Bugs and Goo: Welcome to “alternative protein”
Kit Knightly

Sometimes it feels like writing for OffG has fallen into a recognizable pattern the last two years, one that could be best summed up “as ignoring the (mostly) fake stuff on the front pages and collating the real stuff on the back”.
Regular reminders that no matter who you vote for, or which side wins what war, the overarching agenda is still out there, eating and growing. Like the Blob or the Thing.
Censorship? We all know that’s on the elite’s shopping list.
Digital currencies? They’re still going.
Digital ID? Absolutely on the cards.
And we’ll be returning to talk about all of them no doubt until they eats any more or we’re finally shut down (whichever happens first)
But today we’re talking about eating the bugs.
Not just the bugs though – goo too.
Everything in fact that academics and journalists have decided to group under the umbrella term “alternative protein” in headlines like this one, from Sky News:
Are alternative proteins going mainstream? This multimillion pound new project hopes so
This story is in response to the launch of the UK’s new National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre (NAPIC), a £38million research project co-founded with Imperial College London (of Covid modelling fame).
Professor Karen Polizzi of Imperial’s brand new “Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein” (yes, that Bezos) described the new initiative thus:
Transitioning to healthy, sustainable sources of protein is a pressing global challenge. The National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre will help facilitate this transition by supporting researchers and industry in all parts of the process from product design through to consumer acceptance. At Imperial, we will focus on developing economical, sustainable processes for producing newly discovered alternative proteins on a large scale.”
The “alternative proteins” that are the focus of this research being…
edible proteins that are derived from sources other than animal agriculture: from plants such as cereals, legumes, tubers and nuts; fungi such as mushrooms; algae such as seaweed; insects; proteins derived via lab-grown microbial cells or fermentation; and lab-grown meat
Like I said: bugs and goo – oh and some plants too.
What exactly is the appeal of the bugs and the goo (and plants) as far as the overlords go?
That’s a complex question, with a multi-faceted answer.
Part of me thinks they just like to see ordinary people humiliate themselves in the “I think we could get them to brush their tongues” model. But that’s just a theory, we can expound upon it another time.
Outside of sadism and other psycho-social motivations there are practical questions of profit and control. As we covered in our recent piece on genetically modified gene-edited food, intellectual property laws play a role.
An egg is an egg. Beef is beef. You can’t patent a cow or a chicken, and it’s quite difficult to prevent people keeping their own animals.
But when your product is a few thousand freeze-dried crickets ground into a powder (including their eyes, intestines and faeces), mixed with chemical preservatives, thickeners and artificial flavourings to mimic real meat…
well, you can patent the hell out of that.
That’s part of the reason the edible insect market is expected to grow to ten times its current size in the next decade.
In one of those ever-so-timely coincidences, the announcement of the new research project has just so happened to accompany a full-court press on “alternative protein” propaganda.
Last week The Guardian ran a glossy advertisement interview with the CEO of Meatly, the lab grown meat company, where he claimed “Cultivated meat is safer, kinder, more sustainable”
The very next day The Guardian (again) reported on a “new study” that (shockingly) found “Plant-based meat alternatives are eco-friendlier and mostly healthier”.
Four days ago, another new study found proteins extracted from peanut shells could be used to supplement animal proteins.
Good Food Magazine thinks eating mealworms can cure diabetes. Medical journals are publishing pieces “investigating the health benefits of alternative proteins”
MSN is reposting articles from the Metro headlining: “Lab-grown meat is coming. Here’s why you might have no choice but to eat it”
Yahoo Finance tells us “Why Lab-grown meat is a win for the UK’s investment industry”
And it’s not just the UK. Obviously. It never is, just like prices don’t change at just one Walmart and the menu doesn’t change at just one MacDonald’s. Because globalism is already a reality, and your “national government” is just a local branch of a multinational conglomerate.
In the US, the University of California is being pretty straightforward:
Good grub — why you should consider eating bugs
While Finland’s “Solein” company, which makes bacteria pancakes out of “air and sunlight”, has been “Generally Recognised as Safe” by the FDA (the next step, I suppose, would be being “generally recognised as food“).
Australia’s “next superfood” is Hoppa, a bag of powdered crickets. Next month, Melbourne will be playing host to AltProtein24, a conference for the promotion of “alternative proteins”.
Last week Singapore approved 16 different types of insects for human consumption. Singapore is also getting its own “Sustainable Protein Research Centre”, again funded by huge donations from Jeff Bezos.
The silver lining here is that, despite all these efforts, there’s a good possibility this will never work. Article after article highlights the problems of “consumer acceptance” or “public enthusiasm” or similar phrases meaning the same thing:
Most people don’t want to eat bugs.
Hence the propaganda, I suppose.
I want to close by pointing out the truly hilarious modern irony of the story.
The same outlets that are happily promoting the fact the elites want us to eat bugs and goo:

Are simultaneously calling it a crazy “conspiracy theory”:

We are quite literally in the age of doublethink.
But never mind, we’ll be OK as long as we keep refusing to eat ze bugs…or ze goo.
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Autumn the season of “mellow fruitfulness”? No, fruit is disgusting:
Somehow humanity has eaten fruit for centuries without extinction but now thanks to TikTok we know what a mistake that was. Give it another decade and she’ll be eating the worms and throwing away the strawberries.
If only there was something else safe and effective and patented for us to eat….
Doing some research into veganism and its origins I have discovered the link between Seventh Day Adventists (SDA) who in 1917 started to influence through education and the establishment of the Amercian Dietetics Association, mentioned by one commenter as ” regarded as the most respected authorities on diet on the planet” – a highly dubious statement. This organisation has been accused of manipulating studies and also has links to BigAg and processed food companies.
Now called the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics using the URL eatrightpro.com, sponsors include General Mills (processed foods) and Cargil the world’s largest agricultural commodities trader, turned processor of foods.
Also, linked to John Harvey Kelloggs and adventist who created Corn Flakes that went on to become the Kelloggs cereal giant.
Short excerpt of a video interview with Dr Gary Fettke explaining SDA, BigAg and Big Food involvement in manipulating diet.
Article explaining the history
Above video reposted as it did not embed correctly.
Seventh Day Adventists Ellen G White and J.H Kellogg and the anti-meat crusade to promote abstinence and no masturbation! Kellogg was a eugenicist.
The use of the SDA’s own university Loma Linda University to train ‘professionals’ to carry their message and the use of the American Dietetic Association which is now the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics as food lobbying group with the type of sponsors I mentioned above.
It is also worth noting that Seventh Day Adventists are some of the longest living and healthiest people on the planet. That is a fact.
