The Latest “Bird Flu” Death is “Covid” All Over Again
Kit Knightly

If this keeps going, we're gonna need a lot more "bird flu" stock images
Yesterday, the mainstream media widely reported that a new strain of Bird Flu had claimed its first victim, a 59-year-old man from Mexico.
The big news here is that the strain allegedly responsible, H5N2, had allegedly never before been detected in humans.
Everyone from CNN to the BBC to Sky News to ABC went with a headline along these lines:
First confirmed human case of bird flu H5N2 has died, says World Health Organisation
The UK’s I newspaper skipped straight to asking the important questions: “Is bird flu present in the UK and should I be worried?”
Of course, none of the MSM interrogated the situation any further than copy-pasting WHO press releases. But, for anyone who followed the early development of the Covid “pandemic”, the details of the supposed “bird flu” death sound eerily familiar.
For example, the patient was already seriously ill with kidney disease and type-2 diabetes. In fact he had been bedridden for three weeks prior to the onset of his “acute symptoms” of bird flu.
Further, the diagnosis of Bird Flu was only “confirmed” post-mortem by PCR testing.
The death reportedly occurred on April 24th, and yet is only making the headlines now. The report also volunteers that the man had “no history of exposure to poultry or other animals”.
…which rather begs the question: So why was he tested for Bird Flu at all?
More specifically, why were they testing him for a strain of Bird Flu that had supposedly never infected a human being before, let alone killed one?
Are they just testing everyone for Bird Flu just in case? Because that’s another Covid thing.
Whether or not they were doing that before, they’re probably going to start doing it now, since the WHO’s recommendations following this case include “strengthening routine surveillance”, which essentially means testing more.
North of the border, a new report published today claims good old-fashioned H5N1 bird flu has killed “dozens” of dairy cows across the US, before noting in the small print that the cows “either died or were slaughtered“.
Making it possible, or even likely, that none of them died of “bird flu” at all. Which, again, sounds very familiar.
Meanwhile, former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Deborah Birx has appeared on TV to spew some more Covid-era craziness.
First, she was talked up the need to detect “asymptomatic” bird flu in humans – a classic Covid hallmark.
She followed that up by suggesting we should be testing every cow in America once a week.
Deborah Birx says we must test every cow in America (on a weekly basis) for bird flu.
“We should be testing every cow, weekly,” Birx says adding, “we could be pool testing every dairy worker.”
There are around 40 million cows in the United States.
Trust the science!
— Jordan Schachtel @ (@JordanSchachtel) June 5, 2024
For reference, there are around 40 million cows in the US. If they were to test them all with a PCR test every week, and – for the sake of argument – the test has just a 0.1% false positive rate, you’re looking at creating 40,000 phantom bird flu cases a week…
and thus having to cull potentially millions of cows a year for nothing.
Which is obviously insane if your goal is to monitor and prevent disease, but absolutely ideal if you’re trying to stop people eating meat.
…It’s all starting to feel somewhat inevitable, isn’t it?
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As an aside, I just saw this article on my laptop, but wanted to text it to a friend. In the end, it was faster for me to email the link to myself on my laptop, open my email app, grab the link, and paste it into a text, than it was to load your website on mobile and get the search box to come up to find this article. The mobile site is slow as bones.
Thanks for your feedback, although the site appears to run fine on my very old iphone. What phone do you use? What part of the world are you from? Hopefully it was just poor signal or some temporary glitch. A2
The first detection of HPAI H5N1 clade in the Netherlands in 2020 raises concerns about earlier gain-of-function research.
Some Dutch researchers in Rotterdam were happily busy since long in GoF search; anything to reduce the world population of “deplorables”, plus a few dollars more.
Too bad for them that even GoF was not enough to make viruses deadly enough for non dying but it is the bad intention that counts. Dr. Mengele has competition.
Apparently the COVIDIAN Cult used its AI Ouija Board to create the COVID Scamdemic protocols as they apparently miraculously “just sort of appeared”. Not sure wether to laugh or cry so many were made to die.
Fauci, Ferguson et al rightly deserve their place in the top ten worst agents of crimes against humanity.
Scientism is the new religion. It was the toilet paper shortage that gave Covid oxygen. We should not give this latest WHO virus mythology the time of day. The UN and WHO are power crazed deceivers.
I am so amazed people fell for this.. DID YOU>>>????
Can you have sex in lockdown? The government rules if you live apart
Sadly so many followed their governments authoritarian guidelines in blind faith.
I’ve been shielding as my PRC test result was asymptomatic, so making sure to stay safe and wearing the mask to help protect others and I may have a circuit breaker to get head of the curve and social distant and stay safe by keeping within the rule of 6.
Celebrate safely at New Year to stop the spread of COVID-19

Good article.
Uru in the Valley of Sleepers
APTN Investigates: Reliving Indian and Inuit Tuberculosis Sanatoriums
Canada heading toward major measles outbreak without vaccine boost, new modelling suggests
Ah yes! The fresh air, the virgin grass, the clear blue skies, the sound of the mooing herd ….suddenly hurried away by the masters of contagion management like sour Poe faces do.
What a joy it is to be blissfully unaware of all this nonsense that goes on under the sun. To hear colleagues discussing the latest goings on (“wars”, “politics”, “health scares” etc) and to be hearing it for the first time.
I laugh inwardly – more matrix nonsense!
What joy it is to not own a tell – lie – vision.
Yes I have a phone and laptop but I can choose what I consume.
Viral Threats – known so far:
— bats-pangolins
— monkeys
— chickens (aka – birds)
The Science is desperately trying to discover
if The Next Vial Threat is from:
— cats (domestic)
— dogs (domestic)
— horses (A Day At The Races)
— Kangaroos (Australia Only Variant)
Now that the pretense of “benefits for all” has collapsed, the system wishes to deliver threats for all. Everyone must be included. No-one is to be left out. It would be discriminatory to exclude e.g. the disabled, the elderely, Polynesians etc. Every demographic must have an ailment specific to them. An equal op disaster switch board.
