The UK gov’t wants to legalise “assisted dying”. Here’s what happens next.
Kit Knightly

The Parliament of the United Kingdom is moving forward with a vote on a new bill that will legalise assisted dying for those diagnosed with terminal illness.
The bill, proposed by Labour MP Kim Leadbeater, has yet to be published in full. According to the BBC:
The details have not been finalised but the bill is likely to be similar to a proposal in the House of Lords, which would allow terminally ill adults with six months or fewer to live to get medical help to end their own lives.
This is the culmination of a years-long political, media and entertainment industry wide campaign to normalise euthanasia in the UK’s public mind.
In that time we have been told that assisted dying is good for people, good for the NHS and good for the environment.
The bill is expected to be formally introduced on 16 October, with the first debate to take place later this year, meaning the vote will likely be held in early 2025.
I would be stunned if it doesn’t pass.
Here is my prediction for what happens next…
– For the first year or so it will just be an option, you won’t hear much about it except in articles with headlines like “Assisted dying saved my parent/partner/child from years of pain”.
– After a year or two a report will come out claiming success via some tortured invented statistical measure like “assisted dying boosts patient well being scores in surveyed NHS hospitals”.
– Another will follow claiming waiting lists have improved due to decreased overcrowding in palliative care wards. They might even claim it’s decreased the NHS’s carbon footprint.
– Opinion pieces will appear with titles like “Assisted dying success story shuts down conspiracy theorists”.
– The minimum age to be considered for assisted dying will gradually be lowered. And the list of diseases and conditions for which assisted dying is a “recommended treatment alternative” will expand.
– Eventually non-lethal diseases will be included, then psychological illnesses too. Then physical and mental disabilities.
– Then will come an “emergency” – a fake one, obviously – and the NHS will come out of it shining thanks to resources “freed up” by euthanasia programs.
– Next will come the editorials. “Assisted dying is good for patients and saved the NHS during [fake pandemic], it’s time to make it mandatory”.
– A backbench MP will introduce a bill forcing anyone diagnosed with a fatal illness to be put on an assisted dying list.
– The bill will fail, and most of the press will oppose it, but the government will issue “common sense” compromise regulations where assisted dying is the default, but patients can opt out of if they want.
– It will never actually BE mandatory. But it WILL be harder and harder to get out of. If you choose to opt-in and later try to change your mind, you will be said to be mentally incompetent.
– Patients who don’t want to sign DNRs or opt for end of life care will be branded “selfish” and “irresponsible”. Studies will claim they are a strain on the NHS’s resources.
– Down the line, opting out will incur penalties to your pension payments and mean you are charged for healthcare, making it impossible for many older people to afford to stay alive.
– Then they’ll start panels where patients who are “mentally incompetent” have assisted dying recommended by “mercy tribunals”.
…and the whole time the establishment will claim there is freedom of choice, and no slippery slope at all.
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A referendum is needed for we the people to have an opportunity to vote for a complete euthanasia program for politicians and if successful expand it to media personell, and if successful expand it to…
does stating that Kim Leadbetter is the younger sister of former MP Jo Cox make any difference to the debate here?
Not to me. Personal relationships does not make a valid debate, only due arguments based on factual existence, directly from a said person.
Abel was the younger brother of Cain, Yes my dear. So………………………?
Perhaps if you consider the highly anomalous circumstances surrounding Jo Cox’s alleged murder, as presented by Richard Hall:
So what Mr Knightly is saying is that the unbearable suffering of the innocent (those who really do have a case for ‘being put out of their misery’ cannot occur because the State is so evil that it will always use such a provision to implement widespread non-consensual ‘early termination of life’.
That does rather tend to say that the UK is the apotheosis of absolute evil, that you can only become a doctor by being a murdering psychopath, that nurses will be no better, that many, many families will have sociopaths that ‘want to bump off granny to get her house off her’ etc etc.
And here we are claiming that the UK is the bastion of all that is good, defending its citizens from all the evil surrounding us etc etc etc.
Cognitive dissonance knows no bounds, it appears…..
Now your getting it.
I thought the The Liverpool care pathway was a conspiracy.
It was developed to help doctors and nurses provide quality end-of-life care, to transfer quality end-of-life care from the hospice to hospital setting.
I’ve had experience of the hospital based quality end-of-life care, aka the Liverpool pathway, The quality of care on a busy hospital ward is minimal. The nurses put the needs of the living before that of the dying person, who was ignored for long periods. The dying patient had pneumonia and was unable to empty their bladder so was miserable and in pain but staff weren’t monitoring this and just upped the dose of midazolen. Not enough space or chairs for the family to sit with their dying family member. Machinery which made a loud roaring noise (to assist a neighbouring patient to breath) was hung two feet from the dying patient’s head. Loud alarm systems rang all the time. The staff urged the family to leave at night saying that they would be contacted if there was any change in the patient. But they were not contacted and the patient died alone. When the newly bereaved family members asked about the time of death and to see the log they were taken to a room where they were shouted at by a senior male doctor and senior female nurse, and accused of bringing the NHS into disrepute by asking questions. And this was at a good hospital, the Radcliffe, so what are the bad ones like? Incidentally we were told that our family member had refused medical treatment by saying “stop messing me about” but that was not a phrase they would normally have used – and that worries me. I feel I may have let them down by not challenging what we were told.
