Turning Technology
Sylvia Shawcross

Now, I could write about the way the leaves on the maples are beginning to fall without that cold snap at night that drapes the forest in colours. I could. But I won’t because something much more “in the world” is bothering me.
It’s this whole thing in Lebanon with exploding pagers and walkie talkies etc. And it is horrifying.
Perhaps more horrifying than we can truly understand. It goes beyond the casualties and injuries.
Apparently some people are beginning to be afraid of their technology. Who thought we’d live to see that day, eh?
It’s not even that which is the horrifying part though. It is because so many now live in cyberspace, on gadgets. So much so that they are not much in the real world, the tangible world, except perhaps to not step down from a curb without looking or drive the kids to school or make it to work or try to get the darn pickle jar open.
And all those gamers! Shooting and crashing and bombing the enemy in on-line games… But in this case, the explosions are real world. What this act of terrorism has done is brought the real world together with the cyber world and apparently we have no control.
We (well… the tekkie high flyer types) invented technology with the whole idea of control in mind. We can use our gadgets to control appliances, drive cars, fly planes, construct things, analyze things, predict and produce and keep everyone safe even as we invent weapons to kill them. We can use our technology to do all sorts of things. We are in control. We can pick our “Aps” can’t we?
But there is always, as in nature, the unexpected. In other words, there is no actual autonomous control as everyone with their cellphones seems to think. And it is not God (however you conceive Him/Her/it/zem/zay/lgb/they to be), but actual humans with “intent” controlling things it seems in this case. That’s what happens when humans invent technology. Whatever is made by humans can usually be hacked by humans. I’m waiting for that day to arrive with crypto things. We are apparently not God (however you conceive Him/Her/it/zem/zay/lgb/they to be).
This act of exploding devices marks a turning point to the crazy that is the world now. We are probably just at the beginning of crazy. It isn’t the cultural crazy we’re up against now so much as the military crazy. And that is not a pretty thing. But never mind all that…
The problem I have is that I have that Active Imagination character running amok again. We’ve heard a thousand times over in the last few days that it is “not” the lithium batteries that caused the explosions. That these explosions were because additional explosive materials were introduced into the contraptions. This makes me suspicious. Well, it makes my Active Imagination suspicious. The Normal part of me simply accepts and moves on.
What if it “was” the lithium batteries? Can you even begin to imagine! The entire New World/Great Reset/Utopia/Globalist agenda is built on lithium. Lithium is the new oil. Lithium is worth more than its weight in gold and wars are likely being fought over access to lithium fields of the Ukraine, North Korea and Quebec. It’s all about lithium!
We keep hearing the odd stories about electric vehicles going up in flames. Why would that be? What indeed would it mean if it “was” the lithium? “Don’t be silly,” I can hear you say, “If it was the lithium batteries then everybody would have exploding things all over the place and not just for the Hezbollah!”
I would probably have to concede that point I suppose however my Active Imagination is not so willing.
What if ALL these lithium battery gadgets and doohickeys have been ALL manufactured to explode if given the right code? Right from the get go? And what if the people who made all these gadgets were selling that code to the highest bidder? Well! That would change things wouldn’t it?! And what if all of us sitting here in our little homes decided not to do something that the powers that be wanted us to do? They could just buy the codes and have at it!
We’re all doomed!
No wait…Don’t be silly. That’s Science Fiction. Things like that don’t happen. Except that what just happened in Lebanon just happened, just like Science Fiction. Or what we used to think of as Science Fiction. That’s the trouble with Science Fiction: It seems to eventually happen. Anyway, that’s not the point. The point is, why are leaves falling when it is not cold yet? That’s what I want to know. Well possibly. There’s also that other What if.
What if all this universal ID/neurotechnology/nanobot injected stuff means they could just buy the right code and we’ll end up exploding from the inside when we don’t behave? Wait, that’s already been done…
No. No. Let’s talk about the leaves again shall we?
The leaves are turning. As does the world.
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Here’s what happens when you short out a lithium battery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYBnEGYWgz4
Except, that in his case there is a steel “battery contact” which takes away most of the heat.. if you were to really short it out all that heat in the connector would be inside the battery and it definitely would boil the insides and go boom.
Anyone who has designed a product would know that they don’t go round (any more) making room for extra stuff.. they are pretty jam packed in there. Why would you design a truly portable “gadget” to be bigger than it needs to be?
So, does this mean you will finaly be ditching the control-oriented and very “portable” cutting board you purchased not too long ago? I’m sorry I just have to do this every time, it’s for your own good sister Sylvia.
Sometimes you just need your cutting board. Priorities! I’m not giving up my cutting board for love nor money nor explosions.
Off topic but, y’all wanna see the worst attempt at brainwashing-with-the-truth, the new normal propaganda, from a Science magazine inspired WP article, studying average Earth temps over the last 485 million years?
For sanity’s sake, do they think we can’t read the chart that clearly shows Earth’s previous temps all significantly higher than current temps? I used to try and point people to this charting of Earth’s temps as proof that much higher temps were the norm. That maybe humans should be planning for higher temps, and lower temps, out of common survival sense.
The incredible rise in temps, a blip at the end of the chart, showing our last 115,000 years an ice age, now petering out. 25,000 years ago there was 120 ft of ice over Manhattan. Modern human development exploded 12,000 years ago as the ice subsided. Most people are so brainwashed, so Gore’d by propaganda, they are not thinking for themselves. The Science/WP study/articles are a travesty that cannot be called “science” under any terms I was taught to understand.
The only plus here is the fact that the PTB’s narrative lies have been stripped bare. The only narratives left are showing us the truth accompanied by obvious, preposterous, falsehood commentary, hoping we won’t notice.
CO2 was also higher in most earlier eras. In the current one, plant growth was poor before 19th. century.
If human development exploded as the ice subsided, I wonder how people survived till them. There were not many caves available. Even the seas and oceans were frozen. Just what did they eat?
Apparently there were 75,000 humans on South African coast that migrtaed north as warming occurred. I wonder if the equator areas was able to support humans..
As all our cows die off from byrd flu, there still is no bullshit shortage. It’s a miracle.
