AUDIO: Predicting the CBDC Rollout
James Corbett joins Paul Brennan on Reality Check Radio to talk about the looming threat of Central Bank Digital Currencies.
You can read our full CBDC archive here. Reality Check Radio is an independent radio station based in New Zealand. Tune in via their website. A full transcript is available via The Corbett Report.
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For Vagabard and all those desperate Israel hangers on. This clip is the ultimate in terrified blockage of any view that detracts from the Zionist psychosis:
“Here’s the news from Gaza … but who believes the terrorist input from terrorists who terrorize! What can you do to heal Palestine?”
“Well we need to get help …”
“Stop evading the question! Fucking Hamas bastards! What do you say?”
“Well ….”
“Shut up you bastard! Fucking Hamas beheading their own babies! Fucking fucking fucking!”
Fortunately I’m not on ‘x’ so I’ll have to let the psychosis continue. The soap & water is thatta way ==>
The psychosis is non-stop and not being on x won’t help you.
In the 1980s and 1990s, there was some half-hearted talk of the need to define terrorism, and the “root causes of terrorism”. Such loose talk soon buried.
James Corbett joins Paul Brennan on ”Reality Check Radio ”
ironic that something called Reality Check Radio with investigator journalists James Corbett have never got off there fat lazy a£$ and spoken to real people in the low paid, disabled, poor category of society.
The U.K and Austraila and USA have had CBDC under the umbrella name called food vouchers for the last 15/25 years. Infact the U.K has had milk vouchers for poor children since the 40’s.
U.K Tory government now wants to go further than it has already gone in 14 years and have PIP payment paid as CBDC.
It’s the way Australian ‘welfare’ has been linked to vaccine status that’s so alarming and shows where this is meant to go….
CBDC’s and the other forms of digital payment systems are completely flawed as they rely upon the availability of electrical power and a network to operate on.
So what happens when the power is out for a day, a week, a month or more potentially.
see the Carrington Event:
PS We are in the solar maximum of this 11 year solar cycle…
Of course CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currency) represent the latest offering in the Satanic Oligarchy’s total control grid. CBDC=Control Banking Destroy (real) Currency.
The entire transhumanist / metaverse crack pipe dream relies on an endless amount of electricity and infinitely functional hardware without the need for maintenance by human operators. Among countless other inanities…
New technology will link all the Blockchain chains, be they CBDCs, capital markets, Etherium and other “autonomous” chains,….. Focusing just on CBDCs is naive.
Replatforming Global Finance | Sergey Nazarov at Fidelity Center for Applied Technology (FCAT), ChainLink, 6/12/24, 35 minutes.
For the individual, CBDCs are the most important and dangerous of any financial system.
As I commented in my ealier post to Bryan, the progtammabjlity makes these instruments far more dangerous.
Of course, they’re going to be sold on convenience, security etc. and, of course people will buy into it.
It will probably work on a bonus/malus scheme where you get bonus points for being green for example and points decucted for ungreen activities.
This will all be fun to start with, a bit like green shield stamps.
Until that day when you try to book that trip of put that fuel in your car.
And there’s no stamps left.
“5000 years of Germany: Germanic life in 620
pictures (A guided tour in 620 pictures through
German prehistory & Germanic culture)”, 1936.
In recent decades, the chances of survival
of this people have been reduced to practi-
cally zero … with ever-increasing intensity.
Nazis regarded Anglos as racial equals (“Nordics”).
Germanic tribes originated in Denmark & southern
Maps by Hillen-Ziegfeld, owner of Erwin Runge Verlag,
employee of Institute for Spatial Research after WW2.
Politically, this misjudgment may have been their most
devastating mistake, leading to their downfall (and in
the long run, the downfall of the entire white race).
Swedes still cultivate a peculiar tradition named
ox dance. In Germany called Rüpeltanz (Rüpel =
lout). Somewhat reminiscent of “finger-pulling”.
Bronx-Anglos trying to imitate it authentically.
