Waltzing With Bayer

ICAR ditches mandate for farmers, uses mutagenesis to bring in GM crops

Aruna Rodrigues

In 2005, I was lead claimant in an antiGMO Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was filed with the Indian Supreme Court (ArunaRodrigues & Ors. vs.Union of India, Writ Petition (Civil) No. 260 of 2005), the aim of which was to protect our natural environment, farmlands and foods from being made toxic via agrichemicals and irreversible GMO contamination.

Contamination is the overriding concern with GMOs because these self-replicating organisms, insect/wind mediated, cannot be recalled. India is a treasure trove, a listed ‘hot spot’ of 17 worldwide centres of genetic diversity and/or centres of origin.

In India, this includes mustard, rice and brinjal. India’s foundational seed stock will be contaminated and would, as a scientific certainty, change the structure of our food at the molecular level, irremediably and irreversibly.

“Any toxicity that there is will remain without remedy”, said the late Prof Schubert of the Salk Institute. With a commercialised GM crop, contamination is certain. GMO and non-GMO agriculture cannot co-exist. This is the hard evidence.

The application of the precautionary principle (PP) to this technology is therefore a sine qua non.

In 2007, we secured an order in this PIL from the SC that there should be “no contamination”, (even) during field trials. However, given the nature of GMO genetic contamination, the only way this order can be implemented is to bar all field trials. And this is precisely the action that the GEAC took at its 75th meeting of March 2007.

Keeping in mind that India is THE centre of origin of rice, the GEAC, at the insistence of basmati rice exporters and the Ministry of Commerce, employing the PP, decided not to allow field trials of GM rice in the basmati growing areas of the country, recognising the potential threat of contamination. The APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority) required a certificate stating that no GM rice, groundnut and sesame seeds have been permitted in India due to a ban imposed by Russia on these crops because of a fear of GMO contamination.

In the 20 years since the PIL was filed, it is by now pretty much conclusive that the evidence from GMO-producing countries (which are just a handful), demonstrates that GMOs are not safe for the environment and for human and animal health.

In the US, for example, the impact of toxic food on children’s health has been devastating. During a 40-year timeframe, childhood disease has risen from 6% to 60 %, with a commensurate rise in national health expenditure from zero, 40 years ago, to trillions of dollars today. It is essential that our regulators take on board the evidence and institute a biosafety regimen that is strictly independent, up-to-date and rigorous, which currently does not exist.

Corporate hijack

So, two questions come to mind:

Why has the ICAR developed and released mutagenic HT rice varieties?

Why did the apex regulator with India’s regulatory regime take no notice of this and stop it?

The ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) has developed and released two HT (herbicide-tolerant) basmati rice varieties (Pusa Basmati Rice 1979 and Pusa Basmati Rice 1985) and two HT non-basmati varieties tolerant to the herbicide IMAZETHAPYR. HT Wheat is also in the wings.

We are informed that these HT crops have been produced through induced chemical mutagenesis. Therefore, these HT crops represent genetic modification of organisms/micro-organisms by induced chemical mutagenesis and are, in fact, GMOs because they create changes in the genome of plants. But and however, these mutagenic HT crops are not synonymous with modern biotechnology or genetically engineered GMOs (recombinant). This is EU law.

The development of these HT crops has taken several years in planning, development and production. It goes without saying that the GEAC and our collective regulatory bodies have clearly been aware of this. And it is pertinent to add that the ICAR is nominated to the GEAC Committee as an Expert Member with others, including the DG Health Services.

HT crops have very serious deleterious effects, based on empirical evidence. It is a failed farm technology and causes harm to animals and humans.

So, it is curious and indeed unconscionable that these mutagenic HT rice varieties were not stopped at the first instance. The GEAC (apex regulator), should absolutely have done so.

An HT crop is an HT crop whether produced by GE techniques or GMOs using chemical mutagenesis techniques. The Supreme Court-appointed TEC (Technical Expert Committee), in 2012-13, recommended a double bar on HT crops: (a) for being an HT crop per se because of their empirically proven, serious egregious impacts, (evidence after more than 40 years of growing these crops in the US/Argentina/Brazil) and (b) if in a centre of diversity or origin.

This double bar applies straightforwardly to rice as a priority, as recognised by the GEAC itself, and also to mustard. Beyond this, the Indian ‘Rules of 1989’ are outdated and quite inadequate, as has become clear over the years, and suffer from the malaise that there is “NO statutory regulatory framework in place in the form of a Parliamentary law and is in fact subordinate legislation” (Justice Nagarathna in July 2024 in the recent judgement in this PIL, WP (Civil) No. 260 of 2005).

