Don’t Kid Yourself

Todd Hayen

So many people I read or talk to seem to think that we shrews are making inroads, primarily in the court system. “This is all crumbling down,” they cheer. “The truth is coming out, we are winning!”

Fat chance.

Now, I don’t want to be a 24/7 doomsayer—I DO believe there has been some successful pushback. But just like when an insect develops resistance to an insecticide, it may slow things down a bit, but in the long run, it only teaches the poison manufacturer how to develop a more effective toxin to kill bugs more efficiently.

That’s where I think we are these days. Just like the “virus”—the agenda is mutating so it has a better chance of continuing to hoodwink all of us. Mark my words, fellow shrews. It ain’t over until the fat lady sings (my apologies to overweight opera singers, no offense intended).

We all know what “limited hang-out” means, right? For those of us who need a reminder, here is a quote from Wikipedia (ha ha, I know, I know…)

According to Victor Marchetti, a former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a limited hangout is “spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.”[1][2] While used by the CIA and other intelligence organizations, the tactic has become popularized in the corporate and political spheres.[3]”

Get my drift? Most of the “making inroads” stuff you hear is more than likely limited hangout stuff. How could it not be? All of these “crumbling” doctors, politicians, and alphabet soup medical organizations “finally admitting” their wrongdoing—oh please, gag me with a spoon.

Yeah, they “admit” they “made mistakes,” or that “they just didn’t have all the information,” but in the next breath, they still recommend vaccine boosters for the elderly and for children. Give me a break.

All the while these court systems we all think are finally “doing what’s right” return a guilty verdict in one of the most pointless court cases seen in the Western World since Freisler’s People’s Court of Nazi Germany (well, maybe not that bad, but headed in that direction!) When we see something like this, all an effort by Trump’s opposition to cripple the democratic process in the election of an American president, it can send shivers down your spine.

I am not a Trump supporter, but I say let the people decide. One more example of where the real crumbling is taking place—a crumbling US Constitution and Rule of Law.

Oh, right, right…the Trump case in New York is a clear example of the “Rule of Law”—rah, rah, boom bah. “No one is above the law,” as Trump’s presidential opponent Joe Biden proudly proclaimed after the guilty verdict (on all 34 counts, no less!) was handed down.

Do people really think that all that court nonsense was “fair” and business as usual in the US court/legal system? Do people really think that Trump’s trial, court proceedings, jury and judge selection, and verdict, were really not biased decisions, and not in fact entirely created as a partisan witch hunt in an attempt to remove competition because “he might just be the majority’s choice” for president (we can’t have that, can we?) Apparently, they do.

How strange. And those same people believe if Trump is elected he will destroy democracy? Democracy has already been destroyed, my fellow Americans—that is quite clear.

Again, I am not pushing for Trump as president (although he certainly would be a better entertainment choice over Biden. Biden is last season’s TV series, something new and bombastic would be more interesting). But attempting to get rid of him in this way is shameful. And if anyone argues, “We just can’t have a president who has broken the law!” they are naïve beyond reason. What about, “We just can’t have a president that can’t form an intelligible sentence.” After the debate the other night, it seems clear we’ve already got that.

Take the recent “defeat” of the WHO’s blatant move to take over the world with their insane Pandemic Treaty. The poison they spewed out with that obvious attempt was apparently a bit too strong. Too many people caught on that it wasn’t such a bright idea to do what they were trying to do. Does anyone really see that treaty failure as a big enough victory that they can go home and curl up in their big comfy quilt with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads? I hope not. The WHO will learn from their errors and go at it again, with a more subtle poison that will be more difficult to detect. And eventually, they will win.

Was the failure of the treaty a setback? Maybe, but Dr. Doom here doesn’t think so. The failure probably has some unseen craftiness, which they may have purposely planned. What about the tactic of limited hangout? Was that put into play in their failure? Maybe so. “Oh, yes, you are right, this treaty is too strong, we will fix it so it isn’t as “bad.”” And then they adjust a few things to make it actually worse but done in such a way no one pays the attention required in order to see the cleverness in which it was re-crafted. So, it passes—next time.

