Alice in Wonderland
Todd Hayen

I used to be shocked and amazed when weird things happened in the world that seemed to be connected to each other, but were too weird to be just a coincidence. Now I think it’s funny. Not in a “ha ha” sort of way, but in a “this is so strange, and so obviously connected with (fill in the blank) I feel like I am sitting ringside in a circus tent” sort of funny.
What is going on? Well, that is kind of a stupid question. You don’t sit in the audience at a circus and when a dozen clowns stumble out of a tiny clown car say, “What is going on?” You may not know how they pulled off the trick, but you know they did. And you laugh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone at a magic show run out of the theatre terrified that something supernatural was going on.
Everyone laughs, and smiles, and is amazed. “Isn’t that something!?” they exclaim. That is sort of what this is like. Until you think about it carefully, then it isn’t funny anymore, and you start wondering what kind of magic is going on. And it is indeed scary. I guess that is where I am with all of this. But only if I think about it. If I don’t think about it, I then wonder when the theatre lights are going to come up and I can go home.
The bridge incident in Baltimore was a recent happening, and the odd story around Kate Middleton’s “disappearance” and her strange touched-up photos another. Remember the train derailments? Epstein’s suicide? And a plethora of other odd happenings. Add to that, really weird crap like thousands of children disappearing, very odd UFO sightings, faceless animals showing up on beaches, and birds dropping dead from the skies.
Over a month ago when the solar eclipse was upon us everyone running around as if their heads had been chopped off. What is that about? Of course, we are all still here? Right? Have some of us been taken up to the mothership?
Ah, yes, these sorts of weird things have always happened, you may say. And that is true, to some extent. It does not seem they have happened as often as they are now happening, and they have not, in the past, seemed to be so elegantly correlated with other strange happenings.
Take the recent Key Bridge downing by a large barge-like ship. Many are relating this incident to incidents in the recent movie Leave the World Behind. There was indeed a large red barge as a key character in the movie, but not much else to match up the two incidents. What about the fact the movie was produced by Michelle and Barack Obama? Yeah, what about it? Seems like a stretch, eh? Sure it does, but there is more to it.
It is odd that the Obamas would produce some frivolous fear-bait nonsense like Leave the World Behind. It just isn’t their style. It is odd that a barge, much like the barge in their movie, would run into a bridge—that sort of thing doesn’t happen every day. And on further examination, it is odd the barge would lose power twice, and the bridge would collapse in the manner that it did, with what certainly appeared to be flashes of light at key structural points of the collapse.
OK, OK…I do sound like a dreaded conspiracy theorist, don’t I? But this stuff is just too frequent, too weird, and too seemingly correlated with other odd events to just ignore. I have often wondered if it is just all a way to make us go batty.
I think of the old series The Prisoner, starring Patrick McGoohan. Here is a resigned British spy who has been kidnapped and finds himself in a strange, bizarre world that ultimately makes no sense. It makes him go batty. How about the movie The Truman Show Jim Carrey’s character also occupies a surreal world he thinks is real, but turns out to be a television set all designed to be entertainment to a viewing audience in on the secret. Maybe it is something like that. All created as a grand puzzle to perplex us. Maybe on the home planet of the Lizard Masters, this sort of entertainment is a specialty.
Is the world we live in so seriously manipulated by powers beyond our awareness that movies like Leave the World Behind are in fact premonitions of events soon to actually happen? And the events that are happening, such as the Baltimore bridge collapsing, and Kate Middleton disappearing, are all designed to make us incapable of distinguishing up from down?
Some people have more elaborate “reasons” for all of this nonsense—like destroying bridges so people cannot enter or leave major cities when the flying monkeys pour out of the dark hole the moon left as it obscured the sun on April 8th. Maybe they are right…but historically, the more interesting speculations don’t happen. The world, over eons of existence, has a limit to how interesting it can be. The really crazy stuff does not typically happen. Until now.
Well, we can’t be sure that crazy stuff didn’t happen years ago. We weren’t actually there 10,000 years ago. Maybe really crazy things did happen back then.
Maybe crazy things happened 1,000 years ago, or 100 years ago, or 50 years ago. How would we know they didn’t? How do we know how the great cathedrals were constructed in the 1700s and 1800s? Hell, we have no idea how the pyramids were built, even though every school kid thinks he or she knows. What is it now?—is it still slaves that built them? Or is it now armies of Egyptians with their reed barges toting megaton slabs of granite 700 miles down the Nile? What bull are they teaching kids in 2024?
I know in my lifetime crazy things like huge steel and concrete buildings didn’t fall unless it was explained that aluminum aircraft plowed into them. Presidents were not assassinated through a complex conspiratorial network of CIA masters and their cohorts, but rather by a single bullet fired by one arbitrary crazy guy hundreds of feet from his target. Five billion people were not vaccinated with a practically unknown substance unless a killer virus from an infected bat didn’t threaten the entire world population. No. No crazy things have happened in my lifetime, nothing unexplainable at least.
