Mission Creep: How the Police State Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves

John & Nisha Whitehead

“In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can present grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by Nobody is not no-rule, and where all are equally powerless, we have a tyranny without a tyrant.”
Hannah Arendt, On Violence

Like the proverbial boiling frogs, the government has been gradually acclimating us to the specter of a police state for years now: Militarized police. Riot squads. Camouflage gear. Black uniforms. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip searches. Surveillance cameras. Kevlar vests. Drones. Lethal weapons. Less-than-lethal weapons unleashed with deadly force. Rubber bullets. Water cannons. Stun grenades. Arrests of journalists. Crowd control tactics. Intimidation tactics. Brutality.

This is how you prepare a populace to accept a police state willingly, even gratefully.

You don’t scare them by making dramatic changes. Rather, you acclimate them slowly to their prison walls. Persuade the citizenry that their prison walls are merely intended to keep them safe and danger out. Desensitize them to violence, acclimate them to a military presence in their communities, and persuade them that only a militarized government can alter the seemingly hopeless trajectory of the nation.

It’s happening already.

Yet we’re not just being acclimated to the trappings of a police state. We’re also being bullied into silence and subservience in the face of outright injustice and heavy-handed political correctness, while simultaneously being groomed into accepting government tyranny, corruption and bureaucratic ineptitude as societal norms.

What exactly is going on?

Whatever it is, this—the racial hypersensitivity without racial justice, the kowtowing to politically correct bullies with no regard for anyone else’s free speech rights, the violent blowback after years of government-sanctioned brutality, the mob mindset that is overwhelming the rights of the individual, the oppressive glowering of the Nanny State, the seemingly righteous indignation full of sound and fury that in the end signifies nothing, the partisan divide that grows more impassable with every passing day—is not leading us anywhere good.

Certainly, it’s not leading to more freedom.

This draconian exercise in how to divide, conquer and subdue a nation is succeeding.

It must be said: the various protests from both the Right and the Left in recent years have not helped. Inadvertently or intentionally, these protests have politicized what should never have been politicized: police brutality and the government’s ongoing assaults on our freedoms.

We may be worse off now than we were before.

Suddenly, no one seems to be talking about any of the egregious governmental abuses that are still wreaking havoc on our freedoms: police shootings of unarmed individuals, invasive surveillance, roadside blood draws, roadside strip searches, SWAT team raids gone awry, the military industrial complex’s costly wars, pork barrel spending, pre-crime laws, civil asset forfeiture, fusion centers, militarization, armed drones, smart policing carried out by AI robots, courts that march in lockstep with the police state, schools that function as indoctrination centers, bureaucrats that keep the Deep State in power.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

How do you persuade a populace to embrace totalitarianism, that goose-stepping form of tyranny in which the government has all of the power and “we the people” have none?

You persuade the people that the menace they face (imaginary or not) is so sinister, so overwhelming, so fearsome that the only way to surmount the danger is by empowering the government to take all necessary steps to quash it, even if that means allowing government jackboots to trample all over the Constitution.

This is how you use the politics of fear to persuade a freedom-endowed people to shackle themselves to a dictatorship.

It works the same way every time.

The government’s overblown, extended wars on terrorism, drugs, violence, illegal immigration, and so-called domestic extremism have been convenient ruses used to terrorize the populace into relinquishing more of their freedoms in exchange for elusive promises of security.

Having allowed our fears to be codified and our actions criminalized, we now find ourselves in a strange new world where just about everything we do is criminalized.

Strangely enough, in the face of outright corruption and incompetency on the part of our elected officials, Americans in general remain relatively gullible, eager to be persuaded that the government headed up by their particular brand of political savior can solve the problems that plague us.

We have relinquished control over the most intimate aspects of our lives to government officials who, while they may occupy seats of authority, are neither wiser, smarter, more in tune with our needs, more knowledgeable about our problems, nor more aware of what is really in our best interests.

Yet having bought into the false notion that the government does indeed know what’s best for us and can ensure not only our safety but our happiness and will take care of us from cradle to grave—that is, from daycare centers to nursing homes—we have in actuality allowed ourselves to be bridled and turned into slaves at the bidding of a government that cares little for our freedoms or our happiness.

The lesson is this: once a free people allows the government inroads into their freedoms or uses those same freedoms as bargaining chips for security, it quickly becomes a slippery slope to outright tyranny.