We must be very careful to keep our eye on the sparrow—to see through simple seemingly placating events that have the intention to make us relax and shift our gaze. This is difficult, because some things that happen are indeed legitimate and can be seen as feathers in our caps. We must continue to scrutinize everything, and be willing to see that our guard must not be let down no matter how weary we become.

This is a formidable battle, I do not believe it will ever just “crumble down”—more than likely it will very slowly evolve into the world we all hope to see. If you add a drop of clear water every minute to a glass of dirty water, eventually the glass will clear up. But it will take a very long time.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Categories: latest, opinion, Todd Hayen
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Jul 1, 2024 2:45 PM

As I mentioned on the more recent article:

Trump along with Putin are the puppets placed on the grand chess board to try to usher-in the WW3/Moshiach era, I’m sure quite a few people have realised that by now.

Thom 9
Thom 9
Jul 1, 2024 1:19 AM

Kind of reminds me of that Monty Python skit “I spent 4 hours burying a cat”

Jun 30, 2024 8:44 PM

Insect resistance to pesticides: Evolution. Local ecotypes: Evolution. Speciation: Evolution. Sorry…… I have an axe to grind.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 30, 2024 10:33 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Adaptation, not evolution.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jun 30, 2024 5:01 PM

For every action there is an opposite reaction. The reaction may not be equal in force or intensity but there is always a reaction. We are witnessing the push-pull dynamics of a protracted struggle for control of this planet. The psychopathic elites have the resources, a 24/7/365 mind control apparatus and the institutions on their side; not necessarily totally but way more than enough to get what they want. The COVID Psyop is a case in point, the current climate crisis is another, you cannot turn on the news or watch any programming without some reference to “climate change” embedded in it. Most of us know it’s a scam but they are getting away with it. We have been conditioned to have short memories by the mind control apparatus thus many have forgotten how they were abused by the COVID fear porn despite having some real time ongoing form of… Read more »

Jul 1, 2024 6:32 AM

Those tricked or coerced to take the cull juice are also trying to recover – if they are not dead or physically/mentally paralysed.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jul 1, 2024 2:12 PM
Reply to  mgeo

True, so people many are experiencing illnesses they didn’t have prior to taking the shot(s) and of course many have to deal with the conditions of their children such as sudden deaths, still births and cardiovascular disease to name a few. The long term impact of the COVID shot is still playing out and will play out for years. Died suddenly will continue for more younger people and the elite owned media will not investigate or reveal the true causes. Stay well be strong!

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 1, 2024 10:37 AM

They found the red line in Germany and Austria when mandatory vax was ordered.

Now they have that info they can plan their next attack.

We’re not out of the woods yet

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jul 1, 2024 2:14 PM

I agree they are still using fear porn to predict Disease X and the next “pandemic” so you are correct we are not safe from these miscreants..

Jun 30, 2024 4:43 PM

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Jun 30, 2024 4:55 PM
Reply to  LOL

The black pillers are reminscent of the christian misinterpretation of the gnostic message as being a paranoid belief that the world is created by Satan.

In fact what some of them taught is that the Judaic false god (a psychic parasite that emerged as a byproduct of the infusion of life into the planet by the feminine aspect of the divine) creates a false world based on false belief systems and defiles and degrades everything, eventually replacing it with a fake – they were among the first to talk about simulacra, virtual reality and extraterrestrial entities. The often called the goddess “The Incorruptible” in their teachings (fragmentary Nag Hammadi texts)

Jul 1, 2024 2:00 PM
Reply to  LOL

In ‘Battle for the Mind’ William Sargent says the cynical were the hardest to brainwash. He should know….

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jun 30, 2024 4:40 PM

Well Todd,

I hear what you’re saying and I agree with the majority of it, as usual.

