Israel Follow-up – Whistleblowers, Protests and Resignations
Kit Knightly

Two weeks ago I wrote a piece, “Are the powers-that-be preparing to cut Israel loose?”, speculating on the future of the Israel/Gaza narrative and suggesting that Israel’s days in the “good guys club” might be over soon.
I just wanted to do a brief follow-up on this, adding some more interesting evidence that’s come to light since, and highlighting some of the best comments we got on the previous piece.
The Whistleblowers Wrecking Israel’s Narrative
Firstly we should point out how many leaks and whistleblowers have come out recently.
Before our previous article was published, there had already been an anonymous CNN whistleblower who had told The Intercept about the “disturbing” practice the network has over letting an Israeli censor vet their Gaza coverage.
A week or so after that, a group of IDF whistleblowers “revealed” that the IDF had been abusing Palestinian prisoners at a detention centre. That torture centre is now the subject of a major court case.
A week after we published the article, yet another whistleblower came out when Stacy Gilbert, a US State Dept employee, resigned in protest claiming the US was covering up Israeli war crimes.
Seemingly unabashed by the avalanche of negative media attention from their usually-captive Western allies, last week the Israeli armed forces decided to further discredit themselves by launching an attack on a UN-run school in central Gaza, killing dozens of innocent people in front of dozens more witnesses.
Again, this attack received widespread mainstream media coverage.
Bye Bye Bibi?
Whatever the planned fate of the nation of Israel, it seems Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s days are probably numbered.
Last week, Benny Gantz – the so-called “centrist” voice in the war cabinet – resigned in protest over the “lack of plan for postwar Gaza”.
Four days ago a retired Israeli general told the media the war in Gaza is “pointless” (not ‘evil’, you will note, not ‘abhorrent’, just pointless) and that Netanyahu must resign.
Over the past weekend there were mass protests in Tel Aviv against Netanyahu’s government and demanding resignations. Protest leaders have promised a “week of resistance”.
Gantz and protesters have both called for early elections, and these requests have even been echoed by members of Netanyahu’s own party. Likud MK Eliyahu Revivo told the Times of Israel that his government has “no achievements” and that elections might be needed.
Then early this morning, Bibi formally dissolved the War Cabinet completely.
According to the Guardian this means Netanyahu can “solidify his grasp on decision-making” regarding the war.
It’s easy to forget that Netanyahu was already on his last political legs before the October 7th attack. His covid and judicial reform policies had made him incredibly unpopular and there was longstanding political unrest and protests against his government.
All this initially went away when the “war” started (wars can be handy like that), and however the war ends, Netanyahu’s political career is very unlikely to survive it for long.
From the comments
I just wanted to highlight some great comments we got on my previous Israel article.
Firstly, there’s this…
All interesting observations Kit but in my opinion Israel is still Teflon. All this wishful thinking amongst people with a conscience about justice being served will never come to pass. It never does. During the second invasion of Iraq there was plenty of criticism in the media and even politically but it changed nothing. The invasion went ahead and millions of us felt good because at least we protested it. An important job of the media is to give voice to the genuine feelings of the public. When the “powers that shouldn’t be” lose control of a narrative and the public see through their lies the controlled media is used as pressure valve to give voice to that public outrage. It changes nothing but it gives the illusion that the controlled media is listening and supports public opinion.
This definitely does happen. But I don’t think that is what is happening here – it feels more directed and narrative driven – but of course it could be part of it.
Regarding the post-war Gaza, Uncle Walrus had this to say…
Well Kit, Jesse Zurawell showed a clip on his telegram where [PAL President] Mahmoud Abbas was spotted at the Riyadh WEF meeting waxing on about how “Israel has a right to exist”, if you ask me this whole affair is building the UN and “international collaboration”/global centralization more than anything, and I suspect that they are going to start by turning Gaza into a “rebuilt” technofascist shithole, with Abbas and crew as the new prison wardens, it’s a perfect double play.
This is a great point. He’s totally right about Abbas talking at the WEF, and there have already been “leaked” documents on Israel’s plans for rebuilding Gaza, and it would be astounding if “sustainability” didn’t play a massive role in that.
It’s not hard to see both Hamas and Bibi being kicked to the curb to make way for a couple of “progressive” WEF Young Global Leaders to forge a two-state solution under the auspices of the UN (and win a Noble Peace Prize), thus showing us all why nations are bad and globalism is great.
Then Gaza gets rebuilt as a “green city” with off shore wind farms and a total ban on cars and who knows what else.
Other commenters picked up on the suggestion that the fall of Israel is potentially tied to greater collapse of the US empire:
All part of the transfer of power from the USA to a global government. Need to first destroy the power of the USA, including Israel, then the WEF owners come to the rescue like knights on horseback, or so they imagine.
The controlled demolition of the US (and Israel) is to kill the notion of “the American Dream”, the desire of all individuals to strive for a middle class quality of life… a three-bedroom house, a car or two, a family. These basic expectations have been decided by the powers that burn natural resources on extravagant lifestyles and wars to be too lofty, unsustainable for the planet.
Straight Talk
There were some interesting thoughts about the possibility of WWIII expressed too, including this from Tilly Peterson:
More likely “ww3” in quotes. A fake near-miss Armageddon to follow up the fake pandemic and usher in global government “to make sure we never get that close to nuclear catastrophe again”.
It will be all narrative and cgi and emotive anecdote designed to shut down any questions, and the only things blown up will be derelict stuff scheduled for demolition or similar, and the nuclear fallout will magically disappear in a few days, but if you ask how that could happen you will be told ‘the science’ can explain it all so shut up.
