The Joy of Defiance
Todd Hayen

Born free, as free as the wind blows. As free as the grass grows. Born free to follow your heart.
Remember that song? Here you will find the full lyrics. Andy Williams sang it and made it famous. John Barry wrote the music, Don Black the lyrics. It was written for the movie of the same name (“Born Free”) in 1966.
Pretty powerful, eh? And so very true.
The movie is about a lion taken into captivity, and then ultimately released again into the wild, because it was “born free.” And must stay free. The movie could have just as well been about human beings. We, too, are born free, and are supposed to “stay free,” but many times throughout human history we have not been free.
We have in our memory the more common bouts with abject slavery in the United States before 1864, but there has been slavery everywhere in the world throughout time. And it is common knowledge that there are currently more slaves in the world than there were at the height of the intercontinental slave trade of the 18th and 19th centuries.
There are other forms of “striping freedom from humans” in addition to the common perception of slavery where other human beings own human beings, often chained up so they do not escape, and treated horribly, which includes regular physical beatings, the separation of families through slave buying and selling, among an assortment of other atrocities.
These different forms include serfdom, a practice seen in a variety of countries where the peasantry is “taken care of” by the gentry in return for hard labour primarily through agriculture. Imperial Russia had such a system, which was not removed until Alexander II’s “Edict of Emancipation” in 1861—preceding US President Abraham Lincoln’s “Emancipation Proclamation” in 1863 by 2 years.
Of course, the history of serfdom goes back a very long way in some shape or form. Serfdom, indentured servitude, what have you. Basically, all the same.
These are all rather obvious systems that remove individual rights and freedoms. What about more subtle systems? Such as Communism? Socialism? Cults and cult-like religious groups? Dictatorships and Fascist systems?
Sure, these are forms of governmental servitude. Can we really call what we are experiencing here in Canada, the US, the UK, most of Europe, Australia, and New Zealand (among others), a new form of serfdom? I sure think we can.
Maybe not yet to the degree Russian peasants experienced in the 18th Century, but it is getting close.
“Oh please” I can hear some of you say, “We are freer than people have been in centuries!” In some ways, true. That is why there is such a frenzy now when those “simple freedoms” are being threatened, and it is the same reason why so many people think the oppression we are experiencing in the form of censorship of free speech, the loss of bodily autonomy, the rape of privacy, the militarization of law enforcement, and the litany of rules and regulations we are now facing, are just the “price we have to pay for a uniform and decent society.”
It simply is nothing to be concerned about. That is what we are tricked into believing—we are told we need these restrictions to stay civilized. Free people seldom conform and comply. That is one of the beauties of a free society—diversity is allowed to flourish. No one wants it the same way, so we are forced to be tolerant of differences.
When we are restricted, we rebel. We become defiant. “Vive le France!” was the war cry during the French Revolution. Long live freedom—we were born to be free, and free we will be!
Freedom is indeed an inalienable right. These are rights that no one can take away. Being born free implies living as God intended us to live. Free.
So where does the “joy of defiance” come in?
Freedom is joyful.
I think of my dogs when I think of this. Much to my wife’s chagrin, our two Golden Retrievers are often not very disciplined. When they are out in the backyard running around like crazy dogs, they are incredibly joyful. You can see it in their body and their eyes. When I call them to come in, and they are in the midst of having fun, they often do not listen. They stop, stand still, and look at me, “Nope, we’re not doing it! We are free dogs! And you can’t make us!”
No, I cannot make them—unless I take away their freedom. If I get a leash and manage to get it attached to their collar, I can reel them in. But they have then lost their freedom. The defiance they show me before I catch them—while they are standing there looking at me with the smirk on their faces—is joyous and beautiful.
They know I will not hurt them, so they just say, “F— you, master! We ain’t moving.” I have to laugh. I love them for this. I get my way most of the time (after all, they are dogs) but once in a while, I honour their autonomy. I know in the long run that diminishes their obedience (my wife says) but I don’t care.
Can humans be like my dogs when they are under the firm grip of totalitarianism? Up to a point, they can indeed find joy in defiance. I know I do, once I shake off the fear, I find great joy in doing what I am not supposed to be doing—like writing these articles, or not wearing a mask. It is like acting in alignment with truth.
