SPIEF ’24 – Multipolar World Order converges on St. Petersburg to take PCR tests & chat about sustainable development

Riley Waggaman

It’s happening. Again. It happens every year, unfortunately.

I am of course referring to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which is an annual gathering of the world’s most anti-globalist minds.

As per tradition, you will not be allowed to enter the venue without a negative PCR test. SPIEF published a helpful video if you have questions about your Virus Status:

REMINDER: Your fancy SPIEF digital ID will not be activated until you test negative for the Virus!

You will also need to buy a ticket.

Tickets cost $19,860.


source: riamo.ru

Now let’s examine what will be discussed at this Multipolar Traditional Values Stakeholder Shindig.

top agenda item is “the transition to a multipolar world economy”, i.e., the creation of a “global carbon regulation system” that will pave the way for long-term “sustainable development”:

Development strategies for production and supply chains are being drafted taking into account the global goals of the Paris Agreement and national plans to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change. Commensurate approaches and the pace of carbon regulation among EAEU, SCO, and BRICS member states will make it possible to build a global carbon regulation system based on an equitable energy transition, including transition technologies, and comply with the principles of the multilateral trading system and technological neutrality. For the EAEU, the convergence of approaches to climate regulation is a long-term priority. […] Will market-based carbon pricing mechanisms help achieve climate goals in the SCO, EAEU, and BRICS countries, and what is a fair price for carbon?

How much should one piece of BRICS-carbon cost? Five digital rubles? Maybe ten? If you come to St. Petersburg you can discuss this important topic with some of the world’s most renowned carbon connoisseurs, including Ruslan Edelgeriyev, Russia’s Special Presidential Representative on Climate Issues, and Tatiana Zavyalova, Sberbank’s Senior Vice President for ESG.

A different panel will discuss “transition finance” and other sustainable activities that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that “BRICS countries actively support the movement to reduce emissions in traditionally carbon-intensive sectors”:

One possible option for achieving climate goals is to promote transition finance practices that help direct cash flows to projects to modernize industries and businesses with high greenhouse gas emissions. Today, BRICS countries actively support the movement to reduce emissions in traditionally carbon-intensive sectors: in September 2021, Russia adopted the Taxonomy of Adaptation (Transition) Projects, while China already has seven regional taxonomies of transition projects. The general approaches were proposed based on China’s initiative and at the G20.

Davos flees in terror!

By the way: which Russian region has saved the most polar bears? Find out at SPIEF ‘24!

Experts will also discuss why there is no reason to fear the “rapid development” of biometric technologies in Russia:

The global market for biometric technologies is rapidly developing, and Russia is among its leaders. More and more services using biometrics are appearing in the country, and it is becoming easier and more accessible for Russians to receive government and commercial services. But people are wary of this new technology. Some are afraid of scammers, while others are afraid of leaks. For others, it signifies total control by the state. These stereotypes hinder its development. But what actually are biometrics? Do we need this technology and is there any reason to fear it?

source: forumspb.com

Stop with the hurtful stereotypes! LEAVE BIOMETRICS ALONE, YOU BIGOT.

Russia’s “digital transformation” will receive special attention at SPIEF ‘24. After all, relevant stakeholders will have to work together if they hope to digitalize nearly all “socially significant” services by 2030:

source: forumspb.com

Specialists from across the Global South will also engage in intellectually stimulating conversations about meaningless buzzwords copy-pasted from Davos press releases:

source: forumspb.com

Ultimately, the conference aims to help usher in an extremely sustainable world order based on carbon credits, biometric cattle tags, and expensive hookers.

…but does SPIEF have puppies??


Riley Waggaman is an American writer and journalist who has lived in Russia for close to a decade. He has contributed to many websites, including Anti-Empire, Russian Faith, Brownstone Institute, Unlimited Hangout, and Geopolitics & Empire. He worked for Press TV, Russia Insider, and RT before going solo. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.


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Categories: latest, Russia
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Jun 9, 2024 10:39 AM

“The Russian Davos”?…

But hang on – I thought that Davos was just some crazy conspiracy theory or at most some unthreatening gathering of the rich that’s really not of any great interest to anyone and just concocts some vague plans driven by good intentions of making the world a better place. At least that’s been the Guardian’s line on Davos since 2020….

Russians draw up vague plans to make the world better – how creepy is that! We’d better treble defence spending immediately!!

The article acknowledges that the Russian economy is booming while flushing all those promises that Western sanctions would cripple it down the memory-hole. The only economies crippled are the household ones of everyone not mega-rich in the West which was 1) exactly what was predicted around here and 2) the plan all along.

