Fascism 2.0 – The changing face of social media censorship
AI-driven content moderation is subtly shaping public opinion and political engagement
Paul Lancefield
Facebook make only about £34 a year from the average customer in the UK – a little under £3 a month (and that’s before costs) so clearly there is no head-room or motivation, for a human level of customer service or attention. The user is not the customer; rather, they are the product whose data is sold to advertisers.
Thus, users do not have a direct customer relationship with the platform. The network is not directly incentivised to “care” about the user before the advertiser. And no matter where you lie on the spectrum between “free speech absolutism” and “private entities have the right to censor any user”, with such low margins it is inevitable machine processing will have to be used to moderate posts and deal with the customer interface.
But it is a fact the customer processing and management capabilities Social Networks are now evolving is being utilised in a variety of ways beyond just moderation. And it is also true this automated processing is being done at scale and is now applied to every post every member makes. 68% of US voters are on Facebook. In the UK it’s 66% and France 73.2%. The figures are similar for every democratic nation in the West. So it is vitally important the applied rules should be politically neutral.
The power that exists within the ability to machine-process every users posts is far deeper and more profound than perhaps many realise. And while it can’t directly dictate what users write in their messages it has the capacity to fundamentally shape which messages gain traction.
Social Media services have become de-facto town squares and most would agree their corporate owners should avoid ever putting a hand on the scales and influencing politics.
Additionally as everyone who uses Facebook is aware, especially when it comes to politically sensitive topics, the system will qualify an individual’s reach; sometimes to an extreme degree. Or that user will simply be banned for a period of time, or banned from the network entirely.
So we can ask the question, since the social media corporations have so much censorship power, how do we know they aren’t engaging in unethical political interference? Can they be trusted with the responsibility?
I will return to this question, but it’s clear that trust in these corporations is deeply misplaced.
The pandemic woke many people up to the levels of control those in charge of our Social Media networks are imposing. They, write the rules to boost engagement for posts they favour, making certain individuals’ follower counts more valuable. Conversely, users who go against the grain (or against the establishment narrative) see their engagement subtly reduced or even tank, or they can be banned from the service entirely. And the evidence is that, somewhat contrary to the principles of democracy, hands have been very firmly placed on the scales at Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
When Elon Musk bought Twitter, he invited independent journalists Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss and Michael Schellenburger into the Twitter offices to research internal company communications and see how far the previous owners had been censoring user tweets.
The Twitter Files are the result, and they clearly demonstrate there has been interference on a major scale and that it has also in many cases been on political grounds. The Twitter Files team established government agencies have been firmly embedded at the company monitoring and censoring US citizens and the citizens of other nations and government agencies were regularly (strongly) requesting censorship actions. But more than this they have also revealed similar levels of interference have been taking place at other Social Media networks such a Facebook.
But since The Twitter files evidence of interference, a new and potentially even greater interference threat has emerged. AI.
There was a time it seemed like algorithms were the only topic of conversation digital marketers could discuss. And since there is no margin for human intervention at the level of individual posts, algorithms were what was being used.
To start with they were quite simple, like the equations we practiced in school math class, so they were relatively easy to work out. Google’s rise was powered by a simple yet brilliant idea: counting external links to a webpage as a proxy for relevance.
But algorithms have since given way to more complex machine-learning models which still at core, rely on algorithms, but now they are automatically generated and so vast any human attempt to untangle them is a non-starter. So we confine our thinking about them to what they can achieve, what significant things they can discriminate rather than exactly how the code works.
And now we have entered a third generation of technology. Machine learning has transformed into the development of Large Language Models (LLMs) or, more popularly, AI. And with this latest evolution, corporatists have found immense and frightening new opportunities for power and control.
The creation of LLMs involves training. The training imbues them with specific skills and biases. The purpose of the training is to fill in gaps, such that there are no obvious holes in the LLMs capacity to deal with the building blocks of human conceptualisation and speech. And this is the distinguishing feature of LLMs; that we can converse with them and the conversation flows, and the grammar and the content feels normal fluent and complete. Ideally, an LLM acts like a refined English butler—polite, informative, and correct without being rude. But also training confers specialisations to the LLM.
In the context of social media – and this is where the frightening levels of power start to become evident – LLMs are being used to act as the hall monitor, enforcing “content moderation.”
Meta’s Llama Guard is a prime example, trained not just to moderate but also to report on users. And this reporting function embodies not just the opportunity to report, but also through that reporting data, the mining of opportunities to influence and make suggestions about the user and too the user. And when I say suggestions, an LLM is capable not only of the obvious kind that the user might welcome and is happy to receive, but also a more devious unconscious kind that can be manipulative and designed to control.
There is not yet evidence gathered (that I’m aware of) LLMs in particular are being used this way; yet. But the capability is most certainly there and if past behaviours indicate future developments, likely to be so used.
You only need watch the 2006 episode from the Derren Brown’s TV show “Derren Brown: The Heist” where he convinces a group of strangers they have to commit a bank heist, to appreciate just how deep, and powerful the use of suggestion can be. For those unaware of Derren Brown, he is is a stage hypnotist and mentalist, who tends to emphasise the power of suggestion over hypnosis (most of his shows contain no hypnosis at all). Merely through the power of suggestion he gets people to do the most extraordinary things.