We encourage ppl to provide sources for claims of fact
Look, Pythagoras was vegan. The word doesn’t represent a diet, and it is nothing new. It is an ethical choice to not harm others. Regardless of what you think of the American Dietetic Association– as you correctly pointed out, now called the American College of Dietetics, nobody needs to eat animal flesh or secretions to live a happy and healthy life. To the contrary, the mass consumption of grisly and highly processed corpse food puts us all into the pharma-medical industrial complex when we fail to see that humans– like gorillas, have no place eating like buzzards. We belong in the garden. It’s what our bodies were designed for. Furthermore, we can’t carry on about wanting freedom and a healthy environment if we’re still paying for this grisly atrocity that imprisons others and reduces beings to “livestock”. Where do you think the elites get the idea of treating us like livestock? If you are talking about social conditioning from this dietary organization because of ties to Big Ag, you would do well to consider that the animal agriculture sector receives billions every year in subsidies. Would you have us believe that we are looking at social interference from the ‘Brocoli Foundation’? Lol. Plant farmers don’t get JACK from government handouts. Eat your vegetables!
God gave animals to man for food. All of the insipid blathering otherwise is opinion based. You do you, bro.
Summarizing this article in short: Create problems where there aren’t any.
I hope that you will be able to release (from ‘pending’) my short post which is timed at 10.04pm today, BTL. Thank you!
“That’s part of the reason the edible insect market is expected to grow to ten times its current size in the next decade.”
That wouldn’t just apply to bugs, it would apply to just about any processed food. And sure, processed food is a way of having a unique product in the market that other companies can’t provide, for patent reasons. But when everybody is playing that game, every company is just waiting for another processed food to take over their share of the market, because people can only eat so much. Not too different from the farmer competing with the other farmers about the quality of their eggs, or any other produce. All that happens is that everyone find themselves eating low quality highly processed food, that is different only superficially but often is made up of the same ingredients. And also, the situation interferes with the natural ability of people of noticing how particular foods may be what they need in their present condition (the famous cravings of pregnant women), thanks to flavors no longer bearing any relation to actual nutritional content.
I imagine that we already are eating bugs …
I don’t believe that this will be the main source of “food” for the majority of the herds of MMS around the Planet, simply because it is unable to generate OBESE animals.
And obese is the new PROFIT normal
Starvation is another way to adversely affect people’s health, you know.
To the tune of Stairway to Heaven
There’s a feeling I get,
When I look to the WEF
And they say now
More bugs must be eaten.
There’s a sign on the wall
Because they want to be sure
That the don’t feel
The unvaxxed heathen
It’s becoming pretty obvious that the ultimate objective is not to persuade us to eat insects of all kinds and protein slop, but to force us to do so by destroying real food produced by farmers and conventional agriculture. This process, using a combination of state regulatory coercion and/or taxpayer-funded bribes to farmers to destroy the agricultural sector, is already in full swing in the Netherlands, the US and other Western nations which currently feed most of the world.
Thanks mainly to the nefarious activities globalist food colonialists and their political puppets, food prices in shops and supermarkets are rising to the point where for the increasingly hard-up majority of people in the so-called developed world, meat, veg and fruit and dairy products will soon become unaffordable. Ultimately, it will be a case of “eat zee bugs” and drink the phony protein shakes or starve.
In the relatively poor country south-east Asian country where I have lived for the past 25 years, it has historically been perfectly normal (and for many, economically necessary) to eat creepy-crawlies we Westerners would typically turn our noses up at – snakes, small birds, scorpions and insects of all kinds.
Mind you,I suspect even they might draw the line at malang sahb milk!
Sounds like “alternative proteins” is just another name for hyper-processed food, which we all know is good for the oligarch wallets but bad for our health. A common theme.
I am fond of rabbit ragout- but I would not eat Bugs Bunny…
The misanthropic overlords will not give up, they will not quit. They, meaning the globalist billionaire Bilderberger WEF crowd, will keep floating trial balloons in their media until they can frighten us with another propaganda blitz to accompany their latest crisis or false flag Psyop; just like they tried to do with: Zika, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Monkey Pox or with a food supply problem they create so they can mobilize, intervene and resolve. Of course once they intervene with their social engineering plan things will never go back to full normal and we’ll be farther down the road to dystopia. Their playbook is extremely thin but they make incremental advances in their NWO agenda because we still fall for their okey-doke and film-flam.
“What exactly is the appeal of the bugs and the goo (and plants) as far as the overlords go?”
Well, also, you see, TFIC preferred the Old School of a clearcut division between Serfy Things and Lordy Things. After WWll, Serfs worth not much money at all were suddenly eating and fucking and travelling like Lords… what was even the point of being a Lord, toddling about ones vast estate, with ones retinue of obsequious vassals, if one was painfully aware that plumbers, poets, carpenters and long-haired Hippie vagabond males were soaking up sun on pristine beaches and fucking eye-poppingly beautiful girls, free of charge and often as they pleased?
TFIC want to restore the Natural Order of Things. They want sex-starved, bug-eating peasants who avert their eyes, with awestruck humility, whenever a Lord hovers by. TFIC also want just enough of these peasants, around, to Lord it over…but not so many that an uprising will ever again be something to fear. The bug-eaters will be lucky; the unlucky will be killed-off or never-born.
That’s the TFIC fantasy I believe it behooves us to monkeywrench. First move: throw away the motherfucking Televisions and trust NO (wannabe) leaders.
The globalist elites get a real charge out of perpetually lowering down the food chain, it seems. Additionally, I’ve heard it alleged (though never conclusively proven) that some of those exact same elites like to indulge in cannibalism, as a symbol of their superiority over us. We literally become their livestock. Just Countess Bathory-level depravity!
Anyone for a bilder bug berger?
Since the vegan conversation has come up again, I thought it interesting that there was a time when people concerned about animal welfare or the killing of animals were vegetarian. That being the case with many Hindus, particularly in India.
I cannot remember when vegetarianism morped into veganism. I do remember vegetarian friends inviting us to dinner at their house, and of course it was vegetarian food. Likewise, when they came to our house we had to prepare vegetarian food for them. Funny how it always worked out that way! Not so great at a barbeque but at least with vegetarians, dishes with dairy products allowed for more options.
Yet, I do not remember any vegans around 20 years ago. I also know of a few excellent vegetarian restuarants that later became both vegetarian and vegan, offering different dishes to suit both.
It seems to me that the media promotion of veganism, is something that has been mainly bought into by younger people.
I think I only first heard the word ‘vegan’ in the late 80s, and probably only because my mother was a registered dietitian, so she followed trends in people’s eating habits for a living (not that she, personally, advocated veganism though). But I swear to you, within a mere ten years, that’s the only word I ever heard anymore: vegan. It’s as though vegetarianism just vanished overnight. Weird …
Veganism goes back hundreds of years. The word vegan is a relatively new term, but what used to be called vegetarianism also included not drinking the milk of a mother cow and eating things that come out of chicken’s buttholes. Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci, and Henry David Thoreau are a few notable people who come to mind when it comes to people who were vegan before it was called vegan. It has been hijacked by the NWO ‘woke’ narrative.
