From Agrarianism to Transhumanism: The Long March to Dystopia

Colin Todhunter

“A total demolition of the previous forms of existence is underway: how one comes into the world, biological sex, education, relationships, the family, even the diet that is about to become synthetic.”
Silvia Guerini, radical ecologist, in ‘From the ‘Neutral’ Body to the Posthuman Cyborg: A Critique of Gender Ideology’ (2023)

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain.

The big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.[1]

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and big financial institutions, like BlackRock and Vanguard, are also involved, whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, pushing biosynthetic (fake) food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating and financing the aims of the mega agri-food corporations.[2]

The billionaire interests behind this try to portray their techno-solutionism as some kind of humanitarian endeavour: saving the planet with ‘climate-friendly solutions’, ‘helping farmers’ or ‘feeding the world’. But what it really amounts to is repackaging and greenwashing the dispossessive strategies of imperialism.

It involves a shift towards a ‘one world agriculture’ under the control of agritech and the data giants, which is to be based on genetically engineered seeds, laboratory created products that resemble food, ‘precision’ and ‘data-driven’ agriculture and farming without farmers, with the entire agrifood chain, from field (or lab) to retail, being governed by monopolistic e-commerce platforms determined by artificial intelligence systems and algorithms.

Those who are pushing this agenda have a vision not only for farmers but also for humanity in general.

The elites through their military-digital-financial (Pentagon/Silicon Valley/Big Finance) complex want to use their technologies to reshape the world and redefine what it means to be human. They regard humans, their cultures and their practices, like nature itself, as a problem and deficient.

Farmers are to be displaced and replaced with drones, machines and cloud-based computing. Food is to be redefined and people are to be fed synthetic, genetically engineered products. Cultures are to be eradicated, and humanity is to be fully urbanised, subservient and disconnected from the natural world.

What it means to be human is to be radically transformed. But what has it meant to be human until now or at least prior to the (relatively recent) Industrial Revolution and associated mass urbanisation?

To answer this question, we need to discuss our connection to nature and what most of humanity was involved in prior to industrialisation — cultivating food.

Many of the ancient rituals and celebrations of our forebears were built around stories, myths and rituals that helped them come to terms with some of the most fundamental issues of existence, from death to rebirth and fertility. These culturally embedded beliefs and practices served to sanctify their practical relationship with nature and its role in sustaining human life.

As agriculture became key to human survival, the planting and harvesting of crops and other seasonal activities associated with food production were central to these customs.

Humans celebrated nature and the life it gave birth to. Ancient beliefs and rituals were imbued with hope and renewal and people had a necessary and immediate relationship with the sun, seeds, animals, wind, fire, soil and rain and the changing seasons that nourished and brought life. Our cultural and social relationships with agrarian production and associated deities had a sound practical base.

People’s lives have been tied to planting, harvesting, seeds, soil and the seasons for thousands of years.

Silvia Guerini, whose quote introduces this article, notes the importance of deep-rooted relationships and the rituals that re-affirm them. She says that through rituals a community recognises itself and its place in the world. They create the spirit of a rooted community by contributing to rooting and making a single existence endure in a time, in a territory, in a community.

Professor Robert W Nicholls explains that the cults of Woden and Thor were superimposed on far older and better-rooted beliefs related to the sun and the earth, the crops and the animals and the rotation of the seasons between the light and warmth of summer and the cold and dark of winter.

Humanity’s relationship with farming and food and our connections to land, nature and community has for millennia defined what it means to be human.

Take India, for example. Environmental scientist Viva Kermani says that Hinduism is the world’s largest nature-based religion that:

“…recognises and seeks the Divine in nature and acknowledges everything as sacred. It views the earth as our Mother and hence advocates that it should not be exploited. A loss of this understanding that earth is our mother, or rather a deliberate ignorance of this, has resulted in the abuse and the exploitation of the earth and its resources.”

