Bird Flu Update: signposts of the coming rollout
Kit Knightly

Two days ago we published my latest bird flu article, “How (and why) Bird Flu is About to Enter the “Mass Testing” Phase”.
Less than 12 hours later Salon published a 3000-word article about bird flu, which dedicates about 2000 of those words to “experts” talking about how we’re not testing enough [emphasis added]:
…experts have said that cases are likely flying under the radar. So far this year, three Americans have been infected by H5N1 viruses that started in cows, and all of them recovered, but some experts say that patients may be avoiding doctors or refusing tests”
most experts expressed a concern that the lack of data and surveillance is a major issue. Jetelina said the government isn’t doing “even close to enough” testing on animals and humans.
“Testing still seems somewhat random and voluntary. We should be doing more — both in cattle and humans,”
There is also no legal requirement to report test results
Rasmussen said part of the issue with testing is that it requires a collaboration between multiple state and local agencies, as well as the USDA and CDC, which don’t always cooperate. It also requires participation and consent from the affected farms.
“As a result it’s hard to know how much testing has been done and how much will be done going forward,” Rasmussen said. “It can differ a lot by jurisdiction.”Poulsen elaborated and said there are too many “legal and political barriers” to testing
The nascent narrative is clear – “we need to run more tests, and we need new rules to enforce mandatory testing, we need to cut through agency/state jurisdiction with some new federal law”.
This message – or some variation of it – has been repeated in half a dozen more articles since we published our piece just two days ago.
That includes the Guardian (obviously) and the World Socialist Website, who continue their Covid-era policy of abandoning any pretense of being an “independent” media outlet and repeating (or even exaggerating) mainstream claims to further their own political agenda.
But the Salon article has more than just some predictable agenda talking points, it also has some (accidentally) revealing insights into potential future developments [again emphasis added]:
“States that are testing more are likely to report more cases.”
“I would prefer to see more testing of farm workers and milk…I would like to see serology to see if workers were infected asymptomatically.
He added there is no “CLIA requirement for animal testing,” referring to federal lab standards and private labs can do all the testing they want.
Jetelina said that even at-home flu tests will likely pick up H5N1 because it’s closely related to influenza A
“The big challenge will be fall, as we will not be able to differentiate between [seasonal] flu and H5 unless we have a more specific test,”
To be clear, these experts admit in this article:
- The more you test the more cases you find
- Animal testing is not subject to lab standards
- Many of those “missed” human cases will be “asymptomatic infections”
- At-home tests can’t differentiate between “bird flu” and common seasonal flu
- …which means, when flu season starts in the fall, reported “bird flu” cases may rise sharply
Remember this, because this is exactly the kind of information that will get memory-holed when/if the new pandemic narrative takes off in earnest.
In the meantime, let’s ask a simple question:
What happens when you start to legally enforce widespread testing to find asymptomatic cases using at-home tests that can’t differentiate between your new “pandemic” and ‘seasonal flu’?
Covid 2: Electric Boogaloo, that’s what happens.
Anyway, here’s hoping I don’t have to use the words “bird flu” again for a while.
….Oh, one more thing, did you know climate change is making bird flu worse?
What else can you do but laugh at this point?
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We will know for certain that they’re coming for us, again, using faked bird flu when the money starts flowing out to the same greedy, sweaty palms that were greased during covid. People can’t really conceive how far 8+ TRILLION DOLLARS goes and how many sweaty palms were greased to ensure compliance. We continually hear of jurisdictions using unspent covid money for various projects, 4 YEARS after that money started flowing. Little of what was done to us would have been possible without the Fed and US government opening the money spigot to blast free money out to willing and eager recipients, all for the price of betraying their fellow human beings.
Well of course it was a “pandemic of cases”. The tests may as well just have been stamps with “UNCLEAN” written on them. That’s why the media’s “Left” arm ( the essential hub of the covid con) was so monomanically fixed on screaming about the utter urgency of testing everything that moved.
The Groovy Left truly were the clergy of covid. Now they are the bishops of bird flu.
Chrissydoom ‘right arm’ screaming lab leaks.
Covid “cases” in the UK fell by 38% in the first week after free testing was scrapped.
Those lovely people at the Rockefeller Foundation advocated during the pseudopandemic that everyone should be tested at least twice a month.
Covid 2, Electric Boogaloo!! Brilliant
“O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”
flucamp is a website where you can
It will surely be extra safe and effective for ashthma sufferers!!
They r looking for a cheap, disposable, experimental sheaple.. 4400Pound per soul.. lma0
Another good one, Kit! Thanks again. But if I, personally, am not laughing right now, it’s because I am haunted by the thought that there might be something more here than at first meets the eye.
What do I mean by that? Well, as you’ve correctly pointed out, this whole bird-flu nonsense–so far–has followed almost the exact same script as Covid-19. But surely we’re all sadder and wiser now, right? Surely they can’t do the exact same thing as before without even some of the dimmer bulbs out there catching on, right?
But what if this time there’s a slight twist? I mean, we here on the internet all know–or at least think we know–what’s coming. And so many of us will be tempted to go around trying to persuade the normies that this is just another plain-and-simple hoax like Covid, where they merely manufacture fake ‘cases’ using the PCR test, while almost noone under the age of 85 ever seems to die of it.
