And the Cancer Keeps Rolling In

Todd Hayen

Kate Middleton has cancer. The King of England has cancer. Every day we hear of more and more people diagnosed with cancer—many of them quite young. And not a single report we hear, unless coming from alt media, will suggest that the Covid vaccines are a possible cause.

There is no guarantee that any particular case is definitely attributed to the jabs. But considering the radical upswing of cases recently, you would think more people would be scratching their heads and connecting the dots. The rise in cancer cases pretty clearly correlates with the release of the vaccine.

That alone should get most thinking folks questioning. But they aren’t, and they won’t.

It is much easier to blame the usual suspects—pollution, bad water, unhealthy food, toxins in general, messy lifestyles, no exercise, and now, of course, climate change. Not only is the Covid vaccine not a suspect, but no vaccine is. In fact, no FDA-approved medication is. Big Pharma can once again hold the bloody dagger behind their back with a big grin on their face, “What, me worry?” Nope, you’ve played the game well Mr. Big Pharma, you’ve got us all (or most) under your spell. No matter how obvious your implication may be, you are off the hook.

If you believe in data from mainstream sources, they tell you that in 2019, one in ten deaths worldwide was caused by cancer. Over 10 million people in that year succumbed to the dreaded “C” word. I would be curious to know what the number was in 2023, the official figures for 2022 were not much different from 2019, which indicates to me that none of these statistics can really be trusted. Most mainstream reports are not reluctant to say cancer diagnoses are on the rise, but they say that every year, and of course the incentive is to frighten people into early diagnosis and early treatment, thus filling the coffers with even more gold coins.

Oooo, did that hit a nerve? As with most confusing things these days, this is confusing. There is no doubt in my mind that some cancers, at some stages, can be successfully treated through conventional methods. How they treat these cases in the conventional world may not be as safe as how they treat them in the alternative world, but nonetheless, there have been successful treatments using conventional methods.

Of course, that conventional world will do everything it can to convince you that their interventions are the only ones that can be effective and that anything the “safe” alternative world has to offer is bogus. I personally do not believe this, but I have to say, I have not experienced alternative treatments saving many lives. And I have experienced conventional, extremely invasive, treatments doing just that, saving lives. So, what can I say? This is from personal experience, and I have had a bit of it, considering my first wife died of cancer 20 years ago.

I’m off on a tangent, my apologies.

So, back to the question, what is causing the uprise in cancer cases? In my humble opinion, the culprit is most definitely the Covid vaccine. Of course, I am just an observer and have no medical data to back up my personal opinion. From what I understand, however, the data is out there. It may be difficult to find, but there are many quite learned, experienced, and credentialed folks (as in MDs) out there who would support my statement with medical data.

Although I do believe the upswing in cancer diagnoses is largely attributed to the Covid vaccine, it cannot possibly be the only reason. And the vax is certainly not the only answer to the ubiquitous cancer diagnosis question, “Why did this happen to me?”

As we all know, the agenda has more than one way to skin a cat. mRNA in injections is only one of them. mRNA is showing up everywhere anyway, not just in needles, and in nearly every form of bodily intake. So the mRNA method can get us, even if we avoided the jab. There are known cancer-causing elements in places other than mRNA and gene therapy as well. How about 5G, Chemtrails, GMO products, cricket meal, fluoride, any number of approved pharmaceuticals, need I go on?

As they add to their wicked mix of lethal concoctions, the cancer rate just continues to climb. And there is no way to put the proverbial finger on any one thing as “the” cause.

So, we all know this. When I say, “we all” I mean those of you reading this. No one would have gotten this far in this essay if they were not already in the choir I am preaching to. We are again left with the sheep, who will probably never “get it.” Here goes the broken record skipping back into the same groove over and over again. If people, I mean sheep, actually could accurately identify the enemy and stop chasing ghosts like climate change into the woods, guaranteed never to catch them, we would possibly have a fighting chance.

I have read at least a half dozen articles, some of them even a bit alternative, about the rise in cancer cases, particularly among young people, and not a single one mentioned the Covid vaccine as a cause. Yes, all of us have been hearing since day one about the proliferation of “turbo cancer” among the vaxxed, but no one else seems to make the connection. Of course, the horse is out of the barn to some degree with all this, at least for the folks already pin-cushioned by multiple needles. It is still a battle worth fighting considering the continuation of the vaccine as a “reasonable deterrent” against Covid, for adults, the elderly, and for children. It does seem to me that it is not worth getting cancer to avoid getting Covid.

And, as you know, I am only speaking of cancer as a side effect of the vaccine, what about heart disease, blood clots, and a myriad of other known Covid vaccine side effects? And that is only to mention the ailments we have scientific support for. What about the loss of cognition, loss of empathy, depression, and suicide, along with a plethora of other mental and physical maladies that are at the moment only speculations and anecdotal observations?

My heart goes out to Kate. She seems like a nice person and the mother of three innocent and beautiful children. And who really knows if these specific cases were caused by the vax? I know someone very close to me who recently died of a “turbo” cancer, and I know without reservation he was not jabbed. Kate? Seems odd that a close member of the ruling lizard class would be vaccinated with the real stuff, but who knows? The world is strange these days, very strange indeed.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Categories: latest, opinion, Todd Hayen
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May 28, 2024 6:12 PM

I have seen many people cured using alternative methods. Including my youngest daughter.

Look up Edward Dowd Phinance Technologies for very clear data on the jab causing cancer.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 27, 2024 1:00 AM

The reasons we never hear about alt meds healing people with cancer is that

a) it is forbidden to do so by non-medical doctors – natural med practitioners can face prison time if they do (that’s why they say they treat patients “with XYZ disease”, not they treat cancer);

b) cancer patients usually don’t go for natural treatment in the first instance but come to naturopaths and other non-medical practitioners once they are sent home to “get their things in order” i.e. to die – which, post chemo etc., severely compromises their chance at healing;

c) success stories don’t get reported by the MSN anyway for the reason under a) and because they wouldn’t, since the MSM are funded by BigPharma.

May 27, 2024 7:31 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

In general in most places, you can be punished for offering treatment or advice – even in an article, regardless of superior results. If allopathic medicine cannot or will not cure an illness, it is illegal to state that it can be cured. E.g., diabetes.

The positive side of the covid reign of terror has been the spread of info. that (a) many allopathic treatments are fraudulent (b) there are alternatives, both new and some that were buried.

Every time doctors have gone on strike en masse, deaths (let alone other damage) have gone down significantly. For the current strike on S. Korea, we may have to wait for a while for the facts, due to laws on “mis- or dis-info.”.

May 27, 2024 6:57 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Yup, been there, done that, got the T shirt, specifically I can assert that b) is absolutely true, and most of my cancer patients were sent home to die. It gets a bit ugly when the morphine ceases to work. The system just throws them away.
Lifestyle change needed to happen years previously. By the time they got to me they were in deep trouble.
Some were asked, ‘Do you want to die here or go home? There’s nothing more we can do for you.’

May 26, 2024 6:39 PM

Kate having cancer is about as real as Boris’s hospitalisation due to covid.

Mind you, even if they put it in people faces they still wouldn’t get it.

comment image

Bael,Demon described in le Grand Grimoire as being high among the infernal powers….he teaches those that invoke him to disappear at will.

Bael is a King with estates in the east. He has three heads:

comment image

May 27, 2024 5:04 PM
Reply to  nima

Yes it’s all fake.

Triple Crown Of Baal = The Vatican
The Papal Tiara, or the 3 crowns. Perhaps signifying (false) sovereignty and dominion over air land and sea.

This Saturn – Roman Cult has been around forever.

The royal parasitical families worldwide act as figureheads, envoys or satellites for The Holy See, Vatican.

Originally, kings were awarded titles and lands by Rome if they’d terrorize, enslave and farm their populations, collecting taxes for Rome.

That’s how the world’s power structures were erected and spread under the HRE. Then transitioned to faux governments and supranational orgs – UN, BIS, IMF, CFR etc.

The irony being, the Saturn Cult religions are homicidal death cults.

May 26, 2024 6:25 PM

May 27, 2024 7:34 AM
Reply to  nima

Precisely why local governments are hindering personal small-scale efforts at food crops.

May 26, 2024 5:51 PM

TBH, it does seem a little ‘sheep’-ish to believe the royals just because they tell you they have cancer to explain some strange absences from the public; but I dare say it is outright naïve to believe that they would ever be subjected to the destructive, poisonous nonsense that is chemo “therapy” in case they actually did have cancer.

May 26, 2024 5:43 PM

And then there’s the #fuckcancer campaign, that exists to appeal to people’s basest emotional response. No #fuckbigpharma, #fuckbigag, or whatever other crass hashtag you could think of to steer others towards the actual underlying causes of cancer. Nope. Just #fuckcancer, early invention, unnecessary treatment, more $$$ for the death merchants.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
May 26, 2024 5:16 PM

Hi Todd – I trust you will find this consolidator site answers your queries on an ongoing basis (updated twice a week): https://cmnnews.substack.com/p/cmnnews-the-credible-medical-news-fa3

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
May 26, 2024 9:49 AM

Todd, I have asked my MD colleague if he would provide you with some specific stats, and I will get back to you. In the meantime, Steve Kirsch is a good place to start: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/uk-professor-norman-fenton-explains?s=r

May 26, 2024 9:30 AM

One of those helpful moments when they spell out the agenda for the hard-of-thinking: https://dumptheguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/may/25/another-pandemic-is-absolutely-inevitable-says-patrick-vallance-covid Another pandemic is “absolutely inevitable”. Funny how we managed to go over a century between the last two (if one buys their narrative) but he knows another one is just around the corner. Vallance said it is “great we are having an election”. By which he obviously means it’s be great to have a Labour government. Aren’t “public servants” meant to be politically neutral? One of the things the next government must do is implement “better surveillance to be able to pick these things up”. Is more surveillance ever not their answer? He also reiterated what he said to G7 leaders in 2021, that “we need to be much faster, much more aligned – and there are ways to do this – at getting rapid diagnostic tests, rapid vaccines, rapid treatments, so that you don’t have to go into the extreme measures that took place”. Here’s the crunch – come next pandemic it’s accept our tests and vaccines (which can’t possibly have been tested for long-term effects) or have another lockdown. A classic fake dialectic built upon a Batesonian double-bind. More aligned means is a euphemism for global control – no more Swedens and their slightly more relaxed lockdowns. Asked whether protesters should have been allowed to play Things Can Only Get Better during Rishi Sunak’s speech outside 10 Downing Street on Wednesday, he said he thinks such protests are “part of our democracy” and that Sunak and his team’s decision not to find a location for the speech where he could have been heard “is a sign of incompetence”. “The chaos of that event was emblematic,” he said. More electioneering from Mr. Unpolitical. BTW consider the events since then – Sunak visits the site… Read more »

May 26, 2024 9:10 AM

There are no cures. Only the body cures. When you cut your finger the body heals it. It wasn’t the coca cola, burgers, brocolli or grapes or whatever else you consumed that healed your finger. Substances support organ function, yes. But the body itSELF heals and cures.
Therefore all medications are a nonsense. Suppression of normal bodily function can sometimes provide relief, but make no mistake ALL medications are toxic and mess with the body’s chemistry only making you more messed up inside.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 26, 2024 11:38 AM
Reply to  Paul

So you’d still take aspirin at home, and Novocain at the dentist, and propofol in surgery, presumably?

And after surgery, if you experienced a terrible infection that might otherwise kill you, would you take the antibiotics?

May 26, 2024 1:52 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

No to aspirin et al. I don’t go to the dentist. It’s pretty obvious I would need sedating in surgery though.
Read enough and you will discover that iatrogenesis is the biggest killer in the western world. Therefore it is wise to avoid it and its “medications” as much as possible.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 26, 2024 4:23 PM
Reply to  Paul

Yes, iatrogenesis is most definitely the biggest killer in the Western world (and, to a slightly lesser degree, perhaps, in the East too). I won’t go anywhere near so-called ‘prescription drugs’. And have not done so for 30+ years.

May 26, 2024 6:50 PM
Reply to  Paul

indeed; and to expand on said comment, one should peruse the likes of one Ivan Illich and his concomitant work, ‘Medical Nemesis’; as therein the author identifies and delineates on the 3 types of iatrogenesis he considers to be the scourge of modern-day medicine: 1. clinical; 2. social; and 3. cultural (and, post-covid, one should add one more kind to this list: 4. global). That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 28, 2024 7:54 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I support you here Paul, but I also support Sam’s remark. You are right as universal principle that your own immune system is the best.

