WATCH: Meet the Sentient World Simulation – How the Government Predicts the Future
Have you heard of the “Sentient World Simulation”? Do you know that the US Defense Department revealed two decades ago that they were working on putting together a real-time model of the earth and every person in it? And do you know that project has effectively been swept under the rug and was never mentioned again? Well, you’re about to! Get ready for this week’s fascinating look back through The Corbett Report archives.
A full transcript, source links and download options are available here.
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How to survive on Bitcoin and Ethereum outside any Government AI control off grid as a free and independent lonely wolf in a free society. Just ask Corbett Freedom Report 😷 .
The US government/military can easily predict things without the aid of any software, sentient or not – because it works both overtly and covertly to make certain things happen: things it considers to be in its interests.
What it needs, which all the software in Silicon Valley cannot give it, is a Reality Check of what it considers to be in its interests versus what is actually in its interest. Playing God – its number one activity – has never been in anyone’s best interest and never will. But the US has never quite caught on – and never will.
WEAR: “always-listening” AI because – aw! – they just want us never to be lonely:
Martin Armstrong already has this and it is spot on, called Socrates and the USA jailed him for 8 years as he would not allow TPTB the formula. Socrates speaks and world governments listen.
“Martin Armstrong and his computer Socrates are forecasting a major event for Russia on May 7, 2024 and this may not be good news for the rest of the world! Martin Armstrong Part III / Will Putin Be Replaced on May 7, 2024.”
If you and the other jerks knew the basic condition for this earth, you could have revealed him immediately as a charlatan.
“The weather is a chaotic.non-linear system impossible to predict more then 7-14 days ahead”.
99 cents, Big Lots, CVS, Walgreens , RiteAid joining all the other closures. Hard for me to understand, given that people are still buying stuff in spite of ridiculous prices.
CFR’s magazine “Foreign Affairs” calls for missile attack on Russia! Bizarre; normally such an incident would be a SURPRISE attack. Did I say “normally”? Double bizarre.
The War on Food and the increasing pollution of our food.
Do all three of these things mean TPTB are becoming desperate? Or is it emblematic of their power?
No. They are just doing for they use to do. Making more money.
The US Department of Indefense is headed up by a kind of-sort of-man that would look like The Grinch if you turned him green, and whose idea of “help” is killing hoardes of innocent children, women and men. Who knows what he is liable to do next, but it is not likely to be good. Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with defense, unless defending criminals is considered applicable to the definition.
I have a valid passport, can walk, swim and pass the security tests…don’t need a wheelchair, and would be disgusted, if I was presented with one..I can walk maybe even run, without getting a heart attack at Gatwick Airport – Come on Love – Keep Up – Have you Got Your Boarding Ticket..
Some probably American kid, posted this, and I cracked myself up Laughing…such that I had to watch it again, and check it out…
He has probably never been to Wales in his life..Whilst I have..
We know Llangolen really well…it does rain a lot, but a lot of people who go there – really like it – especially when the River from the Welsh mountains flows fast…and you are watching them in a canoe …
Not only still going – but get Great Reviews
Corbett is great, but I reckon I got “9/11″…on the day it happened…it was not easy to get from close to Euston Station, where the company I was working for sent me, to learn this new Flash technology, to tart up my Intranet Company blog, so that it was safe for over 7,000 engineers, to access, and update, without their local management team leaders phoning me up..I was on-call 24×7 for several years, cos I though the National Service we were providing, was actually quite important, and if it failed, the company, though closely related to Government – basically they outsourced us would go bust, if the new state of the art mobile technology, which we were developing, didn’t work reliably. I got the job of going to Newbury – and telling Vodaphone, look this is simply not good enough..You are not taking us seriously… ..It doesn’t work reliably – must do better, or we will develop our own mobile communications network. Probably the most exciting time in my life, once I gave up Gliding, discovered Good Love, Sex, Children and Now Grandchildren I went back to school the next day after 9/11, and discussed everything with my Teacher..I said Everything has changed now..Then the kids turned up and gave me a copy of Photoshop…I passed it to my 13 year old Son…see what you can do with this.. I see the quality has not particularly improved since then… He modified a school photo of him and his sister..and stole her long blonde hair, and put it round his face after he had a short haircut I found it last week, 20 years later..and showed it him and his Mum. He obviously loved his Sister – his Diving Partner.. So That is what Families are about, not Crazed lunatics trying… Read more »
Simulations, for government, are war gaming and an obvious tool to develop. They would eventually attempt this. The grand scale use is ridiculous tho, imo. Proof of value would be the ability to intercept tragedies. But as we see that’s not happening, unless they’re hiding that kind of result. Or maybe if they see a sim situation predict a disaster, they ride that disaster (911, cv19) wave to generate hysteria and disruptive business opportunities. I do believe they are in way over their heads and whatever they try will not work to the benefit of them or Humanity. Never underestimate the stupidity of greedy people.