A much more confrontational way of “communi-
cating” than the harmless fidgeting of the Scots.
Btw., incidentally, the operator of the website
is Jewish. So it may come as no surprise how
the assessment of Hillen-Ziegfeld’s map turns
out. Apparently a name not unknown in Israel.
The “downfall of the white race” is another preposterous racialist fever dream. Western white cultures are facing the consequences of 1000 years of imperialistic colonialism combined with mass genocide and wholesale looting. Did you think they would get away with it?
The core of the problem is the eradication of indigenous (so-called “pagan”) western culture and replacement with the Abrahamic poison.
What you’re looking at now is a state of decay and disintegration that can only bring about a rebirth- but if you insist on racialism, the whites are looking pretty frail and driven insane by power, and unlikely to make it through tough times!
“The “downfall of the white race” is another preposterous racialist fever dream”.
Wikipedia says the Kalergi Plan has been de-bunked so that’s all right then!
The root problem for all things NOW including CBDCs, is no matter how the elite frame these proposals-that-are-slammed-down-Humanity’s-throat these policies solely serve the profit growth of the top 5% while harming and victimizing the bottom 90%. For the central banks and all the banking systems to perform as a service to Humanity they must be socialized to public control so whatever they do serves society’s needs, not the elite. The FED is a public-private-partnership, in other words cloak privatized, serving the FIRE (finance, insurance, real estate) sector. CBDCs will make us remote control serfs. The same applies for the wars, the poverty, the artificial conflict of defunded societies with it’s crime, homelessness, pollution, social friction, classism, racism and surveillance police state to keep the plebs authority-less. And then just look at what meatbags the Uniparty has to offer as king: two old, too stupid, too corrupt and senile-psycho fools tottering at the edge of reality. It’s time!!!
Like him or loathe him, Tucker Carlson just gave the Australian media a serve of shit salad.
And you can feel them squirm:
Boris Johnson, London and the UK get a serve as well.
I squirm that supposedly awake people believe this horseshit.
Tucker with his proudly double vaccination logo on his website and twitter account and facebook.
That CIA Tucker that makes the media squirm. 😂
that worked for fox news. 😂
Well, he ain’t talkin the walk then.
His remarks about vaccines at this talk contradicts that logo.
So what gives?
I reckon he’s just a vain fool anyway. Russell Brand had him dumbstruck.
BTW, I couldn’t see any vaccines logo anywhere.
What gives?
Any prediction by nature is a distraction of the solution, which is being in the stillness of NOW.
The mass training our collective Minds are getting now through the created fear waves of 9/11, WMD, Covid, CO2 and now WWIII is to start discarding these false negatives in favor of looking and finding positives. The stillness of NOW, without desires, wishes or even trying is a big door opening.
Why so much paranoia about an acronym “CBDC”? Why is so much antipathy being foisted upon letters: do ‘we’ honestly think previous forms of ‘money’ set us free? And why can we not link previous forms of capital and currency with the destruction of soil fertility and the uncertain future of food—as per the previous two weeks of ‘reality check’ and ‘#solutionswatch’?
In any truly solution-oriented reality-check, money and land are inextricably linked. The biocapacity of the land is the limiting factor of the amount of money as credit that can be advanced. So said the Physiocrats with their Tableau Economique, but Classical, and most especially NeoClassical Economics, deliberately departed from ecological delimitation with their ‘labour theory of value’. Provided with sufficient or unlimited capital (K) then labour (L) can produce infinite “subjective” value… in theory… if and only if the labourer does not need to eat and capital can be produced from thin air without relation to the soil… which it cannot.
But theoretical fallacy did not stop the rise of free-market fundamentalism as ecology-free, reality-free expropriation from devalued (racialised) productive labourers in the Third World and from their land (acquired as terra nullius colonialism by the “Doctrine of Discovery”; specifically because the nonwhite indigenous occupants where not ‘improving’ the unowned value of their land.)