But, you know what, us ‘shrews’ aren’t going to win because we’re so clever.


They’re going to lose because their hubris won’t allow them the latitude to change their perception of us as proles, which we never were.

So, we win by default.

I’ll take that.

Jun 30, 2024 4:24 PM

Pretty amazing don’t ya think..?? That separate Countries supposedly independent of each other and in some cases mortal enemy’s with different languages barriers could have a s/election period all at the same time with virtually the same talking points….

(take note that BS19 is hardly in any of talking point in any of them WWE political debates)

Jun 30, 2024 3:18 PM


Jun 30, 2024 2:55 PM

“Oh, right, right…the Trump case in New York is a clear example of the “Rule of Law”” I think you’re mistaking “Law”. When used in this phrase, it refers to Enlil (economy, money, law). The phrase is said as an act of devotion using symbolism. The other half of the cove is called Enki, and he is Aquarius. His Sumerian nickname is the “Great One”, and he is the source of all the “One” this and “One” that. His wife is Gaia/Eve, and she is the new religion at the UN. The Sumerian “King of the Dead” (Hades. Eve is Death), sits outside the U.N as a statue of a winged panther. She’s the swine in Sunerian mythology, he’s a panther: one eats the flesh of the fruit (blood, money), and one eats the body (material wealth). As Eve, Gaia bit the apple in Eden (forest-steppe), and this is what… Read more »

Jun 30, 2024 3:24 PM
Reply to  wisenox

“Jesus” is actually the psychic seed of Yaldabaoth, aka Yahweh, aka the chief Archon and Lord of the “chosen ones”.
They are a sad and grim lot, those who put themselves above humanity and worship an entity who needs to rule and judge them, as if that proves its divinity.

“Those who do not experience the resurrection while they live, when they die will experience nothing”. This does not refer to doctrine but to lived experience which “Jesus ” is here to obstruct.

Jun 30, 2024 3:34 PM
Reply to  LOL

Resurrection is a symbolic reference. It is symbolized by the Phoenix ( Date Palm, Sunrise and Sunset). It refers to advancements in the fraternal orders, hence “Orange Man Bad”. Orange being the color of sunrise, Trump was symbolically killed in media, and became “Orange Man”.
Trump also likes to call the people livestock ( Co-Feoffee).

Jun 30, 2024 5:41 PM
Reply to  LOL

Yes, he allegedly did refer to his followers as ‘sheep.’

Jun 30, 2024 3:26 PM
Reply to  wisenox

Your assigning a “swine” label to an aspect of the divine feminine is an indicator of the profound misogyny of your programming- a doctrine too gross to be touched by any blasphemy.

Jun 30, 2024 3:30 PM
Reply to  LOL

I didn’t label anything a swine, the Sumerians did. Yaweh is Adam and Eve, they are Twilight, morning and evening.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Jun 30, 2024 1:56 PM

Election hesitant
Election refuser
Election denier
Election conspiracy theorist
Election hater
Election extremist
Election supremacist
Election far right
Election pro choice

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jun 30, 2024 12:09 PM


Out of a population of 350 million people…….

Jun 30, 2024 11:00 AM

No kidding.

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Jun 30, 2024 10:48 AM

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Jun 30, 2024 5:47 PM
Reply to  niko

Or in some cases, they just couldn’t go along with it, as soon as they had the under/overstanding, the power and the strength to simply walk away.

Jun 30, 2024 10:10 AM

The guaranteed winner of the 2024 American and British elections is Israel.

Jun 30, 2024 9:49 AM

Again, I am not pushing for Trump as president (although he certainly would be a better entertainment choice over Biden. Biden is last season’s TV series, something new and bombastic would be more interesting). But attempting to get rid of him in this way is shameful. 

From a psychology operation point of view wouldn’t this stage fake theatre that appeals to voters and the believers in the media drama make people like yourself Todd and off.g think the poor Tommy 10 names is being persecuted…?

