Hanging by a Thread
Todd Hayen

It is quite amazing how close people are to serious mental illness. What is serious mental illness? Suicidal depression, psychosis, anxiety that requires hospitalization, and frankly anything that keeps a person from living a functional life, a life with its share of sadness, trauma and suffering, but also with moments of happiness, fulfillment, love and laughter.
That’s serious mental illness. What about “not so serious” mental illness? Well, we’ve got a lot more of that than one could even imagine. And then twice that many hanging by the thread, just about ready to drop into depression, anxiety, personality disorders of a dizzying variety, sadness, emotional dysfunction, relational wackiness, on and on.
It is a pandemic, and yes, a real one that isn’t a hoax.
In my opinion, nearly every human alive suffers from some sort of emotional/mental anomaly. Maybe not everyone but a lot (and if you find one who doesn’t—maybe some young couple dressed in loincloths riding horses on the beach of some idyllic island somewhere in the South Pacific—let me know about them, I would love to meet them).
I see a lot of people in my practice, and I can unequivocally say that they all have issues. Well, that stands to reason, of course. That’s like a dentist saying everyone who comes into his or her office has some issue with his or her teeth. But I also hear about my client’s friends and family, I also interface with people in the grocery store, on the streets, and in my own friend circle, and all of these people have emotional issues, or are hanging by a thread—me included, of course (although my thread broke long ago and I have been swimming in psychological muck for most, if not all, of my life).
Isn’t this the normal “human condition?” Well, I used to think so, but not anymore. There is, of course, a “normal” human condition concerning mental and emotional regulation. Everyone gets depressed and sad once in a while, everyone gets anxious and has emotional flare-ups. We can describe a “normal” mental state which includes a lot of ups and downs. What I am describing is more than that, it is what comes across as abnormal, intense, devoid of much reason, out of regulation, and bordering on crazy. We are all, for the most part, whacked.
Ok, ok, not all of us are whacked.
I know I am; you might not be. You may fall into this narrow band of a “normally wiggy” person psychologically, and if you do, congratulations. I am not convinced, however, that there are very many of you who can completely escape the screwed-up environment we all live in (yes, some may be more adept at processing this shite show than others). I would venture to say that you more than likely have been bitten, in some way, by the agenda if you live on this particular planet. Even if only through being around people who are truly crazy—that’s enough to make you fit into this category.
But I am not really commenting on fringe stuff here. I am commenting on those of us who are very close to being certifiably “off”—close to an actual diagnosis. Whether it be run-of-the-mill depression or anxiety, or more exotic personality disorders such as Borderline, Narcissistic, Histrionic, or even any one of the array of psychotic maladies such as Schizophrenia, Bipolar with Psychosis, or Paranoia.
Let’s look at some numbers. Almost 3 million people have been diagnosed with depression in 2020 in the USA, 66 million with anxiety over the past year. In the same year almost 5 million were diagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder, about 5 million with Narcissist Personality Disorder, and almost 2 million with Schizophrenia.
About 10 million will suffer from some form of psychosis in their lifetime, almost 10 million have been diagnosed with BiPolar disorder over the past year, 15 million adults suffer from ADHD, and nearly 35 million children were diagnosed with this particular malady over the same year.
And these statistics only apply to people who have complained enough about their mental condition to their doctor, psychiatrist, or certified psychologist, to be actually diagnosed and put on the docket as having these mental disorders. No telling how many are suffering from mental illness and have not shared their condition with someone who is qualified to render an official diagnosis (psychotherapists, in Canada, are not allowed to diagnose).
Yep, it’s a big problem. And then there is the medication. It is estimated that approximately 76 million people in the US, of all ages, have been prescribed, and are consuming, some form of psychiatric drug (I would venture to say it is more than this). That’s a lot of folks, folks.
Do I put a lot of weight on official diagnoses and labelling? Not really. But regardless of what you think of diagnosis standards and criteria, people are suffering from something—even if you refrain from putting a name to it. This is easy to see without doing much digging. People seem to have lost a lot of their mental capacity to think, to think critically, and to function within the expected “norms” of society (whatever that is). People, in general, seem to have a very difficult time making any sort of rational decisions about everyday challenges in everyday life.
That’s a big statement, I know. And maybe this has always been true, but my gut tells me this is all due to the social pathology the agenda has brought upon us. And no, it isn’t all due to an intentional agenda to pulverize us into flesh-eating zombies, but by golly most of it is.
If you think about how far away humans are from living a natural life, it isn’t much of a stretch to believe we are all suffering from some sort of mental and emotional dysfunction. Although this has been slowly going on since humans stopped living in caves, we have been relatively skilled at staving off the pandemic of mental illness we now seem to be suffering.
Sure, humans have always been a bit kooky. But wouldn’t you say today it appears to be much worse than it was 100 years ago? 200 hundred years ago? The disintegration of moral values, character development, a misunderstanding of “right and wrong,” the dissolution of family, community, spirituality, gender, and even the sanctity of the human body has all had its toll on healthy emotional and mental processing.
When we no longer can process properly, we lose psychic homeostasis, and disease sets in.
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‘Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists…’
Forget those whose ramblings reduce you to fear.
When does a “mental illness” become “serious”?
When the illness hurt someone incl the patient self. An illness will always hurt someone. Thats why its called an illness. Because the ill state hurts.
