It’s All About the Story
Todd Hayen

I am beginning to realize it is a dangerous assumption to think that people actually want to know the truth.
I was talking to a sheep-type person the other day and made some comment about the moon landing in 1969. I asked, in a matter-of-fact way, “Do you believe we landed on the moon in 1969?” and they said, with no time for pondering the question, “Of course.” I tentatively asked, “Why?” and they said, “Why not?”
Indeed, why not? What do they lose by believing such a contradiction to the world story? What do they gain by not believing it, and believing in something that many people think is ridiculous?
You could ask a similar question about dozens of issues, “Do you believe the Twin Towers came down because Osama Bin Laden flew planes into them?” “Do you believe that JFK was assassinated by a lone gunman in 1963?” “Do you believe the Covid vaccines were safe and effective?” “Do you believe the earth is round?”
“Of course, why not?” How about because there is no evidence to the contrary? “Naw, if there were ‘evidence,’ none of it is agreed upon by people in the know. And for what reason would I throw out a belief that has created so much story around it?”
Human belief systems are fundamentally constructed by “story.” Everything we encounter has a story around it, we would not be able to function without story, definition, and narrative.
Think about it. If I encounter any object in my day-to-day life, there is a story behind it to define it. Some of that story is consensual, meaning it is shared by most other people.
Take a coffee cup as an example. I recognize a coffee cup when I see one, I call it by its name, I have had experience with it, but I also identify it because someone at one time taught me what its identity was—my parents, my school, my friends.
I also have a personal story about the coffee cup, maybe I drink coffee out of it, maybe my wife threw one at me in a fit of rage, or maybe as a little kid I used it in the backyard to dig holes.
Story is very important to humans. And our ability to create stories around objects, people, ideas, ideologies, and situations is very highly advanced. But more importantly, at least how it applies here, the stories we learn about things are difficult to “unlearn.” Not only is it difficult to unlearn, but most of the time if we run into a story that conflicts with the one we have lived with and are comfortable with, we have no desire to switch stories, even if the new story is truth, and the old story is a lie.
The familiar, and relatively safe story, is the preferred story. Although the stories we like to retain can have dark edges to them, they are still familiar. There is enough custard in the middle of the donut of life that it is preferable to a story that is largely ugly, scary, unsafe, and strange.
The “dark edges” we encounter in our familiar story are also familiar. People get cancer, people get in accidents, our kids flunk out of school, they take drugs, and sometimes people we love even die. Sometimes we lose our jobs, sometimes we get hit with a global tragedy, like a disease that runs rampant, or an ugly war that breaks out somewhere in the world, etc. Of course, when we are immersed in these dark edges we don’t like it and we think life sucks.
There is always a typical solution in our story that deals with the dark edges. And there is a typical result. If you get cancer, you then get conventional treatment. Not a treatment that is “outside of the story we have all decided to live,” but treatment within the story: chemo, radiation, surgery. And if that doesn’t work, then the story says, most likely, you die. No one wants to hear deviations from the story, such as alternative cancer treatments. These solutions do not fit the familiar story.
Other dark edges we might find in our story also have typical solutions. For example, when a virus attacks us, the government takes the bull by the horns and comes up with ways to fight it. The story says there are heroes among us, but only the ones the story says are legitimate—the ones the government has told us are experts. “If we all do our part [the story says] we will survive!” So that is what most people do—their best.
They don’t want to hear a new story, a truthful story, because it is often too unusual, it doesn’t “fit” what they have been living their whole life. They don’t want to hear that a character like Anthony Fauci is corrupt, incompetent, or just plain evil. That doesn’t fit the story. He is a famous public figure. That is the story he fits.
The scary part is that these people are not deeply fearful of living a new story (although most say that is why they don’t change stories) but are indifferent to it. “Naw, I don’t think so, I think I’ll stick with this one, I am used to it.” They don’t actually use these words, they may say something more like, “That’s just stupid to think that,” or “I really don’t care,” or “If that were true, it would be on the cover of Time magazine.”
So much stability depends on sticking with the same old stories. If we start looking at new stories, everything will fall apart, which is essentially true. Take the moon landing story as an example. Or even the 9-11 fiasco. How much of the fabric of our world story would be ripped apart if either of those incidents turned out to be different than the story we have been fed? The entire structure of our nation, as well as the entire world, would fall apart, like smoke in the wind. Poof.
I knew of a young couple that visited the Twin Towers site and memorial in NYC recently. They were so impressed, they watched little films about families who lost loved ones in the collapse of the buildings. They were moved to tears looking at the displays and walking the grounds of one of the US’s most profound tragedies. That’s the story. They don’t want to hear that what actually happened there was radically different than the story the memorial tells them. They don’t want to know the emotion they felt in that story was false and not real. Forget it.
Some of us don’t care all too much if the story changes. In fact, in a strange way, we don’t like living this consensual story the world is currently engaged in. We like it when things get shaken up a bit. So we are ready for it when we see the new story coming. We even embrace it. Truth is like a breath of fresh air after we have been breathing the fetid air of deceit and lies. Why is this the case? Maybe something about how we were raised. I don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine.
