Against the Dark Enslaving Empire!
A new book from Paul Cudenec
Paul Cudenec

It can be a strange feeling, at times, to be putting forward an understanding of the world that differs so radically from that generally accepted by my contemporaries.
Recently I found myself wondering, as I tried to summarise my findings to some acquaintances, whether I was really on the right track.
The sheer enormity of what I was describing – the utter unbelievability from a ‘mainstream’ perspective – momentarily struck me with doubt.
Was I wrong about all this? Had I somehow lost my way and wandered off into some credulous cul-de-sac?
I am happy to report that the work of putting together my new book, Against the Dark Enslaving Empire! A condemnation of the global criminocratic conspiracy, has definitively relieved me of any such misgivings!
In itself, the very task of transforming hundreds of online hyperlinks into book-friendly endnotes has reminded me that the conclusions I draw do not come from nowhere.
Everything I have written about the identity and nature of the criminocracy is based on solid evidence.
And, indeed, it was this evidence that led me to the position I now take. I was not looking to discover this particular reality and had no existing hypothesis for which I needed to cobble together proof.
Step by step, click by click, book by book, the evidence has led me here.
The judgement that I pass on that state of affairs, and the alternative that I put forward, are, of course, personal.
But even here I know that the anger I feel at the dominant system, my gut feeling that what we are talking about is indescribably evil, is not merely individual, but widely shared.
I sense that we are increasingly experiencing, together, a powerful collective realisation of what is ruling over us and how vital it is that we end its evil reign.
I begin this compilation of my writings from 2024 with the piece that lent the book its title – The dark enslaving empire.
Although it says nothing I have not said before, and brings no new information to the table, it has the merit of summing up the rest of the contents of this tome, and could indeed have served as a preface on its own!
This opening item was posted online, at Winter Oak and on my Substack, on July 12, 2024, but the rest of the articles are presented in the order in which they were originally published.

Giving the game away: the criminocracy’s fatal own goal (January 27, 2024) weighs straight into one of the most important and controversial questions of our day – the instrumentalisation of alleged “anti-semitism”.
Taking a detailed look at the organisations and individuals lurking behind a particular EU project, I conclude that this approach is a big mistake on the part of those responsible, exposing as it does the nature of their agenda.
I note: “They have walked into a logical trap in which the very act of denouncing an analysis they consider dangerous itself reinforces and propagates that analysis”.
An ABC for opposing the criminocracy originally appeared in The Acorn 91 (February 19, 2024).
I argue that if we wish to fully understand, and thus to effectively oppose, the global criminocrats, we need to stop thinking in terms of “politics” as currently known.
“This is because they are, quite simply, criminals whose sole aim is to expand and protect their own ill-gotten wealth and power”.
A crucial moment for humankind (February 20, 2024) is a reflection prompted by the overall content of that same bulletin.
I (once again!) urge revolt against the global powers, which I say are “quite obviously currently making a big move towards their long-cherished goal of a totalitarian world state in which people and nature alike have been reduced to nothing but assets, owned and exploited by the sociopathic ruling class”.
Fake terrorism and the genocide agenda (February 26, 2024) delves into another issue which is highly sensitive for the system and thus subject to much censorship and intimidation.

I ask: “Could it be that all or most of the big ‘Islamist’ terror attacks of the first two decades of this century were fake or false-flag events, designed to whip up hatred and fear of Muslims and thus of Palestinians, to demonise and dehumanise them in order to achieve the ‘de-legitimization’ of their cause, as recommended by Jerusalem Summit?
“Was this all part of a long-term plan to pave the way for the ethnic cleansing horrors that we have seen unfolding in Gaza since October 2023?”
The “terrorism” theme continues with The nauseating hypocrisy of the murderous criminocrats (March 8, 2024).
Looking at strong evidence that the 2005 7/7 terror attack in London was a false flag operation involving British and Israeli intelligence, I remark: “It is hard to imagine how any ruling complex could be any more depraved, sadistic, murderous, inhuman, duplicitous and nauseatingly hypocritical than the one in power today”.
Further reflections on this issue come in Blair, Berlusconi and false flag terror, which originally appeared in The Acorn 92 (March 20, 2024).
Here I assess war criminal Tony Blair’s close links with the late Italian politician Silvio Berlusconi, who was notoriously involved in dozens of court cases on charges including money laundering, mafia collusion and underage prostitution.
I remark: “Thinking back to Gladio, P2 and false-flag terrorism, it is interesting to recall that Blair was PM at the time of the 1999 London Nail Bombings, took the UK into US-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq following 9/11 and was still Prime Minister in 2005 when London suffered the notorious 7/7 terror attack, which I discussed in a recent article. All just coincidence, no doubt!”

The false red flag (March 28, 2024) is a long essay which I have already issued as a free pdf, but which I feel deserves to find its way into an actual book!
It was originally published online in five parts, whose titles nicely sum up my conclusions as to what state communism really involves: pseudo-resistance; lies and repression; industrial slavery; a repugnant racket; a despotic dead end.
In Clarity and focus (April 15, 2024) I confirm my opinion, first voiced in 2022’s ‘Enemies of the People’ booklet, that the corrupt heart of the criminocracy is Rothschildian: “Nothing I have seen or heard since then has cast any doubt on this conclusion”.
Indeed, I say, this reality has become even more visible thanks to events in Gaza.
“It is obvious, from the carte blanche given to Israel for its genocidal activities, and from the smearing of anyone daring to speak out against the bloodbath, that the global criminocracy is aligned with Zionism and Israel”.
And, needless to say: “No family is more closely associated with the Zionist/Israeli entity than the Rothschilds”.
In The world out of kilter (April 22, 2024) I take a step back from the detail to communicate the feeling that I have long had that there is something deeply wrong about the society we live in today.

I conclude: “It is time for us to grab back our future from the greed-soaked hands of the lying robber-tyrants who have, for so long now, pushed our world out of kilter. It is time for us to reclaim our lives”.
Losing the labels originally appeared in The Acorn 93 (May 3, 2024) and is a review of a new academic book, Far-Right Newspeak and the Future of Liberal Democracy.
I take issue with the assumed division between “right” or “far right” and “left” or “far left”.
“These terms are false categories, designed to limit people’s critical thinking, close down proper discussion and pit us all up against each other rather than against the criminocracy”.

I came to research and write The Olympic agenda is profit and control (May 6, 2024) because of disturbing reports of what was going to be inflicted on Paris in the summer of 2024 under the name of “sport”.
As I took a look at the Olympic “movement”, I realised with a sinking heart that it was part of the same odious global entity that I discover under every metaphorical stone that I lift.
As a “tool for development”, the Olympic Games open up money-making possibilities for those whose agenda they advance, I write.
“They are a racket in the proud Fascist tradition of public-private partnerships – everything from the bidding process to the building of venues, accommodation and new transport infrastructures represents an Olympian opportunity for those on the inside to make a financial killing”.
Volk and freedom (May 10, 2024) is a new profile of Gustav Landauer, the German-Jewish radical thinker who has been a great influence on my own ideological evolution over the years.
I remark: “The story of his political life, in which he was largely spurned by members of his own movement who were trapped inside the conformist groupthink of the era, told me of the overriding need always to follow one’s own inner ideological compass rather than to cravenly seek safety in the shared opinions of any particular political herd”.
Power and corruption: the public-private imperial mafia (May 15, 2024) is possibly the most important article in this book, confirming as it does the nature of the British imperialist ruling clique.
I trace, one by one, the backgrounds and connections of the presidents and trustees of Chatham House, aka The Royal Institute of International Affairs, an extremely influential London “think tank”.
The mesh of interests and affiliations revealed by this painstaking process leaves, in my mind, no room for doubt as to what the “Establishment” really represents.
I state: “Chatham House is in many ways a miniature version of the British state itself, and indeed of the global public-private governance as a whole. Behind a veneer of ‘royal’ respectability lurks something that can only be described as a mafia”.

In Joined dots and spontaneous synchronicity (May 24, 2024) I take on the most common objection to my general analysis, namely that the existence of the criminocratic monopoly is simply not possible, that we live in a pluralistic world of competing interests and that it is absurd to imagine that one small group could have taken control over absolutely everything.
I refer these critics to the board game Monopoly, and in particular to the end of the game when one player is in an entirely dominant position.
“We know that it is just a matter of time before he or she will bankrupt their rivals and ‘win’ the game by achieving the aim as stated in its title”.
Wars, resets and the global criminocracy (June 10, 2024) was written as a contribution to the 2024 Chisinau Forum, whose theme was ‘Unrestricted warfare: a holistic approach to the Great Reset’.
I set out the striking parallels between the Great Reset and wars – the way that they serve the same short-term, medium-term and long-term aims.
“I have come to the conclusion – shocking for some, perhaps, but utterly unsurprising for others – that the agenda behind all modern wars is the same as that behind the Great Reset, Fourth Industrial Revolution, New World Order or whatever else you choose to call it”.

It took me nearly a month after seeing the new French documentary Les Survivantes to be able to write the short piece entitled Evil beyond words (June 13, 2024).
