Monkeypox – Here come the vaccines…
Kit Knightly

The Monkeypox outbreak version 2.0 is progressing along predictable lines, gliding smoothly from the “declare emergency” phase to the “vaccines for everybody” phase.
The first step is to outline that Mpox 2024 is totally different from Monkeypox 2022. How have they established that?
The same way they do everything else – they just say it, and trust the scale of their reach and weight of “authority” to do the rest.
CNBC goes the direct route:
The mpox strain spreading now is different from the one in 2022
Got that? This isn’t like that aborted narrative with the silly name from 2022, this is different, this one is scary.
According to anonymous “experts” quoted in the Evening Standard, the new variant is “associated with a more severe disease and higher mortality rates”.
Much more importantly though, the article moves on to a non-anonymous “expert” this time, who warns that “an antiviral treatment, Tecovirimat, used in the Clade 2 virus is not thought to be effective with the new variant”
To really hammer the point home, the next line gets its own paragraph, see if you can spot the keyword:
However vaccines remain effective.
None of this should be a surprise, given the headline of the article is:
Campaigners issue urgent call for mpox vaccine rollout in UK amid new dangerous variant
Having established that the old anti-viral treatments don’t work, countries are of course stockpiling the vaccines which is causing the stock value of Bavarian Nordic, the Danish pharma-giant that manufactures the Smallpox vaccine which has been repurposed for Monkeypox, to surge.
As a result, they are ramping up production, but not satisfied with that they are setting about inflating their market by petitioning the European Medicines Agency to approve their vaccine for use on minors.
Personally, I can’t imagine what direction that decision will go, can you?
Oh, and don’t worry Team NATO you won’t have to face all this alone, Team BRICS is coming along for the ride – just like Covid.
China is “tightening border controls” and ramping up testing, and Russia’s Gamalei Center has apparently produced a new genetically engineered monkeypox vaccine.
So everyone on both sides of the new Iron Curtain is saved. Yay.
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Polio is now the big news.
Let’s just call it MoneyPox
Mpox is a coverup for covid vaccine deaths!
After the ‘Safe and Effective’ circus mankind was subjected to over the last few years, who in their right mind still believes pharmakia and its wizards.
Better to be safe than sorry mask wearing is still appearing in my part of the world.
They’re at it again. How many will blindly follow this time?
“And then there’s the extra-shady public-private partnership by the name of the ‘Alliance for Biosecurity’, headquartered, as it were, in Washington, DC, and organised by one of the world’s largest legal/lobbying firms, Squire Patton Boggs:”
We will not comply. period.
Since they have trained us, via their lies about the Covid vaccines, to not believe them on matters such as this, the only logical response to their Mpox (or Bird flu) vaccine demand is “thanks but no thanks, I don’t believe you.”
The quaternary quoin-toss ceremony requires a nation-wide mail-in ballot grift to legitimate the quorination – A plague o’ both your houses!
While we were all looking at the cute monkeys………..
Sorry folks, I hate to piss on your chips but we’ve been the subject of a switch.
Moneybox hasn’t got the legs. Never has had.
The next one is bird flu, as has always been the plan.
The usual pre-emptive meeting before the ‘shock’ ‘real event.
The reason for the switch ?
Moneybox/Smallpox vax is traditional so we all think, ok. No big deal.
Whilst we’re all in the mood for rolling our sleeves up, along comes the big one.
And the vax for that one is ?
But if the reason for the ‘crisis’ is economic, then lockdown (to slow the economy) is the goal. No disease for which there is an existing vaccine will achieve that.
The disease needs to be airborne so a new variant of birdflu is more likely than monkeypox, which hasn’t been confirmed to be transmitted without contact.
I still think it’s about getting the MRMA in as many arms as poss.
Vax passports are coming .
Why not both? Twice as many jabs in twice as many arms in half the time. Even more confusion and fear and ever changing narratives. Followed by twice as many statements to the effect of “How could we have known the damage the vaccines would’ve caused? We’ve never faced 2 simultaneous pandemics before. We did the best we could.”
From Kit’s link
Share price dipping.
Penny dropped ?
I’m reminded of the old quip: You can read them like a book; we should shut them like a book.
And burn them… the book, I mean of course.
Notice the vague, indefinite wording ….. “associated with a more severe disease and higher mortality rates”, and “is not thought to be effective with the new variant”.
