Damage is a Given
Sylvia Shawcross

The heavy rains are rich with life in the Spring. Even when the lilacs have died and the wafting scent of lily-of-the-valley has faded. Summer will come very soon, although it seems a long Spring this time and that is something to celebrate because it freshens the air and whispers its promises. We all want to believe in those promises and so we do because it is all we can really count on now. Nothing else seems true or predictable. We know only that Summer such as it will be will come as it always has. That does not change overnight, as so many things have.
I no longer click on and watch the terrifying red banners they dish out now with the weather forecasts on the internet. It is going to rain. I know this because we can see the pale underbelly of the leaves and taste the moss flavour of the air. And there will be storms alive in the sky. And if the sky is tinged with green there may be tornadoes although they are rare in this area. We do not think about them really. What would we do anyway? We watch the wind through the windows and the rain and hope for the best.
No one wants to much leave their houses now. We are a nation of post-traumatic victims—from the covid, from the inflation, from the heavy-handed censorship, from the blatant corruption, from the deliberate divisiveness, from witnessing the violence and duplicity and righteous judgments of others. The protests. The growing crime. The closing down of familiar stores and restaurants. The broken. The tent cities proliferating. And the anger and punitive and defensive stances from people we had not expected would be this way. We prefer now to stay with the familiar. We want to watch the rain from the windows.
At the moment, federal government workers are rebelling at having to leave their homes and go into the office to work for three days of each week. They don’t think they need to. And with the price of gas. The hassle of it all too. But it is more than that. It is the weariness of political correctness and the need to socialize and nobody really wants to do that anymore. Much. It takes too much energy and time and wariness. I don’t know what changed. I remember loving going to work. These were my comrades at arms, friends and sometimes surrogate family. We loved working together.
But that changed. I don’t know when. When technology took us out of the present and into an alternative. Some like it that way. Most know no differently now. But if you look at the research it is clear: technology has hurt humanity at the social level. And the solution by the idiots in charge is more technology. The hair of the dog that bit you is still hair and its a scratchy difficult thing to swallow at the best of times. It is simply an exercise in different styles of damage. Damage is a given.
Technology was going to make our world so much better. And for who? Not for the child in the slums of Mumbai but perhaps for the rich child deemed deserving by virtue of its birth and fine-feathered education. There will be no levelling out of all of this. To think such a thing is simply foolish. To wish for it, perhaps is not foolish but to believe in it is foolish. We know this. We’ve been around for “that” long. We know where that goes. Every. Single. Time. But I suppose we never learn. We never ever learn.
But that is dark and we have had enough of dark. We are at a stage now where anger is probably the healthy response. To all that has been thrown at us. The angry voters. They are here to stay until there is a horrific realization maybe that voting will not change the course of events. It will not stop the wars, the siphoning of savings, the degradation of culture, the divisiveness at the heart of it all. We are the ragged puppets dancing for the puppet masters… played like a musical instrument, reverberating through time—the same notes perhaps on a different scale, perhaps faster, but still the same old tune. It is what discourages us all the most.
The best that we can do is not comply with anything that makes us less than human and that, these days, is quite a lot. Quite a lot indeed. So much in fact that we find ourselves quietly watching the rain from windows. Maybe for a long time. In the meantime, there are still some lily-of-the-valley left. We can put them in a little glass of water by the computer to remind us of that other world beyond the screen and the promise of Summer.
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In the end you can only change yourself. All else is a chasing after the wind.
Most people believe it is easier to change 8 billion people’s opinion and behaviour, than the heavy heavy task of changing themselves. They may know what they are talking about.
