Remember when Matt Taibbi Called 9/11 Truthers “Hopelessly Stupid”?
VN Alexander

I came out as a truther in 2015 with my 9/11 novel, Locus Amoenus. It wasn’t an easy decision. I anticipated being called “clinically insane,” a “dickwad,” promoting “rank steaming bullshit” by the likes of Matt Taibbi.
Among other notable left-leaning 9/11 truth debunkers, such as Chris Hayes and Noam Chomsky, Taibbi stands out in my memory as being particular angry, nasty, and very sure of himself.
As Taibbi writes in Rollingstone in September 2006,
9/11 Truth followers will doubtless argue that I am ignoring the mountains of scientific evidence proving that the Towers could not have collapsed as a result of the plane crashes alone… To which I’ll have to answer: you’re right. I am ignoring it. You idiots. Even if it were not the rank steaming bullshit my few scientist friends assure me that it is, none of that stuff would prove anything.
Despite his fairly recent road-to-Damascus conversion, finally realizing that “left” journalism has lost its way — and now supports the US Empire, the surveillance state and the censorship industrial complex — Taibbi hasn’t, insofar as I know, reflected much upon the deeds of his earlier self, when he was a rabid attacker of those who would report a few facts about how gravity works.
I want to point out that, in Taibbi’s infamous above-mention 2006 article, “The Idiocy Behind the ‘9/11 Truth’ Movement,” his main “gripe” is that truthers aren’t conspiracy theorists: he complains that, for the most part, they just analyze the physical evidence pointing to the use of incendiaries, and they do not offer, a “concrete theory of what happened, who ordered what and when they ordered it, and why,” which, of course, the engineers examining the physical evidence could not do, no more than the coroner who does the autopsy in a murder case could do.
As late as July 2019, Taibbi was still bashing 9/11 “conspiracy theorists” by associating the movement’s investigators, who had Engineering or Physics PhDs, with “Flat Earthers” and “Moon Landing Deniers” (yawn).
But within a year’s time, after he got locked down during CoVid, he started noting how the media censored commonsense notions about how best to deal with infectious disease. This time, he started questioning the official narrative. Not long thereafter, this foul-mouthed enfant terrible of journalism, this wannabe Hunter S. Thompson, became the target of his own kind of snark from his former colleagues.
No longer with Rollingstone, by September 11, 2021, Taibbi was making the connections between the “War on Terror” and the “War on CoVid.” Two years later, he repeated such observations again on Racket News.
Now, it seems to be clear to Taibbi why 9/11 happened.
Although Taibbi is doing useful work these days exposing how government and Big Tech colluded to censor US citizens, he could say a thing or two about that other kind of censorship — the most powerful kind: name-calling, dismissiveness, bullying. No one wants to be ridiculed in public. No one wants to be put in that hated group, the Truther, the Anti-Vaxxer, the Anti-Semite, the TransPhobe.
Taibbi was very effective at getting people to stay silent about an important historical event. I can’t help but speculate that, had more people been made aware of the 9/11 cover up, more people would have been cynical about government authority and fewer people might have taken the shot.
When is Taibbi going to admit that the 9/11 truthers were right? It’s not too late for an apology.
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Noam Chomsky also said that it wouldn’t matter if the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition, which of course they were. It’s crazy that these guys “think” the Afghan caveman and his cohorts could have gained access to the buildings and rigged them for demolition without the owner, “lucky” Larry Silverstein, or his security noticing.
In order to believe the government’s 9/11 grand conspiracy myth, it’s necessary to set aside basic logic and the laws of physics.
Maybe Matt was a sleep like myself before finally seeing the lie?
I’m not especially bright, i.e., I never had the sheer mental horsepower that others possess, but most of those of greater intellect remain normaltons. Somehow or other I developed an extra dose of intuition and am able recognize gatekeepers from a mile off and I include in that category Matt Taibbi and the venerable Noam Chomsky, aka Drone Onsky.
About a year back I was talking to a local architect and when I spoke about the three buildings that came down during that Tuesday in September he had this to say:
“Are you a structural engineer?”
I walked away at that point.
I like Taibbi and subscribe to Racket, but I was annoyed by the way he smeared 9/11 realists. There are so many anomalies re the official story, but it was such an atrocity that people, including Matt, once again gave very bad people the benefit of any doubt, thinking – presumably – that they surely couldn’t actually be so evil…
But Matt’s doing great work these days, and I hope he watches his back.
Taibbi was an asset then, and is an asset now. Nothing changed, just the work he was asked to do.
A good rule of thumb is that the only ‘non-limited-hangout’ is the guy in the mirror.
Ergo we can conveniently forget any Mexicans buried by the US border which Taibbi happened to expose. Nor need give him any credit for any other revelations when he’s proved deficient in other completely unrelated areas…?
What a blatant and manipulative attempt at a strawman diversion. “oh poor Matt Taibbi being unfairly bashed for one little stain in his otherwise perfect record of selfless pursuit of truth.”
This article doesn’t say he’s never done anything right. He probably has. Most people manage to. In fact the article even says he’s doing some good these days, which is just fine.
The point is he also did something wrong and cowardly and cheap which kinda leaves a big question mark on his integrity and reliability going forward.
I see.. perhaps.
But then the “one blemish and you’re out” rule could also be the real culprit?
“Conspiracy theorist ”
Anybody shouldn’t I’m certainly not bothered being labelled such ?
No nowadays it’s more a indication of somebody having the brains and even balls to Not accept the bullshit narrative s heaped upon us by the mainstream
Just don’t be critical about islam on here. They don’t like it.
People can be critical of any religion or creed or anything else on here.
What you should have said is “don’t post crude, lowest common denominator racial or religious or cultural slurs on here. They don’t like that“.
This is true, as our comment policy makes plain.
So, can I use factual comments ?
Important question.
Yes, Western Industrialist’s turn a blind eye to some medaeval legal behavior so long as they make profit.
The Taibbi and 9/11 case is not unique and in fact demonstrates certain phenomenon that in fact represents continuous process that renders MSM journalism inherently dysfunctional.
interestingly Chomsky, little Himmler of COVID concentration camps himself, many years ago explained this miraculous transformation of journalists from Pulitzer rewarded shining stars of the MSM political correctness into suddenly awaken mavericks fighters for new truths among other alley cats of MSM dumpster as soon as their corporate paychecks stopped.
There are many of them now occupying this dumpster calling themselves independent journalists while in fact banging at back at the doors of mainstream media monolith begging to let them back in. Out of pure anger and desperation but not conviction their entire “journalism” has become dedicated to get even with their former bosses who they admired and who dumped them like a trash when new unfitting political farts came in. Many of them out of rage are ready to deny their own MSM legacy to get even still denying being well paid useful idiots of the system that chewed and spit them out.
