WATCH: Ancient Apocalypse & Graham Hancock’s “Dangerous Ideas”

JR Leach’s latest video, based on his article of the same name from 2022.

“Today I explore Graham Hancock’s controversial Netflix series “Ancient Apocalypse.”

Hancock argues that human civilization is older than mainstream archaeology suggests, erased by a disaster 12,000 years ago.

He presents physical evidence, geological anomalies, and ancient structures to support his theory… and yet, the MSM tries to spin a different yarn. That these topics are somehow dangerous. Radical. Extreme. That they ‘shouldn’t be allowed’, even.


JR Leach is a fantasy author and graphic designer whose debut novel The Farmer and the Fald was published earlier this year. You can follow him on Twitter or Substack and see more of his work on his website


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bernard kerkhof
bernard kerkhof
Dec 29, 2024 9:22 PM

There is that that we know we know.
There is that that we know we don’t know.
There is that that we don’t know we don’t know.
We are living on a sphere that turns around the Sun with a bunch of other planets and our solar system moves through infinite space with a speed of 100.000 km an hour in infinite time.
Is that that we don’t know we don’t know just as fantastic as the above? You bet.
Most people have shit between their ears and they don’t realize.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 13, 2024 7:01 AM


The post which I addressed to ‘Rolling Rock’ yesterday, 12th July, at approx. 4.29pm has STILL not been printed on this site…
If you are CENSORING it, then that would mean that you are hypocrites… for you will know full well that this site frequently publishes articles on/makes mention of the horrific CENSORSHIP that has been taking place worldwide, especially over the last 4+ years.

If the relevant post is not printed today, then I will have to assume that you ARE CENSORING it… if so, then I will be BOYCOTTING this site from that point onwards.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 13, 2024 9:06 AM

I found your comment in the trash. It happens sometimes. I restored it for you. You COULD have asked politely.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 14, 2024 12:08 PM

I’ve only just seen your comment to me.

Thank you for finding, and restoring, my comment.

My apologies for the way I posted on the 13th, timed at 7.01am. It was a knee-jerk reaction, I made an assumption (wrongly, it turns out) that the Off-G Admin must have censored that post, and thus the nature of my reaction.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 14, 2024 3:13 PM

Thanks for apologising. In future try flagging admin with @admin. A2

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 12, 2024 5:24 PM

Admin: why, please, has the post which I tried to send (to ‘Rolling Rock’) at approx. 4.29pm today not been printed? After I clicked on ‘send’, it went into ‘pending’. When I’ve provided that form of information [a list of books] before, here on Off-G, it has eventually been printed, after first having gone into the ‘pending’ status…

And also, WHY does your software (I presume that that is what it is…?) push an ’emoji’ screen onto the commenter, literally every few seconds?? I’m 65, and thus do NOT want to communicate via stupid little pictures… I communicate the way all normal adults communicate, ie, via the things called words… The ’emoji’ thing is so, so irritating [and anger-causing…] when one is typing, for it to appear onscreen literally every few seconds.

Jul 10, 2024 11:33 AM

Found you from the a Hancock topic on a forum which mentioned this site.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 9, 2024 10:28 PM

Its all about money.
Man went from exchanging nuts and wives they found in the wood, to hacking other people’s Artificial ID’s on their Smartphones and steal their scorecard money.

If you cant beat them, join them and get rich. Look at this guy, THAT is what it is all about.
A big bad car! A you are happy. You are happy man……………………………LOL.comment image

Jul 10, 2024 8:34 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

😂 Darwinism… Just add a ‘J’, before the second ‘i’…

Jul 9, 2024 8:31 PM

When did civilization start? The more timely question is when it will end.

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 9, 2024 9:35 PM
Reply to  niko

Shows no signs of ending, but will evolution get a civilized start?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 11, 2024 12:23 AM
Reply to  niko

It started with Adam and Eve, and civilisation ended when we were kicked out from paradise.

Man were banned forever, as God found him running 3m behind his woman with a supermarket trolley full of pampers, forbidden fruits and a package of tampons in his pocket for his assistant, trying to convince the Lord that it was the woman’s and the devil’s fault, and not his fault.
The woman had to make birth with pain, thus reminded forever about the first deadly sin.

So you just dont worry. Darkness will come to you in due time.  👼 

Jul 9, 2024 4:09 PM

The Earth being a couple billion years old, though uninhabitable for much of that time, it seems very likely that humans have come and gone numerous times during their sojourn. And that they have graced the planet with their “civilization” just as many times. And that Earth has decided time and again to stop them before they destroyed everything.

“There’s nothing new under the sun!” And that includes humanity’s god complex hubris which always makes them “The Crown of Creation. (Though perhaps The Crux of Cretinism might be a better eulogy.)

Jul 10, 2024 11:34 AM
Reply to  Howard

I believe when Gaia earth gets annoyed with some of the idiots human, she has a deep clean and starts all lover.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 10, 2024 9:47 PM
Reply to  Howard
  • The current estimate for the age of the Earth is 4.54 billion years, plus or minus 50 millions years.
Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 10, 2024 9:48 PM
Reply to  Howard

Oops, a typo. I accidentally put an ‘s’ onto the word ‘million’ (last but one word in my reply of a couple of mins ago).

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 8, 2024 10:51 PM

Zecharia Sitchin in The Earth Chronicles talks about how the great ancient apocalypse, including the great flood, may have come about, and gives plenty of documented (clay tablet writings) evidence.

Jul 8, 2024 5:10 PM

This amnesia of history sounds legitimate to the English and many Europeans because we’re re-awakening from a 250 year hypnosis, that included the industrial revolution, moving from close knit arable religious communities to environments of atomised faithless consumerism where tribal history, myths, songs are no longer passed down. So kids learn a completely fabricated story interpreted and scewed by the academics whose knowledge is funded and molded by the globo-oligarchy.

I wonder if untouched tribes have this sense of amnesia.

Jul 8, 2024 6:23 PM
Reply to  Sabre

The “close knit arable religious communities” were a spiritual and cultural graveyard and child abuse hell that most people were happy to get out of. False religion was easy to replace with scientism!

Jul 8, 2024 6:28 PM
Reply to  LOL

“tribal history, myths, songs” were destroyed by the yahudis through the christian totalitarian nightmare of the dark ages. European tribes did not worship Yahweh, the god of the yahudis, before the genocides inflcited by the churches.

This is something many in the “white power ” camp will repeat, but racialism is the yahudi game….

William Sa6re
William Sa6re
Jul 8, 2024 4:51 PM

English are indegenous people, to England. There is no such thing as ‘white people’, vacant dehumanizing terminology made up by disgusting cretinous ideologues for the purpose of extermination. Ethnicity is real and the ethnic peoples of Britain are very real, Angli, Brythonic, Gaels, Saxons and distant celtae family; we have a history that is a marvel, we have ancestors who achieved wonders and they are rising now.

I feel sorry for these traitorous propagandists their souls will be eaten by the grendel. Sæ is úpryne.

Jul 10, 2024 10:35 PM
Reply to  William Sa6re

Of course there’s no such thing as a “white people” – or a “black people.” The fault lies not with “ideologues for the purpose of extermination” but with humanity’s penchant for categorizing everything then reducing every category to a common denominator.

Not everyone sees hundred years war, plus all the other protracted wars over the eons as “wonders.”

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 12, 2024 1:28 AM
Reply to  William Sa6re

Of course there’s such a thing as “white people,” a fact that is blindingly obvious to the vast majority of the rest of the world other than self-hating white people.

Jul 13, 2024 8:31 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Barack Obama is white or black? Please show your working.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 13, 2024 2:18 PM
Reply to  bob

Pretty clearly black. He shits all over the white side of his heritage regularly.