And then the very definite contradiction to the above two statements. ….. ”However vaccines remain effective”. Not “thought to remain effective”. Also implying that vaccines been effective in the past.
Using grammar and words to confuse and frighten.
Alternately, “what a tangled web we weave…” These creeps lie so much, they can’t keep their lies straight.
And “(U)sing grammar and words to confuse and frighten” will be their downfall. “Grammar and words” are fast going out of style as texting rages on and on. If it looks like a word and spells like a word and sits grammatically within a sentence, it will be ignored. But if it’s made to look like a jumble of unrelated letters it’s good to go.
I doubt it was just to avoid the term “monkey” that they’re calling it “Mpox” this time around. They want everyone to fully understand they’re speaking hard core gibberish – so it’ll be taken up, texted around the world, and understand.
Maybe this time they’ll call their vaccine a “vxne.”
Yes, texting promotes a form of Orwellian “newspeak”. It’s derived from the precursive Internet pidgin language once, and maybe still, called “leetspeak”.
I noticed this years ago, when the Western overclass concept of “The White Man’s Burden” was discreetly phased out and replaced with the pompous but ideologically purer “Responsibility to Protect”.
This phrase was neatly reduced to “R2P”; I can’t say if this was natural and spontaneous, or if it was deliberately introduced because the alphanumeric acronym is so much more social-media friendly. 🤔
Just business as usual for the military-big pharma-industrial-security state complex.
More booga-booga scare tactics imagine our surprise…
Hi Kit, this is huge: Only Off Guardian could write a balanced view. Bob R.
Thanks Bob R. This is another article on the dangers of ivermectin. Is it being pushed by the new world disorder?
I regret to downvote this bs. The Ivermectin case is simple. Ivermectin is been giving to horses for small inside worms. To KILL small white inside worms in horses.
What is men’s sperm? White small worms……………………..LOL. Off course if it kills horse’s problem with small inside white wors, it also kills men’s fertility, its obvious. 😂
You shouldnt need the entire lexicon and rocket science to figure that out………….LOL.
They might need some new “Pitch People” as a lot of their previous ones are DEAD LOL.
# War Criminals Who Got High On Their Own Supply

Years of being schmoozed by Big ‘harma reps, with offers of golf trips, dinners and other freebies, have conditioned the medical professionals to think of the pill and potion pushers as their trusted friends.
The journalists on the list if they actually did their jobs properly instead of reading from crib sheets and repeating propaganda would have lived longer. Time to bring back the word ‘investigative’ to journalism.
To argue for doctors (a) the pharma industry has such “influence” that the drugs or applicable conditions keep changing (b) for “covid”, they had the simple choice of jabbing or being cast into the wilderness.
Wow, I’m surprised that this string of images didn’t melt down the platform.
However, as the text makes all too clear, vax True Believers would pick off every entry, on the basis that there isn’t a shred of competent evidence that all of these deaths weren’t actually caused by variants of NTDWTV* Syndrome.
Meanwhile, you may have exhausted my capacity for schadenfreude for the rest of the year. 🤨 💉 ☠
*NTDWTV = Nothing to Do With the Vaccine
At this late stage, this is spam. Just link to the sites that show a vast number of “sudden” deaths for which no one is guilty. Some restrict themselves to children, athletes, professional sports players, soldiers, doctors, pilots, etc.
Don’t think so. After all, there are still people suffering or dying from the jabs who were not propagandists but let themselves be coerced. So, good riddance to some of those who turned out to be the enemy.
Wow.Thank you
Everybody are forgetting our children, the most vulnerable. Children are getting hurt, children die, if we dont do something now.
But people refuse to pay the bill for our children. People are willing to let people die on the streets to avoid paying $10 for a Mrna jab that could save a child’s life.
Its so despicable and so ugly what people can do to avoid lifting up their wallet and DO something for the most vulnerable group in our society. $10 only
Research shows that that shot is likelier to kill the kid than save him.
Kids cost money. If there are less kids, science says there is more money to spend on weak vulnerable minority groups ;-).
A Small Monkeypox Puzzle“By Martina Binnig,, 16 Aug. 2024 [source]
For all those who like to do puzzles, here are a few puzzle pieces on the subject of ‘monkeypox’. You can put them together yourself. Have fun doing the puzzle!
