There Be Dragons
Todd Hayen

I’ve lived most of my long life asleep. I was 8 years old when JFK was assassinated. It wasn’t until I was in my 30s that I even gave it a second thought (well, maybe a “first thought” a decade before any serious consideration). I was 9 days shy of 14 when man allegedly made a giant leap on the moon—didn’t give it a second thought—it was real, of course.
I was nearly drafted to go fight the “just” war in Vietnam and lived through countless world events I was not even aware of.
Events that involved false flags, CIA manipulation, and God knows what else. I lived through all of this without giving any of it even an eye twitch—it certainly was all that I had been told, nothing more. It was business as usual. Most, if not all, of it did not directly affect me or my ability to eat, work, play, and live my life in relative comfort.
I finally got the big kick in the butt when Covid came along, and as I slowly fully awakened, I realized that everything that passed me by in my life that I had shoe-horned into believing was normal was anything but normal. Now, don’t get me wrong, I think I have always been a teeny-weeny bit awake. I scratched my head a lot and was always interested in the alternative view of things.
But these understandings were always peripheral to me.
The main thrust of life was generally good, people could be trusted, government may be whacky at times, but in general was benevolent, and trying very hard to be decent. The hideously ugly, weird, or deceitful stuff were the anomalies, not the norm.
I think 9-11 really started the bottom to drop out for me, but I still had not lost faith in the foundation of “rightness” in the world. But the whole thing fell apart once Covid started its rampage of false rhetoric and deceitful lies. Now I’ve made full circle where nothing at all is trusted, it is pretty much all bad, ugly, and evil. It is difficult to convince me there is even one decent person in power in the world.
Where does that leave me (us)? That is a difficult question to answer. I do know we have it pretty good in the opulent West—the “free and brave” North America. We’ve had it that way for quite some time, and if you are not too discerning when you look, you can live a pretty carefree life even though the maggots are right below the surface gnawing away.
Sure, you’ll get hit with the usual share of crap, that’s a given—lost jobs, illnesses, unruly children—but for the most part, if you play your cards right, and follow the rules, you can do ok. Unless, of course, you are socially marginalized. But even then, things are much better than they used to be—and certainly better than in most other parts of the world.
So, the key is to ignore the dark edges (see my article “It’s All About the Story”), comply with whatever the “man” asks of you, and you’ll be safe. When you get through the storm (whenever one comes along) you’ll get to go back to your pleasant life. Fun, games, food, cars, stuff—lots of stuff. Happiness. Until, of course, you realize you really are not happy. You know you should be happy, but you aren’t.
Needless to say, the happy life is fleeting. Many of us don’t know that, not yet, but it isn’t going to stay “ok” for much longer. There be dragons out there on the edges, and we are slowly headed for the edge. Of course, the dragons we are told are there (such as climate change, overpopulation, fuel shortages, more pandemics, too many cows, etc.) are not the real dragons.
Those are the dragons the agenda presents to us, and they present those particular dragons because they created them, and thus they have a solution for dealing with them. Very fundamentally all the solutions they have boil down to creating a world with “less of us.”
Once we all start dying off in droves (already millions of excess deaths since 2020, and it ain’t because of the disease they call Covid) they will tell us there is a silver lining—fewer people equal fewer dragons. We have already been convinced that we are a cancer to the planet. And that we really should be eradicated. Only the worthy should live. Those wealthy enough to get the implants, the artificial organs, the prolonged life—the wealthy are the elite, the ruling class. The rest of us are useless—useless eaters. They will keep a few of us for a while because it probably works better for them if they do. But those of us they keep will be serfs at best, outright slaves at worst. But those people will be taken care of—and they will be happy.
Only thing is they will not be happy. The elite forces behind all of this have swallowed their own pill. They think all that makes a human being happy is material wealth, food, sex, entertainment, things, health, and lack of suffering. They think nothing of the soul and what the soul needs to be content and fulfilled. That never enters their mind. According to them, we are machines, and we are machines that experience life only through the senses. The idea of a soul is a myth (see Noah Harari’s work). If we keep the senses happy and fulfilled, nothing else really matters. Read Huxley’s A Brave New World for more on this . . . brilliant insight from almost 100 years ago.
So, they will put us in Smart Cities, limit our travel, limit our freedoms, limit our resources, not allow ownership of just about anything, and inundate us with “stuff” that we rent from them. Games, holodecks, drugs, sex (porn—not sex with real people mind you, we might confuse sex with love, and we can’t have that, of course)—all this will be plentiful. “Live your life to the fullest!” they will say. “Be happy!” they will say. But they will limit our contact with other humans we love, they will limit our sources for worship, they will limit or destroy our community, they will attempt to destroy nature. But they will not think any of that matters.
I am pretty certain their plan will fail. What do you think? We (or I should say many of us, if not most—apart from most of you reading this) will play along for a very long time. As we clearly are doing right now. Tantalizing the senses always works for a while.
Drug addicts are happy at first, but then they shrivel up and die. Inevitably, satisfying the material senses will eventually backfire on them. But unfortunately, a lot of people will suffer before it dawns on them that they have been had. Then they will figure it out. And when they do, God’s grand experiment will resume, this time with a clearer understanding of what gives life meaning.
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OT question. Been browsing and saw couple of refs to the “CTTF” website, and one where another poster was asking what that was. They didn’t get an answer.
I googled it and first hit was “Coalition for Transparent Tuna Fisheries”
I’m guessing that’s not it. So, anyone know what the CTTF website is?
No one at OffG has heard of “CTTF”, so can’t help you. I notice the name has come up a few times lately though, so presumably someone will know.
I’ll pin your question for a while and see if anyone answers.
– Should add for clarity, the context suggests it’s some type of truther or alt news forum
‘Counter Terrorism Task Force’ sounds like what they would come up with (since 9/11)
The Corona-19 Technology Task Force is a volunteer coalition of technology executives united to find and promote tech solutions to the pandemic. (too many options for CTTF).
CTTF is/was a website called “Cutting Through The Fog”, ran by an Israeli named Josh. It was mainly some kind of homage to the works of Miles Mathis. I think it’s now defunct.
Dear Todd,
Excellent article. Close to the truth. For more insight into what is going on, I would like to refer you to Robin de Ruiter’s book, “Paving the Road to Hell – The 13 Satanic Bloodlines.”
The current sense of chaos and unease and current events on the world political stage as well as the collapsing global economy, and all those things you mention, and the things that everyone is experiencing during and since the corona crisis, were described in detail in this book 30 years ago.
If you provide me with an address, I will gladly send you the book for free, as a gift.
Your journey has just begun as there’s so much more to discover Mr Psychologist. For example thousands of children, now also toddlers, on psychotropic drugs, entrapped by the people of your profession.