But it gets crazier and crazier, and less and less easy to explain. How do you explain all of this? Well, apparently it is easy enough for the Big Kahunas to clarify—the agenda has no trouble spitting out explanations that most people believe. Climate change is responsible for the proliferation of heart attacks and myocarditis. Sure, why not? “Kids get strokes too!” Sure, why not? Autism increases in children by hundreds of percentage points for no reason. Sure, why not? Vaccines are the cause? No. Why not? Because we said so. OK.
I could go on and on with this game. And, as I said, it is getting worse. A strange movie made by the Obamas comes out and suddenly strange things the movie predicted start to happen—and the movie was produced by an ex-president of the United States. And that’s not strange? Nope. Anyone claiming any of this is strange and that there is something odd going on, is a conspiracy theorist. And we all know what that means.
So just sit back and watch the clowns tumbling out of the tiny car. You can be certain more will come out. A lot more. I guarantee it. Welcome, Alice, to Wonderland.
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The most important notion that all North Americans (Mexico excluded) can grasp and attach themselves to is that the rest of the world (Probably billions and billions of individuals) does not give a rat’s about them or what happens to them.
The best result will be for them to exit the world stage, work on repairing their death-cult countries, and forever mind their own goddam business.
Dear Todd, please get yourself a subscription to The Fortean Times.
Funny you should mention “The Prisoner”. The TV show isn’t explicit about where it is set — it hints of “an island in the Baltic” — but we all know in reality the set was Portmeioron in North Wales. The show itself was trying to present reality as manufactured, especially as it concerned the world of spies and counter-spies (which even in real life because a manufactured reality completely divorced from everyday experience). The notion of manufactured reality was brought home in the last episode of the series where some super secret control bunker turned out to be the trailer of a semi (articulated lorry) with the entire thing traveling up the A2 towards London.
On the subject of manufactured reality its worth noting that with one or two exceptions our MSM hasn’t been very good at conveying the idea of just how big — or rather, small — Gaza is. To underscore this my own paper talks about impending famine in North Gaza in terms that makes it seem like a country that’s far, far, away when in fact the famine is literally a mile or two down the road from the nearest supermarket. A glance at a map would demonstrate that the immediate area is like a bizarre twist on the “Zone of Interest” set where a world of refinement and relatively plenty sits cheek by jowl with one of deprivation and worse. Underscoring this is the notion that the division is totally artificial, it a product of deliberate policy rather than geographical accident, a situation like the Cold War spy movie with ‘us’ and ‘them’ that presents a reality totally divorced from everyday life (and so a reality that just doesn’t need to happen).
Thanks Todd maybe you should give some free therapy to the new Off g author who totally lost it last week during the U>K election period and left the site due to a narrative that seems MSM familiar at the moment with saying something about the rescue mission happening in Gaza that clearly is not true about the history we are told about something that gets you put in prison and cancelled for not believing in that happened in 1940’s to a certain demographic.
Except Jerusalem. The Christians took over when the 60 000 Romans invaded and banned all Jews from Jerusalem…..forever!
Unfortunately we Christians in Europe have to do it again because some people never learn.
The simulation is Plato’s Cave. To be in the other world of consciousness is to leave the Cave. The Mind belongs to them…those of the other dimension, whom, I have seen. They don’t like that. It’s their worst nightmare…our awakening to their illusion of life. Their technology is total human surveillance in my experience. But, the good news is that the human race doesn’t exist. The frequencies put upon the brain decodes their fake reality/Cave so they can implement what ever they want into the headset of their viral fake reality. The only thing that exist is you and me. We bring the life which they would like to harness into a machine so we can be easily turned off and on. We are the power of the universe on an individual basis. We must awaken to this. For together we form the human spirit the most powerful force on Earth. A place where we the only proof of our existence and where we can look ourself in the eye! Leave the Cave, understand your power and we can create our own illusion of life.
The media is a mind control device, filled with distraction, nonsense, irrelevancies, fear programs, trauma, misinformation, staged events, hoaxes and psyops.
The pyramids weren’t constructed using “megaton slabs of granite”. They’re made from a cement limestone aggregate.
There’s an interesting talk on YouTube on the geometry of the pyramids called “The Giza Template” with Ed Nightingale.
Technology (technique + knowledge) isn’t a progressive, one way timeline. It’s occulted, recycled and rolled out as necessary by the parasite class to control the multiple illusions and hidden techniques they use to farm, tax, brainwash and control the human slaves on the worldwide plantation.
And your entire essay was just a facade to see who else watches Jeopardy. I got it right, by the way. Big Kahuna.
