“Eating Ze Bugs is Vegan” – What the rise of “ento-veganism” REALLY means
The latest “Dude, eating insects is so hip and cool” article dropped this week, this time from The Guardian, and with a little twist thrown in.
It’s pushing the idea of “ento-veganism”, that is to say “vegans” who won’t eat animals…except insects.
Or, what we used to call non-vegans.
It’s just another step in the redefining of language as needs must, yet another front in the war on words.
They are shifting the meaning of veganism from saving animals to being “sustainable”. The philosophy of “ento-veganism” is apparently to “do the least harm possible”.
…except to crickets, I guess.
The greater point here is that, while the mainstream has been promoting veganism for years, that’s much more about stopping people from eating meat and dairy than it is about getting people to eat vegetables.
After all, a vegan could hypothetically be living on a small holding in the middle of nowhere and surviving entirely on their home-grown vegetables…and that’s the last thing the WEF-types want.
They’re not going to all the trouble of resetting society so we can eat organic cauliflower.
They want everyone eating GMO soy cubes dusted in cricket flour. They want processed. They want artificial. Most importantly, they want to make it so no one can ever be self-sufficient.
And while that means promoting veganism for now, it also means slowly redefining what “veganism” actually means.
Last year, eating lab-grown meat became “vegan”…
Which, technically, you can argue from an ethical point of view.
But then this year, eating crickets is “vegan” too.
Who knows what “vegan” will mean next year?
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With respect I am sure the Chinese ate this type of stuff.
I am starting to wonder if celebrity jungle get me out of hear is about normalizing this
with there different challenge’s which involves worms bugs and no uproar by environmental animal activist or greta about this.
Dairy is not good for you and is not essential to any human diet. The “traditional” diets of Brits and Europeans are rubbish.
Giving cow’s milk to children is not good for them.
Drinking cold drinks or fizzy drinks with food is not good for you. Coffee should be drunk on an empty sromach and not as dessert. Eating meat every dsy is not good for you…white bread, sugar, etc etc..
The list of digestive and nutritional mistakes practiced for centuries is long and exasperating…it is a result of the destruction of knowledge of real health, first by the churches and then by the Rockefeller pharmafia.
…and the replacement of wholesome human cultures with literally junk.
The invert.
Once a upon time we saw brilliant investigative articles about farmed animals slaughter houses the evil treatment of them animals.
Theses articles have been replaced with pro killing nothing about the food in the food chain or treatment of animals.
Anyone who think the poultry industry (owned by the priest class) has paid theses ‘advocates of truth’ to turn a blind eye.
My wife and I have been vegan for the animals for nearly 9 years. We initially made the switch for our health and it has brought us miraculous results. In my 50’s now, I feel like I have regained the health I had in my 20’s. I grew up participating in a farming and hunting family and have watched most of my aging family develop all of the typical illnesses that come with sucking on corpses, the things that come out of bird’s buttholes, and other various animal secretions. It is endlessly surprising to me to see how many SUPPOSED truth seekers get so bent about the discussion of leaving the Ancient Corpse Cult. It’s an exhibition of cowardice– specifically, a fear of examining their own ugly and narcissistic habits in the face of existential truth. We were born into a Death Cult. The good news is: We don’t have to pay for other thinking and feeling beings to be enslaved, raped, tortured, and exploited to enjoy a meaningful and fruitful life. Please examine the biggest Occult Conspiracy of them all– The Ancient Corpse Cult, and leave this vulgar atrocity behind. Nobody has to eat any f’ing bugs. Just choose kindness, for Christ’s Sake. How outrageous is that?
Kindness? We cant eat kindness, we cant drink mud.
Our Lord allowed us to eat meat as we human beings are not rabbits nor born Liberals with pink painted hair. Christ himself caught and made fish for his disciples.
All the best for you green liberal lgbt vegan cult feeling 20 again. No trouble.
We can all thrive eating a healthy assortment of plants. That’s a fact. We don’t have to pay someone to run a blade through somebody’s throat, steal a mother’s newborn baby, or shove their fists in others in weird bestiality arrangements. We also don’t have to join the ranks of pink-haired lgbt cults— or even the cults around projected deities that ‘give them permission’ to participate in such vulgar blindness. Oh yeah, and we don’t have to eat bugs. You could get over it, but it looks like you probably won’t. It’s a bit ironic that during these times, so many believe that freedom and sovereignty should be just for them, and not those with their necks under the blade.
