The Global Crackdown on Dissent
CJ Hopkins

There are a lot of theories going around about the global crackdown on dissent.
Most of these theories are, essentially, bullshit.
Some of them are innocent, well-intentioned bullshit, in that the people putting them forth are honestly trying to explain what is happening, but they have no idea what the hell they’re talking about, or, due to their allegiances, they are only seeing one part of the picture. Others of these theories are not that innocent. Some are clearly designed to deceive, confuse, misdirect, and so on.
In the end, it doesn’t matter. Bullshit is bullshit.
As my regular readers know, for the last two years, I’ve been experiencing the global crackdown on dissent “up close and personal,” and trying to report on it. A lot of my reporting has fallen on deaf ears. Which is understandable, given the nature of what we’re up against, which is (a) formidable, (b) rather challenging to really understand, and (c) virtually unassailable, currently.
People don’t tend to like stories like that. They tend to like stories with “good guys,” and “bad guys,” and identifiable enemies, and simple solutions, even if those stories are, essentially, bullshit.
One of the most prevalent bullshit stories (i.e., theories) about the global crackdown on dissent is the one about how The Big Bad Government Forced the Poor Helpless Global Corporations to Censor Everybody, or at least Conservatives. Americans are particularly fond of this story, especially conservative Americans, as it casts the Big Bad Government as the antagonist, and good, freedom-loving, military-contracting billionaires like Elon Musk as the heroic protagonists.
Variations on this bullshit story include, but are not limited to, the ones about how the Woke cabal, or the Communists, or the Democrats, or the Biden administration, or the Starmer government, or the Satanists, or the Zionists, or some other assembly of perverted evil-doers is responsible for the global crackdown on dissent, and every other bad thing you can think of.
Another bullshit story that is popular with Americans is the one about how the evil EU is the Monster, because there’s no free speech in Europe, not like there is in the USA, where there’s the 1st Amendment, and everyone is free, and extremely armed, and, anyway, Europeans are pussies.
I could go on, but you get the idea … all of these stories, and theories, are bullshit.
The global crackdown on dissent is not a European, or a British, or American, or a Canadian, or Australian, or a Brazilian operation. It is a global, systemic operation. Governments aren’t forcing or extorting global corporations into censoring dissent. Left and right politics has nothing to do with it. It is part and parcel of the ongoing evolution of global capitalism, the globally hegemonic system we all live under. Re-electing Donald Trump will not stop it. Electing Bobby Kennedy, Jr. will not stop it. The Supreme Court will not stop it. Elon Musk won’t stop it.
As I put it in a recent column…
“What is actually happening is, a dominant power — a globally hegemonic dominant power in our case — is eliminating internal resistance throughout the territory it occupies, which in our case happens to be the whole planet. Any and all forms of internal resistance. The character of the resistance makes no difference … Islamic fundamentalism, Christian fundamentalism, neo-nationalism, ‘populism,’ socialism, whatever. Any form of resistance that interferes with the consolidation of its global hegemony and commodification of virtually everything.”
I am well aware of many people’s objections to referring to the system that we all live under as “global capitalism,” but that’s what it is. It may not be the kind of capitalism you want, but it is the kind of capitalism we have.
If we cannot identify it, we cannot understand it. If we cannot understand it, we won’t be able to change it.
I am going to demonstrate how that system works when it comes to cracking down on dissent. I’m going to use the facts of my case to do it. I’ve arranged them into a simple timeline, and editorialized as little as possible.
I would like you to note a few key elements:
(1) the sequence of events and their dates; (2) the various entities involved, i.e., the German government, Amazon, Twitter, and X; (3) the “nationalities” of these entities, e.g., Amazon and X are “American” companies, and Amazon operates in markets worldwide, e.g.,,,,, etc; (4) seeming contradictions, e.g., the fact that Amazon banned my book in three European countries, but continues to offer it other markets all around the world; (5) the fact that “free-speech X” is still censoring my Tweets and stonewalling my attorney; (6) the way the system reacts to press attention that it cannot control, i.e., prior to my original and second trials.
What we are up against is a global system. A system. Not a clutch of conspirators. Not a political party. Not a “cabal.” A system. A decentralized, supra-national, hegemonic, global system. Which is eliminating internal resistance. Like a body’s immune system fighting an infection. Yes, the system is run by people, individual people, but they are all replaceable, interchangeable parts of the system.
No one is giving anyone orders to censor anyone or prosecute anyone or telling anyone what to publish or broadcast. No one has to. Anyone in any position of power knows what to do, without being ordered. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be in their positions. They are organs of the body that the system comprises. We are the infection.
Until we understand that, and accept it, and embrace it, we are going to get nowhere.
Anyway, let me not spoil the fun. If you’re not too fed up with reading about my case, go ahead, review the following timeline. Note the six points I outlined above. And, if you subscribe to one of those theories I listed at the top of this piece, and referred to as “bullshit,” try your theory out on these facts. If it works, feel free to let me know.
May 4, 2022 — The Rise of The New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020-2021) is published. It is an instant Amazon #1 bestseller in Political Science in the USA, Canada, and The Netherlands, and a Barnes & Noble bestseller. The cover art, by Anthony Freda, is an homage to William Shirer’s 1960 classic.

August 24-27, 2022 — Three months later, as the German authorities debate whether to lift the Covid mask mandates, I tweet the following Tweets. (Translation: (1) “The masks are ideological-conformity symbols. That is all they are. That is what they have always been. Stop pretending that they were ever anything else or get used to wearing them.” (2) “The mask always sends a signal.” — Karl Lauterbach, Germany’s Minister of Health, as quoted in Die Welt.)

August 29, 2022 — Amazon/KDP bans The Rise of The New Normal Reich in Germany.

August 30, 2022 — The Hessen CyberCompetenceCenter (“Hessen 3C”) reports the two Tweets to Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office’s Central Reporting Center for Criminal Content on the Internet. (Hessen 3C is “a department within the Cyber and IT Security Administrative Digitalization department in the Hessian Ministry of the Interior,” and an official partner of The National Cyber Response Center (“Cyber-AZ”), “a core element of Germany’s Cyber Security Strategy.”)

August 30, 2022 — Hessen 3C reports the Tweets to Twitter for censoring. Twitter censors the Tweets, claiming they violate German “hate speech” laws.

August 30, 2022 — Amazon bans the book in Austria and The Netherlands, as well as Germany. The book becomes “unavailable to order” in German bookstores. Amazon applies warning notices to the book in markets where it is not banned (e.g., USA, UK, Canada, etc.), advising readers to visit the CDC, the World Health Organization, etc., “for the latest information on COVID-19 and vaccines.”

August 30, 2022 — Hessen 3C reports the Tweets to Germany’s domestic Intelligence agency, The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz or “BfV”), one of the “core authorities” of Cyber-AZ. (Together with the Landesämter für Verfassungsschutz (“LfV”) at the state level, the BfV is tasked with “intelligence gathering on efforts against the liberal democratic basic order; counter-intelligence; protective security and counter-sabotage.”)
September 19, 2022 — The Federal Criminal Police Office forwards the case to the Berlin District Prosecutor. An official criminal investigation is launched. (I am not notified of the investigation at this time.)
June 2023 — Nine months later, the Berlin District Prosecutor notifies me that I am under criminal investigation on suspicion of “disseminating propaganda, the contents of which are intended to further the aims of a former National Socialist organization,” a violation of Section 86(a) of the German Criminal Code, punishable by up to three years in prison.
June 2023 — Matt Taibbi reports on the investigation in Racket News.
August 8, 2023 — The Berlin District Prosecutor’s office concludes its 11-month-long criminal investigation of my Tweets.
August 15, 2023 — The District Court of Berlin issues an Order of Punishment. I am sentenced to 60 days in jail or ordered to pay a €3,600 fine.
August 21, 2023 — My attorney appeals the Order of Punishment and requests a trial.
September 2023 — The Berlin District Prosecutor’s office launches a second criminal investigation of me, after I republish the Tweets in a Substack column reviewing the facts of the case. (I am not notified of this second investigation, which is temporarily suspended pending the outcome of the original prosecution. My attorney discovers it in the criminal investigation file after the fact.)
September 2023 — Stefan Millius reports on the prosecution in Weltwoche.
October 2023 — Marc Neumann reports on the prosecution in Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
October 2023 — Matt Taibbi reports on the prosecution in Racket News.
January 2023 — James Kirchick reports on the prosecution in The Atlantic.
January 23, 2024 — I stand trial in The District Court of Berlin. I am acquitted.

January 2024 — Aya Velázquez, other independent German journalists, and Epoch Times report on the trial. It receives zero coverage in the German mainstream press.
February 26, 2024 — The District Court Judge publishes her written acquittal verdict.
March 23, 2024 — The Berlin District Prosecutor files a notice of intent to appeal the acquittal verdict.
March 2023 — Ralf Hutter reports on the prosecution and the banning of the book in Multipolar, a prominent independent magazine in Germany.
March 27, 2024 — My attorney submits disclosure requests to Hessen 3C, Twitter/X, and Amazon, requesting information regarding the censoring of the Tweets and the banning of the book. (Both X and Amazon refuse to comply. X refers us to the X Help Center, noting that, on X, “people are free to be their true selves.” Amazon responds by sending me a zip file of irrelevant “data sets” and advising that they have thereby met their legal obligation to respond.)
May 3, 2024 — The Berlin District Prosecutor appeals to overturn my acquittal and requests a new trial before the Berlin Superior Court (Das Kammergericht Berlin).
May 2024 — Despite repeated reminders, Elon Musk and X continue to ignore my attorney’s disclosure request. Notwithstanding my acquittal, X continues to censor the two Tweets.

May 2024 — Both Der Spiegel and Stern magazine print covers featuring swastikas. Der Spiegel’s cover concept is exactly the same as my book cover concept/Tweets, the only difference being that the Spiegel cover features a swastika covered by the German flag, whereas my book cover and Tweets feature a swastika covered by a medical mask.

