2024 & the Inevitable Rise of Biometrics
Kit Knightly

Have you noticed a lot of two-factor authentication prompts lately? Are you getting emailed verification codes that take forever to arrive, so you have to request another?
Perhaps you are asked to do captchas to “prove you’re human” and they seem to be getting more complex all the time or simply not working at all?
Why do you think that might be?
We’ll come back to that.
Did you know we’re in a “breakthrough year” for biometric payment systems?
According to this story from CNBC, JPMorgan and Mastercard are on board with the technology and intend a wide rollout in the near future, following successful trials.
In March this year, JPMorgan signed a deal with PopID to begin a broad release of biometric payment systems in 2025.
A Mastercard spokesman told CNBC:
Our focus on biometrics as a secure way to verify identity, replacing the password with the person, is at the heart of our efforts in this area,”
Apple Pay already lets you pay with a face scan, while Amazon have introduced pay-by-palm in many of their real-world stores.
VISA showcased their latest palm biometric payment set-up at an event in Singapore earlier this year.
As we covered in a recent This Week, PayPal is pushing out its own biometric payment systems in the name of “preventing fraud”.
As always, this is not just an issue in “the West”.
Chinese companies have been leading this race for a while, with AliPay having biometric payment options since 2015.
Moscow’s Metro system has been using facial recognition cameras for biometric payments for over a year.
And it’s not just payments, “replacing the password with the person” has already spread to other areas.
Hoping to corral support for biometrics from the right, national governments are collecting biometrics to “curb illegal immigration”. You can expect that to spread.
The European Union will be implementing a new Biometric Entry-Exit System (EES) as soon as October of this year.
Biometric signing is on the rise too.
Laptops tablets and smartphones already come with face-reading and fingerprint scanning technology to confirm your identity.
Social media companies have been collecting biometric data “for security and identification purposes” for years.
Google Play launched a new biometric accessibility feature only a couple of weeks ago.
It’s all just so convenient, isn’t it? So much faster than e-mailing security codes and solving increasingly impossible captchas (both of which have unaccountably got harder and more complicated recently, and will doubtless continue to do so).
That’s how they get you: Convenience.
They won’t ever remove the “old-fashioned” ways of accessing your accounts, but it will get increasingly slow and difficult to use while biometrics get faster and easier.
Meanwhile, the propaganda will begin to flow.
Influencers will be paid to use “cool” “futuristic” biometric payment options that “feel like having superpowers” in contrived “viral” videos. Biometrics will save the day in a trendy movie or TV show. Some old fuddy-duddy will go on Question Time and rant about the new technology…just before saying something racist or denying climate change.
Maybe a major hack or cyber-attack will only affect those who haven’t switched to biometric authentication yet.
You get the idea.
And all the while supra-national corporate megaliths will be creating a massive database of voice recordings, finger and palm prints, facial and retinal scans.
It’s a good thing we’re ruled by a morally upright elite. Imagine the damage they could do with all of that.
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I’ve been wondering lately about my new “contactless” debit cards – no PIN, no signature, no attempt to insure the card is in its rightful hands – reminds me of the “hanging chads” from paper ballots in the US that ushered in the oh-so-convenient electronic voting machines. Could a “wave of contactless-card fraud” be planned to the same end with biometric identification? Problem-reaction-solution?
It’s been intolerable for years. When your email account asks you to verify it was you who tried to sign in, where’s the tick box that says “I don’t care, I’m not asking for your protection”.
Account name + password = access is how it should be, and user beware.
With that understanding we would easily adapt our usage accordingly and be just fine.
Meanwhile, Google can accidentally delete an entire pension fund. Hardly a day goes by that a government systems doesn’t get hacked. Yet it’s the ordinary citizen who is expected to tighten up on security, whether he has anything to secure or not.
No and No.
I won’t give my reasons why because it’s boring to the non tech savvy who will use anything for convenience despite the warnings. If you use a shitty email services you get what you deserve. The free services are free for a reason. If you’re not paying for it, you are the product.
2FA is a Big Tech Scam! You Must Resist!
I don’t know about the UK, but we Americans are by and large totally obsessed with security. It’s been a long time coming, of course: first, the Native “savages,” then King George, then Jim Crow, then the Irish immigrants, then Pancho Villa, now the whole wide world.
“Protect Us!” is our mantra. “Okey-dokey!” answered the surveillance industry (which, of course, includes the “soft” surveillance of “protecting” our bank accounts and our email -God forbid someone should see me complaining about the lawn not being mowed!).
But that’s only the half of it. The other – the even more deadly half – is our obsession with all “the latest” gadgetry. We “Ooh” and “Ahh” over high tech wonders to where we deaden any critical faculty we might have once had.
There is only one thing that can save us: the glorious philosophy of the Luddites. If it’s New – it’s Bad. (Say it with me.)
“It’s a good thing we’re ruled by a morally upright elite.”
Actually we are not. Our main task is to make your claim come true.
Biometrics is just another tool, can be used for good or evil. How to do God’s work and separate the sheep from the goats; that is the real problem. As Plato said, nearly three thousand years ago:
“Democracy is a bad form of government which not only elects a TB.Liar but allows him to walk free as a director in House of Rothschild”.
Our task is to prove Plato wrong by selecting and electing “a morally upright elite.”
‘biometrics is just another tool’: actually not exactly: as many intellectuals have pointed out in the past (egs., Heidegger; McLuhan; Ellul; etc.), all forms of technology have inherent and ineluctable leanings/biases/forces; that will, in toto, push/pull society – and its concomitant peoples – towards one pathway over others; and, consequently, lead one to live a life that has been pre-formed/destined by the innovators, scientist, tech gurus who designed them in the first place. That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!
The parents of our grandkids have split up, so often they spend 3 or 4 days each week with us – nana and grandad. Apart from me, they have all been puking their guts up…the washing machine has been going non-stop..Yet both boys 8 & 6 had something really important to do, and for at least a few hours their mind suppressed all symptoms of their illness.
The 8 year old had to complete his final professional swimming lesson that nana had paid for…to try and be the fastest – without puking up.
It was even harder for the 6 year old – whilst he is a bit of a natural – he had to do the school play – remember his lines (ok he read them) and smile without puking up.
Their 2 year old baby sister looked absolutely totally beautiful in her pink fairy dress, and has never puked up on grandad.
The cat’s been fine too.
I do have a bowl by my bed, just in case, but I think the alcohol has killed most of the bugs.
Not many people do this for over an hour, and I mostly agree with both of them
Biometrics simply do not work, unless you live in the City – or a town with a reliable electricity supply and even now an internet connection that can support more than 10 mobile phones at the same time – and that is now in the UK…
Once you get in the Countryside with a realtive small festival maybe 500-5000 People.. The Cards just simply do not work…They have all this beer behind the bar…and all these staff, but they can only serve about 1 pint for a few minutes, before the connection goes down…
Has anyone brought Cash I have recovered much better than the Tory MP, who got Sepsis, but thats only because my wife dialled 999, and I got incredibly lucky from All The Medical Staff.