But we should also admit we live in an unnatural world where we have to get around in our daily lives.
For these unnatural deceases we get in our unnatural world we admit that bad Big Pharma has improved their response to some ugly deceases that previously made big harm on people: Mental decease medicine are now today without “the white cut”, Zombie medicine, and other very ugly treatments.

Eye deceases which previously made people blind can today maintain vision by new inventions, m.m.
On a personal level I only take medicine for time to time headaches when I have had a bottle of whiskey together with a bunch of sailors. We cant or I wont live a completely ascetic life.

Same with antibiotics. Its a lot easier when you have got inflammation somewhere than taking the long long time to die or let the body recover by spinach.
Sam is realistic, but you give out a fine universal ground rule!

Tom T
Tom T
May 26, 2024 7:26 AM

It’s strange why a completely safe injection of IMM-101 (containing a dead mycobacterium) which boosts T-Cell immunity to hold cancers at bay hasn’t been approved yet. Might the reason be that IMM-101’s main side effect is protection against Covid, flu and colds?

les online
les online
May 26, 2024 5:53 AM

It may have been Just A Coincidence:
After the successful Jabbing of most locals the local
teevee stations began advising anyone with Shingles to
seek medical interventions…Shingles had never before
been given such media attention…Such advice had
never been offered on local teevee before…
It may be Just A Coincidence
There are a lot of reports about surges in “turbo cancers”
Local teevee recently began advising that anyone with cancer
seek medical interventions. Such advice has never before
needed to be offered…
But there’s more !
The teevee claims that Smoking can cause “16 Types of Cancer”
one type being “Bowel Cancer” ! (This claim is not only new
to me but i’m puzzled why people would smoke through their
arseholes…Some Weird Pleasure ?)
Claims now made of 16 types of cancer, from smoking, coinciding
with a surge in reports about turbo cancers –
Just A Coincidence…Nothing to do with The Jabs ?

vernon coleman
vernon coleman
May 26, 2024 10:02 PM
Reply to  les online

Sir, you are very uninformed or you do not have good intentions. I am sad to say that the people who see the truth through just two of the biggest modern age scandals, are so rare. It is unbelievable. I can not comprehend this!
The biggest – the No. 1 scandal is the sale of deadly and addictive cigarettes, the deadliest artefact in human history. Yes, they are by far the main cause of cancer, they cause a third of all cancer deaths, 2 million dead due to lung cancer alone. There was no lung cancer before the 20th century. And yes, it is proven beyond any doubt that they cause at least 16 cancer types.
Scandal No. 2 is of course the unethical covid plandemic scam and covid ”vaccine” experiment. We do not need to debate this here…
I highly admire prof. John Ioannidis for being one of the few experts just acknowledging what is so obvious – both scandals. I am like him, I have no doubt in my knowledge in both cases. Have I made myself clear, Mr. les online??

May 26, 2024 5:43 AM

I think it is time that we have to drop the masses = “sheep” analogy Todd. I’m afraid the more accurate analogy now for most humans is = “lemmings.” “Lemmings” seemly fixated on looking to MSM and all their other “trusted authorities” to provide them with clear easy to follow directions to the next – “cliff.” All I’m saying is that our old tried and true – “the gullible masses = sheep” – analogy is kind of unfairly insulting to sheep at this point. : /

May 26, 2024 8:56 AM
Reply to  gbossa

Lemmings jumping over a cliff is a (Disney-promulgated) myth. More bs to get your head around. At least we know the truth about sheep and being herded to slaughter!

May 26, 2024 9:05 AM
Reply to  gbossa

The cliched image of lemmings comes from one Disney (D’Isgnay) nature film – it isn’t true.

Don’t be lemmingist!

May 26, 2024 4:58 AM

No chance whatsoever any of those German parasites were injected or have cancer. None of them have ever been jabbed with any poison injection. It’s an impossibility.

They are completely shielded from 5g cell towers, they have filtered air in their homes. They don’t even drink the same water, eat the same food as the rest of the UK and they do not use allopathy. They all use homeopathy. That’s why they live so long.

Theres a new cancer jab being rolled out in the UK which is why the scum are promoting it with this farcical psychological operation.

May 26, 2024 9:07 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Homeopathy is based on magical (or magikal) theories. It’s nonsense – although probably less outright harmful than much of allopathy.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 26, 2024 10:02 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Homeopathy is NOT ‘nonsense’, it works due to the fact that it works on the person (or animal/bird)’s energy body/spirit body (that being the real us [real animal/bird, etc]; it’s what literally animates our physical body ‘coat’), and that then filters through to the physical body, and heals [or not, as the case may be] the ill-health condition.

May 26, 2024 2:22 PM
Reply to  Edwige

No. Homeopathy is based on the law of similars, treating each patient holistically and individually. Those 3 principles date back to Hippocrates.

All molecules and compounds contain unique energetic, vibrational signatures, measurable with Energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry, Raman spectrometry, Mass spectrometry.

Water (as memory) acts as the vibrational carrier for the energetic potential of the natural substances.

The energetic (ionic) signature of substances remains, after dilution.

Homeopathic remedies also include Schuessler’s 12 cell-tissue salts. Based on biochemistry.

May 26, 2024 6:28 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Homeopathy more real than your jesus.
Has more results than your book written by nounces for mindcontrol cult members.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 26, 2024 6:37 PM
Reply to  nima

That is so, so true!!

Human values
Human values
May 27, 2024 1:36 AM

No, it isn’t. Jesus is the real Spirit, and I’m a bit surprised you wouldn’t know that. Everyone in Heaven knows Jesus.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 27, 2024 9:39 AM
Reply to  Human values

‘Christianity’ is a control system hoax for gullible people to fall for.

I’m very proud to be a properly-informed Spiritualist (have been so for a few months short of 30 years); there are literally countless millions of us around the world. Spiritualism is the one and only ‘religion’ that is able to absolutely prove what it states (and I’m not using the word ‘prove’ either loosely or wrongly); there are 30+ different categories of the evidences which prove what we say to be true.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 27, 2024 11:56 AM
Reply to  Human values

My post at the link below may well not be printed yet, I only posted it just over 10 minutes ago. It’s my reply to your post to ‘Researcher’ of earlier today, quite near the bottom of this article’s forum.


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 26, 2024 11:23 PM
Reply to  nima

Comparing bicycles with apples. Still despising and smearing the most innocent man who walked on earth?
How many times must he be crucified for the Pharisees and the false Priests so they can live and he can die again again again?

“You must have done something wrong”.
Marley – https://youtu.be/t1_KlM2S_LU

Human values
Human values
May 27, 2024 1:40 AM
Reply to  nima


Whatever you mean, it’s not true. Rejecting wisdom like that is not a smart move.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 27, 2024 1:07 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The proof in the pudding is in the eating – babies and animals (many European vets use homeopathy) being treated by homeopathy would be one category of proof.

In the lab, there is proof also though further trials cost millions and BigPharma sure isn’t interested in allowing any rival medicines to gain any traction.

Example of homeopathy killing cancer cells:

Induction of Apoptosis of Tumor Cells by Some Potentiated Homeopathic DrugsImplications on Mechanism of Action

Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson
May 26, 2024 3:59 AM

An experiment started in 1932 that took til 1940 to complete demonstrated that the action of a carcinogen was not the primary cause of cancer.When Japanese scientists put an azo dye in food for rats, the rats they developed a liver cancer. When American and European scientists repeated the experiment, the rats failed to get cancer. When it was finally realized that the rats were fed differently in Japan than in America and Europe, it was determined that polished rice had no inhibiting effect on the rats getting cancer, non-polished rice had a moderate inhibiting power and the best protection was provided by whole wheat.
A German surgeon, Bauer, commented on the experiment saying that “…the diet, whatever its nature, can favour cancer if, for a long period of time, it is lacking in certain essential substances.”
He reported this in his paper, “Das Krebsproblem (Berlin, 1949)”. It’s on the internet.
“Modern food” is grown for yield while declining nutritional values caused by the increased yields are ignored or denied. Money is the goal Cancer can often be the result.
Concentrating on the overwhelming invader, the carcinogen, while the weakened condition of the victim is ignored will continue to make large amounts of money for the cancer industry.
Focusing on the carcinogen is the wrong point of view.

May 26, 2024 6:26 AM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

It is not just “declining nutritional values”. There is processing (milling, heating and related pollution), additives and storage. Marketing promotes big quantities (gluttony), and foreign foods that should be only be eaten on specific occasions or with specific other items.

There are ~350,000 industrial substances, but even the largest sources list only ~150,000. Only a third of food additives have been tested for safety. ~20,000 remain proprietary secrets.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 26, 2024 1:55 AM

Are everybody sure Kate and King Clima Change got cancer as they say? I smelled rat and psy-op, but that is just me.

According to Kate on the video “she is now feeling so well and fine” after treatment.
I mean if King Carrot and Princess Kate so easily can get cancer, and afterwards get so fine by treatment, then we all could also so easily get cancer yes?

All right your cancer didnt go so well and you were not feeling fine after treatment. But at least you and the Royals are same. We get cancer together.  😖 

Elongated Muskrat
Elongated Muskrat
May 27, 2024 10:14 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I thought it was Queen Charles the First, you know, this day and age…

Stuart Davies
Stuart Davies
May 26, 2024 12:56 AM

You are most definitely on the right track there Todd. Here are a few of the best empirical evidence based sources I’m aware of that substantiate a major upswing in many types of cancer since 2021: “Given the universally recognized importance of optimally functioning BRCA1/2 for cancer prevention and given the central role of the TRAIL signal transduction pathway for additional cancer surveillance, the suppression of IRF7 and IRF9 through vaccination and subsequent SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein production is extremely concerning for long-term cancer control in SARS-CoV-2 mRNA genetic vaccine injected populations.” Vaccination has also been demonstrated to suppress both IRF7 and STAT2 (Liu et al., 2021). This can be expected to interfere with the cancer-protective effects of BRCA1 as described above. Cancers associated with impaired BRCA1 activity include breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer in women; prostate and breast cancer in men; and a modest increase in pancreatic cancer for both men and women (Cancer risk and BRCA1 gene, 2021). Reduced BRCA1 expression is linked to both cancer and neurodegeneration. BRCA1 is a well-known breast cancer susceptibility gene. BRCA1 inhibits breast cancer cell proliferation through activation of SIRT1 and subsequent suppression of the androgen receptor (Zhang et al., 2016). In a study conducted by Suberbielle et al. (2015) Analysis detailed in a recent case study on a patient diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma called angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma provided strong evidence for unexpected rapid progression of lymphomatous lesions after administration of the BNT162b2 mRNA booster shot (Goldman et al., 2021). Comparisons of detailed metrics for hypermetabolic lesions conducted immediately before and 21 days after the vaccine booster revealed a five-fold increase after the vaccine, with the post-booster test revealing a 2-fold higher activity level in the right armpit compared to the left one. The vaccine had been injected on the… Read more »

May 26, 2024 6:32 AM
Reply to  Stuart Davies

Case safety, adverse effect etc. are doubletalk for harm, permanent injury, homicide and mass murder.

May 26, 2024 10:49 AM
Reply to  Stuart Davies

Thanks for your efforts & thoughts:
It takes time to formulate, logically.

Moreover, to comprehend The Root Causation of any Cancer has long been a blocked/Black Spot on society, especially in relation to the Chemical constituents we choose (or not) to interact with. My mum’s case was easy to isolate the Root.
As the train windows shattered from the Shotgun Lead pellet, my mum instinctively protected herself face down & the shot lodged itself in her skull and wasn’t properly cleaned, afterwards, developing a rather large Black Spot, in the 60’s: what did we know ? What was known was kept secret & carefully guarded, because Atomic, Laser & Sonic Technology was and STILL is, first & foremost the Domain of Military Grade Frequency Radio Wave Energy Control of the masses: and their Minds: and in any given environment we are Guinea Pigs, eg. Marshall islands FFS, just the name Runit by your brain, a Ticking Timebomb.
Like so much other LandFill, we do…
Burying Chemical reality of Physical Chain reactions with faked & false narratives under Flags of. Convenience for Economic Oligarch’s A.i. , like Aladdin, To decipher ‘values’ ?

