Go on! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Iain Davis

In every community, in every corner of the land, the time has come to fight. It is time to stand up against the forces destroying our “way of life.” Now is the moment to stand against our oppressor, draw a line in the sand and defend it with all our hearts.

But “now” is merely the current iteration of a struggle that started hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. It is the same fight that has erupted on streets the world over for eons. It’s not a new fight, it is as old as civilisation.

How long are some people going to vent the same, tired and pointless rage before they realise that whenever they destroy they serve the enemy. What part of human history do the violent not understand?

Do the violent imagine they are protesting against the state? Don’t make me laugh.

Do they really think the state, with its banks and its policies, its laws, its courts and its prisons, its tanks and its missiles, cares one iota if they beat each other to a pulp, smash up their own communities and destroy the small businesses they rely on?

The state invites us to do it, the state wants us to do it. Look at what the state does every time we lose control.

Riots enable the state to claim justification for more censorship, more surveillance, further infringements of all of our rights and greater erosion of our freedoms. Rioters assist the state. Riots are the acts of the gullible, the manipulated and the lost.

If, for one moment, anyone labours under the illusion that the fight can be won by trashing small businesses and rampaging through the streets; if anyone directs their anger at their own fellow citizens, thinking it will make a difference; if they harm anyone, cause any loss or act dishonourably, then the fight is utterly lost, the battle is over and the mindless destruction will have yet again handed victory in the battle, and eventually the war, on a plate to the enemy.

I ask the wannabe hard-nuts who seemingly think everything is the fault of all the other powerless people they blame, to pause and to think. How long are you going to believe every story you are told by the Telly? Just who do you think is controlling the narratives you are given? Why are they telling you? What do they want you to believe?

Who is causing your misery and stoking your anger? Is it the people living beside you in the communities you have been told to suspect? Is it random psychopaths who commit vile crimes? Is it people who live their lives slightly differently and have somewhat different family and social structures? Is the racists, the extremists and the terrorists that the people on the Telly keep telling you about, again and again?

Is it the people who, despite their social and cultural differences, want precisely the same a out of life as you? Is it the people who wish to live in peace, give their children the best possible life opportunities and enjoy life where they can, just like you? Are they your enemy?

Or is it simply “everyone” you disagree with? Are you going to fight every community because it is different from yours? Are you going to force people who have been living in the same streets as you for generations before you arrived to abide by your laws because they won’t accept your faith?

Of course injustice is real. The world is not fair, the cards are stacked against you. You are being shoved around and ignored. Your concerns are not heard and there is no recourse to the law for you. But please try to wrap your head around the fact that it is the same for more or less everyone.

Tell me you men, who claim to be of the people, how your violent efforts will achieve whatever objective it is that you seek. What Nirvana do you envisage? One where we all live in isolated, hermetically sealed, walled cities, where no one ever dares to upset you because of the offence you might take?

Well, I’ve got news for you bright-sparks. That is exactly what your real enemy wants.

Your enemies are the people who sold you the Covid lie, the people telling you digital ID and central bank digital currency are “necessary.” The threat comes from the people who want you to believe the planet is boiling and tell you that you need to give up more rights, accept the loss of more freedoms and pay more tax to “save the planet.” It is the people telling you that you are under attack by terrorists and dangerous extremists, those who demand you submit to more censorship and more state control to “stay safe.”

There exists a tiny clique of people who are above the law. They have the resources to buy the law and they make the law. Not your neighbours, irrespective of your differences. Those above the laws they make up and enforce upon the rest of us are the enemy of us all, not just you.

These people, these oligarchs and political puppets, these technocrats, who protect their interests and covet power for their own ends, they are your enemy. They collectively constitute the epistemic authorities and an establishment led by a so-called economic elite. They are the state.

The state has always been our enemy and it will always be our enemy.

We will never defeat it, we will lose every battle, fail in every struggle and suffer more and more oppression while we continue to fight the wrong enemy on the wrong battlefield at the wrong time using the wrong tactics. You men of violence are literally wasting your breath.

The state wants you to live in fear of the “other.” It wants you to turn on each other and then to turn to it for protection from the threats painted for you by its propagandists and its media.

Your neighbours are not your enemy. It is a lie the state tells you to distract you.

Your violence won’t work. It never works. Violence truly is the language of the oppressor and it is always wrong.

While you use violence, you won’t win anything and your losses will forever mount. Try to understand, in order to win you must reject violence. This is not the cowards choice, it’s the smart move if you genuinely want to defeat your true enemy: the state

The fight can be won by ignoring the manipulation of the state that pits us against each other. The battle can be fought by maximising our independence from the state and by building better, more vibrant and healthier communities.

The war will be won when we no longer rely on the state for anything. When we reject the state in its entirety and scoff at anyone who claims the farcical, imaginary right to exercise authority over us.

When we do not obey anyone but rather take individual responsibility for everything; when we do not believe those who tell us what to believe but instead consider all information sources and make up our own minds; when we cease our endless bickering and recognise the overarching necessity of working together, regardless of our differences, to build the society we need and when we respect each other but do not impose ourselves on others, then, and only then, will we live in justice and peace with the war won.

To win the war we will need to be steadfast and resolute in the face of a desperate and dangerous, diminishing state. We must be realistic about the hardship we will have to endure. The state is not simply going to allow us to break free.

We will need to circumnavigate and overcome the inevitable obstacles the state will erect to stop us. We must be consistent and never allow the state to claim the moral high ground.

We will need to think and act strategically, choose our battles carefully, use the state’s systems against it and expose it injustices without giving it any opportunity to claim legitimacy. We will have to be relentless and must prepare ourselves for a generational struggle.

In short, we will all have to work very hard. Not only to maximise our own independence from the state but to support everyone around us to do the same if they too are up for the struggle.

If enough of us do all of these things the state cannot win. It’s only option will be violence and then it will be the state that loses, just as those indulging in violence today are losing.

If we simply carry on running around like a pack of wolves, chasing the next scent trail set for us by the state, reacting violently to every perceived threat, we will most assuredly lose. So, rather than getting our kicks smashing windows, who amongst us is ready to put in the hard work?

Who is ready to fight the real fight? Who is ready to forego convenience and make the necessary sacrifices?

Who is serious about winning?

Iain Davis is an independent journalist a researcher from the UK. You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether) or follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his SubStack. His book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. You can claim a free copy of his new book “The Manchester Attack” by subscribing to his newsletter.


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Aug 14, 2024 5:52 PM

Powerful and thought-provoking piece, Iain! 🚀 It’s crucial to recognize that real change doesn’t come from reacting to state manipulation with more violence but from strategic, collective action. The true fight is against the systems that pit us against each other, not our neighbors. How do you think we can best build those stronger, independent communities and challenge the state’s tactics effectively?

Robin Aiello
Robin Aiello
Aug 13, 2024 9:25 PM

Hasn’t anybody noticed there are NO JURIES at these lawfare trials NONE

James Robertson
James Robertson
Aug 16, 2024 9:09 AM
Reply to  Robin Aiello

There have not been any trials. The cases currently being dealt with involve people pleading guilty.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 11, 2024 10:22 PM

I understand Alex’s concerns. However, it won’t be long before the hard-left goes full Jacobin and launches into a vicious campaign against Starmer. The most likely trigger will be Israel invading southern Lebanon.

