shot in black and white, he gets a call from Dr. Mabuse, who complains that Hoffmann is trying to dispute his status as the “incarnation of evil”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELw-Nu-xwIU Hoffmann calmly rejects this accusation, pointing out that it is not he, as the instigator of murders and terrorist attacks, who is evil, but the secret services who suspect him of it. I don’t believe him. The guy is an abysmally shabby scoundrel and criminal. His “ingenious Nuremberg criminal brain” saved him from having to spend the rest of his life in prison (or even ending up on the gallows like his Franconian compatriot Streicher (Whether Streicher’s execution was not itself an act of evil is debatable). But before that, his own followers, whom he naturally distrusts the most, would have hunted him down. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lzhvZfPFdUIzGqsbXjdC-aFArigT8QwXk “Swabian” is truly the most idiotic German “dialect” (next to “Saxon”, which is not Saxon at all because the Saxons originated from northern Germany, i.e. they spoke Low German). Even “Yiddish” sounds only slightly more morbid in contrast. Who thought out something like that? The devil himself must have laid a foul egg like this to expose us all to ridicule! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntGNpcYCamc I do think that there should be a moral guideline. It is therefore important to keep a clear head at all times and not take the side of evil without even realizing it. Since everything carries its opposite and is inextricably linked to it (Yin & Yang), any exaggeration is harmful. Evil is always and everywhere, inviting us to slip on its prepared banana peel and break our necks in the process. So this is about resisting seduction. We have lost the… Read more »

Apr 30, 2024 11:31 AM

the systematic genocide of Jews was perpetrated,

It wouldn’t matter how much revisionist truth comes forward, the Brits have a line to toe.

Apr 29, 2024 11:26 PM

Why are are so many people in the so called truth movement totally obsessed with Jews and Zionists as the root of everything dodgy?

Apr 30, 2024 3:34 AM
Reply to  MiloT

It’s a divide and conquer grift so the people don’t know who to blame. It’s the Hegelian Dialectic, Gnostic duality scam.

But the legal, monetary and corporate structure of the courts, banks and governments and industry emanates directly from the Vatican and its satellites, corporate offshoots, front men, legal and money franchises and Orders like the Jesuits, Knights Templar, Knights Hospitallers and Ordo ab Chao.

The Jews vs Christians, Jews vs Muslims or Christians vs Muslims psyop exists so the public can’t figure out it’s the system of faux authority (religions, monarchies, governments), where all faux authorities collude, conspire together against the populace by continually orchestrating and fabricating military, ideological or economic conflicts and crises.

Divide and conquer is the penultimate control mechanism. It’s also highly profitable.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Apr 30, 2024 9:05 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I wonder where Mr Blair got his idea for Oceania. Eastasia, and Eurasia?

Apr 30, 2024 9:48 AM

Fabian Society. Or his handler. It’s all just pre-programming scripts. The Cult of Saturn were ready to launch the technocracy in 1930.

Apr 30, 2024 11:50 AM
Reply to  MiloT

Who said ‘everything’?
And ‘obsession’ is a tad hyperbolic.

May 1, 2024 6:13 AM
Reply to  MiloT

Because Anglo Zionazi Capitalist regimes in London and Washington are at the root of everything dodgy in the world today.

May 1, 2024 6:16 PM
Reply to  NickM

They’re INTERNATIONAL (BIS, IMF, World Bank, Crown Temple, Moscow, Singapore, City of London, all controlled by the Holy See)

Zionism was created controlled by the Holy Roman Empire and Jesuits which is the Cult of Baal, Cult of Moloch, Cult of Saturn/Roman Cult, Byzantine, and Ptolemaic religions. All religions are one.

Muslim and Communist regimes were/are faux opposing satellites to Christendom/Judaism created by the Cult of Saturn. Your inability to understand simple psyops and duality scams is unfortunate.

The Rothschild cartel, a Vatican front had completely overtaken China by the 19thC.

Mao was a Yale acolyte.

All Muslim countries are also satellites of the Rome Cult-Cult of Saturn.

Moscow *is* the third Rome.

The Central Bank of Russia has the same seal insignia (double headed eagle) as the Russian Federation Coat of Arms, the Holy Roman Empire Coat of Arms, and the Ordo ab Chao Coat of Arms.

One head represents the Left/Sinister/East and the other represents the Right/Dexter/West.

The two heads on the same body symbolize the Gnostic duality, divide and conquer Modus Operandi.

There’s never been an East versus West except in the brainwashed minds of the masses who refuse to acknowledge the reality and truth of central world control and orchestrated wars, throughout history as vehicles of trauma, death and mind manipulation, by the psychopathic rulers of the slave class.

May 1, 2024 12:51 PM
Reply to  MiloT

Because if you control banking, media, academia and foreign policy, you can control basically anything.

May 1, 2024 7:00 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

The Jesuits are behind Zionism.

Hamas is Israel’s controlled opposition creation.

Furthermore, all Freemasons, secret society members, Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons and Jews etc are fully indoctrinated into the same cult of authority.

And the Crown Temple, Holy See control the legal and money franchise worldwide.