Didn’t some Scottish Freemason have a line about deception and tangled webs that might be appropriate here?

Jun 8, 2024 10:59 AM

Mr. Waggaman thank you for this excellent article.
I would like to solicit your attention to Apti Alaudinov, head of the Akhmat force and possible successor of Ramzan Kadyrov to the Chechen throne. I understand that together with the ex-Wagner mercenaries he constitutes a kind of “Jesus Army” ready to fight the “satanic West”. Do you have any information on the subject?

Jun 8, 2024 7:10 AM

One would have to be committed, to pay 20 grand for a ticket & submit a PCR Test…

(Yes, obviously . . .


Thom 9
Thom 9
Jun 7, 2024 6:34 AM

Same as it always was…
Sadly the ideology of eugenics has been bread into the people in control of the machine.
Putin et al are wolves in a sable coats.

Jun 7, 2024 8:57 AM
Reply to  Thom 9

It seems the vast majority of the Russian people support Putin despite almost daily US/U.K./ France/ NATO/ Ukrainian attacks and killing of civilians in Russia.


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 7, 2024 7:40 PM
Reply to  Brianberou

“People will believe what the media tells them they believe”, (G. Orwell).

When I was in the army, we made opinions polls: “Do you think Europe should put up US missiles against Sovjet”.
25% of the servicemen answered, the 75 % gave the schedule a fuck. Out of the 25% some 80% supported a NO.
Our Poll Statement to the MSM that 80% of ALL servicemen’s opinion was NO to missiles. In reality only 20% of the servicemen had made their X there.

It really surprised us the team who made these polls how serious high level people took it. It was referenced in the nights news, the radio news and politicians and military generals commented on it seriously as if it was Mr. Truth himself
We were young and just didnt like war and missiles and can just have been said to have had an political agenda. For us it was a small thing, for them a big.

But you see it doesnt really make sense to ask young unexperienced servicemen 18-22 years old about their opinion about anything.

They young didnt knew a shit about the world, and it thus tells further a story about the incompetence of those Seniors in charge who took it seriously.

So, your link is ok but it really dont tells anything.

Jun 7, 2024 10:17 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

It tells me that the Western pyscological, fear mongering, devise games aren’t working.

Jun 8, 2024 7:26 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Excellent comment, Erik: naturally, 75% were already suspicious of the motive to Poll & Profile the Ranks… and our perceptions.

Like reading Pravda, back in the Cold War Daze, as a consequence, the Eastern Europeans are so much wiser as a society, over Media Bi-Ass,
On average, than Westerners and learnt long ago to read through & past the Double Entendre of the Build-a-Burger Soros Media Matters in open society,

Thus Viktor Orban.

Jun 8, 2024 10:55 AM
Reply to  Balkydj

Long ago when I was travelling on the Moscow Metro, I observed a few young men who were building workers reading, however, unlike the West were they would be reading, for example, the Super Soar Away Sun Newspaper, the Russians were reading the Russian Classics.

The average Russian is much better informed hence they know the West has been attempting to destroy Russia for almost a millennium !

Thom 9
Thom 9
Jun 8, 2024 4:40 AM
Reply to  Brianberou

I’m not all surprised that the Russian people support Putin I would too if I were living in Russia.

He certainly appears to be the sanest leader in Europe by his words and actions so far.

Russia’s undertaking of their special military action against the West’s proxy Ukraine, Putin has shown himself to be very restrained in his approach.

There is no doubt about the Ukrainian colour revolution being staged by agents of the West for the purpose of undermine Russia and attempting to draw them into a larger conflict in the hopes of shattering Russia into pieces. The West’s Eurasian gambit has been a long time in the planning, staging and executing. See Brzezinski “The Grand Chessboard” for more about what I mean.

However Russia seems to have the same globalist end goal that being turning Russia into a biosecurity state. And for that reason I don’t trust Putin or anyone else behind him.

Thom 9
Thom 9
Jun 8, 2024 4:44 AM
Reply to  Thom 9

Hey Off-G love your site however your online text editor completely sucks.