I thought I might be well enough to go to one of our Favourite Festivals of the Year Winsterfest, which starts today…Its little and extremely muddy this year. Half way up a Mountain in The Derbyshire Peak District.
Sometimes its like Midsummer, and sometimes it simply does not stop raining..
We should be there now, with our friends.
So funny that all your freedum fighters mates have paid to have there accounts verified on Twitter.
Notice how there getting people used to accounts not available all the time.
Yahoo says try again in a hour
whilst other people accounts may be active it is a hit and miss..
There normalizing the function of accounts not working.
In terms of imagining the damage, this chilling example illustrate the ultimate application of biometric identification: https://youtu.be/9fa9lVwHHqg
Have you seen what is going on on the modern battlefield?
That’s “Their” next generation police officer (after they’ve used up all the imported foreigners), that LAWS entity.
You can run . . . .
: /
Matrix. We only have to find the One, then we are all saved. Its THAT easy man.
That’s truly evil and terrifying.
Evil, yes. If you think it’s terrifying, they’ve got you just where they want you.
With transhumanism on the agenda, along comes the UK’s “first bionic MP”…
Now what on Earth could possibly have caused that? what a medical mystery!
We can rebuild him!
May 22, 2024
MP Craig Mackinlay has shared the harrowing final video before he had both of his ‘useless’ hands and feet amputated after horrific sepsis left them ‘dead’ and ‘gnarled’. The Tory MP for South Thanet, 57, said he was ‘lucky to be alive’ after the horrific illness, which first afflicted him in September, left him with four prosthetic limbs. He woke up from a 16-day coma in November with completely blackened limbs, due to the clots and lack of circulation caused by his illness.
Mr Mackinlay had to have significant portions of his arms and legs removed to save his life. But the defiant parliamentarian has said he is now ready to return to Parliament – and wants to be known as the ‘bionic MP’.
Characteristics and outcomes of adverse events after COVID‐19 vaccination
J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open > v.2(5); 2021 Oct
Patients admitted after the first dose of the vaccine received BNT‐162b2 vaccine (351 patients), mRNA‐1273 vaccine (111 patients), and Ad26.COV2.S vaccine (25 patients), respectively. Hypertensive emergency and urgency (10.5%), trauma (5.6%), sepsis (5.3%), COVID‐19 infection post vaccination (4.5%), and ischemic/hemorrhagic strokes (4.3%) were the most common identified reasons for admissions. Figure 2 summarizes the primary causes of admission after the first dose of the vaccine.
Patients admitted after the second dose . . . . Hypertensive emergency and urgency (13.5%), sepsis (4.8%), trauma (4.4%), cancer and cancer‐related complications (4.4%), chest pain (4.0%), and acute coronary syndrome/angina (4.0%) were the most common identified causes.
Would of been worse of he wasnt vaccinated and had the latest up to date booster.
It could be been worse…………..
They didnt see any need to replace the Bionic MP’s
Bionic Brain – that’s evident.
if we wish, we affirm lack, and what we complain about we give power to.
why can’t i edit comments? i wasn’t even able to finish it.
why affirm what you don’t want/are afraid of? counterproductive.
Before I pass this on, can you open offg in a different browser, try posting a comment and see if you can edit it there?
Please also tell me if this is intermittent or not.
Please also make a copy of your comment before posting.
Also, in future, if you can’t make an edit, post your corrected comment below and include the text “@Sam – Admin2” (removing the quotes) and it’ll pop it into pending where I’ll spot it and I’ll make the edits for you.
You clearly don’t know what you’re doing and your ego prevents you from listening. Get off WordPress ! You are wasting your own time, trying to fix the unfixable and providing a shitty platform for discussion.
To break it down a little : even with the high probability of the existence of backdoors aside (the site is wide open to spooks), WordPress’s plugin architecture is not what you want. You don’t want plugins and 3rd parties. You do not want “akismet” and similar google-controlled stuff running on your site.
You need to get as far from google as possible, unless of course you’re just an MI5 honeypot in which case the current broken state of the comments section serves just fine because you don’t really want coherent discussions between anonymous commenters, do you?
If you have any recommendations for good indie, trustworthy programmers who definitely aren’t spooks then please email me ([email protected]) and I’ll do a quick spook background check on them. I’m sure the naysayers will approve of whatever choice we make 👍😉
One small thing though, I honestly don’t think the comments are more broken than usual, viewed on average. Ya know? It’s a bit nuts and bolts here, admittedly. A bit like Kevin Costner’s boat in Waterworld, but we patch her up and keep her sailing.
How would you prefer your indie news be presented to you, dear valued consumer? Do you desire a seamless google experience without the google? Perhaps that’s magical thinking? Or maybe you’re having a bit of a gripe and it isn’t intended all that practically. Fair enough.
Thanks for your suggestions though, I’ll look out for your recommended contractors. And meanwhile please do give detailed feedback of any problems you’re encountering. Thanks, A2
Its welcomed but the coherent is subjective and in cases like yours, fleeting.
i’m using ff because on chrome i keep0 getting signed out. this has been recent. i’ve not commented much though.
Could you try deleting your cookies etc. And after that, could you try a browser alternative, like Brave or equivalent, and report back?
Also, you don’t need to be signed into wordpress to comment. You’re welcome to, but you don’t need to, so that might be another variable to try. You can comment with a burner email and a VPN and be completely anonymous, if you like.
Let me know how you get on, and thanks for your feedback. Hopefully it’ll resolve itself. A2
Edit function is bad Sam, it literally does not give you more than a 5 seconds edit time.
@Sam – Admin2”
Sorry, this comment no longer possible to edit
Thanks. Would you mind trying the suggestions I made to Sablemouse? What browser are you using? A2
thank you.
it seems to be working again, at least on firefox.
I use firefox in windows 7 and and can only edit a comment maybe 10% of the time.
Hmm another firefox user… Could you try following my advice to Sablemouse, above, and get back to me? Remember to pop “@Sam – Admin2” (removing the quotes) into your reply, which will throw it into pending where I’ll see it promptly.
Thanks and sorry you’re having difficulties. A2
I use FireFox in Ubuntu and have the same problem of a very short time span within which to complete my edit. But I suppose discipline is good for the soul.
Operating system is compromised and 10 years out of date.
Absolutely false. The Windows operating system ended at Win 7. Their 8, 10 (the supposed “last” Windows version as stated by MS), 11 and probably 12+ are nothing but bloated, resource hogging, battleships extracting our data and funneling behavior toward a rentier economy. Win 7 runs flawlessly with little overhead or bloat and all my apps work perfectly, and i own them.
MS, like all the software companies scratch their heads wondering how they could keep making money after their product hits peak performance and their project, here a a robust operating system, can continue. Instead of finalizing it and allowing it to go into the public domain, the only next stage is rentier sales of extremely minor improvements and excuseless constant updates. I am a graphic artist and have been fine tuning pc graphic workstations since the mid 90’s. MS’s job is done. But they now solely exist as an attempted vampire of pc workstation users. By making a new OS, they encouraged hardware makers into making 7 obsolete, or so they think. Believe me brother, they’re just propagandizing users.
