Social Pathology

Todd Hayen

We, as a society, are rotting away, and most people don’t even know it, and if they do, they don’t care. More doom and gloom, eh? Hey, believe it or not, I am a positive thinker! I do believe, in fact I know, this is all going to work out fine.

I don’t think God is going to abandon us, although it may seem so at times. There really can’t be an “abandonment”—we are one and the same with God, we just have to be aware of that truth, or else we will rot away.

It just may be quite a while before it “works out fine.”

We play in a very volatile playground. Anything can happen at any moment to our physical, emotional, and spiritual world. Well, the spiritual part of that trio needs a bit of explaining. Everything humans physically experience goes through the material system. Or at least most things we are aware of do. We must “think” it to “know” it.

This is consciousness of the intellect (or consciousness of the mind). Spirituality sits between consciousness of the mind, and consciousness of the heart.

The reason spirituality has a foot in the intellect is just because we are thinking beings—this is where concepts of God lie, concepts found in the Bible, the Ten Commandments, even Jesus as he appeared on earth in a physical form. All these things are intellectual constructs.

But spirituality also has one foot in the heart. We feel it. We know it. We know when we are in love, we know the feeling in our heart (not our mind) that we experience around beautiful nature, art, and music. If we are Christian, we know the love and forgiveness of Christ. If we are of another faith, we know love through whatever pathway to God that we are on.

Everything else is strictly through the senses. Fear, death, suffering, all of these things are experienced through the senses, then through the mind (that is where the sensations are interpreted). Sure, things like art and music come through the senses as well, sight, touch, and hearing, but are mostly interpreted by the “heart,” not the “brain.” Since we are physical beings, the senses act as the gateway to the heart.

So, what do I mean by “awareness of God?” Is that a heart awareness, or a mind awareness? Since people these days seem to have, for the most part, abandoned the heart, most everything has to go through the senses before any attention is paid to it.

Thus, to reconnect with “soul” and “spirit” most often a person will go through consciousness of the mind—reading, going to church services, being inspired by enlightened teachers, etc. Once the intellect has a grasp on what is coming through, it makes way for the heart to “see” it and interpret it. Thus, consciousness of the heart takes over.

This process is mostly lost in today’s “cause and effect” scientific world view. Few people put much credence in religion, or even in art and music (except for entertainment, which doesn’t cut it). So, this is why we are rotting away…

The poisoning of the senses is also at fault. This is carried out in a variety of ways, most notably today by our addiction to cell phones, scrolling through TikTok videos, computer screens in general (although, if conducting constructive work, the damage is minimal) video games, and of course pornography (soft and hard).

Other poisons coming into the senses include far too much focus on sports and sporting events (although participating in athletic activities is certainly good for the body, mind, and spirit)—“Bread and Circuses” of course being what comes to mind.

Excesses in food (believe me, food is a huge poisoning!) illicit drugs, as well as the ones prescribed by doctors, sexual exploitation (the soul of sex has nearly been entirely obliterated) and our focus on medical intervention in order to make us safe, “healthy” and satiated.

Other poisoning is obvious—EMF, 5G, air and water pollution, chemtrails, vaccines, excessive noise, excessive artificial light, etc.

These are all physical examples. How about some emotional/psychological examples? We certainly can look at any on this list through a psychological lens, such as video gaming, pornography, or just staring at a cell phone all day. But what about things like classes being taught through Zooming? Or any sort of conference no longer being held in person, in a physical place, where people mingle, talk, shake hands, as well as other social interaction?

And the biggest crime of social pathology of all, working at home. Via internet? Via Zoom? I know, I know, people love working from home. Can you say “carrot?” The carrot is always juicy and appealing. Then comes the stick, and in this case, the stick is social pathology, and we won’t even know it when it hits us, and its intent is to kill.

Humans can’t function for very long or very well, when there is no longer any physical human interaction. We are physical creatures. Have you ever watched films of first encounters with indigenous tribes in Africa or South America or elsewhere? The native people can’t keep their hands off of each other.

Even in our own modern culture look at class photos or photos of sports teams taken at the turn of the century. The men have their hands all over one another, over shoulders, hands touching, leaning on one another. We are very physical beings.

As mentioned earlier, the heart is reached through the senses. All gone. And has been for quite some time. In our post-Covid times where everyone is working at home, never mingling with co-workers, is just the last nail in the coffin.

And the whole thrust during Covid was to eliminate touching entirely. I had a T-Shirt made I wore when I would visit a local coffee shop, it said “Hug Me, I’m not afraid of you!” No one took me up on it (maybe I am just too ugly to get hugs from strangers!).

Remember we weren’t even allowed to shake hands. And don’t think that insanity will not come back. It will, probably very soon, with an even more formidable disease than Covid.

And what about upcoming “Smart Cities” where our coming and going from our own home will be restricted? No more gatherings of any kind. Coming soon to a city near you.

What does all this have to do with losing soul and spirit? Because that is just what social pathology does—it causes us to become even more separated from what makes us human—transhumanism. The goal of transhumanism is to remove the very thing that makes us human—soul.

And the agenda accomplishes this by removing soul enriching experiences from our lives—mingling, touching, speaking face to face, shaking hands, hugging, whispering sweet nothings into one another’s ears. Hearing voices through the vibration of the air in the room where we are all seated, and seeing each other through a direct encounter with the physical object of our physical selves. Not through a screen, or photograph.

If you haven’t already done so, check out the movie Surrogates. This is where we are headed folks. The carrot of laziness and convenience is dangling in front of our anxious little noses. After we take a bite, the stick is imminent.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Mark Culmer
Mark Culmer
Oct 2, 2024 9:23 AM

excellent read

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Sep 30, 2024 7:21 PM

The aside from grabbing more power, reconfiguring the global financial system and global social reengineering, the overlords’ goal during the COVID Psyop was to make us disconnect from ourselves. They accomplished this using fear and intimidation to make us hysterical, thereby undermining our ability to think clearly/critically, to analyze what was being done to us and resist. They promoted social isolation to undermine our very nature; they know we are social beings we need, thrive on and are hard wired for intergenerational interaction, nearness/proximity and contact to feel fully alive and included within the greater life process.
Once the misanthropes persuaded us to not socialize, to cut ties with our loved ones, not to engage socially and discontinue our normal patterns and routines the mental and emotional breakdowns accelerated. When you couple that with the depravity and moral rot being promoted and broadcast 24/7/365 no wonder our social fabric is so tattered and frayed and our inner compass is so disoriented.
Their propaganda about viruses, their focus on strictly material solutions to holistic health challenges is also part of their menticide campaign to destroy our minds so we become easily malleable, somnambulant commodities/carbon units rather than powerful, fully functioning self-actualizing beings! This is the last thing they want us to be. So they are stepping up their plans to undermine our natural divinity by turning us into cyborgs, Zombies, hooking us up to computers or embedding chips in us to control us even more.
The good news is we still have agency and the power to resist, use it!

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Sep 30, 2024 10:35 AM

Before setting forth, re-establish true worth as priority else a lack of worth will frame all thought, perception & response in fear, conflict, guilt and pain of loss.

A split mind cannot heal by getting or getting rid of -but can engage in futile & fruitless behaviours that reinforce the split as something being done unto you against your will, in ‘self-vindicating grievance’.

This from my reading this morning ( A Course in Miracles )

The ego is trying to teach you how to gain the whole world, and lose your own Soul.
The Holy Spirit teaches that you CAN‐ NOT lose your Soul and there IS no gain in the world, for OF IT‐ SELF, it profits nothing.
To invest in something WITHOUT profit is surely to impoverish yourself, and the overhead is high. Not only is there no profit in the investment, but the cost TO YOU is enormous.
For this investment costs you the world’s reality, by DENYING YOURS, and gives you nothing in return.
You CANNOT sell your Soul, but you CAN sell your AWARENESS of it.
You cannot perceive the soul, but you will not KNOW it while you perceive anything ELSE as more valuable.
The Holy Spirit is your strength because He perceives nothing BUT your soul AS YOU.
He is perfectly aware that you do NOT know yourselves, and perfectly aware of how to teach you what you are.
BECAUSE He loves you, He will gladly teach you what He loves, for He wills to share it.
Remembering you always, He cannot let you forget your worth.
For the Father never ceases to remind Him of His Son, and He never ceases to remind His Son of the Father.
God is in your memory BECAUSE of Him.

Investment set on false claim and gain of function yields toxic debt-conflict as the fruit of an ego-alien encounter. What gain then of fictions that demand sacrifice of joy for worship a of ‘self’ set by grievance to deny its own light by choosing to hate or deny the light of another?

Sep 29, 2024 8:45 PM

Surrogates is an utterly implausible comparison. However, The Matrix metaphor’d the actual problem in ’99. A force fed illusion-normal reality representation dependent upon a continual self-policed (Agent Smith) acceptance of a FALSE CONSCIOUSNESS coma that never considers evolving to a collective Eutopia. Unfortunately, the natural next step of the script, a collective, self-governing eutopia (the good place) is left out, replaced by a representation of permanent unsurvivable conflict of underdog troglodytes vs highly superior, conqueror overlord machines, with a surrounding miserableness so bleak going back to illusion-bliss (blue pill) is attractive. (The SYSTEM’s subtle form of double-think is to wrap everything in conflict-matrix.)