When you are in alignment with truth, even if your actions are defying the “rules,” you are joyful. I believe this is a natural human condition—to be passionate about preserving freedom. I think the sheep-types have lost this, they have succumbed to the “master”—they have become the indentured servant, but more accurately, the serf, or even the slave.
We have all been under the tyranny of the social system for quite some time. I do believe there was a time when it was not as bad as it had been a few hundred years before, nor as bad as it is now. The system itself is tyrannical. “Do this, do that, give up this, give up that, all for the benefit of your fellow man, your neighbour, your neighbour’s neighbour—or simply to be safe yourself”
Yes, all cultural systems require a bit of that, but in order to retain your freedom this sort of “give for the betterment of the community” must always be voluntary. So, do we need traffic laws? Tax laws? Laws regarding theft, murder, and abuse? There is an argument to be had about these things, and this is not the place to have it.
Follow your bliss, follow your joy in your defiance of the powers that wish to make you a slave—be free, as free as the wind blows, follow your heart.
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Why Canada’s boreal forest is gaining international attention
Feb. 26, 2019
Jimmy Thomson
October 13, 2021
January 3, 2020
September 12, 2024
Your talk of dogs got me thinking about the way in which dogs were domesticated in the first place.
It was something to do with sharing mutual needs, and not slavery.
The dog benefitted from domestication, it formed a mutual bond of trust with us, and was rewarded.
Applying the same to notions of freedom, and you realise that freedom comes with a price tag. Belonging to a system of governance based upon mutual needs.
Something must be given to obtain the freedoms we have in the modern world, and something must therefore be taken away as a result.
Freedom is thus a paradox.
Thank you Off-Guardian for fixing your “Cloud Burst” which had determined I was a threat to the community.
With my first border collie puppy I bought a few books on dog training and I have been recommending them for raising kids for decades.
Doctors should provide them to new parents.
They should be mandatory for all government leaders.
Simple things like don’t scold you dog once it finally decides to respond and come to you. But when it finally does, slather it with all the praise you can muster.
Every once in a while, when it does not respond, you need to go to it and scold it so that it knows the difference.
Positive reinforcement.
It is time to deal with the current government like a rabid dog.
Euthanasia followed by a 6 week old puppy.
“Never bite the hand that feeds you”
A term that applies both ways.
The analogy to the government as a rabid dog, the response being (by us) to withhold the reward.
Or, that by going after government, we ourselves become the rabid dog, and through breaking that rule of never biting, are potentially to find no reward for our doing so.
Yet another paradox.
Great piece, Todd. I will chuck in this heads up on what else is coming down the pike:
Privacy Obliteration
i think the emergency people, especially the girls who drive fast cars, as a result of a real 999 call, are total angels…ambulance here quick – we might be able to save this one.
In my experience, the vast majority of people, who ended up working for the police or social services are totally normal – most have their own kids – so know what it is like..
The Bravest of them, do an incredibly difficult job…They knock on their door…Your Child has not been to School in 3 weeks – where is he???
He is hiding under his bed…
Get Dressed Now…Get Ready for School now…
You are going to School..
1) Having kids doesn’t stop one being a Psychopath.
2) Children shouldn’t be forced into a place that offers nothing but brainwashing in a bid to turn that child into a slave.
I suggest you find meaniful employment, Mockingbird, because your life as a troll will see your pension spent mostly on booze as you try to find solace for having lived a life being nothing more than a useless eater.
“It’s time to get rid of your pet
….the time has come when we need to face up to the pet-unfriendly facts. Domestic pets are catastrophic for wildlife, for ecosystems, and for children that get their legs chewed off by killer hounds. Generally, we do not need them (soon even the loneliest labrador-lover will be able to get company from AI).”
This is either mischievous parody or totally fucking insane.
It’s all going according to plan. The taxed to death Serf won’t be able to afford food for poor Rufus let alone the Vets bill.
This scheme to abolish pets has been in the works for years.
The cryptoctacy are exterminating humans on a daily basis and you still don’t know about their plan to ban all pets?
It’s part of Agenda 21, the agenda for the entire 21st century.
Taxation is slavery. Government is slavery.
Nobody owns the fruits of anyone’s labor so why do we accept taxation without realizing that’s slavery?
The taxes paid over a lifetime are overwhelming. There’s taxes on everything in Canada… Goods and services. Sales tax. Property taxes. Income taxes. Interest. Imports. Capital Gains. Prepared foods, snack foods. Even basic Utilities.
