Anti-War Mothers – Celebrating Mother’s Day in the US

VN Alexander

I refuse to raise my child to grow up to kill another mother’s child.
Julia Ward Howe, founder of Mother’s Day, 1870

Originally conceived as a protest to war, Mother’s Day – celebrated in the US on the second Sunday of May – has become a marketing tool to boost consumer spending to give suck to Amazon and FTD florists.

Now that Rosie the Riveter, maker of fighter planes and tanks, is the face of feminism, we tend to forget that many of the early feminists were anti-war activists who had a deep respect for motherhood.

Feminism has been hijacked by politics, and in the US, the great achievements of the Democratic Party – which allegedly cares more about women’s rights than the other half of the Uniparty – has lately won for female kind two weeks of parental leave, better access to daycare, and private breast-pumping spaces.

When I was nursing my son, I refused to be pumped like a cow in a factory farm. Why isn’t breast-feeding anywhere in public completely okay? That’s what boobs are for. Why would a woman want a few lousy weeks maternity leave? I’m proud of the multiyear lacuna in my résumé. I think government just wants a woman working outside the home in order to tax her pay and the pay of the housekeeper, babysitter, and take-out food cooks.

Early feminists did not ignore the biological differences between women and men that led to women working in the home without pay and men outside of the home for pay. Instead, they fought for shared property rights for wives and husbands and equal inheritance for their daughters and sons.

Just as importantly, early feminists sought to raise the bar for mothers as educators. In 1792, Mary Wollstonecraft made education the centerpiece of the first published defense of the rights (and responsibilities) of women. This makes sense because, as the lactating parent, women were also responsible for the crucial early education of the entire human race.

Unfortunately, by the time of the run up to World War 2.0 – as Virginia Woolf famously noted with trepidation – just as more women were beginning to attend university, universities were becoming military R&D centers and business networking hubs and were losing sight of the value of a liberal education in the sciences, humanities, culture, and critical thinking.

After we got infant formula and birth control, women really began to swell the ranks of men. These days women, like men, fight to occupy the upper levels of the great corporate pyramid schemes. And more and more women are proud to exercise the hard-won privilege of lobbing mortars at meat targets in illegal wars that drain the middle-class economy.

Aping an aggressive male militarist, Hillary Clinton, that 21st century feminist par excellence, gleefully bragged, “We came; we saw; he died,” referring to the brutal rapey knife murder of Gaddafi, who had dared to try to make Libya independent of the US dollar. That marked the low point for the women’s movement for me.

Men as much as women are victimized by militarism and authoritarianism.

Everything that was wrong with the paternalistic family unit, which had denied women their human rights, has been imprinted upon society as a whole. You will own nothing, says the World Economic Forum. At its strongest, the US had a robust ownership economy, made up of small businesses, family farms, and privately-owned homes. This made the US rich and independent and its people difficult to oppress.

Since the lockdowns, family-owned and cooperatively-owned businesses are really going extinct. BlackRock is buying up homes, preventing US citizens from building equity and making us powerless in the hands of rent-seekers.

So What Do We Do Now?

By the time peasants, Blacks and women all finally got the vote, practically everyone was already locked in a paternalistic power structure in which a few people at the top made decisions for everybody about economics, health, and culture.

And how we vote does not make a bit of difference. It seems unlikely that we are going to be able to vote our way out of this predicament. The game is fixed; the elections are rigged.

But maybe, just maybe there is hope for a great populist revolution, if moms go into she-bear mode and engage in civil disobedience like the world has never seen.

I don’t want a new party. I don’t want political reform. I don’t want a demagogue. I want power decentralized. I want peace.

I ran for US congress in 2020, and had I succeeded, I would have voted no on every bill; the laws that have accreted since our Constitution was ratified have served mainly to empower the few. I would have the Federal government do nothing but collect tariffs and build our infrastructure with Treasury-issued Greenbacks. That is, government would be the people’s Buildings and Grounds Department. After all, the people own the country.

If I had my way, all the “domestic engineers” at the local level would be able to call up the Treasury and let them know what we need for our public infrastructure and where to send the payments.

Being thus apolitical, I now consult for a super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for president because I think he is not afraid of a powerful citizenry who, given the opportunity, will take back ownership of the country. He’s sued government and big corporations. I like that about him. And I think he’ll ultimately heed the words that I’ve heard him repeat, violence only begets more violence.

His running mate, Nicole Shanahan, got political when she realized her daughter suffered a vaccine injury. Now Shanahan is dedicating her time and considerable wealth to restoring the health of the country by liberating food and medicine from government/corporate control.

Women tend to become political when they have kids and start noticing how messed up the world is. This happened to me. I had never even bothered to vote before the birth of my son, and the next thing I knew, I was fighting Federal school lunch policies and various suspect ideas about how to approach education, which made schools function as pipelines to prison, military, and/or corporate industry.