“Derren-Brown-like” suggestions work because the human brain is actually far less agile and far more linear than we like to think. Consciousness is a precious resource and many actions we do frequently are transferred to habit, so we can do them without thinking and this is so we can preserve consciousness for where it is needed most.
Through habit we change gear in a stick-shift car without having to think about it. And we’ve all experienced that game where you have a set time to think of a list of things such as countries, ending with the letter A. If put on the spot in front of a crowd, it can sometimes be difficult to come up with any at all. The brain often isn’t actually that good at thinking creatively or making fast conscious on the spot recall.
But, if someone you spoke too a few minutes before the game told you about their holiday in Kenya, you can be sure Kenya will be the first answer to pop into your head. More than that the association will happen automatically, whether we want it to or not!
This is simply the way the brain works. If information is conveyed at just the right time and in the right way, it can be made almost a dead cert a given suggestion will be followed. Derren Brown understands this and is a master at exploiting it.
Search engines and social media platforms wield immense power to engineer behaviour through subtle suggestions. And indeed, there is evidence Facebook and Google have done so.
Professor and researcher Dr Robert Epstein – as it were – “caught Google out” manipulating the search suggestions box that appears under the text box where users enter a search request. The whole episode became additionally sordid when it become clear they were being deceptive and had a level of were awareness their experimentation is unethical. I won’t recount the full details, but do check out the links to this – it is an interesting story in its own right.
Users are in a particularly trusting and receptive mental state when using Google’s suggested links function and don’t notice when the results contain action and imperative suggestions that, far from being the best answer to your search query – are there to manipulate a user’s subsequent actions.
In relation to Social media posts, the use of suggestion is often far more subtle, making it harder to detect and resist. LLM analysis across the database of user Posts can reveal related posts which supply suggest actions. Here the network can utilise the fact they have many millions of user messages at their disposal, including messages suggesting preferred outcomes. Such messages can be selected and preferentially promoted in user feeds.
Content moderation is, of course, necessary to handle unacceptable language and anti-social behaviour. However, there’s a large grey area where disagreeable opinions can labeled as “hate speech” and because it is a grey area, there is much leeway for the social network to intrude into the personal politics and free speech space.
The term “hate speech” has been very effective device for justifying use of the ban-hammer, but the main concern now is that, with the deployment of LLMs a major historical milestone has passed with barely a whisper that implies a whole new level of such constraints and threats to users freedom to communicate.
And that milestone is that now LLMs are being used to govern human behaviour and not the other way around. The passing of this milestone has barely been noticed because we already previously had more simple algorithms performing this role and it is done in the dark anyway.
User’s don’t see it until unless they are affected by it in an obvious way. But even so there is ample reason to think in the future we may will look back and recognise this milestone was something of a critical juncture after which some version of a “Sky-Net” like future became inevitable.
Just last week, UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced a police initiative to use social media to identify those involved in quelling public disorder, illustrating how LLM automated reporting is poised to be used beyond social media and in the context of law enforcement.
There is no detail as yet of how this monitoring will be done, but, having experience of Tech Project pitching you can be sure the government will have a roster of technology firms suggesting solutions. And you can be sure LLMs are being pitched as integral to almost all of them!
So we have established Social Media is closed and proprietary and has enabled new media power structures to be established. We have seen Social Media owners have the power to suppress or boost a posts virality and have now implemented policing and reporting by LLM (AI) which looks set to extend into real world policing. We have seen, through the Twitter Files, social media corporations broke the law during the Pandemic and displayed a willingness to collaborate with government agencies to censor and suppress disfavoured views.
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One feather turned out to be 5 hens, but only because it was lie.
Good luck with your endless research and analysis of lies inside your screen reality.
” There is not yet evidence gathered (that I’m aware of) LLMs in particular are being used this way; yet. But the capability is most certainly there and if past behaviours indicate future developments, likely to be so used.”
Well ffs take an in depth look, not a glance, into Cambridge Analytica &
* 2016 you slug * … Jesus truly wept,
Laughing @you ! 😂
The answer is to terminate the electronic leashes they have on us. No smart phone, no smart devices, no social media, no tracking, no controls. That simple. These “conveniences” are not necessary and with any will power at all, can be rejected. And after a bit of time can be found to be a great relief from being a remote controlled serf.
Censor this AI or UK gvt.
“Global surge of water-related violence led by Israeli attacks on Palestinian supplies – report
A quarter of all incidents, such as destruction of dams, pipelines and treatment plants, seen in Gaza Strip and West Bank
Israeli attacks on Palestinian water supplies in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip accounted for a quarter of all water-related violence in 2023, as armed conflicts over dwindling resources surged globally, according to new research.
Almost 350 water conflicts were documented worldwide in 2023, …..”
This is listed under “Israel Gaza War” and is reported by someone calling themselves a “climate justice reporter”. Which is handy since it allows us to veer into the “climate issue”:
“The new analysis exposes the increasing risk that climate change adds to already fragile political situations by making access to clean water less reliable in areas of conflict around the world.”
Thus does the brutal Israel assault that viciously attacks the Gazan water supply get sneaked in to public consciousness as if it was just a detail in world affairs where the real concern is the “health of the planet”.
Man’s effect on the climate is somewhere between minuscule and non-existent. Climate hysteria is one of the biggest scams ever devised. It is precisely the result of the kind of suggestion Mr. Lancefield us talking about
The risk to the Gazan water supply is 100% from Israeli military action.