Puzzle piece 1: In March 2021, a tabletop exercise on the topic of ‘monkeypox’ took place as part of the Munich Security Conference. Participants included Jeremy Farrar, then Director of the Wellcome Trust and, since the second quarter of 2023, Chief Scientist at the World Health Organisation (WHO). The exercise is sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, among others. In the scenario of the exercise, an outbreak of monkeypox is set for 15 May 2022.
Puzzle piece 2: From 18 May 2022, more and more cases of monkeypox are actually reported. Especially in Europe. On 23 July 2022, the WHO declares the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. On 11 May 2023, the international health emergency is lifted again.
Puzzle piece 3: On 28 November 2022, the WHO announces that ‘monkeypox’ will henceforth be called ‘Mpox’ (as a synonym for ‘monkeypox’). This surely sounds more serious. [that might also have to do with the premeditated conflation of both kinds of MPox: see, two different names, two different ‘PHEIC™’]
Puzzle piece 4: On 18 September 2023, BioNTech publishes a press release on its ‘strategic partnership’ with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI for short). Behind CEPI stands an alliance of the WHO, the EU Commission, individual governments, research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, foundations and private donors, which was initiated in Davos in January 2016. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is also significantly involved. CEPI has set itself the goal of developing vaccines within 100 days. This mission is supported by the G7, the G20 and leading industry representatives. The partnership between BioNTech and CEPI is expected to contribute to the development of an mRNA-based Mpox vaccine, among other things.
Puzzle piece 5: On 23 October 2023, the EU Health Emergency Response Authority (HERA) signs a contract with the pharmaceutical company Meridian Medical Technologies for the provision of drugs against monkeypox, smallpox, and cowpox. [Meridian, the manufacturer of the EpiPen™’, in turn, is owned by Kindeva Group, ‘a global force in combination drug delivery and manufacturing’ that owns ‘10 R&D and manufacturing facilities’, all of which are located in the US and the UK (go figure); long a self-declared global leader for ‘sterile injectable, pulmonary, nasal, transdermal, and intradermal finished dose [delivery]’, their biggest thing right now, it seems, is their quest to ‘eliminate the syringe’ and go for ‘ıntradermal and inhaled/nasal systems’, thereby, presumably, doing their share to reduce ‘vaccine hesitancy’, nevermind informed consent or bodily autonomy].
Puzzle piece 6: On 29 May 2024, BioNTech and CEPI announced that they are expanding their partnership to strengthen ‘the African ecosystem for mRNA vaccines’, for example with vaccines against Mpox.
Puzzle piece 7: On 5 August 2024, BioNTech published its results for the second quarter of 2024, showing revenue of EUR 316.3 million for the six months to 30 June 2024, compared to EUR 1,444.7 million in the same period of the previous year. The net losses amounted to EUR 1,122.9 million as of 30 June 2024, compared to a loss of EUR 311.8 million in the same period of the previous year. Although the company suffered heavy losses in the first half of 2024, BioNTech expects total revenues of EUR 2.5 to 3.1 billion for the 2024 financial year [which, if history is any guide, can be accomplished by governments mandating certain medicinal (sic) products because there’s no better customer than a captive audience].
A Good Day for Big PharmaPuzzle piece 8: On 8 August 2024, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, which incidentally also likes to take part in simulation games, announced in its newsletter that the WHO is convening a panel of experts[™] to determine whether the spreading Mpox outbreaks in Africa constitute a global health emergency. On the same day, the disease control organisation responsible for Africa, the Africa CDC, sounds the alarm: a new variant of the Mpox virus is spreading rapidly in Central Africa.
Thus spake Jean Kaseya, Director General of the Africa CDC, at a press conference [again, note the conflation of all kinds of ‘cases’ and, once more, the cumulative nature of this tally].
Puzzle piece 9: Surprise! On 14 August 2024, the WHO declares the Mpox outbreak a ‘public health emergency of international concern’ (or ‘PHEIC’ in short; it’s pronounced like ‘fake’). The WHO website states:
Note that Tedros’ declaration was made on the advice of ‘an IHR emergency committee of independent experts’.