Veganism was concocted ~30 years ago. The Science has approved it – I have no idea on what basis. Vegetarianism is an ancient practice, often a necessity among the poor.
Perhaps you missed the last comment. Veganism has existed for hundreds of years. It is simply the choice to not abuse and exploit other innocent and defenseless beings if we don’t have to. They just called it vegetarianism.
Our band The Refusers rock song: EAT THE BUGS
“Klaus Schwab’s Economic Forum Great Reset has declared war on the food you like, they’ll screw your life. You’ll own nothing and be happy. Eat the Bugs! Insect protein is so green Klaus Schwab says it’s clean and lean. Do insects tempt your tongue? Or will they taste like dung? Maggots and mealworms are the food of the future. Eat the Bugs! Insect farms will play a role In your dinner bowl. When cows eat grass they make too much gas! Crickets and black flies are the food of the future. Eat the Bugs!”
Free streaming song link
I already know who’ll line up for the first scrumptious morsel of bug with feces: the poor deluded souls who can’t keep away from crabs. Crabs are carrion (God knows what category crickets are).
The day is coming, a giftie of the US military, when geoengineering will finally succeed in destroying all food crops – and all the farm animals dependent on grain – thus leaving 8 billion folks no choice but to eat Gatesburgers.
Has anyone else noticed a growing chorus of “online doctors” questioning the value and safety of various vitamin supplements? Coupled of course in the US with the Durbin-Braun Pre-market Approval Proposal of 2022 which would effectively ban vitamin supplements and which, so far, has not become law.
And at the same time, we’re told upwards of 90% of insects are now extinct. So we’ll be eating crickets no more but lab grown crickets.
Most of the bottom feeders consume far worse than faeces. The lower parts of rivers and busy shores are coated with POPs, heavy metals, fertilizers, etc.
Where are the ‘cruelty to crickets’ groups? Why are they not protesting?
‘Good Food Magazine thinks eating mealworms can cure diabetes’. As someone who has type 1 diabetes, I have heard all the ways of ‘curing diabetes’ come and go and am now beginning to realise that that has never been the plan. So many trillions of dollars go to Big Pharma by not curing diabetes that it is clear that it was only ever meant to trigger another food fad for Big Farmer to profit from, never to cure anything. I am sure there is a way to get rid of diabetes completely (Berberine / Chromium / Cinnamon / fasting all seem to work to a limited extent) but we’ve got to get in there before all supplements are taken over by tptb and we’re left with some toxic version of the original. What works best for me at the moment is trusting my gut (literally) and eating what feels right for me and mealworms just aren’t it thank you very much.
A critical issue is fat in the pancreas, liver and maybe some other glands. A BBC talk show, maybe 10 years ago, resurrected the idea of fasting to address this, but that is now re-interred. Anything that entails less consumption or restraint may hurt the feeling of our overlords.
Another one of those crazy conspiracy theories turns out to be true:
All the other ones are still wrong though.
Was spam ever considered meat..?
In sweets sold at the confectionery shops insects where used to make them.
Aborted fetuses in food and drinks already.
Horse urine in medication hormone replacement drugs,
Human (children’s) piss is expensive face creams.
But hollywierd is now pretending this is all new.
8 years ago
Several beauty products contain baby foreskin cells, urine, or snail extract
Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett a “penis facial”—and that it costs $650 per treatment
I know a man who would happily give Sandra and Cate a “penis facial” for nothing.
Let’s be absolutely clear: animal-based agriculture can be highly sustainable, can be regenerative (i.e. putting carbon back into the soil) and can be extremely lacking in energy intensity.
If you want to grow proteins in a vat, you’re going to need to heat it to 37C, you’re going to need to manufacture broths to grow the micro-organisms in. So you’re going to be using plenty of energy to make it. How is that ‘sustainable’?
As usual in the globalists’ world of lying, there is no questioning of their lies.
I start from the assumption that every single act of Bezos, Gates, Musk, Zuckerberg is based on eugenicist reduction of human populations to 500 milliion whilst growing their own personal wealth to $10trn or more.
My opinion is that Gates et al are not fit and proper people to be allowed to make investment decisions and that is because all they care about is money, humanity does not mean anything to them.
The single change that needs to occur is removing the right to invest from the master-race genocidal racists and limit it solely to people who do not equate humanity with vast personal wealth.
This is complete BS. Animal agriculture is not sustainable, no matter how anybody tries to spin it. It is the leading cause of deforestation, water table depletion, desertification and ocean dead zones. The reason that 99+% of animal products come from CAFO’s is because there is such a high demand for these addictive products. Nobody needs to manufacture synthetic proteins. Plants are full of all of the amino acids that we need to thrive. Where do you think gorillas get their protein from?
Added to that, we seem to have moved into the Twilight Zone of nourishment. In that dark place, everything but protein has been labeled “Bad.” Almost all processed foods are now stressing their protein content as if nothing but protein matters anymore.
Good point. Everybody seems to have forgotten that the longest surviving cultures depended on starches like corn (Aztecs), potatoes (Mayans) and rice. Somehow, the carbohydrates that fuel our brains with glycogen have become some kind of poison in people’s minds. People would do well to watch The Game Changers movie.
You’re shilling for the globalists chum – and upvoting your own comments too 🤣
“Plants are full of all of the amino acids that we need to thrive.”
Oops, another lunatic writing texts for RUMINANTS to read. BUT I guess after you’ve chopped off your genitals to conform to gender fads, you can sign up for DIGESTIVE TRACT REASSIGNMENT SURGERY. They can’t make functional penises or vaginas for the confused but maybe Alternative Digestive Lifestyles for people who identify as Cows and Geese will catch on… ?
Until then: humans will continue to require animal protein. Just ask leading health influencer Steve Howe (formerly of YES), Nikola Tesla’s most famous fitness acolyte… !
Taking animal products out of my life in my early 40’s literally cured several medical issues that I was suffering from. The same goes for my wife. Amazing how we haven’t needed any animal protein this whole time. So yeah, now in my fifties, it is incredible for me to see how removing these daily occult rituals of violence changed so much more for me than just my physical health. Likely you won’t have any clue what I’m talking about.
So are you like 15 years old that you would say something so dumb as to finger me as someone who has had their genitals cut off? Because I have accepted non-violence as a life-changing solution to a overwhelmingly violent world? Clearly, your blind obedience in and faithful support of this violent and dark part of our culture has impressed some blindness on yourself. As The Golden Rule states: As we sow, so shall we reap.
CAFOs: Because small and local farmers are being hounded, prosecuted and bankrupted despite good demand. That is the real “free market”.
