Of Cabbages and Things
Sylvia Shawcross

Now, I was looking at the cabbage. It was $7.29. It is true. The cabbage, a tiny little thing compared to the cabbages I remember flourishing in the fields (making it hard to walk up and down the rows sometimes), was not on sale.
And that was too bad because at night now it is cool and the stars seem brighter and even though it is still August and we once had the dog days of summer to swelter under, now it is not this way and that means it is time to make the first stew. With turnips and potatoes and carrots and cabbage and whatever else we can find on hand. But always a bay leaf. Always. It is what people in the north have always done.
But the cabbage was $7.29.
And I thought about how the federal government here in Canada is giving the old people a break with dental coverage and yet, what good does having teeth do when there is nothing a person can afford to eat except maybe ramen noodles and dandelion greens and tomato soup made from catsup packages?
What I ask, is the point of teeth with no food? Better we should simply take up bone-carving and make little miniature chess pieces out of our new teeth for sale on Etzy or something. Then maybe we could afford to buy a cabbage for $7.29.
But I suppose that is not the point of this tirade. Or maybe it is. I’ll never know until I get to the end as it happens sometimes for this writer. Maybe the point was North Korea. I was listening to a refugee from North Korea, who when asked about the differences between societies mentioned the oddest thing: there are no cookbooks in North Korea. They have no cookbooks because they don’t have a lot of food and very little variety and they already know how to cook what they have. So what would be the point of a cookbook? And so we can conclude that western decadence involves cookbooks. But never mind all that.
The point is North Korea supposedly has nuclear weapons now. This is upsetting the whole world order as it has always been. The rotund little man educated in the western world has his finger on a button and we get up in the morning to complain about cabbages. I imagine he learned all about nuclear weapons from his western education but that is neither here nor there because it simply illustrates that we have had and still apparently have some of the strangest people with their fingers on buttons and we’ve all managed to live with the notion all this time.
However, the notion that is hardest to live with right now is how is it that all this tax-payer money went to save the Ukraine only to discover that the Ukraine is now invading Russia. For ffkssakkes! Really? I mean really!???!?
Now, hear me out. The reason that cabbage costs $7.29 is because the Ukraine needs to invade Russia—a world nuclear superpower. The government can’t help farmers make cabbages but can help the military industrial complex apparently save democracy even as they dismantle it at home. And this is how the world works: It is an absurdity of cabbages, false teeth and countries with Messiah complexes. The people running the world have no idea what they’re doing and spend their days attempting to convince us that they know what they’re doing. They don’t.
Right now it is all about causing or threatening to cause horrible fear and death and destruction and the sad part is, this fear of nuclear annihilation is also absurd.
We should be so lucky as to all go up in a puff of smoke singing Hallelujah. No. We will as humans mostly end up surviving and have to get on with our days dusting off the radioactive waste from our cars in the morning and having iodine with our tea and raising two-headed puppy dogs and staving off the hungry hordes with garden hoes and shovels and making stew from cricket cabbages. We don’t get off that easily you know. We never have.
Oh here’s an earworm of some sort:
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The cabbage was young,
of that I am sure,
By the little I saw of it,
dead on the floor,
I knew that he’d done it,
By the smile on his face,
WEF Brown, the clown,
The villan of disgrace….
Now WEF was a mean one,
We know this for fact,
But to kill a poor cabbage,
Is a merciless act.
No thought for God’s pity,
It’s leaves he did part,
With a pencil he shoved,
Deep down in it’s heart.
The cabbage is dead,
Let’s all shed a tear,
For the man that slays WEF
I’ll buy him a beer.
Better late than never. Off-Guardian’s “security team” deemed me as a threat and was blocking me. I enjoyed your blurb. Short but sweet. You open your brain and something unconsciously falls out. So much is happening so fast that you can’t absorb it all quickly enough and then you realize that you actually are. It is buried in your brain somewhere just waiting to escape. A prick of a pin. An electrode. A smell. An image. Then out it pops at random. Not criticizing. Just commiserating.
When nukes fall and fallout hitches a ride on the Jet Stream, we won’t worry what cabbages cost – because only plants burrowing below ground will be safe to eat. Carrots will be king; cabbages will glow in the dark – but we mustn’t be fooled by bright shiny objects.