Nor does it seem to matter whether it’s a Democrat or a Republican at the helm anymore. Indeed, the bureaucratic mindset on both sides of the aisle now seems to embody the same philosophy of authoritarian government, whose priorities are to milk “we the people” of our hard-earned money (by way of taxes, fines and fees) and remain in control and in power.

Modern government in general—ranging from the militarized police in SWAT team gear crashing through our doors to the rash of innocent citizens being gunned down by police to the invasive spying on everything we do—is acting illogically, even psychopathically. (The characteristics of a psychopath include a “lack of remorse and empathy, a sense of grandiosity, superficial charm, conning and manipulative behavior, and refusal to take responsibility for one’s actions, among others.”)

When our own government no longer sees us as human beings with dignity and worth but as things to be manipulated, maneuvered, mined for data, manhandled by police, conned into believing it has our best interests at heart, mistreated, and then jails us if we dare step out of line, punishes us unjustly without remorse, and refuses to own up to its failings, we are no longer operating under a constitutional republic. Instead, what we are experiencing is a pathocracy: tyranny at the hands of a psychopathic government, which “operates against the interests of its own people except for favoring certain groups.”

So where does that leave us?

Having allowed the government to expand and exceed our reach, we find ourselves on the losing end of a tug-of-war over control of our country and our lives. And for as long as we let them, government officials will continue to trample on our rights, always justifying their actions as being for the good of the people.

Yet the government can only go as far as “we the people” allow. Therein lies the problem.

We are fast approaching a moment of reckoning where we will be forced to choose between the vision of what America was intended to be (a model for self-governance where power is vested in the people) and the reality of what it has become (a police state where power is vested in the government).

This slide into totalitarianism—helped along by overcriminalization, government surveillance, militarized police, neighbors turning in neighbors, privatized prisons, and forced labor camps, to name just a few similarities—is tracking very closely with what happened in Germany in the years leading up to Hitler’s rise to power.

We are walking a dangerous path right now.

No matter who wins the presidential election come November, it’s a sure bet that the losers will be the American people.

Despite what is taught in school and the propaganda that is peddled by the media, the 2024 presidential election is not a populist election for a representative. Rather, it’s a gathering of shareholders to select the next CEO, a fact reinforced by the nation’s archaic electoral college system.

Anyone who believes that this election will bring about any real change in how the American government does business is either incredibly naïve, woefully out-of-touch, or oblivious to the fact that as an in-depth Princeton University study shows, we now live in an oligarchy that is “of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.”

Be warned, however: the Establishment—the Deep State and its corporate partners that really run the show, pull the strings and dictate the policies, no matter who occupies the Oval Office—is not going to allow anyone to take office who will unravel their power structures. Those who have attempted to do so in the past have been effectively put out of commission.

Voting sustains the illusion that we have a democratic republic, but it is merely a dictatorship in disguise, or what political scientists Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page more accurately refer to as an “economic élite domination.”

In such an environment, the economic elite (lobbyists, corporations, monied special interest groups) dictate national policy. As the Princeton University oligarchy study indicates, our elected officials, especially those in the nation’s capital, represent the interests of the rich and powerful rather than the average citizen. As such, the citizenry has little if any impact on the policies of government.

We have been saddled with a two-party system and fooled into believing that there’s a difference between the Republicans and Democrats, when in fact, the two parties are exactly the same. As one commentator noted, both parties support endless war, engage in out-of-control spending, ignore the citizenry’s basic rights, have no respect for the rule of law, are bought and paid for by Big Business, care most about their own power, and have a long record of expanding government and shrinking liberty.

We’re drowning under the weight of too much debt, too many wars, too much power in the hands of a centralized government run by a corporate elite, too many militarized police, too many laws, too many lobbyists, and generally too much bad news.

The powers-that-be want us to believe that our job as citizens begins and ends on Election Day. They want us to believe that we have no right to complain about the state of the nation unless we’ve cast our vote one way or the other. They want us to remain divided over politics, hostile to those with whom we disagree politically, and intolerant of anyone or anything whose solutions to what ails this country differ from our own.

What they don’t want us talking about is the fact that the government is corrupt, the system is rigged, the politicians don’t represent us, the electoral college is a joke, most of the candidates are frauds, and we as a nation are repeating the mistakes of history—namely, allowing a totalitarian state to reign over us.