But what about all those fake vaccines people got over the past few years? While it’s true that we’ve seen a slight uptick in excess deaths since the shots were rolled out in 2021, it’s also true that this uptick has been small enough so that most people, if they choose, can still easily ignore them and continue to live in denial. But is that all those injections were really intended to do? Just cause a few more heart-attacks than normal? If so, it would seem that either the elites have failed, or else that that slight uptick in excess deaths was not actually not the main event at all–and perhaps wasn’t even anticipated by the elites! Maybe those particular cases of ‘died suddenly’ were actually just–forgive the phrase–an unforseen side-effect.
But suppose the real and intended effect of those shots simply has yet to materialize? Suppose that after we spend months telling everyone we meet about the coming plague-hoax, all those Covidians now really do begin dropping dead by the bucket load, ostensibly because of some bird-flu which somehow never seems to kill us conspiracy theorists? What if the real purpose of those shots was to destroy people’s immune systems completely, so that even the common cold now becomes–for them–deadly? At that point, Kit, the normies are going to be absolutely convinced that this new plague is real, (whatever they now think of Covid) and they are going to be furious at us for having tried to resist the tests, masks, shots, etc. They might be so furious, in fact, that they will support our indefinite detention on the grounds that we’re the ‘asymptomatic carriers’ who are spreading the alleged plague. Wouldn’t that be a clever move on the part of elites? Leading us conspiracy theorists on, and then pulling the rug right out from under us, completely destroying our credibility and justifying our removal from society?
I’m not saying that this definitely will happen, of course; in fact, I certainly hope it doesn’t! But the thought does give me pause.
Another dark possibility is that if this whole bird-flu thing somehow fizzles like Monkey Pox (remember that?), the elites could could fake a nuclear/biological/chemical attack right when people start dying and then blame it on the Russians or Chinese or the Iranians or ‘terrists’. That way, all those sick and dying people won’t be arguing about science; instead, they’ll be arguing about ‘how many babies Evil Putin (or Chairman Xi, or whoever) eats for breakfast‘.
Sorry to be so dark, but these are the thoughts that trouble these days. Anyway, don’t mind me: I’m just cogitating over here. I really hope none of this ever comes to pass.
I hear what you’re saying Seamus but this is not the ninth Century.
Once those vaxxed start karking it , it’s going to be pretty obvious.
As much cleverer people than me have said, their hubris will be their downfall.
The Champagne is on ice.
Sante !
Sure hope you’re right. Trust me: I want to be wrong.
There is two scenarios.
‘1. The Big Drug cartel. The reason why US spent $1 trillion/year and is in partnership with UK, is the global drug trade from the opium war in china old days up to date, poppy fields in Afghanistan, vaxxes and pharma medical in general.
‘2. The spiritual issue. Most Western people cant handle the second, but for me its obvious some dark forces also must be at at play.
Dark? I think not. Consider the fact the Evil Cabal has think tanks and AI running scenarios constantly to try dial in their most efficient way of euthanizing as many people as they can while limiting the risk to themselves. Folks prepare yourself for the worst case possibility. Our physical, mental and emotional selves have been under attack for years now and these blood sucking vampires are planning to turn up the frequency, volume and intensity yet again.
Pray, meditate find your inner calm and peace and brace yourself for their potential.
In solidarity with all of you!
“The full armor of God that Christians are called to put on comprises the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Gospel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit.”
If you see this video, and real the bible in full text from the start to the end, with no jump overs, you will in the end times find inner peace instead of troubles and concerns!
I think Putin can be onboard, after all, and Xi also with all that. R they globalists’ controlled opposition perhaps? “Russian researchers are finalizing trials on a vaccine against cancer, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko revealed on Saturday. According to the official, the vaccine has been jointly developed by the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, the Blokhin Cancer Center and the Hertsen Oncological Research Institute.In an interview with last week, the head of the Gamaleya Institute, Aleksandr Gintsburg [creator of Russian C19 vax], described the new drug, noting that it is a therapeutic vaccine, which will be administered to those already diagnosed with cancer. It was created on the basis of mRNA technology, which has already been used by drug manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna for making vaccines against Covid-19. Gintsburg noted that the new vaccine can be used for any type of cancer.”
The pragmatic part of me says that the jabs were just pure toxic junk and if you didn’t die already after getting one, you probably either survived it or got the saline.
However, to your original main point, my wild speculation is that the rush to get 5g towers erected during lockdowns, and now the prevalence of “smart” meters getting pushed into every home and business, in one form or another, could have something to do what is to come. Think high frequency signals, with sidelink repeaters everywhere you go, and nanotech receivers in the bodies of the victims…
Good point. One thing is for sure: cellphones don’t need 5G to work, so it’s got to be something else they’re putting all those towers up for.
Most of the aged victims were killed in 2020 through direct or indirect euthanasia, as a build-up to the jab. Most of the jab victims died of (a) direct or indirect heart failure or (b) undermining of their immunity, whereby they contracted rare diseases. Since late 2023, the new leader in the race is turbo cancer.
Repeatedly boosting with mRNA products creates an increase in igG4 antibodies (recent papers). That in turn due causes disruption of immune system proper detection signaling, makes a new cancer cell “invisible”. Hence turbo cancers. Hearth issues r mostly due to bolus of covid vax injected by large into a vein, then attaching to hearth cells in large numbers and marking them for auto-destruction. Of course, there r some other toxic mechanisms involved when injecting who knows what.
The alien RNA and (fragment) DNA smuggled all over the body alter and wreck genes in cellular nuclei – a permanent problem. causing a variety of harm.
Clotting and allergy have generally caused more immediate harm.