The film had a profound effect on me. As I remark: “I’ve always thought that mere human beings can no more be entirely evil than they can be entirely good. Now I’m not so sure”.
A Self-conscious philosophy of resistance (June 19, 2024) was written following a talk I gave in Scotland about the organic radical philosophy.
I explain that this is a “sussed” 21st century approach that takes on board a comprehension of the forces that have shaped today’s toxic society.
“Yes, the roots of organic radicalism are in traditional wisdom and our belonging to the natural world, but the philosophy is also built on an understanding of how and why that belonging-based wisdom – our withness – has been deliberately eroded”.
Electoral fraud: the illusion of democracy is one of two articles featured here that originally appeared in The Acorn 94 (June 15, 2024).
I restate the age-old anarchist conviction that voting for someone to rule over us is a mistake and that the thing sold to us as “democracy” is anything but that.
“Real democracy would involve the localisation of decision-making, the end of global corporate imperialism and the restoration to communities of the right to shape their own destinies”.

The second article is one that I am slightly embarrassed about presenting under my own name, as it is almost entirely based on research by somebody else!
But Kate Mason’s work on the threat of “managed retreat” in her native Australia, as well as in New Zealand, is so important that I think it is worth amplifying in every possible way.
The subject matter is self-evident from the title of the piece: Exposed: how the climate racketeers aim to force us into smart gulags.
The Military-Industrial Guilt Complex (July 3, 2024) takes us back into territory that I explored in January – the use of “anti-semitism” smears to disqualify all criticism of the system.
I report on a brochure that takes this process a step even further by presenting a diagram placing “anti-semitism” at the centre of all so-called “conspiracy theories”.
This looks to me like a projection of the authors’ own guilt on to those whom they are attempting to discredit.
I add: “Although this gaslighting projection of guilt is not meant to be an admission, it effectively plays that role”.

Escaping the industrial nightmare (July 5, 2024) is the first of two reviews of recent books issued from the broad anti-industrialist movement here in France.
By describing their content, and translating a few salient passages, I hope to help make these important ideas better known in the English-speaking world.
In La Décroissance libertaire, une étape cruciale (‘Libertarian degrowth, a crucial step’), Jean-Pierre Tertrais correctly identifies the very concept of “development” as being a primary source of the evil afflicting our world and describes how it fuels global imperialism.

He adds: “Massive adherence to productivism and the glorification of technological progress have prevented any critical perspective”.
The second review is of Aurélien Berlan’s Terre et liberté: la quête d’autonomie contre le fantasme de délivrance (‘Land and freedom: the quest for autonomy against the fantasy of deliverance’).
As I explain in Deliberate dispossession and our struggle for autonomy (July 19, 2024), his message is basically that “we have been dispossessed and disempowered – systematically reduced to total dependency on an industrial system that does not wish us well”.
Berlan warns that “development” everywhere amounts to “internal colonisation”, with the external occupying force being that of rapacious global Capital.
Finally, Organic radicalism: challenging the system to its core (August 2, 2024) was my contribution to the ‘Three Days Against the Techno-Sciences’ gathering in northern Italy over the weekend of July 26-28, 2024.
Presenting a life-affirming worldview that is diametrically opposed to that of the dark enslaving empire, I say: “The global criminocracy’s ongoing domination of our societies depends on deceit – constant, blatant deceit in every sphere.
“Its biggest lie of all is that there is no alternative to the dehumanised, centralised and degraded future it has lined up for us”.

Like all my books, Against the Dark Enslaving Empire! is available as a free pdf and it can be purchased as a physical volume here.
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Just finished reading the book. Very interesting perspectives however, has the author not heard of/read any of David Irving? Lets it down a tad…
The author says people should “revolt” against the global criminals. Really? If they were ever going to “revolt” against anything, it would have been some 40 years ago when the term Personnel gave way almost overnight to the term Human Resources. That most insidious of all human actions was the first volley in the ruling class’s war against the rest of us. When nothing happened, they knew they were home free and could do whatever they wished.
Because when people no longer care what they’re called, they have abandoned that most significant of all human qualities: personal identity.
Human Resources indeed. Equally astonishing here in the UK was the state now presuming consent when it comes to organ donation This was passed into law with barely a murmur of dissent or debate. You can opt out (for now…), but, by default, the state now owns your arse.
I was rather young then, but I definitely remember that. I recall thinking at the time how odd it was to equate actual human beings with lumps of coal or steel. How naive I was then!
I have not abandoned my passion and lust for titles. I still want to be appointed Colonel, General, SuperIntendent, Professor Emeritus, etc., as this give me identity and appeal to the girls.
Without it, the girls would ran away and I would have no identity!
Single longest anagram of ‘human resources’ is ‘racehorses’. They shoot horses don’t they?
Genuine question for readers on here:
As this site was founded by, and is run by, former graud readers, I’m assuming the political leaning is fairly well to the left.
What do you think of Keir Starmers first 2 months as our glorious leader ?
It is far from left leaning clutching at straws.
All theses type of blogs parrot at lot of the CC talking points.
regarding hier Starmers if you want to play that game then look at the opposite who where all voted in heavily endorsed by the alternate media who all lockdown and make people take the vaccine to work travel or put stick sticks up there noses 3 times a week and cancelled wedding funerals and church for the make believe TV film fake Zombie b movie called covid and it variants.
I bet you forgotten that.
Most non mindcontrol stopped voting a long time ago.
I haven’t forgotten anything.
Non vaxxed, we were living in EU at the time and left to return to UK when Germany and Austria went completely overboard with the mandates.
We figured we would be safer in our native country.
Not voting is what has enabled the current regime to take control with a large majority.
This matters hugely as to try to get a no confidence vote of 75% is, shall we say, difficult, and he knows it.
So what is your answer ?
Because not voting has just landed us in a pretty dire place.
Sorry I am a bit thick.
Please can you explain what is being said in the link you shared.
I’m a bit thick, too.
It’s actually quite refreshing because everyone else knows all the answers so we don’t have to worry our little brains.
Is it contagious?
Only by blog communication.
Best to remain incommunicado.
The U.K. general election was won on a lower percentage of votes than Corbyn received in the last GE, yet, the Labour Party lost approximately 81 seats.
In contrast, the Labour Party under Starmer had won a Tsunami of seats. Moreover approximately 69 Labour seats had 50% or less of the total votes in that seat.
Furthermore, without Farage’s Respect Party hoovering up the disenchanted Tory vote, the overall turnout would have been even smaller.
Since 80% of the electorate didn’t vote Labour, the question is posed how legitimate is its mandate and to ensure that the present political party system is overturned.
All very well.
By what mechanism ?
Reform not respect.
How valid is the claim for illegitimacy ?
More likely recourse is to envoke the recall of MPs act 2015 where a by-election can be called for expense violations.
” Reform not respect” it will undoubtedly be neither
With approximately 80% of the total electorate not supporting the winning party, it raises questions to how representative the party is to the overwhelming majority who refused to support it.
I ask again:
So what is your answer ?
We have to formulate the question first .
How do we extricate ourselves from this communist dystopia ?
That’s a pretty good question.
How do we know it’s a communist dystopia?
You have the internet ?
But the internet doesn’t reveal all !
So what is your problem? Mentally! Emotionally, maybe.
I mean you get food and drink every day and you are free to choose what type of food or drink you like.
You have free access to the beach any time you want. Public transport and cheap bicycles are at your disposal.
You can learn anything, music, sport, m.m. in a club or alone.
This is reality. So your problem is a feeling of communist. A feeling yes?.
Everybody else are happy for their Smartphone and to show their bare clean brown anus on Facebook and in your opinion this is communist.
“How do we extract ourselves from commies”, this is really your question. But this is easy.
You can find yourself inside any wood, any mountainside, any far placed deserted beach, without anybody nor Illuminati will bother. They wont care.
You want a companion who care? Get a dog, she/he will care for you 24/7. Not?
I think we are down to life style problems and not communism.
I have a dog.
I also have a family, a house, a pension and some savings.
I don’t want any of them endangered by a Marxist government.
You make it sound as if the past two months are of no importance.
That’s about it.
Well, actually I am on the same team. I dont like the last 2 month set up too, but the majority do.
Just saying the same melody has run during mankind’s history. and I refuse to participate in this orchestra.
“You have free access to the beach any time you want.”
Ah, I see: you were in a coma from March 2020 until early 2022, so you aren’t aware that in most countries of “The West,” any non-billionaire’s freedom of movement was limited for fanciful reasons and teetered on the brink of total house arrest (people were “allowed” to shop for food but could be challenged if they had travelled x-meters, from their doorsteps, for, possibly, frivolous reasons, e.g. “because they felt like it”).
“How do we extract ourselves from commies”
The antiquarian terminology certainly sounds amusing but if you use more accurate, up-to-date language, the question translates into: “How to get out from under the thumb of Unelected Politicians fronting the Green Ideology, which is already working tirelessly to eradicate cash (rendering personal wealth individually targetable: switched on or off at the whim of Ideologues or even one “official”), freedom of movement (tied to one’s imaginary carbon footprint), freedom of consumption (no more meat for you!), and, ultimately, Reproductive Privacy… et al.”
