UK General Election Date Announced
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced that the UK’s next General Election will be held on July 4th.
Speaking in the rain outside No 10 less than an hour ago, Sunak confirmed King Charles will dissolve Parliament on May 30th, with the vote coming five weeks later.
The campaigning has already begun, with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer launching into a rather dull speech about “the choice” facing the country.
What does this mean?
Potentially nothing. Potentially something.
The voting will be fixed obviously, that goes without saying these days, and it very much feels like they want a change of government to take place, so expect a Labour “victory”.
Having Sunak announce the vote in the pouring rain while “Things Can Only Get Better” plays in the background is the kind of humiliation ritual you expect for the nominated loser:
“Things Can Only Get Better” by D:Ream is drowning out Rishi Sunak’s speech calling a general election.
— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) May 22, 2024
Elections are always great because they buy time. There’s the distraction of the campaign, there’s the excitement of the vote, and then there’s the “settling in” period for the new government when everyone is so happy things are different they don’t tend to notice they’re actually the same.
Further, elections can be used to push agendas as much as anything else can. Russian or Chinese “interference” will be talked up by both sides, selling the multi-polar lie. Biometric ID will be mooted as a good way of making voting more secure while postal ballots are sold as “safe” and “reliable” (and used to fix the results).
There might be cyberattacks and/or “hacks” or other scary-sounding technology stuff. “Election disinformation” will be a huge issue, one that social media companies are going to have to clampdown on.
Maybe there’ll be threats of violence or an attack on an MP or something equally bogus.
But after all that?
OffG Editor Kit Knightly predicted that we would see changes in government around the world before They launched “the next pandemic”, whatever form that takes.
If Keir Starmer is Prime Minister on the morning of July 5th, how soon afterwards can we expect leaps forward for the Great Reset?
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2024 Election.Same old Same Old Vote Independant. The Uni Party isn’t Working!Uni Party Jamboree a White one or a Brown One.
2024 Election.Same old Same Old Vote Independant. The Uni Party isn’t Working
See the exciting conclusion to my 4 part series an Astrological Analysis of the 2024 Presidential Election!
2 move forward they have rituals humiliation rituals
may truss and little richi led very controlled lives as in the baked in nature of controlled generational banksta asset.
this one has been trapped so not full bore psychopath like tory blair same with may and truss
tavistock defective projects
cameron real name levitts is inter generation corporation
the east indian company never died mitsubishi,vanguard,black rock,nm rothschild,bank of england,central banksta worldwide,the crown city of london corporation.
Vote Liberty Vote Independant. WikiBallot. “A well hung parliament signifies virile democracy”. GrubStreet in Exile Dashboard Read in the Substack app Open app Vote Liberty Vote Independant. WikiBallot. “A well hung parliament signifies virile democracy”. GRUB STREET IN EXILE MAY 24, 2024 1 The Revolution will not be televised , it will be Well Hung and Independant. My Business oddysey this time around started at the end of 2019 beginning of 2020, what I found after nearly 20 years of semi retirement and pursuing other goals is that The Red Team Blue team dynamic is more dysfunctional than ever. More than Ever I am committed to the British Constitution with all its flaws and believe that for Us in the UK we really ought to apply the rules of Chestertons Fence. Reject to narrative of smaller parties holding governement to ransom, Democracy is not about WInner takes all, stuff everyone else once the bidding is over. Democracy should be a consultative inclusive process sensitive to all needs and wants across the whole spectrum of society , cultural , political and Economic. It is non sensical in a functioning democracy to claim that minority views should not be heard where a case is made. Is it a democracy where a minority voice is able to be ignored? Many minority and yet Right minded voices have been ignored and taken for granted for far to long in British policies a hung parliament with a Coalition or more informal supply and support arrangement is precisely what British Democracy needs. Balance is the key to life itself and no less in political life where power should be balanced by accountability and alternative voices with access to full checks and balances against excessive lurches in favour of special interest groups. So go ahead and vote… Read more »
Dare we hope for a draw, it has never happened in history. How do you do then? A real draw. Do you hand it over to the UN then or…
Elections are like choosing which vaccine you’re gonna have.
It’s a lose lose choice.
I hope Sunak wins. Starmer is clearly the Deep State choice and seems a nasty piece of work.
Whereas Sunak is an anti-establishment underdog?