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Jul 8, 2024 4:01 PM

The “or worse” comment and the way that JR Leach deals with it is telling.
‘Worse’ implies the questioning of the narrative that cannot be questioned. The one that lands people in prison. The one that lies at the heart of the post war liberal consensus. The one that leaves a comment ‘pending’ or deleted here. The one that makes this comment pending (and all my comments since I raised it a couple of years ago). You know the one. The one that concerned Karl Popper who first formalised liberal theorising about conspiracy theories. The one that was at the centre of the leaflet about conspiracy theories recently given to all MPs in the UK. The one that gets free speech Americans into trouble. The one that is invoked (in association fallacy) whenever someone questions other controversies like JFK, 911.
It’s all very well to adopt a position of what I call ‘narrativism’ where the supposed key to understanding the world of politics and power is to “question all narratives”, but you have to ask if that really means all narratives ?
This is a keen video and well made, it makes good points, but the truth is that all the same supercilious and fallacious responses that a Guardian writer would give to someone questioning Atlantis, or 911, most of the narrativists would give when you cross the line and question certain other stories. Until narrativists can settle the subject and at least make the case that questioning all narratives really does mean questioning all narratives, then context be damned and it is a dead end intellectual exercise.

Jul 8, 2024 6:34 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

Nuclear annihilation and “mutually assured destruction” seem to be the most popular narrative currently. It is almost religiously upheld because of the Book of Revelation being part of the Bible. Victims expect and WANT a conflagration.
It’s also very handy that the “science” behing “nukes” is top secret and hence nobody can prove it is the hottest air Uncle Sam and other state mafias have ever blown.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 8, 2024 3:41 PM

Netflix is MSM…

Jul 8, 2024 2:11 PM

In MSM hive mind alternative media, they still haven’t figured out
France is the STREET THEATRE centre of the world.
Honestly, it’s like every other day they’re cosplay rioting or doing some kind of artistic political performance.


Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 8, 2024 3:48 PM
Reply to  nima

Lez Luthor (Illusion Warfare) went to Marseille previously straight after the televised ‘riots’ to video the aftermath. Not a lot to report considering the supposed scale of the disturbances.

I like his work, he just an ordinary British guy with a decent video camera who gets his arse off the sofa and travels quickly to the “action”. He went to Kiev days after the ‘war’ kicked off, I recently posted a comment here linking his 30 or so Kiev videos. He also tried to go to Gaza shortly after 7 October and was turned back at the airport in Cyprus after some serious questioning at the gate from the Men in Black types.

His youtube channel has some good videos showcasing his travels, observations and commentary on the theme of illusion warfare and what he has termed “The Double Cross System” or “XX” which is based on British espionage techniques from World War II. In my opinion the guy deserves his work to be more widely viewed.


Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 8, 2024 3:49 PM
Reply to  nima

Pending again…

Jul 8, 2024 6:36 PM
Reply to  nima

Have you ever been in a demonstration that turned into a riot?

Dr Mikal Genovori
Dr Mikal Genovori
Jul 8, 2024 12:55 PM

If you wanna go deep, Jason Breshears of Archaix sets the record straight on G Hancock. I’ve read his books and although they are insightful, and challenge the status Quo, they spin a narrative that is controlled. Why else would it be on Netflix? The world is actually much stranger than Hancock alludes, but based on his bibliography he specifically misrepresents the chronology of Atlantis being 12,000 years as the measurement of a calendricsl SHAR represents moons not years, putting Atlantis at about 1500 BC. For a more accurate account with an extensive biography of over 1850 non fiction books and 13 of his own see Jason’s Channel or website

Jul 8, 2024 6:38 PM

Hancock was talking about aliens 20 years ago

Jul 8, 2024 6:49 PM
Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 8, 2024 7:32 PM

I used to watch the Archaix channel until I felt something was not right about Breshears.

His back story is one aspect of that. Banged up in prison while he served 27 years of a 30 year stretch, he just happened to be placed in a prison that had a huge library of rare and valuable books all boxed away. He got access to the books and was able to catalogue them. Books that weren’t any old random books but had the secrets to the world’s history. Then if I remember correctly, he also was able to find books from other prisons. What is the statstical probability of that happening?

There is so much more about him that has red flags that it is difficult to trust him, even if some of his work is the truth.

Jul 8, 2024 10:30 AM

Moral enemy’s, different culture, different language – yet having there selections at the exact same time as the west is having its selection with the same catch phasers and political sloganeering.

Where do they get the scripts.??

Iran’s run-off presidential election won by “reformer” advocating rapprochement with US imperialism as it sets Mideast ablaze

Friday’s run-off election for President of Iran was won by Masoud Pezeshkian, a representative of the “reform” wing of the Islamic Republic’s bourgeois-clerical political establishment.

Jul 8, 2024 6:40 PM
Reply to  Jimmie Joe

thanks for the laugh

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 8, 2024 7:54 PM
Reply to  Jimmie Joe

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jul 8, 2024 8:54 AM

There is a discussion forum for the mysteries that Hancock covers (and others): https://grahamhancock.com/phorum

Jul 8, 2024 5:41 AM

Ancient Apocalypse was a good series. The exploration of ancient sites involving megaliths (large stones) around the world; which certainly demand some kind of explanation.

There’s much in common with Biblical archaeology. The idea of a global cataclysmic flood, anti-uniformitarianism (that geological changes can happen rapidly), the possible existence of giants in ancient times (although Hancock prefers ‘intellectual giants’) along with the ancient’s advanced knowledge of and obsession with astronomy.

Timelines differ from the Biblical account. The Biblical Flood was around 2352BC (4576 years ago), whereas Hancock places it around 12,800 years ago at the end of an ‘Ice Age’.

My main criticism would be that it assumes an evolutionist timescale, and doesn’t question many of the dates which often seem plucked out of thin air, but otherwise it was fascinating. Worth watching

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 8, 2024 3:41 AM

I suppose the primary reason is to carry on the facade of most religions, especially Christianity and Judaism, that God created humans, like 6000 years ago. Going on the Wayback Machine, kind of confuses the lemmings and might give them doubts. No doubting allowed, man. They control the narratives.

Jul 8, 2024 5:01 PM
Reply to  Big Al

They don’t control mine.

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 9, 2024 1:16 AM
Reply to  Sabre

Mine either.

Thom 9
Thom 9
Jul 8, 2024 2:45 AM

12,000 year cycles + 6000 year half cycles…

Thom 9
Thom 9
Jul 8, 2024 2:47 AM
Reply to  Thom 9


Can you say Micro-Nova…

There is a lot of science behind this theory…

Jul 8, 2024 12:36 AM

And what have we learned from history?


We keep repeating the same old mistakes; War, nationalism, avarice, religion, self administered poisons (alcohol, bad food, toxic medicines etc), exploitation of nature, the cults of ambition and celebrity, ad nauseam.

Change begins here, now, and within each one of us.

Jul 8, 2024 1:20 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Is Chistianity history?

There is a way, and the truth, and the Life.

Jul 8, 2024 1:27 AM
Reply to  Sebastian


The answer is staring us all in the face and I can’t even type it correctly.

Jul 8, 2024 1:42 AM
Reply to  Sebastian

His name is Jesus.

Jul 8, 2024 2:25 AM
Reply to  Sebastian

Find the Truth.
Truth does not believe.
It knows.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 8, 2024 8:11 PM
Reply to  Johnny

“Faith is the substance of things unseen.”

Faith, because there are things unknowable and unprovable to us on this plane of existence.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 8, 2024 10:46 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

No-one should want mere ‘faith’ when it’s possible to possess absolute proven knowledge!! ‘Christians’ go along with the ‘faith’ mantra simply because they do not possess the actual facts/truths!!! And the reason why they do not possess the actual facts/truths is because their vicars, priests, ministers, pastors, bishops, ‘popes’, etc etc, themselves do not know the survival of ‘death’ facts. Hence they are not able to transmit those facts to their ‘flocks’.

Johnny is right when he states that the factual truth is all that matters, and NOT mere ‘beliefs’. As he correctly says, “Truth does not [merely] ‘believe’, it knows“.

And the facts/truths of Spiritualism are absolutely proven (and, to reiterate, I am NOT using the word ‘prove’ either loosely or wrongly). All closed-minded sceptics out there (whether they be ‘christians’ or materialists) will, on the eventual day on which they do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, discover (in the most undeniable way possible!) that what Spiritualism states truly is the true nature of life and the very illusory event that’s wrongly termed ‘death’.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 9, 2024 1:09 PM

Spiritualism is a dead end.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 9, 2024 3:31 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

It most definitely is NOT. As I’ve told you before, here on Off-G.

