WATCH: How To Save The World!
You know what the most powerful weapon in the world is, don’t you? And you know how to use that weapon to change the course of human history, right? If not, don’t fret! James is here to tell you all about it. Don’t miss this short, simple, to-the-point presentation on How To Save The World in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast.
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Considering the mess humans have made of “their” world, maybe Mr. Corbett should come out with a companion video: How To Want To Save The World.
Well now that i’ve scanned the article, narratives, better stories? No. The truth is what will set us free. Famously, George Lakoff a UC linquist and consultant to the Dim Party, came out in the early 2000s selling Dims that they had to “tell better stories” because the Repugs were winning because they tell “better stories”. Stories are for children. Truth is for adults. I’ve seen some educational documentaries from the 50’s/60’s comparing the early 1900’s up through the Depression as an era where fact and truth had more influence on the public. The TV era brought stories to pacify the masses cloaking propaganda as entertainment. Plato’s Cave on steroids. Getting Humanity to reject representational thinking, representatives and representations, over reality, is the key to making an evolution to the social-adult we now require to have equality, fairness and prosperity for all. And the 1%, like their Mr.:Lakoff + their UniParty, can wither, die and be composted farmland for the benefit of all Humanity.
Nasty story about 5G and the increasing EMF health destructing environment.
In Switzerland they have build a minor city of EMF protected houses for EMF sensitive people who cant live elsewhere. .
Could a “story” like this change people? No, people are ONLY running for he money.
Being housebound is being prisoner. There is no public benefit from 5G. 5G, wi-fi, bluetooth, RF is the remote control network for the Internet of things (IoT), AI, robots and ruling class remote control of an employee-less economy. They sell us convenience which turns into chains of imprisonment. MM-RF harms all life down to plants. The greater the concentration the worse the effects. AI, 5G, IoT is merely the lazy product of greed squeezing out of Earth maximum profit with least effort. Humanity, and a spiritual perception of Life and Universe is a joke to the the Western ruling classes. They are incremental driving Earth to techno-ecocide. We must stop participating and withdraw all funding for their insanity.
One of the most prolific, informative writers of our time has been letting people all over the world know that all the power of the universe lay within them… if they can pull themselves from Plato’s cave. Especially those in the UK. He’s in your back yard. In my experience this man has been right on the money with his reporting and his source material. Consciousness is our ONLY salvation. There’s a reason this author is banded from most countries. They FEAR his information will awaken you to your power within you. For together we form the human spirit the most powerful force on Earth. If the world was moved with the writings of Thomas Paine… David Icke will shock/rock the world! Leave the cave and go within to your power. We don’t need their fear and violence. Spring forth your peace and love together all over the world!
A-Human, my friend! We are here on Earth as Universe’s evolutionary experiment. We must evolve from a parent over child authoritarianism to an adult collective of self-governing, self ruling equals choosing forms of consensus decision making. When people realize that being obedient children to Haole ricos parents is self destructive, we can evolve.
You say many good things, Sandy. But…the human race doesn’t exist. No disrespect.
Humanity doesn’t exist? Care to elaborate on that?
The five sense prison is a virtual reality game ‘Death watch’. Sensory perceptions send frequencies that are decoded by the brain… where you can take part in the virtual reality as you wish. They give us their mind so if one isn’t conscious they can be used to bring about murder, hate, fear, death, abuse or maiming of others in this deadly game. The simulation of their horrific illusion of life cannot be out done by Hollywood. We are connected by spirit and their puppets are connected by bloodline that work the chess board of human destruction. I have seen the invaders in the 4th dimension. They don’t like that. Their biggest Fear is our awakening. They implemented technology for full human surveillance. I have been harassed on every form of technology that I own, including a selfie on my camera while in use. Our visibility is only .005 per cent of light. But, from within we can see beyond the simulation. We are the power of the Universe, as you have said. Consciousness is our only salvation. For the illusion of life belongs to us. Together we form the human spirit the most powerful force on Earth. This is the only proof of our existence. A place where we can look ourself in the eyes! I have been apart of many simulations. They will march us off the cliff of destruction if we participate in their virtual reality. Consciousness will melt them under the power of our love. They do not exist without us. This is short and brief and, of course, do your own research.