‘ But surely we’re all sadder and wiser now, right?’
Well… if you saw how people behaved during the pantomime, I think that, people are all more guilty now. Which could be a reason why people remain silent about the covid conn.
Or maybe, they know they have been played, but don’t want to admit it, as it hurts their ego. Pretty childish, but there are many childish grownup people.
Or maybe they just haven’t given it a thought as they know (subconsciously) that if they do, it will hurt their feelings. That one is, I think, a huge factor.
And what others say, if I would express my feelings? – Better stay silent about covid.
That also is a huge factor.
It is annoying tome that, for whatever reason, people cannot see through the covid conn. It’s easier than 2+2, yet people can’t.
To me, it’s a conn, a joke, a trick that the magician played, and which is just laughable as he played the whole public including me. What fools we were. How gullible we were. But let’s get this over with and try to see what we have done. We could kill the magician, but in honesty I don’t think that is the cure to getting us out of convid. The people who went along with the magician have also a lot to blame themselves for. I can laugh because I never really participated. For others this may be different.
Saw a video recently of an entire camp completed, looks like a prison, here in Germany for people to be stationed who might be infected. In fact Bavaria is currently having a tender out for something similar to be build and to be complete by October this year. Something is brewing…
Looks like they r creating cozy quarters for (war WW3 with Russia) oppositionists. Vax and another plandemic fearmongering is just a cover. Builders r told: for public health reasons.
The trouble is it’s not just the “dimmer bulbs” who believe the virus thing, unless you count doctors among them.
You can readily see where all this is headed: mandatory testing, more government regulations, governmental co-operation and interaction on the state, local, national and international levels to the point we morph “out of necessity due to a manufactured and hyped global health crisis” (just like the COVID Psyop was), into a world government arrangement.
The major hype will come in the fall during the flu season because you will not be able to distinguish between real influenza and the bogus “Bird Flu” (how convenient for the misanthropes running the scam). Meanwhile the culling of cows, chickens and other livestock will proceed apace (hey if viruses can jump from bats to humans and chickens to cows then to humans you never know what else can happen); as a result there will be food supply shortage issues and costs will rise exponentially so you might as well just give in and eat the bugs!
We see this and can predict what is coming ust a few months from now yet so many of our peers are totally clueless and will uncritically fall for the fear porn and induced hysteria. Add the wars and manufactured famines from weather modification and ecocide “climate change” and the oligarchs global depopulation plan will be a huge success.
What else can you do but laugh at this point? Cry.
Turn off the tv. I’ve heard nothing about bird flu. Even the normies at work aren’t talking about it.
It will come to a Smartphone or LapTop to a neighbourhood near you soon.
You know you are obliged to have your Smartphone on 24/7.
If the plan is for a bird flu Plandemic in the autumn, then the ramping up now of the fear porn is way ahead of the potential start date.
Bearing in mind that the average person has the attention span of a goldfish, it would mean maintaining the doom-mongering for another three months with no action, during which time people will lose interest.
Unless, of course, the planned kick-off date will be earlier, perhaps with animal culling during the summer to keep the narrative bubbling along until the human scamdemic in the autumn.
For comparison, Covid-1984 started in the northern hemisphere spring of 2020, not autumn or winter, and the first global lockdowns lasted more or less three months until summer, when the pressure release valve was opened, before the peasants became restless. Then reapplied in the autumn/winter months conveniently ahead of the jab rollout.
Itis certainly within their mentality to slaughter countless healthy animals to further their agenda.
The question is would it work ?
I think they’re on thin ice if they’re relying on PCR testing. Its repution is toast even amongst jab-fans.
If they start the grinders without the public’s backing they’re in danger of this blowing up in their faces.
Whilst this would be immensely satisfying we would still have to go through the paraphernalia so, on balance, maybe they can just do one.
I am wondering if there is an intention to disrupt peak travel season and people’s summer holiday plans. For example, by using a bird flu scare to insist international travellers are PCR tested before travel. That way most people would agree to do it rather than lose the holiday they have been so looking forward to. That would then allow for a casedemic to be manufactured through cycle amplification.
Also, AirBnb changed to its “extenuating circumstances” terms and conditions effective from 6th June 2024.
Please don’t give them any ideas. I have a trip planned in a month and since the start of this year I’ve been waiting for the new nightmare to start. It was clear to me something big would happen this year, then a couple of months ago they started with the birdshit and it looks like they could launch it at any minute.They could also use the Olympics to their advantage. And unlike some here, I have exactly zero faith that we’ll see enough resistance from the sheeple.
I have some faith in the sheeple except when it comes to going on holiday.
The CTB know that we will do anything to get away. ANYTHING!.
We will poison our immune systems and, even worse, we will poison our children’s immune systems for that all inclusive fix.
Bastards. Bastards. Bastards.
Is there a stronger word than hate ?
yup.. guillotine.
Yeah , that airbnb thing pinged into my head.
They’re definitely planning something.
I’ve been keeping an eye on it for a while since I read about this June 6 date as we are due to fly to Greece on Monday.
We’ve invested a lot of money and emotion into this trip as I think our options are going to be severely limited after the next purge.
The last hurrah ?
For the first time since skiing we’ve brought travel insurance.
The small print says that exclusions, for coronavirus, including, but not limited to SARS covid 19, are excluded.
I really, really hate these bastards.
06.06.2024 = 06.06.06 x 2. The devil says this time double up?
more evicence of war on the cards:
not gonna happen now, war is next on the agenda!