Jun 9, 2024 12:17 PM
Reply to  Thom 9

Thur’ working on it, apparently, so I’m working on old age adaptability,
As admin advised. 😂

*9 years: Pending*

And apparently you can teach old dogs & bitches new ‘tricks’. It just takes longer to adjust the RAM…
Due to pre_programming,
Of poor Judgement: OffG, tech.wise like my employer, (a communications business), with such bad historic programming, with so many loopholes, one wonders who is trawling what Data & Trans_Missions within each ‘Niche of the Net’s’ fishing expedition. . . A ‘smart’ fisherman would name his new Trawler, either
‘KatchAllGogo’ … or
(With Broom Emblem).
Abstract. New road names:
Hanging Dr’s St.
Singing Dr’s St.
Wellcome Dr’s St or
Modena Dr’s Plaza in Gaza,
For the Italians. You get my
Longshore Drift ?
Programming Fuk’d’Up,
Logically, decades ago.
Greetings, 🤗

Jun 8, 2024 8:48 AM
Reply to  Thom 9

“ However Russia seems to have the same globalist end goal..” Let’s examine some of these end goals which the Globalists have openly admitted. Eg destruction of the family unit by perversion and paedophilic ideology, Religion, destruction of the nationstate.

On each of those accounts Putin has refused to follow those goals.


Jun 7, 2024 1:57 AM

It’s not a multi-polar world order.
It’s bi-polar:
Manic, and depressing.
We can do better.

Jun 6, 2024 7:57 PM

The Swiss Yello seem to have
mixed up the meanings in 1980.

Jun 6, 2024 7:48 PM


Fun fact: In German, you would say Tussi
(see Thusnelda) instead of Bimbo, because
Bimbo means something very different there.

Jun 6, 2024 5:53 PM

Sick of coincidences

Starship dwarfs all previous rocket systems.

The 33 engines at its base produce 74 meganewtons of thrust

Thom 9
Thom 9
Jun 8, 2024 4:50 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

33 ha, ha and 7+4=11 ha, ha fun with Masonic numbers. Just another form of “calling cards”.

Jun 8, 2024 7:39 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Made by Renault ?

Jun 6, 2024 5:43 PM


US Police State takes the smiley masks off. Totalitarianism de jour…

Jun 6, 2024 4:48 PM

New boss, just like the ol’ boss…

Jun 6, 2024 4:15 PM

this week’s most offensive thing:

comment image

Jun 6, 2024 4:57 PM
Reply to  purgatorium

If we give the IDF (essentially Israel) $100B in 10 years, 45 million Black Americans would receive $2200 each. Chump change. Then imagine what Northern Europeans owe Indigenous tribes in lives and land for their conquest, pillage and genocide…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 6, 2024 5:10 PM
Reply to  sandy

$2200 is better than $0. Im all in for Little. After all black sweat build America:

Black sweat laid all the asphalt on America’s roads, all the bricks to all buildings, build all the factories, worked in the cotton fields and produced all the white golf club shirts, the white Nike shoes, you white sissies walk around in today!

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 7, 2024 12:13 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Americans of European ancestry are overwhelmingly descendants of indentured servants (virtual slaves), who were subsistence farmers forced off the land in Britain and Ireland during the first phase of The Enclosures, and “free people” likewise subsistence farmers forced off the land in latter phases in the same area and the rest of Europe. For the most part, they ended up as wage slaves in their new American homes. Nothing to apologize for.

Jun 7, 2024 12:42 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Under a similar system, the first peoples of Australia would reap a massive windfall.
Fat chance.

Jun 7, 2024 8:44 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Many black people in America are also descendants of actual slave owners. Will they be eligible for reparations or will they pay reparations to themselves?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 7, 2024 9:20 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

The slave owner “used” women in the way you know, made women pregnant, naughty boy. So of course he should pay for it.
Children of slave owners deserve it even more than anybody.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jun 7, 2024 12:27 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Isn’t that what they already get in welfare cheques every month?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 7, 2024 9:10 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

Looks like it, ref: “The average welfare check amount for a family of 4 in the US varies by state, but it typically ranges from $500 to $1200 per month”.

A poor man would be happy for these money. In Portuguese but you get the message. https://youtu.be/DU5GLHCuv94

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jun 7, 2024 12:16 PM
Reply to  purgatorium

Given that racial mixture is prevalent in America, people who are half African-half European (gentiles only) or less will receive only half the payment or a proportionate percentage. And people of mixed African-hebraic heritage, will receive a double payment plus a hanukkah bonus; in perpetuity.

Jun 6, 2024 2:50 PM

Summats afoot:

6 June 2024, 13:30 BST


All the quoted numbers, are just a coincidence, obviously.

My spidey sense is a tinglin’

The Management™ are a plottin’

Jun 6, 2024 5:46 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

They’re throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks…

Deborah Birx (former Trump WH coronavirus response co-ordinator) says we must test every cow in America (on a weekly basis) for bird flu. “We should be testing every cow, weekly,” Birx says adding, “we could be pool testing every dairy worker.” There are around 40 million cows in the United States. Trust the science!


