WATCH: Meet Benjamin Netanyahu, Unconvicted War Criminal

The International Criminal Court is supposedly mulling war crimes charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other high-ranking Israeli political and military officials.

But what reason could they possibly have for charging Netanyahu with war crimes? Uncover all the dirt on the unindicted war criminal presiding over Israel’s crimes against humanity in this important edition of The Corbett Report podcast.

Shownotes and download options for this episode are available HERE, for more Corbett Report content click HERE.


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Categories: Israel, Israel-Hamas, latest
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May 19, 2024 11:14 AM

The advertising budget must be in the trillions.
Everywhere I visited has an stand with isreal advertisement banner.
Most cities/towns are daily flyer postered with ”stand with isreal” or ”what would you” do posters.

May 19, 2024 7:00 AM

< The International Criminal Court is supposedly mulling war crimes charges against [the genocidal] Israeli”.

They’ve been “supposedly mulling” for more than six months. It was never on their cards, because the ICC is a Court of International Criminals, as its name implies. Set up by the EU$A to oppress its victims (eg, Serbia) and protect its boss (Uncle $cam). The genocidal Israeli Yahoo is a dual citizen, U$: hence the very Founding Constitution of the International Criminals Court guarantees him immunity under the protection of Uncle $cam.

May 18, 2024 5:09 PM

The October 7 Narrative Contradicted by History at Voltaire network goes some way to explaining the situation in the Levant. Lord Herbert Samuel’s comment that Israel should not be able to look after itself without the Empire is very telling. Also, I didn’t know that Charles3 is king of Jerusalem and weirdly, midwives in 19th century Britain circuncised all boys. Is that so?

May 18, 2024 10:37 AM

Wow a court case, on top of the other court cases Netanyahu has outstanding.
there seems to be a theme of proclaiming is**al was a happy place pre all this happening,Is**el was facing its fifth election in just three years before 2023.
socially and politically it was a very unstable country.

in 2022/3 Isre*l had the biggest demonstrations in it history. (no mention of it in alt media) as Netanyahu and his friendly coalition described as one of the worse religious right wing governments in its history. (that takes some beating) wanted to reform the judiciary system which would help quash the charges against Netanyahu which many believed is the reason why for the judiciary reforms.
Hardly a mur mur about his charges in any blog theses days.

There was 39 weeks of protest in in re steal about this.

Netanyahu was charged with fraud / corruption etc in 2019, and is the first sitting prime minister to be charged with a crime (notice a pattern) he was still able to run as possible PM.

May 18, 2024 9:31 AM

Benjamin Netanyahu. What’s in a name?

Ben- = son of
-jamin = the right [hand / wing].

Netanyahu = ‘He has given’ or ‘God has given’

Hence we have a son of the right-hand who gives or dispenses. But what might he be giving? The right hand tends to be associated with justice (as similarly does right-wing politics).

So, perhaps the meting out of Divine Justice. Dispensing true Justice in contrast to the corruptible, buyable ‘justice’ of the ICJ?

With a grandfather ‘Nathan’ (also meaning ‘he gives’). And his brother’s name ‘Yonatan’ having a similar meaning ‘God has given’. Hence a family of givers. Giving can be regarded as a form of leadership. The giver having more power over a situation than those who simply receive what a giver gives.


May 18, 2024 10:45 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

My conspiracy theory is this… there is theme in the CC MIC alt media that gives little bits of nibbles to chew on to its viewers to vent some angry over whats happening over there.
this then legitimizes MIC CC altmedia as providing alt information. However as we have seen recently they will then delete an article of the article owner that was orchestrated contrived temper tantrum over allege anti s comments by commentators which plays into the new anti s laws which have been created as any form of criticism of ”anything” as being anti s.

May 18, 2024 10:47 AM
Reply to  mastershock

strange why Corbett Reportwould : The creator of this content has disabled comments.

May 18, 2024 11:08 AM
Reply to  mastershock

A good theory. Alt-media’s equivalent “two minutes hate”. Just against Big Brother rather than against Goldstein.

The particular article that I believe you’re referring to is still available elsewhere, for example here, Just not on this site.