Kermani notes that ancient scriptures instructed people that the animals and plants found in India are sacred and, therefore, all aspects of nature are to be revered. She adds that this understanding of and reverence towards the environment is common to all Indic religious and spiritual systems: Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

According to Kermani, the Vedic deities have deep symbolism and many layers of existence. One such association is with ecology. Surya is associated with the sun, the source of heat and light that nourishes everyone; Indra is associated with rain, crops, and abundance; and Agni is the deity of fire and transformation and controls all changes.

She notes that the Vrikshayurveda, an ancient Sanskrit text on the science of plants and trees, contains details about soil conservation, planting, sowing, treatment, propagating, how to deal with pests and diseases and a lot more.

Like Nicholls, Kermani provides insight into some of the profound cultural, philosophical and practical aspects of humanity’s connection to nature and food production.

This connection resonates with agrarianism, a philosophy based on cooperative labour and fellowship, which stands in stark contrast to the values and impacts of urban life, capitalism and technology that are seen as detrimental to independence and dignity. Agrarianism, too, emphasises a spiritual dimension as well as the value of rural society, small farms, widespread property ownership and political decentralisation.

The prominent proponent of agrarianism Wendell Berry says:

The revolution which began with machines and chemicals now continues with automation, computers and biotechnology.”

For Berry, agrarianism is not a sentimental longing for a time past. Colonial attitudes, domestic, foreign and now global, have resisted true agrarianism almost from the beginning — there has never been fully sustainable, stable, locally adapted, land-based economies.

However, Berry provides many examples of small (and larger) farms that have similar output as industrial agriculture with one third of the energy.

In his poem ‘A Spiritual Journey’, Berry writes the following:

And the world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles,
no matter how long,
but only by a spiritual journey,
a journey of one inch,
very arduous and humbling and joyful,
by which we arrive at the ground at our feet,
and learn to be at home.”

But in the cold, centralised, technocratic dystopia that is planned, humanity’s spiritual connection to the countryside, food and agrarian production are to be cast into the dustbin of history.

Silvia Guerini says:

The past becomes something to be erased in order to break the thread that binds us to a history, to a tradition, to a belonging, for the transition towards a new uprooted humanity, without past, without memory… a new humanity dehumanised in its essence, totally in the hands of the manipulators of reality and truth”.[3]

This dehumanised humanity severed from the past is part of the wider agenda of transhumanism. For instance, we are not just seeing a push towards a world without farmers and everything that has connected us to the soil but, according to Guerini, also a world without mothers.

She argues that those behind test-tube babies and surrogate motherhood now have their sights on genetic engineering and artificial wombs, which would cut women out of the reproductive process. Guerini predicts that artificial wombs could eventually be demanded, or rather marketed, as a right for everyone, including transgender people. It is interesting that the language around pregnancy is already contested with the omission of ‘women’ from statements like ‘persons who can get pregnant’.

Of course, there has long been a blurring of lines between biotechnology, eugenics and genetic engineering. Genetically engineered crops, gene drives and gene editing are now a reality, but the ultimate goal is marrying artificial intelligence, bionanotechnology and genetic engineering to produce the one-world transhuman.

This is being pushed by powerful interests, who, according to Guerini, are using a rainbow, transgenic left and LGBTQ+ organisations to promote a new synthetic identity and claim to new rights. She says this is an attack on life, on nature, on “what is born, as opposed to artificial” and adds that all ties to the real, natural world must be severed.

It is interesting that in its report Future of Food, the UK supermarket giant Sainsburys celebrates a future where we are microchipped and tracked and neural laces have the potential to see all of our genetic, health and situational data recorded, stored and analysed by algorithms that could work out exactly what food (delivered by drone) we need to support us at a particular time in our life. All sold as ‘personal optimisation’.

Moreover, it is likely, according to the report, that we will be getting key nutrients through implants. Part of these nutrients will come in the form of lab-grown food and insects.

A neural lace is an ultra-thin mesh that can be implanted in the skull, forming a collection of electrodes capable of monitoring brain function. It creates an interface between the brain and the machine.

Sainsburys does a pretty good job of trying to promote a dystopian future where AI has taken your job, but, according to the report, you have lots of time to celebrate the wonderful, warped world of ‘food culture’ created by the supermarket and your digital overlords.