Chomsky aptly explained how it routinely worked..The journalists hired by MSM were never told what to think and what to write instead they were being chosen by specifically selecting only those whose already formed worldviews, however ignorant, devoid of reality or critical thought, fitted to current prevailing political narratives and placing firmly within strict media censorship brackets a kind of harsh but hidden censorship that existed long before open suppression of public opinion.
For born careerists and opportunists it was and is heaven on earth as they are fooled to believe that they can write their nonsense freely without obstruction and get paid for it well. What’s even more attractive was its lazy proposition as it requires neither investigation of reality nor curiosity or skepticism or any kind of growing or examining their own lives and their own worldviews that as a result calcified. They comfortably believe their own lies.
However, comfortably basking in their own ignorance of reality did not last forever and one day, one way or another those lazy opportunists woke up and found themselves in a journalistic gutters pushed out by another gigantic fart of shifting ruling propaganda narratives they believed, worshipped and were handsomely rewarded for spreading.
That was before recent series of tempest strength MSM farts and trash dumping tsunamis. Gaza tsunami was most recent one. Now those few current MSM journalists with IQ over 90 figured out that sticking to their own stupid worldviews for longer wouldn’t let them pay off even their car loans and are intensely sniffing political farts before they stunk their offices.
Taibbi is one of them, one among many NYT, Wapo, Time, NewYorker, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, TV land and many more former MSM journalists dumped into social media exile of Substack. Some were dumped hard into real subsistence living or poverty. Now many of them often perform in a misery porn and doomsday defeatist theater for desperate audience similarity dumped in their own corporate dumpsters longing to be let in again.
Facing horrible reality of marginalization what they want is to restore a rotten status quo from back when they were MSM sweethearts and call it even ignoring the fact that it was those supposedly good times that diligently created foundations of todays catastrophe.
However there were those few former MSM journalists of course who quit not just because they were dumped but because they felt irreconcilable moral conflict regarding all positions of media editorial policies that resulted in infringement of their journalistic professional autonomy and ethics as their worldviews kept changing adjusting to ever changing new reality as they should in a dialectic process of drawing precise conclusions from successes and failures. They saw ubiquitous mass thievery of national treasury, promoting moral hazard, rampant lack of any accountability, corruption of public life, managed lawlessness and chaos as a direct outcome of such editorial policies aimed at obfuscating social and political reality allowing crimes against humanity to go unpunished and by that tearing up moral fabric of society.
This kind of journalism is being eradicated so are journalists and peoples’ journalists true to their profession whose death toll skyrocket during more than last three decades of unchallenged US hegemony. U
I saw on YTube a Russian nuclear expert explaining, as others have done, it was targeted nukes under the 2, possibly the 3rd also, towers tbat took them down.
And the Pentagon strike wasn’t a plane.
Call me anything you like, I don’t give a f*ck- but my salary doesn’t depend on being in tbe herd like Taibbi was then.
The word ‘gatekeepers’ has popped up on this thread a few times. They must be guarding something. Would it be the profit motive?
So bin laden Interview in a cave was fake..?
what about PJW interview with bin laden daughter and she said she would vote maga,
people so silly. even the half awake lot.
What about these interviews?
What ever happened to all that gold stacked up in the basement, and part loaded onto lorries.
It’s a long time ago, but wasnt there a lift shaft refurbishment months prior, by some associate company to Jed Bush.
They had access to the sub levels, and all the four corners of both towers while they ‘refurbished’ them.
The gold bullion was delivered safely as required, though not to Fort Knox. It is not something that can disappear even if melted. Certain people are certainly obsessed with gold.
The theft of the WTC gold just happens to be the plot of DIE HARD: WITH A VENGEANCE made in 1995. More predictive programming?
AS for Fort Knox, when was the last audit and when was there last film of the gold supposedly there?
Remember the massive U.K cancer poster campaign that appeared all over the U.K In December/January then 10 minutes later Kate and Charlie got cancer.
well well well
No money to heat grannie… but loads of money for………..
“10 minutes later Kate and Charlie got cancer”
Well that should make developing an mRNA turbo-cancer feel more trendy/glamorous than outrageous/tragic… or legally actionable! Maybe they should re-brand cancer “the Royal Oopsie” and popularize “Royal Oopsie” parties… and promote an Xmas #1 Royal Oopsie anthem sung by Posh Beckham and Bono: “It’s A Royal Oopsie World/ Have A Lie-Down”…
… featuring, of course, a QR Code for a free deluxe download with every injection before Xmas!
Being sure of oneself is not a crime. In MT‘s case, I think his surety was not based on insight but the ‚need‘ to use drastic language in the face of in-your-face bleeding obvious evidence that 9/11 was a set up. More excellent (!) research by knowledgeable and thorough ppl leaves hardly any possible doubt the official story regarding perpetrators and damage is quite unteneable. Some doubt must have existed in the mind of any thinking person. Taibbi can play the investigative journalist in a staged operation like „the X-files“… but is a system-person
I also recall a time, not so long ago, when Max Blumenthal had been in the state-narrative tank concerning the ‘Assad gassed his own people’ trope. Max eventually came around; I hope Matt does too.
Off T.
Huge military/murder and mayhem expo in Melbourne happening now.
Protestors = bad buggers
Police = good guys.
Death Dealer$ upset.
Sound familiar ?
There’s good information in a Matt Taibbi article from 4/10/2010, about the global warming racket, “The Great American Bubble Machine: How Goldman Sachs has Engineered Every Major Market Manipulation Since the Great Depression,” Rolling Stone, by Matt Taibbi
“A groundbreaking new commodities bubble, disguised as an “environmental plan”
called cap-and-trade.
The new carbon-credit market is a virtual repeat of the commodities-market casino that’s been kind to Goldman,
except it has one delicious new wrinkle:
If the plan goes forward as expected, the rise in prices
will be government-mandated. Goldman won’t even have to rig the game.
It will be rigged in advance.”…He had another good one on 12/12/2009 on how Obama sold out his voters: Dec. 12, 2009, “Obama’s Big Sellout,” Rolling Stone Magazine, Matt Taibbi
“The president has packed his economic team with Wall Street insiders intent on turning the bailout into an all-out giveaway.”…Rolling Stone may require subscription for this article, but it’s been reproduced elsewhere….
“Radical Islam” a product of the Anglo/American/Israeli intelligence community. All the divisive lines drawn in the sand in the Middle East after WWI and WWII were intended to guarantee that Wahhabism and other radical forms of Islam would percolate and proliferate throughout the Middle East and other parts of the world. The creation of the Rothschilds “Israel” contributed heavily to bringing the Middle East to the boiling point that we now see it at.
I’ll take “where did the House of Saud come from?” and “who really are they?” for $1000 Alex…
Read the Koran: written down decades after Mo and millennia after Judaism but centuries before the UK or the US.
Official text denier.
Read what? Your interpretation? That’s exactly what “radical Islam” is, a fundamental interpretation of the Koran.