Aw, fer crying out loud! Even cheese is GMO now:
“most common alternative to animal rennet in cheese making — FPC, which stands for Fermentation-Produced Chymosin (FPC)”
“FPC was created by the one and only Pfizer and is made possible by using CRISPR gene editing technology where the genomes of living organisms are modified. The “safety” of FPC was evaluated by a 90 day trial in rats.”
Any purported change to any gene in any organism makes it proprietary. Because a legislature, bureaucrat or judge decides accordingly. Regardless of the effectiveness or danger of the change.
Thanks for the info, Mgeo. I’m assuming part of the motive is also to harm our health. I spose innocent rennet-purchasing cheesemakers–if there are any–are attracted by the price, cuz animal rennet costs a bit more.
that rubber yellow square poison sold as cheese has not been cheese in 30 years!!
The cheese is yellow because of food colouring it allowed to be called cheese as the cartoons have entrained you.
Dairylea is pure poison and in well to do rehabilitation centers all cheeses are banned.
Estimate, the product you’re speaking of is PROCESSED “cheese” & you’re right; it’s not cheese. When I mentioned cheese I meant real cheese, which comes in a block. Processed cheese has a lot of corn oil, among other things. Also I know that at one time sliced and grated “cheese” was sprayed w Aluminum to prevent it’s sticking together. (Don’t know if it still is.)
These Weffy horrors are saving the planet for who……? the Palestinians ofcourse! LOL! I joke ofcourse they are saving it for THEMSELVES ( No offence meant by the comment about Palestine. I’m not being flippant about something truly awful. The only reason why I feel entitled to make a little joke about it is because I think we’re next ( the ‘plebs’ in the ‘ free West’)..I think we’re gonna be packed off to Ukraine to fight the ‘ wicked Russians’ or off to Taiwan to fight the ‘ wicked Chinese’ …or just die of cold or hunger cos we won’t be able to heat our homes or buy food soon…plus ofcourse the fact that there is nothing but drivel to read in the newspapers is depressing ( OFFG is not drivel at all. oFFG however is not really a newspaper. It’s a good journal/ political publication about what is wrong with our society). Btw I would love to know if any of you could tell me if you have noticed that there is less streetlighting where you live. ( or confirm that there has been no change in streelighting in your town/city) I live in a biggish city in France.There is no proper streetlighting between about 1 am ( late night) and early morning ( 6am/7am) except in a few streets in the centre. I live very near the centre and there is no street lighting at the times I have indicated in my street or the streets nearby even tho’ except for my street, they are main roads). This is a relatively recent problem ( I think there was some ‘ green’ justification ‘or was It ‘we have no cheap energy and it’s all the Russians’ faut ‘ ? Can’t remember .Doesn’t matter as I don’t believe anything… Read more »
Ideally, everyone – except a few critical public-service personnel – should be at home from about 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. During that period, street lights should be unnecessary. If necessary, police can spot thieves using infrared. Regardless of spin, there is no escaping the biological reality that extended late/shift/on-call work is harmful.
?? Are you being serious?
Shutting off the lights is actually one of the good things to do. Having lights on during night is wasteful and disturbs biological cycles. Now, let’s not be naive. Look into your energy provider. You will see that EDF has been using several ploys to maximize their profits at the expense of users. For example, with solar panels, you were not allowed to use your energy directly, you had to sell to EDF first and buy it back again. That allowed EDF to manipulate the offer and prices. Now that people are allowed to use it directly like in Germany but can sell it, EDF also buys this electricity for almost nothing. Cutting on energetic expenditures allows EDF to avoid buying the energy from Germany. Remember that by shutting down so many nuclear plants it created a drop of power production. Perhaps the most alarming side of this is how all of French people were forced to accept the “practical and efficient” new Linky system, which does indeed link all people back to the centralized management system where the power can be quickly and easily reduced or cut by the French authority. You just have to look at what happens in England right now with WrongThink to understand that the point of IoT and the Linky system is to be able to cut people out of the power grid by the press of a button if they act unlawfully or simply drop on the Social Credit ranking by a clear demonstration of their lack of determination to behave like “good citizens”. Since you live in France you have clearly observed that for several years now most of the food is rated on a “nutriscore”. Healthy dairy products and good meat are getting the lowest scores. Processed food gets the best… Read more »
???? but I want to go out!!!!
