Brent and Neil go to Manchester – Introduction
Iain Davis

Read the whole series…
Part I – Part II – Part III – Part IV – Part V – Part VI – Part VII – Part VIII – Part IX
Brent Lee and Neil Sanders have released their 8 part exploration of Richard D. Hall’s Book and film called Manchester The Night of the Bang. You can download Richard’s book For Free Here.
If you would like to support Richard’s work you can buy his book HERE and HERE. You can also donate to support his ongoing legal battle HERE.
For some background on Brent Lee please read Part 1 and Part 2 of my brief investigation into his apparent objectives and legacy media connections. Neil Sanders appears to have researched and presented most of the evidence, but the pairs’ podcast series is a joint effort and Brent Lee deserves as much credit and bears equal responsibility.
Brent Lee and I had a brief exchange on Twitter that resulted in Brent blocking me. Prior to publishing this article series, I downloaded and shared all eight episodes which led Brent to threaten to sue me for copyright infringement. I agreed to remove the post at Brent’s request and the whole thing ended very amicably.
I hold no ill will toward either Brent or Neil, although I don’t appreciate being called a liar by Brent. Brent alleges that I have somehow jeopardised his safety. Brent’s accusation is unfounded. I haven’t lied about him and it is, in any event, a ridiculous claim. Absent direct incitement, a writer bears no responsibility for the actions of others who make their own stupid decisions after reading the writers’ work.
This is all a bit ‘handbags at dawn’ and I only mention it here to lay my cards on the table from the outset. I am not motivated by any malice and I have been as objective as possible in my analysis of Brent’s and Neil’s work. Neil Sanders is a diligent researcher and compelling writer who does not agree with Richard D. Hall’s opinion that the Manchester Arena bombing was a hoaxed false flag.
Brent and Neil have correctly identified some errors made by Hall. I have spent about three weeks examining Brent and Neil’s so-called “debunk” of Hall’s theory. I think I have identified many of their errors, assumptions and flawed arguments. I have been as careful and balanced as I can.
I make no claim that everything I have written is beyond question. All I know for certain is that my work will also contain some errors.
Hall has presented a body of work on the Manchester Arena bang that spans four years of research. It is almost impossible that he avoided all error. But what matters are the relative strengths and weaknesses of his core thesis that the Manchester Arena bang was a hoaxed false flag.
I agree with Hall.
At the end of the podcast series, we’ll call it Brent and Neil go to Manchester, Lee and Sanders offer 21 points to supposedly demonstrate that Hall’s hypothesis is entirely wrong. Unless you’ve already listened to Episode 8 of their podcast series, this won’t presently mean much to you but, just to set out where we are heading, these are my conclusions about Brent’s and Neil’s list of “debunks.”
- Irrelevant
- Irrelevant
- True
- True in part but also partly false and a strawman argument
- False
- Irrelevant
- True but Irrelevant
- False and a strawman argument
- False, irrelevant and a strawman argument
- False
- Partly true and partly false but also largely irrelevant
- False, irrelevant and a strawman argument
- False
- Irrelevant, speculative and assumptive
- Irrelevant
- Irrelevant but interesting
- Irrelevant
- False
- False, irrelevant and partly self-contradictory
- False and suspicious
- False and pernicious propaganda
At the end of the series Neil Sanders claims that he and Brent have “annihilated” Hall’s evidence. Not only have they failed to do so, they either avoided, misinterpreted or misrepresented a considerable amount of the evidence presented by Hall.
They did expose some of Hall’s errors—found in his original book and film—and, to that extent, I agree with some of their related criticisms. However, while they used evidence that emerged post Hall’s publication of his book to debunk Hall, they only applied that to his original hypothesis and pretty much ignored Hall’s own subsequent findings and his updated theory.
As highlighted recently by independent journalist and researcher James Corbett, it is possible to identify a common propaganda technique that Corbett termed the fact-checker trick:
The trick is to take the stupidest, most easily debunkable, nonsensical version of a conspiracy adjacent claim you can find [. . .] You take that as the exemplar of the conspiracy theory that people are parroting and you boldly tear it down in-front of everyone.
