Better Than…

Todd Hayen

It seems that the concept of “better than . . .” has completely left the human experience. And wow, what a big deal that is! I mean the entire foundation of human, as well as animal, evolution is based on “survival of the fittest.” Even if you do not believe in the Darwinian concept of natural selection (I don’t, not entirely) you have to see the positive results of attaining a level of personal excellence in one’s own lifetime.

Isn’t working to be “better than . . .” the whole drive behind living? We are always working toward behavioural excellence, physical excellence, and spiritual excellence (or enlightenment, or whatever word you want to use here) or at least we should be.

As a kid, we were focused on being “better than Jimmy kicking the ball” and winning the school soccer tournament. As we grew older that drive matured into working to be “better than I was last year” or last week, or yesterday at any particular task or state of being.

Is it really true that we have “evolved” to a point where none of that matters anymore? That we can just stagnate and never “move forward” and never become “better than . . . (fill in the blank).” Is that really what the point of being human has become? You are good enough as you are, you are the same as everyone else, and you are the same as you were when you were 10 years old and that is just fine.

People seem to be missing the fact that the essence of a human being, regardless of skills, or depth of understanding, is divine and sacred out of the box. It is the material self that may have “faults,” that may need improving, and the material self certainly should focus on developing skills and expertise.

As I said, that is essentially the purpose and meaning of being human.

And maybe what I am saying here isn’t the intention behind all of this bunk about “everyone is a winner” and “we no longer want to advocate a competitive environment” and whatever other “woke” baloney is currently going around.

If so, what is the line they feed us? “Children should not be left in the dust if they don’t have the same abilities and skills, or the same socio-economic background as the other kids. Or the same racial privileges.” “We are all equal, and we should all be treated the same even if we are not.” Yeah, that baloney.

The problem with that ideal is that it is just simply untenable. We are all born different, quite radically different in fact. And that is not only a fact, but in a very real sense is quite beautiful. Isn’t that what all the fuss about DEI is about? That we are different? At least they tell us that, but of course, the truth is the opposite of what they (the woke culture) push on us—everybody should be the same, not diverse.

Yes, we certainly do not all have the same opportunities. This is where the real fight is. Limits put on us by government and the ruling class regarding freedom to express ourselves, and the freedom to access equal opportunities (within the limits of our skills, our body limitations, and our ambition and interests). Obviously, efforts to level the playing field in these situations have gone quite a bit overboard in a number of instances. The fact is, the playing field cannot be levelled, and more importantly, it shouldn’t be.

We all have a purpose in this incarnation. Some of us come into this life at a clear disadvantage—born without legs, born a minority, born dirt poor, born without a full mental deck, born with no talent, etc. Some of us come into this life at a clear advantage—born perfectly healthy, born in a privileged class with lots of money, born with exceptional mental capacity or athletic prowess, born a musical or artistic genius. As I have said before, it takes all kinds to make this world the interesting place it is.

Our “job” as a spirit/soul living a manifest reality is to take what we’ve got and make the best of it. Maybe it is our time in this go-around to push through huge disadvantages and face nearly insurmountable challenges and obstacles. Maybe it is our time to be bullied, made fun of, face ugly bigotry, etc. Or maybe it is our time to be handed life on a silver platter and through that life of privilege learn true humility and altruism. We all have something to do, and being pushed into a “this is easy” state will certainly have an ill-effect on our ability to do what we have been put here to do.

Even if you take the metaphysical woo-woo perspective out of this statement, you are still left with an organism that was created to excel, to push through without fear, and to make the best of what it has been given. Even amoebas do this. Why is this so difficult to understand?

So, you may say, why is it detrimental to help that organism along in its arduous journey? Help is one thing, giving it winnings when no effort has gone into getting them is another. Remember the first time that you heard you should never help a chicken crack open and get out of its egg no matter how difficult the task may seem to be? If the little chick does not exert effort getting itself “born” it will be robbed of the necessary energy required to help it have a healthy heart and muscles needed to survive. The analogy is clear here. Kids, and adults too, need to face challenges in life in order to develop into healthy beings. They need to feel the “agony of defeat” to develop healthy character and to equip themselves to excel in future challenges.

As I type this, I feel like an idiot preaching to the choir, and I am baffled that people do not just naturally know what I am saying here (I am pretty certain all of you reading this know). Obviously, most people do not, because this whole topic is cause for quite a bit of mess out there.

I understand when people are set up with unfair challenges, racism, physical deformity, and poverty. But again, there is nothing we can do about a lot of these things except to continue to work on areas we can work on. You don’t work on racism, as an example, by essentially wiping away historical racism and say it never existed (as in censoring books, or creating media that rewrites history). That is an insult, and clearly an effort by the bigot class to “normalize” history. But most of the problems I am citing here do not have to do with giving a poverty-ridden kid whose family generations back have been subjected to the unfairness of racism. I don’t think there is a problem helping kids where they can be helped. But making everyone a winner just isn’t the way to go.

We all have challenges to face in life, some have more (a LOT more) some have much less, but as I have said here, we have been given a problem to solve, and we must be allowed to solve it through our hard work, our intelligence, our pure heart, and our resolve to make our lives as full and creative as we possibly can.

We must face our greatest fears and slay whatever dragons who present themselves. Only then can we find meaning and purpose in our physical lives. We cannot let this insane system take away the joy and feeling of accomplishment we experience when we have succeeded in our efforts to excel. At the same token, we cannot allow this dehumanizing agenda to rob us of the opportunity to understand our limitations and embrace our resolve to “do better” when we face defeat.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Categories: latest, Todd Hayen
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Jun 3, 2024 6:04 PM

Faith and Immunity, by an psychiatrist in India who started as an allopathic MD decades ago and is now more a Yogi.

Jun 3, 2024 5:22 AM

Fatmerican hits the Eurocentric jackpot, so to speak. He is the first invader to take an interest in Danish culture. Which probably has something to do with his own ancestry. As expected, he particularly loves everything that can be eaten and drunk. Since Denmark consists mainly of islands, it is not entirely impossible that the smallest of these islands will sink under his weight one day.

May Hem
May Hem
Jun 2, 2024 11:05 PM

I may be wrong, but I thought Darwin (even as a fraud), did not advocate “survival of the fittest”, but the much more sensible “survival of the most adaptable”. Surely the fittest would be the most adaptable to any new conditions?

Jun 2, 2024 8:35 PM

In today’s woke climate, to think of anything or anyone (heaven forbid) as better than anything else is to be a “fascist”.

Disability, dysfunction and disease is the woke human condition. They get a sense of community with all the other crippled victims of transhumanism and pharma.

Jun 2, 2024 7:16 PM


I stopped reading.

I had no interest in the rest of the words.

I may have stepped on my tongue.

You don’t believe in Darwin’s theory? (Not entirely?)

Are you a writer for the Babylon Bee?