As we have witnessed recently, if the story is changed slowly (so it works better for the puppet masters) the masses can adjust to it. It is sudden changes that throw them off. And the agenda can even throw some sudden changes in there once in a while as long as it is well orchestrated. This is called “conditioning” or “indoctrination.”
We saw this with the Covid insanity. And we are currently seeing it with the two major world conflicts that are at the moment keeping the masters busy. It is also good to throw in a little conflict here and there so people have the opportunity to be “saved by the agenda”—wars, climate change, Trump and Republicans, Biden and Kamala, Covid, pandemics, etc.
So, the next time a sheep-type doesn’t want to listen to your deviant story that clashes with their story, think about why. More than likely it is not because you don’t have all the pertinent facts at your fingertips, or that you are a poor orator, or that they just don’t like you. It is more than likely because your story conflicts with theirs, with the “masses’ story,” the one that appears to keep things stable, the story that seems to keep their lives livable, with moments of instant gratification—things to buy, food to eat, sex to have (well, that one doesn’t work as well as it used to), cars to drive, games to play…that is really all that matters to them, you know. One day that too will fall away. But right now, it’s all good.
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Mere words are not stories. Words are concepts. They are well-defined and clear. A coffee cup is just a coffee cup, without a story. Whatever story you attach to a coffee cup is made by you. It’s just your story, not anyone else’s. So it is not a universal truth, or any truth in fact.
The identity of a coffee cup is that it is a coffee cup. All coffee cups are coffee cups.
But anything else than a coffee cup is not identical with a coffee cup.
If you attach a story to a coffee cup, you create a contradiction in logic. And if there are contradictions in logic, your logic fails. Stories in your mind may link coffee cups with your wife or your dog, but in reality those links don’t really exist.
So whatever story you attach to the words ‘moon landing’ or ‘911’, they are your stories. The rest of the world doesn’t really give a damn about these American fairy tales or beliefs in theories.
Abstract thought, required to think logically, doesn’t deal with stories. It can only deal with pure, clear concepts that are known, not made up. The ability to think abstractly is the human ability to reason.
Reason and conscience together form human wisdom.
Human children are not stupid. They understand that stories are just stories and fairy tales are not to be believed as fact.
When people believe a story, a fairy tale, a theory or a myth, they don’t have a clear concept of these words. In other words, they are ignorant.
First man on the moon was Neil Armstrong’s camera man.
Speaking of “it’s all about the story” – here’s one for you.
This “true crime” channel on Youtube has hundreds of cases, millions of subscribers and views – and every single one of the alleged “crimes” it covers NEVER HAPPENED.
It’s 100% fake stories, made up names, AI images of non-existent people, AI voice spewing (probably) AI-produced content.
Zero reality.
And apparently millions of real people watching, believing, commenting. Maybe one in a thousand, or ten thousand bothers to do a simple google search so they can find out it’s a lie.
Tell me this isn’t creepy. Orwell’s novel-writing machines, right? Except worse, because drip by drip they’re replacing our entire shared reality with UNREALITY. There’s something just evil about that.
There are so many things to keep up with. “Forgive them because they dont know what they are doing”.
I think Christ’s message shine through everywhere. Also here. Real many of us only get wise when its too late and when we reach old age.
How about the Brazilian way? Let life lead me through .
I think this analysis significantly underestimates the very clear, though never openly discussed, menace of severe punishment for diverging from the dominant pattern of belief
people are very good at rationalizing acceptance of whatever is necessary to avoid being destroyed by the power of a system, to the point where they don’t even perceive this as something that they’re forced to do, but instead feel that it’s a rational choice
rejecting the propaganda model always entails a huge personal cost, no less in our more sophisticated thought prison than in the unvarnished reigns of terror that characterized the classical fascist states a century ago
Though I’m not religious, it’s clear to me that Jesus made his biggest all-time blunder when he said “Render unto God that which is God’s, and unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s.” First of all, in a spiritual sense, everything is “God’s.” And in a practical sense, nothing is “Caesar’s”.
That one statement, more than anything else, adds credence to the idea that no such being as Jesus actually existed. Only a craven subject of state tyranny would make such a preposterous declaration as supposing the government has any rights at all.
Dear Howard, how can you fail so much up in our public faces? You dont understand the statement, sad sad story. Your worst comment ever Howard.
The answer Jesus gives has amazing depth. As well as it profoundly addresses the legal question the Pharisee’s ask:
Jesus: “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
I get frustrated with these stories too. The stories in the Bible must be interpreted, of course. Well, then there are many interpretations. Some say Jesus is telling everyone to obey the emperor, the government, and pay taxes. Some say it’s exactly the opposite.
So, which side is right, if either?
Why even have such stories? Can’t God speak in a way that would be understood? Well, of course God can. No stories or books needed.
I say forget the stories and go straight to the source of truth: God.
Christ in you already knows everything.
Christ is the Spirit that’s been risen and unified with God. So essentially, you are Jesus.
The old man, adam, no longer exists. We know good and evil, and never sin again.
