MSM Signaling a change in the Russia-Ukraine Narrative?
Kit Knightly

Two major incidents in the last week suggest we might be about to see a change in the narrative surrounding the Russian war in Ukraine.
First we saw Piers Morgan interviewing economist and former US diplomat Prof. Jeffrey Sachs.
Sachs is noted for his eloquent and historically literate takes on the history of NATO and Russia and his persistent warning on the danger of World War III, all of which he repeated during an interview where Morgan’s essentially just let Sachs talk:
Why? The people who run Morgan’s show know exactly what Sachs was going to say – not least because he said it all in an 3 hour interview with Tucker Carlson last month – so why did they invite him on?
Guests on high profile programs like that are vetted to the max, and if they might say something the producers don’t want their audience to hear they don’t get invited on.
Taboo opinions are simply never given a platform, it is the first and most effective form of censorship.
People like Peter Hitchens have praised the interview, claiming Morgan was “reduced to goggling silence” by the facts:
Piers Morgan reduced to goggling silence by facts. For once he doesn’t try to shout down his interviewee. I suspect he didn’t know any of this at the time, and I also suspect he ceased to know it within a few hours of being told. Fun, though.
— Peter Hitchens (@ClarkeMicah) June 22, 2024
But anybody who has watched 10 minutes of Morgan knows he’s never reduced to goggling silence by anything, least of all facts.
Controlling the narrative is interviewer 101. If your guest starts saying something you don’t want them to say you interrupt them, you change the subject, you redirect the conversation or you bluster and engage in ad hom attacks.
It’s a basic interview technique, one that Morgan especially is known for – Hitchens even points out “For once [Morgan] doesn’t try to shout down his interviewee.” And he’s right, he didn’t
If a guest persists in saying things they’re not supposed to say, you simply cut their feed and claim technical difficulties.
None of that happened. So clearly the people in charge were happy to air Sachs’ views.
The second such incident happened yesterday, when Reform Party leader Nigel Farage went on the BBC and claimed NATO was partially responsible for the war in Ukraine by provoking Russia.
Naturally, every establishment tool has come out against this position, with frequent reference to appeasement and being paid in rubies and the like. But, again, why was it aired?
Agenda-shilling fake alternatives Media Lens claim it’s impossible to discuss this issue…
Now actually made into a BBC ‘live’ scandal. The idea that the war in Ukraine was provoked by the West is simply not allowed to be discussed:
— Media Lens (@medialens) June 22, 2024
…but it’s been discussed on Britain’s top two tv channels twice in two days.
In 2014, during the original (real) Ukraine crisis, it was really impossible to talk about the Russian POV. Not only was nobody who shared a pro Russia POV allowed anywhere near a mainstream platform, but comment sections were moderated and censored to such an extent we literally had to start our own website just get our views published.
When the Covid “pandemic” kicked off, how many dissenting experts were ever given a mainstream platform? These were well regarded researchers and doctors, with facts at their fingertips, who couldn’t get even a second of air time.
Media Lens know this, because they took part in it.
That’s what it’s like when it’s impossible to discuss something – it’s impossible to discuss it.
So, we can conclude, at this point in time it is viewed as acceptable – even preferable – that the Russian POV gets at least some air time.
As to why, and what it could mean moving forward, you’re welcome to speculate.
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Sachs is also ‘noted’ as being one of the high priests of climate change…
So wars don’t change over the course of time then? War’s never end? It’s called progress and transition to an end…. and was always going to happen…. 2 sides at war wanting to end it. Stop trying to make it into something it isn’t!!! And people believe you 😮
You called it.
However is the noise about it.?? just to pretend there doing something whilst on the other hand still laundering money by sending it out there.
Defense budget is such a scam.
NWO, the west, Russia and PRC or as GO put it Oceania, Eurasia and East-Asia, but with a major change GO did not foresee, Globalist Corporations that do not see national or political boundaries.
So a bit of military rumpy-pumpy to get rid off old stock piled military hardware to make room for military hardware and aid both the bottom line and create fear and control within the population.
This was clearly an establishment gotcha aimed at Farage. The statements re EU and Nato expansion were made a decade ago. Farage went on the BBC for the party leadership interview. The second question by Robinson was re Putin (@4:00) – and Farage did reasonably okay at dealing with it. As I’ve posted elsewhere, the establishment is getting worried that Reform is polling at 20%. So they’re trying various tactics to knock them back to a more containable 10-15%
The Panorama Interviews with Nick Robinson: Nigel Farage, Reform UK
21st June 2024 (Day 30)
Political TV
Jun 23, 2024
Nick Robinson interviews all the major party leaders in the run-up to the general election. How do their policies stack up? In this edition, the leader of the Reform UK, Nigel Farage.
No there not. they placed him in celebrity jungle big brother to soften him up to the general public so he can play his control op position which he played well with UKIP and brexit party.. rinse repeat.
Yanakovych spoke Russian .. he didn’t speak Ukrainian. Ukrainian 2012 -president Viktor Yanukovych has signed a law that restores many privileges to Russian, a language that was favored in the Soviet era. Under the new law, an estimated half of Ukraine’s districts will allow government business to be conducted in Russian. About one quarter of Ukraine’s 46 million people are believed to speak Russian at home.
Why? Why are degenerates like Mr.Morgan told to provide alternate narratives or shall I say the true narrative all of a sudden. ?
Because the cabal has noticed that they no longer control the narrative with an optical allusion of a two party democracy. Nope, they now need to introduce a third and maybe a fourth so that the gullible will accept that they are living in a free democratic country.
Incomes the likes of Farage. Hes a controlled shrill that can now provide a controlled opposition to the two peasants that are trying to run for PM. Farrago is there to appease the classes and I doubt he fully grasps his sudden rise to popularity but I am sure the narcisst thinks its his own doing. I hate to break it to him.
The one common trait all these three dimwits have is that they are basically racist peasants all trying to feed off the zionist trough. Even poor Nigel cant come out and say that Mr.Putin is not the issue – nope along with all his recent banter he still calls Mr.Putin a “very bad guy” and I assume the racist genocidal maniacs are simply the good guys.
