Sutherland, Kalergi, Camus, Replacism and Technocracy
Iain Davis

Renaud Camus at an anti-immigration protest
In the UK, the so-called far-right‘s stance on immigration is said to be driven by “the Great Replacement conspiracy theory.”
According to the influential global think tank the Institute for Strategic Studies (ISD):
“The Great Replacement” theory was first coined by French writer Renaud Camus. Identitarian movements across Europe (including in Austria, the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Germany) have used the theory to recruit others to their cause, claiming their countries and national “identities” are under threat due to increasing immigrant populations.
It is true, in part, that Camus made this argument. Some elements of his philosophy are racist and do offer apparent rationales for religious bigotry. It is also true that Camus has been influential in the rise of the identitarian movement, which is perceived as “right-wing.” Identitarianism broadly stands in opposition to identitiy politics, considered progressive or “left-wing.”
While the identitarian movement generally opposes multiculturalism and defends ethno-culturalism, identity politics largely holds that states foist structural inequality of opportunity upon people based on their personal characteristics—such as their ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation and disability, etc. Those who oppose multiculturalism perceive identity politics as a deliberate attempt to dilute or even eradicate their culture.
These sociopolitical and philosophical concepts have a massive “influence” on our polity, public discourse and society. The right vs left paradigm is thereby created and perpetuated through the constantly reported clash between the identitarian movement and identity politics.
Those who espouse the Great Replacement theory often cite the comments of Peter Sutherland (1946 – 2018) as evidence that there is a cohesive “plan” to replace European culture. Sutherland was “influential” in guiding the development of the EU and the World Trade Organisation (WTO). He was a banker, business man, lawyer and politician. Sutherland sat on the Bilderberg steering committee, he was chairman of Trilateral Commission European division and the European Round Table movement.

Peter Sutherland
Sutherland was part of what US Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member David Rothkopf called the “Superclass.” In an on-stage discussion, held by the global think tank the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP), Rothkopf generously defined members of the alleged Superclass as “people who influence the lives of millions across borders on a regular basis.”
Rothkopf’s opinion is aligned with a branch of political science called “elite theory.” It generally argues that oligarchs—those who use their immense wealth to buy social and political “influence”—are beneficial for, or necessary to, the function of a healthy society. Numerous contrarian economists, philosophers, political theorists and scientists have argued the elite theorists’ assertions are abject nonsense.
In 2012, speaking in the UK House of Lords to the the European Union Home Affairs Health and Education inquiry on Global Approach to Migration and Mobility, Sutherland was asked by Lord Sharkey to explain why he viewed inward migration necessary. Sutherland was of the opinion that declining and ageing populations in Europe needed demographic stimulus, even if just from an economic perspective.
Sutherland answered:
So demographics are a key element of the debate, and a key argument for the development of—I hesitate to use the word because people have attacked it—multicultural states. It is impossible to consider that the degree of homogeneity which is implied by the alternative argument can survive, because states have to become more open in terms of the people who inhabit them, as the United Kingdom has demonstrated.
Lord Judd noted that unemployment rates were particularly high across Europe—compared to the Americas and Oceania—among migrant populations. He Asked Sutherland why he thought that was the case and what the European Union proposed to do about it. Sutherland said:
[. . .] the United States or Australia and New Zealand are migrant societies and therefore accommodate more readily those from other backgrounds than we do ourselves, who still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others, which is precisely what the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine.
This prompted the BBC—among other legacy media outlets—to write “EU should ‘undermine national homogeneity’ says UN migration chief.” In an extremely atypical moment, the BBC added that Sutherland “has attended meetings of The Bilderberg Group, a top level international networking organisation often criticised for its alleged secrecy.”
Bilderberg meetings are not allegedly secretive. They use the Chatham House rule and are absolutely secretive.
While the BBC also explained Sutherland’s offered economic rationale, for the identitarian movement this was “proof” of the EU plan to eradicate their culture. The BBC’s very unusual mention of the Bilderberg group appeared to intentionally heighten these supposedly “far-right” fears.
The international “charity” Hope not hate (HNH) tells us:
The so-called “Kalergi plan” is an increasingly popular strain of the white genocide conspiracy theory, which alleges that there is a deliberate plan to undermine European white society by a campaign of mass immigration, integration and miscegenation conducted by sinister (and often Jewish) elites.
The purported foundation of this, even more “extreme” strain of the “Great Replacement” theory is the collection of essays published in 1925 by Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi called Practical Idealism.

Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi
Kalergi was the founder of the PanEuropa movement that eventually led to the creation of the European Union (EU). He was the inaugural recipient of the Charlemagne Prize—awarded to individuals who have contributed toward European Integration. This means they have promoted the process of industrial, economic, political, legal, social, and cultural integration of states within the EU. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy won the Charlemagne Prize in 2023.
Those who highlight the alleged “Great Replacement,” as the intentional dissolution of their culture through multiculturalism, cherry pick excerpts from Kalergi’s writing and ignore others. For example, the following quote is often referenced by the people labelled far-right:
The (European) man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
Kalergi’ and Camus’ work has also been pounced upon by real far-right individuals and groups. To be honest, most of this owes more to their xenophobia and paranoia than it does to evidence or, indeed, any cogent analysis of either Kalergi or Camus.
If we think about it, the Great Replacement, as espoused by a tiny number of far-right voices, doesn’t make much sense. By all socio-economic and political measures, it is the the migrant populations in most countries that are the poorest and and least able to exercise either social or political power. If multiculturalism is the “planned” replacement of the indigenous ethno-culture, as the fringe “far-right” claims, it has been a miserable failure.
It seems pretty obvious that real social and political oppression is exerted through the class system. People from all ethnic groups and religious denominations suffer inequality of opportunity, first and foremost, by virtue of their economic status and class.
While UK governments consistently claim that social mobility is thriving in the UK, nearly every, more independent study suggests this is total claptrap:
The [UK] is associated with particular immobility among those on low and high incomes. The education system as a whole has failed to function as the great social leveller. [. . .] A recurring finding is that the workplace is as at least as important as education in determining mobility prospects. [. . .] Large gaps by background remain in the likelihood of climbing the income ladder, ending up in a higher social class, or securing a university degree. In terms of absolute social mobility, the evidence suggests that a former golden age of upward mobility has been replaced by a modern era of declining opportunities and more limited upward mobility.
Returning to our topic: think tanks, like the ISD, and NGO’ “charities,” like HNH, also ignore most of Kalergi’s and Camus’s ideas. If they reference them at all, they tend only to highlight the treatise that appear to be racist or bigoted and ignore the rest.
With regard to Kalergi, It is important to recognise that he was a man of his time and notably eccentric. Kalergi was mixed race and his vision of a European utopia was largely based upon his interpretation of the discredited pseudoscience of eugenics. Kalergi sought a Europe where “the best civil blood” would rise to power in a thriving meritocracy:
The noble man of the future will be neither feudal nor Jewish, neither bourgeois nor proletarian: he will be synthetic. Races and classes as we understand them today will disappear, individuals will remain. [. . .] Today, on the threshold of a new age, a random nobility takes the place of the former hereditary nobility; instead of aristocratic races, there will be noble individuals: people whose random blood composition elevates them to exemplary types. [. . .] Only the noblest men will be free to associate with the noblest women and vice versa — the inferior will have to content themselves with the inferior. [. . .] The natural hierarchy of human perfection will take the place of the artificial hierarchy, of feudalism and capitalism. [. . .] Here, in social eugenics, lies its highest historical mission, which it still has not realised today: to lead out of unjust inequality via equality to just inequality, over the ruins of all pseudo-aristocracy to genuine, new nobility.
Kalergi envisaged the demise of the class system and, conversely, the rise of a new technological elite who would command technology for the betterment of all:
Europe’s world mission is the liberation of mankind through technology. [. . .] Technology marks a similar turning point in human history like fire. In tens of thousands of years history will be divided into a pre-technological and a post-technological epoch. The European — who will by then have long been extinct — will be praised like a saviour by the future mankind as the father of the global technological transition. The possible effects of the technological age, at the beginning of which we are standing, cannot be overlooked. This age creates the material basis for all coming cultures, which will differ significantly from all previous ones due to their changed basis.
While the identitarian movement alleges the so-called “Kalergi Plan” is further evidence supporting its notion of ethno-cultural replacement, Kalergi—perhaps unknowingly—actually preempted the envisaged transition to a continental Technocracy.
Technocracy is the idea that Technates—instead of nation states—can be formed by splitting the “functions” of society into “special sequences” administered by “experts” or technocrats—instead of politicians—on a continental scale. The whole system can theoretically be centrally controlled through the management of a new monetary system based upon the distribution of the “energy certificates,” as required for each “function” of the Technate.
Technocracy became popular in the US during the Progressive Era (1901-1929). It was driven by the theory of using technology to improve efficiency, advocated by Frederick Winslow Taylor (Taylorism), and the resource allocation economic theories of economists like Thorstein Veblan (conspicuous consumption). Published less than a decade after Kalergi wrote Practical Idealism, the Technocracy Inc. Study Course formally introduced Technocracy to the world.
Instead of Kalergi’s “noblest men” forming a new “natural hierarchy of human perfection” Technocracy would supposedly see “natural peck-rights” awarded to those with the requisite technical skills and expertise. According to the technocrats, these chosen individuals would apparently emerge from “spontaneous natural priority.”
Like Kalergi, the technocrats thought a classless society was possible. It seems odd to believe societies dominated by a technocratic nobility could be called classless. But there are many bizarre contradictions found in Kalergi’s ideas and Technocracy. Nevertheless, both Kalergi and the technocrats recognised that “global technological transition” was key to fulfilment of their dreams.
More than three decades later, In 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the co-founder alongside David Rockefeller of the Trilateral Commission—of which Peter Sutherland and Keir Starmer have been prominent members—wrote Between Two Ages: America’s Role In The Technetronic Era. Brzezinski and the Trilateralists accelerated the transition to Technocracy.
In 2022, the Trilateral Commission listed the current UK prime minister as a former member. Though why they felt the need to list Starmer, who is supposedly not a member, on their official membership list is confusing to say the least.
Technocracy appeals to the oligarch class—Rothkopf’s “Superclass”—because it is the most comprehensive system of social control ever devised. It utilises technology as a centrally managed tool for surveillance and behavioural control of the population. As noted by Brzezinski:
Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know how. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control.
More recently, the Editor in Chief of the Lancet medical journal, Richard Horton, observed how the state response to Covid-19 appeared to have sped up the transition to Technocracy:
It would be hard to deny that scientists have assumed a role in political decision making unparalleled in recent memory. [. . .] Technocracy is replacing democracy. Technocratic governments are crisis governments. And most western democracies are in crisis and will remain in crisis for several years to come.
The World Economic Forum says these crises—pandemics, war and the energy, cost-of-living and climate crises, etc.—are converging to form an alleged “polycrisis.” In turn, according to the UN—a WEF “partner”—the only possible solution to the so-called polycrisis is global Technocracy:
We do not know which extreme risk event will come next; it might be another pandemic, a new war, a high-consequence biological attack, a cyberattack on critical infrastructure, a nuclear event, a rapidly moving environmental disaster, or something completely different such as technological or scientific developments gone awry. [. . .] [T]o enable us to better anticipate and respond to such risks, it will be important for the United Nations to draw on a network of the best thinkers and data, externally and within the United Nations system, to present a Strategic Foresight and Global Risk Report to Member States every five years. [. . .] This would also be linked to corresponding governance arrangements for such risks, as appropriate, as well as the action needed to address them. [The UN proposes] to work with Member States to establish an Emergency Platform to respond to complex global crises. [. . .] It would be triggered automatically in crises of sufficient scale and magnitude, regardless of the type or nature of the crisis involved. Once activated, it would bring together leaders from Member States, the United Nations system, key country groupings, international financial institutions, regional bodies, civil society, the private sector, subject-specific industries or research bodies and other experts.