Jun 2, 2024 8:37 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Darwin was just another imperial pseudo-scientist. His theory is just a wrong theory that nicely fits the trashumanist agenda.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jun 3, 2024 4:06 AM
Reply to  purgatorium

Well, what many don’t know is that Darwin was one of the richest men in England having married a principal heir to the Wedgwood fortune. His theory has several big problems. The first is that it is basically circular and thus cannot be either proven or disproven. This lifts it out of the realm of science and places it more into the realm of religion. Another problem with Darwinism is that the really important missing fossil links for major evolutionary “advances” have never been discovered. For example there was a period, something like 350 million years ago, when the planet had no amphibians. And suddenly there they were everywhere like they sprung like Athena from Zeus’s brow. No transition. Darwin was well aware of this problem and retorted that the fossil records were still too new and undeveloped to find the missing links. Fast forward 140 years and that counter would no longer hold water with every Ph.D. wannabe digging up your back yard. The late Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard tried to tackle this issue and prop up Darwin’s crumbling theory. He came up with his theory of punctuated equilibrium. In a nutshell it said that everything usually went along hunky dory for eons and organisms had little pressure to evolve in a revolutionary fashion. But occasionally an existential crisis would come along, but this crisis was always in a very small and isolated area. That is where the great leap forward took place. But it was in such a small area and over such a relatively short time period that the missing link fossils were exceedingly rare and have still yet to be found. But this always felt to me to be what we would call in my university days, fudging the data. Another big problem with the… Read more »

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 3, 2024 10:13 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Yes, you’re right, of course, in all that you say.

How many so-called scientists try and ‘explain away’ the Cambrian Explosion of (if I remember rightly) approx. 500 million years ago. A hugely significant event, where all the major phyla (if I have the correct term, there) suddenly appeared, ‘overnight’, without any precursors. ALL of them.

There are of course many excellent books on the obvious falsity of the Darwinian theory (which is, as you say, a merely circular argument). I own and have read quite a number of them. One which springs to mind is English/Australian writer Michael Denton’s “Evolution: a theory in crisis”. I read it approx. ten years ago. In it, he makes the point that the ‘fossil record’ shows stasis, and NOT ‘incremental evolutionary changes’. An excellent book. Some years ago he wrote a sequel, called “Evolution: a theory still in crisis”. I’ve not yet read that one.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jun 3, 2024 11:25 AM

Think of the number of animals that lived on Earth over a period of, say, 250 million years and compare with the number of dinosaur fossils found.

Still surprised there are no transitional species – yet ?

Jun 3, 2024 5:15 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Not to denigrate in any way paleontologists; but the entire science of fossils necessarily has a subjective vein running through it. We don’t know what the animal looked like until we’ve assembled the fossil. Then we associate the animal we’ve resurrected from the fossil with what we think we understand about the possible physiology – based necessarily on a perceived similarity with real live animals in today’s world that we can study in real time.

Birds, e.g., are our primary link with dinosaurs. But if there were no birds for comparison, we would find another animal we presume bears similarity. In a word, the study of fossils is something of a crapshoot.

Fossils neither support nor debunk Darwin’s Theory.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jun 3, 2024 5:43 PM
Reply to  Howard

Well I agree with you that fossils are a flawed and imperfect record of pre-human life, but it is all we have to understanding life prior to humans on this planet. Either we give up entirely and throw the brontosaurus fossils into the concrete mixer, or do the best we can with them. That said, they do give the strongest evidence we have and it weighs against Darwinism.

Jun 3, 2024 9:01 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Darwin’s theory of evolution is patently absurd. However it’s easily disproven by the eye, which is non-reducible in each of its parts and their function. In other words, the eye could not have evolved, it could only have been created as it is now.

Jun 3, 2024 9:50 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Disagree. Lungfish. The link from fish to amphibians. Just because the tangible evidence hasn’t jumped out and grabbed us in some cases does not make natural selection false. Time is the key. Our concept of time is skewed.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 4, 2024 7:01 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

That’s what’s called (by the false ‘evolutionary theory’ proponents) ‘promissory evolution’. Ie, simply claiming that ‘more time’ will enable evidence providing proof for the mere ‘theory’ to be found. But that’s merely desperation on the part of the Darwinists (who all follow the false paradigm of materialism).

Jun 3, 2024 9:38 PM
Reply to  purgatorium

Natural selection is non existent? Really? The idea of better genes erasing other genes is that tough of a concept? Aberrant genes are created all the time through exposure to all kinds of damaging influences. We are talking about eons of time. It appears to me that unless you can personally experience an event (much like today’s climate screamers) you can’t comprehend one the greatest theories ever put forth. Just because it is not your theory and you can’t comprehend it does not mean it is invalid. Tell me about your own theories. Ever taken a comparative anatomy course? Are all the fossils scattered about the earth fake. It is bad enough that you are that disconnected but then there are 5 others equally disconnected. What does that tell you? I see fools. Just because you personally did not experience it does not mean it is false. Generally, most agree that Earth is about 4 billion years old and Carbon dating is accurate. Those same people understand and appreciate the concept of evolution. Only radical religious freaks are unable to understand these concepts and are so closed minded that they never will. Is that what I am dealing with? Sure sounds like it.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 2, 2024 9:21 AM

Off topic,


Spanish actress Karla Sofía Gascón has sued French politician Marion Marechal over transphobic comment made after she won Best Actress at Cannes for her role in ‘Emilia Pérez.’

Marechal could be sentenced to a one-year imprisonment and fined €30,000 if found guilty of transphobic insult.

It is now a crime to call a spade a spade.

But note how the negation of language has already been implemented by the report. The truth of the matter is only indicated by that word “transphobic” which of course refers to a supposed “crime”. Meanwhile Gascón is unambiguously referred to as an “actress”.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 2, 2024 9:22 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Along with being referred to as “she” and “her”.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 2, 2024 8:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Its a poison driven slowly in everywhere. They are really working on it in a serious and organised manner. Its a demoralisation tool to weaken and destabilise.