Total bullshit. CAFO’s exist to satisfy the colossal and growing demand of animal flesh and excretions. In the US, animal agriculture is highly subsidized. Small farmers wouldn’t even be able to survive if they didn’t get their regular government handouts. Massive handouts. Do a search on how much surplus cheese there is here. That isn’t a free market economy. Regardless, all of these operations– large and small, are turning all of our waterways and coastlines into toxic nightmares. The good news is that we can all thrive without ANY of this and despite all of the babies crying about eating bugs, our tastes are proven to be malleable. We can all enjoy the amazing health, vitality and subtle flavors of fruits, vegetables, grains, greens, tubers, etc.
Addictive? Really?! Real food is not addictive at all. What is, however, is manufactured food that is purposely made to be addictive. Animal agriculture has been sustainable and regenerative for thousands of years. You’ve swallowed the lie if you believe that. You are correct that we have CAFOs because of high demand.We can thank Ray Crock for manufacturing (literally) the “need” for insane amounts of cheap meat to be supplied to McDonalds and their nasty ilk. Without that system, we’d be doing just fine agriculturally. Abolish it, and we will be again. But we can’t have that – oh no, there’s too much profit to be lost in doing that. The irony is that the so-called “elites” are the ones who manufacture all the crises to begin with. Then they manufacture “solutions”, which are in fact non-solutions.
Brushing your tongue actually does stop bad breath…just saying
Ah but what causes bad breath in the first place if not a toxic diet and whose fault is that? Create a problem, present a solution.
That may be true to a point but ever drunk coffee? Not toxic but makes breath foul.
Anyway it’s not really the point of what was being said, but brushing the tongue is hardly ludicrous
Bacteria are naturally in the mouth, and given enough time like 25 or 30 years, they will find places to hide that nothing can reach, so that is one cause.
Not sure why you got downvoted for this comment.
Tongue cleaners (scrapers) made from copper or silver have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Not only does it freshen the mouth it removes bacteria from the tongue and residues.
Solar Foods, funded by the European Union, claims it can make protein ”via a unique bioprocess [that] takes a single microbe, one of the billion different ones found in nature, and grows it by fermenting it using air and electricity”. What is that single miraculous microbe, and what is that unique bioprocess? Is it a business secret?
Is it simply a lie?
Fake foods doesn’t that just fit nicely with their fake narratives and fake agendas. There really isn’t much substance or reality when it comes to the Satanic Cabal just false projections and a whole lot of fear. It’s just another part of their fake doctrine. In the end we won’t even be able to eat the rich for fear of high toxicity or gout or some such detrimental condition.
”Eat the rich” is a metaphor not to be taken literally. It’s been attributed to Jean-Jacques Rousseau: ”When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.” I’m not sure if Rousseau ever said that, but Rousseau was very poor, so poor he gave his children to orphanage because he couldn’t feed them.
Money is fake. Abolish money and the systems supporting it, and most of our problems are solved.
September is always the month where the agenda for the year ahead becomes clear – the elites are back from their hols and normies are switching their corporate media back on again. Last year it was obviously A.I. that was the big push.
Is this the big item this year? It’s too soon to say. It’s certainly one they’re very behind on – the attempts so far to sell it have largely failed. They might have more success if the “alternatives” were cheaper but the meta-agenda of indebtedness and immiseration prevents that.
The real crunch moment is going to come when they attempt to jack up massively the prices of animal-based foods wth the claim the new prices represent the “true” environmental cost of producing them. What we’re seeing currently is a Gramscian ‘war of position’ to ready the population for that moment to try to dampen down the reaction.
“Are alternative proteins going mainstream? This multimillion pound new project hopes so”
Could there be a clearer example of that hypocritical trick of pretending something is “just happening” whilst it is you who are making it hapoen? It’s the multimillion pound new project that is trying to make the alternative proteins mainstream.
Vee haff WAYS of MAKING you EAT ze BUGS bwaahahahahahahaaaaaaa…
Most people don’t want to eat bugs.
Most people cannot eat insects. Their exoskeletons are largely allergenic (poisonous) chitin. And neutralising all the faeces – through cooking or chemicals – cannot be healthy.
The warning signs of the dystopian future have been around for years.
Produced over 12 years ago, a think tank called Forum for the Future produced a series of four short animations showing different scenarios.
For some reason these things often come in fours. ‘The Rockefeller Scenarios for the Future of Technology and Development’ showed four scenarios too, of which one was Operation Lockstep.
Scrubbed from the Forum for the Future website, one of its scenarios is still available on youtube called ‘Plannedopolis – Mega cities on the move’. Calorie cards and a tightly controlled, limited food supply were shown.
Forum for the Future is no Micky Mouse think tank. It is a civil society, communitarian influencer and shaper.
It has charity status and its partner list includes the usual suspects plus a who’s who from the global food supply chain, Nestle, Unilever, Mondelez and Cargill. Food and energy are two of its main areas of focus. Plant based foods is on of its areas of focus, although insects were mentioned in some articles.
People can be so weak and pathetic, so subservient.
So they say “you will eat bugs” and everyone gets in a tizz.
How about you just say “no, I won’t”.
I certainly will not be eating bugs. Do people think there will be no alternatives? Do people think there are no alternatives to eating supermarket food now?
That’s exactly what people are doing – hence another propaganda attempt to sell this idea.
I appreciate it’s not exactly the same issue but levels of veganism remain pitifully low in all countries (Monbiot had a map showing this linked to a recent article). This is confirmed by my own eyes when I’m in food shops – the “plant-based alternatives” sections are well-stocked but deserted and I see nobody buying them at the checkouts. Friends who are otherwise unthinking drones (smart phones, jabbed, Netflix etc) aren’t down with this one.
Bugs of many type are sold at my local market here in Thailand- BUT standard farm produce is there too. Bugs are a snack delicacy, not basic food.
I’m reminded of the simple pleasures in life. At least to me. I think eating, enjoying eating, something we do 2 -3 times a day, day after day, should include as much pleasure as possible. Kind of like sleeping a third of your life, get a good mattress and pillow, man, and try to enjoy it. Going to a neighborhood restaurant and enjoying the Friday night prime rib dinner. Eating brats and bbq’d corn on the cob out behind a 24-hour tavern in the corn fields of Wisconsin. Eating bbq chicken and potato salad at 4th of July celebrations in small town America. Having a ribeye steak smothered in mushrooms at an out of way place just off the highway. I guess that’s just going to be for the rich who rule us. Because that is EXACTLY what will happen, because those ARE the pleasures in life. They, the rich who rule us, aren’t going to give them up, that’s for sure. They aren’t going to give up their guns, that’s for sure. They’re going to keep their five star Morton Steak houses and Michelin rated restaurants and they aren’t going to be eating fucking bugs. They’re going to keep their security armies with guns to keep the plebs away and at bay. But not you. But most people are evidently going to go along with them taking/forcing all their pleasure out of life in the quest to enslave them. Fasten your seat belts, put your helmets on, show your digital ID, and eat your fucking bugs. I just read an article about the fake pandemic lockdown and how so many just went along. I think we learned something there, because that’s not going to change.
