Announcing the Independent Media Alliance

Derrick Broze

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Announcing the Independent Media Alliance

Today we are thrilled to announce the creation of the Independent Media Alliance (IMA), a collaborative effort focused on promoting objective, fact-based media from a diverse team of journalists, podcasters, and writers.

Our emphasis will be on countering narratives currently being seeded within the “alternative” media space, including, but not limited to, the false two-party paradigm, hopium in politicians, support for imperial wars, 5th Generation Warfare, and Technocratic solutions to legitimate problems (digital IDs pitched as the “only” solution for immigration, voting fraud prevention, etc.).

The IMA will take several actions in the pursuit of this goal, including regular panels and debates featuring alliance members and guests; collaborative and joint investigations; and launching a new decentralized media network to host relevant content from alliance members. The IMA will also be partnering with decentralized video platform Odysee to ensure that the content cannot be easily censored.

The creation of the IMA was initiated by Whitney Webb of Unlimited Hangout, Ryan Cristián of The Last American Vagabond, and Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance Network.

Webb, Cristián, and Broze have invited more than a dozen journalists, podcasters, and media outlets to join the alliance. The current roster includes:

Hakeem Anwar, Above Phone/ Take Back Our Tech
Catherine Austin-Fitts, Solari Report
Jason Bassler, The Free Thought Project
Jason Bermas, The Jason Bermas Show
Catte Black, Off-Guardian
James Corbett, The Corbett Report
Iain Davis
Richard Grove, Grand Theft World Podcast
Kit Knightly, Off-Guardian
Hrvoje Morić, Geopolitics and Empire
Steve Poikonen, Slow News Day/ AM Wake Up
Charlie Robinson, Macroaggressions Podcast
Carey Wedler

“The online media landscape, despite the plummeting trust in mainstream media, has never been more weaponized and difficult to navigate,” stated Whitney Webb. “By pooling our collective resources and creating some new resources, the goal is for this group of principled independent journalists and content creators, who have proven themselves over the past several years as willing to challenge official narratives even when difficult, to be able to withstand the increasing pressures of disseminating adversarial content in an increasingly adversarial social media landscape.”

“We believe there has never been a more important time for independent, principled journalists and content creators to collaborate more than ever,” said Derrick Broze. “Together we have the power to maximize our reach and counter false solutions and narratives which are infecting the indie media and ‘truth community’.”

“At a time when objective, non-partisan media is under more attack than ever, and the two party illusion has never been more vulnerable, like the cornered animal it is, the system lashes out at those who try to change it. We can all sense the changing of the tides, and none more viscerally than the dying power structure desperate to maintain its power. This desperation has materialized into the rising threat of digital identification, social credit scores, and overall technocratic control, all of which are being forced upon us in hopes that it will stifle, if not completely snuff out, our growing awareness and rising resistance. Enter the manufactured State-serving Mainstream Alternative Media designed to usher you mindlessly into the technocratic panopticon. Whitney, Derrick and I decided to start this Independent Media Alliance to organize against this rising threat using objective, well researched journalism and collaboration.”

– Ryan Cristián

Stay tuned for our first panel discussions, and the launch of the official IMA website and Odysee portal.


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Dec 24, 2024 9:14 AM

I like to watch the videos of the Alliance.
Could someone point me in the right direction please.?

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Sep 19, 2024 7:00 PM

This is fantastic news.

illiterate goblin
illiterate goblin
Sep 19, 2024 12:25 PM

it is a paid subscription? so the really lucky people who pay can access this life changing information.
as a person who thinks history and sports is fake and religion is fucking fake -does this effect me being allowed in to this group.
will fake religious and fake scripted sports and fake history be mentioned..

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 19, 2024 7:01 PM

The panel discussions are free to access. The first one has just been launched and is available on our site and across other platforms right now

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Sep 21, 2024 10:09 AM

You dont belong to any group then. You are a lonely wolf!?

Simon F
Simon F
Sep 19, 2024 11:03 AM

OffG really putting the cat among the pigeons last couple days. Hats off to yez lads. Really got a few of the regulars in a flap.

I’m not going to say our Catherine would get my vote for TruthTeller of the Year. But you guys have been straight down the line and our Iain likewise. Like Corbett too. Whitney is not exactly a fun night out with the lads, but she seems solid.

It’ll be what you make of it. Obviously a lot of your resident “persuaders” just want to strangle it at birth. But that’s a good sign. .

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 19, 2024 5:53 PM
Reply to  Simon F

I’m not going to say our Catherine would get my vote for TruthTeller of the Year.”

You can’t promote TRUTH with a known liar on the team. Sorry: that’s the TRUTH. No one wants to “strangle” anything, here, but I’m assuming we’re still allowed to call BULLSHIT, despite the fact that polite consensus is so much nicer. I would love to know exactly why any of the GENUINE Truth-Tellers, in this project, agreed to work beside a well-known charlatan…? And if anyone considers that to be a nitpicky issue… how much of a priority do you consider Truth within the framework of Truth-Telling?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 19, 2024 6:58 PM

We have just launched the first IMA live stream discussing the false binary. Why not check it out and see how much truth or otherwise you find there. Probably more useful to just proceed on a case by case basis than making a blanket predictive judgment.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 19, 2024 9:13 PM

Probably more useful to just proceed on a case by case basis than making a blanket predictive judgment.”

Sophie, you’re using rhetoric, not providing a direct and reasonable response to my question. The question being: how much of a priority do you consider Truth within the framework of Truth-Telling?

Your attempt to use the phrase “case by case basis” against me backfires, because the phrase does NOT mean, “well, perhaps a leopard can change its spots in the near future, so let’s just see how this plays out… for as long as it takes”…

I think the phrase you want is “let’s give this known charlatan the benefit of the doubt… for reasons…”

What reasons? She is a failed Truth-teller… what other talents might she offer?

Here’s a nice Thought Experiment: after years of suffering under a puppet government fronting Genocidal Fascists of the North, a mineral-rich Third World country somehow stages a Revolution, after which a Truth and Reconciliation Committee is set up, with much fanfare and optimism. Only problem: a journalist recognizes one of the members of the Committee as a stone cold, old school, ’30s model, genocidal Fascist.

Is the alarm-sounding, party-pooping journalist guilty of “making a blanket predictive judgment”?

Bonus rhetorical question: is there such a thing, in all the records, as a (genuinely) Reformed Shill/ Huckster?

Please show me (directly) the obvious flaw in my reasoning.

Question Everything… but the OFFg.

Tacit Motto… ?

Re: “False Binary” as in Honest/ Dishonest

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 19, 2024 9:46 PM

The “known charlatan” as you term her, is not even present in this panel discussion. Since the personnel will be changing episode to episode and since they certainly won’t all agree about everything or speak with one voice, I would suggest you only tune in to the ones that feature people you find amenable or interesting. But of course it’s entirely up to you.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 19, 2024 10:32 PM

A) why the scare quotes around “known charlatan”? I can prove she’s a charlatan with direct references to her own (audio-recorded) words. If I present the evidence, will you judge it objectively?

B) This is still not a direct response to my question, Sophie. You’re being evasive. “How much of a priority do you consider Truth within the framework of Truth-Telling?”

Not a priority? Top priority? “It’s more complicate than that”? Which? Are you not allowed to say?

Ask me any direct question you choose to and I can answer directly (and quickly). What’s the problem?

Sep 20, 2024 11:46 AM

I for one would like to see the evidence.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 20, 2024 5:01 PM
Reply to  judith

Here is C. A. Fitts, with henchman/Renfield Richard Dolan, weaving a bizarre web of outrageous porkies,  fluent non-sequitur word salads and a sprinkling of actual (though totally irrelevant) facts to give the whole production  a sheen of quasi-authority. Some of the best (aka worst) sustained Huckstering I’ve ever heard. Pure Talent! Fitts is VERY good at being a shameless Liar; people who aren’t well educated, and aren’t close-readers, by nature, will eat this garbage up.  Icke is not nearly as slick. Well, she polished her chops in Washington, so…

NOT a charlatan, our Cathy?

To cite the top (uh, real?) comment from the thread appended to this video:

“Her rational for establishing a connection between missing $Trillions and its potential to be used for a parallel / break-a-way civilization is sobering from an economic perspective. “You cannot understand how control is engineered in our society without grappling with the UFO phenomena”.-Fitts”
Yes, Cathy, we understand: Space Aliens LOVE Petrodollars! Dammit! So THAT’S where that money went…!

(PS: I have done an annotated timeline of the foulest huckster bombs if you are interested)

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 20, 2024 5:10 PM

My annotated timeline of the video is posted… and pending

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 20, 2024 5:05 PM
Reply to  judith

Here’s my annotated timeline of the catshit-blips in the video I link to:

Careful Analysis of c. 20 minutes of a Catherine Austin Fitts video

Start at 21:49, then listen to the bit where Nolan refers, at 23:30, to “non-human tech” and “meeting the challenge of these Other Beings”… do you think he’s talking about hamsters?

At 28:40, Fitts talks about the Global Economy being NOT closed. Do you understand what she’s insinuating? If the Global Economy is NOT closed, then who is it, Off-World, that we’re trading with?

At 30:15 Fitts actually insinuates that we (Earthlings) purchased the Moon. Fitts insinuates it, Nolan (her foil) vocalizes it… and Fitts agrees with what Nolan vocalizes. If English is your first language, it shouldn’t be difficult to understand the conversation.
Again: note the technique: for minutes at a time, Fitts loads the discourse with Financial Jargon that could be about anything. That’s to dazzle the passive listener: it sounds “smart” and “authoritative”. But where’s the proof for the fantastical UFO propositions she suddenly drops into the mix? She’s talking about “Space Ships” bought with the super-secret Black Budget… but if “we” have reverse-engineered Tech from bona fide UFOs, why is the Pentagon still having trouble invading Syria/ Iran? Is Putin working with “non-human tech” too? Laugh.
Listen at 31:35: Fitts “steps back” (she constantly jumps around in the narrative thread, usually signalled by a “let me step back”) and fills the space with facts/ details (truths or half-truths) from her actual experience in the 90s. The advantage of reverting to the memory of a more-or-less True experience is that it makes her delivery smooth, convincing and sincere-sounding. So up until about 32:10 she’s dealing with facts.

At 32:12 she uses this more-or-less factual memory of her own motivations to SLIP IN a little commercial for one of the cornerstones of The Great Reset: Impact Investment. So Fitts tries to make this commercial for The Great Reset seem benign because she stresses how she’d like to remove “Government” from the equation so that “we” (our ordinary communities) would benefit from the optimization of “community” that Impact Investment could produce, but the argument is dishonest: the infrastructure for these schemes BELONGS to our (very human) Overlords, and “we” are the DATA that will generate the profits… not the players monetizing this game.

It’s the same as proposing that a race horse could own its winnings at the track! So Fitts hits one goal there (Trojan Horse the Great Reset as an opportunity for Serfs ) and goes for the next while passing through another more-or-less-factual recycling of common knowledge (see: Gary Webb, John Judge, et al) about the CIA’s Drugs Economy… so far so credible (except for the deliberate misrepresentation of Impact Investment) at c. 38:00. From 38:00 until 41:00: no problem: nothing new but no preposterous bullshit, either.

41:53 “let me just step back”: Fitts starts ramping up the nonsense again.

At 42:12 Fitts calls back to the 6% (of the world population) vs 50% (of the world’s resources) figure they discussed two minutes before (40:08)… but in a TOTALLY different context. The first time those figures came up, they were talking about Post War Geopolitics.

At 42:12, when she calls back to the 6%/50% proportion, she’s suddenly talking about UFOs again. Without any rational bridge to the reintroduction of the topic. In other words, none of the more-or-less factual discussion of a few minutes prior to this moment, which seemed to lend credibility to the discussion, can be connected to the UFO material in a rational way: the connection is irrational; it’s impressionistic; Fitts is relying on the passive listener being carried along by her spiel. In the passive listener’s mind, the spiel about UFOs is just as “factual” as the chit chat about the CIA’s Drugs Economy.

What she says at 42:42: “They were afraid people would be too afraid and things would become too chaotic” (re: “Disclosure” aka “The Looming Reveal about Extraterrestrials”), in other words, is a non sequitur that has been carefully introduced as a logical conclusion to that part of the conversation.
43:00-44:20 Pure (recycled) UFO drivel. Then she reverts (c. 44:30) to factual material (“The Church Commission” (sic)) which has NOTHING to do with UFOs, but allows her to sound credible again.
45:40 Nolan: “the challenge or threat of these Other Beings that clear are here”
45: 50 Fitts goes off on a non-UFO-related tangent about North American Chattel Slavery, from a financial perspective, that feels informative while having NOTHING to do with UFOs.

Suddenly, at 48:42, we get a reference to “Off-World Technology” …
And So Forth.
It’s a masterful technique; Fitts is a very serious con artist. No one could call her A.) stupid B.) unaware of her efforts to defraud the public C) honest or decent.

Fitts relies on a trusting audience in order to rake in that money. Whether or not she is working directly for the psychopaths behind The Great Reset, or simply knows that it’s better for her bottom line to sell her victims on the Schwab/ Gates scheme… I’m not even sure that the distinction matters.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Sep 18, 2024 11:57 PM

Glad to see you’ll be using Odysee portal instead of You Tube.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Sep 18, 2024 10:32 PM

Principled journalists don’t care where they live.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Sep 18, 2024 11:32 PM

Sep 18, 2024 9:13 PM

Derrick Broze?

Oh please, my aching sides…….

Sep 18, 2024 9:44 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

What is wrong with Derrick Broze?