JTTF……..Joint Terrorism Task Forces
The kiss of the Dragon is a rude awakening from centuries of slumber…
but there also be White Knights…
And the White Knight is talking backwards…i: Camelot has Fallen
“There was once no charity, loyalty, justice, or truth in the world. Enmity, disloyalty, injustice, and falsehood came into being…justice sought to recover its honour.”
Ramon Llull – the Order of Chivalry 1274
They are failing. Their tech sci-fi projections (conveniences) onto reality are magical thinking that captures what Marshall McLuhan pointed out to be people’s narcissism toward artificial empowerments. The idea that we have a Star Trek future awaiting us is ludicrous inference. Replicators, artificial gravity, transporters, invisible language translators, warp travel, sensors, cloaking, lasers, androids and transdroids, is all bait and switch fantasy adverts to promote tech enslavement of Humanity. Harry Potter’s world is more rational than Star Trek.
In 2024, the management class’s tech conveniences have crossed over into a digital Twilight Zone, devoid of ordinary usefulness for commoners. Only nonstop professional propaganda (advertising), keeps their techno-orgy of insanity going. How else do we explain accepting digital imprisoning technologies like smartphones?
We are at the point where refusal is an obvious choice. Without compliance, they are authority-less. Not-doing does it. No smartphone, no leash, no hacks, peaceful freedom returns. No vote, no consent, no authority. Cash. Move out of the cities where they corral you as a minimal services serf. Fix all your old stuff and keep them working for you. Only use fascistech at their workplaces and leave them there. Ride a bike, walk, grow food, exercise, eat paleo keto organic. Encourage nearby social engagement and problem solving. Stop feeding their corrupt economy. Wait them out as they have us. Live free and they will fall!
I’m new to your commentary, so apologies if this has been covered elsewhere. I would love for you to further expound this subject as it’s obvious a world of thought has gone into the drawn conclusions. I’m there with you as I’ve systematically opened my eyes to the morning light beginning with an initial stretch at least twenty-five years ago.
I see potentially an imposed dichotomy within your narrative that at the very least forces me into query mode. Keep in mind I have no interest in active conflict with you or your subject matter (I mostly agree), but simply a need for more analysis… I guess.
Perhaps I’m oversimplifying the problem. It’s a place to start, however. Your construct presupposes two classes – the elite and the serfs, slaves, chattel, workers… pick your moniker. The concept of ‘happiness’ employed calculatedly by the elites directs the lower classes willingly into a place of complacency, apathy, false contentment, etc. The extreme of this abstraction points to some form of imagery/reality illustrated in the Matrix movie, except with the ruling class being people(?) as opposed to machines. Without being too indistinct, my question for you and others unfolds something like this…
The people at the top, in the places of elite power, are just that – people. Wouldn’t the hypothesis of happiness and contentment as prime motivators for people also apply to them? Where does their happiness lie and why is it so incredibly steeped in darkness and evil?
I know the answers to these questions, lying most definitely in the land of spiritual things rather than a place of pragmatic materialism. Just curious about your thoughts.
Thank you.
In principle you are right, the Elite are just that too….people. But as John Lennon sang a song, “to be like the folks on the Hill, you must learn to smile when you kill”.
As you also mention yourself, you know the answer but just want to have it confirmed.
With this Lennon mentioned “smile” or as someone else says “exercise of the necessary brutality” to get your/our way, you only get there among the Elite if you go through all these rituals;
kissing the feet of a Rabbi in Jerusalem with a Doo hat on your head, bowing and kissing someone’s hand inside the Free Mason club to get up to the next level.
Rituals, killing a child, head chopping, hanging an innocent, set an example, to let it rain on your crops, or have success on hunting.
Down to substance its all Pagan rituals to show your obedience to the Devil, and your contempt for our Lord in Heaven.
666 sign and most people showing it dont know what it is. Happy? No. Sorry, It is because it is not a happy story. Therefore you did not get happy by my answer.
Forgive my smugness here; but I have to conclude that coming to an understanding of the essential malevolence of human society late in life necessarily highlights whatever is perceived as “good” – such as God, soul, the human heart, and a hundred other fantasies.
Having picked up on the evils of human society at a relatively young age (whatever age corresponds with 4th grade, when I undertook to peruse the World Almanac); and having seen very little since then to disprove my initial view, I no longer even remotely give humanity the benefit of the doubt.
To paraphrase: We have seen the dragon, and the dragon is us. (And please, all the pronoun purists, don’t be offended at rhetorically including “you” in with “we.” I include myself in the collective as well since, after all, seeing the faults of others is neither a recipe for nor a synonym of perfection.)
There is no stopping their Great Reset – it’s too late. They seized all the institutions long ago, and have crafted a cybergulag that will now be made to look an attractive refuge with an engineered collapse of the global monetary order. Blamed on Russian hackers, probably.
70% of people are unprepared and will be obliged to capitulate. Indeed with an “emergency” universal basic income (BIScoin?) many will gratefully accept their enslavement, and be very resentful of anyone who warns them of it. They will almost certainly be told by their WEF benefactors to publicly denounce as “domestic extremists” any who speak critically of the “Global Council” The groundwork has been laid for that.
Those who informed on their countryment during lockdown? They are the new Brownshirts.
And those “domestic extremists”? Those are the Browncoats.
That’s the real conflict that is coming. The State using Brownshirts against Browncoats, with the rest trying to stay out of the way.
The controllers through the central banks are doing everything to keep the financial system on life support. They raised interest rates to combat inflation after the scamdemic trillions of QE caused a spike globally in the prices of essentials especially. This was to stop the peasants getting restless.
Now, inflation is back under control, at least enough so that people do not notice their purchasing power eroding, it is back to business as usual. Lowering interest rates to keep debt fuelled economy from imploding. There are no signs, so far, that central bank policy has deviated from the norm. I actually thought when they started raising rates that this time they may continue, in order to cause business failures, individuals to default on loans and mortgages and even governments to declare bankruptcy. All in order to persue the agenda of “You will own nothing” and UN Agenda 21/2030.
If they do, at some point, decide to engineer a financial collapse it will be because they can no longer prop markets up. A Cyber Polygon event could be used as cover and be blamed for a systemic wide banking failure, stock market and bond market collapse, lose of pension funds, savings and a property slump. It will divert attention from their failings and prevent a pitchforks at dawn moment. Blaming Russian hackers will not cut it, since what are they going to tell the Russian and Chinese populations? If the financial system breaks, it will be global. No escape for any country.
As it stands, I think an engineered collapse will be the last resort. The major global stock markets with the exception of China (which is already in the doldrums) are at all time highs. This is the last hurrah, the global stock markets are about to enter (starting as early as anytime now – Oct/Nov) a vicious bear market lasting many years.
The forthcoming recession/depression cannot be stopped by central bank policies. Whether they can hold the financial system together during that time is highly doubtful. Their hand may be forced to preempt a financial collapse by engineering a controlled demolition rather than lose control totally. For those people unaware or not prepared wih a Plan B, they will forced into the replacement system ie the digital gulag of UBI and CBDC (if ready in time) along with digital ID, rationing and the other limitations on freedom.