If people start to ditch their tech, whether through irrational (or not) fear or legitimate concerns backed up by ‘science’ then we all end up not communicating, don’t we… win win for them…. until we fall back on old fashioned means of communicating.
For government and business, lying and evasion would become difficult.
You are misled into thinking that talking on the phone is an acceptable substitute for talking to each other in person.
OMG – cpl days ago I posted a comment here saying that after the pagers allegedly blew up I was so scared the IDF might try to get me next I had put all my electronics in a plastic bag and buried them in my garden
I thought it would be obvious it was a joke.
But two people have replied taking me seriously! Lord knows how many others who didn’t reply also thought I was serious.
Kinda makes the point that people are losing their sense of the ridiculous doesn’t it.
Link to my original comment
It has partly to do with literacy and schooling. You are expected to signal your intent through a symbol or emoji.
Ah yes literacy personified by emojis! Bit like Pavlov’s tinkling bell. A population that needs to see a little picture before they know how to interpret written words because they have become too gullible, torpid and undiscerning to think critically any more.
I just wish the old classics could start adding emojis and clarifiers you know something like –
“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife LOL /sarc”
Who can say that isn’t an improvement?
The IDF is now throwing “dead bodies” off roofs.
Note also the expression on the face of the newreader. Starmer’s terrified rabbit-in-the-headlights look is catching on everywhere now. One thing Israel is not short of is horse’s heads to send out to every talking head.
.Why do you think Israel is acting like bad guy in a cheap thriller? Because they’re just like so bad they can’t help it? Hubris so deep they just don’t get they are digging themselves into the dirt?
I think it’s about manipulating our perceptions. All part of the giant psyop-snuff film they kicked off with covid. I think they are creating these “conflicts” and killing people (though not with pagers – because c’mon!) to help along their agenda.
Showing people atrocities while also weakly excusing them is a multilayered attack on human psyche intended to outrage, confuse, divide. It’s all performative, which, no, doesn’t mean “not real”, it means the effect on the audience is the primary intended purpose.
They’re doing these things, murdering people etc , to have an impact on the watching world. So we need to react with that in mind. IMO.
(now cue the disinfo merchants trying to make out I’m saying nothing is real and no one ever dies!)
Maybe they just want to show us what bad is.
So all the carnage is simply about “manipulating our perceptions” as “a multilayered attack on human psyche”? How comforting!
How is it “comforting” to be faced with people so psychopathic they are prepared to slaughter thousands of people just for optics?
How is that “simply” anything?
Do you think killing people performatively is somehow less of a crime than killing them for some other reason?
How? Why?
I mean if we were discussing a serial killer and I said “I think this guys only kills people because he wants you to see him do it” – would you think that was me defending the serial killer and minimizing his crimes?
Why on earth would you think that?
For the record, I don’t think slaughtering people for optics is less bad or morally better than slaughtering them for some other geopolitical goal.
In fact actually I think the opposite is true. I think cynically initiating violence and cold-blooded murder just because you want to get a reaction from the rest of the world is a lot worse than doing it for some traditional reason like conquest.
In the same way killing people with respirators and vaccines is actually kind of worse than just mowing them down with a machine gun.
I mean, right?
So can we stop this mad idea I’m somehow minimizing the crime just by postulating a different – and horrifically nasty – motive for it!
You’re entire outlook is based on the notion that the horrors out there – which you admit to be real – are somehow aimed at us here in the affluent West as if the ones being slaughtered don’t matter. And how interesting that my original post is massively outvoted on the down side. Zionist shills oozing in?
Apologies for the misplaced apostrophe.
Honestly. “just for optics …. killing people performatively… just because you want to get a reaction”. Yes it’s all about us. We are the Marie Antoinettes of the world!
There is literally not one word in anything I wrote to suggest I think the ones being slaughtered don’t matter. Quite the reverse. That’s an outrageously distorted reading you’re applying, and I don’t know why!
For the record, I DO think they matter, every bit as much as you do, and I’d thank you to keep your baseless claims to the contrary out of this discussion.
My point (that seems to have slipped by you) is – the ones being slaughtered don’t matter to the people doing the killing.
They mean nothing to them. They’re cattle, useless eaters. We all are. And we are all sacrificable to feed their whims and promote their agendas.
They’re totally capable of slaughtering thousands of people just to create a drama or a distraction.
They did it with covid. And I think they could be doing it right now in Gaza.
Spinning that as some type of colonialism on my part is wokist dishonesty worthy of that publication you love to hate.
Not everyone who disagrees with you is a zionist shill!
How am I promoting zionism by saying I think the IDF are capable of slaughter on a mass scale just for optics?
Your responses are irrational and emotional.
I didn’t say “the affluent West”, those are YOUR words.I said “the rest of the world”.Yet another example of you quite dishonestly changing and distorting my meaning so you can squeeze a “racist” or “colonialist” meaning out of it and get all hot and bothered on faux outrage.
I think your old WSW roots die hard in you George.
Thank God this is all about fucking with our minds. Stupid me, I thought it was about slaughtering Palestinians so the US could get its hands on the gas/oil reserves offshore of Gaza.
Little do I know about geopolitics!
Fake binary alert. You set up the idea Gaza must be either real slaughter and geopolitics or fucking with our minds. But it can be both. In fact the person you’re replying to says it is both.
The offshore oil thing by the way is too stupid. Gaza is a besieged enclave with no navy, no army, no means of defending itself. If the US wanted to take the oil it could just do it. How is Gaza going to stop them? Typical deflexionist bullshit. I don’t claim to know what’s really going on out there, but it ain’t about claiming no offshore oil.
I think they want to build a wonderful area so when their 2nd coming arrives in 20 years or so, he can have a nice place to grow up and impress all the entitled people.
There’s a problem with the US just waltzing in and taking the gas and oil: someone has already waltzed in – Israel. The US ALWAYS has and presumably always will provide the veneer of “freedom and democracy” to its exploitation. First the US de-stabilizes a region – as it is doing in Haiti – then, under pretext of restoring peace and order, it sends in the marines to clear the way for the CEOs.
This is such a well traveled path I’m surprised you haven’t picked up on it. Anyway, it simply cannot be done in Gaza; so Israel has been charged with clearing the way for exploitation.
Oh, BTW, Iraq also had a military but that proved no obstacle to the US “shock and awe” invasion.