Spiritualism is, in fact, the one and only ‘religion’ that is able to absolutely prove what it states (and, to again reiterate, I’m NOT using the word ‘prove’ either loosely or wrongly).

We truly do all survive (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’. And one day, you will discover that to be the fact that it is. As will all uninformed sceptics (whether they be ‘christians’ [as you are], or closed-minded materialists).

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 9, 2024 7:47 PM

Given that the central tenet of Christianity is the Resurrection, I doubt most Christians will be surprised at all.

Spiritualism is to Christianity as a coloring book to the Sistine Chapel.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 10, 2024 10:14 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

With the attitude you expressed above, I assure you that you will get one very massive shock, on the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’. For when that day arrives, for you, you will not be able to deny that what Spiritualism states is the actual truth, and that ‘christianity’ was merely a way of duping, fooling, controlling, the brainwashable, gullible masses.

I repeat what I’ve said a number of times: that Spiritualism is the one and only ‘religion’ that is able to absolutely prove what it states (and that I am NOT using the word prove either loosely or wrongly). You will, one day, discover that to be the truth. And will have to face that you were duped by ‘christianity’ (the latter being nothing but false dogma and false doctrine).

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 10, 2024 6:43 PM

Spiritualism is kinderspiel for spiritual children.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 10, 2024 7:02 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

I repeat, you will get one massive shock, on the day that you eventually do what’s wrongly termed ‘die’, when you will have to face that it was ‘christianity’ that was for the ‘spiritual children’ to fall for, and the proven truths of Spiritualism that is what ‘spiritual adults’ acquire knowledge of.

You ‘christians’ have been SO fooled, SO duped!!

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 10, 2024 8:29 PM

We’ll all be shocked on the day we die, because it will be an experience unlike any other we’ve ever had.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 10, 2024 9:55 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Haha!!! The actual fact/truth is that we’ve ALL done what’s wrongly termed ‘die’ many, many times before! Hundreds and, in many cases, thousands of times.
And the reason for that truth is that (no matter how much you, as a ‘christian’, will ‘disbelieve’ what I’m about to say) we all (ie, the eternal soul that we each are) have lived many, many lifetimes, and thus we have all ‘died’ many times before. It’s simply that we don’t recall, on our ordinary level of consciousness, those many earlier ‘deaths’. Ie, reincarnation is indeed another of the many known spiritual truths of existence.

Moreover, when we each return to the very real Spirit dimension (of this multi-dimensional cosmos), we will then be able to recall (and, if we wish, watch every second of some, or all, of them) all of our eternal soul’s previous lives, and thus we’ll be able to recall our previous ‘deaths’.

What I’ve just written, above, happens to be the 100% factual truth. As all sceptics (whether closed-minded or not) will one day discover!

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 10, 2024 10:49 PM

What you posit is essentially samsara, the endless birth, death, and reincarnation of a person, an eternal shadow semi-existence on the wheel of illusion and suffering.

Christianity offers a way off that wheel. To be fair, Buddhism and Hinduism do as well (though they may lead to a different destination). Spiritualism, not so much. Indeed, it keeps one on the wheel.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 11, 2024 9:45 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

We (the eternal souls that we each are) all have to experience many, many lifetimes, in order to do what’s termed ‘achieve soul growth’. That is what the Intelligent Creative Power [which created the multi-dimensional cosmos and all life] planned that the spiritual system would be (a system which is overseen by the spiritual hierarchy in the Spirit realms).

Which is why we (at our soul level, whilst still in the Spirit realms, inbetween each of our many lives) all plan each lifetime, beforehand, discussing with the souls with whom we’ll be sharing the upcoming life what major events we wish to experience, in that incarnation (in the arenas of, for eg., relationships, work, health, etc).
The souls decide/agree that they will incarnate together, in order to help each other to achieve the various goals, experience the planned events, etc.

Once each soul has achieved what the [spiritual] system wants it to achieve, then that soul will remain in the Spirit realms for the rest of eternity, and move ‘up’ the Spirit levels. And in that way, we all experience/learn even more, to add to our ‘soul growth’.

It’s what’s factually true that is what takes place, in existence, and not merely what a person wants the nature of existence to be. Thus it’s not a case of “Christianity offers a way off that wheel”, as you put it.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 11, 2024 5:59 PM

I do believe that we are spiritual beings. I have also seen many genuine spiritualists channel messages, however there are also frauds.

One thing I take issue with is that of the reincarnation aspect being about learning lessons and returning for spiritual growth. Also, why we as spiritual beings chose painful ‘growth’ experiences, including soul pacts with others who do us serious harm?

What spiritual being on a journey of growth would, for example, choose to live life on the Earth plane in a wheelchair or choose to be raped?

That is New Age (Luciferian) psychobabble which aims to make the victim feel responsible for their miserable existence.

The whole New Age movement has been corrupted or from its outset was a vehicle for the Gaia/Luciferian doctrines of Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey.

All of the 5th dimensional, raising the consciousness nonsense, “love and light” and the rest of the con. Making suckers believe that they just need to float along in the “present” and all will be well. A call to inaction and inertia, just as the controllers would wish – a docile, dumbed down populace. No wonder it appeals to middle class Westerners who are comfortably off with no problems in life. I even remember some New Age gurus telling their followers to take the jabs.

It seems much more likely to me that this realm is a soul reincarnation trap and that we are blackmailed and guilt tripped to return. The experience of NDEs suggests that the dying person meets relatives, Christ or other entities that convince them to return to continue ‘learning and growing’. These entities could be false and not who the seer believes they actually are. Return for a potential life of suffering and misery, depending on roulette wheel? Seriously, what spiritual being would knowingly chose that?

If this is the case, the correct action is not to engage and insist on leaving the realm forever by not consenting to reincarnation.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 12, 2024 1:49 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Very good post.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 12, 2024 2:02 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I’ve only just seen your post to me of yesterday (I don’t know whether you’re here in the UK, or elsewhere, but as I type this it’s 1.40am on Friday 12th).

Firstly, what Spiritualism states is not ‘psychobabble’.
It states the truth.

We are all eternal soul beings, and live many lifetimes. We all plan (before coming to Earth, each time [and other physical places in the cosmos, too, as well as Earth], whilst still in the Spirit realms) each lifetime in great detail, and all the major events (good and bad) in each lifetime are thus pre-planned: by us, and agreed upon by the various souls with whom we’ll share that upcoming incarnation.
Souls do plan ‘negative’ things, such as (to use your example) living in a wheelchair, or planning to be raped; ALL events have a genuine purpose. All events have the underlying purposes of i) achieving soul growth, and ii) [which is part of i)], balancing karma – ie, to balance some negative event/act which that soul had carried out in a previous lifetime.

So, for example, a soul [Soul A] might plan/choose, whilst in Spirit, for their next lifetime to include living in a wheelchair (for the entirety of that lifetime, or for part of it) for any one of a number of reasons: to experience such a situation, in order to gain knowledge of a restricted life. Or possibly, if balancing karma is the reason for that choice, it may be that that soul had, in a previous lifetime, carried out an action [intentionally or otherwise] which caused another person [ie, another soul – Soul B] to have to live in a wheelchair, and thus, in order to balance that negative karma, soul A planned, when back in Spirit after that lifetime, to experience living in a wheelchair in their next incarnation.

As regards why a soul might plan to be raped. Well, in the vast majority of cases, people who are raped have planned (before coming here) to experience that in order to balance karma: that in a previous lifetime, they [the eternal soul which they are] had raped someone… and thus, when they returned to Spirit from that previous lifetime, they discussed the situation with the higher spiritual beings (which includes our spirit guide[s]), and decided that, in order to balance the karma of having carried out rape in a previous lifetime, they would choose to experience being raped in their upcoming life…
in the vast majority of cases, that IS why people experience rape, in any given incarnation.

And let me add the following… occasionally, a story appears in the Media re. young children, and elderly people, having being raped (I recall about 30 years ago, there was an incident here in the UK where a woman of somewhere around the age of 89 had been raped). In those cases, too, the above explanation for why they planned/chose, before coming to Earth, to experience rape, is why that soul experienced that.