Jun 2, 2024 8:03 AM

“Better than…” …. For sure, ever since the theological invention of the spirit/soul/psyche—apocryphally formalised ‘rational’ (logos) by Aristotle—human exceptionalism has become naturalised, morally absolutised, and apotheosised as ‘eternally’ mandated. Giorgio Agamben—following Hannah Arendt’s lead—has done as much as any to show the innate ‘natural slavery’ or “better than…” <them> of rational animism which produces two perennial castes; the superior one rationally qualified as the humanised “good life” (tou eu zen); and the other one proletarianised as sub-humanised “bare life” (tou zen) for lacking reason; which contemporaneously becomes the hierarchical market-economic dominant ‘good life’ of consumption by us of the outsourced production by them as the permanent globalised caste system we have taken for granted as essential by sanctified birthright. Then the rationalised and essentialised conception of “better than…” becomes most sharply focused when the economic or political migrant turns up at the border…. Only to be excluded, borderised, marginalised, ghettoised and the rationalised demonisation process is completed on deportation. Hence, the militarised border with its refugee camp and detention centres becomes the contemporary “nomos of the earth” for sorting the “better than…” birthright native and exporting the “worse than…” sacred and sacrificial Unhuman to be recolonised wherever they rightfully belong. This whole rationalised essence thing comes not just with “metaphysical woo-woo”, but economic, ethical and political baggage as christianised “Aristotelian biopolitics” (bios politikos); when the identitarian spirit/soul/psyche is the essence of “better than…” <you> and the ‘divine’ essence is epidermalised, pigmented as rationally hierarchical (arche despotike, arche politike) always forever. The substantially “better than…” spirit/soul/psyche/mind is thus the essence of all hierarchical exceptionalism, racial supremacism, and humanised exemptionalism from nature at the radical inception of all boundaried totalitarianism and fascism…. Of a pure ‘Us’ enclosed on one side of the psychosocial and physical border and an impure ‘them’ on the… Read more »

Jun 2, 2024 3:58 PM
Reply to  Bryan

Fantastic analysis. Thank you.

Jun 2, 2024 6:28 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes. The “better than” becomes the rationalization for the self-ordained better, to assume the exclusive role of policy making Parent-Gods over the crude Children-Prols. When we realize we can self-rule thousands of times better than the privilege thieves, we will evolve to peaceful stewards on a truly sustainable planet.

Jun 2, 2024 6:37 PM
Reply to  sandy

Absolutely! Political autonomy and autarky over autocracy for indefinite life-affirmation!

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jun 2, 2024 7:17 AM

‘Being better’ is an extraordinarily subjective statement, Mr Hayen. You can, after all, work to be a more efficient psychopath, seeking to destroy the meaning of life for others. My sister did that for 40 years as a part of the UK Security Services, whose patronage ensured that she is now a consultant co-conspirator in the Covid19 genocide. You can be a more efficient killing machine, as the Israelis have sought to become. They are getting better and better at being racists, better and better at committing genocide and their aims now include nuking a European city, which would put the death toll in Gaza to shame. Is that what God intended? If you want to become better at being in tune with nature, you may decide that less is more, after all. You might decide that food forests are more efficient than market gardens, but have you asked the question as to what human population can be sustained solely through food forests? You might be no different in thought to the globalists, after all. The world’s history is full of sects that died out because their peaceful focus on God was trumped by yobbish marauders killing, stealing and raping for conquest. The meaning of life is very, very different for the population that created children, vs those that were told they would never achieve that. For those without a stake in the future, why should they make sacrifices for others? The others didn’t make sacrifices for them, did they? In general, they taunted and bullied them at school, told them what freaks they were. So why on earth should those repulsive teenagers turned into self-centred adults expect the freaks whose lives they made a misery to ‘be better people so that their children can be happy’, eh? Once you… Read more »

David McBain
David McBain
Jun 2, 2024 6:06 AM

A brilliant essay. Exactly my thoughts (but I’m old now).

Kalvin Stardust
Kalvin Stardust
Jun 2, 2024 4:21 AM

Better than Life – Grant Naylor

Big Al
Big Al
Jun 2, 2024 4:05 AM


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accepted an invitation to address both houses of the US Congress, his office said on Saturday, adding that he would become the first foreign leader to make four such appearances there.”

Gaza War: Netanyahu accepts invitation to address Congress a fourth time | Middle East Eye

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jun 3, 2024 5:56 PM
Reply to  Big Al

This is probably positive as it make the entire US political class with few exceptions guilty of genocide and evaporates any soft power that the US has in the eyes of the rest of the world. All that remains are weapons and monkey money, and those are failing exponentially.

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Jun 2, 2024 2:55 AM

“For celebrities, like brands, this is another way for them to engage with their fans and audiences,” said Michael Inouye, a principal analyst at ABI Research. “This could be through virtual events, concerts, shows and more. They could sell virtual merchandise so fans could show their fandom both in their real and virtual lives.” Samantha Murphy KellyParis Hilton wants to be the ‘Queen of the Metaverse’https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/27/tech/paris-hilton-metaverse/index.htmlTHE SERVICEBERRY An Economy of Abundancehttps://emergencemagazine.org/essay/the-serviceberry/

Thriving Together: Salmon, Berries, and People

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Jun 5, 2024 11:05 PM
Reply to  Derek Diamond

“At the turn of the twentieth century educational theorists were quite open about the fact that they were designing schools for the purpose of adapting children to the new industrial order.” Carol Black

On the Wildness of Children


Using virtual reality to make vaccinations less scary for kids


Jun 2, 2024 1:53 AM

So who is going to stop these evil men trying to kill us all through their jabs and wars…Sorry – this is just what we do.


comment image

les online
les online
Jun 2, 2024 1:38 AM

“Digital IDs make it convenient for government to spy on you.” … (anon)…

Jun 2, 2024 1:34 AM

I am not suggesting that some men, don’t make great parents, we obviously do, and I would rate my son as one of the best at this job of being a dad…to all his kids..

He is very like his mum, who had to go back to work to help pay the mortgage, but every night, before she got up at 6:00 am to go to work, she expressed her milk using a breast pump and we put in the fridge and he slept in his travel cot right next to me..

He knew it was me breast feeding him from a bottle, and not his mum. The milk tasted exactly the same, but was a little bit cooler…

Then before his Mum, got back from work, I had to get him ready for the Childminder to look after him for an hour or two, whilst I went to work…

And then, when his younger sister came along, I said, why not give up your job, and become a full time Mum..She said we can’t afford it….Yes we can..Just get yourself Registered as a Childminder..Took about a Year, and they seriously checked me out too..

When the parents came round stressed from work, to pick up their kids from our lovely home….they had been perfectly behaved all day, and did not want to go home with their mum or dad and pulled some serious tantrums… I knew we had made the right decision.

My Mum did much the same thing..so looking after kids is very much a Family thing

Jun 2, 2024 1:12 AM

Today, I see evidence that in many ways we have stopped evolving.
Perhaps Nature will take up the thread again at a later date…

The other explanation is that somebody wants to stop us from evolving, and we all know who that is…

Jun 2, 2024 1:39 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Evolution, whatever it means, is surely a dynamic process that has fits and starts.
Maybe we’re in the middle of a big ‘fit’ Wardropper.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 2, 2024 9:10 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Its a division.
Those who developed from an ape to the stone age man with a stick, have now developed into the digital age man with a Smart Phone.comment image

Those who claim they are created from dust and a spirit will continue to evolve and return the Great Spirit.comment image

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 3, 2024 4:47 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

……will continue to evolve and return to the Great Spirit. (damn it)

Jun 2, 2024 12:54 AM

‘Succeeding in our efforts to excel, hard work, accomplishments, opportunity etc, are all aspects of mind measuring, judging ourselves against some arbitrary societal standards.


Life, which is now and here, unlike living, which is always in the past or the future, is about simply Being, Human Being, if you like.
Not human becoming.