All this is optics. The intelligent side of the British voting public are lost for words. They dont watch Piers and and they don’t care for Torys or Labour anymore. So basically they got Mr.Sachs out there to feed them an alternative narrative just in case some were thinking of running to the intelligent side. I doubt Morgans viewers understood a thing Mr.Sachs said. The cabal ticked that box and will move on – just like they are ticking the Gaza genocide box and moving on as well. shameful. Don’t fall for it.
The Off Guardian position for the last 2 years has been that Putin was a member of the NWO and the Ukraine war was a theatrical event seemingly leading to WW3 or worse. So how does the change in the official narrative outlined above fit within this framework?
Nobody is interested in the bullshit propaganda from that scumbag Sachs…talking useless nonsense all the time…however, some (Russian affiliated) asswipes still try push it
hallo Bot
Farage gets free publicity for views that newspapers previously banned their own readers from uttering (or if they didn’t, commentators were ambushed by ‘army types’ BTL). It’s another sign Farage is controlled opposition and probably working for the US.
Good point.
< Why? >
“How many nightclubs have I been thrown out of, Mrs.Charles?”
“Well, how many nightclubs have you been in, Mr.Charles” — The Thin Man
“How much money have we lost in Ukraine?”
“Well, how much money did we send to Ukraine?”
“How many of our WunderWaffen got destroyed in Ukraine?”
“Well, how many WunderWaffen did we give to Ukraine?”
“How many Ukrainian soldiers have died fighting Russia?”
“Well, how many Ukrainians did we train to fight Russia?”
It takes a long time to for a sharp point to drill through a thick skull. But by now even Obomba, Biden, Nudelman, Camoron, Micron and Stoltz admit that Putin might have a point.
yes, sure. Only so called putin is Klaus Schwab’s boy and works for NWO and The Great Reset. He has no his own points- he does what he has been told to do by his masters.
Farage, BBC interview:
I haven’t done a proper search, but if anyone can find that statement by Robertson, please post it below.
This is what Robertson was saying in Nov 2023:
‘World’s focus must not leave Ukraine’ ex-Nato chief Lord George Robertson warns
The world’s attention must “stay on Ukraine” as the Russian invasion continues, a former Nato secretary-general has warned. Lord George Robertson said Russian President Vladimir Putin would be emboldened to extend the attacks beyond Ukraine if foreign governments stop providing weaponry.
“We have got to keep the world’s attention focused on Ukraine because they are involved in a fight with Russia that has got huge implications for all of us as well,” he continued.
“Vladimir Putin is not simply interested in subjugating Ukraine. He has got a much bigger agenda in the future, and if he succeeds in Ukraine, who knows where he is going to stop.”
And in Feb 2022:
February 28, 2022
I ask you this: What irrational thought process has changed that man into a monster who violates the sovereignty—and the existence—of a neighboring country? What changed that man of the KGB who this [past] week publicly humiliated the head of his own Foreign Intelligence Service in the sight of a dismayed world?
The answer being widely accepted is that he is paranoid about next-door Ukraine becoming a NATO member. I disagree. I don’t think the organization I used to head is the fuel to the Vladimir Putin fire. It is just a useful demon to scare the Russian public.
His real, and well-justified, fear is of democracy. He has seen the aspiration of former communist countries to join the European Union (EU) change these countries permanently and fundamentally. The EU is the bogey.
Nations becoming democracies with a free press, free elections, the rule of law, and mixed economies are a serious challenge to the Putin model of brutal authoritarianism. In his fevered mind, if Ukraine travels in that direction as indeed it wants to, then what about the rising revolts in Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan? That’s much too close to home.
This attack, this breach of international law, this breach of the UN Charter, this heavy-handed assault on a fellow Slavic nation is actually a sign of weakness, of a vulnerability in the face of the inexorable tide of democracy.
So, what do we do now? Stand absolutely firm and resolute with the Ukrainian people.
< what do we do now? Stand absolutely firm and resolute with the Ukrainian people. >
Because “No one can withstand our armed might” — New Liebore MOD standing on a NATZO tank after the EU$A (population 700 Million) had defeated mighty Serbia (population 7Million).
As I said here:
The Atlanticists are a major power block. They’ve aligned with the Christian Zionists (i.e. the Trump admin) in pushing a shared agenda on Ukraine – and they’re taking “democracy” to Georgia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. This goes against Kissinger’s Belt & Road project and it’s the main geopolitical power-play currently in operation. However, none of this is going to be discussed in the media – mainstream or otherwise. Instead, they’ll prattle on about “provocations” and all that crap!
Of course, there’s substantial overlap:
If you have listened to BBC Podcast Ukrainecast you will know that the above angle has been discussed to death on there. As well as all the other Putin and WEST propaganda.
You should give it a try and save your time on articles like this
Missed you guys
Interesting observation.
Do you think there mission was completed >?
It is difficult to speculate where all this is leading. But unless the nuclear powers learn the right lessons from history – not just the politically convenient ones – humanity will perish. There is one lesson they must learn, and it comes down to a simple syllogism: every empire in history has eventually faced the war it was trying to avoid; everyone wants to avoid WWIII; therefore, that is the fate that awaits humanity. Paradoxically, the only chance of avoiding that fate is to accept it. now carries this article.
Google has BANNED Nigel Farages’s Reform Party:
The other Reagan reject economist, now reformed rebel David Stockman, made similar analysis recently.
Jeffrey Sachs set up the post-Wall Russia for corporate privatization and harvesting by the Western 1%, so he should know. I did not listen to the Sachs interview CIA but did read Stockman’s. And it’s right to the facts that many of us at the 2014 coup and during the civil war.were trying to point out. A long CIA campaign pushing NATO to threaten Russia after promising not to. Stockman’s article points out the truth. I believe the SYSTEM loves to cave out to the truth when campaigns fail or when reality is settling in regardless. All the previous indignant clamour of lies to coverup blatant imperialist exploits, something repeated over and over in every war-better-called-invasion, is now let out of the balloon slowly. Many of us know the formula on initiation and look around the curtain of msm propaganda and advise others to little effect. Only when a significant part of US society does the same can we pull the plug on this empire.
And today in The Guardian,this from Simon Jenkins…
Farage is an Putin appeaser but he said it for the cause of peace……………….LOL.