Words and stories in the Bible are very difficult to understand, especially when we’ve been brainwashed with wrong and absurd thoughts.
Many words have been left without translation, giving the impression that the stories are about historical men. But they are not. Adam means man or humanity. So any human being is Adam. Eve means life. Jesus means God saves. Jew means praise(r of) God. And so on.
Then there are very many mistakes in the translations. Logos has been translated as Word, but logos means knowledge.
Fear of God should be Respect God. It doesn’t make any bloody sense to fear God.
All literal interpretations are wrong. The Bible itself says so, many times.
The idea of a historical person called Jesus doesn’t make any sense either. Worship of any man is just idolatry.
God is not a man and never will be. God is the eternal, immutable, absolute truth and goodness. God is the True Spirit.
Will Tuttle coined a new phrase for this behavior. When we say people are gullible, we usually assume that they are aloof to reality because they are stupid. To the contrary, to be gullible is to exert suffering and damage on others because we are fearful of the consequences of not consenting to what the herd is doing. He calls it toxic gullibility. Here is a great conversation he has with Peggy Hall about it. There are plenty of vegans who suffer from this toxic gullibility when it comes to how we are being abused and exploited by the elite parasites who would like us to be their cattle– and for that matter, consume their garbage. Just the same, what is it about those who are able to discern that 9/11, The Plague, and the supposed moon landing were colossal frauds, but flail about like wounded cockroaches when you try to show them where their breakfast, lunch and dinner come from?
Solutions for Breaking the Cycle of Tyranny:
Yes! The vegans I know all got the vaxx and they all scoff at the idea that there’s more to being exploited than being put in a pen or overcrowded shed and the tortures that await the exploited before an untimely and cruel death.
That’s sad to read Veri Tas.
Most of the Vegans I know DIDN’T get the jab.
But then Northern NSW is the epicentre of the Unvaxxed.
It is a real shame that so many vegans have figured out that the biggest con of all is this lie we are told by authority figures straight out of the womb, that we have to join this corpse cult or we won’t survive, and yet these same people can’t see that they are clearly being lied to by the military industrial medical media pharmaceutical banking complex to march off to their local culling centers for injection with a DARPA bioweapon. Most of the vegans that I know, however, did ask some questions and not give their consent to be injected with this mRNA experiment. Hopefully enough of the herd has grown a spine before they hit us with the next “plague.” It is hard to be positive or hopeful about that.
I just bought the Trotter book referenced by ‘Mark’ in the thread below, and want to make my own book recommendation about the topic of herd mentality: Among The Thugs, by Bill Buford, about rabid football ‘supporters’, the terraces experience at matches, the fights, the drinking, the road trips, all of it.
I don’t know if that culture still exists in Britain (pro sports are too expensive for working class people to attend routinely here in the States now), but I’m sure it’s still relevant as to human nature. I cited the book prominently in my college thesis 20 years ago, and its a great read, in any case, and it’s particularly relevant to British culture (this site being British in origin, there may be many OG readers that’ve experienced the terraces).
We have millions of fat men that drink beer, eat chips and pizza, and scream at their televisions every week, but we don’t have anything like that level of rabid fandom for sports or such a well-defined offshoot culture like that here in the U.S.
Great book, highly recommended:
Sounds like Australia:
‘We have millions of fat men that drink beer, eat chips and pizza, and scream at their televisions every week, ‘
UK football is quite advanced in rabid fandom: trinkets and an outlet for violence. This is no different from some other countries. Organised crime to rig UK matches is entrenched, ans affects bets globally. You may have more than enough betting shops. To “develop” the industry further, call in US con-sultants.
I agree it is a very good read. Football fans here in Germany have long been re-organised and infiltrated by the services. They are now more like an extension to the clubs and the money machines behind them. Violence is therefore no longer tolerated. The fan curves in any football stadium are now a testing ground for face recognition technology.
I didn’t know they’d reined it in, but I figured that was inevitable.
The origin of sports should not be overlooked. They are inextricably tied to war. The whole idea of sports is to condition boys and young man (now girls and young women – maybe even thems and young theys) to regard physical competition as a social responsibility.
Those who insist sports are a way to “peacefully” siphon off the aggressive tendencies of kids are placing the cart before the horse. Sports are a way to instill and to hone to perfection these tendencies.
Maybe. I agree about the origins. I see sports increasingly as a vicarious proxy via, for most, observation, not participation, for the general physical engagement across many aspects of life which is no longer required at all of most men.
Having now seen that, I find it embarrassing – and I loved to watch sports as a boy, and played them pretty well, too, ice hockey, most happily – to see pot-bellied super soft (American) grown men in their ill-fitting team jerseys and backwards ball caps, shrieking at the field/court/rink and high-fiving each other, looking like overgrown children while holding their $20 beers, having taken out mortgages to pay for their seats to watch the manly gladiators.
Very undignified and irrational. I find that repellent to look at now, and…it very much feels like a social manipulation, a psy-op, and obviously so.
