The Virus Telenovella – Teaching the Plandemic
Doug Glaass

There are a variety of debates that one can jump into concerning the alleged pandemic. The viruses don’t exist crowd say that no scientific evidence exists that any virus has ever been isolated, so it follows that there was no novel virus.
Denis Rancourt’s research shows there was no viral spread in NYC. The most mainstream debate revolves around the virus’ origins; did it escape from a lab or did it have natural cause?
Listening to Jonathan Couey, who has been outspoken in his belief that not only was there never any pandemic, all of these debates distract from the idea – the truth – that the novel coronavirus is a mythology that must be destroyed. Those Rand Paul vs. Tony Fauci back-and-forths are debates put out not to determine whether the virus came from a lab or from nature, but rather to affirm the existence of a novel disease in the first place.
While I most certainly fall into the Couey camp, what I want to show is that it’s not necessary to analyze any of the evidence concerning the lab leak vs. nature debate, or pour through any of this research to come to the same conclusion as Couey.
All anyone has to do is look at their own lived experience from 2020 onward. Despite the media’s daily case-counter-porn, no honest person would say these reports were a reflection of their everyday lives. There were certainly reactions from health officials to a pandemic, just no pandemic. If there wasn’t actually a pandemic, it isn’t that much of a stretch to say there was never any novel virus.
I wrote a piece about Vinay Prassad in March of 2022, where a commenter left a link to Diane West’s piece on Dr. Malone. The commenter, as well as West’s piece, are both interestingly enough MIA, but you can read the archived version here.
If all you know about the good Dr. 5D is from his appearances on various alternative programs, I encourage you to read her thoroughly sourced deep dive into his claims about the vaccine, taking the vaccine after having covid (imagine someone telling you in 2019 that they’d just had the flu and that is why they got the flu shot), connections to Bill Gates, etc…
Around the same time, on another prominent doctor’s Substack, where Malone is frequently defended, someone linked to Couey’s twitch feed in the comments. He was saying some of the same things about Malone that West had. I didn’t know that streaming on Twitch was a thing, so Couey fell off my radar until very recently when I learned that Bret “lockdowns should have been harder”, “masks are no more of an inconvenience than washing your hands (tweet deleted)” Weinstein formed a dream team and had been promoted to the voice of the resistance.

This led me back to Couey who is still on Twitch and who you can support. I bring him up because my finding him (again) has inspired this particular output, and because I agree with him so completely that the real casualties of this psyop are our children. He goes much deeper into all of this and I highly recommend listening to his Gain-of-Function is the Scooby Doo villain analogy.
At the risk of appearing to pump my own tires saying I got it right before JJ or anyone (well, this elementary school teacher with a liberal arts degree apparently did figure it out almost four years before world famous evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein), I’ve been of the opinion that there was no pandemic going back to September 2020 and tried showing this to my K-5 students very early on. I did so just by having them compare what they were hearing or being told to believe about the pandemic, and what they were actually experiencing.
Perhaps the most shocking realization in early 2020 was that using evidence to support an argument became completely and utterly ineffective as a means of doing so. Certainly when the idea you were arguing against was supported by evidence supplied by authority.
Even if this evidence was simply, “According to the CDC…” or “The FDA has determined that … ”, it was powerful and captured people who up until that point, seemed to be smart, critical thinkers.
In The Most Dangerous Superstion, author Larken Rose writes:
The belief in “authority,” which includes all belief in “government,” is irrational and self-contradictory; it is contrary to civilization and morality, and constitutes the most dangerous, destructive superstition that has ever existed. Rather than being a force for order and justice, the belief in “authority” is the arch-enemy of humanity.
(Rose is also responsible for The Jones Plantation, first a short and now a full length film you can purchase, and highly recommended)
It should be obvious to any critically thinking person that much of the madness that has taken place since March 2020 is a direct result of this religious belief. Some examples are the policies mandated by so many cities in the US and Europe requiring masks to be worn in public or on airplanes, or requiring restaurants to verify patrons’ vaccine status before allowing them in.
Never mind that no evidence has ever been shown that requiring any of these measures reduced the spread of contagious disease, or that prior to 2020 it was an accepted fact that masks were seen as a talisman at best [emphasis mine]:
We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection… ….It is also clear that masks serve symbolic roles. Masks are not only tools, they are also talismans that may help increase health care workers’ perceived sense of safety, well-being, and trust in their hospitals. Although such reactions may not be strictly logical, we are all subject to fear and anxiety, especially during times of crisis.[1]
The general population cared little for such details and would respond in ways such as, and I’m generalizing of course, “Just do what they say, and you won’t get in trouble.” One can look at the comments on the Facebook/Twitter pages of any small business or restaurant that didn’t toe the line and see that it was either a false assumption that there was science to back the non-sensical measures, or just simply non-compliance that bothered people; whether or not complying actually made people safer.
There are still some (allegedly) real people who continue to advocate for mask wearing in public, and no medical intervention has ever had such a religious zeal attached to following it. The fact is that the focus of this debate has always centered on whether or not there is a benefit. In other words, do they work?
The pro-mask crowd has never, ever considered that there may be a cost to universal masking, especially in the school setting. It is always under the guise of reducing spread and “keeping kids safe” but no school or health official has ever put forth any evidence that it does either of these things.
Because there isn’t any.[2]
Like so many of the non-pharmaceutical interventions of 2020, no benefit-cost analysis was ever done regarding masks. This seems patently obvious to any rational person and I don’t need a study to know that putting masks on 4 & 5 year-olds, 10 year-olds or teenagers 8 hours a day for months on end causes deep psychological harm.
Most importantly, since we don’t “know” if and to what degree masks may be harmful if worn for extended periods – this question is never addressed by the mask stasi, or it is simply dismissed as superficial – it is impossible to determine whether or not they provide a net benefit.
I saw first hand the deleterious effect that masks had on young people working in an elementary school at the beginning of 2020. It is hard to imagine a group of people more compliant than public school teachers and so the mask requirement was dutifully enforced by them across the country. It’s been a lonely place for educators like me over the last four years, and I can only imagine how difficult it was for like-minded teachers in the northeast or Oregon, California or Washington.
In the fall of 2020, I was teaching a group of 2nd and 3rd graders. By this time, I was not only of the opinion that the coronavirus thing was a big psyop, I was starting to believe that there wasn’t actually a “pandemic” based on my own lived experience.
I was a specialist, meaning that I would go pick students up from their classrooms, and bring them back to a separate area to give them more individualized instruction. It was then that the damage that was being done to our most precious members of society really hit home, both figuratively and literally.
I was lucky in that being a specialist allowed me to fly below the radar of the mask stasi, allowing me not wear a mask while teaching. The kids, however, wore them without question, especially the younger ones. Anyone who has kids or has taught young kids knows why: they trust us implicitly, and want to please.
Teachers quite literally told children that masks were preventing people from dying, and that not wearing them could lead their unwittingly killing someone.
So sayeth Adults, so kids believeth.[3]
I didn’t realize how frightened they were until I actually asked them why they never took off their masks, even though I didn’t wear one and always told them they didn’t have to. When they told me why, it crushed me, especially since I knew that they were the least likely to suffer any complications across all age groups.
One day, I just posed the question to a small group of five kids: “Are you guys afraid of coronavirus?”
There wasn’t any hesitation – which in and of itself was a tell because all of them were non-native speakers and sometimes it was like pulling teeth to get an answer. All of them said “Yes.” I asked them why, and one of them said, “Because I don’t want to die.”
This may sound like a “that definitely happened” story, but for whatever it’s worth, I can assure you that it did.
My caseload was 27 students, between the ages of 5 and 10 years-old so I decided to ask the same question to all of them, and 26 of 27 gave that same answer.[4]
They were afraid. What broke me is the reason that they were afraid was not because they had looked into the matter themselves, of course, but for the same reason they wore the masks: Adults told them that this is what they should feel, and that implicit trust led to their having a completely unfounded fear of dying.
The worst, most heart-wrenching reason came from an 8 year-old girl[5], who didn’t speak English very well. I had met her parents at a local playground the weekend before and they didn’t speak English at all. My conversational Spanish isn’t great, but I can get by and we ended up talking for quite some time. They were lovely, but the best part was that they weren’t afraid and made sure to tell their kids the same thing.
The next time I saw this girl’s group, I told all of them they could take their masks off, confident that she would be the first one to do so when in fact she was the only one who didn’t. I didn’t pressure her and continued on with the lesson. She volunteered the answer to a question but I couldn’t understand her, even when she repeated so I said, “Just take your mask down for a minute so I can understand.”
Within a few seconds, she was sobbing, still with her mask on. When I was finally able to understand what she was saying she told me, paraphrasing, “I don’t want to catch coronavirus and take it home and kill my parents.”
I don’t remember what happened after that to be honest, aside from reassuring her that this was absolutely not the case. I think I told her that all the other adults were wrong, and reminded her that parents had told her that she had nothing to be afraid of.
I called her mom right after school to tell her what happened, and even requested a meeting with the principal. I was still naïve to the fact that school officials would not be sympathetic to my concerns. That’s a story for another time.
I don’t know where it came from but it was a completely spontaneous moment in the classroom. I’m sure I was tired by the battle I fought every day, but I came up with something that I still use to this day. I knew I might be putting my job at risk, but I didn’t really have a choice. I did it anyway. In my completely unhumble opinion, it’s perfect.
On the whiteboard, drew a box with lines down the middle and said, “That’s a cage at a zoo, and all I want you to do is find out if there is an elephant in there.” The only rule was that all the questions had to have an answer of “yes” or “no”. It took a bit of coaching at first, but they caught on quickly.
“Is it gray?”
“Does it have tusks?”
“Does it have a trunk?”
“Does it have flat feet?”
I tried to get 7-10 questions from them and wrote each one on the whiteboard. I went back and reread each question one by one, making sure to emphasize that the answer to each one was “No.”

I then asked them, “So, is there an elephant in that cage?” to which they all answered “No.”
I continued, “What would you think if the zookeeper then came over to you and said, “Hey kids, want to know what animal is in that cage? It’s an elephant.”
This confused the younger ones quite a bit, but confused all of them some. “What do you mean?” (I knew what they meant was “Why would the zoo director say there’s an elephant in there, when there isn’t?”)
I told them, “You know that there’s no elephant in there because you just asked me all of these questions, and if the answer to all of them is “no”, yet the zookeeper told you there was an elephant in there anyway. What would you think about that?”
This was really confusing to them. I think that they couldn’t understand why the zookeeper – an adult – would say this. In fact, only one kid among the 27 actually said, “I’d think he was a liar.”
Then I went into part two. I told them all to imagine a world where there was a terrible disease going around that was killing lots of people. “What would that world look like?” I asked.
Again, I had to coach them a little bit to get the ball rolling, but they caught on.