Which is not funny at all, Because the logical answer to the question can only be: “How can we escape, by any democratic means, from under the thumb of Infiltrators fronting legislative changes speeded along by massive amounts of bribery, afforded by the deep pockets of Technocratic Fascists (if that isn’t a redundant description) who have developed careful plans, for controlling most, if not all, of the world, for generations? Any of the newly-Awake who hope to confront these incremental acts of Stealth War are 80 years behind the curve and still trying, in a muddle of alarm and despair, to orient thhemselves.”
It turns out that The Great Wars of the 20th Century were The Axis vs The Axis vs The Axis, and nothing as hopeful as “The Axis vs The Allies” at all.
Although, I agree with your more up-to-date terminology (that you placed in bold) you then risked falling into the comfortable default OffG comment and guest article standard of calling them fascists – albeit you did it with a caveat.
The enablers working as snivel servants and local council employees who are enacting UN Agenda 21 and 2030 would balk at the suggestion of being called fascists. Yet, if you called them Marxists or communists then some would proudly accept that label and many more the label of socialist. This applies across Europe and North America.
Susan Michie, appointed in 2022 as the Chair of the World Health Organisation’s “Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights” is a prime example.
She has been a member of the British Communist Party for 50 years and was previously Head of SPI-B, the behavioural insights team of SAGE during the Plandemic. It was she that said lockdowns should be longer and mask wearing forever. She was also a fan of China’s draconian approach to the scamdemic.
In an UnHerd interview Michie also explained that the new science of Public Health is collectivist by nature, seeking to provide group-wide solutions to health challenges, and so it fundamentally downplays individual rights.
When Plandemic 2.0 rolls into town it will be this woman heading up the global ‘nudge’ polices and psychological warfare against the people.
Can you or anyone else think of a member of a fascist party or a neo-Nazi employed in ANY senior or otherwise roles, enacting the Great Reset or Agenda 21/2030 ?
“The enablers working as snivel servants and local council employees who are enacting UN Agenda 21 and 2030 would balk at the suggestion of being called fascists.”
I’m not too terribly concerned with how they’d prefer to be addressed, to be honest. That sentence isn’t dripping with Snark because my mood is cordial as I respond to you: we’re in agreement in the larger scheme of things, I think.
“Can you or anyone else think of a member of a fascist party or a neo-Nazi employed in ANY senior or otherwise roles, enacting the Great Reset or Agenda 21/2030 ?”
That’s too easy. Klaus Schwab, son of literal Nazi Eugen (great name) Schwab; Klaus, who had invited Hermann Josef Abs, the Third Reich’s most powerful banker, to give the keynote address, for what would soon be renamed the WEF, in 1971. Abs very wisely begged off at the last minute and Klaus gave the address himself, but the lineage was very clearly established. Don’t be confused by the fact that one of Schwab’s Izreeli protégés, Yuval Harari, has taken to using that old Nazi favorite, “Useless Eaters” in his books and lectures.
At the end of WWll, lots of useful/important Nazis moved abroad. I don’t just mean the war criminal scientists, spies, adopted by the CIA: I mean people like Martin Bormann, Hitler’s number 2, and very probably Hitler himself. In the 1980s, an elder statesman American war correspondent published a book about Bormann’s escape and subsequent crypto-Nazi global business empire, run from his compound in Argentina.
It’s a persuasive book: it appears to have been an attempt to test the water. Bormann claims, in this book, that the camps and all that were a terrible mistake. What’s really interesting is that Allen Dulles himself gives the book a blurb.
Anyway: lots of what we’re seeing today is Nazi Ideology all grown up (high-tech Eugenics, incremental genocide, high tech surveillance and psychological control of subjugated populations, pharmaceutical fuckery of the highest order): it’s so blatantly out in the open that most people can’t see it. I guess they’re expecting to see a toothbrush mustache as the first warning sign. The Nazis were smart enough, this time, to front their efforts using POC, the Otherly Abled, various genders, even: see how Nice they are this time?
And dig into the “paradox” of Zionist/ Nazi cooperation in the early phases of the first attempt to Rule Ze World (which was really a successful Anglo/American gambit to do the same) and you’ll see that the Zs, and the Ns, were always facets of one another; each team uses the other to achieve the desired end, while getting into position to exterminate the other team when the time presents itself. And the US/ UK are still full of Antisemites who want Izreel to wipeout the Palestinians and secure the territory, for The West, before they, themselves (the Izreelis), are wiped out by the surrounding Arabs.
TFIC* always play word/ label/ mind games. Whatever “Marxism’s” stated goals (as pretty and unreal as any American campaign promise), governments of that name, or related names, were always Totalitarian/ Fascist on the ground. I think Mussolini’s definition of the (Roman) term: Fascism is Corporatism. Google, Faceboot, et al: Next Gen Corporatism. Global chokehold festooned with smileys.
Where does “Communism” fit in? China is the beta tester for the preferred method of high tech enslavement. Students drowning in debt will run for the UBI on the fish hook and think that UBI is “Marxist” in the best possible way. Marx himself was a product of the emerging Banking/Industrial (anti-aristocracy) Ruling Class and served his class well; bankers paid for Das Kapital to be written.
And so on!
You know all those nice Lefty Liberal Soccer Moms who wanted gulags for the wackzeen-hesitant, and even wished viral death on them as a “punishment,” and make cute Thank You For Your Service posts on Veteran’s Day in the US? Fascists.
First off, we are in agreement with the big picture and that the labelling can be a distraction.
The only reason I keep bringing up the communist element is two fold.
First, the planned abolition of individual private property with the mantra “You will own nothing….” is communism.
The fascist regimes of Germany, Italy and Spain never outlawed the individual right to private property as is clear from the ordinary people that still live there and owned private assets, including homes and land during the fascist dictatorships.
In the case of Spain and Franco it was only in 1976 that his regime ended. Yet, private property remained in the hands of private individuals during that time including that of his enemies, the republican and communist sympathisers and activists during the civil war and beyond.
Second, it seems like a dog whistle here at OffG to yell “fascist” regarding the controllers and their enablers, without considering the above point.
Mussolini’s definition of fascism was the merging of state and corporations, ie. corporatism, but again his regime respected individual property rights.
Regarding Uncle Klaus, his genealogy is shrouded in mystery although there is good evidence to suggest he is J3wish. Effectively, a crypto one. Is it 100 percent certain? No, but make of it what you will from the links below the JV one. There is a lot more info out there too that states similar.
Johhny Vedmore in his following piece dodges much of Schwab’s early life completely and never mentions his mother.
“The fascist regimes of Germany, Italy and Spain never outlawed the individual right to private property”
Well, the plans aren’t static; they evolve. The big diff between 1930 and 2020 is that TFIC needed Serfs back then…now they’re trying to think of the smoothest way to lose the majority of us. We had more leverage in the 20th century, before widespread automation. In the 1950s, in America, they needed Serfs to buy into “the system” and to see themselves as patriotic capitalists and help build the legal machines and the literal machines that would lead to Serf obsolescence. This is a brand new phase of the game.
“Fascism” and “Communism,” as established brands, are just two categories of tool used by the same Ruling Stuctures. The supra-national elite run these global experiments. Stalin and Mao were clearly Fascists… and whatever else they needed to be to function as symbols capable of rallying the Serfs to the cause of their own enslavement.
Re: Klaus’ crypto-geneaology: Hitler’s was far less crypto! Ditto Heydrich. Duh Masses are incredibly gullible. “Psychopaths” is the category transcending the small-box racial/ ethnic groups conspiring to destroy us. It’s not a concentration of Puerto Ricans at the very top: we can rule them out. But can it really be one ethnic group? I don’t think Cecil Rhodes was a J-word person. Some second-tier Fabians were/ are.
If J-word people were THE Ruling cohort, we wouldn’t know what a J-word is: why would we? But what’s that slogan? Second Best Tries Harder. The power shifts all the time. The Technocratic Era most probably saw a dramatic shift in the balance… akin to the shift that saw the rising Industrialists challenging the old Aristocracy (and The Church) in Marx’s time: that’s a “three-body-problem” right there. Complicated!.
I think J-word people are put “front of house” as old Anglo/American power follows through with the Great Game. The “J-word vs Muslim confliict” thing is perfect cover.Is this all just a later phase of developmental momentum started by the East India Company in 1600? I don’t buy the Rothschild supremacy during their era: as ever, I believe they were fronting much larger powers. Does a King with an army genuinely fear his private creditor?
The enormousness of The Global Project, of the past 200 years, and the lies told to thinly veil it, is better absorbed gradually… the average person would collapse to grasp it in one sitting. People fall UTTERLY for the lies that “school” teaches… the few who “wake up” then fall immediately for the David Ickes, Alex Joneses, Catherine Austin Fittses, RFK Jrs, Donald Trumps and the propagandists for the Bearded, Vaguely Levantine, Anus-Free Sky Giant. Or for “Buddha”. All the same.