Since most people are financially illiterate, the shock to their systems will be huge. Many accepted lose of bodily autonomy and reduced freedoms during the scamdemic but the lose of their savings, pension funds, homes and other assets will cause widespread unrest unless managed (controlled) very carefully. In the 1930’s depression people were more resilent, stoic and pragmatic. Society was self-regulating and their was no welfare state. With a larger proportion of the Western population dependent on the state for some form of state benefits or as employees of it, the risk of mass civil unrest will be much higher, if the current system fails.
I disagree, only those country’s w/ enormous debt will have troubles, as those economy’s shrink from not being able to compete, servicing the debt or social disruptions, become the mechanisms for collapse. We are only seeing this in the western world right now so those are the areas to be concern with.
Plus you’ll never see ubi on a large scale, the rate of starvation will rise first.
Even those who are not profligate are helpless against the deliberate manipulation of economy and money. The goal of globally ousting people from the countryside, and enforcing urbanisation and mass immigration was (a) slavery (b) depopulation.
Yes, the memories of JFK. I was in sixth grade. I went home that day, after his murder, staring down at the cracks in the sidewalk as I walked. They traumatized a boy and a world.Then they murdered Martin, Robert, and Malcolm, while I was in High School. LATER, while in Manhattan, I lived around the corner from John Lennon, I remember walking home staring down at the cracks in the sidewalk after hearing about the murder of John Lennon. But we are very fortunate…that it is not about me or our identity in the simulation. These were offensive maneuvers for mind control of the human mind. We are in a war for our existence.We are divine spirits that have returned as warriors…not in violence or hatred, but in consciousness. Consciousness is our ONLY salvation. They cannot exist without our participation.The reptiles control the war room chess board from behind the Vatican. the popes soldiers are the reptile bloodline that seek total control of the mind for our total destruction into depopulation and AI machines of Divine consciousness for those that remain. Our only combat maneuver is to recognize who we are as life consciousness of all knowing and all possibility. For together we form the human spirit…the most powerful force on earth. As the popes soldiers Biden, Trump, Harris, Netanyahu, Xi Jinping, Putin, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, King Charles and other western leaders set us up for WWlll, another pandemic, more vaccines and murder of millions and millions of humans around the world…we must now stop falling for their illusions of life their Plato’s wall technology distractions, TVs, computers, and cell phones and raise our consciousness to non-participation. We must use our words…loudly now. 2+2=4, Consciousness is our only salvation in their simulation.
I can follow you a long way except on this one, “into AI machines of Divine consciousness”???
Machines of divine consciousness? No machine has consciousness, and no machine is divine. Its ridiculous.
I see a lot of church people claiming they are religious, but what they obey in real life is an idol the flat screen.
“Dear God, you who are inside the flat screen, give us today some e-money, bitcoin or whatsoever, so we can get something to eat, Holy be your Microsoft name, coming your digital Reich, in Bill Gates name, Amen”.
It was NOT a wonder God kicked all these flat screen freaks out of the Paradise. Any idiot would have done that.
So that I may have an understanding, Erik, In other contributions to this article you mention a hope for Divine intervention, in other words you have hope of a savior. A power outside yourself. There is none. If you seek a savior you must look in the mirror and forgo the Erik Nielsen ‘identity prison’. It is you Erik, a Divine spirit, that is to be locked into AI where you would be turned on and off, never to return to source and Machine like. Consciousness is our only salvation.
We are divine spirits that have returned as warriors…not in violence or hatred, but in consciousness.
No direct reference to the United Nations? A collection of sovereign state representatives who have concluded that the world is ending thanks to the advice of their governing board of academics. Barely heard a word about the role of the UN during my social maturation.
The UN has been quietly existing in the background dictating world policy while a few people condemned as lunatics have screamed warnings about the dangers of the United Nations and their quest for power and control. All these actions to stem climate change but yet no one is talking about the origins of the ideas, still. Weird. Why is that? In 1975 Dr. Hunt (We knew him as L.B. behind his back.) chattered on for an hour 3 days a week as we took copious notes on the state of the environment. The population bomb. Pollution. Food shortages. 4 billion people and growing fast. Malthus predictions. Lake Eerie dead. Rachel Carson. DDT and birds unable to reproduce. Never a word about the United Nations in any of his lectures. That was weird. In another class a year or so later a group of students and I were charged with solving the world food shortage. The department leaders had somehow determined that there was a shortage. After gleaning everything we could dredge up in our ill equipped library and violating copyright laws, we determined that ocean farming the littoral zones surrounding the continents would produce all the food needed. Faculty did not like our conclusion. Still no mention of the United Nations. Weird. And here we are today. Still no mention of the United Nations…….. Weird that only a few journalists with large audiences will talk about the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals. Glen Beck just did recently. Buried in the last Omnibus Bill was the ratification of the plan to set 30% of the land and fresh water in the United States aside for nature. Only now is someone talking about this. Directly out the United Nations 2030 plan. I think it is time we focus on what the United Nations is doing. The United Nations IS the cause of all of our problems. They need to be defunded and disbanded. And, of course, WHO and the WEF need to go as well. Beck’s post on X;
From the very outset, the entrenchment of security council “permanency” institutionalizes colonialism. Over the years, numerous, even earnest, general assembly “resolutions” are vetoed or outright ignored. The various agendae are invariably tendered by ‘the big six’ (or ‘big one’ depending on how globalistically parochial you might regard the state of current affairs), and sold to the vassal membership of the general assembly with the fraudulent promise of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Rather than the forum for participatory international discourse and relations, the U.N. is quite simply a macrocosm of international elitist class division and an exercise in human livestock management.
Chopping off branches does not fell the tree.
UN is the head of the serpent. It was created and exists to legitimise the will of transnational capital.
It may not matter – but Trump’s “refusal” to hold a second debate means in effect we’re looking at another thrown election. What next – a press conference in the middle of a hurricane with ‘Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow’ blaring in the background? Has Rishi sent the playbook?
They think it’s clever – throwing the blame for her evading genuine debate on to him – but it’s so transparently nonsensical it should jolt a few more out of their slumbers.
The fact there is no audience shows the level of IQ it is aimed at.
The viewing numbers did not reach it target so they will create another story line to get the numpty to engage like another fake shooting which did not get the viewing numbers.
The fake black one sells the ladie president they’ve been selling since 1960;s.
it is entertainment – show business with manufactured story lines that repeat.
The Rfk Trump ticket with Nigel clelebrity jungle and Andrew Bigden in the UK will keep the believers tranquilizer for another 6 years like waiting for the new season on netflick.
How long before they form a super group.
E.U same template.
The Battle for Consciousness Theory
God is far far above all these life exchanging and style changing Gurus. With all respect.