Tilly’s emotional world: what little Israel does IS real, and by a bad perp. What the Muslim world does to women, kids, kaffirs and neigbors is fake news: Islam is actually a big poor mass of victims of other ideologies.
Those videos of Yezidi girls being burned in 2014 were to install offensive fear, same for the “normal” hand/ head chopping just-us etc.
Covid had nothing to do with Israel, and everything with Fauci and Shi Zhengli.
I don’t think so. As far as I can tell, Js and Muslims do have a centuries-old hate against each other because they are both following the Abrahamic script. The Js prevail because Judaism is the father of both Islam and Christianity, who are bound by Jish rules and tropes, such as normalised child abuse, total aversion to and persecution of the divine feminine and of nature, judgment, righteousness and intolerance.
At the same time, the media exists to sell murder, not good news, as the moribund western culture is akin to the decadent Romans with their arenas. Bloodthirsty, turning murder into spectacle.
Covid19 was also Turning Technology;modifying viruses into WMDs (do either exist?) luckily didn’t work out, but the the mRNA injections were effective to wipe out those with low immune systems (do either exist?).
So we have to discriminate deciphering the “news” and not declare everything showing up blindly as fake news. Not fearing stuff anymore has become basic 101 to continue healthily.
so few people actually live in “the tangible world”, it’s true, and I guess that’s what the mystics and meditation gurus are trying to open our eyes to, but the issue goes deeper than technology, it’s way older than mass communication, as for me, for sure, I’ve been a junkie for media in all forms since forever and even when I’m not staring at a screen, even while I’m actually asleep I’m basically still stuck in this fantasy space, the authentic perceptions that reach me from my own personal surroundings contribute just the tiniest of crumbs to the picture I’ve formed of the world I inhabit, a world populated by a rich ensemble of imaginary events, structures, heros, villains no less complex, colorful or objectively unsubstantiated than the ancient Greek pantheon of Olympus or the multitude of deities the Hindus burn sacrifices for, and that’s definitely a product of my media addiction but hey, the worshippers of Zeus and Athena had no smartphones and they were just as tightly ensconced in their world views full of stories and beings that everybody talked about and believed in implicitly, phantoms that could never be seen or touched but that commanded incomparably more attention and importance than anything merely “tangible”
99.99 % of humans see only the physical world; ~0.01% can see the parallel astral world too.
One can learn a few techniques to do this too, but are you emotionally / mentally ready for surprises?
Even in the astral world one can still be fooled, so discovering ones soul is paramount as a sure compass.
The only ones afraid of ghosts, are those who don’t believe in them.
Brand Behind Walkie-Talkie Devices Transformed into Bombs Supplies the U.S. Military
The two rounds of blasts happened one day after Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant reportedly stepped up demands for the U.S. to support “military action” against Hezbollah, the powerful Lebanese militia linked to Iran. Reporting from Reuters earlier today cited a senior Lebanese security official claiming that Tuesday’s pager attacks were perpetrated by Israel’s foreign intelligence service, the Mossad, which has a documented history of planting explosives in cellphones.
If you believed Trump got wwf twice or immaculate passports left at an towering inferno as terrorist now do selfies and deadly sadist craziest terrorist organisation carries a pager in 2024 when the drug dealer up the road doesn’t even use a phone.
Why club these two news items that were reported over a 40 year gap?
Muddling attacks on Trump looks like your goal.
Corbett mentioned this bill in his recent podcast – especially about the clause concerning grabbing control of the meat supply under “pandemic preparedness”:
As usual, it appears the Coomonwealth is being used as a testing ground for ideas intended for everyone eventually.
Since the devices were reported heating up before explosion, we can be sure the battery is at minimum involved. The paranoia generated within the tech industry must be explosive at this point. I would assume we will never hear the truth unless independent research digs it up. In any event, IDF may have done Humanity a favor by illuminating the deadly and evil implementations of digital virtual technologies and the absolutely anonymous/infinite hacking possibilities they open up. It gives us the opportunity to abandon these techs out of self preservation. The idea that smartphones could be hack-detonated or remotely detonated or otherwise turned into a remote weapon against civilians, is just extrapolated common sense. The military has been writing insane white papers of hi-tech sci-fi warfare since the 90’s. Kubrick’s “2001” warned us of AI treachery. “Dune” warned us of a world of insect sized killer drones. Digital has allowed all of us to be hacked periodically, in every application. The fact is digital + wireless is a plausible-deniability threat to individuals and Humanity as a whole. It needs to be abandoned, banned just as Dune banned “computers”. Virtual technologies delivered wirelessly are a black hole to oblivion. IMHO.
I don’t think exploding pagers in Lebanon are enough to kick people out of the hypnosis..Most westerners on their phones couldn’t care less about either Lebanon nor Israel at this point, as there is always some bomb or other going off down there. It is too far from home to really have an impact.
So it doesn’t bother you that your s-phone could be remotely triggered to sabotage you in overt ways, or even the already covert ways you don’t even know about? Do you think that whats done to the expendable foreigners is not being beta test refined for us at home? LOL indeed.
There’s still too many Useless Eaters !!
For those the DNR notices and The Jab didnt finish off,
there’s The Winter Cold without heating subsidies…
Dr Vernon Coleman estimates ‘between 100,000 and
250,000 aged pensioners (aka – Useless Eaters) could
be culled by the cold during the coming Winters…
‘Cause of Death’ on their Death Certificates – ‘Balanced Budget’…
‘Died From’ on their tombstones – ‘Balanced Budget’…
‘Balanced Budget’ – As effective as The Vax !
There’s supposed to be a treaty which prohibits the mining of common household objects which is designed to prevent collateral damage to civilians. Now I’m pretty sure that there will be a lot of legalish arguments making the case that pagers and two way radios aren’t household objects but depending on where you live and what you do they are widely used — pagers are common in medical facilities and H/Ts are used outside cell service areas. The casualties also suggest that this was more a terrorist attack on a population rather than the notion (carefully spread in the media) that anyone in possession of such a device was obviously Hezbollah and, by extension, obviously a terrorist so fair game for any weapon that could be used against them at any time.