Polycrisis preparedness will be overseen by “a network” of technocrats who will devise the necessary “governance arrangements” and decree what “actions” government need to take. Centralised global control of government policy, in other words.
Via the diktat of the UN’s public-private global governance system, anything could be declared a global crisis. Once announced, the Emergency Platform will be “triggered automatically” and global technocratic control will be handed over to a global public-private partnership comprised of a few senior politicians, international NGO’s, global financial institutions, multinational corporations—including the banks—and “other experts.”
The allegation against Renaud Camus, made by think tanks like the ISD, are accurate only to a limited extent. The global think tanks omit Camus’ criticisms of, essentially, Technocracy. Though like Kalergi, Camus did not identify Technocracy by name.

Renaud Camus
Camus central thesis is better described as “replacism.” He criticised what he called “hyperdemocracy” which he characterised as the obsessive enforcement of “equality” that leads to the eradication of “all” culture. He suggested this produces a defenceless nation of people who, having been stripped of all cultural heritage, are unable to resist those who wish to make them replaceable with anyone or anything.
Camus doesn’t really attempt to explain why this “replacism” is happening. He does however point out, in the absence of any sense of cultural identity or belonging, people can be “turned into corporate managers or replaced by them.” He suggests that the effect of the blind commitment to egalitarianism, which he says typifies hyperdemocracy, leaves people incapable of differentiating between enemy or friend. This, he argued, renders populations little more than a malleable social mass.
Camus saw mass migration to Europe from the Global South as the cause of hyperdemocracy. He referred to this as “genocide by substitution.” But as we have just discussed, migrants generally possess less power than the indigenous population. If we consider his analysis, a critique we could offer is that mass migration is actually an effect, not a cause, of hyperdemocracy.
While Camus doesn’t address Technocracy directly, he does offer a robust criticism of Taylorism. He views Taylor’s elevation of “efficiency” above all other concerns as a core component of hyperdemocracy. Camus said that Taylor “is to replacism what Marx is to Marxism.”
Taylor described his concept of the more efficient management of society as “a complete mental revolution.” Camus argues this philosophical redrawing of society, in line with Taylorism, serves an elite managerial class that sees the individual as “a machine.”
As Mary Harrington notes in her fascinating exploration of Camus’ ideas:
Taylorism radically reframed (or rather, unframed) human workers as resources, whose nature is of interest only inasmuch as understanding it is conducive to the maximisation of productivity. That this was nonconsensual and involved a measure of covert violence was, Camus notes, well understood by Taylor’s contemporaries. [. . .] Camus points out, this represents less a causal relationship than the fact that “scientific management” emerged from the same overall paradigm, across both slavery and management theory. “Both reflect the same mechanistic vision of human work,” he argues, “and both rest on the premise that careful observation will enable the discovery of physical laws that will guarantee the maximum return.” Those physical laws guaranteeing maximum return require, in other words, enframing humans, and thus by extension minimising or excluding what can’t be monetised. [. . .] This is summed by Taylor’s bold assertion, quoted by Camus, that “In the past, man has been first; in the future, the system must be first”. This means, in effect, rendering workers “as disposable as possible, as dispensable, as replaceable – in sum, as little human.”
Renaud Camus viewed the mechanisms of “replacism,” binding humanity to the status of a replaceable resource to be used by the system, as a form of sociopolitical violence he called “nocence.” Camus observed that “nocence” is the enforcement of “replacism,” effectively dehumanising us all:
A spectre is haunting Europe and the world. It is replacism, the tendency to replace everything with its normalized, standardized, interchangeable double: the original by its copy, the authentic by its imitation, the true by the false, mothers by surrogate mothers, culture by leisure activities and entertainment, knowledge by diplomas, the countryside and city by the universal suburb, the native by the non-native, Europe by Africa, men by women, men and women by robots, peoples by other peoples, humanity by a savage, undifferentiated, standardized, infinitely interchangeable posthumanity.
The real “far-right,” though largely ineffective and mostly irrelevant, sees what it wants to see in the words of Sutherland, the writings of Kalergi and the philosophy of Camus. It uses its misinterpretation of these ideas to justify its racism and religious bigotry.
Equally, the advocates of identity-politics—who are socially and politically dominant—focus exclusively on the “Great replacement conspiracy theory.” They completely ignore the more rational concerns of the identitarian movement described by Camus and others. Thus, labelling any criticism of their own ethos “far-right” and stumbling blindly towards Technocracy.
Similarly, global think tanks, like the ISD and the CEIP, who undoubtedly understand that Kalergi foresaw and supported the transition to Technocracy and that Camus warned against it, also mischaracterize such ideas as nothing more than a “far-right conspiracy theory.” The oligarchs that wish to see Technocracy established can capitalise on the ramblings of the real far-right minority by framing all dissent against the emerging Technate as “extremism.”
For the global public-private partnership, coalescing around the global governance systems of the UN, that seeks to use “nocence” to facilitate the “replacism” necessary for Technocracy, the racist bigotry of the genuine “far-right” is a gift. It is certainly in their interests to promote the so-called far-right threat.
For example, in 1993 CFR member Samual P. Huntington published his article in the CFR’s in-house magazine Foreign Affairs titled The Clash of Civilisations. Huntington claimed that Islam presented an existential threat to Western civilisation and argued that “The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural.”
Clearly, this is an argument supported by the “far-right.” It is precisely what people like Tommy Robinson claim to be the most pressing social problem of our time.
Writing for the Trilateral Commission in 1975, Huntington co-wrote The Crisis of Democracy: On the Governability of Democracies. In it, the Trilateralists argued that power is diminished by what they called an “excess of democracy” and that “the prestige and authority of central government institutions” must be restored. These sought-after sociopolitical conditions are inherent to Technocracy.
Unlike Camus’ theories or Kalergi’s ideas, Huntington’s opinions are not attacked as “far-right.” By casting any and all opposition to nocence-based policy initiatives as “far-right extremism,” the so-called “Superclass” creates a fake moral argument that can be used to censor, marginalise, and cancel all criticisms of the global Technocracy they are installing.
Perhaps more crucially, by perpetuating the left-right paradigm, pitting the identitarian movement against the advocates of identity politics, populations can be mired in pointless debates. This irrelevant distraction, embodied by the vacuum of party politics, leaves the global public-private partnership free to push ahead with the rollout of Technocracy while the people engage in counter-productive arguments and continually fail to recognise their real enemy: the oligarchs.
Just as Renaud Camus, among others, predicted.
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Yet Israel is doing the opposite, killing all its people of non-Jewish origin. Why would the super elite Jews be doing one thing in Europe and something completely different in their own country and in their sub-culture? Maybe this is why the wealthy Jews are suspected of being guilty.
In the future there will be the Eurasian-Negroid race and the Jewish race/religion. Neither the twain shall mix.
So Huntington wrote about strengthening central government and “too much democracy” (that sounds familiar) not long after Watergate…maybe a response to Watergate, which must have had the “Hunts” of this world in a panic.
“the Great Replacement, as espoused by a tiny number of far-right voices, doesn’t make much sense.” Sounds like you wish it was a “tiny number” but I assure you, Mr Davis, it isn’t.
“If multiculturalism is the “planned” replacement of the indigenous ethno-culture, as the fringe “far-right” claims, it has been a miserable failure.” Well, they’re just getting started Mr Davis
Mary Harrington:
Do you believe the Christchurch “shooting” was a “real” event; as opposed to a “pseudo” event?
As real as Disneyland.
Very symbolic. ChristChurch, Mosques, Muslims. True Islam and true Christianity are quite close in their care for and 10% to the poor and vulnerable. Respect for the family, man and woman.
The bad reputation of both religions has precisely been invented by white satanic pagans who prefer head chopping and blood sacrifices to satisfy our nature which would be polluted and in a bad shape without it.
Video of Christchurch crisis actors and choreographers hanging around in mosque – presumably between scenes.
Uploaded: Apr 10, 2024
Same source vid – Uploaded: Nov 21, 2022
Andrew Bolt/The Bolt Report: We Can’t let Christchurch stop us from talking about immigration
Uploaded: Mar 16, 2023
As “real” as Sandy Hook , Boston bombings among many , many others…
The Linwood Islamic Centre
The Linwood Islamic Centre was a Sunni Islamic mosque in Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand.[1][2] The mosque opened in early 2018 on the grounds of the former Christchurch Baháʼí Centre and the building had most recently been the Linwood Community Centre.[3] The building was formerly a Sunday School Hall in Highstead Road and was moved to Linwood in the late 1980s. It was the second mosque to open in Christchurch. It is owned by the Linwood Islamic Charitable Trust, which was founded in 2017.[2]
On 15 March 2019, the Linwood Islamic Centre and the Al Noor Mosque were targeted in the Christchurch mosque shootings. Of the 51 people killed and the 40 people injured in the attack, seven people were killed and five others injured here.[4][5][6] It reopened on 23 March, the same day as Al Noor.[7]
In November 2023, the Linwood Islamic Centre was demolished. With sponsorship from an Emirati fund, a $20 million new mosque and multipurpose hall will be built, which will accommodate 600 worshippers.[8][9]
The positions of photographers for the following photos roughly correspond to that for the above Bitchute video.
Roy Butler Inquest
After the collapse of Christian Eriksen and the deaths of Lisa Shaw and four B.A. pilots, it’s difficult to believe that people could still be lining up for the jab. However, even among the faithful, the death of Roy Butler in August 2021 should have finished the campaign!
Lisa Eve[1] (née Shaw; 19 June 1976[2] – 21 May 2021) was a British radio presenter and journalist based in Newcastle upon Tyne, who worked in both commercial radio and for the BBC. An established radio personality in the North East, she co-presented a breakfast show alongside Gary Philipson for Century Radio (later Real Radio and Heart North East), before joining BBC Radio Newcastle in 2016. Shaw’s death at the age of 44, attributed to the Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, was the subject of widespread media coverage.
Listing in Athlete Deaths:
13/08/2021, UK, Dead
Roy Butler (23), Irish footballer Waterford FC died with massive brain bleed four days after J&J vaccine. He suffered severe headaches and general malaise within one hour. By Saturday August 14, he was vomiting and having convulsions. His mother confirmed on facebook Roy only took the vaccine to go to Greece with friends. The tweet that reported this has been removed (we should have taken a snapshot!) News Story
Roy Butler inquest: Pathologist ‘baffled’ by case of young man who died after vaccine
26/09/2024 | 15:04 PM
Olivia Kelleher
A pathologist who carried out a postmortem on a young man who died of a catastrophic brain bleed five days after he received a Johnson and Johnson Covid vaccine has described the case as “baffling and unusual”.
Roy Butler (23) from Waterford died at Cork University Hospital (CUH) on August 17th, 2021, after receiving a vaccine at a pharmacy five days earlier. He was rushed to University Hospital Waterford on August 16th and transferred shortly afterwards to CUH after he became extremely ill at home.
Ciara Davin BL, for the Butler family, said Roy’s “last communication on earth” involved him calling his mother for help at the family home.
He experienced jerking and convulsions shortly before he was hospitalised. He had sent texts to his friends and his brother over the previous few days saying that he was feeling sick following the vaccine.
Ms Davin said in her closing submission that Roy even told one of his friends via text that he was “dying” after the jab.
The B.A. avatar says it all!
No, Four British Airways Pilots Did Not Die From COVID-19 Vaccine
Unscrupulous conspiracy theorists cynically, and without solid evidence, seized upon a series of tragic deaths during the summer of 2021.