I hope both Labour AND Conservative suffer a catastrophic loss of support. I hope that Independents who are local candidates win 100+ seats.
If enough people say: ‘I won’t vote for any party supporting the Gazan genocide, I won’t vote for any party that voted for lockdowns and all the Covid19 corruption etc and I won’t vote for any idiot that thinks Net Zero is anything but economic suicide’, then an astonishing voting pattern ought to emerge.
Are there enough people who set that simple set of red lines to rule out all the Establishment Parties without need for any debate whatsoever???
Trump is going to tell Americans he’s implementing a digital ID system to tract migrants. All the Trumptards will be jumping for joy. OBV They’ll sneak American citizens into the law and POOF it’s over ……once again these idiots begged for it.
I’ve noticed a pattern and lets see if Off G and co wont (will) spend the next 7 weeks boring us with Canada evil or Stamner evil, Biden evil whilst subversively shilling Conservatives is the lesser of 2 evils Grift.
They are mocking the public as usual.
If “paki” offends you, you never grew up in northern england……
Calling an Indian a Pakistani is rather like calling an Englishman a Scotsman….
“People Died for Your Right to Vote!”
well politics is a death cult and we live on a death planet
“…I always end up voting anyway. …it gives me licence to complain about whoever is elected.”
— Conor Fitzgerald
“As for me, I’ll be home on that day, doing essentially the same thing as you, the only difference is, when I get finished masturbating, I’m going to have a little something to show for it folks.”
— George Carlin
I’m with Mr. Carlin.
The great circus of multi-party “democracy”.
Pensioners get ‘free’ bus passes .it doesn’t mean you have to use it
They really don’t want any opposition on this:
Hilariously, their links to the proof such claims are “disinformation” are to… themselves! The perfect circular argument!
No less hilariously, they’ve been running a series of articles recently blaming evil Tories (specifically Braverman) for destroying civl liberties and the right to protest – yet along comes some questioning of their approved agenda items and they reach immediately for the iron fist.
The free market in ideas and truth being left to sift for itself was only something they ever supported when nobody else had a platform on which to make an argument.
Errrrr isn’t
The definition of uk politics?
Hang the politicians and bankers
Why, next you’ll be telling us that the Skripals weren’t poisoned by nefarious Russian state security operatives! 🤨
I’m afraid that they’ve already lost control of the narrative. The West is now a bit like the latter stages of the Soviet Union when everyone knew that what the Government said was bollocks….
The MSM is in terminal decline – people under 30 simply ignore it all.
More and more people realise that Facebook and Twitter are controlled by shills for the CIA.
‘Oh, Jeremy Corbyn – The Big Lie’
They tried to ban it everywhere it was shown, but youtube allows it just befoe the General Election…
It was absolutely obvious what they were going to do to Jeremy Corbyn. There was NO WAY that a Left Wing pro-Palestinian was going to be allowed into power, and so the Full English Anti-Semitism Breakfast, Lunch, Tea, and Dinner not to mention Elevenses was wheeled out with all guns blazing 24/7 to take down this vile usurper.
And guess what happened?
The British Public swallowed it all, hook, line and sinker.
Sic transit omnia gloria mundi.
I don’t think they did. Jeremy Corbyn simply wasn’t ruthless enough to be a leader. He had to neuter the Blairite troughers if he wanted to be a real Labour leader, but he tried to appease them.
He’s a perfect conscience for the British Left, but he’s not brutal enough to be the leader of a bunch of self-serving yobs…..
I think it’s called, ‘trying to keep the party together,’ and so of course, is realistically IMPOSSIBLE. The hasbara MPs were out to get him, with professional help.
I mean, at this point, Labour can only be ‘elected,’ because the Tories are so f***ing awful, and can’t cover up their uselessness, but are quite good at getting rid of embarrassing leaders to the point of ridiculousness. AKA ‘the nasty party.’
Not nasty enough? I remember the media BLITZ. He got cancelled.