Hence the acrimonious rhetoric:
“We’re more fucked than anyone else!”
“How dare you! We are more fucked than you!”
“You bigoted bastards! You’re forgetting about how fucked we are!”
“It’s all starting to feel somewhat inevitable, isn’t it?” Of course it is, right on time for the summer just before the 2024 US presidential election. We know their playbook and agenda: ramp up the fear porn/ hysteria about climate change, pandemics and dastardly pathogens floating everywhere. But wait, the “experts” and philanthropic crisis capitalists will save us all from whatever it is threatening us! Modern Chicken Little! There is an old adage, “Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.” Think on that for a moment or two.
All over the world cows are dropping like flies, but horses too and other live stock. Not bcs of a ‘disease’ but they get vax’d whenever they sneeze.
The ‘animal healthcare’ pharmaffia are experimenting far longer in this sector than on humans. Now colleagues are promising us the advances on mRNA fruits & vegetables!
That means the complete food chain will be poisoned with that stuff.
Anyone care to ask why so many more people are dying…?
Whatever BS they call The ‘bird’ flu is detected in all and everyone, if u like to look hard enough, Luckely for us we now know for sure these tests and other measures are totally unreliable, and at worse, have proven to be deadly! as even dr.Frauchi admitted recently.
The BIG question now is…. are we gonna go along in this ‘medical’ madness again?
Industrial animal farming uses 70-80% of antibiotics applicable to us. This strengthens pathogens against the antibiotics. The bulk of this leaves the animals unchanged (as sewage) and contaminates the environment. It may promote resistance in bacteria in fauna including biting insects. For the medical industry, this is ideal as it facilitates extensive tests, repeated complicated treatments and hospitalisation.
They are all in it. Proof:tps:// .
Russia is so horny on equal partnerships but Putin got and still get a cold shoulder.
nah, that guy is not a good source IMO. Something about him says “paid propaganda shill”.
Clearly the American has an agenda. It should go without saying.
Propaganda for who? Because Slavsquat, like Off Guardian, is not pro BRICS but certainly is no pro NATO neither.
When liars are without shame and don’t bother to get their story straight, it’s likely they’re expecting no resistance in getting away with murder, and calculating, particularly from precedent, that people may think anything and inevitably do nothing.
Other notable things:
It’s time not to be niche in the media, it’s time to go viral.
Make it clear to Starmer wherever he goes ‘campaigning’ that he doesn’t have a leg to stand on if he tolerates another round of unnecessary jabbing, use of useless PCR tests and deliberate creation of a false pandemic so that billionaires can steal even more money that they have absolutely no need for.
Lammy was the UK’s emissary to Bilderberg not long back.
I also see his face regularly on local buses in an advert for some radio station he’s on.
The British workers and British liberals love Starmer. I am absolutely sure he will win the election. From the ashes directly into the fire.
Isn’t it time we devised a ‘test’ for ‘psychopathic hatefulness/insanity’ to run on every billionaire?? Ensuring that lots of ‘false positives’ occur but absolutely no ‘false negatives’ arise????
Should we be cautious about the likelihood of such insanity being genetically transmitted to their bloodlines?
How about a ‘safety-first’ cull of billionaires and all their offspring to save the world from the effects of megalomaniacal psychopaths that can’t exist on earth without making the lives of the 99.999% majority an absolute misery????
They have already been tested and selected accordingly.
See Yuri Bezmenov how the MIC and Big Finance select their representatives to bull the civil society.
Yes. But only Eugenics buffs would claim it has anything to do with Genes or DNA. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes and can be and do better, but some people are perpetually rotten, crazy and dangerous and should not be trusted in positions of trust.Test: 1. Do they like to kill or destroy in the name of help? And do they go crazy if you DO do something that really does help and fight against you for it? 2. Do they finance and support destructive groups and suppress others that actually DO help? Do they gang up with other thugs? Do they seem to enjoy destroying things, life and others? 3. do they consider nobody really owns anything anyways, so it’s okay to take or steal whatever they want whenever they want? 4, do they freely confess to the most alarming of crimes when forced to do so, but without the faintest sense of responsibility for them. For example if they kill someone with a gun and admit it, but they’ll just complain that the gun went off by itself, or the victim was in the wrong place at the wrong time so it is the victim’s fault. 5. Do they make every bit of news worse, and mainly pass on bad news. For instance say one person “apparently” dies of bird flu and they pass it on as if the whole World is now doomed 6. Do they fear monger with rumors, twist truths, spread lies, delight in horrific bad news and refuse to let the sun shine on real truth or good news? Are they mostly critical or invalidating with compliments even being veiled insults? For example “I LOVE your suit!!!! It smells kind of funny though, did you get that out of the dumpster?” 7. Do they have an impossibly hard time getting anything done despite making a good show of it? 8. Do they go crazy at the idea of anyone being helped or getting better? All the while supporting things that harm in the name of help? Do they live in a hidden terror of others? They don’t want anyone to get better or stronger because then they might become a threat? Poo poo on personal sovreignty or national or state sovreignty? Do they think EVERYONE is the enemy? 9. Do they never get better despite dedicated efforts of others to help them or try to get them to change? 10. Do the people under their charge or influence, family, “friends” and associates have a hard time in life and exhibit stress or depression, unable to rise to any semblance of their real potential? 11. Do they habitually blame the wrong thing as a cause? For instance, if there are suddenly more people having heart attacks and cancer or dropping dead on the sports field at young ages, they might blame this on too much activity, despite no changes in “activity” levels for hundreds of years. 12. Do they speak or act as if “everyone thinks such and such” or “everyone knows blahblah blah” without being specific, to spread rumors or bad news?