Dan MacGuill
Published June 22, 2021
Everything can and are misused by both sides.
These tragic cases as Roy Butler and Lisa Eve could easily be because they had a immune defect.
One of my good friends travelled to Egypt and got his stomach destroyed for life because he had 1 cop of local milk which bacteria his stomach couldnt take.
When the figures turn out 1 out of 1000 get hurt, this is awful and tragic for the 1 but the life conditions and chances we have to deal with.
I had no jabs myself, but understand both sides have a difficult dilemma here.
By the end of July, there was already enough stories of athletes either dying or suffering conditions which could be vaccine induced. Even if the numbers weren’t yet sufficient to establish reasonable proof, they were enough to raise serious concerns. And you would then start considering the risk that the authorities could be wrong about the safety of the jabs.
My own theory goes the military spread a laboratory decease globally, a virus invented in a laboratory similar to the flue, for profit, power and behavioural reasons. .
Seeing previous cases swine flue, zika, ebola, a lot was hurt and disabled too by the swine flue vaccine, but the figures were still <1:1000.
I anticipate this is planned too to make it difficult to criticise. But then, this is the situation we have to deal with yes?
I think there were real viruses being cooked up by Fauci & co in Wuhan and the like. The challenge with using respiratory viruses as a weapon is that they mutate very quickly and the less harmful variants spread faster; thereby creating an advance wave of immunity. However, it’s not necessary that the viruses be particular deadly; only that they make people sufficiently ill that they end up in hospital.
My theory as to how they could distribute the weaponised viruses is that they would expose people in a controlled facility in Wuhan; and then put them straight on a plane to Europe and the US. Perhaps this was thwarted by the ban on flights from China.
It’s always “baffling” isn’t it? I thought all would be clear if we followed the science, but what do we do when “science” is baffled (asking for a friend)?
CTTF lot would call this a baiting article so people would comment and then get banned it happened with simone crybaby woke elmer orchestrated article which was a pure bait to sell the anti s agenda and then he got his article retracted due to people having a different opinion off history.
The timing of this with the fact the alt lot are selling the same media message like everything gone wrong is migrant fault as MSM and yesterdays west is under attack by a chi com released virus is today Johnny foreigner is coming over to invade you and steal and take your women.
The minute the Russia Ukraine thing happen and the gas electric went up 40% they sold migrant living in 89 star hotels as a distraction to create 2 minutes of hate to take it away from selected caused to blame the downtrodden for trouble they parasite
s deelites caused.As anybody who reads this site knows, the grand vision for the future of this planet features a minimally interconnected network of dense, “sustainable” urban environments, fed by locally based industrial insect farms, and more-or-less locked down until the close of the age. The purpose of multi-culturalism in the present age is to ensure that these 15-minute cities– once spun up by withering supply lines– don’t degenerate into violent ethno-states, which they would immediately at genesis without forcible diversity. Each city will fsubsequently require constant, dynamic ethnic rebalancing, since inbreeding would naturally incline each city toward ethno-nationalism anyway after everybody turns beige.
There’s no mysterious conspiracy about any of it it. They’ve pretty clear about their intentions.
@ Iain Davis. People don’t like having it pointed out to them that their prejudices or favorite belief systems have been weaponised by the power elites and used to manipulate them. It’s an embarrassing thing to have to face. That’s why a lot of people are mad with you. You just gave them a dose of truth. They can’t refute it so they pretend you’re saying something else and refute that instead. Stupid, but we all do it when we’re caught out and feel silly.
Lol so at least 8 people recognized themselves in your description, Liz!
Anyway, ‘The Great Replacement’ is not a farrrrright conspiracy theory; it’s a simple fact. The farrrrright conspiracy theory is actually White Genocide.
I do not fancy coloured guys and never have.
Surely that would mean I would only mate with people I like.
The Great Replacement would mean YOU cant mate with who you want to.
which is bullshit.
Fear porn.
Once the Russians have replaced Ukrainians in Ukraine with Russians. We could replace the far-left elite with Ukrainians.
The far-left elite in West ARE already Ukrainians, if not by nationality then by true heart and belief.
At least this is an upper class problem. A European upper class problem.
The distinguished British pipe smoking Academic living his own cottage life among intellectuals who dont have to bother about anything from the lower classes survival battles.
Only concerned about his own identity, roots, heritage, social range, “my personal life”.
No, it’s much worse than that.
From your Link:
“Our world is not run by human beings”.
It is run by humans alright, but perverted humans who lack humanity.
Old Demon Eyes is a non-voting Director in House of Rothschild. Stormer and his New-Liebore troopers have their eye on the revolving door.
I’m pretty sure it’s not run by human beings.
I try to be open minded but I require some logical KISS test to be fulfilled before I accept someones “I found this with one eye looking deep into a microscope, and I saw my/our new theory confirmed by a bio-chemical nano laboratory report from Switzerland”.
Just kicked David Icke out this way. Maybe he had something in the past, but at the moment he is referring to a Hologram, the 2-dimensional (d)illusion in the flatscreen.
Remember – If you use 10 hours a day for a longer time to look into a flat screen where all reality is lacking your ear, eye, nose, finger and instinct senses of the 3-dimension “out there”, you WILL get impotent in relation to the real world also xxx wise by time.
But people who have spent 10 years in front of a computer, smart phone, power point, tv-set, have lost even the ability to make this little simple analysis.
Therefore they and maybe you too are so easy to reveal.
Well obviously you need some sort of acceptable proof before you believe or agree to or with anything. But I like it when you get subtle.
I agree with your analysis.
Incidentally I haven’t watched TV since 1986, never had a smart phone. Don’t know what happens when they turn 2 and 3G off next year. Maybe I go completely phoneless.
I am allergic to EMF.
Great for yourself but also for humanity, and us the people around you!
Someone downthread wrote:
“Vote Communist in the next election. If Communism has been culturally genocided in your ward, form a cell and issue a manifesto”
My perspective, as a student of history AND a citizen of the former DDR (starting the year after the Fall of the Wall):
I sold an option on a screenplay, to a German production company, on the topic of Dean Reed, the American second-tier Pop Star who jumped the iron curtain and became a folk hero in East Berlin. My girlfriend at the time (2000) had been a school girl in a class room that Reed visited and I got lots of research info, for my script, from her (e.g.: people in her village were fucking like rabbits because most of them didn’t have TVs to distract them). She was in training as an Olympic gymnast until the Wall fell: just a tincture of color for my story.
From the next ex-girlfriend I got this story: her father had a thriving business selling mushrooms to restaurants; he actually had a little capitalist empire going, owned several cars, and was hassled by the authorities but never jailed. The story is this: his wife (my ex’s mother) came up with a very clever plan to escape the DDR. She told NO one in the family, not her husband or her children; she escaped the DDR for West Berlin and lost her family forever. The twist: the Wall fell about a month later. More human perspective on the vibe (before my bird’s eye view, of the Flat Earth of Modern History, kicks in).
It’s obvious that at the top of every “Communist” society, there were Capitalists (whatever they were called by themselves to themselves) who enjoyed all the benefits of material wealth as granted by Power. The actual “Communists” were the indoctrinated Serfs below them in the pyramid (much like the Pope himself is far too educated to believe in the Bearded, Vaguely-Levantine, Anus-Free Sky Giant narrative which helped found the Empire, that pays his bills, by bamboozling the Believers; or like Top Scientologists do not, even remotely, believe in “Xenu” but are loath to spoil it for the quasi-rational suckers tithing in order to learn all about “Xenu”)…
…The “Communist” system is fronted by pretty words as insincere as any Western Politician’s campaign-promises speech and it was created specifically AS a tool by 19th Century Nouveau Riche Industrialists/ bankers, to dethrone the Anti-Semitic Aristocracy by instrumentalizing Duh Masses. Marx was hired by his Wealthy Uncle to write Das Kapital. Marx (from two strains of wealth) married a woman from wealth and was given a war hero’s burial in the very heart of the Capital City of The Capitalist Beast. Considering that Marx was the godfather of Capitalism’s supposed Nemesis, it’s odd that Capitalist Universities made certain to spread his purpose-built ideology to generations of naive bourgeois idealists in their Capitalist classrooms: Liberal Largesse?
I suppose Liberal Largesse explains why liberal-conservative Yankee Media venues made Fidel a star (he even got interviewed by Ed Sullivan, in Cuba, the week of the “revolution”!). Perhaps it also explains why the CIA, which tried to whack Fidel 60+ times but couldn’t get the famously-accessible man of the people… yet got JFK on the first try and got away with it? And they couldn’t invade Cuba, either… despite the fact that the largest Yankee Naval Base (Guantanamo, aka GITMO) was/is on Cuban soil. I guess those Cuban poets and farmers with their Mannlicher–Carcano rifles were not to be fucked with. Consider this litany of “paradoxes” to be clues, if you will…
Back then, “Communism” functioned as the ultimate “boogie man,” to help Murrkan Dimocrassy to keep its shape… while, at the same time, crazy-eyed “Tail gunner Joe” McCarthy (the Alex Jones of his day) made anti-Communists seem silly to their bourgeois idealist offspring who were happily acquiring STDs and (state-designed) “Radicalism” in Yankee Universities.
I write all this as an Anti-War, Anti-Greed, Anti-Corporate, Anti-Hegemony, Anti-Racial-and- Gender Essentialism, Radical (not Anarchist) of the classic late-1960s style. I am against the destructive trap of “Ground Zero” populism of “revolution”.
Now “Communism” is set up as a subliminal “answer” to the deliberately-destroyed “economy”. “Communism” is set up to be embodied in “UBI”… “free money from the benign State”… better than “welfare” because it isn’t just “handouts to lazy Blacks,” it’s for ALL! Yay! Everyone will clamour for those monthly UBI deposits… which will only be available if you’re on a Blockchain Carbon Tracking Outcomes Grid… in a China-beta-tested Hell.
(Serf-hating*) Marx himself would be impressed.
*Read through his editorials written for American newspaper the New York Herald Tribune, around the time of the Civil War, as he often stirred shit by playing on middle class fears of the working class.
There were many former DDR citizens who regret the Anschluss of their country since they didn’t have the same burdens which the “ laissez faire” oriented countries citizens have to shoulder.
“There were many former DDR citizens who regret the Anschluss of their country”
But remember that their “country,” as distinct from “Germany,” was a short-lived conceptual experiment; it wasn’t exactly an issue of “Blut-und-Boden”… the DDR was cooked up by TFIC. Very possibly an experiment seekig the best model for controlling Duh Masses, like China’s recent beta-testing of the Digital version.Also, it’s pretty obvious that the books had been cooked and their “country” was going to evaporate sooner than later. That particular “Communist” experiment was funded, largely, by exploiting Third World resources and various back-handers from Capitalism.
Well, lets recall the modern conception of Germany came about through the forced efforts of Bismarck and his policies. Moreover, the concept of pre WW2 Germany doesn’t correspond to the post WW2 notion of Germany.
The DDR collapsed primarily when the former USSR refused to support it. The West gave it some loans, but in terms of Warsaw Treaty countries, it had arguably the most successful economy. However, a very large percentage of its GDP, along with the USSR, was spent on weapons which was hardly surprising since Churchill’s declaration of 1947 laid out firmly which direction their foreign policy to the Communist bloc would be. George Kennan, US diplomat, expanded on this in his policy of Soviet expansion, namely containment.
The goal was to ridicule and demonise communism, socialism, etc. and to normalise serfdom, consumption, debt and usury. This has been the main task of the military, diplomats, propaganda and schooling. It encompassed causing these (a) excess military spending in the target country through military aggression (b) terrorism, handled by gangster-spies (c) economic imperialism, especially through UN (d) lies concerning “free world” achievements, and vice versa (e) subverting leaders and diplomats (f) selective publicity for visitors to the “free world”.