Technofeudalism meets transhumanism — all for your convenience, of course.

But none of this will happen overnight. And whether the technology will deliver remains to be seen. Those who are promoting this brave new world might have overplayed their hand but will spend the following decades trying to drive their vision forward.

But arrogance is their Achilles heel.

There is still time to educate, to organise, to resist and to agitate against this hubris, not least by challenging the industrial food giants and the system that sustains them and by advocating for and creating grass-root food movements and local economies that strengthen food sovereignty.


[1] See the author’s open-access e-book Food, Dispossession and Dependency: Resisting the New World Order here (Academia.edu), here (heyzine.com) or here (Centre for Research on Globalization)[back]

[2] See the author’s open-access e-book Sickening Profits: The Global Food System’s Poisoned Food and Toxic Wealth here (Academia.edu) , here (heyzine.com) or here (Centre for Research on Globalization)[back]

[3] A debt of gratitude is owed to Paul Cudenec and his article Truth, reality, tradition and freedom: our resistance to the great uprooting on the Winter Oak website, which provides quotes from and insight into the work of Silvia Guerini.[back]

Colin Todhunter specialises in food, agriculture and development and is a research associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his two free books Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Resisting the New World Order and Sickening Profits: The Global Food System’s Poisoned Food and Toxic Wealth here.


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Categories: latest, The "New Normal"
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Sep 4, 2024 2:35 AM

Colin, to the point essay as usual; common sense and common decency epitomized by Wendell Berry. I read the beginning of the Sainsbury Report on the Future with insanity written all over it. But call the following inputs a Discussion? Ha! Rather A Great Holding Forth on everything anyone knows about anything in Grouo Discussion 101. People — blah, blah, blah…. Instead reread this essay by Colin Todhunter a few times.

Aug 31, 2024 4:50 PM

.and yet already in the 19th century Marx had warned us: without class struggle we remain in prehistory.
The power we are dealing with is financial capitalism in its most ruthless phase, which has in its hands the tools for a capillary control of the populations of the earth, and is using them all, including under-the-skin surveillance. All peoples are targeted, it is a war of the elite against the peoples of the earth: we are all equally infected, to be criminalized, all of us potential terrorists, because we are potential bearers of democracy. Not even socialism, democracy itself has become a crime against power. The old constitutions born from the struggles against Nazi-fascism are now effectively outlawed, http://www.insightweb.it/web/content/jp-morgan-contro-le-costituzioni-del-sud-europa
But even before, in fact, the two world wars were wars against peoples, and the epicenter was ‘white’ and ‘civilized’ Europe… The capitalists, during the two world wars, sent millions of people to the slaughter: They continue to talk about the crimes of Nazism, I would call them crimes of capitalism; behind it there was the war machine of capitalism that was in action. It is no coincidence that the Nazis used the first IBM computer to file and identify undesirables, expel them from society, confiscate their property; send them to ghettos; deport them; and, finally, exterminate them.

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Aug 25, 2024 4:20 PM

“When I found out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted a home birth. I’m an Anishinaabe woman from Pawgwasheeng (Pays Plat First Nation) in Northwestern Ontario, and I now live on Poundmaker Cree Nation, close to North Battleford, Saskatchewan.

In our traditional kinship systems, pregnancy and birth are considered sacred times. Prior to the pregnancy is even considered sacred, as families are to plan, pray, and prepare for the baby years in advance. But because of the impacts of colonialism, many of these teachings have been forgotten.” Andrea Landry

As an Indigenous woman, I was scared to have my baby in a hospital


How I’m raising my daughter to be 100 percent, unapologetically Indigenous




Could somebody please share the following music with Silvia Guerini

“Over here I see the lights of arranging twilight sages
Commence to reveal it to the others
But you will never have the time
I would love to change your mind
You were there
And it was good in the beginning
You were there
We were good in the beginning …” Pete Yorn

Crystal Village


“Sister, Sister
I want to talk to the woman in you
We’re under siege in a troubled time …” John Trudell

The Cleansing / Red Earth Song


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 26, 2024 7:43 PM
Reply to  Derek Diamond

Not bad.
Ok, there is a little true resistance here and there in Americas. Not much but at least its not all fake resistance off grid feminists lgbt liberal marihuana.