So all of this “expropriation by dispossession” (as primary bioaccumulation) was “subjectively acceptable” right up to the point where the difference between the expropriated productive value of their labour and the dispossessed value of their land and resources—claimed as ‘ours’ by legal rights of untold violence—and the amount of fictitious numerological capital we have embodied as consumed over the last two hundred years becomes economically and ecologically destabilised… only then does it then it become ‘subjectively’ registered as potentially intrusive?
Everything we ever worked for was egregiously and violently intrusive as imperially invasive on subhumanised Unpeople and their ‘unoccupied’ land subject to our net expropriative imperialism; which is what current EuroAmerican settler-colonial wealth and health was and is built on… the embodied currency of dead aboriginal children, exterminated species, enslaved economic extractivism, commodity manufacture and cellular-molecular capitalisation which we inhabit as a collective and individual colonial embodiment we never register conceptually, only bodily.
Only when that continuing impact driving of the imperial collectivity of our bodies actively registers the imposition of another “acronym of current colonialism” does this reach the conscious threshold of intrusiveness, invasiveness, imperialism, loss of liberty and so on. When our liberty was and is currently being liberalised for free from the Unpeopled Earth: could there be a purer and more dissociated form of libertarian hypocrisy when our cherished self-absorbed cellular-molecular activity has always been fully fueled and fed by their poverty throughout the entire history of ‘value from money’?
When the bodily imperialism, intrusion and invasion is all ours; it is and always was up to us to us to consume less which we can produce for ourselves ethically… everything else is necropolitical neoliberalisation of the disposed and wretched of the earth we consumed for free.
(Let’s see how free speech is…)
You’ve completely missed the point.
Nobody I know has any problem with digital currency per se.
You can stuff your Applemac with as much funny munny as you like. Your loss.
Wha I do have a problem with is PROGRAMMABLE CBDC.
And, make no mistake, it comes as a package
Was it the odious Von der Leyan or the odious Legarde who even admitted when questioned about the ECBs dogital Euro that there would inevitably be an ‘element’ of programmability built into it.
“Programmability”? You completely miss the point if you cannot see that our entire lives are programmed by capital production. We all work for programmable Number and every choice we ever made was predetermined from before birth. The ideology that there is something ‘new’ under the capital sun is so ludicrous, especially when predicted for more than 150 years.
My point that the imposition, invasiveness and imperialism of capital accumulation as our bodies stands in real world relation to the actual means on modes of our metabolic reproduction alienated from the Rest of humanity and from the land. Only now do we get indignant when the means of or extended social reproduction impinge on our wealth, our health are we moved to even register the indignity we have imposed on the supermajority of our own species for centuries. Did you read our social history? Even the sanitised version of historicity cannot deny that NeoEuropean wealth and health was taken under threat of genocidal liquidation of indigenous Unpeople. When did that stop and when did ‘we’ resume the responsibility of our own socio-metabolic reproduction?
As concrete evidence I offer the UK as a self-evident nation that could never reproduce the level of wealth and health we have achieved from locally sourced resources. Where doe the surplus value come from but net imperialism and parasitism of the Rest? Everybody knows we never had any really extensive resources, that we exported manufacture in order to consume imported wealth that we pay fuck all for. ‘CBDC’ extends our credit further, or else we make our own goods from dead fish and nearly exhausted hydrocarbon reserves we squandered years ago.
‘We’ need to get real about the imperial forces of production we have enjoyed for too long… without thought, without remorse, without compunction because we took unbounded consumption to be ours by right. The histrionics we are eliciting for an acronym should be reserved for the Unpeople we treat as Host of our radical thoughtlessness. Those who achieved the highest levels of material wealth the earth and its Unpeople can afford cannot stop bitching about the threat of loss we have begun to perceive… loss that has yet to occur, unlike the loss of dignity we have imposed for centuries. Our liberty is their poverty… but that never bothered anybody up to now. Which probably has something to do with our self-serving colonial programming we embody from birth.