Our children will live to see that perfect world in which there’s no war or famine, oppression or brutality – one vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock, all necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused.
What a great film.
The Maltese Falcon, Citizen Kane, and Oh! What a Lovely War — three best films by first-time directors.
Mental illness?
What’s occurring in the world today looks more like demonic possession.
Perhaps Jerry Marzinsky is onto something, after all…
Does the mere attempt to simultaneously rectify and dispel all clichés represent an incomprehensible absurdity in itself? A “professor of rhetoric” recognizes no contradiction in this at all. One hour of purest amusement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZzzdpaJ3XI
It makes no sense to react with “anger” to such people, because anger would mean taking them or their “arguments” seriously. Rather, they must be seen as victims of a very sophisticated misprogramming, which could also be called Stockholm syndrome.
Download pdf by click on “GET” http://library.lol/main/997FBA064DF6D121A06AF6D4530C8DA5
“At least we don’t speak German.” The old spectre of Churchill’s Germanophobia seems, on closer inspection, to be a kind of unnatural “defensive” reflex of all suicidal ethnomasochists.
Two Brit kidz have undertaken the astonishingly demonstrable self-experiment of exposing the spectre for what it is and has always been: nothing but artificially constructed spookery and fakery for entirely ideological reasons. I would be interested to know whether the siblings encountered any Germans at all on their journey through “Germany”?
In contrast to the industrious islanders, millions of language students from the Third World will, as usual, be more interested in acquiring a German vocabulary consisting of nothing but four-letter words in order to insult and threaten their hosts to their heart’s content. After all, there must be some sense or benefit to this tiresome effort?
In a world where words dance and sway,
Learning German is child’s play!
With each new sound, a game unfolds,
A treasure chest of stories told.
A-B-C, Eins, Zwei, Drei,
Letters twinkle like stars in the sky.
“Hallo!” greets you with a friendly cheer,
While “Tschüss!” waves goodbye, drawing near.
Nouns wear hats, they come in three,
Der, Die, Das—what could they be?
Like playful friends, they skip and run,
Each one a puzzle, a riddle, a pun.
Verbs leap high, they twist and turn,
With every conjugation, new flames they burn.
“Laufen” means to run, “sehen” to see,
In this vibrant language, joy runs free.
Adjectives dress up, all bright and bold,
“Schön” and “klein,” their stories unfold.
With colors and shapes, they paint the day,
In the heart of the child, they find their way.
Count the stars, count the sheep,
“Eins, zwei, drei”—it’s fun and deep!
With games and songs, we learn and play,
In this wondrous world, we find our way.
So gather your friends, let laughter ring,
In the land of Deutsch, let your heart take wing.
With every word, a new adventure starts,
Learning German is child’s play—an art of hearts!
Anyone who (still!) has doubts about this should
know that only a Jew can expose “fake polyglots”!
I had sussed covid, before the jabs, and posted on Facebook (possibly because I still had a crush on Jennifer Agutter – more Walkabout (Australia) than the Railway Children…
From Logans Run…You Can Live – Go back to work. This did not go down at all well. It seemed almost everyone I knew(except my wife and son) seriously disliked me…I strongly suggested – Do Not Get Jabbed..and refused to go to the funerals, when they did get jabbed and were now DEAD.
There is only so much you can do
Logan’s run (1976): “You can live! LIVE!!”
Suddenly the dogs (or the horses) stopped and refused to run more.
They had an instinct something bad was out there. You gave them the whip, RUN for Satan. There is gold waiting out there.
After being whipped three times the dogs (horses) ran forward……straight into a black hole in the snow or in the road.
At the Committee Meeting 2 days later everybody agreed the dogs/horses who survived the trip should be killed for not telling it in a more polite and diplomatic way to their Masters.
If, you are so close to death, that you are “Hanging by a Thread”, like I was a year ago, when I got Sepsis – Really Bad, and was in the RESUS Ward…I said to my wife, I am not ready to go yet..I need two mobile phones, charged up, with working sim cards, so that I can check my odds of still being alive on Saturday..
They were not good – Almost no one gets out of here alive.
I thought it incredibly important, to try my best to stay awake, whilst the dead bodies were being replaced, by the ones probably about to die next.
At 7:00 am on Saturday morning, the lovely little male nurse, probably from Nigeria, who had been looking after me all night, seemed quite surprised and delighted I was still alive.
He said, you don’t need the oxygen any more, but you do need the antibiotic drip…I am going off shift now..I do not know what they are going to do with you, cos the hospital is full…Pass notes
Anthony is still alive – what do we do with him now..
We have a Survivor
What seems obvious to me is that there is such a huge variety of craziness in all its forms and combinations that trying to label people in accurate terms is virtually pointless.
It also seems to me that the various minor conditions are extremely wide spread and I can honestly say, without exception, that not a single person I have ever known really well was absolutely and completely sane in every respect. They all have had their quirks, obsessions or anxieties.
Most of us are aware of the social ‘norms’ that encourage us to keep our language and behavior within the accepted range for the context and circumstances, thereby avoiding unfavorable reactions.
It is something “out of place” that we say or do that identifies us as divergent from the norm, something extra – but what of those who never do or say anything that can elicit the suspicion that they might not be “all there”. It’s a lot harder to identify something that we can’t see or hear.
I suspect that there may be more than a few dangerously incomplete individuals at large among the many seemingly neutral drones who seem to lack any interest in the merest spark of originality.