Quite apart from the legitimizing of random retaliation — ‘tit for tat’ — the consequence of this attack is like the attempted shoe bombing some years ago. It was a dumb idea at best but thanks to Mr. Reid we all have to take our shoes off at the airport. Now electronic devices — under suspicion anyway because Lithium batteries are suspect anyway — could all be considered bombs. Remember that the 2-3 grams of explosive incorporated into these devices was done in such a way to be ‘difficult to detect’, there’s no obvious or even subtle signs that any particular device is mined.
The people behind this attack lack not just moral sense but foresight — its obviously a product of years of de-facto immunity, a “We can do anything I want and you can’t touch us”. This chronic lack of restraint (vide “bodies being chucked off rooftops, alive or dead (who knows)? ) coming from a militarized society that possesses nuclear weapons is a threat to all of us, not just the people who happen to be their neighbors.
Good point about taking electrical devices on planes.
For depopulation, it is better to kill slowly. Using RF devices in partial Faraday cages – e.g., cars or buildings with rebar – increases the strength of the signal into the head. Remember, the medical industry depends on your support.
< a militarized society that possesses nuclear weapons is a threat to all of us, not just the people who happen to be their neighbors.>
Precisely. This is why UN Weapons Inspector and U$ Colonel Scott Ritter has devoted his life to Start Treaty and other negotiations for decreasing the threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction — a threat not only to our neighbours but to all of us, as you point out. And why Scott Ritter has been self-employed for decades. Most people simply do not want to believe that our militarism and our proud stock of WMD are as great a danger to ourselves as they are to our presumed “existential enemies”.
Martin Usher, our resident intel shill who relentlessly sells you every mainstream viewpoint, is here telling you the pager thing really happened and you should get VERY ANGRY about it.
So, I would do as he says. I mean he’s probably NOT shilling this time, right? He’s probably off the clock, posting in his spare time and telling you what he really honestly thinks. 🙄
If it’s not too much trouble, could you provide some proof that the page and walkie talkie things did not happen? (I know: you can’t prove a negative – which is why in this case the world according to your nemesis Martin Usher tends to go with the positive.)
So you ask me for proof and then admit in the next breath it is literally impossible to get any.
Not speaking volumes for your deductive reasoning powers is it?
Correct me if I’m wrong but the traditional approach to facts and logic is that you don’t accept a thing is true until there’s solid incontrovertible evidence for it.
When did that get changed to “believe everything you get told until someone proves it didn’t happen”?
Don’t try to answer with connective sentences if you find it too challenging. I can see it’s a struggle for you.
The mere fact that the incident in question is an embarrassment to the US and its proxy, Israel, goes a long way toward establishing at least a basis for its credibility.
Besides which, numerous reports (admittedly even some in the MSM, which does tend to diminish its credibility) have documented excessive hospital admissions in Lebanon supposedly caused by the explosions.
More to the point, what is it about the incident which convinces you that it’s fake? Not everything that happens is fake.
The bottom line is always what does the event accomplish? who profits from it vs who loses? Forgive my pedestrian approach, but for the life of me I cannot see how this incident benefits the US or its allies. Certainly it’s not needed in order to convince people the West Asian situation is real – if somehow that’s the goal. Regardless which “side” one takes, there is already abundant “evidence” of the on-going conflict and the potential “expansion.” (I put in quotes the terms which are open to debate.)
BTW, since everything I submit goes into pending, don’t expect to see this for at least another day – if at all.
My reply to your reply to my comment never made it out of Pending. And, darn it, it with rife with “connective sentences” – and yes, these sentences were indeed challenging.
And why is he “my” nemesis? Are you a fan of the way he shills for every mainstream narrative from covid to 9/11?
Is this something you privately admire in him?
Our eyes may see the same thing (like a name and words associated with that name) but our brains attach different meanings to what we see.
I’ve never considered the commenter in question a “shill” for anything. I do, however, find his overly generous take on things – like covid and 9/11 – to be unnecessarily “fair-minded” and “objective.”
Most of the commenters in this forum live in a bubble, where to even remotely consider the possibility of giving some credence to current events is absolute anathema. It’s a comfortable view, isn’t it? to dismiss everything as fake. It requires no thought, no judgment, no nothing.
About leaves falling before exploding into color. There is “A Simple Desultory Philippic” (God I just had to say that) explaining leaves falling before their time. Dane Wigington attributes the phenomenon to geoengineering: trees don’t like aluminum falling all over their leaves; neither do they like UV-C death rays from a depleted ozone layer.
Ah, geoengineering: filling a sky near you while your phone captures all the brilliant colors of fire.
There are many more passages such as this. Terrorism was invented by the ashke-nazis and most if not all international terrorism events set up by Mossad. Next time you have to go through some inane security theatre at some airport, or even a shopping center, chew on that.
Also, note the “inheritance” and check the connection with “UNESCO” and “World Heritage Sites”… They fully expect to take all that is worth anything.
An inheritance comes after a death…
The exploding pagers just might be “a bridge too far” for genocidal America/Israel in that people might come to understand how vicious and dangerous Israel – which until recently was the cutting edge of technology – really is.
Now the cat is out of the bag for good – and believe me, as a Luddite, it IS GOOD. Finally, hopefully, maybe people might actually begin to see how deadly technology is.
And NO, it’s not a question of a binary “good” side and “bad” side to technology. Technology, pure and simple, can never be anything but bad. It was created by bad people (mostly DARPA types) for bad purposes. Any “good” which proceeded from it was purely a cover for the real deal.
Even if their ingrowing smart phones don’t explode (and an explosion is the least of its dangers), it is slowly destroying what little thinking power they have. Intentionally!
Let me say of pagers and especially of smart phones: good riddance to bad rubbish!
a-rmourments in
If you thought the digital dictatorship is bad in the “first world”, you should check out what’s going on in much of the “3rd world” and other cuntries where “human rights” is not part of the vocabulary… it is practically impossible to function without a mobile phone as EVERYTHING online requires 2-factor authentication, and tries hard to further grab as much of your personal details as possible. Anyone without some IT knowledge is totally at the mercy of these digital vultures who make it as hard as possible to even book a train ticket online (also needs 2-factor authentication and hits you with a dysfunctional captcha at every step)
Many if not most people are sold on the cyber security paranoia and imagine there are armies of hackers trying 24/7 to steal their ID.