Why not both at the same time? In case of WW3 the most probable martial law could cover mandatory test/vax. Not to due that would be very unpatriotic and aiding enemy and such drivel.
There used to be an understanding that women living together would get synchronised periods.
If you do an internet search for that now, its mostly debunking articles.
Which would indicate to me there is a kernel of truth to it.
I think perhaps so called “transmission” is something akin to this process, rather than the mainstream theory that boils down to inhaling someone elses breath
I think your right.
I can vouch for the fact that women can synchronise menstruation. While my travelling group was back on the 1996 International Rainbow Gathering site near Salto, Portugal, they built a hut half a mile down the little river, and all got four days off to bleed and dream together. Which happened for several months. Us mere males got all childcare and all other tasks and chores. I encouraged this as I intuitively knew it was possible. And revitalising for the women.
If cell signaling or electromagnetic effects from others, induced “transmission”, then all the experiments and studies done on healthy people subjected to contact with sick people would have worked but none have. They’ve all failed. Meaning there’s no evidence for any type of “transmission” of any sort, for any illness. Ever.
Thus, what people witness and/or experience is the effects of mass poisoning (including but not limited to, natural and artificial radiation increases or municipal water pipe blowouts, or mass vaccination campaigns) resulting in seasonal or mass detoxification processes, which people falsely believe to be transmission.
Source for mortality data:
With all respect, statistics. Just be careful to take any figure for granted.
Ta! Top-notch analysis of the mad-merry-go-round. Kit, you are a genuine ‘knight-in-shining-armour’. …and you have been for the past 3.5 years, at least. Mere words of adoration can’t thank you enough for your tremendous efforts in ‘keeping the bastards honest’.
Chinese Year of Dragon. we was in the beginning of Sagittarius when they announced it now they called bird flu during ‘Swan Upping’ yearly Thames ritual in the height is Signus constellation which goes back ancient times . Notice how the ‘Foul’ (fowl) chicken, pigs hens, is effected and not Swan, Goose or Grouse or Pheasants, Ducks which is related to the elites.
Its a media ritual…. Dont panic, you can still get your lab grown GM KFC, it wont run out.
“Jeeves? I say JEEVES!! There’s a good chap. Toddle down and see if that duck is dead”
“If not, wring it’s neck will you”
“Alright gents, who’s up for a brandy ? Exhausting work this”
Yea ducks.drake.
I’ve yet to see an alt media out let not do this..
The whole ‘alt media industry’ is based on repeating Mainstream media articles and shock horror headlines to clickbait nonsense to get you to feed on.
The loneliness of lockdown isn’t atomisation by social engineering, it’s an adventure… like an astronaut!
I seem to remember articles like this back in 2020. If history repeats itself as tragedy and farce, what happens when the original is a farce? Farce and farcier?
Space……………………………………….. ;0)
One small step for man.
One giant joke on mankind.
(Or should that be LGBTQetckind?).
Haahhhh! Haaahh! Haah! Good one! Your take on the con at least has canvas and galvanised metals in the mock-up, I mean lunar-module engineering. I dare say. more robust looking as well.
Have a good laugh!
2020: ‘Alone together!’
Tim Peake needs grilling.
They say there is one gift in isolation or loneliness: You get closer to God.
There seems to be a self-incurred confusion about what constitutes really real and actual activity—of the things to be done that are being done by billions of us right now—and future-contingent eventualities that amount to a single story. In a “grain to desert” particle of sand analogy: the former “activity-in-activity” is the really real all-inclusive, all-immersive participatory reality of the anthropogenic agendum—from the root etymon agere “the doing of doing”—the other is, well, sheer utter projected fantasy in comparison of magnitude, degree, or kind of credulity.
Instead of “agenda”, which appears to be being deliberatively displaced as reduced from the whole planetary anthropogenic agendum to some imaginary future-contingent activity; projected here in virtual reality from the virtual pages of some virtual cyber-magazine called “Salon”… an event which in comparative terms does not even constitute a singular, solid, grain of sand.
Even if this imaginary agendum was the case, and not another localised outbreak of mass hallucinosis, such activity would be still be subsumed under the more general case of the anthropogenic agendum in globalised activity at the planetary scale right now. Activity we all embody as a participatory real anatomic agendum we are engaged in with billions of others contemporaneously.
In order to avoid future-contingent confusion in mistaking and misinterpreting the really real embodied agendum we are actually cocreating together in unity at the population and species level now, might I suggest the use of “credenda” of “matters to be believed”—or not—matters that have not taken place yet and therefore cannot even be said to form any part of the current anthropogenic agendum; that is the one we are all embodied in cocreation at the sum totalised metabolic and kinesthetic level of perception-guided actual doing-of-doing right now.
In that way we can avoid any anxiogenic feeling toward yet inexistent non-entities—ones that we may or may not manifest as a later form of active anthropogenesis—that might or might not happen as believed (as a matter of future-contingent belief, faith. or creed) and focus on what actually is happening, right here, right there, and everywhere right now at the level of economically embodied activity. Anthropogenic activity that really should be given credence without the need for future-contingent credulous hallucinoses getting in the way of focus by deliberative distraction. Thus avoiding the displacement of one’s own current actuality onto abstracted non-entities as one’s fantasy. De nada.
Another subjectively interpretative salad, but it tastes the same as all the others.