The Zios and the Nazis were both genocidally eugenic brands. Lots of overlap. Lots of weird apparent self-contradiction. I don’t doubt for a moment that the average (or slightly higher-ranking) Zio or Nazi was sincere in their hatreds… and totally clueless regarding who was calling the shots and why. What’s the Highest Secret attainable in Scientology? The Highest Secret is that the Highest Secret is bullshit. Welcome to Enlightenment.
We shouldn’t even bother to argue terminology: the Words are always for bamboozling the lower orders.
All we can absolutely know is that very powerful forces have been trying to kill us off since before we were born. And we were raised being told Total Nonsense in order to make killing us easy. These are the TWO facts we can be sure of.
But THANK YOU for engaging; wherever we disagree, let’s do it constructively.
errata: too many typos to mention!
PLUS (never speed-type and/or multi-task while also trying to communicate), I wrote: “All we can absolutely know is that very powerful forces have been trying to kill us off since before we were born”
SHOULD have written:
“All we can absolutely know is that very powerful forces have been PLANNING to kill us off since before we were born.”
Worth having a read of the article and a then a listen to the podcasts contained within it regarding the Sabbatean Frankists and the Kabbalists. There is a lot of detailed information in the podcasts.
We are being killed anyway. Everybody die, even a Rothschild and a Rockefeller die.
Most 60-80 old. A few reach age 80-100 old.
Founder of Youtube Susan died 56 year old. Left a fortune of $400 mio.
We all die. Back to dust. One way or the other.
If there is powerful evil forces, there must be also a God who has the final ultimate word.
Thank you too. It is nice to have an interesting discussion without it descending into an argument.
Mentioning Rhodes you reminded me of the following article regarding Alfred Milner. I read Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope but never finshed Anglo American Empire since it was too dry.
The pecking order is one of those enigmas that we will most likely never know. Especially, when considering the alleged black nobility familes and the later list of newer ones thrown into the mix.
‘The Anglo American Establishment’ not Empire. I was rushing!!
Just to remind you and everybody about how to avoid the semantic Doo trap.
To say, insinuate or write the Doo is reason, cause, guilty, is pure racism.
The Bible has an excellent sharp way to differ.
“The false Doo, those who call, refer, confess themselves as Doos, but are not Doos.
What we mean when we refer to something is bad Dooish is the ideology; the Communism, the Zionism, the Talmudism, the Cabalism, the Pharisee hypocrite, the False Doo!.
Reply in pending. I knew it would on this one. Certain subjects are taboo it seems to the plug-ins on WP.
Anyway, the part in question relates to Schwab’s genealogy. I’m sure you can guess.
If you read the comment rules you will see it quite clearly states that any comment with 3 or more hyperlinks is automatically held back for moderation to avoid spam.
Some comments get put in pending, including some of yours. Since you know they will be published in due course I don’t understand why you feel the need to flag every single one. It doesn’t speed anything up and only clogs up the thread for other readers. Please consider not doing this in future.
For some reason I thought it was MORE than 3 links that went into pending. Therefore, I have always limited my links to three, now I realise it needs to be a maximum of two.
I only started to flag pending comments after three, in a couple of weeks or so, disappeared entirely – never to reappear. So rather than comment on those, I started flagging later ones so that they would be noticed and released.
Anyway, point taken. I will stop doing it.
Interesting that someone or some entity considers it wrong to ask the right question since only by asking it can the process of a solution be found.
I only voted once, in Tavistock.
Having gone down the column of mugshot’s I couldn’t find one I liked the look of.
In the end voted for the least scary looking, and was handed a 4b fat pencil.
My immediate thoughts were…
I could easily rub that out!
So I dug the soft pencil in and left a hole.
I wonder what happened to all the others that used that same soft pencil?
Never voted since.
Blimey !
I think I’ve been cancelled !
Voting is a psyop. Always has been. It’s part of the Hegelian Dialectic – Ordo ab Chao psyop.
Voters supposedly choose one side (duality) but the cryptocracy created and own both sides.
Where’s your shares of HM treasury? You have none. Because it’s a privately owned and controlled corporation masquerading as a government.
Why cast never counted ballots for pre-chosen, pre-screened, Freemasonic, psychopathic actors, all reciting Intel scripts?
Politicians are employees of the *REAL OWNERS* of HM Treasury and HM Govt services corporations.
They don’t give a flying fig about you or any “voter”. You’re a dead slave, lost at sea as far as HM govt is concerned.
I am not sure that it was always like that. I did have confidence in the health system bfore and the education system. The docs did make me better. There was free speech at school and at college. The debates in parliament made sense . Something happened in the 1980s I think then it just started getting worse ( globalisation?)
Disagree on all points. Germ theory has been disputed since Koch and Pasteur.
All medication has a lethal dose. Our body heals and returns to homeostasis on its own.
The education system is government controlled and indoctrinates, so students only memorize and regurgitate lies.
If you haven’t leaned the basic facts on how this world is run, (criminal fraud) what else don’t you know?
The Death Cult of Saturn rules.
The NWO isn’t new.
Societies work better when they are homogeneous. Unfortunately, your ownership class has betrayed you.
But didn’t the Tories (2010-24) consistently do the opposite of what they had promised and what their voters wanted? And that happened as the result of elections, didn’t it? How can you force the government to do what it promised?
So I ask, yet again, what is the answer ?
Good point. But I was thinking of that as a reason for why there was such a backlash against the Tories. That’s the only reason why Starmer got elected in the first place. It’s been pointed out again and again that he got significantly fewer votes than Corbyn, who was branded by the media as a ‘loser’. But seeing how weak Corbyn was, he probably would have been a disappointment, too.
Exactly, but for some unknown reason that completely obvious fact utterly eludes the clutch. That is why I consider the clutch to be a moron and I am not saying that to be mean. What other conclusion can be drawn?
“just landed us in a pretty dire place.” What on earth are you on about? Landed?!? There was a POS government and now there is another POS government, nothing has changed. The implication that the previous government was somehow better is plain delusional.
They are all the Uniparty, of course.
There is the blue version and the red version.
The blue version gives the illusion of a free society.
The red version gives the illusion of a socialist utopia.
Given the choices I have, I would much rather live under the blue version.
You want a government that pretends to be something that appeals to you and you don’t want a government that pretends to be something that doers not appeal to you and the fact that neither bears any resemblance to what they are pretending to be doesn’t register with you. Makes perfect sense!
Straight out of the Matrix film.
Interesting. Thanks
You was selling Nigel Nigel not long ago.
Is that your solution..?
celebrity jungle vacccine lockdown shiller.?
unfortunately you cannot vote your self out of tyranny!
As Rodney is his middle name I think Del Boy sums it up nicely, ‘You plonker Rodney!’
Obviously didn’t read the fucking book
Haven’t read the fucking book yet.
Plan to do so.
I asked a simple question about our glorious leader.
Obviously touched a nerve !!
A little late night reading about the son of a toolmaker!
Why does everyone go on about that? Is it just to make a pun and sat that Keithie is a tool or summat?
A tool indeed.
He made his bed, banging on about being the “son of a toolmaker” in interviews, similar to Sad-IQ Khan, the Mayor of London, doing likewise as the “son of a bus driver” schtick.
A poor attempt by Dame Keir to illustrate his working class credentials. Never mind that he was the head of the Crown Prosecution Service as Director of Public Prosecutions, or that he is a knight of the realm. An Establishment tool, if ever there was one, before even mentioning his Trilateral Commission involvement.
Past evidence is a strong indication to future actions !
Pretty obsolete question on my view. We live in a society where the govt attacks language and changes definitions.The left/ right dichotomy existed befoire the global psychopaths took over
Stewart Lee, (heavily derided here, quite rightly), new one ‘Basic Lee’. was good, near genius.
It is the message or not ?
Be a wank for the beast and still be the best comedy out there…
Is it the message, was what I was going to say until , press edit, 1 fucking second, and, no.
Not to mention you motherfuckerts don’t send me no E-mithers when some honky reply to me, dumbasses !
I hate pain.
If you had the opportunity to ask a history professional a few questions, what would those questions be ?
again, with the stolen history this goy
This week in the New Normal: Israel agrees to pauses in fighting in Gaza for polio vaccination
This doesn’t seem to be getting much attention. I’ve seen the MSN reporting on this. Jabbing every child 10 and under? With a new type of ‘vaccine’ for a ‘mutant strain’ of polio? The vaccinations administered by the IDF?
With a régime that has declared Amalek, this feels suspiciously like a silent weapon for a not-so-quiet war…
This doesn’t seem to be getting much attention. I’ve seen the MSN reporting on this. Jabbing every child 10 and under? With a new type of ‘vaccine’ for a ‘mutant strain’ of polio? The vaccinations administered by the IDF?
With a régime that has declared Amalek, this feels suspiciously like a silent weapon for a not-so-quiet war…
P.R. ?
Wont be long before they have a warm vaccine proven to keep you body temperature at a level where you wont feel the cold.
this will is be there solution to the gas electric petrol gas going up in October.
Biological warfare now?
Absolutely true! Great article…but WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ?????!!!!