Corbett is not your friend. I have borrowed this from Omar Jordan.
About me (James Corbet)”He is the lead editorial writer for The International Forecaster, the e-newsletter created by the late Bob Chapman.”
Bob Chapman openly admits (see link) that he spent 3 years in US Army Counter Intelligence. In 2009, he also insisted that we were about to witness a massive bank collapse “by the end of the year” and advised his readers to pull all of their money out of their bank accounts. Well, obviously that never happened, but his message was dangerous for obvious reasons. His actions (intentionally or not) could have resulted in a run on the banks and triggered the exact collapse he wanted everyone to believe was coming.
In any case(Link-
Corbett recently removed that tidbit from his bio. Why do you suppose that
is? Why doesn’t he want his readers to know that he used to work for Bob Chapman
You can see the original line on Corbett’s About Me page – archive-
By all means, continue to enjoy Corbett’s research. I’m not suggesting you stop
listening to him. But just understand that while giving you some of the truth, he will also
give you the swerve at the same time and lead you off the path. He will do this by using
the same deception tactics and misdirect strategies that they all use.
Oh Pleease they say, yes I answer-
Couldnt you use this knowledge to anticipate that Corbett use his experience from Army Counterintelligence to do what he do today?
It is not obvious and suspicious to me that someone have been where they maybe not should have been, we all have.
If you dont have experience within an area you cant know anything about that area yes?
Notwithstanding anybody’s background we are not children, but should be adults who are able to evaluate whether the theme described is of value to our own progress and civilisation or not.
This is Paine-ful. The “Declaration of Causes and Necessity….” are more fundamental than any storied taking up of arms, that comes later. Language kills (Korzybski) which is the most “powerful weapon” and to uncover the why is still kept hidden “below the fold”. The first principle and primary cause of all subsequent theoretical ‘causal declaration’ was in the Metaphysics of Aristotle (aita and archai; from which we get causality and hierarchy and theology and science.) How this metaphoric explanatory framework has been rationally, theologically and scientifically manipulated into a hard deterministic and reductive-mechanical worldview is the story of western, now global, civilisation. There is no mistake that the western worldview came to dominate because it is predetermined as preprogrammed into the grammar. Whichever is a logical “thomas-paine-in-the-arse” to keep pointing out. Everything since the categorematic hierarchisation of the Aristotlelian sentence structure or logos—as in “logocentric”—is propagandic, very little of which proved useful excepting for exceptionalism, supremacism, and deontologic rule-governedness itself…. For which it is proved categorically exceptional and extraordinarily sovereign as unquestionable and uncritically internalised by everybody. So whatsoever happened to causal necessity—commonsense? The link between cause and commonsense is theologically and metaphysically theory-laden, but commonsense is ‘caused’ by essence, and essence is ‘rational’ as “affection of the psyche” (pathemata tes psyches) symbolically expressed as sentences (logos) to be adjudged true or false by dialectical debates (logoi v dissoi logoi). That’s the Metaphysics, the Interpretation, the Rhetoric, and quite a bit of the Ethics of causal necessity that nobody wants to question. So it is taken as verbatim or episteme of ascertained determinative knowledge which is probably now too onerous to challenge. Which is in the commonpool, commonplace of commonsense (koines aisthesis, sensus communis). So the causal necessity applied to commonsense is correct? This is model-determined enmity, exceptionalism, supremacism and… Read more »
The bankers own the place. Take down the money changers and save the world. Same shit, different day.
The psychopathic cabal who hold the world enthralled in their insane narrative and fake reality are constructing a global censorship network to curtail and suppress alternative narratives as we speak. So we must more determined, active and assiduous in creating our narratives which can/will break their hold on our minds. Our narratives will free us from the fear and lethargy the miscreants want to keep us enchained with. Transform your mind all else will follow. Stay strong!