Never leave a Loaded ShotGun lying around one’s house, no matter how far removed one may believe that one is, in the Mountains or Wilds, because ‘everything Burns’, one way or another, like, not to mention Depleted Uranium Munitions, because, if I go there, this will evolve into a Massive Rant & loss of self control, discussing inHuman Stupidity…
Thanks again,

May 26, 2024 12:40 AM

Years before covid, before “spike protein”, the lipids were found to be toxic…. Why did they go with multiple dose shots? 
 “For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients.”

May 26, 2024 7:02 AM
Reply to  Rob

Experimenting on people used to be a major crime. It is now a multi-billion dollar business that benefits the rulers of “developing” nations.

May 26, 2024 11:43 AM
Reply to  mgeo

The common new label is pharmceutical research.

May 25, 2024 10:40 PM

Talking of lizards, the Ozempic jab to help people ‘lose weight’ gets its main ingredient from the Gila lizard – a hormone which allows lizards to feel no hunger during hibernation. That sounds like a good idea. Another drug people have been very quick to roll their sleeves up for. Many side effects have already been reported, including Ozempic face due to the loss of fat in the face causing people taking it to have skin droop on their face which is very aging. WTF? You can’t fix stupid.

susan mullen
susan mullen
May 25, 2024 9:57 PM

If Kate and the King are relying on surgery and chemo, their chances aren’t good. Their best chance would be non-surgical radiation beam. They’d have to travel to Manhattan for the treatments, all done outpatient, but requiring daily visits for a few weeks. 212-choices. Some years ago Jimmy Carter was on the verge of death due to brain cancer, but at the last minute he went for radiation beam treatments. He survived for many years after that.

May 25, 2024 9:42 PM

What concerns me is – how long have we got before the unusual suspects begin to inform us that there’s no such thing as cancer.

May 26, 2024 4:49 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

No they have a new jab for cancer ready.

That’s why they are promoting cancer using the Masonic parasites in that German inbred lineage, who changed their name to Windsor to sound more English.

May 26, 2024 8:03 PM
Reply to  Researcher

They weren’t the suspects I had in mind, nor was it the subject.

May 26, 2024 11:36 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Take lethal Rx, OTC by the bucket load. Get poison injections laced with monkey kidney cancer cells, recombinant proteins, mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, gentamicin etc.

Your chance of getting cancer is 0% *if* never vaccinated.

Stay ignorant of the germ theory fraud and the virus myth. Nobody minds.

The eugenicists who enslave humanity fabricated germ theory for one reason only: to get as many poison injections as possible (and Rx, OTC) into the slaves.

May 28, 2024 11:40 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I think you are probably right but I try to avoid all consensus opinions especially those of a dogmatic kind .

May 28, 2024 11:58 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

We avoid harm by avoiding their poisons. The ancient group of alchemists using generational control, have been poisoning humanity long before the Medicis, Borgias, Socrates. It’s their favorite kill program, alongside orchestrated wars.

When Dr. Daniels figured out her patients got better faster, the less medication she prescribed, she wrote The Lethal Dose.

May 28, 2024 2:17 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I avoid the leeches as much as possible.

May 28, 2024 8:22 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Good to know.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 28, 2024 8:07 PM
Reply to  Researcher

After they lost their 226000 h opium fields in Afghanistan to Taliban’s 0 heroine policy, they are crazy to get their addicts back in business.
I anticipate the new cancer jab is with luciferase lipo 666 too.

May 29, 2024 12:19 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Allegedly. I used to think that, before I figured out they already had complete control of the entire region pre 9-11. All governments are centrally owned, the admins are just puppets put in to manage the populations in every nation.

The more likely story is, they needed more land to expand the poppy production, and the Taliban couldn’t front that operation – their religious pious act – so the war was orchestrated to forcefully evacuate the more uncooperative farmers off their land and supervise upscaling crop production alongside Karzais brother, the drug warlord.

With the chaos of war it’s not as obvious they’re just seizing private land for more poppy fields. You can evacuate entire regions and move millions in a war. Fairly fast. And make tons money doing it with arms sales and defense contracts. It’s double whammy lucrative for the psychopaths.

The OBL cave psyop also served to create a fake scapegoat for the 9/11 demolition. Al Qaeda is actually a Saudi-US list of mujahideen fighters they’d used before: When Russia went into Afghanistan.

The timing went hand in hand with the Sackler/Purdue OxyContin push, and the legalization of Fentanyl 1998, to make addicts out of millions with Oxy, then flood the streets with cheap heroin laced with fentanyl.

Everything in our world is highly coordinated. The breadcrumbs they leave for us aren’t the entire story. They desperately want us to believe in this faux nation state voting bs. And wars. It’s their number one psyop.

Yes, I think there may be luciferase in some of the shots. Have you seen the videos where they shine a UV blacklight on their veins, and injection area, and it glows blue/purple? The controllers are psychopaths.

Betsey Norton
Betsey Norton
May 25, 2024 9:30 PM

The Royal family will not be needed in the NWO, therefore, time to go.

May 25, 2024 9:20 PM

The most likely cause of cancer in general is vaccination in general- which is injection with cancer causing materials. When this is done in childhood, the cancer comes many years later, with autism and neurological issues being the more immediate consequences for the unlucky.

Most of us have been poisoned in childhood, in an attempt to cull, sterilise or corrupt the human genome. This is the obvious purpose of ALL vaccination.

May 26, 2024 7:06 AM
Reply to  purgatorium

The autism is immediate and dramatic. Any affected parent will confirm this.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
May 25, 2024 8:20 PM

Mr Hayen

The most likely reason for increase in cancer cases is a global decline in immune health, which may well in part be explained by a decline in gut health.

However, due to health services becoming ‘Covid19 services’ for over a year in many Western countries, official ‘cancer diagnoses’ would have gone right down due to lack of referrals for 12 months and, as a result, as and when situation normal resumed, they would have been a backlog of early cancers turning into more advanced cancers due to lack of early diagnosis and treatment. This will likely also contribute toward increase in cancer cases.

The vaccines are an obvious suspect for the increase in cancers of young people, since the enemy worldwide decreed that healthy young people needed an untested concoction as a ‘vaccine’ against a disease they were almost certainly not going to seriously ill from.

What people must also understand, however, is that worsening data doesn’t have to be due to anything that everyone was exposed to. It could be a quite small population of young people doing things which radically increased their susceptibility to cancer. Has alcoholism increased sharply amongst the 18-35s? Has gross obesity increased in that age group? Does cocaine addiction adversely affect immune health amongst the young?

Has severe mental ill-health increased in that age group and does that reduce immune vigour?

It’s quite possible that lockdowns affected cancer emergence, due to poor exercise, depression, social isolation, poor diets, heavy drinking etc etc.

Those lockdowns were imposed by exactly the same people who demanded the vaccinations, so there’s no difference in who the enemy would be.

May 25, 2024 7:30 PM

UKColumn: The Green King (four parts). Does anyone recall the sculpture of Charles adorned by magnificent angel wings, standing atop a heap of human skulls? When were the Royals last seen in public? Question everything.

May 25, 2024 7:24 PM

FWIW: irreducible ecologic complexity without a lizard ruling class. Every living (eukaryotic) cell on the planet has the same thermodynamic setpoint. Cellular-molecular thermodynamics are planetary thermodynamics which is “Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics” [NET] which is not the same as the thermodynamics of physics. Biophysics is a robust synthesis of physics and biology. You can take a course if you want or we can do it the easy way with a justifiable slogan: <cellular-molecular thermodynamics are planetary thermodynamics>

That means that all life everywhere regulates all life everywhere, the nonlocal and nonlinear dynamics of which irreducible. Irreducible means irreducible; the whole regulates the whole. Homoeostatic metabolism requires a constant stream of energy, otherwise it is spontaneous (autopoietic). For which cellular-molecular thermodynamics requires and regulates a viable atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere et cetera. Proximal and singular homoeostasis requires nonlocal and nonlinear homoeostasis: ergo—IT IS NOT CAUSAL, MECHANICAL, REDUCTIVE, OR HIERARCHICAL. The function of the whole requires the function of the whole, and the function of the particular individual organism both constitutes and is constituted by the whole…. but never in such splendi isolation as we think reductively, causally, locally, hierarchically, categorically.

There is no causality, there is no categorical hierarchy, there is no self-existing individuality, not self-subsisting ‘essence’ and ecology is irreducibly holistic. Picking random instances and instantiating some random causality, some random categorical hierarchy, some random specific differences and imputing a lizard ruling class who may or may not infect one of their own ‘for the agenda’ is a monstrous inanity. The level of intelligibility of life is rapidly reducing to misosophy and ideological anti-knowledge based on logical antiquity. Causality is at best a useful metaphor, at worst intellectual oncology…. “turbo-cancer” of the brain.

May 26, 2024 1:09 AM
Reply to  Bryan


May 26, 2024 8:53 AM
Reply to  Johnny

There are billions of people active now, not one. The metaphysical hoops and tortuous logic required to reduce anthropogenesis to the singular case are inordinately complex. I comment on them sometimes just to see if people understand the complexity of what they think they think. They do not, but they have internalised it anyway so they will never think in any other way than the culturally mandated order.

In short; you cannot get a lizard ruling caste from a case of cancer unless you abuse metaphysics, which then becomes ideological. Nobody seems to have any bother internalising the logorrheic logic above, but try to introduce non-hierarchical physiologic and “Wha?”

Why not hold Todd to the KISS instead?

May 26, 2024 9:28 AM
Reply to  Bryan

What is tortuous is your language.
We are not all philosophers, linguists or even tertiary educated.
Speak simply so others may simply comprehend.


May 26, 2024 10:12 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Seriously Johnny, hold Todd or any of the other authors to the same standard you want me to abide to. The philosophers, linguists of the past GOT IT COMPLETELY WRONG. But nobody has any problem swallowing Classic Logic or “denotative descriptions” that are complete none-sense. Todd can rely on confected causality and nonce categorical hierarchy to link cancer and lizard kings, but I cannot question those commonly assumed principles?

I actually explained a fair bit of essential predetermination just last week. It is not me that has to change my presumptions. There really are billions of people active now. Their action really is coordinated and cooperative. There really is no linear causal chain of command. And there are no lizards at the top. It is not me employing tortuos language. My words refer to actual things, just like Russell wanted them to. To what do Todd’s words point? Agenda-setting cancer causing lizards that the sheep cannot see? Or total and utter pseudo-intellectual lizard shit?

Read some of my comments or go to the Metaphysics or “On Interpretation” and criticise the source of our split-minded madness. Or learn ecology? Then hold Todd to a non-Aristotelian and non-identitarian framework?

May 26, 2024 10:14 AM
Reply to  Bryan

Tortuous even!

May 26, 2024 10:26 AM
Reply to  Johnny

BTW: long before covid, I started with “autopoiesis” (internally self-assembling cells); proceeded through “non-equilibrium thermodynamics”–including ecologic economics and so on. I explained all my principles more than once. But they are not ‘my’ principles. Holistic ecology and embodied-energy metabolism are the real principles of life, not the rational-causal determinism of nonce hierarchy…. autonomous principles.

If we do not challenge the inherited principles of reason, then life will continue to suffer. You have to know the false principles in order to replace them, a task which is proving onerous and vexatious.

May 26, 2024 11:26 AM
Reply to  Bryan

Todd is pulling our chains Bryan.
Chill out a tad.

May 26, 2024 1:23 PM
Reply to  Johnny

If it was just Todd, sure enough. But it is every article. Our cognitive framework is metaphoric, not absolute. The absolutism is relentless repetition and reification of absurdities. If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. You know what that spells?

Kalle Müller
Kalle Müller
May 25, 2024 6:09 PM

The upswing in cancer cases is very likely to be caused by the jabs. They are made to But the important question is not what is causing the cancer, but what is FEEDING the cancer?
While almost all cells in your body can run on ketones (fat), cancer cells need sugar to survive. Some can also metabolize glutamine. without food all things die, even cancer.

Whatever causes the cancer, you can make sure that it doesn’t grow.

Check out Thomas Seyfrieds work:

May 26, 2024 7:11 AM
Reply to  Kalle Müller

The author has only heard of turbo cancer. He could look up Dr. William Makis, his fellow Canadian.