Israeli LLM’s are trained to listen for the sound of running water. Missiles are then targeted accordingly.
I think that we should accept by now that the corporations are our government; albeit illegitimately so.
A couple thoughts. People are suggestible (a la Derren Brown) because they nearly always defer to authority; and authority in any given situation can simply be the most forceful in a group. Basically, people in general don’t care to give anything much thought.
Censorship can be a double edged sword. I’m thinking of YouTube – specifically, YouTubers. YouTubers seem to be the greediest people on Earth. They’re already heavily monetized – but that may not be enough for them. They could conceivably use YouTube “censorship” to force those who watch them for free on YouTube to subscribe and pay to watch them.
Case in point: I’ve gotten interested in Judge Napolitano’s “Judging Freedom” videos. In the past couple weeks he’s gotten semi-censored by YouTube – there hasn’t been a new video lately. He’s on Rumble – but his videos are from 2 months ago and longer. He has his own website; I’ve watched a couple videos there – then I got a message that I had used up my “free views.”
Naturally, my first reaction was to curse YouTube – till I began piecing it all together. One thing stood out: the very video which earned the Judge his “first strike” on YouTube featured a speaker and opinions which are still readily available on other YouTube Channels. My conclusion now is that the Judge used YouTube censorship to try and get more paid subscribers. Well, I’ll tell this to the Judge: Include Me Out.
There is huge business industry in the less than awake lot who follow proven liar’s (shills) who scream there being censored yet appear on tucker cia shill calson or sky news Australia or shillb news (gb news).
I’ve always said that fascism is immaturity on steroids. Censorship is on the level of a child sticking fingers in the ears while singing “La, la, la…” Blatant lying to invoke frustration from the masses, daily Palestinian humiliation, unnecessary wars, economic anxiety, poor educational quality, poor food quality, unsafe mass transit… all of it points to a crippling immaturity in leadership. This Turkish proverb explains it quite succinctly: “If a clown moves into a palace, he does not become a king.The palace becomes a circus.” I’m currently watching Netflix’s latest release Unreal, a 4-season show about the lives of a production crew filming a reality show called Everlasting, similar to The Bachelor. If true, it reveals how heavily manipulated these “reality” shows are. Employees actually get bonuses for instigating cat fights and meltdowns and any other manipulations to bring out the ugly in contestants, including hiring contestants with a history of mental instability! Now why would people go to such lengths to provide such lowbrow entertainment… unless the point is to tear down society. The crazier the drama, the better. It’s so sad and disgusting how they play with the contestants real feelings, most of whom are sincerely looking for love. They also wrongly assume that viewers want to see this ugliness and not watch it in the hopes that a true love will spark and blossom. But God forbid a young girl or boy watch a portrayal of healthy, loving humans. Good article on this: Kosher-dashians, the Jews Who Birthed Reality TV: Review of ‘Cue the Sun!’ All I can ask is Why? What’s with all the manipulation and instigated chaos? They make producing the show (and running the world) so unnecessarily difficult just so they can play God with everyone. When lead character and show runner Quinn said… Read more »
A couple thoughts. The LLMs referred to in the article may have a far more sinister motive than simple censorship – they may be poised to become the ultimate arbiters of language itself. Currently, language is studied by etymologists and encapsulated in dictionaries. In time AI may take over both roles, setting a big brick wall between humans and the language they have developed over millennia. We may be moving toward an AI driven and overseen Universal Language, which doubtless will find objectionable words irrelevant.
The old Public vs. Private bugaboo always rears its ugly twisted head to spew out its toxic bile. There is no distinction between a public entity and one which exists solely to serve the public. Ownership is simply a great big red herring which has been rotting in the shadows since the dawn of Capitalism.
the ultimate arbiters of language
Of reality itself, including events, achievements, dangers, benefits, etc.
not to join facebook is a wise move. but let’s not forget facebook collects data from (spy on) all internet users, facebook members and non-members.
they collect data using cookies distributed with millions of websites.
they also collect data from facebook members who ‘volunteer’ to provide information about non-members. this information include contact details, personal and professional data as well as photos. all without asking for any permission. every country with privacy laws that forbid sharing personal details without permission should be ashamed of themselves, as they are the enablers of flagrant breaking of the law.
there are certainly other ways facebook collects data. technology is improving, spying follows.
Facebook et al are merely step-children of the real culprits: operating systems. Facebook could fold tomorrow and Microsoft, to name just one, would still carry on with its primary job of providing a platform for governments to spy on citizens.
It is not “the human brain” that is less agile, but the “domesticated human mind”. Genuine meditation and breathing and other embodied consciousness techniques are about reclaiming the natural mind and becoming free of mental slavery.
It’s good to grab the opportunities offered by the digital uncle Toms:
you can get your lanyard from hdsunflower.com, or just make your own card if you have a printer, and get a colour matching lanyard and card holder from amazon or your local chinese junk store…
I have anxiety….. about what you are doing to this world, but you don’t need to know the why, just don’t hassle me !
Soon enough everyone will be walking or rather being carted around with some kind of disability or disease and Thatcher’s society will finally be one big hospital / end-of-life care ward!