I used to be a useless eater, but now, after consuming so much gestalt(e)-fish-
I have become a useless thinker…
forgot the link
Emanuel Pastreich asks whether a phoney nuclear war is the next pandemic they’re planning. You know, it DOES seem as if they are putting some bits into place for that:
–Incendiary propositions by the CFR’s publication
-the “war” going on in Russia’s Kursk region that we are told is being carried on by NATO
-Ukraine’s outright calling for nuking Russia
-constant upgrading of the weapons supplied to Ukraine
All to make a phoney nuclear war more believable. Talk about an excuse to shut down the global economy & “shelter in place” while receiving anti-radiation shots. And of course no countervailing info wd be allowed.
I think you very well may be right about the phoney nuclear war. They cannot create a “real” one because they would run the risk of being vaporized themselves, so make a fake one. It actually would be very easy to pull off. Everyone would believe it…
Hell yeah. All you need for most people to believe it is some guy in ABC news to tell them it’s happening. They won’t ask questions, they’ll just start lining up to get their iodine pills and cricket flour rations (can’t eat fresh meat any more guys – too irradiated by all those bombs that went off – you know some place (details about exactly where will be sketchy))
Just like covid and all those stories of people dying in hallways, etc – after all the fear, fear, fear who would go see if thats really true for themselves? No one of course.
Excellent point, Dr. Hayen. When people will not change EVEN the things they just heard on the news – things which are almost immediately debunked – then one can imagine how desperately they will cling to the things they’ve heard all their lives.
I’m thinking specifically of the 40 phantom Kibbutz Be’eri babies beheaded (beware unintended alliteration). There were 130 Israelis all tolled killed in that Kibbutz. And Israel’s own Social Security Agency cited 39 Israeli children killed October 7th – two of whom were babies (Mila Cohen and one other). The story was debunked within a couple weeks; but many of those who heard it to this day still believe it.
So there’s another factor involved in accepting a story. Namely, if the story says what the listener WANTS to believe. Most Americans, at least in the early days of the Oct. 7 situation, WANTED to believe Hamas capable of such an atrocity. And many still want to believe it. For years they have been primed to see Hamas as monstrous terrorists; so it was a piece of cake convincing them that Hamas could behead 40 babies. And there are still many who will never be convinced otherwise (they wear MAGA hats).
many still want to believe it.
Give us this day our daily videos. People have their trusted channels to follow religiously, even if it means cheating in the workplace. Reading, evaluating, comparing or keeping notes while stuffing one’s face is too difficult.
“I am beginning to realize it is a dangerous assumption to think that people actually want to know the truth.”
Yes it is. People are cowards. They hide from the truth– especially, as you stated at the end of your piece here, when it “appears to keep things stable, the story that seems to keep their lives livable, with moments of instant gratification—things to buy, food to eat,… .. .”
People don’t want or care to know the truth– especially when it affects them directly. They will shun you, block you and censor you. They are cowards.
Pilate therefore said unto Him, “Art thou a king then?” Jesus answered, “Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth My voice.
Of course people are cowards. But I don’t think it’s as much hiding from the truth as simply not knowing how to go about finding, or even recognizing it. What do you look for? For facts – when it’s almost a commonplace nowadays that facts are the most easily manipulated things of all? Trusted authorities – when trust can be pulled from under them by slick “background checks?” as well as by these “authorities” changing their “truths” when it becomes threatening to their career to stick with them?
Like everyone in this forum, I value truth. But I don’t flat out condemn those who fail to see “truths” that are obvious to me. People already have enough flaws without adding avoiding truth to the list.
That is a fair judgement. There is a lot of information that needs to be sorted out for everything that we are so determined to understand in this life. The sad fact is, when someone has gone to the other side of understanding on this one– that of The Ancient Death Cult, and we have looked for ourselves at the standard practices of this colossal animal holocaust of over 70 billion captive land animals artificially bred into wretched existence every year, then people ARE frequently afraid to look, and for completely narcissistic reasons. They will just as quickly adopt the propaganda narrative spewed from the highly subsidized meat and dairy industries, just like so many glaze over when we show them video footage of WTC-7 collapsing. Regardless of what rationalizations we make for these people, however, I think that that is a weak and cowardly “reason”. Frequently, the response to this information is abusive. This despite animal agriculture remaining the largest contributor to deforestation, soil desertification, water table depletion, species extinction, and ocean dead zones. But why would anyone want to ‘waste their time’ examining these claims or even genuinely try to dispute them when it is so easy just to shout down the “bloody” vegans? I guess I have unrealistically high expectations for truth seekers who have already examined 9/11, the supposed moon landing, “The Deadly Plague”, etc. The good news is that we don’t have to support this unnecessary abuse and exploitation of others.
If you are genuinely asking me what one should look for when examining this claim I’m making that we are supporting a wretched corporate industry– and that there is no nice way to take someone else’s life, I would say just to look for ourselves. Here would be a good place to start. These are the standard operating procedures. We can apparently tell ourselves bad stories for a whole lifetime. I did for 43 of my 52 years. There is nothing, however, that I am more thankful of than the truth seekers who exposed this dark reality to me.
