The Hidden Messages of the Power Elite’s Cultural Apparatus
Edward Curtin
To be crucified is to suffer and die slowly and agonizingly. It was a common form of execution in the ancient world. It is generally associated with Rome’s killing of Jesus and carries profound symbolic spiritual meaning for Christians. In its figurative sense, it refers to many types of suffering and death inflicted on the weak by the strong, such as the ongoing genocidal slaughter of Palestinians by the Israel government.
Twenty or so years ago when the wearing of crosses by all types of people was the cultural rage, a woman I know said she was thinking of getting one. When I asked her why, since she was Jewish, she said it was because she thought they were beautiful. She seemed oblivious to the fact that to Christians they were gruesome but revelatory spiritual symbols, the equivalent of the electric chair or a noose, but linked to the Easter Resurrection and the non-violent triumph over death that is at the core of Christianity.
Her focus on beauty forcibly struck me that secular culture had triumphed in its establishment of an anti-creed creed wherein the pursuit of a sense of well-being and aesthetic tranquility had trumped traditional belief, while it used all faiths in its pursuit of a self-centered nihilism through a faux-spirituality linked to a precious aesthetic of beauty.
Philip Rieff noticed this in the mid-1960s when he wrote in The Triumph of the Therapeutic:
To raise the question of nihilism, as sociologists since Auguste Comte have done, demonstrates a major change in tone: the note of apprehension has gone out of the asking. We believe that we know something our predecessors did not: that we can live freely at last, enjoying all our senses – except the sense of the past – as unremembering, honest, and friendly barbarians all, in a technological Eden. . . . this culture, which once imagined itself inside a church, feels trapped in something like a zoo of separate cages. Modern men are like Rilke’s panther, forever looking out of one cage into another.
While today those cages would better be described as cells – as in cell phones – Rieff’s point was prescient in the extreme, echoing in its way Max Weber’s 1905 prophecy in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism of the coming “iron cage.”
It would be understandable if you assumed the above photograph of the crucifix was taken in a church since its foregrounding before the apse of the Medieval Spanish church of San Martin at Fuentidueña makes it seem so. It was not, except if you realize that museums have become the modern churches, where people flock to revere art for art’s sake and perhaps to find some consolation they have lost at a deeper level.
Museums that have been built and maintained by the very rich to serve as their own churches to the glory of mammon and their own self-deluded immortalization.
Mammon that has been built on the backs of the poor and working class, just as these edifices have.
Beneath all high cultural institutions such as museums and arts venues like The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, Lincoln Center in New York, etc., lies the expropriated labor and land of the lower classes, the same classes whose sweat and blood was exploited throughout capital’s historical transmutations from commercial to industrial to financial to create the immense wealth of the super-rich.
There is a reason the nineteenth-century America industrialists such as Vanderbilt, Mellon, Carnegie, Rockefeller, et al. were called “The Robber Barons.” They were crooks. They are still with us, of course, aided and abetted by today’s latest billionaire class. They build and finance the aforementioned cultural institutions as well as own and operate the major institutions of mass communication and entertainment, such as newspapers, television networks, telecommunication corporations, film studios, etc. – the entertainment industrial complex. In this direct communication capacity, they control the mediation of “reality” to the general population. They serve the interests of what the great crusading sociologist C. Wright Mills called the power elite in and out of government, of which they are an interlocking part, and through which they move smoothly in a game of revolving chairs. They operate the great Spectacle for the general population while moving the levers of power backstage.
When he died, Mills was working on a massive book exploring what he provisionally titled The Cultural Apparatus. He defined this complex as follows:
The cultural apparatus is composed of all the organizations and milieux in which artistic, intellectual, and scientific work goes on and of the means by which such work is made available . . . it contains an elaborate set of institutions: of schools and theaters, newspapers and census bureaus, studios, laboratories, museums, little magazines and radio networks. . . Inside this network, standing between men and events, the images, meanings, and slogans that define the worlds in which [we] live are organized and compared, maintained and revised, lost and cherished, hidden, debunked, celebrated. Taken as a whole the cultural apparatus is the lens of mankind through which men see; the medium by which they report and interpret what they see.
Columbia University, where he taught and is today in the news headlines for its police crackdown on student dissent for their pro-Palestinian protest, is one of those elite cultural institutions, a place Mills was never comfortable at and whose colleagues looked at him askance for his critique of the power elite’s warfare state.
Columbia, with its racist history as it saw its elite status threatened by the growth of the neighboring black community in Harlem in the 1920s and 1930s, and Columbia’s further expansion into these neighborhoods since.
Columbia, like all elite cultural institutions, born in its own mind sui generis and raised to the heights in purity and innocence, but whose foundation is rotten with dirty money.
Yet, as Terry Eagleton recently wrote in the London Review of Books, “This is not the way culture generally likes to see itself. Like the Oedipal child, it tends to disavow its lowly parentage and fantasise that it sprang from its own loins, self-generating and self-fashioning.” Like Columbia and all the elite universities of “higher learning” – Harvard, Oxford, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, etc. – that serve as legitimating tools for the power elite and their mendaciousness, the museums and other well-known arts institutions exert an enormous influence, not only over culture in the high cultural sense, but over the transformation of society as a whole, often in ways that go unnoticed. Eagleton again:
There’s an irony here, since few things bind art so closely to its material context as its claim to stand free of that context. This is because the work of art as autonomous and self-determining, an idea born sometime in the late 18th century, is the model of a version of the human subject that has been rapidly gaining ground in actual life. Men and women are now seen as authors of themselves . . .