I wrote a political satire about my experiences with my local school board and in that novel Locus Amoenus, which was nominated for the Dayton Literary Peace Prize, I also tied Big Agriculture to Big Government and the War on Terror. I realized something was rotten in the United States of America, where health, happiness and freedom have been traded for cheap Walmart goods, pharmaceuticals, endless war, standard curriculum, and environmental degradation.

I discovered that I did not want the government to protect my child; I wanted the government to stop harming my child. I ended up homeschooling him and started farming. I am decidedly not a fan of government fixes. I didn’t know that about myself until I had a child.

I mourn for all the mothers who have lost their children to wars, to vaccine injury, to obesity-related disease, to toxic water and soil. Unfortunately, there are a lot of women who have suffered such tragedies. I feel a populist uprising brewing with at least half the population ready to take back our country.

I hope the men join us.

VN Alexander PhD is a philosopher of science and novelist, who has just completed a new satirical novel, C0VlD-1984, The Musical. You can read and follow her SubStack here.


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Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Jan 6, 2025 1:44 AM

“We are currently still a sexually dimorphic species but with research into ectogenesis, creating embryos in a dish, and large and small gametes from skin cells, there may come a time when we don’t ever need to copulate to reproduce and women will no longer gestate the species”.

“The whole thrust of this agenda is really to move human reproduction to the tech sector”.

“Reproductive sex is being deconstructed for the market: eggs, cervixes, hormones, breasts, wombs, etc. It is why women are being reduced to terms like chest feeders, birthing bodies, cervix havers, etc.” Jennifer Bilek

Transhumanism: capital-driven colonisation of the living
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Ron Marr
Ron Marr
May 14, 2024 2:43 AM

As long as we continue to treat this simulation as real. As long as we continue to chase our own image and harvest them more food…are only choice will a bagel. I suggest sesame seed with cream cheese.

peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
May 13, 2024 11:01 AM

 “We came; we saw; he died.” This phrase equally symbolizes the ultimate fate of the US. It is the destiny of all empires, but none of them want to see it – they fear it, so deny it. They inflect on others what will be inflicted on them, in time. History comes down to a simple syllogism: every empire eventually faces the war it is trying to avoid; everyone wants to avoid WWIII; therefore that is the fate that awaits. Paradoxically, the only chance of avoiding that fate is to accept it – and change (if possible). I explore this in my e-pamphlet, The Doomsday Syllogism.

May 13, 2024 6:34 AM

Fine sentiments have no sex. The biggest pacifist I ever met was a Turkish male. The fiercest dog I ever read of was a bitch named Fury, who led a pack of wild dogs. Close second and third came Killery Clinton and Maggie Snatcher.

I have a sneaking suspicion that, deep down, every mother would cheerfully mince the babies of any other mother to feed her own brood.

“The female of the species
Is deadlier than the male” — Rudyard Kipling.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 13, 2024 1:27 PM
Reply to  NickM

Proverbs 21:9It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.
Proverbs 21:19It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.
Titus 2:3 Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine.
Proverbs 31:3 Do not give your strength to women, your ways to those who destroy kings.

Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
May 13, 2024 5:42 AM

I refuse to raise my child to grow up to kill another mother’s child.
Julia Ward Howe, founder of Mother’s Day, 1870

Yes but all mothers are very much ok with enjoying the spoils of war. They like the nice homes and full bellies and cheap petrol.

Make no mistake -we LIVE LARGE because of war.

It’s a zero sum game – and every country has a dog fighting for the biggest hunks of meat.

Lucky these mothers – they have the biggest dog – the might of the American military … so they get loads of meat!!!

This anti-war thing is total hypocritical bullshit. If the US refused to fight then China and Russia would be more than happy to steal the resources from weaker countries around the world.

And the US would quickly end up a 3rd world shit hole… and those mothers would be struggling to feed their children.

I know … truth sucks… feel free to attack me for stating the obvious

underground poet
underground poet
May 13, 2024 11:20 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

And if we didnt make all those guns, somebody else would have, yeah we got the message, but are doubting the obvious truth.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
May 13, 2024 12:36 PM

Yep. You understand how the world works.

Gathering in a park banging tambourines and singing KOOMbaya… expecting that to quell the blood lust of the bad guys… never ends well.

You either fight your corner… or you end up yoked… raped… and/or dead.

War is unpalatable – but it is absolutely necessary.

That is why there has always been war … and will up until the day humans go extinct

May 14, 2024 5:43 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

The bulk of the US economy by far depends of killing unimportant or disobedient foreigners who seem militarily weak, preparing for such “defence’, designating and drumming up fear of “evil-doers”, etc. Grinding poverty and covert immigration ensures a steady supply of suckers – until they snap.

May 14, 2024 7:01 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

“If the US refused to fight then China and Russia would be more than happy to steal the resources from weaker countries around the world.”

Old Uncle $cam has always been more than happy to steal the resources from weaker countries around the world: stole Texas and California from Mexico; stole Philippines from Spain; steals oil from the Middle East; gold and diamonds from Africa. And would be more than happy to steal the huge resources of Russia and China if only those two countries weren’t so darned strong.