“There’s a NASTY Core Of ‘Far-Leftism’ In The UK”
Alex Phillips RANTS About Keir Starmer
Aug 11, 2024
Sir Keir Starmer’s popularity has taken a nosedive after criticism of his response to the recent riots in Britain.
New polling shows a sharp drop in his approval ratings since the far-right unrest began, with the number of voters viewing him “strongly unfavourably” jumping by six points after just a week of violence.
Critics have slammed the Prime Minister for his slow response, including delaying a Cobra meeting until a week after the chaos started. He’s also been accused by figures like Elon Musk of allowing “two-tier” policing of the violence.
Before the riots, Sir Keir enjoyed high approval ratings following his landslide election victory to put Labour in power after 14 years under a the Conservative Party.
Alex Phillips is joined by political commentator Benedict Spence.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 10, 2024 10:20 PM

“Denying Two-Tier Policing Is INSANE”
Over 700 Arrests Made Relating To Riots
Aug 10, 2024
Police cracking down on far-right riots have made over 700 arrests so far, with “hundreds” more expected.
Out of 741 arrests, 32 involve online offences like incitement. The massive operation spans 36 of the 43 police forces across England and Wales.
Arrests include charges of violent disorder, theft, and antisocial behaviour, with investigations likely to continue for months.
As tensions remain high, communities and police forces are bracing for more potential clashes, with cops still on high alert in their biggest mobilisation since the 2011 riots.
Kevin O’Sullivan and political strategist Peter Barnes speak with barrister, Sarah Phillimore.

Aug 10, 2024 7:24 PM

No thanks. Riots are not about trashing small businesses. Riots are BETTER THAN DYING FROM HEROIN.

Bessie Sue
Bessie Sue
Aug 11, 2024 2:17 AM
Reply to  LOL

Stupid comment

Aug 10, 2024 3:06 PM

I dare say the average person in the West today is no better informed about the actual ‘”material realities” that create the parameters of their existence – than was the typical peasant in medieval Europe a thousand years ago. The structure of oligarchy has changed from Holy Mother Church and Crown – to massive global corporate and financial entities controlled by an uber-billionare class – aligned with a fetid and rotting State intelligence and military apparatus. The lies told to the peasantry today – in order to control their thinking and behavior – remain as disconnected from material reality as the lies told millennia ago that burned Cathars, launched Crusades, and fomented endless wars. Yet many march merrily along like masked lemmings eager it seems to find the nearest suitable cliff.

Robin Aiello
Robin Aiello
Aug 10, 2024 11:02 AM

Now that they have the ‘instigator’ of the riots – one ‘Bernies tweets’ – also known as Bernadette Spofforth of Chester, friend of agent James Melville, celebrity tweeter all will recede into the memory hole until next time. These people are agents of the state, highly popular for their ‘dissident’ claims on twitter – see how they fool you?

It is obvious, to this writer at least, that the whole of the last two weeks has been a very deliberate and violent psy-op. The labour government has picked up from where the tory government left off and proceeded apace to move from chaos to attrition. The white folks of Britain are now fair game for locking up, criminalising and even killing. It’s all part of the global plan. Unfortunately there are too many folk who just don’t get it – what is happening is planned and too many fall for it.

We have to be more aware of what is going on. The patterns are obvious now.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Aug 10, 2024 1:31 PM
Reply to  Robin Aiello

If they can’t see it now they never will.

Aug 10, 2024 8:32 AM

“When you change the rules on what controls you, you change the rules on what you can control”.
A quote from my favourite movie, Revolver (2015).

When you see the truth, you see the matrix for what it is, you change the rules on what controls you because you no longer assume your position at the bottom of the hierarchy.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 10, 2024 5:44 AM

Love, not hate.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 10, 2024 11:23 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

No thanks, lgbt love will NOT resolve it. But you believe it, and its your hope. All right, not.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 11, 2024 12:47 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

You misunderstand, or are joking in your subtle way. Video is simply an homage to the British working class. Singer is wearing eyelashes as an homage to Alex the Droog of Clockwork Orange fame.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 11, 2024 12:49 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Second “an homage” should be a nod.

Thom 9
Thom 9
Aug 10, 2024 5:32 AM

Knowing when you are being baited into conflict and not falling prey to that trap is the 1st rule of the art of war. Knowing when you should and should not fight.
The Satanic Cabal has done their homework. Brought the necessary elements in to create their perfect storm of chaos. To stay free will require the efforts of all concerned in a war of attrition.
A war waged with non-compliance and civil disobedience. Of course you have to defend yourself when directly threatened with death or bodily harm or even incarceration. Otherwise using stealth, guile and enduring the hardships necessary to not surrender to the evil that presently stares us all in the face is without question the task before all of us and not an easy one for sure. There is no easy way out of this scenario. Time to make a friend out of fear and do what is in your heart for you and your loved ones.
In solidarity with every one of you.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 10, 2024 12:44 AM

“If, for one moment, anyone labours under the illusion that the fight can be won by trashing small businesses and rampaging through the streets; if anyone directs their anger at their own fellow citizens, thinking it will make a difference; if they harm anyone, cause any loss or act dishonourably, then the fight is utterly lost, the battle is over and the mindless destruction will have yet again handed victory in the battle, and eventually the war, on a plate to the enemy.”

The “riots” are mostly started and manned by The Man, and is agents provocateurs, right?

“Victory achieved by violence is tantamount to defeat, since it is temporary.”

~ MK Gandhi

And that’s why.

illiterate goblin
illiterate goblin
Aug 9, 2024 9:25 PM

They nearly killed Trump.
That upset hulk hogan.
Then last supper that was not the last supper but dionysus.
then Biden couldn’t no more than Kamela stepped in..
Then the u.k e.u selection riots in France U.K,
not forgetting hate marches and terrorist flag wavers sympathizer.
the safest place for me is the digital bubble.

it is far to nefarious out there.

this is the best they could do with breakdancing in the special Olympia
Australia’s best breakdance who won a medal


Aug 10, 2024 7:32 PM

the safest place for me is the digital bubble

A lethal delusion poisoning humanity…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 9, 2024 4:56 PM

Leonidas and his 300 men are ready.
But, as we know, they will be betrayed by Judas Iscariot, the Ephialtes, Cain and a Democrat. The Traitors are in majority on this planet, Jesus already told you that.

Aug 10, 2024 7:34 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

The magic J never existed and the magic J did not die for anyone’s sins.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 10, 2024 11:30 PM
Reply to  LOL

Proof? I demand you prove your postulate.

J has already proved his case. He exist in the Bible, the most read book on the planet.
All over the planet earth churches have been build even in small villages. The worshippers are counted in 100’s of millions if not billions.

Who are you? Jus another ignorant jerk.

J. S.
J. S.
Aug 9, 2024 2:43 PM

It’s sad that men are programmed to respond to atrocity stories with violence rather than reason, but it is a tactic which has long been used against them: just look at World War I, and how fictional outrages were used to get men to sign up for mechanised mass-murder, while any men who dared refuse to “do their patriotic duty” and go off to kill foreigners were hated and denounced as “cowards”. The same playbook has been used ever since, no doubt because it has proven so effective.

Iain, do you think it likely that the citizenry will wake up and start fighting the system rather than one another? From my own efforts to open people’s eyes, I think it very improbable. You can give them documented facts showing how they are being controlled, and most will either (a) look at you as though you’re a few cards short of a full deck, or (b) just shrug.

I agree with what you write, but I see no grounds to believe that things will really change, for the simple reason that not only do the majority of people not think about the narratives which the government and media use to control them, but most do not even want to think about them, since they either (a) don’t want to be “one of those conspiracy theorists”, or (b) have an apathetic indifference to truth.

Lastly, I hope at some point you are able to write an analysis of this latest atrocity tale, given its role in inciting these riots — I think it looks for all the world like yet another hoax, staged with crisis actors.

The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Aug 10, 2024 2:50 PM
Reply to  J. S.

I agree with your assessment. Have long held same one. Fighting the system will not work and just saps the will of those fighting, but withdrawing from it might.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Aug 9, 2024 2:42 PM

Here’s one for all you amateur sleuths. I include myself in that.

When the so-called ‘far right’ failed to show up in Croydon on Weds 7th, the local ‘yute’ having shown up in big numbers decided to kick off with the Old Bill instead.

After all…why not, innit, bruv?

Watch this high quality video of the action. It is more instructive, half way through. It is clear that there were a few agent provocateurs upfront trying to encourage others.

Also, it looks like a police training exercise, for rookie or local Croydon plod. They were given a baton, a helmet and a round shield. Watch how they charge, listen to the vocals as they do. Look at them closely, it is obvious that these were not experienced riot police. There were chubby, short ones including women at the front.