Only if you think that the real anthropogenic activity of billions is a personal interpretation, which is ludicrous. What is subjectively interpretative is the reduction of the whole earth anthropogenesis to a few stories. Any focus on that referentially excludes the whole world in order to foster subjectivate ego-interpretation based on… ?
The only way language works is by sense and reference, which means reference to an actual world… not a bunch of words transferred from another bunch of words in infinite regress to nothingness. Anybody who thinks that the reduction of the whole world activity in which we are embedded and embodied as participatory is in any way referent has quite literally lost any sense of sense!
And yes, I am taking the piss because I cannot take this overt nonesense seriously. How to have a three day non-referential, or better self-referential, ‘discussion’ about nothing vacuously whilst eliminating any real or meaning-making reference to the whole earth right now.
No one wants the discussion about sense, reference, meaning, denotation, representation and so on. You, they, whoever just assumed that the general grammar we were all taught is referential to this actual earth… which is precisely the fallacy I am trying to highlight. Until some larger group or community takes semiotics seriously none of any bodies words make any sense whatsoever because they lack reference outside the speakers head.
We can go from Hume or Kant, who said much the same, or we can go from Aristotle–who also said much the same–but propositions only have a truth-value in reference to a world, preferably a real one, and not just a semantic pseudos of one. There is nothing more real than the global activity that we embody and which embodies us as a totality. The form of words that refer to this need not be analytic, synthetic, a priori, syllogistic and so on… and not even necessarily ‘logical’; they must be physiologically embedded in the real earth and not some consumerised storyselling [sic.]
Well poisoning, famine, 2024 when you find out the bible was NOT a parable, time to call out the corruption and start expelling them, start with your back-yard, they won’t stop.
The potential for an attack on the food supply explains why bird flu…
….but 5 months to the U.S. election maybe explains why now. If no amount of getting Trump to self-destruct makes Biden re-electable then gotta keep that postal-ballots-only option for deployment!
I think you’ve stumbled on something highlighting the dead-end nature of this latest government folly.
The food supply chain is one of the key things that keep society manageable.
Look how far Turdeau went to maintain it in Canada.
Yes, they’re going to try to move us to eat ze bugs but empty supermarkets are a disaster for any government.
They only have to push it a bit too far and they have a HUGE problem.
The Soviet Union and the PRC both survived multiple famines killing millions. These famines may well have been disasters for ordinary people, but they ultimately only strengthened the state by making sure that disloyal populations were starved to death, while loyal elements in society were ‘blessed’ with scarce, precious rations.
Could something like that be what the PTB have in mind? I sure hope not, but I do worry. As ol’ Hank Kissinger once put it: ‘Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.’
Seamus, there is a difference.
They fucked up by allowing us a bit of autonomy and cash and those of us who love those things won’t give it up easily.
They know that.
They have swored not to let this happen again.
In the future we will have only the King, the Nobility and the peasants, or in modern terms the President, the billionaires and the poor.
The middle class failed and will be erased. They only wanted to be nobility and never filled their role out.
Agreed, ol’ Heinz was one for knowing how to manipulate humanity and his quote about food is bang on.
However, starving the plebs commie style in the larger ethnically diverse Western cities of today is a sure fire way to go scorched earth. Before the inhabitants have starved to death, they will have destroyed the infrastructure and property. Imagine no KFC in US cities, let alone no food at all. These places have burned for much less. Give it 24 hours of empty shelves and it will be carnage.
Just days after being subjected to a sham verdict in Manhattan, Donald Trump makes a triumphant entrance to UFC alongside Dana White.
We’ve just had ‘covid’ for the first time !
We met some jab-fan friends last week.
They are multi-jabbed and multi- covided.
A couple of days later I was shivering and went to bed for my cure-all – two days complete bed rest.
An uncomfortable couple of days but the bed rest worked and I am now fighting fit. My wife went down with the same symptoms a day or so later and is now recovered after the same treatment.
How do I know we had covid ?
I thought it was a bit strange because neither of us had signed up for the covid programme but we had a message from said Jab- fans to say they had tested positive so where self – isolating.
So, whilst they had to rely on their trusty PCR test fo tell them they’re not well, we realised we had something nasty, whatever it was, because we felt shit.
The shining take-away from this is how brilliantly your immune system works when you don’t fuck about with it.
Thanks, God.
Cripes !
Red arrows for feeling under the weather !
probably for the contagion malarkey…
Yeah. Friend gets ill. I get ill. My wife gets ill.
Shakey, cold AF then hot AF. Feeling like shit.
But there is NO causality ??????????
Have a word with yourself.
My guess is it was because you said thst you had covid, even though you put it in quotation marks the first time. I always write “Covid-1984” which is a bit stale and boring but at least everyone then knows where I am coming from.
PS. I wasn’t one of the downvoters !
Yeah, thanks for that. I just want to be able to discuss this stuff like adults.
Discuss what? Be clear.
I believe I caught something from someone else and then passed it on to my wife.
If anyone wants to believe differently, that’s up to them but, if that’s the case, I would like an explanation of the mechanism involved.
Jumping and shedding is real.
Jumping and shedding the vaccine is real. Lipid nano Luciferase 666. Dont thank God, the Devil got you now.
One shot = 4 trillion nano particles of who knows what.. If(? that even possible) you catch a few thousand of some vaxed sneeze.. that won’t be “effective” as they’ve intended.
The biggest initial revelation of covid was the total unity of the media all the way across the (alleged) spectrum. In the initial phase (“shock & awe”) it’s wall to wall “AAAARGH!” And then some doubt… from “The Right” (“Phew what a bunch of reactionary loonies!”) And then the lab leak variation etc.