So in short, we are powerless to change anything and are now powerless to stop ourselves from disappearing up our own arses. And it only serves us right. Meanwhile all those other nations we dispossed are also going to disappear up their (or possibly our) arses too. After all, there’s nothing left. No more hydrocarborators or whatever.
Good to know!
No, the exact opposite. The choice is always ours to make, but we have to make it collectively. The emerging ideology of a top-down hierarchy that everybody seems predetermined to make is a disempowering fallacy. From Aristotle; we formed political affiliations (like household estates, villages, city-states as the “polis of the political“) in order to secure the ‘good life’… by reducing Other human potential to the “bare life minimum” by successive collective choice… (oikonomia as political association cybernetics, political ‘master’ science or ‘man-management’ by democratic choice.)
The whole “fear and anxiety” ideology focused on acronyms (‘CBDC’, ‘H1N5’…) bears no relation to the really-real determinative consumer choices we are making right now as an extended political economic metabolism… the global “body politic” (corpus politicum) in which we are embedded as bodies… by choice.
Yet, we did not exactly choose this scenario to our own satisfaction, we inherited an ossified set of collective choices–as a statutory obligate mutuality–that were already unfit for consumption (pun intended) when we were born, or better thrown into a shit soup of short-term, life-blind and life-incoherent choices that we failed to politically analyse and reject as evolutionarily redundant… if not actually economically evil.
The premise here is under the rubric of ‘reality checking’… “oh look, a traumatogenic acronym”… what is real-time reality-checking about that? Compared with which, right now hundreds of thousands of tonnes of ‘good life’ commodities are arriving in ports throughout the overdeveloped world, to meet our consumer demand with their supply, their depletion, their diminution, and the elimination of their human potential and dignity… to suit our choice and desiring-consumption.
We could choose not to. We could choose to buy less, save more, dump less. We could do lots of things if we wanted to, instead, we ignore the real-time reality of deprivation and focus on creating false anxieties from acronyms that are, and will probable remain future-contingencies… contingent on there being a future. The Third World has much depleted future potentialities, because we are consuming them right now, even as we focus on imaginary projected scenarios triggered by “vicious acronyms”… the psychic energy we focus and expend was Theirs by right, not ours by choice. We could choose otherwise if we took our heads out of our arses and focused on what is really-real, real-time reality-checking for solutions to real problems happening right now. Then we would not need to extend CBDC pre-programming our desire from birth to death.
“the global “body politic” (corpus politicum) in which we are embedded as bodies… by choice.”
Really “by choice”? As workers, we are limited – to say the least – by our consumption options.
“we inherited an ossified set of collective choices”
This describes an unavoidable activity. We always “inherit” these “collective choices”. But are they “choices” at all?
The “overdeveloped world” is certainly on the verge of a massive reduction. But it isn’t geared to any paradigm that will benefit the masses.
The “elimination of their human potential and dignity… to suit our choice and desiring-consumption”? As so often in cumbersome (but superficially impressive) sentence construction, it is often difficult to determine what pronouns refer to (the “their”). But the general tone of your vitriolic comments is to denounce the victims here. “Our” choice? Do we produce in accordance of our genuine desires? Who determines these constantly trumpeted “desires”?
The fixation on acronyms is bizarre. They are irritating to be sure but it’s an irrelevant side issue. Your entire orientation here seems to be redundant since it seems more obvious by the day that the essentials of life are gradually being removed from easy reach for most of the population whilst the crap is constantly being shoved at them in the form of the latest whizz bang gimmick. Going by your obvious contempt for the population, you presumably look forward to more of the same. Meanwhile those undoubtedly dispossessed third world populations are presumably on the verge of some triumphant retribution to be wreaked on us. But we all know that they themselves are on the verge of even further devastations which will be blamed on the very shortages which you yourself are gleefully predicting. .
What? If we cannot make any distinction between what is really-real–like bodies and the hundreds of millions of tonnes of material we consume globally–and abstract entities–like corporations, money, and the dreaded ‘agenda’–then we cannot begin to pin language down to anything substantive. And if we cannot think of what is happening in the real world in concrete terms, then to what does language refer?