June 2024 — In response to my attorney’s disclosure request in March, Hessen 3C denies having instructed Twitter to censor the two Tweets, despite the fact that, on September 1, 2022, in the criminal investigation file, the Federal Criminal Police Office noted, “Hessen 3C has already taken measures to have the Tweets deleted.”

Hessen 3C also denies contacting Amazon regarding the book cover, despite the fact that Amazon banned the book less than 24 hours prior to Hessen 3C’s reporting of the Tweets to the Federal Criminal Police Office and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.
July 18, 2024 — The Berlin Superior Court schedules the new trial for August 15, and issues an Order imposing security protocols on the proceedings, i.e., airport-style full-body scanning, no computers, phones, cameras, writing instruments, etc., allowed in the courtroom. Members of the press and the public (and my attorney and I) must surrender all personal items, including jackets, head coverings, etc., and completely their empty pockets before entering the courtroom. Members of the press and public will be limited to 35 and must be seated in the rear six rows of the gallery, so that they can be monitored by security personnel. The Superior Court’s pretext for this Order is that a certain high-security trial sometimes takes place in the same courtroom.
July 22, 2024 — My attorney files a motion objecting to the Court’s Security Order. We are informed that the judge that issued the Security Order has gone on vacation and is unavailable to respond.
July 26, 2024 — The Superior Court denies my attorney’s motion to lift the Security Order, which it explains is required due to the “overall tense security situation” and the need to protect the Court against “recently introduced wiretapping technology.” The trial is set to go ahead on August 15. The Security Order remains in effect.
August 4, 2024 — John Mac Ghlionn reports on the prosecution and the banning of the book in Sky New Australia.
August 9, 2024 — The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (“FIRE”) releases a video feature about the prosecution and the banning of the book.
August 12, 2024 — My attorney files a bias complaint against the judge that issued the Security Order.
August 14, 2024 — Ralf Hutter reports on the prosecution and the banning of the book in Berliner Zeitung, a mainstream German newspaper.
August 14, 2024 — The Superior Court postpones the trial without explanation. A new trial date is set for September 30. The Security Order remains in effect.
N.B. The Rise of The New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020-2021) continues to sell briskly in countries where it is not banned. It remains banned by Amazon in Germany, Austria, and The Netherlands. Despite also being distributed internationally by Ingram Content Group, the book remains “unavailable to order” from bookstores in Germany.
P.S. And, yes, that’s Mr. Jensen up there again. I’m rather fond of Mr. Jensen. If you haven’t rewatched Network recently, or read his speech, I recommend doing that [so do we – Ed].
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A Brief History of Global Capitalism
CJ Hopkins
Aug 26, 2024
That’s such a pile of crap! Communism and Fascism were both created by British Intelligence (i.e. the Illuminati; the people who put their symbol above the British monarch). Communism and Fascism were created as a left-boot/right-boot pincer operation designed to crush genuine and democratic social organisation – this operation seen most clearly in Spain in the 1930s.
More crap! The aristocracies still exist. In addition to owning most of the important land and other resources, they are the major shareholders in the corporations. Every so often, when the plebs have acquired too much capital, they’ll arrange a clawback in the form of a depression, a revolution, a war, etc. Hopkins, however, doesn’t even mention shareholders! So who does he think owns this “GloboCap”?
How the system works:
The capitalist system isn’t made to benefit people. It’s been made for profit. It’s been made for money.
The money system is what defines capitalism.
Here it’s depicted with social classes with different rights, so there’s no justice. The capitalist system worships money, which makes this belief system what it is: oppression, lies, violence and slavery.
Those at the bottom produce what those above them consume. This system is maintained by violence. There is a massive military system keeping the system.
The story-tellers distract the others, so that they wouldn’t see their position in the system and their role in maintaining it.
The upper class gets most benefits. They receive more money than anyone else. Their money-god pays them well. Capitalism is their idea of a just, ideal society.
The money-bag, which is above everyone – ruling, fooling and shooting people – is not human. It is a man-made fiction. It exists only when people believe in it.
The value of money is in its power to rule, fool and use violence. The power of money devalues humans, their lives, their rights and freedoms. Money value is totally arbitrary. In essence, money has no value at all. In the capitalistic system, however, this valueless entity has taken the role of the most value.
Without money, you don’t eat. Without it, you don’t live. But hey, if you’re a billionaire, millionaire, your life can become what you want it to be.
So at least some people are having a good time in this system. But are they really? They are all under the tyranny of money.
How can that be good for anyone?
Think again, if you ever thought THIS is the best system ever thought. Because it certainly isn’t so.
“No one is giving anyone orders to censor anyone or prosecute anyone or telling anyone what to publish or broadcast. No one has to. Anyone in any position of power knows what to do, without being ordered. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be in their positions. They are organs of the body that the system comprises. We are the infection.”
Disagree. Some of us are obviously not the infection, are immune to it, and fight its spread. That resistance includes the courageous CJH. But could he remain more mind-controlled than other dissentors? Because he clearly clings to that simplistic Marxist superstition of a demon or hobgoblin called ‘capitalism’, as if an inanimate system of voluntary trading to mutual advantage might be the source of all evil in the world! This fable is real, but the huge mountains of evidence concerning the building of the NWO by a very real, very corrupt and very controlling globalist elite are not? Pull the other one, CJ.
Exceptional piece. Thank you.
My thoughts:
(1) I believe the problem is fascism: marriage of corporation and state. This isn’t free market capitalism where government polices fair rules for many small firms to compete. This is the state using its monopoly on violence and spying to enforce policies made with a global oligopoly of corporations acting in a cartel. Public-Private Partnerships should have been nipped in the bud and large corporations broken into smaller competing businesses. But they weren’t and here we are.
If World War II was democracies fighting National Fascism allied with Islam and Japan, then this war is (so far) some citizens of former democracies fighting global fascism allied with the security state and Islam, who form their system together at conferences and WEF meetings and through university funding.
This makes the court case over your book more poignant: you nailed it in one simple image – swastika on a covid mask. That is it. Global fascism – they used a sneak attack via public health.
I agree with you it is a system in which individual actors are interchangeable. Only a system can break another system. Individuals come and go but systems can last 1000 years. Systems reward individuals with career incentives. People produce behaviour that gets rewards. To reform it we have to change the incentive structure – but we have lost control of our national governments. So we are in big trouble.
(2) I believe it’s not globally hegemonic. Islam is a globalist power unto itself outside this fascist system. The world of Islam is 56 nations who co-ordinate politically through the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation and their organising animus is Islam. They have their own ideas on how to run things, their own money (lots of it), they hate free speech and are lobbying to crush it in the West for religious and political reasons. They are just another seat at the censorship table, but a hidden one for Westerners who think it rude or racist to criticise someone else’s culture. Especially when it has migrated into our countries and is seeking influence in our institutions – it is the third rail.
(3) The global fascist system is not cracking down on Islamist dissent. On the contrary, it is working with Islamists to crush internal dissent in Western democracies. The global fascists use Islam first as a migrant battering ram to break down the ability of citizens (especially the white working class) to organise, fragmented by sheer numbers, and secondly to criminalise anyone opposing the mass migration of incompatible belief systems. See how Britain weaponised the law against Tommy Robinson: working class, organised street protests against Islamist rape gangs (who deliberately targeted non-Muslims, first Sikhs then white British). The global fascists used Islam to demonise working class resistance to globalist migration as “far right” then criminalised them. That is how they are being locked in prison for being wrong on the internet now.
May I ask what role you imagine “Islam” played in World War 2? What are you talking about?
“Their ongoing animus is Islam” is pure nonsense. Next time use words that you know the meaning of instead of making a lame attempt to sound intelligent and humiliating yourself. It is clear that you have no idea what the word “animus” even means, which is hilarious.
There is an important difference and balance between saying it like it is, and talking bullshit.
In this article, CJ does both.
“The Global Crackdown on Dissent” – That’s all the signal he needs to give. If you don’t like shorthand phrases, you can make up the rest of the sentence yourself:The Global Crackdown on Dissent… … exists… is complex
… is unstoppable
… is unavoidable
… is unassailable (as CJ calls it, instead of all the above), etc.
That’s saying it like it is.
The rest of the article (“It’s a system, not a cabal”) is bullshit. It’s just a different kind of the roughly similar bullshit he was accusing other conspiracy theories to be. I’m not saying CJ is completely wrong. Some bullshit can be, to some degree, true. Some bullshit can very well make some sense (like many conspiracy theories do). It’s just not verifiable. Anybody saying that they have it all figured out, is just talking bullshit. This paragraph of me talking about CJ’s bullshit is in itself bullshit. Any definitive analysis or statement of fact is nothing more than bullshit.
To varying degrees most of the things in CJ’s article, even those he called bullshit, including his big thesis that “let’s call it a system instead of whatever everybody else was calling it before”, are probably true, again, to varying degrees (some more than others).
I can’t see why the so called “system” would be out there, somewhere far away, well protected, and certainly separate from “us” (whoever we are). And how would we all not be a part of it, too. On the contrary, everybody who sucks at the tit of the (call it what you will: capitalist, globalist, etc.) “system” is part of the system. Moreover, people protesting the system are part of the “system’s” propaganda, too, because “bad protest” is putting other people off from resisting the system, and thus serving the system’s propaganda. And the only measure of what constitutes good protest is whether the system still exists. And the global crackdown on dissent exists, so all protest to it has been “bad” (ineffective), ultimately benefiting the “system”. If you fill a space (of the protester) and do it badly, for example by putting off most other people from dissenting, or in whichever other way, you are a useful servant of the “system”.
But the good news is that not everybody is as good at serving the system as everybody else.
Sometimes by intention, sometimes by accident, people screw the system over, too. Not to a critical degree yet, but enough to keep the dissent going. We all have bank accounts, even if only to pay for the internet access to view this blog. We all pay taxes; and those who pay less tax than they should, prop up the system in other ways. Some of us are billionaires and start Telegram, some are less financially fortunate, but successful in leaking embarrassing stories about the upper echelons of the “system” (Assange), some support the TOR network, etc. They (we?) are all part of the system. And when some of them/us are put away, taken over, even bought, others will take their/our place.