Since the pure pandemic script had been specifically handed to “The Left”, The WSWS were the purest cote of covid propaganda. In four years they have never deviated by a hair’s breadth from “AAAARGH!” Every underhanded manoeuvre in the bug bonanza was carried out first by the Trotters. When a 6 year old from Galveston died “of covid”, our brave commies were right there to gleefully announce that covid could affect even the youngest. When the autopsy proved no covid involved, the Trotters gleefully buried the story.
Knowing their draconian approach to commentary, I voiced a few subtle sceptical salvos and found, for the first time ever, that I was answered directly by an administrator out to “put me right”. After which I occasionally posted some satirical remark only to find myself banned.
The end of a beautiful friendship!
I now occasionally peek in to see the purest kernel of mainstream propaganda.
You only have to read the first words of their latest:
“I am anti-alarmist, but”
Why bother after that?
Once again I can’t edit but
“purest cote of covid”
Should be
“purest core of covid”
Remember how many neocons were once Trots.
Well, at least we are not discussing the new NATO boss & his pledge to Viktor Orban & the Hungarians. (To quote ‘Pygmalion’, as the Hungarian interpreter met ‘enry ‘iggins, again… lol).
“Maestro Maestro, you remember me … ?” Yep.
No Hungaian finance or military forces for the Ukraine !
Bird flu is old stuff. Didn’t work in 2005 so they’re trying it again.
“On November 1, 2005, President George W. Bush held a press conference in which he called for draconian measures and $7.1 billion in spending to stop the spread of H5N1 Avian flu, which was then starting to cause some panic.”
Obama doubled US debt from formally -10 trillion to -20 trillion. These US Presidents use money as it was grass. $7 billion just for a single “virus”.
“experts have said that cases are likely flying under the radar.” Good to see that these so-called experts have a sense of humour!
On the other hand, maybe a pandemic of The Jabbed dropping dead
is about to occur, so They are ‘getting out in front’ of such, pre-
positioning ‘bird flu’ so ‘bird flu’ provides the explanation for the
‘pandemic’ ?
All the credible whistleblowers said that the death toll from the Covid “vaccines” would really start to show itself 3-5 years post-injection. The vaccines began to be administered at the very end of 2020, so 2024 marks just over three years in.
A Bird Flu Over The Cuckoo’s Nest – Miri AF
Its the third death prediction from controlled opposition/alternative media.
The first two death predictions didnt work out. If the shepherd call wolf one more time………he will get my shoe.
Since we are now getting asymptomatic diseases, I wonder if we could also be infected by the worms we eat or–God forbid– the trombidiformes that breed and defecate on people’s face?
How can our ‘experts’ be sure we don’t have one of these bug-transmitted flu, and how can they PCR-test them? Since these microscopic mites are no bigger than 0.3 mm in size, it would seem hard to tell which ones have the flu. Must we assume they–the bugs– are all contaminated, until proven otherwise?
Since we now know the flu virus can jump across species; i.e., from bat to chipmunks to chickens, and then to cows and onto humans, who’s to say the flu isn’t jumping from insects, worms and tiny face mites?
It’s one thing to be worried about birds and chicken, but why don’t we hear anything from the WHO about ‘microbial flu’ (feel free to borrow the term, but do give me credit).
If we count 2/3 of the G8 sheeple got the shots. How many of those 2/3 woke up and how many of the 1/3 do really have a bone? Or how many of the 1/3 were just too lazy, on food stamps?
I havent noticed anybody. They are not blind as before, but they still just find excuses.
I see it as a military filter system, to filter out resistance and rebels.
Russia used it in Donbass among the most intelligent rebels, and they use it at home among the most nationalist minded. Ukraine use it among the military inscribed.
They used it in Afghanistan. They use it in prisons. Filtering out the rebels, any resistance.
First the military ask to jab you voluntary. They leave you the anti-x free in the first round. In the second round, those who refused it in the first, are forced down to the floor and get it.
I think a lot of the commenters here are missing the point of this latest scam. It’s objectives are different from the last one which was a fake plague. Now they are aiming at a real famine. Hope Bill Gates can crank up his failing bug and chemical fake meat factories in time to compensate for the coming famine. It’s not so much locking you down now as starving you. Easy peasy. One false bullshit PCR positive (they are all false of course) and then wipe out the entire herd or flock and burn or bury them. The central banks print up the trillions of fake currency, gives it to the goobermint, who pays the farmers or the cooperate farmers for their loss. This leads to hyperinflation so the central banks can roll out their CBDC. What’s not to like?
War on Global Agriculture: The Unsustainable ‘Sustainable’ UN Agenda 2030
By F. William Engdahl, 18 June 2023
“From our Bird Flu cages we wondered what our lives might have been like had we just fought back”
Time to put contingency plans together and have what you need to get through another round of projected insanity from the evil cabal and their clown posse.
Once you have those things start planning how to work locally to prevent and circumvent their tactics and measures.
Better to be prepared then not because our collective pushback will require a lot of effort from all of us.
I keep wondering “Surely They are not going to put us through All That again ?
Can The Economy, especially remaining Small Businesses, survive Another Lockdown ?
Are They sure Another Lockdown wont be the Straw that breaks the camel’s back,
and generate an uprising by the masses (aka – the sheep) ?