“We the people” have a decision to make: do we simply participate in the collapse of the American republic as it degenerates toward a totalitarian regime, or do we take a stand and reject the pathetic excuse for government that is being fobbed off on us?

Never forget, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, that the lesser of two evils is still evil.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at www.amazon.com. Whitehead can be contacted at john@rutherford.org. Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at www.rutherford.org.


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Jun 28, 2024 3:59 PM

This is not interesting to anybody. The slave system consists of people “just doing their jobs”.

What is interesting is how so many people are cultured to join the police and military.

The slave system IS the police and military, not the elites who create them and feed them.

It is not Klaus Schwab or some Rotshchild or Blackrock CEO who will come to kidnap or kill you if you try to free yourself and your community, but the obedient slaves doing their master’s bidding.

That is where the solution to modern slavery lies. The slavers are spooks who will disappear as soon as their guard dogs turn on them. The key to destroying the slave system once and for all is undestanding the culture that breeds willing slave drivers and executioners out of some slaves. Toxic masculinity (meatheads on steroids) and toxic feminism which attempts to negate men have something to do with it, but where did those come from? Where do all those cohorts of literally pumped-up heart-attack thugs in the police come from?

Jun 27, 2024 3:03 PM

The worst is yet to come if degenerate, moronic, totalitarian MAGA christofascist asshole traitors win!!! They must be destroyed now!!!

KC skellenger
KC skellenger
Jun 26, 2024 3:02 PM

Judging by the response to my letter 9-1 against, Trump will get little if any support from off Guardian readers. I find that very interesting. I guess most, even possibly myself, will just not be voting. I was all in for RFK until I was convinced he is compromised. He might still get my vote. His book on Fauci should be required reading.

Jun 27, 2024 12:20 AM
Reply to  KC skellenger

You need a revolution not voting.

Charly Carol
Charly Carol
Jun 27, 2024 9:01 PM
Reply to  nah

Eine Revolte der Bevölkerung mit dem Sturz der Regierung, wird es nicht geben.

Da muss erst das Militär und die Polizei die Seiten wechseln, was nicht passieren

wird. Die Herrschenden Mächte haben Vorbereitungen getroffen, so etwas schon im Keim zu ersticken. Die Aufrüstung gegen die Bevölkerung ist beinahe abgeschlossen, finanziert durch die Finanz-Elite.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 26, 2024 1:40 PM

My suggestion too. As I have said that for 20 years, YOU guys not should but MUST take a stand. Not tomorrow, but even today YOU should do it because you CAN do it.

Otherwise we cant save America if YOU dont make and take a stand…….and I am talking about YOU who read this article and my advices. Act!

Jun 26, 2024 11:35 AM

Again thanks to the Whitehead for another heartfelt plea to ‘take a stand’ and ‘reject the government!’ Against the backdrop of an orgy of civilisational decay and state violence, one could hardly blame them for no saying more, for not describing how we’re supposed to execute such a coup.

It does, however, illustrate mankind’s impotence and the cringy absurdity of our age, where right-thinking glitterati are reduced to endless palaver on platforms such as this; incapable to initiate the most rudimentary conversation on how to remedy their own downfall! It’s clear that however more such brilliant exposés of the current predicament the Whitehead manage to write, nobody, nothing will come of it.

Are we capable–allowed–to have such a conversation?

Jun 26, 2024 4:20 AM

The question remains…

Who are the slave owners doing all the complex planning of infiltrating 100s of countries’ governments, and every town mayor and every news room and every university?

How do they do this? I know sometimes there is some of this going on, but how???

Jun 27, 2024 8:46 PM
Reply to  Joe

Too many ways to list here. Blackmail. Threats. Payoffs for those who will comply. Lotsa ways.

karl skellenger
karl skellenger
Jun 25, 2024 3:46 PM

Clearly the world would be better off without the colossas that is the U.S. but In the meantime are we sure that Trump isn’t at least some kind of meaningful departure from the massive push to globalism by the uniparty. Perhaps it is all a big scripted charade, but where is the evidence. Can there ever be an option that isn’t on some level basically evil in a world ruled by base instinct? Are we to throw the baby out with the bath water in favor of the chaos of another French revolution.