Aside from this 1% distraction, we all need to keep our eyes on the prize: the authority to: replace the middlemen politicians with obedient legal technicians; self-govern our own policy and budget; oversee all of it and; hire & fire as needed to get implementation.
So to add…
Simulations like…
West projects war externally > IMF/WB foreign debt and resource extraction > disrupted developing economies/cultures > fleeing refugee worker/dispossessed infill West employer needs > internal economy/culture disrupted and destabilized into civil conflict > Police State > total totalitarian control cage societies.
… are practical applications of the 1% to desocialize and neutralize society into binary disabling conflict schemes.
Eyes on the prize: caging the 1% before they lock us all down.
war gaming – most of these arseholes – were never even in the boy scouts, never joined the army, never played a computer game, and would be frightened to death, if they had to play a paintball match..Just got absolutely loads of money – sucked out of the rest of us.
Just when the Paris Olympics are tanking, along come “the Science” (TM) to proclaim watching sport makes you healthier:
Just shows the mass are falling for the traps laid out by their so called alt media truther heroes who are actually establishment controlled opposition. These traps are to ensure the implementation of the nwo police state and to take away the anger due to covid money spent which was given to the rich making all the 40% increase in food gas electric etc and policy’s now blamed on the brown and poor.
Each country has followed the same format. USA, France, Ireland, U.K etc. Happens after a selection or before, 5 minutes later they all say the credit card has been rinsed there is no more money due to xyz and taxes rates must go up. After promising it will go down.
Same script each country.
The USA is playing the rest. They don’t want to lose their dominance (which they are) so take out the competiition, EU/UK/AU, by running down their financial reserves with war. Russia is not the problem here.
Why this is futile:
It would seem we are potentially living in a simulation after all. That is our digital person exists in parallel or in tandem with us inside a digital facsimile of our world. The likelihood that SEAS and SWS have been funded extensively since its early inception seems to this observer to be an absolute given. How far advanced this program is and or others like it remains to be discovered. We will undoubtably be stonewalled by the simulation in our efforts to obtain any further information, Can you imagine being a whistleblower working on this type of project. That prospect seems highly unlikely as their models could potentially predict and contain any possible internal breaches or leaks. It would appear that they have created a digital Golem and wrapped it in an enigma of sorts.
This is mind bending stuff…time to get twisted lol.
Thanks to James Corbett and OffG for this dispatch.
Simulation theory is another conjuring by the Gnostic elites – they want everyone to reject the majesty of creation like they do.
The exterior world is real and magnificent and all we have to do is find and accept our place within it. That’s the central truth a whole raft of bullshit has been built to obfuscate.
BTW this is not anti-science nor Luddism which is how opponents would try to paint it. Humanity has reason to understand how Nature works better – but to work with it, not put it on the rack as the whole Baconian tradition would.
I agree with you Edwige. More conjuring
Let’s be clear Solomon was a sorcerer The Seal of Solomon as proof of that fact. The Masonic tradition and it’s gatekeepers revere Solomon (fact or myth) with the highest regard. Curious though do you believe that their “simulation” is more hype then reality after all it is a simulation lol. One thing I am certain of is that humanity is nature there is no doubt about that for me, no separation. To defy or defile is to be a cancer.
Why does every enterprise want your phone # above all else? To pass on to higher-ups who are building a network of relationships – worldwide. That was the plan ~10 years ago.
They can’t even predict what Wall street will do the next month….
Can’t they ?
BOE managed to get inflation down in UK from over 10% to 2% within the year…..
……..didn’t they ?
And Kennedy kept his promise to get a man on the moon by the end of the decade…..
……didn’t he ?
My point was about the weoponisation of the fiscal sytsem.
Trump’s Assassination is Being ERASED
100% guaranteed to fail.
The arrogance of thinking to be able to do that can partly be explained by the lust for big funding and safe high paying jobs. Unquenchable power hunger is another.
Just look at the Ukraine or Israel war to see how unsuccessful that GiGo is. Or Brexit, Butler, or China.
Or look at one of the dozens of ‘world’ climate models. Hopeless hopium.
Only possible due to the US dollar’s status making it a magic Ali Baba gold cave.
Surely, the Sentient World Simulation, bring itself part of the World, affects that world itself by its own existence, and thus frustrates necessarily its own object.
A part of a system cannot model the System of which it is a part. Pure hubris.
Over to Professor Heisenberg.
Any observer/observation affects the outcome.
Actually watched most of that,
Philip k. Dicks ‘Valis’ is a classic,
Keep coming back to the black cube thread on stolen history
now calling Spinoza, who I thought was okay, a spook, no way ! Even although, human history might be around 300 years old…
the ones and zeros and the left and right hemispheres,
have a look
or don’t
it may booglarise you
May a bus narrowly miss your bride on the way to the alter.
Sorry, Oz
Amyl and The Sniffers – Maggot (Live from Williamstown) – YouTube
Thank you for that..I turned it up to 100…My Sennhisers do not do 11, and do not want to annoy my wife or the neighbours…
Did Captain Beefheart ever do the Old Grey Whilstle Test…Yes