It is a system, fine. But we are part of it. The dissent is part of the system cracking down on dissent, too. The Big Bad Governments force Global Corporations to censor everybody who dissent from the narrative. There probably is some sort of cabal, deliberating taking some decisions somewhere. A lot can be said critically about the EU, too, as well as about many other institutions, unequal alliances, etc.
And through whichever means the crackdown on dissent happens, dissent still continues; badly and ineffective, as it is, for now…
“There are a lot of theories going around about the global crackdown on dissent.
Most of these theories are, essentially, bullshit.”
Here’s mine: one of the most effective ways to “crackdown on dissent” is to disrupt it by confusing, misdirecting and demoralizing Dissenters. To do so, simply seed All Possible Media Channels with Assets pretending to Lead! Slap a fish out of a person’s hand and they starve for a day; teach a person totally fucked up methods for fishing and they will starve for a Lifetime! (Old Chinese Proverb)
As someone down-thread commented, in reference to this piece by CJ: “I don’t know how this makes any sense”.
It doesn’t.
CJ is merely aware of the fact that to jump right into talking about HIMSELF, without a politely cursory bit of foreplay, first, would seem less than suave.
A few paragraphs of strawmanning lame-o tropes, which no CT Enthusiast has entertained for 15 years (who differentiates between “Corporate” and “Gubmint” anymore? Who thinks anyone sitting in a disposable DEI-seat, in the Senate, has a fraction of the power of whoever runs GOOGLE?)… and CJ felt he’d earned that “enough about the World, let’s talk about me!” segue to the real point.
I would only like to remind everyone that CJ’s theory… his Structuralist Fatalism about a Spooky Global System of Autonomous Nodes of Evil (revolutionizing the pyramidal hierarchy-shape that every other effective power structure, in patriarchal history, ever assumed… as though Techno-Fascists are suddenly like a cool, prehistoric Polynesian Matriarchy… or the super effective OWS… )… is not entirely bleak!
He’s actually pretty optimistic about our predicament; there is sunshine tucked into CJ’s belief system; because didn’t CJ himself once say, in essence (to paraphrase) that CJ believes that, a little over 20 years ago, 19 Saudis with box cutters gave the Spooky Global System of Autonomous Nodes of Evil a really BIG BLACK EYE? Like ragtag Star Wars Freedom Fighters, defying the odds!
I’m not sure I trust CJ to cheer me up with his theories:.. because …
… isn’t he the longterm Expat resident of Berlin who kind of pointlessly published a book with a Swastika on its cover, without first confirming that he could afford to do such a nutty thing? I mean, the Risk/Reward check on that one must have been pretty clear. Did he somehow not see it coming? Was he asking for it?
Is there a bigger a narrative at play here?
Are the Spooky (no names/ no addresses/ no human goals or desires at play*) Global System of Autonomous Nodes of Evil watching this “freedom to publish a book with a Swastika on its cover in Germany” micro-drama?
Or are they watching us watch?
Is anybody watchiing?
PS *Goals or desires such as: Extreme Population Reduction via pharmeceutical weapons, social engineering, war, eco-toxins, drought, famine… destroying Cash, imposing Blockchain… or pushing the Climate Emergency Hoax (eg: using weather control, like cloud-cover-destruction, to raise temperatures) in order to support Carbon Trading and the creation of a Social Credit Carbon Footprint Gulag… which overlaps with introducing The West to the NeoFeudal Cinese Model… ETC… AND all these goals without Central Planning or visionary individuals of Pure Evil… !
Victim blaming: He was clearly asking for it, dressing his book like that, with a swastika. He should have seen it all coming. It’s all his fault what’s been done to him.
CJ has been constantly blamed here for not writing what some commenters want him to write, and also for writing what he writes. He can’t do anything right! He doesn’t believe in every conspiracy theory in the world – let’s blame him for that too!
While accusing CJ of talking about himself too much, and ignoring the fact that he’s not talking about himself but this court case, you talk about CJ a lot. It’s like you know him better than he does. I’m sure you don’t.
All ad hominems masked as criticism, all unsolicited advice, blaming the individual victim instead of this corrupt and evil system – it’s all working for the system.
“He doesn’t believe in every conspiracy theory in the world.” Funny one. To the contrary CJ believes almost every single establishment lie ever and uses his work to propagate a worldview that aggressively defends ridiculous lies.
I reject the idea of litmus tests but as a believer and advocate of the 911 lie, CJ proves that he is not very bright or not very brave or both. He offers less than nothing and that has been the case for several years now, people who still cling to his hem and defend him are doing so because they share his ignorance and and/or cowardice. There is no other reason.
So you divide humanity based on their belief or what you think is their belief about 911.
“He was clearly asking for it, dressing his book like that, with a swastika”
Stop Fanning, start Thinking.
What is your purpose in creating an enemy out of CJ Hopkins? Enemies are always created in the mind of the one who makes war and conflict.
Your finger pointing serves nothing good.
You didn’t understand his article, and so you’re very illogically blaming him for that. Yet it’s your not-understanding, not anyone else’s. The whole article is very well written and easy to understand.
You’re the one with false arguments, rape-apology-like victim blaming, baseless accusations, making assumptions, creating enemies, and distracting from the issue of an evil global system to make it a case of individuals. So that you can fight individuals instead of the system.
I believe it’s important to know what you’re up against.
Think of humanity as a computer game. You have the NPCs. They are legion.
Then there are the agents. Government. Media. Police etc etc. Then you have the bosses. The boss program runs the agent program. The agent program ensures the NPCs stay NPCs, which keeps the bosses where they are.
But there is an author of the entire program. He is satan.
The Satan took Jesus to the highest mountain and said, I will give you power over all these kingdoms of you now to me.
They are Satan’s kingdom to give.
Satan is the author of this world.
But God is the author of another kingdom.
You can access it if you want.
Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth, there is no spoon.
*if you bow to me
Let’s not think about humanity in such a dehumanizing way, as a computer game.
Let’s rather think about humanity as humanity: wise human beings. Members of the homo sapiens family are equipped with reason and conscience. Our reason is logical, capable of abstract thought, capable of higher consciousness, capable of knowing the truth. Our conscience is capable of knowing what’s good and what’s bad, capable of choosing good.
To be human is to be wise.
To be not-human or anti-human is to be not-wise: like a robot.
Characters in a computer game don’t have anything humanity has. They don’t have life. They don’t have wisdom or its components, reason and conscience. They don’t think. They don’t choose.
We humans are capable of choosing our actions if we just think. Thinking is simple. Thinking uses logic. Thinking is then based on truth. Any illogical thought means there hasn’t been right thinking.
Illogical thoughts deny the law of logic, which says that things are what they are. Humanity is humanity, and humanity is not what humanity is not.
Re: “Let’s rather think about humanity as humanity: wise human beings. Members of the homo sapiens family are equipped with reason and conscience. … To be human is to be wise.”
You mean you, and billions of others like you, want others to “think” about humanity they way you WANT to “think” about homo sapiens humans REGARDLESS of true reality.
True reality, not comforting fantasies, demonstrate throughout history that alleged civilized humans are mad, “invisibly” mad — study the scholarly essay The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room: Humans’ Invisibilized Soul Deficiency Disease
And YOU “teach” logic to the readers? As in “Thinking is simple. Thinking uses logic. Thinking is then based on truth. Any illogical thought means there hasn’t been right thinking.” Spreading untruth-based myths such as “to be human is to be wise” is non-thinking or wrong-thinking or illogical thought and therefore fake logic.
“Hiding behind goofy blog names, pontificating the same talking points as others is not activism. The “glue” of tribalism or a movement is long gone. Sovereign, free thinking behavior is long gone for the most part. Lost in belief of mythical heroes or saviors coming to set things right is foolishness.” — E.J. Doyle, songwriter
You’re saying the true reality is that humans are mad, insane. So humans, according to you, lack reason and conscience, and they suffer from severe cases of narcissism, sociopathy and psychopathy, not realizing how insane they in fact are. Fine.
What I’m saying though, is that insane people are not healthy. Health is the normal condition, sickness (in the soul or in the head or anywhere) is abnormal.
Yes, the history of social madness is indeed awful. But that’s not the whole story. History books really don’t say much about most humans, their lives, their realities. They focus on war, individuals involved in war, social and economic reasons for war, revolutions resulting from war, very few people and their actions, formation of institutions such as money, state and capitalism, technological inventions and everything else linked to this madness.
The fact is, most humanity never had anything to do with any pope, royalty, emperor or leader. False authority has been put on us by this system. The system is according to its own law – money and making profit – inhumane.
Blaming all humanity because of these power-hungry warlords is not justified. The insane leaders of states or other organizations are not a good example of a human being. They are merely examples of very sick and unhealthy individuals fighting for dominion. The history of violence and madness is just that. The history of humanity is quite different. No-one ever wrote it. Yet.
Insane people are not sane. A table that doesn’t function well as a table is a bad example of a table. A table that is not a table or is an anti-table is not a table really. It would be false to call it a table if it isn’t a table. Likewise, a human being who is not human or being is hardly capable of being a human being. So what is a human being? One who is a human being in reality? Or someone who really isn’t?
How could inhuman be human – it is not logical. I’m speaking of logic because it indeed is the character of all healthy humans. Without logic, we couldn’t learn language, for example, yet it’s very easy for small children.
What is sick can be healed. Health results when sickness is gone. When it’s the system that’s sick and mad, it makes people participating in the system sick and mad too. In order to function in a mad society, one must become mad.
So, in order to stop this madness in people, the source of this madness must be gone.
There is indeed a system encompassing the world. That system is based on evil, or sin.
The “System” and Its Lackeys
When former US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, spoke for the first time at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in 1980 he said that “we are in an age of global-interdependence”. This statement was repeated by World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman, Klaus Schwab, in a discussion with the Nobel-prize winning diplomat at Davos 2022.
The vast ecumenical holding company that is Davos
Jan. 21, 2008
Mrs. CC and I are headed off to Switzerland tonight for a week of (winter sports and debauchery) high-minded panel discussions in the mountain resort of Davos. I will be posting regularly and even, heaven forfend, vlogging.