“Would there be lots of kids missing school?” “Would there be lots of teachers missing school?” “Do you think you’d hear about kids and teachers in the hospital all the time? Maybe even hear about their dying?”
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
I wrote all of those on the board in statement form. A couple of great ones they came up with:
“You’d hear ambulances a lot.”
“You’d go to a lot of funerals.”
I always made the last one, “Do you think 14 and 15 year-old kids would be allowed to work in grocery stores?”
Then I went back and asked about each statement, “Have lots of kids or teachers missed school? Been in the hospital? Died? Do you know anyone whose parents have died? Grandparents?”

I went back through our statements and we all agreed that none of that was true about the world we live in (well except for a few kids who mentioned grandparents but that’s kind of what happens to grandparents, right?)
Then I finally asked them, “If this is what we imagined a world with a terrible disease going around would look like, but none of that is true about the world we live in, is there a terrible disease going around?”
The implication was hard for some kids to grasp at first, but most of them were pretty excited to understand. (Interestingly enough, when I did it for groups of high school students the following year, there was a large portion of them who suffered from some serious cognitive dissonance despite having given the same answers as their younger counterparts).
That the world that we have inhabited since then doesn’t look at all like one that has been ravaged by a deadly pandemic demonstrates just how powerful authority is. The only evidence we have of a worldwide pandemic comes in the form of declarations from authority – that is, the news media and our “leaders” – that a dangerous, civilization-threatening, novel virus arrived on scene in early 2020.
This message runs completely contrary to our own lived experience and harkens to the Chico Marx quip from the 1933 film Duck Soup.
Teasdale: But I saw you with my own eyes.
Chicolini: Well, who ya gonna believe me or your own eyes?
The most dangerous superstition has caused people to be afraid of something that runs contrary to what they see with their own eyes. In fact, if you were to travel back in time to anywhere in the world to any point in 2020, took everyone’s masks off and didn’t watch any TV, any honest observer would come to the conclusion that there was nothing out of the ordinary happening.
Mark Twain said, “it is much easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled,” and any adults that haven’t snapped out of it yet, probably aren’t going to. Children’s belief systems aren’t quite that rigid yet, but as JJ Couey has pointed out the establishment/deepstate/government or whoever it is, has been studiously constructing the mythology so that kids who haven’t even been born yet can be raised into the Covidian Cult.
The children have always been one of the prime targets, as are all indoctrination efforts. If you let people make decisions about any belief system, the one you want them to believe in is a much harder sell if you don’t start the brainwashing early.
We cannot let that happen.
As for the adults, the idea that there was no pandemic and thus no novel virus, may be hard to come to terms with but if the thing in the cage doesn’t have a trunk, tusks, or flat feet then it is simply and quite conclusively, not an elephant.
The real question is however, if an elementary school teacher guitar playing Francophile reformed commie liberal with zero medical or science degrees knows this, and you know this, then those leaders especially those in public health absolutely knew this as well, so why all the measures? Why the media blitz?
Even more importantly, why did Operation Warp Speed happen? Why did the Trump Administration award a contract to Moderna on January 13, two days after the WHO acquired the genetic sequence, when there had only been 40 confirmed cases and ONE death in China up to that point?
Why were people around the world, either through threats to their livelihood or simple state sponsored social coercion, forced to participate in the largest medical experiment in history?
I think the oracle might say the answers to those questions are really going to bake your noodle, if you care to try and find them.
[1] Before anyone says, “But the NEJM issued a retraction…”, that is completely false. What actually happened is they wrote a follow-up article attempting to say, in essence, “Yes, we did say masking offers little, if any protection,” but we also think that masks are amazing and everyone should wear them because Covid. [back]
[2] Seems kind of analogous to the whole lab-leak vs zoonotic origins debate, doesn’t it? [back]
[3] If you disagree with that, think about any kid you know and whether or not they understand sarcasm. They don’t and it’s because they don’t understand the concept of saying something that is untrue using a serious tone. I imagine any adult has used this “trick” on a kid for laughs. [back]
[4]The one who didn’t was the oldest and probably had been at five different schools in 2 years not because of his behavior but because family life was rough. He has more to worry about than getting sick. [back]
[5] Actually, the most heart-wrenching reason was after hearing this from lower-elementary school-aged children, I asked my 3½ year-old daughter the same thing, and she said she was afraid of coronavirus. [back]
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The reaction to covid was overblown, yes. But I know when I’ve got it, because I am weak against it. My Dad (in his 70s and with diabetes admittedly) died (in part) of it. It is a thing, I know it is real. Dad and I both had it before it was in the news, so not psychosomatic. Also we both had it before I (only) had my single “vaccine” (which upset my immune system and I caught covid for a second time, passed it to Dad and killed him.) Thankfully it doesn’t hit everyone as badly as it does Dad and myself. If it did the governments reaction would have been far too slight and not grossly over done, as it was. FYI; no other cold or flu hits me (or Dad) as hard as covid.
You’d have had to be in China to get it ‘before it was in the news‘ – one of those first people to face plant on the sidewalk – wouldn’t you, surely?
Saying ‘if it had been worse then the measures would have been justified’ could be said of any illnees or anything. Statistically ‘Covid’ represented no more than pretty normal rates of respiratory illness, and admittedly some people are hit harder than others by that. There was really never anything epidemiological to tell ‘Covid’ apart from anything else, except dodgy mass-testing of the healthy with a very dodgy test prone to false readings.
I just think it’s important to bear this in mind. A2
That’s what you choose to believe, it doesn’t mean it’s true however.
Ahahaha, never read something more stupid than this brainless antivaxxer bullshit!!!
What if the vaxxer has allergies ?
is they still anti.?
Define anti-vaxxer for me please, i hear it a lot and have never seen the clear definition.
I’m a bit tired of hearing the oft-repeated “Virologists don’t use any controls when they identify viruses.” The idea–put forth by Bailey– is that the process by which virus particles are made numerous enough to identify actually CREATES them. The inference is that if one simply took nonvirus-bearing tissue and submitted it to the same process, it would result in a “virus” being detected. That is, that the “virus” being detected is merely a non-virus fictitious creation.
Of course the unbelievably obvious rejoinder is “Why doesn’t Bailey DEMONSTRATE this?” Why doesn’t Bailey take a healthy (nonvirus-bearing) tissue sample & demonstrate that it will test positive for the virus in question after the usual identifying process?
The other obvious error made by those who insist that viruses don’t exist is their long insistence that all existents must be filterable– separable from all else as salt is from sand. I once posted a long comment here, thoroughly exploding this epistemological error. I don’t have a copy of it, but I note that no one made any attempt whatever to contest any point I made– and yet there is a religious attachment to the idea that identification is impossible without separability.
I don’t know whether our understanding of viruses is at all accurate, but the impeaching arguments are so far extraordinarily flawed. And if theories are judged by their ability to explain observation the antivirus theories are entirely wanting.
Dr. Stephan Lanka HAS demonstrated this. Crack a book, Penelope.
Don’t be silly. He certainly hasn’t– nor has anyone. I note you fail to name the book or give any quote from it.
Welcome to the mini psyop conducted in the off guardian comments section. Surprised you didn’t get 30 or 40 downvotes! That’s the usual MO.
As we descend into total idiocracy e.g.
There will be no need to censor or burn books…
The will be shown a book and they will ask ‘What the F is that?’
2 cm ear wound!
or just like jesus he was protected.??
RE: The belief in “authority,” which includes all belief in “government,” is irrational and self-contradictory; it is contrary to civilization and morality, and constitutes the most dangerous, destructive superstition that has ever existed. Rather than being a force for order and justice, the belief in “authority” is the arch-enemy of humanity.
Indeed. Isn’t the belief in viruses also based on a belief in authority?
Most “beliefs” are, this is why they start us in on them while we’re young. The Pledge of Allegiance in the US for example, religion the world over. If they waited until we were of the age of reason, we’d reject it all.
It’s BECAUSE of the ‘age of reason’ that people choose to believe in lies. There is no objective truth in secularism, it is the will of man.
The man with most power determines what truth is, the people behind the media, govt and corporation bloc decided there was a pandemic, therefore there was one, it didn’t need to be intrinsicaly true because the will of man is above everything else, even the truth. And so on. Case solved.
Denis Rancourt’s research was not limited to NYC. NYC, like northern Italy was a “hotspot” that erupted simultaneously in various places in Europe and the US exactly upon the WHO’s pandemic announcement. He shows that this is not possible given the accepted science of viral spread which does not obey jurisdictional boundaries and also spreads according the social behaviors of a particular locality. It would be impossible to get synchronous outbreaks of the same disease separated by thousands of miles and oceans at the same time not infecting populations directly adjacent to a jurisdiction where a severe outbreak occurs. There was no new pathogen in 2020.
“If there wasn’t actually a pandemic, it isn’t that much of a stretch to say there was never any novel virus.” Many, many anti-establishment medical workers have indicated ceaselessly that there was a somewhat novel virus, but no pandemic.
I see no necessary linkage between a novel virus and a pandemic. What’s more, it’s not an important question: We know that the fictional pandemic was used to murder and disable people via a (non)vaccine. And to destroy much of our economic and political vitality. Next to that, who CARES whether there was actually a non-pandemic virus or not?
Every year, the flu becomes ‘novel’ again; otherwise no one would ever get sick from it. Virus mutate from time to time — this is nothing special.
Exactly so, sir.
Not an important question whether the world can be shut down over an imaginary virus? Oh my…
Fear is not the mind killer, certainty is.
–Greg Lukianoff
It is interesting to me that those that are skeptical of the aims of Big Pharma become its champions when it come to virology. They are just certain that those questioning germ and contagion theory must be wrong.
To those that say that this could equally be applied to those questioning germ and contagion theory, I would bet that the vast majority didn’t start that way, we bought the same mainstream narrative as everyone else. But then we started to use our brains…
I have a lot of respect for Lukianoff, though it diminished when I found out that FIRE did f all to help Mark Crispin Miller.
So MCM sought help from FIRE? So, would you say that FIRE is willing to push back on DEI etc but not on the Pharma-military Industrial Complex?
Probably about right – I’d have hoped Lukianov would have reached out to Mark and said something along the lines of “I want to help you, but I like breathing.” but considering Miller spoke about being basically refused publicly, I doubt there was a private conversation.
Whether the murderous acts were committed with the pretext of exaggeration from “100%” on the scale of mendacity or from “90%” is of no importance.
You are misstating what I said.
Because people have been living in fear of an imaginary bogeyman that’s why. The whole point of the industrial medical complex making stories up about viruses as causes of disease is to scare the living daylights out of people.
They make out the virus mutates and they, the clever ones, have the technology to keep up with it, and it is only the publics reluctance to fund the research adequately that prevents them getting on top of it.
But it is all a scam for money, pure and simple, a wonderful business model.