Erik – That would be ‘A’ Putin appeaser, which he is not..
Another “expert” repeating the “nuclear war” satanic brain wash.
So nuclear bombs are like the moon landings and the Osama Bin Laden thing?
Piers forgot to say that when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary did so too. Way before Russia did anything. So Poland and Hungary shouldn’t be held up as innocents abroad.
Thanks for retrieving that embarrassing tit-bit of history after it was swept under the carpet by the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist Empire. Yes, in 1938 Britain advised Poland to join Nazi Germany in the occupation and dismemberment of CzechoSlovakia, preparatory to unleashing our attack dog, Hitler, onto Soviet Russia. Hungary was already under a fully fascist regime, as was most of Europe. Then in 1939 our attack dog attacked Poland — and turned on us, the treacherous hound.
History repeats itself, first as tragedy (WW2, with our attack dog Hitler against Russia) then as farce (Ukraine with our attack poodle NATZO against Russia).
And I’ve been following Off-G ever since! (I can still remember Catte from the comments section over at The Guardian, until we both got the axe.)
Dont shoot the messager SeamusPadraig…
The posters on mathisianhaven says it is about as believable as Zuckerberg, Musk and co starting there business’s from a garage.
I never really brought mathis back story either.
I don’t understand what your comment is saying
Hey Seamus! Those were the days, right? The struggle to get just a little bit of sanity going in the good old Graun.
Until one looks in the mirror and sees a leader, we will be subject to talking heads and their seductive lies. We are returning soldiers of life at war for anything living. The pope’s soldiers Xi Jinping, Putin, Biden, Trump, the King and others are the puppets advancing the chess board for the Holy See and the killing of LIFE…their favorite weapon is fear. We are the soldiers of the living spirit and together we form the human spirit the most powerful force of love and unpredictability on Earth. Nice article, nothing new. Sir France Bacon said the newly discovered America will be the next Atlantis. They have captured enough minds to kill ourselves for their agenda.This simulated agenda goes back to Sumer. Somewhere in the simulation there has always been some clown and his five sons to bring about control and destruction of life. Nothing to see here.
As usual it is up to the normal folk who have to go on (or come back to!!) the stitched-up MSM & alt-media comments platforms to mention the most important things. Again and again!
Are there no courageous public figures and journalists/publishers/broadcasters to talk about the basic reason for the Ukraine invasion (linked to the Gaza invasion)?
No-one in the media or the public sphere is going to inform the public of the fact that Ukraine has been long-planned to become Israel2.0 – research the ‘Heavenly Jerusalem project’?
Why is always up to members of the general public to bring up such vital information?! ALL our media including so-called alternative media is onboard with the engineered collapse of the West to transfer power to the East? Are all our public figures and media traitors?
Everyone, if you can research the ‘Heavenly Jerusalem project’ and share it with everyone you know.
If that is more than myth or rumour, perhaps you could link to something a bit more concrete (ie. some analysis which isn’t just opinion)? A2
To start with, these are the three main insider/horse’s mouth sources (there are more if you do the digging and there were many more links/sources which, unfortunately, have been censored/deleted over the last few years):
1) Details of the Heavenly Jerusalem Project/Israel 2.0 (English translation of the Russian website):
2) Video showing the founder of the project, Berkut’s talk on the subject (Russian with English subtitles):×720/502JEFPrGFMEYPAj.mp4?tag=12
3) Igor Vitalievitch on the issue in 2017:
Background on the destruction of the West and transfer of centralised power hub to the East to further the ultimate plan for centralised Global-to-local notes (and subjects for further research if people are interested):
The destruction of the industrialised West (including the USA) and rise of the BRICS/Eurasia is the intention due to many reasons including some hidden ones? The global establishment could be playing a very deep and long-planned game (helped along by their hidden knowledge of the world’s true history?) to gain their ultimate goal of complete control over the whole world and it will take another massive, extreme false flag(s) and WW3 which will also be used as cover to roll-out the digital concentration camp world-wide (including the Cyber Polygon psyop – the global establishment have been doing regular training events for this)?
Researching and thoroughly reading about the following work/theories/ideas will make things seem much clearer? They are all related to getting the masses all over the world completely controlled, dispossessed, and confined to living in highly dense cities (and therefore make us sitting-ducks for more depopulation?) for the up-coming cataclysm which the global establishment also mean to use to ultimately consolidate power (in the hope they will survive and rule over a much smaller and easier to manage mass of slaves in the aftermath era)? The New Silk Road/Belt and Road Initiative will be vital routes after the catastrophe?
— Mass immigration to specific areas of the world (and along with the native populations, ultimately, herded into the digital, electrified smart cities)
— The Oded Yinon Plan
— Aleksandr Dugin’s work (including on Eurasianism)
— The Heavenly Jerusalem Project (Israel 2.0 in Ukraine)
— The Noahide Code/Seven Noahide Laws
— The Belt and Road Initiative/New Silk Road
— Not sure about this one, but many people believe that the planet’s/plane’s cyclical approx. 12,000 year catastrophe is upon us (‘solar cataclysm’/’pole-shift’/EMPCOE which is now overdue including events similar to the Carrington Event).
only your bitchute link is correct
All you mention are so anomaly for how the Creation was original designed to us.
I mean, you folks knows how tasty well natural grown food in your own garden taste in comparison to the shit we buy at our supermarket, just to mention one example.
We have the 10 Commandments but are pissing and shitting all over them, we make our own rules who dont make any sense.
I do not hope for help from above, I am just wondering what the spiritual force who designed everything so well down here think about all this synthetic ugly transformation?
Don’t forget that the Heavenly Jerusalem Project/Israel 2.0/Big Israel has been admitted to in public by Zelensky, Medvedev, Netanyahu as well as Berkut and Vitalievitch. It’s all on the internet for people to see – just do the research!
It’s not up to me to unpick other people’s sweeping statements. Every commenter here has a certain responsibility to qualify their remarks. I tend to pick people up on it depending on how propagandising and emotional their statements appear. Please qualify your statements on this subject in future, thank you. A2
Hope you post my reply (with all the sources’ links) – where is the freedom of speech?! FFS
Where’s your manners ‘FFS’? Lucky for you I remain impartial even when dealing with obnoxious, rude people who jump to uncharitable conclusions and unnecessarily impugn this site while still expecting to be waited on by servile admin like entitled consumers.