Watching Kristi Noem interviewed by CBS Margaret Brennan on Face the Nation is a mirror of the insanity the 1% forces us to live under. Two idiots representing the standardized false binary cage that seems to have neutralized the minds of far too many people. Total ignorance of fact and history. Each side holds their own formula of fascism custom tailored to the profitable objectives of the 1% that must be protected from serf interference at all cost. Both love war and throttling human freedom. Pathetic.
Then a CBS 60 Minutes commercial asking “why is there so much ANARCHY in Congress?” Anarchy? OMG. How about why so much totalitarianism?
Then Anti-War protests, are too disruptive, and spraying UN banned chemical weapons on speech assembly, and redress humans is justified to stop it? But TV commercials DISRUPT programming every minute of everyday. But THAT’S just OKIEDOKIE?
The ludicrous level of HYPOCRISY is like a bad acid trip.
Some dogs need to be put down. It is the duty of the owner.
Some dogs and some goats need to be wild and could be transported to a natural habitat to exercise their proclivities. But it was not that i cared about. Noem was anti-mask, anti-lockdown, but then fascistic about abortion. Human freedom to control our own bodies as we see fit, has no exceptions. This is another example of a false consciousness, false binary totalitarianism. Also the pro-war fixation right and left with literally zero rationality toward the issue on either side of the ruling class culture binary fascism.
Oh. if it were, actually, “Wonderland”, we’d be having some surrealist fun. But this 21st C is more like Banksy’s “Dysmaland”.
Perhaps the world constructed by humans from the real world never was sustainable. We know that bridges, roadways, old buildings wear down in their endless war with the real world – and these things eventually “die.” Some fall over or fall down; others, like some 11th Century castles that were never successfully attacked, actually remain – the exceptions that prove the rule.
I wasn’t going to pollute this article with my usual negativity. But being madly in love with Alice in Wonderland – and especially Through the Looking Glass – my disappointment at the article’s lack of connection with that great work of literature prompted me otherwise.
Just like its structures, humanity itself is wearing down because the entirely artificial being it has made of itself through of its love affair with civilization is every bit as unsustainable as the structures it has made of Earth’s natural elements.
Humans have gone as far as they can. Perhaps that’s why we can see things more succinctly than past generations. We’re actually looking back as our “world” disintegrates right before our eyes. We’re seeing connections that were never noticed before simply because our ancestors were too busy building a “civilization” from Earth’s resources; and we’re fast running out of resources.
We no longer “build” anything. We simply rearrange what’s we’ve already built (like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic).
It is only negativity if you assume normative civilisation as positivity, which it is not. How can the overuse and abuse of the earth and its Unpeople be positive? All biological systems thrive on ‘negative’ feedback that shuts down metabolic processes at the point of sufficiency. Systems and processes that do not self-regulate ‘negatively’ become tumorogenic, cancerous massifications. Us humans hate ‘negativity’ so much we banned it and created positive self-reinforcing growth as metastatic. Ergo: there is no negative feedback. We need more negativity!
Reading your back and forth with “underground poet,” I find that what I’m proposing is a kind of negativity unrelated to the negativity you present. Yours, if I may reach a bit, is existential; whereas mine is essential. I absolutely believe destruction is built into everything and nothing can alter that inevitable outcome.
What we call “Nature” – which itself will self-destruct eventually – creates one after another species with the sole aim of destroying them all one fine day. This makes humans’ “control” of Nature laughable nonsense. All we can do with our insane preoccupation with “power” is turn this planet into a true sister planet to Venus. The great irony is that Nature could care less if Earth is a lush green paradise or a bleak gaseous hothouse. Our insane notion of our own majesty leads us to imagine that Nature cares very much what happens to “our” world.
Let us not infer any ‘god of the gap’, but life did start on the earth and it continues to develop in punctuated periods characterised as Gaia and her evil twin sister Medea… but let us not think of them as anthropomorphic; it is just a figurative way of talking about things. Figuratively then, if nature is Medean we would not be here. Nature is Gaian, figuratively speaking.
Life forms come and life forms go due to a great many number of factors, but life keeps bouncing back irrepressibly, sometimes within a century of catastrophe. It can do this because everything is self-regulating and nobody has an overall plan for the planet. It just keeps creating a bit more than it does destroying. Even Disney knows this as the “circle of life”, just do not try and explain it, cos you can only explain it away.
Human being, with its grand narratives of reason, truth, logic has lost sight of any “golden mean” of self-regulation. You know the rest. We are that part of nature that did not want to be constrained by natural constraint, limitability and above all mortality.
Cellular death is programmed into all life but life itself has no determinable end as indefinite, neither finite or infinite. We cannot live forever but we could build more sustainable systems that could carry on within the confines and constraints of nature…. but we know better than that!