The globalist agenda could be unravelled by full disclosure of the JFK coup.
Was supposed to be done in 2016 but Trump kicked the can down the road. Biden changed the criteria for full release.
Once these lies and crimes are exposed all lies and all crimes become evident.
That is their Achille’s Heal.
I don’t trust Trump but know and trust RFK, Jr.
Hoping snd praying…
It’s always good to end a comment on an ironic, witty note – like you did by saying you “trust RFK,Jr.”
At this point no one can be trusted. All sound bites and snapshots as Dan Bongino likes to say. Another of Bongino’s personal guidelines: Don’t fall in love with any politician. Including Trump. Sooner or later he or she will lose your trust. It is all about the lesser of two evils.
When you understand who killed Bobby Jr’s father, uncle, and first cousin, it’s amazing to witness his intense Zionism. It’s either an instinct for self-preservation or all the drugs … or maybe both.
I do not understand everything Rudolph Steiner wrote, but he makes logical meaning in many of his theories.
For example the child deceases measles, red dogs, scarlet fever, etc, comes from within the child’s body naturally to develop the child’s immune system to the place where it is raised up.
Then he describes demon’s inside materialistic people will convince some of them to make a vaccine to obstruct people’s access to our “God gene” the spiritual gene, the soul gene or whatever you call it. To make consuming the God instead of God off course.
So when I and more people see these weird vaccines being spread globally?!, and doctor’s in Britain are “vaccinating” unborn children inside the mother’s 8 mth womb with a ultra thin 20cm long needle going inside the unborn child’s brain into the BBB Blood Brain Barrier, Mr. Steiner’s words and predictions makes a lot of sense.
We must realize that these materialistic people think human’s come from the apes, developed into a cro-magnon man and a neanderthal man, and today now into the digital man, “because a human is just like a computer”.
What surprised me was not that we have maniacs and weird people among us, but that the very majority of people on this planet understand and supports them fully!
An earthly minority cannot withstand this enormous force, only by divine support or intervention.
For me we are back to Christ’s “narrow is the road which lead to salvation, and ….”, and “you cannot do a shit to save yourselves, only by Christ’s grace you will and can be saved”-
Free online premiere of the movie “VAXXED.” Spread the word; maybe you can move someone along who’s beginning to wonder about those shots.
Can’t recommend Del Bigtree’s documentary more highly! Well worth your time.
Regular follower of RFK Jr.s organization. So committed to his cause that he held his nose and shook Trump’s hand and promised him his support. mRNA technology is still steaming ahead thanks to Bill Gates and WHO.
I awoke when only 18 & I tell about it that y’all may know how even inconsequential speaking out can awaken others. When I was 5 the man across the street came over to speak to Mom; it was the only time he was ever in our house & I wasn’t present during the conversation.
But later, she told Dad, “He’s a history teacher; he was upset & he says they are no longer teaching the true history.” She repeated that exact statement to Cory, who was our babysitter & lived next door. It meant nothing to me. Surely I didn’t know what “history” was.
Nevertheless, 13 years later, when I stood in my first Big-City library (Santa Monica), and I noticed that some of the books had been written by men who’d been educated before I was born Mom’s statement came back to me. It was only because that history teacher, a near-stranger to our family, had spoken out that I took some of those old history books back to my table, and contrasted them to the newer ones.
And so a man whom I cannot recall changed the entire course of my life– just by speaking out in a moment of frustration. That example reminds me to speak out everywhere I go– in the grocery line, the doctor’s waiting room, the bus. Sometimes it’s only a skeptical comment, sometimes a good-natured conclusion with a smile that invites others to share the sentiment. From tiny acorns giant oaks do grow.
Yes, Penelope. I’ve read books which I’ve taken nothing from except for one sentence or one concept which have had a profound impact on my understanding or perspective. Love it!
Great, because that is how truth works. A true comment hit like a hammer. Why? Because truth last forever.
There is a gab between Moses and the first bible of 5-600 years. When you know the story of an egg quickly become a story of 5 chickens, we cant imagine the bible must contain nothing but uncertain 5 chickens.
But when you tell the truth, 2+2=4 and grass basic colour is green, it goes untouched for thousands and thousands of years.
The greatest historians are those who don’t teach or write history; but rather the artists who write about their own time. A Jane Austin, e.g., or a William Makepeace Thackeray will tell us more about Victorian mores than a true historian – because they tell us about how those mores were actually lived day to day. And it’s actually a good – a “soft” – way to introduce history to someone who otherwise would take no interest in the subject.
I am often heard saying “everything is a lie”.
Everything CAN be perceived through a lens of a lie. But reality Is – regardless how and what you choose to see.
Self-illusion offers a basis for misperceiving everything – starting with our self.
Indeed. The sun shines and rain falls, the grass grows. Round and round it goes. That’s reality, that’s truth. I see that.
It is a hyperbolic statement. Everything out tv and mouths of ‘officials’ is a lie, or if it’s not a lie it’s enveloped in lies.
Ultimately you will be more aware of reality if you consider everything they tell you is a lie.
You go the wrong way here.
By your statement you say you dont know, you are uncertain, why you expect lies to learn about truth.
But you should teach yourself the truth first, so you gain knowledge (grass basic colour is green). 1 truth.
With this knowledge you can immediately hear or see the lies (grass basic colour is red, yellow, blue, black, m.m.). Many lies.
Unfortunately, most will play along untl they no longer can.
Whether, it be until life is no longer worth living through lack of any enjoyment or it becomes so hard to maintain any reasonable standard of living.
It will be the middle and upper middle classes that will be hit hardest. The plan to level down the playing field to that of serfs and the ultra wealthy elitists will leave the centre squeezed out of existence and reduced to a subsistence type of living along with the rest of society. All living on UBI and rationed resources.
An ongoing propaganda campaign has been directed at the middle classes – the young especially – to soften them up to accept owning nothing using climate fear porn, white guilt and fake environmentalism. At the end of the yellow brick road is the false New Age (Luciferian) doctrine which is the planned spiritual enirchment to compensate for the lack of future material goods, all timed to fit nicely with the Age of Aquarius.
Eventually, it will all fall apart. The technocratic nightmare will end but judging by people’s current state of mind, perhaps we will have to live through 10 to 20 years of this future beforehand.
There is still a serious lack of personal responsibility evident, few solutions and too much hopeium within the circle of the ‘awake’ to effect any real change. Add that to the slumbering majority and the best solution is to have a Plan B and live it out as best as one can during the intervening tough years.
But people who haven’t even been down any rabbit holes are saying; ‘this isn’t right’ or ‘this is weird’. Enough examples of this and the absurdities of it all simply will not materialise.