Spot the “mental illness”!
Public Health Management Corporation and Penn Medicine announce opening of the PHMC Public Health Campus on Cedar
March 25, 2021
“Children throughout the U.S. are experiencing a behavioral health crisis, and we know the pandemic will have a lasting impact on them. Expanding our services is a high priority so we can provide timely, appropriate access to the treatment they deserve,” said Madeline Bell, President and CEO of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “These services will allow us to provide a higher level of care for children with acute psychiatric needs.”
Those masked zombies are not so much victims of “mental illness”, but are agenda pushers and/or useful idiots.
The “mental illness” resides in the society which gives these people power.
Notice that they are not 2 m/6 ft apart.
– Psychoactive medicines often turn an episodic or moderate mental illness into a disabling one. -Robert Whitaker 2010
– A number of mass murderers undertook their rampages while on the common “sedative-hypnotic” diazepam. -Adam Garrie 2017
– “Overdoses” of opoid medicines killed 71,000 people. -US Nat. Centre for Health Statistics (year unavailable)
When someone – anyone – says “This is what you should do to get your life in order,” run as fast and as far away as you can. Mental health – just like mental illness – exists in different ways in each person. The greatest harbinger of mental illness is to be told “We expect thus and so of you.” It is the attempt to stop doing what feels right and start doing what others expect that creates a split between the physical and the mental self.
If what “feels right” happens to be so heinous that others’ lives and well being are put in jeopardy, then – and only then – would it be proper to assume there is some genetic flaw at work: some genuine mental illness as opposed to an induced illness – a societal malaise. Because the urge to hurt or kill others is really an urge to be all alone in the universe, which at root is a wish to cease existing.
I agree with everything there except the “genetic” part. A joke on a card my mom got: “Does anyone in your family suffer from insanity?” “No, we are all rather enjoying it”. Seriously though, I recommend going to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights website and watching the free online documentary “Making A Killing”. It IS okay to be human, though sometimes difficult to live in an optimum state. No one has to like everybody but trying not to do things to destroy oneself or others makes one more human. Concentrating on the wins in that regard helps.
I witnessed the effects of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church in my oldest brother and my younger sister, and my Dad…none of them, had done anything wrong, but were convinced they were going to hell for all eternity…
Eventually, I got lucky, and she is still with me.
She is lovely and as mad as me….She hardly ever sulks, more than a day or 2, and we share the same sense of humour and love of live rock music..
“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. “Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does.” They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World: Revisited
Maybe all this mental sickness is us adapting to this dumpster-fire world we live in right now.
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
Jiddhu Krishnamurti
The definition of a totalitarian society is when people no more know what is right or wrong and what is up and down: System and Group-think.
“People will believe what the media tells them they believe”.
I am wondering. Are we the human race really that easy to subdue and manipulate?
We have done beautiful things, we have the ability to do beautiful things. So what??
The “dumpster” fires arise from sustained deliberate exploitation and deprivation that the most insane at the top are orchestrating.
The constant bombardment in recent times of clips of Tranny Freaks flashing their ball sacks in primary schools while parents clap and dance along … is enough to drive the average person insane…. but of course that’s the whole point.
I am on no meds… I am seldom not in a great frame of mind… that’s probably because I see through the Matrix… as evidenced by these articles https://fasteddynz.substack.com/
Feel free to analyse me.
For most people, seeing through the Matrix is alarming. Better to trust and obey.
Seeing through the matrix results in https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/why-colonel-kurtz-is-important
“Do I put a lot of weight on official diagnoses and labelling? Not really.”
And, yet, you cite the national stats of those official diagnoses, and labels, without scepticism. The national stats of those official diagnoses and labels are cited in support of the premise of your article.
When an article contains mutually-exclusive propositions by the article-writer, the reader usually grants more weight to the proposition “backed” by official-seeming stats. Citing such “official-seeming stats,” and then appearing to doubt them, a few paragraphs later… without any more words expended on the subject of that apparent contradiction… adds up to a puzzling lack of clarity or coherence.
Or this tactic is designed to sell a dubious message while gaining some “trust,” in the reader, that the article-writer doesn’t really go in for selling such dubious messages.
It became a fad, in Parapolitical Sceptic circles, 10-15 years ago, to hunt for examples of “NLP” in speeches. What I think people could really use is an eye and/or ear for simple double-talk, instead. There is quite a lot of it about.
My problem with this article (beyond that cited glitch of self-contradiction) is that it feels to be offering an entry-level amount of “saying the right things” in order to gain the trust of the Parapolitical Sceptics who read things here. It certainly isn’t breaking new ground. So what purpose is it fulfilling? Did the article-writer really post an article just to say, in essence…
… “Sure, humans have always been a bit kooky. But wouldn’t you say today it appears to be much worse than it was 100 years ago? 200 hundred years ago?”
Uh… forgive me for noting that that could easily work as a rhetorical question in a comment on Reddit.
No, they were hoping kooky day wouldnt arrive.
Speaking on the Constitution’s 50th anniversary, former president and statesman John Quincy Adams said:
There was a time until fairly recently at least in Europe and UK where having mental health issues carried a social stigma. People did not actively choose to run to the doctor or therapist and want to be diagnosed as such. Perhaps, it was seen as weakness or perhaps there was a concern of being carted off to the looney bin by the men in white coats.