I do not believe that Richard D. Hall has presented anything that could be described as either stupid or nonsensical. However, like anyone who tackles such a massive, sprawling narrative with evidence that is hidden, obfuscated and denied by the State and its “epistemic authorities”—more on them shortly—he made a few mistakes.
Brent and Neil have seized on the errors to allegedly “debunk” Hall’s hypothesis in its entirety but have barely touched upon his years of subsequent research. Essentially, to the extent they have been able to do so, Brent and Neil have debunked Hall by using strawman arguments.
Unfortunately, the fact-checker trick is not the only common propaganda technique they used. The propagandist manipulation the pair commonly deploy thoroughly undermines their claims of intellectual honesty. This fact, and other notable deceptions, suggests a possible intention to mislead their audience.
A major failing in the pairs’ claimed debunk is precisely that they are trying to “debunk” Hall. They make virtually no effort to ascertain what happened at Manchester Arena at approximately 10:31pm on 22nd May 2017. They seemingly accept the official narrative of “what happened” with little or no question. This is a critical point.
Hall has tried to show what happened, or didn’t happen, and has not investigated why it happened or who made it happen to any great extent. Hall speculated on these issues but he focused tightly upon the alleged bombing itself. Brent and Neil have broadened the discussion to include consideration of who may have been involved in a possible false flag and what their motivations may have been. None of which is particularly relevant to Hall’s central thesis.
Brent and Neil’s examination of the deaths and “what happened” to the injured effectively represents the parroting of the official narrative absent any notable critical analysis. This is not to say they haven’t produced some excellent research themselves.
Broadly, their arguments successfully debunks some of the oversights in Hall’s original publication. But Brent and Neil simple reiteration of the claim that people were murdered and injured at the Manchester Arena on the 22nd May 2017 is made without the pair making any notable effort to demonstrate that they were.
The pairs’ appraisal does not, in any way whatsoever, explain or account for the most convincing evidence, presented by Hall, that the bombing was a hoax and crisis actors were used, some of whom evidently had foreknowledge or were instructed by those who had foreknowledge. Brent and Neil have not addressed this evidence either objectively or rationally, if at all.
Simply put: without a bomb there cannot have been any bomb victims. There is no observable physical evidence of a bomb as described by the “epistemic authorities.”
We are therefore presented with a paradox. On the one hand, Lee and Sanders have reeled off all the reported evidence which appears to substantiate deaths and injuries cause by a suicide bomb detonated in the City Room of the Manchester Arena at 22:31:00 on 22/05/2017. On the other, what evidence we can see and hear, as reported by Hall, compellingly refutes the idea that a large shrapnel laden bomb detonated in the City Room of the Manchester Arena that night.
Despite Brent’s and Neil’s repetition of the official account, the lack of any clear physical evidence that a bomb killed or injured anyone leaves more outstanding questions than the duos “debunking” answers. The balance of evidence strongly supports Hall’s contention that the alleged bombing was actually a staged event.
Before we proceed, I think we should take heed of Hall’s own usual closing statement to his films and videos:
Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see.
It is incumbent upon each and every one of us to take responsibility for thinking critically. We should no more take Richard D. Hall’s opinion as established fact than we do Brent Lee’s or Neil Sanders’. With respect, you shouldn’t “trust” mine either. We must consider all the evidence and come to our own, independent conclusions.
So, over the next few days, let’s dig into the evidence presented by Brent and Neil and, if you are interested, I hope you will come to appreciate why I disagree with Brent Lee and Neil Sanders and why I agree with Richard D. Hall.
Before every Episode, Brent and Neil warn their listeners they will be discussing distressing material. I will be discussing the same and will include distressing images and video. Please do not read these articles if you are not prepared to consider such material.