Well, if they have the majority of that nonsense going on the majority of the time, I’d give them a mighty wide berth, and whenever possible…..bye, bye, out of my life and away with yee!!!!! Life is too precious to mingle with monsters. And if you have proof of real crimes, even war crimes or genocides (no witch hunts please) HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE!!
I did laugh Rhys. Thank you. But it isn’t always easy to laugh about those particular types, be they a billionaire in charge or control of a country, or a Micky D employee that puts mustard gas on those delicious health promoting burgers.
But all the laughs here on Off G have seriously helped me today. Laughter is just the best therapy sometimes. Thanks to all the funniest people who have made me laugh in the face of not so funny stuff.
Ahahahaha, stupid antivaxxer propaganda bullshit!!!
Zzzzz _ _ _ _
Is that the best you could come up with?
Hope you’re not being paid by the word. At 5 cents a word or whatever the going rate is at the troll farm, you’re still a long way short of earning a Starfucks coffee.
Hi Jeff.
Long time , no see.
They really are having a laugh.
Got the number 33 in there AND the guy’s nickname was “Fried Chicken”.
Even if he was very sick and had a lot of pre-conditions and was close to death, it is still possible that he died from Bird Flue and that a graphene Mrna lipo 666 vaccine and a vaxx plastic chip card could have saved his life.
But this info is off course only for people who wanna save lives, and not for ultra radical right conservative anti vaxxers who want all to be dead. Just saying.
Two people never read any literature and don’t get sarcasm or irony.. among countless others, most of them in the good ol USA.. or maybe Austria 😁
You are right. Sarcasm is a minority in the humour spectre. Nevertheless I like it to explain vulnerable things.
I have noticed several of your posts have been downvoted where you were being sarcastic or ironic.
Back in the day when I used to read Zerohedge comments would often have the “/sarc” tag added. A lot of Americans really don’t understand sarcasm.
You are right. It took me some punches before I realised Americans not only dont get it, they dont like it.
But for instant Brazilians who cover the whole spectre of humours, they get it just after one thought, and in my area there is a lot of people who love sarcastic comments.
The bible warn about it as “words can kil” and “words can be like barbed wire”. But thank for you return:
As far as I can tell, no name is mentioned, which is strange as the media love naming people.
You’d have thought that knowing the name of the SOLE HUMAN carrier of bird flu would be in the public interest.
But, its all bullshit, so why try to even make it real?
The missing Doc on vaccines:
(Circa 2020).
Circa 2024. Missing on a Greek Island. The Police cant find him. Probably a turbo cancer and then down the cliff but nobody will admit it.
How are they going to get Bird Flu to fly (pun intended)?
For it to be a sucessful human Plandemic operation – from their point of view – will require a much higher mortality rate than Covid-1984, in order to scare the living daylights out of the sheeple. Therefore, is there something that the Covid jabees already have within them, that can be activated by 5G for example, or a time delivery payload that once it counts downs, will trigger mass deaths?
Also, there were several medical professionals that claimed that the jabs would cause significant deaths within 2 to 5 years of being injected. It is currently three and half years after the first jabs were administered in December 2020.
Possibly, as I mentioned in a previous comment on another article, the plan is to cull only livestock and poultry. Pricing consumers out of meat. The one (bogus) human case, so far, will only be extended to a relatively small number of peope, however, sufficent to justify the mass culling of animals.
Bird flu is already a dead duck.
We will come back to you with another and better graphene shot George.
“Covid deaths” were not caused by “covid”. Midazolam, morphine, ventilators, overdosing oxygen, redesignating flu, refusing antibiotics for pneumonia, claiming “died of” instead of “died with”, and most importantly creating the illusion of effective PCR testing for a virus, were their means of murdering and duping the public into believing that something was happening when it wasn’t.
By creating a PCR test for any virus and extrapolating their results they are able to find anything they wish to see in order to cause panic. All they have to do is give it a name. That is the nature of the PCR test. It’s the equivalent of opening a book, seeing it has chapters, and declaring the book must be “War and Peace” because War and Peace has chapters.
The media have been paid not to investigate. There is nobody coming to save us. Anyone with integrity already gave up their careers.
Pandemics and wars are our future. Control is their goal.
Those with open eyes and open hearts already know all of these things. Those who wish to be deemed righteous by going along with the perceived group mentality, never will. Those who stand against the tide will be vilified and persecuted, again.
Stay strong people.
If you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything.
The question is whether they’re moving to a new “covid like” pandemic or use it for “meet eating restrictions” or even for both. WHO…knows?
Or meat-eeting ??!!
WHO knows!
Its not funny. You guys cant joke away reality.
Yeah, reality jokes away jokes
Better you laugh yourself to death. I actually thought it was going to happen to me, once in the late 60’s. When he realised what drug I was on, Chris Lee stood up and sat down, stood up and sat down for at least half an hour, saying, ‘I think I’m having a deja vu. I think I’m having a deja vu,’ every time.
I thought my ribs were actually going to come out through my chest. Merciless.
Be cool man:
For those who like to see the man behind the commenter: here I am talking with Dutch politician Wybren van Haga about my experiences in the hospital in March-April 2020.
the interview is in Dutch, but don’t worry: everything I say has also been said by me previously here btl
Turn on closed captions (the CC button on the player) then open settings (the cog icon) select auto-translate, then pick your language.
It appears war is coming on all fronts. And you know what they say about appearances…
“what things look like or seem to be rather than what they actually are”
Well, here I thought they were going to stop.
My only worry is what if they release a real deadly virus, just because they know many people won’t take it seriously. The dissenters, the conspiracy theorists. Would be an easy way to deal with them and then they’re left with the sheep..
Can you provide proof that any virus exists, let alone a “real deadly virus”?
I’m still looking for a convincing alternative explanation.
Many diseases have very specific symptoms. Saying these are caused by the environment or food or toxins etc is all well and good, but specific symptoms must have specific causes. What are they?
What exactly causes the measels rash? Or the chicken pox rash?