It went into spam. Next time ask nicely. Thank you. A2
Me obnoxious? Methinks you are omitting the history and context of why people reply to you in a certain way! I think your are projecting. You and your websites continued censorship/delaying of posting people of good faith’s comments and the tone of your replies to genuine truth-seekers and dissenters are shown on these pages and it shows very clearly it is actually you who is the obnoxious one. If a person has the power of managing a vital information website – it is necessary for them to be humble because they are in a position to dictate which comments do or don’t gwt posted.
This is your community, it is what you make of it. If you undermine trust in it all you do is lessen the weight of your own words.
Admin is always happy to withdraw or amend a statement if they have behaved unfairly, but this is not one of those occasions. Admin are not your parents, teachers or ‘public servants’, they do a great job in difficult circumstances and they have a right to be treated civilly and respectfully rather than be abused as a matter of routine, as is de rigueur around here. Treat Admin as humans, help build confidence in this community, do your part to pull up aggressive or obstructive commenters and then, and only then, turn around and criticise.
Thank you, A2
on the radio today classic fm they played the theme tune from schindlers list 3 times before midday. they play it more than 25 times a week that tender violin refrain reframe
i must have heard it on classick fm 1000 times shirley certainly more than 666 times.
we must never forget the crimes that simo seabag montifiore,,simon scharma and bbc laurence rees told us hitler never again.
even if marx and hitler where roth steiner family by thin sickly interbred blood blood does not mean we should not be emotional for spielbergs schindler was not a movie story but a documentary
At 10.31am Alexander Armstrong played it. That’s all I could see.
Fake news?
You alright, mate?
Not so sure about any change in the narrative, I have yet to see any news channel mention the US made missiles fired from US donated launchers carrying US donated and internationally banned cluster munitions, guided by US satellites and a US reaper drone that has just killed civilians sunbathing on a Crimean beach
Is that not the point of the article, media do not allow the truth?
The reliably atrocious inews shrieking convid cases surge and summer lockdown imminent (paywalled so no point posting the link). Silence at the Fraud.
Trying to re-establish the trustworthiness of the latter?
Yes. A recalibration in light of having lost the plot and their story not being bought. “See, we allow debate and different opinions.” Always too late of course.
Shock doctor Sachs – more mass murder through economic warfare – represents the dovish alternative of the MSM, establishing the boundaries of thinkable thought, just so who negotiates the ‘peace’ maintains power for who makes the wars.
Easy as.
How could the mainstream media maggots get it wrong?
Exactly that.
Unofficially our sponsors will get upset, However they do endorsed free speech, within an overton window however it must be approved by them first.
The real reasons for the Russian invasion of Ukraine are unlikely to be aired in the mainstream until ‘the great disclosure’ which we hope is coming soon. Ukraine is a hub – trafficking of every kind imaginable goes through there. Putin doesn’t want it on his doorstep no more than he wants NATO. We’ve all (well, many of us!) heard ‘rumours’ about the origins of CV19 and we’ve all heard of missing children, underground labs, organ harvesting and money laundering. Time to put 2 and 2 together. And why are z… and cohorts so massively wealthy? And now his spouse has been up to some’at. The stench is so strong yet few seem to smell it. Does the prick in the arm remove the sense of smell as well as brain-power? Just saying … (no doubt what I have to say will enrage many. My sympathies are with the people of Ukraine, not their overlords.)
Whatever you say Q….
That is a borderline delusional, hopelessly romantic and factually nul view of the current world situation. Putin isn’t Zorro, he’s another corrupt gangster, along with all the western political class. They’re all killing their own people with war and/or fake pandemics, fake medicine, fake solutions.
As the other guy says it’s Q nonsense for the alt-Left
You are right. It seems jrf various info channels that all the rats are gathered in Ukraine for profit; the drug cartel, the human trafficking cartel, big finance cartel, big tech cartel, Mengele eksperiments, nasi ideology, bolshevik ideology, Zionist ideology.
So, Ukraine is about the same as Kosovo and Israel.
Actually it was Ukraine who invaded Russia not the other way around. This was in 2014 and the Ukie army was given its marching orders. They actually stalled at the Donbass and got stuck there until 2022 until the Russians kicked them out. Initially also the the Azov Battalion (lovely chaps) invaded up to Mariupol shot up the place but then beat along the coast. The Ukie army still sits on the Dnieper.
The coverage was amazing. I saw so much of the war visiting the sites I do.
so much coverage.
I was overloaded.
While there is still lots of money making arms and the restocking lots more.
But at some point Blackstone and all those billionaires that fund all the think tanks
will decide ok we have destroyed enough now and Ukraine is in debt for the next hundred years. So lets start making loads of money with reconstruction contracts.
How many times have they rebuilt Beirut , same story for Gaza.
That is when and how these conflict will end. Meanwhile they are busy making new conflicts else where. Plus vital defence spending against China or is it North Korea this week.
Construction for the military before/during the war, and development of deliberately destroyed infrastructure and services afterwards, are what the cronies live for.
I was thinking that watching while Piers kept getting his hat given to him and never arguing with Prof. Sachs on any specific point. Thanks for spreading this opinion. I find it hard to believe the Globalist American Empire is a monolith; there must be large factions within it struggling for dominance. Maybe some of them decided the cost of milking Ukraine for more spending on the MIC was becomming less productive.
Even if a person being interviewed manages to utter a taboo, the show can be cut off, and repeat broadcasts modified to conceal the end.
Sachs knows Russia well. He was in charge of the looting of Russia and Eastern Europe in the ’90s, in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Empire.
And he’s quite proud of his UN connections, per his own website, jeffsachs dot org
“Sachs serves as the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, where he holds the rank of University Professor, the university’s highest academic rank. Sachs was Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University from 2002 to 2016. He is President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Co-Chair of the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition, academician of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences at the Vatican, Commissioner of the UN Broadband Commission for Development, Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah Honorary Distinguished Professor at Sunway University, and SDG Advocate for UN Secretary General António Guterres. From 2001-18, Sachs served as Special Advisor to UN Secretaries-General Kofi Annan (2001-7), Ban Ki-moon (2008-16), and António Guterres (2017-18). “
He’s also someone who has pushed the “COVID happened because of a bio weapon” narrative and has used this to push for a takeover of all bio-weapons labs by… the WHO.