The Director-General will now make preliminary recommendations to countries based on the findings of this committee. Committee Chair Professor Dimie Ogoina said:
Tedros had already initiated the procedure for the emergency authorisation of mpox vaccines last week [surprise], which would speed up access to vaccines. This emergency authorisation also enables partners such as Gavi [hi, Mr. Bill] and UNICEF [ain’t their kind of game, but schoolkids are very impressionable and parental rights are under assault everywhere] to procure and distribute [add: ‘experimental’] vaccines. WHO anticipates an immediate funding requirement of 15 million US dollars to support the measures. In order to enable an immediate increase in funding, the WHO has released 1.45 million US dollars from the WHO Emergency Fund and is appealing to donors to finance the entire requirements for the fight against Mpox [how and what do we call a public-private partnership that is removed from national or international law?].
Puzzle piece 10: Also on 14 August, the EU Commission announced that the bloc’s Health Emergency Response Authority (HERA) will procure and donate 175,420 doses of the MVA-BN® vaccine from the Danish company Bavarian Nordic [let the grift commence] as an immediate”
The people who need the jab the most are those in the zones of war for liberty (from evil dictators) and war of liberation (to liberate the land from its residents).
The “tetanus jab” alone made 150 million women and girls sterile, besides killing breastfeeding babies.
Nowadays, a disease seem to be created or invented as a political steering instrument.
Hmm it looks as if monkeys aren’t scaring the plebs enough let’s try spiders:
“There’s a meme spreading through social media that the key to the latest scare stories about monkeypox – now called ‘mpox’ – is just about removing the ‘k’ and knowing it’s all about the money!!
I’m not denying that money may well be one component, but I don’t believe it is the only one we need to consider in order to understand what’s going on.
Land grabs are by no means a new phenomenon! But they may serve a different function now than they have previously served.
Land grabs are not the only ‘reasons’ for interventions, but control of land does permit control of resources of all kinds and Africa is rich in resources, especially mineral resources that are vital for technology; more on this shortly.
Importantly, African countries, especially those in the sub-Saharan region of the continent, are particular targets for increased vaccine coverage; as demonstrated by a 2015 article entitled WHO strives to provide universal access to immunization in the African Region by 2020, which states the aim to,
I know we are beyond 2020, but this is a typical example of the ongoing efforts to implement vaccination programmes throughout the African continent, especially those areas that they have yet to penetrate, which would seem to be the sub-Saharan region that is the focus of a substantial proportion of the WHO policies.
As I said at the beginning, there’s more to the narrative of ‘mpox’ than just the money, although money does play a significant role.”
Extracts from “Mpox: It’s not just about money!” by Dawn Lester:
Let’s wake the f up. All vaccines contain poison of one sort or another. Its mercury, aluminium, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, and so on. This crap is injected into mums and babies. They have adjusted the graphs to make it look as if vaccines are a wonder cure when in fact the Autism rate has gone through the roof. Andrew Wakefield was set up by the Murdoch/Times group for trying to expose the bullshit.In fact dead kids with Autism have more than 30x the aluminium level in their brains than normal. Dementia et al can be attributed to the aluminium poison crossing the blood-brain barrier.
So either take heed or wire in.
You wont find this info on the BBC, the king of the dis/misinformation bstrds.
” Look kids! Big Ben! Parliament!” 😔👍
~ Clark Griswold, National Lampoon’s European Vacation
Monkey Pox has been rebranded as MPox or mPox and the narrative has changed to eliminate the homosexual causal aspect of the original Monkey Pox to a new zoonotic version that supposedly spreads from animals to humans! Of course the old “it started in Africa” theme is still intact just like with AIDS. The fear porn has been ramped up considerably, the two strands are said to be very lethal a different narrative from the original strain. The hyperbole is being escalated, the globalist World Health Organization is driving the hysteria, it recently declared a global health emergency for a “virus” that has only impacted 14,000 people with 55 deaths on a planet with eight billion residents; one point five who live on the continent of Africa! How’s that for fear porn?!
The globalists and crisis profiteers’ playbook is thin so they are using the PCR test again, never mind its shortcomings as diagnostic tool, the miscreants will repeat the same lies they did with COVID. Of course the solution is vaccines and more vaccines nothing else will do. Watch for them to tout and promote universal vaccination as they ramp up the fear porn and fudge the numbers using the PCR tests just like they did with the COVID Psyop.
What about Europe doing the same? Not a chance! We’ll just carry on importing people from the continent where this alleged disease originated, and the sheep will think that’s fine, while bleating at the rest of us to get vaccinated.