Big Al
Big Al
Jun 25, 2024 4:07 PM

Where is the evidence? It comes out of his mouth on a daily basis. I’ve been listening on and off to this dude since before the 2016 election and he is nothing but a liar and charlatan. He says one thing then proves he doesn’t know what he’s talking about by saying another. The best example is that he supposedly didn’t start any wars. He’s an imperialist thru and thru and the only reason any “new” wars weren’t started on his watch was because of timing, and that most of them had already been started. He just carried them on. He has openly advocated for a trillion plus per year DOD budget. Another other example is his support for zionism. Then there’s his support for billionaires and the billionaire system, etc., etc. The dude is really not very smart and certainly not smart enough to do anything close to what he lies to his cult about. He wasn’t a departure the first time and he won’t be the second time if elected again. But in a weird sort of way, I kind of look forward to him being elected again. The show is going to go on anyway and maybe it will finally break the entire system down so we can start over.

KC skellenger
KC skellenger
Jun 26, 2024 2:55 PM
Reply to  Big Al

I agree with much of what you are saying but would still argue that compared to Biden/Dems complete and total capitulation to globalism that he POSSIBLY represents something of a departure. He did take us out of WHO, Paris Treaty and talked of going after NATO. Are these not major departures from the uni party. When I asked for evidence I was referring to the idea that this is all a scripted narrative written by people/entities of this earth.You all missed my point and still failed in your argument. He’s not going to get elected opposing the Israel lobby. That IS in the script but who wrote it?

praying for discernment
praying for discernment
Jun 25, 2024 3:04 PM

Bobby Kennedy understands, and is the only person capable and willing to addressing the troubles we face.

Jun 26, 2024 8:20 PM

I’m sure this is true. Everybody in Gaza is saying so! 🤔

Jun 25, 2024 12:22 PM

This is from there own AIPAC twitter account.

Another great election night for AIPAC-endorsed candidates! 11 more AIPAC-backed candidates advanced to the general election. 195 winners so far this cycle and 100% of AIPAC-endorsed Democrats have won their races. Being pro-Israel is good policy and good politics! 

Jun 25, 2024 12:20 PM

When did being filmed become normal..? I recall the 80’s/90’s and you would get your face smashed in trying to record or take photos of someone or dare come into a neighbor with a camera taking photos..
and now ‘the take selfies’ propaganda addiction has normalized this big brother celebrity I want to be on camera CCTV control grid.

Jun 28, 2024 4:04 PM
Reply to  nima

There is nobody in these demonstrations capable of any kind of force except the police.
In another world of actual political awareness and direct action those journalist vultures would not dare try this as they would lose their equipment and gain a lot of bruises.

les online
les online
Jun 25, 2024 10:57 AM

On How To Slowly Bring Water Containing a Live Frog to Boil …
(aka – Mission Creep)
Over time (Drip, drip, drip):
Announce the discovery of a ‘flu ‘virus’ in wild birds;
Announce Bird ‘Flu ‘Virus’ (BFV) discovered in domesticated birds;
Announce Experts fear BFV may jump species;
Announce ‘spread’ of BFV among ducks & turkeys –
begin slaughter of ducks & turkeys.
Announce ‘spread’ of BFV among chicken flocks –
begin the slaughter of millions of healthy chooks.
Announce discovery of BFV ‘variants’ – some ‘benign’, some ‘lethal’.
Announce Experts concern BFV may jump species to hoomins;
Announce discovery of, and slaughter of more chooks;
Announce discovery of BFV in cow herds;
Announce discovery of BFV in raw cow’s milk;
(“Are we There, yet ?” “Nearly There !)
Announce discovery of ‘infected’ hoomin (Symptom ? Pinkeye);
Announce Experts concern BFV may jump to pigs;
Announce Experts concern that pigs & humans have similar ‘immune system’**
Announce Experts concern pigs may provide vector for BFV jump to hoomins…

Next Announcement should be:
BFV discovered in piggeries – followed by:
Announce mass slaughter of pigs…

This is how to slowly bring the water to boiling without………

** (From the net: ‘Immune System. The porcine immune system is functionally
more similar to its human counterpart than the mouse immune system making
it a valuable model for studying human infectious diseases.’)