One of the few good things associated with the convid scam, was the decreased light at night.
Really, a down-vote for that? Increased quiet, a view of the stars in a darkened sky. Most of the decreased light came from cars not on the road.
Turning of the street lights in France was sold to the French people as Putin’s fault. It started after the Ukraine ‘war’. It is very strange to witness and is a safety issue too, especially from the perspective of crime in urban areas or road safety in rural ones. I am sure it causes some vulnerable people to effectively endure a night time curfew. Stay home, stay safe.
I first noticed it a few months after that charade began. Strangely enough in neighbouring Spain the street lights remained on and still do. It seems that different narratives using various excuses have been invented for different countries to justify Agenda 21/2030 and the Great Reset.
I agree. I came home ‘ late’ ( 1 am ish) the other ight and was very frightened of tripping or being mugged…or just stepping in dog pooh. It was awful.Really scary. Lika a quasi lockdown Lucky Spain! Thanks for the info. Nice to know that in SPain things are better
The origin of veganism really starts with Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation. The book’s best arguments are against industrial meat production. However, it basically turned into a screed against eating all meat, not just that produced in CAFO’s. (Not surprisingly, Singer was a big proponent of the mainstream Covid Narrative TM as well as vaccines.) So, organic grass fed beef, free range chickens etc. – all bad. People who have their own farms and slaughter a cow every year – all bad; people who hunt for food – all bad. Forget that humans have been eating meat since our origins maybe a million years ago – that’s all bad. Veganism, to a large extent has become ideology. It is big part of Lifestyle Activism – replacing social activism with virtue signalling.
Yes, there are traditions of vegetarianism that go way back, but they were not trying to impose their views on others.
Are all these people against animal sacrifice to their deities? Did the deities themselves realise their error, and then join the “sustainable” bandwagon?
Not sure I understand your question…
Any tribes who followed deity
where the name ‘diet’ come from.
every religion / cults now has strict food intakes and dos and dont.s
#most moslem only fast during ramamdan
and some christian will use lent as a form of giving something up.
when I grow up fasting (water fasting was done by some relisons as a form of health and spiritual practice)
there sacfied animal must be done in a certain way.
I cant mention the other lot as it triggers pending.
Fasting and diety intake and worship is not some new thing media is selling as veganism.
Speak to the elders about rationing cards it will blow your mind in what they got.
Most of them was veges / vegans without even knowing it.
Diet has nothing to do with deity. Diet comes from the greek via latin for way of life; deity from the latin for god.
>It’s pushing the idea of “ento-veganism”, that is to say “vegans” who won’t eat animals…except insects.
>Or, what we used to call non-vegans.
Well, since apparently there are people who will only eat plant-based food and small animals, there should be a word for the diet.
I fail to see why they refuse to eat dairy and eggs. An ento-vegetarian diet makes more sense to me. Good organic farming can make use of the contributions of some farm animals, while refusing to eat their meat makes sense from the point of view of not dedicating too much farmland to fodder for animals.
Traditional small-scale farming of animals was doing just fine without gobbling ever more land.
what a surprise to see the supposedly indy media now posting reposting every stabbing incidents like the msm media was posting ‘covid cases’.
More needs to be done, broken Britannia, knife crime , out of control, any one would think there selling the agenda to usher in further civil liberties restrictions under the guise of safety and protection from a outside enemy.
That is exactly like covid and climate & devil under the bed.
remember the indy independent media is totally different from the evil msm that is corrupt.
However go check there posts reposts and it is exactly the same as MSM.
One more time–the philosophy of veganism has NOTHING to do with the environment, the WEF, eating bugs, or health at all. It is a way of life that strives to inflict as little harm as possible to other sentient beings. That’s it.
I don’t get why people who eat snails, tails, testicles, snouts, lips and anuses are so freaked out about eating bugs….
Who said anything about being freaked out? I just prefer steak so ill eat that instead of crickets thanks
Lol. I wasn’t talking to you personally. I was referring to the ridiculous headline….
emanating from a human who doesn’t eat said, ‘snails, tails, testicles, snouts, lips, and anuses’ i find your comment quite superfluous, nay sophomoric. Moreover, as mentioned in article above, the agenda being invoked and enforced by the kakistocracy has very little to do with not eating, ‘snails, tails, testicles, snouts, lips and anuses,’ and very much to do with moving all of humanity from eating meats of any kind to eating nano-powder! That is all!! RGB-Y4 out!!!