If the majority of someone’s income is taxed over a lifetime, then their labor, IP, creativity, energy is being stolen. Their ability to accumulate wealth or property is being stolen, creating generational poverty and slavery.
This stolen wealth directly contrasts with the families (oligarchs) connected to the criminal gangs masquerading as governments that racketeer, siphoning the wealth from the 99% to the 1%.
These “governments” have no lawful claim to authority and are running worldwide taxation plantations where the slaves are propagandized, monetized and farmed.
The cryptocracy count on apathy, confusion, disinfo, mind control so the status quo remains intact.
Stealing wealth from the majority to give to the few, results in a vast wealth and power disparity where one cult controls the whole of humankind.
That’s slavery.
Poverty leads to needless suffering, stress, addiction, broken families, trauma, starvation and malnutrition, suicide, homelessness and ill health.
On a deeper level, if someone works for someone else (as most people on Earth do) then their “labor, IP, creativity, energy” is already being stolen. Your boss gets 8 or 10 or 12 hours of your labor, and as your “reward” you get some money. I think the boss gets a better deal here.
As to taxes, I think (but have no proof) that way too many people see their wages as tantamount to gifts from their employer so in a way it’s not really theirs anyway.
There are other models that could be utilized that are fairer. I like the idea of worker owned businesses and co-ops. Where everyone gets to have a stake in the success or failure of a venture, rather than being a wage slave or a “boss”.
If you think that is bad enough, you should see what happens after the end of ones day.
“labor” its “labour”, and I always thought you were English…Anyhow, I am slowly coming to agree with you now, not down to do with the Kennedy kid, more to do with people who completely disagree with The Narrative, and have the Courage to Stand out from the Crowd, and Say The Words They are convinced are True…
No you do not have to get jabbed. nor take pharmaceutical drugs
like Sasha Latypova , Mike Yeadon, and my Mum
I prefer the American spelling after years using both. The u is 100% redundant in most instances of “ou”. Language is fluid and constantly evolving, thankfully.
The true story of “Born Free”:
You‘ve got to admire the style of this:
But here’s the meat – so to speak:
Read on for the scarcely believable tale of Joy Adamson as she truly was, what she really did with the lions (and loins), how – ahem! – “well” she treated her African staff. Read how,
They are a precursor to today’s ever so concerned “planet savers”:
There is a suitable re-write of the “Born Free” song which I’ll let you read on the link, though I can’t resist quoting the opening lines:
There’s also a wonderfully apt new expression, “eco-chugging”. (And “eco-super-chugger” and “eco-leeches”.)
The article goes on to describe the more up to date eco-conservation cons. But I reckon it’s only be comparison with later “eco-leeches” that Joy and George Adamson could be considered “lovable eccentrics”.
Fwiw I think in the movie George Adamson does shoot Elsa’s mother. I only mention it because I think iconoclasm has a special duty to be accurate.
Hey, Bungalow Bill
What did you kill, Bungalow Bill?
Hey, Bungalow Bill
What did you kill, Bungalow Bill?
Still one of my favorite movies. And song.
As the saying goes, you can’t take that away from me.
Sorry, should read “they” can’t take that away from me.
“Freedom” is a word where one has to be very careful about its meaning. It used to mean, and probably to most people still means, being left alone by the rich and powerful. However the rich and powerful have been re-defining it for 150 years to mean anything but that i.e. the so-called ‘positive’ freedom that started with T.H. Green.
Even freedom meant as non-intervention can be slyly deceptive. Freedom from who or what exactly? The parasite class use it to mean free from the divine (or if you prefer, natural) order. Transgenderism is to them the epitome of freedom, not a form of insanity that requires the mutilation of healthy children. The rich and powerful want to be free to indulge their appetittes which as they do so become more and more jaded so it requires greater and greater extremities to satisfy them. One can be a slave to one’s passions as much as to anything else.
‘ freedom’s just another word that means nothin’ left to lose…’
To me, freedom means doing what you like always and, especially, the right to say no to what you don’t like or want. However, my personal freedom must never step over the line of someone else’s freedom or rights. If we all adhered to this, man oh man, we’d live in paradise.