Unfortunately, most of what we think we know is in abstractions, some of which are useful, most are superfluous ‘subjectivities’ that we have become self-identified with. If only we identified with life and not our proliferation of abstract entities that made us afraid of our owned shadows!
There is entropy: “Rust never sleeps”, as Neil Young sang.
There is also capitalism, the primary disease infecting our civilization. It entails corrupting officials, cutting corners, carefully incorporating (planned) obsolescence, addicting or poisoning customers to sustain business, etc.
“You’re not real” oh don’t be such a putz David!
‘Malice in Blunderland’ might be more apt.
Reading this shows the psychological power of the internet…
Paranoia setting in. Calm down.
Did you know about the riddle of modern airplanes? Those that seem to travel, fully loaded, with up to 100+ tons of fuel stowed ‘somewhere’ in the thin walls or wings… How do they get that weight and volume of the ground?
And maybe, just maybe, the Hidden Hand dialogues & The Law of One stuff, plus Karma, is not so ‘out there’ after all?
Fasten your seat belts. This shit show is going down so enjoy the ride. You/we earned it.
Lots of things happen every moment of every day. Are they connected? Yes, but are they causally connected? If so, can we then rationally infer necessary causal connection and necessary logical determinism from the grounds of sufficient reason? Can we then further infer causal hierarchy?
No, these things are ideological abstractions as applied to random instances… but when did that ever stop anybody picking disparate instances post hoc and inferring a top-down chain of command? Then imputing psychopathy onto projected abstractions and figments of imaginability-only? All in a climate inciting antipathy and ressentiment as we disappear into logical rabbitholes of our enowned making.
When are we going to question the basis of these and other-creating presumptions? Thereafter: the surreal underground world thought real is a web of reductive-mechanical deterministic speculation…. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because of this) is the principle of sufficient reason taken literally as metaphor first gone mad…. Then psychotic.
All these words, all these things, all separated out by nothingness and rearranged in causal sequences that resemble nothingness…. Leges cogitandi sunt leges essendi transliterated as the “laws of thought are the laws of being”; that is, presuming that names determine the essential properties of things and those essences cause the specific difference of named phenomena by magic thinking.
Giles Deleuze used Alice in Wonderland to question our highly questionable metaphysical presumptions and found them empty. But then he began to wonder how we can return “to the surface” by returning sense to language by negotiation of empty, abstract ‘laws’… like that of causal and hierarchical relation.
We cannot change the structure of the language, but we can become aware of the labyrinthine logic-function that leads down rabbitholes into surreal worlds of our enowned imaginability obscuring actuality. To become aware of ancient metaphysical dogmatic ‘laws of reason’ and use language despite of them. Such would be the logic of sense-as-sense according to Deleuze and Carroll. Maybe next week elsewhere?
The only ones not afraid of ghosts, are those who don’t believe in them.
Picking out random events to support conspiracy theories is beyond make-belief. There is a sinister element to this in that entirely confabulated unreality is being used to displace attention from actualities that we really should be afraid of. Actual threats that could be addressed if it were not for the overt agenda of self-serving fantasy…. but then: humankind never could stand much reality.
The actual threat is that we have passed the point of no return and there are no solutions to the current dilemma but survival of the fittest in a land, or environment, of price inflation.
This is the worst of the threats I see, but the sky’s the limit for the consequences.
You may well be right about the point of no return, the thing is we cannot know from the current juncture. Therefore we must act “as if” we have not crossed the event horizon and are not in its gravitational pull. There may be an escape vector, and there may not. If we assume the worst we give in to fatalism, and the worse case of nihilism. We must continue to act ‘as if’ we could change the world, even if we cannot as Angela Davis once said…. and she should know!
The holographic paradigm is also a holographic paradox.
If you think that there is no hierarchical structure inherent in the current ideologic setup, I’d point you to one point of key evidence which implicates the opposite: Bureaucracy.
I’ve never said there is no hierarchical structure, I said there is no causal hierarchical structure. The latter is mutant theology. We in the west or HICs take precedent over the Rest which is hierarchic and oppressive but can be accounted for without invoking causal absolutism, the nuance of which gets lost in translation here. There is no causality. Read Hume. Things that follow each other follow each other without being caused. Abstract from that ‘causality’ and you get a hard determinist and mechanist worldview. Beside which, a global bureaucracy is necessarily nonlocal and nonlinear, and describing that is vexatious to say the least.
It is a bit of a stretch to suggest the oil tanker (not a barge) in ‘Leave the world behind’ which ran aground on the beach is a premonition or predictive programming for the container ship (not a barge either) that hit the Key Bridge in Baltimore.
It was channels such as ‘Redacted’ pushing all manner of conspiracy theories and easily refuted ‘evidence’ regarding the Baltimore incident. ‘Redacted’ has over 2.3 million subscribers on youtube, and is nothing more than mainstream alternative media for ‘baby troofers’. Sensationalist drivel designed, approved and promoted, to catch the sheep that have escaped the MSM pen and keep them in a very limited hangout.
