This Week in the New Normal #92

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Rishi is throwing the election
We wrote in our piece on Rishi Sunak’s national service pledge that the Tories were not trying to win the UK’s upcoming election, this week only proves our point.
Firstly, on D-Day, Rishi left the ceremony early for unknown reasons, purely so he could be accused of disrespecting the troops. An absolutely ridiculous move for a Tory leader supposedly contesting an election. It could not be more obviously self-sabotaged if he’d turned up drunk and shirtless chanting “I love the Nazis, I wish we’d lost!”
It was also announced yesterday that the Tories will be suspending ALL social media campaigning due to “lack of funds”.
Couple that with Farage’s political rebirth “accidentally” splitting the Tory vote, and it’s pretty obvious what’s happening here.
2. UK “e coli outbreak” and the “unknown food item”
More anti-food news this week, when the UK’s Health Security Agency reported an “e-coli outbreak” that has so far resulted in 113 cases all across the country.
The weird thing is that despite publicly announcing it was likely linked to a “food product”, they have not released any details – no specific products, no brands, not even any particular type of food.
Which, basically, means one of three things is going on here…
- It’s a real outbreak, and they know what caused it, but some MPs have shares in the company responsible.
- It’s a real outbreak, and they know it has nothing to do with food but want to scare people and normalize “food warnings”.
- The whole thing is a psy-op and the vagueness spreads the widest possible net of suspicion whilst they do some backroom negotiations on who has to be the patsy.
Smart money right now is on 3, with the “food product” in question almost certainly being meat and/or dairy related.
3. Eating Bugs. Again.
Speaking of food, there’s been a sudden increase in “eat ze bugs” propaganda this week, with a particular focus on cicadas for some reason. An interview published a few days ago by Scientific American headlines:
Snacking on Cicadas Can Be Sustainable and Delicious
In it, Joseph Yoon – founder of Brooklyn Bugs and something called an “edible insects ambassador” – extolls the many virtues of eating cicadas, from the “nutty flavor” to the environmental benefits.
Meanwhile, Yahoo News wants you to know cicadas have “as much protein as red meat” and are “literally a superfood”, as well as the usual environmental stuff. The headline supposedly warns of “health risks”, but that’s just a veneer of impartiality, and only refers to potential allergies. It’s a puff piece through and through.
Body and Soul magazine suggests edible insects are “the snack of the future”.
ABC is weighing in too, asking:
Should people eat insects instead of meat?
…you’ll never guess what the answer is.
4. Europe’s First Biometric Check-outs
Credit giant Mastercard is teaming up with fintech company PayEye and Polish supermarket Empik to run Europe’s first pilot scheme for biometric checkouts.
Selected Empik stores across Poland will have biometric iris scanners installed at their checkouts, enabling customers to “pay with a glance”.
Isn’t technology exciting?
BONUS: Odd story of the week
British celebrity Doctor Michael Mosely went missing while on holiday in Greece five days ago, and yesterday a body was found which is now confirmed to be his.
This is very sad for his friends and family, to be sure…but I have no idea why it would receive wall-to-wall coverage across every major paper and news channel for over 48 hours straight. Can’t help but think it means something, but I couldn’t tell you what.
It’s not all bad…
This weekend marks the 75th Anniversary of the publication of Orwell’s seminal 1984, to mark it here are few of our favourite quotes, which are not as famous as others but just as relevant.
For example, his description of the purpose of war:
“The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labour. War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent.”
The importance of individual, internal resistance:
“He was a lonely ghost uttering a truth that nobody would ever hear. But so long as he uttered it, in some obscure way the continuity was not broken. It was not by making yourself heard but by staying sane that you carried on the human heritage.”
And the nature of The Beast:
“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power […] Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.”
And on a lighter note, here’s Bob Moran on the UK’s Election…

All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention Putin announcing BRICS’ own payment system.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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More people on independent media sites are making a link between psychopaths in positions of power and the state of the world we are in.
More people who comment on these sites also are starting to realize how nothing will improve in the western world at least until we introduce some kind of a psychopath test for politicians and CEOs of big companies.
After all, just one well-placed, psychopath with great acting and gaslighting skills, who is always blaming the victims for his crimes (Goebles style) can destroy the whole country or even the world if not exposed in good time…
Cicadas? I suspect a scam is afoot.
It’s a ‘high ball’ negotiation technique, they don’t really want us to eat bugs, there’s no profit in it for them. When we say no toeating the bug’s, we will be offered their ‘patented’ lab grown ‘meat’ instead as a compromise. Conveniently side stepping altogether, the discussion on stopping eating real meat.
Michael Mosely I suspect was getting close to revealing his views n the VAX, which did not suite the state. He looks like a genuine guy to me.