Just adding to this – I can’t edit my comments any more either (Safari).
Thanks for your offer of help. Hope the Edit function will be fixed and relieve you of this extra burden.
It’s a trick of the tale.
The way we tell ourselves that we do what we don’t want because <insert narrative device> makes or made us do it.
Becoming phished by our own thought is a version of ‘fallen angels’ – not surprising blamed on the same – or the human subjection to the same.
No I’ll check I can edit – and if so will add something more after this point.
While I was writing the extra bit in the edit option the timer ran out.
But what would have shown is:
It’s a trick of the tale.
The way we tell ourselves that we do what we don’t want because <insert narrative device> makes or made us do it.
Becoming phished by our own thought is a version of ‘fallen angels’ – not surprising blamed on the same – or the human subjection to the same.
No I’ll check I can edit – and if so will add something more after this point.
Yes it a bit tricky to find the cogwheel that only shows as a mouseover – (& only accessible for a limited period).
But if I cant edit – and it mattered to me I could repost a whole new version as ‘edited repost’.
Workaround thinking goeswith the terrain.
However the intentional interjection of hoops and checks of ‘identifying’ conditions is a humiliation ritual – know your status as permission to participate.
So I don’t willingly accept that – but I do workaround in terms of finding my way within its tightening maze systemic controls.
Underneath the personal experience is the collective cultural framing of thoughts that mutate the mind that hosts them.
As I just reflected in a blog post.
I do want a better or more truly aligned sense of self & world – (which cant be truly separated from each other) – so I look AT the wishes that have been given over to the ‘genie’ of a wish to make Reality other than as it Is – such as to no longer be able to discern it!
what ?
Unless you can watch your thinking, you are framed in wish it be true.
EG: lies or untruths that offer masking protection can be willingly protected and embellished or extended as a self-justified sense of self and world that will not understand anything that does not share its predicate – except as object of ridicule, threat or heresy to be stamped out.
All on a wish made ‘real’
btw that should read “now I’ll check I can edit” not no.
Too late to edit.
Pesky tech Terms & Conditions!
It’s like the cashless thing… Banks going cashless because the media/think tank reports fewer people are using cash… mainly because banks went cash less, and selected businesses made it mandatory to use cards and changes were made to the way use of cash is recorded…
It’s boring really, you don’t hear it among the cacophony of analysis and descriptions of what the current social/political era is/how it operates…but it is true the essence of modernity is that it is relentlessly boring.
I read that much more cash is being drawn (recently) but not used for spending or recorded as such.
I think ‘boring’ is part of the defence by which human restructure is being orchestrated.
While fronting diversions operate the more interesting diversion from recognising what is in fact already accomplished.
Boring is a decision, not a fact.
What we use our mind for is the result we are getting.
So I guess you don’t give modernity a lot of attention as you alight in more interesting experience?
People are hoarding cash in the mattress and they know it, and they know that we know they know we know that they know it.
‘Boredom is Counter-Revolutionary.’ ( The S.I.)
Convenience, Necessity, Inevitability…
Robot Sophia Talks to Al Jazeera
Tattooing prisoners in Nazi Germany
updated to
National Digital IDs…
(Blood Group, and Liver Health to be recorded – for
efficient ‘voluntary’ Organ Transplant Sacrifice)…
They only take organs from living bodies. How do you feel about that ?
You think so? What about “brain-dead” patients?
War, including POWs and resulting refugees are important to the big body parts industry. What do you think the many mass graves in Gaza mean?
I think brain dead is probably a legalism. Yes the species medicus vulturus will be feasting in Gaza.
I am happy my body can be used to save another freedom fighter for democracy and freedom.
‘How do we keep control of the masses, sir?’
‘Put rapists in charge of protecting women and children, put financial fraudsters in charge of controlling the money supply, put those who steal state secrets to sell to the enemy in charge of national security and put Zionists in charge of creating peace in the Middle East’.
‘It sounds so easy: why didn’t I think of that?’
‘You were just born to be a customer…’
A fool and his money, are soon parted.
Gotta keep an eye (literally) on all those debtors:
blockchain fixes this potentially
Would be nice to have a chat with Mr Wood and others pushing for “digital personhood” face to face.
what would you say?
Why does blockchain evoke Plato’s cave-slaves?
There is something alive beneath and beyond image and form (by which they are manifest). But to lockdown and lockstepp in image and form according to WHO says (insider definitions) is the very essence of a loss of true awareness for a systemic dictate or body of judgements made tangible as terms & conditions of a life imprisonment.
It doesn’t, as an objective immutable system of numbers it is more like his Forms or Heraclitus’ Logos.
So blockchain isn’t the globalist’s dream for locking everyone into their digitised footprint-entity?
But a divine system !?
yes. the first line of the whitepaper:
My italics. We are destroying the globalists.
I’m not talking of bitcoin etc but of blockchain.
The globalist intend to use blockchain for our digital ID.
But as you bring it up…
The resilience of bitcoin etc to concerted attacks is questionable.
The ability to lockstep corporate and institutional compliance and demonize dissent has been demonstrated without resort as yet to extremity of terror tactics.
The young Gen Y/Z/Alphas are the perfect Big Tech foils for the Great Reset… They don’t like “Adult” responsibilities, they always “feel” like the Victims, they feel frightened and insecure about so many trivial things… They are eager and willing to be cared for by “The State”… “Chipping Parties” will be like Tupperware Parties…
The frightened Sheeple will rush to UBI, CBDCs, and the permanent Nanny State…
They will swallow their Iphone in happiness when they see the e-money on their account.
From what I saw during covid, the same applies to every generation, not just the young people.
True. The younger generations do everything on their smartphones because they don’t know any other way. While older people often pay in cash etc. because that’s how they grew up. It’s more habit than defiance.
During the fake pandemic I didn’t notice a great difference either. If anything, the generation of my parents (around 70) were the worst of them all. When their government called, the majority of all generations wagged their tails obediently.
They will be known in the end as the only generation that was able to avoid war.
yep, the privileged, loyal Boomers. Relatively prosperous bane of their own doomed posterity.
it’s ashame they were so brainwashed, but also a crime that they chose wanton materialism over societal progress, to the detriment of us all; refused to challenge as long as “they were all right”. It’s easy to see how society has malformed ever since.
they remind me of that advert with the ginger cat a few years ago… “that’s mine, that’s mine, everything is mine…” they got loadsa stuff and thought they were made.
sadly despicable brood arguably?
I agree, it was a shame, I don’t know what they were thinking when it came to where this was going to go, but once I realized there was no return to reason, I started preparing for the consequences, of war.
Ref; “Psychologist Stanley Milgram, Found that 80% of the population do not have the psychological or moral resources to defy an authority’s order, no matter
how illegitimate the order is.