But before I go, I’ll leave you with these encouraging words from Arthur Jensen, the big-media CEO (played by Ned Beatty) from the movie Network. He’s giving Howard Beale, the Lou Dobbsian network anchor (played by Peter Finch) a talking-to:
And yes, I’ve used that line before. Just trying to keep you amused on behalf of my holding company.
Did you figure out what MAGA really means yet?
There’s this meaning …
And this one.
For the last couple of years I’ve been stating explicitly that the battle is between Pax Americana and the Monolithic & Ruthless Conspiracy (MRC); and that Kissinger (representing the MRC) conceded defeat over a year ago. See for instance:
Within that conflict, Trump is an actor playing a role – that of creating an appearance of a presidency. Pax Americana can work with either Trump or Harris, but it seems they’re now leaning toward Harris.
WRT symbology, Pax Americana are pragmatic business people. Hence, when they use symbology, it’s for its utility in steering the plebs – and sometimes simply to troll the MRC!
Where I come from MAGA stands for “Make America Go Away” …
Do it, you devils. Go away. Go kill each other on the land you stole from those who lived there in peace for centuries. Leave the rest of us alone. We hate you.
And here I thought it meant:
That’s how I heard it, for some reason. Beats me.
“lived in peace for centuries” ahhh… no, this is not true.
I believe he is referring to certain tribes. The Iroquois 6 Nations are famous for prospering peace for centuries, with their iconic “The Great Law of Peace.” But war happens, apparently.
I can’t be the only one aware of that institutionalized method of tackling dissent, by the sheepie class taught by MSM/Kabuki Theatre to use words like Ant-Semite, Commie, Anti-Science, Covidiot, Far Right, Conspiracy Theorists in a manner to them as easy as breathing in and out.
They’ve pretty much conditioned a significant proportion of family, friends and acquaintances into their army.
Watch them melt down, with a few well chosen ‘Truth’ bombs is one of the few pleasures in life, tinged with sadness that they double down by being unable to compute a way out of their mind hole. It’s one of them ‘Two-Fers’ in Life.
Something that happened more during covid.
when I save links bookmarks
the software I save it in will freeze or take forever to save.
It happens more when it is anything to do with that friendly country in the middle east.
also the video clips will lag or not play properly.
Ah, the first signs of autumn in the northern hemisphere…. shorter evenings… that slight nip in the air… the morning dew… the covid scare stories:
The push on vaccines at this time of year has become something of a ritual, a kind of ‘trick or treat’ from our corporate overlords.
I have read a couple of people in comments saying CJ is being to general and refusing to blame anyone for covid etc.
I just want to say I think those people may be reading this essay wrong. I don’t think CJ’s suggesting covid itself, and other specific incidents were not planned. I think he’s reacting against the simplistic notions often put about in the more questionable “conspiracy circles” of a lone boss-villain (perhaps Fauci, or Gates, or mr Schwab) in his compound somewhere dispensing orders of pure evil to his underlings. The concomitant argument usually being – take this fellow down and we have fixed our problem
I think CJ (if he’ll forgive me the temerity of speaking for him) is trying to point out that human systems rarely work like that, because human collectives are in a sense organic and are defined by mutually agreed versions of reality that often don’t need to be overtly stated but simply are present within the system and therefore absorbed by any individual aspiring to be a part of that system.
I tend to agree. I highly doubt there is any one boss-villain, rather a loose and shifting,/renewing collection of likeminded or at least willing persons, united by vision and self-interest. I doubt very much there’s ever an open declaration of their murderous intent going on even at the nighest levels of power. Which is why it’s a waste of time to try to take down named individuals like Gates or Fauci. It would be about as effective at ridding ourselves of this poison as picking mushrooms is at killing the underlying fungus.
People rarely believe themselves to be villains. Even monsters will often perform their benevolence to themselves and each other and probably partly believe it. Values and assumptions percolate downward and infect bureaucracies and institutions. Legislation and planning is built on the bedrock of these universal but undeclared “realities.”
Heck during covid even ordinary people were being absorbed into this matrix and became part of the faceless enforcement machine.
As my namesake pointed out so memorably, the worst evil is done by functionaries and bureaucrats who are merely conforming and don’t really know or care why they are doing it. I think this is CJ’s point.
TL/DR – well, no, I can’t sum it up neatly for you. I suggest you develop an attention span long enough to cope with slightly complex ideas!
Fauci, or Gates, or mr Schwab have been replaced with moslems, immigrants and anti semetic by the same alt media that bored us with theses lone pasty gun man types.
Hannah, interesting comment. For all its worth here’s mine.
CJs position, is reductionist and essentialist in the sense that his general concept of a ‘dominant global power’ which operates in and by means of a ‘global system’ whose structure subordinates individuals, corporations, governments, or what have you, to its hegemonic functioning whether they are aware of it or not, appears to have no determinate conditions of existence other than, and independent of, its constituent ‘parts’ (effects) which is problematic.
This implies that the ‘dominant global power’ is the very essence of the global system as a whole, and therefore becomes a cause immanent in its effects namely, all of the ‘parts’ that this power driven global system encompasses. The ‘parts’ (effects) are then explained away, since any specific effectively they may possess is denied as soon as its affirmed, because they are just so many different expressions/effects of a common essence /immanent cause – ‘the global dominant power’ that operates in and through the ‘global system’. There are other problems too which I won’t go into here as there are too many.
Apologies for typo – ‘specific effectively’ should be read as ‘specific effectivity’
Lol. So ‘the banality of evil’ shtick? They’re all “just following orders”?
That explanation only explains the kowtowing nobodies, but surely an “award winning playwright” who claims he’s being persecuted on twitter, knows better.
Rather, it all appears like another Freemasonic psyop; trying to gain PR for a book by using a Masonic, ancient image that actually represents a global hoax and psyop; that of WWII and the collusion by the faux countries (all corporations) involved, to go to war.
WWII led to the creation of the UN, Bretton Woods and global governance through supranational orgs.
Lol. I take it you are not going to buy the book then!
Lol. Yeah. Exactly.
I just read Babylon’s Banksters, which was interesting.
FYI. Zuckerberg testified in the last couple days that the Biden administration was directing him to censor content on Facebook which directly contradicts statements made to Congress by the Biden Administration. Flat out perjury under oath. Zuck also said he is not making political contributions for this election. No Zuckerbucks to be used by not for profits to stuff ballot boxes. Seems like the chatter on X might have Zuck worried.
Robot Zuck to you sir (or mme.).
Bot Zuck stole mind-reading maven Regina Dugan from Google, ‘who’ had pilfered her from DARPA, no doubt on an ascending scale of $$$$$$$ [ I could be wrong about this, but I sense her career path has not been solely based on pure scientificated selflessness or a mere impelling curiosity, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.]
She was given a $200 million budget starting, to develop an interface between cameras in devices using FB and the users’ eyeballs, to scrutinize changes in eye activity and translate the brain waves they “reflect” into text.
Etc etc. Nissan already had a concept car on the floor at the 2018 Expo in Geneva, their KURO, whereby a driver dummy is shown behind the wheel wearing a headset that can record reg brainwaves and transmit them directly to the car software [and???] and claims that the equipment can react in an emergency up to a half second faster than the driver….
Talk about the opportunities for censorship, just ask Kobe Bryant about the software on his Sikorsky chopper, apparently jammed from beyond. But obviously that would be very very very rare censorship, and only from the tippy top?
Yo, Kobe! I used to see him every Sunday evening Mass at Our Lady Queen of Angels in Corona del Mar, California, rain or shine, game day or not. Only “saw” Gigi in her last days in Vanessa’s oven.
If it was gameday overtime he’d hop in his chopper home…..
Word2Wise about Robot Zuck, Gates, Musk et al. etc and their brain-reading initiatives.
“In God alone do we live” ~ The Apostle [it must be said, the day is well spent]
This piece by CJ is pitched at such a level of generality that any specifics are effectively denied and nobody is to be held accountable human wise, government wise or otherwise because the “system” is global, and not just Capitalist either, but also a “globally hegemonic dominant power in our case”.
But dare I ask, what are the specific means and conditions under which this mysterious ‘hegemonic dominant power’ is supposed to operate since the Satanists, Zionists, and governments, (and even the capitalists) are all apparently off the hook not to mention the ‘elites’, ‘oligarchs’, and others of similar ilk, who have all been sent to Coventry in having any significant role to play within the “system”. CJ assumes it can work very well all by itself without humans and without any intelligent design or input on their part.
If you’re one of them, you can’t really point them out can you?
No you can’t in a global system such as CJs where all specific differences regarding its parts end up as being identical expressions of the same thing, namely, the ‘global dominant power’! In CJs concept parts appear to have no determinate conditions of existence independent of the whole. They are partes totales.
I’d like to know why so many of my comments, like one a couple of minutes ago, enter some kind of pending filter. It’s really annoying.
Exactly. Well almost. All the good books, all good research, is being banned or censored in order to push through the neverending world order agenda, which as soon as one of its promoters, like Henry Kissinger, goes to his eternal rest, another globalist jumps into his popped clogs.
Alex Krainer’s “Grand Deception” is a book about one of the globalists’ current figureheads, Bill Browder. It is the work of one hedge fund manager, Krainer, dismantling another hedge fund manager’s tirade against Vladimir Putin and Russia, found in Browder’s bestselling book “Red Notice”. Amazon stopped the sales of “Grand Deception”. Anybody wishing to read it can do so here.
I have no doubt that “The Rise of the New Normal Reich” is equally worth reading. I hope to purchase a copy.
At the moment I am having trouble getting a number of books from Russia. You might imagine these publications put another side to the one we get through our media channels.
My humble blog has several times been targeted by a US-based fact-checker with global funding called “NewsGuard”. I even got an email from one of their staff a fortnight ago – even though I haven’t written any posts for months. One of their concerns was a post about masks from long ago. I am in good company since “The Grayzone” has been targeted by them and I don’t doubt many others not telling it how NewsGuard’s funders want to hear it.
I responded to one of their concerns with a blogpost.
In regards to Alex Krainer’s book “ Grand Deception this ties in with F.W Endgahl’s article
Very good article Brian.