All vegetation including most trees will die due to years of little sunlight.
Grow your own.
Savoy Cabbage can be grow all year here, they’re a bit big for just two of us so I grow baby Savoy “Alcosa”.
They’re ready in ~70 days, only need about a sq ft, succession plant 2 every 2 weeks to give you two a week, you can leave them longer but they’ll soon explode if left too long.
Wiith 20 sq ft you can be self sufficient in cabbge all year round. You can also grow them in pots, 1.5gal size should do it.
While we’re moaning about food prices, £26.00 for a leg of lamb today, same thing last year was £15.00. Guess we’re having roast chicken then £2.26, the spuds, carrots, cabbage, baby tuirnips, and peas were free from the garden, what’s left of the chicken will go in a curry, we’ll get 4 meals out of that.
Comfrey, a herbal safely used for centuries, was banned from
sale in Australia back in the 1980s… The first state to ban it
was Victoria, because a woman injured her liver by drinking
considerable quantities of comfrey tea daily, believing higher
than recommended quantities would expedite clearing-up of a
health problem… But – you cant hurry nature…
Pharma Backed Study: Herbs Are Destroying Your Liver:
The Illusion Of Choice: Why Dont They Tell Us The Truth About Lab Grown Meat:
The War is being waged on all fronts…
You mention lab grown meat. What I’m waiting for is lab grown plant substitutes for lab grown meat – for Vegans.
😆 😆
Usually, they impose such a ban of a proven traditional remedy when a proprietary alternative is ready – ready at least according to The Science.
yes and of course Ukraine also needs billions so that it can meddle in the domestic security situation of central African nations
Orwell wrote about this strategy of immiseration and engineered scarsity as a means of ensuring subservience to the authorities who thereby have armed themselves with the power to, at their discretion, oh so generously offer assistance in overcoming the very hardships their system created in the first place
North Korea is a striking example of the mechanism at work, reduced to dire poverty, from a level of economic development comparable with the South only a few decades ago, by crippling sanctions ostensibly intended to compel disarmament, but in truth designed to inflict huge suffering on the population as punishment for living under a regime that’s inconvenient for the global elite
The commandment is: Don’t talk back. The biggest victim is Palestine, followed by Cuba.
The price of cabbages depends on where you live. Its also subject to grocery price inflation which isn’t really due to ‘supply chain issues’ but rather that in order to implement dynamic pricing without risking a mob armed with pitchforks and torches (or worse) you’ve got to start with chronically high prices and then tout the ‘savings’. (That is, instead of inflating book price to boost profits you deflate a higher price to encourage demand. Its the same difference, though.)
Farmer’s markets often have genuine vendors in them that work the Old School economic system so cabbages tend to be a bit cheaper and a whole lot bigger.
The soup of propaganda we live is all pervasive and I’m not sure that being aware of it is good for one’s health. Sometimes the corporation overdoes it — Boeing, for example, has excellent PR skills so when the 737MAX was initially released we were treated to a lot of press along the lines of “Is the end of Airbus?”. Unfortunately the engineering didn’t quite match the hype but the PR goons, instead of being humbled, managed recently to put out press to the effect that now the Starliner was available we didn’t need no stinkin’ Russian spacejunk any more. Again, a bit premature. I’m not singling out Boeing but these happened to be some of the more obvious plays they did (convincing the airline industry that the A380 was a piece of junk that could never pay its way was quite a coup, for example). The point is, once you start looking this kind of stuff is literally everywhere and, unfortunately, can have serious consequences for us all (but being conscious of it isn’t necessarily a fun ride either….it gets rather frustrating, especially when you find people who think they’re on to something being blindsided. Its “Inception” for real!)
The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things,
Of shoes and ships and sealing wax and cabbages and kings
Any why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings
(Walrus and Carpenter, Carrol, from “Alice in Wonderland”).
Just remember the last verse — and be warned!
Oh Oysters! Said the Carpenter
You’ve had a pleasant run!
Shall we be trotting home again?
But answer came there none –
and this was scarcely odd, because
They’d eaten every one!