I have been there, physically, just after the Wall fell.
Both in E. Berlin, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia. Dunkle Deutschland as East was nicknamed.
With grey dirty 12 storey iron concrete buildings km after km after km and washing clothes hanging outside, non smiling kids in their grey concrete play grounds and concrete schools.
The only thing you could buy was 1 type of bread, 1 type of milk, vodka, 3 type of small cars, classic music lp records 2 pcs for 1 usd.
The difference between there, and right after travelling back to Visby, Gotland, Sweden, with large supermarkets with a very large selection of consumer goods, was simply enormous.
I understand very well East- Europe were and still are crazy about everything Western and blinded because of their previous poverty.
This is REAL life folks. Not Ideology.
Well, I visited the East and spoke to some East Germans who had mixed views relating to the Wiederverinigung / Anschluss depending on the individual.
Many of those, who viewed it as an Anschluss, saw it in very different terms to the West.
Whilst in the West consumerism was its ideology/ religion, amongst those who regretted the Anschluss, their view was the passing of an attempt to build a better society. What is the real world today to them today : Mass unemployment, large scale homelessness, vast amounts of debt, despair.
Ideology replaced with apathy!
Your rambling “Litany of Paradoxes” reads like something generated by an AI bot programmed from the Opininion column in the Washington Post.
More accurately, W.E.F.ugees.
Sixth explosion in Cologne since June alone.
You seem to be confusing intentions with results. I don’t think anyone is suggesting that the Great Replacement is a result of the desires of immigrants. The view is that this is being imposed from above. To that extent, your observation about this being a class-based phenomenon is correct – the ruling class is imposing it on everyone else.
As I argued in the piece, I don’t think the Great Replacement is what most people think it is. Camus’ argued that “replacism” is the cultural degredation caused by mass immigration and that this was intentional.
He also desribed replacismas a dehumanising facet of “hyperdemocracy.” My point is that, as you say, the dehumanisation of replacism is intentional, but contrary to your and Camus’ suggestion, it is not “caused” by immigration. The dehumanisation is caused by the elevation of “efficincy” above all other social concerns. Mass immigration is a consequence of replacism and hyperdemocracy.
By banging on about the Great Replacement and imagining that mass immigration is the cause of the problem the Great Replacement conspiracy theorists, many of whom undoubtedly experience the impact of demographic and cultural shifts, are focused on the wrong thing in my view.
They ignore the imposition of Technocracy and instead focus upon the cultural impact and the so-called clash of civilisations. Standing against this instead of the rollout of Technocracy. Which, I have suggested, is extremely useful for the ruling class who coudn’t care less about where any of us live or what culture we identify with.
If you take Tommy Robinson as exemplary of ‘the real far right’ then the first part of that makes sense. There are though many serious writers and thinkers who have looked into the multifaceted issue of demographic change in Europe, many from ‘third positionist’ perspectives. The argument that ethnic antagonism plays no part in the policy to facilitate mass immigration would need to refute a lot of things (as an example :
Some elites, identify very strongly with their ethnic identity, devote a lot of money and a lot of their life to promoting the interests of their in-group, and, yes, do care ‘about where people live and what culture they identify with’. Who funded Kalergi ? Did Kalergi not see one specific named ethnic group as particularly suited to the role of future leaders of Europe ? Who funds Tommy Robinson ?
The same “Elites” (the Latin word for “Chosen People”) are currently committing genocide in the Holy Land; and bribing governments (notably U$ & UK) to send more weapons to the slaughterers.
Aah! It is all a Jewish conspiracy. Right! Got you.
Incredible how many quite intelligent people who see through a lot get sucked into that one.
I remember when I first started researching and trying to share controversial material in the 9-11 era, on several occasions people would come back with a line like, “Ahh, Its all a conspiracy, Right! Got you“.
It was usually said in a weird exaggerated voice. It took me a while to really understand that such responses are always when someone doesn’t have a thought out and grounded reply to what is being put in front of them. They feel threatened and the mockery is a kind of offensive form of defense, its a jibe that is really saying, “back off I find that uncomfortable“. Otherwise they would say why they disagree.
I disagree with Nick M. The “Jewish conspiracy to enslave the world” is complete drivel. With regard to your not having a thought out reply, with respect, I have thought and written about it quite a bit. The trite reply was because I am tired of engaging in the debate.
If people want to blame everything on the “Jews” that’s up to them. But I don’t have to agree with it or engage in endless discussions about it. I also reserve the right to express my disdain for the assertion. Just as those who came back at you in response to your 9/11 research expressed their disdain.
It doesn’t make me right any more than it made them right, but I see no reason why I should not dismiss concepts I have no time for.
Well I have more respect for a reply like that. I cannot speak for Nick M, but the previous comment and link of mine didn’t make any assertion that ‘It’s all a Jewish conspiracy’. Anyone reading the Unz article would see that Ellis’s book makes no such claim, and in fact considers many factors in trying to understand demographic change. Anyone reading Joyce’s writing at length would know that he makes no such claim. They do however make the case that Jewish identity/ Jewish activism/ Jewish intellectual movements play some role in the development of European and American immigration policies.
It is the knee jerk refusal to discuss this straight forward truth that leads some to conclude that ‘the Jews are to blame for everything’. Doubly so if one takes a sober look at the religious ideas at the root of the Jewish tradition.
Taboo plays more of a role than conspiracy in my opinion. This is true amongst deep political researchers as much as in the mainstream discourse. (As an example, Kit Knightly here dismisses a priori the notion that Israel and its supporters might have played a significant role in the JFK hit, which after all is the mother lode of conspiracy research. Why dismiss it though ? Surely it is the taboo at play. No reasoning is offered. The same could be said of 9-11 – Israel).
I think that you excel at the kind of forensic analysis of deep events, and you are clearly an expert on the Technocratic aspects of modern society. Yet there is a wealth of historical context that I don’t see referenced in your work. The notion that “Left and Right are false constructs to divide and conquer” can easily lead one away from uncomfortable truths. If all narratives are to be questioned (or questionable) then that must mean all narratives, not just the ones which, when debunked, re-enforce our pre-conceived political worldview.
Suuure, we can question all narratives. Even narratives which are completely counterproductive to question. It’s a free world.
It apparently escapes you, but by saying what you’re saying in the way you’re saying it, you arm your enemies against you. They’ve made you look prejudiced, ignorant and dangerous. You are reinforcing exactly the taboos you’re apparently so eager to break.
IF ‘Jews’ (which aren’t even an ethnically or economically defined group of people, but WHATEVER) were responsible for everything you imply, there would be much smarter ways to counter it than SAYING IT OUT LOUD. Listen morons. That way is barred. That way has been successfully weaponised against you. May as well bang your head against a wall. May as well donate your surplus income to IsraelGives.
Do you hear me? Are you some sort of forest gump group of characters, or what?? Do you understand subtleties like this?
Stupid is as stupid does. If you arm your enemies and label commenters like me Nazis by proxy, who are you helping?
We’re entitled to question all narratives, as you say. Maybe I can question YOUR narrative without being smothered by creepy crawly secret down voters.
Are you a brave breaker of taboos, or a servant of Mossad here to reinforce taboos?
Elite interests benefit from the appearance of antisemitism, ya know? By seeding antisemitism artificially it serves them even better. They can use it to censor and shut down and silence.
Unz is Jewish. Funny that. Doesn’t Nick M live in Israel?
Careful who you’re working for, Forest.
Mr. Davis, a more precise word is managed destabilisation.
Military Intelligence operates with a variety of tools to destabilise a country, make it weak, to subdue it, undermining.
Free porn, free immigration, refugees, opium, drugs, everything that can weaken “an enemy”.
When there are no enemy, big corporations and capital use the tools invented by the military to “win” over the enemy who now can be populations, consumers, tax payers.
You have heard the language. The Union fight against the Employer(s), fight against the Government, fight against discrimination, m.m. is military language.
And finally, to leave the communication space only 10% open for matters as discrimination, racism, minority problems, third nation, environment, women’s rights, etc. is part of these managed MIC games.
In practical, existential terms, these are the same thing. Importing the immigimmies and all the chaos and strife that it brings is the “rollout” of the Technocracy.
Not the “rollout” in it’s entirety, but inseparable from it.
(FIX the EDIT feature, please.)
By all means refute the point of the article, as many have, but to be clear the article argues that the focus on the alleged scourge immigration is facilitating the rollout of Technocracy. I have specifically written the piece to highlight that, in my view, based on my understanding of Kalergi and Camus, mass immigration and the rollout of Technocracy are not the same thing and, by imagining they are, we are all allowing that rollout to continue at pace.
Mate, yours is an academic tour de force. This bunch are just closet Jewhaters, recycling Unz opinion pieces they read but didn’t really understand, just highlighted all the Jewish references and shared it with their similarly bigoted little group of friends. Let em see little hooked noses behind the curtains and bang on about how misunderstood Hitler was as much as they want, I say. This lot usually nominate a fall guy to actually say what they’re all thinking, and then stand around chipping in covertly to back them up. It’s real honourable, real noble shit.
I think technocracy is too specific . Globalism isn’t technocracy, technocracy is just a part of globalism. Tbh I think technocracy could end up being just another distraction from the “g” word
My point was not that technocracy (or more broadly, Globalism, as RedPill reader suggests below) and mass immigration were two names for the same thing, it was that enforced mass immigration/population replacement is an essential element of technocracy/globalism.
< The dehumanisation is caused by the elevation of “efficincy” above all other social concerns. >
Fore “efficincy” read “greed”. The Gospel of the present Ruling Class is the Gospel of Greed. They encourage mass immigration from poorer countries because this depressess wages in the richer countries. Evey pound a week less for the workers is a million pounds a week more for the capitalist.
Maggie Snatcher preached the Trickle Down theory of wealth (from the rich to the poor) to disguise the fact that wealth really trickles up (from the poor to the rich).
To call ordinary people who are unhappy because their wages are stagnant and their social services cut “Far Right” is an insult from the real Far Right. The real far right are the capitalists who bribe the government to undercut wages by opening the floodgates to cheap foreign labour. And who connive with governments to create a flood of refugees by using legitimate national Defense Forces to start illegitimate global resource-wars.
“I don’t think anyone is suggesting that the Great Replacement is a result of the desires of immigrants.”
I would. I suspect that many of the “immigrants” feel exactly that way. As someone (Neil Oliver?) put it recently, and I paraphrase, “Many of them (the immigrants) are coming here (the West) with no affinity for us, and many with active antipathy for us.”
My old schoolmaster used to describe caning us as “a little discomfort”
Neil’s “active antipathy” is on a par.
I was trying to say that, although immigrants may want to come, the fact that they are able to do so without any meaningful push back from the Establishment, is indicative of a ruling class desire for cheap foreign labour.
I didn’t phrase it particularly well.
Can’t argue with that statement.
The vise is closing in Germany.
Courtesy of the ‘citizens’;
Sadly, the vise is closing everywhere, not just in Germany. Heard the latest about Telegram? Good example. That was in France, but it will affect Telegram everywhere.
Ditto in Australia (excerpts):
The federal government has reintroduced their controversial Thoughtcrime Bill, designed to ‘combat the dangers posed by misinformation and disinformation’ in the digital age.
As part of the new crackdown proposal, big tech is being threatened with significant fines.
The legislation would give the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) new powers to demand social platforms keep records on ‘harmful content’, and hand them over.
Critics of the bill have lashed out with concerns over making social media companies the arbiters of truth, a nightmare we already saw with government-ordered COVID censorship.