Tilly Peterson
This is an interesting idea. I have suggested a staged “nuclear near-miss” before, and I know some other alt-media figures have postulated the same idea as well. It could happen, or something similar, to segue the narrative back into “globalism would mean no more wars” stage of the narrative.
Whatever direction they choose to go, it feels like the “war” portion of Gaza narrative might be drawing to a close – good news (probably) for the suffering people of Gaza being used in the sickest of geopolitical games. The PTB may be feeling the world has watched the torture porn and mass slaughter for long enough. They want to move on.
We’ll just have to wait and see where it goes from there.
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Possibly so, but of course Tel Aviv will control the offshore gas fields.
Palestinians: The World’s Most Privileged Refugees
Hamed Abdel-Samad’s Warning: Islamism’s True Dangers
Israel despite their best efforts is losing the Palestine PR battle, the optics belie their preposterous claims they are fighting a defensive battle designed to recover the hostages taken in the Oct 7, 2023 raid. That raid doesn’t pass the smell test. It has been called the “Israel’s 9-11” meaning a false flag operation that was allowed to happen so it could be used as a rationale and justification for ethnic cleansing and genocide against Palestinians and the furtherance of the Greater Israel expansion.
There is no way to circumvent this as more countries are siding with South African government in their attempts to bring Israel’s genocide before the ICC and ICJ.
The US by wholeheartedly supporting this campaign is losing what little moral stature and standing it has around the world and rightly so.
There are numerous issues at play Netanyahu was in trouble and was highly unpopular in Israel much like George W. Bu$h was in the US prior to 9-11. Like America’s 9-11 gave Bu$h a reprieve October 7 did that for Netanyahu also.
Time will tell if he is able to leverage this to salvage his career and further the Zionist agenda. One thing is clear no matter who “wins” the US presidential election the US will continue to bow down and gravel before the Zionists.
Abraham. Born 1948 years after the creation of the world (according to Hebrew non-evolutionist (and hence valid) tradition. Modern Israel born in 1948. Go figure…
I’ve asked myself why I bother coming to this site. I do it for one reason only: I love irony. Irony is my god. I worship it.
I posted a comment to an article specifically about that nation whose name begins with an “I” – yet because I actually used the nation’s full name in my comment, it went into the pending bin.
You can’t make this stuff up! It’s beautiful. Irony on steroids.
well that did’t get pended…
You can make this stuff up because you did. Clearly you’ve been activated, or the Alzheimers is progressing.
I do know the time, it’s time to retire.
Didn’t get pended. I think Howard is telling porkies
looks like JEWS is on the list but not ISRAEL
There’s trouble in the land (the US that is) – big trouble. The people are finally beginning to realize what the rest of the world already knew: that America is not the innocent bystander it has portrayed itself to be. Nor is it the perennial poor little dupe of big bad Israel.
In fact, everything points to what’s happening in Gaza being, not so much an Israeli genocide, as an American genocide. The Palestinians must die…because our dear Uncle Sam wants them dead and gone once and for all.
But Uncle Sam wants no blood on his hands – at least not any that’s visible to everyone. So – lo and behold! – he has had an epiphany: he is finally beginning to see Israel for the tyrant it is, a tyrant which has been leading him by the nose.
“Free my nose!” he screams as he works mightily to turn the blood dripping from his nostrils to snot.
Many muslims will also say the same thing as the Israel project would never have happened at all without the US backing. it is only mater of time before that US backing dires up and that will be the immediate, automatic end of Israel with likely many of the lesser Js left behind to fend for themselves. Even if they had “nukes” (“nukes” are a WW2 / cold war hoax or the US would have used them again!) they would not be saved.
< the fall of Israel is potentially tied to greater collapse of the US empire >
Actuallly, its the other way around: the fall of the Empire is tied to the greater collapse of Israel. Because Israel is not merely that thin, dagger shaped sliver of land on the East Coast of the Mediterranean: Israel is the combined wealth and power of Anglo Zionazi Capitalism. We in the Anglo sphere — Britain and its colonies U$A, Canada, Australia and NZ — cannot afford to lose our unsinkable aircraft carrier, our little dagger in the heart of the oil rich Middle East.
The Anglo Zio Capitalist empire has been a long time agrowing; it started in Elizabethan times with the English East India Co, obtained financial muscle from Cromwell’s Dutch Jews, and military muscle from the Stuarts’ obsession with shipbuilding. It beat the Dutch navy and the Dutch East India Co to pick up North America, India and the Far East. The 20th century saw its climax: beginning with the Anglo Zio Capitalist takeover of the gold and diamond mines of Southern Africa in the Boer War; continuing with the takeover of oil wells of the ME in WW1; and triumphing with the U$ takeover of Western Europe in WW2.
But now in this 21st century we see old centres of power and wealth reviving to challenge the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist Empire. We see Communist China now the biggest economy and largest army on the planet; challenging not only our military but our economic might. We see Russia — a country which has not been defeated in 1,000 years — rising to stymie “our irresistible armed might” of NATZO not only in Eastern Europe but in the Middle East. We see Iran giving Israel a slap in the face. We see Syria kicking out our half-million strong ISIS proxy army. We see Turkey and Saudi Arabia — the largest army in NATO and the largest oil well in the ME — leaving the AZC to join the BRICS.
No, we in the dying Anglo Zionazi Capitalist Empire cannot afford to lose Israel, “that precious stone set in a sea of oil”.