The ‘Rules of 1989’, nevertheless, do pertain to genetic modification of an organism. A conscionable regulator would have and should have viewed this with new vision in 2024 and applied it to GMOs created through mutagenesis, and if necessary, through a timely notification on their applicability to these GMOs arising from induced chemical mutagenesis.

Brazen conflicts of interest

The hard reason behind such complete blindness is undoubtedly the long-standing and unlawful conflict of interest that exists in the entire regulatory framework — our regulatory bodies have been captured by the biotech and agrichemical Industries.

Usually, every effort is employed by regulators, through subterranean regulation and secrecy, to obfuscate a conflict of interest because it, ethically and legally, invalidates their position as regulators. Not this time though.
Moreover, the brazenness and caution-thrown-to-the-wind action by the ICAR in inking in an MOU with Bayer (Sept 2023), which also owns Monsanto (2018), defies belief.

It is breathtaking; all pretence is gone. We have a cancer that is metastasising vertically and horizontally throughout the entire regulatory body. (This is clear from the appointment of the ICAR to the GEAC Committee as Expert Member.)

It is symptomatic of a cancer of corruption that plagues the entire global food system.

Dr Casey Means says:

“The largest merger ever done in Germany was Bayer Monsanto, where Bayer, which is a pharmaceutical company merged with Monsanto, which is an agrochemical company in the United States. If you look at what Bayer makes, they make cancer drugs for things like non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. If you look at what Monsanto makes, which is Roundup, which is the most widely used pesticide in America, the cancer that it causes is non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. (There are over 100,000 court cases winding their way through US courts — added by A R). They paid out USD 11 billion in the past couple years for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases. So, the companies are merging that are directly known to cause the disease, with a medical company that has a treatment for the disease. This is very dark.”

It should be noted that the Bayer-Monsanto Roundup herbicide is also an endocrine disruptor and is linked to birth defects. Monsanto and the US Environmental Protection Agency have both known for over 40 years that glyphosate and its formulations cause cancer.

However, penetrating the huge Indian market represents a massive cash cow for foreign corporations, especially if their HT crops (by either technology of genetic engineering or chemical mutagenesis) get market approval. This would certainly make up for declining demand elsewhere. For instance, in July 2023, it was reported by the BBC that German-based Bayer expects to take a USD 2.5bn (USD 2.8bn) hit due to slower demand for its glyphosate-based products.
The ICAR has recently also concluded MoUs with Amazon and Syngenta.

Researcher and writer Colin Todhunter says:

“We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and big financial institutions, like BlackRock and Vanguard, are also involved, whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, pushing biosynthetic (fake) food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating and financing the aims of the mega agri-food corporations”.
From Agrarianism to Transhumanism: The Long March to Dystopia

The ICAR is certainly facilitating this process in India.

It is important to understand that the regulatory agencies of both the US and India are run by the big food processing companies, big agribusiness concerns, the chemicals/pesticide conglomerates and the Gates Foundation. India’s food is becoming increasingly toxic and unsafe. This will lead to chronic disease in India just as it has in the US, children in particular.

The genesis of the dominance of private interests in our food and agriculture lies in an MOU signed over 20 years ago (see below). That poison has spread and is rapidly being cemented now, through the MOUs with Bayer, Syngenta and Amazon.

The Knowledge Initiative in Agricultural Research and Education (KIA) was signed in 2006 and, astonishingly, the Indian Government assigned Monsanto to the closest scrutiny of India’s genetic resources as a result of its position on the Board of the Indo-US KIA. Monsanto effectively represented the US government in order to facilitate GM food crops into Indian agriculture.

The ICAR was inducted as the signing institution for the Union of India for an alliance with the US for GM crops. The ICAR was required to provide “free access” to its entire network of 47 agricultural laboratories and universities so that US companies and research institutes could carry out joint research with ICAR in biotech areas “that have the potential for rapid commercialisation.”

This ‘agreement’ is no longer ‘active’. But its spores and workings continue to influence public institutions of agriculture, including public-private-partnerships with the industry that the Department of Biotechnology partners in GM crop development or the SAUs (State Agricultural Universities) to ensure that ‘policy and regulation’ is speedily tailored to facilitate the introduction of a full range of GM food crops. The State Agricultural Universities of TAU (Tamilnadu Agriculture University) and Dharwad, for example, were involved in the development of Bt brinjal, funded by US AID, Monsanto and Cornell University.