“In Australia, without a human rights act or some sort of Bill of Rights that enshrines freedom of expression, we have to tread carefully when we start talking about policing misinformation and people’s views. I’m concerned that this legislation is essentially putting the onus on social media companies to deal with this.
I don’t think there’s a lot of trust in those social media companies at the moment.”
– David Pocock, Independent Senator
Passing the buck, literally
Afraid of losing a few votes.
What the hell would he know.
OG is big – rightly – on fake binaries but not apparently here. It has to be race or class? Might it not possibly be both… and a few other things too? Might it not be any fault-line in a society that the controllers can identify and seek to drive a wedge into? Is this not a central part of their governing strategy? It can’t be wished away by dismissing those who can see it as “far-right” and then moving on to things that we’re comfortable talking about like technocracy.
The current – not that it ever really goes away – flare up about immigration seems to come from the U.S. election and the exemplar of Springfield, Ohio. 15,000 Haitians were legally moved into a Rustbelt town of 60,000. This was turned in the presidential “debate” – by design I suspect – into a controversy about pets being eaten. The Haitians are some of the most put-upon people on earth but it isn’t up to the residents of Springfield to solve this or redeem it – they have plenty of their own worries. I’m no fan of De Santis but his stunt of sending immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard and the howls of protest that aroused made the point – these people aren’t being settled where rich liberal multiculturalists tend to live. One reason is electoral gerrymandering – the immigrants are more likely to vote Democrat, the Martha’s Vineyards are already solidly Democrat and Ohio is a key swing state. The tactic goes back at least to the Boer War where the Rhodes’ Group tried to flood the Boers with Utlanders and then concocted a synthetic outrage that they cared about Uitlander rights to justify war. Beyond that, a desire to “rub working class noses in diversity” hardly seems some wacky idea given what’s been happening. Finally, Haiti is the home of Voodoo and I wouldn’t rule out a spiritual motivation. If that sounds wacky, remember the three women leaders of BLM turned out to be Voodoo priestesses (and it might be noticed that BLM has been quietly “retired” because too many people had twigged what it was).
“Culture” can sound highly amorphous so what about something specific? Supposing immigrant cultures can be shown to have different values on specific and crucial political issues? I’m sceptical about surveys but there are surveys that show U.S. immigrants are less pro-Second Amendment rights than the host population. Wasn’t it Brecht who said that when the people voted and the government didn’t like the result, they changed the people? (Phew – Brecht was safely right-on so I can say that!).
The U.S. Constitution doesn’t say anything about the country having to take waves of immigrants. That’s on a poem on the base of the Statue of Liberty. There’s all sorts of occult symbolism in that statue like that suspiciously male-looking face and the Baphomet arm-positionings. Poems are not constitutional rights – do we have a right to an autumn of mellow fruitfulness rather than continual rain because Keats wrote a poem once? Who wrote that poem and why was it put where it is? These are the sort of questions that might get us somewhere.
The point about cheap labour is so obvious it hardly needs making – but I’ll just say that once trade unions would have argued this but now they feel they can’t… which was part of the goal. What skills are the Springfield Haitians going to be able to bring to the labour market – or is a life of dependency at the teat of Big Mother the point?
The English – especially the southern English – have a real problem with culture because we (and I am one!) don’t have much of a culture and have been deeply programmed to feel contempt for such as we have. To grasp this issue, it’s necessary to think of other cultures that we’ve been programmed to think sympathetically of – like the Irish. Isn’t there a distinctive Irish culture and isn’t it something worth protecting? Isn’t it palpably ridiculous to blame the Irish of all people for the sins of colonialism and demand payback from them? Is anyone who argues this some sort of Nazi?
Ultimately, it’s a Freemasonic/Luciferian project. God (or Nature if you prefer) created different races but the elites want to achieve godhood by inverting Creation. It’s a supreme irony that those who preach “diversity” want to destroy one of the most profound actually-existing diversities. It reveals what should be obvious, their talk of diversity is just talk and they really want a global monocultural of obedient consumer-serfs.
No country or nation has ever bettered itself by allowing in the “wretched refuse of the teeming shores” of other countries or nations.
“No country or nation has ever bettered itself by allowing in the “wretched refuse of the teeming shores” of other countries or nations”
Especially not in the case of Aboriginal America
Ha ha! Self-serving twaddle. Leaving aside the issue that the resultant civilization is the terror of the planet, created for the enrichment of the class that directed all the actual development: this is just the “White” version of “We were Kings”. Nah, most of us descended from illiterate peasants, and not even particularly wonderful illiterate peasants, and some of those peasants were unabashed thieves and Indian-killers, too.
If the angle from which you aim your self-serving crap cannon is anti-immigrant, you’re being a Hypocrite in a terribly common way.
If you are the direct descendant of a verified Genius (and not just some syphillitic burgher in a buckled hat), who actually contributed to the creation of the Power Grid, or Indoor Plumbing, or the Internal Combustion engine, etc, you’d be better equipped to crow about “Civilization,” whether the civilization is evil or not. The odds are overwhelming that you are not.
You remind of an Ex who was always on about the Queen of England (because some of her ancestors were English, you see, as are some of mine): the Queen of England would have considered my delusional Ex as untouchable as she would have considered me or any other Serf.
Also re: signing up for “welfare”: invading a spectacularly fecund continent and pirating its resources, using superior firepower, and dirty trickets, is a kind of “welfare”.
Erratum: “trickets”? Laugh. The typo is my “flaw of Allah”
Hahhh! Haaahhh! You naughty devil, you’re confusing the issues with facts. Isn’t it nicer to just accept the TV version of the adulterated history, like 99% of the drongos?!? Cheerin’ …
All land is blood land. It’s pure perversity to wish for my ancestors to have lost to someone else’s ancestors. Imagine a Comanche Indian wishing that the Apaches had defeated his people, instead of the other way around. It wouldn’t happen.
As a child, I always had more sympathy for the Indians than for my own European ancestors who displaced them. As an adult, I still have sympathy for the “natives,” but I’ve also learned to have sympathy, and gratitude — a virtue much neglected these days — for my own people.
< All land is blood land. >
It’s more complicated than that, because land is also grass land. Herbivores coexist with carnivores, and both depend on photosynthetic vegetable life for their existence. The savannah is actually a very peaceful place — apart from the occasional scream from some poor old Tail End Charley caught by some predator.
“The bloody flesh our only food,
The dripping blood our only drink;
In spite of which we like to think
That we are sound substantial flesh and blood —
In spite of which, again, we call this Friday Good”. — TS Eliot.
No, it’s not. It’s a lot of hard work, most of it physical, back-breaking and dangerous. There was much building from scratch. “Yankee Ingenuity.” The new “immigrants,” the immigimmies, aren’t here to build anything; it’s already built. They’re here to destroy, and despoil.
You mean 1948 Palestine?
OMG! Have you taken a few minutes to digest what you’ve just proffered?
If you’re American, I suspect that the majority of ‘American-Indians’ or original inhabitants, would agree with you. If not, remove your monocle, it might be distorting your jaundiced perceptions of a brutally-savage genocidal foundation which was the precursor to platform that gave rise to the self-anointed ‘exceptional’ US’ of A.
I submit that the idea of bringing Haitians into the US is something other than engorging the Nanny State. There appears to be a definite agenda regarding Haiti: to create as much turmoil in Haiti itself as possible then to bring Haitians escaping the alleged gang violence to the US – a la the Cuban refugees.
And why so much trouble for a little Caribbean nation? Well, how about the massive – as in one of the biggest anywhere on Earth – gas and oil reserve just off shore of Port-au-Prince. And, gosh, conditions are so bad in poor Haiti that the US marines will once against need to invade in order to restore “freedom and democracy” so that the Haitian immigrants will stop eating pet dogs and cats (according to the ever truthful Trumpster) and go back home).
Oh, and by all means let’s throw in a little Voodoo to really convince good decent God fearing Americans that something has to be done.
Meanwhile that eerie silence regarding the Clinton Hydra’s fascination with Haiti, a Love that was once so bold and unashamed that it was like Tom Cruise hopping on a talk show’s couch, proclaiming it…
Good point.
But they are eating pets.
Excellent points all!
< The tactic goes back at least to the Boer War where the Rhodes’ Group tried to flood the Boers with Utlanders and then concocted a synthetic outrage that they cared about Uitlander rights to justify war. >
As a boy I was shocked to read Churchill’s brass-necked effrontery: He wrote in his History that the British Empire was obligated to take over the gold and diamond fields of the Free Afrikaaner Republics in order to protect the foreign immigrants.
Springfield is in the simpsons.
and eating cats and dogs for the alt media believers.
FFs you suppose to be awake.
I agree that there are many factors at work, race, class and others. Brecht and government changing the people is germane as clearly the people of the UK and other countries are being changed. It is predicted that the UK could be minority white before 2060. This is not incidental and is deliberate, the Sutherlands et al don’t believe that race is a cultural construct and that reducing the white population and promoting race mixing will make the populace easier to control in a technocracy and in other systems. Ironically, the white race is already very diverse – blonde, brown, red hair and many shades as well as blue, green, brown, hazel. ‘Diversity is our strength’ could also be an ethno-nationalist slogan.
Good to get all these poverty-creating oligarchs, all these clever idiots and world-destructive good-doers together under one thread: Sutherland and his ilk.
“Mickey Kantor, the United States Trade Representative, credited Peter Sutherland with being the father of globalisation and said that without him there would have been no WTO.”
Herds have migrated since time immemorial in search of “fresh fields and pastures new”. And the locals have objected to the newcomers since time immemorial. In recent decades, resource-wars by Anglo Zionazi Capitalist oligarchs have increased the flow of refugees from Africa, West Asia and Ukraine. Hence it is interesting to see the statistic in this article: that refugees are only a minor part of the migrant horde. People migrate as the swallows do, and as the ancestors of Homo Sapiens did on our long trek from Africa.
“Who are these hooded hordes, swarming” — TS Eliot.
“I have contacted the hordes and they are us” — Pogo Possum.
“I parked and entered the village pub. After the locals decided that I had no intention of living there, they entered into conversation and we swapped tales” — Miles Kington.
“My race? Human” — Albert Einstein, answer on an immigration form to the U$A.
People have also been defending themselves and their communities from invading hordes ever since time began, except that now we’re suddenly no longer allowed by ‘our’ own government to defend ourselves or our communities. Funny that …
You are correct: Western governments are in collusion with Zionazi capitalists to create oil wars in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) and flood the West with refugees in order to decrease wages. On that we are agreed.
But not just to decrease wages.
Excellent article, what we need is a Geo-fenced ID system to resolve this muh immigrant issue.
Don’t forget to factor the Cloward-Piven strategy and the Alinsky rules into this little stew of madness alongside Kalergi and GRT.
However, the experts say it’s not a thing. So nothing to see here people. Move along now.
Yes, quite so, Iain. One of the results is to atomize people, so that they stand isolated against the global govt– no longer part of a national identity or culture. The “elite” have done very well in their goal of weakening the family, too.
Yup. Family, clan, tribe, nation, race — and species? — must all yield to the Globalist Utopia being birthed.
“The “elite” have done very well in their goal of weakening the family, too.”
The Family as a noble bulwark against invasion is profundly overrated: not only is “The Family” often a human’s first experience of Despotism, but it’s also a powerful circulator of Prevailing Ruling Narratives… like, say, any “staunchly religious” patriarch whipping the tenets of his (brainwashed) Metaphysics into his kids. What you are unwittingly complaining about is that Generationally Entrenched Brainwashing can be subverted with Modern MediaTechniques.
Not exactly Liberatory in either case.