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 6, 2024 8:57 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Its a mad house.

Jun 7, 2024 2:00 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

An old phrase comes to mind:
“They need their heads examined”.

Jun 6, 2024 2:18 PM

OT: coded messages:

Doctor missing, MM (13 13) initials, set off on a walk at 1330 local time.

I do hope you enjoy your steaming hot bowl of coincidence, whilst we mock you.

The Management.

Jun 6, 2024 1:50 PM

I have no doubt if we all close our eyes, click our heels three times and say in unison “They’re all in it together!” everything will come clear. (It’s worth a try.)

Oh wait, it’s already been done, hasn’t it? Never mind.

Jun 6, 2024 1:44 PM

Most of us are far more interested in the EU vote on WHO dictatorship than waggaman’s (surely his real name) rants on BRIC

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 6, 2024 12:02 PM

So they pay $20000 to play, plus cost the the hooker plus cost to get a stick up in their blood brain barrier, plus cost to be biological date registered to participate.
O boy, what people are ready and willing to sacrifice for being close to money.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 6, 2024 9:58 AM


Linehan continues to display his embarrassing dupery over Israel even to the point of supporting the one who is possibly the most odious individual on the planet. Naturally his Zio-groupies are jerking off alongside.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 6, 2024 12:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

If I were an Israeli I would puke in the toilet having this 100% arselicker running in my butt.

Jun 6, 2024 9:09 AM

BRICS was a Goldman-Sachs investment strategy to revitalise a stagnating globalism, for those who had newly minted QE (qualitave easing) money to burn. Jim O’Neill’s original 2001 intelligence paper is still archived online. And BRICS did grow, thanks to all that white monopoly capital investment. Given that the previous century’s investment strategy went belly up in 2008, we only got here because of ‘Big Jim’ (now a leading Tory Grandee)…. And China’s massive internal development programme (“Ghost Cities”). In the fray, the continued expansion of the financial economy did for the ‘productive economy’ (no capital return on manufacture without cheap labour), expanding the consumptogenic ‘tertiary’ economies—like the UK—by outsourcing production, expanding the ‘north/south’ divide. The very energetic and material economic divide we all embody in commodities and metabolic physiology…. Que’lle surprise? Given our unacknowledged self-investment in Third World energy and resources we all personally embody, it is all well to deride the next phase of our metabolic self-investment strategy…. But what is the alternative to the above? How are we going to feed our bodies and fuel our homes from biomass alone, sourced within our island territory (if you are in the UK)? Put differently, when the above investment strategy fails—which it must do ecologically—what do we do without other People’s food and fuel and live’s socio-metabolically embodied in our commodities also fail? What do we do when our somatic commodity is starved of Unpeople’s health? Serious question (of the mods): whatever happened to OffG’s side venture with Corey Morningstar and Clive Spash: Clive Spash who’s slogan is “There are only alternatives” and Corey who still blogs as the “Wrong Kind of Green”? I only ask because there is definite scope for “social ecological economics” like Clive’s and “a right type of green” like Corey’s. Spash seems well versed in… Read more »

Jun 6, 2024 8:38 AM

Multipolar hey?

So who decides who gets to take control?
Who says No?
Who says Yes?
Who monitors the controllers?
Who monitors the uncontrollable?
Who decides the punishment for those who veer from the rules?
Who writes the rules?
Those with the most weapons and soldiers?
Those with the most money?
Those with the most dirt on the sexual indiscretions of the attendees?

What a collection of miserable, mongrel, mayhem making miscreants they are.

No sign of it here.

underground poet
underground poet
Jun 6, 2024 11:34 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Looks like the wild west being born again, but this time Annie’s got her gun.

Jun 6, 2024 7:16 PM
Reply to  Johnny

‘It would be a good thing.’

Edward Bernaysauce
Edward Bernaysauce
Jun 6, 2024 8:18 AM

Carbon-free,15- minute viral cell cultures are clearly the way forward…

Jun 6, 2024 6:42 AM

People get ready, this one’s particularly deadly and coming your way. Stockpile some dried bugs and dig out those old masks in the bottom of the drawer because this time you’re really going to need them

Jun 6, 2024 7:40 AM
Reply to  Shearwater

Article posted on 6/6/24
So telegraphing this is a “go go go!”

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 6, 2024 12:26 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

I see 33 reasons for why the planet must defend itself against deadly birds.