May 25, 2024 5:13 PM

We can speculate about people waking up but we won’t know until the next plandemic, which could be any day now it seems. Until then all we have are anecdotes. I’m far from convinced that most people have wised up based on my own anecdotes.

May 25, 2024 6:57 PM
Reply to  TRT

A few more have. At least that’s something. Whether it’s a critical mass, we shall see.

May 25, 2024 7:05 PM
Reply to  ChairmanDrusha

True, at least some have.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 26, 2024 6:50 PM
Reply to  TRT

Even then, we would probably not know because all media is fake figures.

I think we will only know by seeing and hearing very few of our family members and friends revised their opinion “this time I will not do it”.

When this stage is met, they will have invented something else to traumatize the population, a declared war between Russia and UK for example.
See how the Ukraine war turned up just when the Corona scam was exhausted.

Karl Grove: “We are an Empire and historical actors, and when we act we define reality, and all you will be left with is to study what we do, until we act again and define new realities.”

Goal: Depopulation, NWO, Central control of every penny of your money and movement.

Sal P
Sal P
May 25, 2024 5:11 PM

Going a bit off-topic here for a minute.

I’m still holding on to my belief that humanity has the intelligence, capability and good-will to create a world that will be peaceful and creative for our children and grandchildren and subsequent generations.

But then, I run into a bit of history like this (see below). Even though this incident took place 100 years ago, it’s still a real head-scratcher (no pun intended) and a sobering reminder not only that history does, at times, repeat itself (or at least rhymes – I leave it to the reader to figure out the parallels), but also that just because a person is capable of doing something, it’s no guarantee that it will get done.

“The Straw Hat Riot of 1922 was a riot that occurred in New York City at the end of summer as a result of unwritten rules in men’s fashions at the time, and a tradition of taunting people who had failed to stop wearing straw hats after autumn began. Originating as a series of minor riots, it spread due to men wearing straw hats past the unofficial date that was deemed socially acceptable, September 15. It lasted eight days, leading to many arrests and some injuries.”


May 25, 2024 5:07 PM

Who is acquainted with Britain’s Dr. David Hughes? His investigation and analysis is not only comprehensive, but deeply troubling.

May 25, 2024 5:54 PM
Reply to  Brigitte

Upon opening the link you provided I saw it was a talking head video so I left.

May 25, 2024 9:27 PM
Reply to  Fritz
May 25, 2024 11:57 PM
Reply to  Fritz

Patience is a virtue. Perhaps I should have mentioned that the interviewer was not someone I hold in great esteem. However, Prof. David Hughes talked the vast majority of time, and his analysis is very much worth listening to. It’s approximately 2 hours in length. Otherwise, his book is available to read, to which he refers. The interview was really a synopsis.

Sal P
Sal P
May 26, 2024 5:10 AM
Reply to  Brigitte

I’m about 42 minutes into the video. I think Hughes knows what he’s talking about. I had previously read his article, Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State, which I recommend.

May 26, 2024 5:27 PM
Reply to  Sal P

Thank you, Sal. Indeed, Hughes sees the big picture as opposed to those who get stuck on an aspect or two of these crimes against us all.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 26, 2024 9:28 AM
Reply to  Brigitte

I read your video. The guy is really good, professional. Thanks Brigitte.

Resume of the video: Covid was a detailed planed military psychological operation with the aim to subdue the population and in the long term depopulate.
The military have tree stage scenarios in these operations: The official narrative, the gate keepers controlled opposition, and the the truth seekers.
All figures we see during the false Covid case in the media are false.

May 26, 2024 5:29 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Thank you, Erik.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
May 25, 2024 4:50 PM

RE: It is much easier to blame the usual suspects—pollution, bad water, unhealthy food, toxins in general, messy lifestyles, no exercise, and now, of course, climate change.

The most likely culprit, you don’t mention – stress. And there’s plenty of science to back this up.

May 26, 2024 11:48 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Congrats. You’ve just solved half the puzzle.

May 25, 2024 4:35 PM

With >80,000 chemicals produced at >1 ton volume in Europe, testing even for a “representative” subset of “standard” species cannot be achieved in any sensible timescale

This is disgraceful. With chronic and increasing economic ecotoxicology, none of the ‘usual subjects’—pollution, bad water, unhealthy food, toxins in general (…)—can be ruled out. But you already made your minds up before you came here…. “Kate’s got cancer, the agenda did it, the sheep won’t get it, the ruling lizard class infected their own, possibly?” Can you not even hear your own insanity?

May 25, 2024 5:15 PM
Reply to  Bryan

If this much vaunted atrocity so lovingly called “Science” could actually be put to work trying to solve real problems – instead of first creating then attempting to hide them – then we might have had answers to not only the cancer but just about every other problem facing humanity.

And, especially, for all the trillions spent on medical research over the centuries, we still know about as much about the workings – the actual workings – of the human interior as the champions of leech therapy did. Oh, we have exotic names for everything to be sure, and we’ve mapped every square nanometer inside us – but, when all is said and done, we’re no closer to discovering how it all works in synergy than the tribal witch doctor.

Funny how we’ve managed to learn just enough about human biology to enable Big Pharma to create miracle “cures” for everything, wouldn’t you say?

May 25, 2024 7:45 PM
Reply to  Howard

The scope of your comment is enormous, not least because “Science” is not one homogenous thing. Whilst much of ‘science’ is Cartesian, much is also trying to break away from the reductive paradigm. Systems science is quite well established and the new “post-genomic” and “-omic” paradigm is emerging. By “-omic” I mean somatic, holonic, physiomic, proteomic and metabolomic paradigm.

Descartes got it wrong. There are not two substances. There is no hidden ‘unextended’ thinking thing. Thinking is cellular-molecular activity as metabolomic. That means there is no alien life principle visiting from outer space and ‘nailed’ to the body with teeensy, weeny nails. The life-principle is metabolomic, proteomic and physiomic. The self-moving principle is the same metabolome (which makes for a proteomic substance and modes neo-Spinozan biophysics.)

In short: there is no external causality and the body is autogenic, if provided with near constant energy from food, not from outer space. That means that there is no psyche, no soul. no mind, no consciousness…. but there is a body which actually is automatic (literally “self-moving, self-articulating”.) But we have grown to hate the idea of a bete machine.

I do not disagree with the monstrosity of “Big Pharma”. What I disagree with is trying to isolate the monstrous assault on all life. Right now there are billions of us using every known chemical, every known toxin, a monstrous amount of energy and matter. Let’s look at the whole economic cycle as xenobiotic, not just ‘Kate’s cancer’.

May 26, 2024 7:15 AM
Reply to  Howard

The researchers may have discovered much, but if it cannot be turned into private property for profit, it will not see the light of day.

May 25, 2024 5:16 PM
Reply to  Bryan

Insanity you say? This is a forum where we have discussed that vax, as well as the mythical “covid” and all the agendas that it was used to facilitate for years. Why would it be insanity to question, and Todd did present more of a question here for us to ponder, that the vax, a totally experimental “technology” never before cleared for human use, would have something to do with all the highly publicized incidents of sudden cancers, not to mention sudden “unexpected” deaths? While all those other 80K chemicals do indeed have something to do with all these cancers, why should anyone who is asking honest questions ignore the elephant in the room? IMHO it is “disgraceful” to ignore that. And really, why get so defensive about merely discussing this? Besides, do we really know either Charles or Kate have cancer? I admit it is extremely tacky to use cancer for sympathy, but would it really be surprising that any of the ownership class would do that? That monarchy has struggled for relevance for decades, and if one cannot see by now all the publicity around them, all the hype of arguments and all that talk of which figures from it are “in” and which ones are “out” could you not see that being used to keep them in the public eye, ad nauseum? Could that not be used to gin up not only sympathy, but specious arguments such as yours about the “disgrace” of even talking about such things, or assigning such disgraceful motivations to an ownership class that does not give one shit about the people their mandates and admonishments to get that shot harmed for real? There are far too many agendas being played out to keep our attention focused on many events that might not… Read more »

May 25, 2024 9:28 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

We are not discussing ‘covid’ or engaging in any sort of honest questioning though, are we? The article is written for a target audience who would be amenable to linking ‘alleged’ high profile cancer cases, the ‘agenda’, the ‘sheep’ an the ruling lizard class employing a form of logic previously unknown. What validly follows from what?

I also know people who have died or are dying from cancer, multiple people, including good friends who died unexpectedly, far too young…. but I do not immediately conclude that it must have been the lizard ruling class because that is preposterous. If you want to discuss totally experimental “technology” then let us include terrestrial ecotoxicology and untested economic xenobiosis being deployed by billions right now. And let us include the noxious effects of the internet as one of the planets major energy consumers.

Lets open the whole thing up to a holistic appraisal not of random incidents, but of longterm trends and patterns. And let us do it properly by not taking anything for granted… omnibus dubitandum est…. let us doubt causation, linear determinism and reduction in particular, because that is what I have been trying to do for years…. long before ‘covid’.

May 25, 2024 11:04 PM
Reply to  Bryan

(some of it came through.)

And let us not balk from the real economic relationship that we will not speak of, which is the net imperialism of consumption that relies on subhumanised production in the Third World. Because that really needs to be a part of our holistic worldview. I’ve raised all these issues before, but here we are linking cancer and lizards to form a ‘shrew’ ideology based on nothingness but preconceived consent.

So let us discuss things like ecology, economy and rabid ecotoxic technology. Let me tell you that this is not a subject for this forum, something I have found out by long and hard trying to open up the discussion beyond confirmation bias. The most real thing in this world is our economic poisoning of ecology. Cancers, other metabolic syndromes, decimation of biodiversity, expropriation of Unpeople, dwindling reserves and so on really should be open for discussion. But let us discuss the whole context, not random non sequitur dissociations. Where is the sympathy for the Third World that produces the energy, matter and so on for this forum for us to not discuss them ever?

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
May 26, 2024 3:12 AM
Reply to  Bryan

There is, of course, a case for holistic examination of causes, but there is also a case for direct examination of Covid, which doctors on the front line have noticed a huge rise in turbo cancer among the vaccinated. It’s unwise to overlook Covid vaccination as a likely cause just as it is imprudent to overlook the role of Covid vaccination in excess death.

May 26, 2024 9:11 AM
Reply to  Hamish Dawson

Yes, but the article is not an honest examination of covid. It is a biased predetermination that is prejudicial of any open and honest inquiry… with ‘insider tropes’ of the agenda, sheep (and shrews), causal hierarchy and ruling lizards who poison their own, allegedly. What is open and honest about that?

As I said above: let us discuss covid, ecotoxicology, novel and persistent pollutants, a narcissistic waste economy and so on and emplace the result of the covid enquiry in a holistic framework. Let us even question the framework itself (re: causality and so on) and not even take that for granted. But let us not leap from an isolated cancer case to lizard monarchy so hastily. You might find that a holistic framework does not make covid look so exceptional, more par for the course. But let us not take that for granted.

When does this unbiased inquiry begin? Because I am all in.

May 26, 2024 4:35 AM
Reply to  Bryan

Injecting that Icke psyop into your chatGPT melange of utter bullshit is typical and dishonest.

Why don’t YOU just get off the internet, stop consuming so much extra energy and do the world a favor. But you don’t, you won’t, not only because you’re a hypocrite, but also a ‘concern troll’, shilling for the cryptocracy who you also deny exist.

Your weak attempt to control what other people do, just like the cryptocracy shows you up as an order following lackey of theirs, a de facto Satanist.

May 26, 2024 9:20 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Simply because people like you would have their way.

Marc Stevens
Marc Stevens
May 29, 2024 5:49 PM
Reply to  Bryan

Can you point us to anyone else who mentions the “ruling lizard class”

May 25, 2024 9:30 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

It won’t let me post a reply.

George Mc
George Mc
May 25, 2024 7:16 PM
Reply to  Bryan

And why do you think those ARE the “usual suspects”, Bryan?

May 25, 2024 9:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You, me and everybody else. There is no causal hierarchy. There is no causality. What there is is billions of people doing stuff by transforming matter into commodities and bodies using energy everywhere…. for profit. But who profits from such a massive diseconomy? Not you me or anybody. I’m done with blaming figments of ideology and imaginability-only. If we spent as much energy on really questioning the inherited problematics we’d be well on the way to recovery. Instead we play our narcissistic victim ideology language-games and feel smug whilst we victimise the Third World and voraciously consume the remaining reserves on a soon to be uninhabitable planet. The only known life-supporting planet will soon be the eulogy of our collective victim methodology.