Ok, so what body parts do you eat? Livers, kidneys, wings, tongues? How about bottom-feeding shrimp? 🤧
Well, any of them that vote for the existing two party duopoly in the US or the UK tri-opoly or other Western WAR “parties”, ALL those vegans are mass murderers of millions of sentient humans in an ongoing, non-stop basis.
I don’t eat anus and testicles, thanks. Bugs are meant for birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles. Human beings can’t subsist off of those, some of which is undigestible by the human stomach.
Chitin, that’s why
So you think I eat anuses and testicles just because I dont eat rodents, snakes and insects but like like fruits and green fresh salad. You think I eat anuses. I dont!
You got a lot of things wrong little boy!
If you’ve ever eaten a “hot dog” you have definitely eaten anuses. Not to mention whatever other habits you might have….
If you read Dr James Whites research on Rhizophagy, you’ll learn that plants farm micro orgnaisms, feed them exudates to attract specific microbes, take them in at the root tips, dissolve their membranes and absorbe their nutrient, for some they provide conditions to reform their membranes and send them out again to collect specific nutrients from root hairs like little microbial slaves.
Combine that reseach with Dr Christine Jones studies on quorum sensing, and you’ll learn these microbes are in fact sentient creatures.
Plants eating sentient creatures makes them carnivores ^.^
Coupled with the fact the fastest way to regenerate land back to a productive system to grow healthy crops with high nutrient density, without the use of chemical fertilisers and poisons, for a diverse healthy soil, and ecosystem, in balance with nature, is to use farmed animals and controlled grazing.
Plants are carnivore, farmed animals are best for a regenerative ecosystem, so logically, the best human diet, taking a cue from Nature, for the planet, is a balanced diet of organic farmed meat and vegitables. ^.^
That’ll stop a lot of folk in their tracks.. To even consider that plants are carnivores.. I mostly eat plants.. I’ll occasionally eat fish if my intuition informs me that my body needs it.. I haven’t created an identity out of my dietary preferences and remain fluid on a day to day basis.. Everybody has to discover what foods are best digested in their unique bodily constitution.. There’s no one set diet which works for everybody.. Coming back into alignment with our soul and listening to the guidance from within and also to the body is the surest way to a healthy and balanced lifestyle.. Sadly, many generations of conditioning has led so many folk away from that and as a result, dependent on external influences to guide them on the way.
Plants are also sentient, as demonstrated from early 20th.century.
Marketing, politics, disposable wealth and insecurity determine some of these fads.
A specious, puerile justification for a flesh and blood diet.
Are microbes meat?
Yeah, right: A woman can have a penis, like a man can have a uterus. It’s so simple and clear, man! Every child grasps that. Who wants to prove the opposite – and above all: with what? There you go!
There are also no scientific methods to disprove the “historical fact of the Holocaust”. (And if there were, they would not be empirically significant, sound, convincing, conclusive or meaningful!)
It’s all just a question of “interpretation”, man! Furthermore: The fact that the elimination of the Palestinian people is a “genocide” is a delusion! And I am the Easter bunny who lays the colorful eggs.
You are conflating, exagerrating and extrapolating my comments.
Proving :A Rolling Rock DOES gather ‘moss’.
BTW. Animal welfare and the industrial mass slaughter of sentient creatures, are worlds apart.
issue One, they are implementing meaures for us to eat insects instead of meat.
issue Two, if we search ‘disappearing insects’ online we find a huge number of studies confirming: INSECTS are VANISHING at an alarming rate.
what do we get if we connect the dots and link the two issues?
one of the conclusions would be:
they are implementing measures to restrict abundant meat and dairy with VANISHING SOURCES OF FOOD.
it sounds highly likely there are things we are not told about.
are they going to raise insects in labs? are they preparing GMO insects for us to consume?
If chitin (a common allergen in insects) is to be forced down the throats of people, we can always breed insects in a factory. Insects are vanishing mainly for the same reason plants, animals and people are being harmed: (a) industrial poisoning and radiation (b) out-of-control “development”.