Not only are they spreading viral deceases, but birds are also causing problems for windmills, airplanes and ventilators, killing bees, and their latest attack killed Iran’s President and many government officials by flying into his helicopter.

underground poet
underground poet
Jun 6, 2024 11:37 AM
Reply to  Shearwater

My guess is that the deceased ate one too many bugs during a nutrition system crash event. But the media portrayed them as healthy for some reason.

Big Al
Big Al
Jun 6, 2024 4:54 AM

It’s like the military industrial complex only different. I think that’s largely why it’s happening globally, it’s because corporate reach is global, the technology is such. Can’t discount the globalists’ plans of course, but capitalism and the never ending quest to create, and make even more money is a big factor. It’s really an unstoppable process, it’s not all necessarily nefarious in the global conspiracy sense. “Imagine if we can corner the market on . . . ” So it goes and so it will continue. The only way out is to refuse and hope enough of us can make a difference. If we can’t find a way to organize globally, that’s doubtful. But maybe we can. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 6, 2024 9:04 PM
Reply to  Big Al

Globally against globally will never work. The space has been taken by controlled opposition who claim they are together “in a global resistance” my arse.

I believe David Hughes proposal is the best, that we each do what we can within our area, as we each have our conditions and our different creative ideas.

The most important thing is to be aware. When and if you are aware you can use your skills and possibilities.

Big Al
Big Al
Jun 7, 2024 4:51 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I’m aware, man. I swear. I’m so fucking aware, it’s almost fucking unbelievable. Like, unbelievably aware. Like, aware as fuck. You know, Eirk. Everybody here at OffG are aware people, we’re the aware people.
P.S. I don’t know who David Hughes is. Is he aware?
(Comment pending until next week, unless it’s just deleted).

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 7, 2024 7:57 PM
Reply to  Big Al

Hughes is the real stuff. He talks clearly about military psy-ops.
First you have the MSM story, then you feed controlled opposition with money and the right truth themes, so the population (enemy) thinks there is resistance against the lies and fakes.
These two groups are filling the whole room. Global Take Over and Global Resistance

Then there is the truth seeker who scratch in the surface and find the REAL truth behind these two groups. The truth seeker who cant help it but must know, just in order to function, is being squeezed out by the above groups.

You will know a lot of them, Faker Saker, Ritter, Malone, Caitline, Caterine Fitts (use cash on fridays….LOL). Well paid stars of the do-gooder resistance.

Enjoy. Every minute is worth the 2 hours. https://maryanngebauer.substack.com/p/dr-david-hughes

les online
les online
Jun 6, 2024 4:22 AM

It’s 6 June here in Sydney, “D-Day” 80 years ago…
Last evening i learned Israel might possibly decide today
on an all-out, total war, against Hezbollah in Lebanon –
making today Israel’s Decision Day (D-Day)…
And it seems The Americans will not be invited to join
in the frontline fighting – which is a good thing, as there’ll
be no movies made about how the USA won that fight…
I lived through all the movies about how the USA won
World War Two, and i dont want to live through that

underground poet
underground poet
Jun 6, 2024 11:45 AM
Reply to  les online

In 1943, when asked how far the Russians were willing to go to liberate the continent, they said all the way to the Ocean.

It was then America stepped in to prevent the Russians from going any further than Germany, and the mechanism to do so, D-day.

A propaganda war against the Russians was then started by McCarthy that has continued to this day, intentional misinformation anyone?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 6, 2024 5:52 PM

Same today. Hezbollah will not be allowed to go all the way to the Sea, but will be stopped before Jerusalem.
Putin will not be allowed all the way to Lisbon, but will be stopped when Warszawa has been bombed back to the stone age.

underground poet
underground poet
Jun 6, 2024 9:34 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

They are on their way to the Caribbean to rearm our rivals Cuba and Venezuela as we speak, and this is today, not the stone age.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 7, 2024 8:42 PM

About time someone help the two good countries with something real. None of the said countries presents any danger to anyone.
I guess thats why Washington is hysteric, weak guys are not supposed to rearm.

Jun 6, 2024 7:19 PM
Reply to  les online

Nah, it was the Russians. Put the Red Flag up on the ruins of the Reichstag.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 7, 2024 8:44 PM
Reply to  ariel

The Russians made the hard work, like labour. US got all the palms and the hero stories.