Therefore, only 20% have critical thinking capacity. This explains quite a lot!”.
Someone said that. I think the guy was right in his conclusions.
“Convenience Will Set You Free”
is an updating of
“Work Will Set You Free.”
Medical Assisted Death (MAD) is a Convenience many
states legislated for during ‘covid’…
‘Arbeit macht frei’
I knew a couple of guys from Berlin who named their dog ‘Arbeit.’
So many phone scammers of late, pretending to be with big corporations, DISH or Verizon, or with nonexistent nonprofits. So much of our data as customers has been compromised, by so many data leaks by so many corporations that the scammers know way too much about us. Result: A desire for security and safety will lead the sheep into the biometrics trap.
“That’s how they get you: Convenience”. Too true!
Convenience technology introduced at the right time to lead humanity down a different evolutionary path.
Biometrics, plus smart phones, smart TV’s, smart meters, smart money etc, all paving the way for smart towns and smart cities governed by smart ass Luciferic powers that always introduce things prematurely, but at just the right times in history. The population has already fallen both wittingly and unwittingly for the smart grid electronic control structure which is continually gaining ground and influence over their thoughts and behaviour.
Now they want to introduce (i.e. enforce) smart water meters to make sure you don’s flush the toilet too often. Smart euthanasia is also now becoming popular but they have not quite perfected the best efficient and cost effective way to see you off – yet!
OT but maybe not:
The sudden announcement by Sunak et al. to pay out “Whatever it takes” to victims of the contaminated blood scandal is concerning.
Following the unprecedented printing of money on the furlough scheme, this seems to be another uncosted splurge of the public purse.
Please don’t get me wrong. The victims of this outrage deserve compensation.
What worries me is the rushed mea culpa from all sides of the uniparty and the medical cartel.
What next ? The same treatment for vaxx victims with a payout of trillions ?
oh!, and a truly, truly debased currency that can only be replaced by………………………………..
Programmable CBDC.
I think your nose smelling fishy is right. They went from being Billionaires to now Trillionaires. Off course something is completely wrong.
And what about the current pool of blood reserves contaminated with nano-tech, DNA, etc.? Do they even acknowledge this?
They use it to babies in need born without money. Many babies are born with too little blood and need transfusion to be saved from the Corona virus.
Except that was a bit more like the pot calling the kettle, black.
A strong recommendation for this great little film about a dark time, ‘Once Upon a Lockdown’ by Irish comedian/storyteller Aidan Killian.
This looks interesting. Thanks.
they belive in covid!!!
Without necessarily using the term, multiple thinkers have warned of the inevitable rise of biometrics and the application of mathematics to biological surveillance and control. Among them, Hannah Arendt noted in the Human Condition:
This was written in 1958. In the meantime, has it really been a generalised failure to notice that the libidinal economic drive toward the “previously unheard-of process of growing wealth, growing property, growing acquisition” necessitates mathematical exponentiation, mathematical modelling, mathematical control models measuring biology for incessant increase in expedience, exigency and eventually extinction?
Writing in 1954, it certainly did not elude Jacques Ellul either that mathematicised Technique would not have a happy ending. Coincidently, also writing in 1954, even Arendt’s former mentor, the Nazi Heidegger, thought we should rethink the obvious direction of travel of western economic, technical and calculative thought…. Before it got out of control.
For those who do not know: the history of the love of number, the reduction of thought to arithmetic and thus the origin of biometric control goes back arguably pre-Plato to the Pythagorean-Orphic mathematicised nostrum of the soul (immortal soul as the property of numbers.) It seems that it is not ideal form we seek, but ideal number (arithmos eidetikos) and we will convert the whole of nature into digital form if we have to to get it.
So which is it? Most of the time ‘we’ are implicitly defending the mathematicised ‘free’ market because the unprecedented growth in production afforded freedom, liberty, and wellbeing impossible to even calculate before. Did ‘we’ not even notice that in this process every cell in our bodies is organised by algorithmic Number?
Number made ‘us’ free by biometry: long before the current “biometric turn” transforming every point of extension into a commensurable coordinate in the mathematical model of the earth. And now to increase the productive capacities and profitability the mathematicised calculus of growing wealth, growing property, growing acquisition, growing freedom, growing liberty, growing wellbeing ‘we’ will have to be ever more technocratically managed as marketised human capital by Number.
Ellul, Heidegger, Arendt, Illich and more wanted to reclaim the “non-power ethic” in this symbolic numerology and bring technicity and biometry under ‘our’ control reversing exponential growth down to manageable levels in line with earthly constraint. But ‘we’ cannot have our arithmetic cake and eat it. The free-market set us free by turning us into biodigital coordinates, algorithms, logarithms (literally: the rhythm of the mathematicised logos). If we want to grow exponentially, we have to manage our labour power for efficiency exponentially in order to consume the “still-standing reserves” that are also the depleted reservoirs of life-itself. All that ‘freedom’ from nature and natural limitation doesn’t seem so liberalised or liberational now, does it? Or being well without subcutaneous surveillance.
We were warned, but we knew better. We thought mathematicised modelled technicity would set us free from natural materiality. A toxic form of freedom is beginning to look like hell to me, just as Hannah, Jacques and even the Nazi told us it would be.
The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.
The answer my friend is in our biophysical bodymass. If we consume less in embodied energy terms–in corporeality and commodities–we can end world poverty “70 times over” (Hickel) and obfuscate the need for biometry to optimise the efficiency of our predatory and parasitoid ‘value-added’ supply chains…. and redistribute excessive wealth to the really poor and actually oppressed host nations we feed off. If we reproduce ourselves with our own labour power, we do not have to supplement it with forced poverty. BTW: as Arendt pointed out–labour = ponos (in Greek)–therefore excess work by forced labour in the Third World is “ponerological”…. so ‘we’ can end evil too!
I’ll take mine scrambled in the morning with black coffee
Where do you think the coffee comes from? Assuming the eggs are free range and local, what you are really washing them down with is half a pint of oil!
Coffee come from South America delivered on a sail boat, but if things go really right, there will be no bananas today.
Humans needs to consume in order to produce optimized efficiencies and more abundant resources. You are punching downwards by parroting WEF talking points.
Simone Weil, French philosopher
It was never about necessary consumption which is a given. It was always about unnecessary and invented consumption. The WEF wants to extend consumption exponentially, I said that is impossible. We should concentrate our combined labour on what is truly essential, which is exactly the opposite–ie opposing–the WEF. We cannot reproduce non-renewables, the clue is in the name. If we want to optimise efficiency, it has to be ecologically, not economically. Against which, the great adversary is willful ignorance.
Maybe you should take your own advice and go and live amongst the noble savages if you hate European culture so much.
Your obnoxious statement is part of that hateful culture. You are so “severely regarded” you do not see that this culture has made it impossible to go and live with any “noble savages” because a) only rich people could afford to make the move, and b) it has exterminated almost all of the noble savages, and those that are left will forget about being noble and kill you on sight, justifiably.