The whole premise of the movie ‘Leave the world behind’ was a grid/internet down event. If the movie is predictive programming it would be for a future ‘Cyber Polygon’ event.
Yep it’s all incoming..
Ship called “Dali”. The Broken Bridge and the Dream, painting. Dali was a mason and Jesuit.
The controllers run tests and psyops on certain dates as predictive programming and as drills for “emergency” services, ports, police, government officials.
Baltimore signed up to the Rockefeller #STRONG cities program where staged events (including faux mass shoutings) are run.
I now look at all “events” in the msm through a different lens.
This was more than likely another staged event, another racketeering opportunity, while cutting off a crucial point of access from the mainland to parts of Maryland, Delaware and Virginia, creating supply chain issues. Did you know there’s a supply chain task force? The faux government will likely install ID scanning, cameras and tolls on any new construction.
I am aware of the Salvador Dali connection and the Gematria numerology surrounding the event. My issue is not whether it was a staged event or not as the case may be, but the coverage of it by certain elements of the alternative media.
Those who were putting forward ‘evidence’ that was easily refutable actually do more damage to the conspiracy angle for this event and others.
For example, there were some channels saying the Dali (the ship) had Knights of Malta symbols aft of the ship just above the waterline both port and starboard No….those symbols are to indicate where the bow thrusters sit, hidden below the waterline.
I agree. There’s always controlled opposition elements making false claims, because that’s the number one MO of the controllers.
In your comment, however, you didn’t quite make that distinction clear: That the faux authorities stage events then disseminate easily debunked disinfo to discredit all theories around the event, possibly being orchestrated.
Predictive programming works not as an exact replica, rather, as the idea that ships could run aground or knock down a bridge.
In that way, it worked perfectly for the controllers because they likely disseminated the idea of the ship being hacked (cyber terrorism) rather than the planned demolition of a bridge by the authorities.
That’s what (I think) the faux authorities are attempting to do, so when they carry out their staged cyber polygon exercise, it appears more likely for the baby truthers who still don’t comprehend there’s complete and total central world control.
Good comment. Redacted is awful. One of the Bitchute channels I subscribe to sometimes posts their stuff and I have occasionally been sucked in by the clickbait titles. Every video when watched turns out to be absolute trash. Completely shameless manure. .
James Jesus Angleton, deceased former head of the CIA’s counter-intelligence services famously referred to the world of counter-intelligence as a – “wilderness of mirrors.” Who could have imagined that only decades later – “wilderness of mirrors” – would be an apt description for the events that compose our – “everyday reality?” : /
Yes, indeed
The flat earth theory is worth.
It lasted centuries and even today people still believe the earth is a flat pancake with two hanging hairy balls underneath, the Atlantic and the Pacific seas.
We know that we are lving on a stationary plane but literrally nobody believes the nonsense you spouted there. Where on earth did you get that total crap from?
Methinks you watch too much idiotic rubbish, insufficiently ponder and write too much incoherent gibberish.
Sadly I feel exactly the same and have searched some time to be able to answer why.
But one thing is for sure. I will continue to believe Lee Harvey Oswald did the thing no matter what all you conspiracy guys come up with.
JFK was a staged hoax. A made for tv event.
You can believe in what you want, I believe in my government!
Funny. Where is your government? Sweden?
He learnt to play guitar mainly with a couple of friends, in our kitchen, but found it much harder to learn how to sing…First time I heard this song was in a local pub with his American mate.
We always had a jug, to go round collecting money for the band..Usually the Prettiest Wench, but sometimes, if I thought they were really unexpectedly brilliant, I would do it..
Rage Against The Machine “Killing in The Name”
They had to ask permission if it was OK
I just went wow
“How do we know how the great cathedrals were constructed in the 1700s and 1800s? Hell, we have no idea how the pyramids were built…”
I recently came across a highly interesting theory about this:
Video: 3 1/2 hours
Maybe EVERYthing we’ve been told is a fraud?
Maybe solipsism is correct, and nothing outside of your head is real.
Cathedrals poured limestone, origin not religious, power stations to receive energy from ether, (no longer available..?}
If you are set on this dimension or visual spectrum, then agree that no one has been to ‘space’ or sent anything there, or show real proof. Likewise, no one has ever proved/shown a curve on Earths (level) surface.
One for Tony (!), Hawkwinds best song, a ‘b-side’ to Angel of Death.
Brock is getting on (82), but he was pushing this way back.
Pushes fake space big time.
Yes space is fake. But solipsism is a Masonic psyop to discourage people from seeking truth and from critical thinking, using reason and logic.
The truth is simple. Only Science make it complicated to stick their long trunk down in public coffers.