I think your sentiment is broadly correct, but we can only go off what the media presented to us, it’s not like any of us could get a balanced sense of the real Corbyn, besides his concrete personal integrity, not without serious effort anyway. TBF to Corbyn the Labour Central Office was/is contolling eveything, Corbyn had zero control of central office, he had to set up his own office on a shoestring budget seperate from Labour headquarters. He couldn’t have pulled off the purge in the other direction for example, he couldn’t even fight the pruge as leader of the frigging party. Labour is not the grass roots party it was founded upon, central office is even controlling selection in wards now, against local democracy, anyone speaking out got purged, there was an internal coup for sure. The problem with “The Big Lie” film is it’s free release timing, now it’ll just help the tories as there’s not enough time for any independants to form a cohesive strategy, though they didn’t know there would be a snap election, it should have been foreseeable IMO. If it had been free released a year ago Starmer wouldn’t stand a chance. Starmer is an authoritarian yes man, establishment globalist through and through, he has zero personal integrity. As PM he would be worse than the Tories (“lockdown sooner, harder, longer” etc.) at least they’re slightly balanced by some old school geriatrics who are staunchly patriotic/anti-globalist. See The Grayzone leaks re Boris shinanigans for insight on that. If Starmer gets in I could easily imagine mandatory jabs for e.g. Reform already looks like controlled op. Although I can’t stick George Galloway, and their manifesto looks like it’d bankrupt Britain in the first 6 months, it would be the bloodiest nose imaginable for the establishment.… Read more »
I think your sentiment is broadly correct, but we can only go off what the media presented to us, it’s not like any of us could get a balanced sense of the real Corbyn, besides his concrete personal integrity, not without serious effort anyway. TBF to Corbyn the Labour Central Office was/is contolling eveything, Corbyn had zero control of central office, he had to set up his own office on a shoestring budget seperate from Labour headquarters. He couldn’t have pulled off the purge in the other direction for example, he couldn’t even fight the pruge as leader of the frigging party. Labour is not the grass roots party it was founded upon, central office is even controlling selection in wards now, against local democracy, anyone speaking out got purged, there was an internal coup for sure. The problem with “The Big Lie” film is it’s free release timing, now it’ll just help the tories as there’s not enough time for any independants to form a cohesive strategy, though they didn’t know there would be a snap election, it should have been foreseeable IMO. If it had been free released a year ago Starmer wouldn’t stand a chance. Starmer is an authoritarian yes man, establishment globalist through and through, he has zero personal integrity. As PM he would be worse than the Tories (“lockdown sooner, harder, longer” etc.) at least they’re slightly balanced by some old school geriatrics who are staunchly patriotic/anti-globalist. See The Grayzone leaks re Boris shinanigans for insight on that. If Starmer gets in I could easily imagine mandatory jabs for e.g. Reform already looks like controlled op. Although I can’t stick George Galloway, and their manifesto looks like it’d bankrupt Britain in the first 6 months, it would be the bloodiest nose imaginable for the establishment.… Read more »
It’s been on youtube for months
It was posted in April, a month, not months.
It was shown on youtube last year on a niche lefty channel, by subscription only.
Dog and pony show set up and controlled by a corrupt UK Establishment providing the illusion of democratic choice for the little people. We badly need a new system of governance.
it rained on the day of truss a huge down pour in london.
a roth stein play lead actor little rich generational east india company man.
david cameron real name levitts generational east india company man.
no king no parliament no prime minister all fraud city of london corporation
“Things Can Only Get Better” is a blatant lie. And the use of gibberingly upbeat ditties to shore up politics reminds me of Mark Steyn’s comment on the Democrat’s use of another of my pet hates, Fleetwood Mac’s “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow”. Steyn was talking about how the Americans have that showbiz razzmatazz in their veins and can get away with it – whereas the Brits ….
“At a presidential banquet in America, she (Thatcher) attempted to mimic President Reagan’s “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet”, but the strained over-enunciation – her inability to elide the “g” on “nothin’” – only emphasised how painfully foreign the Reagan razzle dazzle was to her style of politics and how, at core, the British …. cannot subscribe to that fusion of showbiz and politics with a straight face. When Vince Hill sang, to the tune of “Hello Dolly”, “Hello Maggie!”, the British scoffed. When President Clinton campaigned with Fleetwood Mac – “Don’t’ Stop Thinking About Tomorrow” – the Americans bought it. (Incidentally, we can’t complain we were misled: the song distils perfectly both the vacuity and the single mindedness of the Clinton presidency.)”
That Steyn is ostensibly “Right Wing” and Clinton ostensibly “Left” should, by this point, fool nobody.