Without the US military the zionist power against islam is mostly hot air. Hezbollah alone can eat them alive.
Parasites infected and overran Russia in 1917 and 1992.
Nice potted history of Anglo Zionazism, but China is not the biggest economy yet: United States: $28.78$28. China $18.53$35 The Top 25 Economies in the World (
As I have said many times: The phrase “America’s days are over” have been said again and again and again since Ruder Knight was King.
America is the winner nation of winners. Nobody and nothing can beat America 😇 .
Yes, indeed. How can Black Rock be beaten, for example, which owns and controls just about everything.
This type of thinking is as dated and irrelevant as talking about Left v Right in politics. It totally ignores the most important thing – both sides are selling the same crap and ultimately are all interconnected.
At the very top they are all the same – same class, same values, they vacation in the same places, send their kids to the same schools, marry each other. The concept of nations is as meaningful for them as taking sides in a genteel Sunday afternoon tennis match. They don’t care about nations, that’s just another silly story they sell to us to keep us believing their lies.
Behind everything they do is the SAME agenda, and that agenda is the good old Great Reset
They are losing Japan, South Korea and the EU. Every sector of the world has begun exercising its exorcisms. The middle east is no different. What a breath of fresh air. Religion and ethnicity have nothing to do with a cabal that pretends to care about humanity. It has only used these aspects to control it.
Tip of the Day. Stay swayable.(especially re Israel):
The Mavericks – Dance the Night Away
So I suppose the former Shah of Iran was correct in his assessment of Israel in an interview with the then prime zionist “reporter at large”, Mr.Mike Wallace.
Mohammad Pahlavi, had by then figured out that he had been appointed to the throne by the zionists that deposed his father, like the zionists that then imported the Ayatollah from Paris (like they did with Lenin and a few more).
It all got a bit too much for this peasant as he seemingly forgot where his fathers’ ancestors actually descended from (it wasn’t from King Darius the Great), and decided that he best crown himself King of Kings for safe measure. That was all of little use when his grey cells finally kicked in and he came to the realization that everything he thought he had was really someone else’s. That clan was thriving in the UK.
Similarity, today, the same exists with the current round of characters lining up to play king. Take Abdullah II, the British Hobbit King of Jordan and his Palestinian (when it suites her) wife. All zionist paid for and controlled stooges.
Erdogan? Not a King but hallucinates he is, does the dirty job for the zionists by invading Syria. Degenerate to the core but like many states in the region you pick the best of the worst on offer.
El-Sisi …. would make the Pharos turn in their sarcophagi. Is he coming or going?
It comes down to perhaps MBS. He has kept to his script and he believes it. He knows full well there will never be a two state solution as do the Chinese and the Russians or can we simply just refer to them from now on as BRICS.
You can change the political party and leader in Israel but you will never change the will of the populace and that will is they want Palestinians erased from the region. With the exception of BRICS, the majority of the players I mentioned above including the EU, the US and the 5 Eyes ( mostly blind) are also of the same opinion. They pretend the two state solution is a solution when it’s not. They have pretended it is for the past 70 years.
This is truly a check mate that has been played by BRICS to this cabal of criminals.
The whole conflict is about this simple fact – expose the zionists and bring them to full account. If not then expect another 75 years of the same old shit. More fakery, more lies, more conflicts, more financial crises, more apartheid states and more death.
Let’s see if humanity really does exist. Or is that an optic and allusion as well?
“ will never change the will of the populace and that will is they want Palestinians erased”.
Exactly what I have pointed out for 20 years. If the sheeple decide we are going for WWIII, nobody cant do a shit about it.
The Atlantic not exactly cutting Israel adrift here:
I may have inadvertently stumbled in on an older 1930s article/thread/set of comments. Some kind of Time Warp perhaps?
And yet somehow it appears to be in English not in German. Odd
You do like to play the victim.
Possibly. That position of eternal vantage…?
Nazi Germany was loathed by the Rest of the World becuse it preached Apart-hate and practiced Genocide. Zionazi Israel is loathed by RoW for the same reason.
Nothing “very odd” about it.
it seemstome they want us focus a;;; our attention on isreal theydont care what side you keep you atentionf fucosed on not other things like the plan to bloke the sun destroy the food suply
What about the digital wallet?
On Oct. 7th, Israel’s wall was breached. Its line of defense, or wall failed. This bears analogy to the human body.
When the immune system fails to prevent a disease, the infection is allowed to enter (perhaps through a break in the human skin barrier). It is then free to reek its havoc, destroy cells and take captive others. All before the body’s forces have time to react and fight it off.
Why do we get ill? Perhaps primarily for two reasons:
1. That there is an agent capable of making us ill
2. That our bodies are somehow vulnerable to it
Focusing on the second factor, why was Israel even vulnerable to the Hamas infection at all? Again perhaps for 2 reasons:
Firstly it may have taken its eyes off the steering wheel. Grown lax in its monitoring of the wall.
And secondly, that the spirit of hamas (= violence, sin) was already in Israel. The spirit of violence that pits neighbour against neighbour. Hate thy neighbour, rather than love them. Seculars vs Ultra-orthodox (fighting each other on Yom Kippur day).
The humility to cast out the spirit of hamas (= violence, sin) from others first requires that we remove it from ourselves. Taking the log out of our own eyes. Then we can see clearly to not only take the spirit of hamas out of others, but also to root out its physical manifestations in such worldly organizations bearing the same name.