The photo of the crucifix and the apse that precedes my words was recently taken in The Cloisters in upper Manhattan, New York City, where the ghosts of dead religious beliefs prowl about the rooms. It is meant to present a “chapel-like gallery.” The Cloisters is a museum owned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art and is now known as The Met Cloisters. It, and the beautiful 67 acre Fort Tryon Park upon which it sits, was created and financed by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. who, according to The Met’s website was fascinated with the past. “The expert artistry of medieval art as well as its innate spirituality strongly appealed to this philanthropist and collector,” we are told.
Spirituality from the Middle Ages, I will amend, that when it had been transported to the museum was devoid of its living context and could be presented as a gift from a Robber Baron family to the people of NYC who needed to be uplifted by the noblesse oblige kindness of the Rockefellers. Dead spirits devoid of living inner religiousness who smuggle secret messages to a public hungry for meaning.
Like my friend who considered getting a cross, Rockefeller no doubt found the crucifix and apse that frames it quite beautiful and spiritually uplifting, but not the living spirituality of the criminal Jesus whose message about wealth never informed the Rockefellers’ ruthless exploitation of others on their rise to power.
In years long past, when I first visited The Cloisters, being a native Bronx New Yorker, it was known simply as The Cloisters, even though The Met owned it since its inception in the 1930s. Before I visited it as a young man, I had the impression it had some religious significance, as the name cloister suggests (early 13c., cloystre, “a monastery or convent, a place of religious retirement or seclusion”).
But I was wrong; it is a museum, a beautiful museum built with stones from European monasteries, churches, and convents transported long ago across the Atlantic and reconstructed on the heights above the Hudson River. It is filled with medieval art collected by Rockefeller, George Gray Barnard, and other wealthy art collectors. For those so disposed to wondering what royalty prayed for in medieval days – was it to slaughter as many Muslims as possible in the Crusades? – one can view the tiny prayer book once owned by the Queen of France – and imagine. Such imagining might cause one to realize how little things have changed and how little things mean a lot. The trick is to notice them.
Political power needs cultural power to operate effectively. The elites can’t just slam people around and expect no response. They need to worm their ideological messages into the public consciousness in pleasing ways. Writing of Edmund Burke, Eagleton says, “Instead, he recognises that culture in the anthropological sense is the place where power has to bed itself down if it is to be effective. If the political doesn’t find a home in the cultural, its sovereignty won’t take hold.”
Thus, for an example from Hollywood and the pop-cultural realm, we might notice how many movies and TV shows were secretly co-written by the Pentagon.
Another name for this is propaganda
Cultural messaging is where the power elite need to seduce regular people that power is being exercised for their own good and everyone is in bed together. Soft power. Nice power. Power that is disguised as beneficial for all. Beautiful power. “Spiritual” power.
As I said, Fort Tryon Park (designed by the Olmsted brothers, sons of the designer of Central Park, Frederick Law Olmsted) and The Cloisters are spectacularly beautiful. Walking through the park on a sunny spring day to reach the museum on its northern end – the flowers and cherry blossom trees dazzling and the Hudson River glistening below – one is overwhelmed by the beauty and grateful to its human gift giver – John D. Rockefeller, Jr. It takes a little mental stretching to grasp the paradox or the delusional dream of such thankfulness. But it cuts to the heart of the power of the cultural complex and the ways it works to soften the ruthlessness of its ultra-rich capitalistic controllers.
First they rob you, then they gift you with a walk in the park.
And when you step inside their institutions, you are provided with opportunities to think within controlled parameters, while also getting a whiff of the theatrical nature of your experience. The whiff is as important as the thinking, for it is a reminder to keep your mouth shut and you too will flourish. The fraudulence of the cultural entertainment-educational complex can dawn on some who have been invited into the inner sanctums of power and prestige, as it has done presently for many college students (and some faculty) whose consciences do not allow them to sit still while Palestinians are slaughtered. But if you dare to act upon your sense of being taken for a ride, watch out! You will be banned from the pleasures that are offered for your acquiescence, as these students are now finding out.
They have rejected that part of the learning experience that George Orwell called Crimestop:
. . . [it] means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.
Sometimes real thinking and conscience win the day, for the power of the elite’s cultural institutions is not omnipotent. Everyone is not for sale, even those invited into the banquet. Teach people to think and meditate on history and they just might think outside the cage of your expectations.
While the genocide of the Palestinians is transparent for everyone to see, the leaders of these elite universities, unlike the rebellious students, turn a blind eye to the obvious. They follow the script they were handed when they accepted their prestigious positions of power, living up to Julian Benda’s famous appellation – The Treason of the Intellectuals.
But “beautiful” power becomes the iron fist when the plebes get too uppity and actually take seriously their studies and rebel as human beings with consciences. This is the flip side to the hidden messages of the elite cultural institutions.