However, since there has been a campaign of mental health ‘awareness’ with celebrity endorsements including the likes of the Ginger Prince and his missus, all and sundry are proudly declaring their mental health ‘weaknesses’.
Clearly, there should be no stigma attached to those in genuine need of help but at the same time neither should the public be encouraged to declare themselves depressed, anxious or mentally unstable.
Once a person has that information in their medical records, it could be shared with third parties such as potential employers. Also, the government could use it against those who in the future are not compliant or obedient. They could be declared mentally ill and be signed off by a doctor and carted off to an institution.
There have been moves in some countried to reduce the threshold for certifying someone mentally ill and potentially having them institutionised. For example, such a certification requiring only one signature from a medical professional. Even two doctors signing off does not guarantee safeguards for the patient.
The system is open to abuse, something to think about before deciding to declare one has mental health concerns to the medical profession and therefore indirectly the State.
Edit function still not working a few seconds after posting. “countries” not countried
Its the block that keeps on giving.
As someone who basically lost my sister to “treatment for mental health issues” that actually made her far, far worse as far as mental health is concerned, I would run as far away as possible from any supposed doctor or “health care provider” who pushes pills. That goes for their “telehealth” bullshit as well, which is far scarier as you can have some barely trained moron whose only job is pushing pills. And these idiots really do think they’re helping people!
My sister checked herself into a psych ward back in 2011. At the time she first went in, she gave me a list of FIVE different “medications” that they either put her on or suggested to her. She would not let me go with her to the supposed shrink who prescribed these things so I will never know which ones she was actually on. But I did look them up on the internet. These were not merely “anti-depressants”, but anti-psychotics used “off label” as well as maybe one anti-schizophrenic. Once they got her on that cocktail, she then had some side effects, of course, and their solution was to give her another pill. She admitted an addiction to opiates, but none of them paid one bit of attention to that and they were still giving her the opiates to sleep. Apparently, sleep wasn’t something all of their pills helped with. She ended up in that same ward a second time, and while they claimed they knew “what they were dealing with” when I contacted them to warn about the initial addiction problem, but they did not stop her from getting the opiates, nor did they take her off of their cocktail to my knowledge. She is no longer the same person, and we are now permanently estranged and most likely will be until both of us are dead.
When any asshole tries to tell me that people should seek help with “mental health” I like to tell them this story. My sister asked for help and what she got instead was a fucking nightmare.
I will always value Reality-based information like this; there isn’t enough of it.
It is so sad what happened to your sister at the hands of the so-called medical profession and made doubly so by the damage it caused to your relationship with her.
I am of the opinion that a visit to the doctor for a physical ailment is something to avoid unless absolutely necessary, and the idea of visiting one for a mental health issue as a complete, no, no.
When finding that one has a serious illness, one will naturally feel despondent. For the medical industry, this is an opportunity to dole out some happy pills.
Some years ago, every other celebrity would mention “my therapist” to normalise and promote psychotherapy.
Here’s a quote from the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan for you to ponder on:
“The madman is not only a beggar who thinks he is a king, but also a king who thinks he is a king.”
― Jacques Lacan
Groping for an idyll and coming up with a South Sea island?… it’s a programmed reaction produced by over a century of cultural conditioning.
It comes imo from disguised pagans elevating pagan cultures over the Christianity they hated. Firstly there was the Bounty mutineers – well, how did Pitcairn Island turn out? Secondly, there were the French Expressionist painters running off to Tahiti – and who did they shack up with? Finally, the superiority of the South Seas ‘got science’ with Margaret Mead and her study of Samoa. Ah but hang on… Mead’s “research” turned out to have been a total fake according to later anthropologists. There were obvious motives for Mead to claim what she did, both in her personal life (her multiple affairs would give her reason to want to paint polygamy as happy and ‘natural’ if only Christianity with its annoying “thou shalt nots” could be got out the way) and politically as part of a co-ordinated attack on the family unit. Mead was of course married to Gregory Bateson who invented the double-bind and was in on the ground floor of the foundation of the CIA. Anthropology as a discipline seems very much a Rockefeller-CIA creation with the purpose of studying societies to learn better how to engineer them as the book by Price ‘Weaponizing Anthropolgy’ revealed.
I’m afraid that the South Seas are not magically exempt from what everyone else has to grapple with. Now it can’t even be said the weather’s nice because that’s been turned into a narrative of an imminent submersion beneath the rising waves followed by re-location somewhere else and your homeland visitable only in cyberspace.
An idyll can only be created by re-ordering a messed-up will, not in some external dreamworld that probably never existed and certainly doesn’t exist now. However it remains probably the defining feature of ‘progressivism’ that problems are blamed on some external cause.
One might say that over intellectualizing a simple and very common statement which almost everyone can understand is itself a form of mental illness.
The vast enterprise of colonial imperialism entailed subversion, perfidy, invasion, occupation, plunder, devastation, terrorism, brutality, rape, slavery, genocide and eugenics. The intellectuals who normalised and even glorified it included orientalists, artists, anthropologists, geneticists, religious authorities and legislators.
Some years ago, when we had GPs that didn’t hide, I went to see mine, feeling, well, depressed.
My G.P. was/is a very clever man and refused to log our meeting as depression related and said he was going to write something banal. He also refused to give me any medication and told me to come back if the symptons persist.
