Social Pathology

Todd Hayen

We, as a society, are rotting away, and most people don’t even know it, and if they do, they don’t care. More doom and gloom, eh? Hey, believe it or not, I am a positive thinker! I do believe, in fact I know, this is all going to work out fine.

I don’t think God is going to abandon us, although it may seem so at times. There really can’t be an “abandonment”—we are one and the same with God, we just have to be aware of that truth, or else we will rot away.

It just may be quite a while before it “works out fine.”

We play in a very volatile playground. Anything can happen at any moment to our physical, emotional, and spiritual world. Well, the spiritual part of that trio needs a bit of explaining. Everything humans physically experience goes through the material system. Or at least most things we are aware of do. We must “think” it to “know” it.

This is consciousness of the intellect (or consciousness of the mind). Spirituality sits between consciousness of the mind, and consciousness of the heart.

The reason spirituality has a foot in the intellect is just because we are thinking beings—this is where concepts of God lie, concepts found in the Bible, the Ten Commandments, even Jesus as he appeared on earth in a physical form. All these things are intellectual constructs.

But spirituality also has one foot in the heart. We feel it. We know it. We know when we are in love, we know the feeling in our heart (not our mind) that we experience around beautiful nature, art, and music. If we are Christian, we know the love and forgiveness of Christ. If we are of another faith, we know love through whatever pathway to God that we are on.

Everything else is strictly through the senses. Fear, death, suffering, all of these things are experienced through the senses, then through the mind (that is where the sensations are interpreted). Sure, things like art and music come through the senses as well, sight, touch, and hearing, but are mostly interpreted by the “heart,” not the “brain.” Since we are physical beings, the senses act as the gateway to the heart.

So, what do I mean by “awareness of God?” Is that a heart awareness, or a mind awareness? Since people these days seem to have, for the most part, abandoned the heart, most everything has to go through the senses before any attention is paid to it.

Thus, to reconnect with “soul” and “spirit” most often a person will go through consciousness of the mind—reading, going to church services, being inspired by enlightened teachers, etc. Once the intellect has a grasp on what is coming through, it makes way for the heart to “see” it and interpret it. Thus, consciousness of the heart takes over.

This process is mostly lost in today’s “cause and effect” scientific world view. Few people put much credence in religion, or even in art and music (except for entertainment, which doesn’t cut it). So, this is why we are rotting away…

The poisoning of the senses is also at fault. This is carried out in a variety of ways, most notably today by our addiction to cell phones, scrolling through TikTok videos, computer screens in general (although, if conducting constructive work, the damage is minimal) video games, and of course pornography (soft and hard).

Other poisons coming into the senses include far too much focus on sports and sporting events (although participating in athletic activities is certainly good for the body, mind, and spirit)—“Bread and Circuses” of course being what comes to mind.

Excesses in food (believe me, food is a huge poisoning!) illicit drugs, as well as the ones prescribed by doctors, sexual exploitation (the soul of sex has nearly been entirely obliterated) and our focus on medical intervention in order to make us safe, “healthy” and satiated.

Other poisoning is obvious—EMF, 5G, air and water pollution, chemtrails, vaccines, excessive noise, excessive artificial light, etc.

These are all physical examples. How about some emotional/psychological examples? We certainly can look at any on this list through a psychological lens, such as video gaming, pornography, or just staring at a cell phone all day. But what about things like classes being taught through Zooming? Or any sort of conference no longer being held in person, in a physical place, where people mingle, talk, shake hands, as well as other social interaction?

And the biggest crime of social pathology of all, working at home. Via internet? Via Zoom? I know, I know, people love working from home. Can you say “carrot?” The carrot is always juicy and appealing. Then comes the stick, and in this case, the stick is social pathology, and we won’t even know it when it hits us, and its intent is to kill.

Humans can’t function for very long or very well, when there is no longer any physical human interaction. We are physical creatures. Have you ever watched films of first encounters with indigenous tribes in Africa or South America or elsewhere? The native people can’t keep their hands off of each other.

Even in our own modern culture look at class photos or photos of sports teams taken at the turn of the century. The men have their hands all over one another, over shoulders, hands touching, leaning on one another. We are very physical beings.

As mentioned earlier, the heart is reached through the senses. All gone. And has been for quite some time. In our post-Covid times where everyone is working at home, never mingling with co-workers, is just the last nail in the coffin.

And the whole thrust during Covid was to eliminate touching entirely. I had a T-Shirt made I wore when I would visit a local coffee shop, it said “Hug Me, I’m not afraid of you!” No one took me up on it (maybe I am just too ugly to get hugs from strangers!).

Remember we weren’t even allowed to shake hands. And don’t think that insanity will not come back. It will, probably very soon, with an even more formidable disease than Covid.

And what about upcoming “Smart Cities” where our coming and going from our own home will be restricted? No more gatherings of any kind. Coming soon to a city near you.

What does all this have to do with losing soul and spirit? Because that is just what social pathology does—it causes us to become even more separated from what makes us human—transhumanism. The goal of transhumanism is to remove the very thing that makes us human—soul.

And the agenda accomplishes this by removing soul enriching experiences from our lives—mingling, touching, speaking face to face, shaking hands, hugging, whispering sweet nothings into one another’s ears. Hearing voices through the vibration of the air in the room where we are all seated, and seeing each other through a direct encounter with the physical object of our physical selves. Not through a screen, or photograph.

If you haven’t already done so, check out the movie Surrogates. This is where we are headed folks. The carrot of laziness and convenience is dangling in front of our anxious little noses. After we take a bite, the stick is imminent.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Categories: latest, opinion, Three Reads
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Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Sep 28, 2024 9:12 PM

I found out, it is quite easy to befriend animals.
First they are suspicious, but when they find you are sincere person they like you as an old friend.
The problem is only over-guesting. They invite all their bird friends to build nest around your house, expect you to feed them when they lack. Sylvia wrote an article about it.

Taken home from this is: Expand your physical connection area and senses area, and remember this was and is also God.comment image

Sep 28, 2024 9:09 PM

but it hasn’t worked out for fine for the Palestinians at all.

Sep 28, 2024 8:39 PM

I enjoy your reminders to combine the intellect and soul, heart, mind, body, in whatever combinations one can manage and to trust God is working to bring a positive and humanity- loving conclusion to the present time. It appears you have decided there is much more to be discovered about the Creator than what is revealed in His chosen means of addressing our minds through language (a unique and precious gift!) as in nature and beauty, but I think we should be careful to find as much as we can of his revealed truth there in the Word which puts everything else in proper perspective. It is a bottomless source of inspiration and comfort.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Sep 28, 2024 9:04 PM
Reply to  David

I agree. thank you.