Insane Bill Gates is already the largest land owner in US.
Most of my relatives in Wisconsin who frequently garbage out on highly processed foods like burgers, brats, and cheese are all suffering from heart disease and diabetes. I’m in my fifties. I quit eating the animal products nearly a decade ago and it solved several of my health issues. Two of my cousins who are also in their fifties, and also worked in the family dairy and pig farming business are also doing well on a plant-based diet. To think that we don’t eat amazing and wonderful food anymore, because we don’t suck on corpses and secretions of dead animals is ludicrous. Growing up with a sess-pool and a dead pile in your back yard would probably open a few more minds to the possibilities that there is a better way to live that doesn’t have to sacrifice pleasure. Until then, all of us are going to have to suffer the consequences of those who can’t get over– or much less, even see that they are living with an ugly addiction. The massive dead zone flowing out of the Midwest and into the Gulf of Mexico from all of the animal farm run-off is one example.
Whatever floats your boat, man. If you think having a prime rib dinner now and then is an ugly addiction, then I feel sorry for you.
Why would you feel sorry for me? Despite being born into this ancient Death Cult just like you and most everybody else, I changed my habits nearly nine years ago and solved several serious health issues that I was going through. This was after my wife discovered the same. If eating this way makes us sick– which all serious evidence, the general modern state of health in the West, and all of my unhealthy farming and hunting relatives would suggest, then why do we do it, other than the fact that we are addicted to a certain flavor and texture? It is the leading cause worldwide of deforestation, soil desertification, water table depletion, and ocean dead zones. It is best described as an addiction that we are collectively suffering from– despite our most cherished feelings for this behavior we could easily choose to avoid if this were based on rational thinking. I don’t miss that at all. Should I? If so, please explain why.
So what the fuck were these “serious” health issues you had but now don’t have. I’m 70 and would like to know because I didn’t. You sound kind of like Greta and Trump, a fanatic.
Okay Big Al. Like Trump and Greta? That’s an interesting combo. I’ll start with my wife, because she “pushed this on me.” Lol. She was having serious girly issues with her period, heavy and multiple times a month. She read something online about dairy having lots of mammalian hormones in it, and consequently that has an effect on women’s cycles. Go figure. Then, after reading some more, she decided to just nix the rest of the grisly animal bits. I was alarmed and fearful for her, but it fixed her problem in a matter of months. She showed me the American Dietetics Association (now the American College of Dietetics) official stance on plant-based diets to ease my concern. I decided to give it a try just to give her a break in the kitchen. A debilitating lower back problem that I had suffered from for several years– bad enough that I couldn’t even lay in bed without hurting and something which often made my leg go numb, DISAPPEARED in just a couple of months. I also was someone who got sick often, even though I thought I ate fairly well, and suffered from chronic horrible ear infections every year– for 40+ years. Since making these changes, I haven’t gotten sick one time. Not even sniffles. Zero ear infection issues. There are plenty of other things that I have noticed. My ‘normal’ body odor issues went away– so much so that I haven’t had the need to use deodorant for nearly a decade. Apparently that has a lot to do with inflammation that we all suffer from due to the load of rotting corpse garbage that we put into our bodies. It made me feel a lot younger and generally healthier. Despite growing up in a farming and hunting family– which I participated heavily in, I now look back at this activity as clearly being something that I only did because my father indoctrinated me into it just like his father did to him. I don’t miss any of that grisly corpse “food” that I used to eat– nor the congealed breastmilk intended for baby cows, nor the things that pop out of chicken’s buttholes. Do a search on pus in milk and cancerous lesions in meat and see what you get. I understand that this probably doesn’t sound amazing to you, but that is what indoctrination is all about. I am happy to be out of this grisly Death Cult that we are born into. I also understand that many people find this “fanatical” and “extreme” to not pay others to do incredibly wicked violence on other thinking and feeling beings on my own behalf. I don’t know what more to tell you. I just hope more people will examine this for themselves and see that there is a better way– a kinder, more peaceful, sovereign, free and respectful way to live.
Well, thanks for the thoughtful answer. You seem to have all the bases covered, i.e., it’s a better diet, avoids the pollution, avoids the killing, etc., not just from one angle. You’ve got the whole ball of wax. That’s why I referred to Greta. And you go from one to the other and back which reminded me of Trump. No doubt there are plenty of problems to go around relative to the mass production of meat, and the entire process, much like just about anything nowadays, could certainly be improved, must be improved. Personally, I’ve done research on the best meat, poultry, the best dairy, etc., how it’s grown and all that and that’s what I go for. I don’t eat brats every fucking night. That’s why I referred to it as a pleasure, I think I’ve had 2 in the last five years. But evidently one brat is one too many for you. I don’t agree that eating meat, poultry, fish and dairy is an evil thing. And I doubt I ever will. I think people like you are unable to truly understand life on earth. My grandparents lived in the early 1900’s and had their family cow, and chickens and pigs and all that. And they ate them. That’s life, People have always hunted for food. That’s life. I don’t know how you can explain how it should be now relative to how it’s always been, which to me is natural and innate. But good convo and I respect your choice, just not your level of condescension.
And ya, you are a fanatic brother. But a good kind. 🙂 Peace.
And actually that dead zone is mostly from growing plants, not from animal operations, not that they don’t contribute.
This dead zone IS mostly from growing plants. It is mostly ftom growing feed crops to shovel in the gullets of captive livestock. But are you kidding? You really are of the belief that “animal operations”– as you colloquially refer to large scale confined animal feeding operations, are not responsible for any of this dead zone pollution? It is amazing to me just how hard people will lie to themselves when it comes to exploring who and what is on our plates. Where do you think all of the nitrogen and phosphate rich shit and piss coming from these animals goes? Into a municipal sewer system? We’re talking about the raw untreated sewage of over 70 billion captive animals per year.
You mentioned my home state of Wisconsin. Have you never heard about the green nightmare of Lake Winnebago? You would have me believe that this originates from carrots or brocoli crops or something? Ridiculous. Of couse not. This green hell wrought all over the planet is from confined animal shit and piss and the colossal infinite acres of livestock feed crops that they spray it on.
The dead zones in water (rivers, seas, etc.) arise from (a) direct poisoning (b) loss of oxygen due to fertilizer runoff and sewage (c) opportunistic harmful organisms such as algae (algal blooms) and poisonous jellyfish. For major rivers including Amazon, this extends far out into the ocean.
Industrial farming cannot exist without government collusion. This is the famous Free Market.