May 13, 2024 3:59 AM

Followed until you got to RFK. Supports the green revolution, Israel, war on Russia, Iran. Former heroin addict, recent philanderer. Yup, pure Kennedy. Pull the lever then for him. Nothing gonna change that way.

May 12, 2024 11:21 PM

This is not Australia…This is South London England..an Enormous Bug just Flew in Attracted by The Light…She is nearly as big as our kitten..so I invited her in..Come on – Girl protect your Territory

It’s the Biggest Grasshopper I have ever seen – probably completely harmless.

We have now got a kitten..She is very fast..and can jump up and catch flies and moths in mid air with her paws and eat them before she has landed.

Dogs ain’t in the same class. – More trouble than kids.

comment image

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
May 13, 2024 12:54 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Wow. So your house is bugged. I didn’t the surveillance state had gotten that creative.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 13, 2024 1:28 PM

Bill Gates at it again.

May 13, 2024 5:04 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Looks like a locust. We had the odd one in Spain.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 12, 2024 10:28 PM

All respect for many of you women who stand up where many men are silent.

May 12, 2024 10:09 PM

Are all ‘feminists’ male-derivatives. Perhaps not?

And if not, then where’s the original content… (Virginia Wolf, a James Joyce derivative excluded) …
Just askin..

May 12, 2024 10:08 PM

This is Briliant Thank You

I refuse to raise my child to grow up to kill another mother’s child.”

But you can’t stop them joining The Boy Scouts and The Girl Guides

Encourage them. My Mum breast fed me till I was 15 months

Go on Kid – Go Get Her – Bring Her Home

So I did..it took awhile, but I wasn’t going to argue with my Mum.

I knew she would fall in love with her, the moment she saw her – and did….
So we moved to London – didn’t know anyone – and road tested each other…for 5 years

Got Married and had Babies. I thought it would take awhile. She stopped taking the pill and we were pregnant within 6 weeks of our Honeymoon..

She took the piss test…and we both went WOW

We have made a Baby,

He is here now, as are his 3 Grandkids.

My wife breast fed our two children (we used a Breast pump to express milk) when we were working opposite shifts for 15 months

Sex is Good – But Children are a Complete Delight

The Future of the Human Race

FAMILY and Friends

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
May 12, 2024 9:29 PM

Posted again for the collage, (by the greatest living artist),
no Edwige, musics not tanking.
Nice green globe, kids.

May 12, 2024 9:41 PM

Not bad, though the Tobin Sprout’ post was better imho

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
May 12, 2024 10:37 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Some folk say the real/only GbV, (no) but Toby is a great artist too. Thanks for listening.

May 12, 2024 9:20 PM

12 days after the real Easter (which occurred during Passover). But who’s counting…?

Frank Russell
Frank Russell
May 12, 2024 8:56 PM

Happy Mothers Day

John Goss
John Goss
May 12, 2024 8:10 PM

Dear VN Alexander,

First let me say I wish you much success with your latest satirical novel It’s a great title by the way: C0VlD-1984, The Musical.

My thesis was on a contemporary novelist to Mary Wolstonecraft called Robert Bage (d.1801). In his last known novel, Hermsprong (1796), favourably reviewed by Wolstonecraft, the eponymous hero is sarcastically debating with Mr Sumelin, a banker whose daughters have been educated at traditional boarding schools, and Miss Fluart – a liberated woman.

Be not angry with me, my dear Miss Fluart; be women what they may,— I am destined to be an adorer. Be angry at Mr. Sumelin here, the indiscriminating Mr. Sumelin. Be angry at Mrs. Wolstonecroft, who has lately abused the dear sex, through two octavo volumes. Who affirms that the mode of their education turns the energies of their minds on trifles.

From reviewing his preceding novel Man as he is (1792) Mary Wolstonecraft pondered why Bage was not better known – he wrote all his novels anonymously. William Godwin visited Bage at his paper-mill near Tamworth and wrote to Mary about the experience. Bage really believed in a proper education not just for women, but for the poor as well.He opposed the dowry system, campaigned against slavery, poked fun at the aristocracy, particularly duelling and hereditary titles. And he was clearly anti-war. I ponder too why Bage is not better known.

You hope the men join you in opposing the globalists’ wars. Me too. Bage would have surely done. He would have seen straight through the Covid bullshit scratching the crust off it with the witty nib of his pen to reveal the underlying stench, and expose those who created it.

VN Alexander
VN Alexander
May 13, 2024 1:16 AM
Reply to  John Goss

I will try to find the Robert Bage novel! -VN

John Goss
John Goss
May 13, 2024 10:35 PM
Reply to  VN Alexander

Hermsprong is the most popular and still available.

May 13, 2024 6:47 AM
Reply to  John Goss

“William Godwin visited Bage at his paper-mill near Tamworth and wrote to Mary [Wollstonecroft Godwin Shelley] about the experience. Bage really believed in a proper education not just for women, but for the poor as well.He opposed the dowry system, campaigned against slavery, poked fun at the aristocracy, particularly duelling and hereditary titles. And he was clearly anti-war. I ponder too why Bage is not better known.”