On different note it’s also the same reason why the Jewish Tradition in written versions (The Torah and especially the Talmud) put down by the scribes of the day is blasphemy. The Jewish tradition was an oral tradition handed down that way for centuries and the moment the scribes wrote it down it became a blasphemy. That’s because when the tradition is passed down orally the word of God is retained in those who have accepted it into themselves. So if you receive the word of God orally and retain it then it is in you and you are with God. If you right down it is not. Therefore you are not with God if you rely on a book and some scribes interpretation of it.
John 1.1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
“According to Rabbinic Jewish tradition, the Oral Torah was passed down orally in an unbroken chain from generation to generation until its contents were finally committed to writing following the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE,”
Outside a few Mediterranean lands and China, writing arose only after ~300 BCE, due to conquests. People had no difficulty remembering or reciting extensive info. on beliefs, traditions, farming, medicine, history, etc. Compare that to today..
Is that where “Chinese whispers” came from ?
Attention admins pending reply hung up in the system thanks
Thank you Admins!
Also note that the Anglo/American/Israeli alliance fomented and facilitated” “radical Islam” by creating conditions that drove moderates and others to become radical. All of this was done to create enemies and further divide and rule.
My initial reply to you is hung up in the system so read it or not when it becomes available.
Texts are dead in themselves. It’s the use to which they are put that is important. Assuming they are even put to any use at all.
Thom 9 is correct. The “Islamofascists” are a product of the Western intelligence community. I suspect that Hamas is too.
Hi George Mc, it would seem very likely they are part of the controlled opposition as even the mainstream media outlets admit to the funding of Hamas by Israel and its proxies (Qatar et al).
For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces
For years anytime the PLO was close to negotiating a better deal for Palestine and the Palestinians the Hamas rockets would be conveniently fired off to discredit and undermine any real and lasting peace. And that is but one example of how Hamas has done much harm to the Palestinian cause.
Yes indeed just twisted jargon.
“Western intelligence”… specifically Kim Philby’s father, the interestingly-named St. John Philby.
In fact (see e.g. false flags over Europe) there wasn‘t a single attack in the West whereas the latter keeps slaughtering in the ME, directly or indirectly.
The Global War Against Disinformation (aka – free speech ?)…
The Total State and the Twilight of American Democracy:
Outlaw US Empire’s Anti-Truth War Continues:
It’s so comforting that 23 years later I can still talk to 1% of the U.S. population that actually gets how preposterous the whole 9-11 narrative is from beginning to end. That people like George Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice and associates and successors like Obama, Trump and Biden are able to walk free instead of being incarcerated in Guantanamo is less than amazing considering that 99% of the people are willfully blind. This isn’t going to end well.
Every word true. If I could give you 100 thumbs up, I would.
Just because the neocons seized the opportunity of 9/11 to ram through their rights-destroying Patriot Act does not mean that Islamists were not the guilty party. There is more than one power in this world.
Islamists had fck all to do with it..At the time I had a Muslim bloke working shifts with me, and he said he had to pray to God 5 times a Day, and had a mat….I said do not do that in the Computer Room, but he did look after everything when we all went down the pub. – a bit tough during Ramadam. We all really liked him, and he was very good at his job.
Churchill would like a word with you “How dreadful are the curses which Muhammadism lays on its votaries! … Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in this world.”
Unless that force was Churchill himself.
or gravity, its a big one to try to escape.
Cui bono?
Follow the money, in other words.
No the 9/11 “truthers” are not right at all. I lived through that, I remember the entire episode clear as day. The 9/11 “truthers” are ignoring the fact that Islamists not only claimed responsibility, spelt out why they did it but they were proud of it and celebrated it. Al Muhajiroun, fellow Islamists, celebrated it on the very next year’s anniversary, 2002 with a rally in Trafalgar Square, London, for the “magnificent 19” hijackers. I was there. I heard what they had to say. They were quite clear on the matter. They were proud of the Islamist jihadis because Islam was going to beat the West and the black flag would fly over Westminster one day. We will all live under Sharia. That is the goal of Islamists both peaceful and violent, including al Qaeda, Islamic State, Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb ut-Tahrir and so on.
The only reason the 9/11 “truthers” got traction in the first place was George W Bush told the Big Lie. He bent over to Saudi lobbyists, who influence US foreign policy through great wealth and the petro-dollar, and told everyone the attacks had “nothing to do with Islam” because Islam is “a religion of peace”. That was not true.
Osama Bin Laden picked September 11 for its historical resonance as the high point of the Islamic conquests of Europe in 1683 when the Ottoman Caliphate had beseiged the gates of Vienna. The next day, September 12, Polish King Jan Sobieski broke the seige. He came riding to the rescue and the Muslims were defeated. The Ottoman Caliphate went into decline after that, later falling apart after siding with Germany in World War 1. It was broken up into the Middle Eastern states we see today: Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, Syria etc, and Islamism hit its low point. Secular Muslims were in charge of Turkey and the Muslim world almost joined the modern world. Women wore jeans and went to university and had good jobs.
Islamists do not like this. They want Islam back to go back to the 7th Century and for Sharia Courts to be in charge.
Osama Bin Laden was very careful about this date of 9/11. The symbolism resonated with the Islamic world which learns its history of the Islamic conquests. It went completely unnoticed by the Western World which only learns World War II and “European colonialism is bad”.
The message was: This is the high-water mark of YOUR civilisation. Now you will decline and fail and Islam will take over. “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse,” he wrote in his proud declaration of why he orchestrated it.
And guess what? He was right. His strategy is working. The West is falling apart and abandoning its Enlightenment principles while Islamic revanchist fervour is stronger than ever.
The 9/11 “truthers” appear to be too arrogant to think that Muslims could be smart, disciplined and inventive enough to achieve such a successful low-tech surprise attack, but prior to 9/11 people never really expected a kamikaze attack. We all thought a hijacking meant a prisoner swap deal or ransom, so people co-operated. Not being very religious themselves, Westerners can’t imagine other people truly believe the obviously silly claims about rewards in an afterlife. But they do. That’s what happens when you abuse the minds of children with hard-core religion.
So really, 9/11 “truthers” are just perpetuating lies that cover for a violent and colonising ideology called Islamism which has attacked and killed many thousands of non-Muslims since 9/11 as can be seen in the jihad count at, most of whom are poor people living difficult lives in majority Muslim nations.
Hello, CIA-AI chatbot.
If it is a chatbot, it is competing with tonyopmoc. Or the person just forgot the daily pill.
Alison, none of this came from any 9/11 Truthers, who mostly have little if any interest in any religion or even political history, put get pissed off when New York gets blown up (in my view the London Bombings were mostly Fakes)
“the colonising ideology called Islamism” is almost entirely down to us British and Americans Bombing the Sh1t out of Countries that we perceive as having enormous amounts of gas and oil, and other mineral resources, which we want to steal and have.