‘Be as you are’ said Ramana Maharshi.
‘To have or to be’ said Erich Fromm.

All the rest are mind games, played on us and by us.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 3, 2024 10:45 PM
Reply to  Johnny

To have dollares or to not have any dollares. This is what life is really about. Get into the fight or you cant get happiness and survive good.

The rest is mind games to get the buck out of your wallet. My papa told me that, his papa told me that and his grandpa told me that. Proved by traditional ancient family history and values!!

Jun 2, 2024 12:31 AM

No men have it, it just doesn’t come with the kit…

This is a Girl’s Thing, and few girls seem to have it, except perhaps my Grandaughter..or maybe yours

Both my Ex and My Wife have it in Oodles as did my Great Great Auntie who got down on her hands and knees and played tiddlywinks with me on the carpet when I was 7 and she was 93

Its hard to explain from an “Adult’s” point of view..Its not something you can fake from taking yoga classes etc and praying to God, though that may help…

It is about kind of projecting a kind of light from the inner depths of your female soul

Children, and some very lucky men, recognise it in an instant….but men can’t do it

Us males can’t project this Aura…


its not just the love of a child, but in their eyes literally becoming a child…getting really small just like them and becoming their best friend.

Jun 3, 2024 9:27 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 1, 2024 11:52 PM

I firmly believe if “they” didn’t interfere with human beings from early on (control, oppression, warfare and manufactured poverty, “education”, medical interventions, artificial and inappropriate ‘foods’, etc) every human could fulfil his or her highest potential, and it would be brilliant.

Human values
Human values
Jun 1, 2024 11:10 PM

You seem confused, Todd, like every time you talk about or against equality. Equality is a basic human value, without which there’s no justice, no freedom, and no good. While inequality is bad for everyone, equality is good for everyone.

Equality doesn’t mean sameness or lack of diversity. Equality means every human being has equal rights to life and good things. It means you are no better or worse than someone else. You don’t have to be. Basic human rights are not something you must work for, earn or accomplish.

Being equal means being able to live one’s life without others oppressing, depressing, making us suffer, battling with us, competing with us, killing us.

Inequality kills. Göran Therborn explains how and also how inequality differs from difference.:


Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 2, 2024 2:01 AM
Reply to  Human values

I’m confused? Really? Saying all people are equal is nonsense, equal to what? All people are not the “same” and I don’t think I ever said they were. People ARE equal in VALUE. I have also never said anything contrary to that.

Jun 2, 2024 3:00 AM
Reply to  Human values

In a lecture whilst doing a B.Ed. in 1968-69, a lecturer said: There is nothing so unequal as the equal treatment of unequals.

Charles Chevalier
Charles Chevalier
Jun 1, 2024 10:57 PM

Renaissance education was centered on the trivium and quadrivium, by the age of twelve all selected students were accentuated with the skills and ability to master any discipline.

What has changed?

This method of education can be repeated and is in many homeschool environments.

Jun 1, 2024 10:55 PM

Social Darwinist survival of the fittest is ideological justification for survival of the fattest, as in fat cats lording power over others in a dog-eat-dog world of capitalist class relations. It complements other pseudoscience like eugenics ‘explaining’ (usually mansplaining) why winners and losers in a rigged lottery of life favoring the few over the many deserve what they get, when what they’ve got is largely the result of institutionalized theft and murder relative to which individuals and individual effort remain powerless outside organized resistance and change. Common sense, which seems to have completely left the human experience, can tell you those profiting from the pyramid schemes of power are far from being better than others they exploit, unless humanity’s highest values are character traits of psychopaths. Just make a casual review of heads of state, especially in Amerika, to get some idea how the best and brightest, when they’re not busy committing crimes against humanity, are among the most stupid specimens the species has to offer, whose primary if only merit is ruthless lying to serve a ruling system of abuse and insanity. The poor and oppressed suffer insult addded to injury believing the noble lies, when they’ve been pulling themselves up by their bootstraps so long for so liitle that the straps have busted. A principal reason many marched along to convid is industrial capitalism’s competitive society of atomized individualism collectively governed by proles just doing their jobs – to the best of their abilities – in top-down chains of command, obedience and fear, cogs in machinery of social engineering just made for panic porn to lead to all-out totalitarianism. ‘Be all you can be’ is no longer just a sick ad for professional mass murder in the army. In the new normal, it’s the triumph of conformism to noble lies of sacrificing oneself… Read more »

Jun 2, 2024 8:00 AM
Reply to  niko

No oligarch (in business or government) would allow genuine regulated competition, given any influence or opportunity.

Jun 1, 2024 9:49 PM

This article left me wondering what on earth he was really trying to say. In my view, it’s relatively simple. Some are hugely advantaged, some hugely disadvantaged. Whether they will be the opposite in the next life, who knows.
As for betterment, those of us with a modicum of consciousness will want to improve on our skills, whatever they may be. How well Joe Blogs is doing is irrelevant. As long as we pit ourselves against others, we will ultimately be disappointed. Doing our best with what we have is paramount. I despair of all the codswallop about winners and losers. Let us all explore our potential in whatever field we choose and forego comparing our performance with someone else’s.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 2, 2024 2:03 AM
Reply to  sue

I said the same thing you just said, I am not sure why you were left wondering. Winning or losing is the result of a contest. A contest doesn’t mean much of anything other than entertainment.

Jun 1, 2024 7:58 PM

The elephant looking over your shoulder which you somehow seem to miss is that merely competing with oneself is distinctly not what this so-called civilization systematically trains people to do. Rather, the entire economic aim of your existence, according to our economic operating system and the value culture conditioned by it, is exactly to beat others. People do indeed (generally) have a drive to better themselves in en effort to be valuable to the world. This is just not fundamentally what is rewarded, and hence incentivized. Nobody is significantly admired and rewarded by this society simply for being a decent and ethical person or even contributing materially to the betterment of the human condition per se. The overarching criterion for adoration in this world is economic success; and economic success, by definition, is based on invidious comparisons between people. In other words, you are not successful because you have a Lamborghini, you are successful because you have a Lamborghini and other people have a Honda or ride the bus. This fundamentally antisocial system of valuation is a direct consequence of an economic system which logically mandates scarcity. Note that ‘scarcity’ is not synonymous with ‘limited’. ‘Scarcity’ means “limited relative to needs/desires.” This condition is indeed the foundation of any viable market. Therefore, as long as the economy is based on the market paradigm, people will, by economic necessity, be forced to fight each other for their access to not just survival but quality of life, personal dignity, worth and recognition, which are all primarily based on their “economic success.” The disturbingly common belief that “freedom” essentially means simply everyone duking it out in a perpetual fight for competitive advantage in access to resources is incredibly depressing and defeatist. I say we dump this counterproductive relic of pre-industrial times and institute… Read more »

Jun 2, 2024 8:07 AM
Reply to  Tommy

Do-gooders will be appreciated publicly – if it suits the current aims of the oligarchy.