The above IS why events take place. NO major event (good or bad) is ever ‘an accident’, ‘bad luck’, ‘in the wrong place at the wrong time’. All major events in people’s lives have always been pre-planned, by that soul/s, whilst in the Spirit dimension, prior to that lifetime.
We’re not here merely in order to live a life, and then return to Spirit. We all come here in order to experience certain events (which have all been pre-planned by us: good events and negative/bad events, too), in order to grow as a soul, and in order to balance karma. The spirit truths are NOT ‘a con’.
Anyone who thinks that needs to think again.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 12, 2024 6:16 AM

I understand the karmic view totally and used to believe in it. However, the karmic view again fits in with the New Age angle which I do not trust, since it is clear that the New Age movement was promoted if not created by the likes of Bailey and Blavatsky.

I still tend to believe that many events are not coincidences and are synchronicity or are indeed pre-planned. However, I do not accept (without proof) that they were decided with full understanding by our souls or spirits. These negative events or even the positive ones may have been made as a pact with entities that were not benevolent. The idea of this realm being controlled by the demiurge or Yaldaboath is a valid possibility.

It has been suggested that the ‘elites’ understand the system and know how to strike good deals each time on their return, whereas the uninitiated get guilt tripped to return without that knowledge and therefore often receive bad reincarnations. In other words, our soul or spirit was tricked into accepting a physical reincarnation of unhappiness and pain.

Perhaps, you should look into the soul reincarnation trap hypothesis.

One thing the karma and life/soul lesson proponents NEVER address is why each time that we reincarnate the memory is wiped?

How is a spirit or soul supposed to “grow” if it cannot remember the dozens or hundreds of previous lifetimes, in order to correct the misdeeds of the past? Do you have an explanation for this?

You often use the term “proof” in your comments but I have yet to see any. I accept that you believe it, but can you point me in the direction of the actual “spirit truths”, regarding your karmic beliefs?

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 12, 2024 10:55 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

The factual spiritual truths of existence were NOT ‘created by Blavatsky et al.‘! Ie, the actual spirit truths are not ‘fabricated by some group on Earth’.
The spirit truths truly are the actual spirit truths of existence.

Oh yes, we do all ourselves pre-plan/choose/decide/agree upon all of major (good and bad) events in each of our soul’s many, many lifetimes. Of course they are NOT “made with a pack with entities that are not benevolent”!! If you researched, in detail, the actual multi-faceted evidences for the fact of survival of physical body death and re. the many associated spirit truths of existence, you’d know that. I first (in this lifetime) became aware of the fact of survival of ‘death’ in October 1994, just short of my 36th birthday at that time. I decided to initiate an extensive, in-depth, scholarly programme of research into what evidences did exist. And I have, since then, read 1000+ high-quality, scholarly books on this vital, greatest truth of existence, and own 400+ on that topic alone [as well as 1000+ more on other non-fiction subjects in my personal library].

We’re not ‘meant’ to remember (at our ordinary, everyday level of consciousness) the existence of the Spirit dimension, and we’re not ‘meant’ to recall (at our ordinary consciousness level) all our previous lifetimes. The reasons for that being as follows: if everyone knew, in their ordinary waking consciousness, that the Spirit dimension exists (an imaginably wonderful ‘place’ – when people make a temporary sojourn there, for eg, via a Near-Death Experience, they do not want to leave, because it’s such a wonderful place), then they would ‘resent’ having to be on Earth. That is the known reason why, when we come to Earth each time, we have to go through a ‘veil of amnesia’, so that we do not, at our everyday level of consciousness, remember the existence of the Spirit world.

And the reason why we’re not ‘meant’ to recall (at our everyday level of consciousness; everyone knows these truths at their deepest soul level of consciousness) our many previous incarnations is for the following very obvious reason: that if we did all recall, consciously, our past lives, and what we did in those past lives, remembering whatever bad things which we’d done in earlier lives would impact very negatively on our ability to properly experience our current lifetime. For eg., if people consciously recalled killing one or more people, raping, and whatever other forms of negative actions, then for many people those memories would overwhelm them with guilt, remorse, etc. And thus they’d not be able to experience their current lifetime in the way that they are meant to do. Ie, we’re not meant to recall at our ordinary, everyday level of consciousness, the events of our previous lifetimes, but we DO all know/remember, at our soul level of consciousness, literally everything that we did in previous incarnations.

And precisely because we DO all pre-plan, whilst still in Spirit, prior to coming to Earth each time, all the major events of each lifetime, that pre-planning in Spirit will cover how we ourselves planned to balance karma and how we planned to learn from our negative actions in earlier times. Ie, we pre-plan the events that we will experience in an upcoming lifetime, that will completely (or partially) balance an earlier lifetime’s actions, and which will enable us to grow, as the eternal soul that we each are. We learn from these pre-planned events when we return to the Spirit dimension after each lifetime! Ie, when we review (in what’s termed the ‘Life Review’) the lifetime that we at that point will have just come out of, and in that Life Review we ourselves assess how we did: whether we achieved, in that lifetime, the pre-planned goals/objectives, which will include whether we achieved the aims that would balance whatever negative actions from any given previous lifetime.
No-one would be able to successfully learn from earlier mistakes if we consciously recalled our negative actions/behaviour in previous lives! It would be too overwhelming, and would prevent us from living our current lifetime in the way that we’re each meant to do.

One does not prove spiritual truths in the same way that materialistic /physical things on Earth are proved. The proof of the spiritual truths is to be found in all the mountain-loads of multi-faceted evidences which people have themselves experienced in their lives. I have literally hundreds of personal proofs of survival of ‘death’, as also have the vast majority of the literally countless millions of spiritually-aware people around the world.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 12, 2024 12:20 PM

I am not asking for proof of survival of ‘death’. I have already told you that I believe in that. ‘Believe’, since I cannot prove it.

I am asking for proof of the karmic and reincarnation element being some sort of benevolent soul or spirit choice.

Everything that you have written above is the standard stuff I can find in any New Age book written by many authors. I have read numerous times what you have stated above, it does not prove anything.

Please give me the names of the best of the 1000+ “high-quality, scholarly books” that you have read.

The “life review” that you speak of, do you have any evidence for this? Or could that be a trick, as I have already mentioned?

To summarise, since you talk of having the receipts, what can you show me as “proof”? Without that, your proofs are nothing more than beliefs, and sound almost religious and faith based in their zealotry.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 12, 2024 1:35 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Re. the representative booklist: please read all of this post to see re. that.

Firstly, what I say is most definitely NOT zealotry!
The irony in that is ultimate, for it’s ‘christianity’ which (very often) throws up zealots!
I am NOT ‘religious’, in any shape or form, and I have never been someone who goes along with mere ‘faith’. I can’t stand the word, in fact!
What I state, when I summarise the very real spirit truths, are NOT ‘mere beliefs’. The latter is what gullible, brainwashed, uninformed ‘christians’ do, not we Spiritualists.

If you read the books of Arthur Findlay (a Scot who is most famous for having publicised the truths of Spiritualism, and founded the world-famous Stansted Hall spiritual teaching centre, he was also an accountant, magistrate, etc; can’t recall the other areas he was involved in), you’ll see that he [as do many other spiritually-informed people around the world] makes the point that Spiritualism is the one and only ‘religion’ that is able to absolutely prove what it states [and to again reiterate, I’m NOT using the word prove either loosely or wrongly]; as I said in one of my recent posts (on this thread), either yesterday or earlier today, spiritual truths cannot be proved in the same way that material/physical things can be proved; spiritual proofs come in the form of the manifold, multi-faceted evidences which exist which prove what they say. Evidences which people all over the world have themselves experienced!!
As I said in one of my posts over the last 24 or so hours, I have myself got hundreds of personal proofs of survival of ‘death’, etc.

The karmic/reincarnation element, as you put it, is a known truth; people have themselves experienced its facets, and communicate it either after returning to the Spirit realms or, sometimes, after they’ve had a Near-Death Experience (for the latter sometimes includes the experiencing of part of the karmic/life review element).