Paid for by the neocon enemies of the people no doubt.
Also imposed economic ‘shock therapy’ in Latin American countries and he’s a CFR member too.
In fact, an associate of Bilderberg as well.
The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbilgers who have influenced & controlled the response to COVID-19
good link.
That’s where I’ve heard of him before. I knew he had dirty hands in all this crap. Thanks for the reminder.
Such a skinny old and weak looking middle aged white CFO can make so much trouble and shit?
It reminds me about Eichmann, also a weak looking middle age white man CFO half balded with thick glasses, who also made a lot of shit in his bookkeeper office behind a desk.
Voltaire has the last laugh…
“I die 84 old adoring God, loving my friends, not hating my enemies, and detesting superstition.” Voltaire.
For the record there are 25 excellent quotes attributed to Voltaire on the link I have provided in my original comment. And your “quote” is not one of them…
Voltaire never said that. It’s just another silly internet misquote to add to the list.
Hi Sophie I believe your reply was intended for Erik Nielsen n’est ce pas and not for me.
Clarification only and thanks for all your hard work here…
Russia turned out too strong and Xi too unpredictable, plus the ayatollahs spoiling the game plan in Israel. AI is of mass GiGo quality and will never predict global future correctly, unless it ‘makes it happen’ by itself.
Scottish Neil Oliver will not get a change in Britian’s MSM like Geoffrey Sachs, but he did on Tucker Carlson: connected too many dots.
Why do so many people feel the need to cling to the 20th century idea of nation-states in opposition when all the evidence shows the leaders of those nation states are united with each other in opposition to the rest of humanity!
National leaders have to keep their various populations docile, a problem bank leaders don’t have. Those pesky plebs can be quite a headache!
connected too many dots.
Perhaps DoD and its coterie of death dogs have grown bored of dropping bombs on Ukraine, and are simply looking for a new object of “affection,” to display their eternal quest for peace.
The Scamdemic proved they CAN fool most of the people most of the time, but maybe, just maybe, they can’t fool them for a long time. At least not on every issue anyway.
Maybe not so much “fooling” people as they’ve been engineered to have very short attention spans and there’s not enough engagement with this anymore.
the structure was constructed for a limited life, so when candour is out of the ordinary yet options are entirely maniacle – prepare for its liquidation.
I’ll believe the corporate propaganda media (aka – MSM)
has changed its spots, or is trying to, when it dares to air
the idea that the IDF killed many Israelis on 7 0ctober 2023
Or that two airplanes can’t take out three buildings.
Totally missing point mate. He’s not saying the media are turning honest, he’s saying why are they letting this previously censored opinion go thru. It’s rum,is what he’s saying.
I remind the public that Tulsi Gubbard only said “to the brink of nuclear war”. That means in politics, that there is a long way to Tipperary.
Ukraine is on the heels because we let them down and we Americans are now running with our tails between our legs.
We have been lazy fatties, believed we could fight monsters with cheeseburgers, chats and pillow fights.
Now it is time to show the world who America really is: Sparta!
We are Spartans who never give up, even if the axis of evils have gathered 100 mio heavy armed soldiers who are standing on the borders to our great nation with nukes.
We will fight for our country and for our Constitution and for freedom anywhere and in the entire universe of our planet where evil exist. You can bite yourself in the nose on that.
You are dillusional my friend
He’s also being sarcastic here.
Much as we are sending weapons to the battlefield to be shot into Russia territory, they are now sending weapons to Central and South America, to one day be shot by someone into the good ole USA.
And as the citizen nigger I am, there wont be much I, or even you, can do about it, but hope it doesn’t come to your neighborhood.
‘Citizen nigger’ — that’s a good one! How about: Plantation USA.
Like I said, we forgot who we really are and where we came from.
“We bomb them out there, before they bomb us in here”, has always been America’s defense motto since the last Mohicans..
Whether with nukes or directed energy, laser or titanium sticks.on their border or inside their land. There WE stand and THEY die! 💪
Quelle surprise.
This is the rehabilitation of Russia. The take down of the ‘corrupt, evil West’. The stage is being set for the ‘saviour’ figures – of which Putin is one – to rescue humanity from these ghouls and usher in the multipolar world and eventually the One World Government with a possible pitstop of nationalism and populism along the way to that goal.
I have been banging on about this since I have been commenting here at OffG and for much longer elsewhere.
Seriously, get researching and understand the bait and switch being played out and how this fits with prophecy. It doesn’t matter what you believe, it matters what THEY believe and they are scripting it to fulfil the prophecies that they adhere to.
When Nuclear WWIII, the WAR to END all WARS a Century late was just avoided with the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, President Kennedy had back channels to talk and negotiate directly with the Soviet Russians.
They worked out a deal just in the nick of TIME, as the General Population was walking like on eggshells understanding the gravity of the situation ‘this could be the big one, the dreaded ARMAGEDDON and the End of the Human Civilization and UN-Civilized Human behaviour accumulated from 1 Generation to the Next over the Millennia.
The Deal Kennedy reached was a US COMMITMENT not to stage another illegal invasion of Cuba liked the FAILED CIA BAY OF PIGS invasion of 1961.
Soviet Russia would remove it’s missiles from Cuba IF the US removed it’s missiles aimed at Russia in NATO Member Turkey.
Kennedy had to plead with the Russians to go the extra mile the US asking the Russians to Trust the Americans by not mentioning the US agreed to remove it’s missiles from Turkey as part of the Cuban missile Crisis deal so the Americans could save face and remove the missiles discretely some 6 months later, after many Americans already forgot about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Two Generations were not even born in 1962.
Kennedy knew if word got out taking US missiles out of Turkey was part of the deal that got the Soviet freighters to turn around rather than being forced to ram the ILLEGAL US ACT OF WAR BLOCKADE of Cuba. If that happened the Generations during the Cuban Missile Crisis UNDERSTOOD that situation would unleash FIRE and FURY, aka NUKES like the World had never seen before.