Do they really never do controls when culturing viruses and looking for cytopathic effects?
We need a solid conversation between experts on both sides of the virus ‘debate’.
Rashes are toxins from within being released through the skin, which is a good thing unless suppressed with various medicated creams in which case the problems will be pushed back into the body and be expressed some other way. Specific symptoms don’t need specific causes. We aren’t all identical and we all have different weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Different bodily systems can be affected by particular toxins/pollutants and the overall toxic load can surely make a difference as to how the body is affected and how the body tries to deal with the overload.
There are plenty of conversation you can watch or read now, Dr Sam and Mark Bailey, Daniel Roytas, Andy Kaufmann, Tow Cowan etc.
Ultimately we don’t know exactly everything so some specific questions may not have an answer yet. Best wishes
You (more or less) got it. The body is a metaphor, anyway. The being/doing..our activities or lack of them.our programming ..interference with misunderstood natural processes always causes more trouble down the line. Not to mention the poisons.
Probably a combination of factors and even some that haven’t been acknowledged yet. Lets say there are 20 people in a room all day working. Ten of them get flu symptoms. No one opted for the vax in either group, so it wasn’t impaired immune response or toxins from the Vax. Some of those have excellent lifestyle and nutrition habits. Some don’t. Same with the other half that don’t get sick. So, what other factors have we?
Not really.
It’s up to those who claim that viruses are responsible for these diseases to show us the viruses, via physically isolating and purifying them and then demonstrating they are pathogens. That’s how the scientific method works. Asserting that this is the case and then stating “you have no better explanation” is bogus. Would be like charging you with a crime and then saying “you haven’t shown us anyone else responsible.”
And looking for a single explanation for a complex problem is part of the problem.
“Experts on both sides” ?
How very confusing that ‘debate’ would be !!
Anyhow, you’re only an Expert if the corporate propaganda
media decides, otherwise you’re a Conspiracy Theorist…
You should worry less, and think more
That’s your “only worry”?
Four reasons not to release a “real virus”:
1. They don’t have to. They can achieve all the death and destruction and cutbacks by going “Boo!”
2. It’s much cheaper to go “Boo!”
3. A real virus might have unforeseeable effect that would unfavourable for the parasite overlords too.
4. With a phony catastrophe, you can make it into anything you want just by lying. You control everything about it. It’s a virtual reality game.
Hear, hear.
They probably have neither the ability nor the will to do anything SimonO needs to worry about. 🙂
language is a virus
Same for nooclear weapons.
You mean ‘unclear weapons/unclear power/untied states of Shamerica etc?
They already have released a deadly virus and everyone queues up to get a shot of it every winter!
‘They’ do release ‘deadly-viruses’ … everyday, via the MSM.
I cab only assume that [these] viruses must be VF-deadly as they appear to take-over most people’s minds and even commandeer the political-thought-bubbles as well as 99.99% of members of the police-forces and secret-services personnel. Now if that can’t be equated with ‘deadly’ … I don’t know what is.
You said that before under another name fool.
Soon an aerosol delivery of some respiratory disease will be clouding up shopping malls and planes and school ventilation systems in various places around the world to set off a panicked stampede, the terrified cattle of humanity, eyes rolled white with fear, to the suddenly available new DNA Fortified Resilience and Protective Shield Vaccines sold at pop up clinics that sport banners promising to save you and your children from a 100% CERTAIN DEATH. Especially when they tell you facemasks won’t work this time round. This virus is to cunning. And Evil. That it has all the hallmarks of a dastardly Russian plot to take over the world, with the help of the Chinese communist government and their diabolical scientists. Their finger prints are all over the engineered DNA of the PutinXi Virus.
Early symptoms of this unexpected disease is a deformation of the gums and teeth.
Visit your friendly local shopping mall, enter using your digital ID, stay for 1 hour, and get jab-certified automatically. This ad is brought by your friendly mall.
“Especially when they tell you facemasks won’t work this time round…”
They’re psychopathic sadists, and as such, they’ll continue to tell you that masks work.
I suspect aerosol delivery was used for the “virus”, which was probably the synthetic “spike” protein.
Aerosol delivery in hospitals, large super markets and other large indoor spaces with many people.
without face-diapers there is no “visible” threat, therefore they definitely need something similar, the face-diapers were an integral part of the shit-show
There’s something wrong with The Science.
It’s well known that chickens are birds, and birds
have wings. And when millions of birds (MOB) flap
their wings they create breezes, and it’s breezes
that keep the place cool…
So killing millions of chicken-birds is madness as
the place will get warmer !!
To stop Global Warming get rid of The Science !!
Air condition. The missing birds and Global Warming will be replaced and rectifies with Air-condition.
Because they’re made out of wood?
“Tweety” bird flu is coming! Run for the hills! /s
At this point, I think the PTB are simply making the headlines up and they’re not even testing anyone with PCR.
It’s ‘Charlie Parker travelled by airplane’ disease…
Yes, but the PTSB (powers that shouldn’t be) tested it on a Mango and it’s REALLY REAL. “Apparently” the mango got too close to the chicken. So all of the Mangoes AND the chickens have to be destroyed!!! BUT…..chemtrails forever!!!! We have to get rid of our industrial wastes somehow, now that we can’t spout it out of our smoke stacks anymore. We’ll just sell them in EPA Test evading nano particle size to the gullible, bribed and compromised governments who are considering using them for what they HAVE BEEN using them for, for 60 years now! Bill Gates will come and save us with plastic meat and Geoengineering for all our Aerosal Injection needs. Yeah for Psycho Billionaires!!!!!
One more reason to get as many boosters as possible 😋 .
I had bird flu yesterday and OMG! I nearly died. It was the most horrible thing that has ever happened to me. My aunty’s best friend died of bird flu and now I am really scared that my children will die of bird flu.