Scarcity will be created where it is absent. Its absence is inimical to capitalism.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 2, 2024 10:40 PM
Reply to  Tommy

I think that if we weren’t forced to fight for our daily slice of bread or cup of rice and a roof over our heads, if this were a given, we’d be free to compete with our perpetually former selves. Akin to the Moslem “holy war” which was always meant to be the war against our baser selves….

Jun 3, 2024 9:29 PM
Reply to  Tommy

And I saw that all toil and achievement springs from one man’s envy of another.
This too, is meaningless – a chasing after the wind!

Jun 1, 2024 6:10 PM

Just as Howard, i find this piece shockingly blindered. Playing field and competition are the issues. Mr. Hayen, where have you heard “making everyone winners” advocated broadly? And leveling the playing field? Conditions of the “playing field” in the US are worse than they have ever been post WW2. If you are hearing ‘everyone’s a winner’ via latently projected wokeism (political correctness on steroids), I believe you are seriously mistaken. If the SYSTEM ever wanted to truly level the playing field for all and give everyone a shot at the best they can be, they’d limit poverty and wealth. Just as Indigenous tribes had no way to compete or protect themselves against the guns, germs and steel of the European’s genocidal Doctrine of Discovery, the bottom 80% headed for 90% of US society has barely a chance of not living paycheck-to-paycheck all their lives. I would not mistake wokeism as flattening the playing field to allow some people to stay equal. I see the current SYSTEM’s agenda as a giant con, a lie, just as all previous societies dominated by the wealthiest assuming parental control of policy. It’s merely another way to 1) dupe the longtime marginalized into believing they are now invincible rather than victim and; 2) alienate those not part of this false leveling into believing THEY are now being made the new marginalized. Both parts are working for them too. While this double-talk is in operation, the SYSTEM’s management class the 1% are making more than ever and all of us below 90% are treading water at best. It’s lipstick on a pig for the traditionally marginalized. In fact, the wealth disparity agenda is so extreme that we face WW3 on 3+ fronts, burning our money like drunken Neros, and at home they are stalking all of… Read more »

Jun 2, 2024 5:03 AM
Reply to  sandy


Jun 2, 2024 4:12 PM
Reply to  sandy

Great point. I can’t help thinking – because, like you, I’m grateful for Dr. Hayen’s numerous essays – that in his effort to debunk the Woke nonsense, Dr. Hayen ignored the social setting in which striving for excellence must necessarily occur.

Of all humans, real or otherwise, Robinson Crusoe alone may claim pure excellence unadulterated by social pressures. He HAD to excel to survive.

Jun 1, 2024 4:11 PM

Dr. Hayen, you picked a bad day to make me cringe – but I’m up to the task of overcoming my urge to scream. I have way too many objections to things you seem to have taken for granted plus things you seem to have overlooked that it would take an essay to go through them all – and I only have a lowly comment to offer (boo hoo!).

So I’ll limit myself to two things. The first can be encapsulated in a single name: Paul Robeson. Mr. Robeson was handed great gifts and made the most of these: he excelled in many fields. But he was ahead of his time and took a stand the CIA et al did not care for; so they tried their best to destroy him – and nearly succeeded. My point here is that excelling in life is ALWAYS limited by whatever social structure one happens to be in.

The best writing I ever encountered in my life was a letter someone had written which ended up in a file. At the time, I worked for Social Security Office of Disability Operations and the writer of said letter had a mental disability. His excellence could not be appreciated by his society – or put to good use.

The second point I wish to make is that ALL excelling is necessarily competitive simply because every society is always looking for those who are “better” than those around them so it can exploit their abilities. This of course is merely a corollary of my first point. The poster child for this would be Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, whose excellence was praised to the high heaven – until he, like Mr. Robeson, ran afoul of the “ruling elite.”

Jun 1, 2024 5:27 PM
Reply to  Howard

Thank you Howard! I thought I was suddenly flung into the Robber Baron Era where Horatio Alger books were preaching up by the bootstraps DIY. Competitive battle and playing field are exactly the problems with this article. I’m surprised Mr. Hayen has this mindset with all the other perceptive great stuff he publishes. I will elaborate my views above.Cheers!

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 2, 2024 12:05 AM
Reply to  Howard

Ditto the great researcher and double Nobel Prize winner, Linus Pauling. When he claimed that (simplified) more vitamin C was needed than was recommended by the ‘authorities’ he was ditched by the scientific community.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 1, 2024 2:30 PM

(De)population growth. I have taken a look into the claim of us being 8 billion today…..and too many.

What I found is this:
In David Hughes interview he name a public claim of being 2,5 billion in 1950 and 8 billion in 2025. A jump of 6,5 billion from 1,5 billion in 75 years?

Whattabout the 6000 years or more humans is claimed to have lived? 800 mio in 1800, 1,55 billion in 1900.

Then I looked into the 2 world wars between 1900 and 1950. Population in 1900 claimed 1,55 billion, population in 1950 claimed 2,5 billion.
The carnage of WWI was so extreme that historians have had difficulty agreeing on exactly how many people lost their lives.
Some says, 9 mio killed others 15 mio, a deviation of 50%.
WWII claim is 70-85 mio killed, a deviation oof 20%.

Were they able to calculate the global population in year 1700 or 1800, I think not. It must have been gross estimates only, ref to above.
The Mathusian Trap theory was invented around year 1800. 50 years later the global population statistics begin to raise drastically to the above mentioned.

From 1800 to 1900 the population raised 100%. From 1900 to 2000 the population raised 400% acc to public figures.
So how did the global population succeed to produce 3 more children per family than before in a century with 2 WWars, and various deceases and hunger games?

When looking at the figures I wouldnt be afraid to lower our global village population estimate to be at least below 4 billion today. comment image

Jun 1, 2024 4:06 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Yes, I think you’re on to something.

Jun 1, 2024 8:53 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Mr. Hayen is on to something, and that something is sometimes referred to as “psychobabble”.

Many decades ago I said to a shrink while we were in his office, he would probably find out more, and a lot more quickly about his clients if they had a talk while the client was operating a motor vehicle on public road ways.
I suspect he did not appreciate my suggestion because he threw me out of his office as soon as I stated that.
I have every bit as much respect for the DSM too, no matter which volume they are on.

Jun 1, 2024 9:10 PM
Reply to  Fritz

Lol. Talk about an overreaction… the shrink.

The “mental illness” sector was created in order to prescribe “medication” ie; harmful, toxic small molecules made by PhRMA; Cult of the medics: Knights Hospitaller.

I don’t usually read Hayen’s “bits”. I didn’t read the one above. I was referring to Erik’s info on the alleged population explosion. Looks about as legit as the climate hockeystick.