The US MILITARY were pressing the President to give the Order for a US 1st STRIKE on the Soviet Bases in Cuba. President Kennedy did have the Good Sense and Common Humanity to say NO. Trump or Biden? I’m not so sure if things go from bad to worse these Days they would have Kennedy’s Resolute Courage of 1962?
Being up that close and personal to the possibility of NUCLEAR WAR and the possible death of BILLIONS of People in 1963 if not from the direct blast, then from the GLOBAL NUCLEAR WINTER, he changed his tone and purpose, resolved to find a way for Peaceful Relations with the Soviet Russians. There are still unknown POWERFUL People in the US where just the idea of Peace with Russia is anathema to the unreasonable extreme!
The Biden White House has no Direct Diplomacy with the Russians. All we read and see on TV is more Economic and Military ESCALATION. It is a very small MINORITY of People gambling with the lives of MILLIONS and those MILLIONS don’t seem to see it or don’t care it’s more dangerous and risky than it was in 1962
President Kennedy was killed for his COMMON SENSE and COMMON HUMANITY in 1963 just a few months after making his PEACE SPEECH at American University;
In June 1963, Kennedy uttered the essential truth that can keep us alive today: “Above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy–or of a collective death-wish for the world.”
If only our Leaders at WAR Today, could make such an Eloquent as President Kennedy does here June 10, 1963:
I have been seeing the Cuban missile crisis written about allot lately. This isn’t directly related except it does tie in on the analysis of the quality of world leaders. I recently posted an article on the 1960 Nixon/Kennedy debate.
Do you really believe that? Ffs. You just have no clue about modern power structures or the degree of interoperability there currently is. You believe the shadows on the cave wall are reality.
MLS, regardless of what you believe, Biden had a summit with Putin in Geneva on June 16, 2021, the LAST TIME they met Face to Face..
The last time Biden & Putin spoke on the phone was days BEFORE the Russian SMO February 24 started, to stop the increased Ukraine government shelling the majority Russian speaking Ukrainian Civilians in the East bordering Russia.
They voted for the Democratically elected Russian FRIENDLY government, and rejected the US-CIA Coup installing an UN-ELECTED virulent anti-Russian Ukraine government.
Over 14,000 Russian speaking Ukrainians in the East were killed by the Ukraine government since 2014 US Propaganda didn’t hype as being significant on Russia’s Border.
Only because The Kansas City Times was quoting me September 13, 1976, publishing these excerpts out of a much more revealing Historical Newspaper Record;
“He came to town for the Republican National Convention and will stay until the election in November TO DO GOD’S BIDDING: To tell the World, from Kansas City, this country has been found wanting and its days are numbered […] He gestured toward a gleaming church dome. “The gold dome is the symbol of BABYLON,” he said.” […] He wanted to bring to the Public’s attention an “idea being put out subtly and deceptively” by the government that we have to get prepared for a War with Russia”
The World is waking up to see Americans may hasten “its days are numbered” part of the 1976 Vision, and waits with bated breath.
In the week before Russia entered Ukraine February 24, 2022, I went to the OSCE Website daily. The OSCE was set up with the Minsk Accords to monitor and record all TRUCE VIOLATIONS between the Ukraine government and the majority Russian speaking Ukrainian Civilians. I saw with my own eyes, TRUCE VIOLATIONS went up to 2000 A DAY. The War was started by the US-Ukraine. US Propaganda has Americans believing otherwise.
Living my 81st Year counting UP, not DOWN, I watch and read Global News media. EVERY DAY the only thing being reported is not any Diplomatic Breakthrough, but ESCALATING Economic War and Military activity as the US Military-Industrial Congressional Complex is making a KILLING off the Ukraine War and the Israeli genocide in Gaza.
MLS, you’re living in a delusional wish filled imaginary World brought to you by the MSM, Propagandists for THE POWER, not speaking Truth to it, behaving like the 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse.
If you don’t believe me, do you believe Trump’s Secretary of State saying the most asinine things.
Here he is incriminating himself before a friendly audience cheering him on, laughing and applauding him when he said;
“I was CIA Director. We Lied, we cheated, we stole.It’s – it was like – We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American Experiment.”
That’s Delusional & BLIND GORY American Patriotism for you.
So? Accept it. The American people want it so badly badly to happen and they deserve it. This is the reality.
The few right thinking cant go on being nannies and killed by people who label themselves as coming from the apes, we are human creatures, human hackable animals, women in power, alpha-males with cunt, alpha-females with dicks, who are all dependent of a personal closet full of drugs.
That can’t happen now. ‘President’ Biden is brain-dead.
Yes, I fear you are correct. So I write about politics and astrology to keep from losing my mind. Biden’s astrology looks pretty bleak at the moment. I don’t think he’ll make it to the end of summer.
The walking dead can make it further than one might think.
In other words, ‘there’s no devils in Hell, they’re all up here, and we’re just walking Zombies!’
This here IS hell. Where did you think you were. In paradise?
Whatever people think of the bible the symbolics there are quite amazing. The human couple was kicked out from paradise because they were not able to keep a single good advise but “we want to do it better than you”.
Then the couple and their children lived a life 600-1000 years, but could not keep up with the 10 single commandments either.
God cut the average human life to <100 years, and gave the couple one last chance because there were still people on earth who pleased God for whom God wanted to give justice.
So here we are in Sodom and Gomorrah. Hell. ……………………LOL. .
Let’s see, the goals of the City of London/ satellites plus controlling families are : destruction of nation states, destruction of family units, destruction of religion and population reduction. On all of those accounts the Russian Federation is diametrically opposite.
Regarding population reduction, the Russian government talks a good book but how does that reconcile with jabbing its population with the Sputnik V cull juice? It is after all the same as the Astra Zeneca recipe and they are developing mRNA jabs too.
For those other points that you have mentioned, again, they are saying the right things and even if they follow through with that carrot, that hardly offsets the huge stick in the making in the form of CBDCs, jabs, WHO pandemic treaty, UN Agenda 30 (signatories to it and the SDGs), mass surveillance, biometrics and the whole digital gulag.