May 25, 2024 7:17 PM
Reply to  Bryan

“pollution, bad water, unhealthy food, toxins in general”

Sure, but all of those things existed long before the covid shots. Why would they suddenly become greater threats now?

May 25, 2024 9:17 PM
Reply to  TRT

Because of the exponential rate of our economy! The more we work, the worse the ecology gets. Ecotoxicology exponentiates with us, but at a lagged rate. We have no idea of the harm we have done and even if we stopped, the harm would continue for, well, who knows. Have you ever heard of “forever chemicals” that bioaccumulate, well, forever! Who knows what level of toxicity we have unleashed and for how long? Certainly not Todd.

les online
les online
May 26, 2024 6:15 AM
Reply to  Bryan

Back at The Ranch it might be considered a clash
between Straight Talking, and Confirmation Bias ?
There’s no sitting on the fence if the palings have
sharp ends ?

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
May 26, 2024 3:14 AM
Reply to  TRT


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 26, 2024 10:22 PM
Reply to  TRT

Because the vaxx neutralised people’s own immune system.

May 27, 2024 8:52 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Erik, there is no such thing as ‘the immune system’ as such. In the same way, as ‘the heart is NOT a pump’ as such.
It’s a LOVE system, responding to how much LOVE you put in to your unique version of the life process. And the holobodygram naturally responds to and reflects this input. This can take place instantly under the right circumstances, or take decades.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 28, 2024 8:11 PM
Reply to  ariel

No problem. We just also have to get around and bring it on so people understand it.
I understand you, but its a very sophisticated mental level for most people :-).

May 25, 2024 4:24 PM

How Top U$ Disease Authority Denigrated and Rejected the Truth about the Lab Origin of Covid-19


Video by Dr.Been. Recently on OffG I posted Dr.Been’s Link to Moderna’s Spike Protein (U$ Patent App 2016) discovered inside Covid-19. This discovery, that Covid-19 aka SARS-2 was a GMO virus, came out in the first year of the pandemic but the MSM kept it very quiet, and only a few virologists such as Prof.Montagnier in Paris noted its significance.

“This virus is a test tube baby” — Luc Montagnier, Virologist, 2020.

“The truth rarely if ever convinces its opponents; it simply outlives them” — Max Planck, Physicist, 1900.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
May 25, 2024 4:54 PM
Reply to  NickM

That is a non-story about another non-story – a limited hangout used to distract people from the reality that there was no Covid-19 or any other pathogen.


May 26, 2024 5:16 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

This is OffG
Where speech is free
But for facts in the bank
Remember Planck.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
May 26, 2024 8:00 PM
Reply to  NickM

Ok, then. I guess this will outlive you.

May 27, 2024 6:36 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

You suppose. I suppose. He supposes.
God disposes.

George Mc
George Mc
May 25, 2024 4:06 PM

On the topic of epidemics, if there’s one page that sinks Wankipedia it’s this one:
Epidemics in boldface are “ongoing”. Note – of course no. 5:
COVID-19 pandemic      Death toll: 7–35 million (as of 2024)     
The bullshit factor is somewhat highlighted by that peculiar spread of “death toll”. An uncertainty factor of 28 million? Considered as proportion it’s a spread with a factor of 5.
Which kinda makes you wonder what else on this page is guff.

May 26, 2024 5:39 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The 2022 U$ figure of 190,000 for death from annual Flu is probably not guff. Only, by some strange administrative cockup, the disease has been misnamed “CON-19” instead of Flu. (see my reply to Clutching at Straws, 5.29pm)

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
May 25, 2024 3:02 PM

Ed Dowd, former Wall Street wunderkind and statistical experts, has used two unfudged statistics to prove that the correlation between the “deployment” of the clot shots and untimely death and disability is startling. Probably the most telling of these is that the corporate life insurance claims of private insurance companies have risen in many instances over 40% since the rollout. The standard deviation against previous changes in this number is huge and has resulted in giant losses for these companies which base their profit and loss on remarkably constant historical actuarial numbers. I forgot the SD number but it was around 10, but not for 2020 when the covid disease hoax was purportedly raging and prior to the death shot rollout. This was among the “healthiest”segment of the US demographic, middle class people with corporate health insurance between the ages of 18 and 65. I disagree with Todd’s claim regarding the vast majority of the “sheep” still being asleep to the toxicity of the jabs. My SO, for example, who got the Pfizer double jab against my screams and hollers, when I recently warned her against the bird flu fake vaccine, told me. “Don’t worry, I will never take another one of those.” Fortunately, she wised up pretty quickly and never took a “booster,” and so far has no apparent health effects from them. I, for one, will never take any injection of pharma crap for any reason, although I fear future dental work on that account. I must admit that I am somewhat skeptical regarding the administration of toxic mRNA through the alimentary canal. I would doubt that significant amounts are absorbed, as opposed to direct injection (though it is possible.) As to the rise of the cancer mortality component, this is now easily understandable with the private researcher disclosure… Read more »

May 25, 2024 4:52 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Excellent post; though may I caution you against too much caution before consulting a physician again. True, the Medical Profession betrayed the public and dishonoured the Hippocratic oath. Nevertheless, some drugs and surgical procedures do actually work: for instance, I can personally vouch for tooth filling and cataract removal under local anaesthetic; and for the moderate efficacy of diet plus exercise plus pills in lowering blood pressure.

May 26, 2024 7:34 AM
Reply to  NickM

They used to swear for a century that mercury amalgum was safe as tooth filling. Why are they dropping it now?

May 27, 2024 5:13 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Because acrylic is easier to mix, easier to match with tooth colour, quicker to set, cheaper and much less poisonous than mercury.

May 26, 2024 7:29 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

The control freaks would love to take away choice over the jab. Around 2021, 3 or more countries announced projects to deliver the jabs by aerosol: people would breathe it in, unaware. Some research shows that the jabbed certainly can spread the infernal spite to others. Turning up the 5G frequency may give the same control, though only for the jabbed/tainted people.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 26, 2024 9:53 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

The key to understand the Covid vaxx harm is the description Moderna make: “hacking of human life’s software”, cheat, go behind and neutralise the natural immune system.

This is also what the Israeli gay professor jerk says, “we can now hack all humans”.

When people’s natural immune system are neutralised, people are open for all kind of attacks on their health, here among cancer!

May 25, 2024 3:01 PM

Did someone mention 5G?

Look at the ‘Swiss Re’ report of 2019.

It’s a 60 page pdf, 5G is mentioned in it, the bloody Conspiracy Theorists

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
May 26, 2024 1:23 AM
Reply to  TFS

Yes, at the time of the cv-1984 “outbreak” in late 2019 in Wuhan, Wuhan was bragging about being the earliest and most intense 5G city in the world. One couldn’t “swing a cat” without hitting a transmitter. Made me want to move there so I could be among all those young men face planting themselves into sidewalks as they demonstrated this most typical cv-1984 symptom.

May 26, 2024 6:01 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

The risk from Electromagnetic Radiation is different from the risk of Viral Infection. Labs at Wuhan were working on GMO Virus Covid-19; and at the same time Wuhan was hosting World Army Games which included competitors from U$ Army Lab Fort Detrick, Maryland, U$A, which had been closed down because people in the neighbourhood of Fort Detrick started coming down with SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome): that is why Wuhan had an epidemic of SARS flu, just like in Maryland.

By all means avoid excess exposure to electromagnetic radiation — from microwave (cooking) to infrared (sunburn) to X & Gamma rays (cancer). But EMR is a different weapon from GMO Viruses in the U$ Army’s vast and varied arsenal.

May 26, 2024 7:38 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

A “principality” in the North West of Italy – maybe San Marino – also had a high number of “cases” per million for the same reason.

George Mc
George Mc
May 25, 2024 2:39 PM


-if a ludicrously wigged fat middle aged guy in a skirt can walk into a woman’s toilet and whack his todger out … and then whine about being persecuted when someone dares to suggest that he isn’t a woman and the entire media and legislature backs him up…

-and if primary schoolkids can be encouraged to think they can switch sex and start preparing for genital mutilation whilst the entire media etc…..

-and if (AARF!) reputable scientists can claim that cow flatulence is plunging the Earth into a volcanic upheaval whilst the entire media etc…..

…then how is an upswing in cancer even going to register?

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
May 25, 2024 3:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Very good point…

John Burns
John Burns
May 25, 2024 2:11 PM

Look up Professor Angus Dalgleish a top UK consultant oncologist. He believes the mRNA vaccines are responsible for ‘turbo’ cancers and the return of cancers in patients of his who have been in remission for years prior to being vaccinated.

May 25, 2024 6:07 PM
Reply to  John Burns

“Having worked in vaccine development for a decade I remembered an adage that if a vaccine needs a booster, it doesn’t work!”
— Prof. Dalgleish
Source: https://seemorerocks.substack.com/p/japanese-study-finds-mrna-injections

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
May 25, 2024 2:00 PM

“The only way to break the “iron triangle” of the cancer-industrial complex — the partnership of bureaucrats, industry, and politicians beholden to industry — is by fully establishing and exercising our right to know. The public must be aware of the hazards it faces.”  Dr. Samuel Epstein
An Epidemic Of DeceptionWhy We Can’t Trust The Cancer Establishment — An Interview With Samuel Epstein

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
May 25, 2024 5:04 PM
Reply to  Derek Diamond

From the article:

Over the last few decades, our total environment has become pervasively contaminated with a wide range of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals, some of which are persistent — that is, long-lived. When I say “total environment,” I mean our air, water, soil, consumer products, food, and workplace. Even our own body fats have become contaminated. This is true from the North Pole to the South, not only for humans but for a wide range of marine life and wildlife, as well.

May 25, 2024 6:12 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

How 3M Executives Convinced a Scientist the Forever Chemicals She Found in Human Blood Were Safe

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
May 28, 2024 11:25 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

“While Roundup is not commonly used on golf courses, it is widely applied in public parks, around schools and on fields where children play — something that also deeply troubles Nisker, a father of three.” LYNNE PEEPLESGolf, pesticides and a father’s deathhttps://www.salon.com/2019/06/14/golf-pesticides-and-a-fathers-death_partner/ Adam Long, Michael Blair, Jakob Chicoyne (a) and Maxwell Sear grab final exemption spots into 2024 RBC Canadian Openhttps://www.rbccanadianopen.com/2024/05/28/adam-long-michael-blair-jakob-chicoyne-a-and-maxwell-sear-grab-final-exemption-spots-into-2024-rbc-canadian-open/

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
May 29, 2024 1:23 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

“The art of great television is to be authentic, but professionally.” Bruce Arthur https://www.thestar.com/sports/opinion/tsns-darren-dutchyshen-was-one-of-one-well-be-telling-dutchy-stories-and-laughing-for/article_13a28afe-13a8-11ef-aca0-177675fc89cd.htmlTelling StoriesHow Television Skews Our View Of Society, And Ourselves — An Interview With George Gerbner

Harold Thunderstorm III.
Harold Thunderstorm III.
May 25, 2024 1:36 PM

She: “Couldn’t you just lie on top of me without any sexual ulterior motives? Just look at me intensely, perceive me as an independent personality!”

Me: “I can also insert my penis into your vagina without any sexual ulterior motives and leave it there for hours if you wish.”

Her: “Why do you always have to ridicule my serious thoughts!”

Me: “Because they are simply ridiculous. Why don’t you stop putting so much weight on your ‘seriousness’, you’re adding a damn unnecessary burden to life.”

May 25, 2024 6:15 PM

I see the politically correct gang has been busy registering down votes to your comment.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 26, 2024 10:33 PM

The answer is “because a man and a woman is One Unit”. There is no “independent personality” when a man lies on top of a woman.
The independent personality both for man and women exist only in public when they are sole.