Apr 29, 2024 8:42 PM

Pending a few more heathen down-votes…

Apr 29, 2024 7:44 PM

I appreciate that Elmer’s overview can’t mention and discuss all relevant films, but I’m mildly surprised that he didn’t give dishonorable mention to the 1997 Italian tragicomedy “Life Is Beautiful“. It was wildly acclaimed, and co-writer Roberto Benigni received a Best Actor Oscar for his starring role, the first for a male non-English performance.

I have a perverse idiosyncratic bias or prejudice: if I eventually get around to seeing/hearing an artwork (film, TV program, music) that has been extravagantly praised and hyped in mass-media and/or everyday personal interaction, I am almost always underwhelmed, even indignant or exasperated. I can’t resolve the “uncertainty principle” dilemma, i.e. whether I would’ve had a more positive reaction if I hadn’t been set up to have high expectations.

Anyway, when I duly went to the theater to watch this highly-recommended film, I was aghast. I found its attempt to intertwine the grim, stark reality of the Holocaust (narrative) with the would-be heroic hijinks of the whimsical, compassionate protagonist appallingly sentimental and incredible. What my Normal relatives and friends at that time regarded as sublime and heartwarming “magic realism” struck me as deplorable cinematic glurge.

Well, I’m glad I got this tangent off my chest. I would be interested in Elmer’s take on this movie; apparently it’s become relatively obscure in the intervening years, but at the time it was touted as a blockbuster with a unique take on “beautiful” life during the heyday of the Third Reich.  🤨

Victor G.
Victor G.
May 1, 2024 2:04 PM
Reply to  Ort

Only Italians are aware of the sad downwards trajectory of Roberto Benigni, once a comic revolutionary. Once, a person TPTB feared, or so it seemed.
Today, he hides himself. Occasionally he surfaces to recite Dante in an extreme caricature of the Florentine dialect. It’s as if his artistic bluff was called 20 years ago.
Something happened on the way to the forum. What?

Apr 29, 2024 7:02 PM

But I suspect the other major component here is the Holocaust industry as a propaganda tool against Germany itself and even European integration. Therefore the extraordinary resurgence of Germany in the last 80 years, as both one of the biggest economies and also one of the most enlightened nations in the world, has increasingly posed a threat to US power – therefore they and their wartime allies need to keep resurrecting the wartime horrors. See also the greatly increased number of wartime commemorations, compared with the early years of the postwar era.

Apr 30, 2024 6:10 AM
Reply to  Thom

extraordinary resurgence of Germany
Uncle Scam is working hard to reverse that.

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
May 3, 2024 3:13 AM
Reply to  Thom

Exactly! It was ever thus. The Germans were being vilified long before Nazism and were subjected to absurd propaganda to grease the wheels for American entry into The First World War.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Apr 29, 2024 6:22 PM

Bob Dylan’s son With God On Our side
Is an anti war film the original version contained the lines
When the Second World War
Came to an end
We forgave the Germans
And we were friends
Though they murdered six million
In the ovens they fried
The Germans now too
Have God on their side”

At the end of the Second World War there was no way of knowing how many died in the German camps let alone how many were murdered and also not how many were Jews
The Six Million number was just made up, It is a number that had been used in the past long before the Second World War when referring to Jews suffering or in peril.
Now they just say Six Million Jews as if they were the only ones that died or were murdered. I guess compared to the mythical Six Million Jews the Gaza dead will always seem like small fry.
The Original Auschwitz death sign said Four Million Suffered and died here this was changed in 1990 to About One and a half million.
What ever the true number it is obscene .
But the reason for the war and the support Germany and Hitler got in the build up to the war is not something Hollywood makes many films about.
There was one not made in Hollywood The Great Dictator in which the always Silent Actor told a story of how Hitler required support from Wall Street the always Silent Actor gave a speech at the end of the film where he begged people and soldiers not to fight this war

Apr 29, 2024 4:59 PM

Not from the most recent blockbuster, but some guy named Shakespeare apparently wrote the following a few years back (circa 1600); in a work entitled “The Merchant of Venice”.

He was some kinda poet genius I think. Or maybe just an illiterate rustic/peasant/actor who once played the part of Adam in “As You Like It”. Who knows? Nevertheless:

If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?
(Shylock, “The Merchant of Venice”, Act III, Scene I)

What would’st thou have the serpent sting thee twice?
(Shylock, Act IV, Scene I)

Yet how to take a pound of flesh without shedding a drop of blood? A similar problem to taking Hamas without a single civilian life lost. Clearly impossible. Arguably, there is a better way:

The quality of mercy is not strain’d, –
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon this place beneath: it is twice blest, –
It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes
(Portia, Act IV, Scene I)

Los Negros del fuego
Los Negros del fuego
Apr 29, 2024 2:23 PM

Finally guarantees more safety on the road again! It is clear that in this case, too, the systematic racial discrimination of this population group can only have been the main reason for the “conflict”. https://nypost.com/2024/04/25/us-news/all-out-brawl-between-crazed-passenger-and-driver-on-moving-bus-caught-on-video/