The fruits of the Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution has led to a population explosion throughout the Third World. You’re welcome.
“European culture” have you got any idea what that means outside “European culture” right now? Our forebearers as “settler-colonialists” set us up to live off the Rest by displacing a large percentage of the earth’s population and expropriating their land for our purposes. Everybody knows it. What was done is done, but there is no reason to carry on expanding and embodying more. WE DO NOT FUCKING NEED ANY MORE. Not given the impoverishment that will be required to expand our boundless appetites further will be total.
Read Battaille (the good bits anyway). Any excessive and nonproductive energy will either be wasted or returned into increased efficiency, increased biometry, increased productivity, increased consumption until there is nothing left to consume. We only need to work enough to supply our bodies with enough energy to work enough to supply our bodies…. by working together we can produce enough surplus for shelter, medicine, education, arts and still have a healthy biosphere to live in…. INDEFINITELY.
Why is this so disturbing for us? It is called life affirmation. There is life enough for everybody including biodiversity just as soon as we get rid of the inherited form of “European culture.”
Slavery, war and colonization are as much a part of African, Arab and First Nation history as they are European. In fact more so.
Plenty of resources to go around for everyone if the billionaire class, the central banks, corrupt politicians and the MIC weren’t syphoning it all away from us.
That is just plain wrong. Intergenerationally we have depleted a great deal of the resources. In the last 30 years we have used half the non-renewable resources. Read Michaux’ report. There are not enough resources to sustain a highly technological civilisation. Given the way it is going, that may well be a good thing. We have the ability to re-imagine a viable future if we want to.
You believe in global warming and took all your boosters too, right?
I argue that it comes from the kabbalah and the abrahamic insanity of denying the organic world. Plato and Pythagoras were not backing a pseudo-deity assuming the role of judge or ruler over humanity.
I did say “arguably” merely to point out that ‘biometry’ was ancient. Plato’s debt to Pythagoras and the Orphic concept of the immortal soul is relatively well known. The idealism of Harmony (harmonia) comes through to the enlightenment, most notably as Leibniz’ “pre-established harmony”. The reduction of science to maths is also relatively well-known; ie in Arendt (as mentioned.) Most specifically I was referring to Neo-Classic Economics and its “dynamic stochastic general equilibrium” model that is incompatible with life; as pure mathematics as quadratics with no life-coherence or life-function other than justifying exponential growth.
Arendt uses the figure of the Archimedean Point that Plato placed outside man and Descartes emplaced in the mind of man as pure mathematics. Thus Cartesian doubt is remoteness from the world of senses mediated by Number. As far as I know, Kaballah came much later.
Denial of the organic world and the ‘higher’ knowledge of mathematical dianoia is essentially Platonic. The abrahamic god is neo-platonic. The knowledge of the world, including Platonic, was preserved in the great islamic royal libraries for centuries. Is there a connection? I dunno!
I look at predictive control as the invoked guide and protector of a masked coping strategy – aka the human condition, but more accurately a human conditioning.
Imagination is creative, but fitted to fear, a sense of disconnection and lack, and conflicts arising from such a self-sense – imagination maps and models for the purpose of security-in its terms – not creative as freedom of being.
So our ‘thinking’ is predicated on and as a strategy of masking and distancing from fear of attack to reiterate the mode of attack as pre-emptive defence.
This is to say we are judging perceived ‘reality’ in terms of past associations as an overlay of psychic survival, in place of discerning within reality as an intimate participation in life.
The application & development of a tool is a tooled mind, tof technologised systems as its model for life as predictive control – risk management as a control-creation set over distrusted , feared and hated life – to which it has become profoundly alienated or estranged – as a managed identity nested in a systems of control that explicates subconscious habits to consumer identity within a mass produced, centralised social order.
On the physical impossibility of centralised control: the anthropogenic social order is universally instantiating across the entire inhabited regions of the earth; in synchrony, in simultaneity, in synergy, in symbiosis…. it is not and could not be externally controlled.
I’ve got a couple of friends who know about AI and its limitations and they just laugh at the idea of external biometric control. Have you any idea just how much data we are producing now? Or the size of the AI that could predict and control. Iy is the stuff of sci-fi. And somebody should remark that AI is proved to be racist, it cannot recognise ethnic minorities.
The human love of mathematical thinking is ancient and the enlightenment marked a turn toward mathematisation…. think Descartes and Leibniz and the calculus ratiocinator, mathesis universalis and so on. Our thinking is predicated as logical calculus, set theoretical formalism, and increasingly mathematical modelling with parameters alien to life. For which Goergescu-Roegen coined the term “arithmomorphism” for ungrounded mathematical models, especially the one the economic system uses, which is incompatible with life.
As noted above, many great thinkers could see this numerological path-dependency and asked us to reconsider at least a century ago. But the commodified rewards were too great. Most of what you say is correct, but I would suggest that it is now the fear of losing our commodified status that is driving us to paranoia. There are no them outside of us, only the algorithmic, arithmetic drive to progress by growing Number, not nature, not life.
Losing commodified status to what? Inflation, risk inflation that the truly uneducated, religious angry mob will increasingly lean to become militaristic and there shall be no one to protect our math?
This is a possibility.
Inflation of the economy and deflation of ecology only has one real outcome. You can only grow what you can biophysically grow. If you know your economic history, you will know that the ‘free-market’ is a rejection of the old “Physiocratic” way of thinking biological limitation.
Who knows what the future holds, but hungry mobs are never rational!
The technologism I see is fundamentally psyoperative manipulation – that is the mapping of fear to conflict-driven ‘solutions’ that effectively drive the retardation or limiting of consciousness – even while believing to be at the edge of great discovery. Reduction or contraction as ‘control’ becomes the robot that can no longer function outside an externalised support system.
Control or the illusion of control rides on waves of which it is oblivious – ie fear-driven thinking maps to fear masking behaviours that protect the fear by attacking it in the projected threat of the Other.
By generating the sci-model to hype the fear that attracts attention & funding that models the risk to frame the countermeasure as the framing or controlling solution to the stakeholders in ‘protection’ and its racket – is operating in our time as a centralised ‘medical’ control.
I get your drift but history is richer than your present-serving selection.
You may enjoy reading The Origins of Science by Herbert Butterworth.
I think it would surprise you – in a good way.
History led us here! If we could rerun history a hundred times, we would end up in a hundred different worlds…. but we ended up here. The ‘present’ is the only historical ‘text’ we need. Any genealogy is a “re-enactment of the present.” Right now billions of people are making executive decisions everywhere in synchrony, a knowledge-producing enactment of incalculable permutations that is literally changing as I type. The fact that operation is globally instantiated is phenomenal in every sense, especially as the “phenomenology of mind” as Hegelian Weltgeist.
The fact that there is such extraordinary coherence of global activitiy implies “common knowledge” and reciprocity of shared assumptions about the world in which we are educated. And education is mathematics in its original sense of that which can be learned. Mathematical knowledge as science is what we are doing now, what we have been doing every day.