One more thing: the diagnosis. One visit to a doc and you might come back with 3 different lethal conditions. You’ll really be in the crosshairs then.
What’s the punishment for ‘mis-diagnosis’ for such doctors? The death sentence?? A £20k salary bonus????
Doctors have one of the most heavy, difficult and longest academic educations of Academia.
When they finally after 8-10 years at university and hospitals can buy an expensive private praxis they are rewarded with overcrowded patient rooms, staff quarrels, and an endless row of regulation revisions, new pills, reports and developments, plus they have to get “digital” too.
As a last pigment they must see themselves been smeared and hanged in all media for not saving or rectifying without a single error being responsible for all people’s self inflicted health problems immediately…… of charge.
All roads lead to Eugenics.
We can call it what we want. But we end there anyway. A little earlier, a little later, whats the difference.
Whats the trick. What are we fighting for? “Because time destroy everybody’s beauty …”.
Nelson Gonsalves
It would be a great boost for the transplant and body parts trafficking biznesses.
I’m sure they could find some part to sell no matter what terminal illness was involved.
You want young and healthy people dead for the transplant biz. Clapped out old bangers generally don’t provide spare parts for F1 racing cars, you know.
True. But there is money in the procurement and the surgery. Not necessarily in the successfull surgery.
not so – there is such a shortage of kidneys they are advocating using them from the over 70s
Maybe Reagan was right : “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’”
In this day and age, I’d replace that with ‘I’m from the WHO/World Bank/IMF and I’m here to help’. Those non-governmental organisations do just as much damage, if not more, than mere governments.
The only question is whether assisted dying will catch up to corporate toxicity as the preferred method of dispatch. I’m betting it won’t. But it will take the focus off the “forever chemicals,” “vaccines,” plastics, GMO’s et al just long enough to make the public forget all about these things altogether.
“Forever chemicals?” they’ll say. “Aren’t all chemicals forever? GMO’s? Isn’t all food GMO? Vaccines? Isn’t that when the barbarians stuck a needle in your kid’s arm instead of a flavor of the month on his cereal? Plastics? Aren’t they the things nature bottles water in?”
It should not come as a surprise to anyone that a financial value on human life is now manifesting itself in the form of euthanasia.
George Bernard Shaw, the Fabian socialist stated in 1931:
“If you can’t justify your existence, if you’re not pulling your weight … then clearly, we cannot use the organizations of society for the purpose of keeping you alive, because your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very much use to you.”
This eugenics mindset of the intellectuals and chattering classes never really disappeared, it simply went into hibernation after Word War II.
Billy Goats, eveyone’s favourite ‘expert’ on all things viral – except his Windows operating system – in a 2010 interview raised the issue of ‘death panels’ echoing Bernard Shaw’s thinking. In it, he justifies his thinking , by viewing medical and pension costs as a cost benefit analysis. In his example, laying of teachers in order to cover the medical costs of keeping other people alive.
The advances in technology, now coupled with AI, really does mean that the eugenicists and Malthusians can bring their technocratic ‘utopia’ to real life since the technology that humans embrace so willingly is not only making them obsolete but is forming the basis of the control grid to manage them.
In my mind, this is another test set by the controllers, to identify the ‘feeble-minded’ by observing how many fall for the propaganda, along the lines of Darwin’s (another eugenicist) belief regarding the ‘survival of the fittest’.
The sooner that the average ‘useless eater’ realises that compassion is not the driving force behind the promotion of euthanasia, the better for their own survival, regardless of their own age or current state of health.
“….your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very much use to you.”
The colossal arrogance of that twat concentrated in a single statement: the assumption that if my life doesn’t benefit “us” (who?) then it can’t be of “very much use” to me!
And what does it even mean to say that my life can’t be of “much use” to me? Would my death or non-existence be of “more use”? How?
I can explain that.
We all contribute to a society. Some are dentists, some are cleaners, some collect your garbage, some build our roads. We call that civilisation.
Everybody contribute with something to ease their neighbours comfort, instead of we all are being our own experts in medics, engineering, carpentry, etc.
When someone cant contribute. You are disabled, born with autism, breach the Penalty Law frequently, a society will gather to make rules not only for this person’s own sake because we care, but also to not use excessive resources for only one person that could be used to develop our civilisation.
For example, a person continues to go out in rainy weather without raincoat and/or umbrella, get wet, cold, develop fever, lung decease.