Simon F
Simon F
Sep 19, 2024 11:05 AM
Reply to  Hannah

I was wondering that too. Maybe it’s the hair.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 19, 2024 11:08 PM
Reply to  Hannah

I don’t have an absolutely up-to-date critique of Broze, because I stopped paying attention when he became a weakly-critical, performatively “wary” proponent of Blockchain “if used correctly”. The problem with Blockchain is that end-users have NO possible control over what it morphs into, however it appears to start. When Blockchain tech is widely used by Duh Masses, it becomes a standard, and there is no longer a choice of using/ not using. Any crypto can be re-introduced with tweaks in the code, and if 80% of Duh Masses migrate to the New And Improved Version, the version YOU felt safe with becomes obsolete. And all THAT requires is Hype.

Admins will determine everything important about Blockchain, in general, or your Blockchain, specifically, and Admins (at that level) always belong to the Kapo Class (even or especially Ai admins).  

Blockchain ledgers are one of THE bars of the cage TFIC are hoping to build around us.. they will let someone like Broze speak some Truthness on 9/11, Sandy Hook, even FauxVid1984…  to accumulate Street Cred… as LONG as they can drive Blockchain-positivity among younger generations.

I figured this out a while back: they DON’T need  every asset to read from the same book of Public Positions, as long as an array of Assets covers, in aggregate, the Propaganda TFIC need to have delivered to the respective demographics they are each designed to appeal to.

That’s all I know.

Sep 20, 2024 11:48 AM

Ironically, Catherine Austin Fitts seems to agree.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 20, 2024 5:00 PM
Reply to  judith

Ironically, Catherine Austin Fitts seems to agree”

The last time I checked, FITTS was suggesting that “Impact Investment” can be “turned around,” from being a weapon against us, to being a way for neighborhoods (of us Serfs) to get RICH.

Exactly the same grift as Broze.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Sep 21, 2024 10:16 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Again, going after the player and not the ball. So its a question about flat screen sympathy?
If I of the Public personally like or dislike someone on the flat-screen yes??
Ohh dear ohh dear.

Otto Kraum (a Norwegian)
Otto Kraum (a Norwegian)
Sep 18, 2024 8:46 PM

Whitney, Kit & Catty – great! But one name sorely missing: the brilliant Miri Ann Finch. That impressive lady is always digging a bit deeper – The Ace of Spades! The Ace of Spades!

Sep 19, 2024 6:23 AM

From your Link:
comment image

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Sep 21, 2024 10:18 AM
Reply to  NickM

Seems the girl has a good humour.

Loula Drake
Loula Drake
Sep 18, 2024 8:46 PM

I came here because I was alerted to you by a podcast about the IMA. I’m bookmarking you!

Sep 18, 2024 7:29 PM

***This is THE most important current story for the new Independent Media Alliance to show how effective it can be***


Sep 18, 2024 6:23 PM

I had asked this on another board…

Anyone know whatever happened to investigator Christopher Bollyn?

Sep 19, 2024 12:02 PM
Reply to  Joe

Bollyn still has an active website with all of his interviews and articles.
A number of interviews have been deleted by youtube of course.
But still a good deal of info.
I just typed Christopher Bollyn in search bar and his site appeared.

Sep 19, 2024 3:24 PM
Reply to  judith

The last post is from 2020.

He used to post all the time until one day.

Sep 19, 2024 4:48 PM
Reply to  Joe

Yes. Well, one can only imagine why.

Sep 20, 2024 12:12 AM
Reply to  judith

I would think that someone in this group of independent journalists should know.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Sep 21, 2024 10:20 AM
Reply to  Joe

Here we are at your service: https://youtu.be/7e2B-thaJG0

Aitor Cardoné
Aitor Cardoné
Sep 18, 2024 5:04 PM

Wow! This is certainly one ugly comment thread! Some of that can be attributed to to the rightful skepticism of the Off-G community, and some to the fact that most of the contributors are from the US; but there are also a lot of new and unfamiliar usernames here in the comment thread casting ad hominem attacks against some of the “Alliance” contributors. I’d speculate that we have a mixture of what would be expected from a skeptical comment community along with a spattering of MI6/CIA/Mossad sock puppets trying to seed dissent among the Off-G community by casting aspersions.

There are a handful of names on the list of “Alliance” contributors that I’m not familiar with, but overall it’s loaded with people whose work I respect.

The attack on Derrick Broze as a self-promoter is kind of myopic considering that’s he, in fact, is currently promoting a live event that will soon take place in the UK.

For the person who asked why wasn’t David Icke invited, I would point out that Ryan Cristián has interviewed both David and Gareth Icke.

And let me specifically address the ad hominem attack on Ryan Cristián’s christianity. It’s simply not worth bringing up because Ryan is, as he likes to say, “irritatingly objective.” You’re attacking the man who puts out the best newscast in the world primarily as a one-man operation. His “Daily Wrap Up” is an unparalleled source of objective news. There are lots of things I could nitpick about: he’s given to repeating himself, he has trouble keeping audio from different sources at even levels, he uses the word “overlap” way too much, etc. But even with all those warts, he’s still one single man who puts out a better newscast than any other news outlet or agency anywhere else on the planet.

Sep 19, 2024 6:32 AM
Reply to  Aitor Cardoné

Good analysis of the various strands of contributors to this thread: Regular OffG Truthers welcoming a new Truther site; regular CIA/MI5 bots dissing a new Truther site; and weary old pessimists cowering before an omnipitent “they” who are “all in it together’.

Sep 19, 2024 8:11 AM
Reply to  Aitor Cardoné

Whiplashed !

Sep 19, 2024 12:05 PM
Reply to  Aitor Cardoné

I agree. I think Ryan does a great job. I like him best when he is interviewing a guest.
I did not even know he was a Christian, so that’s a good indication of the fact that he does not push it on anyone.
Fitts is a Christian, also, and mentions it, but does not push it.
Perhaps Icke was invited to join with this group and declined? Some might just prefer to remain on their own.

Sep 18, 2024 1:56 PM

Good for you. I’m not sold on a few of them names (won’t say which), but anything that has Kit Knightly, Iain Davis and James Corbett in the same place has got to to be worth a lot. Give em what for fellas!

Sep 18, 2024 1:09 PM

4 days later and zero mention of the second assasination attempt. Working so hard to ignore it is too funny.

Sep 18, 2024 2:02 PM
Reply to  Matt

So, you’re here to try and get us talking about it are you. No one cares mate. We all know it was gobshite. Away with you.

Sep 18, 2024 2:27 PM
Reply to  Matt

Did you see my response to you in last article.

Sep 18, 2024 6:24 PM
Reply to  Matt

Exploding pagers and walkie talkies.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Sep 19, 2024 8:21 AM
Reply to  Demiurge

this reminds me of max igan smashing a smart phone with a lump hammer and causing a small explosion
are we walking around with potential uxb’s in our pockets
the articles says that maybe 20g of military explosive had to be added whereas i don’t think that is necessary

Sep 19, 2024 6:36 AM
Reply to  Matt

What’s so newsworthy about a POTU$A being assassinated? It happens all the time.

“When I told them Rossini was dead they asked: “Who shot him?” — Oscar Wilde, My Impression of the U$A.

Sep 18, 2024 12:46 PM

I think this is a potentially good idea. I am certainly going to withhold judgment until I see what this alliance produces. I assume OffG will continue their own independent work as well?

Sep 18, 2024 12:30 PM

Go get em Folks!

Sep 18, 2024 11:41 AM

So much negativity in the comments!

Must be over the target.

Fair winds and Following seas IMA.

Sep 18, 2024 11:18 AM

Great idea. The only question is why not invite David Icke? It seems to me that the ridicule he received when he was the only guy on the planet telling us what was going on decades before your roster nominees, somehow makes you feel that he is just too far out there.
When he first started telling us what was happening, everyone ridiculed him. As it came to pass 99% of what he says has come true and the other 1% is up for serious debate.

Colonel Lem
Colonel Lem
Sep 18, 2024 9:56 AM

emphasis will be on countering narratives currently being seeded within the “alternative” media space, including, but not limited to, the false two-party paradigm, hopium in politicians, support for imperial wars, 5th Generation Warfare, and Technocratic solutions to legitimate problems (digital IDs pitched as the “only” solution for immigration, voting fraud prevention, etc.).

You failed straight away!!! as your founding member Ryan is a christian and weve seen how this je£u$ grift has hackjacked the truth.

Truthers – Everything they tell us is a lie but the Bible is the truth! 💤 

and regurgitating newspaper articles or twitter posts is not journalism.

and when did shilling appearing and working with CC MIC supposedly ex naval intelligence and GCHQ or CHD funded platforms become credibility …?

Independent means not funded by the oligarchy = establishment.
Today’s Independent fake media is funded heavily by the oligarchy = establishment.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 18, 2024 12:27 PM
Reply to  Colonel Lem

Who are you referring to?

Colonel Lem
Colonel Lem
Sep 19, 2024 4:46 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Most of the people on that list.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 21, 2024 1:30 PM
Reply to  Colonel Lem


Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 21, 2024 3:35 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Do you consider Catherine Austin Fitts a trustworthy source of Information?

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 18, 2024 8:59 AM

Catherine Austin-Fitts, Solari Report”

The King Sized turd in the punch bowl. This is the “researcher” who once asserted, on one of her podcasts, with henchman/Renfield Richard Dolan, that US Gov had purchased the Moon (the Moon, moon, not a figure of speech) from Aliens.

Doomed to never-ending bullshit. Will no consortium of parapolitical researchers/ thinkers have the integrity and/or cojones to filter these mega-rich huckster-shills OUT of the conversation? Is this just chronic self-sabotage or something more… structured?

Sep 18, 2024 2:02 PM

Everyone on that list is in the same club.

Sep 18, 2024 3:37 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I asked this of another commenter earlier but I don’t know if he will reply, perhaps you will. It’s a simple question. I don’t necessarily disbelieve you but I do need to know what your source is. What is the evidence for every signatory of this project – literally every one? – being in a particular club, or being anything other than sincere and well-intentioned.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I hope you see that evidence is needed when such things are said, before they can be accepted as true.

Sep 18, 2024 4:52 PM
Reply to  Hannah

Birds of a feather flock together.

I’ve researched the list. Seen how they function within a loose network. Researched numerous psyops, lies and hoaxes they perpetrate individually and collectively, whether wittingly or unwittingly. Noted, what they omit.

Study mind control methods, Tavistock, the Cult of Saturn, the world playbook, the contagion myth, Freemasonry, gematria, numerology, astrology, codes, tarot, fake history, the darkside papers, sacred geometry, the “law” versus natural law, the Crown Temple, etymology, the Hegelian Dialectic, secret societies, the black nobility, faux terror ops, occult symbolism in “the media” and the esoteric.  

Qui cum canibus concumbunt cum pulicibus surgent.

Sep 18, 2024 5:13 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You say you have researched the list, could you share that research? It really might be very helpful.

I’m a little concerned when you say “birds of feather flock together”. I feel that could easily become McCarthyist and doctrinaire. People need to be assessed by what they do and say, not by amorphous things like who they may associate with, don’t you agree?

Likewise your remark that you assess these guys based on what they “perpetrate” (slightly loaded word?) “whether wittingly or unwittingly“.

Shouldn’t we draw a distinction between well intentioned people who unwittingly convey some error and those who are knowingly deceiving us? It’s a big difference after all! A huge difference!

If we cast out everyone who makes a single mistake or error pretty soon we’ll have no allies left at all, so please let’s not lump in people who might be mistaken with those trying to mislead.

Which brings us back to the evidence I guess.

Could you share what you have found that makes you confident these guys are all of bad faith? I think that’s the crux. We need to know this.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 18, 2024 7:36 PM
Reply to  Hannah

Birds of a feather flock together”

Yes, this is, by no means, adequate proof. I’m qualified to “attack” Fitts because I took the time to listen to, time-stamp, and partially transcribe, one of her podcasts. And it would have been the most hilarious 2 hours I’d spent, in years, if I didn’t know that people, in large numbers, FALL for such a shoddy grift and send her money, and believe her cynically comic book narratives.

Sep 18, 2024 8:21 PM
Reply to  Hannah

It’s more than explained and linked within my answer.

Since germ theory is a centuries old fraud, and OG and those on THE LIST never mention that there’s no scientific evidence for viruses, the fake germ theory or contagion, or that pandemics are an invented construct to promote poison injections called vaccines, hence (wittingly or unwittingly) promote those false beliefs and other Masonic psyops… such as Fake Nukes, or orchestrated faux wars, the faux countries psyop, faux genocides etc., plus all they omit (included in 1st reply) they’re limited hangouts: They fail all my litmus tests.

Sep 18, 2024 9:03 PM
Reply to  Researcher

So, when you said you had researched the people on the list, is this what you meant?

I had assumed you had uncovered evidence of shady dealing or of connections with government or dubious NGOs. If by ‘researching them’ you meant collating their opinions, well, I’m sorry that isn’t sufficient evidence to claim they are all in a club or have nefarious intent.

Those topics you mention, such as germ theory, as I understand it the evidence is inconclusive and many people have differing opinions.

I don’t think I can agree that everyone who thinks differently than me on a controversial topic is automatically wrong and dishonest. They may just take an honest different view. They may even turn out to be correct and you wrong!

I don’t see the gain in being a Torquemada and policing your personal orthodoxy as you do. Why not embrace shared understandings and try to work together? OG did truly extraordinary work on covid and they are in my experience truth-tellers not ideology sales persons. Don’t they deserve our support for that even if you don’t agree with them on all things?

I mean why leap from ‘they don’t share all of my views’ to ‘they’re all in a club’?

Sep 18, 2024 10:22 PM
Reply to  Hannah

I didn’t SAY anything. I wrote: I stated. It’s called logic, critical thinking, deductive reasoning. Research.

If a bunch of masons and controlled opposition Intel shills float your boat with 10% truth and 90% disinformation, enjoy.