We will know when serious organic unrest occurs – the type that could spiral out of control – since we will then see the fighting fit, fully kevlared up, militarised and specialised Old Bill on the streets, not these amateur clowns having a ‘Police Academy’ day out.

I have no idea how to embed youtube videos, so here is the link.


Aug 9, 2024 4:49 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

And not just specialised old bill – they will use actual solders, including special forces.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 9, 2024 10:13 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Yes, agreed, it’s all staged. And there were lots of kids just hanging round to see what was going on.

To embed the video:

Copy the link in following format [pasted below with breaks]:
https: // www .youtube.com/ watch?v=k1yoRm3_1Ro

Using paste as text, paste link at the end of your comment:

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Aug 9, 2024 10:51 PM

I was hoping someone may tell me how to do the vid thing. Have been trying to figure it out for weeks!!

Thanks, you’re an absolute star. Appreciate it.

Aug 9, 2024 1:22 PM

Lie down and submit. You can do nothing. Unlike the brave Palestinians you malcontents on Pirate Rock, a nation of slaves, must never dare raise a weapon against your owners. Violence is what they love; they are masters of it and have used it on all continents to rape pillage and plunder and for centuries the native livestock of Pirate Rock willingly served their owners as long as they were thrown the bones of the plunder and could rape the locals. Now the colonial riff raff have come back to settle Pirate Rock and the jaded offspring of the Anglo Saxon is peeved. Shucks. Ask your neighbors, the Irish if your inbred masters respect anything other than violence, ask the Palestinians if the squatting Khazar speak any other language than violence, ask all the enemies of the entire angloZionaZi empire of filth if the ruling class of Anglo barbarians ever responded to anything other than violence. Wake up and fight and destroy the head of the snake not the vertical pork bashing the masses senseless. However, such a strategy requires brains, organization and true heroes. All of this is sorely lacking in collapsing bankrupt and debauched Pirate Rock. Tough.

Aug 10, 2024 7:38 PM
Reply to  Martillo

Debauched and castrated…

Aug 9, 2024 11:25 AM

Huh, my comment about it all being fake was removed…

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 9, 2024 11:40 AM
Reply to  jamieboy

This is the only comment you have ever made on this forum. If you tried to post another it clearly failed.

The riots being to some extent fake or engendered is a popular opinion here, and has been expressed by our editor Kit Knightly among others, so you can rest assured your iteration of it was not censored.

Please feel more than welcome to continue with that line of thought in future comments

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 9, 2024 11:15 AM


“Western envoys shun Nagasaki event over Israel snub

Ambassadors from Western countries including the United States and the United Kingdom will not attend a ceremony marking the 79th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki after Israel was snubbed.”

Well you wouldn’t expect the instigators of an old genocide to act favourably to the exclusion of the instigators of a new one.

Mr Person
Mr Person
Aug 9, 2024 11:21 AM
Reply to  George Mc

So you still can’t identify that this is just another divide and conquer exercise? They put that headline out there because they knew it would get polarized reactions just like yours. You’re salivating on cue like Pavlov’s dogs.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 9, 2024 12:27 PM
Reply to  Mr Person

Ooh get you. I was attempting an ironic juxtaposition there but never mind.

underground poet
underground poet
Aug 9, 2024 12:32 PM
Reply to  Mr Person

And he’s grateful about it too, imagine that.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 9, 2024 4:01 PM

Sometimes a thesaurus can come in handy u.p.

Aug 9, 2024 9:14 AM

Yet again the Fraud is all about more legislation on on-line disinformation which they (as voiced by Sadiq Khan) want “very, very quickly”.

A small reveal that disinformation isn’t ‘just’ about immigration… or pandemics:
As usual, they structure it so that the rich-and-powerful are positioned as opposing “action on climate change” – as if support for it from the UN and virtually every large corporation and the media they control doesn’t exist. They also allow only criticisms that “action on climate change” is too “costly” or “difficult” – they can’t even acknowledge the claim that opposition is much more fundamental than that.

This strikes close to home because there’s a large solar farm planned for near here. The location is a combination of land designated as important for nature and farmland currently growing food (i.e. not even a brownfield site). Why is this not surprising?

Aug 9, 2024 9:22 AM
Reply to  Edwige

They are scoundrels. Pretending to be a liberal, courageous and independent publication while actually being so authoritarian that they cancel both comments and commentators simply because they disagree with them.

illiterate goblin
illiterate goblin
Aug 9, 2024 1:07 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Man of the people Nigel and anti establishment reform called for the army to come in and take care of the 25 rioters there quite happy censoring people.

Regarding solar farms they’ve been about for a long time we’ve got hextacres of them in USA so this nonsense about caring for food or farmers land seem contrived as there hero Trump was quite happy to signed ex orders to do just that and 5G and biotek (gm).

Matt Black
Matt Black
Aug 9, 2024 7:51 AM

Its really is that easy, fake masonic theatre in the media and police drills going live in Yorkshire and your dialectic is in chaotic motion to divide and conquer. The real enemy which is never identified, doesn’t fight it conquers using the masonic chessboard dialectic. They give you a competing enemy & hero, your average gent is not mentally equipped to fight a strategy like that. Its been the same playbook for centuries ffs!

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 9, 2024 1:07 PM
Reply to  Matt Black

If you’re indigenous to the UK, you have at least two enemies: 1) Your traitorous and filthy government that tortures and torments you every chance it gets, working non-stop to destroy you, your nation, and its culture and heritage, and 2) the generally unassimilable aliens that the filthy traitorous government continues to unceasingly import and allow into your country to bedevil and ultimately, displace you.

Consider Middle Earth: Sauron and orcs. One is a greater, overarching threat, the other a mundane one. One you will not see, directly, the other you will encounter regularly.

Aug 10, 2024 7:42 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Dont you worry, the brown folks are not interested in staying in this depressing greyness. They are just here for that sweet UK money.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 12, 2024 2:17 AM
Reply to  LOL

And they’ll stay as long as they keep getting it, and the natives will get less and less.

Aug 9, 2024 7:44 AM

Just imagine if nobody listened to the tv, the messages, the fear, the propaganda would not reach you. To warn you of a fake pandemic they would have to send each of us a letter in the mail. It would be difficult to control the people, don’t you think?

There is a reason they want the smart city, smart phone, smart meter, etc. I like it the way it used to be before all this stuff, when these parasites could not invade your privacy unless the knocked at your door. All we have to do is roll back the smart stuff and use it on our terms and it will be difficult for them to reach you.

Aug 9, 2024 4:49 PM

It’s worse than you probably think

Aug 9, 2024 7:38 AM

But aren’t all these riots of very small numbers of people very obviously making fools of themselves all false flag events with crisis actors? Sure looked like that to me. The response seemed genuine (‘refugees welcome here’). Wasn’t that the point?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Aug 9, 2024 9:15 AM
Reply to  Jos

So where did all those professional-looking banners suddenly come from ?

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Aug 9, 2024 10:59 AM

That’s easy to answer.

Those professional looking placards, posters and banners that always show up at these type of events are NGO funded and produced.

For example, the many Soros backed organisations plus ‘Hope not Hate’ etc. Then into the mix there are those funded by the ‘Socialist Worker’.

Aug 10, 2024 6:11 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

During Soros’ “colour revolutions”, the demonstrators had other identification such as uniform T-shirts, caps or scarfs

Aug 9, 2024 7:14 AM

Anyone have an idea why the Kent Police, Ministry of Defence, British Army and many others would be partners/customers of a Crisis Acting Studio?

Just though I would drop it in for those who watch the TV, instinctively suspect something doesn’t look right, but thinks “naaa, they wouldn’t lie about this… would they”?


Aug 9, 2024 12:32 PM

I saw this eleswhere as well, my first thought was why woud they call themeslves cris cast and have an open clearnet website literally adversting the services… an extreme case of rubbing it in our faces/disclosure or something else.