It is an age old problem that gets little traction here, but the inherited paradigm–call it Cartesian, dualism, ontological idealism or whatever–is completely false in every possible way… but that never stopped anybody spouting verbiage about top-down causality and lizard hierarchies.
Everybody wants to blame some imaginary and inexistent other rather than look at the aggregated amount of stuff we consume as everyday consumer living. What we consume is the problem, not the imaginary phantasms that everybody confects.
It is our consumer lifestyle that causes poverty, suffering, malnutrition, resource depletion, ecotoxicology, species extinction… us an nobody else.
Again, the form of words does not matter it is the concrete state of affairs on the earth that matters… the words are just utterance tokens. My point is not hard to understand: we consume more than we need to to maintain our bodies in health and to do that we exploit the Third World… everybody knows that is the case. Nobody made us do it. We continue to choose to do it. There is no real counterargument, just bluff.
Therefore: we are responsible for the current global crisis. And we are responsible for the ‘reality-check’ and the ‘solutionswatch’ which we continually avoid and renege upon by blaming hallucinated manipulators and controllers who inhabit our heads.
What is even at issue here? Style or content? The First World exploits the Third World is hardly anything but a matter of historical fact. The issue is in the inordinate amount of time, resources, and ever more elaborated ways we employ to deny the blindingly obvious… we get our surplus energy and surplus materials from the rest of the world and we do not give anything of equal value in exchange is a brute fact of existence we seek to avoid.
That there is no other reason for the current crisis is bleedingly obvious. If it is not the form of words we cannot agree upon, perhaps it is the form of life we lead as embodied expropriators we cannot agree upon? There is nothing ‘gleeful’ about the appeal to recognise the real conditions of our social reproduction and conserve what commonpool material resources are left for posterity for all people to share. Those who want to conserve life indefinitely can hardly be said to be acting out of hate, can they? I’m not sure if the same can be said for those who cannot face the current crisis without obscuring brute facticity with ‘CBDC’ non-entities?
So a bizarre defensive dance into epistemological twaddle followed by more fury at some mysterious “we”. So what are YOU doing Bryan to contribute to this indefinitely sustainable paradise of utmost Spartan depletion? You’re certainly not abandoning your computer.
You know, you make it hard not to get personal. Despite your comment: I started with “cellular autopoiesis”; “surplus energy economics” and so forth and laid out my “epistemological twaddle” in… well, non-rigorous terms… because nobody was interested. But I did at least try to point out the metaphysical nonesense everybody takes as ‘reality’.
I would still prefer is we actually did “doubt everything” and build “our analysis” on solid foundation… that is: not on the same culturally indoctrinated metaphysics. This has been done before though, and one person who took “doubt everything” seriously was Marx. Socio-ecologic metabolism was his epistemological twaddle, especially as rejuvenated by Bellamy Foster (who has written many books).
What you call “twaddle” is in fact epistemologically sound, as quite literally “grounded in the ground”…. Unlike Western metaphysics, which is grounded in thin air. So if you ever wanted to do epistemology we can. If not, you can carry on projecting ungrounded vitriole from your head to other heads without ever referencing anything epistemically grounded ever.
Would you even be inclined to make an ontological differentiation between “intensional reference” (in the head) and “extensional reference” (in the world)? Or would you dismiss that as ‘bizarre’ or ‘twaddle’? There is a distinction to be made, but here is not the place to make it… because nobody wants to.
If you cannot see the human species as an irreducible economic whole, that does not mean that it is not the case. It just means your map is of another territory that is of no use outside of the personalised personal echochamber one inhabits.
Sorry to be so blunt, but all you do is mock any attempt to create a better map-territory navigation of actually occurring economic reality at the all-inclusive level of enactment of our bodies… which is actually pre-conceptual biophysics… for the actually embodied and embedded epistemological record.
I would love if you WERE blunt but your waffle de doo dah becomes more impenetrable with each post. Is this “concrete reality”? God help us!