I saw on TV that bird flu is spread by climate change. It’s already an EMERGENCY, and that nearly two hundred million chickens have been killed by bird flu in America and Australia and millions of cattle are about to be killed. The man on the tv said over 5 billion people are at risk of dying from bird flu unless we vaccinate all animals and birds every day. I think it is criminal that they seem more interested in saving animals and birds instead of us humans.
It’s really important to skip any time consuming clinical trials and selfish debates when we are in an Emergency proved to be caused by Climate Change.
Anyone attempting to stop the rapid deployment of anything called a vaccine should be shot, by a representative of GAVI, in front of the world TV audience to set an effective example. Everyone’s life is at stake!
Put the money in the bag, and everything will be OK.
Fortunately, all the culled chicken were recycled: cooked safely and sold by our most trust-worthy fast-food chains.
Has it transmitted to Tuna ? as they are “the Chicken of the Seas”…
You ought to join the Church of Covid on reddit for all the latest news and sermons!
We really ought to sell the government.
It’s the only way we we could ever prosper in our dealings with them.
I doubt that, noone is willing to buy them.
Bird flu make an appearance before the war ends
In Russia 2/1
Russia and Ukraine 5/1
Neither 100/1
Meaning of the war don’t stop the agenda…was it even a war?
From the streets of Liverpool to the streets of New York:
“Reality theorists” – It cant be more Liberal Leftist than that.
How about we put all this crap to rest by debunking the biggest fraud of all- The Spanish Flu.
The Spanish Flu story evocatively simmers in the collective conscience. When brought to our attention or when thoughts of it surface, it is always broadcast or thought of as some apocalyptic health disaster caused by some otherworldly and fatal microbe.
Debates around the margins are allowed but even those come with an intractable belief in the prevailing narrative.
How many did ‘It’ actually kill? Was it 20 million? Was it 50 million?
Where did ‘It’ originate? From a US military base? From France? From China?
How exactly did ‘It’ spread so widely and quickly? Did ‘It’ move through the population through train travel? Was ‘It’ spread by massive military movements?
What was so unique and deadly about this pathogen? Was ‘It’ enhanced with novel deadly features? Was the ‘antigenic composition’ particularly virulent?
Circa 2024 these types of questions sound all too familiar.
What’s not allowed is to question the fundamental assumptions of this earth shaking historical event- even if those assumptions fly in the face of logic. What’s demanded by officialdom is to ignore all other plausible explanations.
What’s emphatically not to be questioned is the very existence of ‘It’.
What’s not to be considered is the possibility that this tragedy has been completely mischaracterized.
So if not a unique pathogen that spread like wildfire across the globe what did kill all these people?
A look at history books and statistics shows that epidemics always developed where human biological systems had been weakened, primarily due to lack of food and water, poor sanitary conditions, toxic overload and immense social stressors.
A look back to 1918 finds a world of unparalleled devastation wrought by WW1.
Is it a stretch to believe that thousands of tons of war chemicals including chlorine gas, phosgene, mustard gas and thirty-odd other chemicals released into the environment during three years of daily explosions would create the conditions that would lead to mass fatalities in both the immediate and long-term?
What about the training for chemical warfare and exposure to these chemicals and what type of reactions these men had as a result of this exposure even before landing on the battlefield? What is our government not saying?
Is it such a controversial belief that thousands of tons of explosives used to send millions of pounds of toxic liquids and poisonous gasses into the air across Europe would create an environment that would create mass casualties and mass illness?
Is it really revisionist history to ask basic questions about how often the soldiers bathed and changed clothes in order to get the chemical residues off of their bodies?
Is it so apocryphal to point out that these chemical residues will remain in the lungs and in the environment for prolonged periods resulting in lethal outcomes?
Wouldn’t it be logical to consider the maritime transportation issues for soldiers, animals and goods during WW1, where soldiers were crammed together on ships with lots of horses and mules in very humid conditions, horrendous sanitary conditions, onerous nutritional deficiencies, limited hygienic repositories for human and animal waste? Wouldn’t these conditions be a guaranteed recipe for respiratory problems?
Is it really so far-fetched to suggest that experimental mass injection campaigns done on millions of soldiers might have detrimental, even deadly, impacts for the subjects?
Is it really so fantastical to mention that socially and economically devastated towns and cities in physically devastated areas throughout Europe would create the perfect conditions for disease?
Is it seditious to ask how it was that the ‘global pandemic’ ended and the alleged illness “mysteriously” disappeared at the exact same time WW1 ended?
Is it truly unreasonable to suggest that the more likely explanation for the “flu” pandemic in 1918 was war torn countries and people teeming with multiple toxins and pathogens?
Is it really unreasonable to suggest that the primary cause of deaths attributable to the Spanish Flu were all things related to WW1 and not some invisible pathogen?
Why it’s important to ask these questions is to have knowledge of the history, get that history right and understand the verifiable origins of the event while understanding who the false narrative serves.
They lie about everything and the story of the Spanish Flu is just another of these lies.
A tower of lies that must be taken down Maxwell.
A bit like those other towers, only this time it’s up to the people.
Real people.
The replacement tower reminds me of the floating pier US built at Gaza. It took months. After a few weeks, a storm pulled it adrift, and it floated off. You can’t make up this stuff.
Good ole USian know how.
No wonder they can’t win wars.
When wars are not meant to be won they won’t be. And as an American I resent the implication that the US cannot use its know how to keep the wars going into perpetuity! Surely you see by now just how great the US is at that? The MIC would never be as powerful as it is if the US didn’t want it to be. And that right there is a stellar example of USian know how, isn’t it? As for that bridge to nowhere, that too is one more fine example of Murkan know how – keep building bridges designed to fail while the construction companies rake in bank. USA, USA, USA….
But, they did,,,
Grenada don’t count.
The Boy Scouts and Girl Guides chipped in on that one.
it was probably an insurance job with Israeli know-how
They have found and replaced their jetty.–will-resume-work-in-upcoming-days–ce
Not to disagree with the point you were making.