The ongoing capture of public policy space by foreign interests is not lost on the Peoples’ Commission on Public Sector and Services (PCPSS), which includes eminent academics, jurists, erstwhile administrators, trade unionists and social activists.

In a recently released statement, it expressed concern that Bayer will exploit the ICAR’s vast infrastructure to pursue its own commercial plans within India to boost sales of toxic proprietary products.

The PCPSS notes that there are several ICAR-sponsored research institutions and state-level agricultural universities, which are engaged in outstanding research relevant to Indian agriculture. A number of states have launched their own natural farming missions to free debt-trapped farmers from the use of costly chemicals and other unsustainable practices. The PCPSS says it is therefore not clear as to why the ICAR should choose to promote Bayer in multiple areas of agricultural research.

Mutagenic HT crops have somehow, willy-nilly been introduced into India and in basmati varieties, by-passing the Apex Regulator the GEAC. The ICAR and India’s collective regulatory agencies have aimed for India’s jugular for maximum harm to her agriculture and food. It is difficult to quite comprehend just how wrong policies that promote HT crops are.

A wholesale sell-out of India’s agriculture and her food is being relentlessly pursued. Evidence of the utter disaster that HT crops are, is clear and is based on empirical research findings of 35+ years of growing these crops in the US, Argentina and Brazil. These findings provide insight into the harm that all HT crops, in this specific case by mutagenesis, will have on our farming.

This seriously egregious policy decision must therefore be urgently reversed and stopped.

Open letter to ICAR

In July 2024, I wrote to the ICAR highlighting what is set out below.

The ICAR’s introduction of HT crops highlights the consequences for India: the ICAR (India’s regulatory body for farming) has effectively ditched its mandate to Indian farmers and farming, whose competitive advantage is organic farming based on soil health, sustainability and regenerative agriculture.

By avoiding synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, organic farms provide a habitat for a wide range of organisms, from soil microbes and insects to birds and mammals.

The biodiversity provided by organic farms is crucial for ecosystem resilience and the provision of ecosystem services such as water purification, pollination and nutrient cycling, which benefit all species.

This step is a potential threat to India’s export markets, which are based on organic standards, along with the necessary co-surety that India’s foods and farms are not contaminated by herbicides, a consequence of using HT crops.

In the matter of rice, HT crops are of the greatest concern because India is the ‘centre of origin’ of rice, which means that India has an immensely rich diversity in rice. The ICAR has, furthermore, rather perversely selected basmati, historically, the queen of rice varieties, in which to introduce an HT trait.

The ICAR’s action directly impacts the vital issue of contaminating our germ plasm in rice and contravenes a Supreme Court Order of “no contamination”.

Our export markets for basmati are in excess of USD 5 billion in 2023-24. The ICAR’s action will directly impact India’s exports and, thereby, impact farmer export potential, incomes and income opportunities that premium prices provide.

In my letter to the ICAR, I also pointed out that HT crops are pesticidal crops and are not meant for human consumption. Therefore, HT crops must be tested as pesticidal crops but are not. The sprays used include chemicals and surfactants, the latter force both weeds and the HT crop to absorb significant quantities of the herbicide that is sprayed on them. The resistant crop stands. Everything else dies including non-target organisms. The use of these surfactants encourages indiscriminate use.

The ICAR was made aware that, based on empirical evidence, HT crops are a failed technology, which spawn super weeds, higher herbicide use and no added performance yield. I provided the ICAR with empirical data to support my claims.

Overall herbicide use (US Geological Survey) has increased more than tenfold, from 20 million pounds/year (prior to HT Crops in 1992) to 280 million pounds/year by 2012. In other words, 527million pounds more total herbicide was used in the US during this period (1992-2012) due to commercialised HT crops.

As of 2013, HT crops had caused the emergence of some 60 million acres or about 25% of US cropland (ref. TEC report) of ‘super’ weeds resistant to herbicides, doubling since 2010 or about 50% of crop area sown to herbicides.

The costs to farmers of weed control have increased by up to 100%, seed prices have increased threefold (from 1996).

The combined onslaught is putting US farmers out of business as they struggle with losses on a substantial scale.

The ICAR was made aware that for India HT crops are a particularly perverse use of technology, irrespective of whether GE or through mutagenesis. The technology risks small and marginal farmers’ crops and ‘jari-booti’ herbs and plants, used in many Ayurvedic medicines, because of herbicide drift among other things.