May 25, 2024 1:16 PM

Reductive physical determinism represents the assignment of Causation to external factors producing physical effects (That extend or multiply a chain of cause and effect). This negates, discards or downplays the psychic element of a psycho-physical experience – albeit perceived through a dark glass of its own thinking. Because such a ‘consciousness’ or definitional posture is socially, culturally and economically normalised, it runs invisible BUT for its effects or fruits of experience. Yet conflicts, incongruences & dissonances are effectively remapped to support the original thesis of a separated or encapsulated ‘self’ seeking externally for connection and sustenance as survival and fulfilment within the frame of mortal threat. The pattern here is of a life-shock by which a mind is split from it true source and nature to operated from a false or mis-taken inheritance – ie from separation trauma associated with fear of pain and of loss, set in rejection, abandonment, treachery & betrayal. To the post-separation psyche, nakedness is undefended, and shame is an exposure to lack of having, knowing and being – hence the invocation of the masking defences of the means to distance, divert, displace, deny and obfuscate – a mindset we see more readily in others rather than recognise ourself in. When fear is projected to a ‘solution’ by which to scape it from our mind, we give the power of mind to the elements and arena of its premise as a gain of function – to boost the mask of ‘defences’ by sacrifice of ‘conflicted’ life to external associations or answers. That this can relieve temporarily makes it expedient as a temporary measure against overwhelm under fear, but as a basis for protecting conflicts from healing, runs a death wish of refusal to love or give & receive a wholeness of being – at ‘cost’ of… Read more »

May 25, 2024 6:22 PM
Reply to  Binra

When I went to York, I paid others to monitor the lectures with a tape recorder because many of the lecturers spoke not unlike you. As you may guess, I didn’t want to be seen falling asleep in class and run the risk of having my average diminished.😇

May 25, 2024 11:13 PM
Reply to  Fritz

Yeah it all about masking presentations to fall asleep without being noticed.

May 25, 2024 12:35 PM

I think the main consequence of the whole Covid experience, at least to me, is exposing the corruption in the medical community, led by the drug makers and sellers. Being a trusting soul, I always felt like they were in business to save lives with treatments. After the Covid experience, it seems profit is the actual main motive and I am a loyal capitalist.

When the JAB mandates started coming that required pregnant women to take the JAB or lose their job or healthy young college students required to take the JAB to continue their education or two year olds to take the JAB, and many other required to take the JAB, kinda makes you think something else is going on here.

Also, before the so-called vaccine, there was not treatment except to isolate yourself and hope, they would not allow hydrox or ivermectin to be tried even when they showed some promise. That made no sense.

Ivermectin has shown some promise in treating cancer as an alternative to chemo, but I see little interest in that in the main medical community. Maybe it’s not valid, but who knows unless you really try. The pharmaceutical companies have no interest it seems since there is no big bucks if true.

So, unfortunately, I have lost trust in the pharmaceutical companies, medical community, CDC, on an on. There just seems to be too much interest in other motives than helping patients survive horrible diseases.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
May 25, 2024 2:28 PM
Reply to  Mark41

I agree the main consequence of the whole Covid experience was to expose the corruption in the medical community. Like you I thought they were in business to help people with treatments, although being in generally good health I rarely availed myself of their help and had a general dislike of doctors and hospitals and the anti-septic smell.

Having been diagnosed with a cancer in early 2020 I was being given immuno-therapy continuing into lockdown which helped me see through the Covid scam and the scam of cancer treatments and how big pharma is based on flawed science.

This explains some of what was going on re my health and its cause.


This is self-explanatory.


el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
May 25, 2024 3:16 PM
Reply to  Mark41

IMHO the primary motive on the part of TPTB is depopulation and disability sickening of the population. Pharma profits are just a welcome side benefit. Despite the giant profits of Pfizer and Moderna from the fake vaccines, the Fed is (on their publicly disclosed books) printing a trillion dollars of fake fiat every 100 days, which dwarfs the fake vaccine profits.

May 25, 2024 5:23 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Yes, thank you for pointing out the depopulation motive as well. And, IMHO as well, I think there were and are multiple motives depending on who you are. I remember that hospitals were financially rewarded for identifying patients with Covid and treating them with remdesivir and using ventilators. The remdesivir drug, I have heard, is very toxic and very expensive and don’t believe was a useful treatment for Covid.

Anyway, thank you for the depopulation motivation as being part of the Covid/JAB strategy. So many things are happening today that, IMO, will affect WW population, short term and long term.

May 25, 2024 7:20 PM
Reply to  Mark41

No such thing as Covid so no treatment necessary.

May 25, 2024 9:43 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Maybe so, but it was some kind of Flu virus that caused people to get sick and some die. It was a respiratory virus that if it progressed and one had a weakened immune system could cause death. Call it what you may, but something did occur. Maybe just a flu virus.

Anyway, certain groups took advantage of it and caused the world to go crazy and allow governments to control behavior of its citizens.

If Ivermectin could lessen the effects of the virus no matter what you called it, it is a treatment and a welcomed treatment.

May 26, 2024 3:56 AM
Reply to  Mark41
May 26, 2024 8:13 AM
Reply to  Mark41

I’m unvaxxxed, ignored all the mandates, rules, masks, restrictions as best I could (could not enter a supermarket but could still buy wine at a bottle shop – so no major drama as I had a few cans of beans etc put by)

Took vits B, C, D, Mag, zinc, but then came down with something really weird – hacking, persistent dry cough & flue-like symptoms + aches & pains that just wouldn’t go away. Felt like death warmed up.

After more than 3 weeks, getting pretty desperate – refused to go to a doctor let alone a hospital – then got hold of some ivermectin & all good within the week.

My conclusions…1. caught something – no dispute there- I’d never had before 2. ivermectin works.

But then, Researcher is a smart-arse who knows everything, so I must be wrong.

May 26, 2024 1:12 PM
Reply to  Ian


  1. you’re lying
  2. you experienced the nocebo effect
  3. your recovery was coincidental to the Ivermectin
May 27, 2024 3:12 PM
Reply to  Lexie

Number one. Highly likely. Never seen this “character” before.

Gave a Masonic Sufi quote down the thread, supports the psyop of the 19thC Masonic Spiritualism Movement and Gnostic New Age movement.

Defends an unhinged abuser who trolled me with more than 40 harassing, abusive responses pushing her spiritualist religion.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 27, 2024 5:54 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You are SUCH a liar.

I am NOT an ‘unhinged abuser’, it is you who are the abuser of me (you’ve also abused Ian and Human values).

I did NOT ‘troll’ you! I merely responded to your post (re. Diana) on 25 May, to which you began subjecting me to vile abuse.

As I keep telling you, Spiritualism truly IS absolutely proven (the nature of ‘proof’ is NOT [as you wrongly think] ‘a scientific paper’; proof takes the form of the evidences for the subject under discussion), and one day (the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’), you will discover that to be the truth. And then you will react with shame, guilt, and remorse, for having so wrongly abusing me.

Human values
Human values
May 28, 2024 10:35 AM

Abuse is just how a narcissist reacts when you disagree with them. Researcher has played the whole narcissist’s playbook here. Projections, gaslighting, playing the victim, twisting things no matter how absurd, and all other crazy-making schemes.

The narcissist is in such darkness that no light of reason can enter.

The best thing to do is to not allow the narcissist to manipulate you. Whatever Researcher wrote about you, accused you of, see it for what it is, a blatant lie.

Researcher blames anyone and anything for being fake, masonic and satanic, especially those who are spiritually aware. But what is fake and satanic in reality is, of course, the narcissistic ego.


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 28, 2024 2:35 PM
Reply to  Human values

You are so very right with all that you’ve said above, Human values. I said to myself yesterday that she’s carrying out projection. To give just one example of many, she it is who’s the narcissist, most definitely not me! Twisting things is exactly what she did, in the vilest manner. She also told at least one blatant lie about me, despicably claiming that (some months ago) I’d written here on Off-G that I’ve suffered from “multiple ill-health conditions for many years”. Well, what a lie! I most definitely have not written that anywhere on Off-G, nor anywhere else, nor verbalised those words to anyone in my life, for the simple reason that I’ve NOT ‘suffered multiple ill-health conditions for many years”…! I actually am suffering severe ill-health currently… it may well be that I have cancer… I’m currently making sure that my diet is full of foods etc which increase alkalinity. For that is one excellent way of treating/curing most, if not all, cancers. I’ve taken Vitamin C at several grams a day for just short of 30 years, and have been taking Vit. D3 daily for 8-9 years. Am of course still doing so. I now am making sure that I drink green tea several times a day (is known to stop cancer growth and metastasis). Am taking other things, too, just in case it is cancer that I’m suffering. Her obsession with claiming that almost everything is fake, masonic, and satanic, is horrific to see. Her posts are full of such claims. Is she really not aware that she’s obsessed with claiming these ridiculous things? She said that she ‘follows’ Miles Mathis’ writings. Well, I wasted a few minutes, a few days ago, to take a look at his site, and found, to my stunned shock, that… Read more »

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 28, 2024 2:39 PM
Reply to  Human values

P.S. to my reply to you of a few minutes’ ago. I meant to say thank you very much for providing the link re. narcissists.

May 26, 2024 5:44 PM
Reply to  Ian

It’s no secret that biologic/chemical weapons have been dispersed in populations, the Tuskegee experiment being just one. The scientists who discovered ivermectin in the late 70s won the Nobel prize. It was on the WHO’s list of essential medicines and has been used to treat billions of people since that time. It’s also why it was banned during the covid psy-op, along with hydroxychloroquine. Wise of you to separate noise from the signal.

May 27, 2024 7:17 PM
Reply to  Ian

Pushing the contagion myth and germ theory hoax. And the controlled opposition Ivermectin psyop.

3 hoaxes in one comment.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 26, 2024 10:43 PM
Reply to  Mark41

Yes, to horses. Are you are horse now?
Before you were monkey man, neanderthal man, cro-magnon man, stone age man, bronze man, damp machine man, digital man, and now you are a horse?  🙄 .

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
May 26, 2024 1:30 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Disagree. Non-existent, fraudulent diseases are the ones which most require treatment.

May 26, 2024 7:50 AM
Reply to  Mark41

Ivermectin has shown more than “promise”:

It is sad that you feel the need to say “I am a loyal capitalist”.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 26, 2024 10:36 PM
Reply to  Mark41

You are far away. You focus on doctors and pharma, where you should focus on the MIC.

MIC is the unit who blackmail, threaten, pressure, abuse, and use psychological torture to create abused passive obedient victims.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 25, 2024 11:43 AM

In the 80’s AIDS was the bogeyman. The very word sent a chill down the spine.

Replaced in 2020 of course by covid, still working it’s magic for millions despite the overwhelming evidence of vax damage (AZ selflessly withdrawing their creation to make way for the next generation of jabs)

Now they’ve gone for the big ‘C’ – the ultimate taboo.

Nobody would dare to poo-poo cancer.

Would they ?

underground poet
underground poet
May 25, 2024 12:06 PM

They would rather treat it than prevent it.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
May 26, 2024 12:43 AM


Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
May 25, 2024 2:30 PM

Perhaps poo-poo would be too strong a word but otherwise I do. Big pharma is a major cause of cancer, it is great for business.


May 25, 2024 5:05 PM

I remember a poem by a famous biologist; its title: Cancer’s a Funny Thing. But I heard that when he got cancer he did not pooh-pooh the disease but blamed the medics for deceiving him about the severity of his case.

On the other hand, Solzhenitsyn not only survived the disease (on top of 20 years in the gulag) but wrote the definitive novel: The Cancer Ward.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 26, 2024 11:02 PM

Ehh excuse me. But wasnt it only a case for for behinders?

May 25, 2024 11:16 AM

My heart goes out to Kate. She seems like a nice person and the mother of three innocent and beautiful children.

Unbelievable THIS GUY BELIEVES IN THE staged fake contrived manufactured TV SHOW CALLED msm AND THE Royals…!!!

Todd Hayen how about doing journalism rather than new alt media msm news paper regurgitationism.  

she doesn’t have cancer, read the papers properly and do some the research.

it is Theatre for dummies idiots numptys so they will think, OMG if the royals can get cancer I better get my cancer Jab (which was first promoted in the Superbowl) as in the U.K and e.U the cancer, prostate, Macmillans heavy promotion of make sure you get checked has been posted on billboards, tubes, trains Bus’stop, Tv, Newspaper etc etc etc all the idiots who run for cancer or wear pink for cancer it is enabling the non cure for cancer as theatre is to much money into never find the cures which they already have

Which are easy to find. Gerson therapy, Sebi diet , 40 day water fast, 40 day grape fast.
Robert Morse diet. Doctor lilla Africa, Dr jool pookem.

comment image

comment image

underground poet
underground poet
May 25, 2024 12:09 PM
Reply to  mastershock

These people thrive on the public attention, something as serious as cancer invaded her life to the point of exclusion from public obligations, the only thing fake about her ailment are the waves going through your brain.