Read the whole series…
Part I – Part II – Part III – Part IV – Part V – Part VI – Part VII – Part VIII – Part IX
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Well done for mentioning this.
What happened to Neil saunders..?
Can’t comment on the Todhunter page
OT (at least technically):
Cloudfare settings? … important for interaction’s sake, if not for political agreement. “Read more” expansions seem also suspect. A case of when an update isn’t really an update? The physical book may be old-fashioned, but somehow it always ‘worked’.
Excessive ddos activity for thinking ‘Manchester’ was some kinda Shakespearean production? Seems unlikely. Sympathy, of course, would be a more appropriate reaction, as would be offers of psychiatric advice for those inflicted by such thinking.
Can anyone explain why the deadly dangerous moslem terrorists stop terrorizing during covid.???
only to appear again when the covid vaccine uptake got to 3 jabs.
I watched an ambulance fly past earlier today, with screaming sirens. Every single car stopped, signaled to the kerb and let the ambulance pass.The ambulance had priority over the road.
Now, was that a case of empathy, sympathy for the suffering, or just people considering their ultimate fate? Who knows. A universal recognition of one’s mortality or an attempt to delay it?
Maybe even Muslims are mortal
So jihadist suicidal bombers all decided to self isolate, get PRC tested and triple vaccinated so when they detonated the bombs, they was non spreaders off covid.
beam me up scottie
The weirdest piece of evidence is the Bickerstaff footage for the following reasons: If it was a genuine father searching for his daughter, why would he be filming himself? Why wouldn’t he stop and tell people who clearly don’t seem to have heard a bomb go off what had just happened and what his daughter looks like? But if it was filmed before the blast, why would any crisis actor team suggest he does something so badly, which is so uncontrollable and easy to disprove? In my opinion, all of this is a psy op to make us see the clear evidence of a false flag just like the narwhal tusk incident on London Bridge. Someone wants us to know we’re being scammed by our government maybe to bring that government down. And Neil Sanders is helping his friend by making the worst possible debunk of Hall’s hypothesis so that more people will start to hear about it and see the truth. And Iain Davis, also a long time associate of Hall, is making even more people look into the incredible research Hall has done over the years. I really hope this is true because I used to respect Neil Sanders. An MI5 operative? Who knows any more?
Bit rum of Mr Sanders to be undermining RDH after he was a guest many times on his show.
But Neil Sanders showed his hand during the covid period coming out very much as backing the msm and attacking anyone questioning the narrative.
So perhaps not such a surprise after all….
Entirely agree with this
Many of them showed there hand during BS19.
the alt media/truth movement just as dodgy with there lab leak china done it bat
virus Armageddon trust the plan trumps got this psyop.
The supposed blast location and expanding blast area

There are people lying on the floor in this image

but in the background is the merchandise stall with its T-shirts and posters
That is undisturbed by the blast wave from the bomb.
Salman Ramadan Abedi blew himself to bits during the Manchester Arena bombing.
But his Bank Card was found at the scene although damaged the part with his name was undamaged. Proving his was there. This was definitely not planted you conspiracy nut.
[Link broken – A2]
And his pristine Saudi passport, and a SNECAM engine of the wrong company and model for the virtual airplane.
That should read SNECMA (Socie’te’ Nationale des E’tudes et de Construction de Moteurs d’Aviation) now Safran Aircraft Engines.
“Neil Sanders is a diligent researcher and compelling writer”.
Really? Here’s his response to covid:
Not much diligence on display here I’d suggest – he didn’t same able to find much of the info OG found. When it came to a crucial and current psyop, he was was right down with the official message.
If one looks at Sanders’ main work in order a “bait and switch” pattern emerges:
1) First topic MK Ultra – good research here but it was safely 50 years ago. This was the bait to establish his alt-chops.
2) Second topic Manson – he starts watering it down i.e. he disagrees with the official narrative but writes Manson off as just a petty drug dealer and pimp. Manson’s connections to ‘Jolly’ West and Scientology strongly suggest there was much more to it than that – although I don’t have a settled opinion what that was. This is the start of the switch.