Moreover, HT crops are designed for monoculture. It bears repeating that this makes HT crops completely unsuited to Indian smallholder farming. They also uniquely impact the employment of women in weeding (MS Swaminathan Task force 2004).

As stated above, HT Crops will deny Indian farmers their niche export markets, which are not contaminated and will be endangered by herbicide.

Furthermore, the market for organics is growing by a robust minimum 20% pa. Both requirements attract premium prices.

Like Bayer’s other toxic herbicides, glyphosate and glufosinate, imazethapyr is also a systemic broad-spectrum herbicide and is banned in some countries and not approved for use in the EU. This is an additional red flag with regard to the use of this herbicide.

Prof. Jack Heinemann notes that antibiotic resistance is also a cause for concern. Herbicides (including imazethapyr) must be tested for their ability to cause bacterial antibiotic resistance. Common adjuvants (e.g. emulsifiers/surfactants) used in association with herbicide active ingredients alter the response of bacteria to antibiotics.

Combined with antibiotic use in medicine, veterinary medicine, and crop protection, co-exposures to herbicide (and agrochemicals in general) and antibiotics are common. Co-exposures alter the response of bacteria, notably those that can cause diseases in people, companion animals, or livestock, to antibiotics. In time, the co-exposure increases resistance to antibiotics.

Heinemann recommends:

“it is necessary to test any herbicide, including of imazethapyr, to be able to exclude the possibility that it can cause antibiotic resistance. We have not identified any chemical or biological similarities between the herbicides that would allow one to predict in advance that a particular chemical or formulation would not have this effect on bacteria”


“that effects on bacteria that can cause disease be considered whenever considering adopting a cropping practice that combines herbicide use and herbicide tolerant crops. The enormous burden of antibiotic resistance should not be unnecessarily exacerbated by use of herbicides”.

India’s population has some of the highest levels of antibiotic resistance in the world. Any spread of HT crops would put us at severe risk of resistance and disease.

Despite these environmental and health concerns, the herbicide market in India is projected to grow by around 54% in the next five years, from USD 361.85 million in 2024 to USD 558.17 million by 2029.

In view of the above evidence of serious irreversible harm to health, food and agriculture across several dimensions, it is a required scientific response for the ICAR and our regulators to immediately withdraw HT crops, including HT rice varieties and desist from introducing any HT crop whether through mutagenesis or genetic engineering.

Aruna Rodrigues – Lead Petitioner in the SC in the matter of GM crops: Writ Petition (Civil) No. 260 of 2005)


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Categories: agriculture, GMO, India, latest
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Feb 8, 2025 3:36 AM

You may find this interesting…
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Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson
Oct 1, 2024 10:27 PM

“In the US, for example, the impact of toxic food on children’s health has been devastating. During a 40-year time frame, childhood disease has risen from 6% to 60 %, with a commensurate rise in national health expenditure from zero, 40 years ago, to trillions of dollars today.”
It’s not what is in the food that kills you, it’s what is not in the food that kills you. Malnutrition is not just insufficient food, it is also insufficient nutrition. If you are over weight, you are malnourished regardless of the amount of food you eat.

Oct 2, 2024 5:40 AM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

Many modern wonders in food cause over- and under-weight, besides major illnesses:
– traces of agro-chemicals
– nutrients extracted to sell separately
– wide variety of additives, especially those that kill the intestinal micro-biome
– substances to adulterate food.

Remember that you are in the Free World. Your government has your best interest at heart.

Oct 1, 2024 6:22 PM

Many recommend that Kickl accept Geerd Wilders’ strategy and voluntarily step into the second row, i.e. give up the chancellor’s seat. Then, like Wilders, he could operate from the background and still exert influence. That would be better than going away empty-handed. But is that even conceivable? Signals are said to have been sent by the ÖVP. Further comments from internet forums (small collection) https://sharetext.me/zlrjocx3yf

To be true: Sounds like a very good idea! Or Jewmedia is just spreading alarmist propaganda? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-10-01/us-says-iran-preparing-to-attack-israel-with-ballistic-missiles

Oct 1, 2024 5:07 PM

Bombing countries and war actually helps the soil and increase the yield…

comment image

Freddy Luger
Freddy Luger
Oct 1, 2024 12:51 PM

Now a “coalition of losers” wants to govern Austria

Following the FPÖ’s election triumph in Austria, the big losers ÖVP and SPÖ want to prevent the winner from joining the government and form a coalition. This could work with a surprise in the distribution of seats.