He is too high profile to be allowed to be honest, So they did a David Kelly on him. That’s my opinion.
Take the red route or take the blue route, the end terminus is the same… depopulation:
One Orwell didn’t think of – “killing is conservation”:
I’ve mentioned previously they’ve floated the idea of brainchipping predators as their ultimate solution. Of course the real and immediate target here is human meat consumption. The idea of predators lying down with their prey goes back at least as far as Saint-Simon.
BTW the focus on owls in the article is no coincidence, they are a big symbol in the Western esoteric tradition. There’s a large owl statue at Bohemian Grove and the bird features prominently in ‘Blade Runner’ (Jacques Attali, the French Henry Kissinger, wrote in his book ‘Millennium’ that ‘Blade Runner’ tells you more about the planned future than studying any classic).
Try to stay sane…
When the moon goes down you are still lying on the beach looking at the extremely clear sky – the entire universe – did you see that one
Shooting star
No. The sky is Geoengineered, nothing but streaky clouds can be seen.
It doesn’t matter if your light doesn’t shine in the moonlight after the gig, and you are with the one you love and have no idea how you are going to get home, after swimming naked in the crystal clear warm sea, and you didn’t take your kids, who would know where your clothes are.
Do this on a dark night in a foreign country, and you will realise how lovely Greek and Turkish People are to us….they can tell not German – English
Stairway to Lockdowns
There’s a feeling I get
when I look to the WEF
They say now more
bugs must be eaten
There’s a sign on the wall
They want to be sure
that they don’t feed
the unvaxxed heathen
They Thought They Had It Fixed!
2016 Brexit Referendum – 23rd June 2016 – ITV : EU Referendum The Result (1/2)
From 22:00 to 23:24
@ 13:30 – The City and YouGov poll
Remain: 52%
Leave: 48%
@ 19:45 – Betting Markets – 84% Remain to Win
From two Shags to Two CheeksArse Backwards into optomism not automotism
the mainstream media’s manipulation of public discourse and perception to manufacture the consent and compliance of the American people. The project explores our numbing addiction to our new religion, Technology, and uses imagery from TV news, advertising, film, politics, celebrity culture, and war propaganda to expose the underlying forces driving the rampant militarism, consumerism, and nihilism infusing modern society.
Thus Spoke the Spectacle
“the gates of the technocratic prison will open automatically, despite their rusty ancient hinges, as soon as we choose to walk out.” Lewis Mumford.
Why would scientistic secularists be that interested in the summer solstice?
However a disguised sun-worshipping astro-theological cult would be very interested….
The solstices and equinoxes are real events as we travel around the sun, reaping the benefits of the seasons. I see absolutely every reason to mark them, regardless of any other spiritual beliefs.
if you are reading OffG and like questioning narratives, you should definitely know by now that no-one’s travelling around the sun.
Eat ze bugz in conjunction with the war on food:
The Future of Food
Depending on cicadas might just be a problem given that they only emerge every 13 or 17 years and occasionally at the same time. And the emergence only lasts a few weeks. And that is probably what the depopulationists want…….
If the self-appointed overlords decree cicadas, then it must be so. Many scientists must be getting easy funding to work on this hot subject of getting them to breed more dependably.
I personally hope they do a very good job of it. Otherwise we might end up with the backbone of our New Normal food supply being disrupted by hitherto unforeseen consequences of [insert current obfuscating political euphemism for global warming]. I sure hope they will makes us safe from that. Maybe they could infuse them with mRNA or some even more exciting genetic technology to make them resistant. I’m so glad we have The Science™ to protect us.
Speaking of scientists, or “scientists”, maybe they are relying on a report from Neil Ferguson’s shop, the Imperial College of London, predicting that cicada broods will be so massive that the supply will last for 17 years– more than enough to tide the untermenschen over between harvests.
I understand that cicada jerky lasts forever! 👍 🦗
I was joking, of course. The insane cannot change these facts:
-. like some shellfish, insect exoskeleton is made of chitin
-. most people are allergic to this.
There was a UN Conference on AI?….
And the main concerns? AI won’t help achieve the UN Sustainability Goals… it’s too male-centric… it’s bad for climate change… it’s racist…
Little things like the impact on the job market or on human interaction are hardly worth mentioning – so they don’t.
How did you manage that one?
2024.06.04 = 666.
1093123 = 1 0 666.
Here they go again:
The insane central contention is treated as a given and the focus is all on how to achieve it. They’re clearly concerned that too many of a vaguely “scientistic” outlook think tech will save them and want to make it clear that a wholescale restructuring of the world is what’s required… which is of course the whole point in the first place.
Nobody must be allowed to imagine “solving climate change” means “life as it currently is plus a few new gadgets”.