My link didn’t show up for some reason. Hopefully it won’t be censored. In nine years of trying to share this truth, that has been a typical response. Nobody wants to see this holocaust, and we are slandered just to call it that.
Here we can see for ourselves how the sausage is made:
Have you tried in nine years to public your link in vain in comment sections?
Yes. I have tried for nearly nine years to get people to appreciate how we are paying others to physically– and even sexually, violate other animals and abuse them by the billions, but it is just like this article suggests. Most people are willfully blind to and choose to remain willfully ignorant and gullible to this occult ritual that most of us pay for 3 times a day. Yes, I have spoken on behalf of these unseen and unheard victims of shallow and weak-hearted people. These animals do not deserve this.
Imagine a superior being treating us humans equally.
Yes indeed. Easier to believe the lies. Because it’s been intended by power to be so. Believe this and continue with your life unperturbed.
It seems as though we easily fall into the trap of describing ‘this or that kind of person’ (despite our understanding of exactly what is meant) which acts as a useful divisive tool. How easy it would be for to add this firewood to the fomenting of insurrection which seems to be what are doing right now… in order to come down hard on us and up the surveillance, bring in ‘crowd control’ etc ‘for our own good’. Imagine the power of the tool that is that group of people who ‘don’t want to know’ who may be forced to open their eyes at some point when feel it appropriate to utilize that power. Forcing them to open their eyes will take something that is SO obvious, so absurd…. and we’re getting there!
Sorry wasn’t allowed to edit above so had to repeat!:
It seems as though we easily fall into the trap of describing ‘this or that kind of person’ (despite our understanding of exactly what is meant) which acts as a useful divisive tool. How easy it would be to add this firewood to the fomenting of insurrection which seems to be what They are doing right now… in order to come down hard on us and up the surveillance, bring in ‘crowd control’ etc ‘for our own good’. Imagine the power of the tool that is that group of people who ‘don’t want to know’ who may be forced to open their eyes at some point when They feel it appropriate to utilize that power. Forcing them to open their eyes will take something that is SO obvious, so absurd…. and we’re getting there!
Neither of my parents were able to accept that the story about their health given to them by doctors and the rest of the authorities was totally wrong, and both were killed by this.
Sorry to hear that.
Doctoring, once the hazing process has eliminated the weaklings, has become the easiest job on Earth. All they have to do is wait for the latest handouts from Big Pharma; read the numbers – numbers are the Holy Grain of modern medicine; and prescribe, prescribe, prescribe.
In my reply I typed “Holy Grain” instead of “Holy Grail.”
(See, when you’re pended you can’t issue a reply to your own comment until the original exits the Pending Pit.)
There is a story going on in UK at the moment.
It started with the bad news.
Loyalties were tested by throwing away Billions into green holes, giving already well paid union members way above inflation pay rises, cancelling plans for our own, home grown, energy and then, the cherry on the cake, robbing 90% of pensioners of their lifeline winter fuel payment.
The result ? Nary a squeak. 50 MPs abstained (chickened out) One brave soul voted against the government – one !!
This abject cowardice allows the government to continue their story.
We are primed for a tough budget. We shall see.
But then the dangerous part of the story begins – the good news.
A year or two hence, there will be sweeteners and in three to four years all of the destructive initial measures will be forgotten.
The end of the story could be a second term.
Damn the good news.
A crucial part of the story – there is no absolute morality:
Hey, morality changes with the weather! How chilly does it have to be before human sacrifice becomes okay?
Joining two of their stories together is one of their favourites:
A.I. can prevent those harmful conspiracy theories! Dial up “the Science” for another desired conclusion. Somehow I don’t think anyone who takes part in such a survey can have dug very deeply into how things work. Unsurprisingly, the sample size just happens to be another significant number (2190 reduces to 93, the number Crowley signed with instead of his name).
Morality changes with the weather = moral relativism = modern satanism
Human sacrifice has already become okay. If you’re a Palestinian, or any other undesirable the West wishes to dispose of.
Watch the first two minutes of this and bask in that nostalgic glow of covid vax propaganda sneaked in as entertainment:
Hey they even filmed the thing taking off from the Moon. Some sterling camera work! And it also brought the boys back home safe, just imagine that!!
They even did it several times!!!
Now THAT might work!
And it’s got an emergency chute.
That’s really funny. Good one.
pending for your own protection should be a new vaccine advert.
To be honest it is only recently these type of topics are getting mainstream mention which is the msm alt media which this is apart of.
previously the moon hoax or daring to say hollyfreak actors/actress where trannies or chemtrails or 5G wifi or shill Calson or Russell fake brand was a shill would create a up roar which the adz on the sites would chim in.
People are very much still in to hero worship either Je£u$, Trump, RFK, Mike spin us a load of yeadon fake bullshit back story or shillbe GBnews Oliver. FFS most of them listen to MIC
llack ofintelligence MSM<alt media and think it is cutting edge.The big one. terrain. OMG that would will have certain people getting there knickers in a twist,
strangely enoughlty it is usually the religious lot or the fat fucks.
My question to the doubters.