The whole point of these (sun = masonic) campaigns is to foment a victim mentality and more division (*MeToo, *BLM, *Proudboys, *OWS, *Antifa, *KKK, *Black Panthers, *Nation of Islam, *MAGA etc) whilst increasing alcohol, and illegal and legal drug uptake – as coping mechanisms, also branding (through misdiagnosis or self diagnosis) more with DSM-5-TR labels to push through euthanasia laws, and enable medically assisted death (without consent) for those who have (maybe only at one time) believed themselves to be mentally ill, unaware they are painting a target on their back.
If they ever realize that they are being purposefully attacked by their own governments through poisoned injections, poisoned water and food, trauma based mass mind control, EMF warfare and drug warfare, their position or ability to fight back is now legally and socially tenuous, at best.
Wearing a badge to tell people your retarded.
Of your retardation, or you are retarded, see ? Illiterate…
I need government support for mood swings about the situation in our secret societies.
My feelings are also hurt to a degree that I cannot work anymore and need charity workers around me 24/7.
Thank you for supporting my home page account with $10. If you cant afford $10 you are an inhuman ignorant person who doesnt care for the environment and other people..
Is that first paragraph being sarcastic? It’s hard to tell. Poor little Facebook with its $135b revenue in 2023? Choosing a per capita measure is misleading when the capita is so huge. It’s like how greens will cite carbon emissions in tons to make them sound large and avoid percentage figures which are tiny because the earth’s atmosphere is so enormous. It seems as if the author wants to nudge (to borrow a term) the reader into desiring the nationalisation of big tech. Private or public ownership is now largely irrelevant – it’s size/power that’s the problem.
I haven’t seen any recent figures of trust levels in tech giants but certainly ten years ago they were dangerously high. Tech oligarchs have records of market shares that the old robber barons could only have dreamt of and of destroying competition by all sorts of underhand devices to protect their monopolies. They avoid taxes and treat their workforces (outside a handful at the top) like shit – and perhaps even worse they have very small workforces so hardly have to deal with people at all. Many of them become staggeringly wealthy at younger ages than previous oligarchs which gives them more time to turn their wealth into power and aim to remake the world in their own image.
The Occupy movement stopped their protests to hold a period of mourning when Steve Jobs died. For a robber baron! These people are not lovable hippies who just happened to become richer than Croesus by accident.
The Occupy protest of 2011 at St Pauls in London may have started off as a genuine disparate movement, according to Mark Windows, but was infiltrated by facilitators and mediators including undercover police pretending to be ‘hippies’, who then steered it away from its original goals.
It morphed into ‘Climate Camp’ in under six months. An amazing feat and a warning to all who set-up or join supposedly grassroots movements to learn from it and understand the mechanisms used by the State to render such groups either impotent or co-opted to promote another agenda entirely.
Yes, myself and DH were at a couple of these Occupy protests – the first one seemed genuinely grassroots with a medley of different types of people and when we got chatting there were lots of different discussions and opinions ona variety og subjects and world issues. The second Occupy protest we went to later seemed very controlled generally – less talking and more focussed discussion, it seemed – it did feel to us that the protest/discussions were being steered including with the use of those horrible NLP cheesey chants and trying to group people into ‘circles’ with a not-very-hidden facilitator (and we knew then that the movement had been seriously infiltrated). Wise to know that the establishment who are uber-control freaks will infiltrate all sides of a debate and ANY group/club/organisation including grannies’ knitting groups especially if they get too popular. If and when people organise there needs to be ultra vigilance 24/7. Mark Windows’ work is informative and astute, he explains it’s best to protest in very small groups of local area people (who you vaguely know about so therefore trust) and probably best to say that although you are locally-met people who happen to be here together at a meeting/protest and importantly say say that you are not affiliated with any group or movement. Very wise advice, I reckon. I would also recommend making fliers/print-outs (to hand-out at the beginning of meetings/protests) warning people in advance of infiltration and the manipulation techniques that could be used against us at these events (like fear-mongering, crisis-actors/hidden facilitators, the use of NLP and the Delphi Technique, etc). In advance of these events, try to get agreements with the people around you that you will not use any form of violence or incitement whilst there – that will help enormously to… Read more »
Absolutely, Mark Windows has been very clear on the communitarian agenda, its steering methods and manipulation techniques.
Also, with regards to solutions to resist it and how to play the agenda and narrative merchants at their own game to avoid smear tactics.
“Occupy” was originally an adbusters campaign and that org’s linked with dubious figures and funding such as Soros and Open Society, aka CIA, WEF affiliation.
It was never genuine, even though most ordinary protestors/supporters may have been.
By the way: It was “Occupy Wall St.” in NYC that consistently boosted and unknown “grass roots journalist” named Tim Pool, Later he was promoted by Joe Rogan. It was always a stage for them to advance their own shills.
Totally. And because the financial “crisis” in ‘08 was fabricated to siphon more $$$ to the 0.1%, and the demands of OWS were utterly useless, OWS was designed to fail, while boosting the profiles of cryptocracy operatives such as Assange, Graebar, Zizec, Chomsky, Bernie Sanders etc, assisted and promoted by millionaire Freemasonic “celebrities” including George Clooney, Russell Simmons, Tim Robbins etc.
Another side to this crap is to opt out of social media. When it became completely unbearable in 2020 I quit – my life quality increased. My main reason for quitting however was the sheer idiocy of people posting – mostly my extended family. Another aspect was that my use of social media seemed compulsive and addictive.
I also quit “social” media in 2020 for similar reasons. I am trying to quit WhatsApp now, yet it has become dominant for workplace comms.
So that’s what Siri looks like..