The focus is on what the masses (little people) must do and cannot do.
The Mosley story also stunned me. A 67-year-old “uncle” dies on holidays, and it’s front-page news for a week, complete with maps and minute-by-minute reconstructed timelines?… You’d think the King has gone missing.
Noticing the newscasters flashing pyramid signs, on top of all the other absurdity, made me realize this whole story is just a vehicle. Scaring people into believing that the “apocalyptic!” heat of a seaside vacation will kill them. Or helping Mr. Mosley leg it from a tax liability. Or helping him hide from his legacy of promoting the vax all around the world, now that members of the US Congress are calling for Fauci to be put on trial. OR all of the above.
MM = 33 rotated.
Strange this fake madness about insects…..coming from mainly the C C msm alt media sphere.
it is very contrived…. Your aware abortive babies are in the foods / drink supply.
Most candy bars which you feed to your children has had insects coloring in for over 80 + years.
“I had dropped more or less by chance into the only community of any size in Western Europe where political consciousness and disbelief in capitalism were more normal than their opposites. Up here in Aragon one was among tens of thousands of people, mainly though not entirely of working-class origin, all living at the same level and mingling on terms of equality. In theory it was perfect equality, and even in practice it was not far from it. There is a sense in which it would be true to say that one was experiencing a foretaste of Socialism, by which I mean that the prevailing mental atmosphere was that of Socialism. Many of the normal motives of civilized life — snobbishness, money-grubbing, fear of the boss, etc. — had simply ceased to exist. The ordinary class-division of society had disappeared to an extent that is almost unthinkable in the money-tainted air of England; there was no one there except the peasants and ourselves, and no one owned anyone else as his master. Of course such a state of affairs could not last. It was simply a temporary and local phase in an enormous game that is being played over the whole surface of the earth. But it lasted long enough to have its effect upon anyone who experienced it. However much one cursed at the time, one realized afterwards that one had been in contact with something strange and valuable. One had been in a community where hope was more normal than apathy or cynicism, where the word ‘comrade’ stood for comradeship and not, as in most countries, for humbug. One had breathed the air of equality. I am well aware that it is now the fashion to deny that Socialism has anything to do with equality. In every country in the world a huge tribe of party-hacks and sleek little professors are busy ‘proving’ that Socialism means no more than a planned state-capitalism with the grab-motive left intact. But fortunately there also exists a vision of Socialism quite different from this.”
― George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia
The problem is anyone can redefine socialism as they want. Also anyone can label themselves with plus- and buzzwords as they want.
Just to reveal my stand on the subject:
Family, God, King, Nation in the mentioned priority is the Republican ideology after 1770. Slave owners and slave trading is Democratic KKK ideology from before 1770.
Today it is pure spaghetti on who is who, but in moments these differences in their deep ideological roots come up as small bobbles to the surface.
China still has at least one village that practises Mao-style socialism.
2 comments back to back in pending now. Am I on a WP naughty list?
Yes. You did what I have tried to be the last 20 years: You got blacklisted!
I tried everything. I even said “No, Rothschild is only the financial adviser to the Queen, wake me up when the Queen is hanging in a lamppost”. I tried everything.
Then I waited with one little eye open. Nothing happened. People were just smiling and giving me coffee and cookies. It was awful. I was not worth to blacklist.
But you, you did what Assange, JFK, Snowden, and Robin Hood did. You succeeded to be blacklisted by Deep State, CIA and all the bad guys. They now fear YOU more than anyone else.
They constantly set you on red pending because they fear what YOU write.
Haha…..I was actually joking about being on a WordPress blacklist. It was, I think, because of the links I posted.
Anyway, good reply!! LOL.
Biometric iris scanners, where have we heard that before?
Ah, yes, that was last summer’s hot topic, with Worldcoin offering free crypto to anyone willing to stare into their shiny orb and give up their iris details without reading the T&Cs regarding who it can be shared with.
In the dozens of articles I saw on the subject last year, only one from India mentioned that Worldcoin, co-founded by ChatGPT founder Sam Altman was hoping to use the technology to bring UBI generated from AI profits to the masses. How charitable of him or not. Another front man extolling the virtues of the digital gulag with a bribe of ‘free’ money.
Iris payment is a bad idea. I am still hanging on to cash directly to the seller..
Well, if you are going to survive on wild caught cicadas in northern New Jersey, USA, you’ll have to wait about seventeen years between cicada hunts! Prob’ly take some genetic modification to get those cicadas to speed up their cycle.