Emancipate what you call “your” dogs, Massah Todd. By current legal lights they are your property, you own them and they have no independent standing in a court of law other than perhaps through animal cruelty laws. “Your” dogs were born free in the sense you describe; but they were also born into slavery and slaves they’ll remain until you and we humans cease owning them and denying them independent standing in a court of law. Alternatively, they could truly be free in the wild.
Sorry, didn’t intend for that to sound so harsh.
If you’d give them rights, you’d presumably give them responsibilities too – so we’d back in the Middle Ages with animals on trial? See the Colin Firth film ‘The Hour of the Pig’.
Or just do away with pets totally so they’d really be free? We could all live in ‘Blade Runner’ with a synthetic owl… if we were rich enough.
A new law in the uk is being passed which demands a maximum penalty of 5 years for dog theft. I wouldn’t normallybe a cheerleader for any of the new draconian measures but this is a good one. They are “your” dogs in the sense that you chose them, you care for their welfare and you are responsible for their behaviour to an extent- if someone stole mine, my liberalism would evaporate in an instant and I’d want the death penalty for the fucker who did it.
All cats have to be microchipped as well.
First the cats, next the children.
The gateway to geotag everyone and everything for the IoB, IoT in the smart cities agenda, resulting in more and ever increasing taxes, automatic fines and 100% control.
The Club of Rome and their faux climate crisis, like their faux Cold War is The Cult of Rome. Also called The Cult of Saturn.
They believe they own all humanity.
They believe they have a right to depopulate, steal the fruits of our labor through unlawful taxes, erect privately owned corporations masquerading as governments, and create the ALL CAPS legal fiction Cestui Que Vie trusts in our names, that are monetized and back all the currencies.
any control over UK’s cats is good news for the 300 million birds, small mammals and reptiles they kill every year
The stupidity is so strong sometimes that it seems deliberate.
Ah, no matter how decisively it’s refuted by philosophers and moralists, for many “the end justifies the means” remains the universal solvent. 🤨
Humans love being told what to think, say and do… by bbccnn…
Wild animals not so much.
But then humans are
“The great error of nearly all studies of war, an error
into which all socialists have fallen, is to consider war
as an episode in foreign politics, when it is especially
an act of interior politics, and the most atrocious act
of al” … Simone Weil ‘Reflections On War’.
“In the 20th century, unreliability, disobedience and subversion
are the characteristics of responsible citizenship in society.”
Totally agree. Our freedoms are being whittled surely and inexorably
“I’ve got a lot of blues on my mind…”
Since is down since today, here
is another upload of the East Prussia PDFs.
Quote: “I will never ever understand … the Holocaust, and that will we a blemish on the German nation arguably forwever. And for that I will not forgive the people who then were in charge of the German government, the damn Nazis I will not forgive them for that.”
Well Herr, pardon, I meant “Mr. Braeden”, nobody can understand the “Holocaust” that your financial backers “construct and sell”, because it is incongruent to any logic.
This guy is one of those pathetic Germans / Austrians who flaunt their betrayal of their own national identity by slipping into a tailor-made Nazi uniform in front of a Judenwood stage set in order to then transport the legend of the “evil Nazi” into the minds of the brainwashed Goyim. In principle, his “career” consisted largely of this dishonorable duty.
But let’s take “a closer look” at this oh-so-confident gentleman…
Everyone who deals with the subject wonders why the events of that time in the Baltic Sea are still so little known, so little noticed and so little publicized historically. I strongly suspect that the truth about the events of the war lies buried just as deep and almost inaccessible as the shipwrecks beneath the surface at the bottom of the sea.
The ships were of course destroyed to prevent the flight of the civilian masses from the East German territories, which is why the refugees were also mercilessly shot at by low-flying aircraft on land. Nothing other than area bombing of German cities.
I think for a lot of people the idea of a human being beginning life in conditions of absolute freedom is associated with the philosophy of the lumière Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who inspired various leaders of the French Revolution
his more conservative contemporaries criticized him, quite justifiably it seems, by pointing out that a newborn is about the MOST dependent creature you could possibly imagine
our trajectory to freedom, when you look at it from this perspective, is more about breaking away from the initial envelopment in a social matrix we had no part in creating, but which we must trust and conform to in order to survive until we can attain the capacity for autonomy
what triggers this impulse to shake off the fetters we’re born into? for many I guess it never comes, and honestly those people are to be envied, given that their lives are never roiled by the existential alienation or harrowing conflict that defiance can lead to, a price for self-determination so exorbitantly high that it truly should be considered miraculous that even a handful of bold souls are willing to pay it
When the end up rushing over a cliff with the rest of the lemmings, maybe we’ll finally stop envying them.