Maybe you don’t want to think about other stuff going into the rivers treated like sewers: poisonous agro-chemicals, eroded soil, POPs including hormone disruptors, heavy metals, and hundreds of thousands of other synthetic poisons.
In the “free market” of the “free world”, no one is looking out for you in agriculture – or anything else.
You are right. I don’t want to think about all this pollution in the water killing all the wildlife, but unfortunately, it is unavoidable for me. My wife and I have lived and traveled on our sailboat for the last 19 years. Most of the reefs in the Caribbean and East Coast of America are dead from overfishing. I have witnessed (and participated in) their demise myself. Most people aren’t aware that we feed more fish to cows, pigs and chickens than we feed to humans. The massive dead zones all around the US shorelines are from the colossal mountains of feed crops that we grow to shovel into the gullets of captive AI animals. None of the sewage coming out of these 70+ BILLION slaughtered baby animals is treated. Along with the mountains of phosphorus mined in Florida– which also results in massive fish kills here every damn year, all of this shit and piss ends up washing out to sea. It is a hard fact that if everyone in the world switched to a plant based diet, we could rewild an area of land the size of Africa. But who wants that when we are all addicted to greasy animal flesh, the breastmilk of cows, and things that come out of chicken’s buttholes? It is incredible that so many of the supposed truth seekers and critical thinkers here can remain so aloof to this cold hard evidence.
Australia, the first one off the blocks to deregulate
genetically modifiedgene edited food ingredients…No mention of the rebranded ingredients will be
included in the products contents list…
Genetically edited food to be deregulated in Australia and NZ;
“And if you get a mysterious illness after eating GM / GE
food after a while, They are bound to discover a novel virus
to blame for your illness” … (anon) …
Soon, in Australia, there will be nothing on the labels of food that tell us it has been genetically modified and worse. It is now difficult to buy cheese which has not been made with “plant based rennet”, yet another GMO synthetic product.
If you had any idea where rennet came from, you probably wouldn’t be so concerned about getting actual rennet. They scrape it from the stomach lining of baby cows at the slaughter plant. Are you aware that the limit count for somatic cells– aka PUS, is 250,000 cells per cc in the UK and 750,000 cells per cc in the US? It takes ten pounds of mother cow’s milk to make just one pound of cheese, so you can do the math on how much actual PUS is in that block of cheese. Regardless, thanks to casomorphine– the morphine like compound that is designed to keep a baby calf coming back to its mother, cheese is highly addictive. People are into their addictions. They don’t ask these questions. All kinds of supposed “truth seekers” here on Off-Guardian who don’t really want to know about the heavy truth that they avoid three times a day– for a lifetime.
Are you getting this Kit Knightly? Should we really fall into this trap of being fearful of “bugs and goo” when our own “food” system is a grisly and ancient Death Cult that revolves around thoughtless exploitation and abuse?
Meantime, they are killing birds to fight with bird flu, cows to fight mad cow disease, pigs to fight swine fever. In Romania they were killing right now many sheeps because they find a disease – pest of small ruminants (dont know if it is the correct translation in English). It seems bugs and lab grown meat will be the only available protein.
5G can cause a loss of birds and insects. If they are lucky, they flee. Of course, the blame will go to bird flu with a fancy designation.
Flea flu? 😱
Wind and solar farms kill huge numbers of birds. In the USA they are exempt from wildlife protection legislation used to prosecute other energy producers when they kill birds.
Woops! I posted before scrolling down and seeing your comment. Bravo …
Windmills kill birds, too.
Alternative protein from peanut shells? Hey, here’s an idea: how about just eat peanuts? They are loaded with protein. According to the American Dietetic Association– the largest and most respected dietary association on the planet, any human being can thrive on a balanced whole food plant-based diet, even pregnant women, infants or the elderly, so who is being forced to eat zee bugs or zee goo? The fact that we have to grow ten times as many plants, to shove down the gullets of CAFO livestock as we would have to grow if we ate plants alone should say something to those who are supposedly critical thinkers and questioners of the status quo. The fact that we don’t have to pay others to do grisly and vulgar deeds to over 70 billion sentient feeling beings per year should speak to our hearts.
The king of the mountain folks will be eating the peanuts, you’ll be eating the shells…
Because you believe that only the “king of the mountain folks”– whoever that is, are capable of sticking some seeds in the ground?
”any human being can thrive on a balanced whole food plant-based diet”
That’s not true. People in the Arctic eat mostly animals, because plants don’t grow during winter. Wild and free-ranging animals don’t need to be fed by people.
You’re making a faulty generalization from yourself. Or from your nation. Less than 5 % of all people live in ”America”, the United States. ”Americans” just think they are the world, and that everyone else should be like them.
Vegan ideology is twisted and authoritarian. There is no other way but brutal force to make people obey that diet. What people put in their mouth is none of anyone’s business.
They’re already evangelising ento-veganism, so even vegans aren’t immune.
Veganism isn’t a diet, it’s a conviction to do as little harm as possible to other beings. What would make you believe that somebody who has adopted a healthy whole-foods plant based diet would want to start eating bugs? Just because the media came up with some ridiculous phrase?
You completely missed the point. ANY human can thrive on a diet devoid of all animal products. This is a fact. We get all of the amino acids we need from plants. Where do you think a gorilla gets their protein from? Nobody needs to eat bugs or goo. Most of the world outside of America lives on a mostly plant-based diet because they can’t afford the luxury of eating animals and their secretions. Do you live in the Arctic? What percentage of the world population lives in the Arctic?
Gorillas have a vegetarian gut system – we DON’T. We literally can’t process plant proteins like herbivores do. The only way we can extract plant proteins is if we cook certain plants or chemically alter others, and even then we don’t obtain the full spectrum of nutrients which is why vegans have to take many supplements.
There’s nothing wrong with going vegan if you want, but saying it’s natural for humans is just a lie.
Lol. Weird how I have been thriving on a mostly raw plant based diet for nearly nine years that cured me of several problems I was suffering from in my forties. What you are saying about our digestive systems being completely different from a gorilla is complete BS. ANYONE– including pregnant women, infants, and the elderly, can thrive on a diet devoid of animal products AND supplements. This is according to the American Dietetic Association, the largest and most respected dietary association on the planet. I see a lot of cowards in these comments who are afraid to accept this existential reality. They are afraid that someone is going to take away their cheeseburger– and moreso, they are afraid to even examine where their cheeseburgers come from. Our digestive system is near identical to a gorilla, and completely different from carnivorous animals like lions and tigers. That is an inarguable fact.
Not so. You might be able to get away with veganism as an adult, provided that you know enough about nutrition so as not to accidentally malnourish yourself. But being mammals, we are bred to need, among other things, animal lipids, which is one of the key nutrients a suckling infant receives. Vegetarianism might be OK after that, but full-on veganism should wait until the individual’s physical growth process has completed itself, which typically occurs in our early 20s.
veganism should wait until the individual’s physical growth process has completed
I doubt it. Where is the B-12 and Omega-3 going to come from? And here are some inconvenient facts about PUFA oils (from seeds/nuts): (a) they contain harmful linoleic acid (b) heating them generates trans-fats.