Yes I can totally relate. What also came crashing for me was all those niggles that I had as a child and young person, why are things getting worse, why is no one taking proper care of our planet, why are big companies more important than people, why are the robots the ones who ‘get on’ and can stick it out to the fat pension, why does my history very quickly become myth (Ireland), who says what’s acceptable and normal, etc., etc. So it was actually a huge relief as well as horrifying when it was revealed. I already knew about the nudity of the medical emperor and to now see them all in their nakedness just made sense at last of a world that had not made sense to me.
Mammon psycho-maniacs make a massive meas.
Bloody useless fix it button.
Bravo sir
I too am pretty certain it will fail, Tod.
They will go all out mad, and their Praetorian Guard will put an end to them, just like they did to Caligula.
Cheers! 🙂
Continuity of Government (COG) “contingency” plans means that state of emergency governance measures will become increasingly more draconian (nod to Todd’s “There be Dragons”) as perceived civil disobedience increases. ‘The revolution [as it began in the 1960s] will not be televised’, nor will notification of its progress be advertised on mainstream social media platforms if not outright censored on the Internet by an international counter-terrorism task force (CTTF).
In the end, the ambitious enslavement of humanity project will fail; but the calamity of its collapse will be extreme, however necessary it might be.
There will be a calamitous change of diet. Many important people will end up on the dining table.
Seems to me far more of us “play along” than we might realize, even the so called enlightened on blogs like this one. It is extremely difficult not to end up participating in the game even if you don’t really want to play. Sure, we can refuse the jabs, those of us who wouldn’t lose our jobs because of it, and we can refuse to vote for the oligarchy choices presented, but we will take off our shoes at the airports, we will wear our seat belts, we will use our cell phones, we will do countless other things that aid and abet the “plan”, and will continue to do so to live our lives. Based on my interaction with others on this site , particularly the admin, regarding the possibility of organizing a revolution, which in its broadest form is not based on violence but simply a change in power from one entity to another, i.e., our rulers to us (or those of us who aren’t with the rulers) for example, i.e., it is a ridiculous notion and the only thing we can do is inform others of the truth by forming truth coalitions so more people will know the truth even though the truth will not set them free because a revolution against our rulers is out of the question and a stupid fucking notion because we can’t do a dam thing about anything anyway except learn more truth, I’d say there is no hope whatsoever in their “plan” failing. Game, set, match.
Isn’t the ‘playing along’ a matter of picking your battles? It didn’t matter to me if I had to ‘socially distance’ while waiting in a queue for the supermarket. If I’d pushed to the front I would have alienated everyone else. So I bided my time and stood up for myself while accepting all the shit that came with refusing to roll up my sleeve. I was anathema to and shunned by most members of my family but I stayed patiently waiting to see where it was going. Now they’re getting ill and no one has told me I was right but I see a shift in the direction of sanity. It may be too late but they will always know I tried to help them and wasn’t aggressive about it. Aggression wouldn’t have worked but I know a few people who stopped after two jabs because of me and they are – so far- relatively healthy.
Academia is rewriting recent history to justify and play down the totalitarianism, terrorism and mayhem. The believers who survived even in bad shape are waiting for these modern tales.
But this is precisely the solution. Knowledge. To know. As soon as you know, nobody can really manipulate you, only make you wiser on the our universe.
As you bow to the circumstances and do involuntary things every day, it rains and you have to put a raincoat on, you off course also adapt to the prevailing conditions in an airport or chose another transport form to get to your place.
Your adaption to the prevailing conditions is an universal basic requirement to man here on earth. It snow, it rain, it storms, the sun shines. Knowledge!.
Knowledge of the universe will connect you with our Creator, and this is all what is required of man at this stage.
Finally… let’s take a look at how the world really works… KOOMBaya is not an option … never has been never will be… kindness is weakness…. there is only one option …
Why Colonel Kurtz is Important
And how HE personifies the ideals expressed in Machiavelli’s ‘The Prince’
Colonel Kurtz insisted that the US was unable to win the Vietnam War because its leaders were unwilling to do whatever it takes to defeat the Vietnamese communists.
Shackled by public opinion, the MSM and morals, they refused to deploy total terror and fear against the enemy, including the willingness to drop the atomic bomb, and therefore lost the war.
Things will never change.
If the Elders reign of terror was ended, it would be at the hands of another group of men who outdid them when it comes to willingness to commit atrocities for the purpose of harnessing fear and terror.
This will never change. ‘Evil’ always wins. Kindness – is weakness. Following the way of Jesus is a path to enslavement – the weak will inherit nothing.
I can understand who many will recoil when reading these posts… we like to think humans are generally well-intentioned… we are not …
We are basically apes with bigger brains … and if we removed the courts and police from the equation …we’d tear each other to pieces…
As Conrad stated.. in Heart of Darkness… civilization is but a thin veneer over barbarism…
The thing is … we are somewhat kept under control because we have more than enough to eat…
Consider a room full of vicious dogs… lock them in a cage and feed them all they can eat beef … they will generally be docile… starve them for a few days and then throw in a single kg of meat…
Humans are no different.
We have enough to eat because of petro chemicals — we use those to make fertilizers and pesticides to grow and transport food…
We are now into deep depletion of affordable energy… with no plan b…
Blah blah blah. The problem is that Locke’s diagnosis of the ‘state of nature’ was simply a Protestant hangover. The ‘state of nature’ is one of equilibrium, not chaos. It is self-regulating, unlike your ‘room of vicious dogs’, which is another fallacy, because you’re choosing the comparison to suit your bias. You’re right – ranting and raving is no solution and won’t get you many followers.
Of course I won’t get many followers. That is to be expected. If I had too many followers then I’d have to re-examine my logic.
Humans do not like the truth. Particularly when there is no Hollywood ending.
As we can see – they get quite angry when one forces them to read the truth.
Yes, you are the sole speaker and arbiter of The Truth. When someone starts carrying on about Truth I start running. The mainstream media carry on about it a lot too. Humans have suffered under The Truth a great deal.
Good for you! Run as fast as you can … when you get tired of running walk… then crawl
I am not here for ‘likes’… nor do I care if anyone subscribes to my articles.
I welcome anyone to demonstrate that I am wrong … cuz if I am proved wrong I will change my mind… which ensure that I am always right 🙂
This seems like a very materialistic, atheistic view, something else which many people feel is encouraged by TPTB. Spirituality attuned people make bad consumers.
As touched on by others, we have a conscience which we feel compelled to listen to. It often overrides what’s in our own best interests and can even override our survival instincts. The implications of this are huge and not touched on by anything in your argument. A2
Of course it is atheistic … the Men Who Run the World do not believe in god… they worship POWER.
They don’t care what you or I think… they see us as cockroaches…
And because they think like this … they will forever rule us… or someone who thinks the same will usurp them and they will rule us
But not for long!
Right about what?
Agree, The Devil offer us a much better deal the time we are here on earth:
The more we lie, the more comfort, good red wine, beautiful women and nice big cars we get!