Off course the pyramid stones are casted as cast concrete and cast iron. Its so obvious its incredible anyone cant see and understand it.
And this is not the only thing.
The Egyptian tourist industry / the status of Egyptology’s professors…
In December 1998, Former US Defence Secretary Ash Carter, US Undersecretary of Defence John Deutch and Philip Zelikow, Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, colluded to write this in Foreign Affairs Journal,
“A successful attack with weapons of mass destruction could certainly take thousands, or tens of thousands, of lives. If the device that exploded in 1993 under the World Trade Center had been nuclear, or had effectively dispersed a deadly pathogen, the resulting horror and chaos would have exceeded our ability to describe it.
Such an act of catastrophic terrorism would be a watershed event in American history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented in peacetime and undermine America’s fundamental sense of security, as did the Soviet atomic bomb test in 1949.
Like Pearl Harbor, this event would divide our past and future into a before and after.
The United States might respond with draconian measures, scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects, and use of deadly force. More violence could follow, either further terrorist attacks or U.S. counterattacks.
I find it curious it happened just like that 3 years later, and one of the Authors was able to control what information the 9/11 Commission was able to see?
You are just as likely to blow yourself up making a bomb, as you are the target.
Neurowarfare expert James Giordano gave a lecture – “The Human Mind as a Battlefield” – to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute in December 2021 – approximately 21 months after the World Health Organization officially proclaimed (March 11, 2020) the global COVID pandemic (Plandemic).
In his highly detailed, shocking and disturbing presentation, Mr. Giordano made zero mention of the (then 21-month-old) COVID pandemic (criminal deception), even though the pandemic/covert biological warfare, premeditated mass murder operation was headline news across the Earth every day from the March 11, 2020 starting date.
Isn’t that … just weird?!
The Girls haven’t cancelled
I did say no running water for 31,000 homes – no toilets flushing all full of piss and shit…and they all just laughed together on the mutual open girls whatsapp phone .
This lot during lockdown used to meet together in one of our local parks, and sit on a park bench with bottles of wine, when it was pissing down with rain….and a policeman would come round and as walking past – said you girls ( mostly grannies) should go home
In my experience, when I have noticed a significant reduction in gas pressure, or you go outside, and it stinks of gas, you simply phone the emergency number, and you have a competent gas engineer around within 30 minutes – Faster than a paramedic, if you are about to drop dead…
But water and shit – none of these people give a fuck….Have you mainatined your water pipeline??..Have you noticed any stress – potential fractures in the pipes built 100 years ago….
With a Gas Leak – if someone strikes a light the entire place blows up.
What is wrong with you people?
Turn the water back on you total morons.
For me, “Event 201” was one of the way-too-funny precursors to the “REAL THING” two months later. They tell you -you can’t make this stuff up… but actually they really really do!
“This is due to pressure on our reservoirs as a result of the burst that happened on Thursday. We’re doing everything we can to minimise the number of customers affected.
However, we’ve now made the repair on the burst and we will be restarting our treatment works at Beauport overnight. Once the water has passed stringent quality tests it will be released to customers taps.”
These guys are full of shit. “pressure on our reservoirs”? It’s hardly stopped raining for the past 6 months.
How much do these people get paid The Directors and CEO of Southern Water..Probably never used a spanner or fixed a pipe in their life, just like loads of money for talking complete and utter total bollocks- rather than providing one of the most essential services
The smartest person is willing to look, to admit the possibility that there may be more to know. If a person thinks they have all the answers, well, then why oh why are they still asking themselves questions? There is nothing wrong with wanting to know. And conspiracy theories? Theories about people conspiring? Well, they always have. Why shouldn’t someone have theories about these things? Why shouldn’t a person gather facts about things he or she wants to know? Well, criminals don’t want you to look at or see their crimes, so they frown on and smear people trying to know or find out things. Most people are good natured though, and okay with you getting and having knowledge. It’s mystery that drives us crazy, not knowledge. Knowledge when it’s true gives us stability and understandings, no matter how pleasant or not, the facts are.
Yeah there’s a lot of propaganda, but most of it is to hype up fear and it seems like you’re buying it.
This is what happened and this is why they keep pushing bullshit fear porn… To pretend like they’re in control.
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
-Frank Zappa
Yeh, I agree, but sometimes shit does happen like a Massive Attack in Palestine and The Ukraine…Large numbers of people die, through bombz falling on their heads.
That’s exactly what’s going to happen when the crash occurs.
Can’t continue to service the spiralling debt.
The fall out will be so bad and crime so rampant, that the sheep will beg for the digital currency, ID and a One world government.
Barack and Michael are just puppets in the game.
A town near me in the UK has just renamed one of it’s roads “Zelensky avenue”!
So poorly maintained are the roads in the UK now, that its got more pot holes than a Ukrainian battlefield…Guess the irony was wasted on them.