Thanks. It is very revealing in conjunction with Krainer’s book.
While I agree with CJ and his assessment about the tyrannical global system that we’re up against, I have to disagree with his assertion that “no one is giving orders to censor anyone.” You might not like Musk or Twitter, but Tiabbi and Schellenbergers reporting pretty clearly showed that the Biden regime WAS most certainly giving orders – or at the very least – veiled threats to Twitter and big tech to remove, de-emphasize, and shadow-ban those who dared to question covid, vaxxines, or the official election/January 6 narratives. Was this reporting just more bullshit?
Argentinian President, Javier Milei, said “While other countries propose censorship, we propose freedom of expression” “Just look at what is happening in England”
Theres always been a crackdown upon descent. For centuries upon end.
It never has been any different. Although at different times, and in different places the currents of such have been much stronger to detect.
Upon this sliding scale, so far at least, even though it’s looking pretty murky out there. So far at least we can report that still after thousands of years, theres a crack down upon descent.
What we dont have right now is the success of descent. Nor much evidence of it.
Of all the revolutions we know, they all pretty much returned to normal (ie the rise of another tyrant) within no time at all.
When we reach these apocalyptic moments, I wonder how many realise that there is no apocalypse. And that this uptick in activity is just another optical illusion that always returns to the same.
Any researcher into concepts of apocalypse will understand this.
That beyond normal conditions always return.
Looking more deeply at it you might have to accept that for us humans, inequality always prevails, no matter what.
If that’s the truth, then those of us similarly aligned in the sense we want to see real change, should look at the facts.
And it doesn’t look good.
But zooming out, perhaps all this hardship has some meaning.
Certainly we havent been able to change things that much by our actions. And often collectively actions only create new scenarios that implicitly return pretty much to the same state.
For real change we are going to need to look at things from a very different angle. And for change to benefit all of us, similar. We have got to think outside of the box.
But, when the majority in all their various forms cannot, for one reason or another, look outside of the box, that horrible stark reality hits home….
Your bed fellows are not going to help to bring about those essential changes. Not in anyway at all.
The best that can be hoped for is some sort of break or holiday from the general trend, but just like every holiday period, it just resets itself and off we go again
For real change we are going to have to chop off the stem below the node.
I am all in for the chopping, but cannot promise anything.
Food First. How the EU$A destroys food security for its own people by ruining its own farmers while jacking up prices:
“Israeli settlers are seizing Palestinian land under cover of war – they hope permanently
In the Palestinian village of Battir, where ancient terraces are irrigated by a natural spring, life carries on as it has for centuries.
Part of a Unesco World Heritage site, Battir is known for its olive groves and vineyards. But now it is the latest flashpoint over settlements in the occupied West Bank.
Israel has approved a new Jewish settlement here, taking away privately owned land for new settler houses and new outposts have been set up without even Israeli authorisation.”
“Without Israeli authorisation” and yet “with their approval”!
Marvellous! They can do what they want and say what they want. And be sure: This is a signal to everyone about the new political rule everywhere: “We can do and say what we want.”
And America stands behind it. Staunch allies.
You won’t hear anyone running for President of the United States of America speaking out about this. Crickets.
We bombed the hell out of Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia because those commies were being such bad guys. Disrupted, to put it lightly, many another nation because commies or one faction or another, were being bad guys.
But when it comes to the state of Israel we just distract, we just create and focus on more insanity stateside.
I wonder does that have something to do with the huge donations to American politicians from the huge lobbying arm of the state of Israel?
(I’m voicing my disgust at the United States of America being beholden to ANY country. I am not talking about the culture or religion of a country.)
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck – it’s probably the US committing yet another genocide and letting someone else take the blame.
Israel is merely the Hit Man for the US, nothing more. The US is not beholden to Israel; rather, it is actively directing Israel to slaughter Palestinians in Gaza so it can get its hands on the offshore resources. Then it will direct Israel to finish off the West Bank just so no one begins to think it’s anything more than an ethnic cleansing.
In this “Great Reset” “New World Order” bullshit walks and talks.
Correction “New World Odour” cause everyone knows bullshit stinks…
In solidarity with you CJ
Winston Smith never figured it out either, but in the end…. ‘He loved big brother’
I never liked that ending.
Especially after his scepticism throughout the book and his inside knowledge of the system.
It simply doesn’t make sense.
I think one must have been tortured like he was in order to understand the ending. Orwell must have know a huge deal about torturing. I never liked it either. No light at the end of the tunnel. No redemption. Alan Moore got it right though.
There is no longer any need to break someone’s will as one breaks a wild elephant’s. This is the glaring conclusion from the numerous unsuspected assassins over the past few decades.
He had his brain broken in Room 101, remember, precisely to scrape out all his ability to make sense.
Orwell was married & buried in a prim Anglican church, yet he writes as though God has nothing to do with 1984, as though his dystopia is a suburb of Hell, a gated community where God just doesn’t have the passcode….
Of course, it’s a cautionary fable, but he never says that?
This was what has caused me to suspect and distrust Orwell: he was married & buried in a prim Anglican church, yet he writes as though God has nothing to do with 1984, as though his dystopia is a suburb of Hell, a gated community where God just doesn’t have the passcode….
Of course, it’s a cautionary fable, but he never says that?
Because Orwell was just another Intel operative, a Fabian society member. And a Huxley acolyte.
Their jobs as highly promoted scribes of the Roman Cult is only to convey the plans of the cryptocracy, in such a way that the public will accept these plans as foreshadowing or pre-programming.
“What we are up against is a global system. A system. Not a clutch of conspirators. Not a political party. Not a “cabal.” A system. A decentralized, supra-national, hegemonic, global system.”
I don’t know how this makes any sense.
The censorship, lockdowns, vax mandates etc that we’ve lived through cannot possibly just come organically from “a system”, without specific people planning all the details.
We may not know who those people are and how exactly they operate, but there must be someone somewhere planning all of it. It’s the only way it could happen.
Well said.
Yup. And that’s the main reason I’ve given up on CJ, along with most other Marxian-style leftists: they poopoo the idea that civilization is actually run by anybody. In their world-view, t’s all just some market, some ‘invisible hand’, making stuff up on its own for no particular reason.
Hilarious really isn’t it, that you would spend a lifetime attributing it all to some power, but never taking the next logical step to actually identify them. Bit of a giveaway I think.
Yes Seamus, it primarily involves a ‘systematic anti-humanist’ ideology, somewhat ironically, concocted by humans at that! Lol!
So, if you got out your high powered rifle and shot these specific people, do you think anything would change?
Apart from the banksters – yes, they are the truly evil ones that run the show, I do believe there is some otherworldly force at play. This ain’t human. And it has done a regular reset throughout human history.
It would explain a lot of the plot holes.
So this is how it ends
With the greed of sick old men
They foment wars
For more and more
Won’t see this world again.
The ending is still rather far away, in minutes, hours, days, and months, but we are lucky to see these years in the first place, enjoy it while it lasts, for it surely wont last.
Speaking of the global crackdown on dissent, we read film critic Armond White having the guts to write in the New Republic, that Roman Polanski (who turned 91 a week ago) has made a great film last October, but has been “internationally canceled” for his pains and efforts.
I just reviewed RP’s wiki bio and was gobsmacked to see that the section about his childhood had deleted the previous edition about his mother Bella, and how she had been one of the first murders by the Nazis at Auschwitz, days after her abduction from Krakow. Pregnant, too, like his slaughtered expectant bride Sharon, 30 years later.
Like you say, bullshit is bullshit.
But it has a special Ring in Nazi German:
StierScheiße ist StierScheiße
[Even, a Wagnerian Ring.]
All the dissenters you could choose and you pick Roman Polanski? What exactly in what might be loosely termed the NWO master plan has he ever dissented about?
I wouldn’t deny Polanski had technical gifts but there’s a real darkness at the heart of his work. ‘Chinatown’ is a profoundly evil film – they fictionalised John Huston’s incest with his daughter and then celebrated it by giving the film lots of awards. The brother of the writer Robert Towne went on to make two films with CIA Hollywood liaison officer Chase Brandon (De NIro is playing him in ‘Wag the Dog’).
As for Polanski’s bio, his drugging and sodomising a 13-year old girl is apparently hardly worth mentioning.
Thanks for bringing all that up. Or, rather, dredging it, as still do L.A. courts and law enforcement via C👁️A, despite “the girl” having asked them to drop it for about a half century (come 3 years) and having flown out to Paris on her 60th birthday with her husband (and father of their 2 grown children) to visit Polanski and his wife Emmanuelle Seigner (and mother of their 2 grown children).
To ask NATO~ centric MSM to drop it, for the umpteenth time. After all, Interpol only recently removed him from their list, having arrested him for two months in a Swiss jail in 2009, just as he was wrapping his C👁️A-themed film “The Ghost Writer” and totally interrupting the post-production, [nearly causing it to be permanently shelved].
Thanks for bringing that up, as few enough people know that after dropping his case for another ten years, in 2009, U$A Intel suddenly dredged it up, again, and “internationally canceled” 91 years old Polanski, finally, and with all the finality they could muster, just as he released another NAT(Z)O-Centric Intelligence~themed cinema masterpiece, “An Officer and a Spy” (from his co-writer Harris’ truly masterful l’Affaire Dreyfus-based novel, “J’Accuse” in the French release, title taken from Zola’s epic essay, someone else also later assassinated, at 50, while he slept at home). Amidst “new” allegations of sexual misconduct, including the ancient quasi-honey-trap oldie but moldie soi-disant claims by British actress Charlotte Lewis, who later admitted she’d been a London-based hooker at 14, before Hollywood, and that on the set of “Pirates” in 1977 that she wanted to be his love interest off-screen, but she thought that maybe he wanted her not so much. [I’ve recently posted that very Intelligence-relevant interview on a thread here.]
And if that isn’t enough run~on sentences for our gentle readers, his alleged “rape” and drugging of the girl was recorded by an LAPD detective, a half century ago, as the plaintiff (gold-digger, etc) being “not clear that she was unwilling.”