I think the Mosley death is like the Nicola Bulley case in the UK – a news event that makes no sense. People get gaslit as the story keeps subtly changing and then they start to understand on some level that they’re being lied to. Someone is trying to wake up the unaware. And although what really happened to MM may never be revealed, I’d say there’s something very odd about his wife’s comment: ‘He nearly made it’. He had apparently been walking for two hours in the opposite direction to where they were staying so ‘made it’ where? Like the Madeleine McCann disappearance when the mother’s first comment was ‘They’ve taken her!’ (Why assume that and not that she’s wandered off? Why assume it’s more than one person? Why make it sound as if you know who ‘they’ are?) it raises more questions than it answers. And with Michael Mosley, what happened to the initial comment made by his wife (now no longer referenced) that he said he was unwell and wanted to go home? Who would let their partner walk for what would have been at least half an hour without a phone in the baking heat when they have said that they’re unwell without going with them or insisting they get the ferry? As I said, makes no sense. And maybe that’s the point.
Madeleine McCann
Michael Moseley
Just another wacky coincidence eh?
MM = 33
Wagging the Dog for 83!
If only Galtieri had waited a year or two? Still, they threw everything at making sure Thatcher got a massive majority. Foot’s “longest suicide note in history”; the SDP-Liberal alliance to split the vote; and even a bit of Rule Britannia on the other side of the planet!
The 1983 United Kingdom general election was held on Thursday 9 June 1983. It gave the Conservative Party under the leadership of Margaret Thatcher the most decisive election victory since that of the Labour Party in 1945, with a majority of 144 seats and the first of two consecutive landslide victories.[1]
Background and campaign
Michael Foot was elected leader of the Labour Party at the end of 1980, replacing James Callaghan. The election of Foot signalled that the core of the party was swinging to the left and the move exacerbated divisions within the party. During 1981, a group of senior figures including Roy Jenkins, David Owen, Bill Rodgers and Shirley Williams left Labour to found the Social Democratic Party (SDP). The SDP agreed to a pact with the Liberals for the 1983 election and stood as “The Alliance”. For a while the Alliance topped the opinion polls and looked capable of achieving their goal of forming a coalition government at the next general election, but the success of the Falklands campaign in 1982 saw the political tide turn in favour of the Conservative government.
The Falklands War (Spanish: Guerra de Malvinas) was a ten-week undeclared war between Argentina and the United Kingdom in 1982 over two British dependent territories in the South Atlantic: the Falkland Islands and its territorial dependency, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. The conflict began on 2 April 1982, when Argentina invaded and occupied the Falkland Islands, followed by the invasion of South Georgia the next day. On 5 April, the British government dispatched a naval task force to engage the Argentine Navy and Air Force before making an amphibious assault on the islands. The conflict lasted 74 days and ended with an Argentine surrender on 14 June, returning the islands to British control. In total, 649 Argentine military personnel, 255 British military personnel, and three Falkland Islanders were killed during the hostilities.
Argentina exerted pressure at the United Nations by raising hints of a possible invasion, but the British either missed or ignored this threat and did not react. The Argentines assumed that the British would not use force if the islands were invaded.[8][9] According to British sources,[10] the Argentines interpreted the failure of the British to react as a lack of interest in the Falklands due to the planned withdrawal (as part of a general reduction in size of the Royal Navy in 1981), including the last of the Antarctic Supply vessels, HMS Endurance, and by the British Nationality Act of 1981, which replaced the full British citizenship of Falkland Islanders with a more limited version.
“The longest suicide note in history” is an epithet originally used by United Kingdom Labour MP Gerald Kaufman[1] to describe his party’s 1983 general election manifesto, which emphasised socialist policies in a more profound manner than previous such documents—and which Kaufman felt would ensure that the Labour Party (then in opposition) would fail to win the election.
Ah, the special relationship!
I’m All Right Jack in 79!
During 1978, Labour and the Conservatives were level-pegging in the polls. Then came “The Winter of Discontent”. In 1983 I went to a lecture by James Callaghan. He was still bitter!
In the end, the overall swing of 5.2% was the largest since 1945, and gave the Conservatives a workable majority of 44 for the country’s first female prime minister. The Conservative victory in 1979 also marked a change in government which would continue for 18 years, including the entire 1980s, until the Labour victory of 1997. It marked a period of political stability in the United Kingdom following four changes of government in the space of 15 years. Although the Conservatives would go on to win more seats under Thatcher in 1983 and 1987, and again under Boris Johnson in 2019, the Tories have never since matched the 43.9% of the popular vote they recorded in 1979. The SNP saw a massive collapse in support, losing 9 of its 11 MPs. The Liberal Party had a disappointing election; its scandal-hit former leader Jeremy Thorpe lost his seat in North Devon to the Conservatives.