Jun 6, 2024 4:15 AM

Mr. Toel, who even once ran for political office in America, makes no secret of his sheer endless love for Germany, but rather a lucrative treasure trove. He says that he loved Germany even before he was born in 1945. This can only mean that the spirit of Adolf Hitler entered him at the time when the latter (allegedly) committed suicide. https://odysee.com/@oliverjanich:b/toel:c

Jun 6, 2024 6:31 AM
Reply to  Ernie

Toel’s interviewer, Janich, is also one of those “libertarians” who parrot the lies of the “Mises Institute” that Nazism was “socialism” (even though the Nazis banned socialists and put them in concentration camps). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Janich

He emigrated to the Philippines years ago, where he impregnated and married a native woman, presumably in order to obtain citizenship there. Such is his love for Germany. “If you don’t love Germany, leave Germany” is one of these battle cries, similar to “Germany to the Germans, foreigners out.”

He advocates a form of society based unrestrainedly on economic principles, in which there are private cities with private military and police forces etc. that are sealed off from the outside world. Everything is for sale. Bureaucracy and states no longer exist.

Freaks like him believe for example that the US is a “corporate sham capitalism” that is in thruth “socialism in disguise, ruled by bureaucratic socialists who plunder the welfare state”. Theories that are also known from guys like David Graeber.

The self-proclaimed anarcho-capitalist apparently
never owned a supposed “villa” there either, at
most an apartment that he sold for €70,000.


His place was stormed and he was arrested.

Danny O'Thebes
Danny O'Thebes
Jun 6, 2024 7:58 AM
Reply to  Ernie

The Nazis weren’t socialists but I was horrified to find out during the convid bollocks that many socialists are Nazis, especially the highly educated ones.

underground poet
underground poet
Jun 6, 2024 11:49 AM
Reply to  Danny O'Thebes

They remain silent about their crimes out of the fear created by exposing them.

Jun 6, 2024 7:27 PM
Reply to  Danny O'Thebes

Right, but you are still unintentionally brainwashed when you unquestioningly adopt and use the vocabulary of those who defined what the word “Nazi” (and everything it represents) had to mean forever: absolute evil. You thus remain within the bubble or narrative without even realizing it.

It’s similar to “fascism”. https://www.orwell.ru/library/articles/As_I_Please/english/efasc

You: “Surely you don’t want to tell me that the word ‘Nazi’ means anything good apart from murder, war, holocaust, genocide, terror, dictatorship and oppression?” Me: No, that’s why it was invented, but not by the “Nazis” themselves.

We have to make the “unthinkable” thinkable again, that is, we have to be able to imagine that everything was really only created to deceive us and ultimately to harm ourselves. For example, Edward Bernays’ “Big Lie” technique is still deliberately attributed to Goebbels and Hitler today.

There are also “historically solid” reasons why we don’t use the term “vaccination Stalinists”, for example, and why even the attempt to make anything other than horror out of National Socialism is punishable by law in (not coincidentally) certain countries as “inadmissible trivialization”

Jun 6, 2024 7:35 PM
Reply to  Ernie
Jun 7, 2024 4:41 AM
Reply to  Ernie

Jun 6, 2024 2:39 AM

Tucker Carlson is live interviewing El Salvador’s president Nayib Bukele

The MS-13 gang went fully WEF and became satanic. Bukule used nationalism as counter force.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 6, 2024 1:48 AM

World upside down again. Maybe we are just everybody insane evil.comment image

Jun 6, 2024 1:39 AM

Putin probably gets some browny points from WEF entities like BIS for keeping the show up. Look at his and Xi Jinping, Modi’s etc. actions instead: the are not gearing up to net zero etc. but go full on nationalisms instead of WEF’s One world order. Others may follow like Hungary and Italy. Trump again a linchpin.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jun 6, 2024 11:06 AM
Reply to  antonym

The WEF is a front, just as Uncle Klaus is a comedy Bond villain.

UN Agenda 21 and 2030 are where the real wheels of tyranny are rolling along quietly in the background. The magician’s sleight of hand – while you’re watching his mouth spew out words, you’re not watching his hands.

BIS sits way atop of WEF in the pecking order of transnational power, since it is the Bank of the Central Banks of which the Chinese, Russian, Indian, South African and Brazilian central banks are all members. In other words ALL of the BRICS nations.


Although, don’t worry, since the BRICS/multipolar club must be playing 5D chess, just like the Orange Man. The lunatic Dave from ‘X22 Report’ has been saying for years (he just pushes back the dates) that the “white hats are coming” along with the Q-tards, so it must be true!!

Same old playbook, works every time.

Jun 6, 2024 1:50 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Sure, that green globalist train started with Rockefeller’s Club of Rome plus his Maurice Strong in 1968, conveniently parallel with outbreak of the Hippie virus.