Jun 25, 2024 10:31 AM

I almost forgot: the Arendt quote needs further citation (page number?) because her hermeneutics of violence and power stood opposed. Political power is consensus, political violence is when that consensus breaks down. The political violence the (former) West imposed on the Rest is never admitted, and so any balanced political assessment is not merely missing, but obliterated deliberately to amplify ‘our’ imagined injustice in the erased face of the violence ‘we’ imposed on Unpeople with impugnity for centuries. No real acknowledgement of our violence is made by silencing the Subaltern with ever more psychotic levels of pure narcissism.

This makes Arendt, Fanon, Foucault, Agamben, and Mbembe indispensable with dispensing with the Whiteheads supremacist weekly dose of excrement. It is our withdrawal from the senses into neoliberalised subjectivities that enabled and empowered Western supremacism… as world-alienation and earth-alienation self-absorbed by the echo-chambered sounding of our owned voice.

Read the book for contextualisation. 

Jun 27, 2024 6:13 AM
Reply to  Bryan

“The answer lies in the human heart” — Albert Einstein

“For Mercy has a human face, Pity a human heart,
Love has the human form divine.
Where Mercy, Pity, Love do dwell
There God is dwelling too” — Wm.Blake

Jun 25, 2024 10:17 AM

For the Whiteheads, the Third World does not exist… therefore the systemic totalised violence they describe does not exist on the globalised scale that produced their, and everybody elses, wealth and health. Therefore: we embody that violence as legitimated by right. Thereafter: they can feign indignity as that very systemic violence collapses in itself, as it must. Everything they describe has been happening globally for the entire modern period—as ‘enlightenment’ of rationality as its civilising tendency—which will never admit to totalised domination and imposed violence at the bodily level of cellular-molecular imperialism and colonisation of the Unperson as Other.

And they did acclimate slowly by becoming white, at least in mimetic personae… as in the “Black Face, White Mask” of imperialised social reproduction extended to the planetary scale as a whole earth and human population-wide totalised domination and ever accelerating violence the Unperson has had to acclimate to, even whilst they are knowingly desensitised inside their “democratic” sheltering prison walls… “It’s happening already” in every country EuroAmerican supremacy has forced into slavery to produce and reproduce our bodies as consumptogenic commodities demanding more domination, more violence, and more silence about the reality of globalised economic self-reproduction as ‘free’ from conscience, complicity, and consequence.

Racial hypersensitivity without justice, are you kidding me? The supermajority of the Other are racially inferior as disposable means of our reproduction if taken globally. They do not exist. They are not even granted the status of inferiority, they are eliminated from every commodity, including our corporate embodiment. “We, the People” have had totalised dominance and pure political power over the eliminated Rest for centuries, lest we discard the socio-historical ethnically cleansed memory we inhabit as a metabolic imperialism. The EuroAmerican republic is and always was a supremacist collective enterprise “We, the People” agreed upon, at least when the Other was our victim.

Following Fanon’s lead: Mbembe calls this the “becoming Black” of our democracy. As the systemic domination collapses in on itself we are inventing a new self-traumatised victim psychology of “Whiteheads, Black Mask” which is probably the most narcissistic level of psychosis imaginable… but it will no doube become more shrill as the weeks go on.

Jun 26, 2024 9:07 AM
Reply to  Bryan

The biggest cooperations like manufactures, have deals with USA private prison complex slave system.

Jun 25, 2024 6:48 AM

Irony knows no bounds: published on the same day…

As Julian Assange travels to Saipan, then onto Australia.

After pleading guilty…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 26, 2024 10:38 PM
Reply to  Balkydj

It cant be more Orwellian than that.
If you are innocent you will be handcuffed, jailed, and held in mental prison until you admit you are a criminal, whereafter you will be released into the “free” world which is Matrix.

Assange would have had more freedom in his prison as innocent, than in Saipan and Australia as criminal.

Jun 25, 2024 5:17 AM

Tulsi Gabbard makes a good point here: if the West ‘accepts’ Zelensky’s rational for suspending Ukraine elections because of being at war, what a convenient precedent this makes for US president Biden later this year.
X -factor: the NRA members inside good ol S of A.

Jun 25, 2024 12:04 PM
Reply to  antonym

The USA didn’t suspend elections in the Civil War with the Confederacy on Washington’s doorstep or in either world war. They couldn’t even begin to consider selling this as an idea short of a major nuclear incident. They have several much easier alternatives ranging from a pandemic to a cyberattack.