Jun 1, 2024 4:07 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Yeah I wonder about that all , well, a lot of the time. Can we believe anything we’re told. Without extensive corroboration?
I don’t think so.

les online
les online
Jun 1, 2024 11:11 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

The UN-WEF insist we all have digital IDs
so they’ll know the exact number killed in the
Next Big War…Such would also help Historians…

Jun 2, 2024 9:24 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

So how did the global population succeed to produce 3 more children per family than before in a century with 2 WWars, and various deceases and hunger games?

Each of the children (or enough of them) each had their own family. Ergo: population dynamics are exponential and subject to exponential doubling (2m, 4m, 8m, 64m ….) I recommend Tom Murphy’s handbook to explain the relevant maths:


He has just written two blogs on the “population bomb” that are not subject to schoolboy mathematical error. I thought you were an engineer Erik!🙄


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 2, 2024 10:29 PM
Reply to  Bryan

I am, but not an academic theoretical office Engineer one.
I work in Construction saying I see everything feasible in the real environment with real rain, real wind and real ground conditions, and not what is stated in any report or statistics.

Your links are not good enough Bryan. “Limits of growth” and “limited fossil energy” are the old leftist/Rome Clube failed themes who are very easy to down as only office idiots could come up with such foolish postulates and nonsense.

The sun is shining the year around yes? The waves are rolling, the wind is blowing, and Nuclear energy plants also produce energy yes? = not limited but unlimited energy.
Why is this so difficult for the office Engineer or…..”Scientist” to admit such a simple rational conclusion? Because the business is full of big fraudsters and criminals who could eye him out and he could risk lose his title and purse.

Your exponential rats, pigs, ants in a jar glass math, is theoretical again far from real life.

In our century we had China’s 1 child policy, plus West got a lot less children from their welfare state where many children was not necessary for survival anymore.
I would say your point is contrary, in 1800-1900 they were poorer and got more children 8-10 in many families, I have heard about extreme 17 children in some families.
In the third world poor families maybe get 4-5 children where West get 1-3, but many in the third world also die in an earlier age from a various of reasons.

I will now take a look at your second link, but so far you have not impressed me.  😏 

Jun 3, 2024 3:13 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Checkout these Chinese ghost towns.

And according to an Indian economist, China’s got an imminent population crisis.

I’ve been wondering if the severe push by the UN with their forced immigration policies using the orchestrated wars of the 20th and 21st century are also a way to hide shrinking population numbers in the West. And if that’s true, then the push to get millions of illegal immigrants from central and South America into the US over the border, might be an attempt to hide dwindling population numbers.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 3, 2024 6:49 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The Chinese ghost times is a defense against the international dollar monopoly which makes most other national currencies worthless.
China use the worth dollar to build ghost towns to at least get some real value out of the fiat dollar they receive from selling their many products to US.
China also use received fiat dollar to buy gold on the International market. A wise decision.

Re the population crisis China has left the 1 child policy. It made many tragedies among the Chinese population.
Perhaps they found out the population increase was again a Western bank fraud.

Jun 3, 2024 3:25 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

And could those falling population numbers be an additional reason the central planners are in such a hurry to transition to an entirely new economic system? To hide the contracting world economy, propped up for the last several decades with financial sector expansion, sky high commodity prices, shadow banking shenanigans and absurdly overvalued stock prices?

Jun 3, 2024 9:45 AM
Reply to  Researcher

They may well be, but their plans are not worth the air they breathe if they do not comply to our dwindling finite resource base. The point is: instead of speculation about what ‘they’ are planning…. why not get on with what ‘we’ are going to do that is compatible with real ecological dynamics?

Ecological economics shows that the energy for production peaked circa 1970 and all subsequent expansion has been largely cosmetic… but cosmetic does not mean resource free. We have consumed an enormous amount of non-renewable resources for an apocryphal and accursed share that is irreplaceably wasted. Who knows what we could have done by treating the finite resource base as custodians, not voracious consumers?

Who knows what we could do with what is left if we invest in ecology, not cosmetic economics based on mathematical calculus based on nothingness but the expedience of greed. Wouldn’t that be worth “researching”? 😉

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 3, 2024 6:54 PM
Reply to  Researcher

It made me think. What if the “Deagel’s apocalyptic depopulation forecast for 2025″ is because they wanna correct the wrong statistical 8 billion?

The end of the day there is two form of lies: Old newspapers and statistics.

Jun 3, 2024 9:31 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Despite our lower birthrate, our resource hunger is exponential, not theirs. There is always more than one variable. At the rate we consume it will take ~200y to raise the rest of the world out of poverty, and the economy will have to multiply ~175X. If you think there can be a global solar economy 175X larger than current, I urge you to please reconsider your maths and the underlying assumptions of your rational conclusions?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 3, 2024 5:00 PM
Reply to  Bryan

All resources return back to their balances. Iron rust back to FE, becomes new iron deposits.
The inner centre of our globe is said to be a ball of 2000C iron magma spewing magma, gas and ashes out from 1000 volcanoes as security valves for over pressure under our deep seas.
The sun maintain this system and thus there is endless gas and coal at our disposal. Next question?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 2, 2024 10:35 PM
Reply to  Bryan

Your second link was even worse than the first. How dare you to present a jerk like Paul Erhlich to me?

Jun 3, 2024 9:22 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

There is a fundamental flaw in your thinking: we cannot harvest solar, wind or wave energy without using the earth’s finite resources…. which means that their energy is limited. In fact, the conversion of sunlight into usable energy is so inefficient as to be close to an energy sink. As the earth can be considered materially closed, using finite resources to convert renewable energy (so-called) is not feasible at any sort of scale. You cannot just say it is, it actually has to be feasible.

You cannot discard thermodynamics because you do not like it, and you cannot assume population dynamics based on intuition alone. Mathematics has to correspond to the earth’s real dynamics. Otherwise we get what I would call “Austrian Quadratics” (praxeology and thymology) based on sentiment, discarding empiricism altogether. Which is what the original “arithmomorphic” models of infinite growth are based on… nothing but greed.

Resources are limited by thermodynamics, not the Meadows’ LTG and population dynamics have nothing to do with Erhlich or Malthus. Professor Murphy’s math is sound as complying to real world dynamics.

Any way: you missed another salient point. It is First World consumption that is driving ecological crisis, and there is only ~1.2bn of us. It is our appetites for consumption that needs to change, not theirs. They produce for us to consume. Our surplus is their poverty. Maybe that is what you should be “outraged” about?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 3, 2024 5:10 PM
Reply to  Bryan

Its yourself who has flaw in your thinking. Harvest what energy?
I am just saying sun, wind, waves, natural gas, atom fission, water falls, are eternal energy provided to the earth.
I am not talking about how Blackstone, Warren Buffet, Vanguard, Bank of England can “harvest” this energy to their bank accounts.
Can your own flaw in thinking?