Aug 25, 2024 10:25 AM

Share this important silo of well-articulated benefit for a solid humanity that has to battle the warped actions of those that love Oceania, and love all shackles protecting them from the entropy fashioned by the poison mongers.

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Aug 25, 2024 12:18 AM

“I hope you share this information with those you know and care about.”

Author and Journalist, Jennifer Bilek, has been researching the money and power behind the gender industry for over a decade. Her work can be found in myriad publications, on her blog, on Twitter, Gettr, LinkedIn, Spinster.xyz, at this Substack, and in her new book: Transsexual Transgender Transhuman/Dispatches from the 11th Hour.

Who Is Behind The Trans Agenda?


Columbus and Other Cannibals
By Jack D. Forbes

Why read it?

“ Why do people harm each other and the planet? Why do the rich continue to accumulate more and more wealth, when they already have all they need? When is enough, enough?

Those questions can be answered by social psychologists, environmental economists, historians, and other academics. But Jack D. Forbes’ book is perhaps the best explanation I have ever read. Drawing on the history of the colonization of North America, Forbes (Renape/Lenape) argues that modern civilization is based around “a spiritual sickness with a physical vector.” He calls it the wetiko disease: the desire to consume other beings, with no possibility of satiation. Forbes’ exploration from his indigenous perspective is one of the most important books I’ve ever read.” max Wilbert


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 25, 2024 1:12 PM
Reply to  Derek Diamond

Isnt it just another explanation for something actually quite simple.

Whatever someone think about religion and especially the bible, it is full of universal symbolic. So much that the church refused to translate the bible from Latin to maintain monopoly on universal knowledge.

The entrance of the devil in paradise, and evil as envy and a revolt against God’s Creation.

From the bible:
” 12 And by these, my son, be further warned: There is no end to the making of many books, and much study wearies the body.
13 When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is this: Fear God and keep His commandments, because this is the whole duty of man. 
14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, along with every hidden thing, whether good or evil.”

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Aug 25, 2024 4:50 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” This is probably one of the most important verses in the Bible, or at least one of the most important for our current times or during any time of despair (Psalm 23). You may not be the religious type. You may even be an atheist, so then the first part would be the only part appropriate for you. It is still a wise and truthful statement. Fear no evil. Fear nothing.“ Todd Hayen


“ In this latest collection of radical writing, Paul Cudenec sets out his personal vision through a new essay entitled Our Quest For Freedom.

He argues that the liberation of humankind from tyranny will require a process involving a number of interrelated stages: Realising; Remembering; Yearning; Exposing; Explaining; Proposing; Meaning; Motivating; Becoming; Inspiring; Preparing; Boycotting; Building and Defending.

And he warns: “If people don’t understand the extent of the problem with contemporary society, if they don’t understand who they really are, if they are not prepared to risk everything, then our bid for liberty will fall short”.

The book also contains a dozen other recent articles, in which Cudenec consistently rejects modern industrialism in favour of the rediscovery of the natural order of freedom.

Our Quest for Freedom and other essays (2024) can be downloaded for free here or purchased here.”


“John paused for a moment, and right when I was about to ask him what he thinks a good man is, he answered the question without me having to ask.“ Anthony Goulet

“What is a Good Man?” A Conversation with John Trudell


Johnny Lobo – Kris Kristofferson


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 26, 2024 8:01 PM
Reply to  Derek Diamond

From my experience a man will never be able to find himself without taking up his purpose, connection and ultimate submission to God.

I like very much Todd Hayen. He is one of the few I have seen “a man with his sword, responsible only to God”.
Lynerd Skynard doing it fine here too. https://ok.ru/video/1976389732887

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Aug 24, 2024 11:48 PM

“How we think ripples out to how we behave. If we view these berries, or that coal or forest, as an object, as property, it can be exploited as a commodity in a market economy. We know the consequences of that.