Change the name Tommy to Trump or any of the other fake staged orchestrated TV alt media drama and it is the same Modus Operandi.

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Jun 30, 2024 9:34 AM

good read; and one that, although very accurate in many ways, fails to identify the most salient reason for said, ‘limited hangout’: to proffer the masses – including, nay especially the so-called, ‘truthers’ (i.e., ‘conspiracy theorists’; alt right; disenfranchised; etc.) – a few ‘bread crumbs’ to fixate on – and fulminate vs – (i.e., distraction & diversion); whilst the Kakistocracy continues on its pathway of destruction {i.e., entropy & immiseration via: lockdowns; Agenda 2030/SDG’s; ESI; DEI; inflation; unemployment; crime; mental health issues; drug addictions; suicide; etc.; etc.} & construction {i.e., via the implementation of its innovations in high-tech (see: 4IR; Web 3.0: sensors; actuators; nanotech; smart dust; cybernetics; AI/AGI; BCI; neura-link; smart cities/homes/gadgets; contracts; satellite systems; 6/7G; drones; robotics; biometric systems; mRNA gene therapies; precision medicine/food; SIB; HIB; UBI; crypto; CBDC; etc.; etc.)}; for the eventual transition of all living organisms to their termination point of existence: post-humanism/animalism/plantism! That is… Read more »

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jun 30, 2024 9:13 AM

All of the Punch and Judy theatrics around the Orange Man has given him victim status. A status that more Americans have, are and will resonate with. We are watching a show with a ‘messiah’ in the making. Assuming the script is for him to win – which it seems more likely each passing day – it will be attributed to genuine voter support. No accusations of election rigging, dodgy mail-in votes or Dominion counting machines. The controllers want their man to win with the genuine support of the American electorate. It will be a win for ‘democracy’ and give him a mandate to fulfill his role on the world stage with the other political ‘saviour’ figures already in place or soon to be. The question will then be, how these figures will undertake their role to herd the people towards the controllers goals. It certainly seems that the controlled… Read more »

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jun 30, 2024 8:46 AM

Here in UK there is an election on Thursday. The choices are the uniparty (Labour and Conservative) Or a new party, Reform for UK. It maybe that the new party are paid for Wefians like the uniparty but there has been a stramge twist. Labour are way ahead on the polls and look like wiping out the Conservatives. But every man and his dog are saying that they’re going to vote Reform The media have gone into panic mode and are advising people to vote Conservative to avoid a Labour ‘supermajority’ Could it be that Reform were allowed to stand to present an illusion of choice but have now upset the apple cart ? I think this is what happemed with Brexit. They misread the room. I believe Labour’s job in this election was to re-unite UK and Europe so that the global experiment could continue. Have Reform pissed on… Read more »

Jun 30, 2024 7:22 PM

I suspect, more likely, Reform were put up to help Labour. Starmer isn’t charismatic enough to win otherwise, so they needed Reform to try to split the right vote.

Jun 30, 2024 10:54 PM
Reply to  Thom

It’ll be interesting to see if Independent leftist candidates can split the Labour vote (with many highlighting the genocide in Gaza) especially if they can unseat a few prime Labour figures including Starmer. I’d like to see a hung Parliament.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 1, 2024 6:49 AM
Reply to  TomT

Me too.

I’ll pull the lever.

Jun 30, 2024 6:30 AM

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James Robertson
James Robertson
Jun 30, 2024 6:06 AM

This is good, the best thing I have read from you, thanks.

Jun 30, 2024 2:07 AM
Jun 30, 2024 2:10 AM
Reply to  Johnny

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Thom 9
Thom 9
Jun 30, 2024 3:18 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Yeppers! Which one will get to occupy the Turd Temple…Place your bets…

Jun 30, 2024 6:14 AM
Reply to  Thom 9

‘Turd Temple’
That’s a keeper Thom.