Very many people around the world have personally experienced the Life Review! And have documented their experiences, testified to what they went through.
It is very much NOT ‘a trick’!! For heaven’s sake, why do so many people (very often they are doing so as a result of having been indoctrinated into the literal false doctrines of ‘christianity’) ridicule the spiritual truths of existence?!? Claiming, foolishly, that they ‘might be a trick’!! NO, I repeat, the Life Review is most definitely not ‘a trick’. It’s a hugely established spiritual truth.

Re. the 1000+ books on the survival of ‘death’ and associated spiritual truths that I’ve read since I first began acquiring this ultimate truth of existence in 1994: I’ve several times provided people here on Off-G with a representative booklist re. this ultimate life truth (and I did so even more times when I was a regular commenter on the TCW site, up until about a year ago).
A bit later today (I’ll be busy until about 5pm), I’ll again provide you (and anyone else who reads this thread) with that representative booklist.
So please look back onto this thread later this evening or tomorrow, if you wish to see that representative booklist. The list includes books which address, with many evidences, many of the multi-faceted categories of the spirit truths.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 12, 2024 2:40 PM

Thanks, I will look out for the booklist.

I know who Arthur Findlay was. I also know all about the spiritualist churches and the SNU and the SAGB. I have sat in so many open circles and was regularly invited to closed circles too.

However, I am done with the conventional terms of spiritualism. As I have said, I do believe we are spiritual beings, I now believe that the realm is different to the spiritualist interpretation of it and genuine spiritualists are unknowingly being misled.

The “life review” may well take place according to NDE testimony, but it could also be part of the trick to convince the reviewee to return.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 12, 2024 4:29 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Firstly, here’s the representative booklist re. the survival of ‘death’ truth and the many associated spiritual truths of existence. As I said in an earlier post, there are many, many thousands of high-quality, scholarly books published on this ultimate, greatest of all truths of existence (maybe hundreds of thousands, for of course there will be books published on it in many other languages too).

REPRESENTATIVE BOOKLIST re. the survival of ‘death’ truth, & the many associated spiritual truths of existence:

“Your Eternal Self: Science discovers the Afterlife”, by R Craig Hogan.

“Evidence beyond a reasonable doubt [that] you [ie, the individual that we each are] will never die”, by R Craig Hogan.

“Reasons for what happens to you in your life & your Afterlife (from speakers in the Afterlife)”, by R Craig Hogan.

“Beyond Matter: the moving experiences of a scientist with the spiritual world and his Afterlife research”, by Dr Oliver Lazar (Dr Lazar is a German, he’s a medical doctor & a Professor of Computer Science).

“The Afterlife Experiments: breakthrough scientific evidence of life after death”, by Professor Gary E Schwartz (Professor of Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology & Surgery, @ University of Arizona, USA).

“Glimpses of Eternity”, by Dr Raymond Moody (American psychiatrist).

“The light beyond”, by Dr Raymond Moody (ditto above).

“The self does not die”, by Titus Rivas, Annie Dirven, & Rudolf H Smit.

“Reincarnation as a scientific concept: scholarly evidence for past lives”, by Dr K S Rawal & Titus Rivas.

“Faces of the living dead: the amazing psychic art of Frank Leah”, by Paul Miller.

“The art of dying: a journey to elsewhere”, by Dr Peter Fenwick (British psychiatrist).

“The truth in the light”, by Dr Peter Fenwick (ditto above).

“Consciousness beyond life”, by Dr Pin van Lommel (Dutch cardiologist).

“Irreducible Mind”, co-authored by Dr Bruce Greyson (American psychiatrist).

“Beyond physicalism: toward reconciliation of science and spirituality”, edited by Edward Kelly & others.

“Death is of vital importance: on life, death, and the Afterlife”, by Dr Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (Swiss-American psychiatrist).

“The secret of the soul”, by William Buhlman.

“Evidence of the Afterlife”, by Dr Jeffrey Long (American oncologist).

“A lawyer presents the evidence for the Afterlife”, by Victor Zammit and [his wife] Wendy Zammit (Victor, a Maltese-Australian, was a [now-retired] top-level lawyer in NSW, Australia).

“Biocentrism: how life and consciousness are the key to understanding the true nature of the cosmos”, by Robert Lanza MD, with Bob Berman.

“Forever ours: a coroner’s tales of life, death, and immortality”, by Dr Janis Amatuzio (American coroner).

“I saw a light and came here”, by Erlendur Haraldsson & James G Matlock.

“When tomorrow speaks to me”, by Bridget Benson (Irish nurse).

“The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences”, by P M H Atwater.

“I’m not dead, I’m different”, by Hollister Rand.

“Memories of Heaven: children’s astounding recollections of the time before they came to Earth”, by Dr Wayne W Dyer & Dee Garnes.

“Many lives, many masters”, by Dr Brian Weiss (American psychiatrist).

“Same soul, many bodies”, by Dr Brian Weiss (ditto above).

“Only love is real”, by Dr Brian Weiss (ditto above).

“Science and the Afterlife Experience: evidence for the immortality of consciousness”, by Chris Carter.

“Science and the Near-Death Experience: how consciousness survives death”, by Chris Carter.

“Parting Visions”, by Dr Melvin Morse (American paediatrician).

“Closer to the light”, by Dr Melvin Morse (ditto above).

“The airmen who would not die”, by John G Fuller.

“The supreme adventure”, by Robert Crookall.

“The children that time forgot”, by Peter & Mary Harrison.

“Many mansions”, by Air Chief Marshal Lord Hugh Dowding (RAF ‘bigwig’ in the Battle of Britain, 1940).

“Lychgate”, by Air Chief Marshal Lord Hugh Dowding (ditto above).

“Return from tomorrow”, by Dr George Ritchie (American psychiatrist).

“Life between life”, by Joel Whitton & Joe Fisher.

“You have been here before”, by Dr Edith Fiore (American psychologist).

“Embracing eternity”, by Tony Stockwell.

“Children’s past lives”, by Carol Bowman.

“Return from Heaven”, by Carol Bowman.

“Soul survivor”, by Bruce & Andrea Leininger.

“Afterlife: uncovering the secrets of life after death”, by Barry Eaton.

“No goodbyes: insights from the Heaven World”, by Barry Eaton.

“The Scalpel and the Soul”, by A J Hamilton MD.

“European cases of the Reincarnation type”, by Professor Ian Stevenson ([now ‘late’] Professor of Psychiatry at University of Virginia, USA).

“The Eagle and the Rose”, by Rosemary Altea.

“Heavenly hugs: comfort, support and hope from the Afterlife”, by Carla Wills-Brandon.

“The light between us”, by Laura Lynne Jackson.

“My proof of Survival”, edited by Andrew Honigman.

“Afterlife encounters”, by Dianne Arcangel.

“50 years a medium”, by Estelle Roberts.

“Spirit untethered: a psychotherapist’s journey from terminal cancer to seeing the dead”, by Suzanne Grace Maiden.

“The Great Reality”, by John H Remmers.

“Angel miracles: inspirational true stories of Heavenly help”, by Brad Steiger & Sherry Hansen Steiger.

“The Big Book of angel stories”, by Jenny Smedley.

“Akashic Records: case studies of past lives”, by Lois J Wetzel.

“Reincarnation: past lives and the Akashic Record”, by Lois J Wetzel.

There are literally many tens of thousands [and maybe HUNDREDS of thousands] MORE very high-quality books on this ultimate, greatest truth of existence.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 12, 2024 4:36 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I’ve just clicked on ‘send’, the representative booklist re. the fact of survival of ‘death’ and associated spirit truths. It’s gone into ‘pending’. I think I recall that the last time I provided the list (sometime last year), it was put into ‘pending’ too, but it was eventually printed here on this site.

Re. the rest of your post, above.