Sep 19, 2024 6:00 AM
Reply to  Researcher

It’s called logic, critical thinking, deductive reasoning. Research

Not judging by this thread of yours it isn’t. What you’re doing is making ad hoc lateral connections that make sense to you but have no syllogistic pattern to them. That’s the opposite of logic and deductive reasoning.

I mean what would your syllogism look like? –

X disagrees with me, all people who disagree with me are wrong, all people who are wrong are shills, therefore X is a shill’

Yup some deductive reasoning there.

Or how about

X is named Corbett, all people named Corbett are liars and shills, therefore X is a liar and shill’

Nailed it!

Not saying you’re wrong. Sometimes crazy illogical people can be brilliant and genius level intuitives. Maybe you’re one of them. But logical? Oh brother no.

Simon F
Simon F
Sep 19, 2024 11:10 AM
Reply to  Matt

Gave me a laugh – gotta give you a like

What the heck are they on about with the “peerage names” shite? How do they not realize this stuff is shoveled out to them to make them look ridiculous.

Sep 19, 2024 11:25 PM
Reply to  Simon F

Not met any aristocracy, old money, or the very wealthy, ever. Clearly.

I’m guessing you didn’t go to charm school either. Or maybe any school.

Weird to be so oblivious to the importance of genealogy, titles, land, status, wealth, power, awards, honors, degrees etc., to the controllers and their cult minions and followers.

Sep 19, 2024 4:11 PM
Reply to  Matt

100% False. Fail. Strawman. Lies.

Sep 19, 2024 10:31 PM
Reply to  Researcher

That’ll show him.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 22, 2024 9:47 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I’m going to place you on premod if you continue leading aggressive, argumentative threads in which you seed evidence-free doubts about Offg and undermine confidence in our community. We reserve the right to deal with such behaviour.

You come here putting Offg on shill lists, you spout Miles Mathisisms as if you’re the man himself while providing as little evidence, and you cynically deflect with such transparency you expose the true level of contempt with which you view our readers. It’s deeply disruptive behaviour.

In future please:

  1. Communicate politely and respectfully
  2. argue logically, show your workings and provide evidence where appropriate
  3. cut the smug, self righteous attitude, you certainly haven’t earned it with your mediocre offerings in one and two.

If you refuse to abide by the above, I’ll place you on premod, as already mentioned.


Oct 22, 2024 3:47 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Lmao. I’m on premod already. I’ve been on it for months. So once again, like literally every day of your life, you lie.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 22, 2024 10:10 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Well i didn’t realise that. I didn’t clear your comments personally and I don’t keep track.

You’re entitled to your views about us, however in the same vein I request you link to any ad hominem attacks you feel I’ve made against you. Let’s get to the bottom of this and rebuild some trust, since you obviously have zero in offg as it stands. Admin is always happy to retract or apologise. We’re decent human beings and not actually in the pay of some shadowy government agencies as you would have others believe. We are entirely funded by our readers, something we’re very proud of.

It’s the constant adversarial posturing that just gets wearing for everyone.

If you are happy to register our position as valid – that we simply can’t have people undermining trust in this forum btl incessantly while citing zero evdence – and agree to work with us to keep this forum community self moderating and a great place to comment, I am happy to remove you from premod.

Such things are negotiations in trust, and it’s all too easy for people to become hopelessly entrenched and alienated from one other. Indeed, many of the dark forces you believe are at work trade on exactly that, I believe.

So let’s be brave enough to do things differently. I’m up for it if you are. A2

Oct 23, 2024 12:08 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

That’s fine. I don’t want to have make negative comments about OG.

I enjoy the writing of Catte and Kit.

Oct 25, 2024 7:19 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You made them in that comment, Sam.

“Aggressive” “Argumentative” “Self Righteous” “Smug” “Mediocre”.

Are you going to take me off premod or not?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 25, 2024 11:30 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I said it was a negotiation in trust. Wow you count that as ad hom? I call that a common sense description of how you were carrying on. You have also cherry picked my words. And I think if I can look the other way after you link to an entire thread of blatant and insufferably smug ad hom about me, YOU can certainly do better than this in this mild case. No apology warranted and none given by me there.

Honestly, for someone so happy to dish out judgement, I wish you’d toughen up a bit, it’d be a much more flattering look.

Does it actually physically hurt you to be polite, btw? I have rarely flattered anyone with that level of animosity. I am honestly quite touched by this.

Has it occurred to you that maybe you don’t want to be taken off premod or to get along with Admin like adults? Perhaps it suits you better to have a ‘baddie’ you can easily rail at and project your paranoia at. However, I think you actually know we aren’t really baddies here. Please note, offloading on Offg admin may make you feel more empowered in the short term, but if this is based on any sort of dishonesty on your part, ultimately it will disempower you.

I wish you well, Researcher. If you manage to see the light and realise we aren’t your enemies here, my suggestion above still stands.


Oct 22, 2024 4:00 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Nobody here has to satisfy those rules. No commenters do with regards to 1, 2 or 3.

The authors and you definitely don’t with 2 and 3.

Oct 22, 2024 4:06 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Your continual ad hominem attacks against me are proof you don’t abide by the fake rules you set out above that are only for me.

Where are these rules in the moderation policy? Link?

Because you’ve launched ad hominem attacks against me, have let other commenter’s ad hominem attacks stay with no reprimands against those commenters.

Sep 18, 2024 5:53 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Everyone has their pet ideas and blind spots. Sometimes it is very difficult to tell which of those are sincere and which are put on for deception. But if you have done “research,” I guess we know now.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 18, 2024 8:27 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Of the 22 topics you list I’ve written about 13 of them. So what are you talking about?

Sep 19, 2024 1:30 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

GMAMB. The Richard D Hall, masonic prosecution psyop. Just like the Alex Jones faux suit, CJ Hopkins’ faux prosecution, Reiner Fuellmich and his faux prosecution and Nuremberg 2.0 psyop.

Hall exposed nothing that wasn’t bleeding obvious. And what’s Hall doing allegedly spilling his guts to the BBC/MI7? None of it’s believable. Not the suit, the alleged following of crisis actors, the BBC “interview”, or the outcome.

These faux prosecutions and suits are staged to discourage people from doing their own research into govt. hoaxes.

Simon F
Simon F
Sep 19, 2024 11:20 AM
Reply to  Researcher

No offense but you come over as quite deranged a lot of the time. Not on account of thinking everything is fake because to be honest I think you might be right, it’s the WAY you present yourself that seems deranged. Your overpowering CERTITUDE. You talk like your wildest leaps and bounds of assumption are just so fucking OBVIOUS only MI5 shills would pretend not to see it! It makes you impossible to talk to, even when I agree with you.

Do you talk to people in the real world the same way write on here?I bet that scares a few of em off right?

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 19, 2024 2:40 PM
Reply to  Researcher

” The Richard D Hall, masonic prosecution psyop. Just like the Alex Jones faux suit, CJ Hopkins’ faux prosecution, Reiner Fuellmich and his faux prosecution and Nuremberg 2.0 psyop.
Hall exposed nothing that wasn’t bleeding obvious. And what’s Hall doing allegedly spilling his guts to the BBC/MI7? None of it’s believable. Not the suit, the alleged following of crisis actors, the BBC “interview”, or the outcome”

In these specific cases I agree with you and the protocol behind them is popular, common… lots of times figures like Russell Brand are given added “credibility” by the apparent “persecution”. Brand is being positioned as a Pied Piper for the segment of the targeted demographics that aren’t any longer Pied Pipered by (e.g.) Elon Musk. RFK Jr is also clearly not pure at heart, though he seemed useful in 2020-2022.

Alex Jones was made prominent after William Cooper “retired” (or was he really shot?), right in time for 9/11: he was one of the archetypes of this model. Was Mae Brussell one, too? What about Skolnick, in Chicago? The latter two being prominent in the ’60s/ ’70s and full of info you had to read Krassner’s The Realist to get otherwise. Were they ALL fake? Well, it would be good to PROVE that on a case-by-case basis.

We have the goods on Jones, Fuellmich, Catherine Austin Fitts, and the “German doctor who was arrested in the middle of livestreaming his heresies (very sloppy psyop)”, among others, and very probably Hopkins, although is CJ merely A) opportunist? B) slow? or C) shill?

Case by case is the way to go. Don’t use Miles Mathis as a guide… lots of bullshit there.

Sep 19, 2024 10:40 PM

Yup. Bill Cooper retired from public life. And Alex Jones took over.

They’re all agents and actors, otherwise why would we know about them? They’re being constantly promoted.

I’m aware MM is a Jesuit operative. He dirties up his own work with nonsense.

No actual assassination of JFK or RFK. I don’t believe they kill their own. No need. Politicians are scripted actors and powerless.

The faux govts are all private corps. So, voting never mattered: just another psyop on the profane slaves.

Rand Corp. Tavistock etc., war game, then run psyops by militaries, using multiple agencies, academia and industry cooperating – nationally & internationally.

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.

It’s the same unremitting bs in every country. Unfortunately.

“Nowhere to run to… nowhere to hide…”

Sep 19, 2024 7:32 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

In your face. ! Researcher is also in total denial of HAARP, high auroral accoustic research programming & Geo-engineering. Her patterns of behaviours, comments & obfuscation are wholly predictable.

Simon F
Simon F
Sep 19, 2024 11:22 AM
Reply to  Balkydj

Oh my Gahd. You are just SO down with it that even Researcher is just an amateur to you! Hat off to ye. Amazing. How do you breathe down there so deep in the real dirt?

Sep 19, 2024 1:02 PM
Reply to  Balkydj

Lol. If you had actually read any of my comments, you’d know I often mention HAARP, EMFs, ELF/VLF, geoengineering, DEWS etc.

I’ve linked to Firstenberg’s book many times, and was the first and only person to point (that I’ve seen) in 2020 here or anywhere, that radiation pneumonitis has the exact same symptoms as “Covid” the fictional, virus.

Frances Leader
Frances Leader
Oct 14, 2024 9:53 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Hi there. Allow me to introduce myself. I have been writing about covid symptoms being identical to electro-magnetic radiation sickness since January 2020. You may not have heard of me because I was de-platformed very quickly from most social media. I have collected a vast archive of supporting evidence which may assist anyone who is interested:

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Sep 18, 2024 9:56 PM
Reply to  Researcher

11 downvotes and counting, whoa baby, over the target….

Sep 19, 2024 8:27 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Judging by your down votes Researcher the chance of the truth emerging here seems to already have slipped down the road a very long way.
Many of us who come here are already well aware of what isnt talked about, and it’s not through want of trying to get certain topics discussed.
Pointedly this suggests a particular bias exists, and that certain topics are either off limits, or draw the sort of attention, or present a certain difficulties for the page to continue to exist. My thought are already that limits have been set for the articles that appear here to avoid the site being taken down, as well as stoggedly formulated to a left leaning ideology.
Personally I come here because its miles away from much of the crazy content that is so dominant in the alt media space. However I rarely find my own views represented here, nor in any particular group. I am also very wary of ‘alliances’ like this.
So many big events have passed over recent months that have massive connotations, and yet have not even been covered here at all. Perhaps every day huge events are not that important to the writers?

Sep 19, 2024 12:45 PM
Reply to  Demiurge

It would appear so. What every day huge events are you referring to?

Sep 19, 2024 2:52 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I am sure you could think of a few, the list could go on, theres been so much that hasnt been covered here.

The thing is though, certain topics covered or not wont change much.

I guess most of us here are similar in that we have all stepped of the pavement into the long grass for answers, and little by little, decided upon what we deem to be real or not, we edge closer to the truth.

The problem is that we dont all agree, and as the discussion here adequately points out, we dont trust each other enough. Let alone trust anyone who seems to have any element of control.

Sep 19, 2024 4:51 PM
Reply to  Demiurge

Try being awake your whole life and distrusting all authority. It’s no picnic.

Fomenting distrust, schisms, sowing confusion and spreading disinfo is obviously the intent of the faux authorities. So everyone has a different take on reality.

The faux authorities had their controlled opposition and alt media personalities in place by 2017 and even earlier.

I always start with the assumption everyone’s lying (because there’s almost nothing but lies once you dig beneath the surface), until proven otherwise about the psyops, hoaxes and criminal frauds.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 18, 2024 7:31 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I was skeptical of Corbett when he was working with Sibel Edmonds (it was good when he subsequently called her out) and I’m skeptical, by default, of anyone with a large audience… who has somehow escaped the hammer. But I don’t need to “trust” Corbett; when his Info starts stinking I’ll move on. Thus far, no stink, and some extremely convenient aggregations (documentaries, even) of Info I already know. Corbett is very useful to my archives. Richard Grove, on the other hand, appears to be a Quigley-ite to a much stronger degree and, not trusting Quigley’s passions, I don’t trust Grove’s info.

Fitts is the most blatant shill/ huckster/ disruption-asset on that list and her inclusion in a New, Intrepid, Truth-Seeking Venture is a ridiculous, own-foot-shooting thing to do. I understand the reasoning (if it’s innocent) behind trying to build a “broad church” but the reasoning is wrong. Her numbers count as negatives, not as assets, as her high-powered bullshit machine keeps the Normies at bay and ensures the further Ghettoization of The Cold Hard Facts that everyone ought to know.

It’s like building a big boat, meant to sail the world, and bring a message of Peace to All, called PEACE BOAT... and one of the project’s biggest backers demands to fly a JOLLY ROGER next to the hemp banner… and you capitulate because… uh… you know… “everybody should be free to do their own thing, man…” … or reasons worse than that…

Sep 18, 2024 8:32 PM

Mmm. Did you see this on JC? I don’t find him generally, to be credible.

Sep 18, 2024 9:40 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Researcher, what do you feel this man is revealing to you about Corbett?

Do you as a rule automatically distrust people whose names are “in the peerage” (whatever that is assumed to mean)?

Is the author of the article, and are you, aware that there will be literally millions of people with the last name Corbett and that almost none of them will be related to peers of the realm?