So, instead of a permanent marker on my records, I had a clean sheet.
My doctor was wise enough to trust me to come back if it really was a problem.
As he predicted, my mood improved after our chat.
Those feelings have been absent for some 25 years until last month.
The realisation of what is coming in the UK has brought upon feelings which I recognise from before.
I’m not going to jump off a bridge or anything but I find it difficult to see anything positive coming anytime soon.
But everything that’s been happening of late has been so totally absurd that it is really doomed to failure…wouldn’t you agree? And the agendas they’re trying to bring in are being turbocharged which means they will ultimately trip over their own feet. We just have to laugh at it all and stand back and watch them fall…. then get on with our lives in a more peaceful world. It’s Chaos theory to a tee. The insanity keeps me sane!
I take your point.
The thing that makes me angry/depressed is peoples acceptance of the nonsense.
I just want to shake them.
If you’ve seen “Midnight Express” – the scene in the exercise area where there all going the wrong way.
Yes but the more you try to shake people awake (in whatever way) the more many will dig their heels in (or even get very depressed by being gaslit and not knowing which way to turn). They have to come to awareness in their own good time, don’t they?
Yes I saw ME…when it came out in the 70’s! Can’t remember, I’m afraid. I’m pretty good at forgetting harrowing things…maybe that’s the key?!
Yes, peoples acceptance.
And the belief, here in USA, of the two party system. As if there is a difference.
People actually believing that if this one gets into the white house things will change.
It’s a game. A very interesting, in a betting kind of way fun, game.
Until you realize the devastating circumstances.
It drives me insane.
(not going to jump off a bridge insane, just your run of the mill angry all the time feeling of hopelessness insane)
Hallelujah !
The really maddening thing is that most American voters don’t really believe it matters who gets elected. Elections are literally a game to them; and they have their favorite team – team Red or team Blue. Politics has been conflated with sports.
In that respect, it’s very telling that a political contest between candidates is most often described as a “race,” wherein the candidates “slug it out” in debates and speeches.
Most cases, probably few among OG, can be put down to poor diet (depleted nutrition), exposure to pollutants such as pesticides and fertilizers, inoculations, unnecessary medication, G4 and G5 WiFi antennas, a propensity to watch TV making them anxious and confused by the ever changing news cycles, or Netflix and similar making them feel inadequate in the light of cinematic rich lifestyles.
Recent media push to normalize autism and describe it as a gift. It may take attention away from causes such as vaccine injuries and environmental factors.
80% of marriages in households with autistic children end in divorce.
By normalizing autism, there might be a decrease in the urgency to research its causes
And also normalising mental health by applying it to a majority gives TPTB an open door to section people who don’t go along with the mainstream narrative.
“gives TPTB an open door to section people who don’t go along with the mainstream narrative”
I’m going to go out on a limb and predict a proliferating category of Psychiatric Professionals deputized to cruise around in vans and make on-the-spot diagnoses of “violently anti-social delusions,” with the aid of credibility-enhancing Ai Assistants and next-gen crowd control tech.
These will be well-paid positions with very low bars of educational qualification. Special “community outreach” Social Media campaigns will emphasize the goal of high recruitment from neighborhoods of the “disadvantaged”. This will generate good will among progressives and soften criticism of the program… much the same way that the US Army became a benevolent employer, instead of the face of Imperial Genocide, for too many Americans, post-1980s. Yes, it will probably work like that when every industrustrialized nation decides it’s time to “Bring the War Home” in a serious way.
Or something like that…
Autism is bliss?
Remind me about disturbed menstruation is just normal among western women yes?
If a majority of all western women have irregular menstruation its normal.
Because we are in a democracy yes??
Beware bipolar bears:).
I’ve spent a long time in life wondering whether it’s worth fighting stupidity. Today I am of the opposite opinion. Stupidity will and must lead to mental contamination and thus to self-harm. It is therefore not worth trying to counter stupidity at all. Stupidity will destroy itself and truth will eternally give birth to itself.
That sounds astonishing when so many rebels of truth are fighting against stupidity. Truth is not a conviction that can be “mentally conveyed”, only through painful experience, which allows one to muster the courage even in the face of the high priests of falsehood to calmly and consciously spit against their lies.
If only we could use our philosophers study and our ancient religious remarks about it, because off course these eternal questions have been studied and resolved long long time ago.
“Against stupidity the gods themselves fight unvictorious”,
“Against stupidity even the gods contend in vain”,
There are nearly 200 Bible verses about fools, indicating this is an important topic.
Fools, according to the Bible, are those who reject wisdom and choose to follow their own ways.
Proverbs 1:7. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
You can see from this example that there is method and evil intent behind it. Now the perpetrators of this toxic ideology (we all know who they are and always have been) called “relativism” and “deconstructionism” have even managed to persuade young children that they are in the wrong gender. But this is not a reason to help them psychologically, but to accept their self-perception.
The attack is clearly on the core called identity. Identity means being identical with oneself. Authentic and identical are related in meaning. Who could have an interest in convincing small children that they are transsexual chimeras and manticores? I can only guess that it is those who were already working on the “sexual revolution” before Hitler in the “Weimar Republic”.
They must therefore have a manic, almost anti-cosmic interest in destroying the core of the natural way of life, which is and always will be the original form of the family. A society that listens to their lies must and will inevitably perish, because nature can never be antinature. It will therefore be eliminated and made to disappear without residue by nature itself.