D:Ream (interesting name!) featuring one Brian Cox… what are the odds that a musician in the Blairite theme song happens also to be the BBC’s face of astro-physics and that it’s totally organic? Queen guitarist Brian May also happens to be an astro-physicist.
On the subject of musicians, Keir Starmer shared his school violin class with a cewrtain Quentin Norman Cook – later more commonly known as Fatboy Slim. Praise him like we should!
Back in the dear dead days of ’77 when The Mighty Rock still had vaguely credible pretensions to rebellion, I recall the Sex Pistols kicking up a stink on the Queen’s Silver Jubilee by singing Fuck Off anthems on the Thames.
25 years later, it was the Golden One and things had deflated somewhat. And when I heard a rumour that Brian May was going for a rendition of God Save the Qyeen on his geetar atop the Palace , I thought, “Oh for God’s sake NO!” Alas ‘twas true.
This is the end, beautiful friend.
Yeah George, that’s just exactly how I feel about it. especially Fleetwood Mack, and Brian May.
Shame Ian Dury isn’t around to sing ‘Assholes, bastards f**king c**ts and p****s’, isn’t it?
Public school boys get to fame and fortune, who would have guessed.
When Jagger said he was going to lay their souls to waste, they brushed him off major like, now we wonder if some of them even have one.
All these politicians who want to leave or leave their jobs before the end of their contract: it’s as if they say that they don’t like their job.
What is there not to like?
Are politicians human?
Or do they also see the writing on the wall?
Doubtless they all keep a vigilant eye out for more lucrative and less stressful employment opportunities.
That’s a possible answer to both of your questions.
International Court of Justice warns of Arrest Warrants for UK’s MP War Criminals
I do hope that includes Keir Starmer – would be great having a PM arrested within a week of entering office – it would set a new world record for the shortest time of being in office, wouldn’t it?!
At least the genocide on Palestine and the attacks on its neighbours has brought to everyone’s attention that ICC is the lackey it always was.
Did he mention the Giant Panda in the room?
none of that is “clean” technology…
Oh yes it is. Solar hydrolysis splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen stored in tanks for easy off hours generation is artificial leaf tech, the future of decentralized energy for Humanity. (MIT and Caltech were working on this 20 years ago.) If we the people step up to make it so on each home and business. But the people need to take over policy decision making from these suicidal greed-rats and their phony republics that are not republics.
MIT & Caltech, supposidly the best minds, working on the problem for 20yrs and still havn’t found a solution.
You can’t make policy decisions on technology that doesn’t exist, although they have for solar and wind, but those chickens will come home to roost in the first hard winter when those policy decisions have removed all the reliable back-up systems.
Hydrogen has major storage issues to solve before it can be adopted wide scale.
MIT & Caltech, supposidly the best minds, working on the problem for 20yrs and still havn’t found a solution.
You can’t make policy decisions on technology that doesn’t exist, although they have for solar and wind, but those chickens will come home to roost in the first hard winter when those policy decisions have removed all the reliable back-up systems.
Hydrogen has major storage issues to solve before it can be adopted wide scale.
Good luck, United “Kingdom”! We know you can do it this time. When at first you don’t succeed, keep doing what your rulers tell you to do. Rock and roll. Personally, I can’t wait until November in the U.S. The excitement is rising and by then the place is going to be bonkers, man. Btw, we aren’t let them do the Great Reset in our neck of the woods, man. Buck up, UK.
(Comment pending until tomorrow, it’s like discussing things with a fucking rock.)
The brief summary of the usefulness of a general election above is the limit to the coverage it should receive.
The coverage in OffG could be useful in many positive ways:
1, Naming and shaming the candidates with criminal connections; particularly the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist war criminals.
2, Positive suggestions for weeding out the criminal element when they come to select candidates at local party level.
3, Strengthening the ability of a Local Party to deselect an elected MP who begins to show criminal behaviour eg, by lying or proposing an unjust war.
4, Purifying the Judiciary by introducing legislation to remove any “safe pair hands” Lord Justice who bends a trial to exonerate a criminal MP and/or criminalise a whistle blower.
Foul smelling Villains, and if they were rags, I doubt a stygian crone would use them to wipe it’s festering backside.
who is The Bogus Man? Sir Keir Rodney Starmer?
That image at the top confirms the stupidity of the Suiturds.
FFS, why don’t they build a veranda out the front of number 10?