“What comes to us is more valuable than gold. An enrichment for us all. We must see this as an opportunity.” The subject of skilled workers: a colorful Merkel guest at the quality inspection in the REWE supermarket chain. https://media.gettr.com/group4/getter/2024/04/25/08/a6b588c2-0536-dc8f-a776-0e3929144fef/out.mp4

Los Negros del fuego
Los Negros del fuego
Apr 29, 2024 2:18 PM

For the vast majority of Germans, the abbreviation USA stands for the land of unlimited opportunities. For Zalando, however, there is a Hitler message behind the three letters. The Berlin-based online retailer actually warns against this abbreviation on clothing on a list. What’s behind it? At the beginning of April, Zalando launched a campaign together with the Hamburg association “Loud against Nazis”: Fashion against Fascism. The “largest online database against Nazi codes” was launched. The aim is to “prevent the spread of right-wing extremist messages in the fashion industry”. The fashion retailers “About you”, Baur and Bonprix are also participating in this database. “Only together can we prevent products with questionable imprints from being distributed or sold,” says Zalando CEO Pascal Brun. The list with over 200 entries should help companies “to check that right-wing codes are not unknowingly being distributed via their stores”. The abbreviation USA also appears in the database. The following is written: “Description: ‘Unser Seliger Adolf’, first used by Winifred Wagner: “We old National Socialists invented a new code name after the war. As we couldn’t talk about him in public, we called him USA, which means ‘Our Blessed Adolf’ in German.” https://www.bild.de/regional/berlin/berlin-aktuell/zalando-setzt-usa-auf-den-index-87844362.bild.html Consequence of gendering: children now say “Stühl-innen” instead of “Stuhl” (chair) At an elementary school in NRW, the new language has consequences. The children now also use the genders for objects. The principal believes it is important to break down parents’ traditional role models. The head of an elementary school in Lünen, North Rhine-Westphalia, has described the experiences she and her colleagues have had with gendering in the classroom. Iris Lüken told the Ruhr Nachrichten newspaper that the children were now also looking for gender-neutral terms for objects. For example, the pupils turned “chair” into the new word “chair-inside” and “table” into “table-in”.… Read more »

Los Negros del Fuego
Los Negros del Fuego
Apr 29, 2024 4:41 PM

Btw, stool/Stuhl has a double meaning (in both German & English). Can “mental diarrhea” actually be gendered? If so, that would be a good word for the trainee. https://countenance.wordpress.com/2022/10/30/meet-the-asterisks/

News that triggers storms of joy are rare these days. But today there is cause for celebration: the anti-white “Scotsman” Humza Yousaf is stepping down. However, I wouldn’t hold out too much hope that he won’t be replaced by an equal demolisher.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Apr 30, 2024 9:10 AM

OT but selle/stool also has double meaning in French. Curiously wick/meche leads to wicked / mechant the words coming from totally different roots.

Apr 29, 2024 6:41 PM

I still remember about 15-20 years ago, when I was living in Cologne, how the authorities got all upset over some neo-nazi youths wearing Lonsdale t-shirts, since they would wear hoodies or jackets over them covering the ‘Lo’ on one side and the ‘le’ on the other. This would spell “nsda…”. They even pressured Lonsdale — a British company — to launch an ad-campaign repudiating the practice: “Lonsdale loves all colors!” was the new slogan. Still makes laugh!

James Robertson
James Robertson
Apr 29, 2024 2:16 PM

I am always filled with admiration for CJ the way whenever he mentions German tyranny he never ever ever mentions that people get locked up over there for disagreeing with the government on certain historical details.
This is the ethical approach to tyranny-only notice it when it is done to people you like and agree with!
When it happens to people you don’t like and disagree me, you never mention it and that is a solid and principled position!. Well done CJ, you really blaze a path don’t you!

Apr 29, 2024 12:23 PM

Good article and relevant as to how desperate some people are to rewrite history in favour of their own prejudiced views. The Zionist monetary influence in the West is now all pervasive, not just in Hollywood but in so many other areas worldwide such as politics, commerce, culture etc., where ignoring/supporting genocide by Israel has become merely an acceptable problem. The spectacle of the Zionist controlled American Congress waving Ukrainian flags celebrating a $95 billion handout to a fascist ethnic cleansing regime is also sickening and quite insidious. Having seen Zone Of Interest I totally agree with the author that the film was ruined by its blatant propaganda ending featuring the Auschwitz museum and the piles of personal possessions left by those whose lives ended there.

Victor G.
Victor G.
May 1, 2024 3:27 PM
Reply to  Grafter

As it were, I have a number of USAmerican friends … the main, unmentionable feeling that they express tacitly is intense shame. Sadly, this will not save them from the fire that will soon engulf them.

Apr 29, 2024 12:20 PM

Was wondering if this extends in Literature and books in the top say 10,20 at places like Borders or WHSmiths?

Anyways, it’s always good to be prompted to re-read Normal Finkelsteins book on ‘The Holocaust Industry’.

Apr 29, 2024 8:03 AM

“But what purpose does this industry serve?”