Jun 30, 2024 8:02 AM
Reply to  Johnny

with biden you shuffle into final enslavement with drumpf trumped you laugh he is after all an actor a stand up comedy man.
all his kid married into the chabad

he says some good stuff but what he does is the heart of the matter both men overdose on giving employment to khazhar kosher nostra.

looking straight on one views 2 sides of a satanick corrupted compromised arse.

world wide freak show degradation humiliation ritual

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jun 30, 2024 2:46 PM
Reply to  gorden

Chabad has their other boy in place – Vlad the Indestructible.


Once Drumpf is in place, the stage will set for the next act, with the two ‘messiahs’ ready to rock n roll and push forward the agenda.

Jun 30, 2024 9:39 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Baal worship @ beliete (ballot box)
X marks your spot.

Jun 30, 2024 10:50 AM
Reply to  Johnny

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Big Al
Big Al
Jun 30, 2024 4:08 AM
Reply to  Johnny

This will go into pending for hours, but to reply, Johnny, the funny thing about the incessant calls from, usually left, liberal, dem party types, to vote, is that they don’t say what they really mean, which is how important it is to vote for “them”. They aren’t saying that it doesn’t matter who wins, the important thing is that everyone votes. They’re saying indirectly that people need to vote for them, or else. It’s a weird game, but also, how they perpetuate these corrupt political systems by convincing people that they have a choice in things. They can vote! And if you don’t, that’s on you. It is a joke. I can say, I voted to legalize marijuana via a state referendum process, i.e., direct democracy, back in 1999. So, with voting it depends. I agree it’s evil to perpetuate an evil system. But there are other systems that… Read more »

Jun 30, 2024 2:04 AM

Now, I don’t want to be a 24/7 doomsayer—I DO believe there has been some successful pushback. But just like when an insect develops resistance to an insecticide, it may slow things down a bit, but in the long run, it only teaches the poison manufacturer how to develop a more effective toxin to kill bugs more efficiently.


Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

.They negative way you write Todd will keep your “patient” flow on the up forever. By being a doomsayer 23/7 you are helping the Doom to hang around longer.

People with experiences from parallel worlds are positive about our collective future, however very different it may turn out.

Jun 30, 2024 1:54 AM

Fauci tastes a mocktail:


Sad that.

Thom 9
Thom 9
Jun 30, 2024 3:16 AM
Reply to  Johnny

His legacy is all the death he profited from…COVID…AIDS…
May it dog him and his family for the rest of their days…

Jun 30, 2024 1:14 AM
Thom 9
Thom 9
Jun 30, 2024 3:14 AM
Reply to  Johnny

As if Slow Joe wasn’t enough a disaster still Hunter does take the cake and the ribbon and the prize…

Jun 30, 2024 5:55 PM
Reply to  Thom 9

Nope, he’s not (physically) dead yet. On the other hand my little brother has been dead since 2005 from much the same stuff apart from the big money.

Jun 30, 2024 1:06 AM

Better a broken cannon or a cannon shooting blanks, than a loose cannon in the Whitehouse.

Obama wasn’t even a cannon, he was pop gun. The pathetic effort at health system reform a prime example.

The last real cannon was probably JFK, and look where that got him.

The WHO is just playing the same game the unions do.
ie. Submitting an ambit proposal, so they can follow it up with the real thing.

We live in interesting and ince$tuou$ times.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 30, 2024 12:47 AM

I don’t care (almost), since 2040 will be the year when the earths inhabitants will be extremely challenged, most wiped out, by the passing between the sun and earth of the planet Phoenix. Til then I intend to live it up. And anyone who comes near me within an arm’s length wielding a syringe or face rag will have to fight me brandishing my long kitchen knife. 😉

Big Al
Big Al
Jun 30, 2024 12:28 AM

Well, I remember saying over 20 years ago after 9/11 and the resultant war OF terror and all, that “they” would never stop. Said it many times since then and I’m still right. But hey, life’s too short to waste much of it on worthless pieces of garbage. I’m not going to let them take my life away, I’d suggest no one does.

underground poet
underground poet
Jun 30, 2024 9:32 PM
Reply to  Big Al

In the future you get to keep your life, its the quality of life that can drop to zero.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Jun 29, 2024 11:56 PM

I not so sure about the water thing. There are many peasants like the white trash Clintons, Uncle Tom Obamas and inbred Bushes. As long as these backwater tribes need to eat more than you then they will do whatever they can to accurate more than you and not by hard work. They will kill for it and they will steal for it and their kin will learn from this and continue the trend.