3) Thirdly, Cambridge Analytica – with his reputation still high, he was all over the UK alt-media about this. It was probably true and data-harvesting is no doubt a major issue – but he gave the impression only that nasty Trump was doing it. This was a classic trope of the leftist side – play the victim and ignore the left doing the same (it’s just like how climate changers rail against “lobby groups” while ignoring all the think-tanks and corporations who support climate change. That’s why Cory Morningstar’s ‘Manufacturing Greta Thunberg’ was so vital). This is deepening the switch.
4) Finally, covid and he was fully onboard. He could start attacking the alt-media because “I was one and ought to know – plus you can trust me”. The switch is complete.
The kindest interpretation one can put on Sanders is that he’s trapped in the left-wing of the left-right paradigm. However some current and former leftists saw through covid from the start so less kind interpretations start to suggest themselves….
Nobdy can see inside his soul so who knows for sure? I’d still recommend anyone needing a quick primer on MK Ultra to read his book or listen to his podcasts on the topic – but be aware that it’s less than the whole story.
I started to question him during his Cambridge Analytica expose.
His level of research and apparent contacts seemed next level. In fact too good highlighting that whatever he was he was unlikely to be some bloke just doing some research around the internet.
It was not only very good data (albeit with a slant as you suggest), but bang up to date thus highly relevant.
Perhaps he is just simply a brilliant researcher but didn’t pass muster for me.
I agree with you about Neil Sanders. He has worked in advertising and taught how to use psychological techniques to persuade people. I’d guess he’s MI5.
Given the presentation of Neil Sanders books – “Your Thoughts are Not Your Own” – i’d like to suggest this is his phD thesis – no more, no less – it’s an uncomfortable read. His stance on covid spells out clearly how out of touch with reality he is – verified by other well known podcaster/writers too. I now question Neil Sanders authenticity.
Like many the fear got to him.
For those who believe in going to the source:
There is ‘Q’.
There are ‘Anons’.
There is no ‘Qanon’.
And it really isn’t THAT cryptic:
On the 22nd, a 22 year old killed 22 people and 22:30 on the 22 anniversary of the building opening. Once you see the Magik spell it has no power over you. 🙏
We know from our experience over the last four years, that numbers are easily manipulated to control the narrative.
Don’t let numerics fool you.
He was just 22 baby and he didn’t mind dying.
but did he die?
someone reported to the police a guy matching Salman Abedi leaving a grey Audi and running to the Arena
Two people reported to the police he put down the bag and ran out of the Arena
A police audio log had the grey Audi under observation and following it.
There is mobile phone video of the grey Audi being stopped by armed police and arrested.
Non of this was included in the Manchester Attack inquiry.
Is that you Bo?
On one hand ‘terror fighter agencies’ today need terror acts to justify their funded with the fear up; on the other hand people brainwashed by certain mullahs or maulvis have used terror fear amongst civilians for centuries.
Tough one, but both sides counting on mass fear to get the sheeple to stampede in the desired pen. In present Western Europe, is that the same pen for both?
Neat bit of quiet bias there, ant. Are Mussulmen the only perpetrators of terrorism? Open the other eye.
No, just 90%. Woke eyes are blind.
If you believe what the papers say.
I believe what Islamic historical records themselves said.
Bernard Lewis or Bernard Manning?
Neat piece of quiet bias. Mullah Monopolists of Terror- Be Afraid, be Very Afraid.
Those mullahs certainly have the monopoly on terror….hmm?
The old boys (and girls) network/psychopaths club is still recruiting, plotting and planning:
“Winter Oak is a totally independent not-for-profit organisation with a serious aversion to the global mafia’s “development” agenda and a commitment to truth, freedom and social justice. Since 2013, ” you have published a photo of the front door of Chatham House. and 47 Random Fragments. Well Done
< Quigley refers to the movers and shakers behind these organisations as the “Milner Group”, because of the key role of journalist turned civil servant Alfred Milner (pictured), which seems to have begun after a dinner with Lord Rothschild in 1891.