Do a 21 day water fast or do a 7 day juice cleanse or start easy. dont eat for 36 hours or cut coffee tea from your diet for 3 days, no?? an easy one. NO sugar for 3 days.
THEN come back and tell us what type of symptoms you got..
There is many levels to this and when one cant even feel the mobile phone in there hand effecting them then it shows what level theses people are.
Yup. I have to avoid wifi as much as possible, otherwise my head is getting squashed, so I am typing this at the end of a 100 meter ethernet cable, and my Nokia 100 only makes and receives calls and txts. And my 200MHz – 8GHz meter tells me just how bad that is.
The effects of wifi are cumulative. You only realise when it builds up enough and starts to bite you.
It takes me a day to recover from using a base phone or visiting the local main smallish market town. The levels are going up and up.
Health without payment? Is that not evil.
The Elle Macpherson case is interesting.
I read a wide variety of UK papers and her refusal to accept chemotherapy is treated as an irresponsible heresy by columnists and readers alike.
The media, of course, were the main actors in the outcasting of “anti-vaxxers” and the tradition goes back all the way.
Surely no accident that they are all in lockstep, albeit with different nuances.
But the media are a comfort blanket.
Politicians are universally disliked and considered untrustworthy but you can tuck the Sun under your armpit and it will keep you amused all day.
It will even get its tits out for you.
Difficult to go against your old mate who you pick up every day.
Her “relationship” with Andrew Wakefield (or “disgraced former doctor Andrew Wakefield” as the corporate media always term him) is extremely peculiar:
I’m more inclined to his side of the story and I resent the way the corporate media attack him – but this doesn’t mean he’s genuine. They control both sides of the dialectic. This looks very like somebody being rewarded for a job well done – and they love putting their assets into contrived relationships, in addition to a reward it’s probably meant to increase their credibility.
The banality of evil…
Possibly seeding the population for RFK to enlighten everyone next year on childhood (not sure he will touch MRNA ) vaxs, chemo and GMO
They can then ban GMO & roll on with the gene edited that does not need to be disclosed and whatever new gen medicine they want everyone to move to
The sheep are happy in their “bubble” in which they have been conditioned to be happy, nothing to see here and they gayly get on with life trying not to make waves and, in turn, not get swamped by the tide of bullshit emanating from those in “power”.
They cannot think critically, believe everything that is spewed out by the tell-lie-vision and the MSM and, generally, their reaction to any conversation around Covid, 9-11 or the like is a look of sheer indignation and the easy put-down of the conspiracy theory label.
They simply cannot and will not accept that their government might wish to eradicate them if the end goal is great enough.
In the UK, the assisted dying bill is about to be rushed through. A handy device that will hasten the end of quite a few “useless eaters and oxygen thieves” that will no doubt feed into the population cull currently on going (not to mention saving an awful lot in pension payments and reaping the rewards of inheritance tax !)
Thanks Todd: a realistic assesment in my view. For a biological interpretation, I recommend Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War by neurosurgeon Wilfred Trotter. His argument about how, as a social animal, our herd nature is a foremost force in our mental lives is both obvious and genius. I now calibrate everyone I know against using the his concept of ‘herd mentality’. This has helped me become a bit more able to work around the herd instincts of the majority, among whom most of us still choose to live. One warning: the book is written in the style of the time, which can be heavy going until you get used to it. This does not however detract from the powerful message.
So at least one scientist has studied this phenomenon (I made a prior comment about this topic). Thanks for the reference.
I suspect it’s possibly the most germane aspect of all the irrational current and historical behavior and outcomes we in the minority have finally awakened to and become aware of the past 23 years. That it’s probably the main thing one needs to address and consider when contemplating any thoughts of remedy, because, for most, remedy is the furthest thing from their minds, conformity the nearest, so one is wasting one’s breath suggesting any, and for even outlining the problem to such people.
Those in the minority can realistically only hope to reach other people that are tempermentally part of the minority, have no aversion to the truth or greatest likelihood, but that have just not yet been exposed to the alternate narratives.
A much better and less dispiriting use of one’s time.
Hi Todd, check out Alok Pandey’s channel; he is a psychiatrist by training.
For current events see Sraddhalu Ranade, who lives in the same place.
The doctor who wont take his own medicine.
Aspartame makes you gain weight & is a cancer-risk, etc. Good roundup article here.
I assume you DO want to know the truth.
Controlling and entirely false narrative is ultimately doomed, there’s too many people involved. What seems to be common practice instead is shaping a narrative around particular even, something that eventually allows with the passage to time a complete revision / reinterpretation of the history of those events.
The Moon landing in 1969 is not a good example to pick because it would have been so costly and difficult to fake that an actual landing on the Moon would be an easier task. There are plenty of other example from global events that are much more pertinent — and far more relevant today — such as the background to the Vietnam War. Its very instructive to look at news reports from that era and then not only compare them to what we know was actually going on but also how those often completely false narratives not only are widely believed today but also still providing foundations for modern activities.