So I think its not so much the clean drop of water we need to keep adding to the glass and to be hopeful … I rather like to take that damn relatively minor cup of shit filled pollution and dump it into the vast clean ocean of humanity were we will make it disappear.

I have no time to wait for this.

Jun 30, 2024 6:19 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

‘White trash, Uncle Tom and inbred’
Perfect descriptions Berlin.

Gotta laugh at those strutting clowns.

Jun 30, 2024 10:37 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

I found the white trash offensive
That Tom MacDonald fella is so handsome.
amazing gifted (grifter) rapper.
Stew peters was better.

his amazing lyrics about Trump and Jesus and being a Conservative is so touching.  😂 
how does he find the time to write them wondeful word of poetry.

Jun 30, 2024 3:33 PM
Reply to  Approximately

If offended, don’t worry: white meat is quite tasteless and hence in the least danger of being eaten.

Thom 9
Thom 9
Jun 29, 2024 10:38 PM

What is “legal” is not necessarily “lawful”… “Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you King“-B.Dylan All along the way on the road to hell there have been so many milestones, so many roadside distractions, so much so that the memory hole is now full and spilling back out again. Democracy (mob rule) is dead, long live democracy… But wait I thought America was a republic?! What would Plato say… Oh yes the all important (s)election 2024 is almost upon us so who will be placed at the helm of the USS Empire as it runs aground on the Eurasian shore. “It matters not who is placed at the helm of the USS Empire as the boat appears to steer itself.” And now we have complete proof of that statement as the whole world must now acknowledge that the President of the… Read more »

Jun 29, 2024 10:13 PM

Limited hangouts have become transparent with the definition widely distributed. CIA style 360° confusion is failing and articles like this document it. The Two Parties offer less than nothing. Even their wayout longshot Hopiums for Hopers must be marginalized out of any public debate or thought they may be electable. The onslaught of pre-emptive strategies in every sector, from police and military to CBDC smart city cages to mass censorship and grammar school level msm “journalism”, their paranoia is palpable. It signals an end to their ability to get us to take their sugary bait.

What’s the old Zen saying, “the harder they grasp, the more it slips away”… A little bump, shove, a push in the right direction is in order. Daily.

Jun 29, 2024 9:10 PM

While cries of victory following the slowdown of the WHO’s plans are premature, some progress has been made, in that more people are aware that the WHO and its policies are not something we should all be gratefully supporting.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 29, 2024 9:07 PM

The 34 indictments against Trump were typical of our prosecutorial system. Its the same as the numerous counts leveled at Julian Assange, its just leverage used by prosecutors rightly or wrongly to encourage a settlement. Trump is an arrogant idiot. He did something dumb (in a business sense) in financing the payoff of a potential high profile embarassment by putting his hand in the till (cash register), something he almost certainly didn’t need to do in this case. This type of false accounting is heavily policed in New York State because its an important center of commerce so inevitably his actions leaked out. Even so, the smart response would have been to negticate a guilty plea to one sample misdamenor charge and then quietly bury the whole incident. Instead he dug his heels in, directly challenging the legal system as if he was above the law. The consequences were inevitable.… Read more »

Jun 29, 2024 10:41 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Wishful thinking is that we can compromise our rights time after time and still come out with some kind of freedom in the end. We must not only dig in our heals but also push back aggressively to our would-be enslavers.