Really, is this intended to be a joke that I’m not getting?

Other than that the man’s criticisms of Corbett resemble yours of OG – viz Corbett does not share the author’s opinions on certain points, which is deemed to make him suspect.

I suppose the point that Corbett used to be an editor of an online publication whose founder was allegedly a spook has at least some potential significance, though concluding Corbett must be a spook in that basis does strike me as premature.

And that is literally it for significant content.

I note quite significantly the author finds no actual fault with Corbett’s work, beyond disagreements of interpretation. He doesn’t claim Corbett has lied or been inaccurate.

So, he is tacitly admitting Corbett has in fact NOT done these things, and is therefore a decent, honest researcher.

So, why is he writing this strange smear in the first place?

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 18, 2024 10:10 PM
Reply to  Hannah

(aside: I tend to avoid clicking dropbox links)

Do you as a rule automatically distrust people whose names are “in the peerage” (whatever that is assumed to mean)?”

This “peerage” business, and the guilt-by-last-name trope, and spurious genealogical “analysis,” has all the earmarks of Miles Mathis’ branding. Mathis is a relentless propounder of IT’S ALL FAKE theory, whether or not it makes sense in a given circumstance.

Mathis is either a disinfo committee or a very strange kind of sincerely-lopsided intelligence.

Sep 19, 2024 1:12 AM

No, it’s a GENERATIONAL cult. Which, is how one group over centuries, maintain control. Handing down their wealth and power over generations.

The G in masonry doesn’t just stand for Gnosis (occulted) or the Great Architect.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 19, 2024 11:23 PM
Reply to  Researcher

No, it’s a GENERATIONAL cult”

It may or may not be (or probably is) but as a lens for tracing multi-generational crimes it’s vague at best.

I seem to detect that you read Miles Mathis. Well, I do, too… but to check on his latest tells and shark-jumpings.

My FAVORITE oldish tell was the time that MM connected a Black celebrity to “the peerage” via his last name: has Miles heard nothing about how most Black Americans got their last names? Does he REALLY think the Kaffir-floggig “peerage” is inner-circling Black people with incidentally familiar last names?

My LATEST favorite MM tell is his rather long “essay” on Matthew Perry… in which MM goes to the trouble of securing a paperback of Perry’s autobio and reading it from cover to cover… looking for clues about his death! (First off: Why? Well, when you figure out MM’s task in writing the ten pages on Matthew Perry’s death , you have the “why”).

Read the post and ask yourself what jumps out at you…

Sep 20, 2024 12:55 AM

I rarely read Mathis’, maybe a dozen or so papers total, over four years. I think he shows the more obvious stuff.

The Omar Jordan group (It’s a group with a pseudonym) do read Mathis, so they’re probably copying Mathis’ MO, probably to pre-empt critics or Mathis fan boys… I’m guessing.

The psyops and hoaxes don’t interest me. They’re SOOOOO boring, once you’ve figured out it’s all lies in the media, even on P6. Scripted stories by the numbers.

I’ll take a look at the Perry bit. Interested to know, if I see what you see.


Sep 20, 2024 3:03 AM

“Read the post and ask yourself what jumps out at you…”

Self indulgent narcissism, self promotion, self delusion, confessions of a lonely old man, who can barely string a sentence together, TMI.

“Just say no.”

I couldn’t finish it. What was all that? Is he being paid to plug Perry’s book? Or is he responding to emails and critiques from his readers? Lol. I’m confused.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 20, 2024 10:32 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Who cares about Perry… BUT. What’s the first thing you think when a “celebrity” dies young, these days? Mathis seems to be doing MSM’s job for it and making sure that his reader’s don’t think “Vaccine injury?”

Sep 20, 2024 11:22 AM

I was referring to Mathis and writing about himself for 7 pages which is boring and bizarre.

I didn’t see the vaccine injury connection.

There’s no chance IMO that any celebrity took “any” vaccine. The celebrities are all Freemasons and they’re informed of the dangers. Same for the Rosicrucians, Jesuits etc.

They have book clubs where they’re “enlightened”, about many occulted secrets and one of them is the dangers of *all* vaccines, so they all know. I’ve even seen anti-vaxx books, on a couple of esoteric sites.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 20, 2024 4:43 PM
Reply to  Researcher

There’s no chance IMO that any celebrity took “any” vaccine.”

Oh, that’s a major mistake to think that everyone “famous” was let in on the twist. Plenty of famous types are totally disposable. Taylor Hawkins, forced by Dave Grohl to vacc, then died. Henry KIssinger-level types are protected, sure. Sitcom actors? Pop stars? Nah. A club is only a pleasure to belong to as a function of its exclusivity.

Not arguing that Perry died of vacc, I’m arguing that MSM works hard to keep the Did They Vacc Before They Died? from becoming a meme with Duh Masses. Like how they suppressed the EPSTEIN IS ALIVE AND WELL AND ON A BEACH meme by focusing on the “Suicide or Murder?” meme. And MM not even mentioning the vacc, in Perry’s case, but diving exclusively into the drug abuse, is jarring.

Sep 20, 2024 7:50 PM

The authorities, through MM might be protecting the “died suddenly” meme.

But trust me, they (all masons etc., and celebrities) know the truth about the poison needle. It’s common knowledge.

Their public proclamations are the total opposite of what they do in private.

What’s hidden, is how they can get fully stamped immunization cards, without ever rolling up a sleeve.

Does Epstein look gay to you? He does to me. Les Wexner’s long term partner maybe. Which makes Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s beard.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 21, 2024 12:57 AM
Reply to  Researcher

But trust me, they (all masons etc., and celebrities) know the truth about the poison needle. It’s common knowledge.

Nah, that’s a fanciful narrative with satisfying elements but it reeks of Serf fantasy.

Celebrities are of the Kapo Class, largely, and although a Whitney Houston or a Sam Cooke clearly understood the Industry was rotten, they weren’t privy to the kind of deep info that could have saved their lives. Does John Hinkley Jr. (son of a Bush family business associate) know anything substantial about the attempt on Reagan? Does Hinckley’s father care that he sacrificed his least-accomplished son to ingratiate himself with the Bush Clan? Does Sean Lennon know anything about who killed his father, or who engineered Ono as Lennon’s handler, or who killed Joe Orton, or who founded World Vision or what Cornell University does in their “Department of Human Ecology”? Philip Roth was a celeb: you think he knew whether Salinger was the lone author of Catcher in the Rye?

“The 1%” is a brilliantly dishonest term and concept: It’s more like the .0001%. Sammy Davis jr understood fuckall about Sidney Rittenberg’s relationship with Mao, if you know what I mean. Lots of Celebs understand Organized Crime just fine, but I don’t see any reason, whatsoever, to think Matthew Perry understood what the Wackzeen was or why it might kill him. He was a jester, not the member of a High Council. Things are highly compartmentalized. Michael Jackson and Henry Kissinger weren’t briefed at the same round war-room table.

I was friends with a semi-famous Music journalist who knew most of the famous Music Journalists of the ’60 and ’70s, and actually knew Yoko Ono, wrote for Rolling Stone, had his own segment on NPR, etc, and the big dumb lovable fucker took the jab and one booster and it killed him. He had NO idea and neither do his famous friends, one of whom I argued with, on FACEBOOT, about the Wackzeen and our mutual friend’s death. The famous friend of my semi-famous friend submitted to the Wackzeen himself and it aged him 30 years… he was off Faceboot for a month and everyone thought he was dead. He was VERY close to Bowie.

All these showbizz idiots are just entertainers; this includes many politicians. You think Bieber faked his facial paralysis? You think Clapton faked his Vacc injury? How would it be to TFIC’s advantage to have a celebrity fake a Vacc injury when they were pushing to get as many guinea pigs (for their Longevity Drug Research) as possible? Nope: Clapton had no idea. Taylor Hawkins had no idea. Bono may possibly have an idea.

The System couldn’t work very well if many people had clearance. The System is NOT inclusive.

Their public proclamations are the total opposite of what they do in private.”

True of so many ordinary people; this doesn’t do much as an insight. It also doesn’t mean that most celebs aren’t just pretty puppets. Some have deep secrets, mind you (like peddy networks)… but not the deep secrets of TFIC.

Your Theoretical frameworks need to ripen a bit, in my opinion. These theories have the airy quality of recombinant bull sessions of wondrous hyperbole in a dorm room.

“NO deaths! They are ALL in on it! It’s ALL fake!”

This is not a quality of the Reality I’ve been studying all this time.

Sep 20, 2024 1:53 PM

Hey, I just read the rest of Mathis’ piece on Perry. I never even considered Perry’s death was fake, finally got to the part where he explains.

Maybe Perry did fake his death: Selling property, downsizing for a big move O/S. 20 mil a year in residuals. His memoir, signaling retirement from public life. Batman refs, code to his family, friends and colleagues.

I think the (public) arrests and charges of drug networks are psyops the criminal agencies (DEA, CIA, Feds etc) run to pretend they are legit, and have a “war on drugs”. Lol

They traffic drugs around the world. The real war is on addicts and users. And the youth.

Faux govts run the entire worldwide drug trade in cahoots with the cartels, mafias and banksters.

Maybe Mathis is stuck in the Jew psyop and other delusions. Went down the wrong rabbit holes and never came out. He reads Breitbart. Maybe that’s his milieu, upbringing? Not sure.

Nushi Ayako
Nushi Ayako
Oct 15, 2024 5:05 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The Hixos connection is horrid fact of life however but still. Those in denial of it loose much credibility if they can not research matter seriously & see connections. Yes, mercantile mercenary’s & exploitation is biggest clan affair. No one denies banking linage or Hollywood instigators were Jewish, nor who owns most knowable property & shipping empires. Who were 95% of organised Pirates Researcher = Jewish H.IX.OSS scum who also owned most slaves, bough almost all publishing houses & married anyone as important or richer than themselves.

Please explain how those facts can be inadmissible in valid thinking.

Oct 15, 2024 8:51 PM
Reply to  Nushi Ayako

All religions are one.

And Wikipedia is a CIA project.

Jews aren’t even a race, it’s a RELIGION, and the controllers at the very top of the pyramid are atheists, nihilists, Saturnists.

All Abrahamic religions are part of the same cult, and work together as dueling Hegelian Dialectic control mechanisms, dividing and conquering the populace. The cryptocracy want people hating a race. Or an ethnicity. Instead of questioning the system of government, which is mind control. Govern = control. Ment = Mind.

Do the Japanese know their country has been controlled by the Jesuits and Vatican for centuries?

The Roman Empire Cult of Saturn/Cult of Rome is still in control of every fake country.

The controllers use multiple religions and the fake countries and secret society members (like Mathis) to keep people snowed, only revealing partial truths.

The Rothschild aren’t Jewish, aren’t related to Jews. Soros isn’t Jewish. Kissinger not a Jew. I’ve researched them at length and their alleged backgrounds. Blue eyed Jews. That’s a new one! They’re not Khazars, Turks or Babylonians. They’re definitely Eastern European in ethnicity. Likely related to the Black nobility.

And Zionists aren’t Jews either, they’re diametrically opposed.

The world Jewry hoax is a con for the easily brainwashed so they’ll be labeled Nazis or anti-Semitic, then deplatformed then debanked under CBDC.

Which is what will happen to you but not Mathis. His acolytes have figured out nothing. They fell for a con.

They got pwned.

As for Hollywood, the actors/industry – Hollywood only worships money, status and fake awards which is a huge clue they’re in the Cult of Saturn.

Mathis never fingers the Vatican (where all the fake laws emanate from). He never reveals the countries are fake and are all corporations. He barely mentions Freemasons and the dozens of other secret societies. He doesn’t talk about mind control. He’s clueless about anything health or science related.

Mathis only points out hoaxes that have already been exposed by others. He’s not the first. On any subject.

Cult of Saturn/Cult of Rome, Jesuits and Freemasons are who’s behind ALL the frauds in the fake media, fake governments, fake legal systems and the Freemasonic thugs called “police”.

As for the lineage of so called Jews in govt and Hollywood, if they can censor the internet, and change their names all the time, they can just as easily pretend they’re “Jewish” when they’re not. It works both ways.

It’s even possible there’s little to no truth about any subject available to any of us in the general public. Either in Libraries or the internet. It could all be disinformation other than what we can first, eliminate as obviously fake.

But the controllers would never let the Jew psyop be so overtly disseminated everywhere if it were only them.

And the accounts who push that psyop the most on bitchute, odyssey, zero hedge, stormfront etc., are all Freemasons.

Nushi Ayako
Nushi Ayako
Oct 15, 2024 4:44 PM

What is weak link in Mathis work?
He has no idea of esoteric importance & demonises occultists who preempt his work !
Like at great folk he demonise like Buckminster Fuller who talked of Phoenician Cabal controlling kings pre WW1,

Rudolf Steiner & Blavatsky must be ignored because he can not fathom war between families pre 1900, yet thinks intel agencies at war !!!

Has he ever mentioned main death & mutilation cults that supply H.IX.OSS scum for millennia? No. He is clueless because it is so obvious when you know, but no-one has mentioned it in an article done proper yet.

Mathis is very good to read though. He is sharp mind despite arrogance, & lack of gratitude to predecessors.
He is correct about more than not, especially as most Media Spectacles are very much made fake. What slow crippled minds consider it otherwise after 25 years of existence?!

His genealogy is good springboard, yet however also sometimes shallow proof. He should study Isle of Man more in depth, as that is center of Druid power base for over 1,000 years, however seems at a glance to be simple unassuming misty place of misery, alcoholics, infidelity, ritual motorbike sacrifices & tax evasion.

Nushi Ayako
Nushi Ayako
Oct 15, 2024 4:30 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Very wise. The ‘G’ stands for no specific singular thing, like ALL symbolic cyphers etc it has different meaning for different minds & places. I do not think it has ever stood for Gnosis, Gravity, or other popular claims, while it certainly stands for a singular process of a twin dynamic ! 😶🤐

I like your thinking, & never trust anyone in interzone/net web.