The process of historical revisionism is relentless. It permeates our culture to the extent that it now invades periods that I have first hand knowledge of. As such it makes me wince, the sheer level of factual distortion, a distortion that’s really just stuffing a modern ‘official world view’ into an inappropriate context. It would be just harmless costplay except that people believe the BS and so are unable to see what’s happening to them in real time. (Here its tempting to invent elaborate conspiracy scenarios, scenarios that are unlikely shouldn’t be ruled out entirely.)
But Martin, the moon landing WAS fake, didn’t you know?
How do you know it was fake?
Why is that belief so important to you?
If that pic of Nixon in the OO is verifiably legit, were there not (claimed to be) prior Moon missions not involving landing on it, just orbiting it, which that pic could have been from?
I think it unlikely anyone’s ever been there, but that will be the logical response from those that believe otherwise.
I’m aware, or convinced, that the Apollo moon landing(s) was/were faked; I’m not suggesting otherwise.
But I’m one of those “truther” types who is well aware that alternative narratives, or anti-narratives, are susceptible to being contaminated with entirely bogus or dubious “proofs”. I think we should be vigilant and diligent before accepting superficially attractive supporting evidence.
So: when I viewed that photo on the wall, it evoked a long-forgotten memory of perusing LIFE Magazine photos of the “moon race”. And I readily confirmed that it’s the widely-published “Earthrise” photo. Here’s the official caption:
The point of citing this clarification is decidedly not to argue that the “Earthrise” photo is genuine, or to somehow assert that “the Apollo 8 spacecraft” and its mission was real as publicized. It’s only to pop the facile “Aha!” or “Gotcha!” impression that the US hoaxsters were so inept and clumsy that they forgot to remove a photo that could only have been taken by the Apollo crew to which Nixon was ostensibly speaking. 🌕 🤨
Very good point. The idea that they had that photo there is ludicrous and it is very disappointing that so many apparently don’t care about the veracity of the evidence they provide.
When you use fake evidence and make bogus claims based on nothing, you are supporting what you oppose. I really hope that people will assimilate that knowledge at some point, but I doubt it.
There is hard proof that: the moon landings were all filmed on earth,the Nixon phone call was not made to the moon and that the earthrise photo is a forgery. There is no excuse for using phony evidence in relation to any of those issues. It is pitiful.
Only the hoax believers make the claim that Nixon made a landline phone call to the Moon.
Everyone else knows or understands that phone calls can be made to a radio station that transmits the phone call using radio waves. In 1969, a phone call was made from Washington to Houston, where it was added to their communications network, sent to Australia like all their other communications, sent to the Moon via RF transmitter, and so this communication network from Houston to the moon and back worked. The delay is exactly as expected. Videos were transmitted via RF just like audio. Radio technology is simple, and communications were probably the easiest thing to do.
All the technology that the hoax believers believe is impossible existed long before 1969.
Did you actually think before typing this and pressing the Post button?
I did something almost unheard of: I looked past your reference to the moon landing to the overall point you’re making – and gave you an upvote. Like so many others here, I doubt the veracity of the moon landing. Research is almost impossible any more because researchers, perhaps understandably, omit anything which contradicts their view.
I’ve watched videos debunking the moon landing; but I had questions about each. Anyway, I think a big reason many in this forum accept the hoax verdict is that it sits so nicely with their view that “they’re all in it together.” If it were fake, why wouldn’t our “enemies” happily point it out? They would – unless they’re working with the US.
If it were fake, why wouldn’t our “enemies” happily point it out?
I’m not throwing down a gauntlet, just making a recommendation.
For years, I scornfully rejected the “moon landing was faked” perspective for exactly the reason quoted above. It seemed like the proverbial “no-brainer” to me. Since the USSR was evidently becoming the “hare” in the “tortoise vs. hare” moon race, surely Soviet space scientists could easily see through and demolish what was retrospectively a fragile and absurdity-ridden US narrative.
Furthermore, the icing on the cake for me was that obviously such a Soviet exposé would be a Cold War public-relations and propaganda coup de grâce: the decadent and malignant US capitalist running dogs caught pouring billions of dollars into a hoax, while waging an unpopular war and claiming that it was virtually impossible to fund badly-needed and overdue “Great Society” social reforms.
It was, to quote the infamous George Tenet, a “slam-dunk”. Then, just a few years ago, I chanced upon an article that fatally undermined my smug “no-brainer” conviction:
Illusory Apollo: the Ultimate Mega Show by Aerodynamicist Alexander Onoprienko
One doesn’t have to uncritically accept and buy into the arguments presented here, but for me it usefully refuted my common-sense assumption that openly adversarial nations never “accommodate” each other during the course of their abiding contentiousness. 🤔
Adversarial nations do indeed “accommodate” each other without betraying their essential enmity. Covid is the poster child for this. And, of course, the moon landing offers goodies to more than just the one who got there first.
Since my mind works in strange ways, I would love if Ayn Rand could be alive today to witness the controversy. I say this because (given her adoration of human achievement) she was thrilled at the great achievement – in fact, she was actually at Cape Kennedy/Canaveral when the rocket took off.
There is zero evidence of moon landings being fake. The only evidence for that is in ignorance, lack of knowledge and understanding.
