The parallel universe the legacy media insist we’re living in
Catte Black

Hey people, are you seeing this?
You might have less money, more debt, massive energy bills, your chickens might be about to be culled, your car rendered unusable, your health permanently destroyed by a safe and effective “vaccine”…
but look, the Princess of Wales is wearing a big hat!
Grab your little flag and start waving.
Gawd bless our beloved masters…
Oh and as a bonus, it seems like the massive mystery of Middleton’s ‘disappearance’ is apparently over now
— who’d a thunk it.
Still, nice distraction while it lasted.
Next distraction – crucifying the meanie ‘conspiracy theorists’ who all thought her pictures were fake…
Happy Sunday morning everyone…
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look at that cover, could have been printed 200 years ago… The pathological conservatism of Middle England and the adoration for parasitical royalty is one of the most depressing, pathetic and execrable things around.
Was lady D Welsh ? is this muppet Welsh? I didn’t think so….The Welsh ought to secede.
She is just like us… 💤
You see even the royals get cancer. 💤
Do bare in mind The queen own sister / cousins was facilitated off to some hospital now-defunct Royal Earlswood Institution for Mental Defective as she was a spastic or said the wrong thing and died 2 times with 3 different dates given.
The royals are pro;s at messing with the general public mind.
Sounds cynical & bitter to me.
They could be fake – but that didn’t mean any of the imaginations were true.
The use to which we put our mind is our freedom.
Thus we are free to reevaluate our choices or habits of presumption as part of aligning in better choices immediately associated with better outcomes.
Why dispirit ourselves-each other?
Kate reappears miraculously from her bunk-er…:)
“Calls” for more awareness amid royal speculation of brave queens access to new cancer Vax”
The normies are noticing how crap the weather has gone. But just like planned, they attribute it to “climate change”.
When I point out we that weather modification technology exists, and they have admitted they use it, they look at me like I’m a loon.
But they are really the lunatics.
Weather modification to temporarily alter local weather is still primitive, uncertain and expensive. “Climate change”, OTOH, is weather modification but done on a global scale and is caused by human activity influencing climate. Its not a new phenomena, people have been aware of it for over 100 years, but only relatively recently we’ve been so numerous to start to really cause big shifts. Unfortunately dealing with it without interfering with “Business As Normal” is difficult so the easiest route is to deny it, to kick the can down the road for a bit longer (as the majors have been doing for 50 years). This doesn’t fix anything, it just makes the problem more obvious and harder to fix.
Precisely. Our universal condition is unpredictable non-linear chaotic weather conditions. You can manipulate it in small areas for small periods.
As no one can predict when the tectonic plates moves, the 1000 volcanoes under the sea erupts, when earth moves a little bit closer or more far from the sun, or when the regulating planets varies in their movements.
There is only one universal rule: Humans must adapt themselves to the conditions of the universe, and not to Wall Streets zero sum stock manipulations.
“Unpredictable non-linear chaotic weather” – straight out of the mouth of the establishment.
Nothing in nature is chaotic.
How have you not grasped that by now.
Of course it is, just like all those white lines covering the sky every day are just jet engine vapour.
Q: How many mainstream journalists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: They don’t use light bulbs. They use gaslighting.
Notice how William as more medals, but less hair. 😁
Not less hair that’s a reverse mohawk, identifies you as a conservative…
Or, an intentional dotard cut? 😁
Every royal parasite everywhere likes to adorn themsleves with a cluster of invented military order awards to emphasise their self-appointed superiority… it really is asking for the guillotine. Most of these inbred morons couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag let alone stand in a battlefield.
That was terrific!
Ipana White –
For That Ring of Confidence !!
say “Cheeze” !
not sure about the thing on the left but on the right that is a dude baby a dude
and the dude abides…
The foreheads.
Wharra bunch of Royalist shite. Don’t people puke when they read headlines like this? (Nevermind reading the actual bollox)
If there front pages off everywhere, usually it is a deflection story to take away the real story that makes the middle pages or less.
Today, this “everything is just fine” is the balancing binary half of our master’s communication systems (broadcasts) with their serfs (society). The other binary half is the “fear & loathing” Channel 2 which carefully keeps us believing we are helpless without the master class driving us off a cliff. There is only Channel 1 & Channel 2 in America just like there is only Two Parties, all broadcast by the One Channel, the One Party, the One Petty God. Broadcast one way only, no interaction, questions or debate and definitely no counter-ideas. It’s accompanied by background music that tells what one should be feeling in every scene, with frequent breaks for propaganda to sell their useless profit theft as God’s gift to Humanity. Until we all get fed up with their Children’s Training Show for Adults, and TURN THEM OFF.
Welcome back Catte – youve been missed.
She got better for the England football euros return.
I like your inhouse Dr, do believe she is a nice normal lady with real children who happens to be battling cancer.
she is just like us really…………………….