Complete MIC bullshit. Chicken, cow, pig and sausages and fish in supermarkets about as real as cheese in MacDonalds. how about getting a real food journalist who studied food scientist and what is allowed in food not some who has reads s the guardian as calls them self an alt. What is allowed in there so called meat.. Up to 15% water which is subjective as there classification of ‘water’ is really confusing depending of which country. then you got the multitude of chemicals medication growth hormones and fungicide pesticide and up to 30 different vaccines pre 4 weeks of GM birth some of these chemical pharmasical Frankenstein GM monstrosity live for a drug induced 12 weeks and your laughing at vegans. Upon death they allow theses pharmasical Frankenstein GM monstrosity’s another 12 % of paints = dyes to give it that colour that sells and makes mr & mrs eater think there eating, then the chemicals legally allowed in the packaging when the legal chemicals allowed to use as storage each country has different rules and laws. . It fake name is a slaughter house abattoir. its a chemical factory and the electrolyte bolts also reacts to the chemical in the GM body which creates many toxics which get stored in the parts they sell to the sheepel. I believe the chinese places have real rat meat and dog and cat and dog cat food would have more meat than what is sold in supermarkets. Mature talk on what is actually in meat needs to be had as your experts on WEF seem to be missing the main ingredient and overlooking what is in supermarket food already allowed which Donald deep state and the other heroes never mention. To call poultry poultry in 2010 is deluded to even pretend… Read more »
To manipulate language is fraud, cheat, to lie. Its like saying 2+2=7 or 5 or 3 or 6. If you remember the ground rule 1 truth and many lies, it is easier to reveal and get around.
2+2=4, any other result is a lie. (math)
Grass basic colour is green, other colours said are lies. (language)
1 truth and many lies.
Next year? Eating processed human meat is vegan. Burials are out, sustainable use of resources is in.
I’m told that Shake hand with beef is a reference to their vegetarian friends who occasionally feel the need for a real beef burger. 😂
“They want everyone eating GMO soy cubes dusted in cricket flour. They want processed. They want artificial. Most importantly, they want to make it so no one can ever be self-sufficient”
and what do we get with processed and artificial food ingredients?
recent estimates indicate one in two people will suffer from cancer. it seems they are not happy with these results. they are setting new targets of every person developing cancer in their lifetime.
it is important to understand that corporations always set operational targets.
so a target of every person developing one or more than one cancer in their lifetime would be highly desirable for corporations and agenda setters.
Why not? Cancer makes the world go around. We are going to die anyway – all of us.
With cancer women get the attention they want from men, from doctors, from their family, from the world.
Men get insurance and sick leave from a work they dont like, and children get to know the harsh reality of the life adults have. This life is NOT funny for any of us. We suffer!
…in the same way that nuclear power is now somehow “green”…
The same old anti vegan hyperbole.
Give it a fucking rest for Christ’s sake.
Mainstream promoting veganism?
Since when?
Muckdonalds and KFDeath rule and have done for decades.
If Ronald Muckdonald ran for President he would win, hands down.
The mainstream vegan promotion is aimed mainly at the chattering classes and the young with disposable income. Those who can afford good quality meat and dairy products, not those who eat Greggs sausage rolls, Micky D’s and KFC, day in and day out.
The latter are being poisoned slowly by that garbage. The former who have the money to eat well need to coerced (propagandised) to drop healthy high protein animal food sources in favour of harmful (containing chitin) insects and processed plant based diets
What ever happened to promotion of vegetarianism, which is far healthier than veganism? The sudden jump to veganism is to create weak, energy deficient, low muscle people, particularly men.
Only recently, in another comment thread, you stated “testosterone was the fuel of fools”. You have been propagandised to hate masculinity.
When the NWO tightens the screws, unfit, low muscle mass soyboys pumped full of oestrogen and seed oils will not be fighting fit in order to defend themselves, their families and communities and even if they could they would not last one day.
Physically and mentally weak people make easier to control serfs. That is the reason for the attack on healthy eating including animal protein and fats.
Tell that to the world’s most successful tennis player, ‘Novax’, and one of the world’s most successful ultra marathon runners, Scott Jurek.
Both vegans.
‘Novax’ is NOT a vegan. He mainly quit gluten. He eats a lot of fruit, vegetables and seeds as well as white meat and fish. His diet is, wherever possible, from organic food sources
Scott Jurek supplements his diet with a huge amount of vitamins and
The average person does not have the time and money for SJ’s routine when there are healthy meat, fish and dairy foods far more easily available to create a balanced diet.