A little correction: Not humans, those who calls themselves humans but are not.
The Bible again has the correct answer and explanation, the false jews, the Pharisees, the liars.
False humans comes from the Apes, developed to Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon,, and now False humans. Real humans comes form the Great Spirit
True jews or true humans speak truth.
Kurtz in the film had been driven insane by the Phoenix Program – which in the mainstream history of the Vietnam War by Ken Burns lasting over 8hrs gets 10 minutes of coverage with the message being “hey, the North Vietnamese were cruel to peasants sometimes too” (and indeed they were – the whole point was to trap the peasants between two jaws and depopulate). Don’t think about that though – put on another record! It’s the soundtrack of our lives! Don’t read Doug Valentine’s book on Phoenix whatever you do!
That’s the exoteric level. On an esoteric level, the journey upriver represents the ascension into enlightenment and Kurtz is the gnostic archon sent by the demi-urge to trap the spirit in this hell-world. In reality, the only hell-world here is the one we create.
You might be interested in a new 2 hr interview with David Icke, speaking about his new book, The Reveal.
What an excellently written and argued comment. Nice. A2
I like the bible’s explanation. We were kicked out from paradise as non-fitted sinners, and we are still fumbling around today to deal with this uncomfortable situation to be humans.
Created to live forever and make big things and great art, but left with a short life and a lot of sinners among us…..until the big day when things are cleaned and cleared out.
Everything you’re saying here is what we’ve been programmed to believe. None of it is true – not the evolved from apes bit / not the kindness is weakness bit / not the ‘evil always wins’ bit: all satanic. They’re about to lose big time and, whether or not we all go down with the rats in the sinking ship, I’ll be glad to see them go. Oh – and if you were paid to come on here to write this, you’ll be going too.
‘Evil’ always wins… every empire has committed great ‘evil’…. that is the very essence of empire — smash in the face of the weak — pillage their resources… use every dirty trick in the book… terrorize them and then call them the terrorists hahaha…
From Genghis Khan to the Brits and now the Americans…
Name an empire that was built on kindness and singing KOOMbaya.
In my teens I read a book called Alive which impressed on me that, no matter the horrible circumstances, you always have a choice. Some of those passengers crashed into the snow covered mountains refused to eat from the dead, and some of them died. A stark choice to make but one that would have given these individuals peace in their last moments.
The same applies to soldiers in wars; not all are sadistic entities and play along with the commands given.
that’s a choice you’re making, not an immutable force of nature. Good exists because it exists in us, along with all the other. If you want to rationalize denying your agency, have it at, but don’t drag the rest of us along with you
You are denying reality.
Can you name a world power that operated with a foreign policy of kindness.
Kindness is for barnyard animals … and weaklings
It’s a circular argument to cite your own interpretation of the patterns of evil we witness in the world as evidence of itself. You need to argue your point using other evidence. A2
Did anybody ever tell you that you’re a douche?
No …
Now that that is out of the way maybe you can point me to the global empires that were kind to their vassal states.
Otherwise I will question your intellectual horse power
The Men Who Run the World are aware of this :
Conventional Oil Sources peaked in 2008 and the Shale binge has now spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.
Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.
What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.
Hence the Covid Vaccines … the alternative is 8B angry hungry humans rip faces off
They have done a very good job of ensuring the 8B are not aware of the precarious state of our species… they have gone to great lengths to ensure that the barnyard animals do not get wind of the deeply depleted state of energy (is it not amazing that the barnyard animals do not ask why we are steaming oil out of sand…)
I explain the purpose of why they foist climate change on us here – again – it is NECESSARY
Fracking, shale oil, etc. has poisoned water under and above ground, except where it is too remote. It has also poisoned farms.
Yes but without shale oil we would be dead by now.
Conventional Oil Sources peaked in 2008 and the Shale binge has now spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.
Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil.
Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.
What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019.
So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.
Some key points from this Financial Times article:
Shale delayed the collapse. I don’t know about you but when I became aware of this in 2008/9 …I started bucket listing big time…
What does it matter if shale is polluting … all resource extraction is polluting.
When we are gone… the Earth will heal.
Oh, you put Caps Lock on so the latest attempt to promote Peak Oil must be true!
It’s just another variation of the Noble Lie. The elitists are so wonderful they know the truth of impending disaster but can’t tell poor little us who “can’t handle the truth” so they’ve concocted this falsehood to save us from ourselves.
No – it’s nothing but another ignoble lie. Peak Oil was a Rockefeller-invented lie dreamt up in the 1970s to justify the two oil crises. Even if the abiotic theory of oil is wrong, there are vast reserves of oil left (see ‘Superabundance’). The shale oil bonanza is ignored by the mainstream which is controlled by Tech Oligarchs who delude themselves that they don’t use energy in the way old heavy industry did.
Consider why everyone knows fracking is so terribly polluting. It’s because the corporate media have been implanting that idea since the technology existed. The environmental damage caused by so-called renewables meanwhile is completely ignored.
Question – if there is so much oil remaining:
I look forward to you not answering… cuz there is only one answer
B/c that’s where the oil is, and is less costly to recover.
And just 14 or 15 years ago we had a big one gush out of the water in the gulf,(you were probably a pre teen and missed it) and those wells dont suck up anything except the fools and their money.
I am impressed at your ability to just make shit up…. I do the same thing when faced with questions about astrophysics…
Although deep-water gas and oil extraction is around four times more expensive than shallow-water production, rising oil prices are making it more economically viable. Oil is now being extracted at depths of more than 2900 metres below the surface of the sea…
Hmmm.. I wonder how much more expensive it is that tapping conventional oil fields… (which are of course mostly past peak).
The potential dangers of deep-sea drilling, and the exploration of oil below water depths of 200 metres, have been understood for years. But until recently such dangers were only ever academic as the extraction of deep-sea oil was regarded as prohibitively expensive.
In the last few years, however, a combination of declining global oil reserves from traditional sources (1) and rising oil prices worldwide has driven companies to seek out ever riskier sources of oil in order to maintain their revenue streams.
‘prohibitively expensive’
‘declining traditional sources’
Now you have the answer to the question!!!!
Shall we discuss steaming oil out of sand? They do a lot of that in Alberta
I hear what you are saying … but I do not thing the Men Who Run the World are evil… they are rational … they are logical. They are highly intelligent and surround themselves with competent minions (The Deep State).
Take for instance population …
Consider the impacts on the economy of not reducing the life spans of humans.
Let’s say 30% of the population of a country lived beyond 90 years. Pension plans would implode as there would not be enough money to cover redemptions. For those on public pensions, we could raise taxes to ensure pensioners get paid, but that would mean less money for schools, roads and other infrastructure. Government services would need to be dramatically scaled back resulting in huge job losses.
All of these elderly people would essentially be ‘useless eaters’ sapping the economic strength of the country to provide them with medical care and free bus passes, while they produce and contribute nothing.