Thanks, I had never heard of Bage. These were really advanced people. The first are usually the best, because it is harder to move a stone than to add to its momentum once it starts rolling.

John Goss
John Goss
May 13, 2024 10:45 PM
Reply to  NickM

Bage was one of publisher William Lane’s bestselling novelists. Two things went against his decline in popularity. The first was all his novels were published anonymously. The second was his support for the revolutions in the US and France – though not of course the violence.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 12, 2024 8:10 PM


Just been thinking about “Oil”

That stuff that’s made from dinosaurs.

That stuff that allows the world leaders to determine our actions.

Oh boy, have we been had.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
May 12, 2024 9:18 PM

Big Time

Big Al
Big Al
May 12, 2024 6:54 PM

See, that’s the problem. I made a comment yesterday about how we the people are divided, divided again, and divided some more. We’re so divided it’s impossible to get enough on the same page to address the real enemies. Here’s a person writing about antiwar and then admitting she’s a consultant for a super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for president. Now how to reconcile that. Fervant zionist backer RFK JR. For some of us, that’s the end of the story. Not to mention that getting involved in the US presidential election at all, other than to abolish it, is a complete waste of time, and in effect, helps perpetuate a system that is used to keep us down.

Its similar with many Trump supporters. The perception as painted by the oligarchy media (which turns out not true) was these “right wingers” were the ones who refused the jabs and spread the conspiracies about Covid-19 and the fake vaccines, and yet their hero was the one who “masterminded” Operation Warpspeed and still to this day claims he saved millions of lives because of it. That doesn’t matter to them. Nor that he supports zionist Israel, that he supports the NATO mission, but just wants other countries to pay more, that he wants a trillion dollar plus US imperialist budget, and that he wants to lower taxes on the rich, again.

So, here’s two potential ally groups, antiwar and anti-jab, complete opposites, who are actually all pretty clueless as to the total picture and in effect are serving as collaborators to our rulers as opposed to being possible collaborators in the fight against tyranny.  It’s like all the democrats opposing Bush’s wars, then turning around and supporting Obama’s, and vice versa. Round and round we go, where we stop nobody knows.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
May 13, 2024 12:41 AM
Reply to  Big Al

I agree, however, even though the election won’t “save us” the idea of having a vote (although it is currently in a corrupted state desperately needing overhaul) is not something I want to throw away. I suggest looking into Sam Husseini’s vote pact idea. Watch mint press news interview with Jill Stein. The Citizens United disaster was a disaster, but I still think it is possible to outwit the Duopoly and get some more sanity into the world. There are more of us that desire that than there are them.

Big Al
Big Al
May 13, 2024 12:55 AM

I don’t think it can be done nationally at this point. I think it’s going to be up to a state or group of states to get it rolling, maybe even smaller than that. Somehow this country has to be broken up along with the federal government. Or at least given a much lesser role to the states, even moreso than some of the original founders intended.

VN Alexander
VN Alexander
May 13, 2024 1:22 AM

Ranked Choice Voting will help.

VN Alexander
VN Alexander
May 13, 2024 1:21 AM
Reply to  Big Al

It’s pretty insane to put all our hopes into one person. As much as I may agree with a candidate on many issues, there will be one issue that I cannot agree with at all. I suppose this is some sort of tribal instinct, electing leaders. I admire spokespeople. I admire those who set a good example. I don’t admire rulers or legislators.

May 13, 2024 1:51 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Superb comment!

May 13, 2024 2:07 PM
Reply to  Big Al

Disguised campaigning. I agree. Kennedy is a mixed bag. A climate screamer who likes the idea of globalism and handing control of the world over to the United Nations via a climate treaty while at the same time condemning WHO and mRNA. A typical candidate who is just saying things to garner more votes. At least with Trump and Biden you know what you are getting.

May 12, 2024 6:54 PM

Establishing Limits on Spaceship Earth
Let’s remember Lysistrata. A General Strike on both sides to stop war with explicit demands. The women had control of the scarcity that is a root desire of men’s life. The scarcity principle is now being controlled by capitalism which is the religion and policy making strings of the US/West.
What is the root desire of capitalists? Vast capital riches with the authority of a god. Competition, conflict, war, is the “engine” of capitalism’s self-interest. Cooperation and ingenuity to the purpose of mutual benefit and prosperity for all is the engine of Humanity’s evolutionary success over hundreds of thousands of years. It is a maintenance culture, stable before the unlimited growth (agriculture?) idea appeared, and is there at the end of infinite growth on a fixed, tiny planet.
In many views, the maternal nature of women is the embodiment of cultivation, maintenance of well being, within existing limitations. Men have envisioned themselves as the battling survivor and conqueror. In modern terms, the “bread winner”. (Agriculture?)
The necessary end of growth, competition, conflict and war, abroad and at home, has never been clearer. It’s in our faces 24/7 with self extermination imminent. Men no longer have the consensus to dominate women and Mother Earth as when they were autonomously stronger and faced no limits tempering their violence. Hundreds of years past that limit, Humanity still has the authority to assert a maintenance culture of peace over the obsolete culture war & looting growth. We are billions. They a few millions.