Anyway nationalisms have already derailed the globalists electric mono rail and now they want their revenge by fueling wars, again, just like end 1930s when the globalists promoted the communist and/or na*i tracks. Anything as long as it is total authoritarian.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 7, 2024 8:49 PM
Reply to  antonym

Hippie virus? Just because they smoked a little grass. https://youtu.be/SxQauK6THi8 The Pusher

Jun 6, 2024 12:35 AM

And the big question is?

Will the ‘busy as a one legged man in an arse kicking competition’ escort girls be wearing masks as they ‘entertain’ the $uiturd$?

I should bloody well hope so.

Jun 5, 2024 11:53 PM

Ah, so this is the St Petersburg conference that Scott Ritter was prevented from attending by the US State Department acting through NY police who took his passport.

If Waggaman is correct, it seems the State Dept did Ritter a favour.

Jun 5, 2024 11:31 PM

Sounds like (mentally) time to take a break (isn’t that what Summers are for?). The anti-Russia rant will still continue. Others can surely take up the ignorant baton whilst one recuperates…

Jun 5, 2024 10:57 PM

The way I like to frame it is that the NATO vs. BRICS narrative is the international equivalent of the Democrats vs. Republican nationally. In both cases the public is presented with two apparent alternatives to provide the illusion of choice and the pretense of democracy while at the end of the day, behind the scenes, both parties/teams, “blocs”/antagonists grab a drink together at the same elite club they’re both members of. Both are owned and operated by the same, transnational ruling class, and are working hand in glove in order to implement nearly identical policies and agenda.

The point is to mystify and distract from the reality that the real division and war is between the vast majority of humanity and the small group of super-wealthy families and billionaires and the corporations, banks, governments, parties, politicians, media conglomerates, armies, and policies forces they own and control in order to monopolize, expropriate, increase, and protect their property and wealth from those whom they stole it from.

They want us instead to be divided amongst each other along superficial lines (national, racial, religious, etc.) and to waste our time, money, and energy supporting, arguing about, and voting for corrupt politicians and parties that work for their donors and themselves, not us. And to string us along waiting for someone else to save us, one of the many fake heroes and false prophets they groom and market like Obama or Trump or Bernie or Corbyn or Putin or…instead of taking matters into our own hands, coming together, conscious of our shared class interests and who our real enemies are and what they’re capable of, and responding accordingly, collectively, globally.

Elongated Muskrat
Elongated Muskrat
Jun 6, 2024 7:07 AM
Reply to  Joopy

WEF slogan update: “You’ll be dead and we’ll be happy…”

Jun 6, 2024 10:55 AM
Reply to  Joopy

bitcoin fixes this

underground poet
underground poet
Jun 6, 2024 11:52 AM
Reply to  Joopy

If we do not stand together, we surely will fall apart.

underground poet
underground poet
Jun 6, 2024 11:54 AM

Said Humpty Dumpty to the wall.

Jun 6, 2024 7:26 PM

The (alleged) quote was, ‘Gentlemen, if we do not hand together, we shall surely hang separately.’

underground poet
underground poet
Jun 6, 2024 9:37 PM
Reply to  ariel

Revised edition, we cant afford any hangings here, plenty of eggs though.

Jun 7, 2024 2:04 AM

We might just fall over, of course…

Jun 5, 2024 10:39 PM

Remember, there’s no planet ‘B’. 

Sorry, this is planet ‘B’ and it’s very similar to planet ‘A’.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 5, 2024 9:58 PM

I’m more interested what the WHO has just “ratified.”

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jun 5, 2024 10:19 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The problem is most are more concerned about which carriage is splashing the most mud.

Jun 6, 2024 9:09 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

What a shame one’s only allowed to be interested in one thing at a time…

Jun 5, 2024 9:44 PM

The escorts are rented, not sold, and seems like cheap filler

Jun 5, 2024 9:46 PM
Reply to  purgatorium

Imagine having sex with one of these creatures for the money… can’t say i sympathize !

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jun 5, 2024 9:40 PM

That’s right folks, roll up, roll up for the Russian version of Davos.

I remembered them requiring PCR tests for entry in 2023 and thought WTF. When I last checked the website for the 2024 conference it was not mentioned. However, lo and behold, it is a requirement this year too. Check for yourself at the link below:


My question is when are Off-G readers who constantly talk up the multipolar world shipping out to live in Russia? After all, their digital gulag seems more way more advanced than that of the West. Or how about China to live? Enjoy those facial recognition cameras and other digital delights.

Get some BRICS action and be first to enjoy the CBDC and new jabs for Plandemic 2.0. Why hang around in some Western shithole when you can stick it to the Western puppet regimes.

Oh yes, there is so much to look forward to with the multipolar New World Order. A much better class of tyranny and dystopian living than the Western/NATO/Unipolar one.