You seem to forget that prior to Putin being RF President the average life expectancy of Russians was falling, moreover, the population numbers were shrinking. However under Putin, the average life expectancy has increased dramatically and the population has also increased. Therefore, this “ idea” that the RF is throwing in their lot with the City of London’s acolytes was to cull the population doesn’t hold water.
Are there any stats for 2023?
The fact that Russia was coming off a low base and the jab uptake was low in comparison with Western countries, any loss of life expectancy from the jabs maybe hidden due to other improving life expectancy factors, such a diet, reduced poverty etc.
You still haven’t addressed the motive for the jab campaign in each of the BRICS nations.
I have yet to see ANY of the BRICS promoting alt-media talking heads, who admit that the pandemic was a scam, ever address why each of those countries jabbed their citizens for a fake ‘pandemic’.
These mouthpieces can’t wriggle out of it, so they have conveniently memory-holed it. Yet, the hypocrites concentrate ONLY on the West’s toxic jabs and the scam there.
Until, there is open and honest discussion on their part, in admitting it was a GLOBAL scam, then their opinions regarding geopolitics and the P!andemic should be viewed with a critical eye.
Hmm, I think the stats for the last couple of decades speaks volumes. If the life was so low because of the collapse of the USSR and the economic rape by the City of London, yet, it has recovered so dramatically in terms of life of expectancy and increase in population due to The RF economic strength plus the fiscal incentives to increase family sizes should be a solid rebuke to the theory of the RF is cahoots with the City of London and its underlings. Moreover, you haven’t addressed the points of the RF defending not only its sovereignty but other nations sovereignty, but also religious and other institutions of the RF.
I have addressed the RF upholding its ‘values’, as in, it is saying the right things. However, its sovereignty is undermined while remaining a member of globalist, supranational organisations such as United Nations and by signing Agenda 2030. In addition, by being members of BIS and WHO. So it says one thing, while doing another.
You have once again ignored its participation in the Plandemic and the jabbing of its citizens, which if I am to believe the BRICs talking heads was some kind of Western/globalist plot.
So, which is it??
Russia the “anti-globalists” went along with a Western/globalist plot/scam, or they are key player acting out their role in a bigger global plot against humanity?
We are going around in circles until you answer the Plandemic question.
Unfortunately, you haven’t addressed the RF “ in saying the right things” because the mettle is not in the saying but the actions as explained by F.W Endgahl and other researchers/ authors of the Russian Federation rejecting the paedophilic, perverse, ant nation hood , twisted woke Satanic ideology of the West controlled by the City of London and its acolytes. Notice the Russian Federation gave them their marching orders.
Rightly so, but you must admit there is some confusing signals that make people think good cop-bad cop.
Saying one thing the good thing, but doing the bad behind the curtain.
If we say the idea is not to depopulate, but to erase the middle class, spirit and soul, and back to feudal, nobility and peasants, it fits in better, or something similar.
Yes, you might have a point if the the idea was to make education plus living costs so expensive as to destroy the middle class, as the US/ UK City of London controlled underlings are doing, but not in the RF. Professor Michael Hudson has written many articles and books addressing this issue.
Yeah, the central planners ran their communist scams in Russia, China, Cuba et Al. And since they have tighter control after decimating those faux nation states, brainwashing the inhabitants who have no power and no rights, it’s easier to use that bloc to lead the way and transition to the next phase of the Rockefeller scenarios technocracy plan, which is the hack attack (which can’t be achieved without staging faux animosity, between the faux nations), then the smart scramble, ending with the better together “one world government” they’ve always had since the Cult of Saturn have ruled.
The central planners don’t want the citizenry to know what’s going on so they disseminate scripted stories called “news” and create nonsensical conflicts to hide obvious facts from the public like pandemics aren’t real and nukes and the Cold War were hoaxes and public theft of unlawful taxes.
Indeed. It is so frustrating, that a large proportion of the alt-media following ‘awake’ crowd are falling for this sleight of hand, hook, line and sinker. We are all going to get fucked over badly if and when the controllers pull this stunt using the likes of Orange Man, Putin, Farage and the ‘far-right’ such a LePen and the other European puppets in senior roles within those parties.
The ‘awake’ will be rejoicing in the streets over our ‘win’, as these pied pipers among others lead them by the nose to the eventual technocratic nightmare with perhaps a few ‘years of plenty’ in between to cement their credentials.
Let us hope that the so-called sheep – whose who are figuring things out fast – can skip the pick-a-side con, see through the controlled/approved opposition and the useful idiots in alt-media promoting this nonsense and avoid the trap.
Aleister Crowley, the dark magician, would be proud if he was still alive.
Yes. The modern day Crawley types who wear suits and front for the cartel as CEOs (Bezos, Musk, Gates, Schwab etc), are laughing at the naïveté of the public who are unaware of the Masonic chess board and Great Game.
It appears that the majority (who saw through the pandemic) seem to have forgotten the last 4 years of lies, slipped right back into the Hegelian Dialectic, picking red or blue, in a centrally controlled world.
We dont really know how many are out there as all media and statistics are fake.
But here everything is the same. I think the sheeple are ready to do it all over again without a blink of an eye..
You can’t get anywhere, not really, unless you are one of them.
Russia… Ukraine… zzzzz
The Kansas City Times was quoting me 48 years ago publishing this controversial vision of the Future September 13, 1976.
“He came to town for the Republican National Convention and will stay until the election in November TO DO GOD’S BIDDING: To tell the world, from Kansas City, this country has been found wanting and its days are numbered […] He gestured toward a gleaming church dome. “The gold dome is the symbol of Babylon,” he said.” […] He wanted to bring to the Public’s attention an “idea being put out subtly and deceptively” by the government that we have to get prepared for a war with Russia”
The Historical Newspaper record is even more specific, pointing to something that would happen 30 months into the Future, and it happened exactly as projected 30 months later.
“There are 30 months before the fate of the world will be sealed with EITHER Destruction OR the Universal Brotherhood of Man,¨ he said. ¨The 30 month figure concerned a Treaty between Israel and Egypt.¨
NOTE: This does not say ARMAGEDDON happens in 30 months from the September 1976 article.