The fourth and final Chatham House president, albeit with an “Emeritus” status, is former British Prime Minister John Major.>
South Africa’s gold & diamond grabbing Rhodes and Milner were Rothschild men. And Honest John is a director in Rothschild’s company, Carlyle (Arms and Finance) together with Truthful Tony. TB.Liar is non-voting director in House of Rothschild: the highest rank ever bestowed on a retiring British PM.
See what I mean by AZC? (Anglo Zio Capitalists).
What a cosy nest of Vipers.
I spent the first 25 years of my Life in Manchester.. was doing well,then for so obscure reason Margaret Thatcher and Norman Tebbit shut down All The Wealth Creating Industry in the North of England Down – Everything. It was quite obvious they hated us – cos we didn’t talk posh?
Now it might seem OK being on the dole in Manchester trying to start your own business cos its impossible to get a job, but its not a lot of fun, cos it never stops raining. Of course everyone is really nice….got a job yet luv?….no – can i fix yer telly? – me telly’s fine – have you got a girlfriend yet…???
Yes, so we moved to London, where my Mum was born, and all our Children and Grandchildren were born.
London is the Greatest City in The World.
The people from all over the world are nice, the weather is nice, and the only people we really dislike are the politicians and those in control, bombing most of the rest of the world to shite, such that we are flooded with immigrants, hoping they are safe, and no bombs will land on them in London…
Meanwhile we have David Cameron and the Top Army Psychos in Ukraine shooting Missiles and Bombs at Russia…as Well as Palestine.
They are not giving London Nor England a Good PR.
What’s to Stop The Russians shooting back and knocking down Big Ben again
What’s to stop them using nukes?
Why can’t they behave?
I seriously question the sanity of anyone over 30 enjoying life in London.
How is this relevant to all of our lives and to the predicament we are in?
Manchester is now the power centre of the world.
Manchester is an awful, terrible dump of a city.
Because we live in a Holographic Universe?
It is relevant because it provides an example of government and establishment lies. The specific details of that event may not be important to you but if you don’t think that government lies are an important issue, I think you are mistaken.
Secondarily, there is immense relevance due to the fact that the Hall case is a test case for freedom of speech in the aftermath of government psychological operations.
If the government and media establishment are able to create a precedent of people facing serious legal repercussions for exposing their psyops, this will represent an important step towards creating a situation where no-one is able to expose their lies lest they be sued and/or prosecuted. This will ultimately enable them to tell whatever lie they choose without fear of exposure.
Again, if you don’t think that is important I think you are mistaken.
I understand that perspective, however, I think it would have been much more pertinent to write about Slovenia’s president having been shot (to death? the media says he survived…) for speaking out about feeding the Ukraine/Russia war with arms and money AND, importantly, for wanting to start an in-depth, criminal investigation into the Covid scam.
Now, that would have been headline news impacting on all our countries, since, I believe, that’s at least part of the reason why our national head honchos are ducking low.
Because the cryptocracy use terror psyops and hoaxes (including orchestrating fake and unnecessary wars) to terrorize and farm populations, to steal through taxes, to regularly poison and cull, to increase militarization for control and to pass unlawful codes called “laws”.
The terrorism hoaxes are used to plant the false belief in the public, that governments are keeping them safe from fictional characters planting bombs, driving into crowds, stabbing strangers, and shooting politicians. All so the faux authorities can potentiality attach the label of “domestic terrorist”, to anyone who dissents, opposes or exposes the unlawful thieving, genocide or criminal activities of governments and NGOs.
And the Drainstream Media suck it up like the vain, voyeuristic vampires that they are.