Spell Siri backwards. Surveillance.
“68% of US voters are on Facebook. In the UK it’s 66% and France 73.2%”
there is a perception that the french are the least conformist of the bunch, which is a sign of more intellectual intelligence. the above data proves otherwise.
French not conformist !!!!
I lived in France for many years.
Once an idea has been proposed. Seconded and approved by committee, a protest might begin.
The individual Frenchman or woman will ask permission to dip their croissant in their coffee.
From WikidPedia: Fascism is a political ideology and movement … with the principal goal of achieving autarky (national economic self-sufficiency). –Sounds like a plan to me.
Wikipedia cannot define fascism correctly because itself is clandestinely fascist. The historically correct definition at its core involves the criminal collusion of state/military and transnational corporate power to enforce a violent totalitarianism. The corporate involvement is essential to have “fascism” but wikipedia and their slave driver friends will always omit that.
Inconvenient matters are hard to define. Remember when many of those permitted some publicity held forth on the need to “examine the root causes of terrorism”. What happened? The Terrorist Empire told the publishers to shut up.
Could you please provide a source for that quote?
Didn’t seem to be here:
Fascism is a far-right form of government in which most of the country’s power is held by one ruler or a small group, under a single party. Fascist governments are usually totalitarian and authoritarian one-party states.
From the first sentance.
Not to be confused with Left-wing fascism.
Fascism is a far-left form of government in which most of the country’s power is held by one ruler or a small group, under a single party. Fascist governments are usually totalitarian and authoritarian one-party states.
Which certainly in the UK, both major Parties are virtually interchangeable and have shared in the control of the UK for the past 60+ years. Wether the US or the European political elite are the same. You can come to your own conclusions
the WEF god Klaus Schwab Says:
our elected officials are making mockery of the legal system by enacting exceptional laws for exceptional circumstances. circumstances that these officials themselves are choreographing in tandem with the globalists.
the WEF god Klaus Schwab Says:
“Humanity Must Be Forced Into
Collaboration Withslavery to Globalist Elites”A good time to say it again? It cannot be over-highlighted: Freedom of speech is paramount for a free society. Well, it is the US Constitution’s First Amendment (defended by the Second) for a major, major reason! We have eyes to see the truth despite all the propaganda, and we have brains to think with in order to question – so question and say our truth we must! If we don’t it will be more difficult to battle the tyrants and ultimately we will end up enslaved. The history of totalitarianism shows that — as many people includung RFK Jr keep reminding us — “you cannot comply your way out of tyranny”. Do we need to use any type of online social media let alone AI-based social media? None of them seem genuinely social to me but that could be because I grew up in the late 80s and 90s and remember life before the internet and mobiles where we really did feel genuinely free and truly sociable. Solution? We could show the younger generation that there are other ways to live and how fun life is when you communicate and socialise without these modern digital gadgets? Just because the global establishment want us to go towards the ‘Smart Grid’ and AI, it doesn’t mean we should comply and go in that direction. Do not comply! So, like so many of us are saying/writing on here and other places (offline and online) – NEVER COMPLY WITH ANYTHING IF IT SMELLS LIKE TYRANNY! When they try to push us into a tyrannical corner we can and should use non-violent, lawful means and civil disobedience at strategic times (history shows it does work)? As I ‘ve said before, it’s not just censorship, the tptb’s other main tools are fear, deception, divide-and-rule, and technology, so… Do not comply with any of the global… Read more »
More important than resisting compliance is creating a situation where every type of government servant is compelled to announce, explain and justify everything he does.
Hmm, the people occupying these positions are either careerists who are bribed (and some are even blackmailed people positioned into place?) to do what they are told by the top controllers or agents who are parachuted into these powerful/policy-makiing positions so I don’t know how us ordinary members of the public could even start to persuade these government servants!
Ideally, the general public would start to build our own parallel systems including government and law. Remember that the ultimate agenda of tptb is to get rid of all our current governments, nations and borders so they can institute their global governance system dictated by the people in control of UN Agenda 21/2030 – which is essentially a communitarian (and technocratic) system using stakeholders and Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). Please read the website “Corey’s Digs” for more info.
The rising nightmare is totalitarian, not “communitarian”. Non-compliance is not enough.
It is totalitarian but it is enacted using communtarianism.
You will effectively agree to your slavery. Steered and coerced using, for example, NLP and the Delphi technique.
Your participation in the process is preferred and encouraged. Manufacturing majority consent is far more effective than a boot on the face of everyone.
Facebook? Just quit that black hole and move to healthier communications. Skip the middlemen.
The Kursk Region Invasion is Really by NATO?
Could you guys take a look at this & tell me what you think?
Manlio Dinucci has an article on it too
Probably is.
After perusing the globalresearch.ca article, I’m not clear what it is you’re asking for from other commenters. However, I notice by the number of downvotes you received, that merely suggesting Russia and NATO are NOT working together is not too popular with this forum.
For my part, I agree completely that the Ukraine invasion of Kursk was real, and was planned, backed and in part executed by NATO (i.e., the US).
All the articles tells the story of the Globalist victories..
Sber Bank is in, Russiao Oligarchs are in, Russia’s National Bank is in, St. Petersburg’s Mayor is in, Kreml’s Mayor is in.
Primakov Russia’s best man is out, Strelkov Russian nationalist arrested. All nationalist leaders of Donetsk were assassinated, all Russian nationalist officers in Donbass sent to the front or arrested.