The US must break up into at least 3 separate countries. This will separate US taxpayers from the Pentagon. This will also break up the US-UK monarchy partnership of endless war. How can this be accomplished? First, bring back the “anti-war” movement, make one US political party devoted to anti-war.
Making a state smaller or bigger doesn’t change its nature: a state is still a state.
A state is an organization created by a group of people calling themselves a government. The government agreed with themselves to form a state and take control of the people who live on the land occupied by the state. The state has the monopoly of violence. This means they can use violence against people, but people mustn’t use violence against them.
A state is a violent, criminal organization.
It uses violence and threats of violence to make people its subjects. To make people work for it, to force them to kill other people. A state steals from people not just their human rights but also their means of existence: their land, their livelihood, their work, products of their labor.
A state is an organization structured like a cult, in a pyramid shape. This means inequality.
There can never be justice in inequality.
I’m guessing that this is what you call “Trump Derangement Syndrome”:
Various celebs object to Trump using their songs. Even Abba! I’d suggest that these celebs are the worst since their “protest” gives the illusion that the (AHEM!) “Left” side of the theatre is “genuine”.
But which celeb can resist the pull of the Groovy Left meme? Maybe Noel Gallagher who had a go at “commie” Corbyn. But Noel will be missing the days when he had his tongue up Blair’s arse.
In fairness, the music rights issue long predates Trump:
Ethnic homogeneity serves the Antichrist, the satanic fake-pope is convinced. He encourages all of black Africa to participate in the gene pool of white Europeans, who would be committing a grave “sin” [sic!] to deny them this.
Pope Frank hates all nationalism … except the Ukrainian variety.
The lineup of titles on here is increasingly getting to be like the clickbait titles on YouTube.
You know how it is, you could just make it up…. oh they did….
Never tried it before but I want to go back to running pack ponies on Dartmoor. Maybe I should get into the hype.
‘Best ever Dartmoor pony experience in the world ever!’
‘Travelling through time, the un-missable experience on Dartmoor!’
‘Prehistoric ponies back from the brink of extinction!’
Does it have to be like this ?
What titles struck you that way? Just stating your opinion without backing it up with an example is not persuasive. If they are all or mostly like that examples should be easy to find, right.
Remembering the time when people used to be happy!
If you still drink, smoke, watch TV or vote, you are still in the matrix.
. . . or if you refer to “the matrix”!
Happy tofu.
More likely, out of it.
Alcohol and cigarettes = pure poison which ruin the body and for which you give significant amounts of your labour (money) for.
Add drugs to that list.
TV = pure matrix programming. Re wiring your brain from reality.
Voting = sanctioning your own enslavement.
On the other hand:
So what?
At least we have smiles all over our faces. Close your eyes and be happy man. Rome was not build in one day!
Since when did government care about the health of its people? As if the indoor and now the proposed outdoor smoking ban is about public health.
The scamdemic revealed that in all its glory. Depriving people of social contact, sunlight, vitamin D and exercise before even the jabs were launched. A non-stop diet of fear porn from the Tell-lie-vision and through the black mirror scrying devices.
The hospitality sector especially in UK was seriously damaged by the lockdowns and high energy prices since then.
Now, the final nails in its coffin are being banged in. The idea that people, especially strangers, may socialise and talk to one another is too risky.
Heaven forbid, that in casual face to face conversations down the pub people start connecting the dots or organising a resistance, away from the digital spy network of phone calls, emails and social media.
The British pub has always been a place where people came together to talk about all sorts of things, especially before the days of music and TV distractions in them. Not so different to the cigar smoke-filled, back rooms in private members clubs where the movers and shakers discuss business deals, life in general or even world domination.
Remember Winston Smith’s chat with the old man in the pub ?
We can’t have people remembering a better time before the glorious revolution.
They were blissful only because they were truly, massively ignorant like brainwashed children, and drunk.
Poisoning themselves daily with govt taxed alcohol and cigarettes. Talking non-stop, non-sense with other brainwashed, psyopped, alcohol addled pub goers.
Paul’s correct. You’re still stuck in the mind control matrix.
You want to return to that blissful ignorance of the past, but it’s not possible. You just want to go back to sleep, but you can’t.
Certain private members clubs where exempted during covid
and certain private members clubs dont have the same licencing laws applied to them so the smoking ban is aimed at the hospitality sector.
When smoking stopped in bar and clubs it ruined the vibe and then the smoking area would become a new hangout and many clever idea developed like DJs bands playing in smoking areas.
They hate people talking and want you inside stuck on a IPhone taking 1000;s of photos so they got your locations with spytek.
You are right, after the indoor smoking ban the vibe did change in bars and clubs. People constantly moving around to go and smoke outside in the smoking areas.
Personally, I didn’t like arriving home stinking of stale smoke – hair and clothes. However, it was a price worth paying for a good night out.
In addition, the whole club experience also changed for the worse, a decade plus ago when UK clubs insisted everyone carry ID (passport or driving licence – no photcopies) for entry, regardless of age. Many clubs cited safety concerns and council licensing restrictions as the motive. They then scanned guests ID documents into a database, which they would hold for a certain period of time.
With hindsight, this was most likely a ruse to get clubbers, the young mainly, to accept carrying ID as the norm and to unquestionably give up their personal data as and when required to anyone from officialdom or to gain access to venues and services.
Big Brother acclimatisation.
I’m not arguing against the nature of ‘power in the world’ as struggle for survival – hence dominance, but seeking to bridge to understanding the root premises of ‘world’ and Self in terms of such a power of compulsive division.
I find A Course in Miracles speaks most directly to the nature of lies given power – but only to a willingness to heal, undo or release them.
However I don’t see A Course in Miracles-ism as any kind of remedy as the truth of any real understanding is an integrative extension OF an embracing perspective rather than an segregative combatant against the ‘evils’ frame in fear, pain and loss.
So i still look at and in some ways participate by commenting into the ‘nightmare scenario’ of our ‘human conditioning circa 2024’ – but within a desire to live from the qualities of being rather than toward them as a goal set by lack, deprivations and denials – demanding countermeasures by which to become identified or stamped our by the looping of historical boots.
Currently looking at ‘Conjuring Hitler’ (after reading Irving’s ‘Hitler’s war’) as a context for how identities can be stamped out as a pre-set conditioned polarity via deeply weaponised deceits operating on face value as all kinds of false with-ness.
But the key is that I read with the Holy Spirit – Looking within must always accompany looking without – else the mind is easily phished by its own imaging.
The ‘dont know mind’ is not a goal, so much as an invitational state through which that which Knows what You Are , naturally reveals You (The More of all that you are) – but will never violate your will; that is – truth is never coercive.
Isnt that in itself a means for discerning the ‘questionable’?
All is energy. And energy never lies.
Something I read today.
Who knows?
Energy exchange cannot but express a balance of conditions .
But a ‘lie’ runs as false witness – at the level of a phenomena of mental confusion.
A body cannot lie – nor tell the truth as it is not the function of body to create or think or decide – even if we can dump conflicts onto bodies as a displacement for psychic conflicts that run background to a masking self image.
Self-honesty to inner conflict does not scapegoat emotional upset onto others as a means to ‘reset’ a normalcy of masking such conflicts.
So everyone knows what they are willing to accept, and from which they then think or judge, perceive and respond or react.
In terms of energetic patterns I see an involution of reality AS a projected ‘consciousness’ of fragmentation (divide & rule).
Spiritually this can be called the prodigal son, as a mis-taken or false inheritance running in place of true inherence. (Which is always already the truth or nature of being – if not of the projected self image of a separateness (from being).
How can that which Is, be separate from All That Is – but in imaged symbol, concept, project or model?
We tell stories (create mythic ‘meanings’) that then tell us how to think feel and behave. Or if you like we can do as we choose but couch it in a complex web of ‘plausible deniability’ as a means to buy time in which to persist the story-themes that reiterate ancient archetypal patterns of possession and control set within subjection to chaos.
Complex nested defences run as ‘power over’ life.
There Is no pivot by which to lever reality (but phishing the baited lie)
Pretty much spot on I’d say. We’ve all had our own journey to arrive at these conclusions – but for those of us able to free our selves from our well socialized in and entrenched ideological blinders (left-right-center) – these conclusion are quite inevitable.
Zio-Nazi Germany returns to its Nazi roots: Persecutes people who oppose genocide.
Apparently, this is now happening in the UK, too:
Everyone knows about Bernays, most people know about Walter Lippmann – but Harold Lasswell is a name not often mentioned in the independent sphere.
Here he expresses the controlling mindset in a nutshell:
“[Literacy] did not release the masses from ignorance and superstition but altered the nature of both and compelled [!] the development of a whole new technique of control, largely through propaganda… [A propagandist’s] regard for men rests on no democratic dogmatisms about men being the best judges of their own interests. The modern propagandist, like the modern psychologist, recognises that men are often poor judges of their own interests… [Those with power must cultivate] sensitiveness to those concentrations of motive which are implicit and available for rapid mobilization when the appropriate symbol is offered… [The propagandist is] no phrasemonger but a promoter of overt acts”.