It serves to bolster the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist EU$A by erasing the memory of the Soviet Army who crushed the Wehrmacht in 1943,, liberated Auschwitz (and Eastern Europe right up to Berlin) from Fascist occupation by 1944. And it builds up the image of Anglo Zio U$A (who came in late — 1944 when the battle was already over — and bought up an exhausted and impoverished Europe) as the Great Liberator.

Congratulations to Simon Elmer and to OffG for publishing his article. This is top notch investigative journalism.

Having lived through the period, including pre-War, I can vouch that for the prevalence of Anti-Jewish prejudice in the pre-War period, and the great turning wave of post-War sympathy toward Jews and Israel after the War and the genocide by Nazi Germany and allies (Poles, Ukrainians). At present I see a new and unexpected great wave of sympathy toward Palestinians after the genocide by Zionazi Israel and allies (UK, U$A, Germany). And I hope this new wave will result in a long overdue re-establishment of the State called Palestine. Palestine and its main city Gaza have existed continuously in pretty much the same place and with pretty much the same people for 5,000 years.

Apr 29, 2024 3:45 PM
Reply to  NickM

Unfortunately, Gaza sits between the massive gas fields offshore in the Mediterranean Sea and the oligarchs in the West wishing to get their grubby hands on it. So not only will there be no Palestinian state, there will soon be no Palestinian people.

My math isn’t the best, but I think one cubic foot of gas equals 1,000 Palestinian lives. But you’d have to check with a much better calculator of these things – someone like Tony Blinken.

Victor G.
Victor G.
May 1, 2024 3:32 PM
Reply to  Howard

The people of Palestine will prevail. Try to have some faith …

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 3, 2024 4:01 AM
Reply to  Howard

This planet is swimming with gas reserves everywhere. Why especially the gas down under in Gaza. It doesnt make sense. I see it as only an excuse.

Apr 29, 2024 7:22 AM

The Marshall Plan, purportedly to revive Europe, was economic imperialism. -Annie Lacroix-Rix 2023

More US wealth was diverted for the supposed reconstruction of Afghanistan than for the whole of the Marshall Plan for Europe after WW2. It is painfully obvious how ineffective this has been. -Tom Englehardt, 2017

Victor G.
Victor G.
May 1, 2024 3:34 PM
Reply to  mgeo

It is painfully obvious how ineffective this has been. -Tom Englehardt, 2017″
Hmmm does anyone ever check on the DowJones and affiliates. It would tend to indicate that effectiveness depends on your point of view. Or no?

Apr 29, 2024 6:47 AM

A brilliant piece. Thank you.

The Russian film cited by the author – “Come And See” – is the most powerful anti-war film about war that you will likely ever see. Not for the faint of heart, but a film that will not be forgotten.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 29, 2024 6:36 AM

“The Holocaust Industry in film only began in earnest in the late 1960s after Israel, on the back of its victory and in defiance of international law, occupied the Palestinian Territories in the West Bank, Golan Heights and the Gaza Strip — which they continue to hold to this day.”

Hollywood’s Ministry of Propaganda is noted for their keen ability to psychologically manipulate populations, especially when it comes to justifying wars advancing hegemonic dominance.

Apr 29, 2024 7:48 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Populated by the same Suiturds that infest the ‘news’ rooms.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 29, 2024 10:32 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Yes. Both are filled with spooks.

Apr 29, 2024 6:35 AM

Hollywood? Not worth watching for 95%, CIAnglo globalist propaganda. The Matrix movies are in the 5%.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 29, 2024 6:27 AM

Owen Jones asks: Where are the free-speech advocates now?

The answer is that you won’t find them on Youtube because they got cancelled several years ago!

Something Doesn’t Add Up About These Anti-Israel Protests, And Now Congress Is Moving To Ban Them
The Red Elephants – Vincent James
April 29th, 2024

BRUTAL Crackdown On Gaza Protests Exposes ‘Free Speech’ Hypocrites
Owen Jones
534K subscribers
Apr 25, 2024
What a bunch of raging hypocrites.

Apr 29, 2024 4:19 AM

Thank you, Simon for the link to “Come and See”

Apr 29, 2024 4:18 AM

Sorry, off t.
Geoff Olson (Off G piece on Naomi Klein, Oct 23) will find this interesting.
It seems the author can’t make up his mind:


George Mc
George Mc
Apr 29, 2024 12:38 PM
Reply to  Johnny

The dissident voice article is written by a climate groupie called Eric Walberg whose rhetorical artillery includes all the dreary hack-journo moves e.g. he launches right away into that sophomoric exhibitionism (“A world of doppelgangers, shadow selves of many varieties from our repressed inner Other, to an AI construct of who you are in public.”) and compulsively employs the (royal?) “we”. (“…which creates our ‘Others’ worlds, which become our online ghosts. We like a certain level of automated customization”)   And I see the “far right” tag comes in pretty sharpish.  If “protests of this are mostly far right” it’s only because the Left have shown themselves to be not only useless but quite frankly working for the other side anyway!   We find that Klein “is not afraid to label the culprits. We must name the systems that have carved out the shadow lands, deemed them erasable: capitalism, imperialism, white supremacy, patriarchy”.   Note how he moves from naming the “culprits” to naming the “systems”, only the first of which still has relevance, the rest now being revealed as the buzz expletives of the Groovy Left.   Then Eric drops the clunker:   “Klein nails her media doppelganger, Naomi Wolf, who flipped from liberal feminist to far right wacko”   Yes, we see you now Eric. And note the hint of relish here:   “She (Wolf) was purged from academia after that and it seems her worldview as a liberal feminist collapsed with nothing to replace it, leading her down rabbit holes, antivaxxer conspiracies, cabals.”   So time to roll in the Great Hero:   “But Klein was and still is a feminist. Her evils include patriarchy. She wants no truck with the far right. Speaking of trucks, she slams the antivaxxers categorically, accusing all who kicked up a… Read more »