According to the provisional final results, the FPÖ won the National Council elections in Austria with a historic result of 29.1 percent (+13.0 points). It came first for the first time. The ÖVP, which previously governed with the Greens, lost 11.0 points, more than ever before, and came second with 26.5 percent. With the worst result in its history, the SPÖ slipped to 21.1% (- 0.1 points) and third place for the first time.

The Greens lost 5.9 points and only achieved 8.0%. They thus fell behind the left-liberal Neos, which gained 0.9 points to 9.0%.

The other parties rejected cooperation with the FPÖ and its top candidate Herbert Kickl on election night. Instead, a coalition of losers is now emerging. The ÖVP and SPÖ together only achieved 47.6 percent.

SPÖ and ÖVP have more seats

However, this is enough for an absolute majority of seats in the Vienna National Council. Despite losing exactly 0.13 points and thanks to gains by parties not represented in parliament, the Social Democrats actually won one seat more than four years ago.

Together with the Neos (17 seats), the majority against the election winner would be even clearer. Austrian journalists speak of a “sugar coalition” due to the color combination of turquoise, red and pink. An alliance would also be possible with the Greens, who have shrunk to 15 MPs.

FPÖ leader Kickl: “Is that democracy?”

Kickl expressed his anger at the losers’ will to power on election night: the parties that have ruled out a coalition with the FPÖ – above all the ÖVP and SPÖ – should be asked “what they think about democracy”. He continued: “If historically bad results are achieved, you can’t have done everything right.”

The FPÖ leader emphasized: “Our hand is outstretched in all directions.” What is important now is what Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen (Greens) does and whether he respects the “beauty of the constitution”.

Austria faces tough coalition negotiations

A coalition between the FPÖ and ÖVP, which would have 110 seats, would actually be the easiest option. However, Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) had already ruled this out before the election and confirmed this on the evening of the election. His party would then only be a junior partner. In all other constellations, however, the ÖVP could provide the chancellor. Political observers are expecting tough and protracted coalition negotiations.

Despite the biggest losses in the party’s history, the Christian Democrat Nehammer wants to remain head of government and believes he has received a mandate from the voters to do so. It is also likely that the Federal President will break with the tradition of giving the strongest party the mandate to form a government. Van der Bellen had already announced this approach during the election campaign should the FPÖ come first.

P.S. From last year: Ukraine wants to stop gas transit from 2025

Ukraine will no longer transit Russian natural gas to the west from 2025. This was stated by the head of the Ukrainian state energy company Naftogaz, Olexiy Chernyshov, in an interview with the US foreign broadcaster Radio Liberty. OMV obtains the majority of its gas from Russia – and via Ukraine. In the summer, warnings about this scenario were followed by reassurance.

The transit contract with the Russian company Gasprom expires at the end of 2024. Chernyshov said that Ukraine would also pull out earlier, especially as Gazprom is not paying for the transit as agreed. Austria obtains around two thirds of its gas from Russia and via Ukraine. OMV has a long-term supply contract with Russia until 2040.

Ukraine is already only sticking to transit because several European countries are still dependent on Russian gas, according to Chernyshov. “We also want to be a reliable partner for our European partners, for the countries that need it,” said the CEO.

PS 2: China’s car industry is overrunning the competition in Russia. The withdrawal of Western car manufacturers due to sanctions has left a vacuum in Russia that is now being filled by Chinese suppliers. A return to German brands seems out of the question in view of the competition – even in the long term.

Oct 1, 2024 10:39 AM

I’ve noticed the modus operandi years ago…The overlords will install or corrupt the defense ministers first of the countries they want to control followed by the agriculture ministers. Doing that in the 4th Reich, pardon European Union, was relatively easy as you only have to control a couple of top people from the Politburo.

Redpill Reader
Redpill Reader
Oct 1, 2024 10:12 AM

We are all being bamboozled and conned all the time, every day by everything fed to us. Truth has no chance and most people don’t even care about it. They just want a story that reinforces their existing opinions or makes them feel part of the crowd.

Prove me wrong.

Liz Kettle
Liz Kettle
Oct 1, 2024 10:37 AM
Reply to  Redpill Reader

In what way?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 2, 2024 10:10 PM
Reply to  Liz Kettle

Group think.