These days, there is also a motorised awning you can extend when required. But maybe such things are made abroad by the evil under-cutting foreigners, like the renewable energy components in your graphic.
Because then it wouldn’t have been the humiliation ritual it so obviously was intended to be…
Chill is in The Air
We’re into a Grand Solar Minimum.
Keir Starmer
A Little Ice Age cometh…
Economic Woes are piling high
Rishi wants out before The Crash
so he’ll be remembered fondly, as
part of The Times Before
when Things Were Better…
“Winter Time is coming
the windows are filled with frost…..”
(1960’s folksinger)…
Deck chairs – Titanic – SOS.
Same Old Shit.
Vote early, vote often, vote for change.
Do you have a Marijuana Party over there?
Hashtag # Hash for everyone.
some people don’t need any of that, they come naturally stoned, happy and smiling
My wife’s technique at times like these, is no matter what colour the rosette is, when she answers the door, is to say yes, I will vote for you, goodbye, and shuts the door and goes back to her yoga/pilates/rockchick/meditiation class especially if her teacher is on zoom
Good luck voting yourself out of a pathocratic oligarchy ¨:)
Just being “trendy”?
Outside of Israel in the late 1990s the red string became popular with many celebrities, including many non-Jews including Madonna and her children, Leonardo DiCaprio, Michael Jackson, and later by Ariana Grande, Rishi Sunak and Tucker Carlson.[5][6][7][8][9] The wider popularity is often linked to Philip Berg’s Kabbalah Centre.[10][11] It also gained a surge in sales for Madonna according to editors of Changing Fashion: A Critical Introduction to Trend Analysis and Cultural Meaning (2007).[12]
nice little khazharian clown east india company man
This is strictly a Hindu thing.
Possibly in the case of Sunak. But if it’s supposed to protect against misfortune:
Things can only get better … for whom?
for those who during years of The Great Snot (aka pandemic) used to say that “we are in this together”. They still are
we didn’t get jabbed. some who did get multi-jabbed, it seems to have had no effect, many of the rest are severely disabled or dead.
Our grandchildren
For Whom The Bells Toll !
I have mentioned before how we follow a timeline similar to WW2.
I see 4th July, 1944 was the start of Operation Windsor.
“This offensive is part of operation Windsor, set up for General Dempsey, which begins on July 4, 1944.” from
You really have to feel sorry for the fellow — he’s soaking wet — so fitting, yet so sad.
Still, with a nice safe opposition candidate there’s little chance of any substantive change, just “more of the same” with a different group to blame. In theory things just have to get better because people can’t imagine them getting worse……but……..
“The worst is yet to come” — Shakespeare, King Lear
Obviously wetter than Margaret Thatcher’s ‘wets.’
It used to be said that a reliable indicator of hapless imbecility is when a party “doesn’t know enough to come in out of the rain”.
Presumably it is even more telling when the party doesn’t know enough to stay out of the rain in the first place! ☔ 🤔
It is on like Donkey Kong. Selection time across 64 countries in 2024 plus the EU parliament.
Controlled demolition incoming.
The West is being set-up for its fall. The puppets are being reshuffled in order to usher in the NWO, along with Plandemic 2.0, WWIII, aliens or whichever scripted delight(s) they have in store for us.
Time to put the tin helmet on, on top of the tin foil one, duck and get ready for a roller coaster ride during the second half of 2024 into 2025. It has been eerily quiet on the home fronts since the end of Covid-1984 – it now seems the show is about to pick up the pace.
I have just watched his new video. It’s only taken 15 years, but Craig Murray, not only, does look better ..(maybe it’s his time in jail)
He is a Rock Star now – Blimey – This is Powerful – Has he been Practicing with George Galloway???
“We Are On The Way To Victory”
In the autumn three month after the election.
It fits well into a dark grey freezing lonely winter locked down isolated in your apartment or house with no access to electricity and tele lines.
In 2025 we are on e-money and boundless debt.
WEF called Rishi- its time for a new leader to push through the next 5 years to Agenda 2030.
22 / 5 – ”223;; day of the years reminding.Today is a Full moon off course, name of the moon is called (Rose/Berry Moon)
”Sun”-ak – Moon
The U.K selection energy harvest falls on a super new moon in Cancer 4th July .
Just incase the non believers think it a coincidence, One of the U.K lockdown ended @ 5am on July 4/5 which fell on a full moon.