We make rules for this person: “Remember to take your raincoat on when in wet weather so you dont get wet”.
If someone continue to steal from others, or kill other people for money despite the rules giving by the society, a society do organise a specialised Police to neutralise this person in order to maintain our civilisation in order, and we organise a Court to not make injustice to the offender neither the Police.
Everything fine, until we reached the deplorable, the useless eaters, mass killers, drug addicts.
People who not only cannot and/or will not contribute with anything on the positive side to civilisation. What do we do?
We put some in prison for life. We use too many resources on drug addicts, 100% disabled, people with manias, mental deceases, cancer, criminals, public service bureaucracy, usury bankers, fat people, m.m.
Many of these people are non-loved, despised. They do live a life as a heavy burden for others with a very low self-esteem.
Where is the limit where we both say enough is enough? A some point these people can progress to a majority who will be a major destructive force on the human civilisation yes?
So what are you/we discussing here on OffG? The same!
We are discussing the people who should be neutralised in our society to maintain the nice sides of our human civilisation. It is exactly the same discussion. Projective Identification.
Welcome to the club George Mc and Co……………………………LOL.
Except its all very subjective, objectively one runs into the denial effect, which circles back to the subject of your desire, controlling the population.
You have a very simplistic view of ‘civilisation’. There is a fundamental argument about what kind of civilisation people want.
There is the civilisation of dog eat dog, which is what the West espouses. You behave like a thug to crush another’s spirit, then you say: ‘I have the right to order you about’.
Alternatively, you can say: ‘such thugs add zero value to civilisation, they are parasitic psychopaths who need ostracism’.
I can tell you beyond discussion that plenty of doctors do not serve society, they serve themselves. I can tell you that plenty of corporations actively seek to kill people to make money. I can tell you that many bankers break every rule of banking but are not ostracised. And I can tell you that teachers demanding Covid19 vaccines for children are the absolute antithesis to being ‘in loco parentis’.
None of those people are ostracised from society.
You need to realise that there is not one society, there are competing factions and it’s not about benefitting society per se, but benefitting one of those factions.
Tony Blair benefitted Dick Cheney’s US genocidal faction. He never benefitted you and me in the UK. He earned £150m+ in reward for supporting genocide.
Tell me that that benefits society and I’ll tell you to check into the nearest looney bin.
I agree in your point of view. Just saying we end up in the same bs: Prison Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, m.m.
My point is many of these cynical smart people have been raped themselves and lost confidence. Its difficult if the right guys are only a minority and the weak ones are the majority. Answer to that? Genocide of the majority! 😂
I don’t think you’ve got it right at all. The ‘useless eaters’ all seem to be allowed to work, whereas those who see through the propaganda and call it out get prevented from participating in employment.
There is a double selection going on: ‘the chosen few’ aka 500 million; and ‘the slaves’ who will undoubtedly be selected from the ‘useless eaters’.
Those that see through the chosen few non-elites and refuse to join them fail the test.
We are all ‘useless eaters’ to some degree in the eyes of the elitists, whether we see through the propaganda or not. However, some are more useless than others from a eugenics perspective.
I used to think like you – that the rebels, the ‘awake’, the self-sufficient, those willing to buck the trend were the ones that the controllers wished to get rid off, thereby leaving 500 million to maybe 2 billion slave like NPCs.
Yet, that is not in fitting with eugenics. Eugenics is about weeding out the stupid, the sick, the weak, the dependent. The ‘germ plasma’ as the eugenicists called it in the late 19th Century.
In a world with a much reduced population it would make much more sense for the controllers to have a population that is more independent (but not rebellious) and therefore not dependent upon them to be nannied, fed, clothed, housed, and looked after from the cradle to the grave. Less useless and more of a useful eater.
I could be wrong about this hypothesis, but it makes sense when you consider who took the jabs, it was the drone types, many of those who gave precedent to paying large mortgages and loans or acquiring more material goods or going on holiday over the health of themselves and their families. It was ultimately a choice, even if a coerced one.
Whereas, some other people did lose their employment by not taking the jabs, because they chose principles and economic sacrifice over material goods. Perhaps some had saved for a rainy day to see them through tough times, which then came in useful during the scamdemic. Others may have even chosen to become self-employed as a result. In other words, a test from a eugenics (survival of the fittest) POV that they passed, not failed.
I did write a more detailed comment about this theme in a fairly recent comment but cannot remember in which thread.