Oct 1, 2024 8:45 PM
Reply to  Redpill Reader

Exactly right. They just want something to talk about. Anything to stay ‘connected’, no matter how bad the news. When you detach from the world, it’s a cold, lonely place.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 2, 2024 10:09 PM
Reply to  Paul

Cold and wet dark loneliness, in an empty black space, without a single living soul anywhere.
Hell must be something like that, drowning in the middle of the Atlantic Sea, after a party on Titanic never let your soul free..

Oct 1, 2024 7:34 AM

< Researcher and writer Colin Todhunter says:

“We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and big financial institutions, like BlackRock and Vanguard, are also involved, whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, pushing biosynthetic (fake) food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating and financing the aims of the mega agri-food corporations”.

From Agrarianism to Transhumanism: The Long March to Dystopia >

Kudos to Colin and OffG for publishing this warning from India against Big Money pushing GMO food. With Moderna Corp’s GMO Covid-19 Spike Protein already escaped from its Bio-Lab, and 12 Million people a year already dying from the GMO Spike Protein on Big Pharma’s RNA Vaxx, we in the West should take this warning against the GMO machinations of Agro-Biz very seriously. At least imitate Arunda, take out our own petitions against GMO, and try to find uncorrupt judges to decide our petitions.

The rot starts at the top, it is up to us to clear it from the bottom upwards. I am not worried about the introduction of bad genes, there are plenty of bad genes in Nature; I am worried about the spread of corruption in government. India is a member of BRICS, and the corruption in India could spread to other BRICS countries; for instance, South Africa’s new government is leaning even more toward the interest of the Business Class.

Redpill Reader
Redpill Reader
Oct 1, 2024 10:11 AM
Reply to  NickM

Colin needs to realize BRICS is just the same old corrupt banking class in a different hat.
All smoke and mirrors, all of it.

Let's be Frank Joshua
Let's be Frank Joshua
Oct 1, 2024 3:19 PM
Reply to  Redpill Reader

Maybe you need to realise that nowhere does he say BRICS is otherwise.

Oct 2, 2024 9:15 AM
Reply to  Redpill Reader

Your right.
what happened to the banking royal houses.?
they did not just one day disappear to then become a bill; gates boogie man.

Oct 3, 2024 6:40 AM
Reply to  Redpill Reader

“So ist es alles heuchelei” — Tamino, The Magic Flute, Act 1.

Tamino was wrong: True, the Queen of the Night really is an Evil Woman who Means to Deceive the People; but Zarastro is really a Goodie who is only testing the Boy to see if he is the Right Stuff to get the Girl.

Oct 1, 2024 6:34 AM

P.S. I had missed the fact that the author of the book was Jewish himself, who, as usual, hid behind a name typical of the country. Then, of course, it becomes clear why the novel is also a must-read in Israel.

Why Neumann aka Molnár was the “most celebrated and controversial playwright of Hungary” is not explained in detail. It is said to have had something to do with his disreputable lifestyle. He is also said to have been a supporter of the Austrian Emperor. He also incorporated “Freudian theories” into his works.

Another controversial figure was Hans Otto Löwenstein, a tribal brother of approximately the same age, who made himself conspicuous by simply omitting his Jewish surname and calling himself Hans Otto. He made a name for himself during the Weimar period with the first silent film that popularized sinful adultery. As you would expect, not a man’s, of course, but a woman’s. https://archive.is/Y8bgY

Oct 4, 2024 2:57 PM
Reply to  p.s.

It is very hard to believe that “sinful adultery” was not common before that film. Adultery is not and has has never been “popular” anywhere but the use of the word “sinful” suggests a worldview delivered by Biblical preachers who always omit mentioning that they are pushing dogma concocted by the “chosen ones” for the cattle.

shalom ya CUNTZ!
shalom ya CUNTZ!
Oct 1, 2024 5:16 AM

1968 is the year of the cultural Marxist “anti-war” youth protests in the western hemisphere. In Prague, a popular uprising was bloodily crushed by invading Warsaw Pact allies. In the same year, a film was made in Budapest with Anglo-American participation, of which there is even an English version. https://linkmix.co/26772477

It is based on a novel from 1906, which was first translated into English by a Jew named Rittenberg. It is said to have been an “anti-war appeal”, which in itself is utter bullshit, as the First World War was not even foreseeable in 1906. Scuffling schoolboys are forbidden as subject matter in the Golden West, if only because most schoolchildren are not white, but knife-carrying invaders.