And there are about a hundred, seriously, other conflicts of interests that the C👁️A has with the case, and all the while causing Polanski permanent exile from the U$A, and fugitive status, but only there. (Well, despite being hounded all over Europe.)
Beginning to see a curious tell~tale pattern here, Edwige?
~and why until recently “An Officer and a Spy” wasn’t even available for streaming in the U$A, despite being listed on all our rental sites, but then the prompt popped up, “Sorry, but this content not available.” ?
And despite his winning a 2020 César for Best Director (among many other awards)?
And espite his being elected to the internationally prestigious l’Académie Française des Arts in 2009 at the very pivotal point he was arrested in (supposedly ‘neutral’) Switzerland. (He later recounts how he became friends with the warden there through playing chess with him daily, and how the latter visited him in Paris where they continued their chess game.)
In an interview, also in 2009, the late historian Gore Vidal put it (or something close) as “Anti~semitism got poor Polanski. And after all, he was also a foreigner and didn’t subscribe to American values in the least, which his persecutors found to be vicious and unnatural.”
[Interviewer]: And what are American values?
Gore Vidal: “Lying and cheating. There’s nothing better.”
Actually, that may be a real poke at the C👁️A, specifically, as an à propos case in point here, about all this, since they are not even (remotely) American, after having been built atop the dried bones of Nazi Intel, exactly like NAZA, through the [Herr General Reinhard] Gehlen Org in 1947. And they have long reflected that “ethos.”
But thanks, again, for bringing all this up, Herr Edwige, since it shines an even brighter light on just WHY I am focusing on Polanski’s case.
Well, that, and about a 100 other international reasons.
While he is “internationally canceled.”
Cooling his heels in Paris.
Which may need it.
How are yours doing?
“I would never have agreed to the formulation of CIA back in ’47 if I had known then it would become the American* Gestapo”
~ Harry “S” Truman [Master Mason, Kansas City]
*perhaps spelled “Amerikan”
Go NAMBLA man go! It is simultaneously hilarious and sad that you are so pathetically obsessed with one subject and it is that one! Even funnier that you actually think you are fighting a major injustice by whining about a child rapist who evaded justice.
Just a passing lament: by chance, I read An Officer and a Spy a few months before the news that Polanski had just completed a film version.
I found the book engrossing, and although I’d generally become uninterested in first-run movies I kept an eye open for this one because I really wanted to see it. During a family visit to my sister’s seashore condo during the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic, my siblings were looking for a good movie to watch.
Since they’re still enthusiastic movie-watchers, I usually abstain from the discussion and let them decide. But this time I was primed to lobby for “An Officer and a Spy”. That’s when I discovered, to my outrage and dismay, that it was not available on any streaming service.
When I later looked to see if a DVD version playable in the US was available, I couldn’t find anything; the film had been virtually scrubbed from the Internet, or perhaps I should say the market.
Je suis hors de moi! 😡
Correction: Émile Zola died when he was 62. I was citing the above from memory and was off 12 years. He had not lthat ong before his death famously defended Dreyfus with his iconic editorial “J’Accuse” and was fanatically hated by the French right wing. Here is a fascinating account of his death, with strong suggestions of murder by anti-Dreyfusards ~ and still extremely relevant today in geopolitics 122 years later:
I don’t rate Polanski as a director, other than Chinatown which I consider a truly great movie. Certainly a dark film, but I don’t understand why that is supposed to be a bad thing?
I am also genuinely interested to understand what you mean by an “evil film” Chinatown most certainly depicts evil, but I don’t see it as promoting or exalting or celebrating evil, but maybe I missed something. What does the term “evil film” mean?
It’s likely all psyops:
*The alleged Nazi persecution of Polanski’s family. His name is Roman. As in the Roman Cult. Born 18 August, 33. Lol
*The alleged drugging and sodomy of the 13 (???) year old. The 43 year old director arrested on 10/03/1977 and charged on 6 counts? Lol
* The alleged murder of Sharon Tate, an actress and daughter of a military Intel official.
* Was Tate even pregnant or was that another Rosicrucian hoax?
*Polanski’s movies and subject matter all peddle the cabal-CIA psyops list – incest, good vs evil, domestic abuse, the “devil”, the Holocaust (WWII was staged, orchestrated) etc.
* Re the Manson murders (hoax) that Tarantino redid recently, Once Upon a Time in America – hinted strongly Tate didn’t die.
I’d be surprised if any allegations, controversies or alleged tragedies around Polanski are real.
They do drum up publicity for his movies.
It seems pretty obvious that rather than 17 people downvoting that comment. one person repeatedly downvoted it. It is equally obvious who was responsible for that.
Armond White on “Polanski’s Samizdat Satire” [from National Review (not New Republic, my bad)]:
In UK,
“Mostly peaceful” is the new ‘Safe and effective”
Close enough, variants in the chute, soon incoming.
oh, no ! pending again !
It’s called ‘communications technology’ – the military funded its development,
and it’s very unlikely the military did so because it wanted to help people
communicate… No, the military are interested in surveillance and control, but named
it ‘communications technology’ to encourage consumers to assist being spied on…
Some have tried to get it called ‘surveillance technology’ – without success.
Even ‘surveillance and control technology’ didnt take hold…
Because it is central to the global digital prison being implemented, a global panopticon,
i think of it as global prison technology (GPT)…
It’s widely understood that what a thing is called shapes perception of it, and while
‘global prison technology’ (GPT) doesnt excite, calling it ‘communications
technology’ aint gonna raise awareness of how it is gonna lead to the Global Digital
Prison (GDP)..
Please, don’t be so un~woke: that should read:
Global Panopticon Technology.
There now, that’s much more inclusive.
“PENDING”~issimus. [“Apparently.”]
Why no article on children defense league jumping in bed with Mr maga for the rich.
A wonderful article on that subject is to be found here …..
I would posit that Children’s Health Defense organization is not jumping in bed with Mr. Maga.
RFK Jr is. Whether each person at CHD supports RFK’s decision or not, the organization itself is quite adamant about not endorsing any candidate.
CHD does a great deal of work on many issues. I wish Kennedy had remained there at the helm.
the French thinker Pierre Bourdieu takes a very convincing line that transcends this perennial and ultimately rather dull dichotomy between cabal and fate as explanations for the awfulness that we face, he insists on a “ni-ni”, that is “neither-nor” analysis with a place for both individual initiative and steering, and larger currents that are beyond the control of any one person or group
actions like the censorship of divergent ideas “have an intrinsic raison d’être, their origin is found NEITHER in rational decisions based on conscious calculation, NOR in a deterministic mechanism outside of and superior to particular agents … there are OTHER KINDS of acts besides purely rational plans and purely mechanical reflexes” (“Le sens pratique”)
the field of action members of a society inhabit imposes on them a role in a game with rules, equips them with a repertoire of habitual or natural-seeming tactics, but then they exercise the power to creatively apply those strategies in ways that appeal to their self-interest, but ultimately converge on coherent objectives that resemble the result of centrally organized planning
importantly, his approach speaks very compellingly to the complicity we observe among the very VICTIMS of oppression who remain nevertheless enmeshed in its logic, beg to be stripped of rights and emprisoned in their homes during some putative emergency, etc, though it is certainly absurd to imagine that THEY are co-conspirators
Anybody these days can be fronted as a co-conspirator, often unawares. Maybe not 24/7, but often enough pranked by tech et al. when useful.
[Your syntax is a bit obtuse, pardonnez-moi, but it’s a bit of a chore when it needs several rereadings to unravel it.]
That’s what happens when you read too much French post-modernism, I’m afraid.
Il se peut en ce cas, clairement, capitaine.
MAIS seulement selon les exigences précisées d’Adorno, et puis après super-califragilistiquement mise au point, comme une exception tres juridique. Expialadocieusement.
Excellent comment. I was going to write something about human nature and conformity but your comment seems to point to a more sophisticated analysis. When I say human nature i imagine that also reflects all of nature. Deep stuff but it feels like there are tendencies built into all of our actions and by extension to all of nature’s systems.
Just a little remark:
Unfortunately, both Multipolar magazine and Aya Velázquez are taking part in the ridiculous RKI charade. Ever since the German government has thrown this tranquilizer at the population, which is a deceptive manoeuvre, a smokescreen, a farce, both have been trying to constantly tell their readers that these supposed “leaks” have any significance and would lead to a real “Aufarbeitung” (“reappraisal”). They won’t.
The “RKI protocols” have not “revealed” anything – not the slightest bit of information – that was not already in the public domain two and a half or even three years ago. The background to the pandemic is, quelle surprise, of course not addressed. Instead, the population is supposed to work their way again and again and again through mask mandates, lockdowns, etc. – without ANY explanation of WHY the lockdowns were imposed (artificial creation of a temporary deflationary phase, see the first-class article by Michael Bryant “Covid-19: A global financial operation”).
I just wanted to point this out because neither Multipolar nor Velázquez are representative of the “alternative media” in Germany. Others are already much further along and have seen through the RKI deception.
“The prisoner” is on some wacky channel on satellite. I watched it last night.
I wonder if the sixties audience realised what it was about .
My Mum thought Patrick Mc. Goohan was dishy and the bouncy ball was a bit weird.
That was it.
But it came at a time that so many tv programmes were brilliant and as someone around at that time required us all to think outside the box / the globe (the destructive bouncy ball?), and go into ‘space’ metaphorically but almost definitely not in reality. If we now know that everything we are being told is a lie, the seeds of that belief were sown in the sixties and my generation (who still have a slightly functioning memory) can start to see the horror stories of the media messages coming true. See for example The Newsbenders from 1968:
I met McGoohan, aka Paddy Fitz, at the checkout desk of the Beverly Hills Hotel, June 1967, right about the time he was wrapping The Prisoner. One of a handful of the most exquisitely kind people I’ve ever met. A class act.
It’s remarkable and impressive that it was all his ideas, as he said later, “I thought it up,” since the 17 episodes are a catalogue of every mm major Intel security and psywarfare issue that we are facing today.
He even had one episode about brain-reading tech, which is upon us now, and the finale is sensational, most original, all told. They’re all free on YouTube now.