I think the 500 million are not planning to keep anybody else? They already live in permanent terror of a slave revolt, however controlled and down trodden the populace is, while they exist the 500 million will never feel safe. Hence the frantic rush to try and create AI. The millions who revolted by defying the covid orders to demonstrate in London and other world capitals, terrified those in charge. People can only really be governed with consent. To continue with covid regulations while these were openly being flouted undermined the basis under which authority rules, so they had to be abandoned. Larger numbers than reported also refused the jab. For instance half of all football players are said to have refused it.
to continue with my previous comment. If the real purpose behind the scandemic was to isolate the population by banning everything where people gather together, so that their only communication would be through controlled social media outlets, then it failed. Governments were unable to keep populations under permanent house arrest. They are still trying to press on with the new normal however bty stripping control of financial assets from the population. One financial asset that many people have is housing. So the government are moving against home ownership. The goal being to make owning your own home so expensive and unpleasant that people will give up. So Government has put a tax on home insurance and the law society has produced a giant questionaire (the TA6 fifth edition) containing questions many on a yes/no check box answer basis, that no RIKS surveyor would commit themselves to answering, and which, people are being told they must complete if they want to sell their home. This is not true, there is no legal requirement to say anything at all about your property when you sell it. Like the covid scandenic, people are being told something is the law when it isn’t.
In the US, they already practice it. They just don’t call it that. They decide somebody isn’t worth the effort, they send him to hospice, they refuse him food and even water!, and then he dies of thirst. Welcome to reality.
Telegraph – Labour MP’s want assisted dying for the non-terminally ill.
The slippery slope has started an the bill hasn’t even been placed on the table. Anyone who supports this because of some anecdote about how their loved one lived in unimaginable pain is guided by their feelings when the facts are that this will be expanded and abused as soon as it passes, so it’s them who are the selfish ones.
You only get one shot at life, I hope people understand that, there is no respawn button, when it’s over it’s over and that’s why life is precious and you must do everything in your power to overcome the obstacles placed in your way, if not for yourselves but for your family and your friends.
Lastly this topic sends shivers up my spine, I’m frightened about it because people will be coerced into ending their lives. NHS “Have you thought about Suicide? Well we can offer it to you free via our Death Pods made from recycled commodes”.
The MAID story of Canada. From suffering from a terminal illness and imminent death to experiencing “unbearable physical or mental suffering from your illness, disease, disability or state of decline that cannot be relieved under conditions that you consider acceptable” – all interpreted quite broadly, judging by the way it’s been administered.
Get ready to vomit at another group of technocratic vampires coming for the children… FUCK!
Kim Michele Leadbeater, her full name, anagrams to ‘eek me a bill death crime’.
Also to ‘The mare imbecile Dalek’. No wonder she wants to “Exterminate, exterminate!”
“The biggest problem that all of this comes down to is the refusal of most people to believe that people in power wish them harm, actively want to do harm to them. This is the hardest thing for most people to accept”. – Bob Moran
and here’s the artwork to go with that quote:
Purportedly, race too does not exist.
Not sure what the “yay, abortion” means in that cartoon.
Whether someone supports the legality of abortion or not, I don’t think anyone feels “yay” about it.
I don’t believe any woman goes lightly into that procedure. I think it’s rather insulting to women.
And I will argue this point till the end of my time and beyond – if men were the procreators (no snide remarks about trans, please) – if men were the procreators, abortion would be available at the corner drugstore.
Abortion would be legal, affordable and available on demand.
That is a fact. An irrefutable fact.
And before the retorts abound, this is not a “feminist” or “man-hating” point of view.
It is just an unbiased fact.
I second your emotion; well stated.
Like many left-oriented persons, in recent years the traditional legacy left/right wing divide– at best, only a kind of rule of thumb– has become unreliable. I agree with the argument that a top/bottom axis has emerged as more significant than the obsolescent left/right spectrum.
In practical terms, for me this means that in recent years I have abandoned many “leftist” journalists, pundits, and sites; in a nutshell, I fled the TDS-maddened and scamdemic/vax True Believers, which I whimsically dubbed the “Left Behind”. Accordingly, I check out sources that I formerly would’ve righteously scorned and avoided as deplorably reactionary and wingnutty.
Still, the left/right orientation still manifests at times. All this to say that as I gingerly tread through both “left” and “right” oriented sources, I experience mixed feelings. But one thing that aggravates and distresses me is that both “woke” and “based” perspectives are addicted to virtue signaling predicated on the conviction that each is manifestly the sole, if contested, occupant of the national moral high ground.
In this tug-of-war for dominant moral authority, the question of reproductive rights and social policy, especially abortion, has degenerated into binary hyperbole: the “woke” camp radicals arguing for unrestricted abortion throughout a pregnancy, and the “based/MAGA” camp radicals trashing “abortion on demand” as an unqualified abomination popularized by godless “Marxist”, or “communist”, or “socialist” hedonistic degenerates.
All of the sensible, nuanced points you make are obliterated in the current warped, polarized, flattened, anti-intellectual publc discourse. “All the ‘woke’ degenerates care about is encouraging and enabling abortion on demand– whereas we ‘based’ folk have the superior view that The Creator and Supreme Micro-Manager of the Universe put man on Earth to be fruitful and multiply.”
The implication is that only immoral, death-worshipping sluts crave abortion. This, in the chauvinistic “based” view, is even more disgusting in a time when a return to traditional family values, and valorizing Traditional Wives, is needed more than ever.