Licence premises where able to open at 5am!!! totally abnormal for Britannia.
Exact same time the sun was rising on a full moon.
Yer yer yer ……
They lockdown on Halloween full moon and announced it exact same time the blood full witches moon was happening.
Sun -ak was inaugurated by the King Charles exact same time the full moon eclipse was happening.
”22′ they love that number and if there is ever a ‘5’ exacts to ”pentagram”.
time, color, symbolism, numbers, movement, hand gestures, moon sun cycles etc etc etc and everything they do EVERYTHING they do is ritual on you.
Either a terrorists stage attack or energy hacks.
Do not feed the beast.
Tomorrow is day number 222 and beautiful full May moon.
enjoy nature family friends do not feed theses fuckers with your energy of getting worked up over what they try to trigger you with is what they feed on.
The elections is about as real as X factor.
Yeah man.Good one.
“July 5th, how soon afterwards can we expect leaps forward?”.
With all respect for your long number analysis you never answered the question.
From a US perspective, no matter who you vote for, you wind up with John McCain.
This coming November, we’ll get to choose whether to start World War III in Ukraine (with the Demonrats) or in the Middle East (with the Rethuglicans).
Not yet. NATZO hasn’t the stomach for a fight with Russia over Ukraine, seeing how Russia destroyed all the precious toys that NATZO gave its Ukie-nazi boys. And NATZO generals in Brussels and the Washington beltway area wake up screaming at the nightmare of the EU$A having to take on China and Russia combined.
July 4th chosen to mark the slavery status of all citizens.
in other news
On US Independence Day (July 4th). Possibly some symbolism there.
Right-wing Sunak linking himself to Donald Trump victory, or to Israel’s independence from Hamas? Who knows.
Also at a significant point during the Euros, which may influence turnout/ nationalism etc. Doesn’t appear to be a random date anyway.
AI is likely in charge of choosing election dates these days, so human reasons may be difficult to fathom
I have posted separately on the article but I have mentioned before to people how we follow a timeline similar to WW2.
I see 4th July, 1944 was the start of Operation Windsor.
“This offensive is part of operation Windsor, set up for General Dempsey, which begins on July 4, 1944.” from
Plausible. The 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings may well play into it
Uk’s “Independence (from USA) Day’ ?
Klaus Schwab is retiring too !
If we’re really lucky, Uncle Klaus will be succeeded by Tony Blair, that champion of all that is noble and true. Or we may get Christine Lagarde, whose honesty and integrity shine like twin stars in the firmament of the exalted – we peons can only gaze upwards and marvel.
“Israel’s independence from Hamas? Who knows.”
Scott Ritter knows: One thing for sure that Israel’s genocidal regime has achived is to make Hamas’s political legitimacy and the case for a Palestinian state stronger than ever before. This is Natan Yahoo’s legacy to the Zionist cause.
Former Shin Bet director Ami Ayalon said something similar on BBC’s HardTalk recently
Yet an ideological victory for Hamas would seem unlikely as it becomes increasingly apparent what its “political legitimacy” actually consists of:
Instead, Hamas’s political legacy will likely consist of a special place in Hell that’s reserved for perpetrators of such inhuman evils
The election doesn’t have to be until January 2025 but the accelerationists holding the puppet strings want to get on with it. They’d have called it in the spring if there was any way to make that vaguely plausible.
So we have 7/4/24 as election day. Notice the 9/11 in there? As for winding up Parliament on May 30th, that happens to be the day Christopher Marlowe “died” – it’s a day of some significance for occultists but I can’t remember what exactly (something to do with Hecate possibly).
On the subject of Charles, there have been very strange portraits of him and Kate Middleton unveiled recently. They think everyone’s stupid so spelt out what his was about here:
Something big is about to happen before the election.The news today that Spain Ireland and Norway recognise a Palestinian state made me think TROUBLE.Then Rishi puppets up with this election bombshell.No flights from June 6.Lockdown .Postal votes.Or internet voting.It could go either way but Blair will get in.
You have to log in to view this content. Not doing it.
To view paywalled pages, hop over to the Wayback Machine:
That article is there. But as it’s from the NYT it’s not worth your time. Bit like the BBC, CNN, Reuter’s, AP, Daily Mail … ad nauseam (literally).