Now the plagued and tormented Germany also has to deal with “Lohombo’s” imported sick “mores” because there is obviously nothing else better to do. Since women are generally higher up in the victim hierarchy than men, there was no pardon this time, but only because black women are again higher up in the victim hierarchy than white women. The decision did not have to be thought through and did not take any courage. Translation:
The media called him the “boxing baker”: model refugee from the Congo sentenced for raping his mother
The Wiesbaden Regional Court has found a 30-year-old man from the Congo guilty of raping and brutally abusing his own mother.
Moise Lohombo, who was praised in the media as “the boxing baker”, as a model refugee and integration miracle from Wiesbaden, has been conspicuous since his childhood for acts of violence and later for drug offenses, for which he was later sentenced to prison. However, his criminal career was always ignored by the media.
At the end of 2017, the German craft newspaper Deutsche Handwerkszeitung described Moise Lohombo with this scenario, which is reminiscent of a description text on a dating portal: “When you sit opposite Moise Lohombo over a coffee with milk, you see a charming, friendly young man who enthusiastically shows pictures of his bull terrier dog Betty on his cell phone.”
(Picture: The “friendly” Moise Lohombo with his bull terrier Betty)
Lohombo “fights his way through”
Moise Lohombo came to Germany at the age of eight, where his mother, who gave birth to him at the age of twelve, was being treated for a kidney condition. Even then, the boy was considered to have behavioral problems because he beat up other children. He was handed over to a care facility, where he completed an apprenticeship as a baker and turned to boxing.
The Deutsche Handwerkszeitung rounds off Lohombo’s portrait with his professional qualities as a journeyman baker, which must have convinced the trade journal: “When I bake a cake, for example a really good strawberry cake – the women are totally into that, I know that!”
The violent crimes that have accompanied Lohombo since his early youth are listed in the Deutsche Handwerkszeitung under “youthful sins”, because there are “ups and downs” in life. Sport, in particular boxing, has “stabilized” him. Lohombo “literally boxed his way through” is how the newspaper enthusiastically describes Lohombo’s career in Germany.
Barbaric crime of a supposed integration miracle
Shortly after Lohombo’s release from prison on August 25 last year, where he was serving time for drug offenses, he committed the crime in the apartment he shared with his mother. Lohombo darkens the apartment with blinds before the crime and locks all the windows and doors. Meanwhile, he threatens his mother with a knife and intimidates her, telling her that he will kill her if she refuses to have sex with him. The mother offers him money for a prostitute so that he will spare her. To no avail.
During the rape, Lohombo abuses his mother by punching her in the face, leaving traces of blood all over the apartment. After the ordeal, Lohombo apologizes to his mother, removes the traces of blood, calls an ambulance and flees.
The mother is seriously injured and admitted to hospital, where she is treated for severe brain haemorrhages and the psychological consequences of the rape. At the hospital, she expresses concern that her son may have impregnated her.
Lohombo is capable of guilt
The defense argued in court with Lohombo’s consumption of psychogenic substances and alcohol. However, the court found Lohombo guilty and decided against committing her to a psychiatric institution.
“How can such a thing be?” the judge asked himself, explaining that due to the cruelty of the case, he initially assumed that he must have misread the case file. The only thing Lohombo said during the trial was: “I don’t know how this could have happened.”
Lohombo, who already had several previous convictions, was sentenced to nine years in prison.
An attempt was made on the life of the Slovakian Mister President (Social Democrat), shot in the stomach. He is said to be out of danger, according to some sources. The perpetrator was a “man of letters” who has been criticizing “the increasing anti-liberal extremism and intolerance towards immigrants” since 2016. He is the author of a book about gypsies.
Will the AfD be banned? Mr. Stein is optimistic, this would take years. The system needs the AfD as a bogeyman to point the finger at in order to distract attention from itself. Malicious tongues even say that the AfD is a “controlled opposition” and therefore itself part of the system of fraud against the people. Mark Twain was right: “If Voting Made a Difference, They Wouldn’t Let Us Do It”.
Mr. Stein was (relatively) “far-right”, today I would describe this gentleman as “conservative” at best, even the word “national-liberal” would be an exaggeration. These people never talk about race or anything like that anyway, they wouldn’t even use the word in private.