Jun 29, 2024 11:08 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

So you really, honestly think the only reason Trump was prosecuted was his refusal to take a plea? Do you really think that would be allowed if a nice quiet plea bargain was not what our owners wanted? What good would that do their agenda? How about Hillary Clinton, who did indeed violate campaign finance laws but was never prosecuted, all while she insisted it was only misogyny that charges were brought at all? What about Bill Clinton, who was impeached for a blow job but also has a history of many, many campaign finance violations, not to mention an actual, verifiable rape? Verifiable for anyone who is willing to look just a bit into the details of that, but that’s all history now, dumped down the memory hole with all the blather and outrage over Donald Trump. As for those 34 counts, did you read any of the details… Read more »

Jun 30, 2024 6:28 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

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Jun 30, 2024 6:10 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Yes, this whole disgraceful episode epitomises the abasement and degradation of the legal and judicial status of the Untied States, as coincidentally the false imprisonment of J, Assange on spurious and false fictitious non-applicable charges showed the same compromised political expediency and vapidity over here.

Jun 30, 2024 3:38 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

America needs a military coup, yes. Assuming there are enough people in the US military who are not morons and not aligned with globocap, which seems like a long shot.

Jun 29, 2024 8:44 PM

I think it’s accelerated it’s own demise by constantly gaslighting us.
Recently they flipped from saying cheap fakes of Biden tried to say he was cognitively disabled to everyone saying it?
They’re desperate to keep control but they did huge errors like putting a zombie in the white house 😂

Jun 29, 2024 9:02 PM
Reply to  Rob

If anything, that sudden flip in the narrative (after years of media gaslighting about his sheer genius) indicates that his candidacy is undergoing a controlled demolition.

Jun 29, 2024 10:45 PM
Reply to  Rob

My personal opinion is that the Powers That Be purposely put forth clownish leaders in an effort to prove just how gullible the average voter is.

Jun 30, 2024 1:45 AM

Of course, its a show, a sham, a circus for the slaves.

The best two candidates for president of the most powerful democratic country on the planet?
Trump and Biden!

If thats not enough to make you realise they are mocking you, i don’t know what is

Jun 30, 2024 8:18 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

humiliation ritual for those with eyes to sea see.

the solution has happened selective covid cull ongoing the movement of 100s of millionsf via un immigration compac barbera lerner spector style

one can view these 2 freaks as a tag team same in the uk thatcher blair.
with slow kil medico kill pharma can maximize profit over a longer period.
in a sense the customer kills himself via degradation of his mind body and soul..

underground poet
underground poet
Jun 30, 2024 2:52 AM
Reply to  Rob

The people are desperate too, as the gaza is being auctioned off in synagogues, some pro Palestinians protestors caused a rather large street riot in LA to break up the sales.

I couldn’t help but wonder, is that what they are doing in those churches?

Is it time to throw the pack of wolves under bus

Pavel Stanford
Pavel Stanford
Jun 29, 2024 8:41 PM

The problem is the assumption that ‘they’ never make mistakes, aren’t sometimes scared, miscalculate when panicked or have a plan that is remotely logical. We give them strength pushing the idea they react like AI with every plan or unforeseen circumstance designed to be headed off effortlessly at the pass. Yet there isn’t even enough electricity to run electric cars, never mind crypto mining, cooling data storage banks and smart cities. Credit where it’s due – they’ve done well to keep it up as long as they have – and they maybe still have much of the army and law enforcement on side. But the army on our side is building and positivity is another weapon. So yes, less doom is essential – just in case we are energy and not matter.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jun 30, 2024 4:35 PM
Reply to  Pavel Stanford

Earth is a world of pure imagination and the sooner humanity collectively harnesses that power with a positive vision for the future, the better.

Jun 30, 2024 6:17 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Yes, that’s the point. It puts us out of reach, in case anyone is wondering. Frequency bands that their radios simply cannot tune into, but we have to dissociate our-soul-selves from their lower frequency bands. It takes understanding, and an ongoing conscious decision.