I hopped, but hit a wall. f you’re inclined to take pity on a stymied Wayback Machine user, please enlighten me.
When I enter the NYT URL on the Wayback home page, it brings up a detailed “calendar view” of the versions acquired by the site. But I can’t seem to find the menu or field to take me to the actual stored article.
If you’re willing, I look forward to kicking myself when I am informed of the bleeding obvious link to the actual archived article that is eluding me. Thanks. 🤔 🤨
Hover over the dates marked blue on the calendar, then click on the snapshot you want (typically the latest, though this feature also lets you determine whether a page has been silently emended).
The 23 May capture can be seen here:
Thanks! 🙏
I have mentioned elsewhere how we follow a timeline similar to WW2.
I see 4th July, 1944 was the start of Operation Windsor.
“This offensive is part of operation Windsor, set up for General Dempsey, which begins on July 4, 1944.” from
Makes me think of the House of Windsor.
No, I don’t notice the 9111 in there. Where is it?
This exciting build up to the next election provides an opportune moment to reflect on one of the (cough!) great Labour leaders of the past. I refer to that sizzling firebrand Neil Kinnock who has granted an interview to “inews” (idiot news?). In any case, inews clearly has a caustic sense of humour when giving the description “the man who helped make Labour electable again” to this wet Welsh windbag who never won an election! And let me first pay my personal tribute to Neil as the one who first sparked off in me the realisation that there was no effective difference between Labour and Tory other than a distinction of presentations for the one rancid organisation. Back in the tar pits of the 80s just after that Falklands fiasco, a teacher by the name of Diane Gould asked Our Good Lady Thatcher why she’d sunk the Belgrano when that ship had been sailing away from the Falklands. Thatcher blustered and flustered and floundered and I had the eerie feeling I was watching history in the making – the End of Maggie! Next morning – nothing! Utter absence of interest. The truth of the matter was outed 25 years later when it turned out that Maggie had a directive from “above” that the Belgrano was indeed embarked on war manoeuvres but she could not reveal this for fear of compromising her sources. (This of course did not justify sinking the boat since there could still have been a peace deal but the Tories knew damn well that they needed the Falklands War to boost their support.) Clearly Kinnock had been given the same orders to keep shtum. And so was revealed the theatre that passes for democratic involvement. But I digress. Here are the… Read more »
And while we’re wallowing in irony, let me remind everyone that “Things Can Only Get Better” was Kinnock’s inspirational theme tune too! I still recall a scene with Neil boogieing to it!
I’d forgotten that !
Surely proof that they’re laughing at us
Prof.Brian Cock.
The Kinnock clan hasn’t done badly from their careers (if you can call it that) in politicking. Neil and Gladys both managed to get their noses in the EU trough too.
Neil’s EU pension pot was estimated to be worth £1.7 million to give an £87,000 a year pension. Not forgetting his peerage and MP’s pension plus Gladys pension -up until her recent death – for being an MEP for 15 years and also a peer in her own right.
Then there is their son Stephen who followed in his parents footsteps.
Neil and Gladys bagged around £10 million from the EU during their time there. No wonder they sung its praises at every opportunity.
There is gravy to be had in those hills and valleys. Just have to board the right train.
Yep the gravy train of Westminster is the gift that keeps on giving. Attracts all the wrong types of acquisitive chancers with an eye on expanding their bank accounts. If these cretins were paid by results they would all be on benefits. The system is rigged and rotten to the core.
It’s only rotten because voters think they can only choose between Labour and conservative, both of which parties choose their candidates centrally and thus stuff the constituencies full of yes men/women/trannies who do what they are told, don’t represent their voters.
If you vote for Independents and tens of thousands like you do likewise, there can be change.
There can never be change if you vote Labour or Conservative.
They are Punch and Judy, Laurel and Hardy, a bunch of supine PR consultants that take the shilling of unaccountable puppet masters.
Pretty sure that song hadn’t been written at that point in history. You’re thinking of Blair in 1997.
Oh my bad. I see it was used for Labour successful bid with Blair. Still interesting that it’s used across the board.
Unless you’re American, why are you using the ridiculous word ‘bad’ when the correct word is ‘mistake’…?
Quite right. I get annoyed by these Americanisms. I noted more Brits now saying “the bathroom” when they mean “the toilet”.
Just like they say ‘roster’ instead of ‘squad’ when talking about football or rugby. They say ‘locker room’ instead of ‘changing room’ when talking about where to change into sports kit.