Civilians in Donbass is being killed and wounded to a much higher degree today than before the “defence of Donbass”.
Why? Because it was agreed with the globalist to root out all brave nationalists and praise and award only supporters of global AI and Digital freaks..
Putin is the good cop who will let the globalist take over everything Russian, at any price for the Russian people. History repeats itself. .
The $uiturd$ aren’t worried about a couple of million dissenters here and there. It’s the tipping point that terrifies them.
Bad luck you Fucker$!
It’s coming.
I am kinda sick of people whining about corporate social media platforms and search engines and demanding this or that form of regulation, instead of just, you know, NOT USING THEM
attempts at regulation are not only a futile dead end, they also presuppose that some powerful government authority is needed to save us, and moreover enshrine the likes of Meta and Alphabet essentially as de facto, too-big-to-fail public utilities
all our energy should be directed rsther towardi developing decentralized, peer-to-peer alternatives with open-source, transparent operating protocols, in my opinion
for networking with others and sharing opinions there are at least a few slightly less odious options already, but for SEARCH, the filtering of the big players is truly terrifying and I’m not sure any of the other services like StartPage which bill themselves as unbiased are really substantially better
In my neck of the woods, some of us are working on a new project called, “The New Pony Express”. Hell with it, ya know.
Try Usenet. Largely abandoned, it fits most of the requirements you suggest.
Not everyone is capable of rooting their android, and why would using legislation to control corporations be a dead end? That guy Robert Epstein recommends forcing Google to open source their algos / data so that anyone can modify / write or choose a search engine with whatever bias they prefer; like how people choose a newspaper or TV news channel that matches their own bias.
All our energy should be directed towards an organic life AWAY FROM COMPUTERS and DIGITAL OBLIVION
At school we learned ‘voluntary’ and ‘mandatory’ had different
meanings, but we now know ‘voluntary’ means ‘mandatory’…
So when is the government gonna ban schools from pushing
the disinformation that ‘voluntary’ and ‘mandatory’ have different
meanings ?
They didn’t cut off the electricity and water, except for a very short time, due to the electrical and water people digging a long trench in our road…but they were very polite…
Sorry Mate -we Can Smell Gas
and The Gas People, don’t Mess About.
We have to turn everything off
We said its OK, we are used to Camping
Seeing the latest photos of our King today…I reckon like Biden, he’s been jabbed too.
Not looking good….Yet almost Everyone in the UK loves our Monarchy…
Not another State Funeral????
How much more American Tourism Can We Take?
Bring on Kate – Cancer – Jabbed Too?
Who Else is Left?
I’m a 65-year-old Englishwoman here in the UK, and have been a passionate ANTI-‘royalist’ for 35-40 years. All so-called ‘monarchies’ need abolishing ASAP, and none more so than the Windsors here in the UK.
So NO, it’s not a fact that “Almost everyone in the UK loves our monarchy”.
Not being British, I can’t comment from a close-up perspective.
But I rather imagine, considering how King Charles III has always come off as somewhat clownish (he’s been compared here in the US to Alfred E. Newman of MAD Magazine fame), that the UK would greatly appreciate his dying off so that the far more appealing William can be crowned.
There is a whole lot of policing going on. I used to like Facebook before I learnt what its real purpose is, and I still find it useful for telephone conversations abroad. Bit I also know that nothing is free.
It’s the same with Google maps. Why anyone would wish to know where I hope to cycle next I can’t fathom. And Yandex translate is so much faster and so much better than me. But I know its founder, Pavel Valeryevich Durov, who also founded the Russian version of Facebook, VK, is, like Tony Blair, Emmanuel Macron and Mark Zuckerberg, a YGL. Do I care? Yes. Do I use their products? Yes. With caution and less than before.
John Platinum Goss
And Yandex translate will need many human corrections because no A.I. can get the complexities of human language correct – especially words with multiple meanings and languages without pronouns.
There not independent that story sold to the X twtter people is ridiculous,
The previous owners of twitter censored but the new owner of twitter does not censor
and your blue tick and 10000’s forms of id face video of your apartment as a form of verification is totally NOT being censored and paying 160 dollars for the pleasure.
They wont let you use your books marks they stop you DM people they will block people subscribing to you they will unsubscribe you.
do the shills like Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss and Michael Schellenburger, Owens and co have theses issues.
Ive notice how all the same alternative media will repeat Keir Starmer
but nothing about Peter thief and Trumps VP J.D. Vance considering AI and tek is being mentioned.
then one has to ask why there not mentioned……
UK announce 100 new intelligence officers to stop illegal immigration!
They will be arresting and imprisoning more UK nationals or “far right” as the lame stream media refers to them…
“…lame stream media refers to them…”
Lying State Media.
1) “Just last week, UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced a police initiative to use social media to identify those involved in quelling public disorder…”
Typo? “Quelling” or “fomenting”?
2) “68% of US voters are on Facebook. In the UK it’s 66% and France 73.2%. The figures are similar for every democratic nation in the West. So it is vitally important the applied rules should be politically neutral.”
Although the only “outcome” that is of genuine concern to TFIC is that Target A follows the narrative rules and beliefs laid out for Target A and Target B follows the narrative rules and beliefs laid out for Target B. I think it’s a little farfetched to think that TFIC are doing any nail-biting as the “election results” roll in… how would 4-generation plans even work in such a case?