So what do you get if you start lobbing rocks at a colony of Wasps…? think about it as if you were a wasp.
If we hadn’t bombed their countries to hell, then they would not have moved in their many Millions to the US and Europe. People are just a bunch of tribes, same as Fish, Birds etc
Blaming Muslims is totally Ridiculous. There are loads of English ExPats all over the World, usually where its warmer.
They look back at us, and laugh, as all these people from warmer lands such as India and Africa move to Oldham and Blackburn where it hardly ever stops Raining
Without the sun and with almost continuous drizzle, the colour of your skin gets washed away…and you look pretty much the same as us indigenous, and we get to like curry
And the (Christian-Jewish-Plutocratic) Empire(s) of War Greed and Hypocrisy are blameless ?
Wake up sleepy head.
The islamic actors in the 9/11 coup where just that. Actors. Albeit unknowingly.
They were given the opportunity to “bring down the great beast” because it was a given that they would willingly participate to further their cause.
It may be true that they thought they were true martyrs.
In reality. They were pawns.
They were Mossad cutouts.
Quite right Alison. Why just the other day I saw a pack of towel heads dragging naked white women around and shouting, “We hate your Coca Cola and your freedoms!” And phoning their buddies in that mountain hideout laced with space age technology. They went round ramming their Korans down the throats of sobbing children whilst erecting a tower to usher in the Caliphate. Meanwhile the massed ranks of the US funded military were powerless, knowing that one word from these fiends would bring the foot of Allah down on us all.
Thanks, that’s the way to deal with creatures of neferious intent.
OBL’s club was allowed by their US hosts the CIA to do what they shout constantly: Down with Amerrika! OBL read the Koran but was additionally fueled by Anglo arrogance in Saudi Arabia.
Who is more guilty, the actual perps or their American enablers? Building 7 possible direct CIA assist in the chaos.
“ The 9/11 “truthers” are ignoring the fact that Islamists not only claimed responsibility, spelt out why they did it but they were proud of it and celebrated it”
Yeah, “Islamists” took credit for that supposed hang-glider attack on Israel, recently, too. Imagine a world in which you could attack the Pentagon, successfully, without high-tech weapons! Or enter Israeli airspace on hang gliders and not be shot, like pheasants, right out of the sky? Comic book logic in both cases.
The point is not the lines of press-release dialogue the panto-Turrurriss supposedly deliver, the point is: which governing entity commissioned those lines and which “news” asset “reported” and meme-ified them?
But you knew that already (if you’re not a bot).
“The 9/11 “truthers” appear to be too arrogant to think that Muslims could be smart, disciplined and inventive enough to achieve such a successful low-tech surprise attack…”
Vintage! I remenber that argument! “If you don’t think Muslims can do the impossible, you’re RACIST!”
They come up with these lines during sessions around and an oval table, like joke-writers for SNL, right? Apt comparison in more ways than one…
Vintage! I remenber that argument! “If you don’t think Muslims can do the impossible, you’re RACIST!”
FWIW, when I skimmed the OP trutherphobe’s screed I had this exact thought. I was hanging out at a progressive-liberal blog in 2001 and thereafter, and was unpleasantly surprised that a number of regulars latched on to this bogus admonishment; I didn’t understand at the time that identity-politics ideologues assume that they occupy both the intellectual and moral high ground, the perfect location to fling judgmental “gotcha!” thunderbolts at everyone who disagrees with their opinions. ⚡
Ironically, at the time the local news [Philadelphia, PA] was flogging a story about a woman who claimed, à la Susan Smith, that two black men had carjacked her SUV, kidnapped her and her young daughter, and thrown them into the trunk of their Cadillac; she (and her daughter) somehow eventually escaped. The “marauding black men preying on white women” scenario was already a cliché, so both the authorities and the public generally scornfully dismissed her sketchy version of events.
She probably didn’t foresee that her sensational story would prompt a multi-state law enforcement investigation, and it wasn’t long before it was discovered that the woman and her daughter had actually gone to Disney World (voluntarily) during the time frame of their alleged captivity.
At the time, I couldn’t resist confronting the “racism” contingent with this parallel story. Here, both the police and the public correctly saw through her dubious account. Yet somehow, no progressive-liberals or anyone else rose up to accuse the doubters of racist bias; that is, no one righteously argued that only “racists” would assume that black men were incapable of carjacking and kidnapping a woman and child as the would-be victim(s) alleged.
So, wasn’t it possible to dispute and reject claims that some racial/ethnic group perpetrated a crime apart from having a racist/bigoted perspective and agenda? The “racism” contingent refused to dignify my counter-argument with a response; I only got crickets. 🤔
“ I only got crickets.”
I long ago adopted Crickets as the haunting theme song of my Public Commentary journey…
Alison, you are certainly, like all of us, entitled to your opinion, belief, views.
However, I do not think there is a snowball’s chance in hell that anyone besides the military apparatus of the USA and it’s allies could cause the type of destruction we saw that day.
I’m sure there are some very intelligent folk in the Muslim nations, but I’m just not buying it.
Perhaps there were high level Muslims involved. Who knows who really makes up the cartel group of crazies that plan and execute these things.
And maybe there were rank and file Muslims that participated. Like the guy on of those planes who lost his passport which miraculously survived intact and was conveniently found amidst the rubble of 47 tons of steel and paper clips.
I have a feeling that the zealots who are willing to lay their life on the line for promises in the after life, are not the brains behind catastrophes like 9/11.
They’re just the victims.
Everything you have said is irrelevent to the events of 9/11. The evidence for an inside job is overwhelming.
I haven’t seen you post on here before so there’s a thing or two to mention if you’re going to criticise the ROP ™
Stating facts about islamic history and Churchill are just going to get you red arrowed. Don’t take it personally
I’m no fan of ROP ™, but you have to tread carefully here. I speak from experience.
Weirdly, other contentious issues are almost all OK, it’s just you can’t say anything about islam without getting blasted.
I will continue to do so if I think it’s appropriate.
For example, I believe that islam is being used by the parasite class as a weapon to divide European society.
Hi alison, IMHO; to borrow an expression popularized by G.W. Bush, “Make no mistake”, Saudi Arabia is a money-laundering vassal state for the Anglo-American unelected oligarchic profiteering class. Saudi “royals” and affluent businessmen do indeed lobby American politicians for favor, but only inasmuch as that favor finds support among the U.S.’s other profiteering partners.
For now, the influence that Saudi Clerics and the country’ monarchy wields over Islamic extremism serves the crisis-profiteering manufactured strategy of tension well.
Take a well deserved break and throw a few burgers on the grill. Let us know if collapses into metal segments of equal length and lots of dust.
An excerpt from Solving 9/11 by Christopher Bollyn:
“As a journalist with an independent weekly newspaper based in Washington, D.C., I became caught up in the events of 9-11 from the minute it happened and was able to write freely about the terror attacks that were exploited to start the pre-planned War on Terror.