Sadly, this bumptious reductionism is expressed in bumper-sticker slogans like “Yay abortion”. It’s obvious to us that in the cartoon, “one of these things is not like the others”. But Moran, however otherwise perceptive and talented, is ideologically compelled to include ostensible pro-abortion fanatics along with woke gender ideologues and uncritical believers in fraudulent public-health scares. 😠
Ort, per usual, your comment is so on point and well-written.
Too late in the evening right now to address all that you describe, but as we’d say in Boston, “Ya, I get it.”
Thank you for the feedback.
I happen to agree with you entirely. And I am a feminist. Your comment about feminists could also be taken to court, so to speak. Feminism does NOT mean man-hating. Just saying (today’s feminazis notwithstanding).
However, just like the vegan argument, it can be hijacked for a nefarious, antihuman agenda.
You can be pro-vegan for all the right reasons (compassion, health, environment) or for the wrong reasons (starvation agenda).
Similarly, you can bring a pro-choice argument (my body my choice, rape, socio-economic reasons,…) or have a eugenicist agenda in mind.
The same applies to the pro or against (voluntary) euthanasia argument. It too has been hijacked by The Agenda.
I think the cartoon is making a case against the overall nefarious, anti-human agenda.
Furthermore, I believe it’s time to moderate our anger about our individual pet peeves (me: feminism, veganism) in the interest of joining the community of pro freedom advocates. I will still argue for these important issues to reveal the truth but I refuse to hate anyone for having a different opinion.
Thank you, Veri tas.
Your last paragraph expresses what I, too, have come to believe after spending the past few years navigating the mighty seas of independent news media in the age of cvid. It has been quite a journey.
The government have never needed a excuse to kill people.
gave the green light and covid cemented any doubts any idiot had about government and protecting the elderly and venerable.
The trailed out the vaccines first on the less fortunnots (autistic – learning difficult and poorly elderly strangely enough theses people according to the things they read and believe in are born in to sin another form of a (g0yetc) and they DNR the autistic – learning difficult and poorly elderly without them knowing.
There was be films TV series showing how stressful it is looking after handicaps autistic dementia etc and how happy they was when the retarded family member decided to get assisted dying.
YOU people already happily do assisted dying with your pets that you allegedly cherish and the minutes it shits piss’s on the floor and stops doing as you please.
your down the vets with the happy assisted dying injection and see ya later good bye and next pet comes along repeat rinse.
Most of the child victims are the product of advanced modern medicine for profit. Caring for the bedridden elderly too is a nightmare, especially with no relief person or welfare payment. All the more reason to subvert the remaining socialism in Scandinavia.
Equating pet deaths to human deaths is a sign of the times: advanced delusion.
Beware the goody goodies. They are the scourge of society.
Alan Watts
The superior virtue not virtue, thus it has virtue. Inferior virtue can’t let go of virtue, thus not virtue.” And we more or less paraphrase that by translating: “Superior virtue is not conscious of itself as virtue, and therefore it is virtue. But inferior virtue is so hooked up with being virtuous (or hooked on being virtuous) that it’s not virtue.”
The practice of medicine “cannot be both our healer and our killer” – former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop.
Abortion Now killing the old Ethic of the Nazi regime. Most Labour MP support the Fabian Society which has campaign for a very long time for killing the old folks wasteful eaters
They already do this. Here is an example:
Question: if you are old and break your hip, should you be operated?
outcome: well being
method: quasi randomized trial
result: old people with broken hip fare just as well when they are operated against non-operated
conclusion: better don’t operate
what they don’t tell you: well being at the time of hip fracture was already so low in the elderly that for that matter it does not matter whether you operate or not.
the question that should have been asked: why are elderly people who break their hip in such a poor state of well being?
hint, hint: most patients who participated lived in an old peoples home
study ref:
sponsored by (I am not kidding, look at the affiliations of the first author): the Dutch military.
Mere death need not be an obstacle to making money for the bankster overlords… thanks to A.I.!
Does anyone remember when we had a set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader?? to circumvent the corruption of public morals, and the real nature of evil.
We do now – we’re in the hands of Satanists.
Gvt, and institutions, are the life blood of satan.
The legitimate representatives of the “spiritual leaders” are all doing fine, thank you.
We are all lost…forever. What shall we the little people do? We cant do a shit about it.
We cant do anything.
One sideshow they could work into this is to have opposition from the House of Lords led by the bishops and use that to justify their removal.
Why wait for the pensioners to freeze to death when the state can just execute them instead?

To help protect grannies and granddads and remember some of this lot fought for your country.
They certainly did not fought enough. If they had, they would have left MORE on my bank account!
I would welcome this measure if I trusted the government.
A small gov. would allow assisted dying and that’s it.
You choose.