If you are in Control of the Government, The Debt is Irrelvent. It is not like you are running a small company, or even your own family home
Sadly you are wrong.
QE is the last resort of a failed monetary system.
It’s only a matter of time…
Its probably right but still a joke…….lol. Pol Pot Avenue. Praza del Hitler. Trump Tower.
George W. Bush Presidential Library.
I’m confused. On one hand:
It’s kind of hard to “push fear porn” if you’re not in control.Then, on the other:
Which admits that they’re in control. What happens post-illusion?
“What happens post illusion?”
The IMF seize all the property you thought was yours. That’s their plan.
No individual has allodial title.
The faux governments, supranational orgs and Vatican own your soul and body with the Cestui Que Vie trusts.
My older brothers and sisters, they went to Catholic Boys or Convent Girls Schoolds St Bedes or Notre Damn. in Manchester, whilst we were living in Oldham.
They told me what it was like but gave me fair warning at the age of 10.
I was brought up in a highly religious family, and they were obviously trying to make a Roman Catholic Priest ou t of me.
I almost complelety fcked up my 11+ exam. I did not want a sentence worse than death. I wanted to go to a normal school, and walk , cycle or get a bus with my friends – boys and girls.
Children forming gangs from the age of 5 – but totally innocent, though we knew wo we really fancied, buy were too shy to say, but everyone knew?
No one knows, they have had no water in Hastings for 4 days. I told my wife you have got to tell your friends
31,000 homes, no shit, no water, no wind.
Most Festivals stink a bit, but nothing like this
But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.
~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.
I use this quote from time to time – even before operation covid.
“When enough people get stuck in the same place – they call it reality”
(I cant recall the author of that one).
The pattern is of projected denial.
I’ve used this snip on X recently about the observations of Rene Girard
That there are active agents of negative agenda does not make them causal – but nor does that absolve or mitigate responsibility for criminal acts.
The wish or in many the compulsive dictate to attack, deny, sacrifice or eradicate the guilted ‘other’, as means for restoration of health or social order is not difficult to induce as a social reaction set by from the projections of ‘authoritative’ accusations.
The last two comments here make me think off Zuckerberg/Facebook saying the Metaverse world that people now live in is a floating reality/fantasy world.
So it is simply too much flat-screen or we could call it 2-dimensional media because all media is fantasizing, interpreception, false, ie Artificial Intelligence.
I live in the 3-dimensional with some access to the spiritual world the 4-dimension.
Funny, I’ve read this exact same article a dozen times in the last 20 years. Go figure….
Nothing new under the sun.
Ask your grandpa and his father father, he would nod the same.
“A Change is Gonna Come.”
“People Get Ready”
‘There’s a train a-comin’. Picking up passengers from coast to coast.’
Jeff Beck and \\r\od Stewart did a neat version too.
Thanks ariel, I’m hit and miss at posting videos.
Never paid attention to the lyrics. I was nine years old when it came out. Never too old to learn something.
How ’bout this for starters. ‘What’s going on.’ Marvin Gaye
lyrics to ‘What’s going on’ at DuckDuckGo
In 1975 I took my only ever legal ex-wife to see Marvin and 25 LA session men at the London Palladium.
Taste made that one, the best: What’s going on 1970.
Or this: This song by The Temptations (Ball of Confusion) is 40 years old. Look at the lyrics and one could argue that The Temptations were bunch of Prophets! Nothing has changed in 40 years.
No doubt. We knew back then, but in the end did nothing to stop it.
I actually believe that over the course of history, “we did nothing to stop it,” is more of the norm, than not. We are certainly not doing anything to stop what continues to transgress, and those that are, aren’t getting too far. I wish by saying, “I hope it gets better,” would make it better, but I am leaning further and further away from hope, and closer and closer to the reality in my face!
Try 80 years, 160 years……….
Songlyric writing is akin to ‘channelling,’ The words appear in your inner view and you just write the down. Sometimes you may have to make the odd alteration.
I am losing it so bad!!! My mind is as fried as an egg on a hot Arizona sidewalk! This song is nearly 55 years old, not 40 years old. My bad!
More like “Malice in Blunderland!”
You’re surely not suggesting that women can be nasty pieces of work?
The Labour Party says that isn’t true and we all know that the Labour Party never lies, don’t we?
The Labour Party fights for the little man, average plumber Joe and his his ehh average wife.
Plus they fight for animals rights, women’s liberty, childrens rights, coloured’s rights, gay rights, refugees rights.
They save our planet by making it green, and beat the capitalists where it hurt them most, on the their too heavy wallet.
The Republicans and the Tory are evil capitalists, bloodsuckers…and gays, all of them.
Because they banned slavery in 1770 and exported their stupid ideas to Europe, and worse:
They armed the slaves so they could shoot after socialists and Liberals, and they allowed them into Parliament.