To buy a SIM card in these places you need ID and you also get your fingerprints and photo taken (because their scan of your photo ID is not enough, you see).
The governments of such shitholes are pushing hard the digital security state with the ongoing threat of terror attacks and the paranoia is extensive.
The polar shift and planetary wipe-out cannot come soon enough…
How many people on these boards know news and current affairs is now a branch of entertainment in a lot of mainstream outlets?
True. They no longer draw a hard line between news and drama. They have the same production teams doing a bit of both. A lot of the “news” staff are just “personalities” out of drama schools, or artists, TV writers, ad men, not journalists.
Don’t take my word though, check it out. You’ll have to dig, but you’ll find it.
It’s also now commonplace to fake up (‘enhance’) footage of real events when no real footage could be obtained. It’s normal now. Normalized. Everyone who works in one of those places knows it. Of course they don’t think they are faking anything. They think they are just helping to enhance the viewer experience of real events.
But they don’t really know or care. It’s not in their remit.
Most “journalists” these days rarely work outside a studio. They don’t have foreign correspondents or bureaus loke they once did. There’s not many in house mobile news teams any more that can visit places where events are happening and capture footage. Any “real” on scene footage they screen is 90% of the time sent in by agencies like AP or freelancers. or even just grabbed off of social media.
And it’s never checked for accuracy, let alone reality. I can guarantee that. The people who are bringing you the “news” mostly don’t even know how real it is. And they totally for the most part don’t fucking care. They’re woke and brain dead. It would never occur to them that a story they’re working on might not have really happened, even while they’re “enhancing” footage or making up eyewitness reports (yes, they do that too, to give a “human interest” angle when the “facts” are “too cold”, meaning they just have a skeletal AP report of an explosion or something and they want to make it more dramatic, they will reword the report into first person narration and use an “anonymous source”. It’s considered harmless).
This is just reality. The current events world has lost touch with what it was supposed to be and isn’t that any more. And no one outside that milieu has much idea of this being the case.
I don’t have to tell you how easily an industry in this mess could become party to wholesale fakery and not even realise it.
If you don’t think that is happening more and more, you are wrong. Since the covid restrictions it’s just gone mental. You have no fucking idea. Don’t believe anything coming out of news portals anywhere, because even if it’s just a cat stuck in a tree it’s as likely to be made up to fill a “feel good” quota as to be a thing that happened. Sorry, wish it was different. But it’s not.
Appreciated Matt.
I can only speak from my personal perspective. I dont follow any news channels at all. Have no TV. No radio set, no electricity, and only internet on this non explosive phone.
But things still find you even when you switch all that off. Or if you browse through alternative sites etc. And if theres something interesting I will search for it.
I do though know someone who has been living in Lebanon near the border who has like many others now left the country after all the attacks on both sides of the border. For that reason I have taken an interest in what has been happening there. Infact much of what has being going on there has not been reported much in the media (searching rather than following) as other events have been far more pressing no doubt.
Facts are important and mostly we have little or no facts to go on. And as I am sure you are well aware, there are plenty of con-men and con-women who are not part of the mainstream who will whip up a pile of ‘facts’ to fit a particular narrative. Dont listen to them either.
But returning to Lebanon are we to debate the validity of the conflict there?
What we know of Hezbollah again, we can only go by what we hear. And then formulate or speculate an opinion. We can share that opinion (at the risk of being attacked for our opinion) or zip up completely. I know which world I would rather live in, and it’s not a cancel culture one.
In the case of exploding devices, it certainly comes out of something like a spy novel. And rightly its probably nonsense. But then it’s not when you consider how it can be used, and I am not thinking about the furore that the western phone obsessed are going on about. Rather the fact that a militant group has been very successful at hitting back. Unlike its neighbour who literally owns the cell phone networks, the militant group makes use of pagers and radio sets to great effect.
Isreal has every intention of going into Lebanon again. It’s been waiting for its allies to give the all clear, that is when foreigners have managed to evacuate before things get really serious. But it’s taken a long time as the airports have been seriously effected.
Now prior to carrying out an incursion they either really did explode some radio sets and other devices, or they made the whole thing up knowing fear would have a psychological effect upon their enemies.
That’s just my opinion from the woods.
Oh great, another person who “knows someone who was there” and can totally verify it really happened just the way the media says.There’s always one.
Yes, but not by my intention, through happenstance.
I cannot say any more than that unfortunately.
Psychologists have a field day over this sort of thing, your response that is.
It’s where a persons own belief becomes infallible. Almost like a religion. And absolutely nothing will change their mind.
If you have anything to offer I am quite willing to change my mind. I change my mind often when new information comes along.
Sometimes information comes your way without asking for it, and in the real world, the one I live in I tend to respond positively to information that sits outside of what is offered by the media.
Knowing someone, or of someone actually helps a lot to cut through the ice. Sometimes you are unable to lay out all the facts for others in order to protect someone else.
But for me I therefore have a private fact that helps immensely for me personally because it helps to bri g to light the truth.
I am doing the best I can here to share that with you.
Your choice.
I wouldnt believe me either.
The problem with the medium we have here is trust. But that said I dont trust or believe when face to face all the time either. I guess if we knew each other in person then things would be easier.
I am not right. I just came across something that changed my perspective. It’s what happens.
In person if I knew you and trusted you I would then confide with you.
What you will find though is that through hostility you will never ever get to the facts you would like to hear, and instead end up boxed in forever with no real answers.
Trust however tends to apply to the foolhardy who fall instead for the works of conmen who tell you what you want to hear. That’s easy.
The challenge is telling people the things that they dont want to hear.
Wheres the solution?
Years of human history and the same old patterns repeat over and over. Theres nothing new under the sun, and there is nothing I can do to make anyone on a forum trust me.
Trusting our self -our life is the natural condition beneath a learned division and distrust that operates as a basis for manipulative deceit for as we believe our self to be, so shall we see others and life – and such shall be our witness to life loved or feared.
Our capacity to be deceived in our self IS our capacity to be deceived in each other, and the basis for denial & attack on behalf of ‘separate’ interests as salvation – or in modern terms ‘survival of separateness as an experience of personal autonomy or control over self, others and life.