From my position as a skeptic of the unproven official version, I have examined the facts and evidence since the day it happened and have concluded that the U.S. government and controlled media have engaged in a conspiracy to deceive the world about what really happened on that terrible day.”
A summary article (by W Peterson) that covers the main areas that Bollyn brought to the discussionL
A current article that covers the areas and theory that Bollyn brought together (by W Peterson)
“ about the terror attacks that were exploited to start the pre-planned War on Terror.”
A suspiciously LIHOP flavor detected
Whenever you hear the words “far right” you know you are dealing with a deceiver or a complete moron.
Ignore average people. That is most people.
One look at his mug and I can tell who the hopelessly stupid one is.
I was Hopelessly Stupid also, I watched the Fahrenheit 9/11 doco as it was banned and only allowed in certain cinemas as some librarian did some clever trick so we can all go and see it and after watching it, I blamed Bush.
I was Hopelessly Stupid to believe the librarian cover story as we rushed out and got theses exclusive tickets at this rebel small cinema which was sold out due to having this very secretive film out which was so dangerous and censored from normal cinema it was on mainstream news and all the media talking about how dangerous it was.
I never forget that one scene where none of the congressman children had signed out to fight for this war.
That happens for the “upper class” or better offs everywhere, all the time. It happened for US people sent to Vietnam. The well-connected remained in the base camps there. That war ended because of widespread bullying and attacks against them. Something you are not allowed to know. It is common sense that no one having alternative options would want to far-away lands to kill enemies of the fat cats.
They all strut like Gods.
They all fall like greedy, little children.
Sounds like a quote, but I can’t place it.
My original ?
Who knows.
Never been to Russia, but to be fair anyone East of East Germany (unless Polish) I consider to Be Russian – and have never had a problem with any of them – I have always found such people very generous – and they always know a bit of English, and when we have a drinking contest, it is extremely funny and they always win and they don’t cheat just laugh – as my wife watches on, as if I am in a club in Liverpool
Operation Opmockingbird lives.
I would like to think the New Labour MP’s misunderstood as some of the commenters in the Daily Mail
Lets Freeze All Our Pensioners To Death
Lets Not Freeze All Our Pensioners to Death
As they go through the Lobby past the Girl with The Whip
I just knew Starmer was going to be even worse than Blair
Even The Tories, and they were totally useless too, weren’t this horrible to old people.
They realised when it gets really cold, lots of people freeze to death
I think the current UK Government is Even Worse Than The Americans
What a Shower of Shit
You trust The Management?????
Look at The State of Them…
I’ve recently been watching a bit of Jimmy Dore, who has had both Taibbi and hedges on his show talking about censorship. Both looked uncomfortable when Jimmy went in to the covidiocy as both of them should. They said nothing when it mattered and now feel it’s OK to get close to admitting the thing was blatant psyop but not too close. Both were a major disappointment and neither of them will ever have the credibility they once had. Ever.
Their acceptance of the 9/11 official narrative already destroyed their credibility for me. Their willingness to look the other way on 9/11 meant that they clearly were not going to be of any help as we descended into twenty-first century totalitarianism. The Covid psyop definitely reinforced this lack of credibility, but it was exactly what I expected from them and other gatekeepers after 9/11.
Of course Taibbi did more than look the other way. Not mentioned in this article was his steadfast defense of the official story in debates with David Ray Griffin.
No, some wild cards have to be given out for ducked battles. Each day when I review the streams of mail in my inbox, I highlight the whole batch of three pages or so and then cherry pick the saves. click.
To guard my sanity , I filter out perhaps three or four topics that I choose to be worthwhile plus the few personal and business mails. Then bulk delete.
As we have been effectively divided into silos of particular issues we choose to be involved in, like-mindedness is seemingly quite thin.
Hedges Iong ago gave a wild card pass to for 9/11 ….. RFK Jr gets a pass on Zionists…. and because of the importance to me of correcting Alan Dulles et al Nazi takeover that lead to the Gladio circus stay behind in NATO Europ; Daag Hammerskjold, Lumumba, JFK, Ghandi, Malcolm X, MLK, RFK assassinations by the devil’s own CIA boys….
Reversing the now DS controlled DNC is the most important and sole issue of importance in this Nov election.
If Bobby still says so come November, Orange is the new black. Go team.
No pass for Warp Speed and no pass for “pampered Palestinians”.
None. Nada.
Only a disappointment if you believed they weren’t controlled opp.
I know…. sigh.
TBH, I get why a public figure back then would be hesitant to blast holes in the flimsily fantastical mainstream version of 9/11, on a mainstream platform… TFIC will kill you and/or your kids (look what happened to Brandy Vaughan, Mark Lombardi, Gary Webb, et al)… and/or worse…. they wrote the book on OTT torture techniques in Central America in the ’70s and ’80s… but why not just keep quiet on the topic, rather than go out of one’s way to support the cattle-brainwashing… a la Chomsky, Assange? Just play dumb and cryptic.Unless you’re on the payroll, that is.
And, of course, not that I trust late converts, like Dore. It seems that TFIC were confident enough about mainstream uptake (and the fact that mainstreamers are NOT getting the same “news” feeds as we are) to let a few minor assets appear to debunk on FauxVid1984 in late 2021, early 2022.
I stopped watching Jimmy Dore for a while when he and Dylan Ratigan were promoting the idea of a Covid pass. But I forgave Jimmy when he came around. I just wish he didn’t have to learn the hard way, being injured by the shot.
Terrified of their peers and the smug middle class mocking them l’ll bet.
They all work for dot gov.
The “credibility” and outlier brand, wasn’t ever real. It was carefully manufactured, promoted, and sold to us when none of them were credible or genuinely oppositional voices.
Jimmy Dore (IMO) is an obvious Intel asset and mason. He cartel signals all the time. His guests are Intel assets and pathological liars, all pretending the US isn’t a foreign owned corporation.
Anyone who talks politics and promotes the psyop of voting, is either a dupe or a shill. And he’s no dupe. I don’t believe his injection and injury story, either.
In most situations, it is wise to tell the truth, even if you did get it wrong, you screwed up – even if it was a member of your team….You take him aside – why the fuck did you not phone me up you stupid bastard….
He knows he has been told off…
And you never tell anyone certainly not the management who fucked up. We will keep it within our team,
My wife was a Childminder then, of Twin Baby Girls, about the same age as our Grandaughter now,
Their Grandmother, was in one of the Twin Towers, when She could hear and feel the Explosions. She phoned The Mother of The Girls New York To London.
I was on a Software FLASH Course The Other side of London (Learning Tree International) near Euston Station)
I knew something had happened as soon as I left the Building..London had gone Surreal.
I get home, and its all on the Telly, and my wife is trying hard not to cry.
We all thought The Grandmother was Dead…
But she ignored what she was told , and ran down the stairs, as fast as the fireman, were running up, and ran and ran and ran
We didn’t know until 3 days later that she had survived
All communications between London and New York were flooded.