And then there is this blatant uncritical partisanship towards Israel that his media, which has degenerated into a joke rag, has been practicing for years. Like the famous three monkeys from Japan, these people consistently and unscrupulously cover their eyes, ears and mouths about what is happening in Gaza.
The Introduction to Hall’s book’s states that for the event to have been staged, it would have required at least 100 people (aka civilians) to have signed (and stuck to) non-disclosure agreements (p. 4).
There are various ways in which people can leak out information anonymously (as this forum is testament to) and for that not to have happened at all in any way shape or form, well, seems implausible.
Unless we’re thinking Michael Douglas’ “The Game (1997)” here, of course
Its sort of doable based on post-WW2 experience where people who’d worked at Bletchley Park kept silent for decades. It didn’t matter whether they were key personnel or just made the tea, nothing leaked out until twenty years later and then it did only reluctantly because Americans started publishing their memoirs.
So I’d give it a ‘possible’ — but unlikely. The modern way to do/use this kind of event is to set up plausible scenarios — or at least allow them to develop — and then exploit the hell out of whatever unfolds. This usually works out OK for ‘the powers that be’ but obviously in the case of something like 9/11 the effect was way beyond what anyone could have envisaged at the time. (Remember that there had already been a bombing at this site a decade earlier, one that caused a whole lot of damage but nothing near the scale of 9/11.)(My reasoning is the same as Manchester — you get an event that focuses people’s fears and almost out of nowhere oven-ready legislation with far reaching consequences just appears out of thin air.)
The Crocus bombing is also a good model to learn from, at least an excellent example of why paid operatives are nowhere near as reliable as carefully groomed fanatics.
Agreed. ‘Orchestrated’ is always more plausible than ‘staged’ – the former having no inherent need to deny physical reality
I do not think that you are in any position to use terms such as “physical reality” as you absolutely refuse to examine the physical evidence because it might interrupt one of your infantile delusions. Most cowardly.
Great circular argument too btw.
Thousands of conspirators must have sworn an oath of silence over 911, from Lucky Larry down to the Bush company workmen who rigged up the explosives in the liftshafts of his WTC property. But the weakness of the case against Bush/Cheney/Netanyahoo was not the silence of their confederates but the Silence of the Sheeple and the lack of rigour in official invetigations into 911: removal of evidence by Mayor Guliani, lack of official investigation into Israeli “performance artists” and “high fivers” in a truck with explosives etc. Likewise with the lack of rigour over investigation into TB.Liars Dodgy Dossier, the suspicious death of Dr.David Kelly and the official removal of evidence from his grave.
Who then put up the YT action videos that I saw within a couple of hours of the alleged bombing?
Dont you remember the bullshit that came with it…? a concert in Manchester with all the idiots to raise funds to the victims family’s it was a puke fest.
cant forget this horse shit that calls it self new alt media which regurgitates MSM talking point with its ”blame the moslem terrorists banner” and couldn’t decode a psyop if it tried.
How the hell did the likes of Michael Tarsion, Alex Jones, Redice radio, Thomas Sheridan etc all of a sudden stop decoding staged attacks to then say they was real and the moslems where hating our way of life.
like Neil saunders now they was either sleepycells or they been cloned or they got the knock on the door.
Your cant just one day change your tune and start saying singing msm talking point like it was real then start shilling from then onwards it was real and selling MSM manufactured talking points.
Charlie love police did it with 911 then went full scale shill.
Stefan idiots molynex did with 911 then went full scale shill.
the above have now done it and gone full scale numpty shilling.