Apr 29, 2024 12:44 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Thanks George.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 29, 2024 12:51 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And I just noticed this vile little nugget: “Speaking of trucks, she slams the antivaxxers…” – an unmistakable reference, given Walberg’s Canadian status, to the Freedom Convoy.  An attack on the convoy was the biggest betrayal from the World Socialist Web Site. And, as with them, it marks Walberg out as part of that “Covid Left” now called into service for the reset.
(And I am well aware of drawbacks with Miss Wolf with her new “Rightist” chums e.g. a “sitting on the fence” with Israel/Gaza and some recent exhortations to “Jay-SUS!”. But I prefer the company of “rednecks” who get it over criminally gullible sanctimonious Left stooges.)     

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 29, 2024 1:45 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Thanks for putting me in touch with the Walberg entity. It has made me face up to something: For four years I have been waiting for just one genuinely perceptive take on the post-covid con game from a Marxist perspective. And I have only seen two: one from Jenifer Bilek re: the transgender operation, and the other from Simon Elmer. And I reckon that neither would describe themselves as Marxist.
Meanwhile those who self-describe as Marxists have taken on two approaches: one is to shill the shite for covid, climate and trans. The other is to utterly ignore the whole shebang and grind away at the tar pits of postmodernist discourse, gender theory, navigating the controversial transformation of feudalism into capitalism, or even still wallowing in that old WW2 show of investigating the spread of anti-Semitism/ fascism amongst the masses – and yes – even whilst actual fascism raised its head via the covid lockdowns! (Indeed, our bold Leftists are happy to discuss the “inherent fascist tendencies” behind conspiracy theory!)  

Apr 29, 2024 3:40 AM

Other views here: Pending…..

Apr 29, 2024 2:43 AM

The only film you ever need to see to understand the human race is “Brazil.”

les online
les online
Apr 29, 2024 2:04 AM

“The Economy is every politicians dog leash.” … (anon)…

Roy McCoy
Roy McCoy
Apr 29, 2024 1:27 AM

1950s: 09 / 01 = 9 > 1950s: 09 / 01 = 10

it’s theme is the wall > its theme is the wall

Apr 29, 2024 1:19 AM

Then there’s the ‘Death of a Thousand Cuts’ holocausts perpetrated by the ruling ghouls over the working class for several thousand years.
Tens of millions of children, women and men exploited as wage slaves/servants in fields forests and factories.

Still waiting for those movies and documentaries.

Apr 29, 2024 3:52 PM
Reply to  Johnny

If someone made such a film and showed it in the neighborhood cinema, one angry group would storm out crying “A pack of lies!” Guess which group that would be.

Do you give? That group would be the labor force. They’re the last folks in the world who would “fall for” such a notion.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 28, 2024 11:47 PM

There’s a book out there, free to download, titled: The Falsification of History by John Hamer.

And here are some snippets which seem to contradict the classic holocaust narrative:

comment image

comment image

comment image

Apr 29, 2024 4:18 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Tell the truth and shame the devil by Gerard Menuhin
Open your eyes

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 29, 2024 8:45 AM
Reply to  Mjolnir

And ears… At around 8 mins. Netanyahu says Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews, he wanted to expel them.


George Mc
George Mc
Apr 29, 2024 7:24 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Hamer’s “Welcome to the Masquerade” has a brilliant chapter on predictive programming as well as a painstaking assemblage of “oddly coincidental disaster movies”.

Apr 29, 2024 8:23 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Thanks George.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Apr 29, 2024 10:14 AM
Reply to  George Mc

An excellent book, I read it a year or so ago.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 29, 2024 11:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s out of print everywhere….

Apr 29, 2024 3:58 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The go-to “gotcha” moment of the Holocaust industry would necessarily be to claim as a fall back position that most of the six million came from other central European nations.

Are there census statistics for these other nations? Although Germany was always way ahead of the pack in its record keeping.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 29, 2024 11:20 PM
Reply to  Howard

Whether the figure is six million or ten thousand, it does not matter – genocide is genocide.

The point I’m making is that our controllers lie about everything, so as sure as hell also about the holocaust.

In 1979 the International Red Cross released their findings after a six-year long forensic investigation. German records had entries for each worker, including births, deaths, dental records, injries, even circumcisions.

Total deaths from the thirteen work camps including those from natural causes, accidents and typhus was 271,504.