Traitors of a United EngSoc in the British Commonwealth.
What bull were they teaching kids…
Bull that I learned:
Big Bang, evolution theory, Dinosaurs, pyramids, atheism, wars (of just causes), 1984, Prince Harry is the son of Charles, terrorists, Syriraqisstan, enlightenment, atomic bomb, moon landings, climate change, water vapor from aircraft engines (leading to stuff one does not need to worry about), ISS, David Bowie died, E=MC2, authority, viruses….
It’s not all complete bull, but more like half truth half lie, yet you are not told what part is true and what part is lie.
Yes the world comes from somewhere, but not with a bang, yes we evolved from some place, but not from other species, yes there were wars, but the causes were… different. Etc, etc, etc
Sometimes you find out some truth. And if you have done that a couple of times, or a dozen of times, or all of the time, you come to the conclusion that the show ain’t worth to watch. It’s boring to see the magician doing tricks, of which you know the trick. And even if you do not know how the trick works, it still becomes boring, because terrorists and viruses all work the same: they are capable to do a lot, yet they do not exist.
And so you leave the circus and enjoy other things, while most of your fellow human beings remain seated, laughing, crying, feeling afraid or scared or whatever, but basically doing nothing yet having a hell of a time.
Have you been away for a while ? Glad to see you back.
Thanks for noticing. I was offline and probably will be less often here then usual. I find story writing (most of what we read above the line in any media) tedious and more and more boring, so… I decided to write for myself and publish (parts of) my writings on my blog:
You can see my writing as a hobby that is slowly getting out of control. You can also see it as thinking with crutches, from someone who wants to learn how to think without crutches (=speaking out). I am not sure if the content of my blog is very interesting material for those who would like to read something from someone who thinks with crutches… Anyway, it is written in Dutch, so probably unreadable for most of those who comment here.
Your stories are wonderful.Please stay here.
Thanks for the link, Willem. I’ll read your essays. (I’ll try and cope with Dutch.)
Anyone who imagines he (or she or they or it) can ever learn to “think without crutches” doesn’t have a leg to stand on.
I had the chance to attend school in two different countries, so you learn that World War I was rather different according to which school tells the story, the British or the Austrians. They seemed to agree with us about Hitler, though.
If you understand that 50% of teachers are solely interested in taking the money and making sure their pupils don’t get them into trouble for bad results, you’ll understand why truth isn’t rigorously promoted in schools. A few teachers do promote truth rigorously, most are like Covid doctors who take the money to pay their mortgages, retain their status, etc etc.
‘I had the chance to attend school in two different countries,’
Me too. It’s interesting to live in different countries (at young age). That will give you reference material that the world you live in is not a given and can be different. This you find out when you move to another country with another culture, language etc.
As for teachers who read from the same story book: not sure if they can be blamed. Their problem is the same problem as anyone’s problem who sees the world through only dimension (the accepted dimension). The older one gets, the more afraid/stupid/conditioned one is to accept that what always was, therefore always will be the reality that was provided to them, whether it be WWI, WWII, WWIII, etc. They have never been curious since they never had a reason to be curious. It all worked smooth for them from kindergarten, so what would make them curious to find out if the world is actually different from what they ever knew or learned through the pages of the media, academia, and other ‘trustful’ sources?
This quote resonates for me. ‘There is another world, but it is in this one.’ (From Yeats or Eluard)
Two worlds in the same place at the same time, not knowing the other is there, possible but I doubt it.
Meanwhile the Russians are making significant gains in the Ukraine as the French are talking about sending manpower to use the arms that have just been sent.
Europe’s fate could be tied to this decision as the MSM falls silent at the dawning of a possible new world war.
I dont know about political priorities, but I do know how to prepare for the consequences of war.
If we get through this year and next without world war I reckon we safe till 2100.I
Ukraine is designed to be an endless bs war.
Remember when Russia supposedly blew up big electrical infrastructure near Kiev months into the war? It would’ve taken months to fix, but even a day after, heard no reports of outages.
Bullshit fake war like in the book 1984….
Price of gas at the pump and food store are the best indicators of possible endless social unrest, it’s teetering on each straw prepared to break the camels back.
Who do you think will provide you with reports of outages? Riley Waggaman?
It would flow out through refugees from Ukraine or social media or other.
All the US celebrities and EU Elite frequently visiting and coca partying in Kiev as if it was just another day in the office. Come on Victor.
The goals Russia announced at the start of its military operation remain unchanged. It has made good progress in those goals. It does not want “significant gains in Ukraine”. Just because delusional imperial propaganda bombards us, and the rabid (infected) Empire cannot accept reality, does not change that.
It wants enough gains to keep the problem a good distance away from the solution, but if the problem comes to the solution, the solution must then go after the problem, and that could be a problem for us, so what is our solution?