Making the world a much better place in the process
“free to reek”. You reek, the term is wreak, ignoramus.
Sure. Any insights to offer with your limited US (intrinsically lowbrow) education?
Ah yes, all these uneducated people spouting off what they see with their own eyes. We simply can’t have that! Without a graduate degree from a highly prestigious school one has no right at all to say anything. Sounds very libtard to me, but then again I don’t have that big degree from a fancy school so I would think that. But pray tell, how many of those highbrow educated saw through that killer plague?
Dunno, but I recall that there was a Cambridge graduate recently who was sent to prison for having a copy of the ‘Anarchist Cookbook’ under his mattress.
I would guess that highbrows sometimes suffer for truth too
The Israelis allowed the October 7th events to happen because they wanted it to happen, dummkopf.
I believe Osama Bin Laden did it, I believe Lee Harvey did it, and I also believe Hamas did a surprise attack on Israeli small children and elderly civilians.
You have your belief which is the truth for you and I have my belief which is the truth for me, and both you and me have the right to our free speech and to be respected for each our opinion. 🙃
May help to clarify matters for those who habitually doubt. The word ‘hamas’ in Hebrew (the initial ‘ch’ being a guttural ‘h’ as in the English ‘loch’):
NAZI propaganda equated Jews with diseases that
invaded and undermined the nation…
Indeed. That being my point (that few grasped)
They gave their International usury debt a f…finger, jailed one Rothschild. Then they released him on bail and turned their eyes on ordinary jews.
So on the surface it looked like itler did the right thing, but…….not.
No need to deflect to “Nazi” (NSDAP) propaganda. The horror and depravity of the Weimar Republic was plain to every sane German.
So does the Zio-nazi mindset. That is why Apart-hate leads a nation inexorably to practice Genocide. The Apart-hate mindset does not see itself as killing fellow human beings; it sees itself as the body politic ridding itself of cancer cells.
would make a great film.
< Its line of defense, or wall failed >
Yes, you seem to know all about how Israel’s Yahoo regime failed the Israeli people by ordering ordering IDF Southern border defenses to stand down after receiving advance warning of Hamas attack. Do tell.
ps Palestinians are not cancer cells.
It seems that the entire raison de etre for the creation of an artificial state, as in a number of other cases, is to create a wedge in order to prevent the formation of nation states to coalesce around a common objective ie their own natural resources and prosperity rather than being exploited and enslaved by imperialistic forces as in the case of Israel.
Moreover, it’s important to remember the objectives of the City of London, it’s satellites and the families behind them: destruction of nation states, family units, religion and a return to Neo feudalism.
This process has been on going for a very long time and the most successful strategy of achieving their objectives, as they freely admit and Professor Anthony C Sutton plus other researchers have stated, is war. WW1 led to WW2 which is a nano second from igniting into WW3.
A Hidden History examined in great depth how WW1 came about with similar echoes to what is happening now !
15 minute wars to 15 minute cities.
How convenient.
Always enjoy your articles, Kit. If not the reason you need to write them.
Yeah. That’s about how long the wwIII would last- 15 minutes- and it would all be over. I think Kit and his commenters and most of us realize it could get worse. MUCH, MUCH WORSE. And that would utterly stink! I would use a lit of profanity here but…….
Anyways, not so sure people have realized though, that it doesn’t have to. It doesn’t have to always get worse and worse. What would it take? Every voice of conscience becomes a whistleblower. No one gives up.
Imagine if Billy Joel wrote ‘We didn’t start the fire’ in 2024.
It would be about four hours long.
We can but dream.
I have loved this song since it was released.
Great,great song.
As explained by Joël van der Reijden when writing about the Pilgrim Society:”Catholic and especially Zionist interests are not very much appreciated, although diplomatic ties are always maintained.”
The fairy tale pushed by the spook conspiracy theorists that Israel really means much about the cabal (run by “the jews”) maybe isn’t true. I thought it might be true because of some occult freemasonic symbolism or end times NWO psyops but maybe Israel is just the last nation state created from the destruction of the Ottoman empire. Bulgaria was one such state and after we gained our independence and a nation state from the Ottomans with the help of the Russian empire, we also had our greater Bulgaria aspirations part of our nationalistic movement which was really strong in the 19th century. But the British and the other european great powers said – no great Bulgaria, only weak Bulgaria is permitted. The British were financing and training the jews against the Ottomans, the Russians were patrons of the Christian minorities.
Still Israel might play some role in the creation of the NWO, these different scenarios with the UN or with the ww3 seem plausible. At least not impossible.
Not run by ‘the Jews’, but its a good cover story and an ism to hide the truth behind. Ordinary Jews like ordinary Christians, Muslims et al are all expendable to the multi-religious Zionist Cabal.
Nothing multi-religious, except maybe covert allegiance to Satan.
The BBC went on the holier than thou bandwagon, re the Post Office—& Infected blood scandals, as if it wasn’t part of the cover-up. BBC newsreaders are changing like the weather & only a few that’s left like Naga Munchetty (who knows the truth but the coin is worth more than her soul) try to put the soft touch to absolute bollocks. It’s time to call everyone who pretends news is news when in fact it is propaganda, lies, and opinions. The BBC is finished and its fact-checking is a fkn joke. OF-CON is a con and disinformation/misinformation is headline MSM news daily.
“The BBC is finished”.
I seen to remember this was a Conservative election promise – funny how in 14 years they’ve never quite gotten around to it but found time to legislate on microchipping cats and removing GMO label requirements for food.