That’s what they really think about “democracy” – people are clueless but lob the right signifiers at them once every however-many years and they’ll salivate like some Pavlovian dog just the way that’s wanted. Meanwhile, those who know best – who are privileged by their superior gnosis – steer the world towards the technocratic/transhumanist/neo-feudal goal that’s been their aim for decades (if not centuries, going back to ‘The New Atlantis’).
The deeper root problem imo, is that representations, words, images, depictions of all kinds, have replaced physical reality as the measure of all things by contemporary humans. It, largely language first but now with images and screens everywhere, has turned each human into an alienated narcissistic isolate disconnected from their bodies, societies and Earth, to be pincusions of bullshit projected by the word and imagesmiths of the ruling capitalist class seeking a remote control Humanity. Humanity needs to disabuse itself of reflexive response to words and images, saying thought and consultation to all things first. Marshall McLuhan described the development of this narcissistic possession that took 600 years from the invention of the printed book. Read his “Gutenberg Galaxy” and “Understanding Media” written back to back in the mid 50’s. The core of the self-consciousness we need as a sustainable, just Humanity is right there.
Almost expected the reader to reference the Protocol of the Elders of Zion in his Star Wars- like depiction of the struggle between good and evil. Some gems:-‘I (once again) urge revolt against the global powers”. Hey, let’s do it!
On false flag terrorist attacks:-‘Was this all part of a long-term plan to pave the way for the ethnic cleansing horrors…in Gaza…’ Bound to have been, given that the ‘corrupt heart of the criminocracy is Rothschildian’.
Those evil zionists up to their tricks again, dontcha know? In case you were in any doubt, the writer assures us that the ‘global criminocracy is aligned with Zionism and Israel.’
Over many years, it seems that the Rothschilds and their ilk have been instrumental in launching false flag terrorist attacks in order to demonise Islam. These were intended to prepare the way for the current ‘ethnic cleansing’ in Gaza.
In the meantime, the entire world is being enslaved by the zionist demons. Eh? May the force be with you, people, in your struggle against the Evil Empire.
*Writer not reader in first sentence
Protocol of the Elders of Zion.
It fooled the Nazis, or was it real?
I dont know for sure myself. But I do know that the world was changed by the document. Enough to prevent its complete relegation into the ashes.
It’s a great read as you work your way through. You find yourself nodding and agreeing, mentally finding base with things that have happened in your own life-time. Things you always knew were wrong.
It even starts to fill in all the gaps that you find missing in the narrative.
When you realise just how old that text is.
It sent shivers down my spine.
And I dont like to be fooled.
Good point. And anyway, the never-ending insistence of the normies that the Protocols was ‘fiction’ misses the main point completely — to wit: does it faithfully convey what is actually happening in the world? After all, some of the best and most illuminating works on politics and social studies ever written were works of fiction: Orwell’s 1984, Huxley’s Brave New World, C.S. Lewis’ That Hideous Strength, and so on. So even if the Protocols was not actually penned by one of the Rothschilds personally, what does it matter? Doesn’t it perfectly describe what they and their little Cabal have been doing to us through the ages?
Roll on mind-control repeat. So the Trump PR team plays “There Goes My Hero” by the Foo Fighters to introduce RFK Jr on stage after RFK Jr drops out the presidential race and nominates child defence lover GM biotek greenlighter 5G executive order endorser the King of operation warpedspeed who added 7 trillion to the debt 1.8 trillion of that was spent on covid.. “There Goes My Hero” by the Foo Fighters is kind of a ironic as FOO fighters where the 1st band during ovid to have requiring proof of vaccination only concerts. Trust the plan for loop da loopers.
Here are some of the deals agreed by these two crooks …….
And note that Kennedy says he is “suspending” his campaign – not cancelling it.
““There Goes My Hero” by the Foo Fighters is kind of a ironic as FOO fighters where the 1st band during ovid to have requiring proof of vaccination only concerts”
…thereby killing off their drummer, Taylor Hawkins, let us not forget. Mandated to die by Mr. Nice Guy of Rock himself, Dave “Bono Jr.” Grohl.
Against the dark enslaving empire. Once again Russia leads the Axis of Resistnce in the Battle of Kursk 2024. Just like she did in the Battle of Kursk 1943.
“The Russians are not so hygienic as we are, and their homes are not so cosy but they make better tanks” — German tank commander, Letter to his wife, WW2
Oh please, don’t introduce the notion that the West has been trying to dismember Russia for a very long time, that will spoil the narrative!
You really think that Joe Biden is going to succeed where Napoleon and Hitler both failed?
Europe’s Mental Deindustrialization
From slave owners to slaves….
Chatham House? It isn’t like if you want to be PM in the UK you have to go there show you’re on-message:
And of course the bird’s other wing has to flap its dues as well, for example:
Gove, it will be remembered, was the UK’s ambassador to Bilderberg as was, more recently, David Lammy (paid for by the ex-head of MI6 apparently).
In plain terms, despite the many efforts of ‘intellectuals’ to interpret this statement, to provide it with entirely different meanings and even ascribe for their own motives of the intended deception, what these words REALLY mean is an open statement of intent by ‘them’ to fulfil the edicts of their tradition, that they intend to enslave all of humanity and ultimately totally exterminate every OTHER race on the planet. Now ask yourself this question, how would you do it?
Thank you, Paul for your generous free downloads of your work.
I am currently reading and enjoying “The fakir of Florence”
I would recommend “Enemies of the people,” an expose of the Rothschilds and “The great racket” a collection of essays on how we got to this point.
Islam is the most successful endeavor of the Dark Enslaving (literally) Empire present (DEI?).
An early mid-evil concoction from an illiterate medium written down decades later by others resulting in a self contradictory jumble of texts, quite misogynistic and with a real genocidal track record. They were raiding and concurring anything in reach loooong before Mi6 or CIA were created and used the dimmest followers of Islam as t(f)ools as patsies.
The WEF clubbers have less traction but are using modern tech, bureaucracy and propaganda more efficiently. They just shared their EU bed with a predator partner in their greed.
Unintentionally this may actually save many immigrated Muslims as they come in contact with secularism and other forbidden thoughts in a slightly freer society.
Islam bad.
Christianity good?
Religions divide.
Truth unites.
True that religions divide, as there is too much diversity amongst humanity for one size fits all. I never said Christianity is good, Christ on the other hand was another basket of fish.
Well, what do you mean by truth? Subjective opinions of fallible human beings?
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
But everyone is religious – religion is simply a belief system. So your comment is nonsensical.
Christianity says, in essence, “Will you submit?”. Islam, replies, “you WILL submit.”
Make your choice.
You should submit your ego to the Divine, just not to Satan / Mo / Pope.
The texts are not necessarily contradictory but are arranged, not chronologically, but roughly in order of size. Longest to shortest
This is why there is confusion about sura 9, the most problematic.
Sura 9 was the one of the last written but is tucked away in the middle. As one the final sura it abrogates all those written before it.
Probably it was made an illogical mess on purpose, to confuse rational minds. Wouldn’t want any logical or critical questions would we?
Douglas Murray says it much better than I ever could:
Douglas Murray brought and paid.
Maybe, maybe not.
But he talks a lot of sense.
Or are you “everyone’s controlled opposition ?”
Why my downvotes on a factual post ? Very strange.
Because people aren’t responding out of logic or reason. In fact, they hate logic and reason.
Spot on !
Huxley and his ilk wrote about the potential for weaponising Islam over half a century ago.
Perhaps Netanyahu can teach these inferior cultures the true meaning of civilisation?
Now let’s talk about how psychologically stressful and difficult a Zionist fuelled genocide is for Muslims.
George, there are two issues here.
First, the abhorhent killing of innocents.
Second, the fallability of a belief.
You mean the belief in “The Science”, “The Rationality”, “Our Western Freedoms”, “The Selfish Gene” (the biggest oxymoron since “Virgin Birth”), “Our Liberated Women” (now being sidelined by the “Discovery of Transgenderism”) etc.?
I’m talking about the weakness in the argument for the acceptance of islam as a religion beyond criticism.
Who said it was “beyond criticism”? The biggest irony here is that there are probably more Westerners who believe “The Science” than there are Muslims who believe the Koran.
On here, my red arrows on factual posts say it is beyond criticism.
The cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo might also think it is beyond criticism.
Geert Wilders and Salman Rushdie might have a bit to say, too.
A muslim that doesn’t believe the koran is not a muslim.
But what role does this “belief” actually play in their lives ? Cf. “Christians” in the West who actually place more faith in “The Science” than in any old book. As for Hebdo and all that shit the whole “war on terror” was yet another con like the “war on communism” and “the war on covid”. Islam was chosen as the big bogey and funded by the West cf. Mujahadeen.
You can’t be a part-time muslim.
You are trying to get me to spout anti-muslim rhetoric.
My beef is not with muslims but with islam.
Without a reformation, the writings of a world of war 1400 years ago are still relevant to the belief.
You’re going to get flak if you mention ROP.
14 million Jews occupying a few hundred square miles vs >1 billion Muslims occupying millions of square miles over 3 continents:
can someone teach an old Brit the effects of mass imperialism?
You want to kill a billion Muslims?