An evil globalist cabal will nudge and push that decision for you until you feel it is your duty for the greater good.
We have the latter.
same people who said
In Dec 14, 2020 —
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla hasn’t received his company’s Covid-19 vaccine shot yet, saying Monday he and other executives will not “cut the line.”
I too don’t want anyone to cut the line. The biggest investor in most of the jabs and in WHO should be given immediate and repeated priority.
(Off topic) Just finished reading the book “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy“ by David A. Hughes. It was excellent, one of the most lucid breakdowns of the event I’ve read to date.
So, I went to check out his substack, right away what do I find? A super long article defending Judy Wood’s theory that the twin towers were blown up with a “cold fusion” space laser!
I don’t understand why I keep seeing people who seem so intelligent otherwise endorsing what appears to me like one of the most blatantly ridiculous controlled opposition misdirects I’ve ever heard of. Sad to say I’ve even seen my favorite writer Iain Davis endorse it one of his books. Why?????
So you’re saying I disbelieve X but I totally believe Y – why would anyone be so stupid as to disbelieve Y? Once you start on the rollercoaster of disbelief all bets are off. I don’t care what you or anyone thinks is a ridiculous ‘theory’ – I just look at the evidence and go with the most compelling. Then it’s not a theory any more, it’s a fact. The theory of evolution is still just a theory but is treated as a fact and people would laugh at anyone who didn’t consider it as such. Iain Davis looks at evidence and comes to a conclusion based on that. Isn’t that what scientists are supposed to do? During the scamdemic the people who didn’t roll up their sleeves are the ones who could see how contradictory and nonsensical the whole thing was (‘flu has now disappeared’) and the ones who didn’t question their insane governments unfortunately complied. So perhaps scepticism is the key to survival.
It is Satanic program. The cabal wants to normalize it. If you’re useless, then you can have it.
Choosing when and how you die is the ultimate Gnostic-Luciferian defiance of God. I suspect the elitists have been doing it for some time. It would be how Huxley and Lewis were able both to die on the same day as JFK – or, going back further, how Adams and Jefferson both died on the 50th anniversary on U.S. independence.
good point Edwige
Satanic program. ???
it Christian actually called born into sin so them people are not worthy. We know that often in the Bible disability is seen as a punishment for sin.
they consider us less than.
Repent, and you can be forgiven. Revolt, and you cannot. Its that easy mersay.
Too late. Take a look at that NHS lethal injection usage leak a few months ago that over 30,000 more euthanizations were performed than were consented to, that’s 30k+ counts of premeditated murder by NHS employees.
I know of at least two family members who have been on the “pathway”.
In pain and evidently at the end of life, the drugs are stepped up to lethal doses providing both pain relief and shortening the process of death.
The family knew what was happening and understood.
That is a very different scenario from accelerating, for example, the deaths of older patients because they are a nuisance.
Midazolam restricts breathing so possibly the worst thing you should give someone with a respiratory illness. But then my mum, at 99, was given a Fentanyl patch for what she’d described as being in a bit of pain for which a paracetamol would have sufficed. That’s the way the money goes!
Back in the day they just used morphine and you passed through the ceiling as you died.
Another good thing we had in the past that the evil government and big pharma also took away from us 😪 .
Many people express their wishes before they are sick, or dying, as to not extending life beyond a certain point.
If someone has a written directive, then the Health Proxy or Executor is obligated to follow that directive.
There is a difference between that and what we witnessed during the fake pandemic, where so many patients died alone, without family and health advocates, and where DNR orders that did not exist in the patients directive, all of a sudden appeared and were implemented
As in the case of Grace Shara.
in a hospice watching someone get dosed for pain
you can see they give a huge doses in the last few days before they die
aka killed.
There was a big shipment of Midzolam from France. They did not want to waste it. On a more serious note:
– In UK, the costs include (a) >£1 billion to store PPE (b) £4 billion in unused PPE, discarded (c) nearly £10 billion in other write-offs. -off-g 2023-03-24
These people legally took the jab. It was voluntary yes you had a risk of loosing job and money. They were duly informed beforehand. They made a choice.
You cant call this a murder. You can call it stupidity, suicide, naivety, something else, good faith, manipulation, pressure, but not deliberate murder.
Our society is sick to death…
For profit health care.
health care.?
death care more like.
Not if you can avoid it, Woody Allen said it best about aging, he suggested you dont do it.
< This is the culmination of a years-long political, media and entertainment industry wide campaign to normalise euthanasia in the UK’s public mind. >
And about time too. Britain has moved on a bit since the 1960s because the hospice movement softens the long pain of terminal cancer, but there is still no assistance for people who want to die but are afraid of the shame. Like it used to be for girls who wanted abortion in the old days.
Today the only one who gets paid to die, are those in gvt.
‘Ethics For Sale’ it’s called, and corporations employ ethicists
in their PR departments to help decide how to sell their products, etc.