This two-sided process of hidden and obvious messages operates also in the media complex (see this). While the so-called liberal and conservative media – all stenographers for the intelligence agencies – pour forth the most blatant propaganda about Palestine, Israel, Russia and Ukraine, etc. that is so conspicuous that it is comedic if it weren’t so dangerous, the self-depicted cognoscenti also ingest subtler messages, often from the alternative media and from people they consider dissidents. They are like little seeds slipped in as if no one will notice; they work their magic nearly unconsciously. Few notice them, for they are often imperceptible. But they have their effects and are cumulative and are far more powerful over time than blatant statements that will turn people off, especially those who think propaganda doesn’t work on them. This is the power of successful propaganda, whether purposeful or not. It particularly works well on “intellectual” and highly-schooled people.
Some people think that if you see more than is apparent when visiting sites such as The Cloisters in Fort Tryon Park, you are incapable of enjoying the beauty of these “gifts.” This is not true. They are not mutually exclusive. The great African-American scholar W. E. B. DuBois coined a term double-consciousness which I think can be used in this context to describe some people’s experience, not just that of African-Americans. They see at least two truths simultaneously. Their unreconciled double-consciousness prevents them from single vision when visiting the power elite’s beautiful creations. William Blake’s words – “May God us keep from single vision and Newton’s sleep! – inform their perspective.
On the same trip to The Cloisters, my wife and I walked extensively through Central Park, surely one of the most beautiful parks in the world. It was spectacularly aflame with Cherry Blossom trees and people from all over the world enjoying its pleasures, as did we. I, however, when entering and exiting this paradise, couldn’t help thinking that this park was caged in by the massive apartment complexes of the super-rich elite class, as if to say to the park’s visitors: you can visit but not stay. We oversee your pleasures.
Max Weber said it well a century ago:
No one knows who will live in this cage in the future, or at the end of this tremendous development entirely new prophets will arise, or there will be a great rebirth of old ideas and ideals, or, if neither, mechanized petrification, embellished with a sort of convulsive self-importance. For of the last stage of this cultural development, it might be said: “Specialists without spirit, sensualists without heart; this nullity imagines that it has attained a level of civilization never before achieved.”
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“There is nothing new under the sun”. See? Said by Max Weber a century ago.
Sure, beauty without spirit and soul is a hamburger.
“…….see at least two truths”. 3 truths, 4 truths, many truths? “This is the truth for me”?
I regret to say there is only one truth: 2+2=4 – all other statements are lies promoted by the Liar.
A man who cannot grasp this simple key lies……….in the wilderness.
Excellent piece! And not to forget the Buddhas in every suburban garden: I’ve wondered what a Christian might make of a creeper trained to mount a crucifix planted among the azaleas.
“Old man Rockefeller’s father William Avery Rockefeller, was a “pitch man” — a “doctor/ snake oil salesman who claimed he could cure cancers and charged up to $25 a treatment. He was gone for months at a time traveling around the West from town to town and would return to wherever the family was living with substantial sums of cash. His mother, Eliza Davison Rockefeller, was very
I’ve never been a fan of religious jewelry, perhaps because as long as I can remember I’ve been an agnostic. Religion as always seemed like another form of social control. It’s true, that many belong to congregations for the “social experience” or the bonding it provides. However, many need theology to find meaning in their lives, or to deal with the horrors of reality.
Interesting that the same “opiate ideology” providing comfort has also been used by philanthropic ruling class pyschopaths to fragment societies by transforming religious followers into fascist fanatics. Hmm, know of any current examples?😁
In fact, Empires have triggered sectarian violence for thousands of years in order to sustain control. So why should this Empire be any different from all the rest.🤔
Completely brainwashed idiots and total nitwits (such as the hobby-historian “TIK”) are arguing about whether Hitler was “leftwing- or right-wing, capitalist or communist”? Of course neither!
The Nazi system was a mix of everything, which is why it is still neither definable nor comprehensible. They were ideological investors: they spread their bets across all relevant stocks.
Hitler was Hermann Hesse’s “Steppenwolf”. No more, no less
Boney M – He was a Steppenwolf (1978)
Is capitalism Jewish? From its origins in northern Italy via the Hanseats to Manchester industrialism, formally not. But: Jews understand financial laws most thoroughly, which stems from their “religion”. This truth is now being stigmatized “anti-Semitic”.
If one investigates exactly who was behind communism, one discovers exactly the same Jews. How can it be that Bernie Sanders is complaining about what Larry Fink wants? Of course, because it’s all part of the same game and serves the same goal!
So it’s just two mutually dependent and complementary sides of the same worthless coin. A medal that divides society. Where capitalism prevails, communism must inevitably grow like a weed as its shadow. In this case we speak of system immanence.
Statements such as “Jews understand financial laws most thoroughly” are childish and ignorant.
Are you seriously trying to say that ALL JEWS “understand financial laws most thoroughly” or merely some?
If as is obvious the answer is “some Jews but not all” then you need to be specific as to whom and what you are talking about.
Those crass generalisations are only making you look simple minded
There is no and never has been any “the Jews” any more than there has ever been a “the Christians” or “the Muslims”.
None of thwse groups (and indeed this applies to any groupi you look at) is a monolith made up of people with one mind who are all the same.
In the real world whilst we may for the sake of convenience ascribe certain characteristics to certain groups, all groups are made up of a variety of people with a variety of identities and points of view.
You would not like to be claasified entirely on the basis of the raw details of your age, race, gender etc so do unto others and give other people the same courtesy: understand that no group is 100% anything (whether positive or negative) and this attempt to impose a monolithic identity upon groups that are made up of millions of people with wildly varying views and outlooks is just making you and anyone else who does it look silly.