Anglo-Americans say “familiar” when they feel something is trustworthy. Now, of course, you can abstract: nuclear family, extended family (brothers-in-law and cousins). The German extended family is therefore all Germanic peoples.
Unfortunately, one of our supposed relatives, Albion by name, has been extremely unfamiliar, one could say dysfunctional in today’s semantics, in the fabric of European cohesion on the world stage. Now we are all supposed to bear the costs and burdens of his idiocy for him.
Yesterday I watched this documentary, which was probably filmed two decades ago. In it, an attempt was ultimately made to largely decouple the British from the Germanic tribes. Obviously a failure, as many angry comments below indicate. We Germans support any British concern never to have sprung from our womb!
The gender thing in children is strictly a Big Pharma induced phenomenon. Today, a boy decides he’s a girl; tomorrow he decides he’s a giraffe. The only proper response on his giraffe days, or dolphin days, or bald eagle days is to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself carrying out today’s identity “crisis.” The only time one need worry – if even then – is if he announces “I’m a great big jock strap with spikes!”
While we were all being distracted by the faked scandal. Olympic
officials were trying to get the athletes to “eat yer greens !!”
‘Hunger Games: France withholds high quality protein from
0lympic athletes, pushes plant-based foods.’
‘Olympic Games ditch woke approach as steak and eggs are
flown into athletes’ village after major complaint from stars.’
Like attracts like. Athletes need protein for energy. Couch potatoes watching athletes need greens for roughage.
You are right that there are few of us in the alt media bubble who can escape the screwed-up society we live in – that “soul-abusive system” (Breton & Largent, The Paradigm Conspiracy). However, plenty of people – the majority? – have escaped by staying firmly within their safe zone of family, job and hedonistic pursuits. As long as those aspects of their lives are available to them, all’s fine in the universe for them. Sometimes I envy them …. not!
Why not? – Because I remember that I have a soul, an inner compass that guides me and that understands when I’m in an abusive relationship and that tells me when to get out of it. Whether that’s what you call sanity or not, I don’t know but it keeps me from topping myself.
Anglo-Americans say “familiar” when they feel something is trustworthy. Now, of course, you can abstract: nuclear family, extended family (brothers-in-law and cousins). The German extended family is therefore all Germanic peoples.
Unfortunately, one of our supposed relatives, Albion by name, has been extremely unfamiliar, one could say dysfunctional in today’s semantics, in the fabric of European cohesion on the world stage. Now we are all supposed to bear the costs and burdens of his idiocy for him.
Yesterday I watched this documentary, which was probably filmed two decades ago. In it, an attempt was ultimately made to largely decouple the British from the Germanic tribes. Obviously a failure, as many angry comments below indicate. We Germans support any British concern never to have sprung from our womb!
Much of the “diagnoses” have been done by and for Big Pharma. Get it? I’m a big believer that humans have been humans since they became humans. Picture yourself living in a rudimentary hut with no running water, no electricity, no modern conveniences at all, barely enough food and water to survive, and having to get up every morning and go work all day working on the pyramid. Or castle. Or the plantation. Or the sweatshop. Now that would be depressing. A quick search revealed the extent of mental illness in the middle ages, which was on par with any other illness, disease, etc. I watched a movie a couple weeks ago, a western with Tommy Jones, who played a man hired to transport 3 mentally ill “Plains” women, i.e., women who lived in the U.S. Great Plains region, farming to try to stay alive; to an eastern state where they could be taken care of. A common occurrence. So, it’s all relative and some perspective is in order relative to today vs. the past. Alot of wimp ass people today that need to buck up.
That said,”In a study published in Environment International in March, scientists showed that exposure to polystyrene microplastics produced anxiety responses in mice.”
Scientists find evidence of common packaging material contributing to mental health issue: ‘Their impact on human health is of particular concern’ (msn.com)
So, whether it’s human waste in a creek people had to drink water out of, or packaging materials, there’s always been plenty of shit to drive us crazy.
Some research suggests that hunter-gatherers generally spent only a few hours a day getting food, assuming they lived near water. We see this today in the isolated tribes of the Amazon basin and the San nomads of Botswana.
This is intolerable to capitalism. Remember the UK Industrial Revolution, etc. So, declare the commons to be private property, and make the serfs and their children work for a pittance.