We embody science (episteme) just as we embody energy as a hypertechnological actuality we all control a tiny microadaptive part of. Our nodal knowledge is integrated as a whole. “As above, so below.” We are generating the “sci-model” in consensual coordinated activity and the internet is self-evident proof of the integrated actions of billions sharing reciprocal “common knowledge” of the technical world.
The only real problem is that the scientific knowledge we share IS OF THE WRONG WORLD just as Ellul et al warned us. To deactivate and detrain from the wrong scientific model is begginning to look futile, but where there is Hope left in Pandora’s Box….
(Pandora was sent to punish mankind for the stealing to the technical fire…)
I wrote out a reply – but to what purpose?
I don’t see a dialogue here but a loudspeaker.
So for myself I hold:
There is always another way of seeing this or any situation, because perceptions -as selections- are judgemental but the last judgement is not a ‘Final Solution’, but the undoing of judgement as a fallacy.
A healed perception aligns to joy in being, releasing grievance to a willingness of giving only as in truth we would receive.
The unfolding of appearances of a world is framed by a denial of life running ‘self-protective’; a mis-taken identity that carries a dissonance that may be depicted in mythic archetypes but is nothing to do with any guilt and punishment that arose to mask it in narratives that persist the Projection or ‘casting out’ of an oppositional will.
Nothing truly leaves the mind that thinks it, but the belief it can & has ‘scapes inner-conflicted guilt OUT from a ‘self’ onto the judged or denied and excluded (self).
That all comes Home is the nature of wholeness, but we don’t recognise messengers of truth when we kill them as violating our terms and conditions.
I don’t hold math to be science – esp running computer modelling to insider-elitist predicates. Sweep out the Temple of our own devotions for a direct or unmediated relationship!
Technological capture runs a disembodying denial for escaping fear and pain of life. Because it is a choice it can be revised, but without the support to move through fear of pain of loss, the split mind doubles down in denial of choice. The Past made me Thus! it screams.
If we haven’t a common curiosity – let go.
Blessings on all hope for releasing futility.
Another of Arendt’s themes, if I could loosely call them “principles”, is that the world is a certain way which is not dialectic or dialogic. It is only by establishing a shared vision of the world that actually comes close (due to the limits of language–“the map is not the territory”) to the way the world is that ends all speculation. With a shared vision of the world we undermine all speculative ideologies that are the root of totalisation and fascism.
Everybody else wants to write as though we are individual entities outside space and time and uninvolved in the dynamics of the world, rather than embedded as embodied in the dynamics of actual living. Nothing is going on ‘out there’ that is not also the biophysical and cellular-molecular dynamics of the world. Our thoughts are embodied and embedded in expropriative interconnected relations of which we never speak.
So if you want to talk of “the unfolding of appearances of a world is framed by a denial of life running ‘self-protective’; a mis-taken identity (…)” why not enframe that enunciation in the current embodied energy dynamics of this world, not another. If we look inside and see differential conditions to the rest of the world, that is nothing but the myth of introspection and invented wordplay, a dissociationist language-game. If you want to talk of the “nature of wholeness” situate the thought that never leaves the mind in a holistic actuality of this world now, not some other semantic world. Set the enunciation in line with the embodiment as embedded in the economy of this world and not outside it. Enframe the “denial of life” in this actually extant set of circumstances that we enact, not some controlling Other.
‘The world’ according to who?
All vision or perception is selective & variable.
A healed vision is shareable by the qualities that are no longer blocked or filtered by masking or projecting of guilt and fear.
What then is the unifying principle of thought, perception and expression? It is known by its fruits, and we shall know our selves. Prior to time & place, I am.
A filtering, limiting and effective blocking of Communication generate the self and world of a ‘physical’ experience of a world-projection.
Freedom to experience is not coercive as to what we give focus to, or invest our focus in. But freedom to block awareness of freedom is by definition a trick of the tale – as we tell or teach & learn ourselves to be-live.
So indeed the map is not the terrain, but the terrain is open & fluid.
The map is the mind of structure that serves life. When taken as life, structure runs blind as a death wish.It literally knows not what it does.
Thought is freed by renewal, not by even more ingenious thinking, but insofar as we think, we can observe our resulting perceptions and responses, by their fruits of conflicting fear, pain and loss that if we let them, become a father to a masking lie of a life – and world.
That we may articulate our insight is a fruit of our own enquiry. Others may resonate as their own recognition. But if insights are taken in form and applied as if one’s own, then the mind is phished by running ahead as if it knows what it has taken out of living context. A self-boosting inflation sets up the Fall guy as its correction.
Living context is Presence embracing all past and future unfolding. I receive according to my willingness to give.
Regardless outer conditions this is so, but a stakeholder in subjective control over its world is irritated to outrage.
There is another way of looking at this than in fear in pain of loss.
The question we all need to ask ourselves is how do we the People stop this globalist WEF wankE boll ox from happening. To much control in a so called democracy is a totalitarianism state run by a kakistrocrasy for their plutocratic friends
By consuming less. We release the Third World from the onerous task of producing our commodities and our bodies for free with their labour. Why do we not do our own fucking labour and stop being supplemented by Unfair Ecological Exchange? As for the invective: our ATP was their energy, land, materials, and lives (in the form of embodied labour) that we now embody thanks to biometric optimising technology. If you can see how much ‘we’ do not like it; by the same measure of biology, the Third World must be sick of it by now.
No one asked you to release any burdens from them, this is you choosing to impose your burdening visions on the rest of us wishing to be released from you.
So you are good with living off global poverty? Other than the radical thoughtlessness this requires, there is a problem here. We did the whole colonialism, net appropriation imperialism to the max. Our ingratiated expectancy of greater and greater expropriation from subhumanised Unpeople is going to have to change. Like it or not ‘we’ are going to have to produce what we need for ourselves in the ‘developed’ world. Do you think the Rest are going to continue to send their resources, their land, and their lives for us to embody so disgracefully? Not a chance.
Probably, God helps those who help themselves, toward the end it becomes survival of the fittest until the end arrives, then the real test of survival begins but w/o the wars and infighting.
The big question then becomes can we actually get lucky and get there.
That can’t be right, the globalist WEF want us owning less
I mentioned Battaille above. Maybe you cannot see that by expropriating excessively from the Third World WE CREATED THE WEF! Which only appeared in the 1970s, 100 years after the latest date for globalism. Even the WEF knows we are on the fourth and final wave of global expansion. The more we expand, the more excess, the more waste, the more poverty, the more suffering. By consuming less and producing what we consume without waste THERE NEED NEVER HAVE BEEN A WEF!
If you do not like biometry, if you do not want invasive technology, a slower pace of “steady-state ecology” IS the only answer!
I appropriated nothing, racist. Plunder was not shared with the British taxpayer, in fact, we paid to free all slaves. We need to accelerate technology in order to solve all our problems.