They believed sugar was better used as a fuel source rather than a food source.
Even though, and against the laws of nature, they still met with stiff resistance until defeated, the issue has still not been resolved as to best uses of, but when going nuclear, power should win over bombs so there is always that.
The ‘cultural apparatus’ is what we do together, not something done to us or apart from us. Reifying ‘culture’ as an autonomous and substantivist social reality is nothingness but category error. How does anybody know “the way culture generally likes to see itself” excepting from an imaginary god’s eye viewpoint…. Sub species aeternitas .…
Reifying cultural phenomena as autonomously existing independent objectivations—ens causa sui—allows inexistent empty categories to be attributed with their own independent properties, asserted causality, and stood in causal hierarchy as ideological abstract non-entities (entia rationalis); leaving the non-abstracted cultural reality underdetermined, if not actually obscured by ideological abstractions. The absolute concrete power relations can then be safely confused and misattributed elsewhere.
Reifying trivial tortuosities seems to be becoming pandemic. Talking about Procrustean embedding in ideology…. ‘culture’—in the ‘anthropological sense’—is taken as a container metaphor for ‘political power’ and ‘cultural power’ to bed down effectively for ‘sovereignty’ to hold…. How many of those reified ‘things’ have any substance or substantive reality independently of each othering?
None. There is no ‘culture’ here, no ‘politics’ over there (standing external to culture), no ‘economy’ over there (standing external to culture, politics and so on)…. In an anthropological sense, it is all collocated and coextensive in anthropology. As for sovereignty: the dominant power relation remains hidden within us, sanitised by empty speech.
Protective stupidity? How about this for virtuosity…. “This two-sided process of hidden and obvious messages operates also in the media complex” (link here) …. “considered a leading example of much deceptive reporting wherein truth is mixed with falsehoods to convey a “liberal” narrative that fundamentally supports the ruling elites while seeming to oppose them.”
Supporting your argument by citing another argument of your own? Then talk about “double-consciousness”? Who knows what some people think, who knows what they see simultaneously or not? And who knows what is like to be torn between one’s owned racialised heritage and rampant white supremacism without some form of disjunctive misappropriation? A white man with daddy issues claiming a counterpart with lifelong indentured servitude in the nineteenth century? Talk about virtuosity: that may the most far-fetched claim I’ve read this century.
Thereafter: there is only one anthropogenic culture as globally and economically hegemonic, and that is ‘our own’ formerly western, now planetised culture. The ‘hidden message’, the ‘power elite’ and the ‘cultural apparatus’ is what we do when we are not abstracting legitimation. Breaking up non-abstracted concrete cultural reality into abstract ideological non-entities, exclaiming faux oppression and reifying false causal determination as ‘above’ is how we stupefy as we justify what we do to the unseen, the unperson, the racialised Other. And then claim sympatry. It is not the same. It is not even close to being the same. It is not even an appropriate analogy.
If we cannot see the real-time democidal oppression in the world, that which really is racialised, and ecocidal destruction, that which really is life-threatening, and self-depict confabulated ‘power elites’ to suppress real social and ecologic action, then surely then we are part of the power elite we seemingly oppose in our heads?
Let’s talk about wholly misappropriated double-consciousness. When we feign cultural oppression we practice and produce cultural oppression. Still, we got a nice set of edifices built upon the skulls of dead african children. What did they get but burial in foundational moral-disengagement as technical ‘atrocity sanitisation’? They did not live long enough to wander in the cloisters and are not recorded among “the ghosts of dead religious beliefs”. Unburied, undead, unbelief.
What we have here folks is a disjunctive case of cloistered democidal verbal tortuosity. UGH 😩.
In all honesty, it must be added that Russkies,
because of their social backwardness, enrich
highly developed industrialized countries only
insignificant more than all the Third Worlders.
Exactly. Thank you once again Mr. Curtin. You and CJ are my faves on OG.
We can go back to 500 BC with Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, to see the roots of a false consciousness manifested by the ruling order of things, inducing a self-policed peer pressure under threat of being a black sheep in the flock. All the thoughtful ancestors we cite throughout history have known and communicate with us on this issue. Why don’t we see and evolve?
Well if a full, proprietary planet, exhausted by human hyper-capitalist exploitation, leaving us a No Exit nowhere-else-to-go, does not push us to that evolution of heart and mind, we are indeed in deep doodoo.
In regards to the visual arts, museums and the big money “art world” are a Robber Baron fraud reflecting the system mantra, I’m Ok, You’re OK, see the good in what you have, and shush. Museums only exhibit 1% of their collections at any one time. Just imagine if art were indeed the People’s to make and display, and those 99% were “redistributed” out to pocket museums in neighborhoods, free to visit? Just imagine if the arts of all kinds where not caged and throttled by the 1%’s controlled-scarcity capitalism? Just imagine if localities, even neighborhoods, could birth artists of all kinds, give them places to produce, show and play, and make a living, would we not have an Ecotopia in the works?
I do very much like the recent meme “settler colonialism” to describe the hyper-hypocrisy, deer-in-headlights stupor of the 99%, that CONSCIOUSLY allows the 1%’s War & Riches Empire to operate unopposed, foreign and domestic. “Protective stupidity” indeed.