May 25, 2024 3:02 PM

No, Alabama, PRINCESS DIANA DIDN’T EVEN DIE that’s how fake your fake news is.

And here’s Harry, even acknowledging (through a half-truth) that he and William thought (because they were told, so knew) she faked her death.

That’s why they were not distraught at her funeral, neither was ANY member of “the family”. These parasites lie their entire lives. Everything they are, stand for, and do is a complete and utter lie. The UK royals aren’t even British they’re Germans.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 4:23 PM
Reply to  Researcher

It’s nonsense to claim that Diana’s death was faked.

Approx. 10 years ago I carried out quite a bit of research into that event, and read enough data which would be extremely unlikely to have been faked.

May 25, 2024 5:28 PM

You have revealed no fraud of any sort here. Contrary, you don’t acknowledge fraud in the media or mind control.

The two different plates on the two different Benz’s speak for themselves. You investigated nothing.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 5:41 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Excuse me, but I most definitely did carry out a great deal of research into the Diana event approx. 10-12 years ago. I own about 15 books on the subject, by various authors, including about 6 by the Australian author, John Morgan (he being the author of the numerous chunky volumes, ‘The Diana Enquiry’).

And I’d have thought that my posts here on Off-G make it very plain that I’m fully aware of the corrupt, controlled nature of the Mainstream Media, worldwide. Ditto re. mind control. I’m 65, and have been ‘awake’ for 40-45 years. Re. many big, disparate subjects in life.

May 25, 2024 5:43 PM

Lol. Reading books that all claim the exact same fraud – that she died – is the opposite of research. You are nowhere near awake.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 7:27 PM
Reply to  Researcher

On the contrary, it’s you who are immensely gullible, to ‘believe’ the words of someone like Miles Mathis.

Are you claiming that the surgeons (and other doctors) at the Pitie-Salpetriere (I think that’s the correct spelling) hospital in Paris told a pack of lies when they said that Diana was brought in, close to ‘death’ (I put the word ‘death’ in quotes because I’m a properly-informed Spiritualist; the actual nature of the event that’s wholly incorrectly termed ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its wholly illusory, face-value mere appearance. Spiritualism is the one and only ‘religion’ that is able to absolutely prove what it states [and I’m not using the word ‘prove’ either loosely or wrongly]), and that they fought to save her (physical) life, giving details of what had happened to her physical body??

They said that a specific vein (or artery, can’t recall) in her chest had been torn apart, and that it was thus impossible to save her.
For her ‘death’ to have been faked, you’d have to accuse those surgeons etc of having agreed to participate in a massive lie, you’d have to accuse them of having blatantly lied, with what they said. Etc etc.

I stand by my stance in this: that Diana’s ‘death’ was NOT faked.

May 25, 2024 7:43 PM

He gets closer to the truth than you’ll ever know.

It’s sad you think any of that is real. You do know that fake trials occur daily? Fake shootings? Fake reports of death in the newspapers complete with pics of people that don’t even exist and never existed?

The Freemasonic “Surgeons” (what a joke) are of course in on the fraud because there was no transport of any patient. The cars were swapped out, and the car in the tunnel ISN’T the car she left the hotel in. You can verify this YOURSELF IN 5 MINUTES.

You wasted hours of your life reading books on a fraud, so you’re completely brainwashed and duped.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 8:32 PM
Reply to  Researcher

If only you knew just how wrong you are about me!!

I am NOT ‘completely brainwashed and duped’!

May 25, 2024 8:39 PM

It’s unbelievable to me that somebody would waste so much time on a complete hoax. It’s truly sad, how brainwashed and mind controlled you are.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 5:43 PM

Oops, I think the title of the John Morgan series is ‘The Diana Inquest‘, not ‘The Diana Enquiry‘, as I wrote in my reply a few minutes ago.

May 25, 2024 6:35 PM

The whole point of these psyops is to traumatize the public with absolute lies (trauma based mind control) present two opposing views that keep the duped media consumers debating faux binaries: Was she deliberately murdered or was it an accident? Both are false because she wanted out of the spotlight, so faked her death.

You fell for it hook line and sinker as evidenced by reading an entire FAKE ENQUIRY series. If there’s no death, the enquiry, inquests, autopsy, testimony, everything that follows is fraudulent.

You are 💯 stuck in the false binaries. It’s also WHY you haven’t reversed your illness, because there’s an entire false binary industry in the alternative medicine sector.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 7:36 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Excuse me, but you know NOTHING re. my current state of health/illness. Your words above demonstrate yet again how very gullible you are. And that you make mere assumptions.

For your information, I have, actually, reversed one of the two ill-health conditions which I’ve been suffering from. The first one has been reversed by the most amazing Energy Healing treatment which I had just over three weeks ago (for your information, Energy Healing has been scientifically proven to be genuine. A number of scientists have written books about it).
Within just three hours of the Healer leaving my home, the horrific back and neck spasms which I’d been suffering for 14 months stopped. And they have not resumed.

The other ill-health condition I’m suffering only began manifesting a month ago. I’m not yet sure whether it’s cancer or not. Either way, I’m using a number of natural treatments; I wouldn’t go within a million miles of ‘chemo’ or ‘radiation’ etc.

There are endless examples of evidences around the world of most (if not all) cancers being cured with one or more natural substances/treatments, ditto many other illnesses/ill-health conditions. Animals’ cancers and other illnesses are also proven to have been cured with the many natural curative treatments that are available.

May 25, 2024 8:30 PM

I know you know nothing about health or any subject at all.

You tried to conflate reiki and energy healing with spiritualism which are completely unrelated, and that’s blatant dishonesty.

Did you forget I responded to your TMI health proclamations on the other threads? Ugh.

If you (allegedly) had spasms for 14 years it’s unbelievable that you didn’t seek to resolve them sooner. Logically, you must have only very recently “discovered” energy healing otherwise you would have done it sooner.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 9:53 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I said that I’d had the spasms for 14 MONTHS. Read accurately what I wrote.

Reiki/Energy Healing/Spiritual Healing are most definitely related to the proven truth of spiritualism, because reiki/energy healing/spiritual healing works on the energy body that is the REAL, immortal us.

Energy Healing affects the energy body/spirit body, and that then ‘filters down to’ the physical body, thus healing whatever is wrong in the latter.
So yes, they are most definitely related to the ultimate truth of existence which Spiritualism is.

I am most definitely NOT ‘dishonest’. That’s a claim that warrants a “Haha!, I’m the exact opposite of dishonest” from me. Yet another false allegation by you, towards me. You don’t know the first thing about me. If you only knew just HOW wrong you are with your incorrect mere assumptions about me!

May 25, 2024 10:18 PM

You conflated spiritualism with reiki. They have nothing to do with each other.

You claimed on the other thread you’d been suffering with multiple debilitating health ailments for YEARS. 1 month is too long.

You claimed you “researched” the hoax when 1) you didn’t even consider it was a hoax, or 2) ever examine the hoax evidence.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 10:56 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I did NOT say (on another thread, on another Off-G article) that I’d been “suffering multiple debilitating health ailments for years”!!! You must be mistaking me for someone else who said that, for I do not make anything up, and THUS I would never have claimed that I’d been suffering ‘multiple debilitating health ailments for YEARS’.

I had been suffering back and neck spasms between March 2023 and early May 2024: ie, just under 14 MONTHS.

May 26, 2024 12:20 AM

I don’t care. Bitching and moaning about your health ailments and appointments. What a nerve.

Trying to gin up sympathy, attention seek, then having the nerve to castigate anyone who doesn’t understand your vague allusions and complaints, doesn’t agree with you or doesn’t want to see your TMI posts.

Disgraceful behavior.

Every statement ever made is alleged until proven. Every single sentence of yours.

Statements and beliefs aren’t facts.

That’s something you seem to have an immense problem grasping.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 26, 2024 10:13 AM
Reply to  Researcher

It’s your behaviour that’s disgraceful. You are an immensely abusive woman, you don’t give a fig for the actual facts re. any given subject, and I have NEVER ‘tried to gin up sympathy; moreover, I have NEVER been an attention-seeker.

Everything I write about in my posts truly are proven facts/truths. As you too would know IF you were a genuine researcher. But you’re not a researcher, you’re someone who falls for the BS of people like Miles Mathis!!

What I write about are not ‘mere beliefs’, they truly are facts and truths. And, re. the proven truth of survival of the very illusory ‘death’, you will, one day, find out that that, too, was and is the very real truth.
And when that day arrives, for you, you’ll be in the very unenviable position of having to face the unpalatable (for you…) truth that it was you who were wrong, and not me. That I was stating pure and simple facts/truths. That I was the scholarly researcher (which I’ve been since the age of 10), and that you were merely a ‘blind believer’ in the BS of people like Mathis.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 10:12 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I have no idea what ‘TMI’ is. So it’s highly unlikely to have been me who wrote whatever re. ‘TMI’!!!

May 26, 2024 1:12 AM

Its an acronym. Look it up.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 10:14 PM
Reply to  Researcher

And there’s no mere ‘allegedly’ about the back and neck spasms which I’d been suffering between March 2023 and early May 2024.

You really do have a nerve, casting aspersions on people’s health issues.

May 25, 2024 11:34 PM

You really have a nerve coming here, bitching and moaning.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 26, 2024 10:13 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I do NOT ‘bitch and moan’. If anyone’s doing that, here, it’s you.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 4:43 PM
Reply to  Researcher

A short P.S. to my earlier response to your post.

Most of what Miles Mathis merely claims is not to be trusted.

May 25, 2024 5:38 PM

I’ll take Mathis over a spiritualist any day. I know that he’s a Jesuit, Master Mason agent but he does reveal enough facts to show how the media fakery is staged and achieved so easily.

Whereas the spiritualism movement is 100% nonsense and was only created to prop up the lies of those such as Alastair Crawley, Blavatsky and Steiner with their “channeling” psyops.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 7:39 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You’ll get a very big shock on the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’!!!

When that day arrives, for you, you’ll have to face the very unpalatable fact that it was YOU who was wrong and not me.

May 25, 2024 7:59 PM

First you claim she died, then you claim there isn’t any death. You can’t help contradict yourself.

I know exactly what happens and it’s not what you be-LIE-ve. But you needn’t worry about my demise, with your pompous, self righteous posturing. I’m younger than you, know how to reverse any and all illness and I don’t fear the “transition”.

And NDE isn’t “death”. It’s the just the DMT the brain releases at the end, providing similar visions and sensations.

Spiritualism is a psyop within some MASONIC sects which you are obviously involved in, hence you decry anyone who illuminates the fraud.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 8:34 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Excuse me, but I DID put the word ‘death’ in quote marks, when referring to Diana. I then explained, in brackets, WHY I’d put the word ‘death’ in quotes. So you can’t even read properly what I wrote!

May 25, 2024 8:47 PM

Why would I bother. I don’t take you seriously, Christine. Have a nice life.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 9:55 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Your problem, not mine.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 8:37 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I forgot to continue my reply, in my short post of a few minutes ago.

You will get one very big shock when you discover that we DO all survive (in our spirit body form – which has been seen by many, many people around the world who possess clairvoyant vision, including by some doctors and nurses, they’ve gone on record re. what they’ve seen, when someone ‘dies’.

NDE’s are emphatically NOT what you merely claim. Your claim is the claim of all uninformed materialists.

Spiritualism is NOT a psyop!! I repeat, you will get one very big shock, one day, in that regard.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 8:48 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I again forgot to conclude my reply to you.

I am most definitely NOT ‘involved in Masonic sects’!!! I don’t know how you have the nerve to even think that of me.
If you knew me, you’d never have accused me of that.

May 25, 2024 9:12 PM

You are involved in the SPIRITUALIST MOVEMENT and you either are or aren’t aware it’s a Masonic psyop, based on masonic sects, like Rosicrucianism, Thelema, Theosophy etc. All Masonic sects, all promoting this late 19thC psyop.

So you are either completely and utterly ignorant of this, hence totally mind controlled, *or* deliberately trying to dissuade others here from figuring out the fraud and fakery in our world based on MASONIC HOAXES.