The Winter of Discontent was the period between November 1978 and February 1979 in the United Kingdom characterised by widespread strikes by private, and later public, sector trade unions demanding pay rises greater than the limits Prime Minister James Callaghan and his Labour Party government had been imposing, against Trades Union Congress (TUC) opposition, to control inflation. Some of these industrial disputes caused great public inconvenience, exacerbated by the coldest winter in 16 years, in which severe storms isolated many remote areas of the country.[1]
“Labour Isn’t Working” was an advertising campaign in the United Kingdom. It was run by the Conservative Party in 1978 in anticipation that Labour Party Prime Minister James Callaghan would call a general election. It was revived for the general election campaign the next year, after the government lost a vote of no confidence in the wake of the Winter of Discontent. It was designed by advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi.[1]
Sunny Jim Says:
Channel 4 Secret History: Winter of Discontent
Over the winter of 1978-79 a series of industrial disputes over pay rises caused major disruption and had a significant impact on the popularity of the Labour government. Secret History explains the background and speaks to many of those involved.
Transmitted 13 July 1998.
I think the real issue about the Sunak story is it’s a non-story really – it wasn’t as though he hadn’t turned up to the commemorations which might have been a story. All mountains out of molehills to give the puppetmasters ‘reasons’ of ‘why he lost’.. The always have to concoct reasons so the loser looks plausible, whether it is Corbyn’s ‘anti-semitism’, Miliband’s bacon sandwich, Gordon Brown and the ‘bigoted woman’ etc. This was one of them. Basically ‘the reason’ is probably that Sunak isn’t white.- probably some far-right scheme coming down later in the year, so he has to be out of the way. I actually hope Sunak wins – he seems a lot better than Starmer, Farage, Davey and the rest, that’s for sure.
As to Mosley, yes, the coverage strange for someone who most people had barely heard of. He clearly had connections, though. Remember the relentless publicity the McCanns have had in the media after Madeleine died.
Sunak, a very high rolling hedge fund manager on a squillion a year invested a quarter of a billion in Moderna when their shares were pennies.
He then decided, altruistcally, to become a back bench mp on a comparative pittance.
Hey Presto! Moderna came good, Rishi is parachuted in as PM with Jeremy Spoonerism as Chancellor.
Cue Harry Hill:
“What are the chaaances of that?”
“Mosley – who repeatedly tested scientific theories on his own body”, “he took the wrong route and collapsed where he couldn’t be easily seen”.
What did I say? I said “Mosley took some certain jabs which must not be named for the entire global vaccinated population, got turbo cancer and fell off a cliff”!!
Here’s a Michael Hudson with Jill Stein interview that is the kind of intellectual discussion that the public needs to hear and join in with. While the US Green Party has been decimated by Dem infiltration/sabotage for decades, Stein does carry a consistent record of policies that are outside any policy objectives of the US two-party Uniparty. They have been kept as far from voters as possible including Stein & Honkala being handcuffed to chairs in a backroom of a national Presidential Debate in 2012.
Stein/Green Party limits and weaknesses aside, Michael and Stein do cover the root causes and glaring symptoms of US/West 1% capitalist empire laying waste to Humanity in 2024. Well worth the read.
Mosley predicted the manner of his death in his last interview. Referring to the early death of his father:
“I thought that’s not a road I want to go down”
Princess Diana did something similar in her infamous Panorama interview; “I’d like to be a light in dark tunnel”.
Whether those were premonitions, prophecies or just plain weird utterances, verbal utterances do not appear to be entirely random. They reflect the spirit within and to a greater or lesser extent the future of the utterer; and on some occasions the response of those that listen. Those proverbial (and sometimes completely earthly) Watchers.
The Book of Daniel is all about strange recurrent dreams and the interpretation of them. Daniel rose to power through an uncanny ability to accurately interpret dreams and the language of them.
So, similarly, bring on the true Interpreters of the times we live in. That precious breed unmotivated by base profit…
It was some kind of occult ritual.
Headlines at some point claimed he was heading to a place called “the abyss”
A dead giveaway.
Plus his wife saying “we take solace in the fact he so very nearly made it”
What a nonsense thing to say.
Its all in the spelling…….
Labour are being installed to hammer the final nail in the coffin.
Only Labour is able to go full Hitler.
No. To correct the Brexit leave ‘mistake’.
It wasn’t in the plan and has seriously affected the global ambitions of EU.
Starmer’s job is to rejoin EU.
Watch it now before it’s purged!
Spitting Image 1987 Election Special. Tomorrow belongs to me
The funny thing about e-coli is that it always used to be associated with beef – nothing else, just beef. So any of us old enough to remember the “good old days” when each separate disease (e-coli, salmonella, listeria, etc) had its very own source would right away say “No more beef for me!”