P.S. As to who cares, well the WHO cares, that’s who! Its existence relies substantially on imaginary mutating viruses causing new diseases on which they can spend billions of taxpayers’ money.
There were few, and in most cases, no, excess deaths during the non-existent ‘pandemic.’ The surge in excess deaths, still happening, is from the vax.
I looked hard for any proof that viruses exist, particularly via isolation and purification. None to be found. Some people have claimed that bacteriophages prove the existence of viruses. Nope!
Virus, Bacteriophage & Single “Virus” Genomics, Dr Sam Bailey, 7/23/24.
[Embedded video, 25 minutes]
“This is the video version of Dr Mark Bailey’s essay Virus, Bacteriophage & Single “Virus” Genomics. [Link] It was written to address the fallacy that technological advances in the 21st century have provided evidence for the virus model. In essence, the technology-driven approach cannot change the fact that the concept of ‘virus’ remains as it was in the 1800s: a mental construct that attempts to explain why organisms become diseased.
The paper also examines the misinterpretations concerning bacteriophages and giant “viruses” and how these entities have been inappropriately placed in the virological realm. As former virologist Dr Stefan Lanka has explained, these entities can be found in nature, isolated and characterised, but they are not pathogenic. The linguistic legerdemain employed by the virologists cannot change biological reality.
Mark views this latest publication as a companion to Virology’s Event Horizon with both papers outlining the pivotal flaws in the methodologies employed by the virologists. We have dozens of videos, articles, interviews and books covering this topic at drsambaile with the most extensive refutation of the virus model being A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition), a freely-downloadable treatise that was also made into a three part video series by Steve Falconer.
What do you think Bailey would say to this paper dealing with TMV transmission?
In her video essay on TMV, that you’ve linked to in the past, she only mentions old studies, and very strongly implies there aren’t any modern valid studies worth critiquing. Obviously if modern studies like this one are at all valid, this might be seen as cherry picking. So I thought I’d pop it here, in case it’s relevant, and if it turns out to have any valid conclusions perhaps Lanka or Bailey might want to deal with it in a future?
The paper was provided by commenter Eleventy Seventy, you can see the original comment thread linked below. I don’t condone or support the conclusions in this paper, I’m just sharing it. Here’s the original thread:
I would not wish to speak on behalf of either Dr Sam Bailey or Dr Mark Bailey. I will let them know of this. But i would say the material is really hard to read given the format. Yet i already have a HUGE question.
“fficiency of contact transmission under controlled condi-
tions. Contact transmission between plants was simulated by
brushing one leaf of a recipient plant with an infected source
leaf. Source leaves were collected from Samsun tobacco plants
systemically infected after inoculation with 600 ng of wt-TMV
particles per leaf. Three types of source leaves were used:
inoculated leaves (L0 leaves) collected either at 4 or at 7 days
postinoculation (dpi) and the systemically infected second leaf
above L0 (L2 leaves) collected at 10 dpi. Five leaves of each
type, each from a different infected tobacco plant, were used to
inoculate two sets of 20 5-week-old Xanthi-nc tobacco plants,
with the recipient leaf always being the youngest fully ex-
panded leaf of each plant. One set of plants was inoculated by
brushing the recipient leaf once with the source leaf; the other
set was inoculated by brushing the recipient leaf 10 times with
the source leaf. ”
How was it KNOWN that the tobacco plants were “infected”? Doesn’t this amount to an assumption of the presence of the virus, rather than using an actually isolated and purified TMV?
The symptoms are distinct, I think. I guess it depends whether isolation is the only valid way to document viruses. Perhaps it’s possible to observe a virus in action, eliminate other known particles as the culprit, culture that substance and conduct meaningfully controlled trials without needing to isolate it? I think that’s what virology started off doing, before electron microscopes etc. Anyway, this paper appears to document some form of contagion which I really think should be investigated further with other contagion mechanisms in mind. A2
Sam, I challenge you to explain to us how this study is valid and scientific and demonstrates contagion since you claim it “appears to document some form of contagion”.
Sam posted the link to invite commentary. The proper way to respond would be to point out the flaws and errors in the paper or post a link to a critique of it.
Observe the virus in action? Without first knowing, being sure, that there IS a virus present at all? Indeed that’s how virology started, step I in the history which renders it invalid. With electron microscopes came step 2, point and declare, claim that entities seen are viruses. Step 3 was the cell culture method, with Cytopathic Effect deemed to be the proof of the presence of a virus, though John Franklin Enders, who invented that procedure admitted in his write up of that very first experiment that he got the same result when he applied the procedure without adding any sample of the alleged virus!! Last time anyone did genuine controls.
The paper appears to document contagion of some kind. They were specifically testing ‘contact transmission’ rather than ‘mechanical’ transmission, meaning they ‘brushed’ the leaves together – either once or ten times- and counted the lesions. No mechanical abrasion of the leaves took place. They used this data to calculate a rate of transmissibility.
Let’s not use a circular argument here and use our own premise, that viruses do not exist, to support a conclusion that viruses do not exist!!
Clearly some act of transmission was documented here – be it virus or something else. Do you disagree with that?
Don’t you think this warrants further investigation? Aren’t you curious?
Excuse me, but you (and the composers of that paper) are the one using circular argument. I did not assume viruses do not exist. I pointed out that there is no proof that a virus was present. The investigators assumed one was present, and you seem to be doing so as well. Indeed, you are assuming that ANY viruses have been proven to exist. It’s clear that you’ll do anything to uphold the assumptions of virology, seems to be a political line drawn by Off G.
Please don’t be unnecessarily confrontational
1. Sam did NOT “assume” or even suggest a virus was present. He simply quoted the hard data cited in the article that implies some type of contagion was observed. He specifically left open the question of what might be the cause.
2. He invited you to discuss the paper. I suggest doing that would be more productive than falling back on needless antagonism fueled by misrepresentation.
3. OffG has given, and continues to give, an open platform to anyone questioning virus theory. You obviously know this since you have contributed literally hundreds of comments on the subject. In the circumstances suggesting censorship or narrative control is not just quite dishonest it’s also ungracious in the extreme.
Sam Bailey is the Judy Wood of “covid”. Dumbed down fake “science” aimed at midwits who can’t reason past the pseudo-logic. I bet a scary number of people worshipping Bailey were or still are also followers of Wood.
Dr Judy Wood’s qualifications outweigh yours by orders of magnitude, m’dear.
Since we are all anonymous here, I guess it’s fruitless arguing from this stand point. Let’s assume we’re all open minded people with the ability to critically assess arguments and weigh evidence, and let’s leave appeals to authority alone. Thanks, A2
That’s an appeal to authority. – ie an argument used to defend a person with a PhD who’s talking bollocks.
Freely employed by midwits everywhere
While both of your comments have consisted entirely of ad hominem attacks, it seems fair.
Don’t tell me you’re a supporter of Judy “where did the towers go” Wood?
Say it ain’t so, Doug.
Don’t tell me that you have fallen back on assuming I support the person that you don’t because I asked you why you don’t.
I pointed out simply that what you have said about Judy Wood is evidence free. I know what you think…I’d like to know why you think that.
In classic style, just a bunch of ad hominem attacks and false equivalency. I’d take you more seriously without such obvious fallacies.
You looked hard in your lab, with your electron microscope, right? And you looked carefully to see what evidence germ “theory” and viruses rested on, and then you meticulously exposed the errors in this evidence, right?
And you have a better theory to explain our everyday observation, right?
It is so very easy for the intelligence “community” to mislead those for whom “disagreement w established science and/or belief” constitutes overwhelming proof.
The burden of proof lays with the ones positing the theory. I don’t have to disprove , they have to PROVE;, and when asked to do just that they obfuscate and deflect. It doesn’t take a genius to see the agenda at play
It was/is beyond criminal what they did to our children. They will never recover any semblance of comfort or safety, likely not for the rest of their lives. And to the statement about brainwashing them early; i.e. “[w]e cannot allow that to happen,” I firmly believe that that ship has sailed. Brainwashing in schools and on social media is almost ubiquitous and only kids who are perhaps homeschooled or who are not allowed to visit social media can possibly be saved from the constant indoctrination. As for the rest, the majority IMO, brainwashing and indoctrination are ways of life for them, and, just like our efforts to talk to covidians, we will be wasting our time trying to convince them of the truth of what happened and what they have to fear in their lives.
There is nothing to fear, but time its self.
-. People other than children have not fared better.
-. This jab is now another routine one for children in US.
-. No “vaccine” jab for any other disease is safer or more sane.
You’ve been conned, by believing in contagion and contagious diseases.
If you discard that myth and see that viruses and so called contagion are covers for toxin exposure, they mitigate legal and fiscal responsibility of the toxin peddlers, provide control to the faux governments and trillions in profits to PhRMA.
The public have been lied to, pathologically. Nobody cares about their health. Not doctors, health departments, academia or government agencies.
The individuals in those professions only care for their own interests: Whether that’s maintaining or growing their salaries and status, or preserving their reputation.
JJ Couey is the lowest of the low in my opinion. A pathological liar and fraud.
Please remember that just because virology is disproved to your satisfaction this does not qualify you to propagandise or proselytise here. Do that on your own site, but not here thanks. ‘Toxin exposure’, or ‘toxicology’ as you refer to it, has not been scientifically demonstrated in any scientific papers I’ve seen. Toxins have never been shown, to my knowledge, to replicate known diseases or epidemiology to any reasonable level of satisfaction. There are no controlled trials testing ‘toxicology’. In fact, sometimes you claim it isn’t possible to demonstrate ‘toxicology’ scientifically, making your opinions unfalsifiable and rendering your harsh criticism of viruses and contagion built upon double standards and hypocrisy.
I’ve asked you to dial this down many times, and I’m not going to argue the toss or have a long back and forth now. Thanks, A2
Keeping the scientific fraud alive is the only thing these controlled opposition do. My opinion (based on research and analysis) is as valid as anyone else’s.
I never said your opinions were any more or less valid because they belong to you. It’s how you present your opinions and the opinions of others in your comments that’s overly emphatic and can appear coercive. A2
Tell us about Rabies. When dogs that exhibit all the symptoms of Rabies bites a person they are very likely to die unless treated. Has the dog infected that person with a Toxin? How does the treatment work to remove the Toxin?
You seem to be a doctor and an expert, so I know you will have examined this very question and done a lot of research and so will have a very detailed and thorough explanation and not have to rely on dismissive assertion.
Can you do this?
The rabies fraud has already been exposed.
THE RABIES HOAX: Shocking Corruption – a Deep Dive into a DEADLY SCAM.
Ho ho ho, tell me about what constitutes “…a Force Multiplier ” , now ?
Fledgling researcher, distracted or still ignorant ?
Remember high auroral accoustic research programming ?
Any ‘Pitch ‘ or frequency of flooding you specifically require ?