Tony Fkn Blair wants us all to carry ID documents. This bankers puppet who has caused the slaughter of over a million souls, wants us all to admit we are responsible for our all caps/titled fiction by carrying an ID that is not ours but to which we must accept their authority. Well he can go fk himself.
Our dogs were family. When we lost them we grieved. Max, the fittest of the two, unbelievably went first. Poor old Tyson, near blind and arthritic, almost deaf but in constant desire of company hung on for another eighteen months. The cannabis oil really helped him, almost got him back on his feet. I built him a trolley which while he could still walk without too much pain he refused to go on. It had an old golf trolly pull handle.
The time came, as I sensed it would when he was happy to get on it. And get off when we reached the grass-lined brook.Then somebody stole it. We still took him out but he only lasted about three months.That was a year ago. Still miss both of them.
They were not free. Both were micro-chipped. It’s coming to us too if we don’t show our defiance.
for thsoes who dont remember
Dr Andrew wakefield did the exact same in 2015
endorsed trump as a hero who will fight bigharma and deal with the autism or vaccine injured etc etc many of his fans where perplexed as the trust in politician after the banking bailout was at all time low.
If Dr Wakefield says this Trump guy is different then trust him.
along came RFK jr with his children defense league to lead the lost stray exact same template
bells and whistles pied piper on all the media channels streaming he is censored
his devotees mindcontrolled thinking he is JFK incarnate and trust the plan 2 with RFk children defense as long as there not pala____ians..
RFK has just endorsed
a gm bio tek
big pharma vaccine endorser
5G executive order
MR warpspeed.
wow saving the children comes to mind.
I took the time to read RFK Jr. speech on his decision to support Trump. Whatever the wisdom of his actions, these words are those of a decent, sincere, compassionate Human Being. He tells the truth on the Ukraine war and of the endemic corruption throughout every institution in the US (and Europe). My faith in RFK Jr. was strained when he apparently failed to condemn Israel’s genocide of Palestinians, but who knows what pressure he was under at that point? I commend the speech to anyone who hungers for truth.
I have no desire to listen to empty promises … delivered off of a teleprompter fed by the Ministry of Truth
The Kakistocracy have to make RFK Jr. appealing so that a subsect of society gloms onto the illusion of a, ‘knight in a shining armor’; coming to save the day but once again! The truth of the matter is that RFK Jr. wants to implement the following:
which will, in toto, lead to the final destination desired by our supra-national organizations of governance (i.e., UN; WHO; WEF; EC; etc.), i.e., post-humanism! That is all!! RGB-Y4 out!!!
Ouch! I have never had 8 down-votes before. I am going to take these as a compliment i.e. most flak when closest to the target. If you have proof of these claims of yours, then please share. I prefer to live in hope and channel positive vibes that might appeal to the light and not the dark. Abraham Lincoln spoke of ‘appealing to the better angels of our natures”. It is too easy for us bystanders to whinge and complain that the matador is useless. Until you are the one standing in the arena, facing the bull, then let’s give the guy a break. I would prefer to light a candle of hope than to curse the darkness. TPTB want nothing more than to destroy all hope. Let’s defy them and find some hope.
I venture it was the same speech he gave when he announced his candidacy in Boston, MA 2 years ago.
I was there. I did not think he would necessarily win the office, but I was excited that his message – the message I had heard him speak since April 2020 – would at least be reaching a wider audience.
Then, of course, he went completely off that message and the Palestinians became the most pampered people on earth.
How on earth can people be excited – and many are – at this meeting of the minds.
Good God. One brags about saving millions of lives because of his warp speed.
The other defends Israel to the hilt.
What am I missing?
I also think this was a game plan long in the making.
It’s all politics as usual. Pretty sickening at this point.
This from a girl who proudly voted in her first Presidential election in 1972.
The only state in the US to go for McGovern.
Heady times.
By the way, Kennedy talked a great deal about Ukraine in his candidacy speech.
It is very easy and safe and nonthreatening to speak about Ukraine. Doesn’t take much courage.
But you notice, no mention about Israel.
No country on earth should have the political sway that that country does here in the US. None.