BBC takes pains to point out the sufferings of the masses – elsewhere. Every G7 country – the cream of “development” – is a basket case. When it comes to the Insane Empire, BBC is of course more circumspect.
According the scriptures they all follow, everything is going towards plan.
The Koran?
why don’t you ask your handler
The book of MAMMON.
The Scriptures are open to human interpretation. They notoriously fooled the devil with the advent of Christ. Doesn’t stop speculation though
There going to do what every other countries has done and switch the political faces around and certain key figures with fake resignations or get another role endless court fake Televised cases.
Netanyahu may even end up of Isreals version of celebrity jungle big brother.
Worked for Nigel Barage and Matt Hancock and the Trump theater is intoxicating to the voters and alternative media outlets.
(BTW Off
comG where is that article on Reformed party being an establishment trap ..? like the one you did on George Galloway..?)from a PR point of view, it kicked of the selection season main topic all around the world and got everyone of them forgetfulness Electra to forget about covid and money spent and what happened to them and there family and friends and the migrant topic escalated to point of front pages and amnesia kicked in and all the usual lot where allowed back on twitter and you tube and you know the rest.
The leaks were an attempt to reign in the Nut, and keep up the facade of just response to evil terrorists. But the Nut is simply too far gone: a start raving psycho. Take it from his late psychiatrist:
Even after he imposed the deadly jab on fellow citizens, these “special people” largely support him on Gaza and the rest of Palestine.
What about all his followers and supporters? Without them he would be in isolation long time ago. Is he the only guilty, or are all his passive useful idiots co-responsible?
From a full on hot war back to their war of attrition, same as it ever was for the insane Zionist cabal. The Yinon plan moves forward like a drunk driver speeding up and slowing down.
“But love is the only engine of survival”-Leonard Cohen excerpt from “The Future”
‘if you wait long enough the mistake will happen sweet dude’.
‘if you wait long enough everything gets done eventually’.
‘if you wait long enough randy will make an appearance’
‘if you wait long enough you get part 2’.
We’ll have to wait and see. Because that is all we can do. I wonder how many wonder about that. Apparently, not enough. Particularly when all we ever do is wait and see.
‘If you wait long enough to cook dinner, everyone will eat cereal’.
Sorry, off topic.
A SURGEON GENERAL outlier ruffles the feathers of the LIARS:
Wauw finally a real man. The second I have seen after Cassius Clay changed his name.

Cease fire now!
Those poor Hamas farmers are about to lose their last tunnels into Sinai: don’t let that happen. How can they work without steel tools, diesel and fertilizer? Even though they got billions over decades from WEF West and oil Islam Hamas couldn’t even build sufficient power or water plants: they had to rely on evil Israelis. Hamas needs more billions to buy condoms as their farm boy pool keeps on expanding: the Gaza strip is threatening to beat Hong Kong in population density. They are also the worlds only 4th generation refugees, the poor bastards. It is so bad in Gaza that no one wants to leave and no one wants to import them, strange isn’t it woke sheep? Beehh. La ilaha illa Allah exclusivity for all!!
Your blinkers are showing.
Sure, yours?
Every time I read about this strange theoretical expanding population in Gaza despite the horrifying images of destruction, I think about the theoretical massed covid corpses in the UK despite zero evidence. The only difference being that one plays down the devastation whilst the other plays it up.
Statistics are always a problem.
The stats regarding excess deaths sounded horrific, when expressed in percentage terms. Ranging from 15% to 50% increases in excess mortality across different countries during 2022/23 versus the average for 2015-2019 .To be clear that is EXCESS mortalities.
However, in actual numbers, for example from UK, that translated in 2022 to approx 60,000 per year additional all cause deaths. Out of a population of 70,000,000 (approx.) it is only a 0.085% increase. Less than one tenth of one percent. In other words a rounding error, so it is no surprise that the streets, morgues and cemeteries are not overflowing with corpses.
These stats though possibly massaged down, seem to match the anecdotal evidence most of us are experiencing. However, the anecdotal evidence of illness is a different picture. So many people are ill, hospitals and doctors surgeries are running at capacity and that picture is being repeated across many countries, at least from the anecdotal evidence I am seeing and hearing.
There’s no surprise that hospitals are running at capacity, because all non-Covid illness treatment was shut down for months. You can’t just write off backlogs like that as a politician, you have to put in overtime to slowly bring it down. They want doctors working 7 days weeks to bring down waiting lists, after politicians worked zero day weeks from home whilst creaming £80k a year plus expenses.
Also, if you don’t pick up early stage cancer due to shutting down screening programmes, then the effect of that is higher levels of more advanced cancer, which shows in your eyes as ‘more ill people’ and shows up on the NHS cost base as higher costs of cancer treatment.
When I said “so many people are ill” I am referring to people I know directly, as friends or acquaintances plus those I know indirectly through other people, including those working in the medical profession who have told me.
Admittedly, the NHS was shut down for longer than other countries but the overloading of the healthcare systems is the same in France, Spain, Germany and US from what I am being told from people living in these countries. In the case of Spain that includes both their public (NHS equivalent) and the private sector which was shutdown for only 3 months in total – a whole four years ago.
Therefore, the backlog excuse due to lockdowns does not apply to the other countries I have mentioned and I would wager the same is occuring in more countries with high jab uptake.
Every time Scientific medical treatment is cut off – even due to strikes – suffering goes up for the masses, but death rates go down.