I have long advocated a Consumer General Strike with explicit demands (that should include sex and just anything necessary) that the existing ruling classes and their apparatus, terminate all authority-to-decide. No more individuals with obscene excess wealth used to profitably pound the shit out of the the rest of us. No more obscene poverty that makes life a misery for most and intense guilt for the conquering few. All of us together will make the policy decisions of a peaceful, war-less cooperation to manifest a maintenance culture of harmony.

Women, men, all of us bottom 99% of Earth’s Humanity. Are Humanity. We must evolve to the self-maintaining, self-ruling, adult culture we can be. It is our only hope on this proprietary planet of natural limits.

May 12, 2024 5:52 PM

Happy Mothers Day

Eve. Mother of all the living. Of a place named Eden.

And the other ‘Eden’. Where East of Eden lies Golan. One who scaled the Golan heights, iow Eden Golan. 5th in the public vote, despite heavy onsite propaganda and boos to the contrary.

Some forgettable LGBTQ thingamajig won, I believe (on a vaguely definable pronouns ticket). But Eden Golan was the star. Eclipsing even Greta, who was whisked away to (hopefully) to work on that long overdue diet (shed a few pounds, purlease). If you wanna be role model for the masses, you at least need to be vaguely slim and beautiful.

But as we all know, “Hell hath no fury like a mother scorned“. As Titus Adronicus once learned to his peril. Especially if you scorn someone of the ilk of Queen of the Goths, Tamora. Titus should perhaps have listened and the former Roman empire might still be standing:

“Victorious Titus, rue the tears I shed,
A mother’s tears in passion for her son:
And if thy sons were ever dear to thee,
O, think my son to be as dear to me!”
(Tamora, Titus Andronicus, Act I, Scene I)

Eden Golan – Hurricane [October Rain]

May 14, 2024 7:11 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

East of Eden lies Golan”

Correction: The Golan Heights in Syria lie West of Aden in Yemen. Or am I being obtuse?

May 12, 2024 5:16 PM

Dear Feminism:

Can we please stop pretending that women are somehow more driven to change the world because of their enlightened, divine, nurturing angelicness? This is just counterfactual.

It is a well known fact, for well known, biological reasons, that men are generally more involved in public behavior of any sort. because they are more biologically expendable and therefore more inclined to go out into the dangerous world of public spaces, put themselves on the line and fuck shit up, for good or bad. This is why men are the majority of both the public heroes and villains of history, and always will be for as long as humans are human.

We all have some shit to deal with. There is no reason to be appealing to anything “feminine” or “masculine” in people to understand what we should do about the world. Humanity is all that is required. Your gender wars masquerading as equality crusades are not doing us any favors.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 12, 2024 10:35 PM
Reply to  Tommy

There are more women who stand up than men, simply of necessity because there are too few men who do the same.
The sissy culture is widespread in Western liberal societies and their Gay 7 associates.

May 12, 2024 4:59 PM

Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Veteran’s Day, Earth Day, Coffee Day, Hamster Appreciation Day…

If a people need so many reminders to tell them about all the things in the world they should appreciate, it is probably because the culture does a piss-poor job of that on its own.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 12, 2024 8:48 PM
Reply to  Tommy

Birth day is my least favourite.

A day when, however shit you feel, you have to pretend to enjoy the enforced jolityness.

Oh, and Christ mas.

Oh, and my wife’s family does East er.

May 12, 2024 4:47 PM

Just on case you thought they weren’t mocking you enough oops i mean just in case you think they don’t have a sense of humour:

A window cleaner miraculously survived a 33,000-volt electric shock which blasted him out of his shoes.

May 12, 2024 4:26 PM

JFK Jr is not anti war or anti military. He’s not against oligarchy driven by billionaires. His VP pick is a billionaire gold dogger former wife of Google’s Brin worse propagandist and freedom of speech denying corporate monopoly mafia boss. In fact RFK Jr is not even against big Pharma or Rockefeller Medicine itself that was the core issue during COVID hysteria. He just wants to further his narrow agenda of his narrow anti vax constituency. An effort that is bound to fail because of his Israeli loving attitude devoid of basic humanity that for sure will prevent him from challenging Israeli corporations like MODERNA with its billions of dollar profits from murderous COVID jabs committing exponentially bigger Holocaust than in Gaza.

The author is obvious oligarchic hack who talk of feminism while ignoring towering figure of real feminism Rosa Luxemburg who in front of million German mothers demanded “don’t you dare giving up your sons for slaughter to enrich oligarchic pigs.This is not our war.”

She advocated among women for ground up socialism because socialism is about caring and sharing based peaceful society encompassing natural for motherhood instincts.