Upon further investigation, it appears that they control the levers of electronic money, if you dont agree to their terms, you are forced out of the system, or your collective transactions are diverted to their side of the balance sheet w/o your knowledge or approval.
This is dangerous enough with in its self, throw in politics and now its gets scary enough to prepare for the worst.
I commend the internet to anyone who hungers for truth.
I still prefer not to bash RFK Jr., but my respect for him dropped precipitously when he disclosed his rabid pro-Zionist perspective after the events of October 7, 2023.
No offense, but I don’t think your faith in him was as seriously strained as you may believe. Your characterization of his position is highly euphemistic and sanitized, and includes the universal exculpatory speculation that he may well have been effectively coerced to take that indefensible stance against his better judgment or will.
I don’t doubt that there are occasions when public figures are “taken aside” and coerced and/or bribed to take certain positions– that some power or principality “make them an offer they can’t refuse”.
But over the years, partly exacerbated by an oft-cited comedy monologue by the late Bill Hicks, it’s become the default rationalization to explain why seemingly worthy politicians suddenly express horrendous positions. 🤨
At 17 down-votes now, I would seem to be opposed by the majority of OffG readers, so should I bow to democracy and add RFK Jr. to the hate list? Er, no. I have nailed my colours to the mast and will go down fighting. In RFK Jr. I see an honest and compassionate man who is inspired by both his father and his uncle (both often enough reviled here as much as in the MSM). Though we all have our flaws and biases, why do we expect politicians to be saints? So if we all agree that Big Pharma is evil, that US MIC is insane, that Wokeism silences all common sense and decency – then what precisely are we going to do about it? It is too easy to condemn someone. How about finding the good in each other? Since we have been made in the image of God and supposedly have some God-given intelligence, how is that the clowns in charge are as thick as shit, devoid of any morality and haven’t the with to understand this simple truth, stated by JFK: “For in the final analysis, we all live on the same small planet. We breathe the same air. We cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.” Such truths which make sense, took huge courage to express in the US of 1963 and ultimately, cost him his life, and the lives of millions thereafter. But don’t mind that. Go ahead and carp, like that;’s going to save anyone. I will keep my hope in Humanity no matter how the nay-sayers (and down-voters) consider it naive, gullible, foolish. Amen
Nailed it. The suckers will suckered again and again and again…
No wonder they consider us to be life forms lower than cockroaches
Of course, we are free. But not realising we are free means we are not free. Authority only has authority when we consent and allow them to control our lives.
We live in a world manipulated by words that in plain-simple-English mean one thing but in alien legalese means something different. This legalese trickery takes away our rights and gives us an illusion of freedom. We think we own things of value. We don’t. Our ID documents are not us but a corporation that we represent. The trustee of our corporate legal person’s fictional name is the crown and until we all realise we are being shafted up the rear end we will stay slaves.
this is exactly what separates the so-called, ‘developing world’, from the putative, ‘developed world’: the former’s ability to recognize (consciously or not) and actualize their innate rights and capacities to live a life free of many of the constraints/limitations ‘civilization’ places upon its citizens (i.e., the latter); and, in doing so, we find that, for the most part, people emanating from places like Kenya, Ghana, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, etc. are much more holistic (i.e., harmonization between 3 centers of being, i.e., the heart, mind and body) than we ‘civilized’ ones; who, more times than not, resemble the mindless, bodyless, soulless masses in those Zombie movies back in the day. That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!
In the West/’developed world’ you wouldn’t be able to just set up a roadside stall and sell your wares without a ton of authoritative figures descending on you and telling you to move on or otherwise have your hard-earned bucks confiscated. In Cambodia, for example, this isn’t a problem. On the other hand we haven’t as yet had a dictator coming along and herding us into his idea of an agrarian utopia with the result that we all comply, snitch on neighbours and family members who don’t and follow almost a Stockholm-like symtomatology…. yet!