I’m aware my comparison was probably unwise since the two cases- Gaza and covid aren’t similar by that much. Covid initially tried to inflate death figures by rebranding normal mortality rares and then, when the deliberately deadly covid regulations came, claiming deaths from lockdown, cancelled appointments etc. as covid deaths. And, lest we forget, the emphasis was always on “cases” I.e. PCR positives.
Gaza on the other hand features inarguable scenes of death and destruction accompanied by blase insistence from the Zionist number crunchers that the population is expanding.
I am guessing that Zionist logic follows the tale of the sorcerer’s apprentice and for every animated broom split, two pop up. So the more they kill, the more they have to kill.
Can’t edit but
“normal mortality rares”
Should be
“normal mortality rates”
The modern miracle of Scientific lab tests. There was no appeal against a PCR “positive”.
Some time ago, I mentioned a review of US FBI forensic tests. Flaky expert opinion served to imprison (for life) or execute hundreds of suspects.
100 tunnels under the border from the Hamas strip to Sinai and counting. Soft stone, different from the hard stone on Israel’s northern border with Hezbollah land.
The present UK and US neo-Marxist bureacrazys today don’t need tunnels for illegal immigration as they have removed physical and virtual border fencing to widen their voter base: WEF 101 to destroy nationalisms.
Imagine 100 tunnels between the UK and Ireland or Mexico and the US a few decades ago.
Nuts in a nutshell.
Tunnels? Like the Viet
Tunnels like the Viet Cong built?
Well, when you’re up against the most well equipped, ruthless, brutal, murdering, military industrial complex that has ever bloodied this planet, you pull out all stops.
No, tunnels like Thunderbirds or bin Laden’s Superman fortress as so helpfully demonstrated by Donald Rumsfeld.
The VC dug tunnels inside their country to avoid US carpet bombing; how different from the Israelis who avoid civilian casualties at personal risk. The VC tried to protect their people, not use them as human shields for pay/ideology like the Hamas death cult.
What was Vietnam’s reaction to China’s border clashes between 1979–1991? Quite like Israel. The West forgot what a war at home means.
Vietnam build up their own nation after their wars, positively in 100% contract to the Hamas strip.
‘avoid civilian casualties’?
Tell that to the parents of the many, many, many children murdered by the IDF with the help of the USian psychopaths.
Israel has also dug tunnels like Vietcong did it, to protect civilians from Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas merciless bombing of holy cities with children, women and elderly.
And Antonym
The “Hamas strip”, eh? Well I guess we now know that every single Palestinian is a terrorist now. Fiendish evil babies in the hospitals!
What hospitals? Israel has bombed every hospital in Gaza. Children with horrible burns and shattered limbs are being amputated in the open, without anaesthetic.
The murderous IDF have a deliberate policy of targetting civilians. It’s plain as day.
Maybe CNN can do a interview with bin laden in his secret bunker in Gaza.
Worked last time.
Hamas Sunni leaders live openly in luxury apartments in sunny Qatar, are you living in a cave?
While Israel is busy securing its borders from outsiders, it is busy helping migrants enter Europe and North America.
In the case of IsraAID, even the migrants – often Muslim – are confused as to why they would be helping them, as the following article explains.
The primary NGOs, and there are many, are J managed or are outright J organisations such as the Hebr3w Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) which is trafflcking migrants through Latin America to USA.
The following article goes into great detail naming the names involved in various NGOs aiding and abetting illegal migration to the West.
They have the experience and know how to make money.
I think Israel is helping those fit young male “refugees” to enter Europe for the same reason that Israel tended NATZO’s wounded ISIS proxies in Syria. These fit young male “refugees” have military experience in Syria, and are “sleepers” for whenever and wherever the U$ wants to hand out “cookies” money and arms for the next “colour revolution” in Europe.
< It is so bad in Gaza that no one wants to leave >
So bad for the Yahoo’s plans. He thought they would run away to Egypt and leave Gaza’s offshore gas to Genie Energy (a British company with shareholders Natan Yahoo, Dick Cheney and Lord Rothschild.
The Yahoo ought to have watched those videos of Palestinians calmly strolling around the streets of Gaza while IDF planes were flying overhead trying to “bomb the shit out of them”. The Palestinians in Gaza did not run away during Operation Cast Lead (the Yahoo “wasted” 100 young Israeli boys on that attempt to take over Gaza gas for Genie Energy.
Nor did the Gazans run away during Operation Protective Edge, nor did they run away from Operation Strong Sword.
Israel’s Yahoo Army is looking extremely foolish. True, from the skies they can bomb women and children with impunity (50,000 blown to pieces, burnt or buried in rubble). But on the ground they have to face armed men — Hamas, the soldiers of the government of Gaza — and Israel’s boys don’t like that.
The Yahoo has wasted 700 Israeli boys on this latest attempt to take over Gaza’s offshore gas for his company, Genie Energy. He won’t get it. But Palestinians will get a State.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-06-17. Reform UK is only party that will exit WHO & kick out WEF. It is to politics what McDonalds is to food (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
< [Reform] is to politics what McDonalds is to food >
The same processed food baked more crispy.
Is McDonald’s food now?