What ?
You completely failed to engage with what is currently happening right now in order to blether about “funny munny”… I’m talking about actual material (concrete) flows and biophysical logistics we are already in the stream of as embedded and embodied an extended socio-ecologic metabolism (Stoffwechsel) of commodity circulation (a term I have defined and linked to elsewhere)… which basically equates to the stuff arriving in the various ports of the overdeveloped world (to develop our social appetites further) which means our consumptogenic demand is already exceeding the earth and its Unpeople’s ability to supply us is overstretched; which is one of the meanings of impending metabolic rift.
Compared to which ‘CBDC’ is an abstract ideological acronym amounting to an extension of credit to consume the remains of the earth’s ecology. So ‘we’ can talk for days about ‘H1N5’, the ‘WEF’, and ‘Ceebee Beebies” for days like they are an actual threat, but the hundred of thousands of tonnes of net imperial expropriation arriving now to feed our ego-economics fail to register. How about changing your avatar to “Clutching at straw men” and engaging with the real?
I cannot be bothered to point out that all money is fiat and is bound to fail without extension of the credit/debt cycle. Or that money is something we agree upon that has value, is fungible and acts as a store of nothingness and hot air. Only the material flows that maintain our commodified bodies and are extended into consumer ‘goods’ are really-real, not the ‘money’. Money is a future claim on material production and consumption that very much looks as if it will not happen. But the expropriated material at the docks and in the shops is really, really-real… as is the poverty and suffering it costs Them to provide it for us for free.
But let us not talk about that, let us talk about a figmentary ‘them’ who are oppressing us innocents… and let us never mention just how much we oppressed the Rest then and now. That would not be polite, acceptable or rational discourse… not when we’ve got straw-men to build and blame out of thin air.
“Funny munny”, like any other money, is the universal equivalent and as such is very real. You are like a rich person lecturing the poor that money doesn’t matter.
‘CBDC’ is an abstract ideological acronym’
It stands for ‘central bank digital currency’
Sorry, I shouldn’t have just assumed you knew that.
If you’re talking about Empire, which I think you are, what reperations do you think we should make ?
You will be aware that ‘levelling up’ is straight from the global communist playbook and last time I checked that’s all been a tad discredited.
A better description would be ‘levelling down’ where you give away your personal wealth to soothe your soul but, instead of some magic Robin Hood system, some bastard in the middle nicks it all.
By all means give your money to charities involved in this kind of work.
At least you’ll be sure their CEO sleeps very comfortably.
Degrowth is levelling down, and levelling up for the Third World as soon as we stop extracting our surplus from them. Which you must know I’ve said a thousand times before. It is not about charity, it is about making substantive changes in the organisational behaviour of society… changes that been made patently clear that nobody actually wants to make. Fair enough, but it is the elaborate charade we go through that still intrigues me. What is so radically new about ‘CBDC’ that has gor eveybody so hot and bothered? As I said: intrusion, invasion and imperialism are what we do to feed ourselves, but that never bothered anybody. The way we have treated the rest of the world is morally evil, but it barely registers any emotional response. We do not care one jot about how may nonwhite or white people we kill, or how many species we make extinct, or how much pollution we make… but those pathological letters symbolise all of our projected antipathy. I call that pure hypocrisy, over and out.
Er……Programmability. Still.
You are deliberately ignoring the crux of my message.
CBDC is part of the digitilisation of everything, moving us further and further away from connection with the natural world and as such creating further detachment from the issues you suggest we are apathetic towards. As you mention, it is also facilitates a continuation of the economic model which is sapping energy and resources from the planet, or more likely accumulating such within certain narrow sections of society. To deny any hierarchical design and discredit certain lines of enquiry into the mechanisms underlying the current societal mess, to me, appears hypocritical.