the invocation of ‘normie’ history is done so at the risk of proffering me the empirical evidence requisite to prove said point: what precipitated the manifestation of Pol Pot/Khmer Rouge – and concomitant purge of so-called dissidents – was the employment of multiple sorties, who upon returning from missions inside Vietnam, made a cost-benefit analysis/decision that it would be most efficient if they dropped their excess bombs on innocent villagers, who happened to be living in or near so-called, ‘Viet Cong trail,’ before touching down on their home bases in said region. Moreover, Pol Pot (birth name: Saloth Sar) was an ardent student of Marxism; with said reality becoming much more advanced and intense subsequent to his time spent studying said ideology in France. So, to put a bow on this baby: we have an individual, already primed and penetrated by an ideology (or derivative thereof) of the West; galvanized by the actions of the West (i.e., Americans); so, thenceforth, one should really question who was responsible for said phenomenon (i.e., genocide in Cambodia); and, more significantly, based on pattern recognition and extrapolation realize how – and why – our Western ‘developed’ nations have not only devolved to the current nadir of our current day; but, also, how – and why – they have been responsible for so many of the problems and issues experienced by countries s/a Cambodia! That is all!! RGB-Y4 out!!!
by the by: vis-a-vis to your last point:
“On the other hand we haven’t as yet had a dictator coming along and herding us into his idea of an agrarian utopia with the result that we all comply, snitch on neighbours and family members who don’t and follow almost a Stockholm-like symtomatology…. yet!”
ahhhh, actually, our current scenario in the West is much, much more dire than the description above: thanks to decades, nay centuries of social-cum-physical-cum-psychological-cum-psychical engineering – via technology; science; social sciences; humanities; arts; entertainment; media; gov’t; corps; ngo’s; npo’s; foundations; think tanks; philanthropaths; CEO’s; public education systems; medical systems; etc. – we now bear witness to a techno-tyranny the likes of which has never been seen before, i.e., an open-air, digital, panoptic prison {i.e., 6G; satellite system constellation; sensors; nanotech; neuralink; GMO’s; precision medicine/food; mRNA gene therapies; blockchain; digital ID; smart gadgets/homes/cities; geo-fencing; HIB; SIB; cradle-to-grave learning; UBI; soul tokens; crypto currency; CBDC; etc.; etc.; etc.}; which has, as one of its main features, the complete and total surveillance and control of all of the subjects under its aegis {i.e., an upgrade from Foucault’s idea of capitalism’s form of the panopticon (perspectival); to Byung-Chun Han’s idea of neoliberism’s form of the panopticon (aperspectival; wherein man is both the victim and perpetrator of said phenomenon)}. That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!
When we are aligned with the divine we transcend all those chains real or perceived, physical or ethereal. We rise to our highest self in the realization that we are free within it. Without that connection we are bound and gagged. Those who would malign us are not free, they are chained to an anchor that is forever sinking deeper as we rise far above them. There is no fear when you are with and part of the divine.
“We” are are part of the divine but won’t realize this till our second birth – the soul’s revolution. Only realizable by dropping all little ego desires, ideas & similar ambitions.
For easy reference: the size of a person’s ego is usually proportionally to his/her house or vehicle dimensions.
“In the wake of the Northwest Resistance of 1885, three Canadian officials put forward a proposal for a system of segregation – whites from First Nations – to the Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald. His response was that “…it is in the highest degree desirable to adopt it.”. He then signed an internal order that became an unofficial policy of Indian Affairs. Henceforth, a pass to get off reserve would only be issued at the pleasure of the local Indian Agent, a man who controlled every aspect of First Nations lives, holding judicial powers. The Government of Canada knew the pass system had no basis in law, but the system nonetheless lasted over six decades.“
APTN Investigates: Reliving Indian and Inuit Tuberculosis Sanatoriums
As an Indigenous woman, I was scared to have my baby in a hospital
The New Slavery
An Interview With Kevin Bales
“I’ve seen your oceans, I’ve seen your mountains high.
I’ve been lost inside your cities, I’ve seen the underside.