It is both futile and impossible to wake an illusion to the truth of its lack of substance or true existence. Yet are we not tempted again and again to engage in trying to make the world see as we see so as to reinforce our own vested identity of self-definitions instead of accepting another exactly as they are – as part of us even as we are part of them? The gift of freedom is extended as our shared being and not as a permissive contract of set terms and conditions. That is the only way to know that we both have and are free in being – but not in self-made concepts set into ‘social currencies’ of masking manipulation by which appearance of freedom plays out as the sacrifice of truth to illusion – such as the ‘world movie’ to which we are collectively entranced as our ‘social reality’ circa 2024 – for the mind is passivated or retarded to illusions by which truth is framed demonic.
‘Waking up’ may begin with a dissociation from ‘social entrancement’ through the experience of ‘conflict as between the powers of truth and illusion; good and evil AS FRAMED in our attempt to regain or reset our ‘reality’ in terms of possession and control. Yet no matter how ingeniously mind repackages a masking ‘reality experience’ the glimpses of truth are of an entirely different order, nature, foundation & source.
Growing discernment in life is our nature restored as a result of choosing NOT to set judgement over life, lives and world as if apart from or alien to.
There is an ‘alien agenda’ in terms of our natural being to which we have adapted as our survival in and ‘alien world’.
True Participance in life is not getting a hit or seeking boosters for a war-framed in threat of treachery.
As we give, so do we in truth receive.
The idea we can get or take for a self-specialness operates a modifiction of our mind as a way to stabilise a split mind by projecting the split out and away from a ‘control dictate’.
I only write to the living one in all because beneath all our freedom of illusion, is our created being – seemingly denied, dead or put on hold while playing (being played by) our own ‘selfie’. But reality does not go anywhere ‘else’ when we focus within self-imaged creation – else fear WOULD triumph over Reality, to lock down and lockstep in a body or stricture of death, over and over again.
There is mercifully a limit to tolerance for pain (of meaninglessness as much as ‘conflicted love’).
That’s a good point. The one you know might be peddling a falsehood. And the MSM might be broadcasting a truth.
“Test all things. Hold fast to what proves good” — Bernard Shaw, Revolutionist’s Handbook.
Israel is desperate because — after a year of genocidal bombing of women and children — they still cannot beat Hamas on its own, and when they went to war against Hezb’Allah on its own (a few years ago) Israel lost that war. So Israel hasn’t a hope of beating the 2H combination. That is why Israel spends most of its war effort not putting fighter on the ground Man to Man, but in fruitless acts of mass terrorism: bombing civilian populations from the air, or selling explosive phones to civilians. Israel’s Yahoo regime is too stupid to realize that the more women and children Israel kills the more their menfolk will oppose Israel.
Technology is not the sole preserve of assassination for these types.
People have been assassinated in the Press for years, and happy accidents do take place in prison, ask Epstein or the latest potential victim, P.Diddy.
Cars have never been immune to such attempts, and it’s got easier. Everything from food, pills can be intercepted in the supply chain.
They have merely expanded the items for use within their Assassination Portfolio, and their gene collection offers them all sorts of possibilities.
How many smart devices do we have in our homes, cars, etc.? Now “15 minute smart cities” takes on a whole new meaning, doesn’t it? All I know is that the person who invents the device to detect these mini-bombs is a billionaire. Billionaires… creating one profitable problem after another…
You mean like the ADE 651. Or the Quadro Tracker, or the GT200. All reliably fake and designed to do nothing but line the pockets of monsters in positions of power 😄
You are raising one of the pre-planned talking points this event was intended to seed.That”s how it looks to me anyhow. It seems like whenever there’s some psyop type happening there is always a range of 2-4 topics planned in advance to be the focus. And one of those right now is “phone safety”.
I mean who knows who might be the next to have their iPhone filled with Semtex, right?
Be afraid people. Panic. Get hysterical. Throw your phone away. Hate a Moslem. Or a Jew.
Heck hate anyone, we don’t care.
Just keep talking about the latest shit we shovel into your cage. And don’t question it – ever.
Not that difficult. First create a phone error (e.g., disable the SIM) or message the user to come in for an upgrade. “Persuade” the telco or service provider to insert the special part you provide.
I have put all my electronics in a plastic bag and buried it in the garden. Who knows what the IDF will try to blow up next! Someone said I was being a gullible idiot like all those who bought the fear porn about covid and went around wearing face nappies. But I said duh – more fool you, this fear is REAL.
It needs to be internationally banned. If we don’t condemn this act now, shut it down, then yes, I can see how anything from smart meters to new model cars could incrementally become used as detonation devices. What if it goes off on a plane? Bus? Train? Restaurant? Grocery store? Place of worship? Movie theatre? These are dumb bombs that senselessly harm far too many innocent bystanders.
Former UN Official WARNS ‘Israel’s Massive Terrorism’ Could Cause Wider War
“Israel’s aim, firstly, is to destroy the norms, conventions and laws of warfare; to create geo-political anarchy in which anything goes, and by which, with the White House frustrated, yet acquiescing to each norm of conduct obtrusively trodden underfoot, allows Netanyahu to grip the U.S. bridle and lead the White House horse to water – towards his regional End of Times ‘Great Victory’; a necessarily brutal war – beyond existing red lines and devoid of limits.”
Article: Brutal, chaotic war – norms, conventions and laws of conduct are being erased
Ban it from your own sphere of conscious responsibility.
The act of ‘banning’ something externally generates the sacrifice of true power to executive bodies or institutions while driving the mind-set of the banned activity underground – to run as dark defence or masking agenda in the name – of course – of national or global security.
Believed ‘solutions’ thus generate a mask of ‘escape’ that then offers a trojan ruse to persist under as a more insidious dependency on systems and structures of coded beliefs – that are easily used against us.
What you normalise in your own life and mind is by the conscious acts, choices and decisions of your own thought, feeling and behaviour.
The use of ‘normal’ as replacement for natural, innate or God-given and integral being is exemplary to the running of a golem or artificial intelligence within the More of Who and What you Are.
Stark insanity set in lies, calls for undoing in grounded conscious being – which may not be our ‘normal’ habit of thought, emotion or reaction.