Aug 9, 2024 11:22 PM
Reply to  JohnJern

Perhaps, but this does not escape the fact that most if not all of these events are faked and for the most part poor quality fakes at that. The actors are so bad they stand out a mile. The costumes they wear are stereotype 101. If its a hippy show they wear tie dye shirts as their costume and if its an EDL mob then you can bet your bollocks to a barn dance they will all be wearing Stone Island clobber.

Big Al
Big Al
Aug 9, 2024 6:59 AM

WTF is this? So who are these violent activists? I think this is much ado about nothing. The answer is this “war” is pretty simple, organization. If we don’t organize, they win. And places like Off Guardian seem to exist to prevent such organization because they’re simply interested in keeping their money trains going, like Alex Jones only different. Put up or shut up I say. Are you serious about winning? It don’t look like it to me. Jesus.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Aug 9, 2024 10:09 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Are you organising?

Are you?

Or are you just turning up yet again to piss and moan about others not doing enough while you do even less, nothing in fact.

And pray tell now “organizing” has worked out in the past to change the power structure? Why are we here now in this mess if “organizing” is a way of changing things?

Btw if I ran OG I’d blacklist ppl who turned up regularly like you do to insult them based on no evidence.

Why don’t you fuck off and start your killer ORGANIZATION and spare us having to read your loudmouth empty bullshittery any more

Big Al
Big Al
Aug 9, 2024 5:57 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Fuck off yourself man.

Aug 9, 2024 5:36 AM

Equally complicit in this goose step towards further oppression by the state are those that have locked themselves at home in fear of going about their everyday business. Once again, it’s the telly doing a fine job of stoking the flames and the gullible believing what they’re told about the dangers out there in the big bad world. Just as in the “Covid” scam, it’ll be the credulous that will further lock us down, so that our lives and choices become more constrained by the spivs and shysters in charge. Stop watching and reading the msm and it all goes away.

Aug 9, 2024 3:18 AM

Until real and effective plans of action are in place frustration will continue to boil over into violence. Where there is insufficient violence to serve as a pretext for further controls said violence will be performed/instigated by intell.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Aug 9, 2024 10:17 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The violence is created, performed, provoked. Some of it is simple theater, some is initiated by agents provocateurs. Little to none is organic.


Wake up to this basic fact.

Aug 9, 2024 5:00 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Looks real to me, the same hopeless anger that caused blokes to fight the police at Reclaim the Streets, the Poll Tax riots and the coal mine closures.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Aug 9, 2024 8:30 PM

the Poll Tax riots”

Proud to say I was there at that historic occasion! I wasn’t even aware, until 20+ years later (via YouTube), that “The Battle of Trafalgar Square” was happening right around the corner from where I stood watching cars burning and shop windows decorating the streets

Aug 10, 2024 5:06 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Of course, Tilly. That’s what I said :”violence instigated/performed by intell”

the intelligence “community”

Big Al
Big Al
Aug 10, 2024 4:52 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Interesting vote/downvote response on this one. Further evidence that most who venture here have no interest in plans of action or organizing against the ruling class.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 9, 2024 2:14 AM

A well expressed call for self-responsibility, anti-violence and just living a largely state and mainstream independent life. Build the world you’d like to live in, no matter the hurdles put in our way.

But how do you tackle the aggressive overreach by the state and the aggression of individuals amongst the influx of migrants who do not accept our liberal (in the former sense of this term) values? Do we just let them rape and murder their way through society and turn the other cheek?

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Aug 9, 2024 3:15 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

And aren’t all these ‘refugees’ getting their benefits from the state? Why would they resist the electronic IDs and CBDCs if those are what it took to stay on the government gravy-train? This is like Bertolt Brecht’s old saw about ‘replacing the people,’ if you know what I mean.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Aug 9, 2024 1:08 AM

I was in Hong Kong for 10 weeks of rioting in 2019… many times I wondered — when faced with totalitarianism — you have nothing to lose – because all is already lost … why not just torch everything … cars, non-residential buildings (at night when nobody is inside)… why not just burn the f789er to the ground?

They held up signs We Burn You Burn…

It was an empty threat…

Look at them now … beaten dogs….

Aug 9, 2024 9:16 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

The Insane Empire actually transported tattooed Ukro-Nazis to Hong Kong, to increase the arson.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Aug 9, 2024 9:26 AM
Reply to  mgeo

I spent 10 weeks amongst the student protesters — protected by a press pass…

I spoke to many of them — none were Ukro Nazis…

That said – I do wonder if the US incited those riots… they do have this habit of fomenting and branding ‘revolutions’…

Aug 10, 2024 7:43 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Jesus wept, have you never heard about the N.E.D. ?
The inspirational National Endowment for Democracy ?

* Still * Got family in N.E. China, Wuhan & Hong Kong, since the 80’s: spent much time there & in 1997 for the handover, with Grace Jones & Boy GeorgeMc as the Dj … kinda’ truly funny that, considering these columns & George Mc’s pathological pains over Pavlov’s Trans Dogs identifying as bitches… 😂

Leading onto Josh Wong’s taking the ‘piss’ Weather forecast: umbrella ☔
grab an Umbrella ? in a Typhoon… yep , ‘great’ idea 💡 Josh just jesting or gesturing ? No need to wonder about incitement. . . Eddy
Check the FUN-DING of the incitement ! !
That is journalism, if yer’ interested.
Check the intent, above the content .
A little slow on the uptake , Eddy,
Honestly speaking,

les online
les online
Aug 8, 2024 11:18 PM

The State does not use Violence
The State IS Violence, The Violence that smothers
you daily, your every awake hour, with The Threat !
“Eat yer greens (or else !” … at home
“Shut up ! Sit still (or else) !” – at school
“Smile for the customers (or else) !” – at work…

“The State” is an abstraction,
“The Violent” is an abstraction:
you cant fight an abstraction with an abstraction…

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Aug 9, 2024 9:28 AM
Reply to  les online

The thing is … most people would not agree with this … then they’d go and vote… and expect things that never change… to change


Aug 8, 2024 11:12 PM

gangs counter gangs pseudo

english gone scotch gone oirish welsch gone

been barbera lerner specyored

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Aug 9, 2024 12:50 PM
Reply to  gordan

I am going to have to write in code like you to avoid pending.

Reply to another commenter pointing out to him the link between Vlad and Ch@bad went straight to pending.

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
Aug 10, 2024 3:32 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

There is definitely a touchiness about such references.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Aug 8, 2024 10:46 PM

Seems to me that the violence of the French and Russian Revolution did in fact offer solution, or at least change. The difference now is that there is no leader for the sheep to congregate behind, and humans are 99% followers.
Now whether those leaders of the past were actually just the other cheek of the same arse, run by basically the same shaded ‘boss’ that we remain controlled by to this day…well, make up your own mind on that.
We are now bred for complacency, laziness and selfish greed – I don’t see any good change in our near future.

Aug 9, 2024 8:49 AM
Reply to  Grace Johns

Autocracies were replaced by… autocracies (Napoleon and Stalin). Not much change really – except the huge mounds of corpses.

Aug 9, 2024 9:21 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Though purportedly a revolutionary against the old order, Napoleon wasted no time crowning himself, and then leading his nation into war against neighbouring countries.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Aug 9, 2024 7:11 PM
Reply to  mgeo

The most counter-revolutionary action that elites instigate is war. That’s why the French aristocracy promoted Napoleon, to put a brake on and then reverse the achievements of the revolution.

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
Aug 10, 2024 3:18 AM
Reply to  Grace Johns

Gulags, endless massacres of class enemies achieved what exactly

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
Aug 10, 2024 3:20 AM
Reply to  Grace Johns

Gulags, endless massacres of class enemies – apart from misery, achieved what exactly?

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
Aug 8, 2024 10:26 PM

Completely well said!!!! Only I hope the likelihood that the state will always be the enemy does indeed change. Call me crazy, or call me a dreamer, but I will always hope for a “for the people, by the people” scenario where human rights are a reality for all, instead of “rights” for criminals to keep on commiting crimes and human rights abuses against others.

Aug 8, 2024 10:22 PM

Kudos, Mr David for that very powerful (& timely) article!

Aug 8, 2024 10:22 PM
Reply to  Lulu

Mr Davis!

alex baton
alex baton
Aug 8, 2024 10:19 PM

Partly by way of dispelling the reputation I may have gained on here of being someone who likes to beat up on the “easy targets” such as the “we must love one another or die” merchants à la Sylvia Shawcross, let me expand on a mitigating circumstance that I believe I made mention of in my last swipe at her: namely that, bad as Ms Shawcross is, other regular OffGuardian contributors, like this Iain Davis guy, are a hundred times worse. Mr Davis’s contribution here is as thoroughly and odiously dishonest as any “analysis” of what is going on on the street’s of Britain’s cities as one might read in The Guardian or hear on the BBC. Surely the man cannot be so stupid as to actually believe the tired, empty, hundred-and-fifty-year-old Marxist platitudes that he spouts here?
The obvious falsehoods he offers here are too numerous to even count. But just off the top of my head, working from the top of his awful lefty screed:

 If anyone directs their anger at their own fellow citizens, thinking it will make a difference”: no one in Southport or Birmingham or Rotherham is “directing their anger against their fellow citizens”. Anyone who says and believes such a thing has as hollowed-out and cynical a conception of “citizenship” as those who call the Southport child-stabber a “Welshman” have of nationality. If any of these Palestine-flag-waving, Saudi-funded-mosque-building denizens of these places showed even the least will or desire to live as British “citizens”, it would never occur to anyone to “direct their anger against them”.

“I ask the wannabe hard-nuts who seemingly think everything is the fault of all the other powerless people they blame, to pause and to think”. No, Mr Davis, I suggest that you take the time to “pause and think”, since you clearly have not thought for even a second about the question of the actual nature of power as it exists in the world of 2024 but chosen rather to lift all your assumptions and preconceptions about it from some tired old New Left textbook that ceased being New about forty years ago. The idea that a society like Britain in the 2020s can be so blithely and easily divided into “the powerful” and “the powerless” is an insult to the intelligence of the people it is proposed to. Power-relations have become something immensely complex and constantly shifting in this as indeed in almost every country in the times we live in. The idea that the Muslims of Birmingham or Rotherham are “the powerless” is simply grotesque, since it is glaringly obvious that they form, for all practical purposes, a unitary power-bloc with such overwhelmingly powerful forces as the media and the state.

But what am I saying? I see that your delusionality extends so far, Mr Davis, that this most glaringly obvious of facts is actually not glaringly obvious, indeed not even visible or audible, to you:
“How long are you going to believe every story you are told by the Telly? Just who do you think is controlling the narratives you are given? Why are they telling you? What do they want you to believe?”
I had to read these sentences several times before I could make sense of what exactly you were saying with them.
“The story we are told by the telly”….”the narratives we are given”….”what they want us to believe”?
You mean the story that everything is hunky-dory in our multi-cultural society and it was actually a ‘homegrown Briton’ that killed those little kids in Southport and the huge majority of people think that ‘refugees are welcome’ and that anyone who has a problem with that is a far-right thug?
But all that is precisely what the people who are out chucking things at coppers and kicking down the fences of hotels housing so-called “asylum-seekers” don’t believe – so why are you asking them “how long are you going to believe it?”
Wait…..it’s surely not possible that you think that “the telly” is saying something else than that, Mr Davis? It’s surely not possible that you really live mentally (albeit with the rest of the left) in some grotesque hundred-year time-warp in which you think the newsreaders at the BBC stand for the National Anthem when broadcasting stops at midnight and urge us Not to Trust the Negro as we take up the White Man’s Burden and save him from his heathen folly?
As I say, I cannot believe you are so stupid, Mr Davis, or so bereft of the capacity of sight and hearing as to see and hear that the language you think and speak in – namely, the language of “the powerless” banding boldly together to “fight da powah” – is presently the chosen, cultivated and relentlessly propagated language of power itself.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Aug 9, 2024 2:38 PM
Reply to  alex baton

“Palestine-flag-waving.” So if people wave the flag of the entity that is good and British is it?
What does supporting the people of Palestine have to do with being British one way or another?
It seems that you are imposing a very narrow and parochial and laughably one sided idea of Britishness, to put it mildly. That is contemptible and laughable.
Whatever validity there may have been anywhere in that sprawling rant was utterly destroyed by that crap.
Fuck you and anyone else who conflates support for Apartheid with being British. POS.

alex baton
alex baton
Aug 9, 2024 7:23 PM

You seem to live in the same weird cognitive space in which the basic functions of perception and ratiocination have been suspended as Iain Davis does. I assume that is because you suffer from the same sort of “I’m on the right side of history” delusion as him.
The very first line of your reply proves that you’ve lost all grip on even the most basic forms of logic:
“Palestine-flag-waving.” So if people wave the flag of the entity that is good and British is it?
I’ve no idea where you get this “so” from. Obviously, I said nothing of the sort. I would find it as grotesque to see seas of Israeli flags waving above crowds of self-proclaimedly British people who claim to be out on the streets because they are worried about their safety and the safety of their families as I do to see waves of Palestinian flags flying above crowds of people who present themselves as such. People are free to support Palestine in the current Middle East conflict if they wish. But if someone does nothing but shout about the West Bank when standing for a parliamentary seat in Rochdale – and still wins in a landslide! – or if someone thinks the best way to assert their right to security of life and limb in Birmingham is to march up and down the streets of that city screaming about Gaza….well, all that does is prove my point about one of Comrade Iain Davis’s most egregious errors in this article: such people are not “citizens of Britain” – or they are so only in the grotesque and degraded sense in which the Southport child-murderer was a “native of Wales”. The centre of such people’s being lies elsewhere – in the shrinking or swelling Ummah, let us say – and as long as that is the case they should not be living in this country, no matter how charming a Geordie or Brummie accent they may have, any more than the Stockport child-killer should have been, even if “British” was stamped on his passport as clearly as “male” is stamped in the passport of Imane Khelif.
I realize as I write this of course that I am wearing out my keyboard in vain trying to explain this to you or to just about anyone who reads, or writes for, OffGuardian. As I’ve said before, I developed an interest in and a soft spot for the site during the years of the COVID scam, when OffGuardian provided an absolute master-class in anti-globalist thinking – something that seemed astonishing in people who had been regular readers of The Guardian a few years before. But sadly, it was too good to be true. Once a Guardian reader, it seems, always a Guardian reader. I’m sure that the editors of OffGuardian, and I’m even surer that the overwhelming majority of its readers, share your view that the definition of Britishness, or any other nationality, should not be “narrow and parochial”. It’s somewhat baffling to me that you all seem blithely unaware of the fact that achieving general acceptance of this view is the principal and most essential aim that globalism has set for itself and that, by embracing it so proudly and so confidently, you have gone over entirely to the side of the globalism that the “community” assembled here purports to be trying to resist.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Aug 10, 2024 9:55 AM
Reply to  alex baton

“your view that the definition of Britishness, or any other nationality, should not be “narrow and parochial”
Perhaps I should have been clearer, that comment had nothing to do with racial or religious diversity, but rather I was alluding to the fact that you seem unaware that a great number of native born Anglo Brits oppose the entity.
To me it is like you are blind. The fact that you are offended by the flag of Palestine is to me completely emblematic of your own moral bankruptcy.
Of all the terrible events that have taken place over the past ten months, more than 16000 dead children and you were offended by people opposing mass murder by waving a flag because you perceive that as being some type of take over. Just ridiculous.
“you have gone over entirely to the side of the globalism ”
No, people like you unwittingly and sadly serve the precise interests you seek to oppose by offering up exactly the infantile and bigoted outlook that guarantees your own political defeat.
There should be an anti-immigration movement, the anti-immigration movement could easily gain widespread popular support by pointing out that the mass immigration that has been conducted for decades has never once taken into account the well being of the people born in Britain.
It would never threaten social harmony, it would never single out any particular group and it would most certainly never target any specific groups of people in the community.
It would not seek to use any one aberrant incident as an opportunity to portray a population of millions of people as atavistic murderers.
All of any of those tactics guarantee failure.
It would focus squarely on the numbers , with the goal of achieving immense reduction in those numbers instead of the black hole tactic of concentrating on the identity of the immigrants.
This whole imbroglio has produced an establishment victory, a globalist victory because the actions of protestors and/or provocateurs completely played into their hands.
Those are the people on the other side, dolts like you who mindlessly accept any narrative presented to you as long as it accords with your preconceptions.
The likelihood that the Southport incident took place in anything like the manner described is infinitesimal, but you were too busy reacting emotionally to it to notice that.
It is genuinely sad to witness once again that the populist right are,as a political movement, the greatest born losers ever.
Because whilst there are many genuine grievances and problems caused by unfettered mass immigration as long as you enable them to paint you as thugs and bigots you will never achieve a thing.

alex baton
alex baton
Aug 10, 2024 11:25 AM

Just a small bouquet of your nonsenses. (Believe me, I could open a flower-shop with them but I have better things to do):
” a great number of native born Anglo Brits oppose the entity”:
A claim that, frankly, disproves itself because I think that anyone with any sense of reality is aware that ninety-nine per cent of British people couldn’t even tell you what the word “entity” means. Millions of them, it’s true, might have heard it once on Star Trek but the only ones who will associate it with Israel are members of tiny only-talk-to-each-other lefty groupuscules like yourself, who make up far less than one per cent of the British population.
That is not to say, of course, that every Sharon and Dylan on the street doesn’t “#hateIsraeliGenocide” and “#lovePalestine” but that says as much about what anyone actually thinks as does the “#SaveTheNHS” and “#we’re all in this together” that they copied from their friend’s Facebook and Twitter profiles in 2020 and 2021. The “mass support” for Palestine in the (white) British population is about as real and organic as the mass support for “Captain Tom”. Muslims (i.e. people sojourning in Britain without any sense of really being British) believe it it, certainly. But white, (post-)Christian Britons waving Palestine flags are doing it for the same reason they’re wearing a Taylor Swift t-shirt and no other.
There should be an anti-immigration movement, the anti-immigration movement could easily gain widespread popular support by pointing out that the mass immigration that has been conducted for decades has never once taken into account the well being of the people born in Britain.
It would never threaten social harmony, it would never single out any particular group and it would most certainly never target any specific groups of people in the community. It would not seek to use any one aberrant incident as an opportunity to portray a population of millions of people as atavistic murderers”:
You seem to be blithely unaware here that you are just giving here with one hand and taking away with the other, i.e. saying you support an anti-immigration movement and then adding so many qualifications and provisos to the movement you supposedly support that it turns out you don’t support one at all.
“Britons can be brought to rally to an anti-immigration movement – but anyone who rallies to it by pointing out that all the butchers in his town are now halal and that his daughter is getting harassed in the street for not wearing a hijab like every other girl in the area has to be driven out of the movement because he’s ‘singling out a particular group’ and ‘threatening social harmony’. Nor can anyone who wants to join the movement because street-stabbings and acid attacks have risen by 500% in his area in the past few years be allowed to join it because by pointing up these things he’s pointing to a lot of ‘aberrant incidents’ that give the ‘misleading impression’ that some ethnic groups stab and throw acid more often than others”.
You’re just Keir Starmer with a “Stop George Soros” hat on. Please just recognize and accept where you actually politically stand and stop trying to infiltrate yourself into an anti-globalist resistance that you already betraying in a hundred ways and will certainly fly like the plague from once serious resistance actually begins.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Aug 10, 2024 3:44 PM
Reply to  alex baton

“You seem to be blithely unaware here that you are just giving here with
one hand and taking away with the other, i.e. saying you support an
anti-immigration movement and then adding so many qualifications and
provisos to the movement you supposedly support that it turns out you
don’t support one at all.”

No, the distinction that you are unable to understand is between anti-immigration and anti-immigrant.
You are anti-immigrant, or at the very least you believe that the way to achieve anti-immigration goals is through anti-immigrant rhetoric.
I disagree, and the evidence supporting my claim that anti-immigrant movements are easily, indeed effortlessly discredited and nullified is staring you in the face, but your whole identity is apparently tethered to this anti -immigrant position so as to render you unable to see the absolute guaranteed futility of your endeavor.
I have been watching people make the same stupid mistake for decades, the only result of your position is for there to be no debate whatsoever on the topic of immigration .So well done and keep doing the same thing and enjoying the same results!

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Aug 8, 2024 9:03 PM

Here’s some interesting bits of info that’ll help to connect the dots:


Aug 8, 2024 8:44 PM

The outcome of a fight berween warring factions is one or both parties are injured or killed. The third party that starts and promotes the conflict is not affected negatively, in fact makes gains by using the conflict to reach THEIR goals. We are all duped when we agree to join in violent acts with only the goal of destruction.

underground poet
underground poet
Aug 8, 2024 10:05 PM
Reply to  Andrew

Oh, so don’t join the military naturally, just watch the proxy fighters get in the trenches and duke it out.

Aug 8, 2024 8:37 PM

In search of truth:

a Taylor Swift-themed holiday club on 29 July


I am sure you’ll agree, what a wacky coincidence…..

Aug 8, 2024 8:32 PM

Violence NEVER wins in the long run. Insane destuction is just that… insane. Only rational action, organisation, can win over tyrants long-term. Anger is an understandable reaction to injustice BUT that energy needs to be channelled into constructive action.

The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Aug 8, 2024 7:14 PM

“The state has always been our enemy and it will always be our enemy.”

True, but what needs to be permanently appended to that statement is that all states are owned by private interests, and do the bidding of those interests, and cannot help but be captured by those interests.

It is the notion of the social contract/general welfare/greater good/common good, however it gets put forth, that is assumed by most to be operative, but which is a fully hijacked concept, always has been, and unavoidably so as things are currently arranged, and has to be rejected, if not outright, then completely rethought. Certainly not taken for granted as either the goal or outcome of our present societal structurings.

Aug 8, 2024 6:51 PM

comment image

Aug 9, 2024 1:42 AM
Reply to  Estimate

Succinct and spot on.

Aug 8, 2024 6:48 PM

“A riot is the language of the unheard.” – MLK, 1967, Stanford University

Time to learn lessons, rookies. The tired story that property damage is violence is beyond obsolete for any activist with extensive experience in a variety of movement actions on the streets and the ballot boxes of the US. I used to have the author’s point of view, as i watched black bloc or those in garbed in black, burn dumpsters, graffiti and smash and trash corporate bank windows. But then i realized what many already knew. Real violence is what the 1%’s State & Corporate capitalism does to the bottom 99% of Humanity. “Legally”. As a matter of “business” and keeping order. The homeless, the poor, racism, crimes, desperation and war at home and abroad for empire is the true daily violence of those who’ve OCCUPIED authority for the purpose of personal profit and egoism.

When those relentlessly victimized in our FAKE Western republics, mostly the bottom 50%, explode in frustration in not being able to access “redress of grievances” as a stated right in our First amendment, they explode and destroy property to get some attention. The police come and start beating the shit out of people. Usually starting the bodily provocations that moves to REAL violence, to humans with blood, flash bangs, rubber bullets, microwave heat rays, or sound cannons. They scoop up anybody, even bystanders with to food to go, and throw you in jail for merely fulfilling one’s right to assembly and freely speak. In an Occupy Oakland protest, unprovoked, an OPD gas canister was shot into the side of the head of a fellow not 20 ft away from me, almost killing him. In the cities of America, police commit crimes of equal savagery upon commoners of nearly any class, daily. A lifetime of this crap, plus economic and social repression of all kinds. can build a lot of damage and frustration. Acting out, eventually, is inevitable.

So what is our true concern here? It’s certainly not acting like a child in gym class, being punished along with everyone else because one person acted out and pissed off the PE instructor. That is the world of obedient children growing up, to be an adult. Adults expect a stake in the adult enterprise of life with free speech and a redress of grievances. And how about the policies that adults collectively establish for themselves to make for a just and prosperous life for all? Why do we actually have no say in that realm? This is the problem. A war empire ruling class pounding the bottom 90% into, now, digital serfdom. And the root problem of acting out, RIOT, are UNRESOLVED SOCIAL and ECONOMIC PROBLEMS the 1% will never address because these problems profit and empower them to live an elite lifestyle above everyone else like royalty over chattel.

The acting out is just another symptom that the elite use to punish us some more. If we, in concert with the PIGS see the acting out as condemnable, then we are doubly screwing ourselves. All the problems created by Western empire, prosecuting their neo-colonialist profiteering for geopolitical dollar hegemony, oil, and monetary resource extraction, have destabilized whole regions of the world, creating fleeing refugees. They call them “immigrants” but they are not. They are refugees. They no doubt would like to stay in their home cultures if they could live a peaceful prosperous life there. But, as long as the US and the West, keep sowing (capitalists say “disrupt”) their violent and harmful profiteering around the world, the problem will never go away.

The solution to almost all RIOT, is to stop Western Empire from non-stop imperialism, take over peaceful and prosperous, FOR ALL HUMANITY, policy making and place limits on poverty and wealth. EYES ON THE PRIZE, please!

Aug 9, 2024 9:35 AM
Reply to  sandy

Besides immigrants and refugees, the comers include criminals, subversives, etc. The vast bulk arrive because it is the will of the oligarchy and especially the plutocracy, in its quest for cheap labour. This is the global race to the bottom.

Various types of participants profit from the trafficking, at the source, destination and en route. Some of them only have to refrain from doing anything, or feign ignorance.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 9, 2024 1:31 PM
Reply to  mgeo

…because it is the will of the oligarchy and especially the plutocracy, in its quest for cheap labour. This is the global race to the bottom.

Most of these alien invaders aren’t coming to work, and other than a strong back, they have no skills. They’re basically coming to loot and destroy. In the case of England, while it might be said it looted, it also built. These invaders have no such plans nor skills.

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
Aug 10, 2024 3:50 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

That’s right – before things kicked off in the UK, there were the Irish in rundown areas where the locals don’t even have jobs, complaining about crowds of male migrants hanging around parks with nothing to do. Either that or they would be dumped in the hundreds in villages and small towns in rural areas. The idea that they are filling job vacancies is absurd.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 10, 2024 6:05 AM
Reply to  Hamish Dawson

The Irish are one of the most shit upon peoples in the world. They don’t need to be bringing in anyone else, from anywhere, and then made to feel guilty about themselves by psychopathic fiends. You don’t need to be taking in ANY “immigrants,” Ireland. Stand up for yourselves.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 11, 2024 2:37 PM
Reply to  sandy

“A Riot is the language of the unheard”, except when it’s choreographed in advance by the unhearing. Who may or may not be deaf. But MLK probably knew that. So…

j d
j d
Aug 8, 2024 6:21 PM

“Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces?”
– ‘The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude’ by Étienne de La Boétie

The problem is spiritual, which cannot be solved by political, economical or any other action in the world or things of the world, so it requires spiritual solutions. The external manifestations of this state of the ‘world’, is due to the internal state of many of man, and womankind. Most wish to remain ‘children’ and to avoid self-responsibility, which cannot be done in reality, as ultimately each man, or woman, is responsible for themselves. ‘Know Thyself.’

To quote from the film V for Vendetta:

“Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.”

Aug 8, 2024 6:38 PM
Reply to  j d

Nice one 😉

Aug 8, 2024 6:10 PM

The state needs and loves the word “compliance”. It buys that obedient silence from a majority of the population with a claim to “care” for the public, with social spending, with monthly cheques, with the myth of the ‘NHS’ and the ‘BBC’ and with “law”. Our objective should be to overtax and overburden the state, take advantage of every “program” it puts in place, refuse to contribute, to more and more force it into overt bankuptcy and to compel it to curtail “services” and/or the quality of those services. It must be seen in the eyes of the public to FAIL. It must look desperate and flailing, to force it to use more savagery and to embarrass it. Elites see themselves as Very Serious People and HATE being laughed at. We must force them into savagery and violence.

This is happening. Not only are the police, courts and jails being filled, but service quality is constantly degrading, while costs are soaring. Inflation will never stop. Society is fracturing. Even Sir Keir and his regime have been talking about how “the Tories” busted the budget and thus costs will have to be reined in now…but remember the same thing has been going on for many years.

Aug 8, 2024 6:22 PM
Reply to  TaxHaven

Two cheeks of the same arse….

You know it.

I like your thinking.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 10, 2024 6:10 AM
Reply to  TaxHaven

“Sir” Keir. NOTHING noble about that Bitch.

j d
j d
Aug 10, 2024 8:18 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

‘Sir’ = Slave I remain

Crush Limbraw
Crush Limbraw
Aug 8, 2024 6:10 PM

This piece reads like it was written by a delusional libertarian retard…….a utopian wishful thinker whose uselessness is only exceeded by the average politician. How so?
WhereTF were all those White males when this invasion got started decades ago?
The While male was castrated with the full cooperation of cuckservatives, churchians and libertarian retards – all Whites – otherwise the house would not have been infested by termites.
Whether in the UK, Europe or DaUS – it is the White male who lost our culture by our inability to perceive reality and act as a man, who has his faculties, needs to act – complaining and whining is what cuckservatives, churchians and libertarian retards do best.
I’m personally getting sick and tired of this whining about our house being infested – WHO ALLOWED IT?
It’s time to get off DaPot, White males – http://www.crushlimbraw.com – and act like men – us old farts alloyed this to develop to the point our Gen Z has to show us the way again. Politics is NOT going to save us!

Aug 8, 2024 6:24 PM
Reply to  Crush Limbraw

The mothers, it’s all about the mothers.
Forget the white male.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 10, 2024 6:13 AM
Reply to  Demiurge

One of the most astutely correct posts on this entire thread, and almost entirely overlooked.

Aug 8, 2024 7:25 PM
Reply to  Crush Limbraw

WhereTF were all those White males when this invasion got started decades ago?


Sitting on their fat arses, earting popcorn watching the foorball while NATO’s no fly zone destroyed Libya (“We came we saw he died”).

You are not worth saving.

The only problem with the NWO is that they will not differentiate between you and I.

Aug 9, 2024 11:57 AM
Reply to  Lu1

Once they’ve killed their hosts the parasites die as well tho

Aug 8, 2024 11:39 PM
Reply to  Crush Limbraw

Testosterone is the cause, not the cure.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Aug 9, 2024 7:35 AM
Reply to  Johnny

There are few more pitiful sights than the self-hating male apologising furiously for his very existence.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Aug 9, 2024 9:53 AM

I tried not to send that, but failed. I don’t mean that but I do think that you are really on the wrong track there and still mistakenly viewing events through the prism of identity politics and I am certain that is a mistake.

Aug 9, 2024 10:41 AM

Testosterone, like adrenaline, is the ‘fuel’ of fools, Generals, soldiers, CEOs, politicians, psychopaths and the priesthood.

Or haven’t you noticed?

Mr Person
Mr Person
Aug 9, 2024 11:01 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Self-hating men are such a fucking tragedy. Testosterone is as essential as estrogen. Without it neither male nor female could function. Don’t be a soy boy. Respect yourself

underground poet
underground poet
Aug 9, 2024 12:39 PM
Reply to  Mr Person

Speak for yourself too, Einstein.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Aug 9, 2024 12:25 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Testosterone is what real biological males who can and wish to reproduce have. I see the brainwashing by the media and continued messaging of male self-loathing has worked on you.

If there were more testosterone fuelled men in this world then the “Generals, soldiers, CEOs, politicians, psychopaths and the priesthood” that you mentioned would not find it so easy to subjugate humanity.

Those military aged men landing on Western shores and those still in their home countries have plenty of testosterone, something Western soy boys will soon discover, if they too have absorbed this horseshit propaganda.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Aug 9, 2024 12:50 PM
Reply to  Johnny

No, I haven’t. Have you noticed- just to cite one very obvious example- Bill Gates? Is he powerful? Is he evil? Is he testosterone driven?
Testosterone has nothing to do with being evil. It is like you are describing a Hollywood version of evil that bears almost no resemblance to what we actually see in the world.