Andrew Klavan of the Daily Wire had an interesting take in his podcast this past Friday. Another old guy that is well published. He is a Jew that converted to Christianity. In less than an hour he laid out his basis for believing that all the turmoil happening in the world is an orchestrated rejection of Jesus and Christianity. He always opens with raucous satire that you cannot help but gut laughing at. Then he digs in. Worth your time.
💤 That Jesus grift $$$££ is about as real a Russel brand converting to Jesus last week and about as real as candy Owen converting to catastrophic Catholic after her fake online fight with ben shillco.
about as real as Keno west saying Jesus let him down
all happened within 2 weeks.
What in the world was Jesus doing with a naked kid at 4am in a public garden? Mark chapter 14 verse 51 52
Thanks for the laugh!
Can I be saved when commi jesus 2nd coming new world order appears.?
What happens to us non believers if we don’t convert..?
Fire, I take you to learn.
Did anybody ever watch this right through…?
Ignorance doesn’t usually look so proud of itself.
Jesus was not with the kid. The kid, wearing poor cloth as they do in tropical countries, was in the crowd following Jesus and fled as the last, when they caught Jesus to bring him to Pilate.
Your presentation is a gay’s wet dream.
People sometimes forget that Art was once a necessity and not just a luxury extra for elites.
Prior to the advent of photography, if you wished to capture the portrait of someone for posterity, or a particularly beautiful landscape, then Art was the only option. And preferably done by someone who knew their Art from their elbow.
Now, of course, there’s little need for Art to directly reproduce the real world when photography can do it much better. So Art moves into the realm of depicting ideas beyond the ordinary – the fantastic, the futurist, images of fictional characters or random splashes on paper, if you get desperate. Whilst that’s always been an aspect of art cf Bosch, it’s arguably now its only function. Art has morphed into ‘Art of the Gaps’.
And as Art is no longer expected to include reality in its mix. so that represents a cultural shift of perception. Images of the Cross are no longer expected to be associated with their original meaning. It wouldn’t be Art if they were.
The same process for words. Once words were the only way to convey details of an event that happened far far away. Now a video does that better. But take away the video images and the subtle slipping in of 4 or 5 statements about Israel-Gaza into a text ostensibly about Art can still be expected to change perceptions. Except perhaps for those who are sensitive to such a process.
That trend of Art & Words to the unreal and for ‘reality’ to become whatever you wish it to seems unstoppable unless some event somehow compels such genres to once more depict the real world.
Ditching cameras might be a start 🤔
Dali’s ‘Hypercubic Crucifixion’
And how about the movies?
Good point. Maybe Art still has a role.
A powerful image [Dali].
“The Passion of the Christ” was too much for me. I had to leave the cinema.
Just too powerful. I felt every blow. Amazing film though, if you can handle it. That’s suffering depicted, for sure
I’m not sure “artists” of any description can “depict the real world” any longer. The insane inversion of form over content, which has been in vogue in “high art” for at least the last hundred years, has rendered artworks inherently sterile. How do you slip even a sliver of reality into a content-less expression? Where would you even begin?
It’s not even like trying to put a square peg into a round hole – it would be like trying to put any kind of peg into a piece of wood completely devoid of holes.
Easy. Here is a sliver of silver into an expression of content and reality.
Thank you for the truth! I fear you’re casting pearls before swine. For they are ” Legion “
With the advent of technology, the overlord’s cultural apparatus has become ubiquitous and it has two way capabilities. “Big Brother is watching you” through the Trojan Horses you bring into your own personal spaces.
The rich are shaping “reality” and driving us mad with their siren songs of materialism, self-centeredness, isolation and hypocrisy. The hubris of the oligarchs is so intense we are being simultaneously de-spiritized, dispirited and dehumanized.
We are witnessing how young people opposing genocide and ethnic cleansing are being treated as criminals and how older folks are being duped into believing these students are disloyal anti-American and anti-Semitic. This is the awesome power of the cultural/mind control apparatus on display in modern America.
“While the genocide of the Palestinians is transparent for everyone to see, the leaders of these elite universities, unlike the rebellious students, turn a blind eye to the obvious…………While the so-called liberal and conservative media – all stenographers for the intelligence agencies – pour forth the most blatant propaganda about Palestine, Israel,………”
Curtin presumably has the Noam Chomsky seal of approval for his vague references to “power elite”. Read rather J Michael Springmann’s Substack or Phil Giraldi to put names, faces and ethnicities to it all.
Cue Off-G’s resident JQ Cerberus Samuel, for intervention,
I think we’re being kettled into a ‘for or against’ binary lately, one which you’re promoting here, wittingly or no. It’s important that we bear this in mind, and as your resident admin (aka ‘JQ Cerberus Samuel’, where do you guys pull these names from? Loll) it’s my dubious honour to insert that perspective where I judge useful.
Saying that, your post is here.
Also, if you fancy being friendlier in future it would feel more adult. A2
Why? a lot of folk now have you guys proper sussed.
Reap what you sow and btw Off-G now looks bare stupid, it simply diverts attention away from the real world and whats going on, so your handlers will be well pleased with you all there, Now we know why you had to get rid of Vaskia.
Odious shills, bought and paid for.