I found you a meme to discuss this point

What a lovely little fairy-tale to start the day …
My spirits were lifted immensely by this most august event. To those tiny few whose spirits weren’t lifted I say: How dare you?!?
Don’t worry, they aren’t mocking the slaves:
Why did he not taser the cow..?
or call arm response..?
what about citzen arrest and detaining the hathor ?
I am surprised the officer hasnt been signed off for work due to PTSD.
Kate is already toast, just another royal sacrifice. They will pay with it a while, just to see how far the AI paradigm can be pushed. But ultimately, she will be used to promote the new mRNA cancer drugs, dead or alive.
Nice one Catte, concise and says what it needs to, unlike the proliferation of Edward Curtin style solipsistic shite that so overwhelms OffG these days.
Now I think about it, I only really come to OffG these days to read Catte and Kit.
Curtin is actually another covert christian.
I personally don’t mind the RF. They do what they do and dont impact or affect my life to any extent that I notice so let them crack on.
I have a similar feeling about the “wars” in Ukraine & Palestine (except the murdered innocent people), that apparent thing called covid (except the murdered old & infirm and I detest spell-check that gives it a capital C), so-called climate change (apart from the lack of June warmth !), the lying c*nts on the current election circuit…….shall I go on ?
The love, well-being & joy that I get from my family & friends transcends all of that old bollocks so I give it little oxygen.
Not even sure why I’m spending time writing this !!
So you are on the I team, me, me, me. Welcome Mr. Smith among us.
To suggest Kate and KC3 don’t have cancer is to imply that they’re both lying to their kids about their health to further a medical scam.
I’m no fan of RF but, seriously ?
Lying to who?
Pretty obviously, the family would be in on it.
Keep clutching, clutcher.
The kids (whatever their names) are in on it, eh ?
Bloody hell, those kids are advanced. Imagine being trusted to keep the hat on a National secret at those tender ages !
Must be that Royal blood
Kids believe whatever their parents tell them (Father Christmas anyone)
And are oblivious to anything else.
Once the royal dog spawn get old enough to understand they are indoctrinated enough not to say anything, or they go mad or get killed.
Hang them all
Who are they going to tell if they let the secret out?
They are not going to hold a press conference.
So should it slip out to one of their classmates, it’s not the local comprehensive.
Their peers at school are the sons and daughters of the establishment, aristocracy and oligarchy. Even if it was to a child of someone just wealthy but not very well connected and the child tells their parents, they will know better than to speak to the press, who wouldn’t publish the story anyway.
perhaps it’s called “monarch” mind-control ( trauma based programming) because it originated among the ‘elite’ to propagate a lineage of ‘certified’ psychopaths…
You actually think that young George, Charlotte and Louis would be ‘in on it’??
See my lengthier post to ‘Clutching at straws’, where I make the point that I’ve been a passionate ANTI-‘royalist’ for almost 40 years. So I am most definitely not defending the Windsors when I say that it’s highly unlikely that they’re lying to their kids re. their health.
Clutching at straws
you need to change your name to gullible..
I would, but I heard they removed it from the dictionary.
I totally agree with what you say. I’ve been a passionate ANTI-‘royalist’ for almost 40 years (I’m 65); all so-called ‘monarchies’ round the world should be abolished, and none more so than the Windsors here in the UK. However, it’s ridiculous for some people to be claiming that Charles and Kate are merely pretending to have cancer, thus claiming that they’re deliberately lying to their kids. As if William and Kate would decide to say to George, Charlotte and Louis, “Look, we have to pretend that mummy has a serious disease called cancer, she doesn’t actually have it, but we are pretending that she does. So when your friends at school ask how your mummy is, tell them that she ‘has some good days and some bad days…’ etc.”. And so on…
William and Kate would not do that to their kids.
As for whether Charles would lie to his sons re. his health, I find that claim hard to accept.
And of course I’m aware that Charles (and also his ‘late’ father, Philip) was [still is, probably] a member of the Bilderberg Group, etc etc – the Windsors themselves occupying a high-up level in the Globalist group. Ie, that the Windsors are part of the evil group who run/control the world. But I do not think that they’re lying to their kids re. their health.
Thanks for your support, Christine.
I was surprised but not surprised at the vehement rejection of what I thought was a considered comment.
Maybe you have to have children to realise how that dynamic works?
The more worrying thing to me is the dogmatic “believe ALL we believe or you’re not in our gang”
Not worrying personally
I’ve been excluded from more gangs than I can shake a stick at, but for the health of this ‘free thinking’ forum.
You are clearly ignorant of the total lack of humanity and depravity of these entities. This has been proven by their actions and activities over the last 1000 years.
They likely cannot make love or parent children and she likely stole “her” children from healthy human beings.