The economy was supposed to work for the people instead we the people work for the economy. The biggest resource on the planet “the human resource” and its energy is siphoned off by the 1% on behalf of .0001%. Capitalism was suppose to allow for a trickle down however even that has been drained for the purpose and program of depopulation and absolute control. Soon the will be offering MAID to anyone that wants out having created the harsh reality and conditions which may lead many to that end sometime in the near future.
Personally I’m fighting as hard as I can to stay in the game and play the hand that is being dealt to me.
Curiosity killed the cat and I’m good with that.
Thanks Sylvia!
Trickle down otherwise known as deluge up.
To save money I’ve been foraging stingy nettles to make stingy nettle soup. Trouble is I had to buy a pair of rubber gloves. It was good soup though. Organic and free (except for the cost of rubber gloves).
We thought our theory (about everything) Paul and Me, when we were Studying Maths,Physics, Advanced Maths, Chemistry, Biology, General Science, Film Studies, and – well I was in the Film Club..for The Trip..to Manchester….
Well you ain’t going to ask her either. We were both 16…
we came up with this theory, that time 0 to Infinity, was almost certainly Not True, cos it made no sense.
Its just that everyone is programmed with this theory – cos that is what we observe. get born … then drop dead – if in luck ask Bronwen for a date – she might actually say yes (absolute zero chance – well at least try and talk to her, without shaking cos she is just so beautiful)
Our theory was that time is cyclic…like most things – even the clock on your wall.
And once you are dead, you have no concept of time, so it doesn’t matter how long it takes, eventually (from your perception – you will go to heaven in a microsecond and become aware of yourself, maybe sucking your thumb in your mothers womb) and you feel loved and secure and happy, and maybe your brothers and sisters outside giggling)
Then you get Born
It’s not the first time. There was no first time. This has always happened and always will.
So make the best of the life you have got. You do have Free Choice. Be Nice to people and find a nice wife, cos you have always done this, and you always will
“You can check out any time you like – but you can never leave”
“Eagles – Hotel California (Live 1977) (Official Video) [HD]”
“It is an absurdity of cabbages, false teeth and countries with Messiah complexes. The people running the world have no idea what they’re doing “
Maybe the Germans are waking up “Get off Our Land you Lunatics – Go Home”, or the Newspapers are making it up as usual
The Women at Greenham Common achieved this with some success, whilst we were at Stonehenge in 1984
“ Nato base evacuated after imminent attack warningAlert raised to second highest level at the station in Germany following unconfirmed tip-off by American intelligence ”
“Nato staff were instructed to leave an air base in Germany after intel suggested an attack could be imminent.”
“It is the second time this month that the base near the Dutch border has raised its alert level.”
“A week ago the base was closed off because of fears that its water supply could have been intentionally contaminated.”
“Police opened an investigation into espionage in northern Germany after several drones were spotted flying at high speeds over critical infrastructure on the coast of the North Sea.”
Well stop lobbing bombs at Russia – YOU MAD PSYCHOPATHS
All the money and weapons going to Ukraine are actually to enrich the Cabal. Zelensky siphons off a good percentage, plenty of the weapons are sold off on the black market and all kinds of kick backs end up in the hands of grubby Congressfolk.
The Ukraine scam is just that: a scam. It doesn’t help the ordinary people of Ukraine, it just helps the Ukrainian criminals.
It doesn’t look good for the Ukraine, the supposed offensive is really just units scattered from being displaced from their military bases, the public does not want any more war, and since Zelensky rules under martial law and not democratic, if they lose the war and he is captured, he could be tried for war crimes that alone would be interesting theater, if it actually stops there.
And of course when the US recently approved another 15 billion for Ukraine, the American people were assured it was okay because 75% of it would remain right here and go to the US arms industry.
The people who actually run the world know exactly what they are doing. The chain of command is clearly structured and the orders go down the line.
Just because it appears chaotic at times could be down to minions messing up or pretending to mess up. The latter being more likely the majority of the time.
‘Ordo Ab Chao’. Expect more (planned) chao before the (planned) ordo arrives.