They made sure we learned ’40 million doses’ of something They called ‘bird flu’ vax
being shipped to the continent…
Which reminded me of the widely reported shipping of numerous body bags to the
continent by the Pentagon in the lead up to the US War Against Iraq…This was as a ‘leak’,
by the Pentagon, one of numerous ‘leaks’ meant to persuade us that the US
intended a massive land Invasion. (The Pentagon ‘leaked’ like a sieve). The ‘leaks’
created a smoke screen hiding US plan for a massive aerial bombing of Iraq…
I keep wondering why They Want Us To Know…
Hiding In Plain Sight doesnt really fit…
What economy?
The economy where they piss half a trillion up the wall for no discernible reason and then another 60 Billion or whatever for an APP ?
That nobody used and doesn’t work ?
Is that the economy you’re so worried about ?
Convert whatever fiat you have to negotiable assets.
A year or so back I ended up in hospital for a non-virus related problem and as is customary I was PCRed for Coronavirus. The test was apparently positive because I ended up in effective isolation but less than 12 hours later all that went away because closer inspection revealed the virus to be H5N1 type — or what’s today’s bugbear, “Bird Flu”. I was asymptomatic for any kind of flu, of course.
So what are we supposed to think about bird flu? It seems that its like other livestock diseases like foot and mouth, something that’s of concern for people in the animal husbandry business but rarely of direct concern to humans. But getting answers from the media is a waste of time; they’re paid by the eyeball and “Nothing to see here, folks” just doesn’t generate the traffic. As far as I can tell the biggest problem the average human’s going to get from bird flu is that its going to mimic a human pandemic.
More expensive food. As we agree its all about sucking the last penny out of the entire global vaccinated population.
Buncha professional damn liars.
Every so often, but less and less so as the same old shit grows more serious like cancer, I indulge my sick humor to visit sites of the laughable left.
Just recently, I looked up the WSWS after happily having forgotten about them for quite a while, only to remember why I should keep it that way permanently, as I felt right back with lockdown’s fear-mongering from this mockingbird operation, still beating the drum of death counts from convid.
That was about all I could take, so I didn’t bother with Democracy Now, which I believe has returned to being the war and peace report following its proud period as the quarantine report (guess their handlers at the Ford Foundation (CIA) let up on their leash a little).
So thanks for the latest update on Salon, but no thanks, I won’t need any further reminder of their propaganda part to play in the progressive police state of biosecurity.
Yeah, what’s left at this point but a good laugh, and cry. Nothing left, it seems, but the wokewashed cultural revolution.
Those middle class Left outfits have built their reputations and businesses on fear.
They ain’t gonna do a U turn now.
So far no mention of “lab leak” or “gain of Function” !
What’s going on ??
Where’s the parallel narrative, spread to catch The Doubters ??
Asymptomatic is the new symptomania for hypochondriacs. Please doctor, help me: I’m felling well. Hmm that’s serious, it could be anything, you might even have every known disease at once, the outlook is grim. On the bright side, I do have a great number of tests you can take, admittedly they are prone to false-positives even false-negatives but book an appointment with my secretary for an aexamination which will save you the inconvenience of being examinated either at the surgery or on-line.
Doctors’ creed …. “a patient cured is a customer lost”.
Or as Goldman Sachs put it, “are you sure curing your patients is a viable business model”.
“Get this Porschescription _ _ _ I mean prescription, filled as soon as possible”
“The sky is falling, the sky is falling”
programming/brainwashing/fear mongering technique may not work this time.
They may have overplayed their hand. The plague of suspicion and cynicism is growing.
With population declining in most of the wealthier nations (apart from immigration) corporations are fearful of losing their future profit growth.
Their political lobbyists are panicking and grasping at straws as they see the prospect of living in filthy avarice, like their masters, fading away.
I realize this is a silly question, but who is going to fall for this after the disaster that was Covid? And none of this makes sense. We started out with Bird Flu has an IFR of 25%. Then that became 50% “in places where it has infected humans.” The CDC is now saying 60%. So we have had 6 alleged cases now, including Australia, and no one has died. Unless you count the guy who was on his deathbed for 3 weeks with renal failure in Mexico… but that would the 7th case. The only symptom anyone has had so far is conjunctivitis, which is not uncommon in farming environments. Especially dairy farms with slab-raised cattle. And the flu test cannot differentiate between Influenza A and H5N1? Only the trusted CDC can make the differentiation? It is all such bullshit. So, again I am asking, who are the mental midgets who are going to fall for this? Even though 85% of the population were dumb enough to fall for the Covid hoax, are there really that many non-thinkers still out there?
Non thinkers or trained, tamed and lame brained fear sponges?
“…but who is going to fall for this after the disaster that was Covid?”
You might be surprised. Currently at work, in the last week, we have had had three well-vaxxed and boosted staff come down with the Convid. Everyone is freaking out, even though the company has now told employees to treat Convid like “any other respiratory illness” and no longer requires any testing, masking, etc. No one was aware of the new policy (actually a couple of months old, at least) until I told them.
Additionally, every year we get a break on our health insurance costs by collecting points via fulfilling certain health requirements, taking quizzes, checkups, getting vaxxed and so on. Missing from this years options, while previously available since its introduction is the Convid vaxxine. I’ll bet people will be pissed when they realize that they can’t get points for getting Convid vaxxed. (Useless Flu Vaxx still gets points).
This may be due to feedback from insurance providers who incurred big losses – in countries where they had to pay up.