It wasn’t until 1965 that society even heard of the Holocaust – two decades after WWII had ended.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 1, 2024 5:09 AM
Reply to  Howard

European Jewish population distribution, ca. 1933Jews have lived in Europe for more than two thousand years. The American Jewish Yearbook placed the total Jewish population of Europe at about 9.5 million in 1933.

Yep, Hitler rounded up ALL the Jewish people of Europe and exterminated 6 million of the 9.5 million of them.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 3, 2024 3:30 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Come on. You cant cheat papa here. 9.5 million in 1933 = 9 and 5+1 and 9, and 33 = 666 33 is the number of the beast.

May 1, 2024 9:32 AM
Reply to  Howard

They were purportedly meticulous, even tattooing identification numbers onto those they were about to kill off.

Apr 29, 2024 4:30 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Oh dear…classic Holocaust denialism masquerading as anti-zionism. The author seems to think that his truth is superior to the alternative truth peddled by the likes of the Daily Sceptic, at least where the Gaza strip is concerned. Divide and conquer was always the deep state’s ploy, and the author, along with many others commenting here, seem to have fallen for it hook, line and sinker.
Emotive comparisons between Gaza and the Holocaust serve no purpose, other than fuelling the divisions which neither he, nor anyone else commenting here, have any notion how to heal. And so it goes…on and on.

Apr 30, 2024 5:59 PM
Reply to  apikorsim

Okay…so what purpose do comparisons between Gaza and the Holocaust serve? And how do you downtickers propose to solve the Gaza problem? Just asking…

Apr 30, 2024 8:18 PM
Reply to  apikorsim

You might have a point about comparisons of Gaza and the Holocaust. It’s possible for Zionism to be bad without having to compare it with Nazism.

James Robertson
James Robertson
May 8, 2024 1:29 AM
Reply to  apikorsim

I propose the South African or One State solution, an end to apartheid and ethnocentrism and an inclusive democratic state that accords equal rights to all citizens regardless of their background.
At this point the only realistic alternative is the “Algerian solution” where the colonists suffer complete political and military defeat and flee en masse. I think we should seek to avoid that.
What do you propose?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 1, 2024 7:27 AM
Reply to  apikorsim

A reasonably argued comment by:


James Robertson
James Robertson
May 8, 2024 1:23 AM
Reply to  apikorsim

What part of the article denied the Holocaust? I missed that part.

Stuart Davies
Stuart Davies
Apr 28, 2024 10:51 PM

(continuing fro below) “Simultaneously, a political force was being financed that would be called upon to play a crucial role in the Anglo-American plans – the Nazi party and Adolf Hitler himself.

German Chancellor Brüning wrote in his memoirs that beginning in 1923, Hitler received large sums of money from abroad – from where exactly is unknown, but it passed through Swiss and Swedish banks. It is also known that in 1922, Hitler met with U.S. Military Attaché Capt. Truman Smith in Munich – a meeting Smith recounted in a detailed report to his Washington superiors (in the Office of Military Intelligence), saying he thought highly of Hitler.” https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/americans-who-funded-hitler-nazis-german-economic-miracle-eger?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0o3KFGKBZIajbRHoF7BMzKNyw1iA65np760Ym4yQzgRw1_J6UCg57qFCs_aem_AZuEkEPMs5CThrS0ZBsrwCMj4DaY5veLTw5axcIjP_P8E1eihaqXROLYbn-0apvywkMy6EFiAXjY3WsYFy3HisLE

Apr 29, 2024 8:07 AM
Reply to  Stuart Davies

U$A and UK funded and abetted genocide by funding and abetting Nazi Germany as “our bulwark against Communism”.

Stuart Davies
Stuart Davies
Apr 28, 2024 10:49 PM

Hey, maybe the BBC would be interested in doing a film about all of the members of the Third Reich that supported the NAZI program of sending Jews to a new ‘homeland’ in Palestine. Adolph Eichman said “I am a Zionist too”. Great clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtCkBISlC0s Or maybe they’d want to do a documentary outlining the funding of Hitler and The Nazi party by the western bankster cartel, including their partnership in the German war machine and the massive profits they made off of German armaments manufactured by Jewish and other slave laborers in the concentration camps, ya think?  Great info here on their scheming to instigate WW I & WW II, and their funding of Hitler and his fascist cadre early on: “The key structures of the West’s post-war strategy were the central financial institutions of the United States and Great Britain – the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System – coupled with financial-industrial organizations, who set out to establish absolute control over the financial system in Germany to manage the politics of Central Europe. The implementation of this strategy included the following steps: 1st: 1919-1924 – Preparing the grounds for massive American financial investments in the German economy. 2nd: 1924-1929 – Establishing control over the financial system and funding the National-Socialist movement. 3rd: 1929-1933 – Inciting and unleashing a deep economic crisis ensuring the Nazis would rise to power. 4th: 1933-1939 – Financial cooperation with the Nazi government and support for its expansionist foreign policy, aimed at preparing and unleashing the new world war. In the first stage, the major leverage for the penetration of American capital into Europe came from war debts and the closely related issue of German reparations. After the United States’ formal entry into WWI, the U.S. provided its allies (primarily England… Read more »

Apr 29, 2024 8:26 AM
Reply to  Stuart Davies

Many thanks for this documentation of something that I began to notice only as a bad smell when I began digging in 1990, trying to answer the question:

“Why were Bill Clinton as president of United States of America, and Tony BLiar as president of the European Union dropping more bombs on tiny Serbia than Hitler did?”

