You will be tagged and you will love it
The multipolar world will be the most convenient world in world history
Riley Waggaman

d ever, amen.
As expected, the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum was the hottest anti-globalist multipolar traditional RETVRN values conference of 2024—possibly of all-time.
The unipolar world suffered non-stop humiliations during this mind-blowing freedom event. For example, Moscow Region governor Andrei Vorobyov made an incredible BRICS announcement during a titillating panel discussion about the joys of biometrics, causing the dollar to lose 50% of its value against the gold-backed ruble:
Biometrics is a tool that gives people better quality and more convenience in certain procedures, keeping them neat and tidy. You don’t need any papers or passports—that will all be in the past. Resisting it, in my opinion, is absurd.
The governor of Russia’s second-most-populated region, explaining the inevitable convenience of biometrics—which will replace archaic “papers” and “passports”.
Nothing is being hidden. They’re speaking very frankly. It’s all out there, in the open.
There is even a helpful “recap” of the panel discussion published by SPIEF. Behold the “highlights”:

“I am for biometrics … Everything I do is based on biometrics, everything is based on fingerprints, because I’m took lazy to carry cards with me and it’s much more convenient to just [login/pass/go] through my face,” pontificated an expert panelist.
Was the BRICS Multipolar Happy Order incapable of finding a single panelist who had reservations about turning eyeballs into IDs? Igor Ashmanov, a member of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, had to shout his objections from the bleachers because they wouldn’t let his dirty anti-biometric ideas onstage:

source: Telegram
Friend of the blog Simplicius posted a Twitter-summary of Igor’s very rude unipolar objections to biometrics:

This guy sounds like Edward Slavsquat. Great minds think alike.
“Yes, but Russians like biometrics, the most convenient of all forms for identification, which will replace ‘papers’ and ‘passports’,” you might be saying to yourself for some weird and tragic reason.
Take the wheel,
People in Russia are narrow-minded and have not yet realized how beautiful, convenient and progressive biometrics are. Therefore, whether they want it or not, the authorities will introduce it wherever possible. Approximately the same reasoning (without these words, but with this meaning) was heard at SPIEF in the section devoted to biometrics. Nakanune.RU provides characteristic statements about the attitude of business towards people.
At first, the presenter of the Russia 24 channel, Maria Kudryavtseva, advertised biometrics, showing how she enters the Unified Biometric System using her face and even the greeting “Hello, Maria!” appears there, which she enthusiastically shows to the audience.
At the same time, there was a feeling of a white gentleman showing “digital beads” to the local natives. And the whole “discussion” came down to one thing—intrusive advertising. It is characteristic that the governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov, who is a public servant, but showed himself to be a business lobbyist, was also involved in this.
As with artificial intelligence in healthcare , the panel included only proponents of biometrics. Those who might object were simply not invited. Those present were mainly engaged in advertising. Old people do not understand the digital world, but young people were already born with a gadget in their hand, they are very flexible, progressive, digital. They understand how convenient, cool and fast it is. In general, the conversation became very revealing in its vacuity and disregard for the position of citizens.
The first question to the speakers was provocative: is society ready to use biometrics? That is, don’t people want it, does the country need it, not what it will give, not what the risks are—but is society ready, as if the issue has been fundamentally resolved. Which is obscene. Let us recall that according to a 2023 survey , a third of Russians have a positive attitude towards taking biometrics, but almost half are opposed—48%.
Vorobiev spoke as if he had gone back in time a hundred years ago and was telling backward people of the past about the wonders of the technology of the future. Here are just a few quotes.
“You don’t need a paper or a passport, all this will be a thing of the past, it’s absurd to resist it. We all already use biometrics, including children at school… It’s convenient, you don’t need to twist anything, you just look and that’s it,” said Vorobiev. […]
It is characteristic that one of the main experts in the field of artificial intelligence in the country, a member of the Human Rights Council, Igor Ashmanov, was not invited to the section, who was forced to make remarks from the audience several times, and the section participants politely drew attention to the fact that someone might disagree. So, when Lebedev said that all people are for biometrics, he objected that this was not true. And when they started talking about different points of view, he very briefly but accurately described what was happening.