The real purpose was bringing in goods – e.g. military – covertly. It was another deal for contractors. But even the token aid, delayed for 6 months or so, displeased puppet master Satan. The convenient response was to weaken some moorings.
Yes, his-story is a bit of a problem, isn’t it. Even a lot of the stuff we weren’t taught in school.
‘Vicious Circles/Much too school for FOOLS.’
Wasn’t that also a mass vaccination program ?!?
“As everyone knows, the world has never witnessed such an orgy of vaccination and inoculation of every description as was inflicted by army-camp doctors upon the soldiers of the [First] World War.”
Between Jan. 21 and June 4 of 1918, Dr. Frederick L. Gates reported an experiment in which soldiers at Camp Funston located at Fort Riley in Kansas. were given three doses of a bacterial meningitis vaccine.
Fort Riley was a massive complex which housed 26,000 men. Soldiers complained of “bone-chilling winters, sweltering summers and blinding dust storms.”
Living alongside the soldiers were thousands of horses and mules that produced nine tons of manure each month. The method of manure disposal was to burn it, sending the burning manure into the driving wind.
While it’s a source of debate, Fort Riley is considered by official sources the most likely site of the ‘origin’ of the historic ‘influenza pandemic’ of 1918, later known as Spanish Flu.
The experimental vaccines given to the soldiers were dosages of a vaccine serum derived from horses. The vaccine used was made in the laboratory of The Rockefeller Institute.
Soon thereafter, the vaccine would be offered by the Division Surgeon to the camp at large.
On the morning of March 4 Private Albert Gitchell of the U.S. Army reported to the hospital at Fort Riley, Kansas, “complaining of the cold-like symptoms of sore throat, fever and headache.”
Right behind him came Corporal Lee W. Drake voicing similar complaints.
By noon, camp surgeon Edward R. Schreiner had over 100 sick men on his hands, all apparently suffering from the same malady.
The Gates’ report chronicled near immediate illnesses suffered by the injected troops:
“Careful inquiry in individual cases often elicited the information that men who complained of the effects of vaccination were suffering from mild coryza, bronchitis, etc., at the time of injection.”
“Sometimes the reaction was initiated by a chill or chilly sensation, and a number of men complained of fever or feverish sensations during the following night. Next in frequency came nausea (occasionally vomiting), dizziness, and general “aches and pains” in the joints and muscles, which in a few instances were especially localized in the neck or lumbar region, causing stiff neck or stiff back. A few injections were followed by diarrhea. “
“The reactions, therefore, occasionally simulated the onset of epidemic meningitis and several vaccinated men were sent as suspects to the Base Hospital for diagnosis.”
The Rockefeller Institute triumphantly stated that they had formulated three different kinds of what they called “curative serums” and that these serums, antimeningococci, antipneumococcic Type I, and antidysenteric (polyvalent)”, were manufactured in large quantities.
The Institute would boast of having, “resumed the preparation of antimeningococcic serum, in order to meet the requests from England, France, Belgium, Italy, and other countries’ ‘ and note that they had done so before the United States entered the war.
The context of this vaccine campaign was not only the time of World War 1 but also the time when a nascent and soon to be behemoth Pharmaceutical Industry, called Rockefeller Medicine by some, was being launched, some would say forced, onto the world.
The Lawyer Thomas Renz found a whistleblower who had received 5 “Covid 19 vaccines” in 2015 at Fort Riley.
Thanks Maxwell.
That story, on top of the insanity of the trenches, makes me shudder.
The term psychopaths is not adequate enough to describe the sub humans who did this.
I don’t want to post a link, because doing that always seems to get my account blacklisted for some reason, but search “Christchurch inhalation chambers” to see what was going on in NZ in 1918 during the supposed flu.
Early in the covid scam, some geniuses provided visitors with passages containing “sanitising” vapour sprays. Even as late as the beginning of last year, small continuous sprays of such vapour were a common sight.
FluBreeze (TM)
I’ve always found it odd that flu season always follows vaccine season. Of course, State-pharmaceutical marketing campaigns promote the product as a prophylaxis rather than an instrument to spread the profitable viral agent.
Luckily for them cause and effect never really caught on as a theory.
Most sources estimate cases for the 1918-1919 flu pandemic (when the world population was 1.8 billion) at 500 million, and deaths at 50-100 million. To exaggerate the impact of “covid”, WHO now claims that the earlier toll was only 20 million deaths. -Catte Black, 2020
In any war, starvation, malnutrition, filth and shock also contribute to deaths, besides poisoning. Capitalist-sponsored economics dismisses this as external factors. Remember, if there is no upheaval, mass murder and destruction, there cannot be new satraps, loans and development.
“Spanish flu” killed mostly young adults, people died within a day of first showing symptoms and those symptoms including coughing up bloody froth. Sounds like flu!
Spanish came from the fact that Spain was sitting out WW1 and was the first to be honest about strange deaths with no worries about it weakening home morale or being used against it for enemy propaganda. The first deaths appear in reality to have been in U.S. army camps.
The illness which is traditionally designated as ‘the flu’ has historically put certain groups at higher risk of developing serious complications from this illness. At the top of this list, as it is with most illnesses, are older adults. Not so with the Spanish Flu.
Unique to all of epidemiological history the Spanish Flu was said to have an “unprecedented age-specific mortality pattern, in which young adults were at extraordinarily high risk of dying, a feature not observed in influenza outbreaks before or since.”
The Mortality profile of the 1918 ‘epidemic’ was exceptional in many ways.The age-specific mortality pattern for this flu was radically different from the traditional U-shaped patterns, meaning high mortality in the very young and the very old, and low mortality in the in-between age groups, seen in all previous influenza outbreaks.
In contrast with past influenza mortality patterns the Spanish Flu produced a peculiar W-shaped mortality age profile, meaning that the age groups 15–24, 25–34, and 35–44, experienced the highest rates of mortality. Adults in the prime of their lives experienced death rates from this flu comparable to those experienced by the elderly.