Any need to be so defamatory? I believe Vaska was aggressively pro lockdown, and while I don’t know the ins and outs, I believe the parting of the ways coincided almost precisely with that time period. 🤷♂️
I’m glad you feel comfortable posting anonymously on our open comment platform. No matter your views, at the end of the day your patronage is testimony to offg’s achievements. We offer free access to a vibrant alt news community. We welcome everyone, in fact we are one of an ever shortening list of sites to prioritise free and open speech. Offg is also one of the few completely independent, completely reader-funded alt news platforms.
So, if you’re coming from a useful place, try not to simply rage at us and dismiss us too quickly.
Thank you for your comment. Please continue to enjoy postimg anonymously here, and may that continue for a long time to come!
I was happy to see the departure of Vaska. One big indication of her priorities is that on investigating her FB page in those heady days of the Mighty Covid Overture (i.e. about a month into it), she decided to post on which Bob Dylan album was tops. Clearly a massively important topic but possibly not the most uppermost in the newly surging tsunami of covid crapola.
Usury is a sin. Every culture on earth which survived its first experiments with compound interest has declared usury to be a sin. And yet the entire economic structure of the Western world is based on it. It is the cause of all wars and the inescapable cage that makes debt slaves of most of humanity.
Only one group of people becomes personally offended when usury is declared still to be a sin in the modern world. Any attempt to question the morality of abstract debt is transformed by organizations like the ADL into a mindless, purposeless attack on a religious identity. “The oldest hatred.”
Why? Why is usury so important to this group that they seek out and attach themselves to any and all criticism of an obviously ruinous criminal conspiracy? There is a legitimate moral dimension to the rage. It is not a meaningless “for or against” binary. That’s just the only viewpoint the newspapers are permitted to print.
Usury is still a sin in Islam. Those hate-filled Muslims are a stubborn bunch. Imagine if their despicably ancient anti-usury hatred were to spark a reawakening in the western mind? Islamic cultures preserved the philosophy and mathematics of the Greeks during the Dark Ages, and the reintroduction of this lost knowledge sparked the Renaissance. If that happened with usury, a lot of very, very wealthy people would be suddenly very, very poor. We better flatten them, fast. They don’t share our values. Israel does.
Yes, and all the peasants, serfs and slaves of bygone eras were happily skipping through life, until the evil ones came along and debt enslaved them.
And it’s only Jews who defend and perpetuate our modern debt-based financial system, no one else. Or if they do it’s just Jewish influence. No one other than Jews have any agency of their own. And even though covid exposed our financial system to be largely tokenism, with countries able to print money seemingly ad infinitum, racking up insurmountable debt, we should definitely just ignore that and focus on the real problem. Which is Jews.
Gotcha. Making so much fucking sense there. A2
Money-printing is usury — it’s not an alternate form of monetary corruption or debasement. A “printed” dollar is a newly issued US Treasury Bond redeemable for more than the face value of the bond. The dollar is backed only by the interest paid on those bonds. Usury was not always the only backing of the US dollar. Until 1971, it was backed by gold. And until the Rothschilds, wars were financed by gold, and the scale of the slaughter was limited to the size of the king’s treasury. Ever since the Rothschilds, wars are financed by debt, which has no limit. This is not a debating point, it’s a definitive diagnosis of a terminal disease. Usury is the disease, not a group of people.
My point was that only one group takes personal offense at high-level critical analysis of the sin of usury, and that defensiveness — and the amount of money spent by this group on propaganda to wallpaper over any budding awareness of the toxic nature of debt — is preventing the world from waking up from this nightmare.
This is your a priori assumption. I haven’t seen you demonstrate this in any way. Please stop propagandising. Let’s respect evidence-based reasoning and discussion. Thanks. A2
Here’s an example. The term “usury” appears fifteen times on that page, lest we come away thinking that an anti-usury philosophy is anything other than an anti-semitic dog-whistle.
Why does Wikipedia need this absolutely bottomless set of articles specially tagged “Part of a series on Antisemitism”, and adorned with the absurdly manipulative holocaust patch? There are a thousand stereotypes for every race and creed, but there’s no million-article series on Wikipedia warning about the evil prejudice of associating drunkenness with the Irish or tacos with the Mexicans.
You’re monitoring this thread very intently and replying very fast! Gosh. Caught me out lol
I agree that Antisemitism covers usury, due to historical precedent, due to what it symbolises. It is a logical leap, however, to imply that this sensitivity has any practical bearing on the practical discussion of usury nowadays, objectively speaking, and it’s to that which I object. That’s a straw man argument. I found your argument to be casually prejudiced and lazy in its construction because of this.
It’s not to say you’re wrong. A lot of people accuse the Jewish anti-semitism narrative of over reach lately. However you didn’t establish this, in fact you traded on the very sort of assumption or canard which the wiki page you linked to is talking about.
Which is unfortunate and kinda ironic. Maybe we can learn something from that.
This is not a space where that sort of sloppy bias is going to become the norm.
And to all other commenters on this thread, by all means hate on Offg and staff as much as you want, and/or stand by mutely as others do. Admin honestly gives zero shits at this point lol. But please be aware, unless there’s some clue given as to why you bother patronising our site, you can easily come across like a bunch of spammy, trolling entities – not organic, real people at all – and your opinions can tend to lack the weight they undoubtedly deserve.