She was as tough as nail as she was at certain point in close leadership of the same party (SDKPL) as Felix Dzierzynski later fearsome boss of NKVD. Bolshevik leadership hated her because she saw war and violence not a path to revolution but its dead end that leads to terror. Lenin did not lift a finger or even protested when she was kidnapped, tortured and finally murdered in early 1919 after creating first in the world Communist Party (KPD) months before Lenin or Gramsci did.

Today Western feminism has been completely discredited and marginalized by another neoliberal excretion like transgenderism as they abandoned legacy of revolutionary political agenda aimed against inherent instability of economic foundations of family and community that is the core of gender inequality forcing women into economic subjugation. Women agenda of equality and equity will fail if they don’t fight against anti social rule of capital and for egalitarianism of self rule.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 12, 2024 10:27 PM
Reply to  Kalen

… and as the author admits: “And how we vote does not make a bit of difference. It seems unlikely that we are going to be able to vote our way out of this predicament. The game is fixed; the elections are rigged.”

May 14, 2024 7:39 AM
Reply to  Kalen

“Israeli corporations like MODERNA with its billions of dollar profits from murderous COVID jabs committing exponentially bigger holocaust than in Gaza.”

Big Pharma’s holocaust by mRNA Vaxx with Moderna’s patent GMO Spike Protein (12 Million and counting) is not only bigger than Israel’s holocaust of Palestinians in Gaza (50 Thousand and counting) but also bigger than Hitler’s holocaust of Jews in Europe (6 Million). Vaxx death in the 3 years 2021-2024 are dwarfed only by 70-85 Million total deaths in 6 years of global holocaust, WW2 1939-1945 .

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
May 12, 2024 4:00 PM

Well, I think a lot of people would love and appreciate him if he wasn’t a warmonger on the issue of Palestine and the Middle East. If I were you, I’d jump the sinking ship and help the ONLY PEACE CANDIDATE, JILL STEIN!!!! It IS heroic to stand against BIG PHAT PHARMA!!!! HOWEVER, if one can’t denounce the horrific damage the Military Industrial Complex is doing to the people and the planet, it is just NOT ENOUGH, and loses it’s relevance. Here’s hoping for a happier Mother’s Day for ALL the world’s mothers!!!!

Also, I don’t hold it against a person that they got over drug addiction. That IS admirable and takes strength of personal constitution. Seeing as how we live in a world where people can’t even define the word “drug” properly, it is good for people to see that something can be done about it, and hope is possible. BUT, getting over the addiction to the MIC, and our current National Security policies that leaves us extremely INSECURE is a bigger issue!!!!!!

George Mc
George Mc
May 12, 2024 3:44 PM

The reason why the majority of the public prove time and time again to be absolute pushovers when it comes to the crassest propaganda is that they actually have very flimsy egos which are entirely invested in a childlike acceptance of the ceaselessly publicised norms of the world they live in. Thus their entire self-image is dependent on this fairy tale. The slightest crack in their theatre would threaten to shatter their whole social being. They would be like an actor who suddenly realises he is in the wrong play and so his learned script is useless. Or, to be more precise, they would be like an actor who suddenly realises that the show has stopped entirely and he now has to find his own words. And he has no words of his own.

May 12, 2024 4:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

As (cia asset) Robert Anton Wilson would say:
“Don’t believe in someone elses BS”
BS in this instance refers to Belief System, and reinforces the idea that there is no objective truth, its all just relative to the observer (enter einstein, followed by all the quantum physics dickheads)

May 12, 2024 3:28 PM

April Fools. A Fools Errand by the Potemkin village idiot. This is where the houses used to be , before the Idiocracy and Uncle Joe to go Pander.

The best known anecdote about Stańczyk is that of a hunting incident. In 1533 King Sigismund the Old had a huge bear brought for him from Lithuania. The bear was released in the forest of Niepołomice near Kraków so that the king could hunt it. During the hunt, the animal charged at the king, the queen and their courtiers which caused panic and mayhem. Queen Bona fell from her horse which resulted in her miscarriage. Later, the king criticized Stańczyk for having run away instead of attacking the bear. The jester is said to have replied that “it is a greater folly to let out a bear that was already in a cage”. This remark is often interpreted as an allusion to the king’s policy toward Prussia which was defeated by Poland but not fully incorporated into the Crown.

The writers avatar is of this painting, an allegory against poking the Russian Bear.

War is the health of the state.
All wars are bankers wars
The battle of the sexes is not in the same category as Class War, the predatory power Elite against everyone including themselves.

The oppressors do not perceive their monopoly on having more as a privilege which dehumanizes others and themselves. They cannot see that, in the egoistic pursuit of having as a possessing class, they suffocate in their own possessions and no longer are; they merely have.
Paulo Freire

May 12, 2024 3:26 PM

alcoholic, cocaine loving, sexual predator RFKjr you mean …. who’s daughter in law is a CIA agent, you know, the ones who killed his uncle and father … that RFKjr???

May 12, 2024 2:15 PM

RFK Jr.?

Is this the same RFK Jr. who swore on a stack of “Populism For Dummies” booklets that if elected he would leave no Palestinian alive?

Or is it some alien clone brought to save planet Earth by Plutonian angels?

(Inquiring minds do want to know.)

May 12, 2024 2:14 PM

1986. Women of America for peace


Global Wars, Public Debts, and the Long Cycle
Karen A. Rasler (a1) and William R. Thompson (a2)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2307/2010387
Published online: 01 June 2011

AbstractThe explanation of the rise and fall of the world system’s leading powers in terms of uneven economic development tends to overlook the role of the creation and management of public credit and national debts. Prior to 1815, the Netherlands and Great Britain owed a significant proportion of their respective victories over the larger and wealthier states of Spain and France to the development of competitive financial capabilities. Winning, however, leads to higher absolute debt burdens which, prior to 1945, encouraged postwar reductions in governmental expenditures. In this fashion, world leaders have contributed to the erosion of their preponderant capability positions before the emergence of international rivals. These ideas are elaborated within the context of George Modelski’s long cycle of world leadership theory and through a brief review of war-related financial problems between 1500 and 1815 and the consequent development of national debts. The longitudinal analysis of British and American public debt data provides collaborating empirical support.


May 12, 2024 2:06 PM

I was cool with Kennedy until he went pro Israel, even calling the Palestinians pampered.
What about those mothers?
He didn’t need to call them pampered if he was just courting their support.
He said it because he believes it.
Maybe the brain worm he said he had will be blamed lol.

les online
les online
May 12, 2024 12:49 PM

Hilary Clinton ‘Aping an aggressive male militarist’ !!
What a slight – against Hilary…
Why cant Hilary’s aggression and militarism be an
innate expression of her ’emotional make-up ‘ ?
Why blame males (aka – society) ?
My mum always threatened us kids with
“Just you wait till your father gets home !!”
But it was ever only mum who lay into us with her
platted strap ! (Such actions by female parents are
excluded from the dominant definition of ‘Domestic
The State is permission for those so inclined to vent
their aggressions and sadistic impulses…
In our Paternalistic Family, Mum Ruled The Roost !

May 12, 2024 11:21 AM

So feminism – like the media, medicine and many others – was jogging along just fine until suddenly, unaccountably, going off the tracks recently? Does this seem remotely plausible? Or was the toxicity baked in from the start? Maybe an idea that’s on course to wipe out humanity in a handful of generations isn’t so great – but it’s still something most progressives find impossible to face up to.

If some proofs are wanted, try digging into Mary Wollstonecraft’s background – there’s plenty to discover there. Consider her life itself – she didn’t seem condemned to a life of domestic drudgery or ignorance, did she? Much of how people now perceive women’s past lives is modern propaganda that bears no relation to life as it was really lived…. Or consider that the first woman to stand for U.S. President was funded by the Vanderbilts…. Or consider that the first edition of Gloria Steinem’s Ms. magazine had a picture of Kali, Hindu goddess of destruction, on the front. Steinem had to admit eventually she was a CIA asset after initially lying that she wasn’t. This is not to say all feminists knew what cause they were serving – indeed some 70s’ feminists have found themselves, like all good revolutionaries, devoured by the revolution they started when they maintain that women have an essential nature and get attacked for being “transphobic”.

They can spell the agenda out and it’ll still be denied:
(Incidentally, 20% of women have always not had children so this is strictly “dog bites man” news. The figure for men is 40% – but that’s not the sort of inequality that gets any attention).

And as for the joy that feminism would bring women:
You mean work doesn’t bring women empowerment, freedom and whatnot? Where was this in the prospectus? (Of course they blame men, discrimination and ultimately women themselves – anything but that the idea of becoming a corporate slave might itself be the problem).

BTW notice how all the advocacy of a “living wage” (or whatever its current name) doesn’t base it on what a man needs to buy a house and support a wife at home bringing up the children. This doesn’t mean women couldn’t work (many had to) but work was organised around child-rearing.

underground poet
underground poet
May 12, 2024 11:50 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Woman were in the closet and slowly released in the 1920’s, after 100 years, they have become a force to be reckoned with.

May 12, 2024 10:27 AM

Anti-war mothers celebrating Mothers Day supporting the USA in the form of RFK! Is the irony not lost that the President, any President, will begin obliterating as they mean to go on….Obliterating black mothers and black babies abroad by drone. Which is precisely why practically everyone was already locked in a paternalistic power structure in which a few people at the top made decisions for everybody about economics, health, and culture…. A few—the top tendentious percentile—supported by anti-war mothers….

And how we vote does not make a bit of difference. It seems unlikely that we are going to be able to vote our way out of this predicament. The game is fixed; the elections are rigged.

There is but one evil party with two names, and it will be elected despite all I can do or say–WEB Du Bois

Being apolitical, consulting for RFK, taking back control of the country and paying restitution for all the environmental degradation and harm done elsewhere, or just in the USA? To support the paternalistic power structure of the USA millions more mothers, fathers and children must die.

Wake me up if and when you can tie that to your politics.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 12, 2024 9:31 AM

I’m assuming the author is American when she talks about a few lousy weeks of maternity leave.

Here in “socialist” UK it’s up to 39 weeks paid by the state as opposed to up to 12 weeks in US – not necessarily paid.

Take another example, ordinary leave or holiday, in UK, on average, it’s 25 -30 days and you can bet your shirt every one of those days will be taken.

In US it’s up to 14 days after 5 years.

People in US often don’t take their holiday entitlement as it shows poor work ethic.

The communist regime in France allows up to 48 days paid holiday a year.

Maybe that’s why so few Americans have passports – by the time they’d gotten anywhere, doggone it ! it’s time to hightail it back again.

I’m not bashing the US. It’s a great place to visit and, on the whole, the people are lovely but I have visited it extensively and am still baffled by the isolationist attitude of it’s citizens who, for the most part still think of a benevolent Uncle Sam and “The home of the free”

The ordinary US citizens belief in the illusion of democracy is the strongest I have ever witnessed.

Let’s not even start on healthcare !!

May 12, 2024 11:15 AM

The Unions were pretty much decimated in the US back in the 50’s.

Here in Australia that didn’t happen until the 80s and 90s.
Hence our reasonably good basic wage, work conditions/benefits and our health system.

Australian workers also get THREE MONTHS fully paid (long service) leave after ten years working for the public service and fifteen years in the private sector.

Yep, it WAS the ‘Lucky Country’ for a while, the MBAers took control under the evil eyes of corporate psychopaths.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 12, 2024 12:12 PM
Reply to  Johnny

I backpacked around Australia in bicentenary year 1987/8and loved it. Everyone was laid back and everywhere (Except Perth) had a really good vibe. Loved Adelaide best.

After all the shenanigans of the last few years I understand from relatives living there that it is a very, very different place ?

May 12, 2024 9:17 AM

Author is another wet behind the ears…….MSM alt media swallower of CC fantasy’s.

I now consult for a super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for president
because I think he is not afraid of a powerful citizenry who, given the opportunity, will take back ownership of the country. He’s sued government and big corporations. I like that about him. And I think he’ll ultimately heed the words that I’ve heard him repeat, violence only begets more violence.


Never Again UK@Never_Again_UK_·Follow
Robert F Kennedy Jr dropping truth bombs in regards with the ridiculous claim of #I$rael committing a genocide by #SouthAfrica and the show trial at the #ICJ


The Palestinian people are arguably the most pampered people by international aid organizations in the history of the world”


les online
les online
May 12, 2024 1:02 PM
Reply to  mastershock

‘Junior’ seems very much sugar-coated poison;
he’s for some things that are really worth supporting him for
but there’s that shitload of Other Things you’ve got to swallow…

May 12, 2024 5:06 PM
Reply to  les online

And in that precise way, not any different at all than any other politician who knows how to talk the talk. He’s not quite up to the standards of most of the really good bullshitters, but he’s in the running.

As for Palestinians being pampered by humanitarian aid, he should get his butt over to Palestine and see for himself. And if he’s still down for the slaughter of those innocents who are so pampered, then he’d best get his sorry ass over to Israel and volunteer for the IDF. I’m sure they’d find a role for him if he really wanted that, and then he could join in the killing for himself.

As has been said many, many times, all those who justify the slaughter of innocents for some big cause, particularly another “holy war” that is anything but, need to get over there and do that dirty work their damned selves. Quit depending on those you revile in public as dumb barbarians to do it for you while you sit your ass in whichever summer mansion your wealthy family owns and admit that it is YOU and your lies who are the problem, not those being “pampered” by just enough “humanitarian aid” to keep them from starving for one more day while you dine on a nice steak, prepared by your faithful servants who serve you out of love and loyalty, not because they simply need a paycheck and very possibly can hardly stand the sight of you while they smile and wait on you every damned day.

IF RFK Jr was anything other than another lying shill, then he would take on the war lobby directly and yes, risk his life for it. Otherwise, he’s just another talker in a long line of them, in it for his own glory and perhaps to establish his anti-authoritarian bonafides, while he sits safely in a private jet and fools some more rubes into donating money for what he knows good and well is a fake battle that in reality is only another facade for his wealthy backers.

I am no Trump supporter and never have been, but at this point, what difference does it really make? It NEVER made any damned difference at all, and all Americans should certainly see that by now, but refuse to. Whatever. I don’t normally vote but this time I just might have to swallow my own revulsion at that practice and vote for Trump just to see Democrats and assholes like RFK Jr go down in flames. A hollow victory undoubtedly, but a small piece of satisfaction in an otherwise complete waste of time? Maybe. I’m still not quite there yet, but get closer every day I hear one more lying shill try to put a good spin on all those lies while bleating about “our democracy.”

May 12, 2024 8:32 AM

Is the US really that backward?

In Australia public breast feeding is common and Mothers and Fathers can get up to twelve months paternity leave.

Becoming a parent certainly opens one’s eyes to injustice and the vulnerability of children in today’s cut and thrust, ambitious and narcissistic world.
Good luck on your journey together.