Solution: nobody will like this … that’s why they will not tell us the reason for this … but it is NECESSARY…
And We be the dragon slayers.
There is now what is commonly known as ‘Covid Derangement Syndrome’-akin to the Imperial Japanese Army/Navy holdouts of the pacific theater, who were either never informed of the war’s end, were dubious as to the veracity of the proclamation or else felt bound by duty to ‘never surrender’.
Unfortunately we find ourselves beset by a converse malady, ‘Reality Awareness Disorder’…
What separated those that count? The ability to say ‘No’. Through years of being the type of person I am, somebody who lives within their means and investing in tasks that nurture independence I was able to not participate in the madness. Many others who saw through the lie were trapped and had to participate to survive, and take what now appears a great risk. At great cost. The rest, the others, will always trade their ‘values’ for a handful of shinny things. They have no depth. They know not the meaning of this life, they are but empty vessels. The heart sees tragedy, the brain sees comedy. Keep laughing and crying at the same time because you are alive!
Funny how many of those that woke up to COVID, didn’t question 911, Vietnam etc …. It’s like they were asleep back then.
Or too young to care or understand. How was your political understanding as a teen?
Those who did question the narratives were promptly stomped on:
• Vietnam.
• Iraq.
• Sept 11.
• Occupy.
• Covid.
The $uiturd$ have zero tolerance of dissent.
My experience has been the opposite in most ways. Friends who see through all the lies in history somehow did not, and will not, see the covid psyop for what it was. Most still do not as they lined up dutifully and took the shot, babbling on about how it might keep one out of the ICU even if it did not confer immunity nor the inability to spread the Megadeath Virus of Doom. Of course any discussion of that is now off limits as we cannot discuss that lie, but we can still discuss ad nauseum all the others…. For those who complied willingly and angrily shamed those who did not, it is now a bridge too far to admit they were fooled just as badly as were those who still believe all the myths from the past. Very hard to admit they are in the same position as those who will vehemently argue JFK was killed by Oswald and one bullet to this day, full of righteous anger at anyone who says different. The covidiocy will not be discussed at all, while they wonder why all those who believe in the magic bullet can still be so certain of it.
I like you know people, particularly extended family , that took the poison bio weapon shots and thought it was the right thing despite they understood that they have been lied to their entire lives. As they are all constantly sick with one thing or another these days they still take the fake test. When explained to that there isn’t a sample or isolated specimen of ‘Covid 19’ anywhere in the world, they just say that can’t be true. I have a friend and neighbor about to have one of the long self assembly fibrous clots removed from his arm tomorrow. Guaranteed he doesn’t even associate it with the kill shots.
The point of me relating this example is that many people like this gentleman who is very intelligent are dumb as a box of rocks. Or, willfully ignorant. Easier to not try and wrap your head around it all.
Thanks Todd, I always enjoy your writing. I share your experiences but only up to 2013 when a client of mine in Cyprus, running a successful IT company, sent me copies of his bank statement on March 31 and April 1. The ECB, IMF and EU had stolen 750k from his bank account and left him share certificates. The Laiki bank had gone bust and he wanted to know what had happened as he went out of business:
I spent the next five years researching the global financial system and published my thesis as serisalisation in 2018 over two years here: And now I am serialising Part 2.
ResearchGate picked up The Financial Jigsaw Part 1 in 2022, and published it as an e-book here: With updates, I have had over 6,000 reads and met many academic friends in the process.
Like you, I woke up fully in 2020 and cooperate with my good friend Dr. Gerry Brady in Brisbane who writes BOOM editorials (which I repost each week) and publishes Covid news here:
The future is indeed uncertain, but truth always wins in the end:
Evil only wins when good doesn’t look after its own. There are far fewer of the evil ones than there are the good ones. The good ones are poor at recognizing one another, uniting, and keeping the evil ones occupied with other things besides power grabbing.
Agreed Vera – it is estimated that the evil billionaire global elites number fewer than 10,000 and they fear the unity of the decent, loving and good majority which is why eugenics is so important to them. The 2020 scamdemic opened the gates so all can see if they choose to. For most it is too horrible to know the truth.
The globalists’ fears are rooted in losing the undeserved privileges they have now and the fear of not getting what they want or think they need which is everything on earth. They have foresaken God, buried themselves in materialism and utopian ideas of avoiding natural death. They will go to any lengths to achieve their goal including nuclear war – there is no price limit.
I’m sorry, but I don’t agree dat the truth always wins. I have been on this planet for about 60years and the truth didn’t win. Not with the Kennedy murder, not with the false starts of wars, not with 9/11 or covid and all the other evil stuff the unelected super rich evil forces throws upon us.
The truth is out there, but as long as it is not published so the whole world can read or see it, then the truth is not out there because most of the people don’t bother to go look for answers, they don’t even realise they have been lied to. They are to busy surviving or they are to busy consuming or are constantly on their social media and their smartphones.
We are so far out that truth is a lie and the lies are truth, nobody of the so called elite is pleading for peace. Instead all the misleaders are warmongers. The don’t care about what we the people want. And it is not just in the States, it is EVERYWHERE. The fact that geoengineering is causing climatechange and not being recognized by the misleaders and being done without the people knowing it! The fact that there people being forced out or killed in their own country and that the invaders have the right to kill and terrorize these people and all the world misleaders think that is okay??? The covid scam is so big and the truth is not coming out in the open. The inflation caused by the covid scam and no journalist in the msm or politician is talking about it. It is like it never happened. Sorry if you got injured, lost your income or were killed by the vax. It is not their problem.
The thing is, we have been drilled with the illusions that we live in a democracy, that the government is there for us which is a total lie. Everything is about the money and all the real values are being suppressed or disappear. Pretty soon we will be living in a digital prison. And the sheeple will think, good, I have nothing to hide.
In my experience, evil wins always, because they own everything and they are so rich they can buy power and suppress the truth. And I honestly don’t know how that can ever be reversed.
The truth always wins is a comforting phrase, but it does not paint the whole picture. The truth WILL WIN in the end, when Christ returns. Until then (maybe in our lifetimes, likely not) we are besieged by satan and his minions who have subverted truth in all things.
Christed-truth does not engage with weaponised lies but undoes them as we willingly open to being healed of a split mind, masking in ‘defences’ that persist ‘false’ solutions and reinforce inner conflict by dissociating attack.
All illusion is temporary, as are idols by which to prop up a ‘world of lies’.
Truth requires nothing of us to be itself.
Its singular lack of coercion is without conflict.
A-tempts to subvert truth contract to image and story – self-inflation & grievance.
All true but I agree with Paul below – the end hasn’t come yet when the truth is revealed to all.
And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
Matthew 10:22
I try to take comfort in the scriptures but it seems to me that they are intentionally running their current operation in alignment with Revelations. One only has to look at closely at the Third Temple movement to see this is going to be constructed at some point. For what reasons are they following the scriptures…possibly so many Christians will allow themselves to be sacrificed with little resistance or trying to bring on the final battle in their life time?