The film is explicit in defining the problem Humanity faces. That the existing norm of human “civilization” is founded and built upon illusions (I would define as capitalist) that take the shape of the misery and alienation of the modern urban corporate reality we live in. In a sense, the film is a red pill of consciousness for us to see ourselves mirrored in it. [Note all the instances of mirroring in the film.]

Artists have used metaphor as a cloaked weapon of consciousness surely since the first cave drawings. The truly bleaker future the film represents (underground) is similar to what the elite are trying to incrementally roll us into in upground in 2024. The bigger frame of reference for the film is that Western civ is founded upon the illusion of conflict, an antagonist v protagonist arc of drama to epilogue, as a proxy reality frame for Life. Conflict as working paradigm in Western societies is justification for a winners/losers cult that manifests guiltless fighting for dominance over an “other”. War, conflict to domination, as operating system, hosts all the other evils of this rotten ass FAKE civilization. Police, military, spies, lies, subversion, secrecy, surveillance and continued DOMINATION OVER THE OTHER in hierarchical management is the fkd up reality of their SYSTEM..

If we don’t become everyday-conscious of the above, and start defining and implementing an acceptable replacement, with individual and collective freedom and equality of prosperity with limits to wealth and poverty, we’re headed for the elite’s current attempt at a MACHINE RULED planetary prison.

[Sidebar. In a bow to Universe or God or whatever spiritual proclivity we have to see as a larger controller of Life than human’s incremental contributionary claims, let’s point out disclaimers to conspiracies that may arise. While the Wachowskis claim later transness was an unconscious contributor, they never the less required the actors competence to Baudrillard’s Simulcra and Simulation and similar ideas. And that Baudrillard claims they misinterpreted his ideas. Nonetheless, the root paradigm problem that expresses itself through this film, in an almost unbelievable number of ways, resists contrary claims or deniers because, imho, Universe’s desire for evolutionary transformation will express itself through us and our works, no matter what what we do or what we say. Universe needs us to respond and places in front of us all we need to know.]

Lynn Ertell
Lynn Ertell
Sep 29, 2024 5:50 PM

Here’s a “turd in the punchbowl”. (Or is it a “diamond in the oig trough”?)

Why the Fake Assassination Attempt of Donald Trump is a Good Thing

After years of fake school shootings, fake mail-in ballots, two fake elections, a fake pandemic, and a fake vaccine, I see no harm in a fake shooting designed to win Donald Trump the presidency. Do you? If our choice for president is four more years of an impostor pretending to be Joe Biden, or four more years of Donald Trump, I’ll take Trump.


Before you dismiss this Mike Stone as just another conservative pastor, consider that he is a leading contender for the presidency of the Southern Baptist Convention,, largest Protestant association in the United States.  This guy is no lightweight.

I am not a Christian. And not much of a believer either.
I view the “Architect of the Universe” as an absentee landlord.
Nevertheless, attention must be paid to those believers who value TRUTH for its own sake. Where does Pastor Mike Stone leave us when it comes to that?

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Sep 29, 2024 9:04 PM
Reply to  Lynn Ertell

You have good reason.
I remember Trump had to bomb the desert and some empty houses to keep his polls 10% up.
Remember Biden bombed and killed more civilians in his first 4 weeks than Trump did in 4 years.
Trump started a train project in North US with 100 000 new jobs, Biden stopped it the first mth he was President and allocated the money instead to increase the public paper administration of Obamacare.

So the good guy has to fake he is as brutal as any leftist socialist to win the stupid sheeple on his side.

Edward Bernaysauce
Edward Bernaysauce
Sep 29, 2024 11:37 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

CBDC & Digital ID – this is the agenda, and matters naught how we get there…

Sep 29, 2024 4:41 PM

I would caution against equating societal rot with disbelief. “Civilized” societies have always rotted away from the inside regardless what they believed. Consider the Catholic Church, which ruled Europe for almost a thousand years – and believed so fervently that it burned at the stake any disbelievers.

Yet there’s something in man so powerful that not even God can stop it: corruption. No God that ever “existed” was able to keep societies from eventually becoming corrupt. And the more corrupt they became they more ferocious their belief became.

We in the West are in the process of “returning” to God. Just in time to usher in the fall of Western empire. You may be sure that the “God” we resurrect will be of “That Old Time Religion” – a vicious deity demanding total allegiance. Something along the lines of the Old Testament God Israel invokes to justify its genocide of Palestinians.

If this is what it means for the “soul” to override – and overwrite – the senses, then God help us all.

Sep 29, 2024 9:13 PM
Reply to  Howard

Sorry, but this is drivel. It always amazes me how irrational god-deniers get. Relentlessly erecting strawmen to beat up.

Sep 30, 2024 5:25 PM
Reply to  vera

Could you elaborate? There are as many strawmen as there are ideas to clothe them. Which particular one amazes you at the moment?

Sep 29, 2024 3:53 PM

Thank you for drawing attention to the downside of Zoom and working from home, both of which I abhor… even here in the wilds of Donegal (Ireland) most psychologists’ appointments are now via Zoom 👎
I love “consciousness of the heart” and think it largely equates to Nietzche’s Apollonian and Dionysian principles; where he says that Western culture is too biased towards the Apollonian, championing rationality over vitality

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Sep 29, 2024 10:02 PM
Reply to  Eleanor

I agree whole heartedly with you and Todd.

It could be interesting to hear how far Latin America, Middle East, Africa, and East outside China is in this respect.
These areas are more emotional and empathetic than the cold wet British Empire and Co(lonies).

Some friend of mine was in Spain and said, they have not started the Digitization big size yet.

Sep 29, 2024 3:36 PM

I’d always thought that the, “carrot and stick”, metaphor had less to do with reward and punishment, and more to do with coercion through promise of reward just, and always, out of reach.
Perhaps I came to this understanding of the metaphor from watching episodes of “The Little Rascals” as a child, where ‘The Rascals’ would motivate the donkey pulling their wagon to move forward by hanging a carrot dangling from the end of a stick held by Alfalfa or Spanky or Buckwheat.
After all, its not the ‘carrot


stick’ metaphor to describe coercion, but an apparatus to motivate through false promise.
Nit-pickey? Yes. But I do miss the simpler times when I was amused by what is now a one-hundred-year-old series of short films.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Sep 29, 2024 7:08 PM
Reply to  Munk

I believe you are correct…and I try to use it the way you describe, but also believe a “little reward” will keep people coming back if they think they see a carrot. “False promise” is also good. Coercion is definitely the intention.

Sep 29, 2024 2:22 PM

Thank you for these thoughts, Todd. To my impression, the vast majority of us (including me, having “temptations” a lot in that direction) has more and more agreed to something like a devil’s bargain: a feeling of being empowered (or “being in power”), coming at the price of letting go of what we may call the soul, or the heart.

Especially all the tech stuff around us and in our hands (literally as well as metaphorically) shifts us ever more away from our humanness. This “just feels so good” that it needs an intentional decision to be conscious about this instead of just going along with it – and for many, even embracing and welcoming it. The feeling of being aloof, standing “above the world”, to be “cool” and “just doing it” to me appears to be some kind of “magic potion” we all gradually became addicted to in the past decades …

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 29, 2024 2:19 PM

Here’s an odd one:


 “Tackling disinformation to be priority for council”

Sounds serious… but

“Tackling disinformation is to be a priority for an east London council following a far-right protest that did not materialise.”


A large but peaceful gathering in Walthamstow happened on 7 August where it had been believed right-wing activists might get together…. No far-right protesters were seen in the borough and the demonstration remained peaceful.”

But “residents had been “scared” by the rumours”.

Sounds a bit wet. So let’s beef it up a bit!:

“Police made four arrests in Walthamstow in relation to people allegedly being drunk and disorderly and carrying offensive weapons,…”

Yeah that’s really some shit stirring there!

“… but the force said the event occurred without “major incident or disruption”.”

Damn it! Why did you have to break the spell?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 29, 2024 2:08 PM

The Telegraph continues its Zio-fellatio:


Israel has proved it has the most impressive military in the world”

The astonishing strike at the heart of Hezbollah’s terrorist organisation has proved the IDF is a formidable fighting force

….the operation to take down the Hezbollah command and control networks is singularly extraordinarily impressive.

This is not some hastily-construed mission in the wake of the genocidal attacks by Hamas as witnessed in the immediate aftermath of October 7, but a highly sophisticated strike clearly coordinated with years of intricate and synchronised intelligence gathering – allowing Israel to map the terrorists from top to bottom.

Uh-oh! So …. this has nothing to do with Oct 7? Dodgy move to drop the old Oct 7 mantra!

We will probably never know the full extent of the intelligence behind the dismantling of the Hezbollah military network, but having been involved in similar operations against Al Qaeda, ISIS and the Taliban I know it will be deep, varied and comprehensive.

Hmm … so who is this writer who seems to know so much? He is one Hamish de Bretton-Gordon: “a chemical weapons expert. He was a British Army officer for 23 years and commanding officer of the UK’s Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Regiment and NATO’s Rapid Reaction CBRN Battalion. He is a visiting lecturer in disaster management at Bournemouth University. He has commented on chemical and biological weapons for the BBC, ABC and The Guardian and on tank warfare for the Daily Telegraph.”
This from Wikipedia – and since they are being so candid, there’s hardly any need to delve into Wikispooks. But let’s have a look anyway:
Oh the deepest of Deep State assets here.
And our boy is pretty candid, telling us that
-“the Israelis seem pretty much unencumbered by rules of engagement which always hamstrung our operations in the Middle East.” (No rules for Israel!)

-“the IDF seem to be undeterred by their politicians who appear to accept extraordinary levels of civilian casualties and collateral damage.” (Well, they’re all human shields anyway!)

And if that doesn’t placate the public, there’s always this old cherry:

-“this is an existential fight for the survival of the Israeli state” (“existential” – one of those magic words that makes everything permissible!)  

Any more magical pronouncements Hamish?

The implications of today’s action cannot be understated. Israel has seized the initiative in the most extraordinary manner, and this demonstration of military brilliance may well even convince Tehran to direct its other terror proxy Hamas to release the remaining hostages and sue for peace across the region. We can only hope.

Oh indeed Hamish – hope away!

Sep 29, 2024 2:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“He who lives upon hope will die farting”

Ben Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanack 1736

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Sep 29, 2024 8:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The end game. Get used to it Goyim.comment image

Sep 30, 2024 5:30 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

If you and I had a nickel for every maniacal end-game throughout history, we could buy the entire Middle East.

Sep 29, 2024 1:14 PM

Fake eco-tyranny = freedom….

That “all” sounds warm and inclusive – but it’s disuguising a threat.

Sep 29, 2024 11:50 AM

If there is a god. She fuckin hates us. We can only get out of this rot by ourselves. So keep your spiritual health good by behaving like we should. Stay social.

underground poet
underground poet
Sep 29, 2024 12:15 PM
Reply to  David

People refuse to accept that yes, in the end, it appears to be a cruel God.

I hope it doesnt bite her in the foot and that next time either a is lesson is learned, or that the definition of insanity is respected by all, including them, after all it is their evolution on the line, and if they need help, they are going to have to find a way to pay first, and hope later.

Sep 29, 2024 1:22 PM

it’s NOT god. god did not even create the material realm.

underground poet
underground poet
Sep 29, 2024 7:00 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Might not have created it, but sure can take it away.

Sep 30, 2024 10:21 AM

it’s our consciousness. read/watch ” the disappearance of the universe


Gary Renard

Sep 30, 2024 10:22 AM

it’s our consciousness. read/watch ” the disappearance of the universe by
Gary Renard

Gordon Hastie
Gordon Hastie
Sep 29, 2024 1:16 PM
Reply to  David

Believing in a god doesn’t necessarily mean expecting to be saved by that god.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 2, 2024 4:31 AM
Reply to  Gordon Hastie

God kicked man out of paradise for very good reasons. God later lowered man’s lifespan from <1000 year to <100 years. God regretted he had made man.

But God saw the Creation between Adam and Eve was perfect enough to make birth to Abel and thus the Creation was perfect.

Its all clearly stated in the scriptures.

Why God sent his son to liberate mankind and cut away the sin of this world.

God is spirit. God made man in God’s image. If God made the woman from man’s rib, it means woman was made in God’s image too, and made man and woman 1 unit, thus is this unit made in God’s image too.

This is also clearly stated in the scriptures, but people refuses to read it correct.

All right, people are pessed because they got kicked out of paradise, and then down to a life <100 years. Sour grape folks……………………………….LOL  😆 .

Sep 29, 2024 1:22 PM
Reply to  David

none of this is god’s doing, it’s ours/he ego’s.
see links above.

Sep 29, 2024 7:33 AM

Cause I want to live like animals
Careless and free like animals
Thank you Savage Garden

Butterflies and wildebeest migration – truly amazing spectacles
In awe of Nature

Animals don’t have border constructs
but domesticated ones do

Departed Queen Elizabeth traversed lands without a passport
but YOU my friend – have to produce all sorts of ID’s

Wonder why?

<cue intro>

Made the distinction yet?
Thank you

NOW that we are in agreement and in LOVE

Abandon all their laws
default to the commandments

YES we can all live in harmony sans all the manufactured discord from birth

Justice is HERE

<cue outro>

Said I’m a living man…
Gracias Bob Marley

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Sep 29, 2024 11:31 AM
Reply to  tuah

Man is not put here to live like an animal.
Man is put here to live as man and fulfil his duties as man and patriarch, under our Creator and toward all other living on earth.

Sep 29, 2024 7:21 AM

One ”hardcore commonsense notion” —that is, a “fact of experience” that is universal, common to all persons, and could therefore serve as a neutral criterion in terms of which to evaluate the adequacy of alternative worldviews—is the reality of genuine evil, evil that would retain its evilness when viewed from an all-inclusive perspective, the notion that some things happen that, all things considered, should not have happened: the world would have been better off if some alternative possibility had happened instead. 

Our understanding of divine power should be adequate to all such hardcore commonsense notions. It should be adequate to the various facts that deny occasional supernatural interventions into the world: for example, the evolutionary origin of our world; the diversity of world religions; the evidence against the infallible inspiration of the scriptures; and the recognition that events traditionally interpreted as “miracles” can better be understood as examples of the paranormal events studied by parapsychologists.

In times of global crisis we cannot count on a supernatural divine intervention to save us from our foolish ways; reversing the present destructive practices of modern society is solely our responsibility. The most important thing in the world is the quality of life enjoyed by individual beings, and a crucial aspect of this quality of life is whether or not one regards the world as essentially good, and as rooted in a divine, holy, unilateral, controlling power. The problem of evil is the chief obstacle to this religious vision of the world and thereby of ourselves. —David Ray Griffin

les online
les online
Sep 29, 2024 12:51 AM

It’s official – ‘to de-escalate’ now means ‘to escalate’ !

Sep 29, 2024 4:31 PM
Reply to  les online

War is peace…

Edward Bernaysauce
Edward Bernaysauce
Sep 29, 2024 12:48 AM

the more nature becomes incidental- as opposed to essential, in our everyday experience, the less able we become to locate ourselves within /identify with it as the source of our being. Can a soul occupy a Pod-Baby…?

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Sep 29, 2024 12:09 AM

I think that much of what you describe can be ascribed to making our society exclusively transactional. This stems from commoditization of everything which to a certain extent can be blamed on technology. In the pre-technology days much of our world was too complex to count and so comprehend. This left spaces that people could use. Now with our ability to count everything literally everything can be counted, ascribed a value, bought, sold, rented and generally fought over. This now includes not just our physical world but also into the world of the abstract (you could say one’s very soul). Nothing that has the potential to be monetized has been left alone, its all fair game. Living in this world where the very air we breathe has a price is likely to be very dispiriting unless you not only like playing the game but are also winning at it.

Sep 29, 2024 8:31 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

The Bible does have a smattering of wisdom here and there:

‘because what profit will a person have if he gains the whole world and forfeits his Life?’

Sep 29, 2024 10:58 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

If you think that the soul can be monetized you do not know ‘what’ or even where or how IT IS.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Sep 29, 2024 11:44 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Isolated this is what the prevailing illusion is with basis in fiat money and synthetic math and physics.
But it goes against the way the earth and our universe function. Our earth and universe are build after the golden ratio principle.

You cannot find just 1 single straight line or zero sum here on earth or in our universe.
You/they want to do our basic universal living conditions different, to build flat, straight, zero sum, in rigid stiff un-flexible ugly synthetic dead systems.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 28, 2024 11:49 PM

They’re working furiously at dividing and isolating us. You are right that we need social bonds (and touch), as well as the connection with animals and nature in order to experience the divine, as every interaction and impression from nature, of which we are a part, is divine.

In dystopian Australia they are working at eliminating face-to-face lectures and moving university to an online only experience:

“The bells are tolling for the demise of the university classroom – at least its physical manifestation. Administrative barbarians are readying their knives and brandishing their drivel-fed visions about pedagogy, a word they scant define, let alone spell. They find it unseemly that an academic could turn up, in person, to teach students who, likewise, turn up in person, to engage in that rich process known as the acquiring of knowledge.

The acuity of this state of affairs has been notable in Australia. This month, the University of Adelaide gassed unsuspecting believers of such traditional forms of learning with a lethal statement. As of 2026, when a new amalgamated behemoth in South Australia, combining the University of Adelaide and University of South Australia, will emerge, students will no longer be turning up, in person, to classes. This would have hardly shocked those familiar with the University of Adelaide’s effort to do the very same thing in 2015. For years, the university managers have hated the physical classroom.

As is always the case with these pronouncements, a fictional body of evidence, opinion and sentiment is referred to by way of justification. “Universities,” claimed a spokesman for Adelaide University, “have been increasingly responding to student needs for a flexible delivery over the years, and the shift away from face-to-face lectures is not new.” Who are these remarkable, absentee students? What, pray, is the sample size? Answer: there was none.” – Australian Campus Life Killers

Sep 29, 2024 5:55 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

For the would-be overlords, campuses have always been dangerous. Students might (a) compare notes about useless courses or rip-off fees (b) dare to protest totalitarian outrage, and demolish taboos set in stone (c) move on to new interests, even start a family. What benefit is the prestigious degree to an employer, especially in a fast-changing industry? How many of the pedigreed children of the super-rich can tie their own shoelaces?

“Keep ’em separated”.

Sep 29, 2024 9:02 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Hundreds of million$ tied up in real estate.

You can hear the economists and accountants rapacious little minds ticking over.

Sep 29, 2024 9:14 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

“They’re working furiously at dividing and isolating us.”

True – but it’s all only one pincer of the attack. That Atlantic article that Kit highlighted recently showed that they want a re-coagulation as well… but on their terms. They know that ultimately the human desire for sociability cannot be driven down forever. They actually fear too much isolation because the isolated are difficult to keep under surveillance – and peer pressure is always useful to keep people on the reservation. Remember “we’re all in it together”?

The types of sociability they want must follow certain limits: it must be through a robber baron platform to make money and for surveillance; it must be non-exclusionary so it can be infiltrated at any moment if required; it mustn’t lead to reproduction; it mustn’t lead to sharing dangerous ideas. It’s the gay disco! This idea comes of course from E. Michael Jones – I don’t agree with him on several things but he’s correct on this one.

How many of their rules for acceptable interaction apply to Freemasonic lodges? Are they equal? Do they discriminate? Are they open?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 29, 2024 10:59 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Good point re peer pressure keeping people in line. There does seem to be a contradiction.
But surveillance? What better way than to keep people glued to a two-way screen where every comment can be monitored and logged?

Sep 28, 2024 11:48 PM

Most parents experience these feelings when a baby is born: Unconditional Love.
It is the purest form of Love.
It is Love without expectations.

Sadly, it doesn’t last for long.

As the child grows it absorbs the ‘vibes’ from those around it,
some good, some bad. The personality (mask) develops to cope with the world.
The end of innocence if you like.

Thinking is the cause of unhappiness. That is, emotional thinking, not practical thinking.
Knowing, as in Love or pure awareness, is the way to be rid of unhappiness.

The Buddha called it non attachment. Jesus said: ‘ I am in the world, not OF it’
Most religions have left clues, but unfortunately the priests took control and buried them.

Thanks Todd.

Paul watson
Paul watson
Sep 28, 2024 10:37 PM

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak…
I doubt it’s ever been weaker than the current crop of humans frequenting the planet …

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Sep 30, 2024 10:59 AM
Reply to  Paul watson

What a great defence though – sickness and frailty as proof against God.
Psychic defences can assign (project to) the body or physical as an experience of denial.

In order to uncover the nature or device of the ego, we have to release investment in guilting manipulations (psychic ‘defences’).

Whatever we may think, write or say we are in receipt of the fruits of our own thought – much of which runs under a blind eye for the sake of maintaining a mask of defence in a ‘world framed threat and terror’.
The body as weapon and protector is a symbol of ‘separateness’ from the all pervading life that cannot be quantified, manipulated, bought, sold or boosted – but the mind en-trances to a realm of symbolic concepts of self and reality as primary or exclusive focus.

As a Masking World dis-integrates, its underlying ‘device’ is revealed towards recognition and release within our own freedom of willing.
Willingly persisting a choice to judge over all things as to seek self-autonomy becomes an automata subjected to the measure of its own judgements. If this were your true self and being God would be cruel.

Further to my ACIM quote above:

You CHOSE to forget your Father, but you did NOT will to do so. And THEREFORE, you CAN decide otherwise. As it was MY decision, so is it YOURS. YOU DO NOT WANT THE WORLD. The only thing of value in it is whatever part of it YOU look upon with love. This GIVES it the only reality it will ever have. ITS value is NOT in itself, but yours IS in you. As self value comes from self EXTENSION, so does the PERCEPTION of self value come from the projection of loving thoughts outward.
Make the world real unto YOURSELF, for the real world is the gift of the Holy Spirit, and so it BELONGS to you. Correction is for all who cannot see. To open the eyes of the blind is the Holy Spirit’s mission, for He knows that they have not LOST their vision, but merely sleep. He would awaken them from the sleep of forgetting, to the remembering of God. Christ’s eyes are open, and He will look upon whatever you see with love ‐ if you accept His vision as yours.