Also of note is that the male death rates for influenza in 1918 far exceeded the female death rates among adults. India was an exception to this for reasons related to famine.
What this reveals is an unprecedented age-specific mortality pattern, in which young adult males were at extraordinarily high risk of dying, a feature not observed in influenza outbreaks before or since.
The young males who were most severely impacted by this ostensible illness were by and large precisely those who were involved in WW1 combat, “The first of three waves hit soldiers in France early in 1918. But the flu soon spread from there, in two subsequent and far more virulent waves, to sicken soldiers and civilians almost everywhere.”
Explanations for these uncanny deviations from all known medical history were perfunctory, insufficiently explained and usually came with qualifiers, “Elders may have acquired immunity from exposure to a previous flu outbreak” or “The less than predicted mortality in the elderly conceivably could be attributed to 19th century exposure either to then-prevalent influenza A viruses containing H1 or N1 surface proteins.”
Another stab at explaining away this mortality mystery suggested, “the disproportionate increase in frequency of secondary bacterial pneumonias in healthy young adults might be an additional manifestation of viral virulence associated with differential host immune responses.”
With no definitive explanations ever offered some experts would admit, “The extreme virulence of the fall wave has never been explained”, while obliquely suggesting, “Both the nature of the virus itself and accompanying bacterial pneumonias may be involved.”
In 2008 researchers at the National Institute of Health (NIH) concluded that bacterial pneumonia was the killer in 92% of the autopsies of those who died of so-called “Spanish flu” between 1918 and 1919. Their research looked at 8,398 autopsies from 15 countries. Virtually all of the lung tissue examinations showed, “compelling histologic evidence of severe acute bacterial pneumonia, either as the predominant pathology or in conjunction with underlying pathologic features now believed to be associated with influenza virus infection,” including damage to the bronchial epithelium.
Ignored in this profusion of conjecture, research and speculation were the concrete realities of the mass amounts of toxins, stressors and biological assaults being confronted on a daily basis by the group most heavily afflicted by this alleged flu.
Officialdom would only allow for ‘the pathogen’ to be considered as an explanation even as their explanations defined all logic and past, future and current epidemiological patterns.
Put on your best AI -assisted Winstonian voice, and intone:
‘Never (before) in the field of human suffering, has so much been done to so many by so few.’
Well…..they DID have a change of underwear. Joe changed with John. John changed with Stash….. Isn’t war great? What would we do without warandwhoremongers like Lyndsay Graham. Nuclear Weapons for all!!!! Lyndsay thinks there is just NOTHING like the smell of charred flesh in the morning to start the day with. Lets purposefully ruin the atmosphere more with Nukes while we cry about climate change and make you walk to work, taxing your every step and breath (beware of HUMANS causing CO2!!!!- they must ALL be eliminated)
After more research and thought it seems to me it is not going to be possible to decondition people from the virus narrative in the near future.
The nuclear weapons hoax is the target we should focus on.
speaking of mustard gas, it is the likely cause of “radiation” at Hiroshima and Nagasaki…these substances (“vesicants”) are some of the most vile and evil inventions and the people behind this research do not deserve the title “human”.
Purgatory, Right. Radiation is your friend. Probably wouldn’t even give you a sunburn because of your superior immune system. Yeah that aluminum plane that purportedly hit the World Trade Center was filled with Mustard Gas. Must have been mustard gas which brought down those buildings into their own footprints and so neatly! Mustard does account for boils so it must have been the source of the boiling pits of molten metal that lasted so long. The Manhattan Project was just a moneymaking hoax. So is the second Manhattan project. We don’t have to worry because they are developing radiation vaccines to go with the cancer vaccines and if we don’t take them and stay away from all the ubiquitous atmospheric radiation and cancer causing toxins we’ll be fine. Don’t worry. Be happy. Support Linseed Graham Cracker and NutsandYahoes.
Bird flu from chicken?
We should be more concerned about all the antibiotics, growth hormones, artificial additives, and chemical cocktails they force upon the birds, let alone the brutal systems of intensive ‘farming’ of poultry.
Some people actually eat that toxic shit.
Somebody wrote something a short while ago about cows getting bird ‘flu…
Maybe the WHO and the WEF will get it next.
Latest variant: Cuckoo ‘flu.
With a bit of luck they’ll go the way of the Dodo.
when pigs fly – they will have bird flu…
“Look, up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a _ _ _ SPLAT
Holy shit!”
Speaking of pigs, here’s some ‘Pigs’ in suits.
Get your McCrappy meal here:
I have seen the bigger piggies in their starched white shirts…
‘That’s food? People actually eat it? I wondered what it was.
White people only eat this kind of food. Thats why their skin is similar in colour and look and behaviour as the animal they eat.
People from Africa eat brown cows and so on and on…. Take a course in genetics Ariel.
Foot and wing disease?
Cooking (heat) cannot destroy some veterinary medicines, nor some herbicides (glyphosate, dicamba). Washing does not remove the latter. This is a dream situation for any mass murderer.
Anyone born since 1950 is a lab rat for the chemical and pHarmer industrial complex.
A potpourri of poisons in our bodies.
Scary stuff.
I, for one, am somewhat grateful for the recent revelation of micro-plastics being found in all testes, as it relieves me of most of my guilt whilst I masturbate into the recycling bin…
“ Quick Dear, call the recycling people and tell them I’m cumming”
Mmmmm. Potpouri. Smells so good. Poison. My favorite. Only available via Amazon
rotisserie chickens – 5 dollars- I’m hungry
Threats beyond food and microbes include hormone disruptors, POPs, heavy metals, spent nuke fuel, PM2.5 nano-particles and microwave/RF radiation. The Free World (TM) has simply classified the pervasive ones as “Generally Regarded As Safe” (for the masses). Dissidents or protesters can simply be sacked, assaulted or locked up.