Why then have we permitted the dominance of economic systems that commoditize everything? That create scarcity instead of abundance, that promote accumulation rather than sharing? We’ve surrendered our values to an economic system that actively harms what we love. I’m wondering how we fix that. And I’m not alone.” Robin Wall Kimmerer

An Economy of Abundance


Thriving Together: Salmon, Berries, and People

“Perry Bellegarde, national chief of the AFN, signed the agreement with LiUNA at the meeting. He said the purpose is to ensure there are investments in human capital that will help close the gaps between Canada’s enviable standard of living and the bleak standard of living for its Indigenous people.”

What is “human capital” ?

Construction union, Assembly of First Nations sign pact to promote Indigenous workforce

“Bellegarde said he has read the prince’s 2011 book, Harmony, which posits that current crises like climate change stem from humanity’s growing disconnect from nature.

“It shows that Prince Charles thinks like a First Nation person, he embraces our world view,” said Bellegarde.

“He’s been talking about this for many years, how we are all connected and interrelated between humankind and nature and all of our relatives in the global world.”

AFN national chief to help Prince Charles promote ‘Great Reset’ environmental initiative in … canada


  1. F##k the AFN
  2. What about NAN?

“I think my mom recognized the importance of this … and why it’s important that when a vaccine became available, that she was willing to receive it … just thinking about her own family and her own grandkids and her children. She wants to see them and she wants to live and be free of this virus,” Alvin Fiddler

Consent will be important as COVID-19 vaccine delivery to remote First Nations picks up in Ontario

Nishnawbe Aski Nation gets $17.8M from Ottawa for community health transformation

“The grand chief of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation says he’s working closely with the federal and provincial governments to prepare northern Ontario First Nations for COVID-19.”

“NAN is currently doing an inventory of the health equipment in its communities to determine the availability of medical devices such as ventilators, Alvin Fiddler said. It’s also assessing the need for hygiene products, medications, and other necessities.

“We’re getting calls from chiefs directly asking for those types of products,” he said. “Just things like hand sanitizers and masks.”

Nishnawbe Aski Nation preparing NWO First Nations for COVID-19 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/thunder-bay/northwestern-ontario-first-nations-covid-19-1.5495897

Alvin Fiddler re-elected as Nishnawbe Aski Nation grand chief
Posted: Aug 14, 2024 5:22 PM EDT | Last Updated: August 14


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 22, 2024 7:13 PM

There is still time to educate, to organise, to resist and to agitate….”. No there is not.
They will only fail by their own mistakes.

Like when the Royals only married their own “blue blood” species, and therefore developed mental deceases, the Hapsburg’s jaw, children with debility, and had to admit their inter-marriage didnt work out as expected.

Aug 22, 2024 7:43 AM

The control centres.. The nerve centres of the big tech overlords.. I would hope that these places are burned to the ground before too long.. Without these places, none of it can be implemented..

Aug 22, 2024 2:57 AM

Can agree with the above whole heartedly.

The Titan’s “one world” aims to wipe out natural diversity by replacing it with monotone, monopolistic uniformity, with them in 100% control of course. For a glimps look at CCP China, or the UK moving towards it.
Hitl*r’s wet dream.

Aug 22, 2024 12:15 AM

It’s all about MONEY and CONTROL, CONTROL and MONEY.

We don’t need to worship the Earth.
Reverence is enough.

Aug 22, 2024 2:59 AM
Reply to  Johnny

As opposed to the song “Price Tag“.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Aug 21, 2024 10:21 PM

Long comment in pending.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Aug 21, 2024 9:28 PM

Viva Kermani quoted in the article is a climate change believer and has all the hallmarks of a globalist wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Chairperson of the NGO, Centre for Social Markets, whose website is EU funded.


“Changes in rainfall patterns, agriculture yields, glacier melt, disease prevalence, extreme weather events will be the ‘new normal’ in India”

  • The “new normal” – check


  • SDGs – check.