That conspires with Aladdin profit margins from 1997 onwards …
Do you finally at least concede that certain parties Geo-engineering the Weather, is an immoral & incalculable factor for humanity, but not ?
Fuk RabiesRabbis&RoubelsRoupeesRinminbiRealRand-Y repeat yourself ?
This article and video does not answer my question. There is no doubt the tests developed to diagnose Rabies that are based on the premise of the existence of a virus have been shown to be dubious at best, still does not explain the actual existence of the condition described as Rabies. In fact, it seems, all diseases that are ascribed to be viral diseases must now be discarded as figments of fevered imaginations, and don’t actually exist, or must be consistently explained to be caused by other means regardless of shysters and fraudsters cashing in on their pet snake oil cure. Does a disease become a hoax or simply does not exist once a hucksters arrives on the scene to cash in.
So Researcher, is it true that diseases that are attributed to now known to be fictitious viruses don’t exist. Or has the cause of Rabies (or any other “viral” disease) been discovered to be something else? That is what I asked and I know you have your own opinion on this and you can, in your own words talk about this. I presume you are a doctor or a trained medical researcher, a professor, and have strong opinions on what causes the condition known as Rabies or any other disease that is supposedly caused by a virus. In your own words.
It’s a hoax. Like Ebola. AIDS. Covid, swine or avian flu. To sell vaccines. To make people inject their pets with poisons. A scare campaign. For $$$. Is that clear enough?
Symptoms aren’t dis-eases. You’re conflating the two.
There’s a whole world (including your garbage education system and worthless universities) built on nothing but fraud and the continually disproven germ theory is just the tip of the iceberg of deliberate fraud, in the medical and scientific fields.
What actually causes Rabies? Has this been definitively determined beyond speculation that it is a bacterial toxin. Surely such an obvious target of research would have been explored over all these years, even for the pharmaceutical industry to develop cures and cash in. After all, how hard is it to find a responsible bacteria that exhibits toxic affects?
Would you suggest that there has been a dastardly conspiracy and an industrial scale coercion to not look at this possibility over all these years? Or is it a total lack of curiosity, a lack of funding, group think that is total and world wide that precludes any research by universities to understand the real cause of Rabies and cash in?
Maybe, like you insist, it is because Rabies is a HOAX.
What do you think about this Researcher, in your own words.
I’ve already gone over this at length with YOU on another thread.
It’s pointless debating with those who haven’t already examined and researched these frauds, themselves.
“Rabies” appears to be nothing but an unethical fraud.
There’s no pathology” and no specific dis-ease, allegedly transmitted through bites or saliva.
For that matter, how did people catch the cold or the flu before PFAS and the 5G existed?—What-About-Rabies:c
What actually causes Rabies? Has this been definitively determined beyond speculation that it is a bacterial toxin. Surely such an obvious target of research would have been explored over all these years, even for the pharmaceutical industry to develop cures and cash in. After all, how hard is it to find a responsible bacteria that exhibits toxic affects?
Would you suggest that there has been a dastardly conspiracy and an industrial scale coercion to not look at this possibility over all these years? Or is it a total lack of curiosity, a lack of funding, group think that is total and world wide that precludes any research by universities to understand the real cause of Rabies and cash in?
Maybe, as Researcher likes to insist, it is because Rabies is a HOAX.
Is Rabies a hoax, Tom?
Did you listen to/watch What about rabies? If you had, as well as the link that Researcher provided, you could ask that question of yourself.
I highly recommend reading two books:
This book doesn’t really talk about viruses at all. It is about the history of vaccines and shows thru exhaustive research that none of the diseases that vaccine promoters claim to have eradicated were done so via vaccines but rather via better working conditions, sanitation, cleaner air and water, banning of toxins and better quality food. One example that is characteristic: Salk’s polio vaccine was introduced only after polio had already been in steep decline. Vaccine advocates claim credit for accomplishments that they had nothing to do with. That’s fraud, should it matter to anyone.
The second book is Rockefeller Medicine Men by E. Richard Brown. This book is now in the public domain, but my guess is it was published around 1980. To me, this book is Covid-19’s origin story. By 1920, medical education (and therefore medical practice) was all controlled by oligarch foundations, especially the Rockefeller foundation. Before 1920 allopathy had serious competition from homeopaths, herbalists and doctors who used their own experience and wisdom to help people. Medicine became a top-down vertically integrated industrial complex. The Covid scam would not have been possible without that kind of integrated control. The link below is a book review which is excellent.
Thank you. I am aware of all that you mention and the fraud various entities within the medical industry perpetrate. However my question is very specific and has nothing to do with whether viruses exist or not or any malfeasance or fraud. It is What causes the consistent pathology of Rabies? Surely we live in a time where this is not a mystery and there is no need for speculation or confusion.
RE:I am aware of all that you mention and the fraud various entities within the medical industry perpetrate.
RE: Surely we live in a time where this is not a mystery and there is no need for speculation or confusion.
These two sentences are contradictory. There is nothing but fraud and the obfuscation of truth. The answer to your question was addressed in the link I posted to you.
The video states “ rabies is likely to be a form of poisoning by a neurotoxin”…
That’s the ‘explanation’? I can see why you didn’t wanna say that here.
No it was not. I appears you do not understand my question. There is no researched and solid evidence to prove what causes Rabies presented in the links you provided. Absolutely none.
In your own words, tell me exactly what causes Rabies.
Would you prefer the certainty of a false truth or the doubt of I don’t know?
Also you don’t consider that rabies might be a “disease” of attribution, like AIDS or Covid (a name applied to an umbrella of symptoms). In other words, it is not a disease at all it is just a name applied to very general symptoms more or less arbitrarily.
Here are some rabies symptoms:
“Early symptoms can include fever and abnormal sensations at the site of exposure. These symptoms are followed by one or more of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, violent movements, uncontrolled excitement, fear of water, an inability to move parts of the body, confusion, and loss of consciousness.”
Those are not very specific and some very subjective.
Keep in mind that all this discussion is about a “disease” that has an absolute risk (in the US) of 1.5 per 330 million per year.
Very few single symptom are completely unique to a specific disease. However a constellation of symptoms together can be. I think hydrophobia is quite rare in other diseases, but quite common and diagnostic in rabies. When linked with hallucinations and delusions and paralysis – and death (rabies is 100% fatal) the clinical diagnosis is fairly apparent.
Is the argument that rabies does not exist or that we don’t know what causes it?
I would tend to agree with the latter, but not with the former.
Well, whatever. Here’s a question: Why are we even discussing a purported disease that that has a
0.00000045% chance of killing you? We are not arguing about traffic deaths which kills (also in the US) about a 1% of the population. Hell, 110, 000 people die every year from slipping in the shower, exponentially more than that attributed to rabies.
Because they aren’t sincere, nor curious.
* First, they’re (p53, chicken little, Gregor, David Ho) arguing without evidence, but from “authority”.
* The very same “authority” that locked down the world in 2020 using obvious fraud.
* On that basis alone, I question their sincerity and veracity.
* They don’t want to educate themselves or address the fundamental fraud – that there’s no scientific evidence for contagion, pathogens or viral existence – which should be their aha! moment.
* And they refuse to consider obvious, alternative causes for alleged symptoms.
= cyber warfare disinfo tactics.
RE : = cyber warfare disinfo tactics.
I agree 100%. I have copied your last line as I am beginning to see how that works (has worked, is working) mechanistically.
Iatrogenesis is the number one cause of death. Not imaginary pathogens.
This is very definitive. There is no argument that can counter the information provided by this AI answer.
“Electron microscope images of the rabies virus…”
No EM images ever taken of any alleged virus ever isolate alleged virions from the cell culture, ergo the alleged virions are merely artifacts of dead-dying cells and can be produced with or without a patient or animal sample.
“The rabies virus has been isolated from infected animals and humans, and its genetic material has been sequenced.”
The same is true for all alleged genomes which are in silico, de novo assembly, which means 100% hypothetical, computer generated.
How do the specific symptoms of rabies get transmitted? Or do you think all reports are just a big pharma hoax going back hundreds of years?
If germ theory is all completely made up as you believe, aren’t you even a bit curious to find out the real cause? Seems you are more interested in disbelieving viruses than in actually understanding anything. Your closed mindedness and double standards are self evident. Only zealots behave this way. Pursuit of knowledge is anethema to your faith, apparently.
There are no specific symptoms for “rabies” because it’s a fabricated, fictional dis-ease. Germs don’t cause dis-ease.
Dog and animal bites are common in healthy *or* sick and/or injured animals.
The false belief that there’s tests for these alleged dis-eases, or differential diagnoses for common symptoms, is the fraud that’s the basis of allopathy, toxic Rx and iatrogenesis.
I already stated the cause of dis-ease, it’s the same causes known for millennia, before the fraud of Koch and Pasteur. Or Jenner and the Royal Society smallpox hoax.
The symptoms of rabies were first described by Aristotle in the classical age. He told of a disease causing madness in dogs and when an affected dog bites an unaffected dog the madness is passed on.
Aristotle knew nothing of viruses or even of germs, he was merely describing an observation.
Rabies the disease clearly does exist, whether it’s caused by a virus, a toxin or some other agent currently unidentified.
The ancient Greeks also believed in bleeding and faux democracy. Both of which are harmful and fraudulent.
I place no validity in the ramblings of the very same eugenicist ruling class (then and now) who use fear as their modus operandi to detract from their deliberate poisoning of the masses.
Well, phlebotomy is actually still used to treat certain conditions, actually. But don’t tell me, they’re all fake conditions, made up by the ‘eugenicist ruling class.
So everything is fake, and you feel no need to have proper evidence for any of your assertions. Got it.
You’re a bit of a loony, aren’t you.
You’ve learned nothing in four years.
The evidence is on the multiple links provided. There’s no scientific evidence for contagion, germ theory or viral existence.
Iatrogenesis is the number one cause of death. Just contemplate that for a minute.
Researcher has obviously never had gonorrhea or syphilis or Tuberculosis. Or s/he would have received some antibiotics (from nature originally) that would have killed the bacteria s/he doesn’t believe in. You know, the bacteria you can see in a high school biology class growing in your petri dish, and which bacteria die when you drop antibiotics on them.
Writing such as Researcher’s demonization of Ivermectin in numerous posts on Off-Guardian helped enable the ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ (EUA) of the mRNA quackzines. This is because those so-called ‘vaccines’ could not have been authorized if there were an existing treatment for whatever it is people had who got sick. Which is why there was a concerted campaign to demonize Ivermectin—because Big Pharma knew Ivermectin was a threat to their rollout of the quackzines. By your demonization of Ivermectin, you are aiding and abetting the use of the truly toxic genetic injections. Congratulate yourself, Researcher, for being part of the psyop that helped harm and/or kill millions through the propaganda around Ivermectin enabling the ‘rollout’ of the quackzines.