The answer — like the finance behind Fascist Germany — led to the Anglo Zio Capitalism. Dismemberment of Serbia and the return of Kosovo to Albania was the price for permission to build an oil pipeline through Albania on its way from Central Asia to the Med. Bill and Tony obliged their AZC bosses.

Apr 30, 2024 6:26 AM
Reply to  NickM

Afghanistan and Syria also suffered for having the temerity to reject imperial pipelines.

Apr 28, 2024 9:26 PM

how many films have been made about the mass murders in the former Soviet Union? about the genocides in Armenia, Africa, Asia? There are whole lot more victims than just the Jewish people.
Reading about Lenin – had no idea he was Jewish. And most of the Bolshevik leaders were.

Apr 29, 2024 8:20 AM

One of Stalin’s main henchmen was Kaganovich – a relation of Robert Kagan, arch neocon and husband of Victoria Nuland?

Apr 29, 2024 5:21 PM
Reply to  Edwige

‘Kagan’ was more or less the title ‘King’ in Khazaria.

Apr 29, 2024 8:37 AM

Predominantly Jewish Leadership of the Red Terror is asserted in “Two Thousand Years Among Us” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. If this book is true, then it would seem that Dialectical Materialism might not have been the only driving force for Anti-Christian tendencies such as the murder of Priests and destruction of Churches during the Red Terror.

“One Armenian is worth 10 Jews, and one Jew is worth ten Russians” — Russian proverb, circa WW2.

Apr 29, 2024 7:04 PM

Or the genocide against Native Americans in the 19th century,

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 30, 2024 1:15 AM

The other 60 mio who died in WWII in genocides, bombs and mass murders had no money.
You dont make bum films about bums do you………………  😂  😂  😂 . Thats why!

Apr 28, 2024 9:25 PM

This is brilliant and exactly on point. How many films about the millions starved to death under Mao? Or any of the other notable genocides? The regime decides what you see. Exactly the “news” and the rest of the media.

Apr 29, 2024 8:21 AM
Reply to  Cloudster

David Rockefeller though Mao was just fantastic….

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 30, 2024 1:33 AM
Reply to  Cloudster

You make film about it. Or you think you are Emperor? Ordering Kings. ……………..LOL.

underground poet
underground poet
Apr 28, 2024 8:49 PM

And dont forget the puppet masters of the 90’s, they just tore you up from your own insides.

Apr 28, 2024 7:02 PM

What’s happened in Gaza is genocide.

What happened in the Holocaust was genocide.

What happened in Armenia was genocide.

What happened in Rwanda was genocide.

The more films about these atrocities the better, they must be avoided at all costs.

Apr 29, 2024 8:57 AM
Reply to  Portonchok

There’s one Anglo-American film on the Armenian massacres that I know of – ‘The Ottoman Lieutenant’ (2017). It’s decidedly unsympathetic to the Armenians and shows “aid” working serving as front for intelligence operations. Hitler supposedly said (it’s in the ‘Table Talk’ I think) who remembers the Armenians now? Certainly not Hollywood! The killing fields of Cambodia are even less worth remembering it seems. There was one film about that, ‘The Killing Fields’ (1984). The Anglo-American Empire supported Pol Pot (not his real name – how he came by it is very interesting) before, during and after the genocide. The film was written by Bruce Robinson who made a handful more films (most famously ‘Withnail and I’) before disappearing from the industry only to re-emerge with a book ‘They all love Jack’ on Jack the Ripper. The book is just ignored by mainstream Ripperologists (and yes, that it is most definitely a thing). It would be a brilliant 400 page book but unfortunately there are 800 pages of it because of some repetition and unnecessary digressions. I don’t buy Robinson’s alleged culprit but he certainly made me re-think the whole case and see it for the secret society op it assuredly was. Anyone questioning the Holocaust itself might try Germar Rudolph’s ‘Holocaust Encyclopedia’. The first entry “absurd claims” highlights some aspects of the mainstream narrative that should give anyone pause for thought. Who knew that one of the allegations at Nuremburg was that Jews were herded into a village on the Eastern Front and had an Atomic Bomb dropped on them? Or that a prosecutor in one of the military trials claimed his brother died in a concentration camp only for it to be pointed out his brother was sitting in the courtroom? The lampshade of human flesh from Buchenwald mysteriously… Read more »

Alpine Observer
Alpine Observer
Apr 28, 2024 6:15 PM

Note from Admin: This commenter has unfortunately misunderstood the meaning of the author, who at no point in his article (above) states or implies the Holocaust or associated events didn’t happen, and nor do we feel such an interpretation can be reasonably construed upon fair reading. The author has also further clarified his stance in a comment, pinned at the top of this comments section.
Thank you – Admin Team

Just as the author is free to publish such views, hopefully I am free to reply that I find his a very warped view.