Great man.
Where have they all gone ?
A better Village in the sky?!
There is no external enemy ‘We the people are the enemy’. Hitler and Churchill were both funded by the same financiers. We are the pawns in the game, used to create wealth and power for the few. The world is on the brink and this time its obvious who is pulling the strings. Forget pointing the finger at Russia, China or Iran, our enemy is far closer to home.
Yeah, but………
Ever was it so.
Never have we potentially had more power to resist.
Never have we neen such a bunch of wooses.
50 years of dumbing down has paid off
As a further thing (which I cannot edit into my previous comment because it is pending) I am also tired of holier-than-thou attitude towards others in what may be termed the “resistance”, as well as his black-and-white thinking towards people. Yes, Trump and Musk are obviously corrupt people who have taken some terrible action (such as Trump’s initial pushing of COVID vaccines, and Musk’s Neuralink), and even RFK Jr. has made some awful comments (such as with regards to the Israel-Palestine conflict), but the way this article and others by CJ are written, he is basically equating them to active pushers of the globalist agenda like Klaus Schwab, van den Leyen, etc. If you sweep everyone from RFK Jr. to Schwab into a single category of “evil”, if you incapable of even allowing a single shade of grey, then you quickly just isolate yourself and push away all possible allies. And if we – as in we, the kind of people to read/write on OffG, with insignificant resources or “celebrity power” to our name – are to combat this system of globalist totalitarianism, we will need allies!
I tried this approach a week or so ago and got downvoted to the extreme.
On here, there are a lot of commenters to whom everyone is ‘controlled opposition’
There is no grey area .
I argued that Musk is so rich that he can afford a concsience.
I was totally destroyed.
Goid luck with your crusade.
Sorry for the typos. Small phone, fat fongers !
I am sorry that reality is so upsetting for you.
Ultimately in lieu of compelling evidence to the contrary, it’s more sensible to assume billionaires are part of the control system because A, that’s just very probabilistic and B, the world is telling you he’s legit…
Doesn’t ‘assume’ make an ass out of ‘u’ and ‘me’ ?
I argue that some suppose billionaire with 20/50 + different company’s in world leader meetings with top secret clearance and going to space is not on twitter all day posting all day if he is that in demand.
BTW one day during Trump presidency he twitted over 100 time.
it so silly to think mr indemand in top secret wifi free places can get on there mobile and log into twitter and post comments.
Delegation ?
Well, true on paper, but the Musk rats of these realms, here on earth, rarely if ever invest that way.
When someone tweeted him that his cabal had overthrown Evo Morales by coup d’état just for the lithium of Columbia, and his Tesla batteries, he tweeted, then deleted,
“We’ll coup whoever we want. Get over it.”
You seriously believe people like that have enough billions to afford their kind of consciences?
That would be surprising.
By allowing some evil your justify your version of grey to then justify mistakes where made and now your sounding like the government.
According to friends, my mind works in a very strange way.
I think they’re crazy. They think I am.
The obvious question is “Do you really have to press those buttons to get your point across?”. Using the example of pop music from 50 or more years ago, back when talk of “sex and drugs and rock and roll” was effectively banned, it was easy enough to find ways to make your meaning understood. There’s obviously an argument to be made as why one should have to go to this trouble but if you lack power then you can either waste energy kicking against “the system”, something that the system’s purpose built to resist, or you can find ways to propagate your arguments. (Just be careful of the NewSpeak language trap!)
Nazi tropes are overdone anyway. Due to the way its banned here, curated there and so on many people really don’t understand what they’re dealing with. They’re just fed a cartoon but the irony is that the cartoon was deliberate marketing — all the icons of Nazism were devised to make a cultural coherence rather than being a product of a culture. Nazism, certain in its earlier days, was part political party, part multi-level marketing scheme (all those neat collectors’ items had to be paid for by someone). By focusing on it as a malevolent force we deny its humanity and so fail to recognize it when it reinvents itself — but then maybe that’s the point.
Fidel Castro defined Nazism quite niftily, in a 2 hour radio speech from Havana, the day after the JFK assassination, suggesting, frankly, that Nazis had killed him saying, in essence, that the worst form of capitalism is imperialism, and the worst imperialism is Nazism.
And, in essence, that was the cui bono of the dastard deed, the day before, and much more likely a “Party” to gain from it, than any mere commie.
Near, nifty, and purely Nazi. As the scorecard.
“The practical tendency of all trade and business today is to form big combinations, which are often more impersonal, more imperial, and more international than many a communist Commonwealth.”
~ GK Chesterton
[And some here dare call him a “conservative”?]
Viz : “Neat, nifty, and Nazi”
Oh, will you look at that, it’s CJ doing his usual demotivational song-and-dance of how the world’s problems are all caused by the big, nebulous, unassailable System. Totalitarian governments are not the problem, he says. Wokeists are not the problems, the EU politicians are not the problem, Zionists are not the problem – and even trying to tackle these problems is a waste of time, because they are all just distractions from the big bad System that we need to fight, which is also conveniently completely impossible to fight because it’s already all-powerful. “No one is giving anyone orders to censor anyone”, despite the many cases of such orders being proven, and cases such as the widespread usage of identical phrases by politicians during COVID – no, those politicians must all have thought of those phrase independently because, given their position, they just “know what to do”.
But i have to disagree. Totalitarian governments are a problem, and so are wokeists, the EU, Zionists and the WEF, which you don’t even mention at all. It’s people that are pushing the world towards a system of globalist totalitarianism, not the “system” itself. A “system” is not a thing with agency! Your descriptions almost make it sound like you think of it omniscient deity, not too different from how some religious people will just ascribe everything to “Satan”.
So many articles I have seen by CJ all have this same demotivational tone, of how all the problems we are facing are being caused by this nebulous pseudo-deity which is impossible for us to fight, while anything that people can do – such as opposing globalist entities like the WEF and EU, opposing wokeism and opposing Zionism – are futile or even counterproductive. This kind of messaging just encourages doing nothing at all, and so it basically just works into the hands of the system you’re claiming to oppose. It’s, to use your own words, bullshit.
You are not alone here in having that point of view.
Hopkins writes:
‘Left and right politics has nothing to do with it. It is part and parcel of the ongoing evolution of global capitalism, the globally hegemonic system we all live under.’
Can we see the contradiction ? Its nothing to do with politics we are told, except that it is to do with politics, and only CJ’s Leftist conceptualisation of politics can make sense of it. All else is ‘bullshit’. Is that not arrogant and absurd at the same time?
This is where Leftists have arrived at : a kind of conspiracism that has to (for them) account for the role that Leftwing political realities have played in the development of the ‘System’, and, more recently, its devolution into tyranny. It is double think by those who like to point out double think. “Left and Right don’t matter” they say, then proceed to flesh out a model based upon a Leftist set of ideas, assumptions and interpretations.
CJ Hopkins has followed the Left into postmodern nonsense, just with a slightly different spin that the woke brigade.
I was never able to read the author’s articles to the end although his title is “writer”. No style, no logic, no concepts but a lot of German phrases and only whining about a personal injustice for which he has my full sympathy. Maybe it’s just me, dense..
Yet he is doing a wonderful job of exposing hypocricy. That is a quite valuable service to us all.
He’s partly right. Global capital’s interests naturally converge. The bureaucracy doesn’t think. It just gives you a label and puts you in a box, no malice. I think we need to rethink what ‘fighting the system’ requires. Rather than give it our energy, we need to take it away, at least from the things we don’t like about it. The solution is a rise in consciousness as glib as that sounds. You can’t free somebody who does not know they are a slave.
You say:
“…the big bad System that we need to fight, which is also conveniently completely impossible to fight because it’s already all-powerful.”
But we’ve been taught from the cradle that only God is “all powerful.”
Perhaps that’s the point. If we are to now go forward anywhere at all, there is no other good destination left.
(If there ever was besides.)
“So many articles I have seen by CJ all have this same demotivational tone, of how all the problems we are facing are being caused by this nebulous pseudo-deity which is impossible for us to fight, while anything that people can do – such as opposing globalist entities like the WEF and EU, opposing wokeism and opposing Zionism – are futile or even counterproductive. This kind of messaging just encourages doing nothing at all, and so it basically just works into the hands of the system you’re claiming to oppose. It’s, to use your own words, bullshit.”
CJ’s innovation is the use of that homespun attitude to spin his demotivational propaganda … he uses the word “folks” a lot…which makes it all sound like “common sense”. It’s not, of course, but it sounds like it, and it goes with his mustache… so… some people like it. I suppose you could call him the Garrison Keillor of Mildly Naughty Normative Disinfo? He’d be great on an old timey radio show with a plaintive harmonica intro. Maybe Cass Sunstein could be his announcer. And the sponsor… ? Hmmmmmmmm….
“If we cannot identify it, we cannot understand it. If we cannot understand it, we won’t be able to change it.” – agree – but it ain’t global capitalism!
We’re all guessing – but let’s not forget the reality which few people understand – much less accept – and what Paul taught on some spiritual matters that affect us all.
There is historical evidence which most folks simply are incapable of comprehending, unless or until their eyes are opened to see a dimension to life that is invisible to most. I call it DaGAP.
It is becoming increasingly evident to me that the big question has to be: How is it possible for all the evil work carried out by what we label DaDeepState all over the world, even considering the financial incentives involved to the co-conspirators and their natural propensities for evil – all coordinated with seemingly amazing effectiveness for centuries? – no, this isn’t about spiritual nonsense – it’s about REALITY – for both secularists and churchians!
“The entire system is the Deep State.” When people get this, and decide to actively stop being a conduit of it’s operations, we can Begin The Future.
How ?
If everyone is your enemy, where are your allies ?
Sandy is the only person in the world that knows the truth ?
Listen to yourself.
The SYSTEM is not everyone, it’s all that compose THE SYSTEM. And everyone knows who they are.
The policy makers, managers and enforcers. And those who decide and finance.