So, despotism on a far grander scale than the family would be an improvement then?
< Rothkopf’s opinion is that oligarchs are necessary for the function of a healthy society. >
That was Maggie Snatcher’s opinion too. It was with her Gospel of Greed that the Empire Struck Back.
Vote Communist in the next election. If Communism has been culturally genocided in your ward, form a cell and issue a manifesto:
“It is easier to squeeze a cable through the eye of a needle than to push a rich man through the gates of the Kingdom”.
Hope you’re not being serious. I’ve seen the Iron Curtain, I’ve been to East Berlin where people voted Communist (because they had to) and I’m saying No, thanks
My Wife’s (estranged) mother was very probably Stasi-adjacent (at the very least). Shudder. The pre-microchip surveillance machinery of friends/ family/ acquaintances/ colleagues spying on, and denouncing, their friends/ family/ acquaintances/ colleagues for “The Cause”. Got a quick taste of that under the Corona Reich recently… lots of old Stasi pleasures were reactivated for the occasion.
They were indeed. And I still cannot grasp that it took only a couple of months for people to not only tolerate but even cheer on totalitarian actions of an openly totalitarian regime. And it obviously didn’t matter if they had grown up east or west of the border.
One thing the communists were good at was genocide. At least 100 million of their own citizens worldwide, yet the real number could be much higher since their crimes against humanity have been whitewashed over the years.
You even use ‘communism’ and ‘cell’ in the same sentence, how very appropriate, since the Bolsheviks et al loved the use of the gulag to intern their enemies before they murdered, starved or worked them to death.
So here you are, back with your original moniker after being outed for using multiple handles. The least you could do is practice what you preach, starting with limiting yourself to one handle here at OffG.
After all, having multiple user names sounds very acquisitve. Makes you seem like a ‘greedy capitalist’.
Each year, millions of people get sick from serious illnesses like flu, COVID-19 and RSV. Vaccines are your best protection — and they’re covered by Medicare.”
And it’s accompanied by two so-happy seniors w cute little bandaids over their injections. And we’re PAYING for this propaganda.
The word “free” has appeared recently on NHS “invitations”
As the NHS is always free at the point of delivery, it should set off some alarm bells.
My Mum and Dad have just taken up the irresistable “free” offer.
Sigh !
I’m seeing that everywhere, billboards, at every pharmacy and grocery, and today, full page ad in the local paper. They’re — the Big Pharma Companies –pushing it extra hard because fewer people are getting vaxxed, and vaxxing is one of their biggest moneymakers.
They can go to Hell.
Two perceptive minds meet.
Paul Cudenec and Dr Sam Bailey:
Everybody’s favourite PM, Tony Bliar, features here.
What an ugly piece of work he is.
More than ugly — evil!
I often marvel at the intuition of a Conservative election campaigner who noticed young Tony’s “Demon Eyes” — years before B.Liar became notorious as the Bomber of Belgrade, the Butcher of Baghdade and the Non-voting Director in House of Rothschild.
An opportunist of the lowest order and the highest calling.
“Come here Tony, we have a little task for you”
Well, he is the guy people want. 75% of all Brits, King Charles, and Lord Rothschild and EU and WEF, loves Tony Blair.
You? You can say what you want.
Still pumping out the Fear Porn:
One million infected every day acc to your World Socialist Leftist Communist Party link.
In one year this is the entire US population infected with Long Covid!……….If we dont do something now!
Won’t be back, and now I see… Neither should you out there. Fuck these guys, whom I once loved so very much. C ya!
All you needed to do was refresh your browser and you would have seen all your comments, including the string of uncomplimentary ones about us, were right here – and saved yourself a lot of upset and typing
You erased my comment to Steve Augustine, who is easily one of the sharpest tools in this shed, that was somewhat critical of you. That is what is unforgivable. Don’t make it seem like something else. Then you erased my comments on the erasure, that initially posted, then pretended nothing happened, as if I was just on a jag without reason. Return my comment to Steve, and then we’ll see how I feel about you all moving forward. Otherwise, I’m out.
We did not “erase” your comment. It’s right where you left it and has been from the moment you hit “post comment”. Enough of this now.
Big push by trolly entities atm.
May I remind the community, this is your space, so please help address trollers and keep things balanced btl. We don’t want to encourage a nanny state here. This is your community. Thanks everyone. A2
Hey, S: I think it’s possibly unfair to interpret an honest mistake, and understandable general internet frustraion, as “trolling” with the intent to bring the site down.
Sophie may remember that Akismet deleted two of my comments (which she then restored, after I mentioned it).
A few days later I thought another comment was deleted… but it merely moved down to the bottom of the long thread I was commenting in: my mistake.
The same day, on the other hand, a commenter took issue with my perception that anyone with a large platform is suspect… to which I responded, in detail, about the current status of Media Monopoly… including links. THAT comment, unfortunately, was vaporized by Akismet… so it does happen. (Unless it was restored a couple of days after the fact).
Molecule9 was being laudatory of OFFG the day before he perceived a comment as missing: not really the M.O. of a “troll,” is it?
Yes it’s exactly the MO, and I wonder what inspires you to side with this commenter over the site you call home to your opinions. As stated, this is your community. Trust admin to do their job, pull up trolls as they appear, help the community to self moderate and admin are more than happy to stay out of your way. Thanks a whole bunch. A2
“Yes it’s exactly the MO, and I wonder what inspires you to side with this commenter over the site you call home to your opinions.”
A sense of fairness? M9 got himself “in trouble” while saying something nice about me; I’d be kind of an asshole if I didn’t make an honest comment in their defence. M9’s recent comments are obviously made in genuine (not calculated) anger. Just human moments happening.
There is no excuse for coming here and acting the way that commenter did. As I think you realise. A2
“As I think you realise”
Last response from me on this matter; No, I don’t “realize” that at all (ergo my words in this exchange), S. Honestly. I don’t. I disagree. Oh well!
“and I wonder what inspires you to side with this commenter over the site you call home to your opinions”
Also, S: not to piss you off, but this is a peculiar formulation.
I comment all over the place (most of all at my own site). I orbit OFFG and swing in, sometimes after 2 or 3 years, to comment for a spell, then fly away when shoo’d off. This is not my “home”… I just comment on some of the material. Sometimes I think you and Sophie are doing great work. sometimes you seem to take things too personally, IMO. I could be wrong, of course.
All this waffle is being trashed. And I’m putting you on premod. We don’t tolerate blatant trolling or blatant timewasting/concern trolling like you’re up to. Enough now. A2
Yes, you!
Yes, admin, I’m talking to you. C ya
Un fucking subscribe.
And continue to prove your lack of, well, whatever I thought was here to be found here Fuck off
Ease off on the vapes mate.
Wiped r other comments, but keep the one complimentary comment to yourselves. Done here. So disappointed.
Yep. Absolutely proved it. Better keep the criticism quiet. Now I’m truly suspicious of you. That means you have broken trust. C Ya. Unsubscribe
Well, admin, you’ve proved it. C Ya! Pulling my subscription now. Bye!
Perhaps you should also drop my previous complimentary comment for yourselves.
Really admin? Dropped my complimentary comment on Steve Augustine. Perhaps I’m done here.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-09-23. Did CDC study jabbed vs. unjabbed health outcomes of children? Yes, back in 1999. Truth about contagion (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
From your Link (search for CDC):
“Records through a FOIA provided by the CDC
“I cannot make it clear enough how important this is. And how important it is that people SEE THIS. ”
The truth about Con-19 hidden from the public (link, google drive folder).
Chapter 1 – creating a pandemic: prepare the public with Hollywood blockbusters.
did the mandarins really establish a CHARLEMAGNE Prize? could they have chosen any more brazen way to signal their aspirations for self-exalting merciless conquest? maybe though nowadays for the gang of jackals in Brussels they should offer an annual Atilla The Hun Award
So mass migration isn’t a problem because immigrants have less power than the host population? They don’t need power to replace the host population. They just need numbers and they have those… And the replacement is going well at an ever increasing rate. What am I missing here?
Indeed, it’s a shocker that Iain Davis misses it. 🙄
No. Its a shocker that you and people dont get they are being played…..again.
The article overlooks these simple issues:
-. A country that cannot regulate immigration (or investment for that matter), and verify the commitment of each immigrant to its laws, is not sovereign.
-. Acceding to any irrevocable treaty with one or more other countries is treachery.
I did not say that mass immigration does not cause problems. The article is about how the “Great Replacement conspiracy theory” and the “Kalergi Plan” are propagandist constructs and I have tried to explain how I think they are used. Essentially to divide and conquer.
I have written more about the problems caused by immigration here:
I read the article linked here. Was George Floyd ‘killed by’ Minneapolis Police, as you say ? Worth a look:
Also, the origins and nature of the Azov battalion that you mention at the end are worth deeper consideration. Its surely worth exploring the apparent contradictions at play in the West’s support of this group. Mention of Kolomoiskyy might be good…
Why does Haaretz run an article defending Azov ?
Are the Left being fed a simplified argument ?
I think the relevant quote from the above article would be this:
To be clear, Davis does not deny the existence of problems brought about by high immigration. He says that there is no plan for replacement, and cites the relative lack of economic power of immigrant populations as evidence that if there were a plan, it has ‘been a miserable failure’.
This fails to consider the notion that there might have been a plan that didn’t seek to make immigrants wealthy, but rather to replace the white working class. Its a straw man.
Davis dismisses the accusation that there is any replacement of the ‘indigenous ethno-culture’, but doesn’t really offer any rebuttal to the many arguments of those who see exactly that happening, plan or no plan. The Guardian has run probably hundreds of articles informing its readers how anything traditional (folk music, farmers markets, living in the countryside, Shakespeare etc) is offensive to minority groups and needs to be ‘de-colonised’. Any look at the cultural output of our society, the DEI cult, the censorship regime and its application, or the two tier justice system reveals that the ethno-culture of Davis’s country has most definitely been transformed, and not in the interests of the white working class.
Its about more than a simple metric of economic opportunity.
Good point. That process, undertaken by the Guardian in your example, is what Camus would have called “nocence.” The objective being “replacism,” which means making “all people” replaceable by anything. As you know, in the article you read I looked at the latest UK censorship statistics, crime statistics and economic statistics. Personally I could find no evidence at all to support the idea that the White working class are being “replaced” by immigrants in the UK.
This is not that same as acknowledging, as I do, that immigration is highly regionalised and disproportionately impacts those communities least able to accommodate the demographic shift. I do think this is deliberate and I think immigration is exploited by the state for a whole slew of policy objectives.
But to imagine, as clearly many commentators on this thread do, that the primary threat is the Great Replacement, for which the statistical evidence is frankly nonexistent, is to concern yourself with a diversion, tinged with xenophobia and paranoia in my view, while completely overlooking how all people, of all ethnicity and all religious denominations, are being made replaceable through nocence to usher in Technocracy.
If you think the Guardian’s nocence is bad–which it is–I hope you will read my forthcoming deep-dive exploring the activities of Hope not hate and their unbelievable nocence attacks on the UK Muslim community. All of it is geared to perpetuate the “Clash of Civilisations” and the Great Replacement theory is very much part of that nocence in my view.
The white working class are too expensive and make too much trouble and quarrel too much: “My Union will get you stupid Employer”.
Third nation people work hard, are generally more gentle and polite, more traditional, more getting around.
White guys invented and financed Azov Nazism, Islamic Statism and terrorism, Gladio and Migration.
As China says, “China dont have migrant and refugee problems, its a pure Western problem”.
Here is a typical white guy from US/EU:
Search me! I think great replacement is a no-brainer or an elephant in the room, whether Kalergi’s, Sutherland’s or someone else’s words have been cherry picked.