There is that theory that I don’t ascribe to myself that says that people who believe there is a “cabal” in charge of it all are just wishful thinkers in that they want to believe there is actually a group in control a plan rather than a random comedy of errors.
I wouldn’t call it wishful thinking, most would wish that was not the case and it was just random.
Every single UN member state unanimously signed UN Agenda 2030 in 2015. A total of 193 member states at that time. Policies that are still more or less still on track to meet these goals perhaps with a little delay. However, with five years still to go, events could be manufactured to accelerate it.
This suggests to me that a very powerful group of individuals, families and corporate, supranational and NGO interests including central banks, commercial banks and asset managers have sufficient sway over supposedly autonomous nation states.
The global coordination and lock step policies during the Scamdemic also clearly demonstrated that so-called governments deceived, lied to and manipulated their citizenry, while damaging their own sovereign and national interests in favour of supranational and transnational controlling interests.
If the two examples I cited above were a random comedy of errors, then I dread to think what would happen when they get things ‘right’.
I think its self evident that there are rich, powerful groups who try to exercise their will on the rest of us. That doesn’t necessarily mean they know what they’re doing.
If They dont know what They’re doing then
We’re all doomed !!
Another mason trying to protect the “chaos” angle.
How do you explain they get exactly what they want 100% of the time and the people get shafted 100% of the time?
You can’t. The odds don’t add up.
They operate a very strict hierarchy and control structure, wholly owned and controlled by them, using fake religions, fake countries, fake wars, corporate ownership, fake “legal” system, dozens of secret societies, think tanks, brainwashing called media and academia and privately owned corporations masquerading as governments stealing money called “taxes”.
Let me know when your local, state or federal “government” corporation offers *you* shares, or stock in any of its billion and trillion dollar corporate holdings and investments.
Indeed, funny that the ‘house’ always wins.
Statistical probability of that being a random possibility are probably on a par with the ‘coincidence’ that the exact same simulation exercises took place both on 9/11 and 7/7 (London) in the exact same places at the same times as the live events unfolded in each place.
Maybe we need to distinguish between them knowing what they are doing and them not understanding the ramifications or the potential backlash down the line. My faith is always in humanity
I wonder if there’s a homogeneous cabal or group all working together without jockey and politicking. A more accurate model might be Mafia crime families. Murder and allies, syndicates and territorial over run, amorality and violence. Sounds like a lot of the rest of humanity too.
the cabal, couldn’t run a piss-up in a brewery
Syl, as usual Excellent unusual article..Even your first two lines are different..
Whilst, what I read in both Mainstream Media and The supposed Independent media ( do people get paid to write the same words, or are they actually Budgies)?
I could give anyone numerous examples, but they probably haven’t noticed. I think its a very old form of Brainwashing, together with the Rosemary Bedes – to bring your Soul to a Spiritual High???
Chanting and Slow Deep Breathing, is another form, of what the Daily Telegraph, have taken to the extreme…
Every F’cking Sentence is Repeated and Repeated…then they change the words slightly and repeat it again???
Yes, The Beatles used to do it, but They were Singing a Song
“The Beatles – She Loves You [Come To Town, ABC Cinema, Manchester, United Kingdom]”
Vote Kamala or don’t vote at all to make more of this crap happen. The US octopus has its tentacles everywhere, so we need American voter action. Make US voting fraud harder than 2016 for the Swamp creatures.
Another big hike in energy costs announced in the UK, this just after the scrapping of the winter fuel allowance.
Still got our smokeless coal in from last year. I don’t trust any of these buggers.
Market ‘fluck-you-ations’ Sylvia ?
yep. definitely the f word these days
have you ever seen a food label that said comes from Ukraine?
No but I have still got a Zenit-E Camera and an Enlarger built in 1967 from the Ukraine – both in Excellent condition. I couldn’t afford German or Japanese. Good upgrade from the American Kodak Box Brownie (which actually took better photographs) – cos of bigger film size – though you had to think about it and keep very still
Made by KMZ in Krasnogorsk,Russia and later also by BelOMO pn Minsk,Belarus.
No. But I once bought some jam from Poland
In EU lots of chocolates/sweets are sold under the ROSHIN mark,Ukrainian brand owned by Poroschenko,the ‘chocolate king’.