Just watch how ethics gets a work over ’til the right ethical
endorsement of state sanctioned euthanasia is arrived at…
There would be no shortage of volunteers to ‘assist’ the Turds at the Top in dying.
Line up, line up, pick your Prick.
I appreciate the concise writing. Far worse than what is being proposed now was already used to kill many in Conjob-19. Default removal of organs will particularly endanger younger people.
Be a patriot! Off yourself and help them NHS survive! Soon you’ll be able to take the pipe and pop your clogs when you wake up with a bad hangover. The UK has been on Deathwatch since WWI. This should accelerate its demise.
Euthanasia in the Netherlands took effect in 2002.
No norm sliding happened. Didn’t uproot society, other things did: mass immigration, climate change, Covid measures, gender chang /, EU laws beyond EEC ones.
In a nut shell: woke Marxist entrenchment in bureaucracy is fatal.
Thanks for updating us on the Dutch trial of euthanasia. I was just wondering how it had turned out in practice. Their procedure seemed well thought out at the time: the patient was watched by a medic but with the patient in full control of a motor-driven syringe, slow, painless and reversible until the very end.
No norm sliding happened… so far. The Dutch (inventors of central banking and corporations incidentally) were the lab rats and they’re waiting for everyone else to catch up. The elitists work on long timescales (a belief in reincarnation helps here) and two decades is but little in their schemes.
Euthanasia was one of many cuts, undercutting the moral basis of Dutch society. Death by a thousand cuts.
The UK voted to leave the EU, so the EU wants to force EUthanasia on us!
I had been cleared to go home, just awaiting transport..and everything OK at home…The Nurse who did all the drips, had already removed all the drip kit, and I was falling asleep, close to midnight – and a nurse came back – hooked me up to a new drip…and so I thought this might be an energy drip, preparing me to go home…
no food by mouth…
I woke up and said WTF ARE YOU DOING
I Screamed. I do Not Trust You – Disconnect Me – Take it all away NOW
Are you trying to Kill me – or is it a Computer Error??
Got The Wrong Bed?
She looked Really Frightened and Disconnected Me From The Death Drip..
Everyone Knew in The Morning
They Said – You can Go Home Now
I didn’t bother making a Fuss
I had Survived Hospital, and have No intention of Going Back
What ever drove you to the hospital in the first place might have more to say about the matter than you do.
I have a Soul, and wanted to live.
Still do.
In Canada we have had the MAID (Medical Assistance In Dying) program for a few years now. They have slowly loosened the guidelines and ethics surrounding this highly controversial program where people that shouldn’t have been offered it have been.
Here’s a bit of a background and will need to read between some of the lines here…
Introducing Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada: Lessons on Pragmatic Ethics and the Implementation of a Morally Contested Practice
Here is one example of a veteran being offered MAID that shouldn’t have.
Paralympian trying to get wheelchair ramp says Veterans Affairs employee offered her assisted dying
And here is more related to these confirmed allegations against the Canadian government agency Veterans Canada.
Trudeau says assisted dying offers to veterans ‘unacceptable’ as cases mount
New Zealand is following Canada, after having introduced euthanasia in the new normal year zero of 2020. Already since then there has been a loosening of the promised regulations of the practice, a steady slide down the slippery proverbial slope.
Canada and New Zealand have a lot in common when it comes to government infringement on people’s divine rights.
That’s always the danger: Dr.Death in charge of the medical facilities — like what happens in Con-19.
Definitely, this calls for junkets (site visits, study tours, etc.) to major Canadian cities by those drafting the UK law including experts and by Parliamentary movers and shakers .
Highly enjoyable & informative. Iconic Physician-Author Dr. KP Stoller
Wow what a program trashing vaccines.
The satiric name of Stoller’s book Incurable Us. He’s a good guy from way back.
From your Link:
“Dr. Stoller maintains that the best evidence in medical research is not incorporated into clinical practice unless the medical cartel has the potential to make large amounts of money promoting the results of the research. Stoller takes his provocative argument a step further, maintaining that if specific research conflicts with a powerful entity’s financial interests, the likely result will be an effort to suppress or distort the results. Stoller cites examples, including corporate influence on GMO labeling and public health. Stoller also explores how “revolving-door-employment” between the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and large pharmaceutical companies can affect research results—as well as our health. Written in an accessible style that is thoroughly appropriate for a lay audience, Incurable Me is a must-read for anyone interested in the state of modern medicine.”
another one on them who appeared everywhere during covid and now writing an book with Tommy 20 names rob them some.
a shill who endorses as some vaccines as safe!!
Peter McCullough is on the board of the Wellness Company.
Nice story. But the truth is the issue of assisted dying is complex, and there are legitimate concerns and cases for supporting or resisting it, regardless of your silly dystopian fantasy scenario.
Honestly, i used to think you were the grownups in the room.