You miss that mass migration is a political created problem, not a personal immigrant problem. See your comment talking about they, their power, their amount, their numbers.
You should have focused and commented on the political purpose and the political acceptance of it.
By focusing on the immigrants you just serve the political divide and conquer agenda.
I’m sure there must be a logical explanation, but why are French nationalists holding a sign in English?
Perhaps their names are widely known in continental Europe, but prior to Davis mentioning them, I’d heard of neither Kalergi nor Camus; and nor of Sutherland. Instead, I know the difference between when it’s raining and somebody pissing on my leg!
Since his 2010 and 2011 books L’Abécédaire de l’in-nocence (“Abecedarium of no-harm”) and Le Grand Remplacement (“The Great Replacement”)—both unpublished in English—Camus has been warning of the purported danger of the “Great Replacement”.[35] The conspiracy theory supposes that “replacist elites”[b] are colluding against the White French and Europeans in order to replace them with non-European peoples—specifically Muslim populations from Africa and the Middle East—through mass migration, demographic growth and a drop in the European birth rate; a supposed process he labeled “genocide by substitution.”[2][36] To promote his theory, Camus participated in two conferences organised by Bloc Identitaire in December 2010 and November 2012.[25]
New Report on Replacement Migration Issued by UN Population Division
17 March 2000
Press Release
NEW YORK, 17 March (DESA) — The Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) has released a new report titled Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?. Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to prevent population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.
United Nations projections indicate that between 1995 and 2050, the population of Japan and virtually all countries of Europe will most likely decline. In a number of cases, including Estonia, Bulgaria and Italy, countries would lose between one quarter and one third of their population. Population ageing will be pervasive, bringing the median age of population to historically unprecedented high levels. For instance, in Italy, the median age will rise from 41 years in 2000 to 53 years in 2050. The potential support ratio — i.e., the number of persons of working age (15-64 years) per older person — will often be halved, from 4 or 5 to 2.
Focusing on these two striking and critical trends, the report examines in detail the case of eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). In each case, alternative scenarios for the period 1995-2050 are considered, highlighting the impact that various levels of immigration would have on population size and population ageing.
Major findings of this report include:
— In the next 50 years, the populations of most developed countries are projected to become smaller and older as a result of low fertility and increased longevity. In contrast, the population of the United States is projected to increase by almost a quarter. Among the countries studied in the report, Italy is projected to register the largest population decline in relative terms, losing 28 per cent of its population between 1995 and 2050, according to the United Nations medium variant projections. The population of the European Union, which in 1995 was larger than that of the United States by 105 million, in 2050, will become smaller by 18 million.
— Population decline is inevitable in the absence of replacement migration. Fertility may rebound in the coming decades, but few believe that it will recover sufficiently in most countries to reach replacement level in the foreseeable future.
— Some immigration is needed to prevent population decline in all countries and regions examined in the report. However, the level of immigration in relation to past experience varies greatly. For the European Union, a continuation of the immigration levels observed in the 1990s would roughly suffice to prevent total population from declining, while for Europe as a whole, immigration would need to double. The Republic of Korea would need a relatively modest net inflow of migrants — a major change, however, for a country which has been a net sender until now. Italy and Japan would need to register notable increases in net immigration. In contrast, France, the United Kingdom and the United States would be able to maintain their total population with fewer immigrants than observed in recent years.
— The numbers of immigrants needed to prevent the decline of the total population are considerably larger than those envisioned by the United Nations projections. The only exception is the United States.
— The numbers of immigrants needed to prevent declines in the working-age population are larger than those needed to prevent declines in total population. In some cases, such as the Republic of Korea, France, the United Kingdom or the United States, they are several times larger. If such flows were to occur, post-1995 immigrants and their descendants would represent a strikingly large share of the total population in 2050 — between 30 and 39 per cent in the case of Japan, Germany and Italy.
— Relative to their population size, Italy and Germany would need the largest number of migrants to maintain the size of their working-age populations. Italy would require 6,500 migrants per million inhabitants annually and Germany, 6,000. The United States would require the smallest number — 1,300 migrants per million inhabitants per year.
— The levels of migration needed to prevent population ageing are many times larger than the migration streams needed to prevent population decline. Maintaining potential support ratios would in all cases entail volumes of immigration entirely out of line with both past experience and reasonable expectations.
— In the absence of immigration, the potential support ratios could be maintained at current levels by increasing the upper limit of the working-age population to roughly 75 years of age.
— The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require a comprehensive reassessment of many established policies and programmes, with a long-term perspective. Critical issues that need to be addressed include: (a) the appropriate ages for retirement; (b) the levels, types and nature of retirement and health care benefits for the elderly; (c) labour force participation; (d) the assessed amounts of contributions from workers and employers to support retirement and health care benefits for the elderly population; and (e) policies and programmes relating to international migration, in particular, replacement migration and the integration of large numbers of recent migrants and their descendants.
The report may be accessed on the internet site of the Population Division
[bad link]
Here instead:
The ‘enemy’ doesn’t live on the other side of the tracks. The ENEMY owns the fucking tracks.
And this is why I still stick around. The bl seems to have gone down hill, al can be very hit or miss. But now and then, like very few others, just wow, out of the park. Well done Iian, great work, and thank you OG for hosting.
As per usual and as everyone here is already aware of, the “Hope not Hate” so-called charity is lying to us and twisting what we know and can show to be true from their own statements and documentation into something designed to make us the culpable, deranged outcasts when they claim that the Kalergi Plan is a “popular strain of the white genocide conspiracy theory.”
These are only a couple of insights into their Plan:
The Great Replacement Theory
In Merkle’s case the beginning of the answer may in the fact that in 2010 she was the recipient of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize. You may have never heard of this prize, and you may have also never heard of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. Once you know about the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan then everything that is transpiring in Germany in particular and Europe in general suddenly makes sense. Of particular relevance is the fact that this plan is not to benefit the African people, the Syrian people, the Middle Eastern people or any other people (other than the perpetrators), this plan is purely destructive in intent.
In 1925 the Austrian diplomat Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote a book called ‘Practical Idealism’, in which he stated that “The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.” This is the gist of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.
A neat summary of what this cabal believes is this:
“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.”
– Former Israel Prime Minister and terrorist supreme, Menachem Begin
Australia isnt a multicultural society. it’s a monocultural society –
unless Spaghetti Bolognaise, Chicken Chow Mein, or Meat Pies
are the gifts of multiculture…
Of course, Chinese New Year is celebrated in every state capital
city – it’s attraction is probably because the event employs lots
of Tom thumb firecrackers… There’s no celebrations by those of
Middle East ethnicity, probably because Penny Bangers are not
More Mammoncultural than monocultural methinks les.
‘I own, therefore I am’
‘The mere presence of a Data Center in your town drives up
electricity and water costs for everyone.’
‘Bitcoin alone […] consumes more energy than many countries.’
Zuckerburger has no concept of where to put the heat generated centers, he politically would put them down south, when a rational mind would choose the north to try to cool those suckers down.
A good deal of electricity for crypto currency is stolen. This is a big activity for organized crime.
Energy cost is a strange argument to use against an industry: the goods and services industry uses the most electricity, but nobody suggests that goods and services should be scrapped.
This is the true side of it. The AI is not being wiser, richer, and more wealthy because of its Intelligence.
Its YOU who are being more and more stupid by delivering all your data, energy and money to AI, why you then believe AI is extremely rich and Intelligent because yourself became the bottom of stupidity.
there’s so much posturing it seems around the question of migration and little real focus on the issues it raises, people whose existence is significantly disrupted are not viewed as having legitimate concerns, if the demographics of the place where you live change drastically, and now there’s a majority of residents with a very different cultural background, distinct customs, values, obviously that’s a huge challenge, and naturally those newcomers are typically fleeing economic misery and not seeking some bright new multicultural world, so they are not particularly motivated to join the mainstream of a country which, but for harsh necessity, they would have no desire whatsoever to settle in, and furthermore might have good reason to resent, for imperialist exploitation that has turned their own homeland into a disaster area and forced them into a sort of exile, so on both sides huge grievances, but the ruling class has no interest in addressing them, a pool of desperate laborers battling among themselves for limited opportunities plus shrill social friction equals fertile ground for the classic divide-and-conquer methodology
I agree.
Pick you side!
In the red corner, the Palestinian leadership and the Maoists have temporarily sided together (they’ll presumably slaughter each other at some later date). And in the blue corner, the Firsters, who are somewhat prone to get-off-my-lawnism, have formed an international alliance. Questions of “Who’s lawn is it, anyway?” will be resolved in the traditional manner. I feel unable to make suggestions for the Palestinian people since “there but for the Grace of God”, etc. However, if you feel the right to impose your disapproval, you need to do your disapproving somewhere else!
It begins to make sense when you understand that LGBTQ is just a wrecking ball for GloboMao – the latter being an agenda of the Kissingerites!
Caption: Mindless goons parade with slogans du jure
I haven’t got a fucking clue what any of that means!
And as soon as the miners were no longer useful to the Bolsheviks, they were right royally screwed. And the same will happen to the Palestinians, the Blacks and all the others on the rainbow coalition!
The miners were right royally screwed by the Thatcher government. Nothing to do with “the Bolsheviks” – whoever they are!
I’ll try finding the presentation by Christopher Monckton. He says that Scargill was a Soviet asset; and that Thatcher had been aware of this. Hence, the preparations for the planned showdown over the strike. Although Thatcher had planned to close the unprofitable mines, and destroying the power of the unions, she had no intention of shutting down the whole industry.
Who are the Bolsheviks? It depends on which layer your looking it. It ranges from the mindless goons, to the Scargills, to the Generalissimo, to the Kissingers and the City of London, and to the ultimate owners who shall not be named
Political advisor to the Conservative Party
In 1979, Monckton met Alfred Sherman, who co-founded the pro-Conservative think tank the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) with Margaret Thatcher and Keith Joseph in 1974. Sherman asked Monckton to take the minutes at the CPS’s study group meetings.[16] Monckton subsequently became the secretary for the centre’s economic, forward strategy, health and employment study groups.[17] He wrote a paper on the privatisation of council housing by means of a rent-to-mortgages scheme that brought him to the attention of Downing Street.[16] Ferdinand Mount, the head of the Number 10 Policy Unit and a former CPS director, brought Monckton into the Policy Unit in 1982.[17] He was recruited as a domestic specialist with responsibilities for housing and parliamentary affairs,[18][19] working alongside Mount and Peter Shipley[20] on projects such as the phasing out of council housing.[18] He left the unit in 1986 to join the Today newspaper.[17][21]
Scargill’s statements in the years after becoming NUM president divided left-wing opinion with his support of the Soviet Union, most notably when he refused to support the TUC’s positions on the Solidarity union in Poland or on the Soviet shooting down of the Korean Air Lines Flight 007.[16] One branch of the NUM, at Annesley in Nottinghamshire, put forward a vote of no confidence in Scargill in autumn 1983 following his comments on these matters, but Scargill defeated this at a December meeting and won a vote of confidence instead.[17]
So anyone you want really?
No, there’s a definite hierarchy.
We have a tendency to assume that the events as they unfold were always intended to happen that way. But what if there were a parallel universe reality were Reagan died in the assignation attempt; and Thatcher lost to either Galtieri or Scargill. I think it likely that these scenarios were being modelled and there was some conflict in the hierarchy as to the preferred option.
Given that the Rothschilds are named owners, it’s likely there’s a higher layer of those who shall not be named. However, the Rs provide some indication of there being a conflict. I assume that Victor R was on the winning side and the plan proceeded with Reagan surviving and Thatcher defeating the miners. This would be followed by the collapse of the Soviet Union, the wars against Iraq etc, and the rise of Blairism; but there was also some vindictive score-settling against Victor!
Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild, GBE, GM, FRS (31 October 1910 – 20 March 1990[1]), was a British scientist, intelligence officer during World War II, and later a senior executive with Royal Dutch Shell and N M Rothschild & Sons, and an advisor to the Edward Heath and Margaret Thatcher governments of the UK. He was a member of the prominent Rothschild family.
Thatcher years and Spycatcher
In the 1980s, Rothschild joined the family bank as chairman in an effort to quell the feuding between factions led by Evelyn Rothschild and Victor’s son, Jacob Rothschild. In this, he was unsuccessful as Jacob resigned from the bank to found J. Rothschild Assurance Group (a separate entity, now St. James’s Place plc).
In his 1994 book The Fifth Man, Australian author Roland Perry asserted that in 1993, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, six retired KGB colonels, including Yuri Modin, the spy ring’s handler, alleged Rothschild was the so-called “Fifth Man”: “Rothschild was the key to most of the Cambridge ring’s penetration of British intelligence. “He had the contacts”, Modin noted. “He was able to introduce Burgess, Blunt and others to important figures in Intelligence such as Stewart Menzies, Dick White and Robert Vansittart in the Foreign Office … who controlled MI6.”[20]
No Sign Rothschild a Soviet Spy, Thatcher Says
L.A. Times Archives
Dec. 6, 1986 12 AM PT
Associated Press
LONDON — There is no evidence that Lord Victor Rothschild was ever a Soviet agent, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said Friday, a day after the banker and World War II intelligence officer appealed for an official declaration clearing his name.
Thatcher’s brief statement fell short of the request by Rothschild, who had asked Britain’s MI-5 counterintelligence service to state publicly that it has “unequivocal evidence” disproving rumors that he was the “fifth man” in the infamous spy ring of Guy Burgess, Kim Philby, Donald Maclean and Anthony Blunt.
Rothschild, 76, a hereditary peer and former adviser to former Conservative Prime Minister Edward Heath, made the request in a letter published Thursday in the London Daily Telegraph.
Thatcher caused an uproar in Parliament later Thursday by refusing to comment either way, saying that the government was still considering the plea.
“I am advised that we have no evidence that he was ever a Soviet agent,” Thatcher said in a statement issued Friday
I don’t see how it’s possible to discuss Camus without addressing homonationalism. However, I think people here are not taking the issue seriously!
LGBT rights
Camus is openly gay and has given lukewarm support to same-sex marriage.[22] He has said that homophobia and opposition to gay rights within conservative Islam justifies anti-Muslim sentiment, and that the mainstream left has often prioritised defending Islam and anti-racism over criticising Muslim homophobia.[26]
Not to be confused with Queer nationalism.
Homonationalism is the favorable association between a nationalist ideology and LGBT people or their rights.[1]
The term was originally proposed by the researcher in gender studies Jasbir K. Puar in 2007 to refer to the processes by which neoliberal and capitalist power structures line up with the claims of the LGBT community in order to justify racist, xenophobic and aporophobic positions, especially against Muslims, basing them on prejudices that immigrants are homophobic and that Western society is egalitarian.[2][1] Thus, sexual diversity and LGBT rights are used to sustain political stances against immigration, becoming increasingly common among far-right parties.[3] In Terrorist Assemblages, Puar describes homonationalism as a “form of sexual exceptionalism [dependent on the] segregation and disqualification of racial and sexual others”[4] from the dominant image of a particular society, most often discussed within an American framework.[2]
The concept of homonationalism was created to describe and critique the nationalization of queer movements and growing anti-immigrant stances, while ignoring homophobia still propagated in Western society.[5] Queer equality within a Western homonationalist framework is showcased as inclusion in heteronormative practices, namely legal marriage.[2] Social equality claimed by Western society is contrasted with countries that either criminalize homosexuality or do not legally or formally recognize same-sex marriages; lack of queer equality is often associated with Muslim nations.[1] Puar argues in her 2013 article, “Rethinking Homonationalism”, that the concept should not be seen solely as a description of “bad politics”[6] or a political accusation, but that it is instead a structure of modernity and has latched onto Western societal constructions in order to support the dominant power structures.[6]
Not to be confused with Homonationalism.
Queer nationalism is a phenomenon related both to the gay and lesbian liberation movement and nationalism. Adherents of this movement support the notion that the LGBT community forms a distinct people due to their unique culture and customs.
The Great Melting Pot
America will be!
Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death,
The rape and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies,
We, the people, must redeem
The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers.
The mountains and the endless plain—
All, all the stretch of these great green states—
And make America again!
I had theses supposedly educated men real men who would fight on the terraces (like idiots) and along came tranquilize em populism and then covid and wow what faggots they become. wasn’t even allowed in the same house due to being unvaccinated and they was petrified of some make believe virus fantasy spoken through there alphabet agency alt media personality telling them the chi coms did this to us and one minute ago it as the moslems.
My question was always as the west was on it knees why did theses fighting age males not do it them..or where they scare of covid like the terrorist which all of sudden stopped during bs19?
Replacement theory is like possession by the devil or virus it is the fear of something taken over as the make believe created by government to scare you and keep the blame elsewhere and needing protection OR else.
then along comes mr protector political party different from the rest blaming everything wrong on the poor / disabled / workshy / migrant.
if you consider your self awake and over 50 and cant see the same grift time and time again after a bailout, orchestrated recession or war etc then FFS there no hope.
9 years old
in 2024 sir kier labour 44 billion hole found so tax the poor and kill the old.
each country uses the same grift and they repeat it every 10 years.
“Perhaps more crucially, by perpetuating the left-right paradigm, pitting the identitarian movement against the advocates of identity politics, populations can be mired in pointless debates. This irrelevant distraction…”
These super-heated binary dynamics are not just distractions, they’re powerful engines for moving Public Opinion in one direction or another. Using my city as an example: c. 2000 AD, the most common fashion accessory of the (generally left-leaning, by default) Uni student was the Keffiyeh… Yasser Arafat’s trademark. This was obviously problematic to the PNAC-related plan of gifting Israel with paramilitary blank cheques at home and abroad. 9/11, several problematic waves of migration (featuring largely unvetted stampedes of young men with notions of sexual decorum perpendicular to those of the Liberal German electorate)… and an astonishing run of Holocaust movies/ performance pieces, novels, editorials, graphic novels and Ann Frank merchandise…later… and that Keffiyeh trend was significantly disrupted. Were the many tales of “Migration Background” r*pes, in Europe, invented? Probably, but maybe not. Hoover up a bunch of angry young male virgins, from “The Third World,” and spray them all over Europe’s post-Summer of Love playgrounds… and something is bound to happen.
I had an old friend, from the music days, who was an IQ99 Reaganite (pictures of him in Ronnie’s office, rapt, exist), and his FACEBOOT page was a cringe-indusing visual orgie of his rifle closets… but he was also “right” about some things. He was right for all the wrong reasons, but he was right. How to parse that Heisenbergian paradox? To admit that he’s right, where he’s right, is to encourage him to double-down where he’s REally fucking Wrong. And that goes double for the Lunatic “Left”.
TFIC definitely prefer docile, sub-educated refugees to degree-bearing “patriots” with arsenals and just enough know-how to fuck shit up.
German rednecks saved my Life during the Corona Empire. White German Males marched and did doughnuts with farm machinery and made noise every single day… until it became lots less likely that my door would kicked in (is it an architectural accident in Berlin that most flats don’t have a back door?) and I would be headlocked, jabbed, and allowed to crumple.
So: Replacism as a Genuine Scheme among some of TFIC (who aren’t a monolith and seem to squabble often)? Yes, I wouldn’t rule that out, as an endpoint (it’s fairly obvious that the average White American Serf got pretty close to living like Kings, in the golden age of the Cold War, when White American Serfs were being invited to Buy In to “The New Frontier,” and multiply, and a factory worker could secure a house, raise a family, and, with the help of generous scholarships, send an offspring or two to pre-moronification college). White American Serfs (and White European Serfs, a bit later) became quite self-confident, rather uppity, difficult to control… especially after the United Auto Workers flexed their unionized Hulk fists. My mother’s cousin (by marriage) was an Auto Worker in Detroit, in the 1960s-1970s, commuting from Ohio every day (!), and he had a House of the Future, in a pristine woodland space, nearby stream, glass walled kitchen, deer peering in, hooded Scandinavian-style hearths, fondue and recessed lighting… and we’re not even White! The American Serf reached his/her/their Apotheosis before Carter’s “energy crisis” took them down a peg. Then Reagan’s ’80s accelerated the process. Still, the Royal American Serf Psyche managed to cling to Uppity Attitudes for quite some time. They already believed “The Universe Itself (!)” was taking an interest in/ guiding/ treasuring each of them individually. Now THAT is an Uppity Serf.
The imported “refugees” in America and Europe (and isn’t it tragic that Qaddaffi’s “warning” about the floodgates bursting open, should he be (an*lly r*ped with a bayonet and) removed… was far from an actual warning/threat but, in fact, THE PLAN itself?
Oh, and speaking of “These super-heated binary dynamics are not just distractions, they’re powerful engines for moving Public Opinion”: all these Batshit Lefty Liberalisms (and, btw, what is Lefty Liberalism but a disingenuously Oedipal Reaction to the Crypto-Right that housed, fed, indoctrinated and employed them all their lives?)… the raging Male Boxers in drag, pummelling poor ladies, the obese supermodels, the Hobby Horse Equestrienne Competitions (Google this!), the Vegan Dogfood and cricket BBQs, et al)… are there to push us ALL to the Right. And it is fucking WORKING.
The Binary is NOT just an “irrelevant distraction” and none of these projects are focused on only one goal.
I write all this despite (or because) of the fact I resemble this description…”The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals”… to a “t”. When I moved to Germany to escape America’s violent and materialistic culture, I wasn’t also hoping to land in a sexually edgy Potemkin Village of “the Third World”. It will be a while before that is the dominant Reality, in Berlin, but even a little bit of it is too much. Germans are a bit corny but the culture of the 1990s was a pretty good balance…
…now entirely out of whack. Partially, this is (migration theory #3) unmistakably a kind of “revenge” by the obvious parties. If you Grok what I mean? Revenge is a dish best served c. 80 years late.*
PS Let us never forget that one of TFIC’s favorite tricks is to let the craziest, and meanest, assholes speak wgat is very largely The Truth. Thereby making The Truth untouchable and sending the fluffy bunnies of the First World running for the safety and comfort of super-bullshitty Disney Paradigms…
PPS *This is an interesting paradox of its own… maybe too indecorous to discuss openly?
Chaucerian errata: “cringe-inducing visual orgy” not “cringe-indusing visual orgie” (not sure WHERE that came from)
Miss your comments Steve, and your work. Glad to see you’re back. I remember you were a bit abused here by admin, and it was clear they just didn’t get where you were coming from. Still have that amazing art/social critique sight I used to love so much? It got lost, for me, in the shuffle, something to do with figuring out how to use a VPN.
M9! I’m still pouring unsolicited words into the Universe via that hose of that site, yes! Come over and chat with me sometime! Most of my readers now are via Reddit but they never interact… they just gawk…
They dropped my complimentary comment to you,. WTF!?
Your complimentary comment is directly above this. one.
Thank you. That’s all I asked. Btw, there were many refreshments of the browser. So many nefarious actions/actors out there. Trust is earned…and lost. You, OG, are one of the few places I return to in a regular manner, because sometimes, sometimes, you really do nail it. One of the very few voices of sense during the plague years. Please don’t lose that very tenuous trust that I have left for you.