Talk about convenience: they don’t even have to come right out say “Stop eating beef!” They just give us a nudge (or so they think) and we’ll take it from there.
ache you forgot edwina curry and her salmonella egg fiasco which i suspect is a precursor to bird flu and isn’t beef as far as i can tell.
ot gezah potts are you still in this dimension? i miss your posts.
Yeah, Gezah, I’ve often wondered where he went.
Nothing to do with eating poorly handled, under-cooked meat for the sake of flavour, of course.
Throwing the 1992 Election
In order to get Blair as prime minister, they had to:
A) smash the union grip on Labour
B) stop Kinnock from winning in 1992
C) Bump off John Smith
BTW: I suspect that the advisors were pumping Kinnock’s ego and that he only realised afterwards that he’d been played.
After Labour leader Neil Kinnock resigned following the Party’s surprise loss in the 1992 general election to new Conservative leader John Major, Smith was elected his successor in July 1992. He continued Kinnock’s moves to reform Labour, abolishing the trade union block vote at Labour party conferences and replacing it with “one member, one vote” at the 1993 party conference. However, his overall cautious approach to reform, which was dubbed “one more heave”, sought to avoid controversy and win the next election by capitalising on the unpopularity of the Conservative government. This frustrated Tony Blair and Gordon Brown as well as Peter Mandelson. Following Smith’s sudden death in May 1994, he was succeeded as leader by Blair, who led the party to victory at the next general election in 1997.
UK General Election 1992 – Neil “We’re Alright” Kinnock at the 1992 Sheffield Rally
Oct 30, 2009
That infamous speech. Did the perceived over-confidence cost them the election?
Michael Mosley: Doing his bit for the science!
Given the oddities of the supposed route, one theory would be that he had some sort of stroke and went wandering in bizarre directions. Quite how nobody spotted this strange man with an umbrella remains part of the mystery.
9 June 2024
CCTV reveals Dr Michael Mosley walked up treacherous mountain, then gingerly picked his way down the slope before stumbling – as Mail health guru’s body is found 260ft from resort
Dr Michael Mosley: Why vaccine immunity is better than natural immunity (and why unjabbed Novak Djokovic is so wrong to claim he’s protected by antibodies after a recent bout of Covid)
By Dr Michael Mosley For The Daily Mail
Published: January 2022
Covid-19 & Vaxxers: The Inside Story of the Oxford AstraZeneca Vaccine and the Race Against the Virus 2 Books Collection Set Paperback – 1 Jan. 2021
by Catherine Green Sarah Gilbert (Author), Dr Michael Mosley (Author), & 4 more
COVID-19 misinformation, research, vaccines
Today Show Australia
May 28, 2020
Dr Michael Mosley has written a new book to debunk misinformation about COVID-19.
Update time on that daily mail article?
A shocking coincidence I am sure……
From what I’ve seen, the big meme is the “Terrifying Far Right Fever Sweeping Europe”. So I would guess there will be increasing attacks on:
And increasing support for
“Don’t kill granny … that’s our job”
Neil Oliver discusses the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry
“Rushi is trowing the elections”
Get out and vote for an independent candidate if you have one in your area or spoil the vote…There is no third option, as Miri’s saying in her blog here:
Play the game or the game plays you
Vote for people using my money to tell me how to live, under threat of loss of livelihood? No thanks.
Further, I really don’t buy the notion that “the game plays me” if I don’t vote. The game plays me whether I vote or don’t vote.
Also, the more I participate in the system, the more it games me.
It is like a slot machine. It’s set up for you to lose. You can not win, in the end.
I am familiar with Miri’s writings, while a good writer she unfortunately has no spiritual sense of things.
In my spirit, I am gaming them just as much by NOT voting.
Funny how the Fraud makes this one of their top half dozen stories shortly after widespread mockery of the “hottest ever April and May” stories:
Since when is “slightly disappointing weather for the time of year” news? “See, we do report bad weather”, they might as well tag it (“Tory austerity to blame for lack of sunshine” is left as the subliminal). Perhaps the UK is due a dose of HAARP soon and they want plenty of alt-comments about the UK weather that can be then held up to ridicule?
“anti-food news”
Great catch… incredible that this is a thing imagine trying to ever explain this to our ancestors…they would entirely accurately determine that the world had gone mad…not a colloquialism..but actually insane and we dont even know it.
But just think, you could be as healthy as Papillon when he left solitary confinement after delectably dining on whatever he could hear or feel crawling from his dark dank cell.
He was the only one who got away on this diet, wasnt he? A due lesson to all of us who despise our small friends.
Talking about ass. Alex Jones to liquidated assets to pay the sandy hook victims…. 25 trillion gazzion in the same week Trump gets 34 charges.