Bring on the SheepPox.
its been around for a while
Thank you for the succinct and always humoroulsy informative post, Kit.
It strikes me that these pandemics actually work better than the Olympics in bringing nations together for the betterment of mankind.
Everyone jumps onboard, warring factions and the like, Captain Tedros at the helm.
All for the common good.
I think it’s their way of including lower classes. We don’t get invited to Davos or Bilderberg or Bohemian. We’re not invited to the CFR, IBS, WEF, WHO.
But we have the pandemics.
By the way, what happened to the bird flu?
“By the way, what happened to the bird flu?”
It’s on its way…
“Up The Food Chain”
as we speak.
Good ole “Uncle TED”
is obviously impatient. 😔👍
Bird flu conference in Washington DC this October. Read their program. Previous virus scams were mere tests and preparation for their biggest scam, now in preparation for – my guess – early 2025.
Bird Flu Summit Oct 2024
Scary agenda. Thanks for pointing out.
Yeah. I wouldn’t doubt it. It would fit with timelines. And thank you very much for sharing that link. I’ll give that a read sometime this morning. 👍
It’s slowly raising the price of eggs, a second time around and in short order I might add.
If, as I believe and there is an enormous amount of evidence for, Covid was an economic crisis, then rolling out any health ’emergency’ where vaccines remain effective does not make sense.
Lockdowns for Covid were necessary to put the breaks on the economy as trillions was pumped into it to revive it. The lack of vaccines, and the perceived serousness of the disease sold them to the public.
Lockdowns won’t be neccesary if vaccines already exist though, so at worst (and it is obviously bad) MPox is a big pharma money grab.
It’s a scam but it’s not the same scam.
A P.H.E.I.C. does, as Corbett pointed out during convid, sound an awful lot like a fake.
On the subject of fakes, the UK corporate media are giving an unfathomable amount of coverage to this yacht sinking. One might put this down to the August “silly season” but we’ve seen this before e.g. the mini-sub ‘Titanic’ story, that doctor’s death (or “death”). Incidents at sea offer a highly controllable environment away from prying eyes. These things look more and more like manufactured stories for allegorical purposes to me with the drama meant to drag in the unwitting punters. The name of the yacht ‘Bayesian’ is an interestng word – but more importantly perhaps is the name of the company of the main man involved, Autonomy. The story does seem to be sending the message that autonomy will be sunk – and of course the sinking is blamed on climate change.
The ocean depths have metaphorical associations with the abyss and the subconscious – just as outer space is somewhere they use as a metaphor for inner space (every “we’re going to Mars” story is really about going to war – notice how seldom we go to Venus!).
What about going to the Moon? (“again”, or at least trying to…). This idea still seems to have some appeal, at least in theory. “Fly me to the Moon” anyone? They seem to hyope the ‘Super Blue Moon’ idea lately, what is it so cool or intriguing about that? It is perhaps about something else, an esoteric, poetic, mysterious place, and not the pedestrian celestial body that Tom Hanks or was it Neil Armstrong who walked on? I get confused about these 2, sometimes. Oh, Tom was in Apollo 13? And the pilot of that magical plane that landed on the Hudson? Hm… somehow, somehow the last one felt like it was some sort of a hoax, too, but a good one, meant to cheer us up.
Why going to the Moon (still) sounds so… romantic?
The actual, natural (some say perhaps artificial satellite of our planet) is a large barren rock, unlivable, alternately either too cold or too hot, with no air (no oxygen), no water or atmosphere, nothing to eat, drink or even…. do! there. Getting there is impossible, as it was in 1969 and still it is now. Van Allen belt anyone? etc. Why the new movie with Scarlet J., while it seems to have gone directly to cable or streaming or just disappeared; … were ‘they’ trying to familiarize ‘us’ with the notion that the whole Apollo thing might have been a hoax, a joke, or a marketing ploy (i.e. lie)?
I’m still waiting for NASA to show a genuine picture of our Earth, taken from one of their ‘satellites’ in ‘space’. All we see are poor-quality photo-shop images. More lies.
So do German media. Didn’t make sense to me. But as it turns out that this gentleman’s companies, their products and other business colleagues involved are all to do with surveillance and secret services the story as it is told must be a lie. Could well be that these people were in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, it need not have been a yacht in the mediterranean. How about a bunker somewhere in Ukraine, visited by uninvited callers?