If a site has more than few hundreds of friends it is fake up. If it has many thousands subscribed & only handful of interaction in comments it is fake up, If they never mention Hixos meddling it is shallow fake, If avoids EMF it is also shallow fake. If it call everyone non-christian SATANIST or LUCIFARIANS it is too stupid to take seriously. If it always go on about 911 & nothing else it is fake distractor, if it never has original thought then it is plant of shills, distractor, time vampire , etc.

= so what is left? Not very much apart from endless bickering & spelling fascists !

Lovely close friend wrote this, you may like thinking of as well?
He also said years ago R.D. ‘stag ring’ Ring Hall was shill, but a shill sometimes worth considering as outlet of disgruntled security personnel.

(I link to his email if you like to communicate as sincere researcher, he was first to mention EMF can= Covid/flu like symptoms that I read in comments on net web)

Sep 19, 2024 1:08 AM
Reply to  Researcher

“Corbett is an award-winning investigative journalist who has lectured on geopolitics at the University of Groningen’s Studium Generale. He has also delivered presentations on open-source journalism at The French Institute for Research in Computer Science, at Ted-X-Groningen and at Rit-su-meikan University in Kyoto.”

If that isn’t a SPOOK with intel credentials, I don’t know what is.

Nobody died on 9/11.

There were no planes. There was no “attack”.

The buildings were hollow. And stripped inside.

Built from their inception to be demolished in a masonic occult ritual.

It wasn’t even a false flag, it was a staged, media event.

There’s no Al Qaeda. All terror is faked.

There’s no ISIS or ISIL.

And AE911truth is yet another govt. controlled opposition group.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Sep 19, 2024 9:43 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Though I respect a lot of your postings, I have to take issue with the links claiming the twin towers were always empty and no-one died that day.

I have been inside the towers on several occassions to different offices there and they were occupied. Now, does it mean every floor was occupied? That, I cannot say.

I have also been many times to the restaurants and bars on the water nearby or passing by the towers and had seen many people continually streaming in and out at various hours.

So, if I play along with the no-one died hypothesis, that would mean people I had spoken with on the phone who worked there agreed to disappear with new identities taking their wives and children too. These people who were young super high earners would have needed compensation in the tens of millions of US dollars each just for lose of potential earnings as their careers were effectively over. Not to mention, additional payments for the hassle and the uprooting of their lives. Such people did not need the money, since they earned so much anyway, so the incentive would have needed to be an offer too good to refuse. These super high earners numbered in the dozens as well as many more modestly paid staff but still well remunerated.

Also, it means one guy who I knew face to face back then, who chose not to go into the office due to a migraine that day, also chose to opt-out of the ‘deal’. However, it also meant hundreds of his colleagues did take the ‘deal’ since they never returned to work at the firm’s relocated offices afterwards. The company in question lost a huge amount of revenue at the time and would have required serious compensation to play along.

This is just one company which officially lost most of its employees that were in the building that day. Other companies and their employees would have needed heavily compensating too in order to play along.

Sep 20, 2024 2:34 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Another Brian Stavely video on the victims.

Most of what you’ve written is addressed on this Video.

Others on the 911clues forum produced an 80 page report on the victims.

Petra’s 9/11 research. She apparently offered a 10k reward for proof of death re 9/11. Nobody took her up on it.

I’m not convinced of casualties although it’s totally possible accident/s may have occurred on the drill day/s.

With regard to moving offices, businesses etc., it’s hard to know without first hand proof whether alleged employees were simply offered deals and NDAs, placed elsewhere in other firms, or paid off to keep quiet or relocated, using the billions in the 9/11 settlement money.

“Cantor Fitzgerald” very dodgy activity re 9/11, if that’s who you’re referring to..

4 years ago I never would have believed that there weren’t at least hundreds of victims. Jumpers etc.

Now, though, I think the authorities attempt to ensure nobody gets hurt in these drills.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 20, 2024 4:00 PM
Reply to  Researcher

RE: “Petra Liverani’s research”

I can’t remember the name she/he/they used before, but she/he/they goes all the way back to the beginning of OFFg and Logic appears to be her mortal enemy. Always pushing IT’S ALL FAKE meme (“Grenfell Towers fire? FAKE”) but she/he/they believed, parodoxically, that NAZA landed men, on the moon, safely, and brought them back, with 1960s tech… despite a vast amount of scientific and common sense arguments to the contrary. When pressed to explain why believed that EVERYTHING, EVER, IS FAKE… except the Apollo Missions… she responded, “Because I do. It’s a feeling I have.”


Parapoltical Research/ Skeptic Sites have been around, in the (post)modern sense, for more than 20 years. And where are they now? At what level of development? Still Debating Bullshit in widening spirals at Square One.

Why is that? (Aside from the awful lack of intellectual discipline, I mean).


Sep 20, 2024 10:03 PM

I did think she was controlled opp at first, because (I looked into her background) she’d volunteered at a climate movement org and worked at Macquarie University, which is Rockefeller funded.

Obviously she’s dead wrong on the NASA lies. Maybe she has a blind spot. Maybe she’s controlled opposition.


*All of the well known voices and orgs are promoted by Intelligence.

*Too much disinfo to sort through.

*People get attached to their pet projects. Or one cause.

*They (Intel) control the opposition by leading it. Then organize useless protests.

*Organic opposition will get infiltrated.

*People are indoctrinated and brainwashed from childhood.

*The controllers have been at this for at least 2,000 years. Possibly a lot longer.

Nushi Ayako
Nushi Ayako
Oct 15, 2024 5:17 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You miss MAIN reason while supply many very good reasons we should all consider as habit.

Main reason it seems to me is this= TO WASTE TIME & ENERGY & FILL UP SPACE,


This ends up being main hurdle for all commentators now a days.


Who is now informing constructively, or with some escape valve of release humour?

I despair of finding concise insight, instead narcistic ‘me,me,me’ commentators done with sanctimonious conceit. It is almost always addressed as YOU not US or WE, & that gives away game nice & quick= agent provocateur designations.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 20, 2024 6:46 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Erm: just checking, but… you aren’t “Petra Liverani,” are you… ?

Sep 20, 2024 7:54 PM

Lol. Nope. We aren’t even on the same continent. Argued with her a lot about 9/11.

Turns out she was right and I was wrong.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 20, 2024 8:10 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Turns out she was right and I was wrong.”

There aren’t THAT many people around OFFg I ever considered actual professional shills, but Liverani is more than likely, to be, than most. When my second pending comment comes in (if it comes in) you can read what else I have to say abouit her/him/they/it

Sep 21, 2024 10:31 AM

Petra, does no research of her own.

She only repeats what thousands of others came to realize after they investigated 9/11 for themselves : 9/11 was all staged, a live exercise/drill, just like the Oklahoma demolition.

No deaths, no injuries necessary.

Trauma based mind control psyops.

AE911truth hand over the private info of all their volunteers and supporters to Homeland Security. Their entire shtick is to get the govt to run another investigation/enquiry on itself. Lmao.

You wanna know “why”? That’s why.

Most people won’t ever get past the gatekeeping of Corbett, AE911truth, et al.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 21, 2024 3:27 PM
Reply to  Researcher

“Petra” perpetuates nonsense to help scare off rational fence-sitters. A MAJOR objective, for TFIC, is to ringfence Skeptics from the general populace.

That’s why this blatantly shady “BRAVE NEW TRUTH CONSORTIUM FEATURING A FEW BIG LIARS BESIDE A FEW OPPORTUNISTS AND A MINORITY OF THE GENUINE AND TRUSTWORTHY,” being touted here, is nothing even remotely new. It’s tragically familiar.

The opportunists in this consortium, who think they’re using clear-eyed, Realpolitik principles (the end justifying the means) to widen the base… are lying to themselves on purpose. There is not ONE “Skeptical” consortium/ channel/ movement/ thinktank, with a large platform, that isn’t already infiltrated and, in the end, rendered a toothless, de-clawed and helpless delivery mechanism for Limited Hangouts and energy-sapping circle-jerks.

If the average Normie Citizen remains isolated from the Forbidden info, it really matters NOT ONE BIT if a few million outliers, globally, collect and trade their favorite theories. If you want the average Normie Citizens to open their minds to the difficult notion that their own Governments want to enslave and kill them, how does, e.g., the OffG plan on getting close to Normies when they associate directly with people claiming that the US GoV purchased the Moon from Aliens? Anyone who can’t see the problem there is either Stupid, a teen, or on the payrool.

How do you plan on reaching the periphery of fence-sitting Normies when you claim that the Twin Towers were hollow? Or that “all Wars are fake/ nobody died”?

“Thousands of others” means thousands of parrots: proves nohing.

9/11 “No deaths, no injuries” makes zero sense, although I fully believe that it’s probable that they inflated the bodycount (reminding me of another, bigger, example of a world-historical massacre that needed an inflated bodycount to achieve a grandly sinister objective).

If TFIC wanted “no deaths/ injuries” they would have at least scheduled the event for a holiday or weekend. If TFIC wanted “no deaths/ injuries,” why were the occupants of the buildings instructed to remain in place after the first explosions? TFIC wanted deaths, but an unforseen problem presented itself when relatives of the dead demanded thorough investigations in the aftermath. Anyway: AFTER 9/11, the new approach appeared to be “no deaths” (largely) after TFIC realized that real deaths (among White First Worlders) can complicate things.

Some of the readers here are quite smart and get it… but most remind me of my mother who liked to do her ironing while she watched brainless Soap Operas, becoming attached to the actors and the idiotic storylines. Just as her mother relied on Church to provide a similar “comfort” with special narratives and charming actors.

In fact it’s exactly the same mechanism, no?

Sep 21, 2024 6:23 PM

Lol. @ “purchased the moon”

I don’t think they want or need deaths in these drills-terror ops for 2 reasons.

1 – How can they recruit crisis actors, EMS, police, or demolitions dept., in future if they know there’s a chance they can be injured or killed or are going to participate in an exercise where innocents are killed?

They can’t, won’t participate. They’d have whistleblowers.

Number 2 – The cryptocracy believe in the Hermetic Principle of cause and effect. Karmic justice. They want us to CHOOSE to kill ourselves through alcohol, drugs, Rx, vaccines, suicides, MAID, cancer (vaccines) fluoridated water, polluted air, toxic food additives, pesticides, EMFs etc.

They make money on our lives *and* deaths. Dying intestate, means “the state” collects.

Otherwise they’d go door to door and kill us with $2 bullets but that’s too costly. And nobody would take that job.

Consequently, all their kill operations are silent and soft kills, through third and fourth parties.

They only need create the specter of death, for the trauma based mind control to work.

They’re constantly faking shit to JUSTIFY their existence.

We don’t need govts so they’re running fear programs 24/7.

Even the wars are organized, collusive, fabricated, unnecessary fear programs.

Nushi Ayako
Nushi Ayako
Oct 15, 2024 5:21 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes. Except no bullets need be wasted. They derived from Martial cults anyways !

Sep 21, 2024 7:39 PM

It’s not that NOBODY dies in wars it’s just that it’s not the numbers the authorities claim.

The alleged death tolls in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan during those “wars” don’t match the death rates in those countries, NOT increasing. I checked.

Even the soldier numbers are fishy. 2,459 US soldiers died in Afghanistan over a 20 year period from 2001-2021. So averaging 246 per year? Is that a real war or a joint military operation?

It’s the UN’s forced immigration policy.

Millions have been force moved around the world during and since WWII losing everything: bank accounts, businesses, property, assets and land.

The forced migration of millions covers for dwindling populations, infertility in the 1st world, and the migrants prop up currencies and stop the West’s economies from collapsing.

The towers were hollow enough to see through. Dozens of floors may never have been occupied or built *if* they were erected to be demolished.

David Rockefeller was personally involved in the build AND the demolition.

Consider they’re faking more than you realize, and they’re doing it on a daily basis to justify their existence, unlawful taxes, the police state expansion, the bs wars, the obvious racketeering, profiteering and money laundering.

Govts are privately owned corporations. All centrally controlled.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 21, 2024 9:44 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Can’t engage with all that stuff (I don’t want to spend much more time on this site) but, quickly:

I said that AFTER 9/11, they learned (or the Obama admin did) to use Crisis Actors and avoid real deaths in order to minimize the effect of grief-stricken and/or enraged relatives demanding investigations (which happened with 9/11).

Also: citing Gov Figures about NATO soldier/ invaded citizens bodycounts… is not going to get you very far. BOTH death figures are going to be lowballed a LOT. If you don’t think the NeoNatoCons have been running an orgiastic killing machine, in most of the PNAC target-nations, since the turn of the century… your view of the World verges on being Disney-esque. You probably think Qaddaffi’s (sp?) bayonet-rape death was “fake,” too.

Are we even taking about the same NATO …?

Think whichever you prefer to, obviously but I’m going to stick to basic axes of logical and empirical orientation. Otherwise, one becomes the Theory-Pushers’ plaything.. a disease more prevalent than Herpes, these days…

RE: “Govts are privately owned corporations…”

That’s a meek way of acknowledging that we are governed by Corporate Entities and the speech-giving monkeys, in bow ties, are a quaint, and soon to be phased out, tradition…

Sep 21, 2024 8:07 PM

* Correction. US soldier deaths per year averaged out over 20 years in Afghanistan war, is actually only 123 per year.

Here’s the defense casualty analysis of the entire active duty US military personnel : most deaths (per year) are self inflicted, (suicides), then accidents, then illness.

Negligible deaths for hostile action.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 21, 2024 9:46 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Wait: you propound “EVERYtHING IS FAKE” theory… but use GOV stats as a reference point…?

Sep 21, 2024 10:50 PM

There are some real stats available. That actuaries use. The stuff in the media is fake. It’s scripted numbers, gematria.