The academic evaluation that underpins your arguments may hold some useful insights, but as described is inaccessible to the majority’s understanding and appears to omit/disregard a number of factors, in turn detracting from the validity of the overall message (for example corruption, disinformation and ‘lost’ knowledge inherent within indigenous people and ancient civilisations). If you gave some insight into what you are doing on a personal level, it may lend some credence to your frame of reference and allow discourse on a mutually accessible level.
Either you are well meaning but naive or you have an ‘anti-human’ agenda.
Your comments read like those of the communtarian globalist agenda. Communtarianism is a rebranding of communism. It is the language of the globalists and UN Agenda 21/2030.
You speak of caring for the Global South but refer to it as the “Third World”. The politically correct such as yourself should realise that the it has not been called the Third World in decades. It was next called the Developing World and currently the Global South.
In your plan you want to see degrowth in the developed world and levelling-up in the “Third World” (as you called it). Bearing in mind the sheer number of people in the Global South vs the developed world, how will that affect resource usage?
Is the grand plan of the controllers such that ALL the plebs are reduced to a subsistence level of living? Is it also to see a marked reductiion in the number of people on Earth?
You already know the answer to those last two question. Yes and yes. That does not seem to bother you. You have aligned yourself with those who wish to create a techno-feudal socioeconomic system. Perhaps, you see yourself as a beneficiary in such a system or you are a nihilist.
Damn, wish I’d said that !
Is this normalizing it before the roll out of the above.??
It seems to be common now to be locked out of the online banking app or issues logging in.
Before ICT became common, all major establishments familiarised us with the counter-top and other signboards that said “Computer system down”. That was 40-50 years ago.
I used to listen to Corbett a little. But, sorry, man. So I don’t know what he said, sorry, man, but anything issued by central banks certainly isn’t a good thing and is in consonance with the total global control and governance project taking place while the frogs sit in their little pots boiling away. It’s kind of like the earlier article on AI and how not to believe anything anymore, I think we can cut to the chase and just say, fuck that, hell no, and shove it up your arse. Abolish central banks, hang the MFers operating them, and create just and free societies across planet earth. Amen and power to the people.
Good quote.
This will lift your spirits;
Neat link, thanks
Thanks for the link Johnny.
Anyone with a guitar collection like James is all good.
Hey James!
Any Japanese Strat copies in that collection?
Not necessarily. In the past I’ve known a few people with great guitar collections who were pretty f***ed up.
Maybe they were collectors rather than players Sal.
I’ve only got 7 guitars at the moment’ Last night I put a set of Gotoh Schaller M6 clone machine heads onto my latest acquisition, a Washburn Oscar Schmidt acoustic with quite a good sustain. I sanded the bridge saddle about 2mm likewise the nut about 1mm, after measuring the string height to neck and guitar body, and now it plays quite reasonably.
The only strat-like thing I have is a black Ibanez Roadstar 2 1985 which will do most things a strat will do. It’s Ibanez’s strat copy. I let go of the best guitars I had. 52 Les Paul Gold top $90 from an NY pawn shop in 1967, and a 57 Les Paul Custom 3 PAFs nickel and abalone, Bigsby. $900 Australian, 2 months on the Melbourne Grant’s Standfast whisky bottling line. Shit, sounded and played like a dream Don’t ask.
I have three Ariel. A Godin semi acoustic, a Gibson 339, which I will probably sell, and a J45, which has become a body appendage.
I’ve owned a few others, but when I first picked up the J45 and started playing, I was hooked. The bottom end feels almost spiritual to me.
Those Folks who work at Gibson acoustic factory are craftspeople of the highest order.
Yeah. I also had a beloved 1968 J45 which I bought via a Melbourne Age advert for A$ 200 in 1977 to replace the Yamaha I had worn out. It’s the tone, and the action. They knew how to set them up properly.
That guitar as yours probably still does sounded just right like the acoustics played by Scotty Moore, Elvis, the Everly Brothers et al.. I wore it out as well. In 2015 I gave it to a 16 year old Irish player in Galway. I’ve replaced it with a Freshman Apollo 4DC semi-acoustic, which is the one used on my arielazalexander Boobtube videos.. I nearly bought a 330 the first time I was in America,,,,for $100, but it was the Les Pauls which did it for me, along with a Marshall all tube 50W. Prices have sure escalated over the years.