But then Gabbard is CFR and obvious fake opposition so anything she says is going to be pretty much useless.

Thom 9
Thom 9
Jun 26, 2024 1:07 AM
Reply to  Edwige

We can be very sure that all sides of the political spectrum are controlled.
Biden is not in control of the USS Empire and barely capable of controlling himself. Meanwhile behind scenes Barry Soweto/Obama appears to have his hand shoved Biden’s ass and has been operating the shadow government’s business of the day. Gabbard is CFR we do know that and may have purposely let it slip to gauge the reaction and to condition certain elements in preparation for that option being used. Time will tell…

Jun 25, 2024 12:12 PM
Reply to  antonym

suspending Ukraine elections because of being at war..?

There was 39 weeks of protest isre/steal about something silmar.

Your boy Netanyahu was charged with fraud / corruption etc in 2019, and was the first sitting prime minister to be charged with a crime (notice a pattern) he was still able to run as possible PM.
He formed a coalition with a bunch of really friendly charming folks who clearly loved there neighbors (to the point of saying they was going to kill them) and that was how the coalition party won.

The trial of Benjamin Netanyahu began following investigations into allegations of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust by him and close political allies within his inner circle during his fourth and fifth terms as Israel’s Prime Minister. The Israel Police began investigating Netanyahu in December 2016 and subsequently recommended indictments against him.

On 21 November 2019, Netanyahu was officially indicted for breach of trust, accepting bribes, and fraud, leading him to legally relinquish his ministry portfolios other than prime minister. Netanyahu’s trial in the Jerusalem District Court began on 24 May 2020, with witness testimony starting on 5 April 2021. The prosecution listed 333 witnesses.[1] As of June 2024, the trial is still ongoing.

Jun 26, 2024 7:55 AM
Reply to  nima

The man is a raving psycho. His psychiatrist did a convenient suicide.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jun 25, 2024 4:33 AM

Amazing how articles like this are being written whilst the whole world is told about how only American values can save the world.

Elections rigged by Americans and Israelis, not by Russians. That’s got to be exported the world over, eh?

Uncontrolled invasion of foreign hordes. That’s got to be exported the world over, eh?

Rampant insider trading on Capitol Hill. That’s got to be exported the world over, eh?

Out of control sovereign debt. That’s got to be exported the world over, eh?

Ripping up of the Constitution in practical terms. That’s got to be exported the world over, eh?

How long will it be before some dumbass US President says: ‘I’ve beaten my wives up for years. Any nation that doesn’t want to be invaded had better make sure that every husband beats up their wife to keep them in order!’, eh???

Big Al
Big Al
Jun 25, 2024 4:32 AM

They used to gather on Sundays to watch the week’s hangings in the town square. They used to go to the Colosseum to watch the slaves get eaten by lions. Perspective is useful.

But our political systems, it’s not just the U.S., are obviously skewed, as always, heavily or maybe totally to money and wealth. Money talks, bullshit walks, as they say. Maybe it’s time we just fucking admit that is a built in trait of the human race. And maybe it’s time to give direct democracy a try. Fuck it, representative democracy isn’t working. And to hell with monarchs, dictators, or kings and queens. The naysayers always bring up the notion of “mob rule”, but that’s a generalization that doesn’t account for built in protections, such as bills of rights. It may not be perfect, but to hell with representative democracy. I remember an article written by W.E.B. Dubois when he was 88 years old, the famous African American socialist/activist, who had voted, mostly third party since his early years. But by the time he was 88, he’d had enough and wrote “Why I won’t Vote”, explaining his decision to abstain from voting in the 1956 presidential election and how he had learned over his years that the political system was completely controlled by the wealthy, powerful, corporate forces. Same thing as Eugene Debs over 50 years before him and nothing that others knew 100 years before that. The only answer is to change the political systems to give everyone a say, i.e., direct democracy. To me, the situation has become obvious.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 25, 2024 3:07 AM

RE: mission creep
It’s not just police. The grocery store nearest my house, prior to Covid, had unarmed security guards. Now the security guards have body armor, gun and half a dozen clips of amo. There’s nothing in that store that is worth someone’s life or any rational reason for such firepower.