“CSM assists transformation for the public interest by empowering grass root communities; collaborating with government agencies and civil society organisations; engaging citizens and harnessing the power of corporate responsibility towards the planet and the people.”

‘Civil Society and grassroots’ Code for infiltration and steering of genuine grassroots groups or the creation of manufactured astroturf movements with a goal of steering the public to pre-determined outcomes.

From her bio:

“Viva has been associated with CSM since 2007 and is responsible for programme development and finance. She has worked extensively on climate change impacts in India, and has brought a strong development perspective to CSM’s work with local and city administrations, and with the private sector.”

  • PPP – check.

To achieve the technocratic neo-feudalistic future, it appears to me that the controllers are covering all the bases, by also promoting a version with much less technology. An ecological, back to basics version designed to appeal to those who reject the city based 5G/6G digital gulag. Same result “You will own nothing” but in this version you can live on the land – which I am sure you will not own – as an indentured serf.

Aug 21, 2024 9:00 PM

It will make food sales cheaper.  💤 
translated as a logo saying it is climate friendly.

next generation will be told farming is evil and labs are friendly which saves the planet.

where is green peace on the matter…???

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 22, 2024 7:22 PM
Reply to  suzaloop

Its the same trick used again again.

The traditional way of growing food was too expensive why you had to buy low nutrition cheap food in the supermarket, but……. fortunately you could continue to buy high nutrition ecological expensive food too. Sales tricks nothing else.

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Aug 23, 2024 10:22 PM
Reply to  suzaloop

The original founder of Greenpeace has resigned, saying that the climate change agenda is a fraud and that the environmental movement has been hijacked by corporate and state interests.

Aug 21, 2024 6:30 PM

The US will be passing a farm bill this fall. This article discusses the bill. The crop insurance section will apparently offer incentives to farmers for agreeing to carbon sequestration. The taxpayers will be paying the tab for an unproven technology, which might cause unknown harms. Also, carbon sequestration projects can go forward with as few as 60% of affected farmers agreeing to them.

Aug 23, 2024 5:53 PM
Reply to  Demeter

It’s an elite’s pay-to-play game. They have all the money through legislating themselves authority-to-decide everything including feeding it’s own class free money to buy up the universe and make the bottom 90% pay-check-to-paycheck serfs. End game is, if anyone wants any income they have to go beg the owner class. With immense strings attached, just like the IMF and World Bank does to debt burdened foreign nations. Now it’s the American people’s turn to experience sanctions, debt and poverty from the 1% overlords. Sanctions can be interpreted as legislation and “mandates” forcing self destructive behavior. Debt is created by collapsing the economy, inflating out of sight any income making opportunities and impoverishing the bottom 90% stuck in debt traps. Poverty is the final trap set for Humanity.

We do not have to continue walking into the trap. We can not participate, put wedges into the mechanisms and demand authority over policy.

J. S.
J. S.
Aug 21, 2024 4:45 PM

Cultures are to be eradicated, and humanity is to be fully urbanised, subservient and disconnected from the natural world.

Most of the UK is already there.

The town where I live is in a rural area, but I’m one of the tiny minority who ever bother to walk in the beautiful surrounding countryside. Most people are glued into their car-seats: they roar through hill and vale, sometimes chucking their burger wrappers and coffee cups out of their windows. The countryside is the place where you discard your McFlurry carton and floor the accelerator.

You couldn’t get much more “disconnected from the natural world” than modern Brits are. …Or more contemptuous of it.

Silvia Guerini, whose quote introduces this article…

…identifies herself as a radical ecologist and feminist. I tend to be sceptical about anyone who identifies as a radical ecologist and feminist. They too have an agenda to promote.

And the article appears to be suggesting that the antidote to the transhumanist nightmare is to resurrect some form of pagan Earth-worship. Really? What if we want neither?

Surely one can live in harmony with the planet without having to make a religion out of it?

Let's be Frank Joshua
Let's be Frank Joshua
Aug 22, 2024 4:10 PM
Reply to  J. S.

And the article appears to be suggesting that the antidote to the transhumanist nightmare is to resurrect some form of pagan Earth-worship. Really? What if we want neither?