My guess would be that in that case the author was simply trying to protect his back. Nobody wants to be seen to be directly provoking antisemitism. Whether they did or not

James Robertson
James Robertson
May 18, 2024 10:53 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

“It was a common practice for Zionist immigrants at the time to adopt a Hebrew name.[5]
Nathan Mileikowsky began signing some of the articles he wrote “Netanyahu,” the Hebrew version of his first name, and his son adopted this as his family name. “


May 18, 2024 12:54 PM

Yep, there’s much in his father’s first name too

Benzion = Son of Zion

May 18, 2024 3:38 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

I trust you’re not implying a person’s name denotes their true character. Or that the name impels a certain behavior in a person. Names, being words, are given certain definitions – usually arbitrary, sometimes based on their derivation. But no matter what, it’s still just a definition, not a force of nature.

BTW, I think it’s absurd that parents get to choose their child’s name. The person, upon reaching the age of reason (some never reach that point, of course), should choose his or her own name – especially now, when kids get to choose their gender, their pronoun, even their species.

I Clawedius
I Clawedius
May 18, 2024 8:24 AM

In this year of elections, remember, it is the criminals you now elect, who will come into power to rule over you and destroy your lives, they will also destroy all your rights, your freedoms and your countries too.

It is guaranteed that once in power they will use violence against their own people and in fact against anyone or any nation who disagrees with them.

This is your so-called Democratic representation in action.

Biden, Trump, Macron, Trudeau, Schultz, Sunak, Johnson, Stoltenberg, Van Der Ley, Cameron.

Did you think they would suddenly become nonviolent, benign caring leaders?

Your jailers will change, but the jail remains the same.

What difference does it make to the prisoner who the jailer is?

Their whole mind is full of violence, and that violence, cunning, lies and cruelty has been their success.

Also, the people who have come into power through violence are bound to be violent against each other, because there will always be, within their party, the struggle for power.

Violence has been the way of life for millennia.

Directly or indirectly we have lived under violence.

Our armies, our police, our jails, our judges, our wars, our so-called great religions, all have lived in violence.

And violence, reduced to its essentials, is irreverent towards life.

Violence is not only killing people.

Violence is an attitude, an approach.

Violence leads to more violence, there is no end to it, just as one lie leads to another lie and there is no end to it.

This is one of the indications of evil.

One evil always leads to another evil, then another evil, and you are caught in a vicious circle.

If you don’t create another evil your first evil will be exposed.

Just to keep it hidden you have to go on continually creating more clouds of evil around it.

Violence is man’s inheritance of millions of years, it needs tremendous work to change it.

People are political animals.

Violence is also within you.

Everybody is carrying an unconscious inferiority complex in themselves.

And that is the most dangerous thing to carry within you.

It hurts, and one wants to get rid of it.

The only way to get rid of it is to prove to the whole world that you are not inferior.

The inferiority complex leads people into politics, makes people presidents, tyrants, prime ministers.

The inferiority complex leads people into all kinds of ambitions and crimes.

Unless humanity is completely freed from this complex, we cannot have a peaceful world.

Break the cycle!

Ultimately in yourself..

Never elect unconscious criminals into positions of power.

Power brings out the worst that is in people.

Don’t be in the service of death.

Everybody carries that power to do evil, the will, the seed, but the opportunity is not there, it is only a potential.

Becoming political is when power really comes into your hands, then all of your hidden devils start raising their heads and asking you, “Now is the time, do it, otherwise who knows whether next time you will get the power or not.”

Power has its own ways to destroy you.

Remember, revolution is an organized effort to change the society forcibly, violently.

But the trouble is, you cannot change the society through violence, because it is violence that is the very life current of the society.

That’s why all the revolutions have failed.

And there is no possibility of any revolution succeeding ever.

Revolution is a collective effort to overthrow the government.

Revolution is fighting with the past.

The old society depends on violence, the revolutionaries depend on violence.

The old society depends on enslaving people, the revolutionaries depend on the same.

The old society depends on beliefs, revolutionaries also depend on belief.