Jun 25, 2024 6:23 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Maybe some destitute people robbed the store of food. Capitalism tends to have that result. But whether the cost of guards and armaments is worth is is questionable.

les online
les online
Jun 25, 2024 9:44 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Are you sure they are there for the store’s security ?
Sounds like A Protection Racket, to me…

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 25, 2024 1:47 PM
Reply to  les online

They have tags that say “security” but I don’t know why they are there at all. It’s common practice in many grocery stores in my city. I assume that the stores contract with the security firms that hire them. Lay out a scenario for me…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 26, 2024 10:48 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Simple: They are there to secure only people who has the Mark of the Beast 666 lipo nano Satan particles can buy and sell in the grocery store. Coming to you in the near future. Fixed.

Jun 25, 2024 2:06 AM

Line up, line up. Bypass the Medical Industrial Complex and get your vaccines direct from your local supermarket:

Jun 25, 2024 6:26 AM
Reply to  Johnny

There are a vast array of poisons in the food, both fresh and processed. They have been there for decades. I wonder if the covert jabs will be any worse.

Jun 27, 2024 6:25 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Interesting question, how many affluent democratic consumers in the freedom loving “Western” world shorten their lives by overconsumption of heavily processed foods?

For comparison: The Vaxx kills 12 Million per year globally. Starvation kills 6 Million per year in the Third World.

Jun 25, 2024 1:55 AM

It is estimated that in the US there are more than ten million incidents of domestic violence every year, most unreported.

The murder and sexual assault figures within families is horrific.

The highest incidence of family violence occurs in households occupied by a police officer.

What hope the United States of atrocities?

Jun 25, 2024 7:03 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Narcotics, guns, ending hospitalisation for the violent insane.. Every little bit helps in depopulation.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 26, 2024 11:23 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Seven million out of these ten million were men beaten to pickfish by women.
“US woman was biting her husband to death because he refused to have intercourse with her for over 3 weeks.” https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/topic/60822-woman-bites-husband-to-death/
“US woman taken into custody for punching her lover so he lost 6 teeth, because he tried to break up their relationship”. https://honey.nine.com.au/latest/woman-punches-boyfriend-break-up/1ebd1cdd-b6c0-4a07-bf06-27b467d33586
“Two US women knocked their uncle unconscious to take his wallet.”.
“A mother in Bronx forced her 2 sons to sell their butts on the streets, denied them access to the house without money”.

“If only women were in power globally instead of men, we would have peace in our time”,
(slogan from liberals in the 1980-90’es).

Jun 24, 2024 11:43 PM

We were captured some time ago. Covid resulted in a full military take over. DoD and HHS thru use of Constitutional Laws captured us all and we are still under martial law. Wakeup

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 26, 2024 11:45 PM
Reply to  Karla

People are cowards and dont have guts to criticise the military.

Therefore the Police who have done none of these martial laws, operation warp speed, drug trade, putting the Constitution out of function, become handy scapegoats.

Police state, Police violence, Police creep, muah muah muah.  😫 

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 24, 2024 10:04 PM

Sometimes the police state rhetoric can be played “from the other side” i.e. to pose as concern about a police state whilst trying to impose an actual police state:


“New York Inches Closer to Police State with Bonkers Proposed Rule”

Ooh sounds scary! But hang on!:

“The governor and New York City mayor are mulling banning face masks in the subway.”

Yup! It’s the banning of masks that signals the police state!

As if aware of how idiotic this sounds, our hack squad resort to this:

“Prohibiting pro-Palestininan protesters from wearing masks on public transit will make it significantly easier for them to be targeted and tracked by the New York Police Department…”

So…. are the masks supposed to protect the vulnerable from Evil Covid? Or are they to meant to protect pro-Palestinian protestors from police harassment?

As if once again aware that they are coasting into confused.com, these scribes try another evasive manoeuvre. And what better than to play the old “antisemitic” card:

“Hochul’s and Adams’s insistence on equating pro-Palestinian protesters, and their safety precautions, with violent antisemitic rhetoric could also have incredibly dangerous repercussions to those who wish to safely and peacefully oppose Israel’s U.S.-backed genocide in Gaza.” 

Jun 24, 2024 9:43 PM

comment image

Jun 25, 2024 2:43 AM
Reply to  niko

In India this “third choice” is called Non Of The Above – NOTA. It has become popular in some areas.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jun 25, 2024 8:57 AM
Reply to  antonym

That only works if any party polling less than nota loses their deposit. A system proposed by Peter Hitchens.