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Sep 28, 2024 10:29 PM

please think twice before bandying about terms like PORNOGRAPHY! please!

your idea of pornography may be my idea of transcendent art, or the celebration of sex with “soul”

those who crusade against what they classify as vice have surely caused much worse havoc down through the ages than any abuse of substances or stimuli engaged in by the objects of their crusades

that Bruce Willis movie had a profound effect on me, the ending still haunts me to this day, and you know, I think the idea it was trying to convey goes beyond a mere critique of technology and the remote lifestyle, because after all, we can be sitting in the same room with someone, hell we can be married to someone and sleeping in the same bed, and still we aren’t truly together with that person, we’re hiding behind our veneer, the whole social construct that we don in every moment that we’re not alone, outward things of course like cosmetics, clothing, push-up bras, toupés à la the fake hair on the simulacrum that Bruce’s character uses, but more importantly, our persona, our self-presentation in the sense of theorist Erving Goffman, a character we portray in the theater of our life

Sep 29, 2024 5:45 PM

The condemnation of pornography does seem peculiar when it’s considered how easily it can be avoided and ignored – unlike pop-up ads which come at us without our consent and which are only mildly criticized. I think deep down the real reason pornography is so roundly condemned is its equation of sex with physical attractiveness. And the inclusion of “soft porn” in the condemnation really brings that point home.

It’s almost like saying “It’s great to touch and hug and get up close and personal – but not if the person is a looker!”

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Sep 30, 2024 11:31 AM
Reply to  Howard

The image of (anything or anyone) CAN be taken in vain (used for vanity) as a surrogate for truth (there Is no substitute for truth).
Warning against being phished into identity theft CAN operate as a fear of temptations (desires framed in self-gratifiction), such as to set the ‘Accuser’ as a righteousness over the sins seen or projected onto the minds of others.
That our mind can be symbolically manipulated is so evident as to reveal the ‘self+world’ we ‘share’ in, (as separate getters framed in fear of lack). But THIS is not our damnation unless of course we so insist. For here is the prompt to awareness of an unreal state or condition that can be remedied by yielding to Self-awareness (requiring no effort as in truth all reality is the Gift OF awareness).
Our ‘human conditioning’ is thus more like to that of an addiction running wilfully blind to its affliction – while able to delay defer and divert awareness to projected and externalised conflict.

Projecting ‘solutions’ onto the bodies of others (including institutions) buys ‘time’ against awareness of the Timeless Now of which are we integrally an expression – howsoever we choose to frame our mind or yield such a mind to true willing. For nothing else is free to be itself while a distortion withholds recognition for gain of friction.

Release and be released applies at the creative level of mind. Not within the false matrix of a stamped out ‘conditioned reflex.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Sep 28, 2024 9:12 PM

I found out, it is quite easy to befriend animals.
First they are suspicious, but when they find you are sincere person they like you as an old friend.
The problem is only over-guesting. They invite all their bird friends to build nest around your house, expect you to feed them when they lack. Sylvia wrote an article about it.

Taken home from this is: Expand your physical connection area and senses area, and remember this was and is also God.comment image

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Sep 29, 2024 2:23 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

OK. You got me. What on earth is that smiley animal?

Sep 29, 2024 7:17 PM
Reply to  Hugh O’Neill

That’s no animal! It’s obviously ET 👽:

comment image

Sep 29, 2024 4:26 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

I hope you’re a vegan and don’t “befriend animals” only to kill and eat them…

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Sep 29, 2024 8:26 PM
Reply to  Blessthebeasts

Close. I eat wild salmon and low fat steaks. But it just dont get me horny to kill animals.
But if ET or something like him above gets around……………no matter how a do-gooder he is and no matter how many times he can save the world.
Stay the f… out of Oklahoma City

Sep 29, 2024 8:49 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

LOL. You don’t even know what a vegan is. Not EVEN close….

Sep 28, 2024 9:09 PM

but it hasn’t worked out for fine for the Palestinians at all.

Sep 28, 2024 8:39 PM

I enjoy your reminders to combine the intellect and soul, heart, mind, body, in whatever combinations one can manage and to trust God is working to bring a positive and humanity- loving conclusion to the present time. It appears you have decided there is much more to be discovered about the Creator than what is revealed in His chosen means of addressing our minds through language (a unique and precious gift!) as in nature and beauty, but I think we should be careful to find as much as we can of his revealed truth there in the Word which puts everything else in proper perspective. It is a bottomless source of inspiration and comfort.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Sep 28, 2024 9:04 PM
Reply to  David

I agree. thank you.