Despite the obvious and extremely destructive power of evil, especially in the recent Gazan genocide, I still think there are other powers that can turn “what was meant for evil” into good. Let’s assume that even the ending of the slaughter is somehow part of evil’s “plan,” that Israel being turned into a pariah is “exactly what they wanted,” and is involved in some way with a transfer of power from the West to a global government – even if all that is also part of “the agenda,” I think we can also believe there are other agendas at work, and other ways that things can “work together for good.” Frankly those kinds of developments are desirable in a broad sense, and I strongly suspect that whatever the plans of the dark forces, wetiko, archons, whatever you want to call them behind these events, there are clearly ways that a less nationalistic and more global consciousness could be for a massive benefit to the world. But it’ll be up to the people to make sure these events are turned to good, instead of consolidating power even more in the hands of the clearly demon-possessed forces that have been behind global events, especially in the last few years.
If you are billionaire chancers playing the Jewish victim card for centuries and you had the choice between the infertile deserts of Palestine vs the Black Earth of Ukraine, would you care that there’s never been a ‘Holy Land for the Jewish people’ in Ukraine/Khazaria???
Doubtful. You’ll publicly write off Israel as an ideal that disappointed and quietly purloin land your people have never been associated with, have no historical claims to and you do it by bribing corrupt Ukrainian Jews to sacrifice half a million young men and women, get paid a measly $100m – $1bn in reward and hand over title to vast swathes of Ukrainian land to the Jewish puppet masters worth billions.
Of course, that is just a ‘conspiracy theory’.
But it would help if goyim saw the potential for the richest Jews to confiscate all the best lands on earth through political corruption, an impunity in murdering opponents and a decades long victim culture which provides cover for the impunity of the rich cabal enacting everything from behind the curtains….
You’ve essentially highlighted the basic problem with the Khazaria Theory BS. That Judaism has zero connection to any of it. The Tanakh (OT) names literally hundreds of places that can be accurately identified geographically within Israel; that have both physical and spiritual significance.
None of which, at least to my knowledge, are anywhere near Ukraine
Khazaria, King Bulan adopted the Jewish religion as the right one.
Many scriptures and history books confirm Dooish 1000 year ancient right to their Holy homeland Khazaria.
“For centuries, the Khazar territory was a major region of settlement for Jewish refugees escaping persecution, and these refugees soon introduced Judaism to the Khazars. Khazarian-ruled Crimea; and exerted a tremendous impact on world history.” Reality!
< there’s never been a ‘Holy Land for the Jewish people’ in Ukraine/Khazaria >
The story I heard is that the King of Khazaria — wedged between warring Christian and Muslim powers — tried to maintain neutrality by declaring his country to be Jewish. Which is why there are so many European-looking Jews in Europe who speak an Aryan language, compared to the original hook-nosed curley-headed Semitic-speakers from the Middle East.
What is the basis for this story? Is there good historical evidence to back this up?
My wife told me this story. She is a survivor of the Germanazi genocide of Polish Jews in Lwov (aka Western Ukraine). So the Jewish Kingdom of Khazaria (aka Eastern Ukraine) is part of her local history.
Is there anything more solid on this? I have seen this view expressed a lot, but it would be nice to see this argued from the historical record. A2
Rhys, I think you nailed it. Along with all the money laundering washers running 24/7 for the “Christian” Zionists.
But, I believe the future hasn’t happened yet, despite the careful planning of the rich zombie destroyers on automaton-full-drive.
What do WE want for the future? How do we get there?
If the pressure keeps up Nuts and Yahoo will be committing suicide any day now. Even his crazy Psychiatrist left him. Yet, brand new psychos will be waiting in the wings.
Freedom takes a constant alertness and willingness to fight back. And I’m not advocating violence.
Let’s face it;
Truly good people rarely rise through political hierarchies.
And if one or two manage to beat the odds, they are dealt with. Brutally.
History is littered with examples.
Ambition is a deforming force.
In a civilised society those infested with it would be weeded out and shown the error of their ways.
Unfortunately, we are a long way from civilised.
I think we have to be careful about defining ‘we.’ Obviously the ‘people’ ordering and sustaining the corruption, the conflicts, eugenics, torturers and all the evils we talk and write about here in OffG comment land are not the same as your average open-minded? OffG commenter. After all, we can only ‘see’ a range of 400 nanometres that we call ‘physical reality and ‘visible light.’
We need to be able to look into the spiritual/psychic dimensions, and then maybe we would understand it all a bit better.
‘If you don’t want to have it done to you personally, or your loved ones, don’t do it or support doing it to anyone else. We may have to justify ourselves later on.
But we have to understand what is going on first.
If you can’t see ‘evil’ then we have a problem communicating.
before oct 7 the left and the right were starting to sing from the same hyme sheet oct 7 ended this fledgling alliance that could just be a coincedence but my gut feeling is that it isnt
Maybe they knew the cat was out of the bag already.
Investigative journalist Ben Swann has compiled substantial evidence demonstrating that the Israeli government was aware well in advance that Hamas was planning the October 7th attacks. Israel knew when and where it was going to happen. Not only did Egypt warn Israel and the IDF had collected their own intelligence, but Hamas was staging obvious military exercises leading up to the fateful date. The dance party near the Palestinian border wall was authorized despite the initial rejection of the event it due to safety concerns. Dore said that the point of the attack was to gain public support for invading Gaza.
Jimmy Dore Interviewing Ben Swann (Truthstream Media) who has “Overwhelming evidence Israel Engineered Oct 7th”
I can’t find the original Swann video the clips are from, aparently there’s another video dropping tomorrow.
Correction: Ben Swanns site is, the video is part one of a 7 part series
here’s part 1
I stopped believing when I heard goatherders beat the world strongest surveillance system wall by using paraglider and egg cartons and some bluetack.
First of all Kit, I feel honoured that you would consider my comment worthy of response. Thanks!