Were people sickened by ‘Covid’? See Off-Guardian’s brilliant deconstruction of how covid could not possibly be a ‘thing’ Or were people sickened by EMF poisoning? Or the ‘flu’? The symptoms from the ‘flu’ are similar to the symptoms from not only ‘covid’ but also from EMF poisoning (see the book, The Invisible Rainbow by Firstenberg). The Swine Flu scamdemic of 1996 happened concurrently with the turning on of the major cell phone networks in the US. The Covid scamdemic happened concurrently with the turning on of 5G Networks in 2020. Are these two scamdemics a ‘cover’ for EMF harm? Probably.
Researcher’s saying Ivermectin is highly toxic is not supported by the thousands of papers on Ivermectin or the decades of giving it to humans and animals. It’s not even ‘toxic’. For example, in Goldfrank’s Manual of Toxicologic Emergencies there is no entry for Ivermectin. Virtually zero emergency department personnel have ever seen a patient because of your so-called ‘toxic Ivermectin’. It is not, in general, a problem in humans and when it is a problem is when someone has ingested far too much. Even then, it is not life-threatening. In pubmedDOTgov type ‘Ivermectin toxicity’ in search window.
Compare that with an aspirin overdose or paracetamol (Tylenol) overdose or psych med or opioid overdose. Those can be true medical emergencies and emergency room personnel see these frequently. Yes, if certain dog breeds have the MDR1 gene variant then they can be harmed by very small doses of Ivermectin, but this is not an issue in humans. I have given Ivermectin to hundreds of dogs over decades with only spectacular results. I am careful not to give it to susceptible breeds. And I, and dozens of people I know, have regularly taken Ivermectin for various things with never a problem. As I said, there are virtually zero stories from Emergency Departments worldwide of medical emergencies from Ivermectin.
Dr William Makis, MD (on Twitter/X) is chronicling the amazing results of using high-dose Ivermectin in the Turbo cancers that have exploded since the vaccines. A very high dose of 1 mg of Ivermectin per kilogram body weight given for many days or weeks with no serious adverse events. Ivermectin is given together with an antihelmintic drug, (abendazole, febendazole, mebendazole), which, like many drugs from nature, can have many different beneficial effects through different mechanisms. (In pubmed type ‘cancer antihelmintic’). Stage 4 (metastasized) cancers that are rapidly developing (‘turbo cancers’) are being cured with this protocol that standard chemotherapy cannot cure.
Ivermectin is a wonder drug, not a ‘dangerous drug’.
The bacteria are all endogenous and produced by our cells to break down toxins and recycle dead tissue.
Read something worthwhile.
If people have EMF symptoms, then taking a highly toxic, fertility reducing pesticide isn’t appropriate.
Melatonin is safe, costs cents and doesn’t require a prescription.
How does the rise of antibiotics figure in your hypothesis? Before the sulfa drugs and penicillin death from wound infection and from sepsis and from certain pneumonias was far more common than now. This is a certain fact. The types of horrendous wound infections that physicians were required to deal with prior to the early 20th century are all but unheard of now. Most clinicians will never see the types of infections that were once routine.
How is this change explained in your hypothesis?
Firstly, it’s not *my* hypothesis. Many such as Max von Pettenkofer, Elie Mechnikoff (who both drank pure cholera bacteria to prove Koch wrong) Antoine Bechamp, Claude Bernard etc., and dozens of doctors and scientists have disputed germ theory since it was first proposed.
Read What Really Makes You Ill (Germ Theory chapter)
The (historical and current) claims around antibiotics and how they work are mostly false. The “saving lives” claim is likely as valid as it is for the poison injections called “vaccines”.
As long as “elites” have the ultimate Authority – God – in their bag of tricks, their game is safe. Say what you will about “They don’t understand God but they’ll find out.” It makes no difference: once they get you believing there’s “something more” than “us alone” – “something bigger,” “some creator” – they’ve got you right in the palm of their hand.
You may be able to see through their pandemic; but sooner or later with “something bigger” looking over your shoulder, they’ll find your Achilles Heel. Count on it.
@they’ll find your Achilles Heel.
Bigger like gravity perhaps, I would count on that.
Their only authority is distraction (propaganda and confusion), corruption, exploitation, terror and violence. If they have to, they make this overt.
Oh, and stop referencing this Larken Rose guy like he is some kind of authority. He is not. Alternatively, make some semblance of a coherent argument as to how the unfettered pursuit of competitive advantage between categorically adversarial business interests would somehow result in a state of perfect freedom for every person.
Or how you would credibly go about assigning any “natural” property rights for the purposes of exclusive exploitation as capital in respect of anything produced in a modern, industrialized society.
Or how the adherence to some philosophical principle of so-called ethical behavior could ever intelligently be expected to govern people’s behavior, as opposed to the incentive structure logically defined by their structural economic circumstances.
Or literally anything that would give logical consistency and practical plausibility to your anarcho-libertarian philosophy.
Thanks for reading … I’m going to tear up my Larkin Rose fan club card now!
Thanks for your commitment to intellectual engagement.
You started with ad hominem and then proceeded to discuss business interests, property rights and assign me to an anarcho-libertarian philosophy, none of which fall within the scope of the article that I wrote.
Had you actually addressed anything I actually wrote, I might have been even more committed. 😇
Like an article of faith, we hear that competition brings “freedumb”. Unlike a little capitalist, a big one invariably undermines or eliminates competition. Amazon and Walmart in US are typical.
Do you wonder how the practice of spelling “freedom” as “freedumb” got underway?
I do. And I blame Cass Sunstein.
It’s like spelling “truth” as “troof” – another Sunstein-inspired mini-atrocity.
Both designed to inculcate a generalised disrespect for very powerful and meaningful concepts –
which also happen to be concepts that are anathema to the ruling elites.
They need to dismantle our respect for these terms as a preliminary to removing them from our lexicon.
So they inject these little mocking memes into social media and discussion boards.
And then they sit back and watch midwits obediently program themselves and each other.
You think freedom is for idiots now because you have been subtly directed to think so by a change of spelling, and you’re spreading that idea around like the intellectually limited or lazy fool you are.
Cass Sunstein and his ilk thrive on people like you.
“And I blame Cass Sunstein.”
People rarely react when I mention Sunstein these days… because they have no idea who he is. Sunstein has been on my radar since he published his “crippled epistemologies” paper all those years back, advocating the use of assets in chat rooms and comment threads to create “cognitive dissonance”. This was soon after it was made “legal” in the US to use Intell Psyops on the domestic population; before which these Intell Psyops were supposedly only legally deployed against the rest of the World (sure).
Sunstein was one of the first mainstream authority figures to introduce Wikileaks to the public, btw. Sunstein was Obama’s chief of the Ministry of Truth (“Czar” was an actual word in his official title), although they didn’t put it that way, and it was during Obama we got the many “mass shooting” and “turruriss” videos with crisis actors cycling through various roles, often. Rita Katz brought us the shoddy “beheading” vids (I think she carried over from the Dubya admin).
Sunstein is probably the spiritual grandfather of the greatest Psyop hits of Flat Earth, Mandela Effect, Terrain Theory, “Okay Boomer,” “Space Lasers,” et al. I’ve watched these deliberately idiotic memes infect public discourse and spread like plagues… until Parapolitical Discussion degenerated, with the advent of the Smart Phones/ Social Media machine, into “Weird Theory of the Month: The Weirder the Better and, Preferably, Physically Impossible!” The Think Tank planning behind this Coup of the Irrational probably predates Sunstein’s rise by quite some bit, with roots in the ZPG movements of the early 1970s, significant momentum c. PNAC and, of course, total amplification with the evolution of the microchip. And, of course, where would Sunstein be without Edward Bernays?
Back when TFIC* actually needed us Serfs to build and maintain civilization, Serfs were getting pretty good educations. Then, the advent of Automation, Autonomous Robots, “Ai,” Algorithmic governance, and so forth, rendered Serfs into Useless Eaters and it was decided to turn “schools” into Dumbed Down Useless Eater Factories. Lacking a solid education in Math, Logic, Science and one’s Mother Tongue, at the minimum, one becomes extremely vulnerable to Tall Tales told by whichever entities control the biggest megaphones.
I consider myself to be the beneficiary of the solid educations**, available, to Serfs, during the Golden Age of the pre-Useless Eater paradigm.
It’s not always fun to see, instantly, through New Bullshit as it rolls down the chute, but I would not trade that faculty for any amount of popularity.
*The Fuckers in Charge
**Except History, of course: most History was always utter Propaganda unless one had the energy to dig
What is intellectually lazy is pretending that the very concept of freedom somehow equals the mere absence of definitive, general authorities or structures.
Freedom, by the definition “the ability to live as one wishes,” is logically a result of two factors: 1) One’s desires, and 2) one’s opportunities to attain the objects of those desires. Thus, one who is insatiably greedy is categorically incapable of being free, as is one who is deprived of the most basic means of living.
Riddle me this: In an economic situation which structurally seeks infinite acquisitiveness and at the same time mandates effective scarcity in the supply of things (as these conditions are absolutely necessary in order to perpetually preserve and optimize markets in spite of technological progress), how could you rationally argue that the resulting state of living would constitute the general maximizing of freedom? That is simply illogical. This is even before considering all the predictable behaviors by individuals specifically seeking to restrict other people’s opportunities and access in order to maximize their own, which are objectively incentivized in said economic situation.
Don’t insult other people’s intelligence when you believe in stupid ideas yourself.
Check out this book review of Rockefeller Medicine Men:
So, let me see if I’ve got this straight: The existence of viruses is a distraction from the discussion of [fake virus pandemic], but the belief in “authority” is somehow the whole underlying problem behind [fake virus pandemic]?
Got it. Now explain how believing in a corrupt government can be a “direct result” of “belief in authority,” but believing in a fake virus pandemic is not a “direct result” of “belief in viruses.”
Midwit waffle
David Icke was proclaiming it didnt exist back in the spring of 2020, why no mention of him in this article?
David Icke ..
Brexit seller. that sold the TV shirts.
His website had a fox news logo stick to it daily with His hero Tucker Carlson,
He and his son where also heavy promoters GB news when it came out,
He also used to be really good friends with Russell brand and appeared many times on Brand X back in the 2009/2010/2011.
He says MAM media yet he is the main promoter of them.
He also helped relaunched Tommy and Kate sandhurst during covid.
Well his views are different now, as people can change based on what happens in the world. You didnt answer my question though, only deflected to negative points. This article is basically what Icke has been talking about since the spring of 2020. My only question is why no mention of him.
It doesn’t mention OG either and they were calling out the covid narrative
back in January 2020.
Besides I think the Icke empire will survive this setback don’t you?
Never mind, I’m sure you will just answer with more negative stuff about him. Have a good day.
Many more people than he were saying this and not mentioned. No slight intended.