Some folk are still going for “covid tests” when they get the sniffles. I went by my doc’s the other day and old folk were queuing out the door for covid booster jabs. As a psychological operation, the whole covid thing seems to have been a roaring success and many people’s psyches have been operated on leaving permanent effects. They’ll be queuing up for bird flu shots, digital I.D’s, digital currencies and whatever other bullshit is offered up for their “safety” and “convenience”. 😷
We are all frogs in the same slowly boiling soup brother. No man can stand isolated.
Huh, joining the discussion got swashed
Hazard on the electrics for birds and us
Since we are electric and so is the
air and water
Joining the discussion only is smaller when your typing so don’t worry about that above, sorry i mentioned it really.
Anyway, what is this about ? Bird Flu ?
Well why don’t we we all die now, I don’t think !
You are scaring the living-day-lightsbout of everybody.
If bird had flu that would have been seen by a bird practrctonary
Thank you for renderering your so-called work place unfit for future endeavour, i seek a full recompense.
1963 baby
Cool, the downvotes happen in real time if you hang around, dunno why the vid didn’t show this time, killer.
excellent capt…….thank you for the hearty morning chuckle……it is our sense of humour that may save the day
Wait, what? I thought the cat was out of the bag, man. WSWS, Salon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, they still don’t get it? Well, it seems like there are a whole lot more of us ready this time, but then again, maybe not. If they don’t get it, how many are there out there? This is why we need Donald Trump as president of the U.S. again, so he can become Mr. Superhero Operation Warpspeed and rush a safe and effective fake vaccine to his MAGA cult. In other words, the MAGA cult still doesn’t get it either. So, the left and the right still don’t get it. That leaves how many?
In other words, there is no test that can identify specifically this supposed virus. And the flu will disappear when they do test, because it has to. Deja vu all over again. Same Bat channel, same Bat station.
If you’ve got kids or grandkids and don’t already home school, start brushing up on the in’s and out’s. The party’s just starting.
Given that the MSM viewership was already tanking in 2015 and was saved by their manufacture (w/ crucial help of the CIA) of Trump Derangement Syndrome, they might totally collapse if Democrats were somehow to hold the WH. So, yes, they need Trump.
As the “health freedom movement” has largely been subsumed by the Trump campaign, Trump in the WH would mollify the one cohort that could be problematic for the ruling class.
Incidentally, it might be worth noting that deep state rabbit-holers Whitney Webb and Dan Hicks (Press for Truth) are both convinced that Trump will be the next POTUS (notice I did not say “win” or “elected”).
Definitely looking that way, amazingly. I read an article earlier positing that the only way he can win is to select Nicki Haley as his VP running mate. The MAGA cult can’t even figure out what 2 plus 2 is. In fact, I saw Russell Brand came out and said we needed Trump as President to “save democracy”. Unreal the people who can’t see thru that crook. The only thing they can focus on is the other side, the “greater evil”, and can’t seem to come to grips with the fact that they’re all evil, including Trump.
I think this is a secondary project now, almost running on automatic, and escalation with Russia or the image of escalation seems to be the main agenda. Several of the muppet leaders mumbled something about conscription at the same time….
I guess there is a lot to worry about, depending on where one looks, I found a collapse in the supply of the service of goods recently, in lumber no doubt, sacrificing consumer long term security for short and medium term lumber survival, how many other industries are in this boat, can anyone say Boeing or supply side economic disaster?
Insight into what the ghouls are thinking can be found here- Ep. 62 – Rick Bright: Navigating the Avian Flu Threat- as Ex-Barda global public health ghoul Rick Bright hits all the standard and quite sour notes from the Bio-Pharma hymn book- raw milk is bad, need for speedy mRNA vaccines, public-private partnerships, pandemic preparedness, etc.
[Click the video to watch on youtube -admin]
Key line- “Industry will respond if the government makes the money available.”
Racketeering 101- government subsidies siphoning off public monies for private interests. They will invent the problem.
Bright was one of the leading technocrats at “The Future of Health Summit” in 2019. He must be looking for another “entity of excitement.” Maybe someone should find him a bowling league.
Keep in mind we’re dealing with a deadly bird flu that can’t seem to kill off the birds- even in their abominable living conditions- so they have to go in and slaughter them.
Bright captured the spirit of the designs for a Pharmaceutical utopia, “…if there were an urgent call for an entity of excitement that is completely disruptive and is not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.”
He also stated:
“But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of a novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that to a number of regional centers if not local, if not even in your home at some point, and print those vaccines on a patch of (sic) self-administer.”
He was also heading up a webinar just last week at the mind numbing Council on Foreign Relations titled, “Avian Flu Outbreak and Preventing the Next Pandemic”, which goes over the same thieving twaddle you find in the above link.
I was convinced by mid-Spring of 2020 that the WSWS was a CIA front.
WSWS are globalists too.
Any One World Government can only be 100% totalitarian autocratic.
It is only a fight about which 0.1% will rule.
RE: It is only a fight about which 0.1% will rule.
Who, would you say, are the contenders?
What contenders.. juice were chosen.. right?
Must be difficult for some here as they were Graund fans.
Have they all seen the light or are there still a few having a little rub under the blanket for Starmer the wonder boy?
Snap again! What’s that all about?
I’d like to think there are far too many of us ‘covid deniers’ still active to let this utter BS start a new wave of utter stupidity
I wish I still had your faith in humanity.
The public are idiots and the CTB know it.
You have seen nothing yet. The amount of ‘covid deniers’ is 1 out of 100 000.