Are people really going to put up with this shite any longer?
Hang them all.
And when you hang them all, new clean faces will come onstage bamboozling the angered masses and clamouring “hope and change” left and right.
And a new cycle starts …. ab aeternitate!
They should still be hanged they’ve earned it. But you’re correct. 100%. You’ll have to fix the system versus just executing jerks. There will be a never ending supply of those.
What exactly is the point of humanity at this stage?
The split between reality perceptions that began during COVID seems all but complete now
We speak the same language sure but in function the divide is ‘unbridgeable’.
‘they’ are the new population the new mankind
What are we?
reality perceptions have long been reckles , so be joyous that You are an attentive, and that “we” are not nonbeings.
Laughter is the best medicine, and its really all you can do when you understand the pathetic attempts to get the monkeys off the ground.
Oh look, a monkey in a nasa helmet!
Hi Ham!
Thank you kind admins
I think we should make ham go viral as the face of mpox.
“Meet Ham, the expert mpox scientist from Nasa”
Scientists say……
Expert scientists say……
Looking forward to them trying the “if it saves one life… ” line after Gaza.
Which raises the question, do plants have rights?
Those who are responsible for this assault on society should be rounded up, prosecuted and jailed. From billionaires down to their little helpers they are surely the new mega criminal class.
I wonder how they know that “vaccines remain effective” given that there hasn’t been a genuine situation where they’ve been used..
.. Of course.. I know they just say so..
.. Wondering also about the handful of people who have had an outbreak of the pox… I wonder if research was conducted, would it be found that they’d been injected by some other experimental serum… A significant amount of batches may well have had this new disease included so it could hatch out in people from within… A reasonable amount of people coming down with an ‘illness’ so they can try and make some kind of story to scare people..
Can somebody also clarify.. How is this one transmitted?
Will we be ok when we are sitting down in cafes etc and only at risk when standing up?
Will it be safe to sit on park benches, sit on the beach.. Will we be at risk if we exit a 5 mile zone from where we live..?
Nothing is transmitted. Contagion is a myth
Yes, according to some. However, it is fair to point out that evidence for alternative mechanisms that replicate what we witness irl is hazy at best. As such we discourage people from making dogmatic statements on this topic. Please register your opinions and link to interesting evidence, there are many interesting discussions to be had! But please tone down the dogmatic posts. Thanks for listening, A2
To say nothing of the well-documented, dogmatic, baseless assertions and practices of virology which is demonstrably a pseudoscience
Yeah but what you don’t realise is the no-contagion crowd are a sleeper agenda, ready to activate and undermine this site come the next “pandemic”. They have little drills here all the time. Check out all the “totally organic” votes on these comments ffs
At this moment, the DV/ UV ratio is 3/2: we could convert that number into Sunstein Units, I suppose. Depressing. Clearly, this site was targeted and it’s gradually being overrun.
Just to put it in proportion 99.8% of our daily readers don’t comment and of those who do only a minority do so regularly on this vexed ‘virus’ topic and of them only perhaps 3 – 5 individuals (or entities) try to manipulate the votes.
Out of curiousity, after your comment, I tried to calculate the daily readership from your figure. I am guessing around 50 commenters here typically, so that means an approx. daily readership of 25,000.
If 0.2% equals 50, then 50 x (100/0.2 ) = 25,000.
If so, a pretty decent daily readership or is the figure based on daily hits to the website?
The Blackfeet Indians would disagree with you.
I believe the original Pittcairn islanders may have something to say about it, too.
The mental placebo effect IS contagious: Fear is quite contagious under sheeple.
The were scared for wolves, not for the shepherd, the dummies.
Knowledge is the cure.
You do realise that, without a good alternative explanation, you sound like a swivel-eyed loon .
If you have a half believable alternative explanation I am prepared to apologise and eat my hat.
(Or your tin-foil one if you prefer)
That’s the big reason this particular virus scam won’t take off; the symptoms are too specific. When the symptoms ranged from fatal gunshot wounds through to nothing at all, everyone felt vulnerable to the deadliest disease known to man.