Secondly, I wonder where Jared Kushner has been all this time. (Spoiler; he’s been working for the Saudis). I wonder, if Trump becomes president again, will Jared be the ‘WEF young global leader-type” that will ride to the rescue as Trump’s middle east envoy and bring peace to the region in the post Bibi era?
Will Bibi be held accountable for his crimes against humanity? I doubt it.
Does Kushner measure up to the ‘Tony Blair benchmark’??
A lot of maybe younger wokesters are supporting Palestine. It would be hilarious if Biden lost the election over this issue- assuming it isn’t rigged.
Who else they gonna vote for? Trump? RFK jr? The unaparty offers only Zionism and more Zionism.
More from the unaparty recently:
One angle I didnt thought of the last time, was Iran.
If even Iran has new missiles who can easily hit anywhere in Israel through an Iron Dome full of holes, then the whole idea disappear of using Israel as US biggest land based military Air-carrier base in ME.
Saudi must be feeling safe since they sidelined the dollar and opened for all currencies. Yemen is out. Mali is out.
Remember the “drone attack”?
Masterpiece theatre, on no even Iran has their mouth suckled snugly around the nipple of sustainable development you see, I need to come up with another source for things than Jesse Zurawell(whom does excellent work and does not get enough praise) , he found this article Oh dearie me, it seems like Iran isn’t actualy “opposing” anything just playing their role, *gasp*, why I never would have thought!
“The head of Iran Agricultural Information Sciences and Technology (IAIST) said the agricultural sector of the country will enter the world of metaverse to improve productivity.
Hossein Farazmand made the comments on the sidelines of the Iran Efficiency Exhibition, adding that the use of communications and information technology is one of the issues raised to increase efficiency and productivity in the agricultural sector.
In this regard, giant steps have been taken in the country to make the agricultural sector smarter, he said, adding that projects like smart irrigation and the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) are underway.
Farazmand pointed out that the first ‘metaverse’ platform in Iran’s agricultural sector was launched in cooperation with a knowledge-based company so that the agricultural and horticultural products of Iran’s Ministry of Agriculture can be presented on this virtual space.
It is also hoped that the agricultural companies of the private sector would supply their products in this virtual space as well, the head of Iran Agricultural Information Sciences and Technology (IAIST) stated.”
Well, I knew the smiling clown and several other Iranian VIP were triple citizens, but not that Iran was so deep sold out. Yes its all a theatre. No light anywhere.
Hezbollah is coming for them too…
The times, they are a-changin:
Every single hour…….:-D.
Where it goes from here ? Space ! , man.
Only one thing changes any of this, as I have said since being on the comments here just after the con fell.
People are happy with cgi, fake space.
No one has been to space, ever.
Bibi ? (ya been to israel ?)
I want to die not knowing where I am or what this is.
Stars, etc, are NOT ‘created by CGI’!! As I’ve mentioned before in this regard, you can see the stars with your own eyes! So to claim that they’re ‘created by CGI’ is the ultimate stupidity. For people who are well-informed on the constellations (I studied astronomy at the tender age of ten), it’s also possible to see, with their own eyes, such astronomical phenomena as star clusters, nebulae, etc. For example, the Pleiades, the Orion Nebula, etc etc.
Anyone who claims that stars, etc, are ‘created by CGI’ needs a reality check…
I have a reply for you on that point, but it will set the cat among the pigeons properly. I need to think/feel about what to say about my personal experience. It’s not about CGI, but rather human potential, what we can do, and how we can group travel psychically. Pleiades were not a problem.
I see stars too, obviously.
What are they, you have it figured i guess.
Nobody notices their frailty until 8 of their soldiers die in a road side bomb attack, the solution, drop back 5 yards, and punt?
Possibly, or they could update the thoughts algorithm. Make them more human
If the slaughter in Gaza ends, normalisation will set in. While no-one wants more carnage, every dead Gazan is another nail in the coffin of Israel. Israel needs to die – and those European Jews who were lied to by the Four Powers, just as the Arabs were, need to realise this is not their homeland, they will never be safe there and it isn’t because they’re Jewish, it’s because they’ve supported and extended the occupation. They can be safe, just not there.
They were lied to by rabbis.
Kenneth Humphries
If the ‘post-exilic’ Jews turned out to be Phoenicians, that would explain a lot. Run Unz went over this idea in great detail recently:
The non-chosen consensus seems to be that the “lost tribes” were basically assimilated into other cultures and that the ancient Hebrews have no direct genealogical connection to later Js.
The various mentions of powerful people including women converting to judaism through history (including the khazarian rulers) invalidates the ridiculous racial claims. We are talking about a culture of lies too big to fail.
Kenneth Humphries
7 I will shake all the nations, and they will come with all their treasures, and I will fill this house with glory, says the LORD of Hosts.
8 The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, declares the LORD of Hosts.
9 The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former, says the LORD of Hosts. And in this place I will provide peace, declares the LORD of Hosts.”
If the LORD made this earth and man, the silver and gold extracted and made is his!
I see no wrong in the above, but I see you try to manipulate people’s impression by only make ref to one sentence.
The Khazar Empire (ca. 650 – ca. 965-969 AD).
The real Doos have been quite around since Adam and Eve, and turned into many different sects.
Some of the reason was to hide from persecution.
So where are the real Doos because today we only know a lot of the bible described false Doos.
Everyone can be safe in The Holy Land — especially the Peoples of the Book — the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims — whose two majority religions are religions of Peace.