“…if you were to travel back in time to anywhere in the world to any point in 2020, took everyone’s masks off and didn’t watch any TV, any honest observer would come to the conclusion that there was nothing out of the ordinary happening.”
I saw a video of a brief interview with a leader of an Amish community somewhere in the USA a couple of years back. He was asked by a reporter why the Amish community didn’t seem to have any Covid cases despite them not conforming to any of the ‘measures’ imposed on everyone else. His answer was quite revealing. He said: “Perhaps it’s because we don’t have television.” Indeed!
Couey was pushing some non-infectious clone nonsense for quite some time- better late to the party than never- I suppose…
He still is. pushing it.
All I hear is from sick ppl complaining about long Covid
Still not joined the dots that’s its only the jabbed suffering from LC.
Don’t have the heart to tell them it’s vaccine damage…
I mentioned CBDC to someone in the post office the other day and all I got was the “I dont believe in conspiracies” reply.
Sheep are beyond help.
Deep down, I believe that most of them know, but they would fight you tooth and nail rather than admit it to you…or to themselves.
Also obviously I was not vaccinated for covid & still am not
I have ‘long covid’ although some of my symptoms began in mid-2018. They were few but harsh at first then become numerous & even worse in early 2020.
I doubt what Iv been experiencing is a novel virus. As has been mentioned, EMF poisoning (& radiation) is very similar.
My city was one out of the seven test-pilot cities in the US for starlink which began prior to official ‘covid’
Iv talked to a few others in town who also say their ‘covid’ began before the rollout of the media’s mass fear project. All of those people are also in the same age group as me late 50s early 60s which may or may not be a factor.
Just wanted to say whatever it is – It is real
“The children have always been one of the prime targets, as are all indoctrination efforts. If you let people make decisions about any belief system, the one you want them to believe in is a much harder sell if you don’t start the brainwashing early.”
A-right. You nailed it. 👍
That’s a good opportunity, by the way, to repeat the words of Bertrand Russell from his book “The Impact of Science on Society”, published 1953 (!):
“Fichte laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. But in his day this was an unattainable ideal: what he regarded as the best system in existence produced Karl Marx. In future such failures are not likely to occur where there is dictatorship. Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”
Bertrand Russell, “The Impact of Science on Society”, from the chapter “Scientific Technique in Oligarchy”, US-Library of Congress, Catalogue No. 68-542901953, p. 50
Sorry I missed this Axel… what a fine contribution.
“There were certainly reactions from health officials to a pandemic, just no pandemic.”
I wouldn’t even overstate the “reaction” – from their lack of interest in discarded masks to the continual stories of their breaking of the rules via all those dance videos and the campaign to “act like you’ve got it” there was plenty in the reaction that gave the game away.
If there was a real pandemic with a real novel virus:
1) Would masks be left lying in the street like any other litter? No.
2) Would higher-ups keep holding gatherings where they took their masks off when not on camera? No.
3) Would doctors and nurses video themselves holding dance routines? No.
4) Would people need to be told to pretend like this was real? No.
However these were merely icings on the bigger cake if there was a real pandemic of a real novel virus:
1) Would defintions need constant changing? No.
2) Would the media need to lie constantly (most obviously by reporting fear stories stripped of all context – like Nothern Italy’s record on respiratory illnesses) ? No.
3) Would the overall death rate actually decline? No.
4) Would symptoms look like some very familiar diseases that miraculously disappear? No.
5) Would symptoms include anything and everything ranging from hiccups to toes? No.
6) Would politicians disappear into hospital and be resurrected after three days – or fake tears badly on TV? No.
7) Would vaccines be the only solution – and then suddenly appear? No.
8) Would the first vaccine recipient share a name with a national icon? No.
9) Would Easter be banned – but BLM rallies go ahead? No.
10) Would the very rich get even richer? Yes – but that would happen whatever.
All true. But my favourite: Would people be able to buy cigarettes and tobacco products as much and as often as they wanted during an epidemic lung disease? I think not.
Cannabis and alcohol shops remained open. Sales went through the roof. Of course drinking alcohol at home increased dramatically due to the bars being closed. Some people working from home were also just having a glass of wine or smoking a small joint. haha.
I guess lots of people just thought….fck it, am having another beer….at any time of the day. I must admit I did that too.
I saw some stats that in the UK, alcohol related illnesses rose by 30% during the first year of the plandemic. People were driven to drink to deal with the whole scenario, whether they believed it not.
Thankfully I had like-minded friends and we could often visit and support one another, otherwise I could’ve easily ended up insane from the shitshow.
It was another angle to boost the deaths. Yet, it failed.
An old friend of mine was driven over the edge by the Scamdemic, becoming a full-blown manic/depressive. He still hasn’t recovered, sadly.
And thousands upon thousands of elderly people in care homes were frightened to death and/or gave up the will to live when they were not allowed to any visitors.
And likely ‘helped’ on their way.
Agree. Also, the trash collectors handling “deadly PPE”, the destitute struggling to survive, slum dwellers and street homeless all could not follow the nit-picking restrictions. Did they fare any worse?. You would expect developers to move in like sharks to redevelop the slums.
#10 🤪😂
No white elephant in this box… an excellent communication.
TYVM. One of the least stupid ideas I’ve had. (Low bar and all)
Those of us who told their kids not to be scared and that it was all a load of bollocks from the start and who never went along with any of it, and whose kids saw us not going along with it have given those kids a massive advantage in life because they have seen that it is possible to see through the facade of fear and bullshit that governs most people’s actions in Western society and live your life without it. They aren’t afraid of not being normies and my lad revels in it. To be a person without fear in a world that’s afraid puts the world at your feet.
When I began telling family members and friends (in early 2020) that it was all a hoax, nothing but deceit, etc etc (and told them that truth even more vociferously as time went on, as it became ever more obvious that it indeed was a hoax), they simply mocked me, ridiculed what I said, and continued to ‘believe’ what their beloved TVs ‘told’ them.
My younger brother (he’s now 58) said to me at that time, early 2020, “Rein it in, Chris, people are scared…“. He, of course, being one of the scared people, gullible fools that they are. Yes, it’s a sad state of affairs, but we do live in “a world that’s afraid”, as you so rightly say.
People in gvt (and even within the military), were scared to death of something, and covid was the reaction.
Ever more obvious indeed. Test of intelligence.
In another comment, it was interpreted that I was surprised that children trusted adults, which could probably be chalked up to either reading quickly or being unable to rid oneself of a presupposed notion despite reading the article.
What did surprise me was that the girl who ened up sobbing:
Her parents had told her that she had nothing to be afraid of but the droning “be afraid” she received from countless adults was more powerful that her own parents, who she undoubtedly trusts more than any two other people in the world.
I had at least one friend who drilled it into her son’s head that the hoax was just that, and she dropped him off at school and watched him put his mask on as she drove away.
At the time the school story takes place in this article, we were VASTLY outnumbered (and still are, and will always be imo) That is not to say that the overall premise of what you wrote is incorrect, just that it has not been as easy to convince them with reason as perhaps could be inferred from reading it.
I’m so confused in this time of uncertainty. Who can I turn to? Of course! Marianna to the rescue!
Me, I turn to nature.
OT but burning: From Bangladesh itself: How to not fall for another dictator
< it’s not necessary to analyze any evidence concerning lab-leak vs. nature >
As a scientist I stopped reading right there.
“Don’t confuse me with facts, my mind’s made up”. — Lifestyle Guide for Sheeple.
The whole scam since 9/11 has been to send everyone down an endless avenue of debating “the evidence” over issues where the terms are presupposed cf. The idea that you can’t discuss transgenderism without ploughing through endless pages about chromosomes, biological formulae, intricate details of specific previous cultures etc. Meanwhile you’re watching an obvious guy batter an obvious woman half to death.
If you don’t want to know “about chromosomes” then you won’t know that the “chromosome” of Corona Virus 19 contains a gene patented in the U$A six years before the outbreak in China. So you won’t know that the U$A is waging Biological Warfare against China and Russia.
If you don’t care to “wage through endless pages” about chromosomes then you won’t know that Modern’s U$ Patent gene on Covid-19 was specifically tailored to bind to human blood vessels; so you will be surprised when the RNA “Vaxx” (which contains that gene) turns out to be more dangerous than the virus itself.
If you don’t care about “intricate details” then you won’t know that the initial Chinese epidemiological results showed that Covid-19 was no more harmful than ordinary annual flu.
By not caring to know the essential facts, you deprive yourself of your keenest defense against attack by totalitarianism from this current pseudo-biological angle.
The sight of mounted armed horsemen trampling an old lady to death is appalling under any circumstances, and your reaction to state brutality is admirable; nevertheless, gnorantia non excusat.
“We stand as on a darkling plain
Where ignorant armies clash by night” — Mathew Arnold.
Meanwhile, the BBC say,
“Big rise in antisemitic incidents in UK – charity”
These “charities” are everywhere! What’s this one then? Ah, it’s a “Jewish security charity”. Specifically, “the Community Security Trust (CST)”.
So what is a “security charity”? The best I could come up with is an “AI Overview” (?) that tells me:
“charities that support the security sector”.
I can obviously put total confidence in them!
After Southport, the Taylor Swift connection highlighted in this bit of meme juggling:
“Organizer has just announced that they are canceling all three Taylor Swift concerts in Austria due to terror threat. This comes after two suspects were arrested with three other suspects at large in a ISIS plot to attack the concert where thousands of Taylor Swift fans gather in Austria”
Also please check her Folklore Album- specifically the track title: Hoax. I pointed this out several times on YT along with Gladio to receive a 22, not 33 hour ban😎
< ISIS plot to attack the concert in Austria >
You do know that ISIS (Islamic State In Syria) is a terrorist outfit on the payroll of the U$ CIA (Central Intelligence Agency, filed under the same folder as AlQaida).
Don’t you?
It has been reported that most of the vax injury data collected
by Israeli health authorities has been accidentally wiped… You
may recall Israelis were surrendered to the vax corporation as
the corporations test / control population…
Where Israel goes other governments find ways to follow ?
Oh no! Just like the technology documentation and telemetry for the Moon landings.
They can stop sophisticated missile-delivery-systems reaching their targets but they can’t look after a few servers.
That’s very believable, isn’t it?
The Iron Dome is mythology, expensive for the US masses and some nations controlled by satraps.
Neither can Iron Dome (aka Patriot Air Defense System) stop super-accurate Iranian missiles hitting their targets. That’s all part of the Anglo Zio-nazi Capitalist delusion that they control the real world. Actually they only control the EU$A ie, less than 10% of the world’s population and less than 40% of its currency.
Children, the elderly and Nature have always been the ‘collateral damage’ of RULE BY P$YCHOPATH$.