Nushi Ayako
Nushi Ayako
Oct 15, 2024 5:25 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Remember back to Gulf war atrocity. Most UK army persons that were crippled were done so by multiple vaccines they had to take from Army doctors.

123 is intriguing Gematria.

Oct 16, 2024 11:29 AM
Reply to  Nushi Ayako

6 or 3.3 in Masonic Numerology.

The DoD/CDC/NIH/PhRMA test poison injections on military personnel, just like the UN-WHO test toxic Rx like Avermectins and Chloroquine on third world populations.

The poison injections and poison Rx, is not just to induce infertility, although that’s a major reason.

Another, largely unknown reason is that the direct effects of all medication (including common antibiotics) can have permanent and serious consequences in a percentage who take them, creating lifelong PhRMA patients as they seek to rectify new symptoms (of poisoning) with more drugs, which equals more poisoning, thus creating a vicious cycle/circle, and often lifelong Rx drug consumers, which results in more profits for PhRMA, *and* ultimately shortens billions of lives by decades.

Death by poison/allopathy.

The Poison Path (an esoteric herbal tradition) is also known as venenum/veneficium or pharmakeia.

The ritualistic poisoning and mass murder of the populace (Iatrogenesis) benefits the privately owned, for-profit govt corporations (controllers), since they don’t have to pay out pensions, welfare or social security.

The cryptocracy and their Knights Hospitaller – who started the first hospitals – are ancient poisoners.

History of poisoning includes the Borgias, the Medicis, Ancient Rome (venenum-venom) and ancient Greece (pharmakeia-pharma) and far beyond.

Poisoning the profane, makes them weak and sickly, calcifies their pineal gland, causes neurotoxic and organ damage, makes Rx patients for life, reduces fertility, causes cancer decades later and shortens lives.

It’s also a control mechanism and fear program (fake contagion) and the lynchpin of the biosecurity panopticon.

That’s eugenics, which is allopathy.

Nushi Ayako
Nushi Ayako
Oct 17, 2024 12:48 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The POISON CLANS are part of the consolidated Death & Mutilation Cults who have channeled populations for eons.

You think like me yet still act so sanctimonious still which is disappointing. Here you are telling me back what I know which is useful for others , but this place is so shilled out that no-one cares about deeper facts.

I think you have some of the best idea among many commentators because you think same as great friends RAM & TheDubSurgeOn, who have been rare instance of discussing such arcane lore in public for decades, yet always attacked by troll armies & like you here =ignored by most who should be grateful for insight.

Your only big mistake is confusion of SATAN with TRIXTER god as TRIXTER god is most predominant on planet. Satan is a process of TIME , not malignant energy, though like trixter that process can be manipulated into horrors.

Oct 21, 2024 10:34 PM
Reply to  Nushi Ayako

They lie to and trick their own Gnostic cult members.

The cryptoctacy know there’s no gods or god, that’s how and why they make themselves gods and declare divine rights.

Satan = Saturn the “planet”, or celestial object.

It’s all just astrotheology. Astrological allegory.

The Saturn Death Cult resurrects itself through each cataclysm – every half Great Year, and the Yuga cycles.

So they’re much older than the Pharaonic Hyksos dynasty.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 22, 2024 8:27 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Does this come from a reliable source? How do we know this if it’s so cryptic and old?

Oct 22, 2024 2:58 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Anno Lucis pre dates any of the Ptolemaic dynasties.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Sep 21, 2024 4:56 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Thanks, will work through the links.

The Cantor link is a nothing burger. The video in your linked page has been removed.

However, I did find this:


It seems Rickards and Keiser were referring to insider trading on airline stock using put options. Not for the benefit of CF itself, but only that Cantor brokers knew of the trades. That means they either heard about the trades or acted as a broker (middleman) NOT that they took positions for their own trading account. In fact, I do not even know if CF had an equity options trading desk (proprietary trading) or were only ever equity option brokers at that time.

From the article:

I talked with financial journalist Max Keiser, who for years had worked on Wall Street as a stock and options trader, about these put option transactions. Keiser pointed out in this context that he “had spoken with many brokers in the towers of the World Trade Center around that time. I heard firsthand about the airline put trade from brokers at Cantor Fitzgerald days before.” He then talked with me about an explosive issue, on which Ruppert elaborated in detail in “Crossing the Rubicon”.

Sep 21, 2024 8:20 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Yeah, you found it. I put up the wrong link. Sorry.

CF were involved in some short selling, pre 9/11 which is what I thought was sketchy.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Sep 21, 2024 9:35 PM
Reply to  Researcher

It is a long article that I just quicky scanned.

I do not see anywhere where it stated CF bought put options or sold calls (going short effectively) on airlines for their own account..

I only saw the same Keiser statement that I quoted in my previous comment, which indicates that they did not short sell for their own book but merely knew of the trades.

It is possible I missed it, so can you point out to me the specific information in the article that they did so?

Sep 21, 2024 11:00 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Keiser said they told him, so how can they know unless they’re doing the trades and presumably have been told about 9/11 beforehand?

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Sep 22, 2024 9:11 PM
Reply to  Researcher

As I have already explained they are BROKERS. They charge a commission for acting as a middleman between two parties who are undertaking the trades.

Too many people who know nothing about finance and markets interchange broker with trader. A broker is a middleman, so of course if they acted as a broker for these option trades they would know about them and who was on each side (put buyer and put seller). Even if they didn’t act as a broker on the specific trades, they could have heard about the trades, that is the nature of financial markets.

Keiser in his statement in my comment above from 4.56PM 21 Sept, which I quoted made it clear to me that he learned of the trades from CF and perhaps other broking firms too. He never declared or implied that CF were trading for their own account (ie their own benefit). It seems some have taken it upon themselves to read into his statement something that he did not say and in your research you may have picked up on that incorrect information.

Nushi Ayako
Nushi Ayako
Oct 15, 2024 5:09 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Petra Liverani is obvious shill who thinks space travel exists & NASA tell truth about Moon landings.
If she too flipping heck stupid to use her eyes then why should anyone read her lies ?

Colonel Lem
Colonel Lem
Sep 19, 2024 4:45 PM

Cathy Fitts sells the tale of working for government as some BIG insider that has now seen the light and joining the truth and managed to bag top spot on the shill circuit for years talking trust the plan hopium crap or the latest craze talk..
it the same MO as Yeadon, Boloney, Looney, fake MP bigden, 
mccullough, Cancer owens and all the other shills that appeared and did the exact same MO and now experts in everything.

Sep 19, 2024 9:36 PM
Reply to  Colonel Lem

There’s more controlled op, listed here.

What about Whitney Webb coming out of nowhere grabbing onto the tail end of the Epstein saga psyop “reporting”, and the faked Ghislaine Maxwell trial, then all the info that came out about Mint Press News, (possibly Soros or CIA/US-AID funded). Definitely CIA founded.

Nothing *but* hoaxes and psyops.

Had the misfortune to catch an interview WW did with a not convincing actress; Jesuit Maria Farmer who’s like a modern day Cathy OBrien.

They recycle their hoaxes and psyops constantly.

Nushi Ayako
Nushi Ayako
Oct 15, 2024 5:51 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Are all Jesuits of evil persuasion & enemies of population?

I know Rosicrucian’s who are not vile scum & lovely helpful kind souls, Also their writing is very useful, helpful, empowering & common sense applied to natural processes. So work of Rosicruitians of modern times is excellent, & better than endless silly opinion bedroom soapbox shouters: many of which find demons, devils & satan in everything non-christian.

Louis Bunuel was Jesuit & probable agent, yet however his work is very excellent & food for thought. Dali was also member of sodomist cult, but he also made work of valid insight & debate, including 3 brilliant books more informative than 100 modern conspiracy channels.

I recently read Albert Pike & find genuine brilliant mind of esoteric interests explain much more than ‘anti establishment conspiracy poseurs’ of today who demonise him & call him infantile names.
I read many books by industrious researching freemasons who have lovely spirits & good intentions, yet modern organisation is despicable nepotistic sewer of vice very often.I have lovely Jewish friends who do not practice any Jewish parlarky & keep children unmutilated, mutilating children to my mind is disgusting crime of proud Jewish peoples in many countries. So what do I learn from that= to treat people as individuals, yet be aware of cruel nightmare group mind & consolidated natures.

I also read RD Liang & find joyful comprehension of modern neurosis & hysteria we see all over. Also Freud & Jung & lovely wife both very useful angles of view to consider what is process of times.Wilhelm Riche is even better with angry intolerance towards sexual hang up state.The Marquis de Sade also interesting observer of aristocratic perversity everyone should be aware of if interested in crisis of the times.

What useful views there are from even what some think of as enemy camp!

Why so many ‘posing helpers’ busy trying to stop peoples reading such valuable ideas & screaming GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION I wonder, maybe fear & hypocrisy is epidemic among delusions of morally superior fear mongers ?

Oct 16, 2024 12:20 AM
Reply to  Nushi Ayako

Lol. Jesuits are a military org. Yeah, they are the ones who came up with the Protocols of Zion. It’s THEIR protocols.

If someone is a cult member they’re being lied to, also.

It doesn’t matter what someone’s intent is because they’re also brainwashed and mind controlled. Because they misdirect.

Their blood oath is to their order, not the truth.

I listen to some Rosicrucians. Tom Cowan, for instance.

Project all you want, what you think about me won’t change the truth.

Nushi Ayako
Nushi Ayako
Oct 16, 2024 11:54 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Please refrain from being condescending smug & sanctimonious. You maybe do not know as much as myself on many topics & keep being aloof & cliched in response.It seems we have read mostly the same things but you have ‘western’ prejudice infecting your conclusions still.

We agree on very much, yet you miss so much in your overview that you over compensate & are now sometime guilty of the errors you diminish others for.

I am not projecting just giving fair credit.Why are you so over defensive?

Where all Nazis evil ? You seem to clump diverse minds into same murky bucket. Are all Christians good people, are all Satanists really devil worshipers, is Satan worse than the O.T. ‘god’ of stroppy genocidal misogyny impulses! ?

I worship nothing , but revere TIME, the Moon, The Sun & Water. I revere my boyfriends generative organs & my own, & most of all the impossibility of existence, yet existence is here & now, Am I then devil worshiping pagan in many peoples eyes?

Louis Bunuel is a brilliant director with deep ideas, no one can deny, even if they dislike ideas. He was trained Jesuit & worked for communists & art scene. To you that makes him scum problem in sewer. To me I see attempt to have integrity while trapped in world of deceitful exploiters.Rich people can not just escape from genealogy! Who is mind control used on most= their own offspring.

You have made a very massive mistake due to your own brainwashing maybe, & that is you call AHRIMAN as SATAN & also I notice confabulate Lucifer with Ahriman as well, while they are diametrically opposite , yet mutual.

But I think your work is mostly excellent & while my experiences highlights that you make constant errors, overall I have big support for what you have done & where it may be going.

What you imagine is Saturn Cults (as they may even claim as much with Saturnalia etc!) is more TRIXTER CULT now under influence of DEATH & MUTILATION Clans. This is very obvious in ASIA, yet confusion reigns in the ‘West’.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 19, 2024 11:35 PM
Reply to  Colonel Lem

I have to admit I couldn’t decode ALL of those snarky codenames but if you collect Shills, there’s a “deceased” German-language shill who was better entertainment value than ALL of them! Google “Dr. Andreas Noack”! Dig into the reality of his lectures on the longevity benefits of Urine Drinking (still up on YouTube`?), watch him get “busted” in real time, and look into the hot young girlfriend (a stripper type like Snowden’s moll!) he “left behind”. It is comedy gold, all of it, because German spooks have even less respect for the IQs of their targets than the AngloAmerican spooks do. Haven’t laughed that hard since Louis CK’s comeback special.

Sep 20, 2024 11:44 AM

Haha. That was actually hilarious! Comedy gold, for sure.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 18, 2024 8:22 PM
Reply to  Researcher

What club?

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Sep 18, 2024 9:40 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

What club ?

Can’t speak for Researcher, she gave links…

The club only takes, cannot give us anything.
but don’t go down the rabbit-hole, the psyop-hole fine
if you said nobody has been to space
that club

underground poet
underground poet
Sep 18, 2024 9:56 PM

They came from never never land, thought they inherited the Earth, and that Jesus already died for their sins so yeah, you could say it was just chronic self sabotage.

Or you could say it was just a cruel joke, either one fits.

Matt Black
Matt Black
Sep 18, 2024 8:36 AM

/G\ 👁️ /G\ Love your music:
Derrick Broze AKA “33” Performing Live at Amati Jazz Club

Sep 18, 2024 7:43 AM

The obvious problem with this Alliance for Truth is that it starts from the wrong end — the bottom. It regards Truth (rightly) as a persecuted minority opinion in the EU$A. The correct end to start solving the problem is to start from the top and form an alliance which identifies and eliminates the cabal of Con-artists who run the EU$A.

Start in UK by eliminating former PM TB.Liar and current PM K.Stormer.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 18, 2024 12:30 PM
Reply to  NickM


Axel B.C. Krauss
Axel B.C. Krauss
Sep 18, 2024 7:18 AM

That’s wonderful news. Whitney is one of the greatest alternative journalists out there. I mean, REAL alternative journalists. Thank you for staying independent and doing such outstanding work. 😍👍

“Enter the manufactured State-serving Mainstream Alternative Media designed to usher you mindlessly into the technocratic panopticon.”

Sigh. Tell me about it. In Germany right now, so-called alt-media has been captured almost entirely by gatekeepers, limited hangouts, manipulative narrative-controlling claquers, moles, disinformants – take your pick. Aside from one or the other commendable exception, you won’t find websites like Unlimited Hangout or OffGuardian here.

I am really looking forward to this alliance and its contributions. And thanks again for all your great work.