Thank you Sylvia! You are a gem! I believe in that “One Day”. Whether one believes in The Great Rainmaker or a Creator of some kind, who created us in their image, or not, we do have the ability to create. We can create the future, and it doesn’t have to take a long time. The problem with technology is that the emphasis on it has been for the material. Although we motivate matter, including our own bodies, we are not matter. Our bodies don’t get out of bed by themselves. Technology, as a word, is derived from the Greek “techne” : art, skill, or craft, and “Logos” or “logia” : words or discourse. So in our modern world we have concentrated on the know how of material things, more than the know how of non material things. Happiness can not be weighed or measured with a slide rule. One cannot box some up and send it to a friend in need. One cannot go down to the store and buy some harmony for ones’ relationship or to end planetary conflicts. But are these things any less important than the latest cell phone, tv, computer or car? So the emphasis we need in our “advanced” civilization is the know how, skills or technology to understand and master the non material aspects of life – before we blow ourselves up with our vast achievements in our understanding of matter, or the material. It would be important to understand what motivates people and to understand different types of people. Why do some seem to be driven to destroy everything? Why do some work so hard to keep things going and to improve things? That is a discourse worth having and a technology to treasure.
When belief in a Creator goes beserk – as it inevitably must – what we get is humans who imagine themselves to be gods. What that madness means in practical terms is re-making the world in their image. And to do that, they must first destroy the world as it is – a world they did not create and therefore cannot abide.
And how, pray tell, will they manage to re-make the world they destroy? They’re gods – they need no plan. Whatever they come up with, be it a tinker-toy replica of a world, will be the perfect world – because it will be their creation.
When you start with a skewed concept – a Creator – all you will ever get is a greater skewing.
Very well said.
The revolution is spiritual. For all those who haven’t worked it out yet. The battle is won and lost in your mind, and is more or less daily.
I enjoy my actual work. I enjoy going into the office. I have learnt to stay connected to people while being completely disconnected in a spiritual sense (they are completely in the matrix).
But too much of one thing isn’t good, so I mix it up with WFH days and days out on the tools (I am predominantly a designer). After years and years of jobs I hated, God blessed me with one I like.
according to Met Éireann who now predict things to the hour 😉 we’ll have full sun from 8 – 10 pm tonight.
Peaceful protests… BS! Time to wake up!
Wake up to what though?
The system is based on misfortune, you only benefit from the system from your own misfortune, plus the system benefits from treating your misfortune, and benefits from ones not having misfortune, as the misfortune benefits are absorbed as not being needed by the supposed beneficiary.
And better yet, do what about it, it seems to be everywhere all the time.
John, if we can’t even organise peaceful protests, how are we going to organise a revolution ?
Into the pending sin bin, for writing a comment about workplace culture. Not that controversial, is it?
It could be a technical error, an IT error. It doesnt always mean the whole world are after you.
-9 thumbs down on its head cant be wrong. All right Rick, the whole world ARE after you.
Deep State, Illuminati, all of them. Red pending IS the mark of the beast………LOL.
It is a very subjective as to whether someone enjoys their workplace. The job itself, work colleagues, the boss, the salary, the commute, the hours and the workplace culture will all affect that viewpoint.
Most people cannot wait for retirement and not having to work, or dream of winning the lottery or earning enough to quit. In contrast, a much smaller number upon retirement are bored and wish to continue working.
However, one thing is clear, that the workplace culture has changed dramatically in the last 20 – 30 years. Fear of redundancy, less job security, zero hours contracts and rafts of human resources diktats regarding acceptable behaviour has zapped any enjoyment out of many workplaces. The Americanisation and corporatisation of the workplace has turned employees into fearful drones.
In UK, when the name ‘Personnel department’ was changed in favour of ‘Human resources’ the rot set in. An employee was no longer a person, they were a resource, no different to the building or the photocopier machine.
The advent of technology through the e-mail also reduced employee interaction. Instead of walking over to a colleague’s desk for a chat and to discuss an issue face to face or by picking up the phone, it was lazier and more convenient ( yes…that one again) to bash out an email. Copy said email to five others in an arse-covering exercise and then get into a back and forth email discussion for the next several days. A 15 minute in-person discussion to resolve an issue became a several day affair.
I think it is fair to say, that given the choice, many private sector employees would prefer to be self-employed if they could guarantee an equivalent level of financial security that comes from a regular monthly paycheque.
The public sector is another matter – job security and easy money. I gave my thoughts on that in a previous article.