Now everyone knows that as long as they haven’t been having unprotected sex with a monkey, they won’t get the hand rashes, or something along those lines.
it is called false advertising, and in the good old days was a crime and it was prosecuted; it is demonstrably so, or perhaps not so fast… they make it impossible to prove it is effective or not, as there is no disease to actually prevent with it! Ah!, these psyops are so clever, misdirection and diversions, working so well; there are only false leads and false narratives, then.
Bayesian probability would suggest prior knowledge of the event occuring, including “SC” being killed whilst out running a few days before.
Always check the spelling.
It could be a code word (‘bayesian’… quite unusual name for a boat, where is the poetry or the sentiment in it? it is a totally boring scientific mumbo jumbo for most people, even the ones with deep pockets or super boats, no girl would gladly come on such a boat…), whoever planted the name or fabricated the story, possibly signaled to others, not to worry “it’s us” (to recall they used the phony “bayesian inference” to stop the initial 2020 Pfizer vaxx studies very early and/or move everyone from the placebo arm to the “active” claiming ‘bayesian analysis’ suggested it was effective, only after about 3 months of gathering data; explanation no. 2: as the idea of spontaneous waterspout or of a local mini tornado that chased [as in targeted] and practically submerged a billionaire’s yacht seems too implausible, it suggests a Dr. No / Strangelove billionaires’ hunter games, as if filthy rich folks from different gangs were taking aim at each other with exotic DE weapons?, or explanation no. 3 they are just messing with us, and none of this was real.
From 20 odd years ago:
Symptomless Coma (
Crispy Morriss
One to put on the shelf with global boiling.
BioNTech is testing its new quadrupe mRNA-“Vaccine” and plans to distribute it asap.
Notice, how the pharmaceutical industries obsession with producing and dispensing vaccines is very similar to the military industrial complex’s mania for manufacturing bombs.
In fact, the scamdemic revealed a close association between the DOD and the “funding/mandating” of the experimental mRNA toxic gene therapy jab.
Here are some of the long-term side effects of the smallpox vaccine:
“Myocarditis, pericarditis, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, encephalopathy, progressive vaccinia, generalized vaccinia, severe vaccinial skin infections, erythema multiforme major (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome), eczema vaccinatum resulting in permanent sequelae or death, ocular complications and blindness…”
Charles Creighton ripping apart the origins’ story of the smallpox vaccine back in the late 1880s:
This was just after the Leicester protests led to the abolition of mandatory vaccination in the city with no discernable adverse impact compared to other cities at the time, an event the Luciferian rebellion-loving corporate media seem strangely uninterested in producing any articles/books/TV-shows/documentaries/films about.
You might also find this interesting:
During the scamdemic the Emergency Use Authorization Act cleared the way for the experimental mRNA toxin.
It should be noted, most of the newer vaccines will be computer generated and not really tested.
That is why the first batch must be quality assured by injecting the board of the companies wishing to peddle them, all their senior scientists/medical advisors, and all the Boards of investment firms that have invested in the vaccine peddlers.
There can be no question of that bunch being injected with saline. They must be jabbed four times with their wondrous products and no-one else should be injected until those human guinea pigs have been evaluated, notably as to whether they drop down dead, get cardiovascular problems, develop tumours or otherwise do worse than negative controls.
Sady, the proles are always the guinea pigs. Over the two decades in which gene therapy injections were tested they killed numerous test animals, or triggered a slew of mutations.
No exemption for those investing in multiple jabs, including the greatest philanthropist. The video evidence with time counter should run for at least 30 min.
All this is heading to where the worst affected “take things into their own hands”.
This was just after the Leicester protests led to the abolition of mandatory vaccination in the city with no discernable adverse impact compared to other cities at the time,
There was discernible effect. Smallpox disappeared more quickly from Leicester than from similar UK cities where jabbing continued. For this forgotten history the research, both historical and medical by Dr Suzanne Humphries is essential eg:
An incidental thought – how to erase the folk memory of a stand against compulsory medication – concentrate immigration into that area?
The common GMO “promoter” compound CaMV 35S may mutate (human) genes, reactivate dormant genes and create new viruses. That should ring a bell. Remember the many forgotten illnesses that resurfaced during the mass jabbing. Any GMO the victims ate did not help, to put it diplomatically. Many of their “health conditions” led to “asymptomatic death”.
If what they actually want is to roll out a smallpox vaccine as claimed, maybe they are expecting a bio war soon/now? Or just some more sales, of course.