Which you don’t ever acknowledge or recognize in any of your comments.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 11:08 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You have the nerve of the devil to make such vile, 100% inaccurate accusations about me. Spiritualism is NOT a ‘psyop’!!, it’s the proven truth of existence!!!!! As you will one day discover (remember is the more accurate word, for literally everyone [even the most closed-minded, uninformed materialists] knows, at their deepest soul level of consciousness, that we DO all survive the death of our physical body ‘coat’). For you to claim that the PROVEN survival of ‘death’ truth is a ‘masonic psyop’ (!!!) is beyond the pale. It demonstrates just how brainwashed and uninformed YOU are. Moreover, I am most definitely NOT ‘trying to dissuade others from figuring out the fraud and fakery in the world’. Haha!! If you knew how much I’ve been trying to ‘wake up’ my family members (and all bar two already ‘awake’ friends) for 40+ years, including my telling them that the corrupt, controlled Mainstream Media sometimes provide photos (stock photos, etc) to ‘fit’ the storyline, but which relate to some completely different event which took place years earlier, then you’d never have levelled that vile accusation against me. I recall that, sometime early in 2020 or 2021, I read online that the Mainstream Media had shown some photo of coffins lined up at some Italian railway station, and claimed (for the gullible, naive MSM watchers to swallow) that the coffins contained the dead [physical] bodies of people who’d ‘died’ of [the non-existent] ‘covid’. However, the photo was proved to have been taken some years earlier: the coffins contained the dead physical bodies of people who’d ‘died’ in a train crash (or plane crash, can’t recall) in that earlier event. I’ve related that example (and other similar ones) to some of my family members and friends. So do NOT accuse me of doing something… Read more »

May 26, 2024 1:10 AM

Lol. A pathetic invective. More self aggrandizing. Narcissism. Delusions of Grandeur.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 26, 2024 10:17 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You really do ‘take the biscuit’ (if you’re not aware, as an American, of the meaning of that expression, then look it up).

I am NOT self-aggrandising, I am NOT a narcissist, and I do NOT have delusions of grandeur.

Literally everything I’ve stated are factual truths, not ‘mere beliefs’. And one day, you’ll discover that. And that’s when you’ll wish that you’d not subjected me, a truth-teller, to this vile, wholly unwarranted abuse on a public forum.
It’s yourself that you’re showing up, not me.

May 25, 2024 9:15 PM

You apparently think you know everything, and that there’s no fakery, no death hoaxes based on masonic rituals, gematria, astrology and numerology.

But if you weren’t mind controlled and utterly clueless, you’d already know the ROYALS ARE ALL MASONS. So, being obsessed with one who faked their own death, you’d have to be supremely mind controlled and utterly ignorant of how the world is run or a mason, distracting from the obvious hoax of her death. I don’t know which one it is, and I don’t care.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 9:58 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I am NOT ‘mind-controlled’ and I am NOT ‘clueless’.

You, on the other hand, are most definitely clueless, for you are ignorantly labouring under the false assumption that ‘death’ is the end of existence, when there exists a multitude of multi-faceted, incontrovertible proofs that it’s NOT!
Thus I repeat: on the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, you’ll get a big, big shock. And that is when you’ll have to face that it was YOU who was wrong/uninformed, and NOT me. That you wrongly abused the one who was stating the proven facts/truths.

May 25, 2024 10:43 PM

Another conflation and lie.

Now you attempt to strawman. I never stated anything other than from your comments you know nothing, are utterly mind controlled.

I don’t believe the nonsense YOU believe, such as hoax deaths, or dishonestly conflating proven Eastern practices of hundreds of years with an unscientific, unproven, mason-ic psyop movement, the precursor to the new age psyop.

You weren’t remotely interested in what I know, think, have seen, witnessed, experienced. researched or analyzed because you come across as a rude, self righteous, narcissistic, arrogant, pompous, right fighter who couldn’t care less about anyone else.

That is self evident in all your comments.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 11:24 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I have not made any conflation, and I have NOT lied, in any of my posts. As you will one day discover. And neither have I made a strawman (and yes, I do know the meaning of the word ‘strawman’). Haha! I took a look, an hour or two ago, at the Miles Mathis website. Only a short scan of it. And to my shock, he’s claiming such things as the following: claiming that Henry VIII was gay [!!], claiming that Elizabeth I was a man [!!]. I rest my case. I don’t intend to waste my time in looking at his other nonsensical claims. Such as claiming that all the US Presidents who were said to have been assassinated, all faked their deaths. The long list of ‘faked events’ on his site is abominable. How can anyone take seriously someone who claims things like the above?? As I explained in an earlier post, Reiki/Energy Healing/Spiritual Healing all work on our energy body/spirit body,and then that healing filters through to the physical body, thus healing (when it’s able to) whatever the ill-health condition might be. Of course that is related to the Spiritualist truth of existence, for that energy body/spirit body which Energy Healing works on is the exact-same energy body/spirit body which enables us all to survive (IN that spirit body) the death of our physical body ‘coat’. It doesn’t matter that you don’t ‘believe’ that, for it still remains an absolutely proven truth. The Spiritualist truths are NOT a psyop! You’ll learn that one day, too. And I am most definitely NOT ‘rude, self-righteous, narcissistic, pompous, right-fighter’. You are SO misreading me, SO misinterpreting me. All my family members and friends who truly know me would be disgusted at your wholly unwarranted abusiveness towards me. They also know… Read more »

May 26, 2024 12:33 AM

The conflation is the attempt to put TCM and eastern practices based on science with SPIRITUALISM it’s a lie, a complete and utter lie.

Materialism is NOT ANYWHERE NEAR the same as denying Masonic psyops, and nonsense like channeling and spirits.

You are purposefully and dishonestly conflating the known and understood electromagnetism of all living things with life after death which are not the same.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 26, 2024 10:20 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I am most definitely NOT ‘purposefully and dishonestly’ doing what you claimed me to be doing.
You have a nerve.
The fact that all living things are electromagnetic in nature IS related to the factual truth of survival of physical body death; and (to repeat myself yet again…) one day, you’ll discover that to be the truth.

May 26, 2024 1:01 AM

You think Mathis is the first person to claim all the assassinations are fake. He’s NOT. Plenty of researchers, investigators know they’re all masonic psyops. They are all 100% hoaxes. Using Gematria and recreating Masonic, and astrological rituals in the news for the purpose of trauma based mind control – another subject you know nothing about.

You are pushing Masonic psyops. That’s what those fake assassinations were. Anyone who thinks they happened, or we went to the moon or any of the other myths on tell-LIE-vision is totally and utterly mind controlled.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 26, 2024 10:23 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I am NOT ‘pushing Masonic psyops’. QUIT all these wholly unwarranted attacks on me.

And I don’t watch TV. My longtime partner Jim used to watch a lot (he returned to the very real Spirit dimension in early 2019), but I’ve never done so [not as an adult, anyway; I did when I was a kid]. I cancelled my TV licence in May 2021, for literally hardly ever watched the thing, so realised it was ridiculous to go on paying the £150+ annual TV licence fee when I literally hardly ever watched the ‘box’.

May 26, 2024 1:09 AM

Lol. Your behavior is what’s disgusting.

You and sociolog would make a nice pair. Both delusional, mind controlled, rude, braggarts, narcissistic trolls, pushing nothing but Masonic psyops.

I remember seeing you and your bs before. Pushing every nonsense Freemasonic hoax.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 26, 2024 10:29 AM
Reply to  Researcher

On the day you do what’s wrongly called ‘die’, you will have to face that you were OH so very wrong about me. That I was doing none of the things which you are, despicably, accusing me of doing (when we return to Spirit, we go through what’s termed a Life Review, in which we assess the Earth-life we’ve just come out of, and included in that Review is the experiencing of what we did, said, etc, to other people; and having to face that, when we treated them badly (in whatever way), we were wrong. In that Review, we’re made aware of when we were wrong about whatever subject was under discussion, etc. Thus, in your eventual Life Review, you’ll be made to face the fact that everything I’ve stated in my posts were factual truths, and NOT BS.

You truly do have the most outrageous nerve. I am NOT delusional, NOT mind-controlled, NOT rude, NOT a braggart, NOT narcissistic, NOT a troll, & I am NOT ‘pushing Masonic hoaxes’.

In your eventual Life Review in the Afterlife, you’ll get the most eye-opening, humbling shock. That it was you who were wrong, and not me.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 25, 2024 11:14 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Moreover, I am most definitely NOT a mason!! (Haha!! If you only knew how WAY off the mark you are!!)

CEASE AND DESIST from making so many 100% false accusations towards me.

May 26, 2024 12:34 AM

You are in a Masonic movement. That’s a fact.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 26, 2024 10:30 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Spiritualism is NOT a ‘Masonic movement’. For you to claim that just shows that you are most definitely NOT what your ‘moniker’ claims. Ie, you are most definitely not a ‘researcher’.

May 27, 2024 1:54 PM
Reply to  Researcher

SPIRITISM is a Masonic psyop.

Spiritualists and psychics committing fraud are common and result in countless fraud complaints and litigation. There are real victims of this psyop.

It was a continuation of the heaven and hell psyop: which is a fear and control program.

The afterlife belief whether true or false, stops people from taking action right now against tyranny and injustice.

Spiritism served as a precursor to the Masonic new age movement – Gaia, “spirit” guides and alien psyop.

The Masonic SPIRITISM ‘channeling’ proponents such as Steiner, Alastair Crawley and Helena Blavatsky, used occulted knowledge dishonestly, and as predictive programming.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 27, 2024 4:08 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You are so, so ignorant of the actual, proven truths of Spiritualism. There will one day come a day for you when you’ll be forced to accept that it was you who were wrong, and not me.

May 25, 2024 9:51 PM

You claim you’re a SPIRITUALIST which you either are, or aren’t aware is 100% a MASON-IC movement of the late 19thC.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 27, 2024 9:45 AM

The fact that 5 (very ignorant) people have thumbed-down my post above, thus they are OH SO WRONGLY claiming that I am a Freemason, makes me consider not posting on this site again. I do not feel inclined to post here on Off-G when some people on it are so abusive, so ignorant, and make so many wholly incorrect mere assumptions about someone whom they know nothing about.

Human values
Human values
May 28, 2024 2:12 PM

Those votes are just numbers, and they can be easily manipulated. They mean nothing. Don’t think of them as people who are against you. Many people never vote, and narcissists support other narcissists. Narcissists also vote their own posts, as it is just one more method of manipulation.

Driving others away, taking over, is their goal. That’s how they think they win. Narcissists are always in competition, in conflict and antagonism.

It’s practically impossible to avoid narcissists on the internet at the moment. But we can learn how to not be attached to them.

Here’s a helpful channel on youtube, Surviving Narcissism:
Is It Time To Disconnect From The Narcissist?

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 26, 2024 1:30 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You may or may not have heard of the Maltese-Australian top-level lawyer, Victor Zammit (he left his native Malta when he was about 17 or 18, emigrated to Australia, and eventually became a top-level lawyer in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. He’s now retired, being 83, I think.

For decades he’s been a passionate disseminator of the proven truth of survival of physical body ‘death’.

He and his wife co-authored a book “A lawyer presents the evidence for the Afterlife” (in 1999, he and I exchanged several ‘snail-mail’ letters, and he gifted me with a copy of his then original edition of the above book, surprising me when it was delivered to me in July of that year).

Below are two links: the first is to his overall site, and the second is to the section ‘Afterlife evidences’.

“Victor Zammit”, at:


“Victor Zammit – Afterlife evidences”, at:


OR: https://victorzammit.com/evidence/index.html

May 26, 2024 7:42 AM

“This place is a dream.
Only a sleeper considers it real
Then death comes like dawn,
And you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief.”

(Rumi 1207-1273)

Don’t’ waste your time on Researcher, Christine. The loss of energy isn’t worth it. He/she will find out, in due course. Let sleeping dogs lie.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 26, 2024 1:05 PM
Reply to  Ian

‘Researcher’ is an American woman. A comment by that person some time ago made it clear that ‘Researcher’ is a woman, and American.

Yes, you’re right. She will most definitely find out, in due course, that ‘death’ is not what it merely seems to be.

Arggh, people like that really make me ‘see red’.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 27, 2024 4:15 PM