Those who want to continue working are likely to be short of money, social contacts or hobbies.
Sending emails allows evasion through corporate verbiage (boilerplate).
Becoming self-employed is the opposite of job security, the reason for putting up with all the distractions and injustices.
So you guys cant imagine anyone who actually like to work.
I’m angry enough. The problem is, there’s not enough of us who are angry enough to start the pushback.
All the time TPTB ‘allow’ us a little concession, freeing us from lockdowns, lowering the energy charges just a little. Making sure the food supply chains work, we are their’s.
The people are grateful if they can pay their mortgage and feed their kids.
That ain’t no.breeding ground for revolution.
The chocolate ration has been increased.
Things are slowly breaking down, the lower quality food stores are selling worm infested lettuce the consumer eventually picks the tab up for as the drive back to complain about it cost more than the lettuce.
It just a matter of time b4 who knows what gets on that list.
Do you look forward to going to work when you know that your narcissistic employer is hacking your home computer, tracking you with your mobile phone, looking to sponge off all your hard work whilst all the time looking to force you out, only going to let you work somewhere else that they deem acceptable??
That’s not being ‘comrades in arms’, it’s self-serving malignancy telling the whole workplace what a moral, decent human being they are.
Of course, if you are much more ‘normal’, not told to ‘excel’ or the like, then by not making any waves, you won’t get targeted for full-spectrum-dominance bullying.
Thing is, if you try and be what you are not, a subservient, obsequeious, half-asleep, can’t joint the dots no-threat-to-anyone presence, then maybe you would survive. But if you’ve ever tried it, you’ll learn that your soul drops into the slough of despond, your desire to get up in the morning to go to work rapidly starts to wane and your belief that you can actually do something useful by going to work shrivels up like a marigold plant come October/November.
For those that are parents, the ability to tolerate that nonsense is always rationalised by ‘I must do it for the children’. If the way the world worked out was that you didn’t have children, then the only reason to go to work is to contribute toward self-actualisation, to provide a community of like-minded people, whilst providing something that society claims to desire being done.
When you can’t even find that, when you’re always the one that the bullies set out to neuter, well: there comes a time when you just say: ‘If you’re all so bloody superior, do it all yourselves!’
Amazing how many times they came running after me when I silently said that.
Not in the slightest surprising that their strike rate in achieving an objective through that was flat zero.
‘Trash them, scorn them, then claim that it was all just ‘bantz’.’
It’s still the same act, so it get’s the same response…..
It a good thing somebody made laws.
was it the slavery or the abrahamic?
Or is “pending” really just random in the way packages get randomly intercepted at customs?
i guess it is random then, just a reminder that the internet is not your friend!
This is the result of a long process that only became blatant with the latest psy-op and crime against humanity (lockdowns + genetic poisons) perpetrated by this culture.
The essential wrong-headedness and insane selfishness and narcissism of this modern “domesticated office drones” corporate slavery culture is coming to its logical conclusion.
Staying home is no longer safe either, because the parasites are coming in through your screen.
Technology ( internet courtesy of the US Army) is finishing the job started by abrahamic religion: the turning of the human being into a screwed up ball of fear and loathing – entire nations of Karens, sycophants and backstabbers….
I was reading some extracts from .The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul from the sixties and they seem to have a lot more of that dehumanising in store. The future planners are like brains on sticks, all cold logic and little else. It’s time for sand in the gears of the machine man.
I’m working on it. And I know I’m not alone. You can articulate your wish(es) to whatever form of life-giving power you like to imagine or already know. Every morning, before I properly get up, I name them, the Corporate, Banksters, Military, Techno Demons and their acolytes, servants and willing slaves, their disempowerment and imprisonment. Create an irresistible thoughtform. Believe in yourself.
PS 6 guitars and 1 bass guitar in front of me.
P is 6 on his head. S is nr 24 in the alphabet. 6 guitar, and 1 from the dark.
666 and the One. You cant fool papa Ariel ;-).
But it looks like you may be able to fool yourself.
So one cannot make a joke anymore. A little humour and everybody freaks out. This must be the end times!