Jun 3, 2024 1:48 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Some time ago I started wondering, how all these people are being counted. Nobody knows how many people are living in Bombay-Dharavi. In Delhi. Etc. Apparently US population has grown by 10% over the last 2 decades or so (i.e. from 300 m to 330 m). How can anybdoy count them if they come and stay as illegal aliens? And are immigration figures really disregarded when establishing growth figures?
I suspect the talking point ‘population growth’ is needed as a starting point of the whole propaganda chain: More people, more food and water consumption, therefore crisis, countermeasures needed.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 3, 2024 5:25 PM
Reply to  rechenmacher

Yes we are down at price making.
If there is lack of a necessity resource it becomes expensive, thus you must provide this situation artificially by controlling the market.

Rockefeller made his first billion by promoting oil as coming from old “fossil” dinosaurs why it was limited and therefore very expensive.
Rich guys tried to impress their fiancees by driving around in rectangular black iron automobiles 20 km/hr from Ford with uncomfortable seats spending a buck on expensive fossil dinosaur gasoline. Its called the snob effect..

Jun 1, 2024 1:14 PM

I would not frame in ‘better than an implicit worse than, but would aspire to excellence for its own sake. Value fulfilment is integral to the nature of life – not as intellectually set, framed or imposed ‘meanings’ (unless of course you insist), but as the extension, unfolding and discovery of Meaning. The nihilism of reductive materialism become reduced to systems of functional utility. Such as to assign the source of Meaning to tools, systems or ideologies as a narrative-framed identity. This can serve the development of ‘better’ means to serve preset or prioritised purposes, such as ‘better systems for the delivery of healthcare’ – while its means destroy the living context of real caring at the heart of real health. Obsession with the tools or means to an end is symptomatic of identifying in the tool (or indeed mind and communication) as an end in itself. Thus the goal justifies and dictates the means – and the world is reversed as a sacrifice of life now for a ‘better world’ when. Or the variant: sacrifice life now to mitigate or avert a terrible end ‘when’. Decision to align in true value appreciation (gratitude) releases the false. This can SEEM like sacrifice if invested in the false or seeking to evade the commitment of acceptance of true. But we give value and thus share in it by our energy and attention or active caring. The frame or themes of our lives are different. the boxing of lives in judgements becomes a ‘normal currency’ – but I CANNOT judge your life whoever you are, whatever your apparent conditions – but that I am judging myself. Judgement is a tool with which we have become identified as a separate private authoritative mind and lived out from such a framing to a world… Read more »

Jun 1, 2024 5:35 PM
Reply to  Binra

f’n brilliant rejoinder per usual; would luv to hear what your education background is; and some of the jobs you have had over the course of your life; curious is all! RGB-4 out!!

Jun 1, 2024 11:25 AM

survival of the most adaptable but really …. My holiness blesses the world.1. This idea contains the first glimmerings of your true function in the world, or why you are here. ²Your purpose is to see the world through your own holiness. ³Thus are you and the world blessed together. ⁴No one loses; nothing is taken away from anyone; everyone gains through your holy vision. ⁵It signifies the end of sacrifice because it offers everyone his full due. ⁶And he is entitled to everything because it is his birthright as a Son of God.
2. There is no other way in which the idea of sacrifice can be removed from the world’s thinking. ²Any other way of seeing will inevitably demand payment of someone or something. ³As a result, the perceiver will lose.
(ACIM, W-37.1:1–2:3)

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 1, 2024 1:13 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Very nice…thank you. The wisdom of ACIM always amazes me.

Jun 1, 2024 4:38 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

but one has to DO it. 🙂

Jun 1, 2024 6:09 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

A Course in Miracles:
The final recognition is ” I need do nothing”.
However this is to choose NOT to ‘do’ or use the ego of judgement.
The attempt to Do what is given through us is the ‘self-conscious image of a mistaken inheritance.
Our attempt to DO love is the same mistake.
Willingness FOR love and life opens to being truly and freely moved – and in this the ‘experience is an expression of a gift, and not of a self-will.

So one can say ‘of myself I can do nothing’.
Conversely the belief that of ourself we can and have DONE something is the basis for both false pride or self-inflation and the Fall or separation experience of guilt, fear and lack for ‘sins’ of commission or omission.

The practical here is to uncover and address what we ‘do’ in terms of our thought, emotions and behaviours, that constitutes a block to the acceptance of our created being – of Innocence of being.
The Bridegroom (fulfilment) cometh when ye thinketh not!

Responsibility for thought is the key – but in terms of releasing blocks to love – not in terms of moral judgement/self-gaslighting manipulations.

Jun 1, 2024 1:40 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

A self conviction of guilt automatically projects out to others and world as a masking defence against fear of pain of loss. The undoing of guilt is in the extension of love, but guilt withdraws from (spoiling) love as much as a withholding that ‘pushes away’ or distances. This is readily observable in our day to day in all sorts of moments. So a self-honesty of recognition as having ‘judged’ without love is brought Present instead of evaded by thinking. In Presence, all that is true in our situation abides supported and embraced while the false is released of its status as true or necessary. This function is a willingness for a discernment by which we progressively uncover and release forms of hate that are set in ‘defences’ we no longer want or need. Not as a result of judging good against evil, but of loving appreciation of true in which the evil is undone and revealed as consequence of projecting what we don’t want (or hate in ourself) as if to get rid of it. Bring our mind as experience TO the Holy Spirit (of a true discernment of being) is then the way to undo a thought reversal in which an evil seems to control or drive and subject us against our will. I do not and can not create the awareness of being that “I am” – regardless how ingeniously I might create or make an image of self in ever shifting and mutating variants – by which to overlay or augment my perceptions and responses as a substitution for the simple but direct knowing of being. Thus a wholeness and holiness of being remains undefiled by whatever movies ran, run ar can be run on the mind-set in judgement over life. The gift of such a… Read more »

Jun 1, 2024 4:39 PM
Reply to  Binra

ok ?!

Jun 1, 2024 11:23 AM

comment image?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=FRTVP9I-c-cQ7kNvgFBrk9w&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AYCuIWmh-hbgkaZcDKh1ydO0VHUMsI-Iru37UZbBMxsAGQ&oe=6660D470

Jun 1, 2024 4:40 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

what happened here?

Jun 1, 2024 11:08 AM

3rd temple death cult getting there briefing.

They still haven’t figured out there religious cult books are rigged.

How brainwashed must they be……..

Vatican preparing ‘guidelines’ for ‘apparitions’, ‘other supernatural phenomena’

Apparitions are appearances or communication with divine beings such as saints, angels or Christ himself

underground poet
underground poet
Jun 1, 2024 11:34 AM
Reply to  davetherave

We have reached the point in evolution of maximum spiritual elevation on a micro level, even the gods are astounded at what they managed to build (in mortal human form), and destroy.

Jun 1, 2024 1:58 PM
Reply to  davetherave

Are They my excuse or justification for framing my Me or our Us?