Genuine mediums are most definitely not being misled!! WHY are people OH so wrongly rejecting the actual spirit truths?!?
And the very real Life Review is, equally, not part of any ‘trick’! It’s what many, many people themselves experience, after returning to Spirit, and their Life Review is ‘overseen’ by truly benevolent, advanced spirit beings: in order to help the person to assess how they did, in the lifetime which they’ve just come out of. It is NO ‘trick’, it is not ‘a trick’ ‘to convince the reviewee to return [to Earth]’. It truly is part of the actual nature of eternal existence.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 12, 2024 5:28 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

The short post (timed at 4.36pm today) which I sent to you after I tried to send you the representative booklist has been printed (below or above this short message), but (as yet??) the booklist has not… as I mentioned in the post timed at 4.36pm, on other occasions when I’ve provided the representative booklist, it usually goes into ‘pending’, and then does get printed. I hope that that will also be the case in this instance…

Jul 13, 2024 12:45 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

The “life review” may well take place according to NDE testimony, but it could also be part of the trick to convince the reviewee to return.

As I understand it, the decision to return happens at a much later stage, perhaps several centuries later. By then a great deal has happened, every conceivable lesson from the previous earth life has been assimilated and placed into the wider context of all previous lives. We reach a state where we will know exactly where we stand in relation to all other created beings.

For us then, the fact looms ever larger that the repayment of these debts can only be achieved during Earth existence. After centuries of expansion into the higher realms, we start to feel the force of contraction that will ultimately lead to our next life on Earth.

To reincarnate will not be a decision as such, rather it will be seen as an absolute blessing – the only possible means by which we can pay our debts and restore our lost morality.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 13, 2024 1:37 PM
Reply to  Moonsphere

Some souls do wait for a long ‘time’ (in Earth terms) before they reincarnate, yes, but it’s also known that some souls reincarnate a very short ‘time’ after having returned to the Spirit realms. For eg, there are documented cases where a soul came back to Earth just a few short months after the ‘death’ which took them back to the Spirit dimension.

And yes, of course I know full well that pregnancy lasts for (approx.) 9 months… but despite that fact, there are documented cases where a soul has entered a new physical body within a very short space of time, say, for eg, six or seven months. There are other evidences which demonstrate that reincarnation has taken place within, say, a year or two after the previous ‘death’. Or 10, 20, 50 years.
And so on & so on…

It’s definitely the case that living many lives in the physical dimension (on Earth, or on other physical planets/dimensions in the multi-dimensional cosmos… some of the books by the ‘late’ Dolores Cannon provide some examples of souls who recall having incarnated on other planets in the cosmos. It’s more than twenty twenty years since I read her books, so can’t recall the contents in detail) is the only way to learn things, spiritually, and, as you say, the only way to repay our karmic debts. Such balancing could not be achieved by remaining in the Spirit dimension. For of course the latter would not be able to create the necessary scenarios in which souls are able to learn (achieve soul growth) and able to balance their karma (‘repay debts’).

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 12, 2024 12:04 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

This is a PS to my reply to you of just over an hour ago. The short item below “Who do you think you are?” summarises exactly who we are and WHY we do plan our many lifetimes; it was written by an esteemed American, Bill Guggenheim, re. the survival of ‘death’ truth and the associated spirit truths (he and his ex-wife, Judy Guggenheim, being the authors of “Hello from Heaven!”, published approx. 20 or so years ago).

I suggest that you read the summary below, entitled “Who do you think you are?”. It summarises the basic spiritual truths re. who we are (ie, the eternal soul/spirit being that we each are). N.B., the relevant bit starts after a paragraph or so of something else. Ie, you need to scroll down a little bit, once clicked on the link, to access the relevant piece.

“Who do you think you are?”, by Bill Guggenheim, at:


Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 12, 2024 12:45 PM

I just read it. Standard stuff I have read so many times before. New Age waffle. Tell me something new.

Christine, I have asked for “proof” of benevolent reincarnation that you claim to have and the best of the high quality books that you have read.

I have noticed that you are always on the attack against Christians. I have no dog in this fight but I find it interesting that you say nothing negative about the other two Abrahamic religions who also do not believe in spirtualism or reincarnation.

Your constant attacks on Christianity are doing the work of the Luciferian controllers and their minions for them. Whatever the rights and wrongs of Christianity, there is an organised campaign against Christians. Perhaps, you should ask why and and not add to it.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 12, 2024 12:57 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

PS. Please read my comment timed 12.20PM above. It seems your PS comment arrived while I was typing that one.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 12, 2024 1:48 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I criticise ‘christianity’ simply because it fills its gullible, brainwashed followers with false dogma & false doctrines, as opposed to providing them with the actual spiritual truths of existence. And the reason why the ‘Christian Church’ does that is because 99.9% of all vicars, priests, ministers, pastors, bishops, ‘popes’, etc etc themselves do not know the actual facts/truth of survival of ‘death’ nor the many associated spiritual truths. Which is why they don’t tell their ‘flocks’ the actual truths! Ie, because they themselves are not informed on those truths.

I’ve been very correctly criticising ‘christianity’ since I was a kid of 9 or 10 (I’m 65). I never fell for it. Our mum (an orthodox ‘christian’) more or less ‘forced’ my younger sister and I to accompany her to church each Sunday, from when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I still recall those days: when I refused to kneel down, and our mum used to hiss/whisper to me “Christine, kneel down!”. To which I replied, angrily, “NO, I will not kneel down”. I used to frown at the vicar when he was up in his pulpit giving out the ‘sermon’, and when we had to walk past him, on leaving the church, I used to direct another frown at him. Ie, even at that tender age, I knew that ‘christianity’ gives out nothing but BS. And the reason why I knew, at that tender age, that it was just BS, is because, then being only 7 or 8, I’d only been out of the very real Spirit dimension a few years, and thus remembered (at my soul level), from what I knew when in the Spirit world, that it, ‘christianity’, does not disseminate the truths, that it disseminates merely false dogma/false doctrine. And that memory, at my soul level, had obviously ‘bled through’ to my ordinary, everyday level of consciousness, thus causing me to very correctly criticise/not fall for the ‘christian’ BS.

Quite a number of people around the world have communicated from the Spirit world, after having returned there (ie, after having done what’s wrongly termed ‘die’), and they transmit their shock that, on return to Spirit, they discovered that what their beloved ‘christian church’ had ‘told’ them (re. life after ‘death’) was NOT the truth. That it was merely false dogma/false doctrine.

Jul 12, 2024 9:30 AM

What you are effectively describing is an eternal circle of sin. An eye for an eye. Someone does an evil thing to someone else and the “favour” is returned in the next life. What is missing here is the forgiveness and atonement that Christianity brought. Of course, the karmic balance must be settled – but that can be achieved by sacrifice rather than revenge.

One could pay ones debts to a person by helping them through difficulties. Perhaps caring for them through a long and difficult illness for example.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 12, 2024 10:19 AM
Reply to  Moonsphere

Caring for someone through a long and difficult illness is one of the known karmic choices, in order to balance something done in a previous lifetime. Ie, a choice that doesn’t involve suffering some negative experience oneself, but balancing the previous negative action[s] via providing someone with caring/attention.

However, you are claiming the “eternal cycle of sin” BS due to your being a ‘christian’. Which is yet another false doctrine/false dogma of ‘christianity’ which you’ve fallen for. That truly is not how existence works. You ‘christians’ need to acquire the knowledge that what ‘christianity’ fills the gullible masses’ minds with is 100% false! Existence works in the way that it’s set up to work, and NOT in the way which the FALSE dogma/doctrine of ‘christianity’ merely claims.

On arrival back in the Spirit dimensions, all ‘christians’ will have to face the fact that they were duped. Fooled. Hoodwinked. That the nature of eternal spiritual existence (which includes the living of many, many lifetimes; that truth having despicably been taken out of the BS writings termed the ‘bible’ for control of the gullible masses purposes) does NOT work in the way that the ‘Christian Church’ merely claims it to work. That it works in the way that 100% factually true Spiritualism states that it works.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 12, 2024 12:07 PM
Reply to  Moonsphere

See the short piece “Who do you think you are?” (re. the basic spiritual truths that we are each an eternal soul, and WHY we pre-plan, and choose, each lifetime to manifest in the way that it does), written by American, Bill Guggenheim, in the post I’ve just sent to Rolling Rock (just a little above this post, I think).

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 12, 2024 12:09 PM
Reply to  Moonsphere

I’ve just sent you a PS (re. the short piece “Who do you think you are?”, by Bill Guggenheim; I sent the link to that to Rolling Rock), following on from my main reply to you of just over an hour ago.