B12 comes from bacteria in the soil. Most corpse suckers are B12 deficient as cooking destroys most of the B12 and regardless, most animals that people eat are heavily supplemented with B12 because our soil is so depleted and sterilized. Omega 3 originates from alpha linolic acid in plants. Fish bioaccumulate it from eating algae, but it is easy for us to avoid all of the dioxins, mercury and PCB’s that they also bioaccumulate by just cutting out the middle man. Nobody needs to eat any refined oils. These are all facts that supposed truth seekers and critical thinkers who show up here on Off-Guardian like to ignore.
So are you going to eat zee bugs?
How about just eat your vegetables instead?
You have to be kidding here. You honestly are of the belief that we as human beings need to suckle a cow’s tit for our nutrients? You are a victim of dairy industry propaganda, highly subsidized by government handouts. Look guy, this might be news to you, but are you aware that a cow makes milk because she has a baby? Well, had a baby, because the standard practice after the farmer fists her up to his elbow and she carries the baby for 9 months is to take her baby away and toss him into the meat grinder. Once every year until she is spent and wasted a few years later. A mother cow’s breastmilk is intended to turn a 50 pound calf into a 500 pound cow.
This idea that eating fruits, vegetables, grains, greens, tubers, beans, etc. is dangerous, is COMPLETE MALARKEY. Sweet potatoes have all of the nutrients that a human needs to thrive. A human could thrive off of sweet potatos alone. It isn’t hard at all to get a massive surplus of everything we need by just eating a very basic selection of plant food.
”Do you live in the Arctic?”
No, but four million other people do. I live close enough to the Arctic to know. Why do you want to rule them and us all and make us follow your rules? Why do you want to rule the world?
And what’s your solution to make us eat what you want us to eat? How are you going to achieve that? Peacefully and non-violently?
You’re fighting devil on the side of the devil.
Your repetitions (”ANY human can thrive on a diet devoid of all animal products.”) don’t make it true. Appealing to emotion (”baby cows”), appealing to authority (”American Dietetic Association”), false equations and whataboutisms don’t make it true either.
You have created a final solution that requires all people to start believing like you, start behaving like you, start eating like you, start living like you. And the question is: how will you make that happen? I see you have no problem with the American military industrial complex, which is most responsible for mining of raw materials, pollution and killing life.
You have no problem with American capitalism, responsible for endless wars and imperialism. And you have no problem with the evil system in this world. Instead, you’re blaming humanity for eating.
And that’s why you’re a fanatic on the side of the powers that be.
I have personal experience of the risks of vegetarian/ vegan diets especially for females who are already iron-depleted because of (largely undiagnosed and ignored) heavy menstrual bleeding. The risks of long term anaemia is horrific but no interest is shown in the UK of testing for this or addressing this in any way. My daughter gave up meat after pressure from school friends and three years ago started eating meat again. The difference in her energy levels / mood / pallor / happiness is staggering. It’s as if she’d been switched back on as a human being.
Clearly, you weren’t feeding her properly if she was suffering from anemia. We can get all of our nutrients from plants, but you know, you can’t just eat crap and expect to live well. Look, it is a fact that the American Dietetic (and the European) Association has cleary stated that ANYONE, in any stage of life including pregnancy, infancy, and the elderly, can thrive on a WELL BALANCED diet devoid of animal flesh and excretions. These are the largest and most highly respected dietary associations on the planet. If your daughter got sick doing this, this is due to your own lack of knowledge and unwillingness to research the matter. What you are spouting are well accepted anecdotal lies.
I think that some people can cope better on non-meat diets than others. We used to eat well but it just lacked the nutrients she needed and wasn’t getting from a vegetarian diet with B12 supplements. And that was true for me too as I ended up being virtually vegetarian as I didn’t want to cook different dishes for myself. We’re both O+ blood type and I’ve heard that in other cultures people are aware that different blood types have different food needs. Maybe that’s true as we both feel so much healthier now and as far as I’m concerned that’s all that matters. And this may be hard to hear if you’re vegan, but I’m currently taking a daily cup of chicken bone broth and have never felt healthier.
This is anecdotal information that you are speaking. It is a fact that both the American Dietetic Association and the British Dietetic Association– both regarded as the most respected authorities on diet on the planet, have clearly stated that ANYONE in any life stage, including pregnant women, infants, and the elderly, can thrive without any animal products whatsoever. What you are expressing, however, is just an ill-informed opinion which is not based on facts. And BTW, it’s not ‘hard for me to hear’ that you are now drinking some disgusting CAFO juice from a place that you certainly wouldn’t want to see footage of before you put it to your lips. It’s not like kryptonite. I was born into this sick death cult just like you and everybody else. When you know better, however, you can do better. Spouting the “risks of a vegetarian or vegan diet” is speaking untruths. Anybody can be unhealthy if they eat crap, and chicken juice is not a magical elixir despite yours or anybody’s opinion.
I make it myself (the bone broth) just like my mother used to. She lived to 99 and then had a stroke and died after being given a quadrivalent flu jab. I know about toxins in jabs and in food but she seemed fine on the high fat / high protein diet. A shame the doctors didn’t leave her alone but that’s what paying doctors to give vaccines results in.
Alright, but it’s not all about you and your longevity. What about the wicked damage that this industry does to our environment? Animal agriculture remains the leading contributor to deforestation, water table depletion, soil desertification, ocean dead zones and species extinction. And what about the animals themselves? What about the billions of thinking and feeling beings that we breed into existence– literally with our fingers on their genitals like some kind of ‘acceptable’ bestiality, only to off them in some of the most vulgar ways possible? We really shouldn’t be here complaining about this sick and twisted world that won’t leave us alone– literally exploiting us like cattle, when we do the same things to defenseless and innocent beings without even noticing. No more complaining when they lock us in our cages, tag us, track us, muzzle us, experiment on us, inject us with toxins, and exploit us and abuse us in every way imaginable. We don’t need any of this to be healthy and happy. That remains a fact, no matter how we turn away from the reality that we bestow upon ourselves with our own callous and narcissistic behavior. As we sow, so shall we reap.
Eating bugs is normal for plebs in China, the favorite society of WEF types (Tianjin!). That is where the party elite get new organs “harvested” from dissidents, in true Satanic fashion.
Another fake crisis as tool to force top down evil non sense.