Our bodies appropriate materials, energy, land and lives from far beyond these shores. To accelerate technology means accelerant biometry and the deaths of billions. There is no way for anybody to act independently any more. Our cellular-molecular activity is their poverty. Cellular thermodynamics is planetary thermodynamics and our global market anthropology is a Net Imperial Appropriation and Ecological Unfair Exchange mediated by accelerant technology in extremis.
Religion fixes this
bitcoin fixes this
Stop giving the ruling elite our spiritual and economic energy. Without it, they’ll wither and die. Devote our spiritual and economic energy to working together to organize our societies around peace and prosperity for all. They are strapping us down with totalitarianism. For us to generate a sustainable peace and prosperity, we need very limited limits and safety net supports. We must place reasonable limits to poverty and wealth to prevent the criminal empire building of the rich and the petty crimes and sorrows of the poor. The ruling class spends enormous energy propagandizing against collective decision making as if it is pie-in-the-sky dreaming. It’s highly doable. Just look at what has bankrupted we the bottom 90% of the world. Their wars for empire, spies, and police state governments, Time to identify the criminals and place THEM in LOCKDOWN while we self organize and self govern respectfully for all. Including limits to technology that imprisons. IMHO.
Yes, yes, yes! ‘Stop Feeding the Beast’ attention-wise, compliance-wise, acceptance-wise, dollar-wise…
As you state, It is absolutely doable when we all pull together toward peace and prosperity for all, but it requires purity of intent, strength of character, courage, optimism and an element of sacrifice. What % of us currently possess those attributes?
You and I and an incredible but unknown amount of Humanity that is ready to LIVE free of these rats!!!
It is happening, but how you are being framed to see and thus react may not represent or align with who your are – so be aware that the psychic contexts that are represented in the current world disorder are part of what has been denied or excluded BY the focus that had ran as ‘normal’ but no longer holds.
The Media controls the so called democracy as managed ‘identities’ because it is given attention and engagement as a source of connection, information, and entertainment.
This is also more active in our ‘small screen’ than we like to think. But as a fragmenting and disembodying shift to reframe identity to a technological matrix of almost complete dependency, but under ratcheting terms of access.
Most of what we are shown is diversion.
Emotionally triggering big screen entrainment acted out on the stage of the world.
Uncover your own correspondences, back-doors, investments or stake in its mindset. Now you are looking at what ‘they’ manipulate but you don’t have to be susceptible by reaction.
Questioning – if honest, always unfold answer – which might not be in the terms we set, so can refine our questions. Mind-control starts at home – where is the heart of a truly aligning love and purpose in life? Put on hold while following the call to war?
They are doing it peacefully. Be happy Donbass and Gaza and xxx and xxx and ……
They count 40% of the world’s population to be employed as AI book keepers.
Open your mouth and look into your flat screen with a stiff zombie cyborg look.
Can you imagine anyone so stupid they prefer an artificial (false) world from the real world?
irony is…….. the other day it took me hours to get on the OFF G site with the issues you write about.
I like the ”prove your human” games like traffic lights or penguins or what takes electric.
So fun taking 100s of attempts to gain entry into an account then or all of a sudden being locked out for days and then the site owners like ebay saying the ”prove your human” thing is nothing to do with there site and there is nothing wrong with the account even though you need to write or email weird different places to make contact as youve been locked out.
computer says no.
Wait until you retire at the social security online, that’s a video game that simply refuses to be beat.
Yes, same here.
But Admin did say the site was under attack.
We’ve been becoming increasingly “convenient” for years. In many cases convenience = laziness. Modern technology and the drive for a cashless society inevitably mean that online access and especially financial transactions must involve security and multiple layers are better than a single ID input.
It’s easy & glib for all those who bang on about dumping your “smart” device or suggest going “off-grid” (I would argue that going properly off-grid is nigh-on impossible unless you want to revert to being a Neanderthal) and so inevitably you roll with punches because, in a relatively short amount of time, the available choices to do something different are removed completely.
As someone recently pointed out, we’re no longer in a Nanny State, more a Motherland – and history dictates that that outcome didn’t go too well.
I said it already’
‘Thus convenience doth make cowards of us all.’
Allegedly W, Shakespeare ‘Hamlet’
Slight alteration of quote by Ariel
So where does all this acceleration get us. Clearly it puts us in touch with more devious and rapid forms of frustration, such as with the ‘Prove you’re human.’ which I had to repeat 20 or 30 times on this site recently, and the endless trouble with the systems that won’t let you comment or reply to comments on your own videos……many alt sites seemed to be under attack today and yesterday.
Not every improvement is an Improvement ?
0f late 0ffguardian refuses me from voting on some comments –
so i’ve been partially dis-enfranchised…
As for being checked to confirm “I’m Not A Robot” –
i suppose that’s training me for bio-met ID checking to be able
to participate in Society…
How Very Convenient…
A comment posted 8 hours ago got “pending”
(aka – disappeared ?)..
Another Improvement ? Or – Offguardian having
a long tea break ?
Perhaps you’re casting yourself in the role of digital slave a bit prematurely here? Offg has zero power to affect anyone’s ability to vote. There are so many reasons why you might be having problems that have nothing to do with Offg, why jump to such conclusions? Lol Why not try withholding your suspicion and do a little troubleshooting your end (perhaps you have a browser issue etc.), and after that, if you still think it’s us causing it, talk to us about that?
Sometimes I have to click the vote button multiple times to get it to register. So it’s not just you, I’m pretty sure.
Have you noticed how easily the voting is rendered meaningless by spam voting anyway? I tend not to pay much attention to it lately. Too many posts by obvious trolls get disproportionately upvoted to try and slide the forum, it’s comically obvious once you notice. I’d personally be happy to see the voting function gone for good.
You know, something about the casual way you denigrate Offg and assume the worst makes me sad. I find it a bit crass. What do your nearly 3000 comments here even mean if you think so little of this establishment? At this point, Offg’s integrity is really tied up with your own and how wisely you invest your time and energy, isn’t it?
Let’s stop with the self hatred. Also, let’s stop disempowering ourselves by thinking we’re trapped in a dystopian, cybersecurity police state when in fact we may need to just switch browsers 😉 You’re not a slave yet. If we can all remember that we’ll be more effective at resisting those who may wish to enslave us!
I’ll also report your voting issue to the team. A2
‘You don’t HAVE to be paranoid to comment here, but it helps.’
I suspect that some of my comments is filtered so only I can see them.
The reason is many of my Intelligent comments receive 0 thumbs.
If my intelligent revealing truth comments appeared to a large audience I would receive at least 50+ thumbs up. Proved! You guys cant fool me!!
If one adopts a “never believe anything until the Fraud denies it” approach (a pretty sound maxim) then they had this a couple of days ago:
An “aristo” or a “scholar” couldn’t have imagined a middle-class group taking revenge? What about all the plays set in the court or abroad? There’s about 30 of them and they get the details highly accurate. Did a Midlands’ malt merchant imagine those?