Remember when Matt Taibbi Called 9/11 Truthers “Hopelessly Stupid”?
actually there was organize effect and massive switch a roo which involved some big players in the old truth movement,
Alex jones said it was the moslems just before the trump went on his show and trump said he would expose who done it and then went on to sell 100 billion worth of weapons to saudis who trump blamed.
Stefan Molywox another shill who told his viewers it was not a inside wars Paul watson another shills who did the switch.Red ice radio went from inside job, to it the moslem terrorists and then became a blame migrant and blame moslem daily podcast.Michael Tarision said it was an attack on the west by the towel heads and all the above started pushing Pro populist and every terrorist attacks are now all real.Ive noticed the same pattern with covid (above lot) all the shills selling lableaks to it the chicom’s to its the left / democrats to Trump, Orban and Boris etc was lied to and IT would of been much worse if the other party was in power.
now it the migrants.
Biggest transfer of worth and less than 4 years later blamed on migrants and disabled and the poor.
exact same template as 911, banking bailout of 2008 and covid.
Osama Bin Laden and a bunch of mountain goat riders did it. I believe in my government.
The earth is stationary. It is not spinning while hurtling through space. Has anyone else actually woken up to this fact yet.
No, you are the only one, congrats! No person that ever lived has ever worked any of that out.
Bravo!!! Matt… we await your reply! Hello?
I take this opportunity to exhume a 2020 comment published elsewhere to one of Taibbi’s (limited) critiques of the state of US journalism; I don’t know if he’s still with Rolling Stone, but he was when I wrote this:
THERE was a little girl,
And she had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good
She was very, very good,
And when she was bad she was horrid.
— Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “There was a little girl” (c. 1904)
Taibbi may not reach these extremes, but he seems to operate on two divergent, even mutually exclusive, levels. He seems to be at his best when he does investigative reporting, especially on Wall Street’s high crimes and misdemeanors. His research is (or comes across as) rigorous, and he has a real gift for translating arcane financial phenomena into understandable English.
To me, it’s as if Taibbi has two distinct personas: one, which might be called the better angel of his nature, is what I described above: relatively intellectually sophisticated, or at least savvy, and appropriately skeptical and cynical of top-down narratives.
But he also constantly reminds us that he’s a bona-fide Amerikan Normal White Male– a suburban guy who is happiest sitting on a couch with a beer watching the NFL, or handicapping professional sports drafts and prospects. 🍺 So, for instance, it’s no surprise that Normal Matt seems to uncritically buy into the official Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic narrative.
And this conventional, conformist predilection renders him unable or unwilling to entertain radical insights, and makes him occasionally prone to taking very Establishment-friendly reactionary stances. Yeah, I know. He’s an editor at “Rolling Stone”, so he has to walk a certain line. (I trust that no one still assumes that RS is a glorified “underground” counter-cultural or “anti-Establishment” magazine.)
Anyway, years ago, long before he joined RS, Taibbi was a prominent “Trutherphobe” who ranted against 9/11 “Truthers”. He even appeared in “debates” to ridicule and scorn 9/11 skeptics; he accused the so-called “Truther Movement” of discrediting “the Left”– as if he were an outraged “leftist” himself, or a scandalized authority on “the Left”.
Taibbi debated 9/11 researcher David Ray Griffin. Whatever the merits of his arguments, Griffin, a retired professor, was civil, scholarly, and offered facts and rational analysis. Taibbi behaved like an aggressively drunken frat boy, more or less bumptiously and self-righteously jeering and scoffing at Griffin without engaging the merits of Griffin’s points.
Taibbi strikes me as a personally pleasant, likeable guy– not at all supercilious, creepy, or “evil”. But professionally, he’s something of a Good German who can be relied upon to stay in his comfort zone. If challenged, I expect that he might counter that he purposely skirts stickier and more speculative questions because they would only muddle and dilute the worthwhile critiques he presents, thus unduly alienating moderates who are reflexively horrified by, and disdainful of, Sphere of Deviant Discourse reporting and analysis.
Perhaps Taibbi’s bumptious loathing of “conspiracy thinking” instinctively causes him to retreat from acknowledging the TDS Resistance “conspiracy”. But I think that his personal history of being a generally well-regarded conventional journalist, and the son of a well-regarded conventional journalist, imposes a “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” filter on his work. 🙈 🙉 🙊 😠
Very well put, Ort. Thanks.
It took me nearly 18 months to “get” 9/11, such that I was 100 % convinced that the Official Story, was impossible, as it contradicted the basic, most fundamental laws of physics and maths. When “I knew”, because if you had any real understanding of physics and maths, and some of video photography, which I had, I thought it completely obvious and incontrovertible.
I didn’t know “who did it”, and wasn’t blaming anyone, but the first thing I did, was to show all my colleagues at work, and my friends, that the Official Story Was Not True.
Almost EVERYONE, apart from one Frenchman, I knew well who was a building architect, thought I had gone MAD…So I had to keep my GOB shut, cos it was causing me too much personal grief.
It took me 3 months to “get” Covid, and I believed that at first. Then repeating what I did re 9/11, I again told absolutely Everyone I knew.
The Reaction was 10 x Worse – so I had to stop doing that too. I also refused to go to the funerals especially if I was told to wear a mask.
As a result of something I read a couple of days ago, which I won’t bore you with, cos even I lost interest about 15 years ago, I am convinced that no aircraft crashed into the twin towers in New York, though aircraft were most probably used, and that all the photography (even the live photography which is extremely difficult to do) had used cgi (computer images of aircraft) added to the live photography – which was accurate but didn’t contain any planes.
Being such a sad bastard, I did watch some of the US Presidential Debate early this morning.
I thought Kamala Harris’ acting Performance was absolutely outstanding
However it was Donald Trump, that told the truth (or as much as he could know) about 9/11, hours after it happened) To Summarise He said (the original will be somewhere in the depths of the internet) No way were those Buildings Brought Down by Tin Foil Aircraft (with Plastic Nose Cones) hitting those buildings – they were the strongest buildings in the world)
I now think it probable, that guys who laid the charges, also used small nuclear bombs – carried to the sites of Ground Zero in Ruck Sacks
I personally think Donald Trump Should Tell THE TRUTH
Not that many people will be shocked.
Many are already dead.
Meanwhile, on the US East Coast (20 miles from ground zero) the US Air Force seems to be commemorating the 23rd anniversary with a particularly vivid display of chem trails. We see very little of the (now classic) cris-cross patterns here, for whatever reason. But today they have covered the sky from early morning and turned a crystalline blue sky (just like 9/11/01) into a hazy silver-blue one.
“Flat Earthers” and “Moon Landing Deniers”
A “Flat Earther” = a perfectly reasonable and well-adjusted citizen of the 13th century.