The Holocaust DID happen. It happened because one group of people decided that they hate another group of people and then decided to remove them off the face of the Earth.

It’s not the first time such hate and destruction has happened, and it won’t be the last time, sadly.

What’s was different this time is that such a crime has coincided with the invention and subsequent evolution of photography and film. It was captured and the event could be re-told by the survivors. This was quite unique in human history.

The survivors have done whatever they can to warn future generations not to repeat this astrocity, films are a great help. As to whether they will be successful or not, only time will tell, but it’s not looking good in Gaza today…

James Robertson
James Robertson
Apr 28, 2024 8:53 PM

Asinine observer more like.

Apr 29, 2024 8:50 AM

“The survivors have done whatever they can to warn future generations not to repeat this atrocity”.

By “the survivors” I guess you mean the Jews (though the Nazi Holocaust made a burnt offering of ALL UNTERMENSCHEN — Russians, Poles, Romany, the feeble minded, homosexuals and any other UNFIT TO LIVE that could be fitted into a category).

I think you are right, in a sick joke way:

Hitler’s greatest contribution to humanity was that the Nazi Genocide exposed the evil effects of anti-Jewish prejudice, and hasten the re-establishment of the State of Israel.

NatanYahoo’s greatest contribution to humanity was that the Zionazi Genocide expose the evil effects of anti-Muslim prejudice, and hasten the re-establishment of the State of Palestine.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 29, 2024 12:57 PM

What Simon is provoking us to ponder is – How much of the crime was captured by on-the-spot photography and film and how much of it was “captured” by Hollywood?

Apr 29, 2024 4:06 PM

Mr. Elmer is not implying that the Holocaust did not happen – only that it has become a cash cow for film makers.

Victor G.
Victor G.
May 1, 2024 5:01 PM
Reply to  Howard

Cash, golden cows, filmmakers …. there’s some mysterious thread, it seems …

Apr 29, 2024 6:56 PM

people decided that they hate another group of people and then decided to remove them off the face of the Earth

I agree that genociding the Krauts was a bit harsh if that’s what you are getting at?

Apr 28, 2024 6:15 PM

History is written by the victors. https://www.bitchute.com/video/rb8Z12MiluNe/

Schlomo McHanukkahface
Schlomo McHanukkahface
Apr 28, 2024 6:15 PM

What a huge load of Shit… Im done with this garbage site.

Apr 29, 2024 3:35 AM

The Western woke here suffer from discalculia: they can’t count. They ‘studied’/ partied liberal arts on their parents money. Columbia / Harvard/ etc. the poison ivy league. The staff there is awash with Leftovers who couldn’t make it outside of any subsided setting.

What percentage of people survived the German extermination camps? https://khc.qcc.cuny.edu/camps/charts/ Of the 31820000 only 272140, less than 1%. What percentage of Gazans is a live today? Of the 2100000 about 30000 ~ 98.6%. A huge difference.
More than half of Gazans are 19 years or younger. This is due to the comparably high fertility rate in the Gaza Strip of 3.5 children per woman as of 2022. Hamas’s plan, madness in normal eyes.The Gaza strip has 20000 newborns every 100 days, so 73000 per year. Their population might stay stable over this year. In German extermination camps
man and women were separated at arrival.

Talking facts to woke is similar to preaching to a wall: the left believe they are right and have their fingers in their ears while shouting “down with Israel”. Meanwhile they support Islamists who when in majority would ideologically feel vastly superior to them and will be the minute their numbers swell even more in the West. Lying about that is built in into Islam and is called Taqiyya.
Meanwhile anyone with eyes can see that there are dozens of Muslim countries and just one tiny Jewish one.

Apr 30, 2024 8:43 PM
Reply to  antonym

It’s ‘woke’ to oppose the Israeli government’s response, but pro-Israelis waving Pride flags at counter-demos, wanting pro-Palestinian sentiment banned (yes, the types of people who cant shut up about ‘cancel culture’ like Douglas Murrey want to cancel people they dont agree with), and any criticism of Israel or Zionism to be labelled antisemitic is definitely not woke. Ok. You sound like Bill Maher or Elena Lange.

Apr 29, 2024 5:07 AM

Back to Fox and their ilk then?

It’s your funeral.

Victor G.
Victor G.
May 1, 2024 5:03 PM

Don’t go! Just reading you handle brings a smile …

Big Al
Big Al
Apr 28, 2024 5:44 PM

The big one in the U.S. and what many credit with bringing the term “Holocaust” into popular usage was the TV mini-series in 1978 called simply, “Holocaust”. It was watched by about 120 million Americans when it came out. I know it was the first time I was really exposed to the whole thing and it certainly planted the message in a lot of people’s heads. It wasn’t until years later that I started learning the truth. Probably 110 million of those original viewers never have.

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 28, 2024 10:08 PM
Reply to  Big Al

A better name would be “Hollow-caust”.

Apr 29, 2024 8:58 AM
Reply to  Jee Day

From your Link to Counter-Currents:

“after the events of October 7, we’ve seen Jews and Zionists play the Holocaust card repeatedly in the most cynical ways — but to no avail.”