You’re right. I’m lazy and stupid. We all are. The stifling claustrophobia and oppression that all we feel is all in our heads. Gaza is intact and nobody in particular paid for Wikipedia’s “Series on Antisemitism” — certainly not the wealthiest group of people on the planet. And even if they did pay for it, it’s not because they want to keep doing what they’ve been falsely accused of doing.
I’m gonna hit the books for a few years and return to OffG when I have something to contribute besides clueless racism and prejudice.
Bit sophomoric but okay. You’re welcome to stay. But you do you boo.
I think that you have erected then attacked a very lame straw man there. The comment to which you are replying does not say the things that you seek to impose upon it.
It would be much better if you were completely absent but given your apparent need to insert yourself into every conversation that offends your delicate sensibilities there seems little hope of that happening.
Yes, those people who seek to blame Jewish people for all the worlds ills are simple minded, ignorant fools, but where did you get the idea that being scolded by you would change anyone’s mind?
Those who seek to shut down all discussion of any topic that makes them uncomfortable are feeding the ignorance and bigotry that they seemingly oppose. I don’t expect that your middle school prefect mind would begin to comprehend that though.
I think that the sole purpose of your comments must be to demonstrate your “authority” and make yourself feel important. They certainly aren’t achieving anything else.
Meh, criticise commenters for not phrasing their point more clearly.
As lawyers says, the devil is in the detail.
It continues to surprise me how many terms in the bible are clean cut precise.
It describe “the Jews” we talk about here on these sides as “the false Jews”.
Who are these in bible described false Jews?
They are the Pharisees, the Zionists, the old Zionist families Rothschild and Rockefeller and only a few more families.
Not the ordinary confessing Israeli Torah Jew, nor the ordinary to Allah praying Muslim..
So like Israel present itself as a Zionist State paid by the Rothschild family, the US present itself as a brutal Empire State $ sucking on the world, Sovjet as a brutal Communist Atheist State.
But nobody can claim them representative for their population.
could you just behave as Admin and not spew Jewish Cope Propaganda.
Meh, maybe criticise commenters for steering into those waters and not making their point clearly, and/or being too lazy to support their prejudiced remarks with any context or evidence.
Do you wanna die on this hill, defending this level of conversation?
I know Jew-hating is in vogue but i still like learning something useful, ya know, not being suffused with claptrap in an echo chamber. But each to their own. A2
I posted a response with a link to what I consider to be a canonical example of the phenomenon (which itself links to countless other examples), but that post isn’t showing up. The context-and-evidence filter must be on the fritz again.
As I say, you’re too quick. Ease it up there chap.
“I know Jew-hating is in vogue but i still like learning something useful.”
That is a complete non-sequitar. You really need to go to rehab for that strawman habit you have. Pitiful.
And you for your cherry picking problem. Let’s move on, shall we? A2
And could you stop w the ‘meh’ bullshit?
Truly. You’re the worst thing about his site.
(It’s each to ‘his’ own.)
Meh, you’re entitled to your opinion.
Too bad you don’t follow links, as with mine to a previous piece I wrote ripping Chomsky and his acolytes.
Perhaps when that ‘apple’ fell, Newton’s time would have been more usefully spent considering ITS awesomeness rather than pondering the whys and wherefores of gravity.
“A mouse is miracle enough to stagger sextillions of infidels.”
Also, the lowly flowers of the field – the tiny lavenders, yellows: the “weeds” which seekers of great green lawns work tirelessly to rid themselves of. There are times I wish I weren’t an atheist – like now, so I could say with a straight face “He who hates a dandelion hates God.”
Arguing with Fools, Pushkin to Bobby McGee and Me.Local elections council of despair or council of independants Percentage of independants
2631 seats 228 seats independant or 8.666% of all contested seats are Independant councillors.
This is the Untold story of the Local government elections , why is that important.
Erica Chernowths research is why.Her research team identified over 200 violent revolutions and over 100 nonviolent campaigns. Twenty-six per cent of the violent revolutions were successful, while 53 per cent of the nonviolent campaigns succeeded. Moreover, looking at changes’ in democracy (Polity IV scores) indicates that nonviolence promotes democracy while violence promotes tyranny.
In addition, every campaign that got active participation from at least 3.5 per cent of the population succeeded, and many succeeded with less. All the campaigns that achieved that threshold were nonviolent; no violent campaign achieved that threshold.[4]
the tipping point in an exponential is chaotic and not forecastable, we will know only in the rearview mirror that it has happened.
Where are we on the Curve? I suspect a good way along the steeper part with the Bureaucracy of the Elites very very worried. Hence the various crackdowns and censorship initiatives.
Rog and Ranjan Discuss Local elections council of despair or council of independants
“I’m running as an independent in the next election I’ve come to the conclusion you can either have an MP who represents a party in your constituency or you can have an MP who represents the people in Parliament but you can’t have both”
Andrew Bridgen MP
Resistance GB interview Apr 24, 2024
“there’s a huge number of people in Britain who are fed
up with the two cheeks of the same
backside they don’t find either cheek
any more attractive
than the other and they’re not prepared
to vote for the backsides that are
presented to us as the best that we can
have we say Britain deserves better than
the dwarfish political class that leads
and leads the opposition in Britain”
George Galloway MP
Workers Party of Britain, Announcement of 500 plus parliamentary Candidates
Stitch up Bastani and Novarra.
Unaccustomed as I am to barking at the moon, twatting on Twitter, or indeed suffering fools gladly I have come to a full circle yet again on these present discontents.