And we’re swimming in it.
Along with our kids, their kids and their kids and _ _ _
Keep the virus myth and the reputation of virology and contagion theory alive, and you will see them being used over and over again, meaning we have to deal anew with each Op as it gets implemented.
Christine Massey called attention to the coming push of the Avian Flu threat several weeks ago.
I can feel Theresa Tam almost getting wet at the prospect of new restrictions…
She wished she could have just welded the doors of Canadian apartments blocks and houses sealed shut – CCP style. Next time she hopes to get her chance and starve them to death too, just like ‘The Little Red Book’ recommends.
Stairway to COVID:
There’s a feeling I get,
When I look to the WEF
They say now more
bugs must be eaten
There’s a sign on the wall
They want to be sure
That they don’t feed the
unvaxxed heathen.
‘Impossible Burgers’ is not being plugged on teevee,
So what does it all portend ?
— The US economy is about to nosedive – and take us down with it ?
— The US Deep State is about to drop The Bomb on Moscow ?
— Yahweh has decided to give The-Only-Democracy-In-The-Middle-East a hand ?
— ‘Voluntary’ Euthanasia for all over-60s Useless Eaters ? (Includes, The Pope ?
The Riot Squad are restless, they need something to do…
Any excuse to use Lockdowns, and Home Detentions !
But at least. this time. The Jabs Will Be Voluntary…
“— Yahweh has decided to give The-Only-Democracy-In-The-Middle-East a hand ?”
Is he gonna drop nukes on the Zionist entity’s enemies in such a way that the government can claim it knows nothing about it? 😀
Nukes ? Nah, read yer Bible…Yahweh uses only Fire & Brimstone,
throws in lots of Bolts Of Lightning…Much more effective…
Well if he was going to give the only Democracy in the Middle East a hand wouldn’t he be dropping it on the Zionists? CONfusing.
Orgyana has always been at war with Euthanasia
Fake Fake
Fake Fake
I see Fire are re-releasing Twin Infintives, (silver vinyl).
A reviewer on that amazon called it ‘the sound of mental-illness’. It’s master piece.
Off G are offering £1000 to anyone who can listen to the whole thing.
Or read more bird.
That ain’t a band, it’s an aberration.
A headache just waiting for you to come along and click it.
Just read an article on the mail about footballers keeling over.ĺ
One of the commenters said that the authorities are clutching at straws trying to blame everything but the jab.
I would like to assure everyone here that I am in no way responsable for such a heinous act
Just saw a WEF video of a financials expert declares 100% CBDC is just a couple years away because “covid” conditioned people to accept cc transactions as the norm. Banning cash is next. So we can see the relationship of digital cash to plandemics and LOCKDOWNs of human behavior. LOCKDOWN options, food, behaviors and you have a planet of debt-slaved prisoners.
Well…of they go fully digital and then have a false flag cyber attack, they can steal everyone’s money and make the 2008 theft look like a gumball machine error. What money? Sorry we just don’t seem to be able to find a record for that mam. But…… Well, we are looking into….. No, we don’t know who was responsible, possibly the Russians, the Chinese or the Palestinians who are under the age of 5. Sorry mam, I have to take the next call……Dialtone…………..
The Mexican Health Secretary has announced that the death wasn’t caused by bird flu:
He recommended taking the WHO’s information “with prudence” because “it’s not precise” (which sounds like a very diplomatic way of saying don’t believe their bullshit.)
He added that “there’s no reason to avoid eating chicken or chicken products”, or for “being worried about this.”
Has the Mexican Health Secretary gone off-script? Hopefully, he doesn’t end up “suiciding’ himself with a double tap to the back of the head.
Perhaps, the cartels had a word with him and don’t fancy a repeat of the global lockdowns which will affect their business, since the end users will be in lockdown and sales will plummet.
Who arms the cartels? Where do they launder their wealth?
A 1: government approved suppliers.
A 2: bankers.
The Rockefeller Foundation? Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation? Black Rock? Eric Prince? Larry Fink? The ghost of Adnan Khasshogi waving his pardon in the land of milk and honey? The Bank of International Settlements? The Interplanetary Bank. I think they think it is time to cash in on Earth.
Mexico was one of the least covidian regimes… still far from good.
This can only mean they have put something really nasty inside the chickens.
Probably Luciferase lipo nanobot particles, so you get Satan in your heart everytime you eat a fried Mexican chicken.
“No reason to be worried”? Just saying I smell fish when a Health Secretary says that..
If only women were in power we could have had peace in the world today.

Men are violent and have oppressed women in thousand years and exploited our children as his personal servants.
Only women in power can save us now from the global bird flu.
The key to bird flue graphene jabs and Mrna boosters, and your digital ID.
Why not…?
After all, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”…
I’m thinking power might be the problem, regardless gender.
I think you meant trans-women…
White House Deborah is a trans, got the message..
Your satirical/ironic posts are typically not perceived as such. At least, I hope they’re satirical. I can’t tell if you’re down-voted because you’re serious, or because you’re not serious.
I dont take these down and upvotes too seriously other than the comment has been noticed.
But yes, irony or sarcasm or satire is unfortunately not popular in many places. Especially US and the humorless leftists have a problem with it.
But I find it difficult not to use it, when we talk about so depressing features we are exposed to today.
Humour is an important part of a conversation to not fall into a complete depressive, suicidal passive mode.
The good news is that this person was in very bad health, the bad news is that mice are getting ill from raw tainted cow milk and that if enough mice find a way to get sick, they have a good track record over time of finding a way to infect humans, poor fools rushing to cities can you see?
And dont forget the gvts reaction, its proven worse than the illness.
5 mice, 3 less than with convid
Not sure it’s going to work this time though. Even people who have bought into the GoF scare are seeing the holes in the Mexican story.
Bird fraud
Thanks Rob. Dr Sam Bailey always has good information.