“You haven’t invited anyone to the presidium, you’re all blowing the same tune! As a member of the Presidential Human Rights Council, I hear completely obscene advertising, and nothing more!” said Ashmanov.
What’s wrong with this freak?
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Well done Riley & O>G
Keep up the good work.
Russia is totally in lockstep with the agenda.
“I read. That’s my form of travel.” Christopher Thomas Knight.
― Michael Finkel, The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit
The Strange & Curious Tale of the Last True Hermit
The Oracle of Oyster River
The Tyranny of Entitlement
Airport chaos as passport e-gates fail again – what went wrong?,hours%20at%20Edinburgh%2C%20Manchester%2C%20Bristol%20and%20other%20airports.
You appear to be posting simultaneously as ‘Ernest Judd’ and ‘Krasnoslobstsev’. We can’t prevent you doing this, but we do regard such activity as indicative of trolling or malicious intent.
My government only tag me because they want to protect me.
This is the Presidential Human Rights Council who are speaking and that means my human rights will be protected.
Yourself has said Putin is the resistance guy against the bad bad Western guys. Thats why I believe in my government notwithstanding your lousy conspiracy theories.
This proves unipolarity infinitely less than it proves humanity has gone mad and reached the end of its road; and now wishes to become another species altogether. Never mind the 48% who do not go along with biometric proposals – let their nation(s) be flooded with immigrants and suddenly biometrics will become manna from heaven.
One thing and one thing only is needed to get all the people on board with any crazy idea all the time: “The Others Are Coming!”
Your memory will be destroyed and you’ll love it:
Just a random example they happened to select to kick the article off….
Big Brother on Board: UK Train Stations Use Amazon-Powered AI to Read People’s Mood
New Reports Reveal Five Eyes’ Surge in Biometric Data Collection
Pollute the Databases
I could add: Always give false information to IT and false opinions to Social media.
Not that it is needed to be false, but for not providing them with their false narrative but yours.
The gulag is dead long live the digital gulag.
All the latest phone read biometrics and vitals and all sorts.
Digital gulag been happening for decades.
So has the zombie zoo, that doesn’t mean its an easy nut to crack.
Maybe it’s time for Miranda Rights 2.0? “You have the right not to give your biometric to private and government agencies. Any biometric you provide can and WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU at any moment , at every step you make” etc.Just thinking.
It seems we’ll need biometrics if we want to vote next month. Trust the science; trussed by “Science”.
why would you want to vote?
Because we wanted to vote someone like Lavrov and Zakharova into office.
Unfortunately my neighbours prefer Pol Pot, Stalin, Prince Andrew, Nato and the ancient African Obama boy.
i don’t think there’s a significant difference between various front people.
Then why are people voting? Because they hope. They hope next time will be different. If there is no hope, man’s lying in wilderness.
But no one can find a solution by looking down. Looking down in a Smart phone, looking down on a voter slip, looking down to where the devil lives.
Look at our birds, our flowers, our trees, our animals. They all look up to heaven because they know from here comes life, energy, and solutions.
All votes are rigged; you’re encouraging even more kabuki.
it’s sad, but not forever.
It’s quite common for herds of compliant cattle to be tagged for the convenience of the herders.
Line up, line up, line up.
It was the ward doctor, an extremely masculine person who was only remotely recognizable as a woman, who gave me the decisive life tip today: I was still unable to use my male energies constructively for my biographical well-being because of my absent father. I resisted this statement for a long time, but I agree with it. I believe that this doesn’t just apply to me, but to many of us.
His father? His father’s absence is guilty of his son’s female energies??
As I am a masculine man and a father, a responsible father, I would like to hear a little more of this theme just a little closer.
As I have heard SO MUCH bs since I was 18 years about all the things that I as man and father am guilty of, and what I have not done, of what I should have done, and not did, which was my fault and where and how I did everything wrong.