Aug 10, 2024 9:51 AM

Gates is old.
No more Lovemaking.
Old and frustrated.

Enter substitutes.

Aug 9, 2024 9:42 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Testosterone and adrenaline are hormones, ergo catalysts for enacting certain complex bodily processes, the origins of which ultimately link back to the mind. As such, the impetus originates from somewhere much deeper than just a chemical reaction.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 10, 2024 1:53 AM
Reply to  Johnny

So both Johnny and Demiurge suggest more oestrogen, feminism, more mothers to lead the western white team like they were leading Abu Ghraib.

Here is the the cure. We can do it! We have the ability to do it. https://youtu.be/3G_oB2kns9Q

Aug 8, 2024 5:30 PM

The call to war is the problem that resets itself in the mind of ‘solutions’.
This is not to suggest ‘passivism’, or abnegation of responsibility, but to resist the provocations that bait us to conflict with our self, each other and God (or life if you prefer).

“To arrive at our starting place and know it for the first time” – can in this sense mean uncovering the roots of conflict to release them instead of resetting them in sacrifice of self or others to a mindset of blame-sacrifice masking as virtuous attack on scapegoated evil.

Standing in integrity of being does not attack our sins in the other (projection of the hated onto the other) but opens deeper self-honesty.
The call to freedom from subjection to disintegrity is confused with the belief that ‘its means’ are the power by which to fight ‘its’ power.
Satan cannot cast out Satan – nor will psychology free us from the use of the mind for control of the mind.

Perhaps none can or will understand or listen – but that is the nature of the storm. If fighting costs us what we are fighting for, we may as well call ourselves ‘Them’. The means and end are one – but the means I invoke is a discernment of a deeper quality of being than the vested identity we struggle under, suffer and die for; over and over again.

Listen to the heart of your felt existence to recognise and release a grievance driven ‘identity’.

It may look like fighting to say ‘No!’ to disinvest, withdraw allegiance and support, but you live the fruits of your decision – not of appearances.
The way to ‘fight deceit’ is to live a true with-ness uncovering true worth-ship. If we attack the ego we validate the ego.

I add that in practice I see Iain setting such an example – I am grateful to him for his willingness to give a true witness and seek honourable ways to live with ourselves, each other & our world.

Aug 8, 2024 5:24 PM

Without revolution we will ball become biometricaly id’d and geofenced slaves. We will also eat maggots and own nothing. Good luck

Aug 8, 2024 5:20 PM

interesting article
but the problem as i see it is the organised versus the mob. the organised have a plan and a rudder. Whilst the mob have no plan and are rudderless.

it is not a new thing, I remember a TV series in the 1970’s called the prisoner, it maybe dated now, but i remember the outcry in the last episode when the question who is number one and the answer was always you are number two then n the final episode the true answer was, You are number one. whatever system you live under look after number one.

To hell with the system/state and its noble to die for the system/state, ask ones self who is the enemy, the answer is simply whoever the people who control and benefit regardless whether it is an hot war, a trade war, or indeed a sect war within the state.

You are simply pawns and expendable, except that fact and use what the system can offer you. and move up in the system hierarchy.

Aug 8, 2024 6:26 PM
Reply to  Peter

The Protocols of the Elder Masters of Zion….
It’s all about the mob.

Aug 8, 2024 4:55 PM

No need to “fight”. They’ve been preparing savagery against riots for ages. That’s what they want us to do.

We can fight the state individually, by NOT PARTICIPATING…by silently withdrawing our consent, by refusing to buy its corporate products, by refusing to earn the tax money it demands, by spurning its fiat paper currencies in favour of real assets, by overburdening its social welfare system, by spending (and consuming) as little as possible and is necessary..

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 8, 2024 5:41 PM
Reply to  TaxHaven

You’re, (hypothetically an ethnic/heritage European) fighting against your version of the state, which thwarts you and craps on you at every turn. They — in this case mostly Muslims, and more broadly alien migrants in general– are fighting for their version of the State. Their version of the State takes their side frequently, regularly bending over to accommodate them.

Your version of the “state” is working for THEM, and against YOU. Why should they join you?

Aug 8, 2024 6:33 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

It’s about perception.
Many coming here are attracted to the wonderful world we have in comparison to their own.
The freedoms we possess here are like the garden of eden.
They cannot understand when they reach here, us, because we seem to be so discontented with what we have. The number of people here who dont work, who survive solely of the benefit state… compare to the disabled legless human who rolls about upon a skateboard scavenging from bins in india, I predominantly hindu state…. and one that through caste cannot ever rise to meet their own talents, skills, or aspirations.
Here they can be them, they can break those chains, rise above the caste that prevents them ever thriving with the only life they actually know.
That’s India, but its similar elsewhere even if the caste system is not physically rendered.

Aug 8, 2024 6:17 PM
Reply to  TaxHaven

What are your thoughts in regards to the engineering of the whole thing?

Isnt it a case that everything was done to create a response. So that therefore responding as many are is just rewarding them for their efforts?

By not participating is certainly the right path. That’s been my approach all my life.
But by doing so you end up ostracized by everyone else. Even the way you think becomes a foreign country.
It makes it very difficult to be understood, your whole language a reflection of your lifestyle.

For many its impossible. It would lead to homelessness, and impoverishment.

Not only that, and taking the example as layed out by the philosopher Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged, the corporations would just switch everything off in response, demonstrating whole heartedly who really has control. And in that book, it doesn’t end well.

I am all for rebellion, but the risks are high in that regard. I wonder if there is another way, a bit like the black market during the second world war.

Aug 9, 2024 10:17 AM
Reply to  TaxHaven

The youngest in China who need to support themselves call it “lying flat”, meaning to do next to nothing. In reporting this, capitalist Western MSM is understandably nervous, and tries to give it a “sustainable” spin.

Aug 8, 2024 4:45 PM

The most damning thing that can be said of humans is that They Are Team Players. That one facet/flaw in their character has always been and always will be used against them – simply because it’s logistically impossible to be a player on a team of 8 billion. That’s way too big of a team for most humans to get their head around. They crave small, easily formed and managed teams. Teams of their buddies. Is it any surprise that businesses want only “Team Players?”

Aug 8, 2024 6:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

The large size of the human brain is supposed to be because we became socially diverse. Whether it’s true or not I dont know, could equally have been because we survived upon a diet of fish and seaweed, repelled from the land by predators superior in terms of body mass and strength.
But we must have regained the land through teamwork.

Industrialisation though broke something of key importance.
The corn fields that were the focus of our lives.
That need to stockpile resources and defend them to survive the winter.
It forced us into cooperation and mutual understanding.
It also provided wealth, celebration, and dependency upon the community.

Since we moved away from that we lost touch. We bo longer work together towards the same cause.
The machine takes care of all that, and the land, our own land is mostly closed to us.
Off limits.
And while it still is, we will no longer be forced to work along side each other in the mutual way we did for centuries…

Aug 8, 2024 4:30 PM

Ian Davis’s caution against violence is right in principle: just look where the cult of violence has landed the EU$A in general, and Israel in particular. He is also right in this present instance: the Anglo-American Zio-nazi Capitalist regime which runs the UK is deliberately flooding the UK with refugees from AZC wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, and from former AZC colonies in Africa and Asia. The aim of Britain’s Billionaire/Trillionaire ruling class is to drive down the wages of native Brits by unfair competition with foreigners who are in a desperate situation, and to use the resultant ethnic riots as an excuse to increase the coercive power of an Oligarchal State.

Mr Person
Mr Person
Aug 9, 2024 11:08 AM
Reply to  NickM

You’re just trying to make this about horizontal differences. It’s not Left v Right and it’s not East v West and it’s not gay v straight or muslim v christian or Russia v America. It’s the top 0.1% v all the rest of us. End of.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 9, 2024 1:47 PM
Reply to  Mr Person

It’s both. Get rid of the top 0.1 and the other conflicts aren’t going to go away.