Sep 18, 2024 6:52 AM

The problem with journalists who tell you how the world works, whether they are honest or dishonest, is that they do the thinking for someone else. In a decentralized world there may be some use to such journalists: fi it may be unclear to me, a person from the Netherlands, how people live in fi Vladivostok, so ask a journalist in Vladivostok how the world works (in Vladivostok).

But it is a centralized world where all is the same in Vladivostok, Netherlands, etc, etc.

That being the case, one can do its own homework on how the world works. Just step outside, go to work, supermarket, movie theater, fun park, football match, etc etc and all is the same everywhere. One only needs to use its own eyes, ears and mouth to draw his own conclusions. No need for interference by someone who is doing the thinking for someone else.

The conclusion that should be drawn: you draw it!

What remains to be told are anecdotes.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 18, 2024 12:41 PM
Reply to  Willem

Agreed. We should all decide for ourselves what we believe. But I disagree that telling people what to believe is the purpose of journalism. For me, this is why I support the IMA.

In my view, the point of journalism is to investigate the evidence and report findings with a focus upon questioning power. Thereby, hopefully providing a service to people who don’t necessarily have the time to devote to that effort themselves.

It is then incumbent upon the reader of that journalism to make of it what they will. Some may decide to commit their own time to further investigate matters that concern them.Perhaps by reading more widely and considering other points of view. But without journalism there would be nothing for them to read.

So while I agree with your main point, it seems to me you have offered an argument for no journalism at all. Which begs the question, who will hold power to account?

Sep 18, 2024 12:52 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Thanks for replying. And I agree with your definition of journalism, ie that it is not about what people should believe, but what is factual. My point is that for many facts you do not need a journalist, but you can use or own mind for deciding what is real and what is not.

Fi global political business is (mainly) in the end local political business. So if one starts there, there is plenty to see!

Sep 18, 2024 2:00 PM
Reply to  Willem

Have you found out who owns your local council? Court? Police Station? They’re all incorporated and privately owned. They aren’t public trusts.

The articles at OG repeat mainstream psyops, hoaxes and lies as if they’re real. Voting. Wars. Terror ops. Contagious dis-eases. Mass shootings. Politics. Geo-politics.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 18, 2024 4:15 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The articles at OG repeat mainstream psyops, hoaxes and lies as if they’re real. Voting. Wars. Terror ops. Contagious dis-eases. Mass shootings. Politics. Geo-politics.

This is nonsense and you must know it.

Voting – We have been pointing out that elections are likely all rigged since 2019.

Wars – We have never endorsed a war or taken the avowed intentions of warmongers at face value.

Terror ops – Please see our work on 9/11 etc, and our recent publication of Iain Davis’ work on the Manchester Arena bombing. The idea we take a mainstream line on “terror attacks” is simply absurd.

Politics/geopolitics – The suggestion we take a mainstream line here is even more ridiculous than the one above. We have been calling out the hollow lie of party politics and geopolitics for years, in fact we are one of very few outlets anywhere currently prepared to question the sacred cow of the east-west divide, and we get a lot of flak for it.

The question must be why are you posting what you must know are lies and disinfo about our output? What is your motive for this?

Perhaps you can explain yourself.

Sep 18, 2024 7:05 PM

Just out of curiosity: Why is this person not getting banned when other people get stowed away in permanent pending purgatory for the slightest criticism of you and your practices? What gives?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 18, 2024 7:56 PM
Reply to  Tommy

Same reason you aren’t getting banned for posting stuff like this.

Sep 19, 2024 11:09 AM
Reply to  Tommy

Maybe freedom of speech has something to do with it?

dom irritant
dom irritant
Sep 19, 2024 3:39 PM
Reply to  Researcher

the interesting about your 1st paragraph is that the major shareholders of our british plod corporation being are major bailiff companies, now you know why they work together and side that way
2nd paragraph i don’t agree with but that is why i like og freedom of speech

Sep 19, 2024 5:39 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

2nd paragraph: that’s because you’re not digging enough and haven’t seen through the first set of lies provided to you by the alt media.

If your government’s privately owned, local, district, federal, why does your vote matter?

How could it ever matter?

Some masonic official with an intel script working for the privately owned corp you think is *your* government, has no actual power.

The agendas are controlled externally and set decades in advance. Ergo, voting’s done why? Can you list all the ways and reasons it’s utilized as a psyop?

Sep 18, 2024 3:41 PM
Reply to  Willem

So are you saying outlets such as this are not needed?

I would have to disagree with that since I come here, and places like Corbett report, Iain Davies, Edward Slavsquat, Edward Curtin, to get information I might not find very easily anywhere else, and also to read likeminded souls in the comment section. I think my life would be poorer without that and I’m sure I’m not alone.

Sep 19, 2024 12:32 PM
Reply to  Hannah

I remain both open-minded and sceptical about the new independent consortium.
As Ryan always says “Question everything, do your own research, come to your own conclusions”

I know I have learned more since I started watching Corbett and Fitts in 2015, and then Ryan, Groves, Webb, et al, than anything I learned in the previous 50 years. I don’t always agree, but I always learn.

A Corbett interview with Kit is what alerted me to Offguardian in 2020.
Fitts has quite a personal story which is posted for free on her Solari Report site.

I think Fitts is right on the mark. We all complain about the military budget, the drug dealing, the endless wars, the sex trafficking, the money laundering – the entities that keep the USA budget afloat. But we all want “the checque”.

Find an interview where she speaks about the “red button”. If we had the chance to push the red button and stop the military, the wars, the drug dealing, sex trafficing, etc and watch out economy, and our way of life, tank – would we press the red button?

Simplistic maybe, but I get her point.

Sep 19, 2024 7:44 PM
Reply to  judith
Sep 18, 2024 11:45 PM
Reply to  Willem


Sep 18, 2024 6:40 AM

Kudos to Kit and Catte for becoming founder members of this potentially non-censorable Alliance of Truthers.

Colonel Lem
Colonel Lem
Sep 19, 2024 4:49 PM
Reply to  NickM


How many have been banned for not believing in the hoaxs they sell as half real.

Big Al
Big Al
Sep 18, 2024 5:00 AM

So, these are the people who are finally going to tell everybody in the “independent and truth media” what the real truth is. No more equivocation, no more hypocrisy, this is the fountain of truth. Well, that’s great. More power to them. IMO, “we” already know enough and continuing to try to spread the truth via the so called alternative/independent media about the daily and weekly events, particularly relegated to arguing over the minute details among mostly anti-establishment personnel, has negligible value at this point. So, what are they going to do? Run articles about why such and such at indie blog such and such is full of shit? And endless backs and forths while the ruling class enacts their global fucking prison? Reminds me of the coalitions after 9/11 and the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, where a bunch of “antiwar activists” created a kind of cottage industry where they traveled around giving lectures and having conferences, charging 25 bucks a head, culminating in Occupy 2011, where it all died an ugly death. I got the distinct impression that it was another in the never ending human exercise of protecting the ole gravy train, i.e., doing what they needed to do to keep their livelihoods going. Same thing only different from the lapdog journalists in the MSM. They might think they’re immune, but they’re not. Money, i.e., “donations”, talk, bullshit walks. Of course, it didn’t make a bit of difference, because it couldn’t, and the wars didn’t stop, because they can’t. Just take a look at some of the names from those “conferences” and you’ll see most have been outed as the tools they have been and still are in most cases. I think there comes a point in all this where the most important thing isn’t to keep trying to “spread the truth” about what’s happening in the world, i.e., like the Jehovah Witnesses trying to spread their gospel to as many as they can, but to actively organize to overturn the system, i.e, form a revolution against the powers that be. Of course, that goes against the grain of this site so I’ll probably be censored for saying it.

Sep 18, 2024 6:50 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Al, you make good points about The Light that Failed. Nevertheless, anything is worth doing that helps to spread the Good Seeds with their little kernels of Truth.

“Some fell on barren ground. Some fell on shallow ground and sprouted then withered. But some flourished, seeded and spread the Good Seed wider still.” — New Testament

Sep 18, 2024 6:50 AM
Reply to  Big Al

There desperately needs to be a LOT more people out there thinking just like YOU are right now. And MORE importantly NOT AFRAID to stand UP and fucking SAY IT. The pathetic Powers that be, I.E the Globalists, rely on that fear to stand up for one’s self, one’s family, one’s community, and one’s Nation and peoples to get away with literally blocking murder and keep an entire world subjugated

Sep 18, 2024 12:15 PM
Reply to  thejackalsmark

But as soon as they get a platform and stand up and say it someone like you will call them a shill!

What on earth is the point? It would at least seem valid if you critiqued the claims being made or pointed out what your source for naming people shills might be. But this tearing down feels simply nihilistic to me. What is being offered in its place? Nothing, it seems.

Sep 19, 2024 12:00 AM
Reply to  Hannah

I call people out as controlled opposition and chills when I see the signs. And they follow the same Play Books religiously. Because for the majority of the masses they work. For example Delphi technique. Generally having people come into groups like this and control conversations so they only go in certain directions and when somebody speaks out against those directions or offer something else then they are instantly attacked and shamed and usually a couple or several more people will jump in and put likes on that person’s attack Etc. That’s how you control conversations in groups like these all over the place. It’s the same thing that’s done in your local city councils to control the spending of funds. It’s the same thing done all the way up the chain to the top. Do I instantly believe that someone is controlled opposition or a shell simply because they have a platform? No that would be ridiculous. However, the powers the B out there on the internet. They own all the platforms that you use. All the newspapers. All the magazines. All the movie production and TV production. They control the very networks that are providing us the ability to have this conversation right now. And so for all the people who are attacked in their accounts deleted and censorship gone rampant, when you see one of these people who have accounts on platforms and they have millions of followers and subscribers and everybody knows who they are.. be suspicious. Pay attention. And take anything that is said with a grain of salt. That’s the same anywhere now. But make no mistake if they did not want what was said to be said that account would be gone and if they felt that those people were any threat to their multi-trillion dollar gravy train you would never hear a word from them again. And that’s real s***

Sep 18, 2024 7:41 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Maybe it will reach those who do listen to corporate media, the people who do not know as much about the depth of the rot in ‘state of Denmark’ as OffG readers. As Yuri Bezmenov shows, de-moralisation is a key component, we can be discerning and still cultivate a positive future, well that’s my intention.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 18, 2024 9:04 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Just take a look at some of the names from those “conferences” and you’ll see most have been outed as the tools they have been and still are in most cases.”

Memories are short, especially when they’re being crowded-out by the COOL NEW THEORY OF THE WEEK channels.

Sep 18, 2024 12:18 PM
Reply to  Big Al

May we have a list from you please, of WHO has been outed, WHERE, based on WHAT evidence?

Is that too much to ask? I don’t like mob mentality or trial by hearsay, give me some facts and I might agree with you!

lone wolf
lone wolf
Sep 18, 2024 9:12 PM
Reply to  Hannah

FACTS: https://icedrive.net/s/8A7z58gxD8RTkWfuSN8S513PFNT2

How many blindfolds do you wear?

lone wolf
lone wolf
Sep 18, 2024 1:10 PM
Reply to  Big Al


The most important thing isn’t to keep trying to “spread the truth” about what’s happening in the world but to formulate a revolution against the powers that be. Of course, that goes against the grain of this site so I’ll probably be censored for saying it.

Excellent summation. The spreading of the so-called truth, by virtue of its sheer volume and repetitiveness is wearing a bit thin and superfluous.

Overturning the system is the only way humanity will escape the dark abyss awaiting it.
This will require something special, something never seen before – a bloody good Counter Offensive Strategy:

Try this for purpose: https://icedrive.net/s/8A7z58gxD8RTkWfuSN8S513PFNT2

underground poet
underground poet
Sep 18, 2024 10:04 PM
Reply to  lone wolf

May you end up a lone wolf barking up a lone tree.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 18, 2024 1:19 PM
Reply to  Big Al

As far as I am aware, “telling” everyone “the truth” is not on the IMA list of priorities. I agree that arguing the minutia of daily events has “negligible value.” Thankfully, as far as I know, there is absolutely no intention at all to “run articles about why such and such at indie blog such and such is full of shit.” I don’t speak for anyone else, but personally I couldn’t be less interested in doing that.

As you say the “ruling class” is enacting its “global fucking prison.” Your “solution” appears to be that we should “actively organize to overturn the system, i.e, form a revolution against the powers that be.” How do you suggest we do that?

Again I don’t speak for anyone else in the IMA but I suspect there a considerable amount of sympathy for your position amongst them. I certainly agree with you contention, if I have understood it. Although, if it involves violence, count me out.

Before we take up arms against our oppressors perhaps there are a few things we should consider first. If we are serious about defeating the “powers that be,” that is, and not just blowing hot air against an enemy we have absolutely no comprehension of whatsoever.

The question I would ask you is what form of “revolution” should we engage in? Do you imagine that proletariat will rise up and seize power? How, will they do that, what will they do with that “power” if they ever manage to possess it? Who are the “proletariat”? Who is the enemy? How to they exercise power and what can we do to disrupt it? What is social and political power, who controls it why do they control it, what is their objective, can we stop them achieving that objective if we know what it is? If so, how do we stop them, assuming we know who they are?

Should we get hold of some tanks and some strike aircraft so that we can “fight” the “powers that be”? Will that work? Can we get hold of enough tanks and enough bombers to get what “we” want? what do “we” want?

What system are we going to replace the current “ruling class” system with, especially when their “war” is increasing hybrid and not kinetic. How do we fight such a war, what weapons to “we” have to defeat the propaganda and manipulation that is being used to control us. How do you fight a digital panopticon? Will smashing the state even work?

I know, let’s try to put something together with the express purpose of answering some of those questions, something aimed at actually fighting the hybrid war that is evidently being waged against us. At this point, that would seem more useful than parroting the same old tired and completely useless, inane revolutionary rhetoric that, to date, has brought to exactly where we are right now.