“Just because pink unicorns havent been proven to exist isnt proof they dont exist.” … (anon) … (I suspect ‘anon’ was 5 – 10 years old.) …
Quantum physicists is big on not discounting possibilities.
it is a non-falsifiable position, therefore it is a belief
for something to be potentially valid- in scientific terms, it must be falsifiable- so you can test it and see if it is true, the existence of viruses as posited has been falsified, i.e. proven not to be true- and so we find we are back at a ‘belief’ system
< the existence of viruses as posited has been falsified, i.e. proven not to be true >
Correction: the existence of viruses as has been truthified, i.e. proven and found true by experiment .
Early on a friend contracted a sore throat and fever… and was isolating from his family… he messaged me saying how stressed he was not knowing if he was going to die (from Covid)… he was terrified… he has since taken every booster on offer…
Let’s take a look at Donald Trump’s EarSeemingly No Injury…
Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson’s statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president’s ear during the assassination attempt.
Despite Jackson’s claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump’s ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.
I find it interesting that I cannot find mention of this by any of the Substack Though Leader authors… Trump is apparently their saviour… therefore there can be no questioning allowed..
Have a look at the comments below the image….
Someone could write a PHD thesis on this phenomenon of stupidity… oh right … I already did that
Yes, it seems that trump criticism gets you banned blocked or deleted. You could say more about the virus than you can about the MAGA cult of worshipers.
Ryan Christianson at The Last American Vagabond has the same suspicion about the magic disappearance of the ear injury. Here today, gone tomorrow.
I don’t think they pull back the curtain anymore. They just don’t use a curtain.
“Against stupidity the Gods themselves are powerless” — Greek proverb.
“I think there are only two real things which might possibly be infinite: the Universe and Human Stupidity. I am not sure about the Universe” — Albert Einstein.
The horse is f…… lazy and refuse to cooperate in a civilised society where everybody should make their part.
A Premium example on how one wrong guy can ruin it for everybody.
I wrote a bit about this on Moon of Alabama, this afternoon, so why exactly is my ex laying to me, saying she is going to send the Animal Liberationists, round our home, when I told her the truth about or cat..We have told her off – but She is a Cat, and likes to entertain visitors to our kitchen…Sparrow flying round our kitchen eventually to get killed and eaten.She does not like Supermarket Cat Food, not even Fresh Chicken..nor Cat Milk
Whilst open Genocide is going on in Palestine, and the Ukraine, and has happened before, on numerous occasions, with far greater numbers in other countries (even John Lennon was aware of this, and publicised it, before he was Assassinated) in 1980
The current genocide, is happening in even greater numbers, across the world, but largely unseen and unsaid, because people naturally trust their Governments to look after them, like Parents should.
The psychological aspects about the current genocide – affecting both you and me, cannot be discussed, because it divides both families and friends jabbed and unjabbed.
I am personally convinced that the “Pandemic” was a Psychological Operation, involving 24×7 Fear Propaganda, but at the time, probably no release of a Bio-Weapon. The real Bio-Weapon was the Covid Jabs, but I am not allowed to say so, in pleasant company, of those I know who are still alive, and relatively unaffected, except a lot of people, seem to have suddenly aged, slowed down, or have stopped making sense.
The response in the UK to 3 beautiful little girls being assassinated -is almost unmeasurable, without film crews going round to pre-designated places, encouraged by the Government accusing them of being hard right wing…which is totally daft.
So far as I remember Dungroanin lives in East London, just North of Thames, not far from the City. I actually rather like him, even though I never actually met him. Compared to Oldham, where he lives is Posh.
“Trump told his followers that London is an Islamist city. Islamism serves the Global Elite, destroying nations and changing them over to the ownership of Global Capitalists.”
wtf does Trump know about London???
Has he ever been here?
I have only been on one Protest March in London, 18 months after I sussed that Islamists did not do 9/11. I was protesting mainly about Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, and the fact that he wanted to, bomb Iraq to sh1t and (with the help of the American neocons)
To her credit, my Daughter was the next member of our Family, who skipped school, to go to the next major protest march in London, when Obama turned up. She did not dress like a hippie flower girl, She dressed like a Professional Photographer with her slightly modified Ben & Jerry’s ice cream badge – and got right to the front of the protest march..spinning round taking photographs of the riot police and the peaceful protestors…
Both sides were looking at her, as she more courage and embarrassed them..We cant beat the shit out of each other cos she looks like our little sister, and she might get hurt.
Basically she wanted top marks for her “A” Level in Photography with the Theme Discord. She had tried to fake it with her friends, but they coudn’t stop laughing
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Aug 7, 2024 5:51:46 PM
More argumentation on the “no virus isolated ever” (i.e. no proof of its existence) here:
Fuzzy Logic Tactic #4: Hypocrisy & Double-Standards
“I’ve no problem with someone speculating that viruses might not be real,” writes Aldred,“but I object when they claim with absolute certainty that this is the case.”
Interestingly, Aldred has no problem with virologists claiming with absolute certainty that viruses exist, when they cannot provide any proof.
The Doherty Institute in
South ChinaMelbourne, Australia loudly boasted it was the first entity outside of China to isolate the Woohoo virus.The Doherty study was an utter joke. They couldn’t find anything that looked like a coronavirus during their cell culture escapade, so they squirted some trypsin – a protein-digesting enzyme – into the mix, and when particles in that mix developed ragged edges they promptly declared them to be the spikes of a coronavirus!The Doherty researchers also admit they conducted no control procedures during their genetic sequencing caper, and their ‘isolation’ endeavor involved no control procedure using samples from healthy control subjects.
When asked if they tested for other ‘viral’ genomes, the Doherty researchers even admitted: “We did not look for other viral genomes. Our assembly was performed against the released Wuhan-1 reference sequence as we were looking for Sars-CoV-2.” (Bold emphasis added)
I don’t know how much more obvious it gets: Come hell or high water, the Doherty researchers were going to find ‘Sars-Cov-2’ – even if they had to handsculpt it with trypsin and willfully blind themselves to the possibility that other ‘virus’ genomes may be present.
Yeah like ‘no virus’ peeps practice what they preach with their nauseatingly smug attitudes all over the place here. They want physical proof of viruses (who do they trust to get that proof exactly since they know shit all about virology themselves?), but at the same time they’re oh-so-open-minded about ‘toxins’ and ‘terrain’ and bullshit about water resonance, which has exactly zero fucking science behind it.
Pull the other one you bunch of flat earth psyop shills.
Kaufman, Cowen, Lanka, et al are all water-muddying shills.
Who are they shilling for? The medico-science-government-military-media–Big Pharma industrial complex (that now generates more profits than our old standby of the MIC) – or, a few book sales? You comment reinforces the dominance of the Big Pharma industrial complex rather than undermining it as “Kaufman, Cowen, Lanka, et al” are doing. What they are doing empowers the individual, rather than big institutions.
Can you say that without using bad words?
I can always recognise the actual shills by their violent language and intent. They’re the ones who want to forcibly medicate and vaccinate people, for example.
And those who want to and have banned natural medicine, especially homeopathy, or who have interfered with the business dealings of private companies such as when governments decreed that private health insurers may no longer offer rebates on homeopathic consultations, as they have done in Australia and Switzerland.
Moreover, there are plenty of former virologists and other medical doctors who do know about all the ins and outs of the pseudoscientific methods used by virologists, and who have come to the conclusion that virology is based on nonsense, such as Dr Lanka (Dismantling-the-Virus-Theory.pdf), or Drs Sam and Mark Bailey ( and who have proven once and for all that contagion is a myth (Dan Roytas, Can you Cath a Cold?
Though this isn’t about proving the existence of the “bullshit” about water resonance, how can anyone who has studied biochemistry deny that living beings are energy beings, and that, by applying energy it its various forms therapeutically, energy-driven processes within the body can’t be influenced to promote healing? And that all living beings are constituted of over 50% water as the energy conveyor?
Naturopaths and doctors and other health care practitioners across the world use homeopathy, acupuncture (acting on non-physical meridians) and other forms of energy medicine to help their patients.
In vitro evidence for homeopathy:
Int J Oncol. 2003 Oct;23(4):975-82.
Ruta 6 selectively induces cell death in brain cancer cells but proliferation in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes: A novel treatment for human brain cancer. this:
Int J Oncol. 2010 Feb;36(2):395-403.
Cytotoxic effects of ultra-diluted remedies (i.e. homeopathy) on breast cancer cells.
or this:
“… dynamized Carcinosinum was found to induce the expression of p53 (a tumor suppressor protein) while dynamized Thuja
produced characteristic laddering pattern in agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA. These results
indicate that dynamized medicines possess cytotoxic as well as apoptosis-inducing properties.”
296291-1.pdf –
or this:
Inhibition of IL-1b and TNF-a Secretion from Resting and Activated Human Immunocytes by the Homeopathic Medication Traumeelw S
Clinical & Developmental Immunology, June 2004, Vol. 11 (2), pp. 143–149
Clinical evidence:
Homeopathy vs drug treatment – both showing effect
In Veterinary medicine:
Homeopathy. 2010 Jan;99(1):57-62. doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2009.10.003.
Homeopathy as replacement to antibiotics in the case of Escherichia coli diarrhoea in neonatal piglets
Case report examples from the past – No other intervention, just homeopathy:
Lives saved by Homeopathy in Epidemics and PandemicsEPIDEMICS AND PANDEMICS IN USA
In year 1873, a statistical report was presented by Dr. E. Kellogg for New York, for Philadelphia by Dr. P. Dudley, and for Boston was compiled by E. Russell. The following table is a summary of their general statistics published in [1, page 401]
Is anyone in this thread saying allopathic medicine has all the answers? Has anyone suggested homeopathy doesn’t work?
You’re being illogical and simplistic. You are assuming that because Big Pharma is bad and wrong this means anyone claiming to oppose it must be good and right.
Sadly some people claiming to oppose Big Pharma will actually be working for it and be getting paid to talk bullshit to discredit genuine opposition. Or they might be good but wrong.
Reality is complex and difficult.
The fact Big Pharma tries to discredit homeopathy does not mean virus theory must be wrong.
The fact virus theory is unproven does not mean it’s automatically false or a “conspiracy”. Many mainstream theories remain unproven but still widely accepted. Relativity being a good example.
The fact virus theory is unproven AND mainstream does not automatically mean it’s less likely to be true than another unproven theory that isn’t mainstream.
RE: You’re being illogical and simplistic
This more applies to your comment. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, does mean you should refer to it to give the time? First and foremost, your health is not what motivates Big Pharma. Does that mean they are always wrong? No. It does mean, however, your default position with respect to anything they should promote ought to be skepticism, to say the least.
The poster to whom I replied dismissed the “bullshit about water resonance” (which is not even a claim made by those claiming there is such a thing as ‘resonance’ – water is the conduit, the cells and our entire electro-chemical biology resonates with the other elements within the system, as well as with elements outside the system at a distance, as has been shown in experiments!).