The ‘average person’?
You mean like the average vaccinated, follow the leader, screen staring, Mum and Dad imitator, omnivore?
What does it matter if jabbed or unjabbed, normie or so-called ‘awake’?
Are you anti-human?
I do not know what is your beef (pun intended) with omnivores.
I am guessing it is animal welfare. If it is, then I agree with you, it bothers me, especially factory farming. However, I am not anti-human in my support for better animal welfare and farming practices.
In being against animal protein and animal fats, you are promoting the controllers agenda whether you are aware of it or not. In being anti-masculinity (your testosterone comment) you are again promoting the agenda.
Have a think about which side of the fence you are on.
Don’t be an enabler, we already have enough enablers and enforcers wittingly or unwittingly in the process of destroying the human species. They will also destroy the flora and fauna in their madness.
Veganism was cooked up around 1980s.
The article did not highlight the aspect of land: evicting every small-scale farmer, fisher, gatherer, artisan, villager, etc. from private land or the commons. The manipulators will put the land to “better” “sustainable” use – even selling it to trans-national capital.
The ironic thing is, the price of a couple of Greggs sausage rolls OR a Maccy D OR a KFC would buy the ingredients for a fantastic, nutricious meal
Sadly enough bugs are showing up in packaged foods, alive and dead, for at least a decade, can it get worse, yes, do you want to eat only bugs, no.
“Who knows what “vegan” will mean next year?”
Isn’t it time that one of us gets to use the “Soylent Green” joke, again… ?
(Ah, I should’ve scrolled to the bottom before commenting!)
The dark surrealism of the UKs totalitarian turn.
‘There was always multiple layers to the conspiracy in each country: the first veil was to be about boosting the economy; the second was the lie about mass-migration being merely a way to rib the Conservatives. But the true reason lay buried beneath this hidden layer: mass-migration is the final weapon to destroy any ideological resistance to the globalist plan to centralize power, to create, effectively, one world governance.’
I’m a bit disappointed with OG. Is this another attempt at division? You can all eat what you want and I and others with my taste for plant-based food will do the same – insects won’t be on either of our menus.
This, below, is what we should be focusing on – the continued carnage of the poison shots. And just wait what they have in store for us when the northern hemisphere autumn/winter season comes up. Nowadays you can read in the MSM that they even want to inject that shite into people with urinary tract infections. It’s no longer about flying viruses, then.
New depths of morbid mockery:
Maybe they’d prefer some food? Food aid can’t get through – but this can?
Interesting footnote that they claim the IDF are already being vaccinated. If true, it’s just more proof that compliance dosn’t earn a big “thank you” note, just a speedier ticket out of this realm.
These isolated wars in Gaza and Donbass plus places, are excellent test and research centres for new experimental gmo and graphene vaccines.
Taliban ruined it in Afghanistan but no problem. Any place on the planet is due for drug testing.
Narcotics or Pharma pills whichever is exactly the same: Empire tools for suppression and profit making..
I’m sticking to real vegan.
I sincerely doubt that a vegan could survive “entirely on their home-grown vegetables”. They would develop too many nutritional deficiencies to last more than a year or two.
I don’t agree. Broccoli has more protein in it than steak and vegetables and fruits like the avocado have every nutrient in them that a human needs.
Yeah, but much in the way of animal lipids does broccoli have? I would guess none!
Broccoli has 2% protein and steak 58%
..sorry 26%, still more than 10x
“I don’t agree. Broccoli has more protein in it than steak…”
And if you had a cow’s digestive tract you’d be able to access it. However:
“Protein in vegetables has a very low bioavailability. Their amino acid structure is largely broken down by your digestion process. Whereas the complete amino acid structure found in animal-protein mostly stays intact- meaning your body can actually use the majority of it.”
The “all you need is vegggies” lie is propagated by the same forces who lie about everything else. You distrust them on Geopolitics but trust them when it comes to your Health…?
Delicious rumpsteak I had today.
How dare you!
If there’s a nuclear holocaust the only thing that might survive are “ze bugs,” who’ll be feasting on the radioactive remains of Homo sapiens.💀
Question what you think you know:
“He concludes that the reported ‘radiation effects’ expected from an atom bomb are, instead, effects of sulfur mustard gas and napalm. It is not surprising that government documents regarding medical effects among victims and survivors remain classified for reasons of national security.”
Whatever materials exploded was so powerful that some were vaporized. Does the composition of the bombs really matter given the devastating outcome. Only a psychopathic culture would drop such a weapon on two major cities, especially since Japan had already conceded their defeat.
“The Japanese had initiated peace envoy missions as early as September 1944, reaching out to figures like Chinese Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek by December 1944 and engaging with the USSR in April 1945. That the Japanese were interested in negotiating a peace was well known. Moreover, the Americans knew that there was a potential for a surrender without necessitating an invasion as early as April 1945, provided there was clarity in the surrender terms…”
I’m a 77 year old retired American construction worker living in north Alabama. For around fifteen or sixteen years running (from around 2000 – 2016) I grew a fairly large garden every year (approx. 70′ X 40′) of a variety of veggies, and one year about ten years ago we had an infestation of grasshoppers, all kinds of them, from great big locust looking ones to small green ones, and everything in between. I had never seen that before, and I haven’t seen it since. I had heard and read that grasshoppers taste really good sauteed in butter, and that got my curiosity going, so I started catching them and killing them and putting them in a quart mason jar and putting it in the freezer. I used a butterfly net to catch them, and some days I caught quite a number of them. I did that for over a month, and one day when the jar was jam-packed full of grasshoppers, I thawed them out and sauteed them in butter, and I was really surprised at how good they tasted (I remembered the Bible verses telling about John the Baptist subsisting on locusts and wild honey). They had a taste almost identical to the taste of sauteed green pumpkin seeds, only not quite as rich tasting as the pumpkin seeds. But the taste was nearly identical, which really surprised me (they tasted like pumpkin seeds light). I would do that again, but like I said, that was the only time that happened around here that I know of, and I haven’t seen it happen since. However, there was a massive infestation of cicada flies here in north Alabama during the months of May and June of this year, and I thought about catching a bunch of them and saving… Read more »
yes, but these are not John the Baptist’s locusts, they are GMO locusts…
All the focus on “taste” and none on nutrition, Has anybody denied that most humans could exist on insects (with some other supplements) for some time if they had to? It doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.
Nice “mason jar” reference.
Its just…….when they have corrupted and industrialised all the other food, they come up with:
“We havent industrialised the poor native’s good vitamin rich insects yet, our new profit area yeah man”.
Needed people eat what they have at hand. You can eat rodents, frogs, snakes, pigs.
But a normal human being would keep it within the fruit and wheat group, mixed up with meat from household birds and plant eaters.
I’m sure the psychopathic global elites., after deplaning from their private jets in Davos, and settling in to their 5 star hotels, and being served champagne and 40 yr-old scotch, are going to dine on ze bugs.
And will it be “ento-vegans” doing the serving?
We had a sudden infestation of grasshoppers – very large ones – that exuded a horrible slimy yellow substance when squashed. They were deemed to be highly poisonous and even the birds left them well alone. Nothing seemed to affect their thick carapaces and the only way to get rid of them was to catch them and burn them. They’re known as Lubber grasshoppers from Namibia and South Africa, so how they got to East Africa is a mystery.
All I see around me is people getting on with their lives, meeting friends and laughing.
And there’s me thinking my freedom’s about to be sold to the highest bidder.
I’ve always been jealous of the happy-go-lucky bastards.
Never more so than now.
Ignorance is bliss.
The Africans have another saying: Ignorance kills!
That too. I guess it’s bliss for only so long.
ask Giordano Bruno…
They actually envy people like us because as soon as they’re alone for more than 10 minutes they suffer from anxiety. Be happy that you’re comfortable being alone and enjoy reading interesting stuff! I’m not saying that this makes one lot better than the other, it’s just that both tendencies have their pros and cons.
Yep. We should all be careful what we wish for.
I’ve had a few dreams come true.
Absolute nightmare !
I guess we can add the word vegan to the words pandemic, vaccine, herd immunity, social distancing, key workers etc that have all had their meanings changed since the scamdemic. Ooh scamdemic! So many new words have been invented recently too.
I wonder if vegans will be allowed to become “stakeholders”?
to insectivorous vegans…
The vegans will have to pay.