Evil limits itself within its own masking self-contradictions. Giving it power is giving power to lies to replace and deny, attack and destroy truth. And so do we receive.
Self illusion is not sin, but persisting in self-illusion at cost of awareness of truth establishes a condition of unreality in which the wages of sin IS death. Our mind can and does deny Reality to ‘save itself’. This is readily observable in our everyday situations – or the moment at hand. However God is not mocked by grandiose illusions set in attack given power, but does and is the extension of truth to minds or souls of individuated expression. There is no conflict in God (but as we make god in our image)
All are called but few choose to listen, as yet.
Banishing a deceiver from our mind is not a ‘special power’ but the persistent and consistent alignment in shared power (of which the ego knows nothing because it interprets ‘sharing’ as loss, and truth as demanding sacrifice. Hence a weapon for demanding sacrifice of the judged or scapegoated Othering of guilting narrative ‘identifiction’.
I think you’ll find putting Semtex in someone’s pager is already illegal actually.
As pointed out by Martin Usher in his post.
< It needs to be internationally banned >
It is banned internationally. So is genocide. But that doesn’t stop Israel from doing both.
“I am not going to embarras Israel for the sake of a few dead U$ sailors” — U$ President Lyndon Johnson, when asked what he was going to do about Israeli aircraft strafing U$ Ship Liberty.
Of course your fear is real to you. Why question reality?
Are you willing to question your experience OF your reality?
Different people have different convictions that are be-lived real by reaction set in countermeasures.
There is symbolic resonance to a ‘destructive technologism’ but the destructive lies in the wish to define life in the frame of predictive control, that develops the capacity for pre-emptive denial.
Do we bury the scope and power of Mind in the Garden for fear of Communication set demonic by fear’s dictate?
Did a ‘god’ cast us out and ex-commune icate – or did our grasp at the idea of ‘being as gods’ split the mind within its own contradictions to mask in be-living it CAN and HAS such power and therefore accrued convictions for conflicted fear or pain of loss of power?
The power of belief as placebo or nocebo is all the reality You give them for your own reasons. And thus no less to their derivatives – as in news, experts, studies and more intimately your own current use of a past as a backstory for self justifiction.
Fear is a choice. Reality is not. But awareness of reality can be chosen against or denied temporarily by the generation of vested self-illusion (set in mutual reinforcement) that perceives as such investment dictates in fear of pain of loss of deeply held delusions.
Such is a world in which we are staked to bodies of pain and pleasure – to which minds can be incentivised slaves under gas light in which ‘escape’ leads into deeper chains of ‘defence’.
Thank heavens for clockwork computers, hey?
I notice on Twitter you can’t even express a tiny amount of skepticism over this ridiculous story without being gaslighted.
Snowden is all over it of course, bringing us the tea like the good NSA mouthpiece he is. Just more fodder for the masses so they can ‘debate’ it. Did Hezbollah deserve it? Are Israel the real terrorists? What kind of detonator was it? Did they use Semtex or some new scary black ops weapon? Will our phones blow us up? Blah blah blah blah blah. Trained seals honking and flapping. Real world issues all forgotten.
Twitter has become a part of the internet insane asylum, beware of guilt by association.
Wholesale terrorism of civilian populations by Israel is a real world issue: tens of thousands of women and children killed and maimed by Zio-nazi bombs. Genocidal bombing of civilian populations from the air, or putting mini-bombs into phones sold wholesale on the civilian market: what would happen if civilized countries began to copy Israel?
Seriously, is there anything so cartoonish, absurd, stupid and improbable that the majority of people won’t believe it.
It doesn’t look like it.
No, there is not. People like unreality. It’s safe, like watching a movie. They like knowing at some level it’s all fake so they don’t need to be really scared. Like with covid.They could play at being in Contagion and feel like the main character in the movie of their life while same time knowing deep in their subconscious it was just pretend.
Allah’s postmortem Koran
The CCP manifesto
Well done Silvia!
A great article and to top it off, it’s totally on topic and in keeping up with what is and has been happening.
Naturally its speculation based upon available information. But that is what freedom expression is all about.
It may well turn out that some sort of detonator was modded into the devices.
But it could well be that your on to something here.
And…here is our first narrative reinforcer
Thanx mate.
Actually for once trying not to be a troll.
I ain’t the enemy….
I am just as sceptical, but also aware that real things, often some unbelievable things can sometimes be true.
Not everything is fake.
In this case I can see both sides of the argument. So I would guess, just like usual from the perspective of someone at one end of the argument might look across and try to tackle the centrist.
I agree. Not everything is fake. Your life isn’t fake. Neither is mine. Humans get born and live and die and that’s not fake. But the media is fake. I’ll say why in a post up top.
Yes the media is mostly fake, and when it’s not it distorts things or hones them to fit a particular point of contention that drives alternative versions of the narrative into the pond.
TY Demiurge. I’d write more about current events if I believed a single thing I read or see. We can’t really know anymore unless we’re sitting in the middle of it. It’s a frustrating world right now for a commentator. Dangerous and frustrating I suppose. We really know nothing.
The pagers didn’t happen. It’s just another stupid invented media story with a bit of bad crisis acting thrown in. They’re testing our willingness to believe.
Just take a breath and ask yourself one question. If you wanted to off a bunch of people, and you had such intimate and controlling access to them that you could guarantee the specific pager they ended up using… would filling said pager with Semtex really be your first choice way of offing them?
This is not reality.This is Wiley Coyote world.
Stop automatically believing everything you see on the fucking multimedia entertainment matrix we call “news”
I am reminded of that episode in the walking dead when all the home made bullets explode in the rifles when fired.
Yup. Only the effects were a lot better. Obvs this pager thing was a cut price job.
Right; ALL news is fake so stop observing, intuing, discriminating or critical thinking and join the Foke here at Off the G charts who will instruct you what to believe and do.
Lithium burns, rather than explodes, although I had one phone battery that grew larger and larger, until it popped the back of my phone off.
Continued using it for a while but then one morning it had enlarged itself so much it popped completely out of the phone altogether.
Oh bless your heart. You’re so cute I could take you home and buy you a little basket to sleep in.