That’s incorrect. The article attempts to show how much of humanity has lost its deep-seated connection to the land – a connection that was ‘spiritual’ in essence. And that does not imply ‘pagan Earth-worship’. For instance, Wendell Berry’s notion of agrarianism is underpinned by Christain values.

I use ‘spiritual’ in broad terms – a concept that refers to thoughts, beliefs and feelings about the meaning of life, rather than just physical existence. A sense of connection to something greater than ourselves and a search for purpose – however that may manifest in terms of cultural beliefs and practices. The spiritual, the diverse, the local is juxtaposed with the selfishness that you refer to, the increasing homogeneity of thought and practice and the centralised transhumanist dystopia stripped of genuine meaning.

It is a value judgement, I know, but having a direct link with nature/the land is fundamental to developing an appreciation of a type of ‘being’ and an ‘understanding’ that results in a reality worth living in.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 23, 2024 2:36 PM

Excellent reply. Disconnection with the land has gotten us to where we are today. Polluted, sick, and dying. The trans-humanist agenda will fail of it’s own accord.
The myriad functions of the body are microcosms of those found in Nature. All of life is connected. Everything touches the space between…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 22, 2024 8:59 PM
Reply to  J. S.

Note how the Creator of our planet is completely absent in the whole story.
We have pagan, transhuman, feiminst, hinduism, sankrit and radical ecologist, but no God.
67% of any population wants it so. Burger bars, Smartphones, Smart cars, big cigar and Comfort.

Thom 9
Thom 9
Aug 21, 2024 4:12 PM

Heads up OffG admin previous comment just made marked “pending”

Thom 9
Thom 9
Aug 21, 2024 8:25 PM
Reply to  Thom 9

To the admins thanks for rescuing the post below. Cheers

Thom 9
Thom 9
Aug 21, 2024 4:10 PM

Control food, control the people…
Here in Canada our government has been involved with developments in food technology for almost a 150 years. From bio-dynamic farming to GMO’s and beyond ie. Frankenfoods.

Thom 9
Thom 9
Aug 21, 2024 8:27 PM
Reply to  Thom 9

The facility in Ottawa is just 1 of several Agriculture Canada Test Farms spread out across the country.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 22, 2024 9:02 PM
Reply to  Thom 9

I feel it everytime I meet a Canadian. The Franken eyes and the Franken attitude.
A synthetic mechanical monster on two legs.

underground poet
underground poet
Aug 21, 2024 11:58 AM

@Of course, there has long been a blurring of lines between biotechnology, eugenics and genetic engineering. Genetically engineered crops, gene drives and gene editing are now a reality, but the ultimate goal is marrying artificial intelligence, bionanotechnology and genetic engineering to produce the one-world transhuman.

This is being pushed by powerful interests, who, according to Guerini, are using a rainbow, transgenic left and LGBTQ+ organisations to promote a new synthetic identity and claim to new rights. She says this is an attack on life, on nature, on “what is born, as opposed to artificial” and adds that all ties to the real, natural world must be severed.

It is interesting that in its report Future of Food, the UK supermarket giant Sainsburys celebrates a future where we are microchipped and tracked and neural laces have the potential to see all of our genetic, health and situational data recorded, stored and analysed by algorithms that could work out exactly what food (delivered by drone) we need to support us at a particular time in our life. All sold as ‘personal optimisation’.

Imagination is the greatest nation of them all, but like what has that promised drone delivered besides bombs.

Aug 21, 2024 8:57 PM

..the ‘diagram’ on page 3 of Sainsbury’s report says it all really.

Aug 21, 2024 9:47 PM
Reply to  CBL

…fuck the imagination of the degenerate controllers.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 21, 2024 8:04 AM

A good article but for this:

Guerini predicts that artificial wombs could eventually be demanded, or rather marketed, as a right for everyone, including transgender people.

There are no “transgender people”. This “transgenderism” is a step towards transhumanism. And the easy acceptance of this gender word salad even amongst those who dissent is a grave defect in the line of protest.