He wants to question the dogma of islam
– which seems to be forbidden
On here, at least.
Yes it’s so comfortable to waffle on about the dogma of islam or whatever. The jaw dropping acquiescence given by vast swathes of the Western public to covid, climate change and transgenderism shows up who the true believers are.
Fundamentalist Islamists (whose number has been vastly exaggerated and includes Western backed provocateurs) would at least never have fallen for the “scientific” discovery that a woman can have a willie! Nor would those “towel heads” have backed the “compassionate” mutilation of kids on a vast scale undreamt of by Mengele.
You know very well what I’m talking about.
Georg, don’t mirror your own ideas on other people.
“Some people” want to kill all Jews, yes.
Which one would you rather live Under?
Which? The culture that’s getting obliterated even as we speak or the culture that’s doing the obliterating? Ooh that’s a tricky one.
You didn’t answer the question.
Again, you conflate the obliteration with the merits of the islamic faith.
Two completely different questions.
He answered by not answering. His own culture and people are not worth defending. It’s utterly perverse.
Just weird !
C-O-N-Q-U-E-R-I-N-G. Perhaps next time you will manage to spell it with that help. But I doubt it!
Ex-Muslim EMBRACES Judaism; SPEAKS OUT Against Radical Islam
Syrian factually atheist woman speaks out.
This is an advert for his book. And he never does quite get to a point…
No point?
That’s because it’s up to us to write (or right?) the ending.
Make sure you take a good look at those teeth on that gift horse.
Teeth? Nice way to describe fangs.
Thank you Paul. As usual, a brilliant piece of writing. Special thanks for giving us the chance to freely download a copy your book.
In his prior Substack writings, Cudenec states that due to the Rothschilds’ great wealth, they’ve been able to engage in sophisticated self-concealment. Yet, despite their purported superordinate wealth, the Rothschilds’ power of self-concealment is amiss, given that they’ve been identified on millions of websites as the “secret” rulers of the world. This is not concealment but its antipode—a pre-packaged meme wrapped up with a pretty bow.
Cudenec continues, “One suggestion, often encountered on Twitter/X, is that the Rothschilds are in fact just a front for an even murkier network of old European aristocracy linked to the Roman Catholic Church. My doubts regarding this particular theory have led to [accusations of] me being ‘controlled opposition’ and, by focusing on the Rothschilds, ‘diverting attention’ away from the ‘real’ rulers of the world, whom they never seem to actually name.”
If, in fact, Cudenec is correct that great wealth is able to conceal itself, how does this comport with his perfunctory dismissal of the argument that the old European aristocracy are not the real rulers because no one is able to name them? Does not this anonymity actually support his argument that the old aristocracy, and not the highly visible Rothschilds, are the preeminent global power?
Cudenec mentions but skims over the 1848 uprising where insurgents set the Rothschilds’ home in Paris on fire. He also raises The Times of London’s response to the 1895 bombing attempt at a Rothschild address: “An Anarchist outrage on one of the Rothschilds is not greatly to be wondered at. In France, as elsewhere, they are so wealthy and hold so prominent a place that they stand out as the natural objects which Anarchists would seek to attack.”
Cudenec sidesteps the obvious question: would anyone who controlled the press and demanded utmost secrecy ever permit The Times to write that they and their family were the natural objects of an attack? Or is it more likely that The Times was deflecting attention away from those truly responsible? This deflection was, of course, the aristocracy’s pattern throughout the Middle Ages. Consider having pillaged incalculable wealth from 1,700 years of wars, crusades, and indulgences, yet, because of scripture’s prohibition against usury, being unable to lend out your ill-gotten gains for interest. As an end-around this impasse, the aristocracy appointed the Rothschilds as the Royal administrators of the Exchequer to publicly oversee the collection of interest on their booty. When anyone complained about the cost of funds, the aristocracy would simply blame the Rothschild shylock, while also “protecting” them from the unending parade of blood libel, inquisitions, and pogroms which the aristocracy incited in order to keep the Jew in his lane.
Given that this was the prevailing system for millennia, what is the probability that the Rothschilds went from ghetto pawnbrokers to rulers of the world in 45 years (circa 1770 – 1815)? Also, think French Revolution (where the royals were executed in the street) and technological innovations such as the long rifle with a scope, and you’ll have all the rationale you need to understand why the old aristocracy decided to remove their public crowns and hide themselves behind the Rothschild meme.
Makes perfect sense.
I believe that most of the “bad guys” we read about are just faces for the real power and money.
It seems to me that people with real power operate behind the scenes.
The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire | The Secret World of Finance (
The tide, the wind have been made to conspire against us and created a confused sea where the waves are coming from all directions all the time. This is the perfect storm that been brought against us by the Satanic Cabal (they). The appearance of no safe harbour is their illusion that they wish to cast upon us. So we must heave to and batten all the hatches, raise the storm jib and deploy the drogue and then continue to sail on. These conditions and circumstances that we are facing are beyond our control and not of our creation. The only choice we have is to decide wether we wish to capitulate and perish in that decision or to resist with every ounce of energy we have. The choice seems obvious and the task will be daunting. Our tools are non-compliance and civil disobedience.
Remember these low vibrational beings feed off of our individual and collective fear. Be in your heart (love) not in your head (fear) so you don’t feed these vile creatures.
In solidarity with every one of you.
Moby Dick V Queeg?
Or perhaps V Mutiny on the Bounty?
Tahiti anyone?!…:) [snicker]
Paul and CJ ought to duke it out.
Why? I see no conflict between them.
Then you don’t see.
Well, you can help me see with an explanation.
Hopkins appears to base his analysis on some kind of dumbed-down Marxism: it’s all about the capitalist system. Cudenac appears to base his analysis on that there is a class of criminals ruling society and these criminals are identifiable. CJ says that these actors are interchangeable and to target one, will just result in that one being replaced. For CJ it’s a nebulous system while for Paul it’s that the ruling class is a cabal of criminals. I think they both have pieces of the puzzle, but not the whole thing.
Paul is unwilling to see the systemic aspects as if there is anything he hates more than the Rothchilds, it’s Marx. CJ’s over-determination of the system precludes him from seeing capitalists acting in their own interests (which for the rest of us is criminal behavior).
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately corrupt; who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17:9
We are their playthings.
Unless _ _ _ unless, we refuse to play.
Thanks Paul.
Power to your arms.
ludic rous.
If it were that simple, it would have already been done.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-08-28. Kidney failure deaths have skyrocketed since Covid mRNA shots. Self-assembled 3-D ribbon structures (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
“When I was a corporate legal proofreader a chip/snack company had found that some ingredients were causing kidney failure in kids, it might have been powdered cheese, something like that. So, they invested in kiddie dialysis machines, and boasted that kids get more gov’t money for that sort of thing!” ~ YT comment on “The most profitable thing in America is a sick child!” -RFK Jr. Tells Fox News
Compared to your example, most of the profiteering is more indirect. The biggest global investment monsters own everything except small retail, of course. They even write the laws and court rulings. Even investment vehicles twice removed below them, e.g., pension finds, finance conflicts of interest. All this follows inexorably from the religion of greed, growth and usury.
This is unfortunately 100% true.
I never really understood why a family life were so difficult, not inside the family, but always outside where everybody were trying to make troubles for the realationship beween a child and its family.
Until I realized children are cash cows for most people, even for many mothers.
I was glued to reading this after the first few paragraphs – as I can fully relate to the author’s doubts about his mindset compared to his contemporaries – 9 years since I started – – and the associated Limbraw Library.
What I’ve learned is quite humbling, but simple – first was my discovery that just about everything I believed for most of my life was bullshit and propaganda; the second was shocking – my contemporaries, including most of my family, have no interest whatsoever in disturbing their comfortable lives with discomforting truths – now or ever!
Most here are in the same boat. That’s why we are still here. So refreshing to read about views that don’t seek to reflexively shut down thought altogether.
“just about everything I believed for most of my life was bullshit and propaganda”
If you just scratch the surface, you’ll find that it’s unfortunately true, which is so childish when you think about it. People with a profound need to manipulate others really are suffering from a mental illness.
Did the Space Age Begin on a Lie?
agents provocateurs working for US intelligence services have repeatedly infiltrated Islamist-oriented circles and pushed disaffected opponents of the New World Order to plan violent ops on domestic targets in the West, even going so far as to supply them with the weapons to carry out their attacks, though in the publicly-documented cases that I have seen, the agents swoop in to preempt the execution of the plans at the last minute
who knows though whether in other cases they just sit back and let the militants they groomed go ahead and attack? after all, the spooks certainly don’t hesitate to enable armed terrorization of Middle East residents at the hands of the Islamist groups they abet
when I was growing up I used to read with dismay the descriptions of “innere Emigration” among Germans who could not escape the borders of the Third Reich but, while physically present there, cut themselves off completely from the mainstream which surrounded them and refused to follow along on its poisonous trajectory, whereby the mainstream that surrounded me then presented this as a model of personal integrity to be admired, with the understanding, naturally, that our mainstream was nothing like that bygone evil mainstream and there was no reason not to follow its glorious freedom-loving trajectory, but now the feeling of being a stranger in my own land that surely must have oppressed those Germans, that feeling is no stranger now to me
Most of the attacks are staged fake any one with a eye can see this.your shilling Tommy Rob -Them -Some and them idiots type of lingo with violent ops on domestic targets in the West with them staged fake videos that appear everyday getting your lot knickers in a twist.