Jul 12, 2024 9:46 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

One of the (many) reasons why I believe in reincarnation is the experiential deficit that must result should we only have one earth life. An obvious example would be that a man will never experience what it is like to be a woman (no trans jokes please!). And vice versa.

To be limited to such a narrow experience given the manifold possibilities, seems wasteful on a cosmic scale. The religious believer who does not believe in reincarnation faces the question of why even have one life? Can God not judge the state of a soul without this messy business of physical existence?

Also, we are all imperfect. To go to Heaven, a place where only perfection exists, will require that each soul is pruned severely beforehand – leaving only a tiny remnant of that human being to rise to those higher spheres.

Reincarnation allows a process of improvement, collecting our baggage each time and doing the work of perfecting ourselves such that ultimately we can attain to that higher existence.

Obviously this would be impossible under the “single life” system.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 11, 2024 5:59 PM

I wrote you a long reply. In pending

Jul 10, 2024 10:46 PM

Let me interject a question here. Why would it be a “massive shock” for someone who doesn’t accept the tenets of Spiritualism to discover upon “death” that it is true? The Spirit inhabiting the “coat” would surely already know what to expect. Only the “coat” would be shocked – and according to Spiritualism the coat will cease to exist once the spirit leaves it.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 11, 2024 9:31 AM
Reply to  Howard

Yes, the spirit being that we each are (the real us: ie, the exact-same us that we each are, now, here on Earth) does indeed know (at our soul/spirit level of consciousness) that we all survive the death of our physical body, and is fully aware that we originated in the Spirit realms, and that we return there, after each of our soul’s many, many lifetimes.
[So even the very dogmatic materialists such as Richard Dawkins here in the UK – to name but one of the many well-known materialists – know, at their soul/spirit level of consciousness, that ‘death’ is NOT the end of one’s personal existence.]

However, when we each arrive back in the Spirit dimension, at the outset, we still react to things in the same way that we would have done, here on Earth.
Which is why people who on Earth did not ‘believe’ in survival, or who simply were not aware of the multi-faceted evidences which prove survival to be true, DO have a big, big shock when they arrive back in Spirit and ‘discover’ that they (the individual consciousness which they experience themselves as) have survived the death of their physical body.

The physical body does indeed cease to exist (in consciousness terms, that is) once the animating spirit body leaves it. The fact that, at ‘death’, the spirit body leaves the physical is precisely why the physical body becomes motionless once ‘death’ has taken place.

Jul 11, 2024 4:28 PM

As you know from our many previous discussions, I am very much a materialist – though not necessarily in the style of a Richard Dawkins or anyone else. I try not to take my ideas second hand.

I do not, however, equate physical existence with a mere collection of protoplasm. Ideas are generated from a confluence of disparate entities, which human consciousness properly focused can pick up and even add to before sending it back out. In that regard consciousness is not necessarily a limited, static quality which ceases completely once the entity ceases to exist.

The physical entity is the Form; the consciousness is the Content. The Form ceases to be; the Content remains.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 11, 2024 5:10 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes, the whole point of the proven truth of everyone’s survival of physical body death is that the consciousness that we each are (that consciousness is literally eternal & immortal) does survive the death of the physical body; that is why we do all survive the very illusory ‘death’!

Precisely: the Form ceases to be; the Content remains. You’ve got it in one!
That it’s the physical body that ceases to be, but the real us – our immortal consciousness; the thing which every one of us recognises as “me/I” – continues, literally forever! There has never been, nor ever will be, a time (in all eternity) when the consciousness which we each are did not/will not exist.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 10, 2024 10:16 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

A P.S. to my reply to you of a couple of minutes ago:
we actually survive the very illusory ‘death’ in our very real spirit body, and NOT our physical body… the so-called ‘Resurrection’ of ‘christianity’ is put forward as being in the physical body!! That is how much ‘christians’ are duped, fooled, hoodwinked.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 10, 2024 6:45 PM

You might consider expanding your definition of what “physical” entails. There are gross forms, and subtle forms.

Jul 8, 2024 9:00 AM
Reply to  Sebastian

yes, the one true God, apart from all the other one true gods that have long since vanished

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 8, 2024 9:30 AM
Reply to  shearwater

‘Christians’ are gullible, brainwashed; indoctrinated into lies and untruths; false dogma & false doctrine.

I’ve related the actual facts in my post to Sebastian.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 8, 2024 9:28 AM
Reply to  Sebastian

No. ‘Christians’ have been duped, conned, fooled. Gullibility and brainwashedness is what ‘christians’ are guilty of. It originates in paganism, in fact (but 99.9% of all ‘christians’ are not aware of that… because they’re not informed on the origins of so-called ‘christianity’). I never fell for ‘christianity’, and am proud of that.

(And no, I am NOT a materialist. I’m very proud to have been a properly-informed Spiritualist for a couple months short of 30 years. Spiritualism being the one and only ‘religion’ that is able to absolutely PROVE what it states [and I am NOT using the word prove either loosely or wrongly].

There are literally countless millions of we properly-informed Spiritualists around the world, and those countless millions include many scientists, doctors, nurses, ‘psychiatrists’, lawyers, etc etc. Many hundreds of thousands of high-quality, scholarly books have been written on the proven survival of ‘death’ truth, and a large percentage of them have been written by the many properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, ‘psychiatrists’, lawyers, etc etc., around the world.

Since my discovery of the proven truth of survival of physical body ‘death’ [we survive that illusory event in our soul/spirit body form; which has been seen by many people around the world who possess clairvoyant vision] 30 years ago, I’ve read 1000+ books on this vital subject, and own 400+ on this topic.)

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 8, 2024 9:29 AM
  • oops. I meant to type “a couple of months short of 30 years…”.
Jul 8, 2024 2:04 PM

Christine, I’m familiar with your posts from your Conservative Woman days.

Then as now – I find it strange, given your interest in Spiritualism – that you seem never to write about it. Each post starts as if you might give more details about the topic, but then inevitably de-rails, descending into almost Tourette’s level rants about how stupid Christian believers are and how proud you are not to be one of them.

Have you ever considered actually writing a post about Spiritualism? It might be of interest, even to a Christian like myself.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 8, 2024 2:48 PM
Reply to  Moonsphere

I’ve written many posts here on Off-G re. the facts/truths of Spiritualism!! Including, occasionally, having typed out a couple of my own literally hundreds of personal proofs of survival (the vast majority of the countless millions of spiritually-enlightened people around the world also have their own personal proofs).

Am busy right now, but when an appropriate time arises, will again summarise for people the survival of ‘death’ facts/truths.

Yes, I also remember you from when I was a regular poster on the TCW site. Unfortunately, the brainwashed ‘christian’ editor (she who shall be nameless…) chose to ban me from that site, for having ‘dared’ to criticise the BS of ‘christianity’ (the latter originates in paganism…).

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 8, 2024 3:00 PM
Reply to  Moonsphere

A short P.S. to my post of approx. 10 mins ago.

When I posted on TCW, I posted many comments summarising the facts and truths of survival of physical body death/Spiritualism!
I even was ‘forced’ to repeat those posts ad infinitum, to another commenter on that site (who shall also remain nameless…): a closed-minded materialist who refused to accept what happen to be proven facts/truths.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 8, 2024 6:48 PM

Whoever is thumbing-down my posts above is doing the equivalent of lying about me. For I most definitely DID post many, many (lengthy, detailed) comments on the TCW site (and have also done so, here on Off-G) summarising (I reiterate, in detail…) the facts/truths of everyone’s survival of the death of their physical body ‘coat’.

And the fact that I did indeed post detailed comments summarising the survival truths can be proven, in the following way: whoever has OH so wrongly thumbed-down my above posts, all you’d have to do is to go to the TCW site, click on the Disqus commenting software, find one of my posts, and then scroll back through the years… and in that way you’d come across my many posts… thus proving that I did indeed post many, many detailed summaries of the Spiritualist facts/truths.

So please STOP misrepresenting me.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 8, 2024 4:31 PM
Reply to  Moonsphere

Please stop misrepresenting me. As I said in my post above, I’ve posted quite a number of times, here on Off-G, over the last few years, summarising (in detail) the facts/truths of survival of ‘death’ and the associated spiritual truths of existence. I’ve also, a few times, provided a representative booklist re. the survival of ‘death’ truth.