The bio-war is already in play, it’s being waged by our governments against us.
True. But if they could blame it all on the Russians or the Iranians, then it would be even harder to protest against it. They could simply declare war, rendering any/all who won’t take the vaxx as ‘traitors’ or ‘fifth columnists’.
Yep. And that includes Crimetrailing the skies.
That’s why the only solution is for breakup of the US into at least 3 separate countries. Southwest states could join Mexico, for instance. We must free ourselves. And I don’t mean by “civil war” since our bank accounts would all be frozen. A political party must be created for the purpose. US has annexed one third of Syria so changing borders isn’t a big deal. No one ever complains that US military will shoot you if you cross their border in Syria.
The first toe in the water for mandatory Mpox jabs.
Will Saudi Arabia be the first requiring a mandatory Mpox jab to enter the country?
The Umrah pilgrimage to Mecca, second in size to the Hajj, takes place this year from 21 Sept – 1 Oct 2024. Last year 13.5 million people made the pilgrimage. That is a lot of potential jabees for one event and a captive audience who would have planned it well in advance having bought flights and accommodation.
The article does say “may become mandatory”. Testing the reaction, no doubt.
Unlikely as they need the money. The time when they dictated (or followed orders to dictate) petroleum prices is gone. In the recent Haj, over 1,000 died from heat alone (maybe 55 degrees C), but are all assured of the after-life.
I reckon that the ‘anti-vaxxers’ should accept a great deal of the ‘responsibility’ for this ‘latest’ outbreak of mon$ey-pox. Why, I hear you say??
Well, because we didn’t hang the phuckers the first time they started with this fabricated horse-shit. And, like spoilt children … ‘they’ want more.
So, we’ve got to, gimme! gimme, gimme stage again. Moreover, these phuck-wits quite obviously appear to believe in their black-hearts, that they can keep tormenting the herd. This little-black-duck is gatvol and ready to do whatever might be required to put the brakes on the shenanigans. I would make a great commander on ‘le-guillotine’ … I would even supply the knitting/crochet implements and head-baskets free-of-charge, to all interested front-seat spectators.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Click on the blue button that says, “Start creating with Flux.1”
Step 3: You’ll be asked to sign up (No credit card!) Just sign in with a free Google account. It is very easy!
Step 4: Enter your prompt into the prompt box. This will generate the image!
That’s it!
So, you pathetic down voters, why? It’s sort of like down voting colouring pencils. Or crayons.
Who doesn’t like a full moon, all over the world !
Monkeys, Pigs breeding Homoculi, Hermis, waterwold
Brain death is often the first symptom. It has a rapid onset and is most dangerous when it is asymptomatic.
Brain swelling from catching Monkey Pox is a concern that should not be taken lightly. People’s brains literally explode from their ears and eye sockets. Children are most at risk with a high chance of dying after such a discharge.
Watch this video for a stark reminder of what happened last time.
Please do go get the shot. And the flu shot. Winter’s coming. Don’t forget your whole family.
When too much is never enough.
At the vax clinic.

1. that scientifically prove/provide evidence of the existence of any alleged “monkeypox virus“, or
2. that even describes the purification of particles that are alleged to be “monkeypox virus” directly from bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of so-called “hosts”, or
3. that describe the purported “genome” of any alleged “monkeypox virus” being found intact in the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of a so-called “host” (as opposed to fabricated in silico, aka a computer model), or
4. that scientifically demonstrate contagion of the illness / symptoms that are allegedly caused by purported “monkeypox viruses”
I think Researcher gets it, but to all the downvoters, this is clearly a joke! Stop thinking with your thumbs, good people. Spend less time on Twitter and remember to run a scan for sarcasm!!!
The obvious clue that it was sarcasm, even if readers didn’t know the poster’s comment style or history, was in the link he attached.
I have known for a long time that many people do not open the links in comments, sometimes even when there is a background comment or description.
At one point, the CDC and WHO probably did rig the PCR tests by ramping up the number of cycles. Now, I think they’re simply make up the “cases” as needed for their narratives. My guess is the mhoax vaxxes are simply the COVID ones with a new label.
No probably about it, they did it.
Range life
Moneypox is the premature ejaculation for the $uiturd$.
WW3 will supply them with their complete ‘orga$m$’
$ick prick$.