As it happens, I agree with Billington that it is hard to imagine Bacon wrote this play (and quite a few others). De Vere is not so unlikely – but above all there’s Marlowe (the son of a Canterbury cobbler). Billington doesn’t even mention Marlowe as a candidate. Well, he was dead! The possibility that he wasn’t cannot possibly be entertained in the Fraud because it admits that the UK intelligence services might occasionally tell fibs and they can’t be having that.
Yes, living off grid is not easy, (I’ve been off grid for 15 years in NW Spain), OK, I’m not 100% off grid, maybe 75-80% (I supply my own electricity and gas, I have a well, animals and veg garden), but I still buy some groceries and I have a car, but even living 100% off grid, if you knew what you were doing, and had made a committed lifestyle choice and you wouldn’t be living as a Neanderthal, maybe like someone from the early 19th century
Curious as to where in NW Spain you are as I am there myself too.
Me too. I have never seen you two off grid guys here, and wonder whether this is fake news.
I’d like to know how he makes his own electricity and gas, would that be waterfalls and moonshine, this is the preferred method.
The gas probably comes from manure. Western Europe is a leader. Polluting rivers or lakes with the stuff is harmful.
Farting, own home production of gas.
Electricity is tricky. The only really efficient electricity producer is a diesel generator:
Worst case is no diesel, i’m talkin plan A.
I wrote I was in NW Spain, did not mean to imply I am off grid (which I am not) but I like the spirit 🙂
AFAIK, solar panels live for 20 years and lead-acid batteries for 5. Iron-nickel battteries are dear but live longer.
So what is the lifespan of your off-grid lifestyle please, absent any way of buying new power generation and storage devices once digital ID is mandated for your bank account and there is no cash?.
Or does one hope that kindly power sector retailers of power, batteries and solar panells will take organic potatoes and carrots as payment ? Genuine questions.
Seems to me that house insulation and personal body insulation and solar cookers and wood stoves and a wood supply are necessary insurance when having to live absent any power and gas
spot on
to go off grid is not neanderthal at all, but it certainly takes us back to e.g. ?1900’s? at best, in my part of world. Dirty fingernails, hard work and early to bed. Most modern humans just couldn’t hack that, they’d implode before they acclimatised.
offgridders who want solar panels so they can have FB, OG and their online gaming station are morons, missing the entire point.
The poor and disabled in the U.K as the U.k is surveillance world capital have had this done to them for over a decade now with Universal Credit. Where is alt media..??
They’ve gone one better Universal Credit, they now want photos of you outside your house, front door and with that days newspaper and in front of your street sign as well as iP address matches to make sure you on the correct benefits. !!!
as you can image, its been slightly difficult to do for some disabled but they got that covered as you will need to pop to the offices with 50 different forms of id/ up to date letters. Utility bills etc to help prevent fraud.
Recently they’ve said all pensioners and thsoes on any income will have there banks account under surveillance INCLUDING friends and family of the pensioners and claimaates,Where is alt media story ..?? Kit..? off g..?heeeeeeeeeeeelllllo?
Mine you, many who fool for decentralized online money try not to laugh called ”crypto currency” have all been trained to except the 50 different ways needed to log in including 8 factor log in codes eye and face finger print and all sorts.
So amazing sticking it to the deep state.
Right. Only the poor and disabled, conspiracy theorists, terrorists and anti-vaxers have a problem with many Digital Bio ID’s.
Everyone else, normal functioning innocent intelligent people are so happy for their new opportunities to get rid of their money as quick as possible.
What you’re saying is mostly contradicted by my experience, which include being a pensioner that recently started to receive UC (less than a year ago). So no photo of either myself, my front door or a newspaper was required.
I don’t have “an ip address” and if I did it would likely be a temporary one subject to change as that’s what you tend to get from domestic connection suppliers unless you pay extra for a static address. I used to work in IT and I still run my own web/email server; I write and host technical docs for how to do same. But I don’t know what you mean by “ip address matches”, I’m pretty sure you don’t either and I was never asked for anything other than email or phone contact details which is actually not unreasonable.
I doubt very much that I’m any less appalled with the way the UK, the world and humanity appears to be heading than you are. But there’s more than enough bad stuff here right now and in the pipe line with out making stuff up.
In it’s recent budget the Australian government put aside $millions
for its recently legislated for National Digital ID to be implemented –
over four years…I expect age pensioners will be the first to be
coerced into the Voluntary system, along with unemployed persons…
Four Years to implement ? Not if a Shock & Awe scare campaign is
launched to hurry us all into the Global Digital Prison…
And i dont think, at the moment , that Disease X / Bird Flu will be
central to the Scare Campaign…
After watching Dr Sam Bailey’s video on Christine Massey’s participation
in the Canadian Health Authorities Bird Flu Comedy i think Bird Flu
could be a Distraction….Hiding In Plain Sight – to Distract Us…
To be clear, both I and the original commenter are UK based. I’m not surprised if things are worse/more advanced in Australia and I don’t doubt what you’re getting is also planned (but not in place yet) for the UK.
My best wishes (in case that helps any 🙂
UC claimants now have to show their bank statements, take photos with their ID held up next to their face “to see whether they are on the right amount of money”. Everything is being scrutinised, there is no more privacy. Unless you pay everything in cash the gov3rnm3nt will know exactly where your money is going.
OK. If I’m out of date and partly wrong, I apologize. I regularly withdraw most money and always pay cash unless rarely, only an online purchase meets need or desire.
Since I’d like to make a useful contribution, here’s a snippet that was told to me by a friend with an unusual (ie intelligence) background. And yes, I know… but this source comes with a pretty good provable track record. If you’re still reading 🙂 this is what I was told:
Credit/debit cards have a 2nd chip. This is read whenever you enter a supermarket. At one time it was possible to detect the position of this chip, shining a high intensity light (laser? I’m not sure now). You could then destroy the 2nd chip with a carefully positioned hole punch and the card would still operate at ATMs, supermarkets etc.
The source reported that his experience was that he eventually received an unrequested replacement card from the bank with a letter saying a problem had been detected with the original card, now canceled. He also says that the composition of the plastic has been changed and you can no longer find the position of this 2nd chip as he had done before.
It should be possible to verify this information by experimenting on a “lost” card with controlled heat, such as a bunsen burner or even a candle, but I haven’t done that. The easy thing is to assume this information is good and leave cards at home unless an occasional ATM trip is necessary.
For similar reasons I almost never carry a phone and do not own a smart phone, but this has been discussed here before.
Same here on cash and phones. Cards? Online only. Crashing VPN changing address every 40 min which plays havoc with anything like Amazon AI which thinks it knows where your delivery address is.
Well many injectees apparently have a readable MAC code which would be detectable at any supermarket or other suitably equipped till.
We (try to) do the best we can under the circle-stances.
choose one
Hysteria. Take your medicine.
They can watch, and minutely document their inevitable, accelerating demise. They have probably already modelled it.
They think they have us all trapped, but they are trapped here with us, or leaving in a hi-tech coffin that won’t even make it to outer space.
Or inner space.
Hollow husks, the lot of them.