The supermarket corporations won the battle over the definition
“fresh”, and look very much like winning the battle to expand the
definition of “organic”, so it can be used in the marketing of a
wider range of “foods” (bug meal ? goo ? long shelf life ?)…
……currently there’s some debate over the meaning of “Ultra-processed
food” … What does the term mean ? The wheat berry is subject to quite
a few processes to become white flour; it’s nutritional content takes a
hammering in the process, so much so that it requires white bread
flour to be ‘fortified with vitamins.’ So does UPF apply to white bread, or
is the definition so narrow it can be applied only to the “canned muck”
disparagement Alf Garnett called all rivals to his favourite canned soup
maker ?
What Junk Nutrition Science Looks Like:
The protein and Vitamin E (at least) from the wheat germ can be sold separately. People eating white bread overloaded with salt (sometimes made whole wheat using pigments and sawdust) can be treated by the benevolent medical industry. Long live profit.
Simple fact is:
Humans can get all the protein and nutrients they need from plants.
Check out ‘The China Study’ or the mountains of other research.
This bug talk is just another distraction. Another topic to rattle our cages.
As if the $uiturd$ would give up their Beluga, frogs legs and fillet steak for a locust puree.
Which plants contain vitamin B12?
organic ones with dirt on them. do not eat supermarket ‘veg’.
Fruits and veg. should have been certified naturally by local bugs, i.e., the bugs would have left some marks on them. Otherwise, you will almost certainly be swallowing poisons.
At least six people like their perfect looking franken fruit that tastes like crap. Because it’s cheap and available at Tesco.
This is a red herring. B12 comes from bacteria in the soil. Since our soils have largely been sterilized of all bio-activity, and most animals that people eat– over 99% of them, don’t stuff their faces in the soil anyways, most livestock animals are supplemented with B12. Most people in the modern world, whether they are eating plant-based or the S.A.D., are B12 deficient. Fortunately, a years supply of B12 supplement can be purchased for about $5. I eat a plant-based diet and don’t worry too much about B12 because a large percentage of my food comes out of my veganic garden.
NOT TRUE. Humans can only survive on plant proteins if they are processed to make them accessible to our carnivore gut. We lack the enzymes to digest most plant proteins in raw forms.
Simple fact – if you feed a human only raw, organic meat, eggs and fish they will thrive. If you feed them only raw organic veg they will die of malnutrition
That tells you all you need to know about a human’s natural diet
Wrong. Your comments on these threads tell us all we need to know about your unwillingness to gain an understanding of the subject matter and your willingness to repeat tired old anecdotes. You have no idea what you are talking about.
If things get desperate for protein…and food – and you have got a reasonably sized garden…where apple trees, and all the fruit bushes and in the hedgerows – just grows al the fruit for free – buy a rotavatator and dig up a bit of your garden (not the lawn where the gradkids play foot ball) and plant little potatoes – even from the supermarket – cover them with soil (carrots a bit more difiicult cos the cat uses them as a toilet)
Also get a cat..
The importance of a cat can not be underestimated if you are blessed to meet her when she is a kitten..She has grown up in our home with our baby grandchildren..and she has taken it upon herself to be the protector of our babies and of our home….
She is extremely fast..No Flys and Moths in Our Home – she catches them and eats them in mid air…
She likes the frogs – just plays with them..The foxes take just one look and don’t try and come in through the cat flap….She looks really innocent and shy.
The birds usually escape too
She’s beautiful!
That’s a stock photo. “Tony” likes to use them and pretend they’re pictures of the imaginary people and animals in his life
It’s highly probable that ‘Tonyopmoc’ is an AI bot. What actual human being would write in the way that ‘he’ does?!?
That’s where they’ve fucked up.
They’ve given themselves this ridiculous target and there’s no way that it’s acheivable but they’re running toward it like the mad men they are.
In UK, the first two months of the Labour government have proved to be nothing more than a teenager’s first home-alone wankathon.
The rest of Europe is rushing to be on song but tripping over its boot laces in its hurry.
Hubris is a dangerous thing.
Luckily for us.
2048 dontchano
Was it 2048 ?, Think so, according to some guy. 1984 could be 2048 though, history before 1800 is false, then we went to space…
If you’re lucky, you’ll be 600′ under well before 2048. Most will be 6′ under. Otherwise, you’ll have your work cut out being at the right place at the right time.
It’s like the film The Island, but in reverse. You’ll own nothing, be happy, and enjoy ze bugs – and build back better after the great reset.
They are trying to spell it out for you.
or like Gilligans Island, you only get what it is that you bring with you.
Just a comment on grubs: What’s the difference between them and prawns?
You presumably peel prawns before you eat them right? Or are you happy guzzling down the guts, feces, eyes, legs & shell? Because that’s how they serve up crickets.
Besides if they were just selling crickets for those who want them there wouldn’t be too much difference.
The difference is they are trying to replace meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk with bugs and goo.
I don’t see how anyone can get behind that.
I noticed, when the celebs where later questioned after they got out.
They all seem to say that… eating the insects/bugs where not as bad as they thought type thing – even normal Nigel Fraude would normalize it.
I’ve always been baffled why Greenpeace or Rspca or Peta or WWE or greta where not upset about the insects being unnecessarily killed in the use of a fake TV show.
It’s an excellent example of how agenda items are seeded into culture some way before they are rolled out more broadly.
Ant and Dec were in that film ‘Alien Autopsy’ as well which pushed the UFO agenda.
The best way to think of it, is as if you are a reluctant vegetarian, i.e, you love the taste of meat, but you can no longer eat it, so you seek out substitutes with vaguely similar taste, texture, aroma, etc.
The important thing is that as a meat craver in denial, you encourage the development of substitutes/imitations.
TPTB know that h sapiens craves meat & veg, but they also know that it’s soon going to be off the menu, hence they are encouraging the development of substitutes – while there’s still time.
So, if you can produce a fake kind of flour from insects, to make fake rice, and fake shellfish flavour, and prawn-like insects, then you can have ‘prawn fried rice’ and not puke up.
‘Prawn’ crackers will become a popular snack (given sufficient oil reserves – or insect derived oil).
Of course, there will always be certain meat available (human cadavers), but I guess this will be considered too dangerous given a risk of prion based diseases (Kuru). So, no Soylent Green – or long pork spare ribs.
Basically, insects MUST become an ever greater component of our diet, ultimately being close to 90% of it.
It’s that or starve, which is a pretty good motivator.
In Chinese “vegetarian” cuisine, much effort goes into satisfying the craving for meat.
When we eat dead animals, we are more like buzzards than we are like lions or tigers. It is the behavior of a necrovore. This craving for dead flesh and secretions is an addiction that we were born into. We can get over addictions if we are so determined to. Or we can eat bugs to try and satisfy these wicked addictions that are tearing down all our forests, depleting our water tables, driving species into extinction, and turning our oceans into sesspools– if we are so determined to remain so weak-willed.
These guys have been spending too much time watching the survival show called, alone, where they see who can spend the longest time living on catchable critters.