Moreover, such behavior is considered “toxic masculinity”. There is also an Austrian version from 2004 with Kohlund. Kohlund grew up in a family of actors, but in recent decades has only wasted his talent on turgid romantic love stories a la Rosamunde Pilcher for bored mothers-in-law. Unfortunately, no version of “Race to Bombay” with English subtitles could be found.

Oct 1, 2024 11:09 AM

Shalom ya SUBTLE?

Chill Dude.
We’re on OUR side.

Stig Blomquist
Stig Blomquist
Oct 1, 2024 12:12 PM
Reply to  Johnny

I (strongly) guess, it was meant as (pure) IRONY.

Oct 2, 2024 9:16 AM

Very offence call handle.!

Oct 1, 2024 2:41 AM

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain.

Reading Off-Guard would make anyone believe that this only plays in India, with article 1001 on it. Never an article about Chinese agriculture for example, a clear pattern that pleases exactly the WEF.

red lester
red lester
Oct 2, 2024 10:33 AM
Reply to  antonym

Or the UK, where anyone owing a hen now has to register with big brother/sister:


Oct 1, 2024 2:31 AM

Reuters : 30 September 30, 2024

Why India’s easing of export curbs is important to global rice trade India accounted for more than 40 per cent of the world’s rice exports in 2022, a record 22.2 million metric tons out of a total of 55.4 million.

In 2024 the monsoon rains are good, so even more agricultural output, all without Bayer or any new GMOs.

A $olution for a non existing problem.

Oct 1, 2024 5:05 PM
Reply to  antonym

2022, a record 22.2 million metric tons out of a total of 55.4 million.
i thought it was 666 metric tons.

Let's be Frank Joshua
Let's be Frank Joshua
Oct 2, 2024 9:18 AM
Reply to  antonym

On one thing at least we can agree on – Bayer is a solution for a non-existing problem. And yet you attack those who reveal how Bayer, Amazon, Syngenta (Chinese owned!) and the like and their GMOs are trying to take over the agri sector in India. You attack them for being funded by certain US agencies (without ANY evidence). And you do it because you think calling out such things is a plot against Modi. Is Aruna Rodrigues part of that plot just because she is protesting on Modi’s watch? The plan for the foreign-corporate takeover of Indian agriculture dates back decades. All you offer is whataboutism – wanting to deflect attention from the problem in India. You seem happy to let India be sold out to foreign interests.

Oct 1, 2024 2:16 AM

Basic Essentials for Old Age Pensioners in The UK…

It is entirely possible, that we will lose most essential services this coming winter.

1 Several torches – very cheap on the internet + rechargeable batteries
2. Warm Clothing – and Blankets, and if you can walk to the local shop, you can buy these snowgrip things that fit to your snowboots,,,Its good to walk to the local shop, especially if he has got close connections to farmers who grow food. If you have been a customer before you will be a customer again
3. Cash (imagine if you are at a Festival and the cash machine doesn’t work and you want a pint and cod & chips) They have Gas Burners, and Generators) You don’t. All you have is a plastic card, and a mobile phone – neither of which work..whereas if you have some cash…
4. Food – Tinned Food – tinned fish is incredibly cheap – your cat will eat it if you don’t fancy it.
5. Cat – a cat (well my cat not only thinks she can feed herself, but all the rest of our family as well) (never had a dog)
6. At least one camping stove and several cans of gas…they do work, but can be a little bit scary, when the gas man turns up, and says sorry, we have to turn your gas off. I ask why, they said, well after the water boys came round to fit your water meter the guys from the Electric Company – dug up the Road, and Our Gas Main. I asked if we are allowed to go the toilet…He said yes, but you may only get one flush – but it rain a lot
7. Board Games – and Card Games – You can always play Patience whilst cuddling your cat.
8. A Kettle – you ant going to survive without a cup of tea or coffee
9. Hot Water Bottle – and Woolly Cover – but be Careful with it – slowly filling it up, and not too hot (not boiling)
10. RICE – its incredibly cheap…you can store it for years, and it does not go off – you do however need a camping gas stove for the boiling water
11. Invite Your Neighbours Round Especially if Their Homes are as Cold as Yours, of if You are invited, find your walking stick and go to theirs. Get 10 OAPs in the same Kitchen and the House Temperature Goes up Considerably COLD to HOT

Oct 2, 2024 9:18 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Thanks Tony.
The road we live in recently had a power cut for 12 hours and candles and the camping stove came in really handy.
also windup torch.

Oct 1, 2024 12:40 AM

Check out Bob Moran’s latest.
You might recognise yourself:


Oct 1, 2024 12:11 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Good lord, I hope not.