Not 29 or 31, but exactly 30 months later, in March 1979, History shows a Treaty between Israel and Egypt was signed. The Camp David Accord. History shows talks broke down on the 12th day and no Treaty was to be signed. Begin and Sadat were leaving.
It was on the 13th Day, as in the date of the Article and the picture accompanying it, an unexpected window of opportunity appeared and opened the way for the Treaty to be signed.
This signified the Universal Brotherhood part of the 1976 Newspaper record.
The 1979 Iranian Revolution happened the month earlier, and anyone following the Israeli genocide in Gaza, the Israeli ACT OF WAR attacking the Iranian Consulate in Damascus on April Fools Day 2024, and the increasing Israeli-Hezbollah exchanges onlyt BECAUSE of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, the Destruction portended in the September 1976 Newspaper record is closer than most people dare think.
Because of The Kansas City Times publishing this September 13, 1976, when Russian President Putin submitted a draft Treaty to the US in December 21 in the effort to prevent the US WAR with Russia over Ukraine in NATO, the US wouldn’t even consider it, dismissing it out of hand.
In 2014 the US-CIA changed the Democratically Elected Russian friendly government, installing an anti-Russian government which started shelling the majority Russian speaking Ukrainian Civilians in the East bordering Russia. From 2014 to the major Ukraine WAR starting February 24, 2022, the US installed anti-Russian government killed some 14,000 Russian speaking Ukrainians who voted for the Russian friendly Ukraine government, rejecting the 2014 US-CIA Coup.
Minsk I & II charged the OSCE to monitor and record all TRUCE VIOLATIONS in the US instigated Ukraine Civil War.
Because of my recorded History in the September 13, 1976 Kansas City Times Public record, in the week before February 24, 2022, I went to the OSCE Website every Day to see what TRUCE VIOLATIONS were happening and those TRUCE VIOLATIONS were up to 2000 A DAY, so the WAR started BEFORE the Russian SMO February 24 to stop it.That I saw with my own eyes, but US NATO didn’t report it because it would undermine US Propaganda the Russian SMO was UNPROVOKED. The OSCE Website monitoring the TRUCE VIOLATIONS was shut down.
For some reason, this site will not allow me to correct a few typos.
Since TODAY is the 33rd Day in my 81st Year counting UP, not DOWN, please give me some slack?
The edit button is a dud.
Not Off G’s fault.
Illuminati is controlling the edit button. Some are allowed to edit hereof me because I am in the club, and some are not.
In sorcery it is called a completion……
They started the Ritual on February 20 2022 – USA Pluto return.
literally the minute COVID finished.
Now there switching the talking points on a Full moon Summer Solstice.
It a full completion
how much energy = currency was achieved.
Electric gas petrol food gone up for the plebs by 38%. couldn’t be of achieved it by anything else.
Think of what that has achieved in the agenda 30 game plan and U.K city of London is the leader.
Unbelievable that people in this forum voted for the Conservative = Boris as fighters off the deep state.
Imagine the power of magic mind-control to have a celebrity jungle numpty vaccine pusher city of London family of ex bankers to get on alt media news as a hero. Nigel.
The name ‘Reformed’. = “to let one’s self be chastened,
Voters, some of the biggest idiots = Mindcontrol……
“an interview where Morgan’s essentially just let Sachs talk” LOL
Something like an advertisement/public service announcement really
Maybe because it’s soon time to start the looting?
Blackrock have the reconstruction contract and the plan is to “re-build” UKraine as a model smart nation with digital everything. They want everywhere like that by 2030 so have to get on with it sooner or later.
The MSM has been full of pictures of Putin with the North Korean leader so it looks like a shift to “he’s evil for some other reason” rather than a general rehabilitation.
Imagine Putin and Kim together against NATO. No more “we are spending Russia out”. The gloves are off. North Korea Hell March 2020.
Not that long ago, there was an obligatory denial by both the MSM and certain sections of social media to accept the facts of the Russian Federation military actually conducting a successful military campaign against the combined Western military forces controlled by the City of London, it’s financial satellites plus the controlling families.
However, it has become abundantly clear to both the MSM apparatchik organs and certain sections of social media that the war in Ukraine is a very bloody, brutal and cruel war and the Central Bankers are losing.
The truth is undeniable from the mass kidnappings off the Ukrainian streets to feed the City of London/ Central Bankers/ families lust to destroy Russia to the impoverishment of the countries of Europe. The political landscape is changing and the Central Bankers know it hence why the use of damage limitation exercises.
Correct. The central bankers are losing. Russia has no central banking…
You stated “Russia has no central banking…”
That is a lie. It does.
Furthermore, its central bank is STILL a member of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), despite all the ‘sanctions’ from its so-called enemies. BIS is the bank of central banks that is behind the drive to introduce CBDCs.
Repeating disinformation from whichever talking head or third rate website you picked this up from, damages the reputation of the ‘freedom movement’ and makes us look like idiots.
He is joking. He means the Central Bankers are in full control of both Russia and China whoever.
The Ukraine President flies out often, and every other VIP seems to visit him in the capital. Is someone clearing these flights with Russia?
When you have a drugged addicted moron as the ( unelected) President who is leading is army and countries infrastructure ( power plants, industrial capacity plus selling off its assets to Western Central Bankers), why interrupt him when he is doing such a splendid job.
The Cabal are doing what they like. All agreed with Kremlin.
Before it started, all Russian leaders of their 3 Intelligence agencies visited their counterparts in US. .
Either they must have had balls of steel, or they are just long term members of the club.
Interesting, how “Sustainability Sachs” one of those 1990’s US economic cannibals who helped to consume Russia’s assets appears regularly on “supposed” Independent, but actually state-run media operations to manage public thinking regarding the Ukraine mess.
Agreed, Sachs was in the middle of US elites’ economic genocide of innocent Russians in the 1990s. I can only think he’s trying to rescue his reputation before it’s permanently in the history books.
I don’t know about that, as Sachs is into the phony sustainability ability agenda. He heads the department at Columbia University.
Sachs is heavily involved with UN and the SDGs. Also the convid enquiry for the lancet. Don’t tust him.
His conclusions: (a) the dread virus is real (b) it came from USA, not China.
Yup. Same as Ron Unz.