It feels very deliberate and obvious the signs of the times and likewise Muslim friends tell me their End Times signs are also playing out.
All a psyop ? Let’s hope not as all the great commentators on here have seemingly concluded there is not much we can do to prevent the malthusian enslavement of humanity except to individually say no.
Ever increasing numbers of people are waking up to the fact that they are being lied to. They may not understand all the ways they are being lied to and all the means to accomplish it, but they know it’s happening. We know this because corporate media ratings have tanked across the board – that’s a huge thing. Nobody is taking the booster shots – another big thing. People are looking for it now, and the more people who are looking the easier and quicker it gets to spot the bad actors. Also, the number of people who are aware we are being lied to is much larger than the number of people currently talking about it. The shift in the global perspective on Israel is another huge thing. The signs are out there. Hold the line!
Once you ‘get’ 9/11, all manner of seemingly disparate things fall into place. 9/11 provides in-your-face proof of two things:
1 Governments occupy a different moral universe from the rest of us; people within and behind the US govt are guilty of mass murder, and politicians in their NATO and other vassal states are guilty of cover-up.
2 Mass media are glove puppets for governments and lie to us on an industrial scale.
Once one reconstructs one’s world view on this basis, hitherto emotional barriers disappear, and Covid-19 takes on an entirely different significance.
All so true Martin – this finally convinced me:
An apple is an apple. So true. We live in times where we should be happy to meet people who are able to state the obvious and a very simple truth.
Congratulation Peter, you are still sane. As long as you last. -:).
LOL – so long as I last!
And governments are the glove puppets of corporate tyranny.
More so the Rothschilds and those that have ruled behind the scenes for hundreds of years.Banker zionists.
Love this, Todd. It makes me happy to hear there are more and more people who know things are going wrong. One thing I hold on to is that the technocrats and the automatons, the evil ones and the scammers, don’t actually understand us at all. As a teenager, I used to read sci-fi constantly, Ray Bradbury being my favourite writer. I remember a story in which a computer-run world falls apart because one of the residents, tired of the technocratic world, puts into the computer the assertion ‘Everything I say is a lie.’ The computer glitches and the whole world ceases to function. I loved that story and I’m sorry I can’t tell you who wrote it – maybe someone knows. But the point is it always made me happy to think there is a way to be smarter than the zombies who want to force shit on us: ‘I do not comply’ is a start. Apparently the technocrats who tried to persuade the world in the 1920s that being satisfied with a nanny state run by bureaucrats was what we all needed and they were apparently shocked that people really didn’t want that at all. The last 4 years have made it clear that perhaps it is now exactly what a lot of people want – but not everybody. Not everybody. Not yet. Everything they say is a lie – just remember this and don’t glitch.
Who needs Fahrenheit 451 when AI can extinguish the sparks before the fires start.
what’s interesting is Joshua chapt 7 & 9 features a town called Ai
24 When Israel had finished killing all the men of Ai in the fields and in the wilderness where they had chased them, and when every one of them had been put to the sword, all the Israelites returned to Ai and killed those who were in it.
The biblical town of Ai is central Palestine
Coincidence? I think not.
So Israel battles Ai 🤔
Awaiting theories from my friends who have a deeper understanding of theology and the Occult.
Great. Exactly my opinion too.
Great job of putting into words what many of us realize. We’ve been lied to our entire lives but didn’t realize it. We lived in our mk-ultra/pysoped designed bubbles. As a 41 yr old man on 9/11/2001, I knew that it was a op of epic horror and evil in the back of my head but I couldn’t wrap my head around it all. They wouldn’t sacrifice 3000 Americans to implement the ‘ Patriot Act’ and the needless sacrifice tens of thousands of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan to benefit the keepers of the military industrial complex. Right? That would be crazy and pure evil.
I thank the good Lord I knew to not comply anymore when the scamdemic came upon us.
(also to Martin Hanson below): but who are: THEY (WOULDNT’ SACRIFICE) and PEOPLE IN AND BEHIND…?
Why not finger the culprits, ie. Israel and some US traitors? Read Laurent Guyenot and Alan Sabrowski, and Christopher Bollyn.
Thanks to you however for mentioning the Patriot Act: as given its great length, it was clearly drafted well in advance of 9/11 and was ready to be passed just after the anthrax attacks, it must have been written by insider lawyers, maybe of the US Justice Dept. “sayanim” variety holding US passports?
Are/were there such, given that the (son of Mossad agent Livia Eisen) Michael Chertoff was head of DoJ?
Once you accept that Israel did 9/11, that is the inescapable conclusion.
I agree Mossad along with CIA, MI6, and various other agencies were all complicit.
There is no question that head of the snake is ‘Medusa’ like with all the usual suspects like Club of Rome, whatever cabals the Bushes are in, etc.
It wasn’t until 9/11 that I woke up and tried to find a semblance of truth to what is real and what is psyop. Everything is pysop. It’s actually quite easy to find ‘their’ agenda written clearly and in plain sight. I take them at their word. It’s why I or my family never considered getting the poison shots. Of any kind.
Today on my local news while trying to see the weather forecast, they are attempting to panic people about a few cases of bird flu in humans here in Florida. lol.
Maybe it will keep the yankees from coming here for the winter. lol
I feel as if you have read my mind. As I too lived a very naive life of acceptance of government’s policies. Covid pulled my head out of the sand (or worse). I appreciate
all the insights that you share. I am so amazed at the vast number of people still in the clouds. We can hope they wake up very, very soon.
For many it’s sadly too late Elisa:
If it was only a question about bifido bacteria, big pharma could easily make an invers vaccine bringing it back again. So maybe its not too late Peter.
Yes, Erik it can be corrected but for those who have passed only Jesus can save them now.
Elisa got her vision back. She is struggling, fighting. She is not dead yet.
I am more concerned about the Corona jabbed and Digital ID’ed. Imagine to have taken 3-4-5 jabs and occupy your awakening 10 hours/day by looking into a stupid flat screen.
They are lost inside a closed mental system like in the film Matrix, and have thrown their key out of the window.
They could certainly need a little help. All the best.
the plan will totally fail! it’s nothing but hubris! a tipping-point moment like that guy Gladwell talks about will bring the whole edifice crashing down same as happened every other time throughout history, which no one ever ever learns from, of course! it’s the same hubris that drove the emergency-measures narrative during the virus hysteria, it’s the same hubris driving the carbon-regulation narrative, the military-force-can-solve-social-problems narrative, all selling the idea that through technological interventions, human nature and the processes of the natural world can be managed, and it’s just as fanciful as the notion that rain dances can increase precipitation or that self-flagellation can appease the vengeful deity who ordained the Black Death
So true – always follow the money:
…or we the People: