OffG is looking for (proven) fake news!

We’re interesting in collating all the examples of fakery in the news for an article we are planning to run later this week.
That would be doctored photos, proven lies, staged video footage.
For example, there was the famous “bus incident” where two reporters from CNN were pretending to be miles apart, but were actually in the same car park.
Or there was the “Rape on Campus” story from Rolling Stone, an account of a sexual assault that never happened.
Specifically, one of our editors recalls seeing a picture where a reporter for a television network has “faked” a crowd by gathering a dozen people around the camera, but a photo from one of the windows above the street shows the deception.
That’s the kind of incident we’re looking to pool together. Nothing is too big or too small.
If you have a source for this – or any other examples of provable “fake news” – send them to us via e-mail or post them in the comments below.
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5G is dangerous, there you go……A Conspiracy Theory/ Fake News
Only, ‘Swiss Re’ got there first.
Anyways in their report in 2019.
To allow for a functional network coverage and increased capacity overall, more antennas will be needed, including acceptance of higher levels of electromagnetic radiation. In some jurisdictions, the rise of threshold values will require legal adaptation. Existing concerns regarding potential negative health effects from electromagnetic fields (EMF) are only likely to increase. An uptick in liability claims could be a potential long-term consequence.
You can off course, download their full report (pdf)
One example of the BBC and Guardian reporting an approved narrative from the Russian Ukraine conflict which could have been disproven by a journalist at the scene turning around or as I did going on Google streetview
How about this article on fake gas and dead kids:
Gulf war; news room reporting
@ 17mins. 20 seconds they conduct a interview in gas masks and the people behind them take there masks off to look at the computer screen..
Oh goody! Maybe those who have determined nukes to be fake can finally put up the data that’s convinced them? (That would be data other than the conclusion that since “regular” bombs can do just as much damage, therefore there cannot possibly be such things as “nuclear” bombs.)
From Asahi Simbun
Coral article fabrication
In the evening edition of April 20, 1989, an article described how the world’s largest Azami coral in a sea area designated as a natural environment conservation area in Okinawa was damaged, with the initial “KY” scratched on the coral. Along with a color photograph of the scratched coral, the article lamented the decline in Japanese morals. Later, investigations by local divers who had doubts about the article proved that the Asahi photographer himself made the scratches to forge a newspaper article. Taking responsibility, the president (at that time) Toichiro Hitotsuyanagi was forced to resign.[56] This was also known as the KY case.
Lee-Ann Rimes ?
The Pyramid of Power: Chapter 14 – The False Flag Deception
the story was such a success his bike got stolen again.
The moment that the 41-year-old politician realised his mountain bike had gone missing was captured on camera by a reader.
The Tory leader, who regularly rode the bike to the House of Commons,
Prime minster David Cameron has his bike stolen outside Tesco’s
The earth is a spinning globe? Sorry – couldn’t resist.
Everything Richard D Hall has ever looked into has been shown to have been fake news: all it takes is a thorough investigative journalist working his arse off to find the truth. Not many of them around any more unfortunately.
From The Usual Suspects quoting Baudelaire: ‘The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to convince the world that he didn’t exist’. The ultimate fake news.
Somewhat off topic: The Slovakian prime minister was shot today (I think he’s alive). A few days ago the Slovakian government announced that they won’t sign the WHO “pandemic” treaty.
We’ll see “lone gunman shoots politician” number 273.
The photo showing coffins at the start of the Covid pandemic in 2020 was proved to be from a ferry disaster in 2013
An “excellent” fake news fabricated by DigiTv from Romania.
Romanian journalist in Israel ducking for cover from Hamas attacks… while people casually walk in the background.
Another quality fake news is offered 2 years ago by Antena 3, another Romanian TV station. Watch the video
The “battle” between Ukrainian anti-aircraft and Russian air force … actually it was footage from Arma 3 a video game simulating C-RAM (Phalanx).
Both situations have sparked waves of caustic irony against the mainstream media.
The Mother of All Fakes:
“Babies thrown out of Incubators” -Kuwaiti ambassador’s Daughter lies to Congress in 1990 (
Oh, didn’t Theresa May, say in Parliament that a Red Card existed for the arrest of people connected with the Skripal poisoning?
Cripes. Which one(s) are FACT?
Salman Ramadan Abedi blew himself to bits during the Manchester Arena bombing.
But his Bank Card was found at the scene although damaged the part with his name was undamaged. Proving his was there. This was definitely not planted you conspiracy nut.
Ok someone reported to the police a guy matching Salman Abedi leaving a grey Audi and running to the Arena
Two people reported to the police he put down the bag and ran out of the Arena
A police audio log had the grey Audi under observation and following it.
There is mobile phone video of the grey Audi being stopped by armed police and arrested.
Non of this was included in the Manchester Attack inquiry.
Four of the hijackers’ passports have survived in whole or in part. Two were recovered from the crash site of United Airlines Flight 93 in Pennsylvania. One belonged to a hijacker on American Airlines Flight 11. A passerby picked it up and gave it to an NYPD detective shortly before the World Trade Center towers collapsed. A fourth
passport was recovered from luggage that did not make it from a Portland flight to Boston onto the connecting flight, which was American Airlines Flight 11.
How did he board the plane without a passport?
In principle everything you see in “news” is fake, until you have proven it true in real life.
Money exchangers, News exchangers, Religion exchangers, Prostitutes of any kind, all exchangers of the real thing, were kicked out of the Church by Christus.
Its the only place where we can breath freely and be free.
Why were there so many Covid-1984 cases only 18 days after everybody were vaccinated? Just asking.
And remember Chris Witty said ‘We never thought we’d get away with it’.
controlling animals is easy.
No reason to continue to have just boys in schools.
“Inflatable plane” is a metaphor for “this story is full of nothing but not air.” The entire Afghan narrative, from the moment we waged a decades-long skirmish over nonexistent WMDs to the moment we watched nonexistent bodies fall from the sky attempting to flee, has been false.human vibration @humanvibration

See the hanged man in a tarot deck – exactly the same position
From Makia Freeman:
Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World – Part 1
Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World – Part 2
Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World – Part 3
Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World – Part 4