This means a government or private funded entity- chi com lefties trannie arab islamic company could come along and buy infowars and turn it into something like endorsing the establishment narratives / MSM talking points network, which could end up selling men enhancement pills into beating the deep state.
Agreed on the oddness of the Michael Mosley story. GB News is running with a story about how the pose he was found in means that he didn’t fall… Perhaps it’s a spur to support the idea that supplements are needed for longevity rather than healthy diet and lifestyle.
The prayer of all pro-Jabs: Let the evil ones not malign the Blessed Jab.
I don’t know how to imped images 😂
Yeah Michael Mosley was a BBC hack, it’s basically the only job he ever had since 1987! Can you imagine! Institutionalised. Even though he did make a lot of sense re diet and intermittent fasting he was a jab pusher berating those who were unvaccinated for taking up hospital resources. Maybe it had slowly dawned on him the errors of his ways. It sounds either stupid or intentional. Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid day sun!
Yeah, I was thinking the same. He seemed like a nice bloke. Leaving your phone behind ?
Could he have regretted pushing the $cience
I must say, my first instinct was that it was suicide, done in a way that it wouldn’t be obvious. His walk has that sense of ‘I could be some time…’ about it…
yeah so that his family can claim the insurance, fair enough
Yes, he certainly pushed the injections. Another brainwashed doctor. I noticed (in the reporting online re. him over the last few days) that he’d also written a book with the title “….. [can’t recall the first bit] Corona Virus and the race for the vaccine“. Totally brainwashed by the FAKE ‘official narrative’.
Apparently, before he walked off on his own, on Wednesday, he’d told his wife and friends that he “didn’t feel well”. As my sister said, why would his wife have allowed him to walk off on his own, and without his mobile, after he’d told her that he felt unwell…
Yes exactly! Very odd.
Allow me 😉:
thank you!
For a long time, the trend has been to build highways, dirty factories, mines, dumps, etc. close to where the little (unimportant) people live. Outside their shanties, they will find a 20-minute walk healthy indeed.
As I said before the last election cycle (Jeremy who?) and the one before that and the one before that…. If ‘we’ want to avoid another meaningless election and another meaningless election…. Then ‘we’ have to come up with
meaninglessmeaningful alternatives that are actually economically and ecologically and pragmatically possible.The main focus, as always, is management of the economy; a populous imaginary the Tories have monopolised since the “Margaret the Milk Snatcher”… so what of ecology and politically pragmatic possibility?
When the Political Puppet says “We will grow the economy” the intelligent response from the People should be “That is thermodynamically impossible on a finite planet; and even more so on a small, insignificant island, totally reliant on outsourced other People’s production.”
It has been 80 years since D-Day; 80 years of unfettered and seemingly illimitable importation and embodiment of the products of our Unpeopled and subhumanised labour-force “shattering to pieces”, “pouring into the stratosphere” as ecotoxicological waste. It has made the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run too intelligent? Blockheads, maybe?
Economic growth is a statistical illusion- thus sayeth the prophet of plenty, Richard Werner. Dig the cat, he KNOWS.
Werner did us all a service by showing us where money comes from… thin air. Unfortunately, that is the UK’s primary export, the rest we import. In particular: “the cost of living crisis” is the “cost of oil crisis”. The thing is, this is not part of our “reality map” so we think that we will be importing other People’s resources and commodities longterm when we won’t. After which, politics and just about everything else is hallucinatory fantasy.
Yes, exposing the fantasy of money is the first step to freedom of thought in the material world. Once that is realised a lot of shackles are broken and creativity is unloosed. There are many forms of energy production other than oil – and more “sustainable”-which can be developed and used by the minds that discovered that. Minus the primitive hands of the bean counters strangling progress, the sky’s the limit – if only it could be understood by enough people. It must be and that’s the key to survival.
‘Economic growth’ is the epitome of a Ponzi scheme.
Exactly, as the prof said, it’s an illusion just like money itself. Understood for what it is, it’s a useful measure; taken for reality, it’s very useful to the swindlers who have control of our lives. Once this is revealed their power will disappear and they’ll be helpless mendicants and we’ll give them back their pieces of paper to eat…..and they know it. That’s why they will do anything to stop us waking up.
Why do people always say, “thank you for your service” to veterans? Do they not realize war is murder?
The Dday psyop is complete mind-control at it best. 2 years ago the same people screamed DDay should be cancelled was cancelled due to BS19.
I am no fan of war, but D-day was a huge risk undertaken by conscripts, not career soldiers, for the highest motives. As with everything on the BBC, they desecrate it, with the subtlety of a brick.
From what I can gather it’s another Americanism, it started towards the end of the Vietnam war when vets were returning PTSD’d out of their minds (or in body bags), it was in response to the anti-war crowd calling vets baby killers and worse.