I wondered how long it would take you to make a comeback. It’s not always that easy to know when you are joking. I am not upset that easily.
As they say ‘sauce for the goose’….
Is NEW-merology the same as OLD-merology?
Actually they could be living in a different world, like the one b4 covid and the great labor shortage.
Get yourself a ukulele, or a banjo, or a guitar, or a mandolin, or a harmonica, and sing and dance. There is no better cure for what ails you
I don’t see tech as the end of things but a time where people (myself included) have to learn how to use it wisely.
Was it better before social media where we depended on the mass media to tell us what’s going on? No.
If the job doesn’t require a physical presence, why clog up the roads with cars?
I have no choice, I work with my hands on things.
But it helps that there’s s little less people on the roads clogging up traffic.
The only way to use it wisely is to discard it.
Is This The “who jumps from the highest building” contest?
Or maybe a an hidden anti-depressive medication pushing add.
If it’s about the climate, you might notice the Emien periode,
That era is about to end and when Milancovic Is right we have after 110.000 years of changing climate a freefall into DEEP FREEZE.
That is something to get depressed by.
If it is about. loosing your (mental) freedom, I guote Frank Zappa:
“Remove the curtain and the furniture and then the decor background and you will find yourself staring to a brick wall.
La Vita e bella.
Create your own world.
And even if you think you are a participant in a computer program animation, realize what the programmer of that animation must feel, when he realizes, he is also a part of a program that formed his society.
Absolute pure nonsense. I have never ever meet anyone who enjoyed working the slave system and the above article may of well been a Tory speech…
The electioneering is savage at the moment.
The author doesn’t say they loved the work, just the going and working together, because after all, at least in this day, we have to work.
Beggars belief that even when the authoress is called Sylvia, Sillyman calls her “they”. Genderism rules, OK.
In a civilisation you like to work. After Christ’s recommendation “we serve each other” because we feel good when we have a purpose for other people.
Some serve your teeth, dentists, some grow your food, farmers, some build your house, architects, some play music, musicians, Sylvia write poesy, poets.
The selfish human who only want to receive and never give we call satanic.
Sleepy Brandon: “I must be going
(to kiss other people’s children)!”
That would have been funnier if we didn’t know what we know….
I wonder how much screening goes on for the peons that get to be near the “world leaders” and when someone with murderous intent is going to slip through…
Compare to Chauncey Gardner in Being There.
Brilliant movie. 😎
What a stupid coincidence. I was only a kilometer away from him. Since Phil rat-
her than Adolf set the tone at the time, I was unable to pay tribute to the zeitgeist.
“I remember loving going to work. These were my comrades at arms, friends and sometimes surrogate family. We loved working together.”
Absolutely how I used to feel about work, for me it was always about the people I met along the way, even the less savoury characters, we’d find a way of navigating them.We had much fun. Now my day is lonely, wfh, all my work interactions mediated by ‘the machine’. It never really recovered from the plandemic and most tech jobs are going that way forever. Sad. I sometimes see tiktoks berating the move back to the office and blaming the boomers, but I feel sad for some of the younger generation who will never experience the camaraderie of being physically close at work, making friends (and lovers) and complaining about the boss. I know it’s not for everyone but it’s still a fact that in the past there was a big chance you would meet your life partner at work as well as some long standing friends which would shape your life sometimes for the better (and worse). But it was very much part of real life!
Yes. Absolutely.
Water cooler discussions.
Broken copy machines. Bad coffee. Smelly refridgerators. Notes about smelly refridgerators.
Christmas parties.
Coffee breaks.
Work shoes.
Good times
Comraderie. Great term.
Right. But you’re speaking as if working is a thing of the past. There are still plenty of us that work in the office, because we have to, or have the option to. So maybe move companies if it’s that bad.
One of the (ironic) downsides of working in “tech”, no doubt.
“The drivers of premature deaths among men include biological factors, low male health literacy and the chronic underfunding of our medical services”:
“Low male health literacy” turns out to mean not enough allopathic treatment and a reluctance to having things stuck up the arse. The use of “our” to describe medical services is always a giveaway that it’s operation mind-control time again.