Wakey, wakey, rise and shine.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 6, 2024 2:08 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

The grass. The grass is greener in China and Russia, and dont forget Zakharova.

Maria is one of the few if not the only intelligent women among the entire global vaccinated population’s free and civilised Women in Power. The only one who never sold out.
But their beer is bad and I dont like to eat rice with sticks. Thats why I will give it a chance later.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jun 6, 2024 6:46 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

So you approve of the biosecurity, digital prison, just so long as Xi and Vlad are the puppets enacting it?

I like Chinese food – including eating it with chopsticks – and Russian vodka. I have nothing against the people, they are in the same boat as us, just that their deal may be better at least short term as the West is purposely imploded. Living in the digital gulag wherever it is, does not appeal to me.

You think Maria took the Sputnik V or any other gloop? Really?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 6, 2024 1:10 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Off course not. Just explaining why someone look to the other side of the river when it become unbearable to live on their own side.

Actually I dont know. I would anticipate Maria was too intelligent to take an experimental jab. Whatever, she is a light in a world of dumb people.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jun 6, 2024 1:51 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Yes, she was probably told not to go near it and yes, the Russian politicos are head and shoulders above the Western ones.

In order to manufacture consent for the multipolar NWO, the global population as the target audience has been given the ‘choice’ between the Western clowns or the diplomacy, restraint and statesmanship of the BRICS ones. Naturally, given that ‘choice’, they will gravitate to the BRICS orbit.

The West has been given bodies masquerading as politicians (either good actors or they really are as they behave) who appear incompetent, comedic or outright psychopathic, in order to turn the world against their nations.

This is global theatre and we the audience need to recognise it or risk being led astray.

Upvoted you for your honesty.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 6, 2024 9:12 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

My conclusion too. They deliberately make West look stupid to destabilise it and change the power eastwards but the agenda is the same.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 5, 2024 8:49 PM

Thanks, Riley. This forum is one of the last venues in the world to take the PCR “COVID” test seriously. Figures.

“A top agenda item is “the transition to a multipolar world economy”, i.e., the creation of a “global carbon regulation system” that will pave the way for long-term “sustainable development”:

UN SDGs/Agenda 2030/4IR: the beast with multiple names, “multi-polar” makes such a perfect description.

“Russia’s “digital transformation” will receive special attention at SPIEF ‘24. After all, relevant stakeholders will have to work together if they hope to digitalize nearly all “socially significant” services by 2030:”

Digital life is more fun. Who needs the material world? 🙂

Jun 5, 2024 8:28 PM

Pissing in the same pot?

Or more accurately:

Masturbating onto the same biscuit.

Dunk it into your tea?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jun 5, 2024 8:06 PM

I thought this was an attempt at humour, a spoof and then I realised it wasn’t funny.

So I crosschecked it and found out it’s a real thing.

Then I thought I really can’t be arsed with another cunch of bunts so stopped reading.

I’m sure they’ll get on just fine without me.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jun 5, 2024 7:43 PM

Sustainable word salads.
Communism all dressed up in palatable rhetoric…

Jun 5, 2024 7:35 PM

Another copy and paste article with snippets of narrative in between.

Meanwhile, a very long standing Moscow based foreign journalist takes a different approach.


Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jun 6, 2024 6:38 AM
Reply to  brianborou

What does the article linked actually tell us?

That Europe (E.U) is shooting itself in the foot by restricting imports of grain from Russia. This will increase prices for consumers. It is the average resident of Europe that will pay the price literally and metaphorically. The same as when Russian natural gas imports were restricted, doubling the price to consumers in 2022, which are still elevated now, never having returned to previous levels despite the fall in wholesale prices of natural gas.

This is all in the name of sanctioning Russia for the ‘aggression’ in Ukraine. However, this all fits rather nicely with the Great Reset. Controlled demolition of the West. It is simply shrouded in geopolitics, to disguise the real underlying aim from the hard of thinking majority.

One group of the population (MSM consumers) got to wave their Ukrainian flags as they self-flagellated, their sacrifice worth it, thinking they were sticking it to the man, Poo-tin. The other group (alt-media consumers) got to cheer on Poo-tin thinking he is coming to save them from the diabolical Western elitists.

Meanwhile, those who do think, realise the whole thing is a game to impoverish the average person, while enriching the controllers of both ‘sides’, their chosen corporate partners and the minions who loyally serve them.

Jun 6, 2024 7:55 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

The collage of paste and post interspersed with bits of narrative pales in comparison to Moscow based foreign journalists such as John Helmer.