Scratching in the surface of all these accusations, most of them were from welfare state Liberals, women and spoiled childs, who wanted more from the salary I got every month, because I was the only one who took a useful education and worked!
“My father’s absence, muahh muahh muahh”. Your father’s feelings are hurt too, my boy!
It’s time for a fairer world.
This needs to stop.
Everyone on earth must hand in their assets, capital, money, etc., then the collective assets are divided by 8 billion and every person on earth receives that share. This is the only way to achieve a reset and make the unimaginable danger recede. Too bad about my savings, but if it’s the only way, then so be it. On the condition that the redistribution is 100 percent clear. This is under penalty of the highest penalty for dishonesty. So every person on earth participates in this. I’m afraid this is the only method that works. Too much money gives too much power and too much money is never earned fairly. Ergo, this has to be done.
Let’s call it the Jubilee Year of Christ.
The human who want to avoid fate? We will think about them.
Except that TPTB are the ones who have made up the 8 billion figure. The population is currently much lower than that and falling.
I believe that immediately, Jos. So there is more to share. What do you think the number is?
Below 4 billion is my first guesstimate.
Wow, that’s a good idea, Lenin. Do you think they’ll fall for it? Every time, dear boy.
Splendid idea…….for everybody else, not for me.
As I have worked hard to buy my open BMW sportscar, my house, and my life. I need my ski trip every year, my golf club and my pals, a style life, otherwise I cant work.
But it could be a good idea for you guys if you go for it. If you can dream it you can do it!
Loose everything and build everything back better from nothing. Living off grid in teepees, together you have each other. United we stand, divided we fall. Go for it man.
Have you done the maths on this?
First, the greatest value are the tangible assets – land, minerals, oil, gold, water etc. How are planning on dividing those? What about future discoveries and future cash flows generated by extraction of minerals. Land will have different values based on where it is – accessibility, fertility, mineral rights.
What about the debt in the fiat financial system? How are you going to offset that?
You are proposing a debt jubilee for those who overborrowed and wish to penalise those who lived sensibly. That will repeat all over again, as it will encourage people to spend, spend, spend again while maxing out their borrowing ability.
Do you propose to abolish usury? Marx and Co. never pointed fingers in the direction of the international bankers, of course not, the Bolsheviks and the Chinese equivalents were funded by those same bankers.
That’s what poor, financially illiterate people muse about. He must envy haves. And there r lots of them destitute. Hence Marx succeeded.. somewhat, here and there.. all by Rotchilds suggestions.
Soooo.. u r destitute? Communism wont help u.. really.
On another hand, u got a point (somewhat). If societies, worldwide made a similar laws, legislating a maximum wealth celling, where anyone individual can accumulate.. say 1 billion or such astronomic, to regular people, amount. That would even out playing field. No more “super rich” elites. Just a few rich and comfortable but not powerful enough then, to corrupt to their liking.
Convenience at one’s fingertips is moving fast into one’s fingers and throughout the colonized body of humanity 2.0. Moo…I ❤ nanotech. Can’t wait for the effects from this further electro-toxicity to start surfacing from fingertips or wherever one’s bodily organs, particularly the heart, signal more final solutions for human livestock.
Maybe such macabre manifestation is one way what is hidden will be revealed, though psywar probably has gamed out all the ways to cover up the culling then as well as now. But as much as global crime bosses may openly announce their masterplans, they conceal them under whitewashed, or wokewashed PR like that of the WEF’s Great Reset.
Commercial advertising gets us to eat ze bugz as delicacies with similar seduction as biometrics leading us to build our own prison for convenience. How many fall for any of this I’m not going to guess, but it could correlate to how many minds have been colonized by the media matrix, where magical thinking can always pull more rabbit holes out of the hat.
Myself, I’ve always been partial to the foxes-guarding-the-henhouse routine. Rolling out masterplans means we’re always warned of potential dangers of the inevitable progress of the free market, from which we’ll be protected by regulatory agencies of state partners in corporate crime.
We need AI to combat disinformation. But AI creates disinformation like split-second deep fakes. Well then we have no choice but to manage that problem with another solution of the deep state’s bottomless bureaucratic mazes that still make Kafka prophetic.