Excuse me, but in my post to ‘Clutching at straws’ earlier today on this subject, I made the point that I’ve been a passionate ANTI-‘royalist’ for just under 40 years. I am more than aware of the evil of many of the members of the Windsor family here in the UK; I’ve been ‘awake’ (re. many subjects, including re. how this world is run/controlled, and by whom) for 40-45 years, so please do NOT claim that I’m “ignorant of the total lack of humanity and depravity etc” of the Windsors.
I even mentioned in my post earlier today that I’m fully aware that Philip was, and that Charles still is, a member of the Bilderberg Group (the vast majority of the masses will have no idea re. what the Bilderberg Group is, of course…), etc etc. So I’m more than wised-up. So please refrain from accusing me of not being wised-up.
yes, seriously.
children born into those kinds of families are subjected to ruthless trauma-based mind control in any case – they have to be moulded into psychopathic cunts
According to the Daily Fail, Kate has been undergoing chemotherapy for months. She looks remarkably healthy for it and she must have been one of the lucky 35% of people NOT to lose their hair. Great advert for chemo – everyone will be wanting it now. That is if you believe this latest episode of Jackanory.
In addition, she hasn’t taken the mRNA cancer wonder jab, so was that story not ripe enough to fly yet, or was the announcement timed to reel in and then discredit conspiracy theorists?
After four years of conspiracy realists consistently hitting home runs, the Empire strikes back on two counts; the cancer jab and the speculation as to her whereabouts due to the fake photos.
Very good points – her ‘wonder’ recovery from chemo looks like an echo of her ‘wonder’ recovery from pregnancy (and don’t forget that maternity smock!).
Her dress seems deliberately designed to parallel her with Audrey Hepburn. Among other things Hepburn 1) seemed to be Brtish but actually wasn’t 2) became more famous as a UNICEF ambassador in her later years where her tasks included pushing vaccines and 3) was a gay icon for ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ (is there any other “classic” movie so vapid as that one?). One of her rare late film appearances ‘Bloodline’ (directed by Terence Young who made the early Bond movies) is worth looking at.
I suspect part of the op here is to throw a crumb at Tory Britain who are otherwise in complete meltdown and might be lured away from “Britishness” if not offered a few sops (hey, this country might not be yours anymore – but at least we put on a good show with some posh totty!).
Interesting, I hadn’t thought of the Audrey Hepburn connection.
I was thinking that she and the children were wearing sailor style clothing, which connects with Admiralty/Maritime Law, which we are all subject to through the legal system.
However, sailor style clothing is back in fashion this year, so I was probably overthinking.
For the Tory diehards and what is left of the blue rinse brigade, the idea that they still associate ‘Britishness’ in the form of adoration for a German Royal Family, makes me grin everytime.
4) was male. (Dylan Mulvaney is mainly to serve as a signpost to Aubrey.)
The legacy media IS a parallel universe!
Yet inside her there is still hell to pay, a fight with in ones self and only one self can win, the exhaustive battle of, healing ones self.
If we aren’t distracted, “this could be extremely dangerous for our democracy.”
Shut up serf and die to save the climate!
Everyone must die or else everyone will die!
With her wardrobe’s uncanny resemblance to that of the original production, it’s easy to get confused which universe, or stage set, we’re living in.
Meanwhile, in the real world, Gog and Magog run rife;
Must suck to be you, cold, clammy, collective collaboration.
Fiction then, is it?
Other than being inside your mind, i’m not sure what it is, or was it was supposed to be, fiction? If you say so.
I’m not the one who’s underground.
fuck off
Back to the eternal Doo question again Johnny?
It’s obvious. They’ve misspelled the headline.
Should be; ‘My Fake Lady’.
Fakes, frauds, fools and freaks.
No wonder we’re heading down the shit chute.
When the kids run the candy store, the end result is bloody murder.
Maybe the real problem is that the kids aren’t running the candy store. If no politicians over the age of 9 were allowed, things would surely be more sane and fair. Maybe in the future……….
In 6th grade I met a fellow who already knew he wanted to be a politician, in 2nd grade I met someone who already knew he wanted to be a psychiatrist.
These people turned into cold hearted killers from a young age, an arrogant group that cant be reasoned with and simply dont care about anything but their own truth.
No telling what would have occurred if they were over the age of 7 before being so alert, but at least the adult anger and arrogance would have been tempered, now they are dug in to the bitter drunken end.
Well, P oliticians, P sychiatrists, and P rofessional killers all too often have a lot in common. Yeah, children can be born insane, too. But most of them, if you take away the harms of the “modern” educational system, are extremely delightful, and good to the core
They are taught insane by someone, and beside that, they said there is a new large expensive crop of young, negatively affected, covid children entering the school system, they have higher numbers and greater difficulties than the ones prior who were yes, good kids right now and then, but at 13 or 14 and beyond could pose a challenge to civilize both financially and physically.
Oh well, as the saying goes, it was good while it lasted.