And if “they” weren’t here, you wouldn’t have those attacks, fake/staged or real.
BTW, they’re real.
I applaud your work, it takes passion and dedication to pursue truth. It also takes backbone, unending curiosity and a mind prepared to admit that anything is possible.
My journey of awakening began when I was around twelve in the 1950s and learned about poverty and starvation. That was enough – our beautiful world is run by bad people. Since then, I have become more aware of how those bad people manipulate good citizens. They use every trick in the book to prevent those good citizens from probing and they’ve succeeded in producing human beings led by their appetites, eager for thrills little caring about the cost to others, unwilling to take responsibility and gullible as hell.
At the start of the so-called pandemic, I attempted, through my then blog, to get people to ask questions, do their own research. Maybe we were not being told the truth. A year later (or was it two?) people flocked to have the so-called miracle preventative which, as we now know, was far from that and has done untold harm. I was amazed that even those who were, in theory, against it, were prepared to take it to go on holiday, to the pub / restaurants / functions or simply to see their families. Nothing but nothing would persuade me to be a guinea pig, allowing God-knows-what to be inserted into my body.
I am still an avid researcher, across the spectrum, not just politics/Hollywood/Pedos/child trafficking/banksters/Big Pharma/Big Food/Space/inner earth/Antartica/AI/Google and more – have I left anything out? Probably. The point is, the dots are there to be joined and the pin-picture is clear for us to see. But, and this is the biggest but – we cannot expect the Normies, as they are often called, to cope with any of this – they prefer to stay in their own little comfort zones and pretend nothing is happening. And, of course, apart from cognitive dissonance, we cannot take a kindergarten person and throw them into the sixth form expecting they will survive so, sad to say, I keep my counsel unless asked for my opinion.
Having said all of this, I’m an optimist and have faith that we will pull through, at least some of us will! If we have solid spiritual beliefs, integrity and ideas of how we might put our talents to good use in the future, we will, simply by creating that reality for ourselves, come through. If you think I’m wearing rose-coloured glasses, then at least I can see through them – doom and gloom will totally obscure the view.
Three cheers for your words, Sue!!!
I think it’s time to hook up to the Big Brain, because there’s a cabal of small demented brains with too much bribery money ruining everything like a turd in the punch bowl.
The successful political activists of the 60s, aka hippies, ignited a Jesus Revolution and explored eastern religions, which alerted our neo-feudal warmongers to pull the plug on civility and shift the Monopoly Game into overdrive.
When people seek divine intervention (not religious dogmatic zealotry), the fabric of existence is infused with an etheric electricity that can override and jam up frequencies. It’s time to call in the Cavalry of Wisdom.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
– Albert Einstein
What if there is no scapegoat, no enslaving Empire, no Illuminati secret evil society down under?
What if there is no evil entity Rothschild suppressing oppressing the do-goody do.goodies innocent do-gooder people lowest in the Pyramid??
“………..the restoration to communities of their right to shape their own destinies” ehhh what???
What if We the People and the Communities wanted Rothschild, wanted the wars, wanted the evilnes toward others, toward our neighbours, we allowed it all, we supported it, we contributed to it, we build it, we we helped it grow, to get more for us to ourselves. $$$.
Our rights? So………….. Rothschilds should give us “our rights” back
Ehhh….I just dont get it.
Tell that to the Palestinians, the Ukrainian people, the conscripted Russian soldiers, the Covid “vaccinated” and all the vaccine-poisoned children of the world, the starving Africans, …..
I looked for another explanation for a long time, as did Mr. Cudenec, because the obvious solution is too bat-shit crazy.
Answer came there none.
It helps to believe in good and evil.
The people behind this are pure evil.
The good news is that your incredulity at their actions means you are a good person.
So those who would deny good and evil are part of the problem (whether wittingly or unwittingly). That would include Nietzsche and ‘Shakespeare’ (“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so” Hamlet, Act 2 Scene 2).
They then mock those who won’t or can’t see by putting those lines in ‘The Usual Suspects’ about the devil convincing people that he doesn’t exist (and in the mouth of Kevin Spacey!). It must’ve been his parents… or the poverty…
” but thinking makes it so”
Surely Mr Bacon is backing my comment ?
It is not the thing that is evil but the person.
Give me a chainsaw and I can make a beautiful sculpture.
Or I can rampage down the high Street.
Same chainsaw.
“I come to bring not peace, but a sword.”
It means you have to take a side, no matter what. There ARE sides.
‘Shakespeare’ / ‘Fakespeare’, whoever he was, wrote Hamlet’s line ‘There is nothing either good or bad..’ but that doesn’t mean that the writer himself believed that, does it? As a very flawed protagonist, Hamlet was never supposed to be seen as a fount of all truth.
”It helps to believe in good and evil.”
Yes, but good and evil are abstract or spiritual. Good and evil are not people, some people or some person.
Jesus said: ”Why do you call me good? Only God is good.” (Mark 10:18) Absolute goodness exists, but it’s not a man.
So it’s my naughty chainsaw ?
Your chainsaw is not good or evil. It is not abstract or spiritual. It is a man-created thing.
So it must be the petrol I use to make the chainsaw work, in order to enable it to do good or evil ?
Am I getting close ?
No. You can use your chainsaw to make a beautiful sculpture, but that doesn’t make you good.
If you by accident use it to cut your foot, that doesn’t make you evil, even when you cause harm.
If you deliberately use your chainsaw to kill someone, then your action is evil, but are you evil? Aren’t you more than your one action? Is anyone sinless? In the Bible story Jesus was said to be without sin, yet Jesus knew that didn’t make him good.
Why is that? Because goodness is the attribute of God, and everything good comes from God, not from a man or his actions.
Good is an abstract concept, and only God knows what is truly good.
Jesus good, Hitler evil ? (Despite the motorways)
How am I doing ?
Condemn the sin not the sinner !
Ref another commenter here: “Jesus said: ”Why do you call me good? Only God is good.I have come here with a sword”, (Mark 10:18).
See? I have come here on this commentator site with sword. NOT with a goodie goodie cookie.
Minus twelve as I read this….
But you make a good point.
‘What if’.
And it’s TRUE.
None of us know for real. We are not that connected. And all we have is an opinion, and a bias.
What if it isnt true….
My own personal perspective, and it’s all I have, is that yep, it’s mostly a pile of cow crap in the field.
I do blame ‘us’ for everything, not them.
Complicity is the crime.
We saw this through covid.
Precisely. Who voted them in? Who vote the good ones out. “I get sick when I see a Politician”.
The Politicians get sick when they see the lousy voter coward.
Thank you Paul Cudenec! We lost the empathy of many of our Occupy Oakland anti-authoritarian friends to LOCKDOWN hysteria. Most puzzling to us, were that folks who once never believed in system voices of authority, now trusted the corporate science/BigMed criminals frauding as having humanist concerns. From my understanding, Pfizer is the #1 most sued and fined corporation on Earth. “Humanitarian concern” must be the hook through which the liars are able to pull the hearts of rebels into their hysterian conformity matrix. An Achilles Heel of independent human thought and reason? Here in Eugene, we have John Zerzan with 4 years of raving lunatic screeds against the vile, “anti-masking, anti-vaxxers”! He even pulled a public-cop stop routine on my wife for not wearing a mask at the Post Office. A primitive anarchist who believes in corporate science dictating daily human behavior! Hard to believe, but true.
The anti-semitism bomb, must be a similar weapon used to gas us with false humanist concern, into a politically-correct totalitarian lockstep. But many of us do not accept any of their chicanery and each iteration of falshoods looks more ludicrous than the last. I’m hoping the spells wear off and their efforts become fatally broken and transparent to all.
At our local art gallery that we turned into a totally self-funded, self-governed collective, a new Board of Director’s majority of nonbelievers has headed us into a $2500 corporate grant consultant “retreat” in pursuit of the non-profit industrial complex gold mine, and a “Development Director”. No manner of self-sufficiency seems to quell their desire for MORE, especially when the SYSTEM “gives” it to them.
I agree with your…
“Real democracy would involve the localisation of decision-making, the end of global corporate imperialism and the restoration to communities of the right to shape their own destinies”.
Somehow, we need to find out how to get there.
This is about as close as you have come to even touching a hair on the tip of the elephant’s tail.
The New World Order is the new order of the ages, novus ordo seclorum, which occurs after the Great Reset, aka cataclysm, aka The Age of Aquarius, aka the coming of the sign of the son of man.
The old world order is Leo to Pisces. The new is Aquarius to Virgo. Each world order is a dozen millennia long, and there have been MANY.
What would bake your noodle is to know that TPTB are philanthropists. Writing them off as a ‘criminocracy’ suits them just fine.
You must do far more reearch – holistic research. Everything is interlinked.