Thankyou so much. Utterly flattered by that, but you will have to get in line with all the others 🙂
Her reply was to antonym. 😂
I think the pagers happened.
islam is being used to promote its own destruction.
It has been villainised and weaponised by the parasite class for their own ends, 9/11 being the most obvious example.
It is difficult to make a belief system hated if there are no bad traits in it to exagerate.
islam is a rich source of easily identifiable traits which differ from, for example, modern Christianity, eg. physical punishments and revenge/ honour killings.
The publication of videos showing adherents setting fire to opponents or chopping hands off are certainly used to diminish any sympathy for muslims.
It was odd that the war on terror ended with covid.
All those. Militants went into lockdown.
All the Islamophobia has no doubt been nurtured in the west, as you say.
In Syria, Lebanon, and Iran, some Christian’s, Muslims, and Jews have managed to live alongside each other. It seems in those countries it is foreign actors who are the cause of so much trouble.
Muslims, christians and jews even in Israel were getting along (or at least trying to) until a few decades ago.
The vast majority of people do not want war, but as long as people are unable to see thru the constant fakery/hocus pocus/shenannigans….it’ll just carry on.
‘I think the pagers happened.
Islam is being used to promote its own destruction.
It has been villainised and weaponised by the parasite class for their own ends, 9/11 being the most obvious example.’
I don’t think the pagers thing happened, but your comment reminded me of those ridiculous ‘beheading of western hostages’ fake vids from 10 years(?) ago or so.
It’s all fear and hate propaganda.
It could be that the palestinians are on board with the fakery going on there to some extent. Maybe Gaza is not as heavily populated as what we are told and it’s a case of ‘bombing’ (demolishing) empty apartment buildings? Only a few people really know what is going on there. Large areas can quite easily be closed off,completely controlled and turned into a huge film set. imo.
There are loads of muslim folks here in my neighbourhood where I’ve lived for more than 20 years and always had a friendly greeting with one another despite the tv bullshit. I also have muslim colleagues and they all seem to be grand lads and lasses…we’re just a little bit different from each other, that’s all. Big fckn deal. 🙂
Try living in Bradford or Luton.
I had a few good nights out and curry dinners in Bradford many moons ago. I’ve never had a reason to go to Luton, but thanks for the advice anyway.
It sounds a bit like the idiotic ‘shoe-bomber,underpant bomber’ stuff. I recall some guff at the time about liquid explosives in breast and buttock implants.Suicide bombers with exploding tits and bums! Imagine that. That liquid bomb malarkey was also complete and utter bullshit. You’d need several litres of very volatile stuff and then have laboratry conditions to concoct it. What would these suicidal liquid bombers do? Go to the toilet on the plane and make a bomb?
Evidence free assertions of fakery are completely worthless. If you have actual evidence the explosions in Lebanon were fake please provide it.
As for your reasoning:: “If you wanted to off a bunch of people, and you had such intimate and controlling access to them that you could guarantee the specific pager they ended up using… would filling said pager with Semtex really be your first choice way of offing them?”
That is the kind of turgid manure normally reserved for those who want to assert the moon landings were real .
That is right up there with “It would be harder to fake the moon landings than go”. Completely meaningless..
At any rate, that isn’t evidence, it is not even in the realm of evidence.
In addition it is clear that you are unaware of the specific details of the incident that you are proclaiming was fake as “guarantee the specific pager they ended up using” is completely incorrect. They didn’t know whom was using which specific device merely that they had been purchased and distributed by Hezbollah.
It’s all come true:
Straight into pending, with only one link….
Sometimes even without a link.
Off-G is now moving to just outright deleting comments from folks that do not echo the echo chamber 100%
And yet here you are, all over this thread like a bad rash. That Lost in a Wood fella too, and a lot of others. How does that square with what you’re sayin?
Horrifying for you and Hezbollah, brilliant for me: mind blowing. Terrorizing terrorists is non woke. Active Muslims play the victim show only when on the back foot; on the front one they dump LGBBQs from roof tops or fire thousands of rockets on you.
“People’ getting afraid of their technology: what is the problem with that? The Islam meme need some blow back. Let them really copy Moh and stick to knives and swords like that person in Rotterdam yesterday.
For the atheist rest the WEF and the CCP rely on tech as IoT and AI to control the masses; so people getting weary of tech they don’t understand or manufacture, what’s not to like?
You’re so sweetly gullible. There isn’t a mainstream story out there you don’t gobble up and spit right out all over this comment section is there.
Inside antonym’s mind…
“Oh my God they tried to kill Trump AGAIN! (how many times is it now?) . Wow the Establishment must really hate this covid-shilling billionaire let’s all vote for him!”
“Oh my God look how evil Moslems are, let’s all hate them!”
“Terroristst! Grrrr….they got what they deserve for once when those pagers all went boom – and I for one am celebrating”.
Antonym, ladies and gentlemen – the narrative managers look at him and think “yup our work here is done”.
Naive, naiver, Tilly.
Native woke foke or $I$.
OR, she believes that the Matrix movie plot actually exists 2024 AD.
A bit too early my dear…
The exploding pager development is so clearly appalling that the Zio-wankers are diminishing in numbers. Even the previous supine gullibilty of the Israel fellators has taken a hit and the increasingly frothing atrocity masturbators are thinning out so much that an army of AI bots have taken over X/Twitter to fill out the space.
No matter. Israel is finished:
So a knife-wielding stooge “who allegedly stabbed and killed a man and wounded another in Rotterdam” and barked “God is Greater!” – several times (just to make sure everyone got the picture?) means …. what?
Oh I know!
Let’s take the Israel solution: Send out hand held devices with implanted explosives, gloat over the pictures of maimed and murdered civilians, and then totally flatten Rotterdam with the loving approval of the craven media!
“wars are likely being fought over access to lithium fields of the Ukraine, North Korea and Quebec.”
Add Iran:
Not that anything’s been going on that suggests a potential war with Iran….
Didn’t Tesla solve the whole energy problem a century ago? That’s why it’s so hard to sell this climate crisis propaganda.
Negative. The “energy problem” is a negative problem.
As the sun, wind, wave, fire, fusion, produces eternal energy already, and a small group of creatures, who say they come from the apes, wants to control the majority’s access to energy, we have problems. Many many problems.
But the problem is a negative.