Not everyone
How exactly would that work? Stop eating? Stop driving? Live in the woods? Throw away your smart phone and computer? Most people can no longer live without the deep state. Try it. Grow some cotton and make yourself a t shirt. The deep state owns this place. George Carlin had that figured out decades ago. It has been looking like ‘Invasion of the body snatchers’ for too long and we let it happen. At the end, the hero in that 1953 film went running out in traffic trying to warn the drivers of pod people. Did anyone ever wonder how well that went for him? No. It was just entertainment. Not different than our current reality. That was the end of the movie.
Just ignoring what is going on will not end well for us. The future began 5 minutes ago ….like it or not. Ignoring it or running out in traffic screaming will have about the same result. We are in an insane asylum. Obviously. The inmates think they can run the asylum? There is a sign being prepared to be put on the asylum wall in the dining area next week that says ‘If you don’t follow the rules you will be taken to room 101
.It may be too late already. We have run out of time
To be fair if everyone quit their job right now we would collapse this system overnight
Because Sandy’s message is more empowering than yours we should believe her even if she is mistaken
So what’s your point? Give up? Do nothing? Just let the Haoles exhaust Earth to a cinder? So, not using their wireless convenience-collars, so you can’t be tracked like a dog, is pointless? So buying local food from your local farmers, and local goods and services from your community, keeping your money with your neighbors, is just a worthless idea? Buying clothes, temporarily, at the thrift require too much humility to bear?
I think many if not most people have trouble imagining things taking on a life of their own. They cannot get past their human centric view of everything not specifically an act of nature being caused and managed by humans. And yet they understand that acts of nature are merely things and that these things take on a life of their own.
Before human intervention, hurricanes e.g. could only be marginally predicted; even the slightest change in a weather front could completely alter their trajectory. Why can it not be the same with something like an economic/social system? Why can its trajectory not be only predicted but never completely charted? Why, instead of being steered by humans, can it not suck into its vortex those humans needed to steer it one way and not another? Why can the system not be the driving force of human behavior rather than the other way around?
There no problem understanding that the economy is a complex adaptive system, rarely working as expected. But the pseudoscience of economics was subverted long ago, and serves the money-bags.
Failure To Cower is the #1crime today as it a!ways has been.
I have repeatedly given you non-bullshit explanations regarding TPTB’s need to ‘crackdown upon dissent’, or more generally, establish the oxymoron of ‘controlled free speech’, but “You no listen!” 🙂
A good place to start would be to understand that the Occitan cross (my icon), The Seal of Solomon ( ), and The Swastika all have a common zodiacal element. The first two share another element.
The Great Year, narrated by James Earl Jones will give you some clues regarding The Zodiac:
From this you may eventually progress to understanding The WEF’s Great Reset and its aspiration to ‘build back better’, not least our ‘era of shock events’ (such as Covid).
Anyway, TPTB encourage you to enlighten yourself as to what is going on in the world, but they strongly discourage any attempts to enlighten the masses, e.g. Rik Mayall’s
The larger your reach, the more severe the repercussions.
So, write off your litigation costs, suck it up, and don’t frighten the horses again!
Your time is better spent enlightening yourself than tilting at windmills (fighting the ‘injustice’ meted out by TPTB). This is not a ‘David & Goliath’ opportunity for you.
Tell that to George Washington.
…Reminds me of the descriptions of the beast system in the book of Revelation.
the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”
And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast
To modern ears, “worship” suggests some ritual one does in a church or temple or similar, but in this passage, it is a translation of the Greek verb προσκυνέω, which means simply “to bow down before” or “do homage to”.
And more and more people these days are bowing down before this global system.
The COVID hoax revealed that in startling clarity.
Exactly. It is the evil system in this world that’s been revealed.
Mammon worship together with worship of other false gods is what’s being revealed.
This is an ongoing struggle, but it will not last forever, and the Devil will not win this war.
Truth will win. There is not a chance God would lose this.
CJ’s quote is his mantra. He elides that fact that the system has a history and key actors guiding its progress. The system he describes was consciously created by a discreet class of people over a period of time. It has historical precedents (e.g. Nazism). I think he’s about 80 to 90% right, the rest – to quote him – is “bullshit.”
I am reading this book by David A. Hughes which I highly recommend: Wall Street, the Nazis and the Crimes of the Deep State. I think it provides a good (and well researched and cited*) counter argument to CJ’s quote.
*Which you may note, CJH never does.
Thanks for the book recc. it looks like a good read
Snippets from an interview with David Hughes
“[T]he deep state is a transnational entity. It may even be a global entity by this point. So, the issues that we’re dealing with here affect everybody. … it spans worldwide now. And that explains why the response in 2020 to the alleged Covid “pandemic” was so similar in so many countries, and that’s how it was possible to achieve such a high level of coordination transnationally, because all governments are fundamentally captured by the deep state, and now it’s really ramping up its operations in the bid to build a global scientific dictatorship.
[The deep state is] built gradually over time. You can’t just dismantle liberal democracy and have a fully-fledged totalitarian state overnight. So, one of the things I try to do in this book is to go back and learn the lessons of Nazi Germany.
… as far as I can tell, the transnational deep state has successfully managed to infiltrate virtually all governments. It has control over the professions, and it is steering the course of world history at this moment in a very dark direction. And one of the key ways in which it works is through deception. It lies about everything. It uses propaganda to cover its tracks. Reality becomes steadily inverted, so it’s important to know what the historical record is and to be able to see the truth of what’s going on.”
Is truth even relevant anymore?
Truth is the only thing that has ever been relevant.
Problem is, we sold it for convenience and gewgaws.
Francis Bacon wrote, “What is truth? said jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer.”
It’s worth noting that there are a number of major issues that CJ is completely uninterested in:
I’m sure that you or others could add to the list of important things that are of no interest to CJH.
It is nice to know that CJH has us thinking of important things. Maybe someone will come up with a solution to our problem and thank him for that. Does anyone even agree on exactly what the problem is?
Perhaps it is just the machine we have built…. An analytical machine …. technology…. That has no heart…. It has the ability to see each separate piece of information, each detail but not the whole picture. It’s the extreme position and we need to come back towards the centre.
One world government and the eradication of Christianity.
Satanic warfare.
It’s time we flush Satin out and have a talk with him…her…it?
It’s counterintuitive, but “her” is the correct pronoun, if Duke Ellington is to be believed. 😈
Nice clarification.
You are fortunate that you are able to push back. “They” don’t like folk that push back, they like to threaten & suppress and most will roll over & comply (or be incarcerated).
They can’t deal with the push back hence the postponement. I suspect it’ll get postponed again in September but you’ll continue to be bound by The Security Order.
We need a lot more push backs against these nasty bastards.
Good luck CJ
CJ should compile all the pieces about the court case in a book and call it “Copy and Paste” because each and every one of them is exactly the same- mediocre analysis with a healthy dose of narcissism and absolutely nothing interesting or new to say. Still at least he remains faithful to Taibi, one of the greats!
Lots of little Hitlers running round over there CJ.
Or are they goose stepping?
There were some decades where the champions of Sophie Scholl and Bonhoeffer, and all The White Rose et al., had seemingly quite throttled the ODESSA activities in Germany.
But, hélas, it’s a LOT like roaches, they often pass on newly acquired immunities to the very next generation.
Nazism may be just as durable down here, as distilled Greed.
And Liberty seems like the most fragile thing.
Until one fine day we find a way.
To make it spiritually durable.
Never a given, always a constant Quest. This side of Eternity.
Liberté, Égalité, Éternité !!
“It is a curious thing that physical courage should be so common and moral courage so rare”
~ Mark Twain [?]
There was the population, all safely tucked up in bed thinking the Mafia class existed on the streets, picking pockets, stealing cars etc when the REAL Mafia Class was and has been in operation behind the scenes (but in plain sight), with their front men in the MSM and Politics.
Must come as a shock to some.
I’ve always been perplexed on why WW1 started. I know why it started, just never understood WHY it started.
My Gandad, WW2 Military Survivor, and Major in the army (RIP), always said it was because of the oil discovered in the Middle East. Look to the number of army units in and around said discovery. I’ve still not seen anything, to challenge his opinion.
The assassination was a convenient segway into war and oil protectionism in the Middle East.
You mustn’t refer to them as a ‘mafia’; no, they are properly called capitalism, as per CJ Hopkins.
The final straw went something like this.
It was said that the chauffer of the prime minister of Austria got off at the wrong exit from a hwy, at the same time, some members of an organization committed to disrupting a conference, and having agents scattered through out the city at the ready to do so, were having lunch at a street cart, when one of them noticed the individual[s] in the car as they were trying to turn around and began too open fire on them, leading to the death of the prime minister.
That alone was the last straw to complete the start of the war. It was just an innocent mistake that mushroomed into what ever it needed to mushroom into, much like today.
It was Archie Duke who shot an ostrich because he was hungry.
Even Baldrick knows that.
My theory, they had these new labour saving machines in the wings, what to do with all the unneeded workers? Similar to now.
When TPTB reference “herd immunity” it’s not a metaphor, it’s their operational paradigm.
The industrial revolution led to significant shifts in population distribution. Pre-World War I cities grew at unprecedented rates. For example, the population of London increased from around 1 million in 1800 to over 7 million by 1914. Similar growth was seen in other European cities like Paris and Berlin. Many urban areas lacked sufficient housing, leading to the development of slums and tenements. These overcrowded conditions were breeding grounds for disease and social unrest.
Herd Management:
Culling reduces population by selectively killing in order to achieve sustainability. Culling prevents damage to habitat from rapidly increasing population. When based on performance factors or eliminating disease vectors, it increases production and drives profitability. Where there is competition, less valuable herd members may be culled to reduce conflict. Culling also prevents herd members with inferior qualities from breeding, which eliminates undesirable characteristics from the gene pool, and ensures healthy and strong offspring.
Check out “The ww1 conspiracy” on the Corbett report.
I’ll take your Corbett report and raise you this badboy.
There is 1000’s of pages of small print when you upload a pdf file onto amazon for it to be allowed to be sold as a book or kindle.
it is amazon FFS.
Label warnings on tweets or books within amazon.
they was doing that to many books frightening big letters warning possible buyer that this book could be offensive.
You made sky news and national internet news unlike some your case got out there.