Maybe we’re being fooled simply by having to be preoccupied with masterplans monstrous in the extreme but doing nothing much in our own ways to protect us from the real dangers coming at us and already upon if not in us. As if our bodies and the real world already are far more colonized than we realize.
The fake fightback..
“We’ve delivered a safe and effective vaccine in just nine months. This is one of the greatest scientific accomplishments in history.” – Donald J. Trump –

7. My intellectual agility and perceptiveness enabled me to convince those around me of my misplacement in good time. But what about those people who lack this ability to see through things?
Within a very short space of time, I noticed various details in this institution that nobody there was even interested in. 1. Almost all the inmates were of German origin. 2. there were indeed serious and obvious lunatics there, and on the other hand there were those who only thought they were (self-admission). 3. the latter quickly became friends with me, while the truly crazy ones regarded me as an enemy from the very beginning because my apparently all too conspicuous health “disturbed” them. I instinctively avoided them. 4. The incompetence of the “responsible” doctors was hair-raising. These people have the mental horizon of a trivial book. 5. there is no healing there, only custody and sedation through medication. 6. It is not without a certain irony that there are people posing as guards and inspectors who in reality have no interest in the inmates, but only savor their sadistic power over (apparently) helpless individuals. Out of about 10 nurses, only one was mentally normal, whose concerns could be described as altruistic.
Interesting that RW refers to Simplicus to support his further Russian bashing article, yet, if he bothered to read the Simplicus substack articles, I would suggest that far from bashing Russia, Simplicus supports the Russian Federation in their existential struggle against the combined West aka City of London any its entities !
Simplicius | Substack
“Friend of the blog Simplicius”
He refers to him as a ‘friend’ and uses him to support his stance.
I think it may be his ironic tone that is confusing you. Riley pretends that the madness shown by technocrats is perfectly normal, to highlight how completely deranged it truly is.
Oh, there is no confusion note the line at the bottom of the tirade allegedly from Simplicus “ This guy sounds like..” He is an habitual Russian basher whose paste and post articles are woefully lacking.
He lacks the depth, and breadth plus analysis of articles, and books, from the long term Moscow foreign based journalists such as John Helmer.
Well stated.
Da Waggeemun: wanna be She Eye Eh houseboy.
Those poor Russian “anti-globalists” having to slum it in St.Petersburg to shill their goody bag of biometrics for the plebs.
It is a disgrace that they are no longer invited to Davos to hob nob with the big cheeses of global technocracy. Never mind, the Russian people will thank their slavemasters in the end for their home grown digital chains, no need to import any of that nasty, vulgar American digital bondage.
Long live multipolar slavery. Those Russians, Chinese and Indians will show those Yankees and Brits how it should really be done.
My Polish neighbor, who says he hates all Germans, prepared a trap that had little of the intended effect. On Saturday he informed the police in the middle of the night that I had “threatened to murder him”. The police kicked down my door and took me away (about five men in uniform).
A police psychiatrist, who talked unbelievable nonsense and apparently has a massive roof damage, ordered me to stay in a closed psychiatric ward for at least two weeks!
This is not a joke I am trying to amuse you with. I am even supposed to have made fun of this psychiatrist because he claimed that “my fingerprints were found on a melon skin that I threw on this neighbor’s balcony”!
Can you imagine that? Arab gang rapists roam free, while I am said to have thrown melon rinds onto the balcony of a Polish man who caused my immediate eviction through sheer intrigue.
Then I was sent to the closed asylum. There were people running around who either committed themselves because they feared they would otherwise commit suicide, or people who talked to themselves all day long because they had an unmistakable mental disorder.
I felt like Gustl Mollat. It was Kafkaesque. On the second day I was already told that I should be transferred to the “open” institution, where I could go to my home during the day and only have to come back for overnight stays.
On the third day (yesterday), several doctors decided that I was not a danger to this neighbor or myself and that I should be released today. You wouldn’t believe what a nightmare that was.