James is right.
The narrative is their major weapon.
The Bible, the Koran, the Vedic Scriptures, the Bhagavad Gita, the Buddhist Suttas, the Confucian Analects, Mao’s Little Red Book, the Tao Te Ching, Mein Kampf and the hundreds of books extolling the virtues and glory of Capitalism have all guided us up the garden path. And the path leads nowhere.
It’s a crying shame that articulate and erudite journalists like Chris Hedges and Caitlin Johnstone swallowed the narrative forced upon us four years ago.
It’s time to write OUR stories.
Loudly and boldly.
The Tao Te Ching extols “the virtue and glory of Capitalism”? I completely missed this. Can you elaborate?
That’s not what I said Sal.
Religious texts are/were the narratives of priests and their ilk.
Capitalschism has hundreds of greedy converts/fanatics who have written books on Capitalist Nirvana. Yeah, for the Turds at the top.
Ok, I see what you’ve done – kind of separated the Tao Te Ching from the capitalist basket yet lumped it in with the evils of society. That you mention it in the same breath as Mao’s Red Book (because Mao and Tao rhyme?) and Mein Kampf (!) tells me you almost certainly haven’t read the Tao Te Ching (it has no narrative, BTW) or understood the difference between philosophical and religious Taoism.
The other surprise here is that you seem to appreciate the work and thinking of Paul Cudenec but somehow missed that his approach to Anarchism has been influenced by Taoism.
We glean, we glean until we find what Truth means.
I’m with you Sal, Johnny does not give the impression of even having read the weaklypedia.smorgasbord page on the Tao Te Ching, let alone the Mumonkan or the Hekigan Roku.
Yet James continues to swallow the core of the forced narrative, the “Pandemic”/”COVID-19″/”SARS-Cov-2” fraud.
Or is intentionally confusing us
Show us where he is doing the swallowing. Maybe you are just making shit up.
Planet Waves FM Special Report: The Smartest Virus Advocates Tell Us How They Know For Sure That It’s Real. We hear from James Corbett, Dr. Suzanne Humphries, Dr. Josesph Mercola, Dr. Mark Trozzi and the iconic Whitney Webb — who explain how they know they’re correct about the existence of SARS-CoV-2. Eric Francis Coppolino, 2/23/24.
Dr. Joe Mercola and Derrick Broze, 14 minute mark
Dr. Susan Humphries on CHD TV, 16 minute mark
James Corbett and Derrick Broze, 20 minute mark
Dr. Mark Trozzi and son, 9 minute mark
Whitney Webb with Derrick Broze, 5 minute mark
[Links to the full interviews are included at the page]
Here’s a direct link to the discussion you are referring to:
They talk about germ theory and no-virus-crowd starting at 20:15, but the whole conversation is worth listening to. I think you are misrepresenting what they talk about.
I so know what you mean! I have discussions, often, with those retarded nut jobs who live in the delusional terrain theory world. Complete idiots! They think microbes are a hoax. What total fucking morons! They say things like that when a person gets bitten by a rabid dog and they die of Rabies it’s because they are in the terrain of India! Jesus!
Please elaborate? What is “the core of the forced narrative….”?
The forced narrative that there ever was a virus.
No virus has ever been found in reality, never isolated, never seen under a microscope, never purified, never chemically quantified or characterized, never genetically sequenced, so there’s no point debating or discussing fictional death tolls, imaginary case numbers, fake tests, the efficacy or safety of vaccines (poisons), social distancing, masks etc.
And contagion is also unproven, never validated, never observed in any study or experiment, and the authorities know all of the above, hence they are willfully, knowingly, perpetrating scientific and criminal fraud by continuing to push unscientific, disproven theories in order to force lockdowns and coerce lethal injections.
The Bible leads you to your Creator.
Hardly a path to nowhere!
Your religion, your Bible.