To each their own.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 2, 2024 7:33 PM
Reply to  Johnny

I agree with the criteria except:

“Waiting patiently for everyone else to catch up.”

No, it ain’t gonna happen!

Oct 1, 2024 12:28 AM

Caitline Johnston said it best – I have always liked her – because they wouldn’t let her in

You are NOT a Professional Journalist

Do you think They will let You write an Article for The Huffington Post , or even a Comment in the New York Times

I have Always liked Australian Girls Like Caitline

Redpill Reader
Redpill Reader
Oct 1, 2024 7:07 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Caitlin Johnstone was set up as a controlled op/gatekeeper to sell a limited hangout to the Left. Her disgusting sellout performance during covid proved that but it had always been obvious to anyone paying attention.

Failed the 9/11 litmus test.
Got promoted by mainstream outlets as a “controversial” figure (typical way they get their supposed “subversive” figures noticed).
Clout chases every popular “alt” opinion.
NEVER strays beyond the Overton Window

Oct 1, 2024 11:40 AM
Reply to  Redpill Reader

One doesn’t bite the hand$ that threaten it.

Oct 1, 2024 12:04 AM

It would be interesting to know if any of the senior executives and scientists at these ugly, plotting, murdering corporations consume their own toxic products.

Sep 30, 2024 11:24 PM

I panicked a bit, in 2020, when I realised the evil bastrds in control where trying to kill us all – a year before the jabs, so I bought myself an electric rotavator and started digging tenches by the shed…and buying seed potatoes on the internet (though I strongly suspect , that even an old spud from Sainsburys, once it starts Germinating and Sprouting…if You Dig a Hole in The Ground, and leave it for a bit…if it pisses down with rain,,which it usually does, it will reproduce underground, and make loads of Baby Potatoes, which you can dig up and eat, even in the depths of winter, and lockdowns and jabs

Sep 30, 2024 10:49 PM

The End the Vaccine Carveout Act would end the broad protection from liability for injuries resulting from vaccines listed on the CDC’s Childhood Immunization Schedule.


Oct 1, 2024 7:37 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Encouraging. Try to make it more than 30. This is the most important initiative that has come out of the U$ Congress lately.

Sep 30, 2024 8:19 PM

Is it October tomorrow?

Scary-sounding big number that just happen to have esoteric significance? Check (18 = 6+6+6). Campaign targeted at a group they particularly want off the face of the earth? Check (the elderly). Opportunity for gratuitous virtue-signalling and connections to other agendas? Check (take the burden off the NHS… why not grab some assisted dying followed by human composting to th full experience!).

Sep 30, 2024 11:33 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Prepare for the winter…like if you are going Camping – for when the Power Goes Off, as it Probably Will. Peoples Memories are Incredibly Short, they don’t Remember, when they last saw Snow in London …and Absolutely Nothing Worked, and my Kid got Snowchains For His Car, and The Milkman Always turned up, when No one Else Did?

Sep 30, 2024 11:49 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I don’t do Numerology and Shit, but I have to confess, that the first motorbike I bought (my older brother gave me his BSA 250 C15 – which I passed my test on) was a BSA 650 Gold Star – with The Registration 666 ALE – completely Legal and Correct. Cost me £35. I did sell my BSA250 for £37, but did not give them the log book, until I got my £37..

comment image

Oct 1, 2024 1:53 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

nice bike

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 2, 2024 10:21 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

An “All Seeing Eye” Bike. All your figures, your public name, and also your photo stinks of Illuminati. 3 o’s penetrated with penises gives 666.
You can cheat Papa here!

Oct 1, 2024 8:23 AM
Reply to  Edwige

What is scary about 18,000 deaths from flu since 2022? It is about 1.3% of all deaths. It is very scary that the NHS is making an issue of this and that a Guardian journalist is paid to push it.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 2, 2024 10:22 PM
Reply to  magwag

Divided by 3 gives 6 mio and 666. THIS is scary! Just saying.

Sep 30, 2024 6:52 PM

The GMO thing is a scam to patent life…
However, the common bad thing with “GMOs” is that they’re so called herbicide/ pesticide tolerant.
The real issue is that these crops get worse toxic shit sprayed on them and more of it.

Oct 1, 2024 8:56 AM
Reply to  Rob

Some GMO including soya produce a poison called Bt-toxin without spraying. Advanced modern scientific farming puts a variety of other stuff in and on the produce (and farm animals and farmers). Then comes advanced modern scientific food processing.