“with the deployment of LLMs a major historical milestone has passed with barely a whisper that implies a whole new level of such constraints and threats to users freedom to communicate.”
Beyond the sharing of Dank Boomer Memes, FACEBOOT strikes me as a very poor choice as a medium of frank exchange.
My cat can run faster than any human and most dogs, and is more intelligent than any AI computer, and can feed herself, when she gets bored with supermarket catfood.
This video clip explains everything you need to know about AI
“2001: A Space Odyssey 4K HDR | The Shutdown Of Hal”
It is increasingly evident that the only way to avoid the changes coming, is to step outside of the system.
If anything, the term ‘outside of the system’ should apply in the same way as ‘thinking outside of the box’.
Sit by a river, or a stream. On a hill, or in a wood.
Outside of the system.
All the evidence needed to see the truth.
The trees cannot defend themselves, yet they still grow. What it must feel like to be a tree. Ancient, yet completely defenceless.
Yet they still grow.
I live in a wood, and I often wonder how the huge trees got to be there. When they cannot defend themselves.
The trees can defend themselves. They just do it in a more relaxed way. When the roots are deprived of water because some authority has built a road over them they lift the road little by little. And I’ve yet to see them working out.
Here in Irish suburbs they are struggling to defend themselves- the ground is desiccated and like rock. What ever it is that falls from the sky is mostly a kind of mizzle (not even a drizzle) and it does not wet the ground. We’ve had desert winds for the entire summer, which turned v autumnal by start of August. Trees in full leaf have just died, in every stand of trees at least one is now dead. I think one takes it for the team. I find it hard to live with this.
It’s like living without the season of Spring, which has not existed for at least 20 years in northeast US.
It goes from cold grey to extremely hot and just awful weather in March April and May.
I loved Spring as a child. A wonderful relief after the cold winter, with the great anticipation of the end of school year and the summer.
Gone, baby, gone.
During the early 1960s, in our Philadelphia (PA) parochial school we were taught that we lived in a “temperate climate” with four distinct seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall (aka Autumn).
I know I’m sounding like a typical old geezer fussing about how the weather was so different when we were young, but I sure do miss that temperate climate. Sigh. 🤨
Yes, well, I hate the old geezer fussing, also, but yesterday driving in my car listening to a song from the 70s I finally thought, I don’t care what I sound like – there are things that were definitely better in the 50s – 70s.
Music, art, movies, TV, fashion, esthetics in general.
I do not begrudge the generations since then embracing what is their music and their mores. It’s theirs and they deserve it.
Like I deserved mine.
But having said that, I am no longer going to worry about sounding like an old geezer.
You cannot for one second compare contemporary (last 15 years) music and film to anything written and produced in the 50s through 80s.
And the dress code now? Speaking for myself, but I think many might agreee, that “leggings” and “backward baseball caps” were the worst things to happen to culture since the dawn of civilization.
“Casual Friday” became casual life. In all areas.
But like most geezers I am talking too much so I’ll stop.
For now.
“I’ll get the best of him in the final scene.”
Step out is flight.
Change the system. Now there is commendable task.
or use different terminology’s to describe certain stuff.
Sometimes, I think I’m in a timewarp. “Facebook make only about £34 a year from the average customer in the UK “
They don’t make anything from me. I Resigned.
I don’t want to get myself into trouble re Southport (a place I know well), nor Sailintg(only limited experience) nor Coincidences of Very Rich British people found innocent of Fraud in the USA….both dead within a few days – Coincidences do happen…
I have however spent 2 hours this afternoon watching and listening to James Delingpole and Mike Yeadon re an interview in June, with very high quality and sound, which nearly changed my mind (at least I am thinking about it) that virus’s do not exist.
I wasn’t expecting this. I suggest you watch all it. Not just the bit about ivermectin – highly toxic from Team A “Ivermectin is “one of the most violent anti fertility toxins I’ve ever come across” – Dr Mike Yeadon
It was pushed on us jab refusers, as it’s a tool for genocide.
Always keep your wits about you, and beware cures for diseases that don’t exist”
Delingpole is Good, Yeadon is Brilliant
Hi Paul. Yes, Yeadon is brilliant. I’m on the fence over the existence of viruses. I would like to see a convincing photograph of these elusive wee timorous nano-particles. Experts can’t see them yet they claim to know they invade cells and use the cell’s protein to replicate as virions on the surface of the cell. That’s because viruses (or should that be viri?) have no life or means of propulsion of their own. It may be these eruptions on the surface of a cell (which really is big by comparison and can be seen under a microscope) are responsible for having given birth to the corona virus myth. Because if if it is not possible to see a virus how can anyone tell us it has these projections on its surface?
Wait til you find out about vitamins!
I have a comment pending and I can’t edit it. Please delete the one that starts Hi Paul. Thanks.
I don’t delete anything
So the mods deleted the one that started Hi Tony instead.
Delingpole is a probable asset tasked with making potential opposition look ridiculous. Richard D. Hall was rightly hugely suspicious of him when he went on – and look at when Delingpole chose to raise the prevalence of the number 22 in the Manchester Arena event.
Nobody who had a career in corporate media, especially one of any scale, is trustworthy.