Their religion, their ‘bible’
Never the twain shall meet.
Never will we make real peace.
Not as long as ignorance and arrogance divide us.
No Darwin… no H.G. Wells… no Marx… no Lenin (‘State and Revolution’ duped millions to their deaths)… no Bertrand Russell… no Aldous Huxley… no Julian Huxley…. no Arthur C. Clarke… nothing at all by a Gnostic, Fabian nor Luciferian….
You blame organised religion and capitalism – yet it’s manifest that the Great Resetters hate these religions and capitalism. They want a new one-world religion in the form of some some sort od Gaia-worship and they’ve always hated competition (“a sin” according to John D. Rockefeller). If the defintion of capitalism is private ownership they state that they want to abolish that and replace it with usufruct.
Blaming religion and “capitalism” is trying to put the genie back into the left-right paradigm bottle and it just won’t go.
The answer is to unite against the powers that shouldn’t be.
As much as I appreciate James Corbett’s reports and comments past and present, this video is a click bait for his newsletter subscription.
James is a tad overzealous, but his heart is in the right place, and I assume, like most of us, he’s got bills to pay and a family to feed.
Yes, I get that, and I agree about his sentiment.
Walking up and down in front of a Pentagon Military Base or the Municipality Building Entrance with posters “Make love, Not war” written on them, I hate to say it: It dont work!
What you suggest is precisely what I have done here on OffG.
Take up a pen and with fearless simple honest sincere words trying wake up all the sleepy commentators and Editors here on this site:
Wake up and rebel, and do something! If you can dream it, YOU can do it! This is THE End we are taking about!
It is the curse of humanity that nothing changes until enough people work in unison to make it happen. Once a cabal climbs onto the seat of power, it immediately sets about surrounding itself with most of a society’s resources – so as to thwart any attempt to dislodge it. Nothing a few do puts a dent in the cabal’s armor. But when most of the people are fed up, nothing the cabal does can save it.
A couple dozen – even a couple million – falls short of the mark. But when a couple hundred million speak all at once, it matters not how they choose to speak. Change will come.
Well I am fed up. Thats one.
That’s not Corbett’s message… His message is to unite, despite our different viewpoints. Then we’ll have a fighting chance to nix this agenda.
And that’s what scares the bejeebers out of the ruling class – hence their divisive tactics.
I think its a good approach from James. But,
“One storyteller with a compelling tale to tell can re-frame our collective reality in an instant, and the world will change all at once?”?
Is James a good storyteller with a compelling tale? Is he a magician who can change our perception of reality in an instant? Or is he not?
Perception and in particular consciousness is the key, I think. Master over once own mind. That’s better. Or even almost good: ignore most of the nothingness. Then you cannot be influenced by it. That really helps.
Anyway, while we’re all here just a thought on the “everyone’s a shill” thing.
Obviously no one or no organ can be trusted. Everyone is a paid this or that.
Ergo: Off G. Is a fake news site, a shill or ‘controlled opposition’
If that’s the case then why waste your time here ?
I’m perfectly happy that this is one site I enjoy and trust
Cracking, Clutching,
Fantastic even.
Believe what you see, right.
On screens ?
Some good stuff on comments here,
Don’t care where we all live.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-05-08. Blood clots & cardiac arrests years a/ jab. The Times, March 2021 hailed AZ, dissenting experts vindicated (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
12 And by these, my son, be further warned: There is no end to the making of many books, and much study wearies the body.
Pity about the vacc stance.
fk sleaford mods……one of the biggest disappointments of my life. i don’t mind admitting i was a fan boy until jason made a 4 minute speech on farce book not to believe the conspiracy theory’s about the jab. using his rebel celebrity status to tell folks to go to nottingham hospital and take advice from a doctor there ffs
First I’ve heard of them but I’m an aged flatulence.
Seems many “artists” were conned by the Convid … It also seems that most got on board because they actually believed the BS. No $$$ involved.
Stopped video at 4 mins.
This is Amway ?