When people know next to nothing about the Moon, space, physics, mathematics, radio waves, technology like cameras and remote control, they resort to believing stories made up by journalists, writers, filmmakers, entrepreneurs, businessmen and other people lacking knowledge (like Kaysing, Sibrel and McGowan). But fame or making money is their profession. Forming a cultic following.
Every argument that’s been made by moon landing hoax believers has been debunked.
But the believers don’t care about facts. They want to believe. When they believe, they form a group of believers. In order to become a member of that group of believers, one simply has to state their belief. So they confess like here. As they form this group of believers, they also form their enemies, those who don’t believe like them. That’s why you get down-voted, you’re the enemy.
A small minority can fake being the majority as long as the bubble they’re in is small.
Not that being in a minority or in a majority matters. In reality, only truth matters. Believers in theories and made-up stories are people who have no idea what a theory is. Knowing what a theory is makes one not a believer but a scientist.
Science means knowledge. And knowledge is never about beliefs, theories or stories, but facts.
A case of American mainstream media pushing this hoax belief, debunked by Phil Plait:
Most humans are gregarious, and that’s normal. Workplaces, schools, shopping centres, entertainment venues, clubs and even political rallies are where our stories are solidified.
In this age of invasive and ubiquitous social media people ‘congregate’ through their devices.
They have a ‘story’ in common.
To be outside of the story is to be out in the cold. Ostracised, scorned, ridiculed and ignored.
It takes guts and heart to question the accepted narratives.
It also takes unsullied perception, judiciousness and erudite choices.
The story continues.
The happy ending is up to us.
Not to rain on your parade, but “happy ending” seems distinctly like a pipe dream. If the story were in fact to end in any foreseeable future, what are the chances it would be in universal rapture? I say slim to none.
The ‘rapture’ is an ignorant fantasy.
Happiness is Now.
Cheers to that. It’s up to us to come up with a new story.
No one knows anything much when they are born. If lucky, it can be quick, zoom , splash, smack on the bum, cry, scales, and straight back to mum’s breast.
Most wonderful thing I have ever witnessed
Todd, it’s not just that “we like it when things get shaken up a bit” for the sake of shaking things up. That would be simple immature contrariness. For me at least it’s that I literally can’t breathe freely, as my chest and gut curl up in a knot, when I’m surrounded by flat-out deniers of truth or by lazy and smug airheads.
So your statement “Truth is like a breath of fresh air after we have been breathing the fetid air of deceit and lies” perfectly describes how I feel about digging for and speaking my truth.
Yes, I know just how you feel, Veri Tas. I too have many ‘flat-out deniers of truth’ and ‘lazy and smug airheads’ in my circle of family and friends. When they (outrageously) deny the proven facts/truths I provide them with (re. a number of big subjects in life), their flat-out denial/ridicule makes me ‘see red’, makes my blood boil. The arrogance of their ignorance makes me immensely angry with them.
Hey, where’s my comment? Is this what Off-Guardian does now? Censors free speech? I thought that was one of the foundations of this site? Is this Off-Guardian? Or is this the Guardian? WTF? Apparently, there are existential truths here that remain forbidden.
if you mean the existential truth that you support veganism – you have managed to get that across adequately multiple times on other threads. It’s OT and not relevant on this one.
You are of course welcome to post those existential truths on the relevant threads any time you want.
From Todd:
‘things to buy, FOOD TO EAT sex to have (well, that one doesn’t work as well as it used to), cars to drive, games to play…that is really all that matters to them, you know.’
Off T?
Hello, you must be new here – read my username..
You are new here, so what do you mean? Unless you’re NickM in yet another skin. 😄
Haven’t you heard BB?
Omnivores are omniscient.
You’re over the target here, and well said. I think increasingly that this is the essential issue with human society and its chronic ills, with fundamental human nature.
There is a very large majority of people that don’t care at all what the truth or more plausible scenario might be, who instinctively just want to stay with the herd, think as little as possible, and are not concerned much either with even their own liberty beyond being able to go to Starbuck’s without hindrance.
Then there is the small minority of people that don’t care if George Washington even had a cherry tree, have no attachment at all to the various cultural fables, folktales, legends & myths we’ve all had handed down to us, don’t take the invalidation of any of them personally, and are just interested in truth or greatest likelihood, whichever is available, and in making rapid, significant improvements and avoiding the repetition of folly and evil.
Were I a social scientist, this schism would be the topic of my research.
Most are on the treadmill of the rat race. Thy have no time to care.
I’m sure that’s part of it. Not all of it, though. My guess is most would never care, though they be scrambling for a bunk at the gulag.
I believe your guess is correct.
“They don’t want to hear that what actually happened there was radically different than the story the memorial tells them. They don’t want to know the emotion they felt in that story was false and not real. Forget it.”
Actually the emotion they felt was true. What they fell for afterwards was because that was “over there” instead of over here.
I think we’re seeing, have seen with c19, that this type of person, the majority, will fall for whatever they are guided to fall for, understand to be embraced by the herd, wherever it happens.