I was totally convinced Manchester was a Fake job, cos they wouldn’t let The Firemen in for over 30 mins, and I saw some of the very first videos live. Paris Bataclan was also largely a Fake job, though they probably killed some people too. Whilst I kind of lost interest, I thought Moscow Crocus City Hall …was probably mainly real…cos they burnt the entire place down which was a little bit OTT considering Motorhead used to play there RIP Lemmy
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-05-13. Doctors, nurses lying to me daily basis. Evidence of forged signatures ignored by police = nonfeasance (blog, gab, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
From your Link (search for “police ignore forged signatures”):
< [If] it’s not a police matter [that] NHS doctors [are] prescribing drugs which hasten death, and forging patients signatures, why did the police investigate Dr Harold Shipman? Either all doctors ought to be investigated when suspicion arises or no doctors investigated.>
The Nick Bickerstaff video clip is one of the biggest clues for me that it was a psyop. Just so many things wrong. They’re rubbing our noses in it by allowing that clip to be available to be viewed.
The whole construct is preposterous
Totally agree. Bickerstaff’s acting is laughably bad, it’s right up there with Matt Hancock’s infamous crocodile tears. The way he looks directly into the camera to make sure he’s in the shot. What dad who fears the life of his daughter would waste time filming himself like that, rather than run around actually trying to find her?
‘It’s a little bit funny’ as Bernie Taupin’s lyrics have it, that I tried several times a while back to get a/the discussion going on this very subject, because I had seen several videos on the day which demon-strated very clearly that a tall brown-skinned man with a backpack right side facing the exit, near the exit let off a thunderflash, which made a loud sharp Bang! and a bit of smoke, then everybody lay down on the floor. And the injuries were fake. I have some experience in assessing this. The ones who were made a fuss of by the media would have been screaming their heads off until the morphine arrived. They weren’t. It was a drill.
But my efforts were fruitless. Each comment was Pending-ed, and then vanished.
I am pleased that this can of worms has now been officially opened by OffG, because it has become an integral part of the narrative for the surveillance and control Mafia.
And there was no visible damage at that point.
There was supposedly a giant hole blown in the floor (as reported by the Guardian) – yet there’s not a single image of it in the public domain.
Surprise, surprise.
There was a pic of the floor damage, looks like someone went ham with a rock hammer…
Compare that to the Bali nightclub thing, which used a real TATP device (alledgedly) there was a meter deep crator where the night club used to be, and every window in the whole town was blown out.
Amazingly not a single window, merch stall paper poster, or backlit signage above the lobby doors, was harmed in the Arena nonsense.
Not to mention a ‘victim’ who supposidly had shrapnel travel 15cm through her thigh (but not her jeans) was able to walk normally on high heels 4 mins after the bang.
There was a CGI video recreation of the Manchester bombing
It included a number of supposed crime scene photo’s showing minor damage
that did not match the mobile video.
It included a photo of the epicentre of the explosion
what it showed was the floor tiles with some black scorched marks and some black debris but no crater or giant hole blown in the floor.
Can not find link it was on but has disappeared
Old theme. Ron Suskind, NYTimes Magazine, Oct. 17, 2004).
Karl Rove: “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.
And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out.
We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
There’s nothing distressing about psyops or hoaxes. They are a complete and utter Freemasonic joke.
Certainly Arianna Grande wasn’t distressed over the hoax. She can’t hide her laughter a year later.
For context around the endless hoaxes and psyops, they’re integral to Agenda 21, the agenda for the entire 21st century.
The hoaxes (drills) occur after a city or town signs up to the Strong Cities network – connected to Rockefeller, Rothschild, CFR, Trilateral, UN.
The STRONG (SCN) and RESILIENT cities networks are the 15 minute prisons or SMART cities: Climate programs, militarizing police, regular lockdowns, restricted movements, 5G panopticon grid, speed limits, social credit, censorship (pretending to combat “hate” while terrorizing the local populace with psyops) track and trace, facial recognition, surveillance, SMART IDs, bike lanes etc.,
After staged events you’ll see the hashtag #ManchesterSTRONG, #BostonSTRONG etc. They also sell merchandise and raise millions from these hoaxes. It’s unconscionable.
Well done Iain and nice one Off g.
I thought Richard hall was fantastic in his research