It makes no difference whether your belief is in The Bible or in Das Kapital.

If the revolutionaries are going to win they have to be more violent than the old society, more cunning, more clever, more political, more cruel, otherwise they cannot win..

Rebellion has never been tried.

Rebellion is individual.

Rebellion is meditating for the future.

It overthrows nobody, it simply dissolves the individual’s hypocrisy.

The rebel drops their facade.

They are not against any regime, against any society.

They are not bothered by all that nonsense.

Those who are interested in that, let them do their work.

The rebel is simply very self-oriented.

Drop all the rubbish that is in you.

Clean yourself and start living.

Be yourself and live intensely at the innermost core of your being.

That’s what rebellion is.

Let things be as they are.

You are a being.

Know yourself.

Transform yourself.

Be: No Mind.

And we need it very urgently, because if we cannot manage to have people who are contented with themselves, happy with themselves, relaxed with themselves, with no grudge, no complaint against the world, then the third world war is just on the horizon.

Any stupid politician, to prove themselves can start the third world war, trigger nuclear annihilation and soon they are going to do it.

It is becoming more and more urgent that we create people who have no inferiority complex, people who have a certain serenity, silence; people who have a deep contentment within themselves, people who are no longer political, ambitious and violent.

We need a non-ambitious humanity; only then can the clouds of death that are looming on the horizon be avoided.

May 18, 2024 8:56 AM
Reply to  I Clawedius

Here’s one way. No bullshit, no obfuscation, no spin:


May 19, 2024 8:05 AM
Reply to  Johnny

From your Link:

“Video Presentation by Richard Lang
Ancient wisdom claims that we are not simply human. Outwardly we are human, but inwardly we are divine. According to this wisdom, the purpose of life is to awaken to our divine inner self. If we awaken to ‘who we really are’, our lives will be blessed.
In this film Richard Lang invites us to test it using experiments which contrast our regional appearances with our central reality.”

Reminds me of the experimental approach to psychic events proposed by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Elementary, my dear Watson, and now a topic of scientific investigation in Universities around the world. The jury is still out, but the experimental method is sound.

May 20, 2024 12:21 AM
Reply to  NickM

Perhaps the jury will remain out Nick.
After all, science requires measurable, quantifiable results.
Truth and Love are beyond that.

May 18, 2024 10:24 PM
Reply to  I Clawedius

Here is the most in your face calculated insult to the US of A (the untied states) that China and Russia could come up with. It gets a bit boring for the first two thirds as I guess it was for the guys and gals standing at attention.
Blinken got a minor official, Putin got the works and 21 field gun salute and the marching bands, precision marching, and the cheering children.

May 18, 2024 10:25 PM
Reply to  ariel

Oh well.

May 19, 2024 8:14 AM
Reply to  ariel

I like your calm reaction to your video not being available. Here is a report by Danny Haiphong and The Duran.

Xi and Putin Make History. China and Russia’s Gains:

May 19, 2024 11:52 AM
Reply to  NickM

Ummm Take 2?

May 19, 2024 1:11 PM
Reply to  ariel

The video is still up on YT as ‘LIVE: Chinese President Xi Jinping holds a welcome ceremony for Russian President Vladimir Putin.’
It’s well worth a look, espacially last third.

May 18, 2024 8:16 AM

Why single him out?

May 18, 2024 10:48 AM
Reply to  antonym

Such a lovely guy that why.

May 18, 2024 7:56 AM

< Unconvicted War Criminal >
It’s an exclusive club: Bush, B.Liar, Cheney, Obomba, Biden, Camoron, Sunak. All walking free because founder members of the ICC (Court of International Criminals).

The Yahoo is Israel’s longest serving Prime Minister. So, most people like that club, and would love to join it, even though just as ordinary members without privilege.

< We have formed a Party. Monica is Leader, I am Secretary; and the rest are just ordinary members > — Diary of Adrian Mole.

George Mc
George Mc
May 18, 2024 7:00 AM


Hamas are so evil they were holding dead bodies as hostages!