A “Moon Landing Denier” = a perfectly reasonable and well-adjusted citizen of c. 2050.
edited by admin per authors request for typo
Trumping your Flat Earther definition it becomes anyone who believes evolution came from this current planet.
A round Earther thinker, believes humans came from a different place in outer space and have found a way to further their evolution on yes, this current planet.
So you see, everything is NOT as advertised, or seen as believed.
The problem with this “life started elsewhere” meme is that you still have to explain how it started THERE.
Exactly! I keep telling “The Engineers!” enthusiasts that all they’ve done is kicked the First Cause can up the hill. And who created whoever created whoever created whoever created The Enginees? Infinite Recursion. Just one of those uncrackable mysteries probably having to do with the true nature of Time. Let’s focus on ridding civilization of the ruling psychopaths, first.
I did that here already a couple months ago, it went over some heads, so THERE you are.
Look, if you have done the important research and actually watched Andor, as Kit advised a couple three days ago you would know we have to work together to defeat the empire.
What century are we in, ya reckon ?
“you would know we have to work together to defeat the empire”
Well, actually, “working together,” in the conventional sense, is not required at all. That’s a common misconception and it’s usually floated by rightwingers (aka “the alt right”) who intend to dominate any “common movement” the cited admonition might inspire.
Alt Righters have been bitching for more than a decade that, for example, the Racism (they embrace/ I abhor), as a topic, is “just a distraction”. I’ve had low level wannabe parapolitical leaders (looking at you, Alison Mcdowell) chide me for being vocal about Mandela Effect/ Flat Earth/ Terrain Theory/ Lizard People/ Space Laser theories being obvious creations of the Cass Sunstein Squad in order to ringfence the Resistance Mindset from the Mainstream Masses. People think that gathering the largest numbers of FOLLOWERS behind given banners, or leaders, is key, and that the only way to do that is Absolute Inclusion of every self-subverting loony toon sect and theory running: TFIC are glad to see so many make this error. I think the otherwise very good Denis Rancourt made the same tactical blunder c. 2016 when he opened a dialogue with Alt Righters.
I will not “work together” with people who don’t understand how the world works and who fall for every bullshit theory the CIA popularizes. And I certainly won’t “work together” with Racists/ Facists/ People Who Believe in Satan. And I don’t need to.
All that is required is that we ALL DISOBEY.
We don’t have to agree or even subsume our differences politely in a blinking cloud of Magical Thinking in order to defeat TFIC… if the vast majority of us could merely STOP buying the tools designed to enslave us (all the gadgets called “smart,” for one category), and refuse to embrace crypto, video games, brainwashing content, technologies of convenience, virtual transactions… just refuse to BUY IN… we can win.
This must be the first Global War Invasion tactic, in history, in which the targeted “enemies” (US) are persuaded, as a function of the invasion, to purchase the weapons that will be used against them.
If I say NO and you say NO and the Icke fans say NO and the Amish say NO and the “patriots” say NO (etc)… we don’t have to agree on anything else at all… we become a heterogenously united front of inviduals saying/ doing/ being NO.
We were the Army which TFIC were counting on in order to invade US.
We can very simply monkey wrench, by refusing to CONSUME their tricky tools, instead. A billion monkey wrenches in The West will bring TFIC to their psychopathic knees.Say no to the gadgets, say no to the UBI, stop using “ai”…
ugh: too mamy typos to mention! oh well
My keyboard is like a mouth of loose electronic teeth… the results are often ramshackle (though easily decipherable) texts. But my curiosity is tickled by the psychologically complex reader who decided to DV my lament regarding my own typos….? laugh
So we are ‘SAY – NO – MORE – ERS.’ I wondered what we were called. Monty Python squeeezes in all over the place.
How about NO-ers… ? (slicker)
“What century are we in, ya reckon ?”
Bad faith word games
Lol … he doesn’t even realize your response was a joke… Humorless *and* brainwashed.
Steven believes in multiple government psyops and hoaxes like the Brandy Vaughn hoax, contagion, viruses, germ theory etc., isn’t aware Gary Webb was a CIA asset (Pullitzer prize winner lol) who revealed nothing that wasn’t already on the record and already published… An Edward Snowden type psyop.
“ Humorless *and* brainwashed.”
These were always the two most damaging self-descriptions on my Dating Profiles, I must admit!
As *if*.
Not a straight up copy of your CV? With an addendum… “STD/STI free proof required before arranging meet-cute” ?
Thank ye, Admins
Taibbi is a gatekeeper. Another of the endless line of erstwhile mainstreamers who allegedly “see the light” one day, instantly get a huge following and godlike status in the alt media and go on to promote a bunch of mainstream views dressed up to look edgy and “alternative”.
See also: Tucker Carlson, Glenn Greenwald, Craig Murray, Caitlin Johnson, Mintpress News, The Intercept, Media Lens, Grayzone.
Taibbi has always been a gate keeper..much like Hersh and Hedges. I did like his octopus thing in The RollingStone about the Most Powerful Financial US Company Goldman Sachs, but maybe someone working there had pissed him off. He was lucky to survive
So lets come to the Brave – Who were The Brave who were in a Position to Publicise The Truth….
I didn’t go to their funerals either. Guilt by Association. To be Fair most of them were American
Who in England had the Courage to Tell The Truth, and Get it Published?
Craig Murray – Nah – More than my Life’s worth (Not Daft – He doesn’t like being sent to Jail), but I have Massive Respect For him – possibly More Courage than Julian Assange (both ex Highly Intelligent Government agencies – and hopefully Now Free)
Craig Murray’s post relevant to this article (from 2010):
‘In my view the real scandal of 9/11 was that it was blowback – the product of a malignant terrorist agency whose origins lay in CIA funding and provision. Also blowback in a more general sense that it was spawned in the nasty theocratic dictatorship of Saudi Arabia which is so close to the US and to the Bush dynasty in particular. As with almost all terrorist activity, I do not rule out any point on the whole spectrum of surveillance, penetration and agent provocateur activity by any number of possible actors.
But was 9/11 false flag and controlled demolition? No, I think not.’
Dave McGowan wrote, on September 21, 2001:
***”Wake the fuck up, America! Your enemies are not hiding in caves in Afghanistan; they are hiding in plain sight. Your enemies are not the Arab-Americans who walk among you; your enemies look just like you. They do not live half a world away, but are right here in Washington. Their faces can be seen daily populating the cable news shows, right alongside of their craven propagandists in the U.S. media.
Their names are Bush, Daschle, Lott, Clinton, Hastert, Byrd, Cheney, Rehnquist, Scalia, Powell, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Gephardt, and all the rest of the human refuse who make up the one-party power structure in Washington. They are assisted in their goals by a cast of shitbag propagandists named Brokaw, Rather, Jennings, Koppel, O’Reilly, Matthews, Russert, and too many others to list here.