The police just did their job. The doctors did their job. You were released and will never try to kill anybody with melon skin again.
Whatever it was, your Polish friend felt threatened and the Police reacted. The Polish have done some things which I think make them a bit schizophrenics.
They betrayed EU and befriended the US. They back everything anti-Russian, and I think their only idols will forever be UK/US.
If you despise your neighbours and only are in love with some country 5000 km away you maybe live in a wrong country.
Its probably their history. Great Poland and Sudeterland. Warzawa bombed to pieces 3 times. Polish film makers made Matrix, great film.
“New boss, just like the old boss.” The key here is “boss”. No more bosses. We are the bosses and we gather to, in some consensual formula, decide policies we want to make the life and future we want. If the 1% do it without us, there is some way for the 99% to do it without them. Imho.
Oh, and “convenience” will be the end of all of us, if we let it be so.
It will be the end when you can no longer afford to keep it up, many are there, many are not going to be able to avoid it, as a matter of fact, you might have to fight like hell to keep your conveniences, going.
viagra…..stock up now at your convenience before it all goes black market
I recommend 3 pines and 20 Cecil. It works every time, especially in the morning after the night.
Biometrics will make it more ‘convenient’ for them to monitor and control us. 😠
more ‘convenient’ for them to monitor and control us
They hardly need to bother, with everyone from grandma to young Sammy junior desiring to go no where without the tracking device.
These devices have *two* processors; one operates in a way comparable to the CPU on your PC the other is a total black box that communicates and takes instructions from the cell tower and for sure passes on instructions to the quasi CPU.
Ever wondered why you switched off the GPS or data and yet now find it’s on? Every seen your (supposedly) switched off phone boot itself up? Do you actually trust the user facing controls to do what you think they will do?
Why can you not remove the battery?
I suppose though there’s money to be made by the cool corporation that takes us down the road of “you don’t need a phone anymore”.
Put it in a metal foil bag. Supermarket nuts bag is fine.
I guess that the technocrats are similar and in touch with their peers in any and possibly every culture excepting possibly indigenous tribes who use psychic biotechnology.
I bought a brand new flip phone and can remove the battery in about 2 seconds. The only problem with it is that all it does is make phone calls.
Is that not what a phone is for to make calls???? SMART tech for stupid people buying phones which are advertised on the basis of how good the camera is, WTF is up with people? Burn your iphones now people and man up to making a stand, mass non compliance NOW.
I didn’t think I needed a /s.
Maybe for you.
I’ve opted out.
Back in the Good Old Days when I lived in England I never carried any form of ID. Nobody did — even while driving you didn’t need it because if the police wanted to see your documentation (license, insurance, MoT) then you had 10 days to produce it at any police station. This was the illusion of true freedom — no ‘papers’ needed, no documentation needed to show to the government on demand who you were and where you belonged.
Except that with hindsight it dawned on me that the reason we didn’t have to carry papers was that we didn’t need them. The authorities we came into contact with either knew who we were or could find out very quickly. Times changed, of course, probably as a result of being in the EC/EU, so now the UK’s just another country (except that vehicle documentation has gone away — no need for physical documents when the system has instant access to the information).
Yes and no.
We’ve just moved back to uk after 18 years in the EU ‘papiers svp’ paradise.
You STILL don’t need to carry ID in UK !
After thinking it’s normal for so long, it’s a bit of shock !
Why bother carrying papers for your legal fiction.
“With each of us connected in space and time, nomadic ubiquity will reverse its course in about 2030 to become… a kind of hypersurveillance”
Jacques Attali, A Brief History of the Future (2006), p.128.
Unipolar world under rogue self appointed sheriff uncle Sam was and is best. First shoot, then ask questions.
Bipolar world with sheriff Sam in the West and boss Xi in the East second choice. Play of good and bad cop possible to fool the plebs / indians.
Multipolar: no way! Too diverse, un-controlable!
“Multipolar” in appearance only. Though the rival gangs will increasingly fight over the right to first loot, first rape,….
Unfortunately, as we enter the bipolar world, all the lithium will have been extracted.