All I did was give examples of evidence that homeopathic medicines produce a therapeutic effect. The mainstream even deny any effect, though plenty of doctors and vets prescribe homeopathics where permitted by the BigPharma-government fascists.
Mainstream medicine has a role to play in emergencies and anaesthesia, for example but has to date not shown to be effective in curing chronic disease.
You are right, no proof of the existence of something (viruses) does not mean they do not exist.
However, based on such unproven theory, we should certainly never use the kind of dangerous medicines that are said to prevent illness from the unproven viruses – without any proof whatsoever that such medicines prevent illness – much less coerce or force these medicines on anyone, given that they all are documented to have serious side-effects.
I never tied the no virus claim to homeopathy; I merely replied to the derisive dismissal of bioresonance by using homeopathic evidence of effect which is always denied.
I am supremely open minded about things, but consistency is key. This drive to ‘discredit’ all contagion is fuelled by belief, not science, since no science is applied to competing ‘theories’. Perhaps all westwrn medicine is rubbish. Perhaps ALL healing is closer to faith healing than science… perhaps it’s all placebo and all the lore surrounding it simply there to amplify the effects of said placebo.
in which case all bets are off, and virus theory is as valid as anything, as long as people believe it is valid. It would all come down to the belief that the patient had in their doctor. Anyone trying to sabotage people’s belief would be putting them in jeopardy… wouldn’t it?
A greater number of people die from Western medical treatments than, say, homeopathy… true, but Western medicine is far more widely practiced. I wonder what a statistical comparison study would reveal? How many deaths by run away sepsis would homeopathy be responsible for, and would it look anything like as flattering?
Underdogs are always attractive, and there are always people rooting for them. A mature attitude is a holistic approach, showing humility and respect for all systems of medicine. I don’t see this coming from the shrill and aggressive ‘no germs’ crowd. They lack any spiritual grounding in this dumb argument. They seem mire like 77th brigade spewing out lingo, not interested in making any consistent sense.
Well, don’t look now, but like the War OF Terror, it’s all being codified, legalized, and normalized so it will become a permanent part of life here on earth. Take off your shoes, get your smart license so you can fly, and don’t forget your digital health card, unless you’ve already been implanted with the Mark of the Beast.
I’m helping raise my grandsons, 7, 9, and 12, and I’m/we’re not going to let them go thru that again. When, not if in my mind, they do it again, they simply won’t go. I’m wondering how many really learned the lesson. We’ll find out. Unfortunately, collectively we humans are not very good at learning lessons, i.e., “won’t get fooled again”, i.e., until the next time.
The lost war of/on terror, fixed it for you.
Fighting the deep state by wearing masks !!!!
The Trumpers are all in on it, like their daddy. They’re pathetic and have the gall to call themselves Patriots.
You are being downvoted… amazing … you are NOT allowed to question the messiah … let’s feed the Trumptards a bit of poison ….
There’s definitely some of the Maga cult running around here. It’s getting worse as it gets closer. I made a couple comments on the Gateway Pundit today linking a video of a Whitney Webb discussion about Vance, and both were deleted. I was matter of fact and simply said those still following Trump better wake up. Any dissent against Trump on the Gateway Pundit is against the rules.
Actually, while I’m at it, and directed toward the cult especially, they should listen to a little Whitney. Vance and Trump are simply part of the problem.
The true believers!
Somehow it doe not amaze me that these people are unable to see that they are being played… (most people are just plain stupid)
It’s pro wrestling / soap opera stuff
Most sites run by fervent believers, be they the Guardian, the BBC, Gateway Pundit etc etc have strict censorship rules.
OffG being the shining exception.
I have been following Whitney Webb for years on Corbett and Last American Vagabond, among others.
I think her best interview to date was one recently with Neil Oliver.
Two recent interviews with Jimmy Dore focus on the “uniparty” and the illusion that there is any difference between “right and left”.
One interview with Dore and Ryan Christianson of Last American Vagabond
OK, guess those links are not linking. Not sure why.
Dore interviews Ian Carroll on Jimmy Dore show which you can easily access on youtube.
Mentioning these because it is so clear (to me) that, in the end, they are all in it together.
Maybe those links are linking. Hope so.
Trump vs Biden is just a replay of Trump vs Clinton. Both Biden and Clinton were part of Obomba’s crime outfit. Trump is financed by U$-Israel dual-citizen billionaire. Obomba was known as “the Jewish candidate” among the “black” community of Chicago.
Like last time, I predict that the Opposition candidate will win by defaullt — simply because the Sitting candidate has once again proven “unfit to govern, Yea unfit to live”.
Then the game wiill begin again. But whoever wins, Tweedle Domb or Tweedle Deed will support Israel’s genocidal policy. Because both candidates depend on money from dual-citizen Oligarchs.
The Trumpers are like the Democrats… LOW IQ OSERS.
Uh huh. Pick a side and go for broke calling the other guy low IQ….. never mind picking any side in this stupidity is just what our owners want, do it anyway!
Yes this is exactly what they want
Even Dr, Stefan Lanka sold (copper) masks!
Copper could be safer than ethylene dioxide, graphene, silver, titanium and plastic particles.
Copper masks are those worn by police men and women I assume. 🙂
I’m not an Infowars watcher but tuned in for something last year.
When I saw that mask I tuned right off.
I was very surprised.
shills from day one promoted by MIC shill media as heroes.
PJW wearing a mask like the good little MIC shill he is.

Yeh, but he has a nice Yorkshire Accent, told the truth about 9/11, is very good at editing videos, and no longer works for Alex Jones.
But we who wearied masks and had all the jabs were the one who got paid $$$ :-D, and those who didnt wear masks and wanted to be “free and independent with testosterone” got empty wallets…………LOL.
So who are now the smart guys? Just asking………..LOL
“masks are no more of an inconvenience than washing your hands’

shills from day one promoted by MIC shill media as heroes.
Keep in mind…
As announced by the pillars of medical Science, the benefits of masks underwent a dramatic boost in mid-2020, contradicting a number of large established papers.
Simon says ‘put your mask on.’
I am not surprised that the children you engaged with trusted their parents. Its’ entirely normal for children to do so, because their first two or three years of existence absolutely required them to trust their parents in order to survive. Trust them to keep them warm, to keep them clean, to feed them, dress them, give them feelings of security etc etc.
It’s actually an intrinsic part of the parenting process to transition a trusting newborn into an effective adult who has learned how to determine what is true and what is false, how to interrogate whether assertions are true or not, how to test whether others are trustworthy or not etc etc.
So I’m quite surprised that this teacher was shocked that these children trusted adults. That should have been the starting point.
Of course, if time arise when parents abuse their positions of trust by putting the children in harm’s way due to spreading lies, then that is something to be depressed about. Unfortunately, it happens far more than many might imagine.
Adults cover up when parents and teachers collectively screw up with children. They blame the child, not the system imposed by adults. I’ve seen adults cover up for 50 years as a sick bunch of sad weirdos, unable to accept that they hadn’t got a clue how to parent or to teach. The way this is proven is by children moving into the presence of those who do and reaping the benefits not only of those new adults but also the absence of the old incompetent ones.
However, in dysfunctional, power-based cultures based on thuggery not competence, such irrefutable evidence is simply ignored, denied and power status is maintained through unspoken conspiracy. The ignorant, self-serving crowd arguing based on authority, not on evidential facts.
That is what the adults you have been challenged by have been doing.
They got it wrong on Covid, they got it wrong on masks, they got it wrong on lockdowns.
But have any of them resigned? Have they heck. Have the population turned on them through discovering the truth? Have they heck. Has the media started to tell the truth? Has it heck.
Meritocratic societies are truly rare on this earth. Oh, you might find meritocracy in extremely narrow segments of society. But how many parents have you seen join committees of local sports clubs for children, just so they can prioritise the interests of their own children? I suspect you’ll find it’s a great deal. You’ll find the same in music, in school education, in other performing arts.
If you look at how schemers gain control in local organisations, it’s usually through sidling insinuation, knowing where the bodies are buried. It’s almost never based on competence, based on genuinely wishing to raise the fortunes of local communities.
Real life is what real life is. It is not governed by philosopher kings and heaven on earth has not existed. It’s run by people who bomb gas pipelines to make a whole continent pay 500% more for gas, to make them totally dependent on a USA that is solely interested in deindustrialising an entire continent and stealing their industries.
It’s run by people who will murder a million people to increase corporate profits or inflate incomes of cartels on padded government contracts.
It’s run by people who siphon off a billion dollars to place in offshore bank accounts, be that in the Caribbean, in Belize, in Switzerland etc etc.
Most often, it’s run by people who have learned to lie with impunity, trusting that most people are more truthful and are less skilled in both lying and seeing through the lies of others.
The US is run by people mostly like that, so is the UK, so is the EU.
What would be incredible would be if elected politicians actually served their electors, rather than be puppets for shadowy ringmasters who far, far too often have a messianic complex manifested in megalomania.
I was not surprised they trusted adults.
i resigned.
Those young ones were never plunked into the sea at 1 year old so a wave could nearly drown them as the so called parents laughed in amusement. That’s when I stopped trusting.
Great article, thanks. The trauma imposed on the children makes me weep though, and I am very angry with those who brought this about.
As to “Why were people around the world, either through threats to their livelihood or simple state sponsored social coercion, forced to participate in the largest medical experiment in history?”
To prove, among other things, once and for all that vaccines do not and cannot ever work for good health.
To expose the mask-ists.
To expose all the evil bastards in the world, be they in positions high or low, a separation of sheep and goats if you will.
A summary of what has been going on and why.
Tyvm BT
OT from Airstrip One.
The hundred or so planned protests tonight appear to have been a spoof.
Keir manynames has authorised 6000 cops to manage them !
Oh, dear!
In the meantime, the Mail has turned into the graun.
Not so much a spoof, as a psyop.
The idea was to attract ordinary people to the protests which will be stage managed using agent provocateurs. The following video from 6 Aug in Yorkshire, explains how police and crisis actors (for want of a better term) face off. Such provocateurs are often paid and are recruited from ex- or current young offenders for police training exercises. The narrator in the video below explains:
Miri Finch also explains her experience in Huddersfield. More nothing burger whipped up into a media frenzy.
Any ordinary member of the public attending these protests is at risk of ending up on a list or being arrested. The State is encouraging people to ‘out’ themselves now by attending these set piece events and therefore in doing so, losing the element of unpredictability and surprise in the future. Sun Tzu would suggest the smart thing to do is stay away.
There may come a time when being an unknown quantity, as ORGANIC future events develop, could be a major benefit.
You’re absolutely right.
If you think about it would only take a handful of people ‘in on it’ to spark a full-scale riot. Stage a couple of wrongful arrests and stage some police brutality, crowd goes mental and hey presto.
And no, I am not saying that real wrongful arrests or police brutality do not happen.