Although presumably, you would consider that a complete waste of time.

Maybe we should all just give up, resign ourselves to slavery, forget about trying to challenge the “ruling class” and just hope some sort of mythical revolutionary will emerge from digital dystopia to lead us to the Utopian horizon you seem to envisage.

Sep 18, 2024 2:04 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Tell him Iain! You’re right mate. Good for you

Sep 18, 2024 4:07 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

What’s the operational theory of IMA? Is it based on the slow accumulation of influence until critical mass is reached, the spontaneous emergence of truth like the hundredth monkey, or the subtle, unseen force of the butterfly effect? Or is it something more akin to a cataclysmic, truth rapture?

Given the symptoms have been articulated and vectors identified, what is the source of the dis-ease? Where does it originate, why does it persist, and how does it reproduce? Is it sociobiological, genetic, synthetic? How does one engage with it—collectively, individually or not at all? Is it subject to birth, rebirth and dharma. Is it alien, human or a chimera H+? Is the goal to transform, dissolve or eliminate it? And where is true north, and what map best illuminates the path to wisdom?

underground poet
underground poet
Sep 18, 2024 10:13 PM
Reply to  jtkong

Its probably neither, the real truth is too hard to stomach politically.

And the only reason the system survives is b/c it currently has a mechanism to forget, on a daily basis too, so to consistently remind the system also becomes distasteful and quickly angerly forgotten.

So place your wishes and hopes into the betting arena, and watch that arena.

lone wolf
lone wolf
Sep 18, 2024 9:35 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis


Some claim you are a shill, but I do not really care.

All I know is that WE are being herded into Hell. Nothing you have written mitigates this directional force.

Revolutions don’t work, but the wonders of human ingenuity can work magic. Such magic with the support of Humanity will defeat the dark forces in play and lead to the creation of a world capable of keeping EVIL in check.

I base this on the rationale that I discovered recently: https://icedrive.net/s/8A7z58gxD8RTkWfuSN8S513PFNT2

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 18, 2024 10:17 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Step 1 – We need to organize along class lines (then figuring out who the enemy is straightforward. We can consider the PMC to be our class enemies along with the oligarchs and their henchmen.
Step 2 – Organize, organize, organize! We need to organize everywhere in every community.
Step 3. – We develop a coherent analysis of what the ruling class has been doing to us over the last 4 years and going back. We need to understand the history the class warfare that has led us to this point. Collective reading/study groups of books like this one would be a good start: https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510779853/wall-street-the-nazis-and-the-crimes-of-the-deep-state/
Step 4 – Like it or not, we need to develop revolutionary theory. There’s a lot to be learned from those with experience. (Lenin for example. We face a huge problem here as Western Marxism has been so distorted by the CIA, that is is less than useless, it is part of the problem.)

Until there is a lot of us working together (at least in coalitions), we are fucked. We can work out the details along the way. But we need the basics in place so that the movement we build is not co-opted as every movement in West has been for the last 100 years or so.)

Rod Stewart
Rod Stewart
Sep 18, 2024 10:57 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Those old Marxist tropes were getting tired in the 70s. If we ain’t organized now after 200 years of socialist theory, we are never gonna be organized. smell the coffee, the whole idea was put up there to be an unreachable goal we’d keep striving for and never reach.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 19, 2024 1:35 AM
Reply to  Rod Stewart

RE:”…were getting tired in the 70s
Indeed they were. It’s worth knowing the history. The marxism of the New Left had abandoned the working class, class analysis and socialist revolution. It became the “compatible left” per Cord Meyer (high up in the CIA), a left that was anti-communist (think about that in relation to the guy who wrote the Communist Manifesto!), would be joined at the hip to the Democratic Party (the “2nd most enthusiastic capitalist party”), rabidly anti-USSR (opposing actually existing socialism), would regurgitate anti-communist propaganda like the worst McCarthyite and despised the working class. In a nutshell, Western Marxism became anti-Marxist all the while claiming to be Marxists.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 19, 2024 1:44 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

This left could and did easily slide into Identity Politics and then more recently Woke Ideology. Both the aforementioned were top down/ruling class funded constructions and the left saw these as the social justice movement of “their time” to rally behind. The left today has become the global ruling class’ storm troopers. That’s how the “left became the right.” They serve the ruling class rather than challenge it.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 19, 2024 3:00 AM
Reply to  Rod Stewart

Check this out, interview with Christian Parenti: “The Cargo Cult of Woke”
He covers the history of the left from the ’60’s all the way to Woke.

Colonel Lem
Colonel Lem
Sep 19, 2024 5:03 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

what about the woke right that appeared during 2015.
how did payriots nationalism and trust the plan populism work.?
it kept the man tranquilized as there man in office was going to do xyz.
when covid came long all the fake savior heros of that movement shite there pants and watched there savior heros lock em up and vaccine and QR code them and there children.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 19, 2024 5:31 PM
Reply to  Colonel Lem

RE: what about the woke right that appeared during 2015.

Are you talking about right wing populism? If yes, I see it as the counterpart to the left wing populism supporting Bernie Sanders, and like Sanders is it controlled. To me, any partisan affiliation is controlled, liberal or conservative. But there’s a history here too: The Democratic Party has been known as “the graveyard of social movements” since they destroyed the first populist movement back in the 1890’s. The Dems have a lot of experience in emasculating social movements. The GOP does not. That doesn’t mean they don’t do it. (I think the Tea Party was an AstroTurf populist movement meant to guide right wing populism into a harmless direction.) The Health Freedom movement’s embrace of Trump (the “vaccine president”) is clearly controlled too.

There’s also, a concept I just learned about – controlled opportunism. I think a lot of the Alt media is just that. They censor themselves and their audience to jump on a narrative bandwagon, to make money.

Sep 19, 2024 5:53 AM
Reply to  Rod Stewart

Agree. Moreover, the entrenched complexity of oligarchic slavery necessarily has a growing multitude of critical weaknesses: “holes in the dyke” of entropy.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 20, 2024 8:01 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Agreed. Up to the movement part. Yes we need to recognise the class war we are in. Yes we need to organise in every community to be as independent from the state as possible and yes revolutionary theory will help, I suggest we dive deep into counter-ecomics for example. May I suggest that movements are co-opted because they are centrally coordinated. If the “movement” is simply a an individual revolution of the mind, without any leadership but voluntarilly adopted, not only won’t the movement be co-opted, it will be impossible to stop.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 20, 2024 9:12 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

RE: May I suggest that movements are co-opted because they are centrally coordinated.

Here’s an example: Let’s say that we (the many) withhold our labor power for one day, you could call it a general strike. For that to happen, we have to agree to do it on the same day. That’s coordination. Is that a central power? It wouldn’t necessarily be to me. But if we can’t pull something that simple off because it is considered centrally coordinated, then, the greatest power we have – our numbers – is pretty much useless.

Big Al
Big Al
Sep 19, 2024 5:09 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Food for thought and I don’t have time right now to give a good response. I will say that the mentioning of violence and tanks, etc., is a tired, ridiculous and myopic comeback I’ve been hearing for a long time from lazy skeptics against actually taking on the ruling class. Maybe you can give up, but I will never. What a fucking ridiculous response in defending your money train. If you can’t see past the word “revolution” you just don’t get it.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 20, 2024 7:48 PM
Reply to  Big Al

Actually taking on the ruling class? Really. What are you doing and how is it panning out for you? Maybe it is something I could support. So what is it? Or don’t you have the time to explain your revolutionary progress right now?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Sep 21, 2024 3:01 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Plenty of ideas out there, I’m sure you know that. Those that make fun of revolution, which means a change in power, i.e., from them to us, while also proclaiming themselves anti-establishment, are what some would call controlled opposition. But I won’t go there.

Colonel Lem
Colonel Lem
Sep 19, 2024 5:00 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Challenge the ruling class by being funded by them Iain is not challenging.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 19, 2024 11:40 PM
Reply to  Colonel Lem

ideal fortune cookie

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 20, 2024 7:44 PM
Reply to  Colonel Lem

No one is funding me other than my readers. I don’t have any large donations from anyone. I don’t moderate anything I write for anyone and I never will. So either back up your claims with some evidence, which I know cannot possibly exist, or take it from me and let it be known you are gibbering like an idiot.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 21, 2024 9:11 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Simple question: Do you consider Catherine Austin Fitts a trustworthy source of ideas/ information?

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 21, 2024 1:45 PM

I don’t consider anyone a “trustworthy source of ideas / information.” I think it is my personal responsibility to think critically about any and all information from any and all sources.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 21, 2024 5:07 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

I don’t consider anyone a “trustworthy source of ideas / information.”

So there were no standards of integrity in mind, for you, or the others of the Group we’re discussing, in choosing colleagues for the venture?

Were the invites random? Based on clout? Was “trustworthiness/ usefullness of info” not on the list of (possible) criteria?

Was being a Liar or a Huckster not a deal-breaker in choosing a colleague?

If not: why should anyone be optimistic about this alliance?

If such attributes ARE considered problematic (one hopes) how did Catherine Austin Fitts make the cut?

If you  “think it is my personal responsibility to think critically about any and all information from any and all sources,” is problematic information regarding Catherine Austin Fitts concerning to you or not?

If not, why?

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 22, 2024 10:07 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

The question I would ask you is what form of “revolution” should we engage in?”

Presenting Information capable of reaching the fence-sitters of the “Normal World” should be Goal One.

Public Opinion is the energy shaping how TFIC* shape the limits of the prison. When TFIC make incremental moves to make the prison less bearable (for anyone with an innate sense of justice/ freedom), these moves only become permanent when the core chunk of (middle management) Normies don’t balk.

This means the Normies need to be Radicalized (with plausible evidence that their own “Governments” are working to totally enslave and then kill them). The way to reach the Normies is to reach the fence-sitters, first: people clever and free-ish enough to make the leap of accepting that Civilization, currently, is an inversion of what it claims to be and what it should and can be.

To that end, TFIC’s “cognitive infiltration” programs focus on making “Conspircy Thuriss” appear ridiculous/ pathetic/ idiotic. Which explains the sudden, post-9/11 introduction of Flat Earth/ Mandela Effect/ Shape-Shifter (et al) theories, spread on the relevant (controlled) sites and, unfortunately, adopted unskeptically by many “Skeptics”. Then the ridiculous “Terrain” theory was introduced to demonize anyone who questioned the 18th century “science” of FauxVid1984 and the related Mengele Jabs.

You can’t go to The Dance, with dogshit on your shoes, looking for Love.

Any effective Skeptical Parapolitical Site, capable of radicalizing fence-sitters and exerting cross-cultural influence, has to be incredibly vigilant in its efforts to keep a distance from the Hucksters and Shills and their studiously Lunatic messaging.

Most people are capable of accepting that JFK was executed by factions of what we call “Big Gubmint,” quite a few Normies are even capable of accepting the blatant fishiness of 9/11. But when the topics turn to “breakaway alien civilizations,” and “the missing trillions went toward purchasing the moon,” and “All Wars are Fake,” rational fence-sitters tune out… mission accomplished.

The subconscious problem ALL Skeptical Parapolitical Sites face is that few of their mods or regular readers really believe that anything can be done to counter our predicament. The sites therefore become social clubs of ringfenced communities clustering here and there on the deck of the Titanic, waiting for the end. Theoretical Gossip becomes a comforting activity. An entertainment, even.

Cross-cultural influence must be developed. This is an inflection point: some Normies are “waking up” because friends/ relatives/ colleagues were injured and/or killed by the Mengele jabs (right before or after Fauci co-authored a paper explaining that the jabs were always going to be useless fighting Corona-type infections). Exploit the sudden crack in their Normie Worldview.

Revolutionary Intellectual Discipline is required.

All ties with Hucksters/ Shills must be cut, whether or not acquiring Fresh Content, to keep the site running, is always an issue… because Fresh Content is often from a tainted pool of purpose-built bullshit. Solution: there is a wealth of material about the Media Monopolies/ The Anti-Trust erosions/ The Dumbing-Down/ the Hoaxes/ Massacres/ Poisoned Food and Water/ Foundational Corruption of Language and Logic/ Legacy Institutions of Oppression/ Oppressive Tech/ Unmasked Plutocrats/ Unmasked Pseudo-Plutocrats and Supposed Inventors/ Unmasked “Spirituality,” etc.

Assemble a trustworthy team to collect and vet this material (lots of which will be rather old). Write editorials contextualizing the information.

Teach it.

Teach people to think, even.

“Maybe we should all just give up, resign ourselves to slavery…”

Nah. But maybe Real Revolution is neither as quick, or “sexy,” as people have been taught to believe.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 22, 2024 10:19 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Erm: I had my rational, detailed, rancour-free response to this comment vaporized, and the same happened to a comment yesterday. Is this the new policy?

Sep 18, 2024 3:54 AM

Sorry, but… what guarantees does this “Alliance” offer that it will not be hijacked or infiltrated by those we already know?

I don’t mean to offend anyone, nor do I want to err on the side of pessimism. But in the last four years I have learned to distrust more than I did before, and these institutionalized dissidences do not exactly excite me.

Yes, dissidence has to unite in some way, that’s obvious. And one way to show that it is a genuine union, really devoted to find the truth about what is happening, whatever it is, is that it will accept to discuss in it absolutely ANY position regarding the events that have marked our present from the last century until today.

And among those positions are those that argue that 5G is a weapon and that viruses are not pathogens.

I, in particular, cannot be 100% sure that the latter two positions are true or false, only that there is a lot of material to debate there.

But, in the exposed list, there are people who are totally reluctant to address those issues. That is, they adopt the same attitude that the mainstream media took during the plandemic regarding, for example, RCPs and vaccines: they simply don’t want to discuss them.

And that, inevitably, makes me deeply suspicious. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is.