You’ve been busy Ariel.
My musical ‘addiction’ has more to do with songwriting.
I wrote a couple of dozen songs back in the 80s and 90s but in 2006 the floodgates opened and about 4000 songs poured out. Nuts hey?
I’ve recorded about forty of them and they still keep coming.
I busk regularly and have a backpack full of songs that I serenade the locals with.
They must like them because sometimes they give me money, or even buy one of my
Music is magical🎶😊
I was hoping you would provide a link to musical Johnnyland. Well actually songwriting is the thing. How to capture the breeze, and the stuff that pierces your heart in whatever way, and mould it, trim it down to an unforgettable core. Maybe even dance to it.
In 2007 I recorded some tracks with my keyboard player from 2 bands, just us and the computers. It gives a sorta band version. It’s probably still there on soundcloud at ariel a, alexander wales.
That’s all he would do. A lot of my songs are too political for fearful musos to co-operate with. I don’t even understand why YT even let me continue, except that they blocked me from commenting for a long time, but still allowed the songs up. 4000? I could only manage about 300 (so far) I was doing much better on Brighteon ’til they had server trouble and wanted to cut us all back to 50 videos.I was doing very well communication wise with subscribers. Brighteon then proceeded to dump all my best stuff while promising to do the opposite.
C’est la vie.
Here is a link (I hope) Ariel.
The band is now kaput. It was recorded in 2014:
It lynx all right. I get the idea, poppy. I should imagine that it’s progressed a bit since then. I joined a metal band in Melbourne out of ‘The Age’ in 76 and converted them to rock and roll, plus writing a whole set of new and much more political rock. I was faced in 77/8 with the fact that I only knew enough musicians in LA or Bath, England to put a band together, For some reason I chose Bath, George Dragota had a rehearsal studio , well 2 actually, behind his house on Highland within site of the Hollywood Bowl, where I lived for a bit. He was the drummer for Mallard, what Captain Beefheart’s band evolved into after Beefheart.
A home made studio, recorded to tape, four first time amateurs.
We did okay. Sold a thousand.
Guitars for me were like girlfriends, they came and went and eventually I found what I wanted. My ’87 Takamine Jumbo Acoustic w/cedar top and my G&L Legacy Strat. Oh ya and a short scale Jag Bass for spanking it once and awhile. Guitars are like girlfriends they need love and attention…
As a friend used to say to me;
‘You’ve gotta play them in Johnny’
Take them in your arms and love them.
A guitar harem n’est ce pas, one for each day of the week?!…:)
ooo look its the anti-corbett posters . Edgy..!
Corbett gets the prime-time Friday night slot…
… Israel-bashing will have to wait for a more opportune time
Hardly any Israel-bashing.. when articles written by authors on this site are retracted and a big public display of never again to written by the site.
(Simon elmer for example)
That would be considered a very pro Israel stance.
Out of interest… Whats your thoughts in the massive demonstrations over there regarding Netanyahu coalition government before the Oct 7 happened.
The protests were primarily to do with the proposed judicial reforms, as opposed to being against the Netanyahu government per se. The extent to which Government legislation can be subsequently overturned by the Supreme Court. Perhaps similar to the way the House of Lords in the UK can hinder legislation from the House of Commons.
I have mixed views on it. There do need to be some checks and balances on Government legislation, and yet at the same time, if all legislation is questioned/overturned then what’s the point of an elected government?
Some related the proposed reforms to increasing the rights of ‘settlers’ over Palestinians, although the extent to which the Supreme Court has ever blocked such legislation is questionable.
In short, it’s a valid question. The protests were valid. The optimal relationship between Courts and Government is certainly a matter for due consideration and public concern.
Corbett makes my skin crawl
There’s an ointment for that.
It’s called Tolerance.