If the vegans refuse to pay for their highest passion they should be denied access to vegetables……and suffer…………………..LOL.
I have long since tuned out of the details of what the WEF and WHO want for us. Once it became clear that both want to kill large numbers of people, it became basic common sense to simply see them as enemies whose views are not to be taken into consideration when deciding how to live life. I do not consider Klaus Schwab to be a real human being, which means it’s difficlt for him to claim that he has a right to human rights. He certainly has no right whatsoever to have any role in international diplomacy, governance, national policy etc etc. But because he thinks like a master race nazi, he seems to think otherwise. I do not consider Bill Gates to be anything but a eugenicist psychopath, which means that I don’t consider his views on how the world should be run as to be important. They are wrong, and the sooner the old man is treated like an old man with children he doesn’t want to be bumped off, the better. Never argue with a multibillionaire about money. But certainly argue with a geriatric about how easy they will find it to escape citizen’s justice based on their behaviour the past 30 years. I will continue to eat meat, support farmers who produce meat and I will continue to grow vegetables, eat vegetables and buy vegetables. If Keir Starmer wants to stuff his unfortunate children full of processed garbage, then perhaps social services should intervene for the safety of the children?? Just because hde is Prime Minister doesn’t mean he knows the first thing about nutrition, human health nor parental responsibility. If he kowtows before the WEF but feeds his children meat, fresh vegetables and seasonal fruit, perhaps he should resign his job? He cannot feed… Read more »
to avoid any risk, they are taking human rights away from us proles:
”…a reading of human rights through perspectives of the affective turn and posthumanism highlights a critical posthumanist engagement with human rights, conducted in the name of an unfinished and ambiguous humanity connected to other sentient beings and the environment, rather than a singular or absolute political identity of humanity. This reading recognises the social, economic and political consequences of human rights and thus their potential to upset the dominant social, economic and political order, rather than accepting human rights as universal norms of social life while ignoring the ideological frame in which they are exercised.”
human rights = hue-man = colour of man, so colour of man, rights, which are not rights at all. ‘Human rights’ are a benefit or privilege that can be given or taken away, they have nothing to do with your rights as a man, or a woman. The only right being the right to property, that which is proper to I, that which I, can claim exclusive to all others in a society, that which I, have the right to set the law for. Property is the highest right and the foundation of every right.
even the right to property is historically determined, it has always been exercised through force and economic power, there is no right to property, in 70% of the world. Human rights are a concept, a historically established concept, in the name of which there have been struggles and battles throughout history, until it was established in universal legal language. Now that concept is being dissolved, the word itself will be demonized. Centuries of struggles erased. Private property is not a right, and the thing in the world least protected by the order of power. Think about what the globlists are doing now, the 1% of humanity: they are privatizing everything that exists: water, land, sea, the genetic code of all plants, animals and ours. Who owns the material basis of the internet, Master Switch?
For this reason they must also erase the concept of human rights. They are succeeding in Palestine, they succeeded with the false pandemic.
“You will eat ze bugs till ze bugs eat you”-Adolf Klaus Schwab
“You Vill Eat Ze Bugz…
VE Sure Fuck!n VON’T!”
~ Klaus “Anal” Shwab
“Who knows what “vegan” will mean next year?”
Militant vegan types probably would eat other humans, especially meat eaters.
It’s saving Gaia, man.
My vegan ex used to talk about how cool it would be to eat human meat, perhaps sourced from the homeless. Seems a very misanthropic mindset…
I can see why he/she is now your ex!
by “ex” he means he ate her ?
You have an ex?!
You ever seen the movie Soylent green?
It PROBABLY already DOES. ¯\_😔_/¯
Jest not, I see cannibalism being pre-programmed in a few places recently. An SF author I used to read – something Leckie had it plus a load of trans everything BS in recent book, I couldn’t read it, plus wasn’t it part of imagery at recent demonic Olympic ritual? In fiction in general I have seen a lot of agenda entrainment so that’s gone too now.
is meat in the shop real.?
or KFC and Mcd’s…
Coming to a neighbourhood near you…….soon, and you cant do a shit about it!
This should be fun.
Now we can sort the real ethical vegans from the phony pseudo-vegans.
Anyone know of any vegan forums that allow comments?
I am tempted to throw a ‘grenade’ in there with this story and settle down with a big box of popcorn to enjoy the show.