I don’t know exactly when it started over here in the UK, most likely after Iraq, or during Afghanistan, that was the first time I heard it over here anyway, there was also a 2017 film by that name which seems to have increased it’s use.
All the ex-servicemen I know find it embarassing, very rearely hear it because they don’t brag about their service, those that do want to hear it are usually the types that brag about their service and don’t actually deserve it, remfs, walters etc.
The first time I heard “thank you for your service” was in 2012, taking my then air force niece to a mall while she was in uniform. My first thought was to blurt out ” thanks for the cannon fodder” you mean? I held my tongue but as a veteran I still find that extremely thoughtless. I’ve told those who know I’m a veteran they never need to say that to me.
Its because the Veterans fought ordinary people’s fight overseas. Ordinary people could live a peaceful life at home.
A saying is going, “politicians are doing their voter’s dirty job”. The voters pay taxes so the politicians can take the guilt for ordinary peoples atrocities.
They send out their poor, their criminals and their youngsters as soldiers to die, torture, rape and rob other people in other countries. Yes?
Do you see politicians, billionaires, the Elite bombing and killing and sniping?? No.
Ordinary people do the job at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Dresden, My Lai, Fallujah.
“Thank you for doing our job”. 😁
“thank you for your service” is a bot. Probably written and deployed on most articles related to the U.S wars past and present by people stuck in an office somewhere on some far away military base.
If I expand comments on any GulagTube war article you can almost guess what the first comment will be. Then I stop reading…
Whilst they waffle about the migrant psyop DEFLECTION all theses new laws have passed in Ireland as normal…
from a Trail to law.
Drug and alcohol testing on drivers will be carried out at Garda checkpoints around the country from 7 am on Thursday morning. It is part of An Garda Síochana’s Bank Holiday Road Safety plan
I wonder what happens with those who are vaccinated? Will those create a positive drug reponse.
DWI- Driving While Inoculated
Off course. That was the whole idea with the Corona campaign. To ‘vaxx and catch’ people afterwards, and fine them for being drugged.
Breaking: Law Professor that Wrote 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act Provides Affidavit that COVID 19 mRNA nanoparticle injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction
“Dr. Boyle is considered one of the world’s leading legal experts on biological weapons. Dr. Boyle’s affidavit adds a tremendous amount of credibility to the case, which already has a tremendous body of evidence provided in the writ of mandamus. Affidavits stating that the injections are biological and technological weapons, were also provided by med legal advisor and biotech analyst Karen Kingston, who researched the evidence that makes of the Facts of the Case section of the Mandamus, and from Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD. Dr. Mihalcea’s research is included in the Mandamus. Dr. Mihalcea is one of the world’s leading researchers into the effects of self replicating nanotechnology in the blood of injected as well as the effects in the blood of the uninjected as a result of shedding.”
Rishi Sunak’s diary for next week:
Monday – publish Vol. 1 of memoirs relating childhood incident of machine-gunning a litter of adorable puppies. Book is 33 chapters over 333 pages.
Tuesday – appoint Suella Braverman the new Archbishop of Canterbury. Appear on ‘Desert Island Discs’ to declare ‘Granddad’ by Clive Dunn is favourite tune and, while swearing undying love for Taylor Swift, be unable to name any of her songs plus appear to believe she’s a man.
Wednesday – announce that previous policy of sending asylum seekers to a country mostly known for genocide is too soft and now asylum seekers will be blasted into outer space. Figures realised the same day show immigration has trebled on your watch.
Thursday – bring out John Major’s soapbox for new low-tech-I’m-so-authentic campaigning style. Fall off soapbox and impale self on megaphone.
Friday – declare in a foreign policy debate that “Israel can bomb Lebanon back into the Stone Age as far as I’m concerned and I wish they’d get on with it”. Throw in Jordan if that doesn’t get enough boos
Saturday – visit Vauxhall Cross and declare the boys and girls there to be “Britain’s greatest asset in these troubled times”. Fart loudly in the presence of MI6 chief. Declare that anyone who thinks you’re throwing the election is a “crank” and “conspiracy nutjob” then be overheard saying “I’ve always found that Ed Davey incredibly sexy”.
Sunday – publish Vol. 2 of memoirs entitled ‘If you think I’m bad, wait until you’ve seen Kemi Badenoch’. Book claims you saved a woman from drowning when on holiday; media find said woman and she says “he ran the other way screaming “out of my way, poor people, I’m a heartless Tory””.
Write more>>
Okay, the second coming he ain’t, but he did go up against the Suiturds.
Some of em anyway:
Arent we a bit exhausted by this long term Assange story? Its like the eternal funding to rebuild Palestine over and over again.