Jun 24, 2024 9:40 PM

“Every time I hear a political speech or I read those of our leaders, I am horrified at having, for years, heard nothing which sounded human. It is always the same words telling the same lies. And the fact that men accept this, that the people’s anger has not destroyed these hollow clowns, strikes me as proof that men attribute no importance to the way they are governed; that they gamble – yes, gamble – with a whole part of their life and their so called vital interests.”

-Albert Camus

les online
les online
Jun 25, 2024 9:48 AM
Reply to  niko

“Quack ! Quack !”
(‘political speech’ is Duckspeak.)…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 26, 2024 11:50 PM
Reply to  niko

A man is talking on the telephone behind a glass partition; you cannot hear him, but you see his incomprehensible dumb show: you wonder why he is alive”.

There is nothing new under the sun.

Jun 28, 2024 4:14 PM
Reply to  niko

I tried to read this guy when i was a teenager and could not get past the first few pages…see my always relevant username)
Seems like a true dystopian visionary ahead of his time.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jun 24, 2024 9:37 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-06-23. Double rates of severe brain fog, psychiatric destabilization and accelerated dementia for the jabbed (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).

Jun 27, 2024 6:33 AM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

From your Link (search “Dementia”):

“Severe brain fog, psychiatric destabilization and accelerated dementia are some of the saddest but most common Vaxx injuries I see (especially since no one believes them). Large datasets now show the vaccines roughly double the rates of those conditions. (tweet).”

Thom 9
Thom 9
Jun 24, 2024 8:39 PM

The (s)election process has become a theatre of the macabre.
Oh how the ruling Satanic Oligarchy must just laugh at the masses believing that they have some power to decide their own fate. How those same evil beings must gather round their trough and position themselves by whatever means necessary to increase their position and place.
Certainly we can see how we all have been led down the “Police State” garden path. It started so many years ago with the advent of television with such shows as “Dragnet” ,“1Adam12”, right through to all the CSI and Law and Order franchises. The conditioning or perhaps tenderizing has seeped into all things.
And now we see the fruition of the total Police State ripening before our eyes on a daily basis.
Just other day I watched the local police force attend a ‘call” in military greens.
Like the returning Praetorian Guard and its legions returning from battle to be employed in Rome as the gangs terrorizing its citizens and justifying Caesar’s need for a standing army. Besides for these drunk on power elites there’s money to be made from controlling the populace. Rule by fear…

Jun 24, 2024 8:16 PM

admin sam 2 will be head librarian by day book burner memory holer by night

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 25, 2024 12:04 AM
Reply to  charles

The Nazis burned books, painstakingly authored, edited, printed and bound in an era when publishing was a craft not a production line. They did it in order to suppress opinion which threatened their fascist ideology.

They did not burn mouthy, adolescent trolls anonymously shit-posting their latest petty grievances.

Perhaps if they had, some might argue, they would have been doing humanity less of a disservice, but that’s not for admin to comment about and we certainly don’t condone immolating trolls. We’re simply heading off comments on that theme.

In short, say something other than repetitive petulance or you don’t get through. Is that so hard to understand? A2

Jun 25, 2024 10:21 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

History never taught me what kind of books the NS were burning, turns out it was degenerate filth including scientific evidence for sex change, think Magnus Hirschfeld.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 25, 2024 12:13 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Those wholesome nazis.

Jun 28, 2024 4:09 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Yes I am sure they were really into the natural life and not at all into technocracy and relentless industrialisation, and their mission was just to rid humanity of the bad apples and not at all to create a global totalitarian empire with their corporate partners.

My sarcasm meter is peaking again!

Jun 24, 2024 7:06 PM

I would vote for the Trump Disruption even if he didn’t have the Q-Anon AI time-traveller thing going on. Starmer, however…

les online
les online
Jun 24, 2024 11:49 PM

USA Democrats election winning slogan:
“A vote for Trump is a vote for riots and mayhem !”
That is, the Democrats promise four years of hell if
they’re not re-elected…

Straight out of the 1930s German brownshirts playbook…
(ie “If you want us to stop smashing the place up, vote
for us !”)…

Jun 25, 2024 6:35 PM

lesser of 2 evils.. 💤 

Jun 24, 2024 6:50 PM

What about RFK jr… is he lesser then the 2 evils..?
Will you be voting John & Nisha ..?