James Robertson
James Robertson
May 18, 2024 8:30 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Assume that was a joke but it is a widespread practice in that conflict for people to do that. Israel does it, Hezbollah does it and in 2008 managed to get live prisoners (about 5 of them) from Israel in return for the dead bodies of soldiers.
In 1997 Israel killed the son of the Hezbollah leader and kept his body until 2004, when it was returned along with about 60 other dead fighters and 400 plus prisoners, for 3 dead Israeli soldiers and a live hostage Hezbollah captured in Dubai.
It seems dishonourable to me to take dead bodies and use them as chattel but all participants in the conflict do it routinely.

les online
les online
May 18, 2024 5:00 AM

Bibi always wears a clean white shirt, and a blue tie
but he seems to never sport one of those skullcaps…
What does he want us to think ?
(He’s got only one clean white shirt ?)…

May 18, 2024 7:44 AM
Reply to  les online

And Bibi wears a bib.
For good reason:


Ann in Oregon
Ann in Oregon
May 18, 2024 4:11 AM

Thanks, James Corbett and hey all share this post far and wide please.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 18, 2024 3:00 AM

I refuse to meet Netanyahu in Corbett Report, but I am happy someone are taking upon their shoulders to do this nasty job.
So while you will listen to this Corbett’s Report I will listen to this record here, excuse me:

May 18, 2024 1:46 AM

Ask “AI” https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Why-are-Jews-IPT2eyqzTp.R.nWexu9qxA

The Halle-Saale District Court, a place normally synonymous with the enforcement of law and justice, has recently been thrust into the center of a debate that highlights the depths of German history and the limits of free speech. The defendant in this case is Björn Höcke, a controversial politician known for his controversial statements.

Höcke was put on trial for his statement “Everything for Germany”, which was seen by some as glorifying nationalist ideologies. This phrase, which has historical significance, brings back unpleasant memories of dark times in the past for many people in Germany.

Interestingly, another phrase is also emblazoned above the Halle-Saale District Court: “To each his own”. This phrase is not just a common saying, but has a particularly dark past. – It was placed above the entrance gate to the Buchenwald concentration camp – a place of horror and suffering during the Holocaust. – The fact that this phrase now stands above a courthouse dealing with a case like Höcke’s raises questions about the meaning of history, memory and justice.

In a commentary on this unusual constellation, Robert Habeck, also known as Robbie or humorously referred to as “Bahnhofsalkoholiker”, commented – bringing a certain irony and at the same time seriousness to the debate. Habeck is perhaps implying that history is alive and that its symbols, even when presented in different places, are connected and remind us to remain vigilant against ideologies that lead to injustice and suffering, as in the case – of Björn Höcke!

The Halle-Saale Regional Court and the trial against Björn Höcke thus offer not only a legal confrontation, but also an opportunity for a broader discussion about the importance of the culture of remembrance, the alleged limits of freedom of expression and the responsibility of political leadership in today’s society.



In Texas, gigantic LNG terminals are currently being built with German money

A young German reporter has set off on a journey to follow the trail of LNG gas, which has been touted as the primary fossil fuel source for Germany since the end of the energy partnership with Russia: “The worst deal ever?”

A gigantic LNG terminal is being built in Port Arthur/Texas with many German billions. Landesbank Baden-Württemberg alone is contributing 6 billion euros.

Germany has committed to buying LNG from the USA for a very long time.

After spending billions on Nordstream I + II, Germany is currently investing even more money in additional infrastructure for LNG – in addition to expanding LNG capacities in Texas, it is also building LNG ships and LNG terminals on the German coast.

May 18, 2024 12:47 AM

A Kantian ‘Russian’ philosophy:


Sounds safer than the USian philosophy of BOOTS AND BOMBS.

May 18, 2024 8:33 AM
Reply to  Johnny

From your Link to “A View of Kant from Koenigsberg”.

“My wife and I are in [Kant’s home town Koenigsberg aka] Kaliningrad – what Russians call ‘Little Russia’ – where the ‘Kant 300’ conference (commemorating the 300th birthday of this great thinker) has just ended. Kant was born in 1724 in this historic Prussian city, which was then called Königsberg (King’s Mountain) [and later called Kopernik; evidently a city at the crux of Great Powers as well as famous savants]. After the Second World War, it became part of Russia, in a relatively small patch of land – the Kaliningrad Region (Oblast) – wedged between Poland and Lithuania.