Aug 21, 2024 1:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Presenting something harmful and ridiculous as a “right” is one of their oldest tricks usually traced back to Bernays and ‘Freedom Sticks’ to get women smoking. It’s rather forgotten but Timothy Leary campaigned to have the capacity to expand your consciousness (aka take the CIA’s drugs) enshrined in the U.S. Constitution as the Fifth Freedom.

Another trick is to paint the side you disagree with as a “lobby” while pretending that your side are the plucky underdogs. Here’s Mon-bot doing it again today with “the livestock lobby” in his cross-hairs:
There’s a link to a map showing the alleged state of veganism worldwide. In short, the propaganda’s not working.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 21, 2024 2:30 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The old projection was there when the Graud presented the noxious Blairite hatchet man Tom Watson as someone who resented the “fictionalism” of Corbyn.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 21, 2024 2:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

That should be “factionalism”.

Aug 21, 2024 9:03 PM
Reply to  George Mc

giving birth kills women,
artificial womb is so safe and effective/

Aug 21, 2024 10:56 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’ve noticed that stuff like Digital ID is being promoted as a “right” by the organizations pushing it –“Everyone has a right to a digital ID.” “Everyone has a right to a Covid vaccine.” Crude propaganda, but it probably persuades the sheep.

Aug 22, 2024 11:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I agree with everything you said except for ” This transgenderism is a step towards transhumanism”. What do you mean by that?

The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Aug 20, 2024 5:18 PM

Educating, certainly, is always relevant, necessary and appropriate, but we’re past the ‘resisting’ and ‘agitating for’ stage, I think. Those are genteel, flexible notions, and they mean being perpetually on defense, forever arguing with our supposed peers and pleading with our ‘betters’ for different terms. That’s how we got here.

Resist needs to be amended to ‘reject’, and having rejected, one will necessarily have departed the paradigm, and so the need to agitate within that paradigm becomes academic – no point, and energies and time will be needed for constructive creation elsewhere, and for the educating other disaffected minds and souls – and the challenging of the corporate ‘giants’ will be best done by not being their customers.

We have to reject it, not argue about it in perpetuity.

Aug 21, 2024 12:45 PM

You are correct. Those who are discontent and only marginally informed are given guided outlets that channel their time energy. They serve the trajectory or are shunted into obscurity.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 22, 2024 9:06 PM
Reply to  Mark

They have the 300 plus years experience in power manipulation.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 23, 2024 2:49 PM

Your statement: “Resist needs to be amended to ‘reject’,” is spot on. Yet functional rejection can only be achieved via outlawing and banning the agencies and agenda at large. The Corporate “giants” need to have their Corporate Charters Revoked, their properties and assets seized, and their executive staff hung from the nearest gallows.
You can’t bring the “giants” down when they own and operate the entire company store… Jus’ sayin’

The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Aug 23, 2024 11:53 PM

Any rejection held hostage to first amending the system by way of the system itself will never happen. We know this. It would never be allowed, in the first place, and is in the same family of action as ‘voting’, with any and all attempts to outlaw, ban and evoke, whatever, being simply ignored.

By reject, I mean a withdrawal of energy, time, attention, and treasure. One does not continue eating at a filthy restaurant with rude service and bad food, forever arguing with one’s fellow diners about how best to force the restaurant to improve, and pleading with the ownership and management about same.

One just stops eating there.

Sep 2, 2024 11:12 AM

Quite, DM. Arguing in perpetuity is exactly the where the matrix wants us.

The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Sep 3, 2024 4:29 PM
Reply to  Paul

It is.

Also true is that doing so is instinctively appealing to many, seemingly most people, and the 160+ IQs at Tavistock, Rand and the other think tanks know it.

I guess it feels like doing something and acts as steam vent, and I’m sure it has something major to do with Milgram’s findings and Stockholm Syndrome, et al. People are herd animals, in any case, and will do almost anything to remain in good standing with their segment of it, and do so instinctively, effortlessly.

Those of us not wired that way shouldn’t waste time on those that are, and ought move that energy instead into constructive actions.