It is very easy to be phished by narratives in which we join for our own ‘reasons’ or out of our own psychological triggers (I prefer psychic or psychic-emotional to the masked distance of a ‘psychological’)
Symbolic associations as portals or as triggers against manipulation.
All visions are of the realm of perception – even the most subtle and beatific. Thus they do not persist. Hence potency of symbols that become prisons by taking out of living context.
Knowledge or true knowing cannot be conceived or perceived.
A world framed in grievance is self-wilfully rigged.

Jun 1, 2024 4:03 PM
Reply to  davetherave

Lol. They are 100% aboard the Masonic new age psyop. Transitioning the masses towards their one world, rebranded new age religion.

A nicer, friendlier, more inclusive, Death Cult of Saturn. Where Deepak Chopra, the Dalai Lama, Russel Brand, the Vatican and Richard Dawkins all recommend downloading “Hallow”.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 1, 2024 6:59 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The TRULY PROVEN survival of ‘death’ truth is NOT a psyop, it really is the truth (as you will, one day, discover…).

You are wrongly claiming that it’s a psyop due to your lamentable lack of knowledge of the very real existence of the mountain-loads of multi-faceted evidences which provide that proof.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 2, 2024 9:53 AM

The people who’ve ignorantly thumbed-down my short post will get one VERY big shock on the eventual days on which they do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’.

It’s not clever, all you closed-minded materialist sceptics out there, to ridicule/abuse/thumb-down we literally countless millions around the world (including numerous properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc etc) who are fully aware (including from our possession of numerous personal proofs) that the actual nature of the very illusory ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its wholly illusory face-value mere appearance.

You uninformed materialist sceptics can ONLY ridicule we many spiritually-aware people around the world until the eventual days on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’. Once that day arrives, for each of you, you will be FORCED to face that we spiritually-aware people around the world were telling the 100% factual truth when we said that we all survive (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’.
That we were NOT ‘talking nonsense’, and that it, the survival truth, was NOT ‘a psyop’ (haha!!, anyone [no names, no pack drill…] claiming that the survival of ‘death’ evidences are ‘a psyop’ has lost the plot).

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 2, 2024 10:12 AM

A short P.S. to my post of a few minutes ago.

You uninformed materialist sceptics are obviously not aware that there exist cave paintings dated many thousands of years ago which include paintings of the immortal spirit body emerging from the physical body at the point of physical body death. Ie, people then, thousands of years ago, possessed clairvoyant vision, and when present at someone’s ‘death’, thus saw that person’s immortal spirit body literally emerging from the physical body.

You uninformed closed-minded sceptics are on the wrong side of this argument! As, one day, you will all discover…

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 2, 2024 6:42 PM

People who think that the (PROVEN) survival of ‘death’ evidences are a psyop truly have ‘lost the plot’. There will come a day for each and every closed-minded sceptic (re. survival of ‘death’) when they will not be able to deny that we truly do all survive (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’. Ie, all sceptics will discover, on the day that they do what’s wrongly termed ‘die’, that we Spiritualists truly were telling the truth. It’s immensely disturbing that so many people are SO closed-minded on this that they simply thumb-down someone who’s disseminating this biggest, greatest truth of existence, without saying to themselves “Oh, I wonder… I think I’d better take a look into this subject… maybe there do exist evidences which prove that the actual nature of ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be…”. Well, there truly DO exist a multitude of multi-faceted evidences which absolutely PROVE that we (the immortal consciousness that we each ARE) truly DO all survive the death of our physical body. And there is nothing that any closed-minded materialist can say that will change that fact. They’ll all discover, one day, that they, the closed-minded materialists, were the ones who were OH so wrong, and that it was we Spiritualists who were telling the absolute, 100% factual truth. And for our knowledge, we are subjected to totally unwarranted, totally unjustified vile ridicule and abuse, by all those closed-minded, uninformed materialists who are so lazy that they’re not prepared to put in the scholarly legwork, do the due diligence, and research the subject. Well, as I keep saying, for each and every closed-minded materialist there will come a day when they will not be able to deny that yes,… Read more »

Jun 1, 2024 11:06 AM

Great headline excuse the pun.

Cold April may be all in your head … April may have felt unusually cold but the Met Office has suggested it may all be in your head.


Jun 1, 2024 2:15 PM
Reply to  davetherave

Perhaps it’s in the minds of my garden seedlings that May was COLD that stunted their growth, neurotic little snowflakes.

les online
les online
Jun 1, 2024 11:20 PM
Reply to  davetherave

It worked with ‘covid’, didnt it !! It was all in the head…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 2, 2024 11:18 PM
Reply to  davetherave

In reality cold can be warm, and warm can be cold. It depends solely on how YOU feel it.
I felt that April was the hottest month I and my grandad have ever seen.
This is what I feel and this is MY truth and the truth for me, and you have your feelings and your truth which is the truth for you, and then it depends on the majority in a free and open society. (sarc).

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 1, 2024 10:39 AM

As a white conservative ultra-radical supremacist I agree 100%. “We are all equal” hell no!

We white supremacist will always be a better race than the coloured races because we invented the riffle, the damp machine, usury loans, the opium pipe, and earned a buck on it.
What did the Chinese invent? The rice bowl with two sticks.
The Russians? The Tsar bomb.
The Africans? The Bongo drum.
The Italiens? Spaghetti.
The Indians? Rice and curry.
The South America? The Inka Head chopping!
The Arabs? The Dates. They only found oil after we invented it.
Case closed and proved!

Jun 3, 2024 1:54 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Hey, don’t leave us out. We invented Sauerkraut.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 3, 2024 10:54 PM
Reply to  rechenmacher

You are part of us the ultra white scumbags. The good guys!

Jun 1, 2024 10:25 AM

Here they go launching another attempt to package their insanity in a way that people will fall for:

They’re pro-evolution except the bit about competition – yes, it’s weaponised communitarianism once again. They’re also perennialists but rather than Mother Gaia being their God it’s the whole universe! Wow, such a big idea…

Oh, one of the central figures (not 100% sure if it’s this guy or one of the other two) has been accused of being a creeper. Doesn’t that always seem to be the way it eventualy turns out…

BTW it was U.N. World Invocation Day a week ago and that repays some looking into, for example:
There’s probably some “invoking” going on at Bilderberg this weekend.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 3, 2024 7:10 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Lucifer written all over it. Their worst enemy is Christianity. It fits in yes? Lucifer against Christ.
“Lucis Trust Logo Alice Ann Bailey, a leading disciple of the Russian theosophist Madame Helena Blavatsky, formed the Lucifer Publising Company in 1920.
1922 saw the organization’s name changed to Lucis Trust though the advancement of the Luciferian beliefs remained true.
Beliefs that in Blavatsky’s words: “oppose the materialism of science and every dogmatic theology, especially the Christian, which the Chiefs of the Society regard as particularly pernicious.”

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jun 1, 2024 9:49 AM

You can’t say better than that.

Jun 1, 2024 9:31 AM
Jun 1, 2024 10:15 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Was this before or after he’d been diddled by Charles Leadbeater?

Jun 1, 2024 10:19 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Thirty years later. At least.