Of course the current situation is messy and tragic, with great responsibility simply dumped on doctors. Just keep this in focus: the motive for laws like this is to reduce facilities (services and infrastructure) to the public so that more public wealth can be diverted into the feeding trough of the biggest hogs.
Ignorance is bliss.
I wouldn’t know.. 😉
Your mistake is thinking ‘grown-ups’ are smarter than children. It’s the grown-ups that have fucked up the world because they have become effectively brainwashed while the children look on in disbelief. The brainwashing starts very early now so it’s hard to find someone with a functioning brain.
I haven’t made that mistake, it’s just a saying pal. If i’d said “i used to think you were the children in the room” you’d hardly get my point, would you?
I knew this story was a fake when I read it in the Bible. With your link I have now proof. Thanks Tony.
Best use of AI. have yet seen £20 to get in (90 mins) Marble Arch or £40 to get into Hawkwind Barbican Free Bus, Train and Tube if you get really old – Well until Starmer came in
Die You SLIME. I thought the same about him…
“The Storm of The Sea of Galilile”
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-10-02. Repeated mRNA CV vax reduces immune system, mRNA technology not sufficiently tested, turbo cancer (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
From your Link:
Pathologist warns “mRNA technology has not been sufficiently tested” and has observed a “new type of turbo cancer.” (tweet).
So what’s the alternative? Keep it illegal?
My long time neighbor of 28 years, right next door, died of assisted suicide last year. He was assisted by a 45 pistol in his right hand. Physician assisted suicide is actually legal in my state, as in 10 U.S. states. But he didn’t want to deal with the government regulations. He had COPD among other things for years and had gotten to the point where life was unbearable. He was 78. I don’t blame him, I saw him struggling, and I’ve thought about having to do the same thing, which kind of sucks when you think about it. Holding a gun to your head, or chest, and firing away at yourself.
To me, this does bring up the question of freedom. Freedom to live or die according to your own wishes. Who is the government, i.e., politicians that were elected in this case, to say what I can do with my life? The same government, and politicians, that want to “keep me safe and healthy” by mandating a fake vaccine that might kill me? And if I want someone to help me because I’m not sure I can pull the trigger, and I give them my expressed permission, who is the government, or those elected politicians, to tell me I, and we, can’t? Ya, I know, the government is just trying to protect us. Ya, right.
It’s a tough question and has been for thousands of years. There are certainly pros and cons, but I don’t see any way it should be illegal. Maybe for the truly mentally ill or challenged. Leave the government, i.e., elected politicians, out of it. All they do it is fuck it up, and as explained in the article, give em an inch and they’ll take a mile.
“Whose Life is it Anyway?”
I had checked the odds. I took two old mobile phones (with working sims) to hospital after my wife dialled 999. the paramedic, and the ambulanceman, we might be able to save this man….
Possible case of SEPSIS. I went straight through A&E – didn’t stop on the trolley…to the RESUS Ward… And this Lovely Lady, tried to rip my Shirt Off…I said help me unbutton it. I am going home in this.
THEN She stuck the Needle In – Antibiotic Drip – and Saved My Life.
After nearly a month in hospital, I pleaded with them to let me go home, and that my wife would look after me. I still couldn’t walk more than a step. No way could I make the loo, but had worked out how to use a bedpan.
Why should Anyone want to Kill Themselves, when there is so much to live for.
Our Grandaughter and Our cat are 2 years old now. Their Birthday was Yesterday
We Celebrate Their Birthday on Sunday
The Kitten and the Baby – taught me to Walk Again. My Wife and the Zimmerframe were a graet help too.
You don’t have to die. You can get Better.
Excellent description of their usual selling method.
However I have a sense that this will be genuinely popular amongst the gen pop.
As a measure of the level of despair yet to come
I think now, in this time it’s basically misery boot camp.
Clearly The Jab failed to do it’s job of getting rid of those
useless eaters, grannies.
And Old Age being considered by many as a disease, helping
The Old on their way will improve the governments budget’s
bottom line…
People suffer a lot more during their lifetimes than they are comfortable, money makes the pain go away with plenty of dry powder, but once one of those are gone, so is the desire to be here any longer.
Just watch how ‘ethics’ gets a workover ’til the right ‘ethical’
endorsement is arrived at…
After all, corporations employ ethicists as part of their public
relations (PR) departments’ … Ethics For Sale…
the French recently had a taste of the why-don’t-you-check-out-already-you-useless-eater mentality with the pension cuts autocratically imposed by a political establishment so exasperated with these shameless old workers who have the bad taste to live long enough to actually collect some benefits from the contributions they paid in
in the debates about these social-security eviscerations it came out that the life expectancy for certain sectors of the labor force, among those doing the most grueling dirty work for the masters, is in fact below the new minimum retirement age
This is reminiscent of the common blaming of Boomers rather than current oligarchic exploitation.
Don’t forget the U.K. recently saw the abolition of the Winter Fuel Allowance.