I agree with most of what you say, but I tried a different approach to how to deal with this.One thing that psychologists never touch upon: mental “illness” might bring the cure for a sick society. For example: I see a direct relationship between ‘hearing voices’ (angelic/demonic conversations offering guidance in times of hardship) with living in a world in turmoil. You could say that all saints, poets and visionaries were ‘sick’ in their minds – but perhaps they are the ones who didn’t repress themselves and allowed the ‘voices’ to guide them somewhere new. In the other hand, the internet has been giving a different ‘voice’ for those suffering from… ‘gangstalking’ for example… these individuals are convinced ‘the government’ is behind a mind altering tech – V2K – and refuse to accept other causes for their mental states. In the other side, we see doctors calling these people ‘paranoid’ and regarding their suffering as ‘delusions’. Both views are very dangerous for the individual – and imply there is something wrong with them. I believe both views are essentially wrong (yes, there is something ‘stalking’ you, but it is not a ‘disease’, nor ‘the government’). Psychologists and Psychiatrists might bring up words and terms – such as ‘schizophrenia’ or ‘having a psychotic break’ – but if you allow yourself to be a little more open-minded this whole ‘illness’ thing could signify something even beneficial, transcendental – a spiritual guidance or your inner self trying to save you from a world gone mad. I experienced this myself – from believing my neighbours were plotting against me (there’s a whole internet rabbit hole prepared to feed you on this belief) to doctors offering me drugs to ‘relieve the symptoms’ of a potential ‘psychotic break’. I decided to take the spiritual/creative path and found solace on writing about it – my book, a science-fiction, will be published this year. Yes, the voices gave me a lot to think (and write) about – now they are nothing but distant echoes. Over all, I am glad I was able to channel these ‘entities’ to produce art. How about others? They lock themselves inside home, lock their brains with medication, listening to the modern preachers of psychiatry. I prefer not to bring up some 1970s debate on the extent of the label ‘mental disorders’ (I leave Thomas Szasz to offer some clues), but I definitely don’t think it is wise to relegate those going through these circumstances as ‘victims’ – poor individuals ‘suffering’ from something that is going wrong INSIDE them. The word of the day is ‘resilience’ (how many times I heard: “have you tried mindfulness meditation?”). To hell with mindfulness – what was needed for me, in my case, was complete alienation, a make believe world in which i could scape from time to time, have real friends and enjoy some good fun. Perhaps the answer is there – inside madness and the irrational behaviour (so called ‘anti-social’) we can find company, develop our social relations without fearing the world.Time to use your depression to write edgy lyrics for a goth band – paint some abstraction with your own blood – dress weirdly and attend a religious ceremony – experiment with new drugs, philosophies and stop ‘being yourself’ all the bloody time. Playing the victim for family, the state and doctors isn’t going to help you, and might result in a hard to wash-away stigma – or bring you close to the perpetrators of this sick society (political and religious, groups, technocrats-on-DMT and all sorts of propaganda to mind-control you).
There’s a world out-there that doesn’t resemble this one. You have no obligation to participate on this shit-show all the time. Stay clear – if you wish. Free-Will is Real.
S. Korea and Taiwan admit to a growing crisis of healthy people who do their best not to leave the house.
Yeah, crazy. When I was living in London I had this ‘lifestyle’ – now, in Brazil, I can’t even think about staying at home – the weather, the warmth of people, the natural beauty. It seems to me most people are still living in lockdown.
Just to make it clear: when I say to ‘not participate’ in this shit-show I am not suggesting to stop leaving the house. My creative life, and mental well-being, work much better when I am not into lockdown mode – but wandering under the sky.
We are not born unhappy, we learn it from those around us.
Thinking is the catalyst for unhappiness.
All the ‘What if’ thoughts pollute our minds and prevent us from simply BEING.
Human being.
Thinking is useful for practical outcomes.
It is a burden for everthing else.
Not the South Pacific, but what the heck.
But, what about ALL the broken promises by our saviors…
Could that be the real problem?
“Broken Promises” are part of the deception – but ‘mental illness’ is not the only alternative path.
Quote from “Aliens” to us (as announced by the ‘Chilbolton Crop Circle’, 2002).
https://youtu.be/m4mgA2HJt0U ……many have studied this question.
No wonder, Todd Hayen lost his mind he lives in Toronto Canada which happens to be under the auspices of scumbag Trudeau.
USA for many decades has been in the midst of a pandemic of mental health issues. Having a ‘shrink’ was no big deal, especially for middle class Americans who could afford one. Even in 1970’s and 1980’s references in TV shows and movies made visiting the shrink or therapist seem socially acceptable. Seemed to have started as a West Coast phenomenon, in LA and San Fran, before hitting the East Coast.
Like many American ‘cultural’ exports such as KFC, McDonalds, big box (chain) stores, processed food, crap TV and Hollyweird; mental health ‘treatments’ is just another to add to the list. Creating dependency and life long customers for Big ‘harma and the medical industry.
The average African or rural South Asian does not have the time, money or the luxury of worrying about their mental health despite having to struggle each day to survive. Somehow, they soldier on and get through life.
Perhaps, if more people in the West had closer ties to their families and a few good friends to talk to, a trip to the the therapist or popping pills would not be necessary.
Whatever pressures people feel in the developed world at the moment, life is likely to get a whole lot tougher as the socioeconomic situation deteriorates. Time for everyone to prepare mentally and find that inner strength.
We should be questioning everything about orthodox medicine (allopathy). Here’s some books that do (provided by Unbekoming.substack):
Live like our paleolithic ancestors lived, and you’ll live free of any mental illness.
Don’t eat plants (except those with medicinal value)
Turn off all electric lights when the sun goes down, or use blue-blockers. Candles are fine.
Ground yourself most of the time.
Do cold baths, and hot saunas
It works for me. It will also do wonders for your mental health.
“Job-Wonder Germany” (bankruptcy ticker): “These statistics have been recording the extent of job losses in Germany since September 21, 2019. It lists job cuts that have been announced or implemented since then as well as jobs lost or threatened by insolvencies. The list does not claim to be exhaustive. It goes without saying that we cannot fully track the actual implementation of announced measures and make corrections where necessary. The overriding intention is to give an impression of the extent of the upheavals currently being observed on the German labor market.” Current status: 2,351,080. https://egon-w-kreutzer.de/jobwunder-deutschland-2
“Almost 3 million people have been diagnosed with depression in 2020 in the USA, 66 million with anxiety over the past year. In the same year almost 5 million were diagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder, about 5 million with Narcissist Personality Disorder, and almost 2 million with Schizophrenia.