These are the people who would rob you of your freedoms and liberties. These are the people who have nothing but the most thinly-veiled contempt for democracy, for civil liberties, for human rights, for racial tolerance, and for the right of self-determination for people everywhere. These are the people who, without so much as a hint of shame, would wage genocidal war around the world while spouting platitudes about ‘democracy.’
And Dave McGowan wrote, on Sept 15, 2004:
***It’s anniversary time once again, dear readers, and that means that it is time to take yet another stroll down memory lane and revisit the infamous day when “everything changed.” We do so not because we want to, but because it is what the Republican Party, the party of our honorable leader, has asked us to do.
From my perspective, there have always been three particularly productive avenues of research into the events of September 11, 2001, each of which has yielded a compelling body of evidence that strongly suggests that the attacks that day were a production staged by the Washington establishment, and certainly not a surprise attack by Islamic ‘terrorists,’ nor an anticipated attack by Islamic ‘terrorists,’ nor a ‘terrorist’ plot that was co-opted by elements of our intelligence agencies, nor the work of some foreign government (e.g., Saudi Arabia, Israel, Pakistan or China), nor any other explanation that invokes incompetence, neglect, limited U.S. involvement by some ‘rogue cabal,’ or desperate finger pointing at others.
Those three evidence trails have led to three nearly inescapable conclusions, each of which poses serious problems for those with a vested interest in selling the official mythology of what happened that day:
McGowan wrote quite a bit about 9/11… starting the day after it… and he wrote with the same accuracy about all the other psyops of the post 9/11 era. He would have done an equally fearless and accurate job on FauxVid1984, too, but Dave was gone by then, dead at a young age, of a fast-acting cancer. I’ve considered McGowan the gold standard for nearly 20 years, since first reading his material in 2006, and the transparency of the shills of Disinfo, cleverly designed and placed, who populated “Alt Media,” since even before 9/11, was always illuminated by Dave’s frankly logical material, unknown, as it still is, by so many.
Dave McGowan’s posthumous site:
Nice to see you back Steve
The years roll by, M9…
He definitely thinks not.
No thinking detected.
I wonder if they are assigned or allowed to deviate from the official truth on various new subjects. If 1 in 25 or so “independent” writers goes off-script, that could have negligible impact.
The irony here is that this appears on a site that continues to ignore Judy Wood’s evidence if not actively badmouthing her. I suppose people who never got a decent education in physics and in using their brains cannot understand what they’re looking at, or just follow the countless Alex Jones wannabes.
they look at this image and their blinkers go up…
let the thermite parrots sing their sad song again….
Wanna have a real discussion about the real facts?
I’m guessing that will be a big old NO
Well I believe thermite residues where present in the debris, ne? I’d say the same to you as I would to Taibbi, which is that we don’t know for sure how it was done (how can we?), nor exactly by who (but we have some pretty good guesses and not by a man in a cave). In no way does that detract from evidence that the official government approved story is nonsense and cannot possibly be true.
The real point is not whether it was thermite or some black tech as speculated by Judy Woods and others, but what are we going to do about it? It still seems to be the case that we can’t do very much.
If you disagree with that and think knowing just how is more important, your replies below to Matt do not improve your case.
Either you’re a midwit with no science background who has been bamboozled by your belief you’re a lot smarter than you are, or you’re a shill trying to win over midwits with no science background who can be bamboozled by their belief they’re a lot smarter than they really are.
Either way this is a comment for midwits to be bamboozled by
Dr Judywoods’s photography, and probably her book, is excellent, but until today, I didn’t believe her idea of directed-energy weapon (DEW) was feasible in the case of the Demolition of the Twin Towers..unless Nuclear Weapons were used…but even that makes little sense…There is a massive Loss of Energy converting nuclear energy into a laser beam.
It would make far more sense, to lay a few basic thermite charges on the areas the CGI aircraft had been programmed to hit…such that you could see the molten aluminium (twin towers made out of steel dripping)…
Together with the then latest small versions of nukes in the Basements
It would explain a lot
I had read Judy Wood’s book “Where Did the Towers Go”; and while I do recommend it, I did find what appeared to be contradictions and downright misinformation (like her take on Hurricane Erin, which she insists was steered away because it would have interfered with the DEW; while we do have the ability to steer hurricanes, it was unnecessary in Erin’s case because a powerful cold front had swept into the Northeast – and a front pushes aside even the most powerful hurricanes, which Erin was not. Then there was the picture of persons on a ledge, which she insisted meant they were fleeing their burning hot clothes – apparently DEWs sometimes heat cloth, sometimes don’t: they’re devilish things!).
I also visited her website, which shed nothing to backup her claims. She pointed out she was the only person to actually file a lawsuit against the official narrative. But this was a Qui Tam lawsuit, which really is of little relevance in a case like this.
The thing to remember about DEWS (which DO exist) is that focused beams of electromagnetic energy disperse as a square of the distance travelled (even lasers disperse).This means that, currently, the optimum distance between a DEW device, and its intended target, is about 800 meters. Quadruple that with the notion that tech has advanced since that figure was accurate (or taking into account the notion that THEY are hiding greater capabilities than THEY admit). LEO (low earth orbit) is 1,200 miles or under, and lots of space business (satellites, space station, shuttles) takes place between 200 and 400 miles up… to be able to fire a DEW from LEO, at a target on Earth, with the aim to destroy it, would involve magnitides of energy that would put the aggressor in a Star Trek-like range of power. If any entity on Earth possessed that kind of power, they would be able to destoy cities in minutes and they would be god-like and absolute rulers of the sky and everything under it: no mindgames or subterfuge (as we see today) required. This won’t happen for centuries.
DEWs are limited, severely, by the factor of energy density/distance and Judy Wood either has no grasp of rudimentary physics, or is certain that that’s true of her readers, when she suggests that DEWs took out buildings on 9/11 (likewise the people who suggest that the Lahaina fires were caused by DEWs: arsonists with gas cans far more likely). Yes, US Naval warships can fuck you up, with DEWs, at a range of between, say, 800-3,200 meters… hypothetically. That’s 2 miles, max.
The future of space-based DEW aggression is in sattelite-to-satellite warfare.
I look at the pictures in your Link, and the white smoke billowing out of those buildings, and the way they all collapsed so neatly in their own footprints; and I think:
Or whatever timer-cooordinated architectural spot-explosive they applied…
VN Alexander: Come on, you’re being unfair to Mr. Taibbi. By 2006 his career was circling the drain. He’s a “reporter” whose entire career has been based on hippty-hoppty sensationalism. By 2006 the official narrative on 9/11 had already imploded; “truthers” had ascended to the driver’s seat in 9/11 explanation. So what’s a failing “reporter” to do? Why, gosh almighty: how about attacking the 9/11 Truth Movement? That’d give him a few more paragraphs worth of newsprint, wouldn’t it?
See now how unfair you’re being?
Careerism = Banality of Evil
And one circle of hell below “just doing my job”!