Yeah, I know the troubles that plague a troubled mind,
But they can’t catch me I’m a wanderin …” Justin Townes Earle
March 11, 2020: The Day Everything Changed
$4.7B ‘Grande Alliance’ project in northern Quebec is called Cree vision of development
Like losing a loved one’: Quebec dam renaming painful for some Cree
“Pretend You Are a River”
Our Story
On the Wildness of Children
I Am I
Feel alright – Steve Earle
Hailed as green energy source, northern Quebec lithium project divides Cree
A new mine could position Quebec as a lithium leader, but its rocky past worries locals
Life On the Line
About Protect Thacker Pass
Cree man says racism at walk-in clinic led to ER visit, wants better training for Sask. docs
If you like “News from Underground” (or hate it, but get something out of it), please read this post
“Sakej Ward in his video presentation defines a Warrior’s responsibility, is to look after his people and the land, preparing it for the next seven generations. Sakej states that warriors have a sacred responsibility to manage the land and that nature is taken care of, but when there is a threat that will impact everything around you somebody needs to stand up, and it is the responsibility of these warriors to take action.“
Sakej Ward: Defining Warrior Societies
Trudeau says sorry for sarcastic thank you comment to Indigenous protester
The ties that bind the Liberals and the Bronfmans
“Young ones listen
Remember who we are
Remember where we are
Do not take the word of America
Listen to them as in caution
Live among them as in surrounded
Live not as they live
Live to appreciate …” The Cleansing / Red Earth Song – John Trudell
“A migrant worker’s child sleeps on a highway in locked-down New Delhi, India, March 29, 2020. On March 30 2020, 8 year-old Rakesh Musahar died of hunger as his family struggled to make ends meet during the lockdown. Rakesh hailed from the Mahadalit Musahar community. He was a ragpicker & sold junk in the market. His father Durga Prasad Musahar was a porter. Rakesh died on Mar 26. His family waited for several hours for local admin. officials to come & make arrangements. However, nobody arrived. Dejected, Durga Prasad & a few other locals finally carried the boy’s body on a cart and cremated him.” [Source] REUTERS – Adnan Abidi
By Hiroyuki Hamada
How Pharrell Williams captured the essence of happiness
“Hospitals are running low on masks, gowns, and other critical items. We need to replenish their supplies,” Williams tweeted. “Take action, make a donation, and ask others to join the fight. We’re in this together. Let’s protect the responders on the frontlines.”
Pharrell Williams Slammed On Twitter After Posting A GoFundMe For Frontline Responders
The evilest story in the evilest book ever written is the story of Job. If I recall, his friends stuck by him after every loss – until he lost all his money. And when he grew wealthy again, they all rejoiced around him.
We can be as free as a bird, we can frolic like puppy dogs – until we run out of cash. We can depart humanity and go it alone in some wilderness. We can build our very own cabin in the woods; we can grow our very own crops; we can even raise or hunt animals. But how did we get started on our freedom journey?
Oh that’s easy: we collected all the tools we needed to complete our journey. But where did we get all the tools we needed? Why, we bought them of course (hello: there is a Home Depot on every street corner!). We came to Home Depot; we saw our tools; we counted out our cash and bought the tools; we got in our pickup and drove off into the sunset.
See? All we needed was a little itty bitty cache of cash. But what if we had no cash – none, zip, nada? In that case, we scaled back our freedom to a tent on a city street.
You are as Free as you can afford to be!
Perhaps along that journey you describe the one who cannot afford the tools to shape his little oasis of freedom and who has failed to build up a cache of cash over a life time ignored the universal laws that exist, and instead got distracted along the way by too many unnecessary shiny and addictive things.
Matt Monro sung born free
Yes, and it was written for him too. Andy Williams covered it a year or so later in 1967.
I love Matt Monro’s original version of ‘Born Free’.
Control Freaks and/or Authoritarians fear freedom. You can see it in their agitated eyes.
They can all GO TO HELL.
It’s where they belong anyway.
Yes, the dogs, a good example and nicely described. Personally I think that we westerners, ordinary citizens, have been on a metaphorical leash after WO II. A long leash that we were never much aware of. During 2020 that leash became shorter and shorter. It showed who had been in charge all along, who had been our real bosses. It showed what they can do when they have certain plans for us which have nothing to do with ‘democracy’. Democracy is ‘give the dog a bone and it will be happy’. Democracy needed to conceal that, even if the leash was long, it was still there.
So all that totalitarianism didn’t just appear out of thin air, the system was already in place, in my view. Most of us didn’t notice it enough because we were allowed to be such happy dogs allowed to enjoy a lot of great perks. Luxuries. Money to spend and nice things to buy. Gadgets to own and play with. And keep us distracted.
You can’t say we weren’t warned. George Carlin was telling us for years that we had owners. The only irony here is that most of the libtards applauding him in this video, which is probably about 20 years old, would now accuse you of indulging in ‘conspiracy theory’ if you quoted him verbatim!
Here’s the clip, if you’ve never seen it:
Thanks. I’m familiar with Carlin and this particular monologue.