Burkes’s Speech, On these present discontents, is as fresh and alive today as it was when he wrote it.
And mercy toward fallen men.
To God and his commands pay Thou good heed, O Muse.
To praise and slander both be nonchalant and cool.
Demand no laureate’s wreath, think nothing of abuse,
And never argue with a fool.
Take a look at Billboard’s top singles in 1970… Bridge Over Troubled Water, Let It Be, War, My Sweet Lord, Everything is Beautiful, Spirit in the Sky… there was a spiritual awakening happening, even Time Magazine’s cover “The Jesus Revolution” came out in 1971. Two years later, neoliberalism began, a brutal economic policy promoting self interest, privatization and ultimately corporate fascism.
The Powell Memorandum – 1971
Yes, the ‘spiritual revolution’ aspect was being marketed back then. It was allowed, encouraged even, up to a point. I was offered the ‘deal.’ I didn’t take it. You had to go through the gatekeepers. It was their job to funnel us wannabees to the correct peghole.
And to some extent fuelled by psychedelic ‘drugs.’
Max Weber was incredibly prophetic!
“sociologists since Auguste Comte”.
Billington on Comte (‘Fire in the minds of men’ p.216):
“The greatest Saint-Simonian influence lay… in the positivist tradition developed by his friend and sometimes pupil Auguste Comte. Comte perpetuated the search for a science of society through a three-staged theory of progress, which he had derived from Saint-Simon in 1822…. Though essentially apolitical, positivism had authoritarian implications”.
Later (p.400) Billington calls Comte Saint-Simon’s “protege”.
Much of the current insanity can be traced back to Saint-Simon and his influence when mixed with Hegelianism. He would have loved brain-chipping predators. It’s full-on Luciferianism: “Listen to the voice of God speaking through my mouth” he proclaimed. Marxism isn’t much more that Saint-Simon with an added “scientific” veneer.
BTW I’m not blind to Billington’s limitations – you don’t get to be Librarian of Congress or director of the Woodrow Wilson International Center without being in the club. He’s good on the deep early origins of radicalism in the occult and secret societies but then “forgets” all about that when he gets to the mid-C19th.
“the great crusading sociologist C. Wright Mills”.
So “great” he could publish ‘The Power Elite’ in 1956 and mention Allen Dulles all of once. Looks at best a limited hangout and at worst a complete mis-direction to me.
“The great African-American scholar W. E. B. DuBois”.
A Prince Hall Freemason:
DuBois encouraged the ‘Back to Africa’ movement, one of those ideas beloved by intellectuals but which regular people rejected for the obvious insanity it was.
The culture industry obviously has deep roots in the robber barons (it’s interesting in his biography how David Rockefeller says he would have none of the modern art works in his galleries hanging in his home) but the revelation of recent years from writers like Frances Stonor Saunders and Dave McGowan is how much is directly connected to military intelligence. Art has become (if it wasn’t always) essentially a giant psyop situated upwater from politics. Like sport, doing and making your own is great for body and soul but what’s thrown at us from outside is now utterly toxified.
Tradition and living memory undermine manipulators. In the context of the article, there is little culture involved. What is the relevance of a museum to someone struggling to survive with his family? Culture here is largely propaganda in all its avenues, disguises and selective emphasis (censorship).
Mr Curtin should maybe go and look into the origins of the Blood Libel. He may rethink this hit piece. Here is a link for him –
The real root of the Blood Libel is the New Testament and The Church. It runs as a direct line to the nightmare of Zionism that we are dealing with today. It’s not a coincidence that Nazi propaganda sheets proudly carried very unflattering quotes from Martin Luther about the Jews.
This is not to justify the atrocities of the Zionists, only to offer a possible explanation for their existence. Certainly, the Jews could have reacted in a different way to the centuries of persecution they had to endure. But they didn’t. And so here we are.
Sal P and Sunface Jack: Caroline Glick (Glueck) as a serious author? You clearly have never heard of Prof Ariel Toaff and the execration he got in his home country Israel for having researched the truth of ritual child killings. e.g. Simon of Trent, das Anderl von Rinn, etc.
Yet another example of control of the Narrative in Anglophone countries but not in Israel itself, which is why Ha’aretz is blunter and more truthful on such matters than the NYT.
Or why Solzhenitsyn’s 200 Years Together has never been been translated into English
Even Wikipedia has allowed this text to stand: “His book examines the strong documentary evidence in medieval medical handbooks that dried human blood, traded by both Jewish and Christian merchants, was thought to be medicinally efficacious. Under the stress of forced conversions, expulsions and massacres, Toaff thinks it possible that in certain Ashkenazi groups dried human blood came to play a magical role in calling down God’s vengeance on Christians, the historic persecutors of the Jews, and that this reaction may have affected certain forms of ritual practice among a restricted number of Ashkenazi Jews during Passover.[14]“
A few points.
1. My views are not informed by Caroline Glick’s writings. In fact, until Sunface posted his comment I had never heard of her. I have known about the Blood Libel for many decades, possibly since before she was born.
2. Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together has been translated into English. You can find it available for free download at
3. Did you actually read the entire Wikipedia article about Ariel Toaff? Here is what is clearly stated:
Very important point so worth repeating: “The evidence supporting this hypothesis draws on confessions extracted under torture.”