About 10 million will suffer from some form of psychosis in their lifetime, almost 10 million have been diagnosed with BiPolar disorder over the past year, 15 million adults suffer from ADHD, and nearly 35 million children were diagnosed with this particular malady over the same year.”
Well it’s not as though everything we’re led to believe, officially, comes from pathological liars working to confuse, undermine and destroy us. So I guess I will BELIEVE these stats and the iffy criteria by which they are generated. Further: it’s not as though “psychology,” as applied to Duh Masses, and statistical models thereof, is a fundamental pillar of the Control Mechanism… whereas “psychology,” as individual-targeting therapy, is largely a pharma-driven cash cow and utter fiasco. Right?
Please tell me more.
Borderline Personality Disorder sounds like a good scam. Like Borderline Diabetes and Borderline Hypertension.
In order to prescribe any drug, there must be a condition for which it has been licensed to be prescribed by doctors. Ergo, the more conditions that can be described, the more opportunity there is for prescribing drugs.
Even better when the “treatment” drugs generate, in turn, cascades of actual corollary damage! Mathematically speaking, the possibilities are nearly endless, limited only by the termination of the patient, which shouldn’t come too self-defeatingly (for the industry, I mean) quickly…
That is why the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual” or DSM used to be about a quarter inch thick but grew and grew to be a big huge FAT manual as the profits and scam grew. Go to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights website and watch the free documentary “Making a Killing”. There are other great documentaries to watch there also, that can be watched for free online. But beware you don’t get diagnosed with Documentary Watching Syndrome.
FWIW, treatment for BPD is typically psychotherapeutic, not pharmaceutical.
I’m still waiting for them to come up with the 21st century version of the psychological disturbance known as Drapetomania. Either they already have and the updated term is too sneaky to detect… or they’re actually waiting for the gate on our collective cage to slam shut before they unveil it…
Remind folks that the model for diagnoses is about as legit as covid diagnoses using a pcr test.
Ive also said the people in mental asylums are acting normal as this place is fucked up you’ve got to be fucking mental to think acting there version of church state normal law-abiding citizens normality is sane.
Something that we were careful to impress on our children as they grew up was never taking their lives for granted, the situation they lived in wasn’t natural or a given but due to a combination of circumstances. We had moved from inner city Manchester in England to surburban California around the time they were born so they grew up in a world a bit like a TV show, a world that was both tangible and real and yet at the same time totally fake. We, like other immigrants, knew the reality, we’re both able to live in what is often literally a movie set, we know that the distance between lives is paper thin. People who don’t understand this (adjust, for want of a better term) get into psychc or even criminal trouble. There’s no easy fix for this because our society is set up by, and for the benefit of, the ‘winner take all’ mentality. You’re either outrageously successful or a dismal failure with most people striving constantly for the former while living in fear of the latter. Pills aren’t really the answer, they’re just a more respectable version of self-medication using alcohol, opiates or the cult leader du jour. Still, we all have to make a start, and one way of doing this is to provide at least a minimal social safety net — you might think you can motivate people using fear but happy, healthy and educated people are far more productive.
(I grew up in a world where there really was a bona fide attempt to provide for all. It wasn’t perfect, far from it, but it worked. I then watched horrified while my fellow citizens voted repeatedly to dismantle it, to reduce and weaponize benefits and sell off public assets, often far below their worth. They were assured that as ‘stakeholders’ they’d all be rich, a common huckster platform that promises gold at the end of the rainbow. In the end all they did was trade their heritage for a handful of lottery tickets, tickets that like most lottery tickets proved worthless.)
You are either “at ease” whereby you are being and living your authentic self (warts and all) or you are in a state of “dis-ease” whereby you are susceptible to your pre-disposed conditions and/or any external/environmental insults. Exercise (while breathing through your nose not your mouth) and proper diet can go a long way to maintaining your “at ease” state. Also taking a half hour+ of direct sunlight every day when possible. We are all in a spiritual war so doing your daily regime to stay viable is just self-defence.
In solidarity with everyone of you…Peace
Unless you are a hermit, “living your authentic self (warts and all)” can harm others. Eventually, one of the 2 parties destroys the other or drives it out.
Spot the “mental illness”!
Melbourne police captured on CCTV taking down disability pensioner
Apr 3, 2018
ABC News (Australia)
Dramatic video has emerged of several cases in which Victoria police have allegedly gone too far, with people bashed and brutalised during arrests. Now Victoria Police’s internal investigation of complaints is being questioned. Read more about this ABC News/The Age investigation here:
Well, what would you expect where we live in a world where most of what we are expected to believe is false? Where the actual goals that the ruling class has for us are so truly diabolical that the vast majority simply believe their propaganda?
So if its true that covid really did kick some ass, the whole article makes sense.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-08-01. People refused CV jabs are “the winners”; censored – 73.9% autopsies after CV jab adjudicated jab as CoD (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
Ppl are spiritually bankrupt without a moral code for living.
Anything goes and lots of it.
Happiness comes from within and not from “external things”.
Pray,repent, seek God and change-its an inside job…