I received a letter informing me that the conference would cover my traveling costs (airfare) as well as my and my wife’s accommodation in Kaliningrad. I don’t think I have ever experienced such generous hospitality; my colleagues at the Kant University in Kaliningrad [presumably] like my published work on Kant’s philosophy.   
Although few people in our by now largely brainwashed world would admit it – this [was] probably the most important international philosophy conference of 2024; as a philosophy professor from Serbia remarked, No less. 700 delegates, from Cameroon, the United States, Ireland, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, South Africa, Denmark, Argentina, and many others. What they all have in common is an unconditional respect for Immanuel Kant’s philosophical legacy as the most significant thinker of the European Enlightenment. >

I think of Kant not only as belonging to The Age of Enlightenment but also as The Philosopher of Freedom. For good reason, Kant — even more than Marx (whom he influenced) — is the clearest Non-Religious guiding light to Brotherhood and Freedom in our darkening Fanatical and Oligarchal world.

May 18, 2024 12:05 AM

There’s a few of them walking around.
They can be easily recognised by their aura of hubris and their stench of death

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
May 17, 2024 11:40 PM

James always puts things together in a powerful way. So many people look at the surface smooth talk, nice suits and groomed hair of these leaders like Netanyahu and never see the underlying seething destructive psychosis that lies beneath which bleeds into everything the individual touches or influences. One would think someone who is capable of the mass destruction and atrocities he has been responsible for would be drooling, and oozing with pus and blood and blackened skin. It shows that we all need more lessons in human behavior and knowing who to trust, and who to avoid like the plague, or who to investigate for crimes and bring to justice before they completely obliterate peoples’ will to do so, by using against them, bribery, blackmail, assassination or even a sinking spiral of apathy and hopelesness.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
May 18, 2024 6:00 AM

The key to people like that is losing the concept of conscience. If they had a conscience, they would be eaten internally by all they had done. But by killing it, they remain alive, active, dynamic, living in a world of lying, predatory conscience-free actions etc etc.

The first time you experience behaviour like that against you in your own life, it is like being stabbed. It’s when you learn that western society venerates people like that, because it usually comes from someone ‘on the fast track’.

The thing to learn is that, for people like that, their own success isn’t what matters. They can have status, wealth, power, everything they said they wanted. But it’s not enough for them. They have to taste the sick power of destroying someone else, groups of people etc etc. That’s the only thing that gives them a thrill……and it is destruction for the sake of it, not destruction of those threatening their very existence.

You find it in medicine, in churches, in finance, in politics.

For all I know, you find it in teaching as well.

They thrive because in worlds where the love of money predominates, the root of all evil is encouraged to flourish…..

May 18, 2024 9:50 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

The cult of ambition has caused immeasurable suffering and destruction.
It is the deadliest addiction on our planet.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
May 18, 2024 11:45 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Yeah, Rhys, i agree. Destruction because they MUST. Only a few of them exist, though they create so much destruction it appears they are EVERYWHERE. No easy task to prove them wrong, but when you do, they begin to self destruct and decompose. Very interesting to watch. It is sometimes something unusual that will tweak a tiny spark of consciousness, sometimes not. I tweaked it in a slave owner once. He was in love with one of his slaves. When I asked him if he had ever failed to help anyone, he recalled an uprising of slaves in the household that had overpowered them and resulted in the death of his mother. Nastiness in Liberia where it is all too common for people to be treated as having less value than a rock. There are many more of us than them in the world and they live in a HIDDEN terror of others, so the majority must not give up on shining the light on their crimes. Is Netanyahu secretly terrified? YES!!!! You had better believe it! He and these other international law breakers are shaking in their shoes. Their comfort is only on the surface as is the appearance of their rationality. They will not show it until the last brick is removed from their wall of pretense and they crumble before one. That is why the sane must not give up in pressuring for justice.