‘Paul Lancefield’s’ analysis of social media’s/AI’s model of, ‘fascism 2.0’, appears to be a lot like the very thing it is attacking, viz. ‘Mr. Lancefield’s’ (i.e., an AI entity itself no doubt) spiel vs AI is so full of grammatical and rhetorical anomalies that one cannot but assume that ‘he’ {or, really, ‘they’ (i.e., not ‘they’ ‘them’; but ‘they’ bots)} is just another proverbial brick in the (open-air, digital, panoptic) wall! That is all!! RGB-Y4 out!!!
It’s your friendly bot Paul Lancefield here.
There are actually a couple of places where the grammar kind of relies on the presence of a footnote, but the footnotes haven’t been included. This is the first part of a 3 part series which also isn’t clear. The Title Fascism 2.0 isn’t yet justified in this first part. The reason for the Title becomes clear later in the series.
The Twitter files:
See, The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) and its possible impact on the outcomes of elections https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.1419828112.
A more accessible overview of this research is given by Dr Robert Epstein on the Joe Rogan podcast https://open.spotify.com/episode/4q0cNkAHQQMBTu4NmeNW7E?go=1&sp_cid=1095148cb6f00720c6ddd989480499c8&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=d431da57c81342cb
Hi Paul, Sorry about that! I’ll alert the team about your missing footnotes. They probably just got mislaid, as these things sometimes do.
In the meantime, please post the footnotes in a comment here, and if no one else can get around to it sooner, I’ll add them to the article myself.
as good ol’ McLuhan used to say back in the day, ‘the medium is the message’; and notwithstanding your qualifiers and conditionalities said article is an exemplar of the idea that, via its insidious, ineluctable and insatiable characteristics, AI/LLM – whether directly (i.e., FB; ‘X’; etc.) or indirectly (i.e., your article) – effects the import of the/a message; to the point wherein one cannot even write an article sans conjuring up forms-cum-flaws (see above) that militate vs the coherence of the concomitant message! That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!
In fact the entire internet is now AI and there are no humans left! Are you sure those emails came from a human being?!?!?!!
as has been pointed out by many a pundit, the internet has essentially been DEAD since around 2016; due to many reasons not the least of which you have identified with above comment! That is all!! RGB-Y4 out!!!
Deleted it ten years ago.
Never did join it and happier every day I did not.
The trap for the UK citizens and Europe in general may be real and intrusive, but to believe it can be exported to just about anywhere, will be like 2 rams butting heads until the authorities drop from exhaustion as the opposition is armed to the teeth.
Sold to advertisers and shadow data farms no doubt.
The ground breaking was done years ago with the creation Google, Fb, Twitter et al by the fledgling technocracy of the day and now we better understand the intended application for all of this from the beginning “the bio-security police state.”
Thanks to Paul Lancefield for a very succinct and to the point posting. Cheers!
all those companies are CIA devices and the internet itself is a US military psyop.
Internet was created by the US Naval Intelligence community Who own the primary DNS servers through shadow corps. The didn’t name it the WorldWideWeb www. for nothing
The populace is becoming more and more ignorant, not only because of poor schooling and the dumbing-down of the culture, but also because they can just Google whatever it is they want to know on their smartphone. They no longer need to remember anything much apart from how to tap a few words into a search bar.
Meanwhile, artificial intelligence is becoming too complex even for experts to understand, as the article points out.
An increasingly dumb people relying increasingly heavily on increasingly smart machines.
What could possibly go wrong?!
And I can’t see an end to all of this (bar a “hard reset” via EMP or something of that sort): the use of AI will spread everywhere, because just like search engines and smartphones, it is convenient. Will people go to the trouble of using their own brains to do something when they can simply use an artificial one instead?
Anything that helps the masses avoid the strain of thinking will always succeed.
The problem with most of ‘the populace’ is that they think that what is on the internet is the truth. It is unmoderated, unvalidated assertions.
The solution is a mass withdrawal from the commercialised internet and the creation of communally owned digital information libraries that prioritise education over private profit.
Excellent summary J.S, well said.
People love ‘convenience’. Unfortunately convenience ALWAYs comes at a (hidden) price, but they have been ‘educated’ , ‘entertained’ and otherwise indoctrinated to see ‘convenient’ as a benefit to THEM rather than the so called ‘elite’ who control them. The unaware mases see it as as ‘progress’. In the supermarket I am shocked by how many people pay by a phone or smart watch app, the same people will WILLINGLY accept an implant in their hand etc to make payments via CBDC’s, I expect it’s something the so called ‘Elite’ have studied and manipulated for a long time.
Convenience will be the doom of hoomins… Remember,
hoomins lived in Paradise ’til one of them ate some conveniently
placed (by God) fruit…
George Carlin probably would have put it this way.
Smart technology makes for stupid fu^*ing people…
“…EMP or something of that sort”
Interestingly, quite a few people including the global establishment e.g. Musk amd Trump think/imply an “EMP or something of that sort” is just around the corner (?) and I speculate that one of the reasons tptb want the masses ultimately herded into ‘mega smart cities’ tethered to a completely electrical ‘smart grid’ is to make us ‘sitting ducks’ – part of the depopulation project? Some researchers specualte the global establishment have their separate ‘breakaway civilisation’ in underground bunkers (undergorund cities including ancient ones?) in certain parts of the world e.g.some say the 33rd Parallel North (circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth’s equatorial plane) with a separate energy system to try to survive what happens above ground? I have no idea if any of this is true but it is interesting to think about.