And I did ALL the above, numerous times, when I was a regular commenter on TCW! And I recall that some of my posts on this vital, all-important subject on the latter site were in response to your posts to me.

Jul 8, 2024 10:31 AM
Reply to  Sebastian

comment image

Jul 8, 2024 6:43 PM
Reply to  Sebastian
Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 11, 2024 12:32 AM
Reply to  LOL

So Jesus never existed.
All the churches build all over the world, all the educated people messing with the bible, Popes, Kings, all the worshippers, are just idiots, its all just pro-forma yes?

70% of all global law making (justice) are build over the principles in the Bible/Torah/Quran. Just pro-forma yes?

Lenin and Stalin tried to build a new atheists Justice system without the principles in the Bible. They couldnt. They had to go back and realize they were fundamental for our universe.

Smoke less marihuana and read more serious literature. My advise.

Jul 8, 2024 2:51 AM
Reply to  Johnny

For now nation is not a mistake; neither is family or community (tribe). Best protections for individual freedom and diversity, as globalism can only be achieved through uniform CCTV totalitarianism a la CCP.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 8, 2024 8:22 PM
Reply to  antonym

The foremost antidote to Globalism is Nationalism.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 8, 2024 8:23 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

How is it, several months after the upgrade, that it’s still impossible to edit a post?

Jul 7, 2024 11:14 PM

Why- because there’s a cyclic cataclysm per the half-cycle of the 26,000 year precession of the Equinoxes. My guess is it’ll happen by 2030 and that’s the real “Great Reset”.

les online
les online
Jul 7, 2024 11:59 PM
Reply to  CK_

Well. if all goes according to plan, by 2030 AI will have
analysed all samples of our DNA to find the best breeding
stock…They’ll be herded into the alleged underground
cities to wait out the end of The Catastrophe while the rest
of us** are left on the planets surface to be delete by The
Coming Catastrophe…The Real Great Reset…

** assumption is commenters on this site wont make the
best breeders grade…

Jul 8, 2024 6:45 PM
Reply to  les online

There is a long ice age right after the catastrophe- underground cities will not make it.

Jul 7, 2024 11:00 PM

To keep the crowbar levering at closed minds, awareness diverts to Douglas Vogt of the Diehold Foundation, and Ben Davidson at Suspicious 0bservers…

Jul 7, 2024 10:05 PM

Hanky spanky Hancock is the inspector gadget Inspector Jacques Clouseau – Indiana Jones for newly woke up alot.

His so censored LOL books get front billboard campaign on Barnes and noble and WHsmiths all the major supermarket and he is a regular on woke rogan.
Hancock is your go to guy that the establishment loves.

How the fuk can you call being censored when your on TV constantly advertising the product they say is not true – when it is sold with headlines in there outlets.

these topics are somehow dangerous. Radical. Extreme. 


There stone head material for the lazy lot that dont make it pass discovery channel or Gaia TV or joke woke rogan.

Next, your being telling us that ugly creature Elkhart tolle who appeared on Oprah harpo Winfrey 10 times that his book was a organic thing. (his back story he live on a bench) yer right!!!!

Same MO- New York best seller equates to it a shill book that the establishment wants you to read.

comment image

Jul 7, 2024 9:29 PM

Graham Hancock and many other researchers and Geologists such as John Antony West or Dr Robert Schoch have been analysing plus writing about ancient megalithic sites and artefacts for many many years.

Moreover, Finders Petrie, was asking similar questions to Hancock and others over a century such as perfectly cylindrical core drill samples in solid granite. So there is an abundance of material in this field of research.

However, the questions they pose are not permitted to upset the Apple cart, namely, the first City was UR and civilisation only began approximately 6,000 ago. Until of course Gobekli Tepe was uncovered which caused a scrambling of MSM “ experts” plus the bought and paid for “ experts” in academia to muddy the waters.

This video correctly addresses the question why the status quo should not be challenged.

So despite the frantic efforts of the controllers of the purse, Pandora’s box is beginning to opened ever wider!


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 8, 2024 9:32 AM
Reply to  Brianberou
  • his name was Flinders Petrie (not ‘Finders‘ Petrie).
Jul 8, 2024 3:39 PM

So have you anything, you wish to add about Petrie’s remarkable work ?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 7, 2024 7:38 PM


Looks like Le Pen has been stitched up as expected.

The noose tightens.

les online
les online
Jul 7, 2024 10:48 PM

Well. when i saw the headlines this morning i was shocked,
not because Le Pen came third but because i thought she’d
come first; shocked because, though i take very little interest
in speculative “news” progams, i was still influenced…
I’m now wondering if i’ve similarly been influenced into
believing Donald Trump will crush the Democrat wing of the
US Uniparty…

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 7, 2024 11:04 PM
Reply to  les online


I have to admit I’ve been duped.

I have followed Wilders for many years and marvelled at his resilience.

I hung on to a little hopium when Farage announced his candidacy.

I really thought that Le Pen had pulled the thing off.

And then………

It was all a dream.

Jul 8, 2024 2:47 AM
Reply to  les online

37.06% of French voted FN, and LR 5.41% in the second round but they got the least number of seats compared to NFP and Ensemble. Just like in the other “democratic” nation the UK.

No more lectures from these countries to others about democracy.

Jul 8, 2024 10:34 AM

Le pen is about as legit as used car salesmen.

Jul 7, 2024 7:28 PM

Hancock is mostly reselling ideas and findings of other people, refreshed with a better production. It is no secret that history is a scam but he reeks of distraction and limited hangout.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 7, 2024 7:51 PM
Reply to  LOL

True. But he’s a better writer than most. And there are gargantuan footnotes.

Jul 8, 2024 10:34 AM
Reply to  George Mc

True. But he’s a better writer than most. 

He uses ghost writers.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 8, 2024 4:35 PM
Reply to  nima

You’ve confirmed that?

Jul 8, 2024 6:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Graham Hancock
Plagiarist & Scavenger.by Michael Tsarionhttps://www.michaeltsarion.com/hancock-the-scavenger.html

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 8, 2024 7:30 PM
Reply to  nima

Thanks for the link to this extremely mean spirited hit piece, a scurrilous assemblage of opinionated assertions full of vitriol that is subjective and therefore conveniently removed from any possibility of verification cf:  
“He was a rather cold, hostile, self-obsessed and ultimately uninteresting man.”
 We hear that Hancock “was psychologically unstable”, and his wife was “staring into space like some petrified stick insect” etc. It’s gratuitously nasty stuff.
 And as for Hancock not acknowledging anyone, America Before has four pages of generous acknowledgement, as well as almost 70 pages of notes in the tiniest font where he painstakingly lists every quotation he uses and traces all the sources. Just because this Michael Tsarion digs up a handful of names Hancock fails to mention is hardly a matter for outrage. Tsarion is clearly a bitter researcher manqué.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 8, 2024 7:31 PM
Reply to  nima

Oh for Christ’s sake. Pending again!

les online
les online
Jul 7, 2024 10:32 PM
Reply to  LOL

I donno. Hancocks Halfhour used to make me laugh.

Bun cakes
Bun cakes
Jul 7, 2024 7:15 PM

They’re not dangerous just unsupported by sufficient evidence

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 7, 2024 9:56 PM
Reply to  Bun cakes

On the other hand, it’s amazing what “The Science” is willing to unhesitatingly declare to be true on zero evidence.

les online
les online
Jul 7, 2024 10:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I get all my science from the Thunderebolts.info site,
and it’s Electric Universe ideas…

Jul 8, 2024 9:04 AM
Reply to  les online

What? All of it?

Jul 8, 2024 4:37 PM
Reply to  shearwater

Definitely check it out… Those guys are no joke. Going through their content, it really feels like that: all the science you need… not literally, but its amazingly comprehensive, covers SO many different areas. Fascinating, elegant, perfectly clear to understand, very little woo woo..

Jul 9, 2024 7:08 AM
Reply to  MolecCodicies

ok, thanks, will give it a look