Soon we’ll have Thanksgiving usurping Christmas Day.
Yet when you look at ignorant f-wits like Todd Boehly showing the world the ignorance of Yankee Doodle Dandies, when you look at genocidal psychopaths like Victoria Nuland, Jake Sullivan and Anthony Blinken (American jews all), you realise that there is nothing anyone should want to learn from useless Americans.
What they do, however, need to learn, is the word ‘NO!’ when American financial and political thuggery comes overseas……
And don’t forget “a-LOO-mi-num!”
“Things Can Only Get Better”
See post by Martin Usher at 11.01 pm. Things really got worse after Kinnock headed the EU Commission. If the Austrian Empire in its last days represented Tyranny softened by Incompetence, the European Union represents Incompetence reinforced by Tyranny.
I can only think of Neil Kinnock as Kinnock of Bedwetter!
Keir Rodney Starmer anagrams to ‘my drearier stonker’ which is one way of describing him.
That Kinnock must have been some orator though! Way back in 1987, Senator-for-Life Joe Biden scotched his chances of winning the election by plagiarizing old Neil:
I never thought of Kinnock as an orator. Clearly Uncle Joe did.
Michael Foot was good as an orator. For me, the king was Tony Benn, not to mention his solid principles encapsulated by renouncing his hereditary peerage decades ago while an MP.
I thought cartoonist Steve Bell summed up Kinnock’s oratory skills well when he had Neil give a speech that went, “I am a windbag! And I am a windbag because I care deeply. I care deeply about wind!”
Neil Kinnock, as well as being a turncoat Labour turncoat (“cleanse out the Left” foresooth!) was parachuted into the EU and immediately emitted the first publicly bad smell from those gigantic Augean stables. Two EU whistleblowers had gone public about a case of Nepotism. So what did “Newbroom Neil” do? He disciplined — the whistleblowers.
In retrospect, Kinnock was the diversionary pseudo-Left leader during the neoliberal operation. Thatcher made sure the government had stacked up enough coal from abroad to avoid another doomed confrontation with the miners as with the Heath government in the 70s. And Kinnock made sure there was no effective opposition from the Left.
This was in the days of the “Rightist” phase before the impending catastrophe impelled a pseudo revolution to the Groovy “Leftism” of the covid era
Exciting build-up ? wtf ! 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
I was trying to get in the spirit.
Believe it or not, Sir kneelalot is the nice face of what was Labour.
He will use his pathetic whining to gain control of the country because people have fallen for the “anything is better” false binary.
Rishi’s role is soon over and he will retire stage left bowing his thanks for the public’s adoration.
Then it gets interesting.
The mask will be off and the UK economy will be trashed in a way that Gordon ‘give the gold to China’ Brown could only dream of.
Interesting times !
so, the meagre shit-stain in a suit, thunderbirds billionaire puppet asks baphomet’s right and left hand man to put the country into a state of limbo?
it really is time people got ready/realised for the disorder ahead. AND, why does OG never talk about the irish problem (sic) or the rest. It’s fucking vulgarly obvious/remarked to everyone I know, but 77thOG never talk of it, bitching forever about covid/vax/nanny state/fake wars and psycho babble . . ochone.
we’re fukt folks. This is not downhill, it is a cliff.
Unless everyone grows a pair and PHYSICALLY makes their thoughts felt as ACTION, on the street, . . . .
Corporal Hudson, if you please . . as you probably describe reality in a way most folks just refuse to accept.
WTFU poblacht of the west, there’s a chap at the door . . .
whats that song, buffalo spring field . . ?
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Pray we don’t get fooled again!
Bojo said they was going to end homelessness and repel the vigrant act and built 20 new hospitals and and and and and and and and….
Alt media people believed that.
If you pray you won’t get fooled again, you’ve already been fooled.
The question is why are we putting up with this circus which directly affects the way we live. Once elected your local MP is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
And out here in the Welsh Sticks it’s rock solid wall-to-wall Plaid Cymru no matter what or who or whoever or whatever the imports do.
Are Plaid against 20mph driving zones?
Best and most recent I could find:
Just ask him in public whether 0.5% of Jews are more important to policy making that 40%+ white British men.
When he has to lie and he gets called out on live TV for his lying, his veneer will never recover…..