Social engineering cannot possibly even be considered as the cause – or at least a cause – of what’s happening to men’s health. The “solution” of a more integrated approach means expanding state/corporate bureaucracies, more costs and more data-generation.
If men are so privileged, why is any of this happening?
If men are so privileged, why is any of this happening?

That’s divorced from reality.
Incentives. Funding. $$$.
In America they started with 5% in federal taxes and are now up at 25-40%.
In Europe in the 1950-60’es only men worked and paid 25% flat.
Today in most welfare countries in EU both men and women work 8-9 hours a day and pay 60-70% in personal income Tax, Vat, Fees and Fines.
Men dont have control more over their obligations to be men and fathers, because their money was taking away.
Women were kicked out from the home and the family to the industry, and lost their ability and obligation to be women and mothers.
Children lost their childhood and connection to their “elderly bomb, elderly burden” grandpa and grandma as a safe refugee, and became a “cost” on the excel sheet in the Kindergarten and ground school, as children didnt provided the State with revenues.
All the tax money collected was giving out to greasy leftist social engineers, who told the children that socialism did it much better than their previous lousy family, because their child care was “science based”.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-06-12. Dr Francis Boyle, who drafted Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act of 1989, says that jabs are BW (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
nearly 4 weeks of grey sky here in donegal , little sun, moon not seen by me since 2 days prior to full.people wear coats.
Massachusetts, USA.
Worst March of my life. Constant cold, rain, grey.
April the same.
Still wearing winter jacket in May.
Finally some lovely weather in June.
Spring has been a thing of the past for years now.
I never paid much heed to geoengineering but I cannot help but think that all those white criss crosses in the sky are anything but natural clouds.
they aren’t. nor are the weird ” clouds” or the uniform grey skies. i never did either until 2 years ago, WHEN I WAS UP EARLY AND WATCHED THIS.
It’s global boiling frying the earth and every living thing. I wonder how they’ll spin this one if these miserable temps continue
boiling where?
Southern U.S., where the cold doesn’t kill you like the north, but the heat makes you go crazy as it constricts the parts inside you.
neither is fun.
Yeah, I’m debating starting the woodstove tonight AGAIN.
Flaming June?
Science succeeded to control Global Warming. All the HARP white stripes in the sky helped saving the planet. All your tax money was worth it.
So be happy for your woodstove today, because Science did it so good that now we are a little too cold and must have Science to get average 1C back again to the route and it is not done overnight. 🤖 .
there’s also the depression factor of grey skues, and lack of warmth and https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/why-light-is-an-essential-nutrient?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=748806&post_id=145537409&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1ff3y&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0y4IZIS_mNZSu1NWISaj9fRZPvB4cUZkr35bP3Yjj8F78hf4G6bzpDGuo_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw
my heating , on 17 c , is on! i’e never heated in summer. council had everything removed and installed heat pumps. and good doors/windows, so for the first time in 20+ years i’m enjoying a warm house. it could not have come at a better time 😉
it’s nice for me.
how the grid will work relying on solar panels harnessing a dimmed sun ?!
i would like a wood stove myself.
I’ve got a friend in Canada that just posted some pics of fresh snowfall a couple of weeks ago. In contrast, it was 91F in Springfield Missouri yesterday, And absolutely epic Numbers Of crisscrossing chemtrails all over the skies both day and night For the longest time now.
Sydney (Aust) had a couple of hours of sunlight during
the week – i think it was Wednesday arvio…
The Sunny Winter Days of a few years ago have lessened,
It’s as if the Grand Solar Minimum is on the move, approaching…
I thought i’d enough Winter Woollies, but this year i’m on
the look out for an extra layer…
It’s getting Colder by the year – a friend tells me it’s “age !”
and it’s the Cold Fingers of The Grave reaching for me…
in ireland we get more blue sky in winter than in ” summer” i suppose the need for greying it isn’t seen as great.
sun/pole shifts are also a thing.
ultimately it’s revelation/apocalypse.